SHAANXI HIGHWVAY PROJECT (2) I, . 1 ,~+ SUPPLEMENTARY STUDY ON. '; : ., . ~ . . '*. '. . + 1f !,,' 1I .,l; . '1#s' --QI.. 'I~~~~~~~~~~~A ii a - ,d j,, , 5~S~A~N4Y "lt OV'NCIAL INsI 01-ru, ENVIRONJMENTAL PROTECTION,SCI ''j'' '.,'t' t,W~~~~~~ki AN,'., , . 't .1 r,/; '.,- ;-MAY,, .,1 9.9.5 XA China ttl) I tt <, *P ; '. 's, ' . ts 'I' .'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ t 'li '3 .1-l - t Ali; jliF tffi sll; $,ttt j~3~ ^~ *' '; UPEETR TD N;- CONTENtS 1.Introduction ........................................ 1 2.Prediction Results of Sensitive Sites ............... 3.Proposed Noise Mitigation Xeasures ..............3 4.Conclusion ............................ 8 1. Introduction There are 34 villages, 12 schools and 2 hospitals located with in lOOm along Weinan-Tongguan Expressway. Due to the occupation of the Row, 10 villages will be partially relocated. Which are marked with * in Table 2-1, and Taoxia Hospital and Xiaoquan Primary School will be entirely resettled. By 1999, some sensitive areas/buildings will be affected because of noise exceedance. Several kinds of noise mitigation measures will be undertaker. The measures include: 660m noise barriers for 3 areas. 1780m heighten walls for 8 areas and 550m forest belt for 6 area. The mitigative measures structure shown in attached figure. For the areas where noise exceedance occurs in the far future of operational stage, see Table 3-1,3-2 and 3- 3, appropriate measures will be undertaken depending on the actuarial noise exceedance. The noise level should be measured one year before the action year. 2.Prediction Results of Sensitive Sites The sensitive sites noise level at first row buildings along roadsides are presented in Table 2-1 and 2-2. Table 2-1 Traffic noise at villages along roadsides(L.:dB) 2000 2005 2018 stake No. villages Distance* height- - -_ - - (M) (m) Ld Lu Ld Lu Ld Lu ko57+000 Shilipu 95 4.0 60.7 52.7 62.2 54.5 65.5 60.4 k057+900 Zhangjia 80 5.0 62.5 54.7 63.9 56.4 65.5 60.4 ko6l+ioo Ynaoli 70 3.0 63.6 55.9 65.1 57.7 66.3 61.3 1kO68+250 ziefang 35 5.5 60.9 53.8 62.1 55.6 64.6 60.6 k071+940 Zhangqu.iyuan 50 5-0 60.6 53.1 62.0 54.9 64.8 60.3 ko73+300 Nai 20 4.5 62.3 55.4 63.5 57.0 65.9 62.0 kO76+900 shiachua town 60 3.5 64.8 57.2 66.2 58.9 69.2 64.5 ko77+900 Yongjia 15 13.2 55.1 48.0 56.3 49.8 58.8 54.8 1 Table 2-1 (Continue) ko794750 Dangjiabo 95 -4.7 60.7 52.7 62.2 54.5 65.5 60.4 kdUO+930 XCiaogeojiahe 20 1.8 67.8 60.9 69.0 62.6 71.4 67.5 ko81+500 Gaojiahe 60 3.0 64.8 57.2 66.2 58.9 69.2 64.5 ko82+o00 Banjieshan 70 0.3 72.6 65.6 74.2 67.3 76.9 72.3 k082+950 Qianjiayuao 20 1.5 70.0 62.9 71.0 64.6 73.B 70.0 k083+650 Fuzbong 20 1.5 70.0-62.9 il.0 64.6 73.8 70.0 ko84+300 Qianbue 20 0 72.8 65.8 74.6 67.7 77.1 72.5 ko86+300 xinbaozi 40 -7.0 68.0 66.1 69.3 62.4 72.1 67.7 ko92+600 nshui Govern. 60 2.0 63.1 55.3 64.6 57.1 67.6 62.8 k093+000 Nanchengzi 70 -1.0 63.5 56.0 64.9 57.7 68.0 63.2 k095+200 Taoxia 70 2.0 67.4 60.5 68.6 62.2 71.0 67.1 kD97+900 Xivw 90 3.5 61.5 53.7 63.1 55.5 66.3 61.3 k100+000 Wufang 24 2.5 65.9 58.8 67.4 60.5 70.2 65.6 k103+400 Beidong 80 -2.5 62.4 54.6 64-.0 56.4 67.1 62.3 k104+800 Arm Campus 20 6.2 60.0 53.0 61.0 54.8 63.8 59.9 kI10+200 Xiaqucheng 20 10.5 57.0 56.0 58.0 51.7 60.4 50.4 k111+800 Zhaopi 30 5.0 59.8 52.1 60.6 53.9 63.1 59.0 k115+500 XiquLandian 30 -2.3 71.5 64.6 72.5 66.2 752 71.3 ke18+000 Xiyiazi 100 -5-7 59.9 51.1 60.8 52.8 64.0 58.5 k}18+500 Guongzhon 35 1.5 66.4 59.1 69.2 62.3 70.7 66.1 k194+ooo Reyibao 64 2.7 62.5 54.9 64.3 56.7 67.3 62.1 kl20+200 Diaoqiao 20 2.0 66.0 59.0 67.0 60.6 68.4 56.5 k124+950 W.Gangkou 70 3.5 61.1 53.5 62.6 55.1 65.6 60.9 k125+300 Jiaonigon 20 1.5 68.7 61.8 69.9 63.6 72.3 68.5 kl30+300 Qil 20 4.0 62.2 55.2 63.8 56.9 66.3 61.9 k134+200 Xibei 90 10.5 53.6 46.0 54.7 48.6 57.2 53.3 * Distance to central line. $ Diflence in Elevation. 2 Table 2-2 Noise Level at schools and hospitals along the Expressway (L,: dB) 2000 2005 2018 stake No. schools or hospitals Distance* (a) id Lu Md in Ld La K62+300 Chishui Voc. sch. 96 60.7 52.7 62.2 54.5 65.5 60.4 k73+600 Xiilia Primary Sch. 90 62.5 54.7 64.0 56.6 67.1 62.2 k79÷sso Lianbuasi voc. sch. 50 66.4 58.9 67.8 60.7 70.0 66.1 k80+760 Bayi Kiddle Scb. 55 65.6 58.1 66.5 59.8 69.9 65.3 kei+eso Lianbuasi Pri.sch. 70 63.6 56.0 65.4 57.7 68.5 63.3 K82+350 zbashichang sch. 30 66.7 56.8 67.4 61.5 70.5 66.4 k84+570 Fengliang Pri.sch. 25 72.2 65.2 73.4 67.0 76.0 72.0 k92+700 Fushui Hospital 40 68.1 60.7 69.4 62.5 72.2 67.8 k93+090 Fusbui Primary scb. 30 76.6 69.6 77.8 71.4 80.2 76.3 105+000 Taoxia Middle sch. 80 62.5 54.6 63.9 56.4 67.1 62.2 k115+500 Kiquandian Pri Scb. 30 55.8 48.2 57.0 50.0 60.4 55.4 k127+300 Diaoqiao Primary scb. 70 61.9 54.2 63.5 55.9-66.8 61.5 * Distance to Central line 3.Proposed Noise Mitigation Measures According to noise assessment criteria, GB3096-93,class 4 standards (Ld=60 dB, Lu=50 dB) were applied to villages and class 2 standards (Ld=70 dB, Ln=55 dB) were applied to schools and hospitals. Based on the predicted result, mitigative measures for sensitive sites noise protection are given in Table 3-1,3-2 and 3-3. The specific information of noise sensitive buildings are illustrated on the attached figure. The test results shown that noise attenuation vary from measure to measure. General speaking, noise barriers can reduce noise of 12-17 dB. Brick walls can reduce noise 5-10 dB and forest belt cad attenuate 4-6 dB_ therefore, the proper measures were selected for different sites as required. 3 Table 3-1 Mitigation Mcasurcs (1999) TM Mnise 11 ' aUtected lenh aslog CLt. dJ) 1u! mllesg VIlIUp pqat{ lUtitie rtar clst low the hishw 20D0 201S 2018 re 1 32+300 Orisui Middle 990 100 0.7 2.7 2.2 4.5 5.6 10.4 Forest belt- IXIO JLA SelL p W measre wIt twi uldertabe In 2018 depua es imanitarhn reslts. 2 U3t600 KjlwDlluury 390 110 2.5 t.7 4.0 6.5 7.1 1322 rst UKltA 40X6.0tcE Scl* 3 p9fZ5 ftau-ush IMO 210 6.4 8L9 7.8 10.7 10.7 I6.1 ddck nil* 210X&Ockm Imc Sch. prpr mase vU1 be suertabm In 2916 depe ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~a zlonz ztesults. 4 Bt760 Noy middle &ciz. 5.6 81 6.5 9.8 9. 15.3 He ==sum wil be wiertakem fr tl pla1 5 mma30 Xacsojlaic- 35 80 0 5.8 0 7.6 1.4 12.5 Fret beltA 90XL gis proqper mte will be mertakn In 218 dce an itozg reslts. 6 M14150 LiasbMi 30 70 16 6.0 5.4 7.7 .5 133 Brick mi*1 70X2.511 prituy Se_b. 7 115230 'ht u9Sc. 100 160 6.7 9.8 7.4 U.5 10.5 16.4 Iriek miI 1lOX3JXut) prepee meae will be mder.mkm in 20e d d - IitcglZ5 results. a 52*961 Q iaywo . 90 160 0 7.9 L0 9.6 3.8 15.0 Brick ualli7 ri10) XMS (ms)prq= r mmec will be =lcrtka an 2018 d_u 9 183+m P6Amsoun 65 240 0 7.9 Le 9.6 3.8 150 Brick wVal* 200XL-5C2) p op sessuc w wII bc umWertaken in 2018 depid an m.itaring rcsults. 10 5*300 Qmhucm 101 400 2.8 10.8 4.6 1tT 7.1 17.5 Noise blrrierE 420X3(Eu) 1ll e447 COIDF i 105 36 12.2 15.2 13.4 17.0 16.0 2.0 hIbe elasous near tie i t pr S:h I I hitpy will be utW as umiese. Ank tde sm mrea of clessrom will be LI I_ 11sbuilt i ttb otber side of 1.____ ____ --~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~smo1Iyai Table 3-1 (continued) Exceaded noisc level afteeted leq5tb ila E_ B 3 silcqg patlatin l hl . _ _ IIgatla stanc tlIst rn the hisiwy 2000 202s u 12 lUGSO XInbhl 75 ISO 0 11.1 0 12.4 2.1 M2 Isalse barrierUlUXt5 13 12700 PlmI hospital 32 90 8.1 10.7 9.4 125 12.2 17.3 lketst barricrE 4X301) 14 1933S9 Fk=li prismy aS 120 11.6 19.6 17.3 21.4 20.0 26.3 Mm lbe sroas oeat the SCO. hlDju will be red as usrebuAe. hAd the ae asit CC clstm will be bilt In tbe other side of pcw ardt 15 950 Taogit middle 995 140 2.5 4.6 3.9 6.4 7.1 12.2 Foest beltA 90X6.t.2) SdO proper m rte will be micrtoak In 2013 qacd .I ._-....._at Iter1ig rsults. 16 9M-20) Tacti Ta * 100 130 0 5.5 0 7.2 1.0 12.1 Faost beltS 14l0X6.kOCm promer mare will be strtks in 2D1 dqx cm _ . mltoriag results. 17 1115*500 Xiqudaju n 200 400 0 5.2 2.5 11.2 5.2 16.3 Brick w110 450D)X51 sr) prpr easrc will be drtakt In 2181 degud cm muitorig tcrsults. is X1115500 Xut 16i 100 8.4 11.2 I. 13.7 13.5 18.1 Briecwk Il* 1lOX25t1) priy SCtL lpaper assure will bc taerukn In 20M depod 19 nitoriS results. 19 2R3g0 0 Jiatmisou *12 320 O 6.9 0 & 86 2.3 1315 BNrick va 1*6ODOM X2 5 IIaproper meure will be iadertakne in 2018 depm! an lmaittorlg results. 2011D ZT+300 Di|oqiao pri;t 215 so 19 4.2 3.5 5.9 6.8 11U5 Forest beltA 80X6).t') Scl. proper maue wil be asertsken in 20IE degp! a mitorins results. Parti ally resett Int due to the oecaRtion of XD * Ic sebl is closed during might A Th tress am mainly arbor trees. sudc as locusts art! Uniac parsol tree. The tres soltd be planted rr to bai Idinp vi thb distant of 4u betwen eah otber. * The waIl will be brickvocaeret structure asn will be built between the higha and cmaerned buildings. * Noise borricr will bc hollow brieclcoeret structure sd will be built at roadside slop. 5 Table 3-2 Mltigation Meastulrs(2005) I Excccdcd nofso level afttoted length along (LASU dB) V milengc Village population Mitilgation stone (lst row the highway 2000 2005 2018 measures boulldinss) _ - _ _ (m) Ld L, L, LI Ld L I K76+900 Shaohua Town 80 180 0 2,2 0 3.9 0 9,5 Forest beltA 19OX6.0(.) 2 K81+600 Oaojiahe 30 60 0 2.2 0 3.9 0 9,6 Forest beltA 70X6.0(mm) 3 K100+000 Wufang 100 30 0 3.8 0 6.6 0.2 10.6 Forest bcltA 40X6.0(m*) proper measure will be undertaken In 2018 depand ton monitoring results. 4 K118+500 Oongthuang ' 105 420 0 4.1 a 7.3 0.9 11.1 Forest beltA 200X6.0(mz) Brick wall* 21OX2.5C(m) proper measurc will be undertaken in 2005 depand on monitoring results. 6 K120t200 Dlaoqlao ' 250 540 0 4.0 0 5.6 0 10.6 Porest beltA 400X6.0(mp) .Brick wall*(150+150)X 2.5 Partially rcsettlement duo to the cocupation of ROW A The tress arc mainly arbor trees, such as locUsts and Chinese parasol troes, The trccs should be planted near to buildings with a distance of 4m between each other. * The wall will be brick/coancrot structure and will be built between the highway and concerned buildings. .6 *~~~~~~~~~~~~ ! Q'J M¶ e¢ ,r -=.e Tablc 8-3 Mitigation Mcasurcs (2013) _ _ecdod me levcl aftected length sla. (L. d..u. I milep VI lilp papulatlbm itiptLa Stwei (lst raw the highy 2000 206 2018 u baildings) . _ . _ _ to) L_4 tl L. L, It. 1 1574000 fllipl 15 30 0 0 0 0 O rI.4 Foet beitA 4IOXE.O-L 2 574900 aualjta. 50 110 0 0 0 1.4 0 5.4 FoetbeltAcAl2OXB.IkaFI 3 131490D Taolium 60 190 0 0.9 0 2.7 0 L.3 rest beltS 200X6.EPI 4 K68*250 J{iefmn 60 110 0 0 0 0.6 0 5.6 Forest blt,A IMX6Oca) 5 174940 a 70 110 O 0 0 0 0 5.3 Ftrst bcltA 120XL0Xta) 6 173*300 taion * 1S lil 0 0.4 0 2.0 0 7.0 Forest beltS 19OXLOcmP) 7 9750 ,lbiao 3 . is 0 0 0 0 0 5.4 orest beltS 2NXS.Ot2) 8 182l 0 Bhjiemn 75 150D 0 ]. 0 2.4 0 L2 Foet beltA 160XL(Xmt 9 _ 2440 tultizbu so 0 0.3 0 2L1 0 7.8 Farestl&BOX5.Otes) 10 X93tO000 linc xmt 65 320 0 1.0 0 2.7 0 I. Forest beitS 330X6.0Lt 11 n974i9W ftis 75 a2 0 0 0.5 0 5.3 Fat t beltS 230X6.0t) 1i j1IM4400'Bcidwm _ 125 270 0 0 0 1.4 0 T.3 Fret bett 20XL6.0Em2 31 Ul04lff 100 Il111l 360 0 0 0 0 0 4.9 Tren planting 14 M4 m 1| 5 0 0 0 0 0 4.0 Trees p tlant 15 11184000 Xbui 10 1I0 0 0 0 0 O 3.S Tres plating 16 119fll Rwlbe * 145 90 0 0 0 1.7 0 7.1 Forest beltS lCiWXL.tek 17 o n so 270 0 0 0 0 0 5 Tarees planting is EM30D Qilian 120 270 0 0.2 0 1.9 0 6.9 rest beltS 2X6.0Xtm) Partiallr rcsettlsaKnt *e to t be tion of RN A The tresS ar minly a*rbor tres, sumh as loents and Cbunese parasol trees TIe trees sbauld be plaed nrtr to buildit4a with a distanue af & betuccn eCdh other. 7 4. Conclusion The above proposed mitigation measures have been accepted by the designers. If the proper measures will be undertaken on the schedule, the noise level will meet the environmental requirements so that the project becomes a model of the integration of social, economic and environmental benefi.:s. 8 Legend noise barrier -4 forcst belt | t.$X u ri~~~ e-sEasirs~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-r walod cnclksing '&n11 IIJ Diagram of Noise Mitigation Measures Rate 1:2000 &341.3~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 311~~ a t . :E i W 233=' 3 . j B c,, = X .M;2 \ V tS~~~~~~k2F30MCKOW i; >tv b * 2 3L5Z z - - - > .~Fomtbelt 3n I-3 W5X5.6 0 ]S . e A .~~-3M 2. t : W1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I.Z C 3i5 .6 \ 9 1 *~S 36.9l 0.73_2z -q l.5 g \ __>~~~~~~~~~- \ !~~~3 l.1 - - X ! X - -. 0 - : - " I iX..% ....,.t. M-- - :- X § . f t4, '1 .%3'' ,><-tW 4'1 : g I 1T F + '->==S1 X g f jX vi.'35S,3 '3.5i2_-$$-Jy g '..I, - . X I 't1 '@..4#,t.,_,:,, / I CxtY1V i # 1-1 : Z / 5 Dtz ' . v . v 8 | X X ;>2} .g'J\' -- ' t' l X - ;-S r7 5 r l [ I v - i 11 g * 1,, ,k1Wi8 ! t it1 4/ '3' 1 X X 1 ' 1" t ,,§1 X * 1'\ tZ1 1 X I A t? _@ < * r, ?D. R | l l l 1 91.6C*, g _ - - e l I . . I .7 -/1~~~~~~~~~~~ -~~~~~~ /1 |~~~~ime scb ll> iRZ d - 1W.- 1E ,ae M Blrick VWz II //A S@,112210&aF - .~~~~~~~~b Distazicc22t I Fborst beItz -33 - ~~~~~~~~Af W7:S~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~prof colo Distan Of lc wal 7 :X26 : - u - g e ' ' ' 1 : ::blS: : t::: 1 F::_ _ r 77:ti=a9| B el -R , ; _ . f > # l , . . § vXw''" 1 / - D t S / ---ia X, . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~4 -4 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 0 : I XiW' 0 V3~9 \Ž . . L-~~~~d- ~~~~~~~- : :-: ,7> e :. ,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 _ _ _ _ ,~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ _ , ~~~~ . 3 . ~ * .- - 2L7ŽL~z~-~ .\IM 35.9 Ji.\ 2 355 1- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i stance I : 35-5. . . .34. -y . -hool --I------~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~Tt casoasnii h Os ti i~~~It -I--- a .~~~~~~~~~wrcain.Ad h -14 L , t - (~~~~~~~~~B6.3.' 325 .63< . - -336.6 / - < 6 ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~-TL7, * / 7 g l' --*.- * 1 *-~~~~~~~~E ~~~~~~~~~~2 1--X-SN- . 125-5Q3St- 58-\ 1}~~~~~52 _~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- _ _s _5 L =3 ------------ ~ ~ ~ ~ D. . . . _~~~~~~~~3- - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ c~ ~ r 0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ eh cl s r:u h _ I NX l|e highway wilo b t-8t ,,,..,....--e--'''''-,..........,i-, - !Nt@n- S - \ - w- '' S1.i - .~~~~ac~ An tc -Jsae I,. L_ e priaside o school yard. \@ ^ * - 1 bc built in. thc othct . LU, ^ U- - - v ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~A~~...... L~ ~~~ ~ -:3, hghWM%/will b /4%:~~~~~~~~~~~0 A' :Xt~~~~c CosP:X*tSc S~~~~~~~*e .sC'*t 0v> \t *e +;uiX ' <* -o zvv'- l~~~~~~~U,*uin V ZZG~~~~~~ 100i:s' P lG zO \ §-, \E .- ,,, I 31OsE 'G \A / i i i t K / S S e @ e -e *-1 kII5+5OOtXMqiuandlan * . / ...~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ ,n~~~~~~~pimarry school *e ~~~ -? D#I a.q lnncc* 3Ov J.?~~~ / *O.i AlBrick w OO2l5ub * Ss t - Y lO~~~~~~~~~~1OX2. fife8) 'e _ . h~t5ItSVsXIquaudIan | 15C50 XI 13 T 1Ru0 a _ .) .___. __,_. , , _ _ _ _ _ _ . .. Z2S 1~~~~~~~~~~i>~~Ant.,, -3-32.2 N. 6OX2.5(rP)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ : 331a~~~~~~~~~~ JIT~~~~~~~... = % $_.-:.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.-343 ~~~~~~~~~- G - a_ D l~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~6 1 ;A1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ar2 14t~~~~~~~~~~~~~11 Os~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~bE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.- 4~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~4 E~~ ~~~~~~~~ " .a )41 $ Wi . )4F~~~~~~~j %gff ' 2, A . iI1..... 1 38 ......................... .......... 3 48 tt ifr...6 iflw' wmtXtI'kmnt,oo *SjFt#JA;34z(.- *r12jW EKR2jo - 1999+@] .-ffi;*38Fj1j fIg4ut3'r .&t 660; tJUi Atft8tt8 , ¢jk: 1780*It $f*4tMc6t, , SJ55O0i( .5 ft3-D. eM{tn&915gn. a lff s -:tf a * ffiiSbt -1 a ff OF-W ! it CTI ik a iPa. A 2..~~~~~~~~~~~1 *2-1 *R5AM$13i*POt (L.QmdB)E= WA+t 0>iitt 2000* i 2005$ 2018AF t 1F lt40S$I OL'A WZW#@JS Cm) (.2i ff flfi t 1057+000 ±1%fl 95 4.0 60.7 52.7 62.2 54.5 65.5 60.4 1057+900 JiE4St 80 5.0 62.5 54.7 63.9 56.4 65.5 60.4 K061+900 Mt4*# 70 3.0 63.6 55.9 65.1 57.7 66.3 61.3 [068+250 tA# 35 5.5 60.9 53.8 62.1 55.6 64.6 60.6 Kon074+940 Mij 50 5.0 60.6 53.1 62.0 54.9 64.8 60.3- [073+300 i nt 20 4.5 62.3 55.4 63.5 57.0 65.9 62.0 K076+900 05.$% 60 3.5 64.8 57.2 66.2 58.9 69.2 64.5 K077+900 15 13.2 55.1 48.0 56.3 49.8 58.8 54.8 [079+750 tZM 95 -4.7 60.7 52.7 62.2 54.5 65.5 60.4 K9804930 jI 20 1.8 67.8 60.8 69.0 62.6 71.4 67.5 1081+500 stPJ 60 3.0 64.8 57.2 66.2 58.9 69.2 64.5 X0824000 4&Ld 70 0.3 63.5 56.2 65.2 57.4 68.1 63.2 [0824950 4Z$' 20 1.5 70.0 62.9 n.e 64.6 73.8 70.0 K083+650 f±4'4t' 20 1.5 70.0 62.3 71.0 64.6 73.8 70.0 K084+300 51J5# 20 0 72.8 65.8 74.6 67.7 77.1 72.5 K086+300 jflf 40 -7.0 68.0 66.1 69.3 67.4 72.1 67.7 K092t600 *4ci]0R 60 2.0 63.1 55.3 64.6 57.1 67.6 62.8 K093+000 *M* 70 -1.0 63.5 56.0 64.9 57.7 68.0 63.2 K095+200 F 70 2.0 67.4 60.5 68.6 62.2 71.0 67.1 K097+900 W4# 90 3.5 61.5 53.7 63.1 55.5 66.3 61.3 [100+000 Xb# 24 2.5 65.9 58.8 67.4 60.5 70.2 65.6 K103+400 ±IBfo 80 -2.5 62.4 54.6 64.0 56.4 67.1 62.3 K104+800 I%I&tJt' 20 6.2 60.0 53.0 61.0 54.8 63.8 59.9 K110+200 TSfl 20 10.5 57.0 56.0 58.0 51.7 60.4 50.4 K111+800 jg * 30 5.0 59.8 52.1 60.6 53.9 63.1 59.0 [115+500 Whtjf 30 -2.3 68.4 61.2 70.6 63.7 73.5 68.1 [118+000 WX# 100 -5.7 59.9 51.1 60.8 52.8 64.0 58.5 K1184500 '4 E 35 1.5 66.4 59.1 69.2 62.3 70.9 66.1 [119+000 'fjSLfl. 64 2.7 62.5 54.9 64.3 56.7 67.3 62.1 K120+200 ^ 51 20 2.0 66.0 59.0 67.0 60.6 68.4 65.5 [124+950 1t3It 70 3.5 61.1 53.5 62.6 55.1 65.6 60.9 K125+300 fljgr' 20 1.5 68.7 61.8 69.9 63.6 72.3 68.5 [130+300 -L¶# 20 4.0 62.2 55.2 63.8 56.9 66.3 61.9 K134+200 Wit# 90 10.5 53.6 46.0 54.7 48.6 57.2 53.3 .2. : * . .(dlaDW *1.~ ~ . -.-.-r. * , -. 'a pE2-2 XnMWE3J3Atfl£*E& |ttt1n M KINISl (LASCi dB) IS 4'iC& 2000* 2005* 2018W 4g nr na * {e J EW. _ 1 [62+300 # Rt't'* 96 60.7 52.7 62.2 54.5 65.5 60.4 2 [73+600 W*+O'J'* 90 62.5 54.7 64.0 56.5 67.1 62.2 3 K79+550 54ZE# RtcIs* 50 66.4 58.9 67.8 60.7 70.7 66.1 4 U80+760 A- P*Jibi 55 65.6 58.1 66.5 59.8 69.9 65.3 5 K81+850 £;#4ts./J'i* 70 63.6 56.0 65.4 57.7 68.5- 63.3 6 K82+350 $LawFfett 30 66.7 59.5 67.4 61.5 70.5 66.4 7 K84+570 Pi IP'* 25 72.2 65.2 73.4 67.0 76.0 72.0 S K92+700 **19 40 68.1 60.7 69.4 62.5 72.2 67.8 9 R93+090 *14.!'* 30 76.6 69.6 77.8 71.4 80.2 76.3 10 K95+000 jT1F'q* so 62.5 54.6 63.9 56.4 67.1 52.2 11 K115+500 wag'ijmq* 30 68.4 61.2 70.6 63.7 73.5 68.1 12 [127+300 Ms.LtW 70 61.9 54.2 63.5 55.9 66.8 61.5 t$XIt*?AgM tG33O396-9S C{TWJt5Ff ffD , 8g*W6t"WJltIti f r, f7OdB, a MJ55dB, fi r*i2ijfr , ]60dB, miiI 50dB. GflM9t tsftzEtamhSrXfft*eD4*13- ifS3-2. j&4M*3tftWfl% ¶IMj Ktkfl t&*Abs-lOdB, *fK*4--6dB. git, flf3Zt .3. 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