67724 Republic of Bangladesh: Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project SUMMARY OF DISCUSSION Meeting of the Executive Directors March 22, 2012 Executive Directors approved the Credit to the People’s Republic of Bangladesh for a Bangladesh Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project in the amount of US$75 million equivalent on the payment terms and conditions set out in the President’s Memorandum (IDA/R2012-0042). Directors expressed support for the project, which is in line with the CAS priorities and will expand access to safe water and sanitation services, thereby contributing to poverty alleviation. They noted the results of the predecessor project and welcomed the envisaged involvement of the private sector in the provision of piped water supply, scaling up the earlier pilot. Directors also noted the general weak governance environment and highlighted the importance of addressing governance issues, working with trusted counterparts, reducing fraud and corruption risks and managing social risks. Implementation risks were underscored but Directors noted that the proposed mitigation measures appeared adequate. Finally, Directors encouraged staff to closely monitor adherence to policies applicable to procurement, safeguards, fraud and corruption, financial management, and communication.                                                               This summary is not an approved record.