86817 Reviewed an d Approved by : Task Team Leader for Governance Assi stance Project Ministry of Finance The World Bank Mongolia: Governance Assistance Project Updated Procurement Plan 2013 February 15, 2013 Part l. Thresholds of Procurement Methods and Prior Review A bbreviatio ns: IC B Inte rn ationa l Com petit ive Bidding Procurement method as specified in artic les 3.3 and 3.4 of the Bank's Nationa l Competitive Biddi ng (NCB) Proc urement Guid elines Procu rement meth od as speci fi ed in art icle 3.5 of the Bank's Shopping Procurement Guideli nes Procurement method as spec ifi ed in articles 3.6 and 3 .7 of th e Bank's Direct Contracting (DC) Procurement Guidelines QCBS Quality- and Cost-Based Se lectio n QBS Quality-Based Se lect ion CQS Selection Based on the Consult ants · Qualifica tions sss Single-Source Se lection LCS Least-Cost Se lection IC Selection of Individua l Consu ltants Procurement Method Threshold Prior Review Th reshold ICB 2>: US$JOO,OOO a/ First three contracts for goods awarded fol lowing Nationa l NC B tho d Contrac t # 0{'o;criptum of Contract Tot a l amount of thf' R t'"ised Tot;.~.l P ronrn•mt> n t P r ·o rt'"s~ Complf'tion of Confr·anor's name Plan 2013 Project a m o unt of Pr·ojrct ( "on t nH' t Pl:m I .\ rt u al I ALl S trength('.rting Debt Ma nagement and Public lnv ~slmtn l P ro~ram AI ! I Pub he Debt M anagl!mt:n1 (Re\"!ew of\ ega! frame\l.ork of debt m anagement. development ofpubllc debt management strategy. revrew of on -l endmg portfolt o and development of Jan Howl'! rd polJC} and regulatrons and review of adequacy $1 o'.oso no IC' 12-Apr-07 30-Apr-07 4-Ju n~0 7 1 9- Jun ~0 8 STORKEY . :-lew of staffing and devel opment of trammg plan Zea land tor debt management dtv 1s1on) A! l 2 Local Consultant for review of on-lendmg J Zolbayar. Y $1 4.300 00 ~n II) IC I(' 21-Feb- 07 5-Mar-07 11 -0ct-0 7 ) 1-J ul-09 portfolio Amarbat. AI 11 Estab!Jsh1ng an effective debt management m \me w 1th mternat\Onal best pract1ces $5 I ,900 00 ,,.,. sss' sss ' 1-Aug-09 15-Aug-09 15-0ct-09 l-N ov -09 ~ tc hael Lodwig Wtll iams. UK AI 1.4 Workshops on debt repo rtrng D1sbursed aga inst reasonab le actual Domesuc T raintng $18.36801 ~·; '){J ~007-20 1.2 costs m UBcny A l 1) Development of debt sustama bd1ty analysis $0 00 " ' ., ~>; l.i(l IC 1-Jul-1 1 l:'i-Jul - 11 A. ug-11 1-0ct- 11 AI 1 tl W or~<..shops on debt management strateb'Y D1sbursed agamst reasonab le ::~ctua! $ 10,4:'12 ! l ~·' ('(l 200g-201 I costs AI 1 7 O verseas traimng of debt management d1V1 S10n J11 sbursed against reasonable actual Phdi pp1ne. Fran,.;e, $5 3.839 or <,(lf.il,l ~ 007-.20 1 2 staff COSt ') USA , UK, Hol land L LdH>Ud"d. - AI I ~ Re\ rew of debt market developmen t Tsolmonbayar. N $17.813 33 ~;1 f;!) IC' !(' 1-i\ov-Oq 15-:'\10\ -09 I '-hb-10 30- Jun- 12 Odmaa , B A1 .1 .9 Tram mg for capacitv development (over,e.aoc; Thai land. study tours and w orks hops) D1sbursed agamst reasonable actual Indonesta . LiSA, $21 6 918 10 S: I ·F ; 2008-:2U l i j,·J "' ' co sts S'v'o1tzer!and Macedonta Tu J..e, A 1 1 I() l Jpg.rade of DM FA~ to VersiOns 5 3 and 6 0 S\50 .08 8 ..J 3 'j; ~nere :o Mandkhat. M $:24 8 36 66 j, .,, IC I(' 21 -Feb-07 "-\1aJ -117 i -Ju \-07 t-..1 ungumsetse!l. L Chmbat, ·1 n ~T 11 (11pply of l oca l Area Network ; other office ~· S umm it C om p u ter I uu tpments and othet pnntm~ Technolog) Co $6~.346 ":1 6 ~ hop ping Shoppmg 1""-Sep -(18 10-Scp -IJloi . 2008-2011 Ltd . M C'S E lectronics (o Ltd, Tenge1 Al ta! Trade AI ! l4 Supply of Screens and others for Bloomberg tl~ti ;:o,ervtce, tsoaJ $1701799 ,, Shoppml! 5hopp1n! :?0-Mar-OR "-1\pr-08 15-Apr-08 2008-2009 f h•.ctromcs. KDK Co Ltd, Global El~trontcs Nomm T, Sub-Total AI 1 $754,980 00 <,;; -V J ' Implementation Schedulin~ (Month/Year) P r oc u rem ent/ Seledwn :\lethod Contract# Descriptron of ( ontr·act To tal amount of the Pr·ocu n• me nt P rocess Comp letion of Contractor's name Revised PP 2013 Pla n 2013 Project Plan I Act ual ln"ite Proposa ls I Receive Proposals I Award Contract Contract A1.2: Strengthening the Public Investment Program: Status is an ongoing AIZI Operationa1ization of the ex1stmg PIP manual $234.532 .00 s:: : ~-1 --;; 2 i;;! CQS CQS 16.Jul-07 2-Aug-07 25-Sep-07 30-Jun-08 Munoz. Global (tnternational) A I 22 OperationalizatJon of the ex1stmg PIP manual (nat10nal consultant-multtp!e contracts) $10,800 00 ,,, IC IC 30-Aug-07 13-Sep-07 25-Sep-07 .2007-2008 C h By·ambasuren AI 2.3 Workshops on publtc mvestment program Disbursed against reasonable actual Local Traming m $ 13,012 75 Sl3 .0 1:: 75 2008-2012 LOS!S UB city A l24 NatiOnal consu ltants for support of the Ftscal "" ""'-~""'· v $83,800.00 S-'5 3_31_< "-:" IC IC 1-Mar-10 15-Nov-09 15-Jan - 10 2010-2 0! 3 Galbadrakh. B Polley Department AI 2 5 Study tours for public tnvestment programs tn other countnes /separate 2 tnps/ $39,983 94 ..., .· $C (J(J Disbursed agam st reason ab le actual 2008-2009 UK costs A l 26 Local Consultants for Public Investment N ManduuL G Programmmg (MOF Atd Coordmatton $44.050 00 :S -UJl~ "; ;_ 1 IC IC 7-Jun-07 20-Jun-07 23-Jul-07 2 007·2012 Gantulga. I Department-multi le contracts) Batkhuu~ D AI '7 Pnntmg o f Budget Book S4.8 04 :19 ~' ~"I)' 1 , , '" ,,,, Shoppt n g Shoppm~' 1-0ct -Cl9 15-0ct -U'l I )-Dec- 09 31!-:\lar-10 Adm(lr; C o Ltd Suh-Tota l A 1 2 S43U .983 08 1-'111! I'~ "''I \ 1.3: S trengH1eni.ng Budget Legal F ra mework Status is completf'd Al 3 I International Consultant nt A 2: Decentral iz in2: Financial Maoaeeroent: Status is com oleted Budget Implementation Scheduling (M on th/Year) Procurement/ Selection !\'Ietbod Co n tract# Description of C o n t ra ct T otal a mount of the Procurement Process C on t ra<"to r·'s narnt> Completion o f Rev ised PP 2013 Plan 2013 Project Contract Pla n Actu a l Invite Proposa ls Rec('ive P ro posa ls Award C on tra ct A~a~ f\,,1 1 out GFMTS to Large Budget Entl!Jes and \1\S Electronics \-, F ,ums (Ha1dware and connect!\ 1tv costs) SR08 ,571 00 !/! ICB ICB 27- Apr-07 I 5-Jun -07 12-0ct-07 1-Apr-08 LLC Mongo lia .. - A 2, !h ~ ./t ware & licencmg fees S360 ooo oo '. ' !(;(! DC 4 DC' 9- Apr-07 30-Apr-07 1-Mav-07 4-Jun-07 FreeR~> lance Canada Inc . ·~·· "' t. mg of reports $5 974 2:'i ,,., Shoppmg Shoppmg 2007-2010 lod Khev!el Co Ltd Admon Ll C ' A · ld II md office equ1pments S6 _02 ~· 60 ,,, ,,. Shoppmg Shoppmg 31-0ct-07 14-N ov-07 22-Nov-07 11-Dec-07 M\S Fl ectrontcs Office \1ax T op1ca Co Ltd - ;U fr pl oyment oflocallnd!v1dual Consultan\5 T Enkhbaatar B E nkhtuuL 0 $2YJ:'i 0_00 IC IC 17-:\'ov-06 15-Dec-06 2006-2012 "' Javkhlan: Sh I SanzaJdorJ . Ch A1tanba •ana A2 3 Traming W o rkshops of about l S per year fo1 Disbursed against reasonable actual Domestic Tra mmg $ 74.)03 19 '5'~_':'!h -.., 2006-20 10 Users of G FMIS costs 1n l!B .:S•;'O ' IC l-O u 10 l ~-Dec -1 0 1- Feb-1 1 mformatlon on dtsclosu re Can ada A26 Upgradmg C rystall Reports to Internet-based Anar Solut iOns Report in~ Sen tee S5 ooo 00 ~<, 't(lll i; s;l; 0(J sss < sss 5-Dec-07 17-Dec-07 15-Mar-08 LLC , M onP..ol1a To ta l A2 $1,557,04!.21 S I , ~5 6.966.81 $0.0(1 A3 : Impro,·ing Human Reso u rce Expenditure Managemen t: Sta tus is a n ongoing Budget l mp l ementt~tio n Scheduling (Month/Year) Procure ment/ Selecti on l\lf'thod Contract # Desnipti on of Cont r act Total amount of th(' Pr·ocun•n tent Process C o mpl eti o n of Contractor's n a me Re,·isr-d P P 2013 Plan 20 13 Pm jf't"l Contract Plan I Art u;tl I A3. 1: o~,· el o ment of a wa ~t b iU modf'lline_ lool ~fO F & CS(:): Status is com nlf'ttd U l >VC"L A3 I I Developmen1 of effect1ve wage tool S1 l~ 8 72 oo ' r.•IJ CO' CO> 20- l un -i:? "-l ui-!:' 1-A~;g -07 8-Apr-08 Fnestine , Ne:\penty AJ I 2 Employment of local consultants for L Kh1shigs uren and development of effect1ve wage tool (multiple s7 ~(.)(,\ 66 :--: :?_(J() () : ' l,() r H) IC 1\ 7-Sep -07 21-Sep·07 2-0ct·07 8-Apr- 08 D Hanga! contracts AlI) Consultancy Serv tces for Developmg pay PDP Au stralia Pt~ grad mg methhodologv and pay-compa rator S it> I 170 00 \)t.l i-:','j(}('• ·v·~n CQS CQS tJ- Apr-OIll' II' Hid "' l:\aluatl,m for 5,upph owd Jn~tJlJJt!Oil of KP\.1G AdvJSOf\ S20 200 00 J( l-~ov-(l Government ~erv!Ce Coune:l of Mongo ita " l "-Jan-1 0 Serv1ces Swgapo1e -.up,•]. ••- Procurement of Office equ1pments. IT ~ood., PDMS Co .Ltd. 1nd others for establlshment ofTram1ng. S89 '-t> ~N Shoppmg Shoppmg 2010-2011 Office System Co '·' Research and Ad\!Soty "-el vtce Center Ltd , Demt Co, Sub-T otal A3 2 $109.761 09 . - ,; VY> .\ , _{: 1'•• 1,,,,,] ;,tea metbodoi\ 0):: j;.(i 'J/J 2007-2008 c;taff costs Cam bodm t\ 1 3 s T ra1mng of trai ners and tramees o n Cl\11 ,.,,. D1 sbursed agamst reasona ble actual Do mestiC Trammg se r. tees census $6".132 (I<} ·' ~i: ('') coste; 2007-2008 mlJB c• tv >ue >~ ;\.:; 36 L<""'""' ~ ~~: ,,, Co. Ltd. Sumrm: '-lupp!y of d1g1ta1 p1cture camera~ and other (,; ,-I" $i. ~hoppm g ~lice eqUipment ~ 10! 17 - ')fJ Shoppmg 5-Jun-07 19 Jun-07 25-lu n-07 16-Nov-07 Comp utet Tec hno10gv . M1 g ma "'- AJ,;; 7 ... uu " " "" r:t1ng offina! dehverab les $3.0:'<1 00 ~; ~~ -) ilf) $•' ()( • Shopping S hopprng 4-Apr-08 18-0.pr -0}3 22- Apr-08 31 -'v!ay-08 Khukh Sudar ,: A .1:. ~ ( Jr gamztng fma l workshop on'- \ d serv1ce D1 sburseci agamst reasonabl e actual Domest1c 1 raml!H! census result ..W (J S6 $ -'; _ s ~ I ',,, b' ,,) cost~ 200 8 m lJB City A11 q Cpdatmg Extsting Mv SQI HR sofr w::~ r c Interactive C o. Ll d (InterActive program ) S4 0 ooo 00 ... ., ; . l IG ''' sss 1' sss ' 5-Jun·OS 1Q.Jun-U8 1-A..ug-08 200 8-200q Mong o1ta A1 3 10 ExtensiOn of conductmg en II serv1ce census agam ~ l fo r 6.000 public c;er,an ts (10!,!I S ttc~ to ac;S t'>t m 5 ~7.462 IQ "-.~ Jr,..:l'' }:- ,,, D tshursed reasonable actual :oos ~OSb dess1mmat1on of sun.ey forms) Sub Total A3 ~ S511.G62 74 :''1, ,{,:_ 7.1 \•: '•{l Tota l A3 $1,03 1 ,83 ~ .7 4 <.J.\II q 5 1) 1." lJ )0,00 A-4 : Accoun t inf. Aud it ino & Qua lit} Assu rance Budg et Im plementa tion Sched ul ing (Month!\' ear) PnJc m·em t'n t ' Sel€"ctto u :'\IE-t hod Contract # Ot>snt pll o n of Cont r act T otal amount oft ht• Pn1cn r emt> nt Process Complt•li un uf C on tr:tctor's narue Revi sed PP 2013 Plan 2013 Project Plan I Actu a l lm ·itt> Pr·opo ... als I Rl'nive Propos:t ls I Award ( on tr~ct I Ctmtr ~c t A.4.l: Lm lro' e Assel Valuation: St.an.~ is completrd A4 1 I InternatiOnal consultant lor preparation ofas.'>et $46.)(1(: ( IC [( ..1-\ b y-0 7 ~ 1-\.tav-07 1~ -Jun-07 _h()L!.(f h.mes Al an 0' \aluauon methodo log\ dtaft law on asset ARCY . PDP valuatron and tra mm!! ptogram and conduct Austra lta Pty Ltd . tramm.'!,s (mult!pl~ contmcl} Australra A4 I 2 Empl oyment of local experts includin g tramee $47.671 09 I( IC 14-Dec-06 27-Dec-06 24-Jan-07 2007.2008 :\I_ Tungalag, Sh oftramers and conductmg exams of valuators Urtnasan, B. T uuL and fonnulat1on of methodology for valuing of A Amarbuyan , L. tmmovable assets ofpuhhc sector in rural area DambadorJ and Ts (multiple contract!>) Purevtuya A4 1.3 ( ommiltee superv iswn expenses $9.257 10 ':·.• Ott D1 sbursed agamst reasonable actual 2009- A4 I 4a lrammgtv..orksh<~ps fo1 consul tatiOn and $152,77460 ·. it~ D1sbursed a~amst reason2ble actual 2006-200Q Domestic Training dJ'>SemmatiOn of the manuab (mc\udes per CO'ltS m UB city dt em and al l workshop related costs) A4 1 4b Overseas traming $3 .500 ou '<';"' 1)1) Disbursed agamst reasonable actual 2007-2008 lnd1a costs · •· in:t ng of manual') and asset va luation $ 11.283 27 ; ·· (h! Shopp i ng Shoppmg 6-Dec-07 20 -Dec-07 2008- 2010 5 contracts (Master ~:andards Pnnt Co, Ltd and . A-1,.1 '-,. 1 J·Y!Ce equ ipment and IT produds $2.14500 ':··';1 ) Shoppmg Shoppmg I S-\-tar-07 29-Mar-07 I 3-Apr-07 22-M ay -07 Topu:a Co. Ltd A ·' 'I di.'a! consultant-; fees to valuate government's $74.244 70 ~·· (!(! IC IC 1-Apr-08 15-Apr-08 15-May-08 14-0ct -08 40 nat1onal lilllt,!:Jhle and tntang1ble assets consultants Su b-Tota l A4 I $)47.375 76 Budgtt Implementa ti on Schedul ing (!\·l o n th/Year ) Proruremen t/ Sd tcl iOO M eth od Cont.-a ct # Total a m oun t of th e ( o mpl~ti o n of Ruised PP 20 13 Plan 20 13 Pr·oj€"fl ( 0 1111';1 ('1 Pla n I A4.2 : l:'itablish u.ality A.!!isurance Sy~ tem Note: All below st~ted activiti€"!11 of this comoonen j are com~Jerec!l_ A4 2 I lnterna t10nal cc..m-;ultant fot prc-para tto n of S4 3JJ57 OQ ::.,.1 ,,,. ' [( [( 20- Dt:c-( J<, 10-l an-07 ~u san Th t:'tford . metho dolog\' and manual\ h11 audt t qualtt~ \. SA assutance (stngle ~<,ntract) -\4.:,.: P nnting of gutdl'llnt.'S (lnd manuals ofaud!l $8 10 00 Shoppmg ~hopptng 5- Mav-08 19 May·08 26-\tl av-08 :oo8.:0o9 Kh ukh Sudar uaht \ a<;surance Pnnun~ Ll C. A4 _ l F.inplovment ofLooll Cono;ultant for audit $17.000 00 IC !(' 14-Dec-U<.• 2Q-Jan-07 7-~l ar-07 ~00 8 ~009 G Ahans ukJ1 and J qua !tty assurance Jamalsuren A4 24 T;ammg/workshops f01 •:onwl tauon and $46 40) q; S·' · f' Dts huro;ed agamst rea.son:!ht e a~.:t<.t008 D omesttc Tra1nmg dtssemmatiOn of the nHmuills and costs ln CB Cit\ mcthodolog\ (lncl udt:s pet dtem and all v.. orlshop related costs) A4 2 . 5 (), er~eas traimng for et!.d:: pcr.,ons $16997 13 D! SIHused agamst r~sonablt> a..t .. a! 2007-2008 CO'>b Sub-Tota i A.:! 2 $PH68 08 Tot~l- A-1 $472,24 3.8 4 Comoont>nt Bl: IJ~pron Anh-<"orruptton t·ra.nf"Work. Statu~ i.'ii an on2oin2 Budgrt lmplenu•n101t•on ~fheduling (\-fonthf) i"t:tlon \tethnd ( ontract # Ot>'irription of ( ·ontnu· t Contractor'-. name Total amount of the P1 O<'UJ'('ment Prore"is Co mpletiOn of Revisl'd I'I' 20 IJ Plan 2013 Project ('ontract Phln Artnal Invite Proposal" ReceJVf' Proposals Award Contract Bl I Rev1ewofthe United Nations Convention on $22.097 30 I( I( 20-Nov-06 7-Dec-06 26-Jan-07 Mette ~os Lassesen, Ant1-Corrupt10n regulatory flameworJ.. Denmark and 6 national consultants' B! 2 T A for mcome and ao;;set declarations. $~0.">46 (HJ I( IC Sep-08 Sep-08 Ram boll (lnternatwnal and Natwnal) Management NS. Denmark and M s P Unurmaa Bl 3 Several consultation workshops. pnntmg and $114.605 76 ~: D1 sbursed a!!amst reasonab le actual ~007 :2012 Domes tic Trainmg d1ssemmat1on activitieS !Capacity bulldmg costs in UB c ity trammg courses for fAA ( officers, Trammg !-"AlDIS Users( Ill • 1 J:ftce Equtpment. Appllcatton Software and $73.917 48 I .. -i~ ~; '"Ci Shopp111~ Shopping 1-May-08 1'1 -M av-08 1-Aug-08 1-Dec-08 MCS E lectroni cs, i' ;11oducts (multtple contracts) Toptca Co Ltd. Elba Mebel, HI<;" . ).. , elopm ent of Software for Asset and $48.344 00 ~I\ ~ .. ! '( ' ( • Cc) NCB NCB 1-Sep-09 15-0ct-09 3\ -Dec-09 30-Sep- 10 Fuji Infox N et Co I u 1 ;u I ~ ome Declaratwn InformatiOn System j : ... [E' Ii;ancement of the Hard\'13.re fo1 nev.• $85.22l:S 73 ,, .,., Shopp1ng Shoppmg i- Aug- 10 J"i-Aug-J(t 1-Sep-1 0 31-Dec- 11 Ltd, Japan 13 Contracts ; h !tv.·are (multtple contracts) l (Tndum Co , Ltd . MCS Electronics LLC. Topica Co . ~~ ., ~ \for development and Tmplementatton of a $16.00000 Sit ·t·l•· r! ,, ,c, IC IC 3-Sep-07 10-Se~J · O i 24-Sep-07 2008 -2009 A Davaasuren, J ~: amework for confltct ofmterest (muluple D E lb egsaikhan . conmK"tS) Bagaajav. P Ununnaa Ill 7 Overseas tra1nmg on antt-corruptton and S l l _l_91~ 26 ~. '!/' :• Dt sburscd agamst reasonab le actual 1.007-1.009 Austra lta. cflnfltct of mtercst tOSb Singapo re. \ .1alaysla, Egvpt. J Austna , l iSA , B. ~ Strateg• c h ameworl.. lJe\ el()pment (fot~tgn $53.220 00 '•c 0 f(' !(' 1-Jul-08 1<-Jui-O~ 31 -0ec-08 Mrs. Landa Esadze. and nat tOnal) Georg1a. 0 Mu nkhbat Sh Oyuntuya. D_ Soya! Fcrlen• 810 Nattonal IT consultant for I AI-\(' capacitv $') 1.000 00 ICCSSS IC 1-Apr -08 10-Ap <-08 Mr 0 Soyo i- bu!ldmg Erdene Bl 10 Base!me study for mtegntv level tdenttficatlon S38.!52 tiO I(' 1~O ct-08 1"-0ct -Ofl !-Jan 09 2008-1009 Mr. 0 Bowser and corrupt!on percept ion mde:.. determmatton Canada; M s. N (mternattonal and natiOnal- multiple OtgonJargal Ms D contracts) ~arantuya . N Bl II Consulrnncy Service for Oestgn. Product ton $79.832 09 SSS!CQS' 4-0 ct-07 J-Oct-07 18-0ct-07 2008-2009 New Gateway Co , T estmg and Implementation of a Multtmed1a Lt.d . Mongoha. and Campatgn for Pubhc Aw.ueness to Suppon the InformatiOn IAAC {multiple contractslco·fmanced w1th the C'ommun!cat1on As1a Foundatwn) lnit1at1ve Center. Mongoha Bl 12 Tra1n1ng workshops of government officials $26.971 " >•) ;(J Disbursed against reasom1ble actual 2009-2010 for pubhc awareness and d!ssemTnahon ~osts T ota l B l $7~3,832.97 Component B3: Capa4: if)· Bu ildine for na ta Transparency and Da ta Access for Po\'uty Monitoring Hudg«>t Impl em entati on Scheduling (Month/Year ) Procure ment/ Sele< tion Method Contr·act # Descrip tion of Contr act C ontractor's namt- Total amount of the Pr·I)C n rt>nu•n t Process Co mple tion of Revised PP 2013 P lan 2013 Project Pl an Actual Invite Pt·oposals I Rf'ce ive Pt·opo~a ls I Award Contract Co nt ract 83.1: Capacit · Buildinf: at NSO Nott-: AU lw-low statt~d activit ies of this component are ron1plt•tt>d 81 1 1 Destgn and ha rmontz.att m ofrv.o m<11n surveys $72 920 00 ~ I( IC 28-Aug-06 14-'icp-06 14-Dec -06 ' 1-May-08 Juan Munoz. Chile & de\ elop strategtc pla n B 3 I 2a Consultant for Quest10nna1re Des1gn and S· !.!() IC IC 19-Apr-07 7-M av-07 24-May-07 Beat nz Godo\ . stance for the Trammg and Data Ass1 C'h1 le Mana gement Hl I :! b Ana lvsis of the Household Soc10-Economlc $66 500 00 '!-i l ~ifJ IC IC 19-Apr-07 7- Ma\-07 24-May-07 28- ~ar- 08 Martm C'umpa Su rvey Castro , Peru , B 8 31 3 Mu ltiple-consultation workshops for NSO staff $66. 167 94 ~r, r ., -~ 1 i.'i :10 D1sburscd agamst t ~a sona b!e actual 2006-2009 Domestic Tra mmg and stakeholders on surveys an d strateg1c plan costs mUBwy 83 1 4 Overseas Trainmg of three ~SO staff on $19 ,832 06 $0 •~n Di sbursed aga1nst reasonable act ual :?:006-2008 Ch•le, USA SUT\-CY~ costs B ·. I : ; T rans latwn and Interpretation Services $5 000 00 IC 25-Aug-07 7-Sep-07 17-Scp-07 I 6-Sep-08 N_ Otgon_iargal. (contract type lndefimte Delt very Contract) Mon go!Ja P." ~ J- Purchase of office equipments and lT goods $14.955 04 ShopplTlg Shoppmg I -Feb-07 14- r eb-07 06- Apr -0 7 I 3-Apr-07 MCS Electr o ntcs ;. Elba ~ebel . Sub-Tota!B31 $403. 825 0 4 Bud ett Jmplemenlalion Scheduling (1\-lonth/ Year·) Procurement/ Seh~"· t io n f\lethod Cnn tract II Descrip11on o f Contrac t l)r-ot'u rer•l l'nt Pl" O\"t'SS C o ntr ac-tor 's name Total amoum of th(' C o mplt' lion of Plan 2.013 Projf'fl Contr~rt Pla n Act ual Invite Pr·oposa ls H.('\'t'in• Pl 'O ! • Os al~ .--\Y.;tnl (" unlr:tc-1 83.2: Disclosure of ponrtv dau: Status is corn pletf'CB '-< B 25-Apr-08 9-Jun -0!-( I 5-S ep-08 3 ! -Dec-0 8 MCS Electtom cs '" · :0.~- "''"flashes) LLC . M ongol1a 8:\-l~... ~ ~:tpply of Con fe rence Room Aud1o. Vtd eo and $3 4_612 on ~!) ( NCB NCB 16-Apr-OR 10-\4 ;) \ -08 15-Sep-0 8 J I · Dec-08 Hod t E!ectromcs ~; . ~- ; "'f'_! ' multaneous Interpretat iOn Eq ui pment\ Co Ltd. '-'1ongo ha .&:i..L.~ '--..; ptJiv of IT eqUi pment fot NSO &:. Supph of ,. , ,, ~hoppm g '-.hoppmg .- Ma ,.ng I '- - l un-ns 1-Aug-08 I -Sep-08 Geruge Pl us Ll.C -.t:nstJcal softv.are and hccn..:es for t\~ 0 stan· \.-1o ngolta , "' mantee t\or1on 1\n!t\ 1rus Software) s;; oc ·) F -. Supplv of IT equipment for !\SO & Supp ly of $2,60> 00 !~(l' (',f', t· DC" 1-May-OR I "-Jun-OR I Aug 08 I <.;ep-08 A!t ' T echnolog~t:s ~at1Stll".81 softw.ue and hct>nce'i for NSO staff I td {'<;~ ~~ ~ daemo n Software ptoducb) II ~, ~ :? .2i "'u ;_,p ly of IT eqUipment for NI;)O & l;)upp\y of $~ 7.5! 18 'f,• ;p 5-oN Shopping Shoppm_l! l-!V1.1s-08 I "-Jun-OR 1-Auf!-OR 1-Sep-OR Geruge Plu s LLC 1 ~ IlL :;sttcal software and llcem.es tor NSO staff •,.: rosoft MSDN Software) Mongo ita • 13.:':2 :j· rl.o i' Pl Y ot Data Center's equipment for NSO $23 R2 7 00 $' ; K" '" ~G nn Shoppmg S hoppmg 16-Apr-08 30-May-08 I '-S ep -08 3 1 -D ec -m~ Bod1 Electromcs Co., Ltd . Mo~_goha ll''' \\ orkshops on d1ssemmation of survey data fOt Sl7.683 24 s! 7 h~:~ ::4 Fl OO Disbursed agamst reasonable actual 2007-2009 Domestic Trammg :\SO IT staff costs In UB City )!) ,,, B324 Overseas Training of three NSO staff on $46 ,253 59 S·V c5 3 ' " Disbursed against reasonable act ual 2007-2008 Ind ia, Switzerland Information disclosure costs FH'"'') Procurement of Printing Mach me. $50 ,677 50 sst"' ' " :;.;;_; ()() Sho pping 1-0ct-09 15-0ct-09 15-Dec-09 3 1-D ec-10 6 contracts (Master P nnt Co _Ltd; Smus _. ~' ( "conditwners and other.; (multlple contracts) D ochi Co L td_ Bambar In Co, II • Workshops on guidelmes for disclosure '!"\' ICeS $1,74146 $1 '·11 ,, wx Dtsbursed againSt reasonable actual co~ts 2009-20 I 0 Domestic Tra1mng m UB c1ty )!3 ;. 7 £ ..- unity Camera Equipments $6,7 13 00 $<• '13 'iC wn,, Shoppmg Shopping 29-0ct -07 12- Nov-07 20-t\'ov-0 7 5-Dec-07 KPM Co. Ltd, Bl 'l;o\ _ :; 1 X e Furmture for NSO (m ult 1plc contracts ) Sl6_585 16 nI"''' !(, k!i·a ProJector $7_90 2 27 · .n~ ;_·· -~ .·· ,. Shopping Shoppmg 5-Mar-08 20-Mar-08 S-Ap1-08 1-Jun-08 Ltd Mon!loha Bod1 ElectrOniCS ~ub -T o tal 83 2 -:;4 74_ 7R 6 34 • . , , ·\ · · · : 1 ...... ':.... Total B3 $878.61 1.38 ~s- S.td L3 8 '! •.il() B4: Uo2radin MOF websi te to a Dvnamic Portal : Sta tus i"' ao oneoinl! Bud gl't l mpll'men tatio n Scheduling (!\Tonth/Y ea r ) Proc urem ent/ Sele-ction !\1ethod C ontract# Ul.'scription of Cont ra ct Tota l a mou nt of the Com pl etion ol C on trac tor's nam l' Revised PP 2013 Pla n 2013 Project C ontr·act Plan Actual Inv ite Pro posals Receive Pro posa ls Aw ar d Contract 84 I Destgn of MOF \vebstte for dtsclosure and $43 .783.33 M anagement of \10F dvnam1c portal website ]_ E nkhbaatar. GFM IS Oracle ma111tcnance and web master JC If 3-Jan-07 15-Jan-07 24-Jan-07 2008 -20! I Aztushig, B. Gere lt. for MO F portal webstte (national consultants J. Serj myadag multiple contracb) 22-Jan 07 6 Feb 07 13-Feb-07 17 contracts 1f"'.;~ - Ci pp ly of offtc e equipment and network $ 145 090 OJ S hopp1ng Shoppmg 2007-2009 ~-~~:~fi :.><.- il lites and Its connectl\'1_\\ costs (multiple (T op1ca Co L td : MC S Electroni cs, i~ :\·..~~~- " ' " '" acts) Nom m Electromcs. S umm tt Computer B4 3 C o nsu ltation workshops 111 CB to get feedback $32 .5 ' 0 44 ${! (}( ; Disbursed against reaso nabl e act ual 2008-2009 Do mesttc Tram mg d un ng the des1gn phase and tram1ng on use of costs Ill UB C ity w eb~ Jt e 8 44 0 \erseas Trammg for IT staffS $ ) 8_ 153 00 ~ Disbursed agamst teaso nable actual 2008-201 2 Mala:vs1a costs Sin gapore. In dta Total B-t $2 79,,76. 80 SO.Otl Ch Stren2thenin2 T.ax Administration: Status is an on!!oin Budget Im plemen tat ion Schedu ling (~lonth /Ye a r ) Procurement/ Se-l ect ion :\lethod Contract # Description of Contract To ta l amo unt of th e Proc urement Pr·ocess C ompletio n of C on tract or's name Revised PP 20 13 P lan 2013 Project Con tract P lan Ac tual Invite Pr oposals Receive Pro posals Awa r d Con tra ct Cl Ia T A for tax admml<;tration reform $Sgl_98_,.80 $89 1 981 80 S:IU 27 0 00 T 'G '''' QB S IC QB S IC 18-Jul-07 28 -Feb - 10 28 -A ug-07 31 -Mar-1 0 5-I\ov-07 30-Apr-1 0 2009 2010 ' SI PU lnternat 10nal Ma lcolm Lane. C l 1b Internationa l C'ons ultant for re\'Jev. ofB1ddmg $30,270 00 D ocuments US A CI2 Imprnvmg I( T capac1tv at G D!\:T (mu lttplt> $2 79 .000 00 $327,040 00 $60.000.00 lC·'S ''' IC'' ' ' 14 -Mar-07 28-Mar-07 16-Apr-07 .200 7-2011 S l!yanga. U contracts) Esbold. Yo C l 3a Dome<;t JC -I rammg fot (JD'\'T &. \-101-- staffs $ 172_0()() ()() $9 3.549_5'1 $!0,000.00 rh;bur<;ed agam-;t reasonable actual 2007-2013 D omestic Trai nmg costs Ill UB Ctty Cl 3b S tudv Tours $34.01 1 "') $3G.0 1 159 $0 .00 D1sb ursed aga mst reasonable actual 2006-2010 US A. Denmark, costs Turkey C 1 3c IT Tra m mg Abroad (muluple \!Sits) SlCJ--l_J 7 -, 82 S~ D tsbursed agamst reasonable actual 2006-2013 Thadand . Ind ia costs Cl 4 Overseas trammg and learnmg f01 GD~' T and 72h I 0 $R:' _ s•: U(J D1sbursed agmnst reasonable actual 2006-2009 Fmla nd. Bu lgana. !V10 F staff (mult1ple V!Slts) costs S mgapore. M acao -, IL·pgrJde of ICT platform (multtplc IN<;) ~: )-=i1_ .. 6( 11 \.., 1" I "11'>(' ~ t $0 ~ ICB..., ICB ,,. I Aug·IO l·Oe<:-10 1-Feh-11 1-0ec II D~ewoo IV (Daewoo Inte~natlOn;tl Jnc) -Scp-Oh 7Y-I:;t>p-0t> 2006-2010 14 contracts (A nun Co Ltd: MCS Electromcs. M 1gma Elecuomcs, roptc3 CO Ltd, BSB Servtce, Tndum LLC. Bodi Elect romcs, Sam International LLC etc) ('I 7 ., · ::ng costs of brochures etc , outreach $20.000 00 $6.643 08 ~ ~~ Otl Shoppmg Shopping 2009-2013 Master Print Co ~MJ rn materials Ltd 1 Sll7.00 1 64 ,,. (!( IC 28 -Mu-07 ! l -Jun-07 ' I. .r fW-..ultants for B usiness Development Unit $129 000 00 IC 14-Mar-07 2007-2013 B Gand, T s iPI. ·-itqJ!e contracts) Enkhja\khlan, B EnkhJargal; Ch Z olbayar, N . BolorchJme ,, (_"] •_) : :;~~ ;~rement ofE-Secuntv Softwate (password $34_200 00 $34.200 00 t•· U(• Shopptng Shopping 29-May-08 12-Jun -08 16-Jun-08 31-Jul-08 Tridum L LC :~:IEJ ;r ;ty software) Mongolia l l 10 - ~ urement of E-Secunty Hardware $27.000 00 $27.000 00 S{)' r! Shopping Shoppmg 3-Apr-08 17-Apr-08 24-Apr-08 20-Jun-08 Tndum L LC . I':JLo-->::>\\Ord secunty equrpment) Mo ngol! a ('J I I ! ~d v o f Application Server S35. 208 18 ~3;208 1 8 Sl···.r, Shopp ing Shoppmg 3-Apr-08 17-Apr-08 24 -<\ pr-08 22 -May-08 3 contracts (Sumn11 t Computers Technolo •v; MCS \..1..12 ~ ~;: :·lv Hardware and IT center furniture S24:2,27S 79 $2 !6707"i) 'bl:'l<) Shopprng Shoppmg 2011-2014 4 contracts (CSPM Co. Ltd , Newsonrc Co, Ltd. TO P IC A Co. Ltd, UB O S Mongolia Co , L td ) C1 1.< Change Management $88,000 00 $4.906 00 $0 0(' IC 2012-201-+ Sub-To tal Cl $4.063,600.00 '..J .~.O: J5 :W. -I-t ;;:;-o.ooo.oo C2: Public Procurement Capacity Development: S ta tus is a n on2"oinf! Budget Im plementation Sched ulin g (.\lonth/Year ) Procu r ement/ Select ion :\f ethod Contra ct# Des cription of Contra ct Total am oun t of the Procur ement Process Completion of Contractor's n ame Revised PP 20 13 Pla n 2013 Pr oject Contract Pla n I Ac tual Invite Proposals I Recein Pr oposals Award Contract I C2 : I: C'apa ci Develo pment at Procu n •ment P ol ic · Caoaci , Dt>oanment PPCD C2 1 1 Fmploymentoflocal consultants for $35g ,100. 2" $355 .563 23 $45.000 00 6 -Ju\-06 b-Ju \-06 6-Aug-06 2006-2013 L Sansaraa. D mstttuttonal capacttv buddmg for PPCD Erdenebalsuren, G (mult tple contracts) Sergel en bat B. Narangarav, B Bolorchimeg. D Otgo nsuren, D Ganbayar, 0 Batzaya, Ts Navchaa, Ts Batzul, P Oyundelger. U Odbaatar, D Badrakh , E Selenge, G M unkhtsetseg; B C2 I 2 Workshops and semmars for consul tatton an d $7 5 000 00 $16.768.75 52,000.00 To be dtsburs ed agams t reasonabl e 2007-20 13 Domestic Train ing dtss emmatton of standard btddmg docum en ts actual costs m UB ctty and good procurement practtces ""'pplv of IT eq w pmen t an d softv...'3 re for S55 .000 oo $44.92 1 S3 $7,000.00 Shopping 23- Aug-06 9-f\.l ay-06 2-0ct-06 2006-20 13 16 contracts (An un 'I)CD (multtp! e contracts) Co Ltd ; MCS Electronics; \.tfigma Electronics, T optca CO Ltd; BS B Servt ce; Tridum LLC: Bod1 El e-ctmntcs. Sam I~ .I Intemattona! LLC etc) ( 2 14 Overseas trammg for PPCD staff on $407. 0 76. 70 $35.000.00 lo be dtsbursed agams t teasonable 2007-2013 Indones m, Korea, management of pub he procurement actual co~ts Pht!tppme, Tanz.ama. CA E, T hailand, Denmark , Sub-Total C2 I $896 ,065 T2 A {( OV. I C2.2: ~~~~tainable lon£-term rnocurement de\elopmf'nf pro or r,, J(' J(" \2 Strategtc plann1n)' for e<>tabl1"hment 0f\ong $f1~ ~on S6" "'00 00 ~· 11-lan-OX _:4 fan 08 1"-Mar-08 21-Jul-08 Mann ohau Rup1a IPJm <,ustamable trammg program on puhllc ( tn3d;! pro~o. , :ement (multiple ·ontrads) (" ':' \\' orkshop<> on strate~ry of sustatnab1e $70 000 oo ~5 1~8 15 Sl (J! 1(1( To be dtsbut:.ea agamst reasonable 201 I -201J 11..:urement tJammg actual costs ., C-221 ·.·~-hmcal ao;;s 1stance for rrocurement s~o ooo oo $14 ll 7] ~·- Shoppm~ '%oprmt• 1-0ct-Ots NO\ U8 1-.lan-09 1-May-13 I OPICA CoL td o.: \ elopment m~tttut1ons (mu lttpl e contrads) ( 2 2 .1 t ~tabhshment oftrainmg- of- trainers $400()() 00 SIJ 'h (~ r··l JC 1-Jul-1 I I 5-Jul- 1 I l-Au~-11 1-Nov-12 program and student courses in um verstt1es (rnulttple conttacts) C2 2 5 Assistance to procurement profeS SIOna l union:'\ $25.000 00 $9,000 00 $9,000 oo JC I -Feb-! I I 5-feb-1 I 1-Mar-12 1 -Jun-13 and other profesSIOnal umons $170.500 00 ,,.:; Sub-Total (2 7 '" l ' ..".~ ('2.3: h~ov ing eva luation a nd monitorinu funct ions oftht> natio naln rocurf'ntf nt svstem C2 3 I Des1gn of procurement management S91 741 no $91.741 00 s,:-, c~"1 JC IC 8-Jan-07 24-Jan-07 9-Mnr-07 31-Dec-08 Manrnohan R upra t_ ,nftlrmatlon svstcm (PMMIS) Canada Hodolfo Reve~ Mascarenas . Phtl tppmes and f c~ l" ~l,,\·e l opment of procu rement management S336.6:'8 7':-. ·~) 'llo ~:~ .:,~ :-:.CJ •:) ICB ICI3 3-Aug-07 20-Sep-07 24-Dec-07 30-Sep-08 MCS E lectron1cs nrtormatton svstem (PM..WS), mcludmg LLC :vlnn goiw. n·.·urrent costs dunng period of post-warranty (_ 3 J Improvement of repo rting and momtonng of S3.q87 63 ~'.98 763 'i/J . ~~ sss" sss 30-Sep 08 I "-Oct-08 15-Dcc-OS 1-Jun-09 Infmtte Solut1ons performance of public procurement system Co Ltd. Mongolta C2 3.4 Workshops and seminars on use of Ptv1..\11JS $Q 046 90 SJ I .I 37 81 $:~ Otl To be dtsbursed :lgamst reasonabl«.> 2flClR-2fl09 Domesti c T rainmg and procurt:ment tepOJt mg and monttormg actual c('osts m l 1B Cit\ Sub - Iota! C2 3 ~44 ! .-1-34 ~8 q_p ":'' $;"';II! I (. '2.4 : E~ t ab lt shnH! p r·ocurt>m f'nf <"om plaint an d n;~ \'icw and auditm2 nH'<"h a ni sm C14 1 Establishment of procurement audJtmg S200fllj on $0 ( ~'' /'.") J( !-Aug 12 1~-Aug - 12 I -Scp-1 2 1 -~ ep -! 3 mechan1sm and tmplementa lton procedure-; (rnult1ple coruracts) C2 4 4 Dt sseminatJOn workshops to1 age nctes undc1 $to. oou no so no ~ ;; (:11 1 o be d isbum.•r.l agamst rea sonahle 201 1-2013 audtt actual costs Sub-T o t~l C2.4 S1fl.OOO 00 $'1 o.: ) $il ,.. ) S u b-T o ta l C2 S I 538.000 .00 ~1.4 1 t.tl--5s ~Qq_()Ofl . OO TOTALC2 ~J...Sti!:J~-:- ~8 '\)<),l )()t).HIJ CJ: Mini.n Cad Astre ;md R ~2i1o1h""t' Svstf'm : S tatus is an ont!Otn2 Hudgel Imple m en tatio n Scheduling ( i\lon thA ear) Proc urem en t/ Selection l\1et hod Con tract # Descri1Hion of (' on t nH' I C ontr acto r 's name To ta l amount of the P r·or ur·cment P rocco;s ( om pletion of R ev i'\C'd pp 20 13 Plan 2013 Project Cont r act C11 a International Consultant for technr~JI $201.) 22 00 ,_.,, ::··" ,, :.: Pla n IC Actua l !( Inv ite Proposa ls 12-:-..10\-0h Receive Pr oposa ls 30-0ct-06 Award Contract 2-Jan -07 2007-2000 f·nnque Or1ega su pef\.hron regulator\ re\ IE.'\\ and defintllon Spatn of cadastral rules and procedures Cll h National Consu ltant f(lr tech meal super' rsron $76 ,000 00 ~-r. t'o()() •'10 "!~\) ')!) IC !( l.t-Dec-06 27- Dec-06 17-Jan -07 2007-2010 Batsumr Da,aa. regulatory review and defm111or. of cadastra l 1\longoha rules and procedu res ('3 Ic National Cons ultant for reg ulatOr\' Jev1ew and $7.500 00 'b ... '\t ·~~ ) $0!,){1 I(" IC 3-Dec-07 18- Dec-07 4 -Fc b-08 31- Dec-08 Jargalant de fm1t1on of cadastral rules and p10cedures Elbegsa1khan, CJ I d International Consultanc.,: Service!:. for $1000000 ' II P · ,, ,, ,, , IC lC 1 ! -Jun -07 2~ - Jun-07 2-Aug-08 14-Dec-08 Mon!.!,cha Juan Pn eto \ 1o n n. V enficat1on of the Geothed1c ~etwork and Spa1n Calc ul atiOn of the Transfom1at10n Algonthm C3 I e ~ational Co ns u! tancv Serv1ces for Venficat10n S87 16 1 10 SS " I ' ' I I o QBS QBS :-, .Jun -07 19-J un -07 29-Jun-07 2007-200 8 Man met ',0 "' ' of the GeothedJC Network and Cakulat1on of Eng meenng Co the T ransformation Algonthrr. Lt d of M ongolla 0 2 InternatiOnal Study Tours s 134.688 "~ ~ln." .. $i Q(! D isbursed agamst reasonable! actuai costs 2006-2010 C hde. Pe ru. Madagascar , C3 3 Fngagement of Fore1gn Tou1 r JcJlitor $7.400 00 ~' .:u• · t:t· i:n ();i lC !C 19-Aug-07 31- Aug-07 13-Se p-07 2007-2008 Cesar llermeo c~ 4<~ lntemattonal C onsultanC\ Serv1ce for Oestgn S85Q.3T2 78 ~ "l < .... ~~ S·.... on QCBS QCBS 1 - Mt~\- 08 I ~·Jun-08 1-Aug-08 JJ.Ju l-04 v'ate and trammr. $54.6 14 88 <:...- .. (>I''~~ DC DC w 9-J ul-08 10-Jul-08 14 -Ju i- OR J<;.Aug-08 Mon Map I LC Mongo ita 1!1.' rr:.! •tppl)' of office eqUipment furnnure and 11 S29 9<)0 CJI) ,,,-, ,. Slwpptnl!. Shoppm~ ~ - J un - OR 18-hm-08 26-Jun-08 13-Aug-08 Toptca Co ltd l." ,! ti ~pmenl ,• o .. ~.q-1 ·-::s• ' ::;,ph and lnst.albtu11. of Crood<; (IT products 1 l'1:ceeqmpment<., and t'IC) $ ! R- ':]fJ ~6 '-1:.. Shoppmg Shopp1:;~ I ":'I Oe4.. .(N 15-Feb-1 0 200()-~01! I t- contrt~r ! :-. (Sum nHt (" Qr'1nUICT-<. Tech no1Vg\ '.n1n lnternat Jont~. lconcept Co I tO Sub -T ota1 C3 $ 1,730,323.66 .., 1.64t l5":'6. 9 ~ \OJ II) Component D: Pro'ed Coonhnation.and Evalua1 ion· Statu11 is an on2.oin2 Budget ImplementatiOn Scheduline (:\1onth/Year) Pmcurement/ Selection Method Contract # Descnption of Contract Contractor's name Total amount of the Procurement Process Completion of Rev io;ed PP 20 l3 Plan 2013 ProJect Contr act Plan Actual Invite Proposals Receive Proposals Award Contract D1 fmplovment of core staff of the PCt) (mult1ple $556,524 53 $30,000 00 I( I(' 6-Jun-06 6-Jun-06 1-Ju\-Oh 2006-2014 B Bolormaa. ( h contraLts) Erdenehayar Ch Odontuya. T s Khurelkhuu .I Battsenge\_ B Bayarkhuu, G Oyungerel. V 02 Owrseas trammg and learning for PCU staff $87,646 73 $99,221.24 $35,000 00 Disbursed against reasonable actual 2007-2014 Italia_ P hilippme. COSb USA. Turkey, Supply of office equipment, furmture and IT $40.000 00 $28_089 r,<;. Shopping Shopping 6-Jul-06 6-J ul-06 1-Aug-06 2006-2013 2 I contracts (UB equipment mel software Office; BSB Service, Anun Co Ltd, T opica Co Ltd . MCS Electromcs. Mtgma Electrontcs lnfosystems; Empasoft, Nommtn D4 Incrementa l operating costs for PC l._I $200,000.00 $155.824 88 S2.SOO.OO Disbursed agamst reasonable actua l 2006-201 4 costs DS Auditmg ofPCU acco unts $40.000 00 $31.981.24 S5.000 oo LCS LCS 7-;vlar-07 7-Apr-07 1-Jul-07 2007-2014 ltgelt Audit; Nt ts lel Audtt, UB Aud it D6 Evaluation of proJeCt outcomes at m td term $50. 00(} 00 IC 1-Sep-11 1-0ct-11 l-Nov-11 3 1-Dec-13 ''·"" and at project completiOn 1)7 l\attonal Cons ultant for eqablishing a baselr ne $54 ,990 00 ,, ; ''" 7: !(' IC 10-Apr-08 18-Apr-08 2-May-08 2008 -2013 Mr. D NyamdorJ; of project acttVItles for mon1tonng. and MsD mon1tor and evaluate contract management Bavarsat khan and performance (m ult tp le contracts ) DS Sun evs for GD:\T $ 106,848 66 CQS cos 19-Jun-07 2-Ju l-07 31 ALg_-07 2007-20!1 Global Reach 09 Local Trammg and \\-'orkshops for project $34.449 61 $9,59540 $4.000.00 D1~hursed agamst reasonable actual 2007-20 13 Domesttc T ra m mg team costs m l JB city Su b-T ota l D $! ,296,451.33 $15,5 24 ,27 1.04 I I I I Procurement pl~n (4)--(3)•1 52646 approved on Decembe1 F1nannng -\grcemc.-rH SDR amount r~ Rc\ r-,cd Tow. Di ffcrence(tiJ-;o{ 4 ) 2::!, ~011 Re,· is~d PP 2013 allocat10n am ended on comened to LSD C'ategon. Dec 12, ~011 (I SDR I 52640 Amount of Pr O.J CCI ( 5 ) USDl USD lSL> Goods 'i.70"'A8h 39 5 041.156_25 1.617,000 00 'l521.20'i 82 5.641,156 25 (1 19.950 43) Consultanc 'Services 6.749,708 97 6.290.874 04 4,230.000 00 6.-l56 925 80 6.290,874 04 I 66.051 76 Tramm' and Workshops 2,751 881 69 2.6l0.7 l:?: 25 1,710.000 00 2.61 0.246 60 2,610.732 25 (485 65) Incremen tal Opetatmg Costs 27r~ 01 8 87 180.000 00 '174.762 80 276,01 8 87 (1 .2 56 07) 5 Total Amount 14,818.781 A I 9,737,000.00 14.863,141.02 14.8 18.781.4 1 44 .359.61 I SD R=! 5~646U~ D as of f- eb I 5. 2013 Total pro1ect amount re\lsed rn 2013 Components GOOdto Consulta nn Trainine. IOC Tou t Comoonenl A $1.404,8;i 7.72 $1 785 056.42 S I,026.123.08 $120,193.99 $4.336,23 1.21 AI o:;:-:.7 47~ :. ... ':.8-l7 bR 8 56 53 52 .26'1 .86 S l 287A28 76 o\2 $l_IRO"i708" ::-.6.~ !95 61 $311. 1 00 30 S! 556.466 82 A3 S1 '"~ :?:'7J26 5-,()~"i 099 46 $140.981 18 $110916 89 ~I 0 1') 591 79 s J -t238 27 $~.,9.07' 79 S:?:\9,675 6M ~9.257 !0 $~72.:!43 8~ Component B 772,870.49 64;<,957.13 497-~87.27 1,916.4 14.89 Bl S2 22517J? S280_6 l 1 ;g $254.487 1:;7 $757 (1 ] 6 53 8? so 00 Bl S-l-05 .263 09 S'21 ,6700U Sl516 78 :9 >8n .611 38 84 $145 090 0) $43.675 84 $91.421 II $280 186 98 Componeol C 3.435,338.39 3. 110,570.35 978,205.26 7,524,!14.00 ( I $1 777 .694 9.:f :i.l .3 71,20l ~4 $322.663 06 $4.471 559 44 $ )86.014 31 S"i25.741 86 $50017141 5.271 629 !4 5-! ~! ~.577 ():" S\55.370 70 S28.0S9.6!" $749. 290. 14 $108,816.64 $ ~,641 ; 156 . 25 S6.290.874. fl4 52,6 10,732.25 ' - - - - - - -.. ---------'~------'---------'--------'-------'-------' Prm:u remeut P/1111 ] IJ/ ~ Componen ts Consult a nc,· Tra inin!! IOC Total Compone-nt C $7.000.00 S I 14.000.00 $48 .000 .00 $0.00 $169,000 00 Cl S(,unuo uo S IOfJOO no $70,000 00 $ 7_(l()()(J() S"i-l-_ll(J(J_OO SJ8.0(I0 O(J $99.000 00 Conwoncnt D SO.OO $35.000.00 $39,000.00 $2,500.00 S76.1iOU 00 S l 49.000.00 S87,000 .UO $2-~00.00 Revtewed by: G Oyungetel. P10ject manager. GAP and MSTAP Prepared by. D.Org.onb:Hgal. Procurement specia li st.. MSTAP "The original is a PDF file with no Text. We were not able to OCR and extract the Text. Error:PDF01"