OFFICIAL TF o q DOCUMENTS The Word: Bank 118 Hreet N. - (202) 473-1000 INTERNATIO kL BANK FOR RECONSTRUCTION AND DE IELC MENT hingtonD.C. 2043 Cable Address: INTBAFRAD INTERNATIO LkL DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIAT ON U.S.A. Cable Address: INDEVAS February 8, 2013 1-1. E. Amadou Kane "linister of State Minister of Economy and Finznce Ministry of Econony and Finance Dakar Republic of Senegal Re: State aid Peace-Building Fund Grant for the Community Peacetuild ng Initiatives in Casamance SPF G-ant TF013598 Excellency: I am writing on bihalf ol the International Development Association (the "World Bank") to indicate the W3rld Ba ik's agreement, as administrator of grant funds provided by various donors under th - St ite and Peace-Building Fund, to make a grant, for the benefit of the Republic c f Senel al, in an amount not exceeding seven hundred thousand United States Dollars iUS$70),000) (the Grant) to the Republic of Senegal (the "Recipient"). The Grant is made ii re:ponse to the Recipient's request for financial assistance and for the purposes and on the :erms and conditions set forth in the Annex to this Letter Agreement. The Recipielit heret y confirms its request that the World Bank carry out the activities described in parag -aph I of the Annex to this Letter Agreement, and represents that it is authorized to ccntr ict tie Grant for the said purposes and on the said terms and zonditions. Please nole that it i; the World Bank's policy to make publicly available this Letter Agreemeni and any nfot mation related thereto, after this Letter Agreement has become effective and te Rec pient has given its consent to such disclosure. The Recipient, by countersi,)ni-g this Letter Agreement, confirms its consent to such disclosure. Please confirm your agr(ement with the foregoing, on behalf of the Recipient, by signing, dating, and returiing to as the enclosed copy of this Letter Agreement. Lpon receipt by the WorlH Eank of the copy of this Letter Agreement countersigned by 3 ou, this Letter Agreement will be -ome effective as of the date of the countersignature. Very truly yours, INTERN.AT ON kL DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION By: Vera Song Coi intry Director f e Africa Regio 0 AGREED: REPUBLAIRN M11MIMliom e By: at afic - Name: Title: Amadou KANT. Date: 2 ANNEX Purposes, Term s and Conditions of the Grant 1. The purposes of the G -ant are to develop a set of quantitative and qualitative data collections systems, conflict-relEted liagnostics and analyses, and instruments for conflict risk assessment and management at tl e loi;al level. The activities (the "Activities") for which the Grant is given are as follows: (a) Moniloring of conflict dynamics, including the development of a knowledge platform to r onitor and analyze conflict dynamics by collecting, managing and sharing data. (b) Promotion of evi denc --based diagnostics, actionable guidance and dialogue about peacebuilding at the roqu -st o 7rural communities. (c) Creation of a conflici -filter to enhance development effectiveness and potentially reduce conflict driver!. 2. The Grant shall be u;ed to f nance consultants' services required for the Activities. The Bank shall not procure goods >r work: , except for goods required for training and workshops. 3. The World Bank sha 1 carry )ut the Activities on behalf of the Recipient. The Recipient shall cooperate with the Worl I B ink ,o the extent necessary to permit the World Bank to carry out the Activities promptly and e:fectivel i, and to evaluate the results of the Activities. The Recipient shall indemnify the World Bank against any costs or liabilities incurred by the World Bank as a resilt of claims against the Word B;.nk in connection with the Activities, except those resulting from the gross negligence or oilliul mtisconduct of its staff or external consultants. 4. The World Bank shall ca:ry o it the Activities pursuant to this Letter Agreement only to the extent that the Grant funds reqi ire.I for such Activities are available to the World Bank from State and Peace-Building Fund. 5. The Activities shall 1 e camp eted by not later than March 31, 2014, or such later date as the World Bank may establi!h ty nitice to the Recipient (the Closing Date). After the Closing Date, the World Bank may at my time cancel the remaining balance of the Grant. 6. The engagement and ;up :rvis ion of the consultants required to assist in the carrying out of the Activities shall be the responsibil ty solely of the World Bank and shall be done according to the World Bank's applicable procedur -s. 7. The Recipient may it iny ime request the World Bank in writing to terminate the Acnivities. Whether or not the Re-ipic nt has made such a request, the World Bank may at any time suspend or, after con:sultatior w th tl e Recipient, terminate the right of the Recipient to receive Grant funds for the Activities if any of the following events has occurred and is continuing: (a) the Recipient has failed to perform any o'its obligations under this Letter Agreement; or (b) the right of the Recipient, or any otl-er entit to which the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (the BRD) ha in ide ; loan with the guarantee of the Member Country, to make withdrawals under any loan agreen ent with the IBRD or any development credit, grant or fitiancing agreement with IDA has betn suspended. 8. The Bank is riot an aj.en of, :r trustee for, the Recipient and shall not have any fiduciary relationship with the Recipient. The Recipient shall have no right to any portion of the Grant that is nct expended by the World Bank purs iant to this Letter Agreement.