.,. i8i8 H STREET, N.W., WASHINGTON D. C. 20433 TELEPHONE: EXECuTiVE 3-6360 Bank Press Release No. 66/33 J! Subject: Settlement of ,Investment For Publication in AM Newspapers Disputes Wednesday, July 6, 1966 () During ~une 1966, the Convention on Settlement of Investment Disputes between States and Nationals of Other States, submitted by the W9rld .. \ Bank to governments in March 1965, was signed by four Governments: Malagasy Republic (June 1), Uganda ,.1 (Ju11e 7);, Malawi (June 9) and Norway (June 24). During June the Convention was ratified by four Governments: Uganda (June 7), the United States (June 10), _Tunisia (June 22r and Congo-Brazzaville (June 23). Forty-four governm~nts have now signed the Conveption and nine s~gnatories have deposited their -instruments of ratification. The Convention will come into force after signature,,and ratification by 20 States. \\ The signatories to the Convention, listed chronologicall~ in order of sign- ing, are as follows: Tunisia (Ratified) Denmark United Kingdom Morocco Jamaica Malaysia Ivory Coast (Ratified) Italy Pakistan Ghana Nigeria (Ratified) Belgium Mauritania (Ratified) (France , Niger Congo-Brazzaville (Ratified) Central African Republic (Ratified) China United States (Ratified) Togo Liberia Germany Dahomey Cyprus Upper Volta Greece Ethiopia Korea Gabon (Ratified) Chad Cameroon Austria Japiin • Kenya Sweden Netherlands Somalia Malagasy Repub lie ., Sierra Leone Uganda (Ratified) Nepal Malawi Luxembourg Norway