50744 STATUS OF PROJECTS IN EXECUTION ­ FY05 SOPE REGION: LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN COUNTRY: EL SALVADOR Operations Policy and Country Services SEPTEMBER 23, 2005 Report on the Status of Projects in Execution - FY05 Region: Latin America and the Caribbean Country: El Salvador Introduction The Status of Projects in Execution (SOPE) Report for FY05 provides information on all IBRD/IDA projects that were active on and beyond June 30, 2005. Thus it bridges the gap in information available to the public between the Project Appraisal Document, disclosed after the Bank approves a project, and the Implementation Completion Report, disclosed after the project closes. The World Bank has issued a SOPE Report every year as an internal communication to the Board of Executive Directors. Now, in accordance with the Bank's revised disclosure policy, the SOPE Report is also available to the public. By publishing this improved report, we have addressed one of the main concerns we heard from the public during disclosure consultations ­ that the public has very little access to information on projects while they are being implemented. Readers familiar with past reports will note that projects that closed during the fiscal year are no longer included in the SOPE, since their Implementation Completion Reports are now also disclosed. The FY05 SOPE introduces a new element: in order to disclose project-by-project comparisons of disbursement estimates and actual disbursements, the SOPE report contains a line chart1 showing the original estimated disbursement schedule, the latest approved revised schedule (if any) and actual disbursements for investment operations and a table showing the loan/credit/grant amount and disbursements to date. 1 Notes: · Amounts for Projects in currencies other than U.S. dollars may not match exactly due to exchange rate fluctuations over the life of the project. · Disbursement graphs are not included for Development Policy Loans, which provide quick- disbursing external financing to support policy and institutional reforms. For these loans, funds are disbursed in one or more stages (tranches), released when the borrower complies with agreed conditions. · Projects which are not yet effective may not have a planned disbursement schedule and thus may not include a graph. 1 Status of Projects in Execution - FY05 Country: El Salvador Project Name (ID): Public Sector Modernization (P007164) Country: El Salvador Board Approval Date: 09/03/1996 Midterm Review Date: 09/10/1999 Closing Date: 08/31/2006 Loan/Credit/Grant Number: IBRD-40820, IBRD-P2790 Sector(s): Central government administration (98%), Law and justice (2%) Theme(s): Administrative and civil service reform (P), State enterprise/bank restructuring and privatization (P), Tax policy and administration (S), Other accountability/anti-corruption (S), Legal institutions for a market economy (S) Project Development Objectives: The objective is to strengthen the capacity of the Government to implement its Public Sector Modernization Program. Progress toward achieving development objective(s): During fiscal year 2005, the project broadened its scope and increased its support to key elements of the Government's reform agenda, such as e-government, consumer protection, and decentralization. Work has continued on infrastructure concessions, including support to the concession of the ports. The new civil service legislation has stalled and therefore, lowered the expectations of the human resource management area. The launch of a local development commission has helped strengthen the scope of the decentralization component. Lending Information/Disbursement Summary (USD millions, as of June 30 2005) Loan/Credit/ Status Amount Disbursed Undisbursed Cancellation Grant IBRD-40820 Effective 24.00 18.53 5.47 0.00 IBRD-P2790 Closed 1.90 0.00 0.00 1.90 30 25 US$ Millions 20 15 10 5 0 1997 Q1 1997 Q3 1998 Q1 1998 Q3 1999 Q1 1999 Q3 2000 Q1 2000 Q3 2001 Q1 2001 Q3 2002 Q1 2002 Q3 2003 Q1 2003 Q3 2004 Q1 2004 Q3 2005 Q1 2005 Q3 2006 Q1 Planned Actual to date Formally Revised 2 Status of Projects in Execution - FY05 Project Name (ID): Secondary Education (P041680) Country: El Salvador Board Approval Date: 08/28/1997 Midterm Review Date: 10/28/2002 Closing Date: 12/31/2005 Loan/Credit/Grant Number: IBRD-42240 Sector(s): Secondary education (70%), Central government administration (12%), Tertiary education (6%), Sub-national government administration (6%), Other social services (6%) Theme(s): Education for all (P), Rural services and infrastructure (P), Improving labor markets (P), Access to urban services and housing (P), Administrative and civil service reform (S) Project Development Objectives: The objective is to expand coverage with improved quality and efficiency of public and private secondary schools. Progress toward achieving development objective(s): The project's original output target indicators have generally been achieved or surpassed and there is evidence of achievement of the objectives. Examples of targets met include: the Gross Enrollment Rate in secondary education increased from 34.5 percent in 1998 to 45 percent in 2004; the target in terms of coverage of scholarships was exceeded (almost 5,000 scholarships were provided); the target for schools rehabilitated and equipped was met (102 schools rehabilitated); and the target for directors and teachers training was met (8,500 directors and teachers trained). The project's activities have been successfully re- aligned with the 2004-2009 education sector strategy of the new administration. Lending Information/Disbursement Summary (USD millions, as of June 30 2005) Loan/Credit/ Status Amount Disbursed Undisbursed Cancellation Grant IBRD-42240 Effective 58.00 48.60 9.40 0.00 70 60 50 US$ Millions 40 30 20 10 0 1998 Q1 1998 Q3 1999 Q1 1999 Q3 2000 Q1 2000 Q3 2001 Q1 2001 Q3 2002 Q1 2002 Q3 2003 Q1 2003 Q3 2004 Q1 2004 Q3 2005 Q1 2005 Q3 Planned Actual to date Formally Revised 3 Status of Projects in Execution - FY05 Project Name (ID): Education Reform (P050612) Country: El Salvador Board Approval Date: 05/07/1998 Midterm Review Date: 10/28/2002 Closing Date: 06/30/2006 Loan/Credit/Grant Number: IBRD-43200 Sector(s): General public administration (26%), Pre-primary education (24%), Primary education (24%), Health (13%), Tertiary education (13%) Theme(s): Education for all (P), Poverty strategy, analysis, and monitoring (P), Rural services and infrastructure (P), Access to urban services and housing (P), Nutrition and food security (S) Project Development Objectives: The objective is to promote greater equity, quality, and efficiency in the provision of education. Progress toward achieving development objective(s): Although the project's outputs have practically all been surpassed, a closing date extension was approved to ensure the full achievement and sustainability of the project's objective and continuous support in primary education within the education sector strategy of the new Administration. The project continues to provide evidence of improving and expanding the coverage, quality, and efficiency of initial, preschool, and basic education, especially in rural and marginal urban areas, for example: illiteracy decreased from 25 percent in 1995 to 14 percent in 2002; the Net Enrollment Rate in primary education increased from 85 percent in 1998 to about 92 percent in 2003; the target in terms of opening of new Community Education Program (EDUCO) schools was exceeded (2,106 new EDUCO sections were opened). Implementation slowed in 2004, but this was largely due to financial management problems, which have been resolved. After a successful re-alignment of the project's activities with the new 2004-2009 education sector plan, implementation increased in 2005. Lending Information/Disbursement Summary (USD millions, as of June 30 2005) Loan/Credit/ Status Amount Disbursed Undisbursed Cancellation Grant IBRD-43200 Effective 88.00 72.81 15.19 0.00 100 90 80 US$ Millions 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1998 Q4 1999 Q2 1999 Q4 2000 Q2 2000 Q4 2001 Q2 2001 Q4 2002 Q2 2002 Q4 2003 Q2 2003 Q4 2004 Q2 2004 Q4 2005 Q2 2005 Q4 Planned Actual to date Formally Revised 4 Status of Projects in Execution - FY05 Project Name (ID): El Salvador Environmental Services (P064910) Country: El Salvador Board Approval Date: 06/02/2005 Closing Date: 07/15/2012 Loan/Credit/Grant Number: IBRD-73000, JPN-26534 Sector(s): Payment systems, securities clearance, and settlement (60%), Agricultural extension and research (15%), General agriculture, fishing, and forestry (15%), Central government administration (10%) Theme(s): Biodiversity (P), Land administration and management (P), Environmental policies and institutions (P), Participation and civic engagement (S) Project Development Objectives: The objective is to establish legal, institutional and financial arrangements to pilot mechanisms of payment for environmental services. Progress toward achieving development objective(s): The project was not effective before the close of the reporting period. Lending Information/Disbursement Summary (USD millions, as of June 30 2005) Loan/Credit/ Status Amount Disbursed Undisbursed Cancellation Grant IBRD-73000 Not Effective 5.00 0.00 5.00 0.00 JPN-26534 Closed 0.25 0.18 0.00 0.07 5 Status of Projects in Execution - FY05 Project Name (ID): Judicial Modernization (P064919) Country: El Salvador Board Approval Date: 08/01/2002 Closing Date: 12/31/2008 Loan/Credit/Grant Number: IBRD-71350 Sector(s): General public administration (40%), Law and justice (20%), Information technology (20%), General information and communications (10%), Vocational training (10%) Theme(s): Other public sector governance (P), Administrative and civil service reform (P), Judicial and other dispute resolution mechanisms (S), Legal institutions for a market economy (S) Project Development Objectives: The objective is to improve the judicial system with measures aimed at enhancing the effectiveness, accessibility and credibility of its Judicial Branch. Progress toward achieving development objective(s): Due to initial start-up difficulties, implementation was slow during most of the fiscal year. However, significant steps have been taken recently to advance project activities. The following activities are currently in process: (a) preparation of a strategic planning and budget programming system; (b) preparation of a plan for reform of the normative framework of the Judicial Branch; and (c) construction and the supervision of the integrated justice center in the municipality of Soyapango. With these activities, disbursements and overall implementation progress are expected to improve. Lending Information/Disbursement Summary (USD millions, as of June 30 2005) Loan/Credit/ Status Amount Disbursed Undisbursed Cancellation Grant IBRD-71350 Effective 18.20 0.82 17.38 0.00 20 18 16 US$ Millions 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 2003 Q1 2003 Q2 2003 Q3 2003 Q4 2004 Q1 2004 Q2 2004 Q3 2004 Q4 2005 Q1 2005 Q2 2005 Q3 2005 Q4 2006 Q1 2006 Q2 2006 Q3 2006 Q4 2007 Q1 2007 Q2 2007 Q3 2007 Q4 2008 Q1 2008 Q2 Planned Actual to date Formally Revised 6 Status of Projects in Execution - FY05 Project Name (ID): Earthquake Emergency Reconstruction and Health Services Extension (P067986) Country: El Salvador Board Approval Date: 12/04/2001 Closing Date: 04/30/2007 Loan/Credit/Grant Number: IBRD-70840 Sector(s): Health (95%), Central government administration (5%) Theme(s): Natural disaster management (P), Health system performance (P), Decentralization (P), Nutrition and food security (S), Population and reproductive health (S) Project Development Objectives: The objective is to restore hospital operations and minimize losses in health status to vulnerable populations living in the earthquake-damaged Central and Para-Central Regions and to improve the health status of underserved populations. Progress toward achieving development objective(s): The project continues to take longer than expected to take off. However, by June 2005, significant progress was achieved. The pre-investment studies for the rehabilitation of three hospitals (Cojutepeque, San Rafael and Usulutan) were almost finalized and bidding should begin in early fiscal year 2006. Since April 2005, 200,000 people have already been included in one of the extension of services modalities in the Northern and Paracentral Regions. The execution of the institutional modernization is lagging due to lack of procurement capacity, though the HIV/AIDS and the Dengue control projects are relatively more advanced than the other projects under this component. Lending Information/Disbursement Summary (USD millions, as of June 30 2005) Loan/Credit/ Status Amount Disbursed Undisbursed Cancellation Grant IBRD-70840 Effective 142.60 3.90 138.70 0.00 160 140 120 US$ Millions 100 80 60 40 20 0 2002 Q2 2002 Q4 2003 Q2 2003 Q4 2004 Q2 2004 Q4 2005 Q2 2005 Q4 2006 Q2 2006 Q4 2007 Q2 2007 Q4 2008 Q2 2008 Q4 Planned Actual to date Formally Revised 7 Status of Projects in Execution - FY05 Project Name (ID): Second Land Administration (P086953) Country: El Salvador Board Approval Date: 03/15/2005 Closing Date: 07/01/2011 Loan/Credit/Grant Number: IBRD-72780, JPN-53136 Sector(s): General agriculture, fishing, and forestry (80%), Central government administration (10%), Sub- national government administration (5%), Law and justice (5%) Theme(s): Land administration and management (P), Personal and property rights (P), Rural markets (P), Municipal governance and institution building (S), Legal institutions for a market economy (S) Project Development Objectives: The objective is to improve land tenure security and land transactions. Progress toward achieving development objective(s): The project was not effective before the close of the reporting period. Lending Information/Disbursement Summary (USD millions, as of June 30 2005) Loan/Credit/ Status Amount Disbursed Undisbursed Cancellation Grant IBRD-72780 Not Effective 40.20 0.00 40.20 0.00 JPN-53136 Closed 0.55 0.55 0.00 0.00 45 40 35 US$ Millions 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 2005 Q3 2005 Q4 2006 Q1 2006 Q2 2006 Q3 2006 Q4 2007 Q1 2007 Q2 2007 Q3 2007 Q4 2008 Q1 2008 Q2 2008 Q3 2008 Q4 2009 Q1 2009 Q2 2009 Q3 2009 Q4 2010 Q1 2010 Q2 2010 Q3 2010 Q4 Planned Actual to date Formally Revised 8 Status of Projects in Execution - FY05 Project Name (ID): Programmatic Broad-Based Growth Development Support (P093133) Country: El Salvador Board Approval Date: 02/22/2005 Closing Date: 12/31/2005 Loan/Credit/Grant Number: IBRD-72750 Sector(s): Central government administration (50%), General industry and trade (25%), Law and justice (13%), Compulsory pension and unemployment insurance (12%) Theme(s): Regulation and competition policy (P), Public expenditure, financial management, and procurement (P), Tax policy and administration (S), Debt management and fiscal sustainability (S), Regional integration (S) Project Development Objectives: The objective is to contribute to: (a) reigniting growth with increased trade and investment; (b) reinforcing macroeconomic stability and strengthening fiscal sustainability; and (c) increasing the efficiency and transparency of public sector management. Progress toward achieving development objective(s): The project was not yet effective before the close of the reporting period. Lending Information/Disbursement Summary (USD millions, as of June 30 2005) Loan/Credit/ Status Amount Disbursed Undisbursed Cancellation Grant IBRD-72750 Effective 100.00 0.00 100.00 0.00 9