sse This paper is prepared for staff use and is not for publication. The ( 190 views are those of the author and not S necessarily those of the Bank. INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT Bank Staff Working Paper No. 190 November 1974 SIZE DISTRIBUTION OF INCOME: COMPILATION OF .DATA This paper presents a compilation of the available data on the size distribution of income in 79 developed and developing countries. It gives over 350 estimates of size distributions on a comparable basis of income shares accruing to twenty subgroups of the population ranging from the poorest 5 percent to the richest 5 percent. Familiar inequality indices such as the Gini Coefficient, the Kuznet's Index and the Entropy Measure are also provided for each estimate. Prepared by: Shail Jain Income Distribution Division Development Research Center Development Policy Staff Derived from Research Project No. 209  November 1974 SIZE DISTRIBUTION OF INCOME: COMPILATION OF DATA by Shail Jain I. Introductory Notes II. List of Tables III. Tables Development Research Center, World Bank. I am indebted to Julio Kipnis for his extensive bibliographical research in checking the sources of the data presented here.  SIZE DISTRIBUTION OF INCOME: COMPILATION OF DATA* I. INTRODUCTORY NOTES The purpose of this paper is to present a compilation of the avail- able data on the size distribution of income in the developing countries and in some developed countries. This compilation was intended primarily as a data input into future research in this area. It does not represent a set of officially accepted estimates of the distribution of income. The problems of accuracy and reliability of data in this field are well known. In pre- paring this compilation we have been greatly reinforced in our reservations on the accuracy of such data and the difficulties in ensuring inter-country comparability and even inter-temporal comparability for the same country. The reader is therefore cautioned that the data reported in this paper are not in any sense presented as "reliable" or even "best" estimates. Our aim was precisely to present a compilation of available statistical information as part of a larger program of work in this area. In general we have attempted to report all available estimates on a comparable format, reporting income shares accruing to 20 income groups ranging from the poorest 5 percent to the richest 5 percent. The tables also report familiar inequality indices such as the Gini coefficient, the Kuznets ratio and an entropy index. Sources for each data set are reported in footnotes to the tables. Wherever possible we have attempted to trace the original published source of the data but in many cases this has not been possible. Rather than exclude sources that are in the form of mimeo- graphed documents we have opted to include them in this compilation. Earlier work on this subject was presented by Shail Jain and Arthur Tiemann, "Size Distribution of Income: Compilation of Data", Development Research Center Discussion Paper No.4 dated August 1973. The present paper revises the earlier, and extends the coverage to more countries and more estimates per country. -2- Some important characteristics of the data reported in this paper and methods of presentation are discussed below. (a) The Income Concept The absence of a standard income concept and guidelines for measure- ment presents a major limitation in cross country comparability. For pur- poses of welfare measurement the income concept should obviously include income in both cash and kind (valued appropriately) and should also take account of the net effect of tax subsidy operations. Needless to say, the income concept used in many studies (especially of developing countries) falls far short of these requirements. Furthermore, many of the sources used in compiling these data do not give sufficient information on this subject to classify the data according to differences in concepts. Users are therefore urged to verify the particular concepts and measurement tech- niques used in each case by reference to original sources. (b) Type of Population Different income distribution estimates typically refer to very different population. In some cases the distribution data relate to the distribution of income between households and in others between individuals. The coverage of "individuals" itself may also vary. Our tables distinguish between the following different units reported in the various studies. (i) Households: In accordance with the U.N. definition, household may refer to either of two possibilities: (a) a one-person household, i.e. a person who makes provision for his own food or other essentials of living without combining any other person to form part of a multi-person household; and (b) a multi-person household, i.e. a group of two or more persons who -3- occupy the whole or part of one housing unit and make joint provisions for food or other essentials of living. (ii) -Economically Active Population: This usually refers to the labor force, i.e. individuals who are able to work, including both the employed and unemployed. In developing countries economically active population usually refers to males of 15 years of age and over. In developed countries economically active population usually includes both females and males, age varying from country to country. (iii) Income Recipient: Individuals who receive income of any kind. (iv) Workers: This category is not well defined in most studies. It is not clear whether only urban workers are covered and within that group whether workers in the informal sector are included. In general this is an extremely restrictive category and distribution data based on such coverage are unlikely to be representative of the population as a whole. (v) Population: This category is also not well defined in most studies. In some cases (e.g. India and Pakistan) it corresponds to individuals ranked by per capita household income (see (vi) below). (vi) Households and Individuals by Per Capita Household Income: In some studies the income concept used is per capita household income obtained by dividing household income by the number of people in the household. This permits two types of distributions to be studied. The distribution of income between individuals ranked according to per capita household income and the distribution of income between households ranked according to per capita household income. The distinction is clearly important since family size varies across households and large household size may not therefore reflect lower levels of income per person. .-4- (c) Sectoral Breakdown of Coverage Generally the coverage of the data is of three major sectors of the economy: national, rural and/or agricultural, urban and/or non-agricultural. Some data sources provide estimates for only one sector, while others give estimates for all three sectoral breakdowns. It should be emphasized that there'is no uniform definition of rural/agricultural,urban/non-agricultural which is followed for all countries. (d) Estimation of Income Shares The data presented in this paper have been obtained from various sources, but in each case income shares have been claculated for each of the twenty 5% intervals. These estimates were not directly obtainable from the sources quoted. The estimates reported in the tables were read off a Lorenz curve fitted free-hand through the points on the cumulative income shares reported in, or estimated from, the various sources. In several cases the sources did- not report income shares but only frequency distributions over income intervals. In these cases, we calculated income shares by taking midpoints of income intervals as the income accruing to all individuals in that interval except for the open ended upper interval. In this case the mean income was calculated according to the following formula:-/ - V X = X( -- ) where V c-d b-a 1/ This method is an approximation based on estimates of the Pareto coefficient (V) by linear interpolation between the' open ended interval and the interval preceding it. Note that the linear interpolation is a crude approximation and an alternative is to fit the Pareto function to several points in the upper tail. This could not be attempted however since the data for many countries is reported with very wide income intervals. -5- X = estimated mean of open end interval X = lower limit of open end interval a = logarithm of lower limit of interval preceding open end interval b = logarithm of lower limit of open end interval c = logarithm of the sum of frequencies in open end interval and preceding interval d = logarithm of frequency in open end interval. Needless to say, this estimation procedure is entirely arbitrary and there are several alternatives that could be undertaken. One is to estimate the parameters of an underlying frequency distribution (e.g. the Pareto distri- bution or the log normal distribution) and then construct the cumulative distribution from the underlying frequency distribution. Another approach would have been to estimate the Lorenz curve directly.-/ (e) Measures of Income Inequality , The three inequality measures reported in the tables were calculated as follows: (i) The Gini Coefficient The Gini coefficient was calculated from the freehand Lorenz curve by using the cumulative income shares associated with two levels of aggregation. Firstly, with six observations (the lowest 20 percent, 40 percent, 60 percent, 1/ For a discussion of the estimation problems see Kakwani, N.C. & Podder, N., "On the Estimation of Lorenz Curves from Grouped Observations", International Economic Review, June 1973. -6- 80 percent, 95 percent and the total population) and then with twenty obser- vations (the lowest 5 percent, 10 percent ..... 90 percent, 95 percent and the total population) respectively. k Gini = 1 - (fi+ 1 )(yi i+ i=o where fi is the cumulative population share of the ith observation; Yi is the, cumulative income share of the ith observation; and k = 5 for 6 intervals; k = 19 for 20 intervals. The Gini coefficient ranges between zero in a situation of perfect equality where all individuals receive the same income and unity in a situation of maximum inequality where one person receives all (100%) the income. The two Gini coefficients differ from each other and the Gini co- efficient for 20 intervals is always greater than or equal to the Gini co- ef2ficient for 6 intervals (Gini -2 Gini6). This is because the formula used in calculation assumes equal income distribution within any group so that aggregating twenty intervals up to six suppresses inequality within groups. -7- (ii) Kuznets Index Kuznets index is an alternative measure of income inequality and is computed for the case of twenty intervals. Under perfect equality each 5 per- centile group would receive 5 percent of the total income. The absolute de- viation of the income share of each 5 percentile group from 5 percent is there- fore a measure of inequality. The arithmetic average of the twenty absolute deviations obviously ranges from zero in the case of perfect equality to 9.5 in the casA of maximum inequality. Division by 9.5 is necessary to standardize the measure to a range of zero to one. This gives: D = 'dl 20 x 9.5 where d is the absolute deviation of the income share of each 5 percentile group from 5%. (iii) The E Index-Entropy Measure The entropy measure is still another form of measure of income in- equality. This measure reflects the degree of uncertainty of prediction or the quantity of information the occurrence of an element transmits. The entropy measure of inequality is: H(y) = -Xy log y. where y are the income shares of class i, o : yi 5 1, yi = 1. This measure, H(y), is maximum when all probabilities are equal and is equal to log n. Several transformations on H(y) have been tried and the -8- 2/ one used in this paper is taken from Marfels-. The E index can be written: as: E* = 1 - (antilog H(y))/n As defined above, E* ranges from zero to 1-1/n. It can bi .-tandardized by dividing it by n-1 to give E as reported in the tables which has a -range n of zero to one. As with the other indices, zero is perfect equality and one is perfect inequality. (f) Sample Means and GNP Per Capita The tables also show for each country the sample mean income of the unit (household or individual) for those cases in which this information is available. In each case we have estimated the "yearly" income of the unit sampled from the income reported for a particular period by making a pro- portional adjustment. It will be noted that very few studies report mean incomes yet this statistic is obviously important if we are to evaluate the consistency of these data with other sources of information on income levels such as the national accounts. Ideally this requires a comparison not with GNP per capita but with per capita personal disposable income which is of course considerably less than per capita GNP. 2/ Christian Marfels, "Absolute and Relative Measures of Concentration Re- considered", Kyklos, Vol. XXIV (1971), Fasc. 4, pp. 753-66. Agricultural Non-Agricultural or or II. List of Tables National Rural Urban Afghanistan........................ Algeria............................ Argentina........................... 1961,63,70 61(I,H) 61(I,H) 61(I,H),63(H),70(I) Australia........................... 1967-68 67-68(H) Austria............................ Bahamas............................. 1970 70(I,H) Bangladesh ..........................1963-64, 66-67 63-64(H),66-67(I,H) 63-64(H),66-67(I,H) 63-64(H),66-67(I,H) Barbados.................... ........ 1969-70 69-70(1) Belgium............................ Bolivia............................ Botswana............................ 1971-72 71-72(1) Brazil.............................. 1960,61-62,70 60(I),70(I,H) 60(I),70(I) 60(I),61-62(H),70(I) Bulgaria............................ 1957,60,62 57(I),60(I),62(I) Burma............................... 1958 58(H) Burundi............................ Cameroon....................... Canada.............................. 1961,65 61(H),65(H) Central African Republic........... Chad................................ 1958 58(1) Chile...............................1968 68(H) 68(1,H) 68(H) Colombia............................. 1960,62,64,70 62(I),64(I),70(I) 60(I),70(I) 64(I),70(I) Congo, People's Republic Of.......... Congo, Democratic Republic of,..,.. Costa Rica..........................1961,71 61(H),71(I,H) 61(H),71(H) 61(H),71(H) Cyprus..............................1966 66(H) 66(H) Czechoslovakia.....................1959,64 59(I),64(I) H-Household I=Individual, the definition varying from sample to sample Agricultural Non-Agricultural or or ..ational Rural Urban Dahomey............................1959 59(I) Denmark............................1953,55,63,66,68 53(I),55(I),63(I),66(I), 68(I) Dominican Republic..................1969 69(I,H) Ecuador............................1965,68,70 70(I) 65(I) 68(I,H) Egypt..............................1964-65 64-65(H) El Salvador........................1961,65/61,69 61(I),65/67(I),69(I) 61(I) 61(I) Ecuatorial Guinea................. Ethiopia.......................... Fiji...............................1968,1972 68(H),72(H) Finland............................1952,62 52(I),62(I) France.............................1956,62 56(H),62(H) Gabon..............................1960,68 60(I),68(I) Gambia, The....................... Germany, West......................1955,60,64 55(I),60(I),64(I) Ghana............................. Greece.............................1957-58 57-58(H) Guatemala..........................1966 66(H) Guinea............................ Guyana.............................1955-56 55-56(H) Haiti............................. Honduras...........................1967-68 67-68(I,H) 67-68(I,H) 67-68(I,H) Hungary............................1955,58,64.,67,69 55(I),58(I),64(I),67(I), 69(I) Iceland................................ India..............................1953-54 and154-55, 53-54 to 53-54 and 54-55(I), 53-54 and 54-55(1),53-54 53-54 and 54-55(I),53-54 to 56-57,60,61-62,61-62 and 53-54 to 56-57(H),60(H), to 56-57(H),60(H),61-62 56-57(H),60(H),61-62 and 63- 63-64,63-641 63-64 and 64-65, 61-62(I),61-62 and 63-64 and 63-64(I), 63-64,and 64(I),63-64 and 64-65(I),64- 64-65,67-68 (I),63-64(I),63-64 and 64-65(I),64-65(H),67-68(H) 65(H),67-68(H) 64-65(I),64-65(I,H),67- 68(H) Indonesia......................... Iran...............................1959,68 59(H),68(R) Iraq...............................1956 56(I) Ireland........................... H = Household I = Individual, the definition varying from sample to sample. Agricultural Non-Agricultural or or National Rural Urban Israel.............................1956-57,57,57-58,63-64,67,68, 57(I) 56-57(H),57-58(H),63-64(H),67 68-69,70 (H),68(H),68-69(H),70(H) Italy............................ Ivory Coast........................1959,67,70 59(I),70(I) 67(I) Jamaica............................1958 58(H) Japan..............................1962,63 62(H),63(H) Jordan............................. Kenya..............................1968-69,69 69(I) 68-69(H) Khmer Republic..................... Korea (South) .......................1964,66,68,69,70,71 64(H),66(H),68(H),69(H), 71(H) 71(H) 70(I,H),71(H) Kuwait............................. Laos............................... Lebanon............................1955-60 55-60(H) Lesotho............................ Liberia............................ Libya..............................1962 62(H) Luxembourg......................... Madagascar.........................1960 60(I) Malagasy Republic............... Malawi.............................1969 69(H) Malaysia...........................1957-58,70 57-58(H),70(I,H) 70(1,H) 70(I,H) Mali............................... Mauritius.......................... Mexico.............................1963,67-68,68,69 63(H),67-68(H),68(H),69(H) 63(H) 63(H) Morocco............................ Nepal.............................. Netherlands ........................1952,62,67 52(I),62(I),67(I) New Zealand ........................1966,67-68,68-69,69-70,70-71, 66(H),67-68(I),68-69(I), 71-72 69-70(I),70-71(I),71-72(I) Nicaragua.......................... H = Household I = Individual, the definition varying from sample to sample Agricultural Non-Agricultural or or National Rural Urban Niger............................... Norway..............................1957,63 57(I),63(I) Pakistan (West)......................1963-64,66-67,68-69,69-70, 63-64(H),66-67(I,H),68- 63-64(i),66-67(I,H), 63-64(H),66-67(I,H),68- 70-71 69(I,H),69-70(I,H),70-71 68-69(I,H),69-70(I,H), 69(I,H),69-70(I,H),70-71 (I,H) 70-71(I,H) (I,H) Pakistan (West) + Bangladesh........1963-64,66-67 63-64(H),66-67(I,H) 63-64(H),66-67(I,H) 63-64(H),66-67(I,H) Panama..............................1960,62,68,69 60(I),69(I) 68(I) 62(H),68(I) Paraguay............................ Peru................................1961,61-63,70-71 61(I),61-63(I),70-71(1) Philippines ..........................1956,61,65,71 56(H),61(H),65(H),71(H) 61(H),65(H),71(H) 61(H),65(H),71(H) Poland..............................1956,60,62,64 56(I),60(I),62(I),64(I) Portugal............................ Puerto Rico..........................1963 63(H) 63(H) 63(H) Rhodesia............................1968 68(I) Rwanda............................... Saudi Arabia........................ Senegal.............................1960 60(I) Sierra Leone........................1968-69 68-69(H) Singapore........................... Somalia.............................. South Africa........................1965 65(I) Spain................................1964-65 64-65(1,H) Sri Lanka........................... 1953,63,69-70 53(I,H),63(I,H),69-70(H) 69-70(H) 69-70(H) Sudan...............................1963 63(H) Surinam.............................1962 1 62(H) Swaziland........................... Sweden..............................1954,63 54(I),63(I) United Arab Republic................ Taiwan..............................1953,59-60,61,64 53(H),59-60(H),61(H),64(H) Tanzania.............................1967 67(1,H) Thailand............................1962,62-63,70 62(H) 62-63(H),70(H) 62-63(H),70(H) Togo................................ H = Household I = Individual, t1e definition varying from sample to sample -iv- Agricultural Non-Agricultural or or . National L Rural Urban Tunisia......... .......1961,70 61(I),70(I) 61(I) 61(I) Turkey.............................1968 68(H) Uganda.............................1970 70(I) 70(I) 70(I) United Arab Republic............... United Kingdom.....................1954,60,64,68 54(I),60(H),64(I),68(H) United States......................1960,66,70 60(H),66(H),70(I) Upper Volta........................ Uruguay............................1967 67(I,H) Venezuela..........................,1962,71 62(H),71(I) 62(H) 62(H) Vietnam, South.....................1964 64(H) Yemen Arab Republic................ Yemen, People's Democratic Rep, of.. Yugoslavia.........................1963,68 63(H),68(I,H) 68(I,H) 68(I,H) Zambia.............................1959 59(H) H = Household I = Individual, the definition varying from sample to sample  亡仕唱寫靄寫認認 么配發必j必j必 卜to〕『O派 江」.0邊一必、 j望.刃公l勵` 領I勵中瞭也卜 么!勵『』目曦自 亂么會 江焜■論』U必必U 二■刃」」」焜」」 U必10直叩中口寫士 Zr■的。《《遭的纏, .亂力””→久嗡‘ 之么•州纏44。閱 。口•O綢》》》0》》 必•才領《。州權齋 r江.-一必 遛•。必卜卜卜‘卜卜 &I閔一口00勾Oa 卜皂今〕21之卜之審 飩I,。:;寫禺;: 霍認:魚界需馴禺C喜記 : 卜試I憫中伊’開j 00牌 “」.」伯個必才訪咸》。《,r& N 2.磧降囁州勺響中州 眾: 《,闕。』一才‘一才 配》皂才一叫州O內磚j 口江個~州畫一•一才。 必‘山響才才才齋鬥必才牌 Z戶細• 配《個、O觔觔烽j必, :::〕:藝〕! 墾I奎丰華申變變望奮““、、“ 勺.0。口刁二二二口 :―〕:::::::、! (ýt.CENT U' ý.PULýTlD.) TI "11N 111U11 111 10. 511,ýcl 1,11 01 cu-.Gc ,,s 1ý- lý:el ý121 5.- ý1." -l.. E t I . . . . . . . . . . . . . .............................................................. - - - - - - - - .- ------ ----- ----- ----- -- -- -- - -- ------------------------- - -- - . ------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1, 5-1L ý7.- -TW- 1,4 2,1 3. 3 3,5 3'. ý.1 ý.R 5.3 s,ý. ý,Q ..s 7.. ..1 .. 5 lý,3 .3.s, 'sý5. .2,32ý 7 Aus. Slý1b50 AUS. 51.935 .... .. --ý4d j-. iý A-tr-, 48, N.. 122, J- 1972 (pp. 187-188). NAT UNAL (PERCENT UF POPULATION) 1INI FOR 6 GIN6 FAA 2 pU,NETS 7:5NTRP lEAN ICOME PER GuP PER Cp!T6t NA. NSOCE TEAR I TPE AT PAPULAT ION CRVERAGE A-5 6-I0 11-5 I16-AA 21-25 26-30 31-15 36-AA Au-A5 AA-5u NI-SS 16-NO 61-.65 66-TO TI1-75 T6-Ro 61.85 86-R0 61-% 96-l00 INATERVALS INTERRALN INDEX MRtASARE YTNAR FTME SIMPLE CAT MARK ET PR CESI ..........- - - - - - - ----------- -- -- --- -- ----- - - - - - -- -- ---- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- ,INAOME RENIPIENT NATIOAIL ,A 1.0 I,6 1,6 ,A 2,7 2,h 2,9 e31 AT,7 O A,5 5,0 5,M 6,4 72 8,6 11,1 25.0 A461 *.72 .3579 .3519 RAMA R 4AAA2375 2, SoARCE 1 7I I,ASERALDS NATIANAL ,5 .5 ,7 I,A 2.1 2,2 2.5 2,6 3.0 3.4 ,1 A,A 1,0 5,4 N,0 6,5 T. Io.A I2.A 20,6 AN50 ,4630 ,352. .323Q NQT AVAILABLE r I. 1970 COnsumer Turn't PpuaIn Reprts, p. 6, N. 80, Unite St.tes asute in Bahamas Deprtmen AT S-atiANLc- pubIcatIAn ITMAnpwr and Income, CeNusN Rongaph, Nu. I. Table D (p. MI) Na,seu, Baham.s. 2. Comput.d frN- oprMntI1 of StatistIs Cbint Offi., ReIrt of 197A Pain Cu Deebe 1972, BahamAS (p. 9). 66ANbLAUE6H [t,PAKISTAN}7 (7ERC6T UF POPULAIlN) NU, LC TYP 0 POPULItION CUVERAG I'S5 6 L1-5 16-2 2-25 2630 60-36 6O0.45 de 50 51 G6.6 FII, 6 SAIs G 7 1 11,1 76 I,6570LN[ FORJIU Ku E P [NC066 P6R GNP P0 CAP0 3, SUIllOCE 6-601 07lus66.6LDS 17000A 1,2 7,6 2,6 2,1 2,' 2.o 2,9 3,l 3,2 3,3 1,3 1,7 6,9 5.1 5,5 6,6 7,0 9,0 6,6 16,5 ,66 ,3702 ,2600 ,2210 R6.170R, 2. S1,16c P6..67 o[US0LDS NA700oA 7,0 2.0 2,0 2.5 2,5 2,7 3,0 3¿ 36,3 0 0,7 5,, 5.8 6,3 7,0 6,' 6,5 17 .236 ,3303 .26 .1626 RS.1830 6S 37. . BLU,C0 2 6A-./ POPULATION N9 2 5,3 5,5 5,0 6,2 6,6 3,I 10,2 ,1669 ,1734 1263 .053B N!T AA1LA6B. URBAN 'IR NON-AIH[1ULUNIL 0, 36206 I 63-60 66USt,1ULDS 306 .7 .0 1.7 7.6 1,9 2 2,2 2,3 2,7 2,6 3,1 0,0 3, 3,9 o,6 , 7,5 9,0 61,0 29,5 .I025 6726 ,9 .3972 66,200 R. 3Ls 5, SUURL7 2 o6-ol "USEHLDS uRAN l,0 7. 2,0 2,1 2.3 2,6 0,6 0 3,, 0, 0,3 3,9 5, 6e 6,6 7,5 10,6 21.7 3765 ,36 ,032 .2576 R.2690 6S, 370 7. 3o 7 2 00-61 0 7lI 66 2.0UIOOON 3,0 U7 0,2 3,0 16., ,6, 0.663 1,,7 5, 5,6 6.0 6,7 6.6 15.5 ,213 ,241 ,695 .1208 6UT AVALAhLE RURAL 1]R AIOCOLTORAL 7. 3.200 o3-64 -1USI,,01DS RUAL 1,5 2.0 2,2 2.0 2 2,0 2,7 2,6 3,5S.i 01 9 5, 6 6.2 7,6 6,2 0,5 17,5 .3366 ,307 .262 .67 33,0666 Rs, 366 6. 63-2S67ULDS RURAL .5 2,0 2.2 2. 2,7 2,9 3,2 3,3 3,0 6 . 5.5 6.8 6.2 7,3 81 9,5 16,5 .3199 3276 .25I6 ,176 Rs,60 Rs, 370 9, 0oUct 2 h6-7 PUPuLAT.6 RURAL 2,5 3.5 3,o 3,7 3.7 3,0 4,2 .5 4,5 ., 5.0 6.0 5.0 5. 5,7 5. h,3 6,5 7,6 0,7 .1575 .13/ .121 .062 NOT AVIA6LE SoorceI: 7. Berg9n. Albjorn, "Pronal nome A- D0stribution And 06060nal Say nEs in Pakistan: 1963/04'', T66 P.kf.o.o Development Review, Sonmer 0967, Vol. VII, No. 7 (pp. 167. 2. Centra Stat7.tica1 Office, Econom00 Coordination and 6xterna0 0ss6st600e Div1sion, 0006rnment of Pakist,n, Report oon6, th.Q6rely Survey of-Curren Eoom.- .ondt.ons Dn Pakistan (BoU-h.old 16nc- And Expenditure), Joly 1966 6 1967 (pp. 97-5, 223-231). BA RBADUS9 (PERCENT UF POPULATII)N) 61N! FOR B G0N0 FOO 20 NoZNETS t.ENTRUPY NEAN ONCOME PER GNP PEB CAPOTAs 60, sTouRCt. yAB YIPE (1- POPIuLTN CUSEBACE S 6 1.15 10-20 C--25 26-30 31-5 36-40 .! E:-5 0 5-55 56-BOS U-6 66-7. NO-75 76-Bo. -5 BB-9O 91-9S 96.0 L60 NTEvALS -NTENAS --NDEx -EASURE yEAR UF T- -A-t -ON MARKEN PRI C ) i. SQURCE I b9-70 NE RECOPOENT NATINAL,8 1,4 2, 24 2,8 2, ,0 3 3,5 3.9 4.0 4,6 4,6 5,0 5.5 6S 7.0 7,7 0.7 20,3 ,3520 3617 ,2670 .2265 BARAD $2945 BARBODuS .1320 2. s3UCE 1 69-70 7(Dl, ACTIE PLP. NRTJUNAL 0.0 .0 '.2 2,4 2,3 2,4 30 3,5 3.7 4.0 5.5 5.B 6,1 7,3 ,2 9,6 21.2 .4029 ,404 .3021 ,2"s BARA0E- *2700 Source 7. BARn Sivhoa, "Inme D6istriutio in Narbados", unpublshed mANA of EconomIc nd So-i DatA Division oA TARD. daed May 15. 1974 (p.3). BOTS.ANA NAT ION AL (PERCENT UF PUPULATIN) 7INA UFA AuuII UtA "D D AZAETA L-ENIAQPA NENINOAPEPS Ptk CAPITA: NU, suuDACE TEAM TYPA Af MPULATIluN CovrAUA6 A 5 6-l0 115 26.20 21 .d5 26-30 31-35 36-AA 41.AAA5 S A6.5 -A.5 56.60 Al-A5 AA-TO 73.75 76-AA AI.A5 86-90 A1.95 96-OM00 ATARALA INTAD $ OAETA4T E TA S0MPENP PARETRCES>T 1, AURCE I 71.72 tCM. ACTIVE POP, NATIONr 0, .2 .3 ,5 ,A 5 0.8 2.0 2,9 3,« 3,6 9,4 4,4 3, 5,0 5,7 6,9 9,5 13,0 29,5 ,54T0 ,5615 ,406A .4604 230 AN. 125 RANA Aource: b. BasiA EconomAc Report An BotsanaA 6.664 An AT .B.R.. MssinA,A (P"fCENT UF PUPULATION) 2. S7U77 1 ECO. ACTII7L PUP, -ATI.-7L .7 ,R 7,0 7,2 I.3 7,7 7,5 7,7 7,7 2,7 2,4 2,7 2,- 3.0 1.5 ., 4.7 6,3 3,7 77,5 ,777 .677 .5084 .6277 N7T .7N711LL 3. S7u77E 3 6- 777N. ACTI3E PU7, NATIU-7 3,7 7,a ,1 ,/ 7,7 1,2 7.7 2,7 7,7 2, 3,2 3,7 7,0 3,7 5,2 6,6 7,5 S,5 17,0 72,5 .5791 ,.S, .58 .52 7,7, 30 SIu77 7 k7 7CN. ACTIV POP, , .7 1,0 , . ,3 2,4 7 3,2 .5 ,2 7.5 ,9 5,2 , 7, 7,7 02,7 27.7 '3 37 36 2470 NE- LRUZtIRUS 7. S,U77F. 7 7L 7 CII NAI77A0 n . , 7, 7,7 7,2 77 7,7 7*,7 2,7 2. 2,7 2.8 3,2 7.5 4,7 7,7 7,5 7,7 47,7 .6735 ,6257 .515R .7949 NOT A7A7LABLE 1,797 7,7c77z37777 . 2 /7 SALAI D 77PL7YEES 77777777 , , 7,P 7,0 N, T,- 2,7 2.7 2,7 3.7 3.2 1. 4.0 . 5,1 5,2 .,7 S5 1.. , 5 . .77 3775 N- IRNUIRUS 7. Set77C 3 77 777N, A 7777,77C7IVE PP.,7 ,3 7 7 L,4 L, 7 ,0 7, 2,7 2,3 2,7 ,7 3,1 3.7 0,7 5,7 .7 0,3 12,7 39.7 ,2)2' .07.3 .5/56 7100 NE. .RuZIRS . 3;IICN 7 77 7C7N. A-17E POP, NAT77NAL ,5 ,6 ,9 i7, 7,7 7.6 7,7 2,7 2,7 2. 2.R 7,7 7,6 7,7 7,) 7,2 7,2 8,2 77,7 30,7 .557 7567 "4763 9.39 7777 NE, C7UZ7l77 S 9. 777-E7 7 77 7777777777) N*7777AL .7 .6 ,9 7. 7,3 7,7 7.7 2,0 2.7 2,7 2,7 3. 3.5 7,) 4,7 5.7 7,2 9,0 13,) 32,7 .5530 .5667 .4M,808 5005 a7 . 7R7ZEI7US 73, 7u'1377 7OUStHOLDS NATIONAL .3 .4 ,7 7,0 1,3 1,. 7,7 1, 1.7 7,7 2,5 3,0 3.5 3.7 4,4 S. .3 3 0,2 11,)03. ,571 7337 777 .5287 5337 - 7RUZIROS URBAN OR NON-AURICULIN-A 77, 333377 7 6S 7 7COM RECP70NT N7N-*GR77)t7y7at .5 ,- .N 7,7 7.2 7,7 1,7 2., 2,3 77 7,0 3,0 7,7 7,7 7,3 7,7 7,7 7.5 7,7 70,2 .63 .5772 .7526 .5366 NT A7ILA7LE 3.977 C7UZE7R S 72, 7U7R7F I 6l 7777, ACTIV PP, WN-AbRIC77URAL .5 S7 ,7 ,) 7,7 7,2 1,5 7,7 7,9 2,7 2,0 2,7 2,0 3,7 7,0 3,7 5,0 6,0 7,7 70,7 727) 7367) .521 .654 1070 VAILLE 13. S7777C 7 7) 7C7., *CT0vE P7P, UN"LN .R ,5 L., , .7 2,3 2,3 2,9 7,7 3,7 3. 3,3 7,3 7,7 7.4 6, 7.0 7,7 07,7 26,7 ,-4' .75 .3568 .3R47 375 N. CR7Z7770I 14. S7u7CL 2 7) ALA7 7 PLE S NUN AGRICUL7URAL 7 7 7 ,7 7,3 1,6 7,7 2,7 2,7 2,7 2,7 ,U 3,,3 3.7 7,) 5 6.5 7,) 73,2 27,7 ,.729 . 737 ,3772 022 7773 77777777 1,790 N,CRUZEIROS 77, SOUC7 7 7) 7CON. -CTIVE POP, N N777CULT7 3,7 .5 ,p ., 1, 7,7 7.7 2,2 2,7 2,3 2,7 ,9 3,7 ',3 7,7 7,2 6,7 7,0 77,) 37,0 .733 ,57 .5P7 .5251 0727 NE- CR.2E7I I3. QU7RC7 7 7R 7C2N, 037077 77)'P, 7AN , .. ,9 ..3 7,7 3, 7,7 2.3 2,5 2,7 2.- 3,3 3,7 3,7 R,7 7,7 7,0 8.2 00,7 33,7 5327 ,573 784 ,77665 4755 7a CROZL]ROS -1. 1967 Braz11 und7rwe a-currency -e-i~gnment where 1000 ".ld cruze1ros'' bcam 77n7w7cru777r.  'Сюо 'ввг 'дд) кг( а а bсы 'Э s•3 � аЭ �3sB/хг-иа/Э ' w 3 ao,v п•] зе агл г а3епРе,а 'вг3+аиr в3ов] плэ 3ввТотЧ] а3 оРваЭ аао3о9и на3вп в '(О[ 'д9 '99 '9г 'дд3 {(Ы ' lаивг ар o3N вепзгпП Э ввваад� а 3{рд `S£вваg ор oa3vwuoa3 в]пат]лгвлиавар �вриау вр о fnqi+aыo ]'SUaBUa] '[ '(5ZL �д) oa13va ап оаиа� О(Ьг Iваа� o�uaveaeuaa Э I11� 'ы]аивГ ар о]Ч 'ваиатаааваааЭ ар lvuofavN•ыа3^та5 'вагlа{рв�sЭ 9 iЭ г оа� ар a3aLtвvag аЭ а3аеиl '9 '16С 'д) [9Ы 'а � '99-ОТЫ i д ва3ЭыавЭS аа �}р р атоаи{ pto4 Рх }ЭЭО �пoqrl рви ]з vaa�ul i РаЭппЬ ав 3 ивТ вр в3Э '„29-1961 'ва }1) 3 вЭиатваао аа9вв ввsп д�, вв8аа0 о}3п�а� о р а } 3 ар а 3а3Эвваg апа3Эви3 . п�Э раЭп пv� 'S иг ]ар иыапqТазыо в3 а рвр3вп { а{ ар огрп3в8 ! вороааТ0 ' и3зв1 + опЬ вв (vв38аа vРв] v д 3вазваш3аа тдава]i9nd р[вы j�y др �о '3'3�0/Эд]/� N и1бе в� q р ви овавзг9 Ч воав{ г ввЭlгагтоп ар вагявтv +о Lsuo3aeN vып вад Wa3 Т'+ЗпЧ в qj д Р аапв аН Р гвапаиа � iЭ iP 3 3 ар п гаррвваg а> >33 и3 3]в] авриw . а раа q9pl3ya 6q uan{8 а8ивца пз заапqпвава3 33 а.Гi 3гвlаS s вмрт]га,а �v '(Z00-I6E дд) г1�] �1од 'Б[Ы �+вИ 'в8и3раа]ыд рив eaaevd на3паЭ аЭ иапЭ пв 3aвvry '�� аи1 Эо ио3� 9i+�ыц aal5 }{} е�� � qltl ^°1Чв3Э 'С '69Ы 'аивqвивпП 'оА3аивГ ар в3у „ 1Э ар ивеП ар Ав}{3таЭ ^Эиатв]ао а ааЭиат}гв отпвиоа q s вег вад ар еувqп}8 варвзlпеаа 9 i 1 д�� 'еегвв� и1 ар e�ieanau8 '(tl8'JO]) Р1иаш}aaЭevqy ар геадиа] а3УРVдыо] оюа3 разsдт] �г '(lOZ `Ь! 'дд) ]�tl р 11 вa3qvl 'ZL61 '+в8аvаа 'evвv� ва3r ту u£3rl Ч� А9 а3тоиоад иа Т� q3 з 3р а атп 3;о взпаЭ3Э 1а}зиа3пд ' У й аиг{,� �3 .вааi.•о5 Т пх� гаи г аипаа9 �� ы]ахпа] РТо�. OOOi а w аи 933я-аа [аиахта а зиаvари Тд в(9БТ вiв SПNiЭТПМ] С(п'Пг[ В{5f' 915f' по5п' С9пп' 0'дг п'п1 g'[ 9'9 9'S 0•5 9 п 0'П [•f Т•f г'{ Ь'г 9'г п•г £'г 0'2 Ь 1 ('1 г'1 и ивВNП'П1Пьд ОаБ 501UЧЭ5ППЧ га-г9 5 �l 5 •м! 5Пbt3гntl] 50f'2L SПНIЭ1ПtlJ П5В'9С9 9Е1Т' S6Пf' РПSп' SNfn' 0'22 0'Z1 5'Ь 5•[ 2'9 о'9 0'S п п д•f 91f Е'Е п'f 9'г 4'г 1'2 о'г Р'1 5'г П 1 5' иvРНП•ПHi3NVf ЭП П!tl ВОIП•ЭSПП+ га-г4 5 гJНППS 'fZ � МЭн10 SПиIЭ2пм:1 •Эн Ьа92 S'м п'L G•9 /'S Z'S Ь П П П П'м ['Т м'i 1•f M1 г 1'г h'2 п'2 /'1 5'1 J'1 н lдьпМ 'eUA Зл[1]ь 'иПJЭ П[ ! З]мпгi5 '22 559г дOff' ПRZS' б9fn• 5бtn' sпьгцпьо чэн одгi sL[n' Sогп' snss' ses5' о'{{ в'ог о•В г•с s'9 [•9 п п t•П м s е'{ vK s•г с•г Т•г д'г г•г о п о•о п'п г•п lаиппгоги9а 'дпд Эпц]. •ипаэ ог Т э]мп5 '{г vыпптгьла svэАиlлиЭ а3гыаЭr9 ог г ЗЭ•nus •пг snьгэгпы•н ол[•{ 9ПьгЭгпмП аэи ОВо{ /9гг• п[пг' 9[ss' s9пs' о'ы л Ь г'9 о•9 м's 9's п's s's г•s г's ь п 9•п г•п п'г (•г о'г я•г п'� {'г <• 1 SПыI33ПЧ] •Зи 2•i2 В'м I'В В•9 {'9 В'S г•5 В'п п'П Р•L <'С L'f д'2 9 г- 4•2 ['2 ['1 h� 1•1 А' lвЬПе 'лПд эА}1]о 'Ч�]Э п G ЭЭнпп6 •M11 OSпf Tf6Z' бBrf' Тпгп• Sn1n' 31BS1lantl lОм ПSоп' 0о9{' н95п' (Ьпм' 0'п{ 0'д 0'L 2•5 [•П S'П 2'п Ь'f П'f 1'S д'2 (•г 9'2 п'г £'2 2'2 1'г Ь'1 а•3 м•{ 1tltlП1lП]Itl1Y 'дОд ЭП11]а 'ЧПJЭ 09 { Э]+П�1S 'д1 lаНПl1П]1N'1♦ lмЭIdlJ3tl ЭиП]мi 09 р i]НПП8 'Ll БПtlI3гПХ] S60'Ь{ 3]Bqllvnv 1ПЧ ОПВ2' BSrf' п91п� [ВОп' В'zZ 0'ог г'В {•[ 0'9 5'S Z'S о'S 5•п 0'п ['{ П'Т Е'г Z'l 1'2 Ь'l Р'1 f'I 9'{ п l .............................•_._......_____..........................'......................_............._................._..._........._....__._____._`........_........_.................................._..........._._.._....... ��__�-_�•__-•________- , н-�--__--_� __"���-_����•�----_-�•-�_--- OOt.96 50•16 Оь'9В 5R•I6 ПВ•9[ 5l•I( Ol•99 59•19 09. н.3А Э]ИпПS 'Пц гsэцал lэыьrн 1а1 laыrs Эн1 П наэа эьпsаэи хэамt гlопаЭ[иг sЭаnнз3иг . 9s s5лs e5ron 5м-{п оп•9{ к-п ог-9г sг-{г пг•9[ s3-n ni-9 s-o ЭВrнvмп] итlппдпе Зп эд.1 {дцдд] н3л диs Ээа эыи]иг чrЭм АлпиlмЭ-Э slЭнzпи пг ьпа Зи3в 9 нп� lнгs а � (иП11.1ПдПЛ Jn 1нЭ]МЭд) 1еьП11П]1Н9д tlП latlПM lzгqtlA (PL9CL.T Oý ýUPULATXON) PU-LAUUl -5ý ý1-5S ý-hQ bi- "'Ih6-70 7k-7ý 76-80 ý1.85 56.90 91.95 9-100 JL I I 1.ý ý1 T.E ý,,Ll - - - - - - - - - - - ------------------------ ----------------------- . .. .. .. ..................................................... ............................... ------------------- . ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -1,11 1.5 1, 1.5 5, 1 s,, s'. .,d 7. 0 7,2 1,3 IZ,0 .2333 1 .01ý2 825 E, "-ILI.L1 ,UlMel I ý2 u ' ýjL dL" ----Ik. p. 137, q..t.d i. U ltýd -L.- U.l. 66. -2.14. ýh.ý~ 8 (p .71). (PLRCENT OF POPUL&TION GINI FOR 6 GEI FOR 20 suLNETS t-ETR0Py MEAN OmCot pbO (tNP PER CAPLTA, O, SOUOCE YEAR TYPE op POPUL.aTION C0vERAGE 0-5 b6-O00-15 16-20 21-25 26.00 30-35 36-400 61-45 46.50 50-55 56-b0 61-65 bb-7O00?=5 76-80 80.85 86.90 61-65 960-00 INT EOvALS INTEHRALS ONDEb'0MEAS00F YEAR 0 ob SAMPLb (A MARKE6 PROCES) .. . - ---...-- .-- . --.....-.----- ---. --- --. -- .--- .-- ..--- ..----- ------ ----- -.---.------ ------.----....-...--.•..----."....-.---- --.".. " "...----- ------ ----• ---.-.------ .-- ......--. .-.... ...... ..-.. . U000 MouSEolLos 0,NOO-o00AN 0,2 0.5 1.0 2,0 2,3 2,. 2.b 2,0 3,0 3,5 4.2 0,5 4,9 5,5 b.0 7,0 8,0 9,6 10,2 1,0 ,3720 ,320 ,2979 .2203 0-55 fHOT- 270 0YAT3 3or-ce 1. Central Sta,.calb anbEonbomicOb Deparbment, Report on the 1958 b.rvey of Household bxpnditur in Rangtoon RanEoon, 1959 (pp. 18 and 30). ICACNtA ACAAIA NATIUNAL (PR 1TUP.LITION) GIN I 6O2 A GI' I FilR 2G AuZVET$ C.ENTAAPT MEAN INC VMN PtH GNP pER CAPIATAl 0, SIjURCF AA TyPA UFjPPLATION CVA . 0-5 .12 I - I5I A-2 21-25 2A-3o 3L-35 3-40 41-4s -6-5. N1.55 56-N0 6A-b5 6.A 71.75 76-8A 81.85 66.90 9l.9s 96.L0 ]TR A LS INj)CA EAURE AR F j MA AMPLE (AT MANI PRICESI SC,,Nc I Al r00SEGLLDS NA0A, 2,1 2,3 2,. 3.1 3.,5 A,A 4,1 A 8.7 5,0 5,2 5,1 5,8 N,6 7O 8,2 , 14,173 ,31A ,31N IN%.2 CAN, 55180 CAN, s2130 2. SjUCF I 65 MoNEVOLD NAtAONAL ,1 1 0,8 2,N 2,7 3,2 3.7 4,2 4.0 4,1 4,d 4.2 5.0 5,7 A,1 8,5 7.3 8,8 10,1 14, .3171 ,327 ,2A7A ,1726 CAN, N53N CAN. Ad770 source: 8. C~Nputed from: "jIiNtoical RevNew AnAlo-1a IAnom DiStriNAtNon", preplAd in the CNsumer FINANcA RA-eseah Staff AN Ahe DomiNion Bureau of istic., CandAn Staisical RevNeC, August 1969, VAN. 44, No. 8 I. cHAD NAJIUNAL (PLNCENT O PDPOLATION) GI b I0 FO l N 10,6FO 24 boZNEs E -ENTROPT «1EAN IN(07M PE< GNP P. p. V6, 17* as3quote 0n308010am0. C00ne'. book, PRtentia1 Effect' RR InomR Red0striton RR EcRnomic CROw;h; Latin, Ame.r0canCaseA, (P~raege 0973), 1.0. 2 and 1,0,3 (p. 2R2), 3. Compted frm: Drio n GenerAl de Estadistica y CenoR, EncuestA dAIRess,R "EnRue8ta Rconal .ore ng.0resRs FamiliAReA, Serio 0e uStigacioneR0R 0NesRAled", SRntiagR, Chil JunRO 1969, I-- d~ ~ ~ 2., 0 COLGMýBlA (PERCENT UF PDPULATIUN) Gl1FR6 GINI 1OR 20 U2NET L:-ENIRUPY IEAN INC11ME PEN GIP PtR CAPIAF N0. 50MHCE6 YEA7 7YP7' 7F PUP77LATION CU\767AG6 35 6-70 11-15 16-20 21.25 26-30 31-35 36-40 071.43 46-58 51.55 56-60 6L-615 60-77 71.75 76-80 81-85 86-90 91-95 36100 1 A777LS 767 RLS 707 777678707-777771771678167 0. 7URCE 0 6,2757776 R7L177677 U.WN1. 7 7 2,5 2,8 2. 2. 3, . 3.3 0, 5,0 5 8,2 10,5 12,5 29,0 ,507 ,577 3775 ,07 .7s NT7 AAlLBLE 2750 PSUS 2, S76 7 62 ECN. ACTV0 P7P, NATI7NAL 7,2 7,3 7,0 7 1 0, 2.e 2 2,8 2,7 2,8 *3.2 31,7 3,0 4.m 5,1 6.5 7,5 12,3 30, .7D .0020 .307 ,3976 NOT AVAILtAtE 3, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 53 I1579 .512, EN TU- . , I . .ý 3. .t .S 5 , , ,.3. ,,..5ý 12NUT AVAILt-BLE 3030 PES0S 3, 3U27 U 3 1NCU7 0617176 7.170N71- 0 .3 7 70 7,7 7, 0,5 1, / 0.0 2.3 2,7 3,0 3,o1 71 71,7 5.4 61,7 8,3 72,0 30,0 .5777 505.53 ,10 N!7017'L 17 60 A, 077077 5 60 INOME RECIPIENI NATUNAL . I 1. 0.2 0,3 1.5 1.7 1,8 7, 0,0 2,1 2.3 2,5 2.7 3.0 3.5 i.0 0.5 8.5 9,5 I6,7 ,567 .573 039u? ,932 50 AUVALABLE 5, Su--il 2 75 6753. £67106ACTIVE PP. NAT0UNA . 5 .6 17 . .2 I, I 19 2.1 2.2 2,7 3.7 3.7 0,2 5.0 6,0 8,7 12, 41,7 .6273 ,632? ,507 3063 N.7T AVA0L:t7 5. SUNCE" 7 77 ECUN. ACTIE P7. N7117L0 3 '.1 7,2 7 1.6 1,d 2. 2.U 3.2 3,5 0.0 3.5 5,. 5.6 7,2 B., 77,. 32,7 .5357 ., 777 705 7670 URBAN DR NON-AGRICULIURAL 7, 300276 7 076N777E tEi01ENT 777AN .2 ,3 .8 ,5 1.7 1., 2,6 2,5 2.,7 3. l 7,i 3,6 .0 0.3 5.2 5,7 6.7 6,8 12,0 31,0 .5365 .02,* NU2 -A07 '.-8 3 1770 7. SsU'CE 3 70 INUN RECP06 NT U-07N .5 .7 , 7.0 1 1.7 2,0 0,0 2,5 2./ 3. 3.5 0.2 0,3 7,8 5. 6.5 8,5 71,7 3L,5 ,5231 ,5357 07175 56715 70,270 0ESOS ,015 PSS RURAL UR AO,RICULTURAIL 3, , 00076 FU 70, 796076 0 6 8- 7,0 , 0 7,9 2,7 2,2 2.2 2 2, 2,3 2,0 2. 7. 0,2 5. 7,6 78,0 33,0 .56 ,575" .072 .5629 NT 8 t 7175 PE7s7 1, SIU7C 3 770 iOU676 RECIP1IT R-L ,9 7,7 ,2 7,7 7,8 2.0 2.1 2, 2, 3.8 3.2 3,5 5,0 5,S A,3 6.7 7. 6,0 10,5 25.0 .527 3A27 . 3 •77 !o31 7630 70750-7773 Source• 7. 0B7rry, A7bert A.,'"The 37,6r7but07n of Agr77ulturally Based 777770 196", (New a,197), 77- aphed Table 7. 1, ued i. Will777 R. C-7n's bk. Ptent71777 Effec 77 16co Distribution 6n Econom77 777775' L7t7n Amercan7 s,7 . 7(Praeg7r, 17), L.., 7D.2 . 204), 2. Cli., Willia R, Potti Effet, 77 Income D0str7but77n 7n 0c777307 6ro7th 7n S., Latin7Amer7can Countr01, 77573 7977 (77me0g7aph1d). 3. C7d., P.7177, 0A7lAi Econometri7o 37 Distribucion de77ngreso7, (Departm6nt Administrat1vo 9lac7onal d71 Est.adtica, Jul-0. 1972) (p. 39). 5. Mu-gr77e, Richard, e.l.,6710 C 0I6 7 de Refo7 Tributa., In7orme 7us8rave: Bses pAr7 un7ReformaTributar , 76716,56i, 777tA, BIlioteca Banco Poua, 719b9 (p. 44). 6. TAylr, Milton C., 7t.a1., F-7l vy of Colombla, Join- TAx Progra. f the O7gl7Aiti E Amer-can StAte an,Ite-American Development Bank, Balt-more, John, H.7pkns Pr,1 1965 (p. 225). 7. U7ntA,e 0ions Economic Commi7..7n 77r Latin America, Economic Survey 67 a1 tin Arca, 7968, 776. E/C..12/825/RNv. 1, July 1969, p. 13. (Note: the ftg,rA froth.s01urc7 ha ve ben .d in s-ver-l A.hub.-sr ECI.A publication) 7p. 73). 7. UrriA, M. And Sand-~a1. C.E., "78Dstriu7. de Ingre1,6 7N6 7 P7rpte17 de R-nt ColoIa 1964, ReIA d BAno de la RUb7 #513, July 1970. TAble A-6 (pp. 987-1006). CoTA RICA GATIUNAL (PERCENT UF POPULATIN) i GIN 0R 6 GLNI FUR 2 MUZNETS t-ENTROPY EAN INGOME PER GRO PER CPITA1. NO. S0U.CE yE'R YPE 001' PPULATION 080RAGE 0.5 6. LO 11.15 16-20 201.2 26.30 31.35 06.40 4G..4 G6.5 51.55 56.60 .65 66.70 71.7780 81:65 86.90 INDEX MEASURE YEAR.OFTH AMPLE A R RI 1, smURCL 2 61 MOUStHULD3 NAT10NA 1,2 t,0 1,6 , -,9 1. ' 00 2,0 2.1 2. b 2, 3.3 3. 0,3 0,68 ,6 7,0 00,0 35,0 ,5064 ,515B .42L NOT AVAILABLE 2230 COLONES 2, OURCE t 71 PER CAPITA NATONAL , 0 * 0 4 *0 ,6 0, 2.1 0,0 0,3 2,0 3,0 3,0 3,6 6,0,0 5eI3 0,9 6,9 0,9 30,0 05,3 .4582 ,0700 ,3663 ,3539 2,300 00LONt 380 COL Es 3, buRCE I 71 HO-UHLDS NATIONAL 1.0 1,01 .5 L.- 0,0 2.0 0,0 0,7 Z.9 3,3 3,0 3,9 4,5 6,8 5,5 6,0 7,6 0,6 10,6 22,0 0087 .0096 3400 .3057 .0,000 00l..EB B, SuuRCE 1 71 PER 0APTA HUUSEH0LD NAT*7NAL 00 0.0 2 ,0 0,3 2,5 2,7 3,0 3,. 0.0 3,7 3,8 4,0 . 6 0,0 5,5 5,8 6.0 0,6 10,0 0,0 .3674 3670 .2780 ,2305 NT 380L LE URBAN 0R NoN.AGRICOLTURAL 5, S0RCE 3 61 HQOOtHDL0S NUN 06R00,L004A ,6 0.0 0.3 0,0 00 2,5 0,7 0,9 2,0 3,1 0,0 0 3,0 6,0 0,3 5,0 7,0 0.0 13,0 25,5 ,4500 ,6635 I3630 G35O1 N,T A,A1LALE 2200 00UL0NES 0, SUR00 I 70 HOUSEHD050 NTR0POLITA .8 1. 0.5 1,7 0.0 2.0 2,5 2,7 3.0 3,6 0,7 ,9 6,6 0,0 5,6 6,0 7.3 0,5 1.0 22,7 ,027 ,373 .335 .3000 20,150 LOLO.ES GOGO CuLONEs 7, 30U8C0 I 7M .0USEHUL S UN-84NEXCLUES NETRU) 1,1 L.2 .9 2,0 2.2 2.6 2,0 2.0 3,2 3, 3,9 4,3 6,6 3,0 5,0 6,6 0,2 9,3 11, 17,0 ,3794 .313 .042 .235 17,555 COLOES RRL IR AGR1CULTURLl 8. SUURCE 3 61 HOUSHOLDS AGRICUTUR8 00 0,5 0,5 2.5 0,5 0,0 0,5 0.7 2,0 0,8 0,0 2.8 2,0 ,9 2 ,9 3.0 5.3 5,6 00,3 .4SG ,5, NT AVAILA6E 223. CUL2NES 0, lOURCE 71 HOUSEHOLDS R.RAL 1,0 l,G 0,8 0.0 2,6 2,7 0,0 0,0 3.0 3,d 0,0 6,0 0,9 5,2 5,7 0,8 7,6 8,3 00. 17,7 ,3G43 ,368 ,2779 .2130 9,550 0OL0NES 34G CL0s 3000rc0s: 1. Caspedes, 0., 0000800, 0., Costa* R000; L. Distribucion8 0el 03gres, y e0 Consumo000 0e Algunos0 AG0.mento0, 00000ad UnivaGra0terGa "RodrG0 F0.e0o", Escuela* de Ciencias, Ec0Gonomi ayocialGe, 0.E.0,.S., 8nstituto0 600 InvestiG*01gacoe. Publicacione d- Ga UniverXA dad 0* C .o4 Rica, 0.i Econoa* y3 Estad,tica, 0A.. GR (.p. 33, 015, G1GO. 2. 11-tedNtosooi d SoalCounil, Econoic Com -so for Latin Ame-c, Enoi Suvyof.tnAmre.16,Dc.EC.1/2,Ne.k 1970 (p. 13). 3, Unite Nain.cnm.C.iso o ai mei cnmcSr yo ai mrc 1969, D-e Elcu.12/851, R-v 1, SePtebe 1970, Tabl 265 (p. 404). CY PRUSB URBAI UR NOA-GRICULTL,RAL (PERCENT QF POPU"LTION) G060 FOR B 60N0 FbU dU KUONETS L-ETOPY MEUAN ONCURE PER0 GoP PE6> R IROA N., SUUC RU BA YP OOPULAT0N UuVRoG 0-5 b-10 11-15 16-20 21-25 263-3 !-35 3b-RU 41-45 46-5. 515 4 6.6 -70 71.75 76.80 61. .9 91-95 9T L I ME i. OUNCE 0 66 MUUSEHULDS U60a , 0,9 2,2 2,5 2.6 2,0 4, 0.3 3.6 3,. 4,4 1 ,0 5.1 6,1 B,6 7.0 7.5 8 7. 7.5 14.0 .3085 .300 250s .58. LYPOU L 990 CYRUS L 170 RoRAL UR AGRICULTURAL 2. 3,1URCE 0 66 700BOUS LDS RURAL 2,2 2.0 .60 .3 3.7 4,0 2 , 0,6 0,0 5.0 B,O 5.I 5,0 5.R 6,2 6,5 6,9 /.5 -,5 010 .U90 ,0060 .059 CYPUS. L 7 URPIuB L 070 Rce: 1. Statistics and Research Department, M1nistry of Fnance of Cypru-, Hosehold EpndiureSur 1966 (Pilot Stdy), no publication date a (pp. 41, 42) 15 CZECHQSIL)VAIA NATIUNAL (PERCNT UF PUPULATION) GIN! FOR 6 NIN! O 0) A SONETS t-.ENTRCOPY MEAN INCUME PLR GNP PER CAPITAI NO, SIJRC YER TPEOF OPUA ION CQVRA 0- 6-0 1-1 162021-25 26-30 5-3 36sl1454-05-55 56-6. 61-65 66-7 637 0-0 -5 ý6-90 91-95 9-l0o ITERVALS 1 NTRVLS ONEý ESR ERO H APE(TMRt RCS 1, 10URCE 1 59 .06.9RS NATIAA 9 2 , 2,6 3, 9 0,0 4,- 5 4,6 4,9 5.0 5,2 5,5 5,9 ,2 6, ' , 132 ,2005 .I073 .0664 6,900 SCT NOT AVAILAAL. 2. 60066E I 63 YGRKERS NAT1AU A 2,5 2,7 1.2 3l 3.7 3, . Q .1 4 43 ,.. , 5,0 5 14 5,5 5,7 5, 9,6 7,2 7,5 9,7 1 31 ,163 ,. il .0576 06,600 9CS NOT AVAILABLt sourc: 1. stat.IsticaYearok, 1963. 1965, pp. 12, 03, -u' AN "' -.,-0.6 nited0Nations Publietion. 6,1e, 5l. 66 II..4, Chapter 8 (p. 71). NATONL (PERCENT UF PUPULATIO) GINI ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . .O 6. GINI F111fZESEt?RP ENIC*tPE N t AIa No. SoCo YEA12, lyPK (IF PUPULATION 100t0RAG1 0-5 0-l0-to 06-23 20-25 26-30 00-35 36-40 ~- 60 01-55 00-00 5 0-1 5 66-70 /1.75 76-60 62.105 06-0 02-00 21-100 IT1ERALS INTEFIAL0 IN000 MtASURE 2120 OF TME SAMPLL 0205002 ET PR001S) S0luC , 59 POPULA01ON 2AT2ONAL 0 .3 0,0 0.0 2.0 2,5 2,2 0,0 3.2 0.5 0,0 ,0 0.0 5,0 0,0 02 0,0 0,0 0,0 32,0 ,0070 ,403 ,3L. .31 N00 A0A34004E 17,235 CFA 2RANL0 Source: 1. Norrison,, Christin2, 2* Rparttion des Rvenua .2 D tn 1 Pays d. Ti M-nd, Editton. Cjas, Pa.i, 1969 (p. 205). DENMARK NATIONAL 1PRCt OF POPULATION) 0-5 GIN! FO 6 GIN! F0R 23 IUGNETS E70TROPY 7EAN 1NC0M. PER GNP PGA 06P3TA3 R. SOURCE YEA, TYP, OF POPUG.ATION CvRAGE 6-0 I -5 6-2G 21-25 26-30 33-3 36-40 41.4 465 5155 56-60 616A 7 71-75 76-86 63,65 66.90 91.95 9N.100 1NTERVAL3 INTER,AL6 15DE6 MEASRE0 Y0AN 0F 7ME SAMPL> (AT MARKET PR3C03) . .. .. -- -. -- -- -. -- -- -- .- - -- ------ -- -- -.---"----------""" "" "" "*'" "" -""' -" "-"----"""""- --" ""-------- -. - -- - -- - --'--- . .- - .- . ..-'-. - -- - .- - -. . - -- . -- - .. - -- - .-.N.- . . . .. . - -p .. - -- . .. . .- - . , SUWCE 1 53 INGUN RECIPIENT NATU5AL .6 .8 1,0 1,6 2.3 2,3 2,7 3.1 3,7 .,3 0,0 6,7 5.2 '5,6 6,9 6,8 7.6 6.4 10,0 18,0 ,3860 ,3968 .2.79 ,2.55 NOT AVAILA6It 6,00 RONE 2. SURC 2 55 ICCME NECIPIENT NATIONAL 6 6 1, l.7 2.2 2,5 2,7 3.2 3,5 4, 0,0 5,0 S,4 5.9 6.3 6.6 7.6 A. 9.6 17,5 .3a12 ,3916 .2907 .2391 NOT AVAILABLE 6,500 KRNER 3. SoUCE I NO 1,CUmE RECIPIENT NATI7NAL . 7 10 1,4 1,9 2,2 2.5 2,9 3,2 3,6 0,3 4,4 4.7 5.2 5,7 N,5 6,8 7.7 6. 10.2 16,9 ,3714 ,3822 .2664 .2269 NOT AVALLABL 11,665 K.UNER ., SUuNCE 2 6 INC M RECIPIENT NATIONAL1 7 1,0 1,7 2.0 23 2,6 0.0 3.6 3,7 0.0 G,N G, N 5,6 ,7 6,3 6,9 7, 8.2 10,1 15,7 ,3537 ,3666 .27.7 .2675 607 AVAtABLE 15,995 KNONEA 5. SUUCE 3 66 ECON, ACTIVt POP. N.TUN6L. *4 .7 1,1 1. 2.0 2,2 2,6 2,6 3.2 3,7 0.2 0,6 5.1 5,7 6,0 6,3 7.6 A,o 10,6 22,0 .4230 .33G .3232 ,296 26,00 R6NLR 196,95 6NOER Sources: . 1953 Indkomst/6fomuensattelserne til staten 66r Skattear,t 1954-55 and 6963 Stati-t-ke Efterrt.,Nin 1966 (p. 27B-9), bth -ources 61662 in S.ecretar.t of Econ6m63 Commi,61on f6r Eurp6, E76omic 60rv67 67 - Europ, 1365,7. 2,6ncomes 6n Postwar Euro6. 0 Stu7 6 Pl0cie0. Gto.rth and D 07tribution, U.N. PNbI1.o. S1 . 66 I E..4, Ch6pter 6 (p. 15). 2. Kjld Bj1rk0 "For.kydning-r i den per~6lig6 indk-mar8deiN6,g 1939 til 1964, SocIl,st Tidkrif 1965; the figur06 f0r 1965 and 1966 are6c1lculate 6n theNbas- 6f 6666. 6fterretn0nger, 1667, R6. 16 and 1968, No. 28. 3. Computed "r: S tik Tilr- 0 V-rit1, 1971, DOMINILAN HEP BRL1C I-U NA4217[T pNAL rU8 GIJNJ'r1R 6 (,flNI F24 2u 02ETS t -tNTROPT -1A8 1.4CU2 PE2 G2P P12 06APITA 8L 22422 21, 271 22 242'LA 22v RA[.,66 0-5 6-10 22.25 26-22 2-25 26-36 32-5 38.-4 02.0- 48-80 5-S55b5-60 61.656707-56- 1-5 66-902252623-82-0 921.958-dA0 I12 vALS I2iT1va62 . 22NDE2 2aS4RE 21A1 nF 781 SAspt6 207226228.2P6i12 .. . .., . . . . ...u............ ....F.P.P.LAT . .. U...,................,---........-----.---------- --.. .--.------...-.-..------------------.....---..----.- 1, SU4CE1 692 P26 4A3'23A 82820 A{jM2N(s4-UR3A8 .7 2,2 2,7 22 2. 9, 224 2 .e3, 32 3,2 3.2 0,2 5,3 6,2 7.5 9,4 2l.1 2o,5 .438 ,0544 .2579 •3223 2,.3, 585 325 2132)2 2, S2uu4c i 69 82US5884D2 S,ANT DOMINGDet/RS-N , ,3 2,4 I,A 2,3 2,0 2,2 2,8 2,6 2,7 3,2 2.5 2,3 ,7 5.4 6,6 7.3 2,2 22,5 22,0 .02. ,66 .379 .64 U,1, 13525 am2 a 26,n,2 0a2464 de2nt Domingo, 21969, ato D2m2ng . 023 (p. 128). (PuERNT D0 PDPULA T70) N0, 500 .... .EAR Tr E 1F 000P7LT1050N C05AGE 05 6-lR 11-15 16-20 21.25 26-l0 31-35 3640 41-55 06.50 5l-SS 50-o00. 5 0-70 71-75 70-50 00-05 0.8 9 50 0EOR GNF 0 K0000 T 00E-0NTR0Py M17 NUM P0H GNP PT 7000050 --'----- - ------ ---- --- -- ----- -'---..------..-..---......---.-------.-------- -----.--.-.,:..-.-95.9..0..T..A...NTERV L--IN-EX-E---Rt--AR--F-T E----PL-[AT -MAR -7-PR -CE i. SURC0 3 70 0C., 5C70E POP. NATIJIL A 0 ,6 47 , ,9 9 0 3,0 .2 5,5 0,0 1,6 2LI 3.0 ,0 5,5 0.0 I0.0 4.,5 6, .567 ,6701 ,568R .273 OT AVA0LA.LE 5045 Suc-ES URíA OR NON-AGRICRLTyRAL 2, -U." 1 6S ýcoN, ACTlVE POP, "wA .5 ,77 R, , 35 i& 2 ,0 2.0 0,3 3,7 o 2 o,0 o, 5,0 0,5 7. 13,2 30,5 .50o5 ,53 R *3947 .R228 -T 0 5A7A0LL 2 2.7 1.0 1 5 3 0, 5.5 0,0 0.0 10,0 22,0 28,0 .5071 .594 .4053 ,.9 . 4,020 $UCRts RURAL UR AIRIULTRAL 4, SUuCE I 65CN, ACTIE POP, ARICULL.AL .9 ,1 ,0 100 1 1 3, 5 0,0 2,2 2,4 2;0 2,5 3.0 s,0 S.R 7.0 05,0 2,0 ,00 .0150 .5050 .5905 s, 00,05ULR 3945 sucRES Sourceo: 0. Computed from: Coodov. PolOvfo, Aoaliste Toooomero deiDistribucion de Ingreso, DepartametoOdmistrativ0 Nacional de Estad,stica, July 26, 1972 (p. 21. 2. Preliminary estimates .ubject to change olven by ECIA0 based on ivison 0e EstadO,tica 0 Censo,, Junt, Saojonal de Plantficacion yoCoordinacoon Encue0,stad Oogareo de Propostos Multiples,"Encues.ta de 0ogare0 del Are,Urbana 0968" aoted On Ecoomooc coson for Latin America, Mini-do. onolI' INCUE RECIPIENT AURICULTURAL l,- 1.6 1, k,1 2.1 2.2 2,3 2,4 2. 2,9 3,0 3,0 3.1 3.1 5,1 3.4 6.1 6.7 7,3 39,5 ,.48 .4825 .4168 ,.813 6OT AVAILABLE 570 COLoES 5s . ETIateAs by RCentRl Americn Commn MarkTON (STECA), "ITRnfrIO TaicAR de lA EnRue.ta Soci-CutuIral", RocIR CulRtAO SuRNveyn OfNCAdTed R965 As AuRted RR Jan de VrPeA' (AriculurRRl EcoNnI.R, R.fRA) Raper: "LaA DRi0rAbcOAn dAIngreso InRlos.Pe TCetr-AmrcAo (DtrbuiN RestRingIdA)". RctubrA 1970, AR 3,4, 0. United NationA EcoRRiR And SRRiAl Council, EconoicT CRomisiRR RON LAtin AmercA, EconRRni SuRAR RY Latn Am rA. 1968, D-, R/CS.12/R85 (p. 13). 3. Unitd TAtinT. EconomRc ComIRo frN L.tin AmerA, ERnomic Srvy- Rf LatiR n- AeicA 1969, N YArk, 1970, TAle 265 (p. 404). 2 2 IN f-l) 6Q A TI R 20 AAulNE T E-ETRUR AN INGuAR PL' GNP PER CAPITA1 agg LIALYE uR k PRULA IRN 1uvRAA,E 0-5M-I0 L1-15 LA-2 21-25 IM-3O RI-R5 3M-O0 Al-U5 OA-Al 51-55 A6-Ro 61-M5 AA-AR R1-R5 76-AA Al-A5 AA-Al 9l-95 96-100 IAiTEAA IAA1RALS. lDE1 MEASRA REAl OF RME RIMPLE (AA ARRET PRIEMMI - .... -- .------------ -------- ---- --- ""----- '''''"'''--""- '""""'" ""'''"-"' -''-''''''"" "-'''----"'-'.'-"-"---''-'------"-----------""....""."...".."." ".'' " ' ..".".'".'...'.."..'' '..." ".... 1U1 1 AA R1SEHOLEEA UH'RA1 I9 I•R 1.3 1,0 2.A 2.2 0,1 2,0 A, 3,4 A.6 A.O 4,6 5,2 1,6 1,1 7.7 9, L, 145 I,5 ,0l ,021 .3080 .2717 Ali FIIAAM150 FJAN 5 230 72011 2 P MAOUSRHULUSI U'obA .7 I.o 1.A 2.2 2.0Ž2. 4,0 1,0 A0 3,5 3,1 4,4 3,0 4,A 5,2 6,0 7,7 A,0 11,/ 19.6 .3936 ,LI5M 30 .2R1A NT AVAILabLA FJIAN $ L25 SourcAs: I, Compted rom- Ihe data giveAin Bureu -f ERaRIAAIcs,1 AM igary ReprtR on the 1960 UrbA, HousehRo Income ARndAA,A Exedtre Survey in Fi1, JAIR 1960, TAbAR 0, 2, Comp0ted fomA A ReAorL 00 tAie Urban HOusehold IncomeEApenAituRA0re ryIn FI 1lI970 (p. 3ll. FINLANU NATIUNAL (PIRCtNT UF PUPULATION) GJNi FUR b GiN! FOR 20 sU ZNETS E-ENTR0PT MEAN 1NCUMb PER GNP PUR CAPITA6, SUdCE bLAN TYPE UT PUPOLATIO CRVLUAGE 0-5 6.10 0-5 Ib-RRO1S 2b-Nu 31-35 36-b 41.45 ob-SU 50-55 56-bb 62-65 66-70 71.75 70.b 81.65 bb-bo 91-95 96-100 INTERvALT INTEbVALS INDEX EASURE SEAR UF THE SATPLL (AT FARE . P ILES) ................................. . ._ . . . . . . . . ..----. . ..----. ..----. . ..---. . ..----. . ..---. . ..----. . . . . . ..««-. . ..---. . . - --- --- ---- --. .... .... .... .... .... .... ... .... ... .... 1, SuCE 1 s2 INLUME RECIPIET NATIUSAL. , 1.4 1,7 2,? 2,0 R,b 3.0 3,5 3, b,3 0,7 52 '5,5 6,3 6,7 7,5 8.b 109. La,b .3950 ,.ob .3bb ,2575 N07 AbALlARLE 0990 MARTSA6 2. SoubkE- I 6R OECME REOOpE.T NATIUNAL .2 . .9 0,0 1,5 2, ,b 2,5 3,2 6,0 4,1 ., 5, 6, b, 6,7 7.' 9,7 00,5 21,0 ,0546 ,R67. ,3526 ,3314 NOT AVAILAHLE 1S MARKsAA sourc: 1. -.".-!: " h- 1951 . 200 b :R,tjo Y-kN - b 1965, p ?56, .. S .r , - r q-~o-n bo r-Am,I,T f,r FnynnA. Ecbooi .Sur. off Europe 1965 Pt. 2. Tn-a-s n osTbAr Eurpe 0 Study ofA Po i Gowth bnd DitriMitioTn. U. b. Publicaton SAle. No 66 I.E.44, Chapte- 6 (p. 15). 2 4 FRA-CE NATIUNAL (PERCENT UF PUPULATLON) GIN! loe 6 GIN! FOG 2G K20ZN TS E.FNTRGPY FF09 0N10MF Ptr! GNP Pt8 CAPO 7Al 1. UE1 YFAR TYPE GF POPULATVON CGu AlF 0-5 6-10 11-15 16.20 21-25 26.30 31-35 36-00 0.05 4650 51.55 56.60 30.35 66.70 71.75 76-80 6.815 b.90 91.95 96.100 IIIvLS INT7E!AL0 6ND6TMEASRE 3EAR 0F THU S0MPLF ' TARt 6 Fs SOUoCE 1 56 MOUSLHULOS NAT-INAL .3 ,' 1,0 1.2 1.5 1,8 2,0 3,1 3,3 3,5 0,6 .0 G,6 5,5 5,9 6,5 7,8 9.2 11,7 22,4 .409 .729 .3579 ,33-b AUT AVAILA8IE 0635 F Cs 2, NOE I :2 HOU5tHOLDS NATIONAL .2 .3 ,6 46 1,2 1,7 2,2 2.5 1.0 3,0 , 03 O,9 5,0 6,0 6,5 7,9 9,! li,8 25,0 .49A .509/ .3853 .3690 NOT AVAILA-LF 7815 F-ANcs Source: 1. Etude, 8t CoN 1oncture, June 13, p. G36, Table 9 (af8 ter,imiAtion of 88r0 18comes). T,b0e 11, p. I37, 8nd EtudeA AN Coni10ncture, 88cember l965, p. 38, Table 27, p. GO, Table 31. boh,oourcesA NsqoNed Gn U.N. Secretariat of EcNomic61 C8N1ission for Europe, 1conom1c Survey of Europe 0865 1t. 2: Inc0omes in Postwa Europe, 0 Study of Pol1cia,, Growth and Ditsribtio, U.N. Publcatlon 9a1es No. 68 II.E.44, Chaptr 6 (p. 15). 2 5 GA80, (PERCEN1 UF POPULATION) , Si u R E A R T 'Pt U F P U P U L N Cu v t R AG L D -S 1 - 0 - 5 -2 1 - 5 - 3 o 31 . 35 3 6.4 4 3. 45 1b .5 5 1 .55 51.6 b- 5 667 7 1 75 6 8,82-909.9P6 - TF 23 K U ZoE TS E-t1R DPb I - o 8 L0 C PER GNP P6 C AP I TA. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ............ .......... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . T . PR..ICE.S).. 5.-CE L 0 POPUL ATIO 40T14626 0 ,6 .7 0 , 1,1 1,2 1,0 2.2 2,0 2,6 2.2 3,2 0.1 4,3 5.0 6,0 13, 47.0 .6505 ,637 ,536 .6497 NOT AVA4LA6L6 63,450 LE 3120C 2. 21RL I16 INC,t REC1P4E.1 NATIONAL .6 ,0 ,9 ,0 I . I 1,4 1,4 ,6 .,6 1. 20 e,7 3.,3 3, 4,0 5.0 6.1 6.9 0,5 05,0 ,11 .225 .5200 .009 NOT A2AIL-BLL 13,750 L12 FR4C ourcs 1. orrson, C ti ,estimatesas entod i paper 0n n" (unpub-tshed .e,e ofInom Distribution Division, 1BRD, p. 15). 2. Rorriso i r R a du T~1 ond Editt.n. Cuja2, Par1, 1969 (p. 205). 2 8 NATIUNAL (PERCENT OF POPULATION) GIN! 106 N GINA F0R 20 NUZNETS E-ENTROPY lEAN INCAME PEo GNP PIA CAPITA. N.. SUUCE YEAR TYPE AF PoPULAT AN COv-RAGE. -S N-10 AL-15 I-2A 125 26-30 3Al55 36-4l Al-45 AA-50 5I-55 5N-NO 6A.65 bb-TO TITS 76-80 8I-5 AA-l0 9I-95 NN-100 INTERVALS INTERVAL INDEX MEASURE AR OF THE NAIPLE (AT MARI ET PR IES --------- ...........--- .--. ....--..--..--..--..--. .--.--..--..--..--..--..--. .--- .---. ..-----.---.--. .--- ............ ------- ------ SOURCE I 55 INLOMT- RECIPIENT NATIONAL ,R , 1, I,A 1,8 2.A 2,4 2,. 2,6 31 3, 3, 4,0 4,3 4,5 4,7 5.? 6,3 7,8 3P,2 ,-900 ,N9/ .3789 ."501 NOT AAILABL 3b60 MAR S 2, SUCE I 6o INCOE RECIPIENT NAI.NAL. 1, I. 2,0 2,0 2.1 2,9 2,9 , . 3,0 s" 3,7 3.6 4,2 0,3 4,6 5. P,1 7,8 35,1 ,479il ,T7 .38A .4353 NAT AVAILAbLI SU55 MARIt 3, SoU-CE I 64 INLIIME RECIPIENT NATIAL .9 .2 I.S 1,7 2.2 2,5 2,1 2,R 1,1 3,4 3,5 3,7 39 4,5 A,T 4,9 s,5 b,A 7,1 33,/ .534 ,0 SANS .306045 NOT AVAILA2LE 7220 MAlRs Source: 1. DAta provided before publication by Profe,ss GAoIe DAutSeA r 1 t rhng, Berlin, CAt.d I. U.N, Secretariat Af the Econoi Commiso fNr Europe, EconmI SArvey AT Eurpe IR65 P1. I: IAcome-In PAsiwar urpe A StAdv Af Po Growth -ad DISbAo. C.N, PbIcAio S.IAA NA, 1 ILAE.14, CApter 6 (p,. 15). GREECE URBAN UR UN-AGRICULTUML (PtRCENT UF PUPULATGGN) GINI FGW 6 GINI EUR 20 KUzNETs E-NTR[jPy ME.N INCUpI pj N I .il NJ, SOURLE YE y G PPULAI C 6AG 0-5 6-I 11-1 16-20 21-25 26-G - G4--G GI-GO 4 6o 46- 1 51-5 6 0 1-6 -7o 7 • -LS 1F0 LEASGRE L IF E SAM(AT MAR6E7 PR1CE81 . 5,jjIcI t O7-OG ,00t.HIL0S U6'. G.2 1 1.6 1,9 2,0 2,6 2,0 3,2 4E,0G, G,3 6 ,5 5,s 5,0 5,6 6,0 6,5 6,5 1,G611.0 1,0 ,5620 ,.1 ,2737 .222L 4O,00G-0C'AMS 11,355 DRACH.s Source, I. Compod 1from ra1 GtaistIalGrvice f Greece6 R,oho Srvey Carr)ed Out Gn Ihe Urba Are. o Goeece Droing 1957/58. Athena, 1961. Alo quoted Gn Ioteraio*a Labour Office, Househod Income and ExpeI-,diur stait , 28 1UA TL A RLRA 00 AGRICULTURAI (PERCLNT UF POPULATION) GIN] FOR B GIN! FDR 0 KUZBOE TS t-ELNRDPT MEAN 66CUM6 PE0 GNP PER0 ÇAIFTo, NN 0N6 AM TYPE OFPPLAT0UN CONtRAbG 0- 6-lo 11.05 06-20 21.25 26-30 31-35 36-40 145 6-5U 5-5585 B6.90e-95 96-100 INTERVYALS ITERVALS IND6X MEAMURE MEAO NF TME SIMPLE 1AT MARM-T PR]NR-) I, SouRcL I N MUUStHOLDS RURAL 6,0 2,2 [1,6 3.0 5,0 3,3 3,6 3,0 , ,L 0,6 5.0 5,3 5,6 6,3 7,0 B,2 B,7 1,3 ,2070 2959 .2053 .1I30 045 ONRIaLRS 300 ORTZILES (SAGE EANERS) Source" 1, onzal06, R.A 0re11ana, Encueste sbre INMIresoyGasos de la Familie 0,1 CmpsMinIYo slariad de0NGuateml 1966, Un1versid,d de San Carlos, Instituto1 de Investicione Economica, y Sociala, Guatemala, 1970, C.A {p. 150). B,9 GUYANA NAT 1INAL (PERCENT UF PUPULATION) GINI NOR GIN 111 2 KUZNETS t-ENTRUPY M"AN INOT PER 1GN PER CAPITi Al ' yEAR TiPt 0F PUULATIUN LAT 0-5 6- 11-15 I-2 5- -A 3-3 3-4 l-4 -5 1.55 N--70 1-75 76-0 81-b5 91-95 9b-l NTER s NTRAL N I URE YA OF T T E I. LeNiNs NSaN HiU5tHUL0S NATIONAL .7 .6 L.0 . , 2,0 2,4 2,7 .,9 3.3 3,1 4,b 5.0 5.1 5.5 6,0 ,R 7.5 6, 11. 19.0 .AU2 ,4152 .3005 .2677 GUYAN 6 l,115 GUTANA S 455 in thi hiU fncome braitl 1e:eu . Compu5ted rom Nnstry eR SLao, FeUOth andH'lo.usng 'NSrey of Famly ExpendIOt, 1956", Gorgetown, 1957, aA qAued in intern,aioa Labour Officl uLseholdA Inome And Expenirei StaiicA, NI, i, 1950-64, GenvA, 1967 (p, 41-42). 34 NATIONAL (PERCENI UF PUPULATION) GON'I 8034 6 Gi NI F00 20807ZNET E (-'ENT700PY M(3AN 00NCOME PER8 GNP PE30 (A3TA18 Nu. SUU,lCE3( YEAR. TYP 70( P(7 PULAT0ION CUvERAGE(( 7-5 6-10 7 - L5 00-20 20-25 76-0 03-35 36-.> 41-05 46-53 5NO-55 56-60 60-65 66-70 70-75 768 8 6g 0-N0-0 (030 0815009.0-(3600 NiRVL ITRVL 05NDE3 008ASURE Y(3AN 0F TME3 SAMPL3 (0118AR(E7 P80(3c 0. S j-2CE U 7oo P00 (3P01A NATIONAL 7 ,7 .8 ,0 0.0 0,0 0.0 0,6 2.0 7.4 0.0 0,6 4.0 5,0 5,5 8,5 7,5 00.5 00,0 77,0 ,580 .56o .'020 ,455 050 LEMP1R8S 500 LEMP...RA5 2. SOURCE 2 6/-00 MOU08HULDS NAT0r3AL(.7 .A .8 . ,9 0 0.1 10, 0.5 0.1 2,1 7,0 0 3,8 8.8 5,9 7,0 8,9 04,6 08,0 .6060 ,8201 .095 .5579 -07 V-LOLE 0. Sj,oUC i N7-No MOUSEMULDS NAT0NAL ,3 .4 ,- .7 .9 1.0 7,2 1,0 1,6 2.0 2,5 0,o 3.5 0,4 5,6 6.0 7,5 0O,0 1",5 3.0 .597 8000 ,.905 .521 7080 LE(P(RAs URBAN UR NON-GI[UL-uRAL 8, SUUCE( 1 67-6 PE, (APITA 070*0 ,9 (.0 0.5 U,0 2.0 2,4 5 2,7 3,0 0.2 3,5 0,7 0,0 ,2 5.7 6.3 7.0 8,7 00,0 20,0 42l .4352 .0079 .2959 59U LEMPIRA5 50 LEMPli-s 5. |mU03E 0 77.0o HOU.tM2LDS UH3A8 .5 .8 0,1 0,0 (.7 0,8 2.0 2,5 7,6 0,0 0,0 0,5 0,0 I,7 5,8 8,7 . 2 7,0 9.31, 20,0 ,0797 ,09 ,374 .(723 O5*2 S- LEMPA RURAL DR A-RCULTURAL 0. SUORCE L 7-87 PE, (A07TA Ru0AL 7,2 0.n 2.0 7,7 7,4 2,8 7,8 3,2 0.7 3.0 3,8 03 2.0 1,70.05,5 7,8 8.5 00,5 22,0 ,OoOO ,000 ..5 .2712 120 LEPRAS 500 L3-p8RAs 7. 1UUR3( I ,7-68 nuu(3r0ULDS 82RAL .7 .,2 0.7 0,0 R.9 2.1 2,3 2,4 2,6 2.0 0.0 0.2 8,7 4,5 5.3 5,7 6.1 086 00,0 27,0 ..-75 "(87 .0700 .07(8 680 LE0 RS Sourcas. 1. Computed from: Direccon 08 Estadisttcas y Cens-., Encuesta de Ingreos y Castos, '0Ecusta de ingre800 gst8s fam880ares 1967-68". 2 Preliminary esyae sujU tocag-Re y CA Sceai e cnmay ceda, Dire.1[. de Estdistica y C-n-,Eeesad nreo t, "nusad nrssyGso aiirs1%7-68',Teuglp,.. C epb 8c* d0 80nduras. (.0., 6Abril 0977, as ote(d 0in Eoomcl ComissiOon for(3Latin America, Hetodo, Analiicos3 ara8 e Estud0io820 de la Desigualdad 8n 0a Dootribuon del Tnges,8ar8 97, ECLA07. 83//PE BAF 7 ( p. 7). 3 f HNGARlUNI (PERCk,NI UF POPULATION) GINI 702 I GINI FOR 24 KOZNETs E.110DY 11,. INLUME PER GNP PER CAPOIt NO, PrC 1t00 TYPE O POPULATION CUV1RAG1 I 0-5 0-I0 I -15 1620 21.25 a6-30 41,.35 36-.o . 4-50 51-55 5-60 60 65 6670 75.75 76-L05.5-5 06.00 55.05 96-1o0 1NT0Rv0lP 000ERv445 45000 00 0T 5, iORCE I 67 P0PUtATION NA3I0 L, 1,0 1,7 d,6 4.2 3,5 3,0 ',0 4,2 400 4,0 4.9 5.1 ., 5.6 6,0 6,5 ,8. 11,2 ,2577 2075 .4800 5037 00,500 007 - 2, I>U0CE1 69 POPULAlIUN NATINNAL 0.2 4.2 4,0 4,0 3,4 3,3 3,9 0,0 4,5 4.7 0,8 5,0 ,,S 5,0 0,1 6,4 0.3 7,2 0,5 4,0 ,3543 ,P4 ,17T9 .0978 15,425 10.N1T NON V01ILINL 3. s0URC 2 55 .0000R 511AT SEC Q 1,9 2, 2,3 4,0 3.4 3.6 4,0 4,2 4,2 4,2 4,5 0,0 ,2 5,0 5,N 0,1 6.7 7,3 0,0 ,.2 ,2200 ,229O ,577 .065 42,040 F0NT3 NOT AAI1A1LE 4, 1U0CE 2 N0 bOO>0RS sATE S0c 0D 2,0 2,7 3., 4,5 3.6 3,7 -,0 4,4 4,5 4,5 0,0 5.0 0,1 5,3 5. 0,4 0,0 1,2 7. 10,0 ,1942 2024 ,1495 ,0071 17,240 0O6INT5 NOT 005LAULE 5. 40.1C 2 64 .7R61RS 31Ai1 00108 2,0 3,0 5,0 4,2 0., 3 59 3, 4,04,30,30, 5.0 0,2 , 55 , 30 0,2 54,0 .202, 203 .1495 .070 20,100 N5 N AAILA1 Source,. .. omp4tom; 0,0, Margaret,1apoe Belances4n05oci-Ed0nomic Sttt,cal¶y,tems", 0 i, St.t.,,1qy.ts-.Paper pentd thTen aAsct f-r Res,urce in ..d We..lh, Ronneby, Sweden. 0ug0,s 30 - Sept. 4, 1971 (p. 45). 2. Computed from Diret8cmmuncaon10 fromthe Centr.l St.I4tical0ffic asqoted in: U.0. Seertaratofthe0 EconomcCommislon foEo, Economic Suivev 0fFrp. 196503. 0. Inomme,1, Postwar uope: A01tud ofPPoicies, Gowtoh and 05,trObution, 3.5.L 0ublicaon0 Sale, o, 660 107E. 1,opte 0 (p, 71). +/9-69 P9' 29-9 Jo 61666sa san8 o,, I62 9,cC 1Mg 005,' & 0 25-' 6t9L 0'.l .t 9"9 5-1 V'f S- ' 9i Nf Ö 9-2 1'2 C'2 2'2 0-2 4'- t 1 -1 I t ' -P.n SG030w5-19 2 gisnns -st 0t - st 3?,1t... inN Itç*. 1191 ' 969 - t 005 1 51R2 1'It f19 L.9 f's L-o 24 V£ 41, £'k 0°C 0.£ L'2 ("2 0-2 0-? 0'2 0'? T-T &. ~ rTM iN3Edl3N A13N11T t9e.9 -.v t9[ 3"|Hnns .9T 615 "9. 619 'n 1 tn.' 506' 6969 sur,l O'5[ i9 LS VI, 2' £ 9 O-l n-f O9' L'? * 9'? 0'? ' 2''? 2' 0 9't P- N'lN' 611143. 3L103N9 f N 9/ 9 Z n$O '91 6 9. 66191111- 1N 60 ' 0 1 ' 612W 966,' P' ? .106 6'9 6 9's 96 6'' 6 5 2fl '!.£ 192 '? '9 S'i P12 0*2 e't q' 2 g C. N 91n 5919 n 6 i l3sn '9 46 '69 31s'111A1 1916' 615F ' 99 56' Sr? o, f'9 9'6's 9' fl' tt O. o' o'q .' o'! 9'! 6'? 9' .'? 4'? 9'? o 9'1 6' ,9n 90106M gn6H L/9ig 01 mg/9 9 3F9999 'i1 19? '99 31 L-169 st0 "' 696 9' 6266,' 'r o'rt s9 Vs2 9'9 V'9 C6 ."! 9'! 9' 9'! 9' c' s'? 9'2 6'? 9'? 9'9 1'1 9' Nl99 31313 3903NI 9/69 969 G/f5 6 339nos '21 -9 662 *TII< 9 L6t' 19 9' 1L, 0'52 '9T 26 'L l9a .-, 6'! c ' V' t'? 5'?2 ' ' ? 6'1 -1 o' 6' ~nTLIN S01-9-3 9 -21 2 3..09 '11 b6? '6 -1'1ftT- 69H 09626' 9699' 09 966' 09? 10, 1' 6'9 C'S 9' 9', 0 6 9 0 9' 9' n' 6 9'" '6 9'? 6' 9' L'T i 9 6 9TIN 9 6n996s69-6 1s3-,0 '61 9 9 8 '6 3196 A1 £06 9666' 6 ' 9966' 6969 ~22 fe' 9 S19451 0'2' 6'! 5'! s 9 2'? 9'? 9' Z-t 0' L'£ 26 ' 6'2 692 92 2 O'1 I'T 1 -6Ti-6 NOTt9 9n0 6 3)906 s1 STT '66 ý9I in 9?,£' 9 t' 29 , 2596' 06? ? 0-1 0 O '9 ' - P -' t .. 69 ' 9' 'f v å'? L'? F I 9'1 1 6' 1NnT N i- - N3tdl1H 3.0INT 5-· 0-N 9.£9I t 1290n '1 I91 'nN tr?' 6t15 ' 999 2696' ' 02 1'11 ' s9 9'S 1-, 6 '6 6' 2 2 9'! 6'£ 6' 9'2 6'2 '2 1'? PI T,.2 '1 l59i 69TI9 n9 - 6 19 ',9 969 '69 3191T11Y 10N 6 9662 6"? 6 5 09692 I-L V' .'9 2'S 2's 916 ' -r '6 1'6 -5 9'! 1 6' 5' ? 6 .' 'l N 1N99d666 3wrTN / 295 6 321196 '6 i9 '319,11A 1 6 926 9 ' 99ç' g¿ç 5' 0 '1 9'6 9~3 Ip6 Os6, 6k? fl ' s's 9' 0,' ! 6'? 6'? 9'2 6'r 9' 6' lGD 31i 3k Vf T011- N 19T ?9 9 fl 3009 '9 661 '69 31961169A 6nN 991* 296?' 666!' 0996 Co 1 I 6' ' 99 ' 1 , ' 2 9 ' 6! 6' 6? 2 '? 0' 6'? 9' C' V669166699t 69 993 011 9 0 6 393969 '6 96? '96 319T1169 9 06 T561' 96s ' 966 9696' 0 6 9 0601 6 6 VI6 L' F' 9 9 9 ' ', T' 9' 9'! 5'2 9'7 9'l 2'2 196996,6 6619636909 6696 96 I6/66 9 3399n '9 92 '69 31911 1 69N 661' 951C 190' 0,22 oll V6 '9 9 9'! 6' 6', 6' 2-' 6' 9' '' o2' %l1916 663 13933 3 N1 6 t/6696N666966 6 90no '6 - - -- ------ --..- -- ..- ------------- --------------"-'"-"--"--""'--"-----"-"""""" -- *- ""----- " --- " "--"------- ---- --- - ----- 1...6199 39063)96 16699666 Ntvno n IN3Ad  RURAL OR AGRICULTURAL -1..-o,-1--- -0--, ---. 3,5-A. :- - 4- oS-5. -1-55 6- r,9-1 0-7-7-7- 70--- -1-30 --.9- 96-10 -A- r - - L- _ -.-4 -01T- Crr --T 0900 -- ---IC 09, I u-L, 3 53/5, Ao 5/55 ICOME RECIPIENT RRAL 2,0 2,0 0, 0 2.5 2,5 0,5 d.s ,0 0.0 0.0 0m0 5.0 5,0 3,5 95 7.0 a,0 11, t9,0 3555 .305 ,2737 ,219o N0T A0.AIABLE R$. 20 20, SUURCE 1 53/5' 7o 5./57 MO7SEHDLD. RURAL 1,7 2,3 2,U 0,7 3,0 3,0 3,5 9,5 .o0 .0 ,0 ,0 0.0 5.0 0,3 6,7 .0 7.2 10,0 00,0 *260 3063 ,2.21 .1b07 NT 0A30L0 E 33. ý90 20, SULCE 1 60 HD1StHDLDS RU0AL .0 ,5 0,5 2,d 0.2 0,3 0,5 3,0 0,2 3,0 0,6 0,0 0,0 5.1 5,5 0.0 7,5 0,0 00,6 03,0 ,I350 ,.70 .3099 ,3093 NI I370I1,L RS, 350 22, 5UU,CF 0 6L/62 0N0 03/64 IN0.M3 REC0P05N7 OUoAL 1,5 0,5 0,7 0,2 0.6 3, 3.0 3,8 0, 4,5 0,5 4,5 0,5 5,0 0,0 8,0 10,0 1,00,0 .35 .3307 .2526 ,17d9 N0T. 0E, 23. SOURCE 0 63-60 0N1 60-05 INC-E RECIPIENT .URAL 13.3 1.7 1,8 4.2 2.8 3,2 0,4 0 ,6 04.00 ,o o.6 0.6 5,2 5,4 5,6 8,5 9,5 o,o lo.o .51.9 3000 -20 .590 NUT AVAILtAbL 03, 470 2,, SOURCE 5 64-o5 HOUStMULDS RURAL , 1,6 1 0,3 0.0 2. 3,0 3,o 3,5 3,3 0,0 0.3 4.6 5,0 5,3 5,5 6,5 7,3 10,0 20.9 0523 .2ot3 426% ,096 RS, 1305 RS, 0 25, EU0C5 2 6-tE D3St.OLVS RP-Lt ,6 10,,0 0.3 9 7 0,0 2.2 0,3 0,6 2,9 3,3 3,0 0,0 0,0 5,0 0.5 7,0 9,0 12,5 23,6 4574 0700 .3705 ,3395 0S, 2560 RS, too Sources: 0. G-y, Gunn07, As0 Dr An lnquIy tnt1 th Poverty of Naion, %l. I1I, Panthe-n, New Yok, 1968, Appendix 14 (p. 2185). 7. NationalonC l o A0 .pplied Eoomc Re.. ea. c, 1 India 000005003 7Sre o f Inco0~, Saving. an Co.ur (.ith SPecial Refee1. t1 Middle ClasHousoldC, New Delhi, 1971 (p. 26). 3. Ojh1, P.D. & Bhatt, V,V,,"Pattern 0f Inc1me DIstr-b-oLn Indi,: 1953-55 1o 1961-64", New Delhi, F-bruary 1971. A. qoted n 7con0mic Survy of 0000 and the A- 7East, U. 9. PublictionA S1. No. E72..F1, TAbl0 1-3-2 (p. 51). 4. 0JhA. P.D. & Bhatt, V.V.,"pattern~ of Inome- D l.tributo Indt-. 1953-55 to 1963-65". unul0.s0 dad J nr..y 3, 1974, Econ0mi, Deo,pm,nt nstitut,, 390,. (p. 33. 5. Rao-d-ve, K.R. As -enI-ned I Pran-b K. B-rdhan's p0per. "The,p 0 Ptt of -ncome DIstributlon "n Indi. A RvI0", p0pared for t7, Development Reearch ---C-n , I.B.R,D., June 1973 (pp, 3, 4, 12). 33. IRAN URBAN 0R NON.AGRICULTURAL (PERCENT UF POPULATLON) 0151 '0R N G1N7 FOR 20 7uN ETS t-ENTROP' MEAN aN9 lt 76N GNP PR 0APITA0 No, SoUNCE YoAR 77PE 0F P7PLAT7 NC101A600 5 06 -10 71.75 10o-2o 21.25 20.30 30.35 36.40 01 -45 46-50 51-55 56.00 60.65 66.77 71.75 70.00 00.05 06.90 908.05 00.700 7NTERv0L5 70TER0AL0 INt sO tASus8t7 00AR 0F T5t 000PL6 (A07Man0K P1R70E00 -2U----t----- ------.-.- ---- ------------------ 1, souCE i 50 OUS67tD0 UsBAN ,7 , ,9 7,1 1.7 2,7 2,3 2,5 2,. 2,. 3,2 ss 0 0,5 5,0 5,5 0,7 0,3 10,0 32,0 .5055 .54o7 3907 ,,291 s0T AVA1LA0LE 13,00 RALS 2, suCE 7 68 OUStMULDS 00009 , , '.0 7,5 0,0 2,0 2,0 25 3.3 3,0 3,4 .0 0 6,0 5.2 5,5 7.5 0,7 02,0 26, ,4728 0020 .3705 .30 0090AVAILOOLE 25,200 RIALS Source: 1. 13500 report of Bunk Sark,,7, Econom1c statistice Department Tehran , "Urb2n Rooshold 3udget ury0in 734 (March 01, 1967 - March 20, 1963)", quotd 10.7. JafEl's paper "Nots of P..i.y F- ncom Distribution inDvloping C 0ntie inRelat6on to Ppulation and Economic 0hanges, 1569". CPE-ENI OF POPVIATION) --NI FO0 6 11N FJR 20 'T'stTS E-5N0RDP MtAN INGU,1 PEN GIP PEH GAP1TA1 sij, SDs)7 lls75E 07 00PULAT[27 EUVsEAGE 0-5 6-10 22-25 16-20 22-05 25.50 31-35 36-40 22-25 46-5o 51-55 96-6O 62-65 66-70 72.75 76-B0 61-85 76-90 *2-95 96-500 INTERVOALS ISTERYAL0 OsNETi EASNE YEA20 (F TN) SAMPLE [AT MARKET PR7C)15 ... ...,. . ......E.YEA.. ..... . ..- ._- - -- ---- . .- .. . . .. . . - ....-.-- - .,. - - - -- - - - -- - - - --- - - -------------- ---- - ---------- ------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - - - - - - 2, 0CE57 56 plt]S N70AL .0 .5 ,5 . 7 ,9 1,G 1.6 2, 2,, 2, 2,S 3,3 3.7 . 5* 7 9, 7 34,2 ,068 .6220 .5063 ,507, l.T AVAILLÖ65 DINAR Source: 1. Morrsso,. Christ La Rep*rtin es Reveus. Dans Ies Pays du Tier, M0nde. Edtions Cujas, PariP, 1965 (p. 205), (PEWCENT uF PUPULATIO') s. ..........0... 03 POFsL. -.1 707,2T G7r07 13m 073 6101 833080UZ07T t-t3.THUP4 M000 70Cot P03 000 '06 CAP1TAI 'u, S7,,7t y794 79Pt 07 POP08LA710N Cuvto4AG0 0-3 6-70 1t-79 16-80 81-85 26-30 31-39 36-4007-45006-50 51-55 56-60 61-90 6-70 /7-75 700 07-85 86-90 91-95 06-100 7'. vALS4 i t AS3INE 40 1,011507 F9 T07 73 03LO A9T037 05 I. 600" I E I 0-0t3 S NATI0NAL 1.1 7,3 2,73,8 3,1 5,8 s0,9 0. 3 , 90 5, 5,2 5,6 0,3 7,9 9,7 3,0 00,0 ,535 ,3780 .2305 .79'. NUI A-AILABLE 7sHA0t L 1,585 URdAN, UR NON-ýGICULTURAL 8. 14u-CF 3 90/37 ,7o0.ULD6 U36BA' L,4 7,3 8,3 7,8 3,3 3,9 0,7 4,7 4.,74.1 5,7 3,1 5.0 5,2 9,3 0,8 7,0 7,4 0,0 12,0 ,8390 ,808/ ,1871 ,043 75Ratt L 3293ISO L 1,975 7, SuuNC4 3 7-/04 MOUSt, 0LDS u7,0A3 7.7 3 82 2 0 , 3, 3.7 3,0 3 .3 0 74.5 0 0, 0 5,8 5.9 0.1 7 , 9,3 78,7 303 3931 .2137 103 IS AEL L 35.0 7S700t L 3,.5 5. - s-CE o 4HUSN L sUl1, , ¿ 2 2, 2 9 3.1 , , , , , . . . , , 7.3 ý, 1 ,1 13,1 ,3027 .3.4,356 .1541 NoT Av-lt -E 0, 3/03CE 2 33/00 MUU0 t0 t7LDS 0 09A ., , ,7 8,8 2. 2,5 3,2 0,0 03 0,0 0,8 0,7 9,0 5.1 5,2 9,0 0,8 0,9 7,9 9,0 73,7 ,8 3 .4 3 ,2 3 .3 00 0 ' - 35 1,7. 0ukC 5 37 3/5s,.ULDS U0/00 .9 7,7 7,0 8,7 2.0 8,0 0,0 3,9 3,8 3 ,00,50,57 ., 5,7 0,0 0,7 0,08.0,9,59,6, ,3.33 ,2/2, .2095 00700V0La0L 758004 4 0,55 0, 3oo8E 0 39 -.3,13t,'L0S U.07AN ,6 7,7 8,7 8,8 2,95 . 3,2 3 3.00.70 ,804.70.,0 9. 9,7 0,3 0,7 7.5 0,7 3,7 70,0 .3187 .3898 .8093 .7720 00T7Ay00LA0t1 73R00t LS,225 0, 3.0,80E 0 68/07 ,,1700304os 03300 ,7 ,8 7,3 7,0 8,3 8.0 8,3 03 3,7 0,7 o,5 0,7 9.1 5,8 0,7 7,7 7.0 5,0 70,0 70.0 .3,57 ,33>9 .842 ,272370 00T4AV3Ab0 700004 0 5,30 10. ,7o30 0 o70038/7.1>309U-09 00600 7,0 7,3 8,7 8,9 8.3 0.7 0,0 3100,00.80,35,0 5. 9,9 0,2 0,0 7,8 B.3 9.7 13,7 .3000 .070 .8300 .96 977 037040040 17, 0Uu,0- 0 70 MOUS0HUL4S Us7AN 7,3 7,7 8.2 8,3 8.0 3,L 3.4 35 ,5 0,8 0,5 0,958 5.7 0,8 6,7 7,0 7 7 70,8 73. 7 ,6o .8380 ,lO66 007 0.074ABL0 05300t L 0.505 Souc-a 1. n a -d 5andberg, "Ecoomic 0,4 Institutona 73300t, 00 0ncom, D1stributon: The 0000 of 1rael", Public F303,. 0ol. XX13, No. 3, 7967, p. 244. 2. 7,30,,l 3urea ofCSt-tisticf Bank of Tr3el, Re---rch Deprtmen., S.7 s- 193/.64, Spe-0al Series ko. 217. XXXV ad XXXVI, Jeru-alem, 1967. 3. 360Fifth Report 097930n 1377. p. 06, 3,3a,133 . 03. 4. RF-L-lhlah Hamerka,t L7-Statistikah, 50dr0t P7r9umo Meyuhad7m. Family Expenditure Survey 1963/64, Jue, 1966. 5. 0l-00,6006 amerk-zit L -Statitika, ami1y Expend-tr..Surve 68/69, JeruAlem, 1973. 3. Re,port o he Committee0 0n Inomeo 970030033173 and Soc7al Inaual1ty, Tel 03011, 7971 70. 08), 10R CAST NATIONAL (PERCLNT UF POPOLATION) GI101 O 66,b G1N1 00R 00 NyNNE TS LL-NROPN MEAN INCOML PLO GNP06 Pt 01CAPIA 0. SU0C YEA TYPL Ul PUPULA7I10 CuuLRAGL O-5 6-10 -I5 16-20 01.00 OA-JO 3I-35 36.0u I-45 ob.Nu N1-5N Nb-60N 66.70 7.75 7B0 .65 86.90 91.95 96.100 INTbRVALS3 INTEOuAL INUT- , NUOE 7EAR OF TN SAMPLt CAT $09667 PR10E0) 1, SOUvC. i N' POPULATION NATIONAL 1.0 1,0 R. 2,4 0,5 2,N 2,6 0,9 0. 3.u 3.2 1. 3,5 3.5 0, 4,0 7.0 5,0 11,0 29,0 .1025 .15 ,3." .300 NOT AVAILALE 33,845 Cl7 FRANCS 1, S ,U.oE 0 7u uN1uTE tC,IPIET NATIuNAL I,u 1.,0 1,1 1.2 0,0 0,6 0.0 0,3 2,5 3.3 3.7 0,2 5,2 5.6 5,9 7, 6.5 .4,0 297 NIN6 ,52AA ,u095 ,l2A2 NUT AVAILABLE 0,0875 CIA FRANCs OTHEN 3. SUU-CF 3 67 -AUE LARNAkOS-I10Y NOPtNA LEONDARY 1.6 2.0 O,N . 0,6 3, 1 ,1 3,2 3, 3,7 u,A A,N u,N 5,0 N,N 6,3 6,7 7,0 0,5 0,0 ,uo07 ,3A0u ,2u0 ,1671 250,000 CFA FRANC3 58,400 CFA FRANCS 0, 0006C7 9 67 06GE LAAG N-0TH0 ODL-N SECONOARY 1,0 1,0 2,2 2,0 1.1 3,6 3,6 0,9 0.0 6.1 0.1 4,2 ,2 5,2 N,A 5,7 6,0 8,0 9,6 16,5 .2961 ,3O ,22-5 .1670 163,060 CFA FNINCS SuPCE 3 67 AGE EAR.ENS-IWORY MUDtRN SECNDARY 1,4 1,0 2,0 2.9 2,9 3,1 3,0 0,0 0.5 0,1 0., .,5 0,7 0,9 5,3 6,0 6. ,0 9,. 17,0 310 3221 ,Z432 ,1766 1A,000 CFA FWANC5 2Mrr1, Christian, estimAes asNmentio 16n pap6r 1oo Coast (unpublished me,, of T.oma DIstibut-on D1-sio, I.B.R.D. (pp. 17, 18). 3. C 1Ated frl H n! du PlAF : r p L'ERAlor o d g Te - - - T Cn , -e A , 1971), p02.d 21 A0 Ni LFui, NblN nd PT Coas", ntenatona Laour eviw, eceber197, VTN3, o. 6 (p 325). AT JUNAL (PE9GEkT UF PUVLTJUl) ElI' f0. t CINI FOR AJFUlITNLU5t-ELVUY gLAN. INCUJr' PE GP pUP (APITA, UU, S ypp 'Av4 T YPE OP POJPULA TIL[N COUPAC L Tؕ 6-LU [i-TT IN-EU EL-d5 db-T l-TTi T-411 UL-45 Tt-59 TI-TT T6-bl iL-t5 66-70 ?I-T5 Tt-bl 81-85 a6-90 96-t5 96-I0 INTERVALT NUTUVNlU ]TI0, MEASURE bLt 9bTE 5AMPLt. [AT bATLET PiLLCUTT i. SOL'tt L ,a L.HUUtULIS TALUTAL I 5 .T i 1,l 1, ,5 4, ,1 ,6 d. 4l0 6,7 t.J 5,2 6, 8,5 ,5 13,3 33,' .1- .,0 ,-U ..7Q 'UT AUILLAdLU AN-Ij1AT 4 2.5 tource, 1. Abiram, A.,'Iomep DIAtribuLtion in 7ljaica, 1958, Soctal and EcoToic SCUdiL-, Tnstitute of Uocil and Ecoomet h eearch, UnIversity tf the st Indies, JIf ica, ToL 13, No. 3, S,pt.mbr 1964 (p, 937). JAPAN NA1 IUNAL (PERCENT UF PQPULATION) GI'' FNN b GI1 Fue NN 'uZNETS L-ENTNUPT MEAN. INOME PER GNp PER CAPITAl 1, NNL.CE yTil TYPE i PNPULATiN'. EU,NAE '-5 b-t0 (i-i5 io-2i 2i-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 4 b-4 6-5 50-55 56- 615-.66:70 70-75 70-00 81-b8 06-90 91-5 96-O00 -NTERVALS INTETIIta NE£ bEASURE TEAR OF TIE TAMPLE A7 GARKE PRiCtbi 1, StiREF i 62 'TUS-HLDS NATIUNAL .0 ,9 ', i, 2,3 2,' 2,8 3, 3,5 i,/ 1,0 1,6 5,, 5,2 5.I , 7, 8,7 9. 00,0 ,34o ,40/l . 042 .263i N.O I LAdLE 22, 05 YEN 2, S,.UNcE 2 6' ,NINENGLN NATiNNi' K, 1, 2,0 2,/ 2.7 3,i 0,5 3,0 3,8 1,1 (,3 4,7 5.0 5,' 5.0 6,2 8.0 8,0 0,0 15,0 .36 ,o1' .2356 .1602 NDT AVAiLAdLE 255, 1033'. Sources: i. Thibaki, Tod,o, "The Iome - Ditributio in J.pan", e DeIloping ion .. Vo. v., J.n 1967, N.. 2 (p. 356). 2. 0,h1,a, Harry T.,''Income I lityand Econboibrwh' The Po"twh r Eperience~o Asi. c.onis". Malava En Re 15, N.. 2, Octobr 1970 (p. 13). NAT ILNAL (PtRCENT OF POPULATION) 5.00C0 <0A0 372E 0F POPOLATIQ C00 v0t2AGO 0-5 0 O -S156t-20 21-25 26.30 31-35 30-00 41-45 06-50 51-55 50.03 61-.65 66-70 73-75 76-00 60-05 06,0 9-95 RO-I10101NTERALS 0170 20ERAL boE0 MEASURE6EA 306 T0ME0 SPLO (¼. - - ¼ bRCc 2 o9 IbCOPE RECIPIENT NATIObAL 9 ,9 1.0 1 R2 1.0 .7 1.b 2,0 2.0 2,2 4.3 2.5 2.7 3.7 0,6 5.1 b,6 2.0 .0,3 *57R b609 053 .57 NUT -vaILABLE ORBAN OR NONAG1CULTUAL 2, '00jCE i 6o-b9 bOOOOo&0S UNSA0 b . L.2 L,0 1.6 1,9 2,0 2.2 2.5 3.U 3,3 3.7 4.3 4,7 6.5 7.5 6.0 6,3 12.3 21,2 ,4b38 .4769 ,302 .3307 07 AIALLABLE A S¼ 01 t1. I-t-oa Labu Office. E-oent, om and qualty•, A Strate-R f.,or nceain Product-ve Empoen, in Kel,,, Gen-va 1972, p. 72, 2, Moribo, ChrI-, imates asmetiond lo hi pAPer on Weya" (unpublihed me-o of Inoe tu Divsion, I..R.D., p. 30). NTUNAL1-T.R 'PECtN 2F PDPULATIONN)R ýI. G0N0 FU4 0 6,7 10FU2,00K0 ETS 9-ENTR0Py "EAN 16CUMt6 P9R 06P PER CAP>0TA0 5,009CE 60 A11TY8t9 UF PUPULA0[00 C2RAG9 9-5 9-10 1L-15 09o-u 21-29 26-0 31-39 36- 1-45 4-5o 1-5 59-60 61..65 66-70 71-75 76-BO B0.89 66-90 91-9 9-100 1TER8AL8 1N,E9v0L4 INDX 6EASUR6 7E09 OF 6M4 SAMPLI {AT MAR941 PR0C9S) . 9 ,6 8UStr16LDS NAT0UNAL 0,9 2,0 2.2 . .3 9,3 9,5 3 ,.5 5,5 6,6 0,0 7,U 6,0 9,02,0 .280 ,262., ,2009 .1117 NOT A-IAdLE 35,>0 - s . 2 99 MU4thUL05 NATIONAL 1,5 2,3 2.3 2,5 2,7 3,0 3,0 4,6 ., 5.0 5.0 5. 6,2 7.0 7,7 9 0,7 ,2998 ,300 .2242 .1401 255,2090 ..0 51,15 -393 9. 0,CE 2 69 TOUS9 ULoS 3AT0U0AL 0,2 2. 2,0 9,0 0.0 3,0 3, 3.6 ,0 4,3 4,7 5.0 5.5 5,9 6,5 7,5 0,9 9.5 00,9 ,206 .29.3 .2242 ..U87 2N9,000,0N9 65,/020NS 0, SUU0CE 70 P0LA1ION 900UNA 0,0 1.4 0,5 2,, 2. 2,5 2,o 3, 3,0 0.5 0,60 ,9 ,5 9,0 5,7 6.2 7.6 9,0 1i,0 20,0 .0923 ,40 .309 ,25/5 601 0000902t9 78,35 .0N8 9. SUo,2,09 I 74 9St.,DL0S 90100NAL 0,5 1 0.9 04 2.5 2.6 2,0 3,0 3, 36 3,0 .1 0,0 9,2 5, 0.,2 7,2 9,8 01,0 17,8 .39 ,Oob ,20o3 .2083 631 AVILA1bL1 o, lNUU 4UDS N0700NAL 0,2 0,6 0,9 2.2 2.0 2.0 0, 3 3.6 3,0 ,2 .,5 0.6 5,0 5,7 6,3 7.0 ., I0,0 08,2 .l7 ,352 .2o-4 2030 008,000 00N 90908 NS , SoU44 3 71 9DuStnU N01l3NAL 2,2 2.3 ,9 2.9 3,1 3.6 , 3 3,8 4,2 0 0 5,9 6.2 5,6 9,0 6,2 7,9 0,6 00,7 .2592 ,2639 ,187 .L200 000,880 0060 URdAN UR NON-AGRICULTU-A b, l.-090 7 0 0933003406 30d00 0,0 0,9 2,1 2,9 2. 83 3,2 3. 3.7 3, .,0 .., 0,1 9,0 3,0 6,0 9,9 7,8 0,3 18,0 329 .3300 2537 .006 '543,04 0296 9,080 0063 RURAl UR 46RICUtTURAL 3. 3.000409. 7 7' 80OUS9HULDS 80U0L 0,R 0,9 2,3 2,9 2.b 3,0 02 5 3,6 . ,oo .7 5,2 5,6 9,3 1 ,6 7,0 8,5 9.7 13,. .2399 . ,238 .19, 290,00Us,NS 80.030 -09 UTMkb 00. 0 0 004 90Use.t0 80008190 4069SARIE 0,PLOYE0S .7 '.2 2,'. 2,9 6 3.0 9,3 9,9 040 ,0 4.7 9.0 5,0 9,7 0.1 7.0 6,0 0,7 07,0 .3207 36, .292, ,063 00,200 U 5 N5 Christian 88rr00,on's 90per 6n "00re8" pead f-r the Income. Di.tribution3 60v9,0,, 1.9.7.., 0972 (p. 9-6). 2. Cm6991 r dat 89, i. Econo9-e P0nn3ng B,rd, oaStat0st0ca9 Yeabok, 1970. RePubltc of Kor ( (p. 281). 3. .opute from: d,at given 0,1Economi Planning Bo0d, K tt i Yearbook, 1972, Republicof Kre0 (p. 286), 4. Economdc P1ann6ng Board, Bra0 St1atist9es, Monthly Statistics 866Kore,, 9lS - Faly Liig, 1964, N. 4, 1965, Seo0. 1 q8 -d in 80 ..... .nternational3Lab0ur 6,00u80l and ExpenitureStatitic808,97 1950-0, 89809108,- 00993,, 967 (p. 0-5), 9. Derv,3 198o. 60c,. (1 () -en--oned n Kbre- '70 1am000000690o6 distribution pl. 19070 report 8n the9wag survey, p. 000, a080a0t8one 0n089900,99n' 9ap0r 08 "1or70" (p.RA-6). 0 DahOma, 9arry T,, "-c- Inqa y and3 E0019: T8e Pota E .perien.e o --As-an Countries0, MLavan Economic Rev.ew, Vl. 15, N., 12, 3988609 1970 (p 13). 7. ComIPutd directly from the data of (1) Fa- H-.ld S-y of '71 by ..n1stry9o lture9and Forest fof Kore an3 (2) Urbaousehold Sur80y of '71 by 6,86omic Plnni8g Bard 8f 98100. LEBA NON NAT I INAL (PERCENT UR PUPULATION) I NI FOR b& GIRI EOR 2u RUZEETS E-ERTROPY MLAN INCOME PER GLP PER OAPITRg SOuRLE 7tAH iYPE 0& PUPULATION CUVtRAGE 0-5 b-10 11-LS 16-20 21.25 26-O 31-35 RR-40 1-45 M6-5l 51-55 56-RO NI-65 AN-TI 71-75 T6-8l 8- 86.90 91-95 R6-I0b INTL1 RNTPRALI (NOER MORSUAN REAR OF TRE SARPLE (AT AET PRILS) , 6 CE L 55-lu MOUSEMULOS NATIONAL .R 1, (,3 1.7 2,0 2.0 2,0 2,602.5 2,5 2,5 2.5 3.2 3,6 .,2 5,0 7,0 9,0 11,0 34,0 ,5175 ,525R .316' .581 NQT AVAILASLE LEbAN-SE L 655 *O.RIAteAiA for year 1960. Sore 6. RorriRson, Christin, L. 0eart[t016n dA- RAvenus Dans RAs PRRR uATieNrsMod-, Editions Cujas, Paris, 0960 (p. 205). LIBYA 0ThER (PERCENT OF POPULATION) GINEI FIlR E GlIVFO 2L K0ZNETS E-ANTHOP7 "EAN (ELVME ALA ANP PEN CAPATAI PEAR TIPE VF PVPULATION CUvtRAGE 0.5 A-IO 115 16.21 21-25 26-3E 31.35 30.1 al.05 46.5A 51-55 50-60 6-65 -6.70 71.75 76-80 AI-85 A6.90 1.95 96-1b0 IEBERVALS ENTERBALO lE'E, MEASURE BE OF THt BAMPLE (AT AE PI UBICES) I. SUREL 1 62V ìOEBHULOS TriolO-Urban 2,3 2,5 2,7 2,A 3,0 3,2 3,5 ,A 3,8 0,2 4,5 5,0 5.0 5,0 6,0 6,0 7.2 7,6 9,2 o3,0 .2575 .-00 ,2000 .1~0 LO]BAN L 3"5 LIdYAN L 115 Soce: 1, Copued from: IUtd Kingdo of LfMby, Mini-Lly of NioE1 Ecooy Central StL.-ic Offic, F1a, Budsat S~,rve 1n T li Ton, 1962 (p. 13). MADAGASCAR NA Ti NAL (Pt9CENT UF POPULATION) GINIFOR GIN t.W 20 KUZNETS EEN UP -Ea AL...A SubWCE YEA0 oTYPE F 0 OPULATON cuVtRGL 0-2 h.10 11:i5 16-20 21-2b 26-30 31.35 35- 2-45 44.50 51-55 56-60 1 6o 6o-'o 1oT o6,o aoat 00-90 %o,7 9060100 ö.IN 6- 6 q I N 0TER2 uTLEs I".T vAL 3 D'X MSU T, - ------ --- --- --.... ... ...- ------ --- --- --- --- --- ---------- ------ ...1 .. -E--- -0-1-- -- I7--- --- --- --- --- ---0--40 --- --- ... .... ...0-0--- --- --- --- --- 5 E 0 POPLA TION NATIbL ,B 0,2 1,6 1,9 2.0 2,0 2,0 2.0 2,2 2,3 2,4 2.6 3.7 3,6 9,0 4,5 5,0 6,0 10,0 39,0 ,5235 5s33 ,4306 ,5038 NOT AVAILOLLE Source- 1, Morrison, Chistin, La R*srit n 0 d.. R-l-U D-ns 1e Pay. du Tier . onde. Editi-ns C-j , Par- , 1969 (pp. 159, 204). M-LA.I .A I N IL NATIlONAL. (PERCENT U POPULATION] G101 FDR N G HINI O NKuZNETS E-ENTROPT ME N 0ICOML ER GNP PEN CAPITAI NE ENOTYPE OE PUULATION NOvtRAG 0-5 6-1O 1-15 N20 21.25 26-30 31-35 36-4 O -45 465u 51-55 56.6N 6.65 66•70 71:7 76.80 51-85 86-90 9j.95 88.100 INTAOONLO 1NTERVALb 1NDE3 MOASURE YENR OP Tr'E SAMPLE (AT MARTET PRINES> -- -- --, - S _U_C YEA . .. .. .. -. ... . -.-.....-...............................-.---- : .. ... -- --- -- --- -- . -- - --..-----....------- -- ---...-- -------------------.----- -- --- -- -------.-.... .. . . -.---------------------- -- --- -- --- -- -- 1, lDUIu7tSO0D0 NAfl00AL .6 1.5 1,7 0 . 2,6 3,0 6,0 3. 3,0 0,7 6,0 0,0 5,0 6,0 6, 7. 6,6 11, 06,5 0590 ,06 .287 0716 3SI NUT AV4LA6Lt 6ALA6S66 $ 75 0. 6,0NCL 2 70 H0US0HLOS T0. ', 0,6 0,3 0.6 .1 0,2 07 0.0 .6 5,0 6,7 6.0 6.6 61.1 0,0 0097 .500 .3970 407 667,YS976060160 MALAYS6AN 6 700 9. -U.E. 0 60 7e.CUME RECIP"tNT NAT7ONAL .0 .6 ,9 ,4 . 2.0 0,2 0,. 3. 3,5 S.6 0,6 4,0 5,1 6,3 6.0 6.4 11,6 00,0 ,09 ,5030 .3632 ,3961 MALAS10N 17965 6, oSOC 2 70 PER CAPl06 6AT00600 ,0 ,0 1,7 6,0 1,5 7,6 0,0 0,1 .,0 0.6 07 0,0 6,0 4,2 5,0 5,7 6,0 9,0 60.0 00,5 ,517 ,5640 ,0769 ,430 MALAY-95N 0 600 5. S1u1-t I 70 P -R T 7APi>A 0U4SE77LD0NA7u5AL .U .7 L.7 7,5 7.6 i ,7 7,6 0,6 2,0 2.7 ,9 0,02 0,0 5. 5,7 6,6 9. I2, 60,0 .506 .533 .4670 .66 MAL0YSS 1 745 URSA' UR NUN-AGRICULTURAL 6, SLIU-c 0 60 'OUS3MULDS U600N .o ,9 7.0 7.5 1.6 2.0 2. 0,' 2,7 2. 0,9 0,7 6.0 0.5 5,2 6,0 6,6 6,0 00.4 2 7.6 .,7 ,990 365 3615 6ALAYSIAN 5505 6SLAYS7N65 1070 7, 07,4L 0 00 70C77E 060706E66 00d5 . ,6 7,7 7,0 1.6 1,9 0,0 6,6 2,7 9,0 3 ,, 0,0 0,6 0,7 5,1 5,6 0,9 6, 66,6 29.. .99 25776 .32S .05 66406SIAN 10 6. SULRE I 77 6E6 6LA>TA 0-066 7 .5 7,1 7,0 7,5 7,6 7,6 0,0 0,0 2. 3. 0,6 0 4,0 0,0 5,0 5,0 6,0 6,9 10,6 66,6 0606 0906 .055 .3656 MALAY..06 6 950 9. Suu04E 0 70 P000666670 06 ,0 5 .60ER 7,6 L,/ 0,6 0,0 0.5 2,6 6,0 0,6 6,0 4,5 5.0 6,0 7.3 6,0 60,0 2, ,Sooo ,507 .032 .4706 667 ,6661666206 60007, 06 6,0 367,667, RURAL UR AURICULTURAL 70. 9 E2 7 o0uStOL4 RURAL .7 7,6 0,0 7,6 2,l 0,0 0,d 0,9 6,0 0.7 0, 0.3 5,6 5,0 6,0 6,0 6,0 00,6 26,0 .0566 ,0660 ,3556 . 6,7,666603387 6A. 00 AL6YS6 0 6 100 17. 0QURCE 2 0 ILURE RCI60T RR' ,5 ,7 , 1.2 1.8 2,5 0,7 0 3,0 3,4 3. 0,0 4.5 5,0 5,7 6.7 7. 6, 7 00.6 ,5 6530 ,465U .4..3474 3- 6ALS N 61505 12, sUU-c 2 70 6t CAP6TA RURAL ,6 6.7 7,6 7.7 2.1 2,6 0,5 0,9 3.1 9, 3. 38 4.2 ,6 5,2 5,9 6.6 6,6 76,. 2,6 0676 0,6 0000 .3253 MALA-SIA105 055 L3, SØoRLE I 70 PE CAPITA HUUSEULD RURAL , 1,0 0.3 7,5 7,9 2.0 72. 2.3 2,8 0,0 0,3 .,6 0.0 6,0 5,0 6,0 6,0 60.3 7,2 .3 ",3 17.7 ,467 4960 ,367 . 6 6LYSIA 6 550 46 MAEal 7Y S -uLATOM '..IN FOP i GINT FRy 20 rUaJETs E-ENTaoDY .59 TNC7aE ar GN' 'ER A T caa r. .SOar. 'aa Y-=' ' rULITtIM on aa,c 0-5 E-a 11-15 16-ar -1'5 26-aa l-i503-40 4t-'s i6-50 St-5 '6-60 61-65 6-Is 7-75 7E-80 a1-PS r-al 51-5 -±0a Ial5 INEPaLS INDEa MEmsUr Yca ar raE 10cL 0aoeT 'aias) I, 5<05,CE 2 70 -DUsir0LOS r TIl T.- .4 *a 1.3 0.5 L.I i. ,1 2,0 2,3 2. 3.2 3,5 3,6 3,2 5,0 5,9 7.0 9.3 12.6 28,8 .5021 ,5,t. 3063 ,.33 MALAYSI'l $59O 0 -a1S- IA 070 I5. SuaCE 2 70 OruLOS Tu.'N , .a 03 l ,7 2. . 2.0 2. 2,5 3.3 3,, 3.5 3,0 3. 3,9 5,. 6.. 7.6 8,0 1.. 23,0 ,''-O .,01 .3537 ,32aa oALaSAoa -11s o Os. slK-Cr 2 /O [NLra RiCOaOc tTRO TU-S . 1 .a 1. 1.3 I.a 2.0 ,0 2. s 3,0 3 0, 300,3 ,8 5.0 6.6 8,6 1.0 36,1 500 527 ,3060 ,25 ,LAIaI. $0205 oI . i ru cuu- aoipT 73,05 ,4 , .9 0.5 t,s o,9 2,0 2. 2. 3,0 0.5 0,2 3.5 5,0 5,0 6.3 7.a 9.0 12,1 2.,3 ,4762 .4tb ./05 .3a'a MALAIA 62,0 oa, 5-rr. 2 7o cu' ca-r1 '-l .5 I. 1,3 15 [.7 1, 2. 2.2 2, 2,a 3. 3,t 3,0 0,0 5.L 6.0 6.7 9. 12,a 28,0 .4l14 .057 ,3958 .391 aa5A 10 5 9, Su-cc 73 ER ilP!T3 ru-' .5 1. 0.6 1., 2.0 2, 2.' 2,5 0 1,2 0,0 0,0 3,5 3,7 5,5 5,R 7.2 0,3 00,0 2,6t ,4052 .356/ .3505 .0002 MAL00s3A, 375 20. Suuc 2 70 uE2 LAr]7' 'U3052ûLD orlTR 10.6S 04 .0 0,2 0,0 l, 0,7 0,9 2,5 2,7 2,6 3,0 i.a 3,.0 ,5 4,a6 ,0 7.0 3,5 a1,a 23,7 ,50a5 .5<02 ,ma0 .m0r MAsLAxSIA st3ul 20, S,oUcE 3 co PEN LA32 7.uosHuLD 11,0N ,' 0,0 0,) 0.5 0,a 7, 2,0 2,0 2,5 2,60,00,.04,00, 5,3 t,0 a,0 3.2 12.6 27,5 ,-906 ,538R ,179 3900 0ALAYS0AN . $05 Souc I. Oshia, 0arry T, "ImI ulit and030s E3onomicarow'a The Potwar Experience af0Asian Caotie, astu-Wst Technology and Ilalpmen Institute, ast--West Center, Honolulu, Hawai0, Report 0o. 3 (p. 03) 2. Comp.utd dir-Lly rm The Daaf Post Enumeatarueiyf70. 46.  劉丰丰丰丰i丰 :i!奮〕鄴〕豐 粹〔!〔〕〕〕!〕〕!〕〕〕〕 離華。臼奎造汨,奮奮奮華藝藝 謝遛邊疋邊禎覓誕覓鄴 劉乏逐還寫絨鳥潤造雜 響棗要艮鳥絨造絨亂縱 領〕〕〕〕〕〕〕〕〕〕〕!〕藥 i!二麾麾:.;麾麾不二麾二翁!i! 合!〕二:〕亡:酌〕:::〕藷};言 :”〕’〕、〕〕; &i山‘J.。J&&uu&u;“州、州‘悶 舅!豐舅寡萋萋奠豐豐豐豐籌i: ;品 口.一州飾訪『O卜勵)口一州 � '(5а2 'д) I[Ы 'BSaanaBaine2вe35 'ап9аХ аЧL 'ea1Je)ава5 Эо nvwnfl lеаЭча] вривlаа4]aNI�1L61 вривlаау]аИ ауа Зо поо9авай 1ea1ael1va5 . оаЭ раапдто] 'Z '(51 'd) 9 ха]дву] 'q1'д'I1 99 �ON ввlв5 uollea314nd 'У'П 'uollnql+;e}п Рив itlпып eafalSed Эп РпЭS tl оап8 авпавод и1 ватоаи[ � Z'ад S96 а ап8 ао алап5 аlшвииау 'адоапы ао; uolaai®о] а3тоиоа8 а.�а 3о авSавЭааааS 'N П uS Pa1ia ва 9961 аа9ш'+3daS 'Sв] ац1 3 lavntnnuuoa ааааl0 Z96 Рвв '6E-BL 'д 'С5Ы 8иЭгауаапвиа8оыал иа Z56[ ЯиilараалвиатоЯиl Z5Ы 'I .вецпо5 БNЭоIIПП 065'9 ЭаЧ оа!'Ь 160F' eL[{' Sf.4n' 0[гп' о'2г 0'I7 п'В I'[ Ь'S 9'S 7'S а'П 5'п ['п П'п 9'{ о'L L'г 5'2 4'2 п't л'г 9' 1' lУиПгlвИ 1и3ldf]Эь эЧпJЧI [9 г Э]нППS 'f sааоцпв а1г'п эiervan. 1пи гогс' ы 14' г5сп' 9пгп' 9'4г г'ot а'в 9'9 о'9 9•s г's �а'п п'п г•п Ь't s'г с'{ s•г {'г Ь•г s'г z't Ь п пипиrи lнэга nэы эып]иг гч 1 э]ыппs 'г saэaitпe sв1'z з]еьпrпа [пн еп[' ггг4' 99гл' [9гп' а'пг а'ог s•1 а'9 о•9 ['s s•s t•s мп о'n 9'{ п'{ л'д ['г 1•z о'г в•г {•г ь• п �аипгlли 1и3tд лэа Эип]иt zs г э]нппг 'г .,••о•••-_--°°-°••°-°--°'°°-"--°--...'°--.._....°-•'°•'•--'•-°---•--•-----°----'•---°._..•°'°-'-----•--------------•----•'-•----°--'-'°-...._.-....-'-°-°--•--°'----°------°----...°'--------'--' •...°-•---••------°--------•-^'-'-"-'--°-'---'----°------°•---° sэцыд lэныон 1.> я3днrs энг еп ььэь эыпsr3н я3Пиг s�епнЭ+нt sinпьэlиг аог•96 s6•г6 ль•9е sелв оа-91 svice о[•99 sq•tq о9•qs ss•1s П5•9о sn-гп Пп-94 s4•г4 ос-9г sг-гг oz-9г sг-11 ог-9 s-о , Эв.ыэпп] ипи ыпдпа .т Эа.Э нv3+ э]нппs 'Пи гр1[дtl] ыЭд дн� нЭд эЧП]Ч1 м03Ч АапьlиЭ•Э Б[ЗЧZПИ Ог ьПf fN7q 9 ыпЭ 1и['J сипгlо]папд ап [нэ]ы3дЭ �rмоllви БОи.3ы3Ч13и NEW ZEALAND NATJUNAL (PLRCENT UF PUPULATION) G INI F 'LAN TYPE OF FUPULATION CUVtRAGL 0-5 A-10 -15 1--20 21-25 26-30 31-35 "-U 11-95 16.50 51W55 56ý60 A1ýbS -70 71.75 76.80 Bl«55 -90 91.95 -300 INTER ALý IIT -RIII IN lý> V R' ..... A" p" "ýL ........... ------- ...... --------------- ...... . ----------- . ------------------------------------- ......... ....... ----------------------- ----------- . ...... . ........ . ----------- . -------- SLýLReL 3 h. I0US-LDý -ATW- 3.- 3.ý S.Z 7" 7,6 .-h .2.7, NEW ZE,"ND NIW IýAlAND I I." 2, 1 t, INI~E LC11JENT NATIDNAL 7 2,2 2,1 S., 3.8 '.A A," ý.1 7,0 7.ý ý.3 tý.3 1., .311. 2d21 -t- ZEILAID Z- 'El ZEALAND 1 1535 I ýý~ INCOIE REC 1PIENT NATIONAL 2 ,x 1 2,3 2.. 3,1 3.5 slý t.2 ..7 7,2 8.2 9.7 16,6 ' 3t8N '"A .2811 ltý ZEIL- 112D. lEý 11ALA-D . l- S-Cl 2 .1-7. jýCOML RtEIPIENT N.110-AL 2 ý,D I ý4 2,ý m 3.N 5.0 5,6 5.ý ..d ..7 7,4 9.ý i - 11 1.., 3.2 .3. . . 2905 2.8D ýEW ZtAL1-0 W3S -E- ýL-NU I ýZ21 s. SU-Cl 2 0-71 INCUIE RECIP1ENI ,,, 10NIL ., ,D 2.ý 2.- 3.2 ,h ý.6 ý. 3 s'. h. . A'. 7,D 8,0 iý,ý . .'I . 3- 2181 '215ý NEW 2tALA10 52665 NEW Zt.L.N. I ýOAl SUINC, 71.12 INLOME RECIP1LNT N.TIØN.L 3 .E Z.I 2,8 3,2 ý,7 5.2 S,' ý.7 8,1 15,ý 31,5 310B 2ýs2 .1ý.2 NLý ZEALAND 11.3. NEW ZEALAND $ é295 s-~ Iht..A. A.d -. T. t. 1968-69. Z1A1-d, N. -Ahd (p. 7). t. ..,..d Off-Al Y.h-k 1973,, 1973 (p. 767). 3. -- ..d a21 I!,, ... 9 ~Id S.ppl-t, --g-, 1969. Ih ý, F ý, . sý~ A2 Zt-. 12 %) !ýd Z!!1jý22d ý2ý"42 Mýteýýh th. R.I.-nsbip flgF ANý ROR-A NATIONAL (PERCENT UF POPULATIDN) G1N1 .0R 1110N PG2 20 2UZNEIN E-ENTRGPR MEAN IN-R PER GINP PER CAPTI No, SUURCE yEAR TYPE GF POPULAT10 CUERAGE 95 6- 0 115 16-2G 21-25 26-39 31-35 36-OG 60-45 66.50 N1-55 56-60 61-65 6-7 71-75 76-A0 AA-AN 86.90 91-95 96-100 INTERA IERv o ERI : 0. SOURCE I 57 3COE RECIPILNT 60T1NA1 64 .7 1,' N ,0 2,2 2,0 2,9 3,R 3.6 3,3 0,7 6,0 5.0 6.0 6.0 7,0 7.3 6. 0,7 17.9 3747 .3871 ,2842 .2m00 NOT 8,2.5 KRONtR 2. SOURCE I 63 INCOE RECIPIENT NATIONAL 0 I,3 2.2 2.5 2.0 3.2 3,6 3.9,6 0,9 9,1 S., 5,0 6.4 6,7 7.5 5,1 9,5 15, .3076 ,A ,632 .261 NT AAlt-LLE 11,170 RE Source: 0. 1957 7kattestatist1kk ToT ntRek,tsaen 1956 0g 1957, p. 36; .nd 1013 SERkaetatistikk Oinnttsare 1963, p. 30; 00th surces9066 quotdn U.N. Secret0arit oA ote Eoool 0000 OROOA T0600ti o ot, ATT. Income, to Postwar Euopet 0 Study ofTPolicies, Growth ,nd Distibution, U.N. Publication Sale, No. 66 II.E.1, ChApEt 6 (p, 15>.comecoisonorErp,EnocsuvyfErp,195P.2 50 PANISTAN .LEQT) NATIUNAL (PERCENT Ul PUPULATION) G1INI F5 A GINI FlR 20 9UZETS -ENTRUPT TEAN I9NC.T POO GNIP PIR CA PITA NU. NUoRCE TARI TYPE TIT PIPULATI0N CURALE I-N 6,10 11-15 1N-20 21-25 26-3Q 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-NI NI-5N 56-b0 NI-AN 66-70 71.75 76-!: 81.65 eb-9o 91-95 96-ION INT EALS I NTERAILS INDEX MASURE Y088 ITF THE NAMPLO (AT sARNET PR1CES 1, WOURC0 I N3-TO NOUS~HOLOS NATIONAL .8 1, . 0.0 0.2 2,1 2.7 2.8 1'2 3. 3.N 4.1 I,A 1,8 52 N,N 5.9 6,7 8,3 10.5 20,0 JF713 382 .2863 ,212 OS, 2260 81, I6N 2, 80OUC, 2 AA-NY ,DUSEHOLDS NATIONAL 1, 1,6 0,0 0,3 2,7 2,8 3, 1 3,1 3,5 3.. .. 1 ,2 1.B 5,1 5,3 6,2 7, 7,6 10.b I9,b 41810 ,35.25 ,OAI 2005 RS, 262N RS, N15 3, S.UUCE 2 N-NO 'OPULATION NATIONAL 2,3 3.1 .1 3.4 A,7 3. 4,0 ,0 4 1 ,.21 .3 .5 4,N 5,1 5,3 5, 5,8 6.,6 7,6 IO,5 .2145 ,200 ,1.42 ,967 NUT AvAILLABLE 1, 83UR0E3 6A-Al HOUSLP.LDS NATIONAL F,5 1.9 2.0 2,N 2,7 3.8 3,1 ,3 3, 3 , 4,2 4,7 ,9 5,0 3,1 N,l 7.6 7,6 5,4 1,Q i3No 33s .2484 ,186Y ADT AVAILAdLE RS, 7L5 3. 6UNc. 3 NB-N9 POPULATION NATIONAL 2.3 .2 1,3 1, 3,8 3,o ,0 4,0 4,S , 11,3 4,7 o,8 3,0 3,5 5,7 5, 6.2 7.11 13,N ,..T .2014 .1526 .0825 NOT AIALLABLE . SUUNEI 0 A9-TO r10USEHULOS NATIONAL 1.4 0,8 2.3 2,5 2.7 2,R 31 3, 1.5 4, ' ,1 4,0 0,8 3. 5,7 6,2 7,o 7. 9,2 66,1 ,223 .3317 2 , .197 AUT AIAILABLE 5S. 75 7, su0NC0 4 69-lo PUPULATION NATIONAL 2,8 3.1 3,3 3,A 3,6 3,0 3,8 1.0 0,3 9 ,5 ,5 1,5 ,' 5.1 5,3 5.5 5,5 6,5 Y,5 14,0 ,2.11 .2066 .1516 .0B72 NUT AILABLE 8, SOUNE, 5 7T-7 MSEHOLOS NATIONAL 1,7 1,8 2.3 2,3 2.7 2,9 j.l , o4 3 0,11 4.0 0, U,9 5,0 5,A 6,6 6,9 7,5 9,A 17,7 ,15 ,327 .274 .1623 AlT AIAILANLE 8S, 790 9, S1UUC I 7 - i POPULATION NATIONAL 3. 1 1,3 ON 0,6 1,8 3. ., 0.1 0,2 4.5 .,7 4,8 ,95,3 5,5 6,0 6,5 7.5 12,5 T788 ,83B IoN0 ,.079 NUT AVAILABLE URBAN 0R NON-AoRICULTURAL l0, SOURCE I 63-AL K0USLOLD5 URBAN 1,1 1,5 1,7 1,A 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,3 2,5 3.0 3.5 ..0 4,4 5,1 3,2 3,3 7,G 7,5 10,5 26, 0265 2 .3326 332 91, 3031 RS, 465 IL, ORC1 2 N-Al LOUS1HDLD5 UBAN 1,' L.6 1,8 0,1 2.1 2. 3,0 3,2 3,3 3,o 3. '.8 N,2 1,7 ,2 5,6 6,8 8,6 11. 22,1 ,77S ,873 ,970 2577 IS, 336 RS. 615 i,, soURCk 2 ,-7 POPULATIUN UNaAN 2" 2,. 3.1 3.3 3,5 3.5 _3, 3.7 3,7 A,Q 4., 0,8 1,9 3,1 5,5 5.7 6.8 8,3 17,5 0362 ,634 .2o11 ,loa NOT AVAILLNE 3. SOURC I bl-N9 ,oUSL'OLDs 0081N 1,5 1,8 0,0 0,2 2, 2, 0,0 3,11 0,2 3,A 3,9 1, 0 ,5 1,7 5,3 5,6 6,2 7,5 11.0 02,11 367 .37 .274 .2510 NOT Av4ILA8LE 81, 7oA I-, SUUC I 68-NN POPULATION U2BAN 2,A 0,6 1 1,2 3,3 3. 3,6 36 3,9 3, 1,2 .,2 1,0 16 3,0 5,4 s, 7,0 8,0 17,0 ,2511 ,257 ,200 .1376 NOT AIAILABLE 13, souRC 1 69.7 HOUST11LDS URBAN .8 2, 2,1 2,1 2,7 2,1 3,1 1,0 3,3 3,7 3,7 1,2 ,3 4,9 3,0 5. .,3 7,5 9,5 21,5 .305N, 338 .2758 .2312 NOT AVIILABLE 85, 115 I., SOU-LE I 9-7S POPULATION U~A.N A.o 3,2 3,3 0,6 3,3 3,5 3,3 1,7 9 40 4 , 4,1 ',5 .5 4,6 5,2 5.8 6,6 7.7 17,8 ,2359 2o0 ,,As .1339 NOT AVAILABLE 17, 6UG11 5 70-71 TOISIOTLS UNBAN L.. 0,0 2.1 2,2 2.3 1,1 3,0D 3, 3,11 3,7 4,80,0 1,1 3,1 5,5 5,8 7,0 8,0 9,3 20,1 .35.9 ,35AN .2737 .22316 NOT A ILABLE F1, 798 18. SUURCE 5 70-1 POPULATION UPBAN 26 3,1 0,1 , 13. 3, ,6 03. 4, 4 0,0 4.0S ,51,6 0,9 5,0 5.2 5,8 6,7 7,3 LA," ,230N ,2364 ,i79 .1197 NOT AVAILABLE  -- f at 9 o 2 2 fl1fl € "f PAKISTAN(-) + BANGLADESH NATIUNAL IPERGENT UF POPULATION) GsIN[ 8OR I GINIa FORNýL 1 21 K N.TS E-NuKP MtAN 1NCM PELNP,H A1A 7,0, 0o70 707yP77 73 7I7PLAT717N CUV7.RA00 7.05 6-10 11-15 10·20 2-75 27-30 37.33 36-370 I14 .0 6..350 54-5 57.30 61.65 63-73 71-75 16.7307-85 73.37 91-95 36-10 77 NTERVALS ]NT7RVALS 3NDE7 9073070 Y0AR 0F 7ME SAMPLL 7AT 7ARKET PR7003) - - - - - - - - - - - - - --.. . . . . . . . . . . . ....CVRA. .... . . ..... .... .................................. . ..--- ---............. . . . . . ..------------- .... ..--.....-- - - -- -- -- - - --••.- " - -" '" " SO 30hI0 1 13-64 HUUSLHULDS NAT1NAL 0 ,0 1.5 .D ,0 2.3 2. 2, 3,1 3,3 3,7 0,, 1 ,5 3.6 3,3 6.3 .,5 7.0 ,0 10,0 20,0 ,3695 .3779 ,2695 .2701 R$. 1960 s, 3ý0 2, 00uRIE 2 -3-07 ".070.RTI-L 1 , 7. 2,0 I., 2.6 s ,6 29 3.3 3.7 3,9 3s9 0,5 7.6 5.3 5.6 6.2 7,6 8,2 9. 38,5 ,3459 3530 .2695 .2070 RS. 216, RS. .6. 3. .07,LE 2 66-77 PDPULA776N NATUNAL 2 . 2.7 3.2 3.7 3.6 3,7 3,9 3,9 - .7 7.7 0.7 6,7 3,0 5,0 5,0 5,7 6,2 6,5 7.0 12,5 2070 .2083 .1516 .0797 NOT A1A7L-BLE UWBAN OH N-RA6ICULTuHA S. Sulj1LE 1 63-64 1LUSLHOLDS U1.A 33 7.0 7,9 2,0 2 2,3 2.. 0,7 2.7 2,7 3,7 03 7,4 7,1 5.4 5,6 6,3 7,5 7,3 07,0 ,360 ,A7 ,./ .333. R3, 3000 p, h.USLjuos. 2 76-67 900309070 707. 7,2 1,7 2.0,2 2, 2,6 2.6 2,3 3,2 3. 1. 0,3 4.5 4,7 ,I 6,6 .,5 8.5 10. ".0 .3776 .39ud ,3037 .2593 RS, 320 73, 070 6. S0U0CE 2 66-6i POPULl,,-0UR 2.5 2.5 ,1 3,2 3,6 3.5 7,7 3,0 3,0 3,9 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 5,7 5,5 5.9 7.7 7.5 . 7. ,2562 ,23, .200 .1393 '0T A7l0L 911RAL UR A-,ICULTU HAL 7, 37)WC6 7 63-7, 7073797079 703AL 7,7 1,4 2,7 2,0 2,5 3.0 3,, 3, 3,3 3,3 3., .1 5,3 5,5 6,3 6,7 7,3 8, 9,5 76,3 .3777 .0517 .2737 .20 0s, 137 7S, 330 5.0SUU¼0E 2 7706 7 7R70AL 7,5 1. 7,7 . 2,7 2.9 3,3 3,4 3,7 7,9 .,0 0.3 5.0 5,0 5,3 ,2 6,9 8.- 10,0 77,3 .3275 .7,3s .2507 .162 37, 2705 RS, 470 0, S077.CE 2 67-6/ P777OIULAM 0i7L 2,5 3.2 3,3 3,9 7,7 4,7 0,3 7,3 7,3 0,5 0,7 0. 5,2 5,5 5,5 5,3 7,7 7,6 7,5 77,7 ,762 ,792v .7357 .08 9O7 763706000 Source77 1. Ber.g , A s DistrIbut,on and Pe rso l 7 S-ving0 7n Pakst,n 1963/64, The Paki-~an Dev7lopment Re77ew, Summer 1967, V. VII, N. 2 (p. 196- ,. 7pp. 97-1 f5; 223-23I). NATIONAL (PERCENT UF POPULATION) 0151 FOR8 6 NIN! FOR 20 3UZNE TS E6ENTRPY NEAN INCUME PEN Ns O 0 SU.0RE YEAN TYPE F POPULATION CVLRAGE 0.5 6.00 11-15 16-20 21,25 26.30 11.35 36-40 01.45 46.50 5155 56.60 61.65 6-70 71-75 76-80 80.55 86.50 91.95 96.100 INTERVAL7 INTENVALs INDEX MEASURE 7EAR OF TO' NAMPL1 (AT PO I, SOURCE 4 60 INC0ME I1ELIPINT NATO1NAL .8 1,1 I,4,6 4,7 2,0 '2,9 7,0 3.0 3.0 3. 1 1,. 3,5 3.5 4,0 5,0 5,8 0,8 9.,5 3,5 .4815 ,49d .3853 ,4346NUT AVAILAULE 380 66L8D 2. Suu3CE 3 C N0. ACTIOE POP. NATIONAL ,4 *6 .8 1,1 , .5 1,8 ,9 2,5 3.0 0,3 4,7 3,7 0,4 5,8 5.7 6,7 8,1 11,5 33,0 ,5368 .5490 .421 ,4658 0960 8A1800 860 861801 OTME. , 30U1-E 2 62 HDUSENMlDS PNAMA CITT-URBAN ,0 1.4 1,6 2,0 2,2 2,4 2,9 3,3 4,4 0,6 4,9 5,1 5.2 5,6 A.0 6,? 6,5 6,8 6,9 6,6 ,3159 ,54 .2537 ,2144 266018413 440 80,900 4, SCURCE I 68 INCOME RECIPIENT METROPOLITAN AREA .5 . 1 ,4 0,7 2,0 4,7 2,9 3,5 3,6 3. 0,9 ,4 4,9 5,4 6,0 6.7 7,7 3,0 10,3 18,3 ,3864 337. 298 .2479 1315 BAL.uA" 621 NALBUA S SORC I 36 INCUME RECIPIENT NUN.6ETR A008 , .3 7,6 I,7 l.- 2,0 2,5 3,0 3,6 39 1,2 4,6 3.8 5,0 .,3 6,5 7.8 8.2 10,0 20,0 .3960 ,4070 .307 ,268 1660 At.8.6 Sources I. Computed from: Direc013n dA Estad1,t1ca 3 Cens*s Contraloria Gener.l de 0a Rep.blica, Eeosta d. H~Rare, de Propo-it-- 8u ltAple., "E-tad-lticas deA Trab6j3 1968", E dtica3PanameA, 43e63 XXIX 6erie "3", Enero 1970. 2. Compuld from: D336c3ion 26 Estadistia6y0Censo, Contraloria 06nera1 26 la RepublicA, "Precio. I 3nd106 dAl Pr"c.o- 1A C0n,u1930. Es-ud, oSo la. Csndocione, d1 2d 1e 7a 3r06,, 00036d6, d6 Panae 7 Colon, 1962" Culd.d dA PAnama, 1965, A -u3ted 1n 3n06rnat10nal LAbour 7E71c6, H-usehol 7300m6 6nd Ex9nditure 5tat1.7ic,0N. - ,I ,1094, Gendva, 1367 (p. 43). 3. McLura, Charles E., Jr., 'The 01331r43utio 03Ico. an- Tax Incidence n Panama, 1969", W0orkig PApAr No. 36 3f Progra of Deve13pment 00444,. R106 004ver.1ty, -o-ston, Texas (p. 25). 640369u607 ECLA publicatione .). NATIONAL (PERCENT OF PUPULATION" G61 EGR6 6 G0N[ FDRO 2,1 IUZNETS E-ENTROPY PLAN 0NC0M6 P6H 6NP PER CAP1TA, N0 SOoRCE 1I AY:L.201POPULAT ION CUJORAGE 0-5 6.10 LI-15 16-20 21.25 26.30 08.5 36.00 01-.5 48.58 50.55 5660 60.65 68.70 74.75 16.80 80.R5 86.90 9195 96-100 INTER9ALS 0NTER1ALS I8CNDE. 8 EASURE 1088 oF THE 6A0PLE [408,R10 PRINEN) N .... S .URCE ...EAR..... T.. P LT C... ..----- -. . -. ........ -- I, SUPIE 2 61 PUPULATION NAIONAL .6 . ,2 ,4 t.6 18 2.8 2.4 2,6 3.6 3,3 å.5 0,0 .,5 5,8 0,7 49,5 ,6204 ,6286 ,556 .6000 NUT AVA-LAblE 6,035 SULE" 2, 3OUCE N6 LCON. ACTIVE POP, NATIONAL .4 8 7 .8 1,0 1,2 1,5 L,6 2.0 .34 2,d 8.1 3,6 , g,0 8, 5, 6,0 8,5 10,2 39.0 .586 ,5.92 .6716 ,5048 01,600 SLE. 3. OURCE I 60260 INCUME RECIPIENT NATIONAL 5 .5 .5 ,5 0.0 0,0 0,0 1,0 l, 0.6 2,0 2.0 2,0 2,9 2,6 3,4 5, 7.2 06,0 68,0 6e5 .652 .6000 ,6667 NUT AvItALBLE 8,655 SLL$ 0, SOURCE 3 7071 ECUN, ACTIVE POP, NATIONAL S ,4 0 . .5 ,9 1.5 2,1 25 2, 0,0 3.5 0,5 0,8 5,7 6,5 7,0 7,6 11,5 33,7 5714 .56 .442 5.5 NQT A A l 850 SULES Sour. 1. Brady, E.A., The Dt o of Tota- Per1onal Incom8 0n per1, Deptrtment of 0conomi,08 1ow6 61,te Unversiy,1 Ae, 0ov8, January 1968 (no.graph N. 6) (p. 10). 2, Cha,ad, "Income Di-tribution, 1961", I oNacional de lnicco(ra1cmnao) 4 Webb, R-chad, "Thn itiuio fcm in P-ru", ResArch Progra in Econo.ic D-ve.pen, Wodro Ril..n Schoo, PnctnUieiy,rneo,NwJrs Di-cusL.o PApR N. 26, September 1972, Table 1, Table 4 (Pp. 3, 8). PHILIPP1INt NATIUNAL (PEACINT UF P.OLATION) GI NI 101R 6 GI NI TOO A RUANETS ONTRPY MEAN I NUN PEN GNP PGA 11111, uopLATON COvERAG, -5 6-10 11-15 L6-2U 21.25 26-3. 31-35 36.0 I1-I5 A6-5l 5l-55 56-60 61-os 66-70 11-75 76-60 81-85 86.96 91-95 96-1A0 INIOIVALS INTERVALS I6010 MEAS0RE 11AR 0E THE SAMPLI [AT MARKtT PRj1E51 NU, - -- - - -- - - - ---U--CE Y-- --A- -- --..-- --..-.-- -- -- -- -- --..--.- --.-."". "----------- .--- ."" " ."......... .."" ..- -- -- -- -- -- "- -- -- -- -" -- -- --"- 1. SU0CE 2 56 USoHoOLDS NATIONAL 1.0 L,1 1.2 1,4 1.5 2, 0,1 2.2 2.8 3,0 3,A 3.1 0,0 4,3 5,3 5,9 6,3 8.7 12.3 27,0 ,47L,2 . A .3N00 .3729 1470 PESS -lA P- 2, 00U003 2 61 H0oUS-OLOS NATIONAL 1,0 1,1 1,1 l,5 2,0 2, 2.1 2,1 2,R 2,1 3,2 3,5 A,9 4,5 5,0 5.7 7,3 5.2 11.. 28.9 N486 AN9O ,A884 .3902 NOT AvAILA6LE 53 POSQ S, Suu10U I 6l HUE3ULS NATIONAL 7 1,, 1,4 1,7 l,9 2,1 1.1 2,6 2,9 3,1 3,5 0,2 «,8 3,0 5,6 1,6 5.5 11,9 23,0 .6 ,501 .3895 ,0120 1815 PEAGS NOUNCO 3 61 HOUSIHOLDS NATIONAL ,7 ,8 1.3 1, . ,6 1,. 21 1 2,3 2,5 2, 32 A,5 3. 4,7 5,3 5, 7,1 8,3 10,6 30,4 .0062 ,5ONS ,3926 ,110 N0T AVAILABLE 5, S00CF 2 6 HOUStHULDS NATIONAL . ,7 I,] 1.0 A,N i,5 2,0 2. 2.7 2,9 3,2 1,7 .,2 4.7 5,2 .,2 7,0 8.0 12.1 27,6 091 5029 ,387 .3927 25 PE 700 PISS . uURCE 3 65 HOUSEMOLDS NAT1NAL 6 8 1,0 ,2 1.4 1.8 2,3 2,5 2,0 3, 4 3,4 3,5 M.S 48 5.3 5.6 7,0 5.0 1.0 30,0 .955 504 '3821 .4067 N-tAOILAL 1, AUUCI1 I < HOUStHOLDS0 NATIONAL ,6 ,1 I,2 1.5 l,N 1.6 2,1 2.0 2,6 3, 3, 3,0 0,3 4,6 s,5 5,0 7,A 5,1 11,3 23, ,930 .A3 .3A3 .1022 23 PEs13 B. 6URCE 0 7L NATIONAL s5 .3 1,1 1, 1,6 1,N 2,2 2,5 2.0 3, , ,1 , ,6 5,5 ,2 7 82 12,0 25,0 155 334 3735 PES 1305 Sus URBAN OR NONAGRICULTONAL OuRCE I 61 HOUSEHOLDS U IIAN s6 .o ,9 1.2 1. 2.0 2,0 2,0 2. 3. 3,Q , 0 3,7 , 6 5 3 6,0 7.0 8. 11 9 29, .5 0 .52.6 .4053 4191 29 PE 530 PESOS 10, So.E I 65 HOUSIHOLDS 096AN .4 ,l 1,2 I.A 1,0 2,A 2.1 2,S 2,7 2,7 3.0 3,4 1,0 .,5 ,6 5,d 7,0 8,6 12,0 30.0 5O60 ,5186 .40-2 A2160 700 PSOS il, 50ULCE I 7L HOusOL6D UNBAN ,N 1,0 1,4 1,6 1.9 2.3 2,4 2,6 3,1 3.1 3,2 8.1 4,0 5,2 5,7 6,5 7.8 9,0 11,5 22,5 ,408 ,52A .3415 .3166 565 P06 1305 PLSUS RURAL 0R AURICULTURAL 12, S URLE I OA HOUSEODLDb RURAL 1, 8 1, 1 1.7 1,. 25 2,7 2, 1 2. 0 3,0 3.3 3,9 .1 .7 5.0 5. 0 6.7 7,3 8.7 10,5 20,5 ,.A31 ,4035 . 105 U 12 5 P 8 53 P".S AN UL00 I s HOLSLOLS 6R08 1 8 1.5 l.- 2.0 2.3 2,6 3.3 3.3 3. 3.N ., 5,0 5.5 6,3 6,8 7,6 9,0 10,5 13,5 ,4121 ,231 .3232 .2745 1755 PESOS "D0 P" A3, SAULE o 65 OUSHDLDS bARAL 6 , I, . 1.1 2 06 ,5 80 A10135 1 , 3u E 4 71 HOUS5ULDS RUR5L, 7, 3 ,0 11,3 29, 9I . 612 .353 1 .329 2820 PE106 13 5 P"SU0 Torces: 1. Bula of Census ANA Statistic, Pandly IncoAm and E.Pnditure,-. 1965, the RCS Af HAusehold, Bulletin, Ma.l-A,, SerA No. 22 (pp. mii a mI l). 2. Economic CoAonssin for As1a *nd the FAr Ea, "rIbutIn of Income 0*110 in the1Ph51ppi>e", Do NN. E.C.PT8/5ID/5 (i-egrAph), 1971, as quoted n EonomI SUrvey AA 1sa a the Far East, 1971, U.N. PNblicAtonA. S-ale To. 1.72, II.F.1, y1Tal 8-3-7 (p. 57). 3. Estimates* mAde by ChrI.yan MrArNiIAonA o oh basis A o h. BureAu of Ite Censu, and Stat1stics, Survey of Iou8shold BlletIn, p. WDVIRI, Mr. HlorrissoN's paper An "Ph01l1pine s(. 0-31)N8A prepare f oh Inomes DIAtribution DIvLIRin, I.B.R.D. 4. -pblic of thU P-lippine, Deparmnt of Comec And -nusry Bureau.of TA Cenu and. Sttit Z Faml Inom .d EPendl,ures, 1971, BCR Suve -fToueoldA Bulletin (p. 13n). POLAND NATIUNAL (PERCENT UF PUPULATI0N) GINI FAT N GIN! FUR 20 UlNE TS 0-ENTRTOPY oNEAN INLOME PE0 GNP PEN CAPI TA ,U SUl yENT TYPE OF PUPutATIUN CUvtAGE 0-5 6-10 I-I5 I6-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-00 414 6-.50 51,55 56-O 6N-65 66-70 7I-75 76-80 81-85 86-90 91-95 Nb-IoN IITERVAL6 I NTERALA INOE 8 MEASURE 8AR UF THE SANPLE INT MARNET ?lIChE .....-..-...................-.-------------------------....-------------------------------------- - - - - --.............----------- - - - --........ ..... I. SOURCE I 56 ONER5 NATIONAL 1,5 2,5 2,8 2,0., 0,0 O,N 0,o 2,0 0.0 A.6 5,0 5.2 s,U 5,5 5,9 67 8.2 8,8 13,3 ,2IT ,269 ,2000 ,120 15,000 ZLUTYS T 2, 5dUACE i 60 ORl,s NATIONAL 1,5 2.3 2,5 2,9 3,2 0,0 3,5 0,T 4,2 A,A A.A 0,8 5,2 5.G 6,0 8,0 N,T 7,1 -, 10,5 ,2802 ,2S3s .2000 1199 21,100 ZLUTYS TOT AVAILAULN 3, SAURCE I N2 ,DANENI NATIONAL i ,7 2.3 2,a 2,9 2.9 3,2 0,7 U,A 4.3 0,8 0.7 0,9 5,0 5,0 5,5 A,O 6,7 7,5 9,0 03,6 2509 ,2613 ,LUN5 ,1I7 22,N00 46UTYS NOT AvalLANLE , AOREE I NO ,ATE NATOINAL 1.8 2. 2,6 0,4 5,2 3,2 .0 O,* U.O A.4 4,7 .0 5,1 5,0 ,8 ,2 6.7 7,3 9,0 13,0 2533 ,26 5 ,19T0 -1121 2,500 LUTYS NOT Soure• 1. Computed frAm: Staitical Yearook, 1960 Tp. 392): 1965 (p 69)T; and Statistial PockEtok,86 (p. 208) A quoted An 0.N. Srariat of EconomiA ConmissioN for Europe, Economic Survey of EurANA 1965 P8. 2 InAmes AN Po,twar Europe. ANStd of P0oliia, Growth and DIstribution, 0,8. P0u cation Sa168 No. 68 10.E.14, Chaptr8 8 (p. 71). PUERTO RICO NATIUAAL [PERCENT EF POPULATION) G1NJ FOR 6 0jNJ FUR 2 U SE6.UPM EIN IRCUME PUR GNP JPR CPI .0, UUUC MEI IYPE UR POLITION EUVERA6t U-5 6-Lo I1-IS RR-UR 20.25 26-30 31-35 36-43 30.45 46.5050. i55 56-60 bo-OS 66.70 71.75 76.80 81-35 96-100 SNTERVALs 1NTER0AL5 1N0E MEASLU E 66AN OF THE SIMPLE [AT MR PROCES> .. .., . . . . . s. .. .. .. .. .. .. vt ...... . . . . . . . . .. .,.. . ... . .. . . . ... . .... . . ..... .. ........... . . ......... ......- .------ .---------------------- --- -- . ...-...... ..............-.............................. . I. 0346 1 RA3 RUS NATIONAL ,7 .9 0.4 1,5 1,8 2,2 S ,7 . 3.4 3. 3,0 4, 5,0 5.5 6,0 7,6 9,P 1,6 2.3 .4367 , A .34-2 ,3102 NUT AlA.ALE u,s, i URlAN UH NONGRICuIU'RAL 2, 30.6CE 1 63 MUUSLUS 6NU6.RCUL7URAL .7 1,3 1.2 , 2.1 2,3 2.N 2,R 3.3 3.3 3. U,3 U,M 5,1 S,9 6,2 8,R R,. 11,5 21,4 4303 R.44 ON9 . 29 6 NoT IL-LE, RLRAL OR ARIULTURAL 3. S0I77 A3 -0.t-utDS ARICULTURAL '.2 1.6 1. 2,L 2.3 2,5 2,7 2.6 2.9 3.1 3,3 7, 3.3 4.6 5.1 5.3 .., 7.7 1,3 24,5 .4053 .462 .3079 .298R N0T AVAj.LanE Sorce: 3. 0eiskaf,6 30chard, "0ncome Distribution and Econmi.0 5ro3th Rn Puerto Rico, Argentin0 and Mexico", he66Rev3ew of acom and We801h.. 66r0es 06, No. 4, December 1073 (pp. 32, 3377. RHO9ESIA(SOUTMERNI NAT 115AL (PtRCENT UF PUPULATLUN) G2N 1OR 6 GINI POR 25 5U1NET3 b-E"TRUPY MEAN 1NC1ME PEN GNP PER CAPTA. L 'II SUPNE Yo 8A1 TYPE OP P'OPLATION EUVtAEP S 0-5 D-Io 11-15 s-20 21.25 26.30 31-35 36-AA 91-45 46.50 51-55 56.60 61.65 86.70 TI-T5 76.80 60.85 86.90 91-95 96.000 INTERIVALS INTEIRVALS IND EAMEASuRE YEAR OP PT SIMPLE (AT MARtT PRICES) SOUUCE I 6' IsLCUE RECIPIENT NATIONAL ,8 1,0 1.0 1.0 L.' I,A 0.A .6 2.1 2,2 2.5 3.2 3,3 3.6 1,' 5.0 6.0 11.0 7,0 ,"U39 RAS5 .5158 .6279 NOT AvA1LAblE HUDE31AN 5 170 Source: 1. Mrrissen, ChsItsan, Etme8 nade on sf fIRn Tax Stais Analysis of Assessments and Lss Saeet Iss O thEiscal year 1968-69 In his paper nRhodesia" (paper prepared for he Incamn DIstr6ib n DivisIon, SUBR.D. (pp. 7, S). SENEGAL NATIUNAL (PERCENT U POPULATION) GIl'I FDR E GINI FOR 2i ERZET -EETEROPY MEAN INCUE PER - GEP PER CAPiSA, io Cot vE o ToPi OF POPULATIO 15 CUvERAGE 0-5 e-0 i1i1-1i5 16-2i d125 26-30 31.35 36-40 4.45 46.50 51.55 56.6i 0 6.6 66.T0 71.75 76.80 01.85 86.90 91.95 96.108 iNRTERVAL.S INTERV03 I NDEI MEASURE YEATI oF THE SAMPL (AT TERSETI PRICES) i. OUNEO i 6I P PFLTiION NATU3NAL ,4 -6 .8 1.2 1.4 1,6 1.9 2,- 2,1 2,3 2,6 3,0 3,2 3,0 1,2 4,8 6,8 9,4 2,0 36,0 ,5640 ,570 ,4632 .5206 N07 AVAiLAELE A5,365 CFA FRAss SoreE. i. MorrissonE, Christ,oian., ERa Ire tion deRen 0ans is~ Pays du Ti,er MoRde, Eions Cu~~ ja, Pr. 1969 (p. 205). 83ЕЧRв EtONE ОТнlн 1PER[ENI uf PUPVLв11f1N) ни, чиинсЕ vеви � trvt ОЕ стиЕвltии cuvEN•сЕ , У•5 ь-1о 11•1s )л•го г1•zy ге.3о )1•3у ]ь•Уо Yi.YS ие.5и s1•ss 5е•ео ,ei.e5 еь.7и r3•75 7в.Во В1.а5 ee.vo v1.Yy ve.loo и1•гЕв лЕь 41iйгiнvais---- _йоiк9• :_ааньРу------.Е.вЕо_-мёи._и_i:- -•--- иг_. __Elcvнi._ве ..°'°-°--'--'----•'°---'--°..-..°---'-.-.-.._...-°°°--'--"-'-'-.'°----^ -----°-'---'°'---'-"-•---"----------'-°--°^°-"^---°--'°----'^^--^--^-----•^°---^-.....'-°'-'---..-..-.-•-°-°--°"----' --.," ). БUинеЕ '1 08-ei мUUSEHUlU9 ЧUичиВ-µE9iERнIPNUь1мCt 0.0 0,0 ,2 .0 1.У 1�л l,1 2,] Z,Y 2.i 3,0 1,5 3,у У,1 У,Ь 5[5 В,1 1г,У 35.В .5В11 ,уУУ0 .e5tl9 ,5]1) 5VS LtuM1tч 310 LEUNC9 5оигее, l. Слтри[ед Егот compt tng г е да е g4ven tn ьо.�пеа �1 (А) ге1 5[агLлг Offtcв д Burv аР [Иа УтЬап Аге Иаг 1968 атрлг I969, м(v. р1 епд р. 2 af [ е flna гЬе eyj. еп) т.1 s оггте; х мо3д surv.v л гсм.г� чl игр.п Аггьа. м 3яЬв-ресепЬат 1чья, е пм гр. пВ е . z лЕ гпе г[плг т Е[ме . rvuy). (С) Сепегеl 9гесlв[4се Offlce, Нои д 5urv �[Ивг ггF 1968-МеетЬег 1969, ггегом (р. У1 а р. ] лР гИе ftnal р с of [ аеев Purvey). 80 SMI. -1ý, li u-ý p 2T'ýl 1,11 Ol "-T"ý 11 -------------------- . ------------------ . ......... . ......... . . . . . . . ------------ ----- ----- -- -- - ------ -. - - - - - - - - - . .................. ................. .............. ...... . ............... ..................... -11U- " ., - " ý.1 " L . . . . . . . . NUT AIIILAbLt .-& -&-p- Y-b- d- f., p.p.-i.. dL-b-i... l-. - -- I. ý. R-b- f 5.- Afli-, 5---, -R.p-, - [1-06-03, S.,, f F-ly E.p-dil-". - --lp.l f ..d 7-. Sl- -d F-d, --- 1-, F-ly l-.- G.R. , F.E. R.- C. D.C..i.g, ---- -d E.p-~... P--- f ---d H.-h.- f -kýt - -h, ---,y E $..,h Af-, - .-, 1965. SPAIN NATIUNAL (PERCENT OF PUPULATION) G IN! joR 6 GiNI FII. 6 6 TAI-AN (PECAENT OF PCPULATCOAC GIN FOC 62 b INAJ 22 20 NUZNE TS E-EN ROPY MEAN AGOMt PAR GNP PAN CAPAlI N4, NS.INCT yEAR IYEF PUPULCATIOCN CtAAtCA- 6-10 21-15 Ib-du 22-db db-bo 32-35 bb-40 4A-C5 C6-50 5A-55 b6-b0 bl-AN AA-7O 71-75 76.AU AAL-85 AA-Al CA-N5 96-AAb ANEN NTALS AbTRVAb IAE MAA3UAA NESA NF THA $AMPLA [AT MARAET PRACAS) b, NUICarr I j3 OCUbtnOLOS AN(2NAL *N .b .7 9 L.3 1,8 CA A,b 2,4 d,A 2,7 d,b 3,5 0,3 4,7 N,5 7,4 A,A Ad,A 33,0 .b5 ,N64A .3473 .48,2 AA JA! AN Ab0,500 NAA TlAN A 2785 2, SIC.AçE 2 59-no oOUSboALbS NATIUNAL ,b 1,2 L,A 2,7 2,3 2,' d,b 2,A 3.A 3,3 3,5 3,2 3,4 3,7 A.0 5,9 b.7 A,b 20,0 24,8A ,4d81 ,C3A6 .3357 .3180 AE- TAAAN 5 23,700 NEW 7AIIAANC 52 3, iUUCE 2 .2 ACUSLMCLDS NATIONAL .5 .0 2,2 2,/ 2.0 2,3 ,5 3.,0 3,2 3,3 3,5 3,8 I,3 C,7 5.2 N,A 8,5 11 .1 25,7 .4501 ,i6A ,3b9N ,b NE TAI-AN S A633A AA TAlIAN 3A66 N.C.2b0 3 b4 HUUS5M-LDS NAlIUNAL L.2 2,0 2,2 ,A 2.7 3,C 3.3 3,6 3,7 3,3 4.3 ..6 0,7 5.1 6 A,9 A.9 b,9 0,3 18,0 .3bA ,3266 2A63 ,1345 N221 AVIABLAtC N TAlAN 1 83- Souce : 1. ComputedTfrobhan KAIe's "Di-triion of Personal IncomA AN,awbn IN 1953" (p.26), a quoted n ChaAA Koi,d.) Economic Development AN TAiA-n, hng Cun Book CAmpan. 1968 (P. 135). 2. Reprt o PIlot Sudy of Prsoa Income andCnsup in Taiwan, prepadunderbhe ponsorshIp ofd-okbng grouphaf.Nt Income AtisticN Directorte0-NGnaAAofABudget, Account -nd Statisti-0, The ExtiveYanbAA (pp. 12-13). 3. .O-Im, Harry T., "ncom- IAualit and Economic Growth; Ahe Poi,war ExperiAen of A.IAn bCto As", TMyA,n Ecooi Review, -V.. 15, No. 2, ocobe 1970 (p. 13). NATIONAL (PEN NT UF POPULATIUN) N 0YP17 M Fl 1 PUPULATI lUN CUvtRANI N-5 6-10 11-35 N -0 01.27 26-30l-5 36-N dI S Nå-50 51-55 Nå-60 61-65 66-70 71-75 76.60 67.5 66-NO NI-95 96.770 INTERvL INTE«vO, .NDEX ASURE ER 7.F TME N00 å T NUN S UR E 5A . _,. ,,.... ., -.-- --•---.-- -- -- ---- - -- -- ---- -- - - -- - -- -- -- -- ---•----- -- -- -- -- - - ----- -- ---------- ----- -.-- -- -.-- - -- --.... .... .. . ,,..MA.E.P IC. , Suu6CE i 67 putllto, NAIONAL * Id , ,6 19 2,1 e,2 2,7 2,5 2. 3.I ,2 3.2 3.3 3,7 4,6 7.N 8,0 11,0 34.0 ,5N. ,70 .027 ,N 2 0 NOT AVAILA8LE 5e5 5 2, NOURCE I 6, NONSIULP3 NATIONAL * ' 7.1 76 I.å 2, 2,2 ,3 d', 2.å 2,0 3,2 3.3 3.7 B ,2 , 0 ,6B 6,8 62 11.0 31,0 ,N s5 N'90 o, 3B5 , 052 NOT Av LA.LE 3, NOuNl I 67 INçON[ R.CIPIENI NATIOL l9 i,7 L,å 1,6 1.7 1,6 2. 2,N 0,5 2,I 2,9 3.1 3,2 3,3 3,9 4,6 5,7 7.1 7, 35,5 ,515 .5292 NOT Av Lt-bLE SBurce: N, NorrNåson, Chr.Nt-an, frof i estima ba o Annualå E InoniN rvey '6B-69 aå ntiO N hN. ppA "" (påpt prPared for the ANcome Distribution DivisNAN. f.IR.., 1972) (p. A-7), 6 8 THAILAND NAT IUNal (PIRCENT UF PORULATIN) GIN1 FOR 6 GINI FOR Ru FOUZE TS tE..NTR(0PY st SN INCuO PER SNp PER 6777p NU. Sl)uRCE ylA TYPE 0F PFPULATI0N CuERG D 5 6-10 11-15 6-20 1:-5 2s-30 31-35 k- AA' .-50 5.55 5-.. 6165 6b.70 71.75 76.00 01.85 R6.90 *l.9S 96-200 1NTERVALS INTERVAS INDEX MEASURE TAR GF TIE SIMPLE AlT TARKET PRIC .. . .- . - -. - -- - -.-- -- - .-- - -- - -------- -- - - * ---------------------- .. .. . .. . .. .. .. .. . ..... . . .. .. . .. ... . . ..-----... .. . .. ---------- -- - -- - -- -- - -- ------.---.... -- - - -- - -- -- - -- - i, SQURC o6 nGUSEHDLDS NATIONAL 1.1 I,R I,R 1,5 1,5 L.Us 02,1 A.LUN 2,71,2 ,6 1.0 l,2 L,4 ,9 A, 7 8,0 12,0 31,0 ,A904 ,5004 ,3N68 ,I1.4 NUT AVAILAdLE 0050 RAMT URBAN R NØNfi1lCULTU4AL 2, U,,RtE i 62/63 HOUStHoLDS uRBAN .7 ,6 , , 0, ,3 2,3 d0 1 3.U 3.b 3.6 5,9 4,6 1,7 6,0 7,0 7,5 8.0 12.0 23. 080 4603 ,35R6 ,3283 l ,I34 AMT 2290 -AHT 3. SIIULE I 70 MUUSEHOLIS UN 1,0 1,3 1.8 40 0, 20 0,7 0,6 3,0 3.5 4,0 4,5 4.9 5,1 .,0 b,5 7,5 8,5 13,0 16,5 ,303 .3,35 .295B 422b5 01,610 s-,T 37b5 RAHT RURAL OR ALAICULTURAL I, SuuCet I 62/A3 HuSEHULDs RURAL 0.5 0,5 1,5 1,5 L.6 1,9 2,6 0,7 0,9 3.1 3.6 8,9 .3 ,7 5.5 6,0 0, 9,0 00,0 00,0 .445 ,355 .321 .293 ,600 AHT 22 HT 5, SU,NCE l 70 HQUSLMOLDS RUAL 0,0 1,, 1,4 I,6 1,7 L,- 2,3 2, 3.0 3,5 3.7 3, A 4.3 5,0 5.,5 0 7,o 9.5 10,5 22,0 ,325 0041 .34'2 .3075 8,805 SAHT 3765 dAHT Sources• ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l. A,, Econltb CommPT817n fo AaanthFaEat"itrbtoofncmanWethnTalnd,DuetEGP/D/,(-ie) 1971, as quted in Ecotm, S yof As.a and th F.r East, 1971, U.A. Publicat-o -Ae N., E.72.11..1, Tabl. I-3-8 (p. 5. 2. Ohima, Harry MT., "Income 00ne01uality and Econoi1C7OR roth,,h Moaaya Econom01 Review, vRI, 15, N7. 2, Ooberb 0770 (p. 53). TIUNOL (PENCENT OF POPULATION) GIN! FOR 6 G1N3 FQR 20 KUZNETS ENTROPY REAN 'SCORE PER GNP PER CAPITAT ISSUC ERTP FPPLTIN CVRG - .01-51-20 21-25 263 3-3 36-40 01.05 46.50 S0.55 56.60 61.65 66.70 70.75 76-80 61.85 26.90 81.95 96.108 INTERVALS INIERVALS INDE, MEASURE REAH OF l/SE SAMPLE (AT 0ARK Ti PROCES 5N1 NNRE ,E(YPE OIF PUPULARION ECIELROGL 0.5 0.10 I11 162C2%2 26-5 ?1.36 - 14 6su5.55:06 . ......... - . ... .... ............................................................... ....................................... SOURCE I El PER CAPITA NATIONAL 5 ,7 ,e .0 1.3 1,7 1,9 2,6 2,7 2,9 J,4 4,0 0.. -,5 6,A 6,6 8, 9.0 10,7 26,5 ,75 597 .398 .3912 .5, 5105 80 s 2, SURCE 2 70 INCOME RECIPIENT NATIONAL , 1.0 1i 1,2 1. i 1, 2,0 2.2 2.0 0,0 3.2 6,6 .1 s, 5. 6,8 7.6 9,8 l,0 2,"s 0855 ,38 .395 3723 NOT AVALA6tE 100 USANS URBAN ER0N0N-GRICULTURAG 3, SUIRCE 1 61 PER APITA U68A , .6 .,0 1 , T.5 1,7 2,0 2.5 2.9 3, 00 .7 S, 6,0 6,2 6., 8,0 3,0 2,6 21,0 ,610 .720 .3611 ,0320 U,, sli B s HURAL UR AGRICULTUSAL PE, CAPITA RIRIL I ,8 1.1 1,3 1,6 1,9 2,3 2,7 3,0 0,0 0,2 0,. 1,6 0,3 5,9 8,7 7.7 9,0 11.3 22,0 31010 ,453 ,3432 ,334 U,s, . 75 80 OlNAR .. ...OC 1... .. RR 2030701.......... ) Sources: I, Computd from CharIDurayI's Eonomic1 Developmnt I, Tunsi: Th6 Impact and Coure, oT GovernmentN 6lann1n-.1 Paeg1, N p. Y0r 1307 (p. 21. I. Sorri.son, Christian5, froms eati,1ates Ins ,papr' 5n "Tun1a1a' (unpublished 3emo of INcome Di,srIio DvsIon,s LB.L., p. A5), TURKEY NATIQNAL (PERCENT UF POPULATION) N1, 6UURCE 0EA6 TYPE OF POPULATION« CE.RAGE 0-5 6-10 1-15 1620 20-25 26.30 31.35 30.40 01.05 46.50 5IS5 56.60 .-65 60.70 7175 76.80 8156-90 91095 96-1.0 INTTR L INRI V AL INI. E MEATROP EROR F T' E REN 0AL PRlT PRICE 1 01 0çE 1 ER IIMUSEULDS NATIONAL .3 ,T .8 1,2 1,0 1.6 I.7 2,0 2.0 2,5 2,9 3.0 3,9 ..1 4,9 s.9 6.7 8,0 12,. 323 5.,3 65503 .0368 .0709 11,075 Tu26s1 1100 3,255 TuRKISH 1I. Sorce- 0. Blutay, Tuncer, Srim,T1mur an0a0m E60a1, Turki -l2d 06116 Dafli6i.. I9, Ankara Univers1te,1 Siyasal 6160110r F1akutes6 Y.y-n-ari. No, 325, 5-1-vi, Mtbai, Ankar~, 1971, Tabe 1.A {,. 23) Si1 NATI UNAL (PENCENT UF POPULATION) GIN0 O 0010 PUR 2U KUZNETS E-'t.NOPY NEN UNCUE PEN GNP PIR -CAPITAI NU. QUCE Y1A TYPE OP POPULTON CU. 0-5 6OO1000'5 .. -20 021-5 26-30 31-O5 3-0 41.Q5 Q6-5U 51.55 56-60 NO-OS NN-NU N-75 76-NO .10.5 O6.NO Ni-NN N6-1o ONTERUALS 1NTERALS M NDE, ASURE YEA OF IME' SAMPLt (AT NA..E, PN CN 0, OUUCE 10 A o FRICAN N.LE ENPL.YTS NATIONAL 1,0 2 .0 0.0 0,3 0,5 2,N 3.2 3.0 3 3, s 0.0 0. $,0 6,7 N,9 7,7 N,4 03,0 O7,O Uo1 ,U95N 0326 ,2425 0000 UGANDA N, NO5 UGANDA N, URBAN UR NONABRICULTURAL 0, 50U.CE 1 70 af-RICAN PALE EPLOYSNNUNAGRCUL. RAL .0 o,5 0,7 0,U 2.0 0,0 0,0 3,0 3,1 3.0 0.7 , 0 5. 5.N .,N 76 N,N l.0 1N, 39 32 300N .207 320 UGANUA 8N, NU UGAN N s, U, NUUoCE 7 7O AFRICAN MALE EMLOYEES UNBN .9 0,0 0,7 0,0 0.0 2,N 4,0 0,0 02 3,0 N,N 4,0 U, ,0 5, .7 7,0 . N ,0 02U ,UNNN No07 ,0006 3040 UGANDA M RURAL OR AGRUUL TURA6 . BUURcE I 7. 1FRECAN MALE EONBYE AGRICULTURAL 0.0 2,' 0,8 O,U 3,5 3,0 4,0 U,U U,U 4.50 0,0 0,00,7 3.d 0,405,0 5, 6,0 0,5 16,5 ,2404 ,24O0 .0737 L.NN 0700 vUA00 OP. 95 3UGANUA NH, , S 6UURCE A 70 AFRICA. ALE EMPIYEES RRAL 0,' ,04 .8 N,U 3.5 3,7 39 ., 4 ,5 04 46 ø,6 4. 0.7 0, 5,2 5,0 6,7 0.2 16,7 ,2o73 004, 17800NA N, Sore: U. Computed from: EnumeatUon oP Emplo--- N NN961-7, UNAnds GoverNt Print., En-bbR, a» Nuote in Develpment Stuie Disson Paper "Empomn and Inome DUstribution 0n Uganda", University of Nast U.-l,a, '.bl. and TabU, t (000) (pp. 6, 53). (-tRCLNT UF PUÞULATi~N r66606360 E- 6UtU6 1G61 *0. doU,Lt . 166 A676YP 1 U02UA0 Cuv10 at6. 0-6 6.10 11-15 -o-2 21-25 26-30 1-35 o-40 41- 06 -50 51-51 56-60 61-65 66-70 71-75 76-d 61-65 696 91-95 06.140 [,T6reats 166666646 160Ex 60'SU66 6'60 0F 6r6 SAMPL6 1A66MAR66T P 6.1 1. 00,1-b 2 56 1614ME REL1P6ENT NAil14AL , 1,2 ,5 2.6 2,2 2,3 2,/ 1.6 3,6 3,9 4,1 4.5 5,4 5.6 6,1 6.6 6,. 7.6 9.4 262 .0662 .696 .2979 .259 N2T AVAIL L 665 2. 5.,11L 1 ,, HJUStHULUS NAT04.6L . 1," 1,6 .0 2.6 2,90.1 6,0 4,0 2,2 4.6 6,1 6,2 6.6 6,6 6,7 7.4 6,3 9,ý 66,6 0357 .256 ,196' L 925 L 660 6. S4ul000 2 66 6,N0266 41C6P60,T 6AT12AL 69 1,1 1,.a 1,/ 2,0 2,2 2.7 3.3 6,6 6.6 6,4 4,7 5.2 6.6 6,2 6,6 7.2 6,6 10.1 19,2 .3613 .39u6 .258 .2/1 Nur 6AVA1LA6tE L 616 0. 5,02.6 10 6fU1LD66N , ., 5.],65 ., 6,6 6p 6,0 0,0 15, 6 606, 35 .2042 .1 61 L 157 S I06e6 1 Copted F 66611 Expendi_ture Surveys 6D and 68. Distribution o 666eod by Household Income. 2. 195466ation1 1ncome and Expend[ture, 6660 (6. 66) and 19 64 n 6ncome and Expndiu,6 1966 (p-): -6 E.p., S-~ f --.33); both source quted 1n U.N. 66cr6t66,a6 ofco6mi Commission 6,r Euroe, E c S 6 of E 1965 Pt. 2, 1666 in ' 666666ar Europe6 A0Study of Plcie, Groth0 andD66tr5but16n, U.N. Publ11cation Saas 6o. 66 II.E. 14, 6Chpter 6 (p. 15). UNITED SIATEI "ATIUN AL (PRECENT UF PUPULATION) GIII FUT GINI FOR1 2U AUZUETS E-LTNRPY MEAN INLUDE PET GND PtH CAPITAT I. SLoN I ,N -ONSESGLDS AITTI IAAL,itl .2 1.0 2,2 2.8 5,3 i,) 3,6 D,U 4,2 D. 5,2 5.8 5,1 T,i 7.7 0,3 11.> lt.0 .3705 DION3 ,2002 ,2NIT TUT AVAILABLE 4,1. I aNNO 2. 500NT.I 1O6 MfUU5tULUS tTIIo 4 * *A 1,2 3,0 2,2 2.1 2,9 1.1 3.t 4.0 1,2 I,t S,U 5,t D.D 7.0 7,2 7.6 1,0 19,0 ,3080 ,39t9 ,2A7 U2561 tOT AVAILODLE. U,,536 3. L,dTtE 2 TI PIN CAPITO T.TA .D 1.0 2.0 2,5 2,7 3.2 N,i ./ T A,I 4,0 0.,4,t 5.2,S. 6,T t.O 7.D 11.3 11,3 NIN' .NUIN .UI1 ,165I AUT AALAOt ,, Egg 2.. TIT. DpATtmet ofTCo,nADUe/Burau of theICensuA, Curret PopulATi tpat, Consumer InomeA (SerNes pi6l), TAbletA, Taß T an TUTable 1, page17 by cor0puTIng pNr capitA TDn o Tn AmIUesadU merging theresuTting I.dirtbutIi th tAT Tor unrelLed indviduNaT. URUGUAY NAT IONAL (PUTCENT UF PoPULATIUN) N. Nu" TL- b,1 ol I68 81- Uh-Q 91Uq TUZILTA I-NAAUR ALA I ALOTL BLAý 0P PLO CAu T No, N0UCE YEA,R TypE OB BPJNLAT[UN CUVtNAGN 0-5 I-LO 1-I5 1-2U 24-25 26-O0 Ol-35 36-sU 41-45 08.56 NI-55 5A-6O Al-OS AA-TO T1-T5 TA76- S 880 8 0AN i6-90O91NT5O9A-L 0NR LITIAL 6 NU TESA EARU SRI A MAJ Niy C EST -- -- -- - - - ---- - -.. .. .- ---- -... .. ..-..- -... - -.- - - -- --- - - -- -- -- ----- ------ -- -- - --- --- -.. .. . .. .. . .. ..- -....-. ...- -.. .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. .. .. . ...- . .. .. . .. .. . .. .. . i, 0 70lRU I INUAE RECIPIENT NATýONAL .0 ,6 .9 0,0 1.2 l,A 2.1 2,2 3.0 3,2 3.' 6 . 06 5,3 .0 ,9 8.0 8,9 I2,7 2,0 809 ,409$ .3,68 .361' NUT AVA4ladLE 59,420 PES.s 2. 3 RCEUB I $J ,UyStUL0S NATIOJAL ,A 07 1,2 1,0 2,0 2,4 2,0 2,9 0t 0,6 4,0 4,0 4,9 5.5 A,0 7,A 7,9 9,0 9,8 20,1 ,6161 ,28* 9US$ .203. SoT AVAtatLE Aoure: I. Instituto OA Eoomia, Faculta-d 0e Ciencis cooicasy , NA ,Un ,Isia la RepubNlOica, "L DistribuconJ dal IngresoAenUruguay", (Aproimlac0in QunitOatIv para*l epartamnto de M tii deA), Si50on pre.iiar, GAro de TabAIji Sabre EstIstlicas de 1 laDiIstiuion de1 IngTresoAe CnsoiR y l iOueA, Santiago, CN$1-, B al 12 dAa IIoviebr de L971 (pp. 99, 1551. NA TIUNL. (PERCENT UF POPULATION) GINA 7OR6 A GANI PUR ti 64UNT6 6E6tTRUPT MLAN INCUO PEA GoP PLO CAPATA, SU luCt YEAR TYPE UF PUPLATION GUvtAUL 0-5 A-1 1L* 5 16-22 21-.26A-Bo 3 36-U01.-4 46-50 61-55 6-60 .65 66-70 71.75 76-80 81.65 86.90 91. 6-100 1NiTRVALS INTENALB INEX 6 TEASUAE TEAR 0F TT 36MPL5 AT MARKLI PRICEL , S4UNCE 3 6¿ MUUSEHOLDS NAlIUNAL ,7 7 .6 , , , ", , 2 2,9 , 3.9 4 6. 7,0 ,0 9.3 10,2 2.6 S 6366 ,435 .0206 NOT .AIL.AtE 260 bLA.RES 2 .NUCE I TI 0. ACTIVE PUP, NITIONAL . 6 .6 ,/ 6 1,6 .,7 1,6 2,1 2,A 0.6 A.1 3.4 A,0 ,3 50 6,A 7, AA,I 0.0 ,5906 ,60to ,T72 ,5557 01 6LIvARLS m90 duJIvARES URBAN UR NGN-ARIGULTURAL 3 340C6 0 6g bouUtr-UUU U0b66 ,6 1,2 .,B 1,6 1,9 0,0 0,6 2,6 U,t 3, 4U,IU,4A.6 4, 0 6,2 5.4 7,0 9.2 12,2 21,6 ,0194 ,UB .3221 6 NT AVAALA90 UL LS 1 Utt 2 H2 OUSLMULOS U6006 ,6 6,1 1, ,/ 1.9 2,6 2. 3,0 3,3 1,6 U,6 0.6 4.2 5,. ,6 6,2 T,6 66 £0,4 2,2 ,A 34 ,347 ,90 NLT A-LAE RURAL UH ARICULTURAL 6 R30 4 6t oUU£, s £2064 .9 1,1 I, 1,6 2.0 2,0,4 2,6 2.6 2,9 3,7 4.1 4.5 5,0 s.6 b,0 7,U 6,6 li,5 20,0 , 9 ,532 .3,/4 32 NUT AAALAL 2 ULI S U oUoCE 2 Rt HI,US00OLDS RURAL .7 1,3 ., 1,6 1,9 2,U 2,2 0,6 2.9 3. U,6 3,B A,4 4,6 6,2 7,Q 7. R .6 10,6 29,6 ,4SA ,.63 ,396 .3151 NUT A tUtLAAL Sourcear 0. Mnisterioo d6 Fomento, DireccionUGeneral de Estadistica y Cenos NaciUon,al 6 Ceno General d, Poblacion Descripcion de la Encueota1yRe,ultados PrelmnaesdeInre, 1 y066 Gasos, FamilIaras, 0,r606,, 1664 (pp TU9, 107. 11. )T ca, 6 lU Pr.mea 11nue ', R bcoka 766660101s Gst,os 06iiae enUN Vene,o ula. Segund661 Semested t,1,62,Do, 5,6, 3.7. 7c ad Sa Cou 76 Ce Lan A 1968, DN 1 70 -.1, July 1 (p. 13). 4. U.N. 60006610 Com100aio 00r6Lat0 America,oomi Survey of LAti Americ, 1969, 666 York, 1970. TAbl. 265 (p. 404), vIET AT (SOUTH) RURAL QR AGRICULTURAL (PERCENT UF PUPULATIDN) INI ROR 6 UNI FUR 2 H,ZNETS E.ENTRPT MEAN INCUME PER SNP PER EAP'TA NU. SOUCE HEAR TYPE OM PUULATION CUVERAGE S 6. 1.-15 16-2U 2 I 3.4 60- 0'S . 00.59 5 1 555 .Y .øl -. INEUL TE S .. EO« TA T. SE PLE (T M El 1RNS -- -- - -- - -- -- - -- - -- - -- -- - -- - -- - -- - - - ---- - - ---- - -- -.. - -... . .. . .. .. ....-- -.- .. . .. . .. . .. .. .- .- - - -5. .. . .. . .. .. . .. . .. . .. .. . .. . .. . .. .. . .. . .. .. ..-.-. . ..-- - .. . .. ..-....- . .. ..-.. ..- ..- ý-lE~~ ~~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i 6R 9ULOý UA l 4, 2. 2. . , 1 . . , 7.3 8.0 9,4 15,6 ,317, ,12v7 ,4h3 , 7b3 18.200 PIAIStL3 7275. PlASTLS I. UUIE E 64 OSEMOS RORAL -,- H., S .) 2,- 2,6 , l 3,7 3,9 6, , , ,5 .6 5, o - . 0,9 J-l ,,6 . ,ET E Source: 1. RurA) InomeS RExpedureO Yample Srvey, (prelimiary Rer),y Rbert 0, SrEp, EcSonoAic RY) FinAncial Planning Division, U.S. OpArationA Mission, SAign, July 1965 (p. XXII). Y L-OSL» II (PERCENT UF POPULATION) 43N3 FER 3 3.353 70H 20 6UZNET3 R.ENTRRPY ME.,N 3.COME PER 3Np PER CAP3733 U.~ ESU .CE 73A3 T3P EF PEPULAT37U CER3RGE ' 305 6-33 13.15336-2 23.25 26.3 31.35 3-4 41.35 36.53 51.55 5-.60 33.65 .66.70 71.75 73.00 81.85 86.0. 3 INTERVAL 3NTERv3L5 3ND3X M03 EF Tit (AT Ma-E E 333333 3, SUURCE I 63 M033E6D3 NATIONAL .,s ,3 3,3 2,3 2,7 2, 3,3 5 3.8 .0 0,4 3,3 5,3 5,3 5,7 6,4 6.7 832 9. 36,5 .I334 ,343 ,2526 . .86 580,000 3ew Dinare3 2710 NewD33,' 2, SUURC 2 68 WER .ERS NAT30N3L , 2.0 2.5 2,3 3,2 3,R 3,6 ?.7 3.8 3,8 4,3 4,E 5.0 5.1 5.2 5,3 3,3 3.7 7,3 8,3 32,3 ,2337 ,2463 .3768 .098 637 AVAILA8t 6N33 Al 019Dlr. 3, S0-e 2 63 H0U3EHELOS NATIONAL ,. 313 3.3 2,6 2.6 2,7 3,2 3,5 03 E,2 0,5 R,7 5.1 5,4 5,6 6,7 7.5 3,8 1,. 15.0 ,333 .3433 .2573 .3853 350 683Dinar3, URBAN OR NGNIARICULTURAL 3, b.RCE 2 6 ,ORER NUN-ARICULIURAL 2,, 2,7 ,R 3,3 . 3.3 3.5 3,5 3.7 3,2 I.4 3,5 0,. 3. 5.3 6,3 6,5 7.3 7,5 9,3 33.3 3387 ,2336 .3R42 ..29 EET vNAB 6433 N D-ina 5. SOURCE 2 ER 0.-UHOLD3 N.AGRICULEURAl .8 3.3 L,3 2,3 2.5 3.0 ,32 3,3 3,7 0. 3.6 0.,7 5,3 5.7 6,5 8,8 7.5 8.2 333 10 ,33098 3331 .2633 304 37,3.30 NeD nr..* RURAL UR AR 3CULTURAL 6, SOURCE 2 68 8ORK4RS AhRICULTURAL 2,8 3,2 3,N 3,6 3.7 3.7 3,9 . ,0 0,2 4.3 R,0 4., 5,6 6,7 . 3,5 ,5 7.3 8,3 8,3 ,9756 ,323 37 ,306 347 AVA33.A3L3 .3430 0. A Dia0 7. 060333 2 30 HO363MULS 3RI3.LT-RA1 .: 3,3 2,8 2,. 2,3 3.3 3,4 3.6 37 3'. ..4 5, 5.0 5.- 6,2 3,6 7.3 8,7 9,0 33,0 3085 .318 ,2423 ,33EE 33.335 .ew21 1..a *In 1966 Yugoslav-a unde3,ant Arrenc r he 100 Dinarl3- 3 6e1 Dinar. Srces: 1. Compuced 33om: 3ntrt L Office, 0ou3,33ld Iomed ard E033nd360r, 8tatistics, N.. 1, 1950-64, Gen,v0, 1967 (p. 76). 2. 03mpu-ed from: YgSAlaa Fede of Sta0.3c , hold Bud-et Survey of 196 . ZAMBIA NATIONAL (PERCLNT UF POPULATION) GIN> FOR 6 GIN> FQR 2A KUGNETS E.ENTR4PY 7EAN INCUMt PER GRP PER CAP!ITA: N. SCURCE YEAR TYPE OP POPULAIGN CvERAGE 0-5 6-10 1!.15 6-20 01.26 26.30 31-35 3A-QR 41-4' 46-50-55 56.60 61.65 NR.70 TI-7Q 76.86 51.85 86N9 91.96 96-OlA INTERVAGA INTEVALA 1ND66 MEASvRE TARRO THE SAMPL. (AT MARET PROCESO I, SURCE i 59 HoUEH.GDA NATIONAL l0 1,2 L.5 1,6 2.1 2.3 2,5 1,3 2.' 2.6 3,2 3.5 36 9 0,0 4,7 5,0 6.2 7,7 37,7 .48L ,95E .35 .46"6 OT AVAILAL NOT AVILAbL Soce: I. Baldwin, R.E.. EconoAi Developmet and lApArt RrAoth 4 Study of Nothern Rh,de., 192D-60, Univert -f C1-AforA PrA.,, Berk-Iey ANA LRA AnAele,, 1966 (p. 46). 7 0 URBAN Ck N(N-AGRICULTUAL (PERCENT DF PUPLATION GINi FOU 6 GII HOR dU AuZNE $ E-ENTROPY MEAN INCUML PER GNP PER CAPITAI .A uRt EM1PE OF PUPU LION C'uvtRAGE 0-5 6-10 31-I5 16-2v 23-¿R 26-CL 31-35 No-4L A1-45 46-5v RI-55 56-6R 6L-65 66,70 /1-75 76-60 33-35 66-9o091-95 96-100 INTEIAALS ITERvL LCAE CEASuRE REALI OF TIE SANPLE (AT MARCE! PRICES) I, SUURICE 1 aN RLOUSREILDS VINAI. .9 1 1.3 I,R 2,0 2,2 2,1 2,0 3,0 3,4 3.6 A.2 2,6 5,2 6,5 /,0 3,7 9.5 12,5 16 ,410L ,0202 ,323 .2719-I1 lJAN 31050 NIJIAN & 280I 2, Sìok(E 2VLI 72 HOUStHVLLIR 1RBAN .7 1.2 L.R 2.2 2.3 2.5 2,R 3,0 9,0 3.6 3,9 4,A . 4. 5,2 6,3 7.1 0,0 13,/ 39,6 .360 .4b5 .237v ,263 NOT1 AVAdLABLE I23 A 4125 Sources- i. CIoputed from: The, dRAa gLven nBreuo attcs. A ipoar CReport onI Ih 163 Urban HousehRod Income and3 RIOenditreI Svey, Lin Fil3, July 1968, 7,61be 2. Computed from: A Repor onA CR633 Rouseh.oId Unc ít- s-,enitre Survey in Fi,i 197 (p. 31). EL 1SAUAC. NATIUNA6 0PERCENT OF P0PULATI0) 60N0 F0R 0 G101 F00 20 0UZNET00E.NTRUPY M6AN 06CUM0 PEH GNP PER 60P0000 0-EAR.PE76.P3P0LAT0N.C0AE500001601L5 6.2 21.25 -6.,30 3 300 .5 51.55 50.6. 9 -A 0000 0F ME -AMPL (T M00000 P 6) N. .U E ........................,,..... ................. ....... ...................................... ........................-----.-- ...............-..-..... ......... ...................... . ........ I0, 00u060 2 600 EClN 0I O L 110A .0 0 0. 1 5 0 650 ,6 31,6 3 .0 0L.09 5 5 1 ,AAL BL 57 CDLO 2. 000060 0 606 00LAI.- 1 0 NAT00NAL ,3, 0e0 5,056 6,0 10 00, 27,5 ,5 6270 ,565 .R316 .00n NCT ALLALL 700 C-Ll 3. soURCo 0 69 PUPULATICN 0I,N0L . , 1,2 0.0 2.0 2.3 2.0 2.0 2.9 3,2 3,5 0,0 , 5.0 6,7 63 50,0 0 3,5 20,0 .4500 0432 .359 NU A-A0110LE 715 Cof. URAN. OR NCN.AGRICULIURAL 0, 00060 3 åINÇ- RINT N N 060000,TUROL .0 .0 0,2 0.0 2.2 2,1 0,0 2,0 0.8 3,0 3.0 6.0 0. 5,3 5,3 1.2 7.0 10,1 10.7 2, 0058 2558 3537 .5007 600 AVA1L 5u000 06t00 RURAL UR 'GRICULTURAL 5, 00020E 3 60 I.CDME RECIPIENT 060000600 A ' 00 00 1,0 0.0 2,1 0,2 0,0 2,0 2.0 2,9 0,0 3,0 31 3.0 31 5,0 0,0 6,7 7,3 50,5 030 N0006 ,060 ,03 N0 AVA1LABLE 57000 0oNE Source: , E0t. ate by Central Aierican Comon., Oarke, (050000. "OriformacO -nBsc de00 0 a EncueOt oci o-Cultural", Soc1 o0ultura Surveyo of 05CAP dated 0565..s aoted In Jo de Vrie' (Ag00cu0tur01 Ecoomit,, Cafica) paperi "La Ditribucon, delOongeo,n lo.0.aise. Centro-Amerf,oanos (D0,tr0bu00en 00,0, old,)", Octubre 09700, Arsoo 0,0. 0. United Nations Eoomio and Bocial CountOO Eoomieb Co,mi..ion for Latin Americ., Ecoomic 0,rvey of Latin Americ, 1969, Do. E1.121025 (P. 13). 3. 0n1t,0 Natione 0conom00 for Lat1n Ameri-, E9oomieSurvy oP . .t 0969 New York, 1970, Ta. 265 (p. 40).