ossi. \RESTRICTED IN _Report No. EAP-28 This report is for official use only by the Bank Group and specifically authorized organizations or persons. It may not be published, quoted or cited without Bank Group authorization. The Bank Group does not accept responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of the report. INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION CURRENT ECONOMIC POSITION AND PROSPECTS OF THAILAND (in six volumes) VOLUME VI ANNEX 10. PRE-INVESTMENT STUDIES January Z7, 1972, East Asia and Pacific Department FOREWORD This Annex contains a number of pre-investment and other studies which were identified by the economic and sectoral missions which visited Thailand in the latter half of 1971. The studies should be considered in conjunction with the Report - "Current Eco- nomic Position and Prospects of Thailand",EAP 28, dated January 11, 1972. The list of studies is not intended to be exhaustive; its purpose is to indicate areas which, in the missions' judgment, de- serve priority attention in the course of the Third Plan period. The Government is preparing a list of potential feasibil- ity and pre-investment studies which it plans to circulate to donors individually. The studies mentioned here have been reviewed with the Goverrment and a number of them will be found in the Government's list. In addition to the studies listed here, a number of studies are included in Annex 9 of the economic report on Development Prior- ities in Northeast Thailand. Annex 10 PRE-INVESTMENT AND OTHER STUDIES Table of Contents Study No. Agriculture National Fertilizer Study 1 Seed Multiplication 2 Beef Cattle 3 Sericulture 4 Grain Storage 5 Establishment of Pine Plantations 6 Forestry Survey, South Thailand 7 Education Educational Radio and Television 8 Non-Formal Education and Training 9 Industry Industrial Estates 10 Center for Industrial Mining 11 Ore Beneficiation and Marketing 12 Incentives to Expand Exports 13 Water Supplr Groundwater Exploration 14 Water Resources Policy 15 Water Supply Agencies 16 Training and Applied Research 17 Financing Capital Improvements 18 Transportation Ministry of Communications - Management Information Sstem 19 Railway Costing and Tariff 20 Southern Ports 21 Bangkok International Airport 22 Domestic Civil Aviation Development 23 Multi-Purpose Water Allocation in Chao Phya Basin 24 FORM No. 386 INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR INTERNATIONAL FINANCE (11.69) ASSOCIATION RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION PREINVESIMENT PROGRAM - STUDY DATA SHEET No.: 1 Area: Country: Sector(s): Southeast Asia Thailand Agriculture 1. NAME OF PROPOSED STllDY: National Fertilizer Study 2. PURPOSE: To examine all aspects of fertilizer requirements, consumption, production and prices and to formulate a program for future development. 3. SCOPE: The study should include an inventory of existing information, practices and procedures and conduct a broad reconnaissance survey covering fertilizer use, actual and potential demand, prices, incentives and constraints, promotion, distribution and supply, and the economic altemnatives of domestic production versus imports of fertilizers and fertilizer materials. 4. BACKGROUND: (a) Related Studies (b) Other Available Data (c) Expected Data Problems List of studies available Lack of farm data on from IBRD fertilizer response of -'arious crops. . 5. TIMING: (a) Duration and Phasing of Study (b) Desired Starting Date 6 months FY 72 6. COMMENT ON POTENTIAL STUDY SPONSORS: IB3RD 7. PROJECT(S) EXPECTEID TO RESULT FROM STUDY (if known): (a) Description (b) Estimated Investment (US$ equivalent) (c) Financing Need and Potential Source 8. ORDER OF MAGNITUDE OF STUDY COST (US$ equivalent): Sheet Prepared by: Dept. or Agency:- 100,000 Date: 9. STAFF'S COHMENT ON PRIORITY RANKING OF STUDY: Sheet Revised by: Item(s) Revised: Dept. or Agency: Date: -ORM No. 386.01 INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR INTERNATIONAL FINANCE (11-69) ASSOCIATION RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION PREINVESTMENT PROGRAM - STUDY DATA SUPPLEMENT No.: (to be filled in when possible) 1. TENTATIVE STAFFING Type of Specialist Number on Team Total Man-Months (a) Foreign Professional Staff: Agronomist 1 6 Agricultural Economist 1 6 Chemical Engineer 1 6 Total: 3 18 (b) Local Professional Staff Agricultural Economist 1 Agronomist 1 4 (c) Local Supporting Staff 2. TENTATIVE STUDY BUDGET (US$ equivalent) Foreign Local Total Currency Currency (a) Professional Staff Costs (b) Equipment (c) Other (Travel, non-prof. staff, etc.): (d) Total 3. OTHER COMMENTS Thailand faces some difficult policy decisions with respect to fertillizer prices and import policy. Protection of an inefficient domestic plant makes prices of fertilizer among the highest in Asia. Returns to farmers from fertilizer use are too low to warrant use on important field crops. Agricultural development over the next decade will depend on adoption of improved seed-fertilizer technology. Field surveys will be needed to obtain information on the experience of farmers with fertilizers and the constraints limiting its use. Supplement Prepared by: Dept. or Agency: Date: Supplement Revised by: Item(s) Revised: Dept. or Agency: Date: FORm No. 386 INTERNATICNAL DEVELOPMENT INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR INTERNATIONAL FINANCE (11-69) ASSOCIATION RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION PREINVESTMENT PROGRAM - STUDY DATA SHEET No.: 2 Area: Country: Sector(s): Southeast Asia Thailand Agriculture 1. NAME OF PROPOSED STUDY: Pedigree Seed Multiplication and Storage Project 2. PURPOSE: To study the feasibility of a seed multiplication and seed storage program which will make available to farmers quality seeds of major crops, including maize, soybeans, sorghum, rice, groundnuts, mungbeans, sesame, cotton, kenaf (and other fibers). 3. SCOPE: The study should include: (a) review of the research and other available data on the most promising varieties of seeds in the major producing areas, including their deterioration in storage, and proposals for further research and study required on them; (b) the present seed p o- duction, storage and distribution system and its defects; (c) methods by which seeds could be multiplied, processed, tested, stored and distributed, including the relative advantages of doi ng this at central, regional and local (district or village) levels; (d) methods by which farmers could become aware of the advantages of using good seed and the best cultivating practices, in cluding the use of demonstration plots; (e) the institutional and organizational requirements or carrying out the above, including the possibilities of using the Ministry of Agriculture, BAAC the cooperatives and existing commercial banking and distribution channels; (f) preliminary fi an- cial estimates (should a project be considered feasible), including proposals for methods of f nan t4ing nnci qntire.q of' finmds, and for meeting the farmers' credit requirements for seed. L4. BACKGROUND: (a) IRelated Studies (b) Other Available Data (c) Expected Data Problems F.A.0. Seed Survey Seeds used by farmers of Thailand 5. TIMING: (a) Duration and Phasing of Study (b) Desired Starting Date 6 months FY 1973 6. COMMENT ON POTENTIAL STUDY SPONSORS: FA0/IBRD Cooperative Program 7. PROJECT(S) EXPECITED TO RESULT FROM STUDY (if known): (a) Description (b) Estimated Investment (US$ equivalent) 15 A project to develop supply, storage (c) Financing Need and Potential Source 10 and distribution of improved seeds. 8. ORDER OF MRGNITUDE OF STUDY COST (US$ equivalent): Sheet Prepared by: 85,,o00 Dept. or Agency: Date: 9. STAFF'S COMMENT ON PRIORITY RANKING OF STUDY: Sheet Revised by: _ Item(s) Revised: Dept. or Agency: Date: FORM No. 386.01 INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR INTERNATIONAL FINANCE (11-69) ASSOCIATION RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION PREINVESTMENT PROGRAM - STUDY DATA SUPPLENENT No.: 2 (to be filled in when possible) 1. TENTATIVE STAFFING Type of Specialist Number on Team Total Man-Months (a) Foreign Professional Staff: Agr. Economist 1 6 Seeds Agronomist 1 6 Seeds Processing 16 Total: 3 18 (b) Local Professional Staff (c) Local Supporting Staff 2. TENTATIVE STUDY BUDGET (US$ equivalent) Foreign Local Total Currency Currency (a) Professional Staff Costs (b) Equipment (c) Other (Travel, non-prof. staff, etc.): (d) Total 3. OTHER COMMENTS Good quality seeds are generally not available to farmers. Recent seed physiology research in Thailand has shown that most crop seeds are sensitive to the temperature and moisture during storage that prevail in Thailand and germination is seriously affected thereby. There is need both for good quality seed and for improved facilities under whic it is stored. Supplement Prepared by: Dept. or Agency: Date: Supplement Revised by: Item(s) Revised: Dept. or Agency: I Date: FORM No. 386 INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR INTERNATIONAL FINANCE (11-69) ASSOCIATION RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION PREINVESTMENT PROGRAM - STUDY DATA SHEET No.: 3 Area: Country: Sector(s): Southeast Asia Thailand Agriculture I. NAME OF PROPOSED STUDY: Beef Cattle Development 2. PURPOSE: To determine the economics and technical feasibility of expanding Thailand's beef production by means of mass upgrading of the existing cattle with improved Brahman bulls and to prepare an investment program if that is required. 3. SCOPE: The study should: a. assess potential markets for additional beef; b. examine th,e technical constraints on large scale use of improved Brahman and Brahman crossbred bulls for upgrading native cows and on development of improved grazing an,d forage resources; and c. prepare a program to achieve this if increased productivity is technically and economically feasible. 4. BACKGROUND: (a) Related Studies (b) Other Available Data (c) Expected Data Problems Report to the Government of Trade Statistics Production Statistics Thailand on Livestock Marketing and Production Costs Abattoir Management. FAO No. TA 2761- 1970 Report by Asian Development Bank Technical Assistance Mission to Royal Thai Government and Asian Development Bank 1971. 5. TIMING: (a) CDuration and Phasing of Study (b) Desired Starting Date 6 months FY 72 6. COtMENT ON POTENTIAL STUDY SPONSORS: FAO/IBRD cooperative program 7. PROJECT(S) EXPECTED TO RESULT FROM STUDY (if known): (a) Description (b) Estimated Investment (US$ equivalent) Agricultural credit project for importation 5 million of improved cattle and development of (c) Financing Need and Potential Source breeding herds to produce bulls for distribution 8. ORDER OF IAGNITUDE OF STUDY COST (US$ equivalent): Sheet Prepared by: Dept. or Agency: Date: 9. STAFF'S COM4MENT ON PRIORITY RANKING OF STUDY: Sheet Revised by: High priority. Important because of declining per Item(s) Revised: capita supply of beef and potential to increase foreign exchange earnings. Date: i FORM No, 386.01 INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR INTERNATICNAL FINANCE (11.69) ASSOCIATION RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION PREINVESTMENT PROGRAM - STUDY DATA SUPPLE4ENT No.: 3 (to be filled in when possible) I. TENTATIVE STAFFING Type of Specialist Number on Team Total Man-Months (a) Foreign Professional Staff: Market Economist 1 4 Agricultural Economist 1 6 Beef Cattle Specialist 1 6 Total: 316 (b) Local Professional Staff (c) Local Supporting Staff 6 2. TENTATIVE STUDY BUDGET (US$ equivalent) Foreign Local Total Currency Currency (a) Professional Staff Costs (b) Equipment (c) Other (Travel, non-prof. staff, etc.): (d) Total 3. OTHER COMMENTS The 1.5% anmual growth in beef production since 1968 will need to be increased to 3.5-4.0% to meet domestic requirements and export potential. Thai beef is now produced at low cost under primitive conditions. The bulk of domestic and export demand is for low price fresh beef. The Government of Thailand has imposed export quotas to increase supply for domestic consumption. Upgrading of the small native cattle with improved Brahman bulls offers the most rapid means of increasing Thailand's total beef production without material increase in production costs. Improvements in nutrition and management will progress more slowly. Improved Brahman bulls will be required in large numbers to exert a significant impact on total production. Importation of foundation cattle to establish breeding herds for production of bulls will be required. Imported bull calves for acclimating and dis- tributing during the interim period will be needed. Supplement Prepared by: Dept. or Agency: Date: Supplement Revised by: Item(s) Revised: Dept. or Agency: Date: FORm No. 386 INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR INTERNATIONAL FINANCE (11-69) ASSOCIATION RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION PREINVESTMENT PROGRAM - STUDY DATA SHEET No.: h Area: Country: Sector(s): Southeast Asia Thailand Agriculture 1. NAME OF PROPOSED STUDY: Sericulture Development in Selected Areas 2. PURPOSE: To identify and prepare a project to improve the quality of silk production. 3. SCOPE: The study should: (a) Identify potential areas for development; (b) Determine market potential; (c) Develop farm models (for both large and small farms) to show net returns for alternative production systems (improved mulberries and hybrid or selected Thai worms, sale of rawsilk vs. cocoons, hand reeling vs. centralized machine reeling); (d) Assess liketly response from silkworm rearers; (e) Prepare details of an investment project which -would incorporate the above -- particular emphasis should be given to financial and credit requirements, technical assistance, institutional arrangements, marketing mechanism including possibilities of a silk marketing cooperative, organiza- tional structule. 4. BACKGROUND: (a) Rellated Studies (b) Other Available Data (c) Expected Data Problems Report by Asian Development Customs figures Amount of domestic Bank Thai Silk Association raw silk production Technical Assistance Mission estimates and non-commercial to Royal Thai Government and weaving and sale of Asian Development Bank - June 1971 silk cloth The Development of Export Industries in Thailand by L.H. Manderstam & Partners,Ltd.-1970 5. TIMING: (a) Duration and Phasing of Study (b) Desired Starting Date 6, months FY 72 6. COMMENT ON POTENTIAL STUDY SPONSORS: 7. PROJECT(S) EXPECTED TO RESULT FROM STUDY (if known): (a) Description (b) Estimated Investment (US$ equivalent) Agricultural Credit Project for the 1-3 million expansion of improved silk production (c) Financing Need and Potential Source Credit for capital investment by small farmers and silk marketing cooperatives 8. ORDER OF MA6NITUDE OF STUDY COST (US$ equivalent): Sheet Prepared by: Dept. or Agency: Date: 9. STAFF'S COMMENT ON PRIORITY RANKING OF STUDY: Sheet Revised by: High priority in view of declining domestic silk Item(s) Revised: production and rising imports of high grade thrown Dept. or Agency: silk yarn. De: I ~~~~~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Date: _I FORM No. 386.01 INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR INTERNATIONAL FINANCE (11-69) ASSOCIATION RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION PREINVESTMENT PROGRAM - STUDY DATA SUPPLEMENT No.: 4 (to be filled in when possible) 1. TENTATIVE STAFFING Type of Specialist Number on Team Total Man-Months (a) Foreign Professional Staff: Agricultural Economist 1 6 Sericulture Specialist 1 6 Total: 12 (b) Local Professional Staff (c) Local Supporting Staff : 2. TENTATIVE STUDY BUDGET (US$ equivalent) Foreign Local Total Currency Currency (a) Professional Staff Costs (b) Equipment (c) Other (Travel, non-prof. staff, etc.): (d) Total 3. OTHER COMMENTS Thai silk cloth is in strong demand on the world markets. Domestic production of raw silk is declining and imports of high grade silk yarn are rising. Domestic productivity is low due to primitive cultural methods and use of low yielding mulberries and silkworms. Village hand reeling results in inferior quality of raw silk. Use of improved mulberries and hybrid silkworms can increase production per unit five to sixfold. First grade machine reeled silk can be produced in Thailand. The Government of Thailand is promoting improved silk production as a means of increasing incomes of subsistence farmers and foreign ex- change earnings. Producers will need to be concentrated in selected areas and organized in silk marketing organizations in order to justify purchase of mechanical equipment and operation of central reeling centers. Supplement Prepared by: Dept. or Agency: Date: Supplement Revised by: Item(s) Revised: Dept. or Agency: Date: FORM No. 386 INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR INTERNATIONAL FINANCE (11-69) ASSOCIATION RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION PREINVESTMENT PROGRAM - STUDY DATA SHEET No.: 5 Area: Country: Sector(s): Southeast Asia Thailand Agriculture 1. NAME OF PROPOSED STUDY: Grain Storage, Processing and Marketing 2. PURPOSE: To identify the problems of storage, grading, handling, processing and marketing of grains and pulses arising from their increase in output expected during the Third Devel- opment Plan; and if appropriate, to identify and prepare a project to encompass these prob- lems. 3. SCOPE: The study should cover: (a) the present structural, financial and operational as- pects of grain storage, grading, handling, processing and marketing; (b) proposals for improving the position, after studying the problems brought out through (a) above, includ- ing any capital, legal or training requirements; (c) estimates of future structural, finan- cial and operational requirements for storage, grading, handling, processing and market- ing; (d) provision of local storage and financing for farmers, so that they could sell their crops sometime after the harvest, after crop prices have improved, meantime receiv- ing advances against stored crops; (e) comparison of advantages and disadvantages of storing grain at various points in the marketing channel, (e.g. farm, village, town, port). 4. BACKGROUND: (a) Related Studies (b) Other Available Data (c) Expected Data Problems Internal studies General lack of cf the Ministry of information Economic Affairs 5. TIMING: (a) Duration and Phasing of Study (b) Desired Starting Date 6 months FY 71-72 &6. COMMENT ON POTENTIAL STUDY SPONSORS: 7. PROJECT(S) EXPECTED TO RESULT FROM STUDY (if known): (a) Description (b) Estimated Investment (US$ equivalent) 10-30 million A project to provide further grain storage (c) Financing Need and Potential Source and processing facilities, coupled with advances to farmers against stored crops 8. ORDER OF 40AGNTUDE OF STUDY COST (USs equivalent): Sheet Prepared by: Dept. or Agency: Date: 9. STAFF'S COWMENT ONl PRIORITY RANKING OF STUDY: Sheet Revised by: High priority since it should lead to Item(s) Revised: project with -significant impact . Dept. or Agency: _ _______ Date:I ___ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ FORM No. 386.01 INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR INTERNATIONAL FINANCE (11-69) ASSOCIATION RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION PREINVESTMENT PROGRAM - STUDY DATA SUPPLEMENT No.: 5 (to be filled in when possible) I. TENTATIVE STAFFING Type of SPecialist Number on Team Total Man-Months (a) Foreign Professional Staff: Engineer 1 6 Economist 1 6 Agronomist 1 6 Total: 3 18 (b) Local Professional Staff : 3 24 (c) Local Supporting Staff : 1 2 2. TENTATIVE STUDY BUDGET (US$ equivalent) Foreign Local Total Currency Currency (a) Professional Staff Costs (b) Equipment (c) Other (Travel, non-prof. staff, etc.): (d) Total 3. OTHER COMMENTS (a) Production of the six major grains and pulses (rice, maize, sorghum, soybeans, ground- nuts and mungbeans) is expected to increase by 3.8 million tons (24%) over the period 1970-1976. Export of these commodities will increase by 2.2 million tons (82%). (b) Much of existing storage, etc., is of poor quality and requires improvement; (c) At present most farmers are obliged to sell their crops at harvest when prices are lowest. If local storage was available, where they could store their crops until prices improved, farmers themselves could obtain the benefit of higher prices, provided they could obtain loans on the security of their stored crops to tide them over the waiting period. A project which would combine increased and improved storage and processing facilities for grains and pulses with such loans would thus be of considerable benefit to the producers; (d) The question of a publicly-owned storage institution, with participation by commercial and banking interests as well as Goverrunent and the public should be considered. A possible source of part of the long-term capital might be the proposed Agricultural Development Fand. Supplement Prepared by: Dept. or Agency: Date: Supplement Revised by: Item(s) Revised: Dept. or Agency: Date: FORM No. 386 INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR INTERNATIONAL FINANCE (11.69) ASSOCIATION RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION PREINVESTMENT PROGRAM - STUDY DATA SHEET No.: 6 Area: Country: Sector(s): South-East Asia Thailand Agriculture 1. NAME OF PROPOSED STUD)Y: Establishment of plantations of Pinus Kesiya and P.Merkusii 2. PURPOSE: To identify and prepare a project for the establishment of plantations of Pinus Kesiya and P. Merkusii for pulp and paper production. 3. SCOPE: The studJr should: (a) assess the present and future markets for pulp and paper in Thailand; (b) examine alternative sources of raw material including kenaf; (c) examine the growth performance of existing plantations of P. Kesiya and P. Merkusii on various sites in Thailand; (d) estimate the notation and yields obtainable from these plantations; (e) assess the costEi of establishing the plantations, and (f) on the basis of the foregoing select a suitable site for the establishment of plantations of a sufficient area to supply wood for a pulp and paper mill of economic size, with attention to the prospects for location of the plantation and mill in Sisaket, N.E., Thailand. 4. BACKGROUND: (a) Related Studies (b) Other Available Data (c) Expected Data Problems - Paper and pulp material - Silviculture and plantation survey, Thailand. FAD, 1968 records of the Royal Forest (2 Vols.) Dept. - Reforestation and Improvement, - Progress reports of the Thailand. FAD,, 1970 Thai/Danish Pine Improvement Centre. 5. TIMING: (a) Duration and Phasing of Study (b) Desired Starting Date 3 months FY 72 6. COMMENT ON POTENTIAt. STUDY SPONSORS: FAD/IIRD Co-operative Programme would be a suitable agency for undertaking the study. 7. PROJECT(S) EXPECTED TO RESULT FROM STUDY (if known): (a) Description (b) Estimated Investment (US$ equivalent) A project to establish pine 19 - 22 million plantations for pulpwood production. (c) Financing Need and Potential Source 10 - 11 million 8. ORDER OF MAGNITUDE OF STUDY COST (US$ equivalent): Sheet Prepared by: 32,000 Dept. or Agency: Date: 9. STAFF'S CO4MENT ON P'RIORITY RANKING OF STUDY: Sheet Revised by: Item(s) Revised: Dept. or Agency: Date: FORM No. 386.01 INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR INTERNATIONAL FINANCE (11-69) ASSOCIATION RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION PREINVESTMENT PROGRAM - STUDY DATA SUPPLEMENT No.: 6 (to be filled in when possible) 1. TENTATIVE STAFFING Type of Specialist Number on Team Total Man-Months (a) Foreign Professional Staff: Forest Plantation Specialist 1 3 Economist 1 3 Logging Specialist 1 3 Total: 3 9 (b) Local Professional Staff (c) Local Supporting Staff : 9 2. TENTATIVE STUDY BUDGET (US$ equivalent) Foreign Local Total Currency Currency _ (a) Professional Staff Costs (b) Equipment (c) Other (Travel, non-prof. staff, etc.): (d) Total 3. OTHER COMMENTS Thailand has a balance of trade deficit in wood and wood products. One of the reasons for this adverse trade balance is the high import bill for pulp and paper. The demand for these products is likely to increase rapidly in the coming years. The existing coniferous resources needed for the manufacture of newsprint are barely adequate to supply wood to a small mill of about 200 tons per day. Thailand's needs are much greater than this. Therefore, if the country wishes to serve foreign exchange it should establish plantations to supply the wood raw material. Preliminary work on the techniques for establishing pine plantations has been done by the Thais with FAD and Danish assistance. FAD has also helped to select suitable plantation and mill sites. That agency is also currently engaged in a wood and wood products consumption survey in Thailand. The object of this study is therefore to assess the available data, and to determine whether it is economically feasible to grow wood for pulp. Supplement Prepared by: Dept. or Agency: Date: Supplement Revised by: Item(s) Revised: Dept. or Agency: Date: FORM No. 386 INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR INTERNATIONAL FINANCE (11-69) ASSOCIATION RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION PREINVESTMENT PROGRAM - STUDY DATA SHEET No.: 7 Area: Country: Sector(s): South-East Asia Thailand Agriculture 1. NAME OF PROPOSED STUDY: Forestry and Forest Industries Survey in Southern Thailand 2. PURPOSE: To identify and prepare an integrated forest industries project in Southern Thailand. 3. SCOPE: The study should include (a) an examination of the existing inventory data of the forests of Southern Thailand, paying particular attention to removals of timber from the forests since the inventories were carried out, and to the marketability of the species found in the forests; (b) an assessment of the present and future demand for wood and wood products, both locally and externally; (c) an assessment of the costs of harvesting and transporting logs and/or forest products from the forests to the parts and centres of con- sumption, the need for additional or improved road and port infrastructure; and (d) the technical and economic feasibility of establishing an integrated wood conversion complex based on supplies of wood from the southern forests. 4. BACKGROUND: (a) Related Studies (b) Other Available Data (c) Expected Data Problems - Report of the Royal Forest - Recorded removals of timber Department on an inventory from the scuthern Forests. Royal of the Southern Forests (1966); Forest Dept. (1966-71) - Various IBRD reports on road - Felling, extraction and conversion construction as in Thailand. data from the Forest Industries Organization, Thailand. 5. TIMING: (a) Duration and Phasing of Study (b) Desired Starting Date 4 Months FY 72 6. CO"MENT ON POTENTIAL STUDY SPONSORS: FAO/IBREI Co-Operative Programme would be a suitable agency to undertake this study. 7. PROJECT(S) EXPECTED TO RESULT FROM STUDY (if known): (a) Description (b) Estimated Investment (US$ equivalent) A p .oect tc: 20 - 25 million (l} construct logging and timber transportation roads in southern Thailand; and (c) Financing Need and Potential Source (ii) Establish a sawmill-plywood timber conversion 14 - 18 million complex. 8. ORDER OF MASITUOIE OF STUDY COST (USs equivalent): Sheet Prepared by: 70,000 Dept. or Agency: Date: 9. STAFF'S CO\ttENT ON PRIORITY RANKING OF STUDY: Sheet Revised by: Item(s) Revised: Dept. or Agency: Date: t____________________________________________________ E ________________ FORM No. 386.01 INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR INTERNATIONAL FINANCE (11.69) ASSOCIATION RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION PREINVESTMENT PROGRAM - STUDY DATA SUPPLEMENT No.: 7 (to be filled in when possible) 1. TENTATIVE STAFFING Type of Specialist Number on Team Total Man-Months (a) Foreign Professional Staff: Forester 14 Forest Industries Specialist 1 4 Logging Specialist 14 Economist 1 4 Forest Marketing Specialist 14 Total: 20 (b) Local Professional Staff (c) Local Supporting Staff 15 2. TENTATIVE STUDY BUDGET (US$ equivalent) Foreign Local Total Currency Currency (a) Professional Staff Costs (b) Equipment (c) Other (Travel, non-prof. staff, etc.): (d) Total 3. OTHER COMMENTS The value of Thailand's exports of wood and wood products has decreased during the last five years or so. The traditional export timber has been teak, and although supplies of this species are dwindling, there has not been a shift in production to other species. The southern forests of Thailand remain relatively untapped although they are reportedly similar in species composition to the Malaysian and Indonesian forests which are so intensively exploited. It therefore seems desirable to investigate the feasibility of exploiting these forests more thoroughly, both for local and external markets. The terms of reference and the timing of this study should be coordinated with the Regional Planning Study of Southern Thailand. Supplement Prepared by: Dept. or Agency: Date: Supplement Revised by: Item(s) Revised: Dept. or Agency: Date: FORM No. 386 INTEFINATIONAL DEVELOPMENT INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR INTERNATIONAL FINANCE (11-69) ASSOCIATION RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION PREINVESTMENT PROGRAM - STUDY DATA SHEET No.: 8 Area: Country: Sector(s): Southeast Asia Thailand Education 1. NAME OF PROPOSED Sl'UDY: Educational Radio and Television Development 2. PURPOSE: To determine feasibility of nationwide use of radio and television programs as integral parts of education and training, and to prepare a plan for such expansion, if feasible. 3. SCOPE: (a) Review and. evaluation of existing technical infrastructure; (b) Critical analysis of administrative and financial mechanisms; (c) Analysis of curricula and syllabi with respect to areas for possible radio and/or ErV support; (d) Recommendations for a national educational radio and television scheme. W. BACKGROUND: (a) Related Studies (b) Other Available Data (c) Expected Data Problems 5. TIMING: (a) D)uration and Phasing of Study (b) Desired Starting Date 6 months Early FY 73 6. COMMENT ON POTENTIAL STUDY SPONSORS: IBRD 7. PROJECT(S) EXPECTED TO RESULT FROM STUDY (if known): (a) Description (b) Estimated Investment (US$ equivalent) Project including conistruction and equipment of studios and maintenance facilities, receivers, (c) Financing Need and Potential Source program production training. 8. ORDER OF MGITUDE OF STUDY COST (US$ equivalent): Sheet Prepared by: Dept. or Agency: Date: 9. STAFF'S COMMENT ON PRIORITY RANKING OF STUDY: Sheet Revised by: Item(s) Revised: Dept. or Agency: Date: FORM No. 386.01 INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR INTERNATIONAL FINANCE (11-69) ASSOCIATION RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION PREINVESTMENT PROGRAM - STUDY DATA SUPPLEMENT No.: 8 (to be filled in when possible) 1. TENTATIVE STAFFING Type of Specialist Number on Team Total Man-Months (a) Foreign Professional Staff: 4 persons, 24 including mission leader (6 months each) Total: 24 (b) Local Professional Staff : Secretarial (c) Local Supporting Staff 2. TENTATIVE STUDY BUDGET (US$ equivalent) Foreign Local Total Currency Currency (a) Professional Staff Costs (b) Equipment (c) Other (Travel, non-prof. staff, etc.): (d) Total 3. OTHER COMMENTS Supplement Prepared by: Dept. or Agency: Date: Supplement Revised by: Item(s) Revised: Dept. or Agency: Date: FORM No. 386 INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR INTERNATIONAL FINANCE (11-69) ASSOCIATION RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION PREINVESTMENT PROGRAM - STUDY DATA SHEET No.: 9. Area: Country: Sector(s): Southeast AsiaL Thailand Education 1. NAME OF PROPOSED STUDY: Non-formal Education and Training 2. PURPOSE: To prepare a national program for non-fonmal education and training including the organizational and financial requirements necessary to administer the program. 3. SCOPE: (a) Review an inventory of all non-formal education and training programs (e.g. agri- culture, literacy, paramedical, etc.). (b) Evaluation of the ongoing programs. (c) Recommendations for a national program including proposals for implementation. L4. BACKGROUND: (a) Related Studies (b) Other Available Data (c) Expected Data Problems Employment information. 5. TIMING: (a) Duration and Phasing of Study (b) Desired Starting Date 6 months Early FY 73 6. COMMENT ON POTENTIAL STUDY SPONSORS: IBRD 7. PROJECT(S) EXPECTEI) TO RESULT FROM STUDY (if known): (a) Description (b) Estimated Investment (US$ equivalent) Projects in hharal Education and Training (c) Financing Need and Potential Source 8. ORDER OF VAGNITUOE OF STUDY COST (US$ equivalent): Sheet Prepared by: Dept. or Agency: Date: 9. STAFF'S COMMENT ON PRIORITY RANKING OF STUDY: Sheet Revised by: Item(s) Revised: Dept. or Agency: Date: i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4. _ ___ _ _ _ _ _ FORM No. 386.01 INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR INTERNATIONAL FINANCE (11.69) ASSOCIATION RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION PREINVESTMENT PROGRAM - STUDY DATA SUPPLEMENT No.: (to be filled in when possible) 1. TENTATIVE STAFFING Type of Specialist Number on Team Total Man-Months (a) Foreign Professional Staff: 6 persons (6 months each) including mission leader 36 Total: 3 (b) Local Professional Staff (c) Local Supporting Staff : 3 Secretarial 6 months each 4 drivers 6 months each 2. TENTATIVE STUDY BUDGET (US$ equivalent) Foreign Local Total Currency Currency (a) Professional Staff Costs (b) Equipment (c) Other (Travel, non-prof. staff, etc.): (d) Total 3. OTHER COMMENTS Supplement Prepared by: Dept. or Agency: Date: Supplement Revised by: Item(s) Revised: Dept. or Agency: Date: FORM No. 386 INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR INTERNATIONAL FINANCE (11.69) ASSOCIATION RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION PREINVESTMENT PROGRAM - STUDY DATA SHEET No.: 10 Area: Country: Sector(s): Southeast Asia Thailand Industry I. NAME OF PROPOSED STUDY: Industrial Estates 2. PURPOSE: To prepare a detailed plan of industrial estate development for the 1972-1976 period based on three locations - Klong Dang, Lamphun and Prapadang - which have been selected as of highest priority and feasibility in previous studies. 3. SCOPE: The stucy should: a) Survey the three sites, including testing of soil characteristics b) Analyze types and sizes of industry suitable for each location and infrastructure requirements including transport, power, water, sewerage and housing c) Prepare physical development plan d) Estimate capital investment, income, rate of return, and finance plan e) Outline staff requirements and administrative procedures for central offices of national industrial estate authority and for each estate management group. 4. BACKGROUND: (a) Related Studies (b) Other Available Data (c) Expected Data Problems Past studies have led to the creation of an autonomous industrial estate authority expected to be operating early 1972. The authority will take over management of the Bang Chan estate from the Dept. of Industrial Works and will be responsible for all new estate development. Pre-feasibility studies of possible locations throughout Thailand have indicated the three locations selected as most feasible for estate development in 1972-1976 period. 5. TiMING: (a) Duration and Phasing of Study (b) Desired Starting Date 6 months FY 1972 6. COIMENT ON POTENTIAL STUJDY SPONSORS: The national agencies directly concerned are NEDB, the Department of Industrial Works and the central industrial estate authority (when formed and operating). UNIDO has offered to act as executing agency. 7. PROJECT(S) EXPECTED TO RESULT FROM STUDY (if known): (a) Description (b) Estimated Investment (US$ equivalent) Klong Dang Estate $21 million Lamphun Estate (c) Financing Need and Potential Source Prapadang Estate $10.5 million - IBRD and/or IF $10.5 million gov't & private participant 8. ORDER OF MdANITUDI OF STUDY COST (US$ equivalent): Sheet Prepared by: Dept. or Agency: $t1 50,OO 000Date: 9. STAFF'S COMMENT ON PRIORITY RANKING OF STUDY: Sheet Revised by: High priority - early implementation would contri- Item(s) Revised: bute significantly to increased industrial growth D and export earnings. Dep ! ~~~~~~~Date: _ _ _ _ FORm No. 386 INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR INTERNATIONAL FINANCE (11-69) ASSOCIATION RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION PREINVESTMENT PROGRAM - STUDY DATA SHEET No.: 11 Area: country: Sector(s): Southeast Asia Thailand Mining, Industry I. NAM4E OF PROPOSED STLDY: Center for Industrial Mining (CIM) 2. PURPOSE: To determine the feasibility of reorganizing and expanding the existing CIM into an effective operating organization offering the national mining sector expert services in mineral exploration, ore dressing, milling, smelting, refining and marketing. 3. SCOPE: The study should: (a) Review history, organization, accomplishments, problems and constraints of existing institution; (b) Reccmmend changes in organization and functions with special emphasis on comparative advantages of CIM as a department of the Department of Mineral Resources vs. CIM as an autonomous goverment corporation; (c) Estimate capital investment cost of expanded facilities including laboratories, pilot scale testing plants, exploration and drilling equipment, vehicles, etc. Include cost of establishing "Equipment Pools"; (d) Analyze staff requirements, both Thai and foreign experts; /through sale of services. (e) Prepare E-year budget, (f) Assess potential for ultimate s-elf~supporting operation/ 4. BACKGROUND: (a) Related Studies (b) Other Available Data (c) Expected Data Problems Reorgamization and strengthening of CIM is contemplated as part of Third 5-year Plan. Department of Mineral Resources has basic data on past operations and preliminary planning of "Equipment Pools". A USOM-financed study "The Mineral In- dustry in Thailand", May 28, 1971, recommended some of the elements outlined in par. 3. 5. TIMING: (a) Duration and Phasing of Study (b) Desired Starting Date 3-4 months FY 1972 6. COMMENT ON POTENTIIAL STUDY SPONSORS: The national agencies directly concerned in the study would be the Department of Mineral Resources and NEDB. USOM or UNDP/UNIDO are possible executing agencies. 7. PROJECT(S) EXPECTED TO RESULT FROM STUDY (if known): (a) Description (b) Estimated Investment (US$ equivalent) $5 million Reorganized and reequipped CIM. (c) Financing Need and Potential Source $3 million - Thai Gov't (CIM) $2 million - U.S.O.M. 8. ORDER OF MAWhITUGf OF STUDY COST (US$ equivalent): Sheet Prepared by: $75,000 Dept. or Agency: Date: 9. STAFF'S COMMENT ON PRIORITY RANKING OF STUDY: Sheet Revised by: High priority - national mining sector urgently Item(s) Revised: requires full extension services in order to modern- ize and improve operational efficiency. Dept. or Agency: Date: 'i. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I. _ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ FORM No. 386 INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR INTERNATIONAL FINANCE (11-69) ASSOCIATION RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION PREINVESTMENT PROGRAM - STUDY DATA SHEET No.: 12 Soutea: iaaCountry: Sco() Area: Sautheast Asia Couiitry: Thailand Sector(s): Mining, Industry I. NAME OF PROPOSED STUDY: Beneficiation and Marketing Organization of Fluorite and Manganese Ore. 2. PURPOSE: To determine the feasibility of establishing custom milling and joint marketing facilities for the small producers of fluorite and manganese; to examine alternative ownership structures including stock companies, cooperatives and mixed public/private equity. 3. SCOPE: The study should: (a) Assess the optimum technology, process facilities and marketing organization to serve the needs of the small mining companies. (b) Estimate capital investment, financial return and economic benefits. (c) Propose a plan of implementation during 1972-1975 period based on specific locations, operating agencies or companies, finance, management and training requirements. 4. BACKGROUND: (a) Related Studies (b) Other Available Data (c) Expected Data Problems The need for modern facilities to upgrade the ore produced by the numerous small fluorite and manganese mines in Thailand was analyzed in the '"ining Sector" section of the 1971 Bank mission report. A simnilar approach was considered at the Mekong Committee Mesting of September, 1969 and recanmended by UNIDO. The Applied Scientific Research Corp. of Thailand has proposed a project of this type which is under consideration by UITIDO/UNDP. 5. TIMING: (a) Duration and Phasing of Study (b) Desired Starting Date 6 months Fl 1972 6. CO9MENT ON POTENTIAL STUDY SPONSORS: Thai goverrnent agencies involved - Department of Mineral Resources, NEDB, Applied Scientific Research Corporation of Thailand. UNDP/UNIDO has been approached as "Executing Agency". 7. PROJECT(S) EXPECTED TO RESULT FROM STUDY (if known): (a) Description (b) Estimated Investment (US$ equivalent) (a) 2 or more custom. mills (b) Central Marketing Agency (c) Financing Need and Potential Source $ 6 million - IBRD, IFC, AMB B. ORDER OF $4AGWITUDE OF STUDY COST (USs equivalent): Sheet Prepared by: $100,000 Dept. or Agency: Date: 9. STAFF'S COMMENT ON PRIORITY RANKING OF STUDY: Sheet Revised by: High priority - the small mining sector would _ be assisted in improving profitability and competi- Item(s) Revised: tive position vis-a-vis large mining companies. Dept. or Agency: Date: FORM No. 386 INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR INTERNATIONAL FINANCE (11.69) ASSOCIATION RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION PREINVESTMENT PROGRAM - STUDY DATA SHEET No.: 13 Area: Country: Sector(s): East Asia Thailand Industry 1. NAME OF PROPOSED STUDY: Incentives to expand exports. 2. PURPOSE: By a systematic review of existing programs and policies in other East Asian countries (Korea, Taiwan, Malaysia) identify the principal incentives that have been helpful in expanding exports. Suggest measures to be taken to develop similar incentives in Thailand. 3. SCOPE: A review of legislation concerning exports might be a first step. Policies regarding tariffs, tax rebates, drawbacks, credits interest rates on loans to export-oriented industries etc. should be examined and their impact on export growth evaluated. Include also a review of organizations that have helped in promoting exports and suggest the most suitable types that may be recommended for Thailand. Some field work in the countries mentioned appears to be needed but existing reports should be examined before such work is undertaken. WL. BACKGROUND: (a) Related Studies (b) Other Available Data (c) Expected Data Problems Previous IBRD reports should be useful as background material 5. TIMING: (a) Duration and Phasing of Study (b) Desired Starting Date 6. COMMENT ON POTENTIAL STUDY SPONSORS: 7. PROJECT(S) EXPECTED TO RESULT FROM STUDY (if known): (a) Description (b) Estimated Investment (US$ equivalent) (c) Financing Need and Potential Source 8. ORDER OFIMOWITUDE-OF STUDY COST (USs equivalent): Sheet Prepared by: Dept. or Agency: Date: 9. STAFF'S COMMENT ON PRIORITY RANKING OF STUDY: Sheet Revised by: Item(s) Revised: Dept. or Agency: Date: i ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~__________________- FORM No. 386 INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR INTERNATIONAL FINANCE (11-69) ASSOCIATION RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION PREINVESTMENT PROGRAM - STUDY DATA SHEET No.: 114 Area: Country: Sector(s): East Asia & Pacific Thailand Water Supply 1. NAME OF PROPOSED STUDY: Groundwater Exploration and Development in Alluvial Formations 2. PURPOSE: To improve the current procedures in groundwater exploration and secure the best utilization of equipment and funds in the development of groundwater. 3. SCOPE: (a) Review the present organizations exploring and developing groundwater. (b) Compare various drilling methods (jet, percussion and rotary) as to their ability to accurately identify, measure, take core and water samples and test the yeild of each aquifer. (c) Compare cost of test holes in alluvial formations to depths of 100 meters. using jet, percussion and rotary equipment. (d) Develop a plan of using light-weight jetting-percussion rigs to drill up to 4" dia. wells for small rural water supplies. Also develop a plan to use the same rigs for test-hole drilling in alluvial formations where the large rotary rigs will follow with a large-capacity production well. 4. BACKGROUND: (a) Rel,ated Studies (b) Other Available Data (c) Expected Data Problems (1) Ground Water Resources Development of Northeastern Thailand, Bull. #2 (2) Development of Community Water Supply Programmes by A. J. Moller (WHO) (3) The Devlelopment of a Water Pump for Underdeveloped Countries, Battelle - USAID 5. TIMING: (a) Duration and Phasing of Study (b) Desired Starting Date 6 months FY 1973 6. COMMENT ON POTENTIAL STUDY SPONSORS: WHO or possibly under SEATO program. 7. PROJECT(S) EXPECTED TO RESULT FROM STUDY (if known): (a) Description Next phase would be training of Thai (b) Estimated Investment (US$ equivalent) drillers in assembling and use of Filipino-type US$30,000.00 jetting rig. Would need 2 Filipino drillers for (c) Financing Need and Potential Source Filipino 12 months, each to train 9 Thai drillers drillers can be financed through SEATO. (3 at a time for 3 months) Other costs are local; since the suppli s will be government-owned, support for t e Gr611-f the Thn4 goV' t. 8. ORDER OF UMANITUDE OIF STUDY COST (USs equivalent): Sheet Prepared by: Dept. or Agency: Date: 9. STAFF'S COMMENT ON PIRIORITY RANKING OF STUDY: Sheet Revised by: Highest priority since this will directly affect Item(s) Revised: the rural water supply program and the costs of some of the urban water supplies. Dept. or Agency: Date: i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ _________ FORM No. 386.01 INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR INTERNATIONAL FINANCE (11-69) ASSOCIATION RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION PREINVESTMENT PROGRAM - STUDY DATA SUPPLEMENT No.: 14 (to be filled in when possible) I TENTATIVE STAFFING Type of Specialist Number on Team Total Man-Months (a) Foreign Professional Staff: Hydrogeologist or driller 1 6 Total: (b) Local Professional Staff : Hydrogeologist or driller 1 6 (c) Local Supporting Staff Secretary 1 6 2. TENTATIVE STUDY BUDGET (US$ equivalent) Foreign Local Total Currency Currency (a) Professional Staff Costs (b) Equipment (c) Other (Travel, non-prof. staff, etc.): (d) Total 3. (continued-from preceding page) (e) Develop a training program in the assembly and use of the Philippine-type jetting rig, using experienced drillers fram the Philippines provided through SEATO or WHO. (f) Plan a small applied research project to develop a sturdy, dependable hand pump patterned after the Philippine or Battelle models. The project might be carried out at the Community Health Development Center at Korat which has a small foundry. (g) Train a Thai hydrogeologist in design of wells in alluvial formations. Determina- tion of material of well screen based on chemical tests of water from aquifer. Determination of slot-size of screen and necessity of gravel pack and size if necessary based on analysis of particles in the formation. Supplement Prepared by: Dept. or Agency: Date: Supplement Revised by: Item(s) Revised: Dept. or Agency: Date: FORM No. 386 INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR INTERNATIONAL FINANCE (11-69) ASSOCIATION RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION PREINVESTMENT PROGRAM - STUDY DATA SHEET No.: _ _15 Area: Country: Sector(s): East Asia & Pacific Thailand Water Supply 1. NAME OF PROPOSED STUDY: Water Resources Policy 2. PURPOSE: To ensure that water as a national resource is used in the best interests of the country as a whole, and achieves maximum economic benefits. 3. $0PE: (a) Policies should be established to cover the various uses of water. Water resources should be used for multi-purposes whenever possible. Priorities should be established among the various uses of water. Controls should be established by the government for all surface, ground amd waste waters. The legislation should include the development of rapid legal procedures so that water agencies may exercise the power of eminent domain whenever necessary. The study will be applicable to the entire country and will take about 12 mons. (b) Investigation should be made of all water policies and laws now in effect in Thailand to determine what changes may be required to achieve the objectives listed in (a) above. Comparison should be made with the water policies and laws of other countries. The laws should be analyzed so that alternatives are selected that will best meet Thailand's needs and will fit in jith its politial System, '4. BACKGROUND: (a) RelIated Studies (b) Other Available Data (c) Expected Data Problems n.a. 5. TIMING: {a) durationandPhasing f Studb (b) Desired Starting Date The study Will t,ke 12 months from one starting date of July 1, 1972, and have two phases of 6 months each. The first phase will be a detailed study of all Thai policy and laws dealing with surface, ground and waste water. This will be done by two Thai legal experts plus necessary supporting staff. (Next page) 6. CO'ENT ON POTENTIAL STUDY SPONSORS: MPUND, WHO or a bilateral aid country such as Israel or USA. 7. PROJECT(S) EXPECTED TO RESULT FROM STUDY (if known): (a) Description (b) Estimated Investment (US$ equivalent) (c) Financing Need and Potential Source n.a., 8. ORDER OF 00NITUDE OF STUDY COST (US$ equivalent): Sheet Prepared by: us$50,o000 Dept. or Agency: Date: 9. STAFF'S COMENT ON PRIORITY RANKING OF STUDY: Sheet Revised by: I This study is of high priority since other studies Item(s) Revised: and progress in the sector will depend upon it and Dept. or Agency: the national policy and laws it will propose. Date: FORM No. 386.01 INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR INTERNATIONAL FINANCE (11.69) ASSOCIATION RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION PREINVESTMENT PROGRAM - STUDY DATA SUPPLEMENT No.: 15 (to be filled in when possible) I. TENTATIVE STAFFING Type of Specialist Number on Team Total Man-Months (a) Foreign Professional Staff: Legal consultant expert in water policy and laws 1 6 Total: (b) Local Professional Staff Legal expert 2 24 (c) Local Supporting Staff : Secretary 1 12 Clark 1 1 2 2. TENTATIVE STUDY BUDGET (US$ equivalent) Foreign Local Total Currency Currency (a) Professional Staff Costs (b) Equipment (c) Other (Travel, non-prof. staff, etc.): (d) Total (continuedafron preceding page) 5. During the second phase an international consultant will review the Phase I study of policy and laws and work with the Thai legal experts. Together they will develop a proposed national water resources policy and the necessary legislation to enable the goverment to control and manage these resourcee. The study should recommend the Ministry in which authority and responsibility for this activity should be placed. The study should also develop a staffing pattern for the agency within the Ministry and an approximate appropriation required for its first two years of operation. Supplement Prepared by: Dept. or Agency: Date: Supplement Revised by: Item(s) Revised: Dept. or Agency: Date: FORM No. 386 INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR INTERNATIONAL FINANCE (11-69) ASSOCIATION RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION PREINVESTMENT PROGRAM - STUDY DATA SHEET No.: 16 Area: Country: Sector(s): East Asia & Pacific Thailand Water Supply 1. NAME OF PROPOSED STUDY: Water Sapply Agencies, Objectives, Programs and Effectivenss 2. PURPOSE: To analyze the effectiveness of existing programs and where necessary propose changes to make more efficient use of available funds in meeting program objectives. 3. SCOPE: Review all existing programs. Analyze methods of providing water and where necessarr suggest changes that would result in a safe supply at lower cost. Compare cost per person of the various types of water supplies. Review present size of each program and budgeted funds of the various agencies and consider possible shift of funds to the more effective agencies. 4. BACKGROUND: (a) Related Studies (b) Other Available Data (c) Expected Data Problems n.a. 5. TIMING: (a) Duration and Phasing of Study (b) Desired Starting Date 6 months Ear-ly F! 1973 6. COMENT ON POTENTIAL STUDY SPONSORS: 7. PROJECT(S) EXPECTED TO RESULT FROM STUDY (if known): (a) Description (b) Estimated Investment (US$ equivalent) n.a. (c) Financing Need and Potential Source 8. ORDER OF M MNITUOE CF STUDY COST (US$ equivalent): Sheet Prepared by: U'S$20,000.00 Dept. or Agency: Date: 9. STAFF'S COM4ENT ON PRIORITY RANKING OF STUDY: Sheet Revised by: H B.igh priority -Item(s) Revised: Dept. or Agency: Date: FORM No. 386.01 INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR INTERNATIONAL FINANCE (11 69) ASSOCIATION RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION PREINVESTMENT PROGRAM - STUDY DATA SUPPLEMENT No.: 16 (to be filled in when possible) 1. TENTATIVE STAFFING Type of Specialist Number on Team Total Man-Months (a) Foreign Professional Staff: Sanitary Engineer 1 6 Total: 1 6 (b) Local Professional Staff Sanitary Engineer 1 6 (c) Local Supporting Staff : Secretary 1 6 rl Prk 2. TENTATIVE STUDY BUDGET (US$ equivalent) Foreign Local Total Currency Currency (a) Professional Staff Costs (b) Equipment (c) Other (Travel, non-prof. staff, etc.): (d) Total : 3. OTHER COMMENTS The consultant and the local engineer might work on the study with a representative of NEDB and DTEC. The last month might be spent in reviewing the findings and conclusions with the various water supply agencies and planning how to carry out any recommended changes. Supplement Prepared by: Dept. or Agency: Date: Supplement Revised by: Item(s) Revised: Dept. or Agency: Date: FORM No. 386 INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR INTERNATICNAL FINANCE (11-69) ASSOCIATICN RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION PREINVESTMENT PROGRAM - STUDY DATA SHEET No.: 17 Area: Country: Sector(s): East Asia & Pacific Thailand Water Supply 1. NAME OF PROPOSED STUDY: Training and Applied Research Program 2. PURPOSE: To develop a training program for all categories of personnel in conjunction with an educational institution. Also to develop a laboratory model-pilot plant install,ation to test applied research ideas directed toward more effective and economic water supply facilities. 3. SCOPE: Develop practical training short courses for various types of personnel. Training might be developed at Khon Kasn University and should be capable of being tiaken to other locations. Applied research can be developed at Khon Kaen University and can also utilize shop facilities at the Korat office of the Community Health Development Program. 4. BACKGROUND: (a) Related Studies (b) Other Available Data (c) Expected Data Problems n *a. 5. TIMING: (a) Duration and Phasing of Study (b) Desired Starting Date 2 years FY 74 6. COuUENT ON POTENTIAL STUDY SPONSORS: WHC) 7. PROJECT(S) EXPECTED TI) RESULT FROM STUDY (if known): (a) Description (b) Estimated Investment (US$ equivalent) n. a. (c) Financing Need and Potential Source 8. ORDER OF'MUNITtJDE OF STUDY COST (US$ equivalent): Sheet Prepared by: US$100,000 Dept. or Agency: Date: 9. STAFF'S COMMENT ON PRIORITY RANKING OF STUDY: Sheet Revised by: High priority Item(s) Revised: Dept. or Agency: Date: I~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ _ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- FORM No. 386.01 INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR INTERNATIONAL FINANCE (11-69) ASSOCIATION RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION PREINVESTMENT PROGRAM - STUDY DATA SUPPLEMENT No.: 17 (to be filled in when possible) 1. TENTATIVE STAFFING Type of Specialist Number on Team Total Man-Months (a) Foreign Professional Staff: Sanitary Ehgineer 1 24 Total: 1 24 (b) Local Professional Staff Sanitary Engineer 2 48 (c) Local Supporting Staff : Secretary 1 24 Clerk Typist 1 24 2. TENTATIVE STUDY BUDGET (US$ equivalent) Foreign Local Total Currency Currency (a) Professional Staff Costs (b) Equipment (c) Other (Travel, non-prof. staff, etc.): (d) Total 3. OTHER COMMENTS Supplement Prepared by: Dept. or Agency: Date: Supplement Revised by: Item(s) Revised: Dept. or Agency: _Date: FoRm No. 386 INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR INTERNATIONAL FINANCE 1(-69) ASSOCIATION RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION PREINVESTMENT PROGRAM - STUDY DATA SHEET No.: 18 I Area: Country: Sector(s): East Asia & Pacific Thailand Water Supply 1. NAE OF PROPOSED STUDY: Financing Capital Improvements 2. PURPOSE: To secure the maximum contribution toward capital costs froa the communities benefitting from the water supplies. 3. SCOPE: Need to study existing methods of capital financing and existing rates. Develop maxim cash payment from community served at time of construction. Develop rates to pay for as much principal and interest as people can afford. Recommend steps to move from present grant basis toward a loan and repayment basis for locally owned systems. |w. BACKGROUND: (a) Related Studies (b) Other Available Data (c) Expected Data Problems na.. ,. TIMING: (a) Duration and Phasing of Study (b) Desired Starting Date 1:2 months FY 1973 6 O. MMENT ON POTENTIALC STUDY SPONSORS: UNDP- -iO 7. PROJECT(S) EXPECTED TO RESULT FROM STUDY (if known): (a) Description (b) Estimated Investment (US$ equivalent) n.a. (c) Financing Need and Potential Source 8. ORDER OF MDENITUDE OF STUDY COST (US$ equivalent): Sheet Prepared by: uss5o,ooo.oo ~~~~~~~~Dept. or Agency: Date: 9. STAFF'S COMMENT ON PRIORITY RANKING OF STUDY: Sheet Revised by: High priority. Item(s) Revised: Dept. or Agency: Date: , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ FORM No. 386.01 INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR INTERNATIONAL FINANCE (11-69) ASSOCIATION RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION PREINVESTMENT PROGRAM - STUDY DATA SUPPLEMENT No.: _ (to be filled in when possible) 1. TENTATIVE STAFFING Type of Specialist Number on Team Total Man-Months (a) Foreign Professional Staff: International Consultant on Financing and Rates 1 12 Total (b) Local Professional Staff Two local financially oriented personnel 2 24 (c) Local Supporting Staff : Secretary 1 12 Clerk 1 12 2. TENTATIVE STUDY BUDGET (US$ equivalent) Foreign Local Tot Currency Currency otal (a) Professional Staff Costs (b) Equipment (c) Other (Travel, non-prof. staff, etc.): (d) Total 3. OTHER COMMENTS Supplement Prepared by: Dept. or Agency: Date: Supplement Revised by:| Item(s) Revised: Dept. or Agency: Date: FORM No. 386 INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR INTERNATIONAL FINANCE (11-69) ASSOCIATION RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION PREINVESTMENT PROGRAM - STUDY DATA SHEET No.: 19 Area: Country: Sector(s): Southeast Asia I Thailand Transportation 1. NAME OF PROPOSED STUDY: Ministry of Communications - Management Information System 2. PURPOSE: To assist the Thai Government in the design and implementation of a management information system for the Ministry of Communications. 3. SCOPE: The studly would include the design, testing (during a preliminary operational stage), evaluation and revision of a management information system 4. BACKGROUND: (a) Related Studies (b) Other Available Data (c) Expected Data Problems 5. TIMING: (a) Duration and Phasing of Study (b) Desired Starting Date Two years (minimum) FY 73 6. COMMENT ON POTENT IAL STUDY SPONSORS: 7. PROJECT(S) EXPECTED TO RESULT FROM STUDY (if known): (a) Description (b) Estimated Investment (US$ equivalent) (c) Financing Need and Potential Source 8. ORDER OF MAGNITUE OF STUDY COST (US$ equivalent): Sheet Prepared by: $200,000 Dept. or Agency: Date: 9. STAFF'S COMMENT ON PRIORITY RANKING OF STUDY: Sheet Revised by: Item(s) Revised: Dept. or Agency: Date: I _ FORM No. 386.01 INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR INTERNATIONAL FINANCE (11-69) ASSOCIATION RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION PREINVESTMENT PROGRAM - STUDY DATA SUPPLEMENT No.: 19 (to be filled in when possible) 1. TENTATIVE STAFFING Type of Specialist Number on Team Total Man-Months (a) Foreign Professional Staff: Management information system expert 1 24 Transport economic analyst 1 24 Transport accountant 1 12 Total: 3 60 (b) Local Professional Staff (c) Local Supporting Staff 2. TENTATIVE STUDY BUDGET (US$ equivalent) Foreign Local Total Currency Currency (a) Professional Staff Costs (b) Equipment (c) Other (Travel, non-prof. staff, etc.): (d) Total 3. OTHER COMMENTS Suppleement Prepared by: Dept. or Agency: Date: Supplement Revised by: Item(s) Revised: Dept. or Agency: Date: FORm No. 386 INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR INTERNATIONAL FINANCE (11-69) ASSOCIATION RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION PREINVESTMENT PROGRAM - STUDY DATA SHEET No.: 20 Area: Country: Sector(s): Southeast Asia Thailand Transportation 1. NAME OF PROPOSED STUDY: Railway Costing and Tarlff 2. PURPOSE: (a) To develop a tariff policy with detailed recommendations on the level and structure of freight and passenger rates to be introduced. (b) To set up an operational system which can be used for reviewing and revising the rate recommendations by RSR staff in the light of future demand and cost developments. 3. SCOPE: The study will be divided in two phases as follows: Phase I: Collect, process and analyze necessary data on traffic and costs; under- take market survey systems analysis. Phase II: The development of tariff rates and schedules based on the results of Phase I. The stucly will be based on (a) a detailed cost analysis by route and type of service and (b) a market survey. (a) The cost analysis will require the use of a comptterized model, which will be developed and calibrated on the basis of existing data. It will also be used to optimize RSR's operations after full dieselization, taking into account traffic (see continuation on following page) 4. BACKGROUND: (a) Related Studies (b) Other Available Data (c) Expected Data Problems 5. TIMING: (a) Duration and Phasing of Study (b) Desired Starting Date Phase I: 9 months Phase II: 6 months 6. CO9MENT ON POTENTIAL STUDY SPONSORS: 7. PROJECT(S) EXPECTED TO RESULT FROM STUDY (if known): (a) Description (b) Estimated Investment (US$ equivalent) (c) Financing Need and Potential Source 8. ORDER OF MAGNITUDE OF STUDY COST (USs equivalent): Sheet Prepared by: $365,oo0 Dept. or Agency: Date: 9. STAFF'S COMMENT ON 'PRIORITY RANKING OF STUDY: Sheet Revised by: Item(s) Revised: Dept. or Agency: Date: FORM No. 386.01 INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR INTERNATIONAL FINANCE (11-69) ASSOCIATION RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION PREINVESTMENT PROGRAM - STUDY DATA SUPPLEMENT No.: 20 (to be filled in when possible) 1. TENTATIVE STAFFING Type of Specialist Number on Team Total Man-Months (a) Foreign Professional Staff: Project Manager 15 Senior Transport Economist 10 Econometrician, with railway experience 6 Railway Operations Expert 6 Railway Engineer 6 Financial Analyst 6 Programmer 3 Market Surveyor 6 Transport Economist 7 Total: 50 (b) Local Professional Staff (c) Local Supporting Staff 2. TENTATIVE STUDY BUDGET (US$ equivalent) Foreign Local Currency Currency Total (a) Professional Staff Costs (b) Equipment (c) Other (Travel, non-prof. staff, etc.): (d) Total 3 (continued from preceding page) developments. (b) The market survey will detendine the extent of competicion (the demand parameters) and will provide the maximum rates that the RSR can charge for different commo- dities without losing traffic to other transport modes. Supplement Prepared by: Dept. or Agency: Date: Supplement Revised by: Item(s) Revised: Dept. or Agency: _ Date: FORM No. 386 INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR INTERNATIONAL FINANCE (11-69) ASSOCIATION RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION PREINVESTMENT PROGRAM - STUDY DATA SHEET No.: 21 Area: Country: Sector(s): SoutheaEst Asia Thailand Transportation 1. NAME OF PROPOSED STUDY: Southern Ports 2. PURPOSE: (a) To recommend a development strategy for the ports in the southern peninsula. (b) To set up an operational system which can be used for developing port programs in ifuture. 3. SCOPE: The study will include: (a) an evaluation of the major port development schemes for the Southern Region proposed, or to be proposed by end 1972, including interdependence between ports, optimum timing of projects, sensitivity to traffic forecasts. (b) preparation of a strategy for coastal port development taking into account port inter- dependence and the hinderance to the development of coastal shipping caused by lack of adequate depth in ports. (c) recommending a feasible data reporting system to be instituted by the Harbor Department in cooperation with State Railways, Highway Department, the Customs Department and other relevant private and public agencies. (continued on following page) 4. BACKGROUND: (a) Related Studies (b) Other Available Data (c) Expected Data Problems 5. TIMING: (a) Duration and Phasing of Study (b) Desired Starting Date 114 months Early FY 1973 6. COHMENT ON POTEOITIAL STUDY SPONSORS: 7. PROJECT(S) EXPECTED TO RESULT FROM STUDY (if known): (a) Description (b) Estimated Investment (US$ equivalent) (c) Financing Need and Potential Source 8. ORDER OF YAGNITUDE OF STUDY COST (US$ equivalent): Sheet Prepared by: Dept. or Agency: $29 0,000 Dte Date: 9. STAFF'S COMM4ENT ON PRIORITY RANKING OF STUDY: Sheet Revised by: Item(s) Revised: Dept. or Agency: Date: FORM No. 386.01 INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR INTERNATIONAL FINANCE (11-69) ASSOCIATION RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION PREINVESTMENT PROGRAM - STUDY DATA SUPPLEMENT No.: 21 (to be filled in when possible) 1. TENTATIVE STAFFING Type of Specialist Number on Team Total Man-Months (a) Foreign Professional Staff: Project Manager 1 14 Senior Transport Economist 1 9 Railway expert 1 Shipping expert 2 Port Engineer 4 Port Operations Expert 2 Financial Analyst 1 Organization: expert 1 Traffic Engineer 3 Economists 2 16 Programmer 1 5 (b) Loc iTroin sen yhft erm specialists, etc.) 2 {c) Local Sapprtini Staff : Total: 50 2. TENTATIVE STUDY BUDGET (US$ equivalent) Foreign Local Total Currency Currency (a) Professional Staff Costs (b) Equipment (c) Other (Travel, non-prof. staff, etc.): (d) Total 3. (continued- f*om preciding page) (d) provision of training to staff of the Harbor Department, to enable it to carry out similar studies in the future. Comment: The terms of reference and the timing of this study should be coordinated with the Regional Planning Study of Southern Thailand. Supplement Prepared by: Dept. or Agency: Date: Supplement Revised by: Item(s) Revised: Dept. or Agency: Date: FORm No. 386 INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR INTERNATIONAL FINANCE (11-69) ASSOCIATION RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION PREINVESTMENT PROGRAM - STUDY DATA SHEET No.: 22 Area: Country:. Sector(s): Southeast Asia Thailand Transportation 1. NAME OF PROPOSED STUDY: Bangkok International Airport 2. PURPOSE: To deterrmine the future international civil aviation requirements of greater Bangkok and the best means of meeting these requirements. 3. SCOPE: The studJy should: (a) provide a detailed analysis of the volumes and natures of future aviation act:Lvities in the greater Bangkok area; (b) exanine existing aviation facilities in Bangkok and identify the nature and timing of critical factors such as traffic increases, physical constraints and air traffic control capability which limit capacity and extension of these facilities; (c) determine and evaluate alternate solutions (new sites, movement of RTAF to other military bases becoming available, etc.) for meeting future requirements; (d) recommend one of the alternate solutions for improvement, expansion and/or development of new aviation facilities in the Bangkok area; and(contd next page) 4. BACKGROUND: (a) Ielated Studies (b) Other Available Data (c) Expected Data Problems 5. TIMING: (a) Duration and Phasing of Study (b) Desired Starting Date One year 6. COMMENT ON POTENTIAL STUDY SPONSORS: 7. PROJECT(S) EXPECTED TO RESULT FROM STUDY (if known): (a) Description (b) Estimated Investment (US$ equivalent) (c) Financing Need and Potential Source 8. ORDER OF IAONITUOE OF STUDY COST (US$ equivalent): Sheet Prepared by: $435,000 Dept. or Agency: Date: 9. STAFF'S COMMENT ON PRIORITY RANKING OF STUDY: Sheet Revised by: Item(s) Revised: Dept. or Agency: Date: .LI FORM No. 386.01 INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR INTERNATIONAL FINANCE (11.69) ASSOCIATION RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION PREINVESTMENT PROGRAM - STUDY DATA SUPPLEMENT No.: 22 (to be filled in when possible) 1. TENTATIVE STAFFING Type of Specialist Number on Team Total Man-Months (a) Foreign Professional Staff: Project Director 1 12 Air Transport Econ. 1 9 Financial Analyst 1 9 Airport Planning Engr. 1 9 Airport/Gen. Engineer 1 9 ATC Specialist 1 3 Comm. Specialist 1 3 Architect 1 6 Total: 8 60 (b) Local Professional Staff (c) Local Supporting Staff 2. TENTATIVE STUDY BUDGET (US$ equivalent) Foreign Local Total Currency Currency (a) Professional Staff Costs (b) Equipment (c) Other (Travel, non-prof. staff, etc.): (d) Total 3. (continued fran preceding page) (e) recommend the most suitable means for managing the operation of the recommended civil aviation facility, including an appropriate user charges system. The study should provide the Government with all economic, financial and technical information necessary to arrive at final selection from the alternate solutions presented. Supplement Prepared by: Dept. or Agency: Date: Supplement Revised by: Item(s) Revised: Dept. or Agency: Date: FORM No, 386 INTEFINATIONAL DEVELOPMENT INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR INTERNATIONAL FINANCE (11-69) ASSOCIATION RECONSTRuCTION AND DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION PREINVESTMENT PROGRAM - STUDY DATA SHEET No.: 23 Area: Country: Sector(s): Southeast AEia Thailand Transportation 1. NAME OF PROPOSED STUDY: Domestic Civil Aviation Development Program 2. PURPOSE: To collaborate with the Department of Civil Aviation in preparing a national program for the development of domestic civil aviation. 3. SCOPE: (a) Review of existing domestic civil aviation system including airports, coimmunications, navigational aids and airline operations. (b) Projection of fature requirements. (c) Establishment of guidelines and criteria for development. (d) Review of domestic airport administration which would result in suggestions for improvement and, if required, review of user charge system. (e) Preparation of program including feasibility of projects. 4. BACKGROUND: (a) Related Studies (b) Other Available Data (c) Expected Data Problems 2 years 5. TIMING: (a) Duration and Phasing of Study (b) Desired Starting Date 6. CO4ttENT ON POTENTIAL STUDY SPONSORS: 7. PROJECT(S) EXPECT'ED TO RESULT FROM STUDY (if known): (a) Description (b) Estimated Investment (USs equivalent) (c) Financing Need and Potential Source 8. ORDER OF MAGNITUDE OF STUDY COST (US$ equivalent): Sheet Prepared by: Dept. or Agency: $160,000 Date: 9. STAFF'S COM/ENT ON PRIORITY RANKING OF STUDY: Sheet Revised by: Item(s) Revised: Dept. or Agency: Date: FORM No. 386.01 INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR INTERNATIONAL FINANCE (11.69) ASSOCIATION RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION PREINVESTMENT PROGRAM - STUDY DATA SUPPLEMENT No.: 23 (to be filled in when possible) 1. TENTATIVE STAFFING Type of Specialist Number on Team Total Man-Months (a) Foreign Professional Staff: Air Transport Economist 1 24 Financial Analyst 1 24 Total: 2 48 (b) Local Professional Staff (c) Local Supporting Staff 2. TENTATIVE STUDY BUDGET (US$ equivalent) Foreign Local Total Currency CurrencyToa (a) Professional Staff Costs (b) Equipment (c) Other (Travel, non-prof. staff, etc.): (d) Total 3. OTHER COMMENTS Supplement Prepared by: Dept. or Agency: Date: Supplement Revised by: Item(s) Revised: Dept. or Agency: Date: FORM ND. 386 INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR INTERNATIONAL FINANCE (11-69) ASSOCIATION RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION PREINVESTMENT PROGRAM - STUDY DATA SHEET No.: 24 Area: Country: Sector(s): Southeast ALsia Thailand Multi-purpose 1. NAME OF PROPOSED STUDY: Water Allocation in CHAO PHYA BASIN 2. PURPOSE: To recommend and assist in establishing an operational unit responsible for achieving optimum use of water in Chao Phya Basin on a continuing basis. 3. SCOPE: (i) The operational unit would undertake the following: (a) Quantitative review of water supplies and requirements among its various uses: power generation, irrigation, flood control, navigation, salinity control, domestic water supply. (b) preparation of a mathematical model including the analysis of the type of input data required and how it might be supplied. (c) Development of appropriate operating principles and rules for water users to ensure optimum utilization of water. (ii) The operating unit would prepare and implement an operating plan based on the above and on the recommendations of the USBR Report (See Item 4). 4. BACKGROUND: (a) Related Studies (b) Other Available Data (c) Expected Data Problems U.S. Bureau of Reclamation "Review of Water ResouLrces CHAO PHYA River and Tributaries, Thailand" December 1970. 5. TIMING: (a) Duration and Phasing of Study (b) Desired Starting Date 2½ years Early FY 73 6. COMHENT ON POTENTIAL STUDY SPONSORS: 7. PROJECT(S) EXPECTED TO RESULT FROM STUDY (if known): (a) Description (b) Estimated Investment (US$ equivalent) (c) Financing Need and Potential Source 8. ORDER OF K%GNITUDE OF STUDY COST (US$ equivalent): Sheet Prepared by: Dept. or Agency:- Date: 9. STAFF'S COMMENT ON PRIORITY RANKING OF STUDY: Sheet Revised by: I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Item(s) Revised. Dept. or Agency: L Date: L_