World Bank Group Education Global Practice  righter Futures Smarter Education Systems for B SABER Education Management Information Systems 2016 Information is a key ingredient in an effective education system. Effective education policymaking in a country requires information about the inputs, resources, governance, operations, and outcomes of its education system. An education management information system (EMIS) provides systematic, quality data in a structured environment that enables utilization of the information produced in planning and policy dialogue. SABER-Education Management Information Systems aims to help countries improve data collection, data and system management, and data use in decision-making, thereby improving different elements of the education system and contributing to the end goal of improving learning for all children and youth. Why do countries management practices, ■■ Data gaps prevent countries invest in education data-driven policies, smart from conducting data-driven investments, and targeted decision-making in education management instruction. policy. Crucial data is often information systems? not available and available An EMIS provides knowledge to What challenges exist? data is often hard to use. education stakeholders about An EMIS at the country the status of the education Information and data are essential components of a level should be the primary system as a whole and the strong education system. mechanism for systematically learning outcomes within a Yet many countries struggle monitoring progress toward country. By using an EMIS, governments are able to analyze with related issues, from lack and fostering accountability and utilize data to improve of quality and timely data for reaching these goals. In their education systems. When to weak policies and data some countries, information implemented effectively, an EMIS system architecture. These systems do not exist at all can also potentially support both barriers block data from being or the indicators related to management and planning by effectively used to monitor and educational goals are not principals and administrators, improve education outcomes being tracked systematically. as well as teaching and and have troubling implications ■■ These issues are global, learning in the classroom. An for international education goals. There is a critical need limiting the ability of EMIS helps generate several valued-added components to for a tool that can either assess governments and the improve educational quality, a country’s existing EMIS or international community including quality data, efficient determine whether the country to monitor progress toward expenditures, institutionalized needs to establish a new system the achievement of learning data systems, enhanced for the following reasons: for all. | | @wbg_education What is SABER- policymakers and business strategy documents. Assessing Education Management people—an accessible, intent alone reveals only detailed, objective snapshot of part of the picture. As such, Information Systems? how well the policies of their the EMIS assessment also Using new diagnostic country’s education system are evaluates policy execution. tools and detailed policy oriented toward ensuring that Implementation refers to information, the World Bank all children and youth learn. the degree to which policy Group’s Systems Approach intentions take place during for Better Education Results The SABER-EMIS tool the day-to-day activities of assesses the effectiveness of (SABER) platform collects and stakeholders at all levels of the a country’s data system and analyzes comparative data education system. data utilization practices, and knowledge on education with the aim of informing Based on extensive research systems around the world and policy dialogue and helping and global evidence, SABER- highlights the policies and countries better manage EMIS evaluates education institutions that matter most education inputs and systems across four cross- to promote learning for all processes to achieve overall cutting policy areas: children and youth. SABER’s efficiency and better learning detailed data-gathering outcomes. It is intended for Enabling environment. and analysis are organized use by government education The enabling environment by “domains,” or areas of policymakers to assess consists of the legal education policymaking within policy areas of relevance to framework; organizational an education system. These a country’s EMIS and then structure; and institutionalized currently include levels of benchmark them against processes, human resources, education (early childhood international best practices. infrastructural capacity, and development, primary The tool’s evidence-based budget of the system. This and secondary, workforce framework is useful to includes both the laws and the development, and tertiary), education system stakeholders policies surrounding an EMIS. types of quality resources to evaluate the implementation In essence, this policy area is and supports (school finance, of policies that govern data the context in which an EMIS school health and school quality, monitoring, and exists. feeding, and teachers), areas utilization in decision-making. of governance (engaging System soundness. In a the private sector and school sound system the processes autonomy and accountability), What drives effective and structures of the EMIS information sources education management support the components of an (education management information systems? integrated system. Education information systems and The EMIS tool examines data are therefore sourced student assessment), and policy intent and the degree from different institutions and complementary inputs and to which intended policies all data feed into and comprise cross-cutting themes (equity are effectively implemented the EMIS. Databases within an and inclusion, information and on the ground. Intent refers EMIS should not be viewed communication technologies, to the way in which an EMIS as separate databases, but as and resilience). SABER aims and its overarching purpose part of the EMIS. Key aspects to give all parties with a stake are articulated by decision- of system soundness include in educational results—from makers and documented what data are covered in EMIS students, administrators, in policies and legislation, and how they come together in teachers, and parents to as well as standards and the overarching system.  2 EDUCATION GLOBAL PRACTICE Quality data. The processes accessible information. the government was eager for collecting, saving, SABER-EMIS brings education to adopt the SABER-EMIS producing, and utilizing policymakers and stakeholders recommendation to create information should ensure closer to this level of system an enabling EMIS policy from accuracy; security; and high- knowledge and insight in which EMIS can be managed quality, timely, and reliable several ways by: and its intended outcomes information for use in decision- achieved. ■■ Providing a comprehensive making. Data quality is a framework based on a Solomon Islands. Findings multidimensional concept that thorough review of global from the SABER-EMIS encompasses more than just evidence that presents assessment in Solomon Islands the underlying accuracy of the international best practices are being used to shape statistics produced. It means in EMIS as well as a the government’s National that data is not only accurate, methodology to evaluate Education Action Plan. but serves specific needs in a an EMIS through the critical Shortly after the publication timely fashion. policy areas. of the country report, the Utilization for decision- ■■ Aiding countries in analyzing government held workshops making. An EMIS needs to their education systems and meetings to identify be used across the whole through diagnosis, dialogue, how to best incorporate education system to make and reform. EMIS-related policies into decisions so that measures the education strategy. The ■■ Enhancing the global can be taken to improve SABER engagement helped in knowledge base on effective educational quality. Accurate identifying underlying causes EMIS policies. information on education and key areas for reform in ■■ Involving key system relation to system issues, data sector performance enables leaders and stakeholders in quality and capacity building. the design of more informed identifying reform priorities. The policy recommendations policies and programs. It is imperative to understand are now being used by the How are countries and major donors in the region where decision-making occurs, partner organizations namely, Secretariat of the if the capacity to analyze and using SABER-Education Pacific Community (SPC) interpret education data exists, and if specific data is available Management to enhance the quality of to inform decisions. Information Systems data collected and improve to improve system capacity building.  Moreover, How is SABER- effectiveness? the Asian Development Bank (ADB) is utilizing the proposed Education Management Launched in 2015, SABER- recommendations for EMIS Information Systems EMIS has moved forward into the work program of helping to improve quickly with assessment their project on ICT for Better reports already available for education systems? Education Results. Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Assessing the state of Solomon Islands, Suriname and Suriname. Working closely education in a country requires the State of Maryland in the with the World Bank Group information about the inputs, United States. All assessments Latin America and Caribbean resources, governance, were well-received with education team, SABER-EMIS operations, and outcomes of considerable attention given supported the Government its education system through to recommendations. In Papua of Suriname in assessing and reliable, relevant, and easily New Guinea, for example, providing recommendations to EDUCATION MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS 3 strengthen the country EMIS. SABER-Education and the United Nations An initial Needs Assessment Management Children’s Fund (UNICEF). provided a snapshot of the Information Systems The Australian Government’s existing EMIS and outlined Partners Department of Foreign Affairs a variety of improvements to and Trade (DFAT) is also a The SABER-EMIS team is strengthen the overarching strong supporter of SABER and working with a wide range system. The Needs Assessment of partners, including Pacific education systems research and helped to define the World Benchmarking for Education has done much work to support Bank Group’s education Results (PaBER), UNESCO the application of SABER strategy for the country. Institute for Statistics (UIS), globally. | | @wbg_education