76156 CASE STUDY 28: GLOBAL – CARBON PARTNERSHIP FACILITY Barriers Limited demand for post 2012 carbon assets Instrument Purchase of carbon credits from emission reduction programs Application n/a Amount n/a PROJECT BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES - the Carbon Fund (CF) to purchase carbon credits from the pool of emission reduction programs. There were uncertainties regarding the future of international climate regime for the post 2012 period. In INSTITUTIONAL ARRANGEMENTS addition, the short term, compliance driven buying The CPF is employing a governance structure that interests in the carbon market do not support large, features the balanced participation of buyers and cleaner investments in energy and infrastructure that sellers. Host country governments and donors will also have long term emission reduction potential. The directly participate in the governance of the CPF in an project-by-project approach under Kyoto Protocol advisory capacity. Donor contributors may include incurred high transaction costs and did not generate the governments and other public and private entities. kind of transformation in emission-intensive sectors that large scale programs can produce. OUTCOMES Therefore, the World Bank created a Carbon Partnership As of June 2011, the CPF Buyer Participants included the Facility (CPF), which was designed to develop emission Governments of Spain, Norway and Sweden, and Endesa reductions and support their purchase over long periods SA and E.ON Carbon Sourcing GmbH. The Seller after 2012. The CPF utilizes scaled-up, programmatic Participants were the Fonds D’equipement Communal approaches, such as the Programme of Activities, to of Morocco, Caixa Econômica Federal of Brazil, the enable carbon finance to support partner country Ministry of Industry and Trade of Vietnam, the Greater initiatives in their effort to move towards low-carbon Amman Municipality, the Provincial Electricity Authority economies. of Thailand and the Hebei Green Agriculture Company. Donors to the Carbon Asset Development Fund included INSTRUMENTS USED the Governments of Spain, Norway and Italy, and the The CPF is comprised of two trust funds: European Commission. - the Carbon Asset Development Fund (CADF) to prepare and implement emission-reduction programs, and Further reading: World Bank Carbon Partnership Facility website – click here World Bank, Carbon Finance at the World Bank website – click here 1 | R E F I N e www.worldbank.org/energy/refine