EA ST ASIA AND PACI FIC REGIO N Sustainable Development 5 Guidance Note GENDE R AN D D I S AST E R RISK MA N AG E ME NT - G U I DA NCE NOT E S 65916 Integrating Gender Issues in Recovery and Reconstruction Planning This note on Integrating Gender Issues in Recovery and Reconstruction Planning - - RECOVERY AND RECONSTRUCTION PLANNING: WHERE DOES GENDER FIT? - Following a natural disaster, men’s and women’s roles are equally essential to the survival and growth of households, - THE WORLD BANK GUIDANCE NOTES on GENDER and 2 Disaster Risk Management REASONS TO ADVOCATE THE INTEGRATION OF GENDER ISSUES IN RECOVERY PROGRAMS (IRP 2009) - - PRINCIPLES FOR GENDER EQUITY IN RECOVERY & RECONSTRUCTION (ADAPTED FROM GENDER AND DISASTERS NETWORK 2008) Remember Think Big Get the facts Identify and work with grassroots organizations Resist Stereotypes Take a participatory approach Respect and develop capacities of women RECOVERY AND RECONSTRUCTION AND GENDER IN THE EAST ASIA PACIFIC REGION Post-disaster assessment, reconstruction and recovery tend to be dominated by men - 3 5 Guidance Note HOUSING, LAND TITLING AND PROPERTY RIGHTS In the post-disaster period, housing reconstruction, land titling and ownership claims bear important gender dimensions. - women in recovering from losses and contribute to resilience to disasters. In Indonesia In India, Case Study: Gender Impacts of Land Titling in Post-Tsunami Aceh, Indonesia: - - Source: World Bank (2010b) Study on Gender Impacts of Land Titling in Post-Tsunami Aceh. GUIDANCE NOTES on GENDER and 4 Disaster Risk Management Case Study: Gender Impacts of Titling in Men’s and Women’s Names in Post-Tsunami Tamil Nadu, India. Source: World Bank Institute (2011), Distance Learning Series: Gender Aspects of Disaster Recovery and Reconstruction – Case studies. HEALTH AND POST-DISASTER VIOLENCE While the World Bank does not get directly involved in relief efforts - There is a clear need to provide a safe environment for women and girls during relief operations. COMMUNITY SERVICES AND INFRASTRUCTURE RESTORATION Best practice planning for restoration and reconstruction of lifeline infrastructures takes into account - 5 5 Guidance Note POVERTY REDUCTION, LIVELIHOOD RESTORATION AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT There are a number of key gender dimensions about the role of women that need to be considered in livelihood and economic development planning. - Where female headed households are food insecure, children – girls and boys – are more likely to search for employment opportunities (including illegal employment). GUIDANCE NOTES on GENDER and 6 Disaster Risk Management Case Study: Empowerment of Female Heads of Households, Indonesia - Source: World Bank Indonesia Website - Empowerment of Female Heads of Households (2011). 7 5 Guidance Note ENTRY POINTS IN POST-DISASTER RECOVERY AND RECONSTRUCTION Table 1: Gender checklist for Post-disaster recovery and reconstruction activities Action Sub-action Methods / Tools - Key Question: - - - Key Question: - - - GUIDANCE NOTES on GENDER and 8 Disaster Risk Management Key Questions: - - - - - - Key question: 9 5 Guidance Note - GUIDANCE NOTES on GENDER and 10 Disaster Risk Management - da Source: This table has been adapted from the Guidance Note on Recovery: Gender, prepared by the International Recovery nd g er- post disaster reconstruction (source IRP 2009) Platform and UNDP (2008); and Guidelines for Planning Gender-sensitive p ADDITIONAL RESOURCES - - GUIDANCE NOTES on GENDER and Disaster Risk Management 5 CONTACTS: ( ) ( ) ( ) THE WORLD BANK ender equality as smart economics A World Bank Group Action Plan Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery