Republic of the Philippines Metro Manila Flood Management Project Chair Summary* September 28, 2017 The Executive Directors approved a loan in the amount of US$207.6 million to the Republic of the Philippines for the Metro Manila Flood Management Project on the terms and conditions set out in the President’s Memorandum. Directors expressed support for the multi-sectoral operation that will improve flood management in selected areas in Metro Manila, noting its importance to the Philippines’ climate change adaptation strategy and prioritization of disaster risk reduction, especially for vulnerable populations. The Directors affirmed the project’s contribution to meeting the Bank’s goal of having 28 percent of its portfolio be climate-related by 2020. Directors welcomed the co-financing of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) which will be the first project financed by the AIIB in the Philippines. Directors highlighted the leadership of the Bank in this cooperation and noted the application of the Bank’s operational policies, including safeguards and fiduciary. The Directors further noted that the Bank will manage implementation support on behalf of the AIIB, creating a good opportunity for cost sharing and learning. Directors noted the risks associated with project implementation. They emphasized engagement with the Borrower and implementing agencies to ensure the needed institutional capacity building within the Government. The Directors further noted that planning for resettlement has been carefully prepared according to Bank operational policies, taking into account existing conditions and focusing on key lessons learned from earlier government programs. The Directors welcomed the strong focus on resettlement implementation support planned by the Bank and encouraged discussion with the Government to address waste management issues. The Directors also highlighted that adequate public consultations are vital throughout the project implementation period to ensure the project’s acceptability and sustainability. _________________________________ * This summary is not an approved record