DCG.151/374/01/17 22 " December, 2017 The Rt. Hon. Speaker of Parliament Parliament of Uganda Kampala REPORT OF THE AUDITOR GENERAL ON THE SECOND NORTHERN UGANDA SOCIAL ACTION FUND (NUSAF 2) FOR THE YEAR ENDED 301H JUNE, 2017 In accordance with Article 163 (4) of the Constitution, I forward herewith audited financial statements of the Second Northern Uganda Social Action Fund (NUSAF 2) for the financial year ended 30' June, 2017 together with my report and opinion thereon. John F.S. Muwanga AUDITOR GENERAL Copy to: The Permanent Secretary/Secretary to the Treasury Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development The Permanent Secretary, Office of the Prime Minister The International Development Association (IDA) Thru' The World Bank Country Office Kampala The Accountant General, Ministry of Finance, Planning & Econ. Development The Programme Coordinator Northern Uganda Social Action Fund Office of the Prime Minister THE REPUBLIC OF UGANDA NORTHERN UGANDA SOCIAL ACTION FUND PROJECT (NUSAF 3) (IDA CREDIT NO.56450 - UG) REPORT OF THE AUDITOR GENERAL ON THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS OF NORTHERN UGANDA SOCIAL ACTION FUND PROJECT (NUSAF 3) FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30TH JUNE 2017 OFFICE OF THE AUDITOR GENERAL KAMPALA U- LIST ACRONYMS Acronyi Meaning CFs Community Facilitators- DEC District Executive Conimittée, DTPC DI strict Tethnical Plahning Comittee IFMS Irtegrated Financial Management SystM IISP Improved Household Income Support Program, ISSAIs International Standards of Suprenme Aud it Institutions MIS Management Informátion Systern LIS Livelihood Investment Support MoFPED Ministry of Fina nte, Planrning and Econoric Development NUSAF Northern Uganda Soéial AcÉ'ior Fund PFMA Public Financiäl ,Management Actd- - PPDA -PubiÉPröcurement and Disposal. OfAssts PRDP Peace, Recovery and Develop nt Programme TST Technica Support Team URA Uganda Revenue Authity 1 THIRD NORTHERN UGANDA SOCIAL ACTION FUND PROJECT (NUSAF 3) (IDA CREDIT NO.56450 - UG) REPORT OF THE AUDITOR GENERAL ON THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30TH JUNE 2017 Opinion I have audited the financial statements of Northern Uganda Social Action Fund Project (NUSAF 3) IDA Loan NO.56450 - UG for the year ended 30th June 2017. These financial statements comprise of Statement of cash receipts and payments, Statement of comparative budget and actual amounts, Cash flow statement, Special account statement and Notes to the accounts which contain a summary of significant accounting policies. In my opinion, the Project financial statements present fairly in all material respects the cash balances of Northern Uganda Social Action Fund Project (NUSAF 3) IDA Loan NO.56450 - UG as at 30TH June 2017 and the receipts and payments for the year then ended in accordance with the accounting policies stated on pages 11 of the financial statements. Basis of opinion I conducted my audit in accordance with International Standards of Supreme Audit Institutions (ISSAIs). My responsibilities under those standards are further described in the Auditor's Responsibilities for the Audit of the Financial Statements section of my report. I am independent of Project Management in accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of Uganda (1995) as amended, the National Audit Act 2008, the International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants' Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants (IESBA Code) together with the ethical requirements that are relevant to my audit of the financial statements in Uganda, and I have fulfilled my other ethical responsibilities in accordance with these requirements and the IESBA Code. I believe that the audit evidence I have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for my opinion. Key Audit Matters Key audit matters are those matters that, in my professional judgment, are of most significance in my audit of the financial statements of the current period. I have determined that there are no Key Audit Matters to communicate in my report. -2- Emphasis of Matter Without qualifying my opinion, I draw attention to the following matter described in note 5 in the financial statements. Sub projects Grant During the year under review, the Project disbursed a total of UGX.31,064,136,566 to subprojects. However, I noted that a sum of UGX.2,515,924,259 (8% of the total subproject grants disbursed) had not been accounted for by the subprojects as disclosed in note 5 of the financial statements. I was unable to confirm whether the funds were utilized for the intended purpose. Management explained that unaccounted for subproject funds were attributed to delay in accessibility of subproject funds triggered by IFMS related issues, delayed approval and submissions of subprojects in selected cases. Management further explained that a rapid follow up team had engaged with the affected districts in the entire sub regions of NUSAF 3 in addition to the web-based Management information system (MIS) so as guide districts to account for the project funds soonest. I advised the Accounting officer to ensure that subproject accountabilities are submitted on time in order to achieve project objectives. Other matter I consider it necessary to communicate the following matters other than those presented or disclosed in the financial statements: * Project Performance as per logical framework NUSAF 3 is a five-year Government of Uganda Project implemented under the broad Peace, Recovery and Development Programme (PRDP) framework. The Project NUSAF 3 which became effective on 14t March 2016 is a successor Project to NUSAF 2 which closed in February 2016. A review of project progress reports and the logical framework revealed that the project had achieved most of the planned outputs for year one. However, project outputs such as completion of subprojects and increase in the number of household beneficiaries of Livelihood Income Support were not fully achieved. Refer to Appendix 1. The project may not complete the remaining activities at the expected completion period which will result into increased administration costs. -3- Management explained that it developed the MIS allowing stakeholders at district level and community level to enter information in a timely manner and also allow the technical support team at the centre to review and monitor changes in a timely manner. Management further explained that the project acquired tablets (computers) for Community Facilitators (CFs) to enter information on sub projects for both financial and physical accountability on a real time basis. I advised the Accounting officer to intensify supervision and monitoring so as to ensure that project implementation is fully undertaken within the agreed timelines. Management Responsibility Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of the Financial Statements in accordance with the provisions of the Public Finance Management Act, 2015 and the World Bank/IDA Funding Guidelines. This responsibility includes designing, implementing and maintaining internal controls relevant to the preparation and fair presentation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error; selecting and applying appropriate accounting policies and making accounting estimates that are reasonable in the circumstances. In preparing the financial statements, Management is responsible for assessing the Project's ability to achieve its core objectives, disclosing, as applicable, matters related to the achievement of its objectives, unless management either intends to close the project or to cease operations, or have no realistic alternative but to do so. Management is responsible for overseeing the Project's financial reporting process. Auditor's Responsibilities for the Audit of the Financial Statements My objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements as a whole are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, and to issue an auditor's report that includes my opinion. Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance, but is not a guarantee that an audit conducted in accordance with ISSAIs will always detect a material misstatement when it exists. Misstatements can arise from fraud or error and are considered material if, individually or in the aggregate, they could reasonably be expected to influence the economic decisions of users taken on the basis of these financial statements. -4- As part of an audit in accordance with ISSAIs, I exercise professional judgment and maintain professional skepticism throughout the audit. I also: * Identify and assess the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error, design and perform audit procedures responsive to those risks, and obtain audit evidence that is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion. The risk of not detecting a material misstatement resulting from fraud is higher than for one resulting from error, as fraud may involve collusion, forgery, intentional omissions, misrepresentations, or the override of internal control. * Obtain an understanding of internal control relevant to the audit in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the Project's internal control. o Evaluate the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates and related disclosures made by management. * Conclude on the appropriateness of management's use of the going concern basis of accounting and, based on the audit evidence obtained, whether a material uncertainty exists related to events or conditions that may cast significant doubt on the Project's ability to continue as a going concern. If I conclude that a material uncertainty exists, I am required to draw attention in my auditor's report to the related disclosures in the financial statements or, if such disclosures are inadequate, to modify my opinion. My conclusions are based on the audit evidence obtained up to the date of my auditor's report. However, future events or conditions may cause the Project to fail to deliver on its mandate. * Evaluate the overall presentation, structure and content of the financial statements, including the disclosures, and whether the financial statements represent the underlying transactions and events in a manner that achieves fair presentation. I communicate with Management regarding, among other matters, the planned scope and timing of the audit and significant audit findings, including any significant deficiencies in internal control that I identify during my audit. I also provide Management with a statement that I have complied with relevant ethical requirements regarding independence, and to communicate with him/her all relationships and other matters that may reasonably be thought to bear on my independence, and where applicable, related safeguards. -5- From the matters communicated with the Management, I determine those matters that were of most significance in the audit of the financial statements of the current period and are therefore the key audit matters. I describe these matters in my auditor's report unless law or regulation precludes public disclosure about the matter or when, in extremely rare circumstances, I determine that a matter should not be communicated in my report because - the adverse consequences of doing so would reasonably be expected to outweigh the public interest benefits of such communication. John F.S. Muwanga AUDITOR GENERAL KAMPALA 22nd December, 2017 -6- THIRD NORTHERN UGANDA SOCIAL ACTION FUND PROJECT (NUSAF 3) (IDA CREDIT NO.56450 - UG) REPORT OF THE AUDITOR GENERAL ON THE SPECIAL ACCOUNT OPERATIONS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30TH JUNE 2017 Opinion I have audited the Special Accounts Statement of the Northern Uganda Social Action Fund Project (NUSAF 3) IDA Loan NO.56450 - UG for the year ended 301h June 2017 for the year ended 30th June 2017 which is set out on pages 14 of Appendix 1 respectively. In my opinion, Programme Management complied in all material respects with loan rules and procedures and the Special Accounts Statements for the Northern Uganda Social Action Fund Project (NUSAF 3) IDA Loan NO.56450 - UG present fairly in all material respects the accounts transactions and the closing balances as at 30th June 2017. Management Responsibility for the Special Account Statement Project management is responsible for preparation of the special account statement and its fair presentation in accordance with the requirements of the Government of Uganda regulations, and loan (World Bank/IDA) guidelines. Management is also responsible for designing and implementing internal controls relevant to the preparation of the special account statement that is free from material misrepresentation, whether due to fraud or error and selecting and applying appropriate accounting policies and making accounting estimates that are reasonable in the circumstances. Auditor's Responsibility My responsibility is to express an opinion on the special account statement based on my audit. I conducted my audit in accordance with International Standards of Supreme Audit Institutions (ISSAIs) and the IDA guidelines on auditing. Those standards and the loan guidelines require that I plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the special account statement is free from material misstatement. I believe that the audit evidence I have obtained provides a reasonable basis for my opinion. John F.S. Muwanga AUDITOR GENERAL KAMPALA 22nd December, 2017 -7- APPENDIX 1 Project Performance as per the Logical framework S/N Project Outcome Indicators for Component 1 and 2 Planned Year 1 End of Year 1 Percentage Achievement Component 1: Labour Intensive Public works (LIPW) 3 Number of Households benefiting from post-disaster activities 33,422 31,386 94% Component 2: Livelihood Income Support Number of household beneficiaries of Livelihood Income Support 11,700 8,026 69% 900 589 65% 2. Number of Income Generating sub-projects completed 3. An MIS for LIPW and LIS developed and functional NUSAF3 MIS integrated with MIS Development in the single registry final stages and districts in Ministry of have already started Gender, Labour using it for beneficiary, and Social sub project registration Development and accountability 8 APPENDIX 2 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 9 The Republic of Uganda OFFICE OF THE PRIME MINISTER - THE THIRD NORTHERN UGANDA SOCIAL ACTION FUND (NUSAF3) FINAL ACCOUNTS FOR FINANCIAL YEAR 2016/2017 TABLE OF CONTENTS Pg 1. Table Of Acronyms 2. Annual Progress report i 3. Statement Of Management Responsibilities v 4, Receipts and Payments Account 1 5. IDA Statement of Fund Balance 2 6. Trust Fund Statement of Fund Balance 3 7. Translation of Cashbook Closing balances 4 8. IDA Designated Account Activity Statement 5 9. District Cash book Balance 6 10. Staff Advance schedule 7 11. Notes to the Accounts i- Significant Accounting Policies (Note 1) 8 ii. List of IDA Receipts 9 iii. List of JSDF Receipts 10 iv. Notes to the Financial Statements (Note 3) 11 12. Exchange Gain / Loss calculations 12-13 13. Bank Reconciliation Statements i. NUSAF3 Designated Account( IDA) 14 ii. NUSAF3 Implementation Support Account 15 iii. NUSAF3 Designated Account (JSDF) 16 14. Bank Statements NUSAF 3 Final Accounts FY 2016/17 TABLE OF ACRONYMS BOU - Bank of Uganda CUD - Community Demand Driven Model CPC - Community Procurement Committee CPMC - Community Project management Committee CWC Community Watershed Committee DEC - District Executive Committee DRF - Disaster Risk Financing DTPC - District Technical Planning Committee EPRA - Extended Participatory Rural Appraisal GOU - Government of Uganda IHISP - Improved Household Income Support Programme IDA - International Development Agency of World Bank IG Inspectorate of Government JSDF Japan Social Development Fund . LIPW Labour Intensive Public Works LIS - Livelihood Investment Support M&E - Monitoring and Evaluation MGLSD - Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development MIS - Management Information Systems NUSAF3 - The Third Northern Uganda Social Action Fund OPM - Office of the Prime Minister PIS - Project Implementation Support PRDP - Peace, Recovery and Development Plan SAC - Social Accountability Committee SEC - Sub county Executive Committee SHS Shillings SLP - Sustainable Livelihood Pilot SNM - Social Net Mechanism STPC - Sub county Technical Planning Committee STAAC Strengthening Transparency, Accountability & AntiCorruption TOT - Training of Trainers TST - Technical Support Team UGX - Uganda Shillings USD - United States Dollars WB - World Bank NUSAF3 Final Accounts FY 2016/17 NUSAF3 ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT March 14, 2016 - June 30, 2017 1.0 Introduction The Third Northern Uganda Social Action Fund (NUSAF3) is Community Demand Driven (CDD) Project funded with credit of US $ 130 million from the International Development Agency (IDA) of the World Bank (WB) and a grant of US $ 2.857 million from Japan Social Development Fund (JSDF). The Project is being implemented under the broader Peace, Recovery and Development Programme (PRDP3) framework and is a successor to NUSAF2. The implementation of the Project is mainstreamed into the existing government structures both at national and local government levels in 56 districts distributed across the 8 sub regions of Lango, Acholi, West Nile, Bunyoro, Teso, Karamoja, Elgon and Bukedi. The Project Development Objective (PDO) is "to provide effective income support to and build resilience of poor and vulnerable households in Northern Uganda." Effective income support is defined as the increase in the value of household - assets of beneficiaries of Labour Intensive Public Works (LIPW) and Livelihood Investment Support (LIS). Resilience is defined as the capacity of households and communities to adapt to a new strategy in the face of shocks and crises. The project is running from March 14 2016 to March 13 2021. During the period ended June 30th 2017, the project disbursed fimnds to 900 Community Interest Groups (Subprojccts) to a tune of UGX 31,064,136,566. NUSA F3 Fina Accounts FY 2016/17 i 2.0 Project Components NUSAF3 operation is to be implemented through four components namely: 2.1) Labour Intensive Works and Disaster Risk Financing (USD 61 m) Labour Intensive Works (LIPW) component provides beneficiaries from poor and vulnerable households with a seasonal transfer for multiple years in return for their participation in LIPW. Disaster Risk Financing (DRF) develops a mechanism for scaling up assistance to poor and vulnerable households immediately following disaster events and a system to cover the costs of this expansion. During the financial year, 132 LIPW community subprojects were funded to the tune of UGX 7,058,152,881 and 179 DRF Community Interest Groups (Subprojects) were funded to the tune of UGX 14,034,685,961. 2.2) Livelihood Investment Support (USD 43.5m) The Livelihood Investment Support component supports the government's aim to extend livelihood support to poor and vulnerable households and, by doing so, increase their productive assets and incomes. The LIS component is comprised of an Improved Household Income Support Program (1ISP) and a Sustainable Livelihoods Pilot (SLP). The objective of the IHISP is to improve the livelihoods and increase the incomes of targeted households in Northern Uganda by providing them with comprehensive skills development training, livelihood grants, and mentoring support. During the financial year, 589 IHISP subprojects were funded to the tune of UGX 9,971,297,724. The Sustainable Livelihoods Pilot (SLP) aims to generate lessons and develop evidence to inform more significant changes to livelihood support in the future. SLP Community subprojects were not funded during the financial year ended 30" June 2017. NUSAF3 Final Accounts FY 2016/7 ii 2.3) Strengthening Transparency, Accountability, and Anti- Corruption (USD Sm) The primary objectives of the STAAC component is to contribute to the government's commitment to increasing transparency and accountability in public service delivery and enhance the effectiveness of transparency, accountability, and Anti-Corruption processes in project areas. 2.4) Safety Net Mechanism and Project Management (USD 20.5m) Safety Net Mechanisms aim to lay the foundation for a Social Safety Net System as envisioned in the draft Uganda Social Protection Policy (USPP). It supports the MGLSD in establishing and strengthening systems to promote the harmonization of the direct income support elements of the social protection sector. Project Management will support the operational expenditures related to management and the monitoring and evaluation of the project. Its support will strengthen the planning and coordination of activities supported by the project, as well as the monitoring of their implementation. NUSAF3 FinalAccounts FY 2016/17 iv The Republic of Uganda STATEMENT OF MANAGEM ENT RESPONSIBILITIES Office of the Prime Minister is required to prepare financial statements which present fairly, in all material respects, the Third Northern Uganda Social Action Fund's receipts and payments incurred during the period 1411 March 2016 to 3011 June 2017. In preparing the financial statements, management is required to: SSelect suitable accounting policies and then apply them consistently; * Make judgmnents and estimates that are reasonable and prudent, and; * State whether applicable accounting standards have been followed. Management is responsible for keeping proper accounting records, which disclose with reasonable accuracy at any time, the financial position of The Third Northern Uganda Social Action Fund, and to enable them ensure that the financial statenents comply with the )onor's reporting guidelines. They are also responsible fr safeguarding the assets of the Project, and hence for taking reasonable steps for the prevention and detection of fraud and other irregularities. Signed on behalf of Office of the Prime Minister (Third Northern Uganda Social Action Fund). Principal Accountant Direct r NUSAF3 For: erumane it Secretary ',NJU,SA'\i,:3 1,ri !\C UtILI ii V I, 1 ; :-j OFFICE OFTHE PRICIE MINISTER THE T-IIIRI) NORTHERN UGANDA SOCIAL ACTION FILJNI) (NUSAF3) [DA LOA.N`NO: -6450 IDA STATFYlENT OF FUND BALANCE For the Financial Year ended 30,lune 2017 AlUOLIllt slis 14-Nlar-16 Bank- TofAl, Surplus (Deticit) 78,776,35-1,856 30-.liiii-17 78,776,353,856 lkel)vescllted by: IDA NUSAF3 Designaled Account 77,000,000,000 IDA NUSAV3 Implementation Support ACCOLIllt 685,257,775 District Operations funds advances 767,82i,766 Staff Activity Advances 323,270,315 30-JLIII-l 5 79,776,353,856 e or ýNU-S Principal Accountant ffire or NUSAF3 Fo r: i ýé rli Ä'l)Cllt ceretary Page 2 OFFICE OF TIlIE PRIME MINISTER TIIE THIRD NORTIIERN CGANDA SOCIAL ACTION FUND (NIJSAF3) TRUST FUND NO: TF A2643 .1SDF STATFMENT OF FUND BALANCE For ilie Financial Year ended 30 June 2017 Anount - _Advances Surplns (Dele it) - Rcpresented bx ____ __________ JSDF NUSAF3 Dsignated AccLl___ _o_ District Operations funds advanccs -- Staff Activity Advances - Principal Accountant r NUSAF3 Fotr: Permanent Sretary Page 3 Office øf the Prime Minister The Third Northern Uganda Social Action fund (NUSAF3) Schedule showing Translation of Cashbook Account Closing Balances For the quarter ended 30th June 2017 Closing Cash Balances Currency Uganda Shillings United Slates Dollars NUSA I3 IDA Desisnaled Account US) 77,000,000,000 _22,000,000.00 NUSAF3 Implementation Support Account UGX 685,257,775 195.787.94 NUSAF3 JSDF Designated Accoum UJSD) Total Cosing Cash Ba mee 77,685,257,775 22,195,788 Principal Accountant D e or NUSAF3 For: PermaneitSecretary Page 4 7,0 IDA Designated Account (DA) Activity Statement For the Reporting Period Apr - June. 2017 Project Name: The Third Northern Uganda Social Action Fund (NUSAF3) IDA Loan No: 56450 Deposit Bank: Bank of Uganda, Kampala. A/C No: 000030088400006 Currency of DA: US dollars PRIIn USD In U.-1T PART I _____ 1. Cumulative Advances to end of current reportin eiod3,00,000.0 2. Cu mulative c en di ture s to e nd of last repo rti ng eriod 20392, 7632,0 3. Outstandin Advance to be accounted Iline 1 minus line 2 PART 11 4. Opening DA balance at beginning of reporting period ______ 5. Add/subtract Cumulative adjustments 2if any) 1. ansh from World Bank during reporting period 180000941.i 7.: Add lines 5 atit ljitdo for ad l - OuladgSladance ata tArl 11 9,60 . ustanding aadacs pobec advaunes for (atd line apili7) 33,974767.9 - TOTAL 9559787499 aanes fo 0r a 9. Closi DA -a -df 11. Exp pe 9.CoigD_at an a end of currentailedotn as io folos 15Tta foeai e aon to e pa byoldBn Add:/{l btLinet5 Cumulative adjustments miany) o,tT, ;- - Onuanding District Operatinnl funds advances as at st Apre 20 2911938 - Oustardig Staff advance as at list Apri 201 19,3647OO - Oustanditg Sub project advances as at I Jpri 2014 - TOTAL 762488 PAR I (2 Le.Cine 10. Cummlative afadjusments. h 2los1n amoun of 7u.nn s9f iAdnciples couant aN tI)Iie en o th Qu t is e ter an e low -OUs nd g DisT1 JT7 riCt ()erat I ona T'-l fUnTI(I d aVaInces; as ,,t 30th June 20 15 2 )19 3,3S87 -utaning LStaff advan ce as at 30L Athn 201 93,3621540 - OUstadinJ.TLg Su b project advance-s as at 30th Junei 2015 8.7,,7750 - TOTAL 7,659,248.81 Pr(I.InciplAcutats-1 at~ ~ ~ ~Fr Ph n fteQatri e rane nt See ctary,,, ( L , 1 11 )P urid, RS ;it 3 thPag e 0 52 9,7 7 Oicee of te P rine lAfinister le IThiird Northern I]ula Sociil Action ftind (NUSAF3) 1DA Lonii No: 56450 Scheuclile showing N USAF3 Dist tashbook Closiig Balances As at 301tb Jute 2017 SI District NMie Balance S/N District Naie Balance ______ UGNUGX) Abim 12,384,602 28 Koboko 5,189,608 2 Adjumani 6,820 806 29 Kole 9 ,008,023 3 Agago 1,713,788 30 Kotido 25,491,430 -4 Alebtong 169,739 31 Kumi 951 312 Amiolatar 32 Kween 6,220,537 6 Amudat 17,81,576 33 Lamwo 2,963,798 7 Amuria 9,772. 542 34 Lira Amuru 1,26,138 35 Manafwa 2-,727,170 Apac ,2S,988 36 Maracha 110,150 10Arua 6,4.5,7-2 37 Masindi 7,662,725 1 Budaka 195,04 38 Mbale 10,912,682 12 Bududa 12,71/942 39 Moroto 8,881,962 23 Bukedea 6,3,28 40 Moyo 9,157,154 24Bukwo 9,8,117 41 Nakapiripirt 25,553,898 25 Bulambun 1 678,0 81 42 Napak 19,728753 16 Buläsa - 43 Nebbi 6,908,572 7 Busia 0,80 44 gora 16,295,596 18 Butaleja 6,207,To3 45__Nwoya 11,138,777 91 Dkol '2,97-88 46 Otuke 17775,095 21) Gulu - 47 Oyamn- 12,309,192 21 Kaberamaido 25,60367 48 Pade r 15,838,412 22 Kabong 3219,162 49 Pallisa 7,481,532 23Kapchorwa 7,28,040 50- Sironkc> 54,4341,360 24 Katakwi 113 51 Omoro 33,194,516 sKiryandongo 1 o 52 Soroti 17788,509 26 Kitgum 2 012 *53 Serelre 18,647,730 27 Kibuku - 54 Tororo 6,295,862 ---55 Yumbe 27,796>,4169 2-54,980,942 56 Zombo 512,84444,24 GRAND)VOTAI ý767,825,766 Principal Accoun11tantf Difr r USAF3 For: Pe maý-iilnlt creta OFFICE OF THE PRIME MINISTER THE THIRD NORTHERN UGANDA SOCIAL ACTION FUND (NUSAF3) IDA Loan No: 56450 STAFF ACTIVITY ADVANCES AS AT 30TH JUNE 2017 Namne 0-3N101his 3-6 Mon - 9-c Mon Above 9 Months Total AKAMPWER-A HERBEI 3,202,815 3,202,815 2 ALIRED ODERA ¯¯¯¯¯¯_ 64, 440,000 64,440,000 3 MLY AII 10,590000 ______ ,590,00 4 IklAMA A_RTI]A 14, 27_1000 14,271,000 5 SIMON KISAKA 23,227,000 23,227,000 6 NALUBEiGA LUCY 700000 7,000,000 7 O]URU MICHAEL 43,287, 000 __43287,000 8 STELLA SENGENDO 80,74 500 80,745,500 9 ANDREW AOPO 607000 76,507,000 Total 258,830,315 64,440,000_- 323,270,315 Principal Accountant rt irc or NUSAF3 For: eriniëñn¯S reaiarv Page 7 OFIU OF TiHE PRINIE MINISTER THE THIRD NORTH ERN UGANDA SOCIAL ACTION IFUN) (NUSAF3) IDA (,RED1T No. 56450 NO TLS i For the Financial Year ended 30 June 2017 SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES *e principal accounting pollcies adopted in te preparation ofl esc Iinancia statemnlts ar nut below: l Accounting Convention Tlie accounts have been prepared under the historlcal cost conveltiol. 2 Reporting Currency The financial statements are presented in tganda shillings 3 Incone and Expenditure Income is recognized in tie accounts when received and expenditurc is recognized when paid 4 Fixed Assets Fixed assets are wriltten off against income in te year of purehasc. However, a separate inventory of fixed assets is miinainied. 5 Translation of Foreign Currencies Transactions in foreign currencies during the year are converted into Uganda Shillings (functional currency) at rates ruling at the transaction dates. Cash balances held in foreign currency are translated at the ruling rate at the financlil year end. Any gains or losses on foreign currency transactions or balances are dealt with in the Receipis and Paymrents account. Principal Accountant rr r U F3 For: PermanA t Secretary Page 8 OFFICE OF THE PRIME MINISTER THE THIRD NORTHERN UGANDA SOCIAL ACTION FUND (NUSAF3) SCHEDULE OF DISBURSEMENT OF IDA CREDIT During FY 2016117 ,NVTES 2 Withdrawal Value Date Amount L mount Amount Apphication USD XDR UGX No. WA 013-May-1 10,0)00,000 7,115,058 33,340,000,000 WA 001 28-Oct-16 WA 002 2- b1 4,000,000 2,965,247 14,000,000,000 WA 003 1-u17 22,000,000 15,956,830 78,848,000,000 TOTAL 36,000,000 26,037,134 126,188,000,000 Principal Accountant Dir r USAF-3 For; Permanen Secretary Page 9 OFFICE OF THE PRIME MINISTER THE THIRD NORTHERN UGANDA SOCIAL ACTION FUND (NUSAF3) SCHEDULE OF DISBURSEMENT FROM JDSF TRUST FUND During FY 2016/17 withdrawal Value Date Amount USD Amount Amount Application XDR UGX No. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ N/A - N/A TOTAL - Of SAF3 Principaxl Accountant For: Permanent SAretary Page 10 NOTE 3 Office of the Prime Minister The Third Northern Uganda Social Action Fund (NUSAF3) IDA Credit No. 56450 Financial Year Ended 30 June 2017 Notes to the Financial Statements 1 The expenditure has been classified in accordance to both GOU chart of accounts and Schedule 1 of the Financing Agreement covers the Financial Year 2016/2017 Office of the Prime Minister operates two designated accounts for IDA and JSDF denominated in 2 JSD, and an IDA account denominated in local currency for OPM operations in Bank of Uganda 56 Project Local Government Operations Accounts, as well as 56 project local Government Subproject Accounts are maintained in various commercial banks at District level. 3. The advances in the Receipts and Payment Account represents activity advances to staff for activities that had not yet fully been completed, but were completed and accounted after 30th June 2017 4. Closing bank balance on USD Designated account is translated at UGX/USLD 3500: being Bank of Uganda's average USD rate (selling and buying) at the time funds were received from IDA. The rates used to translate the transactions on the Designated Account, are the Bank of Uganda Spot rates on the date of expenditure. Principal Accountant k F3 For: Permanen Secretary Page 11 :려―,[· , � и � С5 � С .� � М Gs. у � ''� � �. � �� . r" � � �-- � Cf '� � Гд'i #.�+ �у = �.у= �. LS. �" F""а .. .�ж��- _ � � V1 �' ` "` _1у r ...., °�'� .,- � � Q � о г � � � , � .��"". ++ \� .." а � ;� , �., х-. � �, ..,� � ° � � � � н � � � , � � � � � � ,. � � � � � � � � � "м, � �- !'�i " � е�, с.у � � i�. `.i "" "� (� s.r С3 � ` U й �' �С7 р., �" � rri 'ц � ^J . � '�,, f'Ч .:: .�'i i+ ..�'". и..�"'�w +.+ I СвГ� . w1 � �у У {j '� S.+ � � � � �_ Н �� У� � � '~ � л М_ J�+ � _� �т4.г "' с. � :в ^,п • м Sj% , .уΡ . : , _ � � йа . ®м 'rг • •� .�r � , 4г(j м и % I .� � `" ;/1 С ,�:, ;� � `.А з'' '-�' i." w.�'" �ы '� ,� • ла ,L", 43 �' � � ,rуΡ"С,� .^.i :ч г r� � i� � Ci I � y.r1 rJA С� � � `/,� м � � _м +� � I с �-, у у�,� �м ,,,�„i � �J �в V F+�1 J S'" Fr. i-+�1 =ы-� � � ��i %' � � r � ,I� О О � �Тм ; ,..., W � '� `--�..�.,�� �I . �, w, с� � ' ;� .�.� ._ а г-, ,� r , ,r , ... -~ - С.� � : � /' .J � •л, r-w i�-� � �' С `� � i., �" ^ ;7 r:� � � � � ,'r�' "а +��"+ Ld �' �"' -+� ^,� .... � w�.. � �, �. � � � � 47 � �, ;, � � � .." " � '-,� С� О � д�.rt 1'si г. Л j� '1 ьv .+r Fi1 +} � � и :� V � � ц � У .:: •�- ;� � �-' '" � "' = � �. .� = � � .. : � � �w � �'` � � " + г� 'С5 � •.� � � � :� � � ... +✓ � гн 't^' �',',v м :.д tд � � Р-•. � :3 м .. ..�'.� С� r� jj � и � =� �� '� нr '4 � � л+� �Ч а� f"' `% ^ v f�`'� � Р1 � д �° lввьд � �,� ь/, ^.i гl... � _ � 3-.,. . м :i *' � и - :r1 ..н ы . , t3 . -- - г� а"� ,.+ � � ы � �-' �.. � � ØFFKI'F Ol, TI l F PRINJ E Ni INISTER '1'1 JET1 l l IZI) NIOW111F RN IJGANI)jx SOCIM,AGFJON FUND (NIL",,AI,3) JJ)A Nø: 56450 BANK RECOMALIATION ST,VI'k_MENT AS AT30Til .11.INV 2017 ,keiý(ýunt fille: OPNI _NUSAI,'3 DESIGNATED ,ýecoilill N a. 00()fi30088400006 BankNanle: BXNK 01,'][_(.ANDA » FOOOO I Balance L,, lier ýtgtcFneiit 2 22, 0000 00,'00 0 0. 0 0 2 Baia il cc ý[-, per Cash hook $22,001),000.00 000.00 Direct C[ Dale 'Ilctltlc Sulý-lot;ý[ Dircct Credits $0.00 Skib-Total (1 ýiii c 2 plus li ne 3) $22,000,000.00 Add. [ýill)i-e,;eiitell les, Datc - Che( kle Nø. AlvløtIllt StjWtø[Al oF tinpresenteel chellues: -- $0.00 6 (Line 2 plkiý; line 3 plus line 5) $22,OC 7 Less.- Uneredited r-4iýccii)ts Date llavcc/llurpø%t- ArliollElt % Sub-total <.>f Direct Ochits $0.00 9 $22,000,000.00 Difference Principaj Accountant ýD,i USAF3 IVý ý,,k i For: 'c i an t Sceretary Page 14 пF>'-7сЕ г,я� ТнЕ Р1г1h]Е h1IN]кТех i1ЭГ l"1+Е5еР MS)К7"1+1'E2N 414:hHтJh S{}q'.],�L ЛС'.'Г1ПЧ FцxG� jN�:`-;AF:1} Е©К L+.ап С#р: 5U4iQ ISANH АРд'[7Nf'гг.1АТ10N .`�ТйТЕ'ЛF.НТ л's лТ �1T1i JI1xL+' 2U17 П1'i1-�11ti;�I�33M1'4!!�1"1..31f)1Al.ti.l,"}'f'i1К�!" � . :Хгм.гы гпУ �I�i94r' U4{]-0361У8Кй1ПU:чh :ta•.Е�,ы пг �п. 6,1aK i7F l.1{::��I3h El:rпfч �лгпе: -_ � {1�С<� I 1l'г:УУ � ..- ._....-_ -- � -- I {,ti г'S 1 t.�пгг 3 1i�.:.;6 ггвtгтгпt "- .... -- -� l ._ _._ ,. ..: --- -.. .- �- _.. .- .. - -_ F-_.. . -_ ._- � ....._ ( 57.7 К � - - . г ,i_,�,гг , �г�г гв,i г +>~ I - -- f - -- ...- 1_ ...__ _ _ - - - _ _ _ --- I -_ ,г,гг1_r гг г�_��l;�r- � г <<,хr�эt'чв,h __ _ - - - } � . 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TFA2 643 BA N K R E CONC I LIATI ON STA YK N I ENT XN AT30T11 JUNF, 2017 AccoullI'Tille: OPNI - NUSAI,'3 'kecount Noý 000031H188401107 Bank Nalne: BÅNK OFUGANDA l Balance as lier Bank stitenwid $0.00 Balmice a,,,per Cashhook $0.00 Direct (:FuLlits Date Payce/Vor o%c Anmant Sub-tmal Direct Credils ---ýo -.00 Sub-Tot.il (Line 2 plus line 3) --Woo 4 A&I. Cheq c,,: Dale Che me N(>. Pa., Alnolint Sub-totil, øf iini)rc%enteti chcques: - (Line 2 plus line 3 plus line $0.00 Less. 1,111c1-edited receipts Da t e Chcque Nø. Pa-,,Ce/Purpoýte killount s Sub-total of Direct Debil,, $0.00 9 Reconciled Ca,,hhook halance (Line 6 ,fin- Line S)'. [D) i ffe r e i i c e 11'rincipal Accoontant S ýAF,3 For: Permancý il 'Neeretary 16' Bank of Uganda Transaction History as of 04-08-2017 11:20:49 fA ccount Number ccount Title Customer Namo Account Currmncy Opening Baanced Closing Balanc r0OrRl300--E00056 CPM - NUSAF '3 FFICE OF THE JGx 0.00 i5.257,775.00 NTIr uL¯UPL FRIlE rUNiSTER lSUPORT L_ 28-Jun-2017 28-Jun-2017 0169 4,407.200.00 665,257,775.00 28-Jun-2017 28-Jun-2017 991FINT171790013 Transferto OPM 163,479,624.00. 680,850,575.0 Support 23-Jun-2017 23-Jun-2017 9961FINT171740124 MTMOROTOWHT 336,360.00 517,370,951.00 16112 OPM N3 23-Jun-2017 23-Jun-2017 991FINT171740123 DEMAFREIGHT 243,048.00 517,707,311.00 VVHT 16119 OPM N3 23-Jun-2017 23-Jun-2017 991FINT171740122 NOV PAYE 16125 57.567,908.00 517,950,359.00 OPM N3 23-Jun-2017 23-Jun-2017 991FtNT171740121 KiyenjeWHT 16268 18,743,263,00 575,518,267,0 OPM N3 23-Jun-2017 23-Jun-2017 991F1NT171740120 MARGARITHA WHT 856,800.00 594,261,530.00 16333 OPM N3 23-Jun-2017 23-Jun-2017 991FINT171740119 Ridar Hotel WHT 180,417.00 595,118,330.00 16332 OPM N3 23-Jun-2017 .23-Jun-2017 991FINT171740118 SELECTIVE WHT 236,100000 595.298,747.00 16329 OPM N3 23-Jun-2017 23-Jun-2017 991FINT171740117 JUNE17 PAYE 80,016,763.00 595,534,847.00 16328 PM N3 23-Jun-2017 23-Jun-2017 59000MARA JOHN 1,073,000.00 675,551,610.00 P16328 OPM N3 23-.Jun-2017 23-Jun-2017 5900IRIAMA 7,456,000,00 676,624,610.00 MARTHA 16328 OPM N3 23-Jun-2017 23-Jun-2017 59000DORA 1,073,000.00 684.0B0,610.00 JOEL16328 OPM N3 23-Jun-2017 23-Jun-2017 5900NALWANGA 7,456,000.00 685,153,610.00 D16326 OPM N3 23-Jun-2017 23-Jun-2017 59000CHENG 1,073.000.00 692,609,610-00 ROB16328 OPM N3 23-Jun-2017 23-Jun-2017 5900BRIAN 4,413,106.00 693.682,610.00 Page No. l BUGGAH 163280PM N3 23-Jun-2017 23-Jun-2017 5900NYEKO 1,073,000.00 698.095,716.00 GEO16328 OPM N3 23-Jun-2017 23-Jun-2017 5900BAGIRAT1MA 4,413,106.00 699,168,716-00 816328 OPM N3 23-Jun-2017 23-Jun-2017 5900AWILI EMILY 650,000.00 703,581,822.00 163280PM N3 23-Jun-2017 23-Jun-2017 5900S8 UG 211353 37,904,381.00 704,231.822.00 16328 OPM N3 23-Jun-2017 23-Jun-2017 5900AYOPO 7,456,000.00 742,136,203.00 ANDREW 16326 OPM N3 23-Jun-2017 23-Jun-2017 590ONWSC 16336 188,328.00 749,592,203.00 OPM N3 10288 23-Jun-2017 23-JuR-2017 5900NALUBEGA 2,048,000.00 749,780,53100 16328 OPM N3 23-Jun-2017 23-Jun-2017 5900AWIL EMILY 9,326,000.00 751,B28.531.0 163280PM N3 23-Jun-2017 23-Jun-2017 5900UMEME 16334 1,323,144,00 761,154,531.00 OPM N3 23-Jun-2017 23-Jun-2017 5900NAGUJJA 9,326,000.00 762,477,675.00 STELLA 16328 OPM N3 23-Jun-2017 23-Jun-2017 5900PEDSON 7,456,000.00 771,803,675-00 ASIhMWE 16328OPM N3 23-Jjn-2017 23-Jun-2017 5900VIVO ENERGY 3.000,000.00 779,259.675.00 16335 DPM N3 23-Jun-2017 23-Jun-2017 5900NAGAWA LEIR 11,196,000.00 782,259,675.00 16328 OPM N3 23-Jun-2017 23-Jun-2017 5900ASIIMWE 1,073,000.00 793,455,675.0 DICK16328 OPM N3 23-Jun-2017 23-Jun-201 5900MARGARITHA 15,993,600.00 794,528,675.00 16333 OPM N3 23-Jun-2017 23-Jun-2017 5900NABBANJA 4,413,106.00 810.522,275-00 SUS16328 OPM N3 23-Jun-2017 23-Jun-2017 5900ALFRED 11,196.000.00 814,935,381.00 ODERA 16328 OPM N3 23-Jun-2017 23-Jun-2017 5900RIDER HOTEL 3,367,783.00 826,31,381-00 16332 OPM N3 23-Jun-2017 23-Jun-2017 5900MWEHEYO 1,073,000 00 829,499,164 00 Page No. 2 SAMI632BOPM N3 23-Jun-2017 23-Jun-2017 5900AKAMPWERA 9,326,000.00 830.572,164.0C 163280PM N3 23-Jun-2017 23-Jun-2017 5900MFI 16331 4,510,860.00 839,898,164.00 OPM N3 23-Jun-2017 23-Jun-2017 5900MWAKA 1,073,000.00 844,709,02400 TONNY16328 OPM N3 23-Jun-2017 23-Jun-2017 5900AJIGA 1,073,000.00 845,782,024.00 TONNY16328 OPM N3 23-Jun-2017 23-Jun-2017 5900MWEHEYO 996,667.00 846,855,024.00 SAM163300PM N3 23-Jun-2017 23-Jun-2017 59OMUSANA 7,456,000.00 847,851,691.00 SAM 16328 OPM N3 23-Jun-2017 23-Jun-2017 5900ADUKULE 1,073,000.00 855,307,691.00 JIM16328 OPM N3 23-Jun-2017 23-Jun-2017 5900LORIKA CARO 550,0000 856,380,691.00 B163300PM N3 23-Jun-2017 23-Jin-2017 5900LOR1KA CARO 9,326,000.00 856,930,691.00 B163280PM N3 23-Jun-2017 23-Jun-2017 5900NABBANJA 1,400,000.00 866.256,691.00 SUS163208 OPM N3 23-Jun-2017 23-Jun-2017 5900SELECTVE 4,407,200.00 867,656,691.00 16329 OPM N3 23-Jun-2017 23-Jun-2017 5900UMUM 16328 17,928,000.00 872,063,891.00 OPM N3 23-Jun-2017 :23-Jun-2017 5900NAGUJJA 1,073,000.00 889,991,891.00 STELA Kanyesigye 23-Jun-2017 23-Jun-2017 5900SIMON 9,326,000.00 891,064,891.00 KISAKA15328 OPM N3 23-Jun-2017 23-Jun-2017 5900KUTEGEKA 1,268,000.00 . 900.390,891.00 BEATR163280PM N3 23-Jun-2017 23-Jun-2017 590DOTURU 7,456,000,00 901,658,891.00 MICHEAL16328OPM N3 23-Jun-2017 23-Jun-2017 5900KAMYA 1,073,000-00 909.114,891.00 GEORGE16328 OPM N3 16-Jun-2017 16-Jun-2017 5900AKAMPWERA 780,000.00 910,187,891.0 Page No. 3 16325 OPM N3 16-Jun-2017 16-Jun-2017 5900MWEHEYO 1,152,000,00 910,967,891.00 SAM16325 OPM N3 16-Jun-2017 16-Jun-2017 59000TURU 720,000.00 912,119,891.00 MICHEAL16325 OPM N3 16-Jun-2017 16-Jun-2017 590OLORIKA CARO 780,000.00 912,839,891,00 818325 OPM N3 16-Jun-2017 16-Jun-2017 59000DORA 1,152,000,00 913.619,891.00 JOEL16325 OPM N3 16-Jun-2017 16-Jun-2017 59000CHENG 1.152,000.00 914,771,891.00 ROB16325 OPM N3 16-Jun-2017 16-Jun-2017 590OUMLIM 16325 900,000.00 915,923,891.00 OPM N3 16-Jun-2017 16-Jun-2017 5900NABBANJA 52,609,000.00 916,823,891.00 SUS16325 OPM N3 16-Jun-2017 16-Jun-2017 5900ALFRED 52.527,000-00 969,432,891.00 ODERA 16325 OPM N3 16-Jun-2017 16-Jun-2017 59000CHENG 450,000.00 . 1021,959,89100 ROB16327 OPM N3 16-Jun-2017 16-Jun-2017 59DONABBANJA 200,000,00 1,022,409,891.00 SUS16326 OPM N3 16-Jun-2017 16-Jun-2017 5900NALUBEGA 1,800,000.00 1.022,609,891.00 16326 OPM N3 16-Jun-2017 16-Jun-2017 5900MWAKA 1,152,000.00 1,024,409,891.0 TONNY16325 OPM N3 16-Jun-2017 16-Jun-2017 5900KUTEGEKA 330,000.00 1.025,561,891.00 BEATR 16325 OPM N3 16-Jun-2017 16-Jun-2017 59000MARA JOHN 1,152,000.00 1.025,891,891.00 P16325 OPM N3 16-Jun-2017 16-Jun-2017 . 5900AYOPO 720,000.00 1,027,043,891.00 ANDREW 16325 OPM N3 14-Jun-2017 14-Jun-2017 991RTCD171650012 Transaction amount 2,640,000.00 1,027,763,891.00 12-Jun-2017 12-Jun-2017 59001RIAMA 360,000.00 1,025,123,891.00 MARTHA 16320 OPM N3 12-Jun-2017 12-Jun-2017 5900AWILI EMILY 770,000,00 1,025,483,891.00 16320 OPM N3 12-Jun-2017 12-Jun-2017 59000DORA 601,000.00 1,026,253,891.00 Page No. 4 JC0EL16320 OPM N3 12-Jun-2017 12-Jun-2017 590DALFRED 440,000.00 1,026,854,891.00 ODERA 16320 OPM N3 12-Jun-2017 12-Jun-2017 59000CHENG 601,000.00 1,027,294,891.00 ROB16320 OPM N3 12-Jun-2017 12-Jun-2017 5900L1MLIM 16320 470,000.00 1,027,895,891.0C OPM N3 12-Jun-2017 12-Jun-2017 5900RESTAURANT 5,287,500.00 1,028,365,891.00 A 16324 OPM 12-Jun-2017 12-Jun-2017 5900CRFATIVE M 11,200,000.00 1,033,653,391.00 16323 OPM N3 12-Jun-2017 12-Jun-2017 590OIMPIGER 50.556,094.00 1.044,853,391.00 16322 OPM N3 42-Jun-2017 12-Jun-2017 5900ALFRED 4,645.000.00 1,095.409,485.0 ODERA 16321 OPM ~ N3 12-Jun-2017 12-Jun-2017 991FINT171630034 WHT IMPIGER 600,000.00 . 1,100,054,485.00 16322 OPM N3 12-Jun-2017 12-Jun-2017 5900AWIlI EMILY 5,945,000.00 1,100,654,485.00 16321 OPM N3 12-Jun-2017 .12-Jun-2017 5900MWEHEYO 601,000.00 1,106.599,485.00 SAM16320 OPM N3 12-Jun-2017 12-Jun-2017 5900NABBANJA 16,847.000.00 1,107,200,485.00 SUS 16320 OPM N3 12-Jun-2017 :12-Jun-2017 5900ADUKULE 601,000.00 1,124,047,485.00 JI1M16320 OPM N3 12-Jun-2017 12-Jun-2017 59000MARA JOHN 601,000,00 1,124,648,485.00 P16320 OPM N 3 12-Jun-2017 12-Jun-2017 991FINT171630031 WHT 337,500,00 1,125,249,485.00 RESTAURANT A 16324 OPM 12-Jun-2017 12-Jun-2017 . 5900AKAMPWERA 390,000.00 1,125,586,985.00 16320 OPM N3 07-Jun-2017 07-Jon-2017 0169 2,352,000.00 1,125,976,985.00 05-Jun-2017 05-Jun-2017 991F1NT171560052 CF Transfer Jun 17 390,144,000.00 1,123,624,985.00 05-Jun-2017 05-Jun-2017 991FINT171560051 WHT CHURCHILL 183,559.00 1,513,768.985.00 16313 OPM N3 05-Jun-2017 05-Jun-2017 5900KUTEGEKA 110,000.00 1,513,952,544.00 BEATR16315 OPM N3 05-Jun-2017 05-Jun-2017 5900VICTORIA 691,834.00 1,514.062,544.0 MOTOR 16307 CPM Page No. 5 N3 05-Jun-2017 05-Jun-2017 5900AKAMPWERA 260,000.00 1,514.754,378.00 16315 OPM N3 05-Jun-2017 05-Jun-2017 5900MUSANA 260,000.00 1,515,014,378.00 SAM16315 OPM N3 05-Jun-2017 .05-Jun-2017 5900NAGAWA LEIR 1,420,000.00 1,515,274,378.00 16315 OPM N3 05-Jun-2017 05-Jun-2017 590DAWILI EMILY 2C179,000.00 1,516,694,378.0 16315 OPM N3 05-Jun-2017 05-Jun-2017 5900RADIO UG 1,000.000.00 ,518.873.378.0 MEGA 16319 OPM N3 05-Jun-2017 05-Jun-2017 59000DORA 210,000.00 1,519,873,378.00 JOEL16315 OPM N3 05-Jun-2017 05-Jun-2017 . 5900KlYINGI 16318 590,600.00 1,520,083,378.00 OPMN3 05-Jun-2017 05-Jun-2017 5900ALFRED 280,000.00 1,520.674,178.00 ODERA 16315 OPM N3 05-Jun-2017 '05-Jun-2017 5900VICTORIA 2,840.142.00 1,520,954,178.0 MOTOR 16317 OPM N3 05-Jun-2017 05-Jun-2017 59000CHENG 210,000.00 1,523,794,320.00 ROB1631S OPM N3 05-Jun-2017 05-Jun-2017 59000CHENG 1,750,000.00 1,524,004.320.00 ROB16316 OPM N3 05-Jun-2017 05-Jun-2017 5900L1ML[M 16315 300.000.00 1,525,754,320.00 OPM N3 05-Jun-2017 05-Jun-2017 5900NYEKO 1,285,000.00 1,526,054,320.00 GE016316 OPM N3 05-Jun-2017 '05-Jun-2017 5900LORIKA CARO 2.348,000.00 1,527.339,320.00 B16314 OPM N3 05-Jun-2017 05-Jun-2017 5900ASIIMWE 1,285,000.00 1,529,687,320.00 DICK16316 OPM N3 05-Jun-2017 05-Jun-2Q17 5900GULU 3,426.441.00 1,530.972,320.00 CHURCHILL 16313 OPM N3 05-Jun-2017 05-Jun-2017 5900KAMYA 2,270,000.00 1,534,398,761.00 GEORGE16316 OPM N3 05-Jun-2017 05-Jun-2017 59000TURU 3,747,000.00 1,536,668,761.00 MICHEAL16312 OPM N3 Page No. 6 05-Jun-2017 05-Jun-2017 5900MUSANA 1,680,000.00 1,540.415,761.00 SAM16316 OPM N3 05-Jun-2017 05-Jun-2017 59ODSOFTWARE 22,760,430.00 1,542.095,76100 APP 16311 OPM N3 05-Jun-2017 05-Jun-2017 5900AYOPO 840,000.00 1,564,856,191.00 ANDREW 16316 OPM N3 05-Jun-2017 05-Jun-2017 5900RADIO KITARA 2,352.000.00 1,565,696,191.00 16310 OPM N3 05-Jun-2017 05-Jun-2017 5900IRIAMA 1,680,000.00 1,568,048,191.0 MARTHA 16316 OPM N3 05-Jun-2017 05-Jun-2017 59001N LINE PRINT 3,870,400.00 1,569,728.191.00 16309 OPM N3 05-Jun-2017 05-Jun-2017 590DLIMLM 16316 1,500,000.00 1,573.598,591.00 OPM N3 05-Jun-2017 :05-Jun-2017 . 5900VICTORIA 557,78600 1,575,098,591.0 MOTOR 16308 OPM N3 24-May-2017 24-May-2017 5900NAGAWA LEIR 11,196.000.00 1,575,656,377.00 16299 OPM N3 24-May-2017 24-May-2017 5900PEDSON 7,456,000,00 1,586,852,377.00 ASIIMWE 16299 OPM N3 24-May-2017 24-May-2017 5900NABBANJA 4,413,106.00 1.594,308,377.00 SUS16299 OPM N3 24-May-2017 24-May-2017 5900ASIIMWE 1,073,000.00 1,598,721.483.00 DICK16299 OPM N3 24-May-2017 24-May-2017 5900MWEHEYO 1,073,000,00 1,599,794,483.00 SAM 16299 OPM N3 24-May-2017 24-May-2017 5900ALFRED 11,196,000.00 1,600,867,483,00 ODERA 16299 OPM N3 24-May-2017 24-May-2017 5900MWAKA 1,073.000.00 1.612,063,483.00 TONNY16299 OPM N3 24-May-2017 24-May-2017 5900AKAMPWERA 9,326,000.00 1,613,136,483.00 16299 OPM N3 24-May-2017 24-May-2017 5900ST LRA 16302 7,405,440.00 1,622,462,483.00 OPM N3 24-May-2017 24-May-2017 5900MUSANA 7,456,000,00 1,629.867,923.00 SAM16299 OPM N3 24-May-2017 24-May-2017 59O0AJIGA 1,073,000,00 1,637,323,923.00 Page No. 7 TONNY 16299 OPM N3 24-May-2017 24-May-2017 590DVLCTORIA 472.000.00 1.638,396,923.00 MOTOR 16300 OPM N3 24-May-2017 24-May-2017 5900LORIKA CARO 9,326,000,00 1,638,868,923.0C B16299 OPM N3 24-May-2017 24-May-2017 6900ADUKULE 1,073,000.00 1,648.194,923.00 JIM16299 ORM N3 24-May-2017 24-May-2017 5900SLMON 6,000,000.00 1,649,267,923.00 KISAKA16301 OPM N3 24-May-2017 24-May-2017 5900LIMUM 16299 17,928,000.00 1,655,267,923.00 OPM N3 24-May-2017 24-May-2017 5900UMEME 16298 1,494>126.00 1,673.195,923.00 OPM N3 24-May-20l7 24-May-2017 5900NSSF 16299 37,904.381.00 1,674.690,049.00 NSSF SBUG193157 24-May-2017 24-May-2017 5900KUTEGEKA 1.268,000.00 . 1,712,594,430.00 BEATRI6299 OPM N3 24-May-2017 24-May-2017 5900NWSC 16297 216,224.00 1,713,862,430.0 OPM N3 24-May-2017 24-May-2017 5900SIMON 9,326,000.00 1,714,078,654.00 KISAKA16299 OPM N3 24-May-2017 24-May-2017 5900KANYESIGYE 1,073,000.00 1,723,404,654.00 KEN 16299 OPM N3 24-May-2017 24-May-2017 59000TURU 7,456,000.00 1,724,477,654.0 MtCHEAL16299 OPM N3 24-May-2017 24-May-2017 5900KAMYA 1.073,000.00 1,731,933,654.0 GEORGE16299 OPM N3 24-May-2017 24-May-2017 59000MARA JOHN 1,073,000.00 1,733,006,654.00 P16299 OPM N3 24-May-2017 24-May-2017 5900IRIAMA 7,456,000.00 1,734,079,654.00 MARTHA 16299 OPM N3 24-May-2017 24-May-2017 59000DORA 1,073,000.00 1.741,535.654.00 JOEL16299 OPM N3 24-May-20117 24-May-2017 59ONALWANGA 7,456,000.00 1,742,608,654.00 D16299 OPM N3 Page No. 8 24-May-2017 24-May-2017 59000CHENG 1.073,000,00 1,750,064,654.00 ROB16299 OPM N3 24-May-2017 24-May-2017 5900BRIAN 4,413.106.00 1,751,137,654.0C BUGGAH 16299 OPM N3 24-May-2017 24-May-2017 5900NYEKO 1,073,000,00 1,755,550,760.00 GE016299 OPM 3 24-May-2017 24-May-2017 59008AGIRAITIMA 4,413,106.00 1,756,623.760.00 516299 OPM N3 24-May-2017 24-May-2017 59ONALUBEGA 2,048,000.00 1,761,036.866.00 16299 OPM N3 24-May-2017 24-May-2017 5900AYOPO 7,456,000.00 1,763,084,866.00 ANDREW 16299 OPM N3 24-May-2017 24-May-2017 . 5900NAGUJJA 9,326,000,00 1,770,540,866.00 STELLA 16299 OPM N3 24-May-2017 ,24-May-2017 5900AWILI EMILY 9,326.00000 1,779,866,866.0 16299 OPM N3 24-May-2017 -24-May-2017 .991FINT171440010 WHTSYNERGY 5,676,617.00 1,789,192,866.00 16303 OPM 24-May-2017 24-May-2017 991FINT171440009 PAYE MAY 16299 80,016,763.00 1,794.869,483.00 OPM N3 24-May-2017 24-May-2017 991FINT171440008 WHTSTLIRA 396,720.00 1,874,886,246.0C 16302 OPM N3 24-May-2017 24-May-2017 5900SHARK MEDIA 979,400.00 1,875.282,966.00 LIMITED 24-May-2017 24-May-2017 59000SYNERGY 105,963.518.00 1,876,262,366.00 ENTERPRISES LIMITED 18-May-2017 18-May-2017 991FINT171380031 WHT LUO FM 150,000.00 1,982,225,884.00 16296 OPM N3 18-May-2017 .18-May-2017 991FINT171380030 WHT VOICE OF 195,000.00 1,982,375,884.00 KJA 16295 OPM N3 18-May-2017 18-May-2017 .991FINT171380029 WHT TUANKE 2,100,000.00 1,962,570,8840 16292 OPM N3 18-May-2017 18-May-2017 991FINT171380028 WHT KIRIGlME 1,360,800.00 1,984,670,884.00 16293 OPM N3 18-May-2017 18-May-2017 991FINT171380027 WHT HOTEL 1,347,840,00 1.986,031,684.00 ZEBRA 16294 OPM N3 18-May-2017 18-May-2017 5900SIMON K16290 3,015,000.00 1,987,379.524.00 OPM N3 Page No. 9 18-May-2017 18-May-2017 5900SIMON K16291 2,712,000.00 1,990,394,524.0 OPM N3 18-May-2017 18-May-2017 5900LUO FM 16296 2,800,000.00 1,993,106,524.00 OPM N3 18-May-2017 18-May-2017 5900VOICE OF KJA 3,640,000.00 1,995,906,524.00 16295 OPM N3 18-May-2017 18-May-2017 5900BRIAN 882,000.00 1,999,546,524.00 BUGGAH 16289 OPM N3 18-May-2017 18-May-2017 5900BRIAN 60,000.00 2,000,428,524.00 BUGGAH 16281 OPM N3 18-May-2017 18-May-2017 5900TUANKE 39,200,000.00 2,000,488,524,00 16292 OPM N3 18-May-2017 18-May-2017 5900KIRIGIME 25,401.600.00 2,039.688,524,00 16293 OPM N3 18-May-2017 18-May-2017 5900HOTEL. ZEBRA 25,159.680.00 2,065,090,124.00 16294 OPM N3 18-May-2017 18-May-2017 59000CHENG 450.000.00 2,090.249,804.00 ROB16288 OPM N3 18--May-2017 18-May-2017 5900NALUBEGA 1,800,000.00 2,090,699,804.00 162870 PM N3 18-May-2017 1B-May-2017 5900NABBANJA 200,000.00 2,092,499,804.00 SUS16287 OPM N3 16-May-2017 16-May-2017 5900KYINGI 16280 448,300.00 2,092,699.804.00 OPM N3 12-May-2017 12-May-2017 0170 448,300.00 2,093.148,104.00 12-May-2017 12-May-2017 991FNT171320026 SIMBA WHT 16279 253,547.00 2,092,699,804.00 OPM N3 12-May-2017 12-May-2017 5900KAMYA 1,452,000.00 2,092,953,351.00 GEORGE16281 OPM N3 12-May-2017 12-May-2017 5900NAGAWA LEIR 6,110,000.00 2,094,405,351.00 16281 OPM N3 12-May-2017 -12-May-2017 590OPEDSON 720,000.00 2,100,515,351.00 ASiIMWE 16281 OPM N3 12-May-2017 12-May-2017 5900NAGUJJA 780,000.00 2,101,235,351.00 STELLA SEN 16281 OPM N3 12-May-2017 12-May-2017 59000MARA JOHN 1.452,000.00 2,102,015,351.00 P16281 OPM N3 12-May-2017 12-May-2017 5900LORIKA GARO 780.000.00 2.103.467,351.00 Page No. 10 Bank of Uganda Transacion History as Of 07-09-2017 13:09:55 ccount Numbe Titla ustomer Name AccouhtCurrncyÖ pening~Balänc C &sin4saInc .0003008800006 PM - NUSAF 3 FFICE OF THE SD 10,000,000.00 - 19,52,314 32 ESIGNATED .. RIME MINISTEI 06-Sep-2017 06-Sep-2017 991ACRV17249003T 0.00 19,520,314.32 05-Sep-2017 05-Sep-2017 991ACRV17248003Z 0.00 19,520,314.32 04-Sep-2017 04-Sep-2017 991ACRV17247003P 0.00 19,520,31432 30-Aug-2017 30-Aug-2017 991ACRV17242003T 0.00 19,520,314.32 29-Aug-2017 29-Aug-2017 991ACRV17241003P 0.00 19,520,314,32 28-Aug-2047 28-Aug-2017 991ACRV17240003P 0.00 19,520,314.32 25-Aug-2017 25-Aug-2017 991ACRV17237003S 0.00 19,520,314.32 24-Aug-2017 24-Aug-2017 991ACRV17236003U 0.00 19,520,314,32 23-Aug-2017 23-Aug-2017 991ACRV17235003R 0.00 19,520,314.32 21-Aug-2017 21-Aug-2017 991ACRV17233003R 0.00 19,520,314.32 18-Aug-2017 18-Aug-2017 991ACRV17230003P 0.00 19,520,314.32 17-Aug-2017 17-Aug-2017 991ACRV172290030 0.00 19,520,314.3 17-Aug-2017 17-Aug-2017 991FINT172290023 Capacily partners 1,262,718,48 19,520,314.32 17001 OPM 16-Aug-2017 16-Aug-2017 991ACRV172280030 0.00 20,783,032.8 15-Aug-2017 15-Aug-2017 991ACRV17227003T 0.00 20,783,032.80 14-Aug-2017 14-Aug-2017 991ACRV17226003Q 0.00 20,783,032.80 11-Aug-2017 11-Aug-2017 991ACRV17223003T 0.00 20,7B3,032.80 10-Aug-2017 10-Aug-2017 991ACRV172220030 0.00 20,783,032.80 10-Aug-2017 10-Aug-2017 991FINT172220058 Transfer of USD Im 1,000,000.00 20,783,032.80 Aug 2017 09-Aug-2017 09-Aug-2017 991ACRV172210030 0.00 21,783,032.80 08-Aug-2017 08-Aug-2017 991ACRV172200030 0,00 21,783,032.80 07-Aug-2017 07-Aug-2017 991ACRV17219003P 0.00 21.783,032.80 04-Aug-2017 04-Aug-2017 991ACRV17216003S 0.00 21,783,032.80 03-Aug-2017 03-Aug-2017 991ACRV17215003P 0.00 21,783.032 80 02-Aug-2017 02-Aug-2017 991ACRV17214003N 0.00 21,783,032,BC 01-Aug-2017 01-Aug-2017 991ACRV172130030 0.00 21,783,032.80 31-Jul-2017 31-Jul-2017 991ACRV172120030 0.00 21.783,032.80 28-Jul-2017 28-Jul-2017 991ACRV17209003S 0.00 21,783,032.80 27-Jul-2017 27-Jul-2017 991ACRV172080030 0.00 21.783,032.80 26-Jul-2017 26-Jul-2017 991ACRV172070030 0.00 21,783,032.80 Page No. 1 25-JuI-2017 25-Jul-2017 991ACRV17206003K 0.00 21,783,032.80 24-Jul-2017 24-Jul-2017 991ACRV17205003G 0.00 21,783,032.80 21-Jul-2017 21-Jul-2017 991ACRV17202003F 0.00 21,783,032,80 20Jul-207 20-Jul-2017 991ACRV172010033 0.00 21,783,032.80 18-Jul-2017 18-Jul-2017 991ACRV17499003K 0.00 21,783,032.80 17-Jut-2017 17.-Jul-2017 991ACRV17198003K 0.00 21,783,032.80 14-Jul-2017 14-Jul-2017 991ACRV17195003J 0.00 21,783,03280 12-Jul-2017 12-Jul-2017 991ACRV171930031 0.00 21.783,032.80 11-Jul-2017 11-Jul-2017 991ACRV171920031 0.00 21,783.032.80 10-Jul-2017 10-Ju-2017 991ACRV171910031 0.00 21,783,032.80 07-Jli-2017 07-Jul-2017 991ACRV171880030 0.00 21.783,032.80 07-Jul-2017 07-Jul-2017 991FINT171880001 04201617 216,967,29 24,783,032.80 Operations 06-Jul.-2017 06-Ju]-2017 991AGRV17187003M 0.00 22,000,000.09 05-Jul-2017 05-Jul-2017 991ACRV171860031 0.00 22.000,000-09 04-Jul-2017 04-Jul-2017 991ACRV171850030 0,00 22,000,000.09 03-Jul-2017 ;03-Jul-20i7 991ACRV17184003J 0.00 22,000,000.09 30-Jun-2017 30-Jun-2017 991ACRV171B1003P 0,00 22,000,000.09 29-Jun-2017 . 29-Jun-2017 991ACRV171800030 0.00 22,000,000,09 28-Jun-2017 28-Jun-2017 991ACRV17179003P 0.00 22.000,000.09 28-Jun-2017 28--Jun-2017 991FINT171790013 Transfer to OPM 45,798,00 22,000,000.09 Support 27-Jun-2017 .27-Jun-2017 991ACRV17178003L 0.00 22,045,798.09 27.Jun-2017 27-Jun-2017 991FICT171780007 OUTWARD FUNDS 20.00 22,045,798.09 TRANSFER CHARGE COMP 27-Jun-2017 27-Jun-2017 991F1CT171780007 BIO FRNYUS33 22,000,000.00 22,045,818.09 BO IDA 26-Jun-2017 26-Jun-2017 991ACRV17177003J 0.00 45.818.09 23-Jun-2017 23-Jun-2017 991ACRV17174003N 0.00 45,818.09 22-Jun-2017 22-Jun-2017 991ACRV17173003L 0.00 45,818.09 21-Jun-2017 21-Jun-2017 991ACRV17172003P 0.00 45,818.09 20-Jun-2017 20-Jun-2017 b91ACRV17171003P 0.00 45,818.09 19-Jun-2017 19-Jun-2017 991AGRV171700030 0.00 45,818,09 16-Jun-2017 16-Jun.-2017 991ACRV171670030 0.00 45,818.09 15-Jun-2017 15-Jun-2017 991ACRV171660029 0.00 45,818.09 14-Jun-2017 14-Jun-2017 991ACRVI71550028 0.00 45,818.09 13-Jun-2017 13-Jun-2017 991ACRV17164002A 0.00 45,818.09 12-Jun-2017 12-Jun.-2017 991ACRV171630028 0.00 45,818.09 08-Jun-2017 08-Jun-2017 991ACRV171590029 0.00 45,818.09 07-Jun-2017 07-Jun-2017 991ACRV17158003T 0.00 45,818.09 06-Jun-2017 06-Jun-2017 991ACRV171570030 0.00 45,818.09 05-Jun-2017 05-Jun-2017 991ACRV17156003P 0.00 45.818.09 Page No. 2 02-Jun-2017 02-Jun-2017 991ACRV17153003R 0-00 45,818.09 O1-Jun-2017 01-Jun-2017 991ACRV17152003S 0.00 45,818,09 31-May-2017 31-May-2017 991ACRV171510030 0.00 45,81 8.09 30-May-2017 30-May-2017 991ACRV171500038 0.00 45,818.09 29-May-2017 29-May-2017 991ACRV17149003T 0.00 45,818.09 26-May-2017 26-May-2017 991AGRV1 7146003Q 0.00 45,818.09 25-May-2017 25-May-2017 991ACRV17145003U 0.00 45,848.09 24-May-2017 ,24-May-2017 991ACRV17144003V 0.00 45.818.09 22-May-2017 22-May-2017 991ACRV17142003P 0.00 45,818.09 19-May-2017 I9-May-2017 991ACRV17139003R 0.00 45,818.09 18-May-2017 18-May-2017 991ACRV17138003T 0.00 45,818.09 17-May-2017 17-May-2017 991ACRV17137003W 0.00 45,818.09 16-May-2017 16-May-2017 991ACRV17136003U 0.00 45,818.09 15-May-2017 15-May-2017 991ACRV17135003Q 0.00 45,818.09 12-May-2017 .12-May-2017 991ACRV17132003T 0.00 45,818.0 12-May-2017 12-May-2017 >991FlNT171320027 16009 OPMDN3 48,937.99 45,818.09 11-May-2017 11-May-2017 991ACRV17131003U 0,00 94.756.08 10-May-2017 10-May-2017 991ACRV17130003S 0.00 94,756.08 09-May-2017 09-May-2017 991ACRV17129003U 0.00 94,756.08 08-May-2017 08-May-2017 991ACRV17128003S 0.00 94,756,08 05-May-2017 05-May-2017 991ACRV171250029 0.00 94,756.08 04-May-2017 04-May-2017 991ACRV17124002A 0.00 94,756.08 03-May-2017 03-May-2017 991ACRV17123002A 0.00 94,756.08 02-May-2017 02-May-2017 991ACRV171220027 0.00 94,756.08 28-Apr-2017 28-Apr-2017 991ACRV17118002C 0.00 94,756.08 27.Apr-2017 27-Apr-2017 991ACRV17117002C 0.00 94,756.08 26-Apr-2017 26-Apr-2017 991ACRV17116002C 0.00 94,756.08 25-Apr-2017 25-Apr-2017 991ACRV17115003W 0.00 94,756,08 24-Apr-2017 24-Apr-2017 991ACRV17114003U 0.00 94,756,08 21-Apr-2017 21-Apr-2017 991ACRV171110030 0.00 94,756.08 - 20-Apr-2017 20-Apr-2017 991ACRV17110003T 0.00 94,756.08 19-Apr-2017 19-Apr-2017 991ACRV17109003T 0.00 94,756.08 18-Apr-2017 18-Apr-2017 '91ACRV171080030 0.00 94,756.08 13-Apr-2017 13-Apr-2017 991ACRV17103003R 0.00 94,756.08 13-Apr-2017 13-Apr-2017 991FINT171030031 TRANSFER TO 1,000,000.00 94,756.08 OPERATION ACCOUNT 12-Apr-2017 12-Apr-2017 991ACRV17102003S 0.00 1,094,756.08 11-Apr-2017 11-Apr-2017 991ACRV171010035 0.00 1,094,756.08 10-Apr-2017 10-Apr-2017 991ACRV17100003R 0.00 1,094,756.08 10-Apr-2017 10-Apr-2017 991FINT171000028 03Operationsfund 48,708.36 : 1,094,756.08 07-Apr-2017 07-Apr-2017 991ACRV17097003P 0.00 1,143,46444 07-Apr-2017 07-Apr-2017 991FJNT170970024 Transfer for 47,147-78 1,143,464,44 Page No. 3 operations funds 06-Apr-2017 06-Apr-2047 991ACRV170960030 0.00 1,190,612.22 05-Apr-2017 05-Apr-2017 991ACRV17095003R 0.00 1,190,612-22 04-Apr-2017 04-Apr-2017 991ACRV170940035 0.00 1,190,612.22 03-Apr-2017 03-Apr-2017 991ACRV170930034 0.00 1,190,612.22 31-Mar-2017 31-Mar-2017 991ACRV170900038 0.00 1,190,612.22 30-Mar-2017 30-Mar-2017 991ACRV17089003C 0.00 1,190.612.22 29-Mar-2017 29-Mar-2017 991ACRV17088003A 0.00 1.190,612.22 28-Mar-2017 28-Mar-2017 991ACRV170870039 0.00 1,190,612-22 27-Mar-2017 27-Mar-2017 991ACRV17086003A 0.00 1,190,612.22 24-Mar-2017 24-Mar-2017 991ACRV170830034 0.00 1,190,612.22 23-Mar-2017 23-Mar-2017 991ACRV170820037 0.00 1,190,612.22 22-Mar-2017 22-Mar-2017 991ACRV170810037 0.00 1,190,612.22 21-Mar-2017 21-Mar-2017 991ACRV170800034 0.00 4,190,612.22 20-Mar-2017 20-Mar-2017 991ACRV170790030 0.00 1,190,612.22 17-Mar-2017 17-Mar-2017 991ACRV17076003S 0.00 1,190,612-22 16-Mar-2017 16-Mar-2047 991ACRV170750030 0,00 1,190,612.22 15-Mar-2017 15-Mar-2017 991ACRV17074003R 0.00 1,190,612.22 13-Mar-2017 13-Mar-2017 991ACRV17072003R 0.00 1,190,612.22 10-Mar-2017 10-Mar-2017 991ACRV170690030 0.00 1,190,612.22 09-Mar-2017 09-Mar-2017 991ACRV17068003P 0.00 1,190,612.22 07-Mar-2017 07-Mar-2017 991ACRV17066003T 0.00 1,190,612.22 07-Mar-2017 07-Mar-2017 991FINT170660014 Disbursernent one to 9,012,464.37 1,190,612.22 dlstricts 06-Mar-2017 06-Mar-2017 991ACRV17065003S 0.00 10,203.066.59 03-Mar-2017 3991ACRV17062003P 0.00 10,203,066.59 02-Mar-2017 02-Mar-2017 991ACRV17061003R 0.00 10,203,066.59 01-Mar-2017 01-Mar-2017 991ACRV170600030 0.00 10,203,066.59 28-Feb-2017 28-Feb-2017 991ACRV 17059003Q 0.00 10,203.066.59 23-Feb-2017 23-Feb-2017 991ACRV17054003P 0.00 10,203,066.59 23-Feb-2017 23.Feb-2017 991FICT170540006 OUTWARDFUNDS 20.00 10,203.066.69 TRANSFER CHARGE COMP 23-Feb-2017 23-Feb-2017 991FICT170540006 B/OFRNYUS33 4,000,000.00 10,203,066.59 BO IDA 22-Feb-2017 22-Feb-2017 991ACRV170530030 0.00 6,203,086.59 21-Feb-2017 21-Feb-2017 991ACRV170520030 0,00 6,203,086.59 20-Feb-2017 20-Feb-2017 991ACRV470510030 0.00 6,203,086.59 17-Feb-2017 17-Feb-2017 991ACRV17048003N 0.00 6,203.086.59 15-Feb-2017 15-Feb-2017 991ACRV17046003N 0.00 6,203,086.59 14-Feb-2017 14-Feb-2017 991ACRV17045003N 0.00 6,203,086.59 13-Feb-2017 13-Feb-2017 991ACRV170440030 0.00 6.203,086.59 10-Feb-2017 10-Feb-2017 991ACRV17041003N 0.00 6,203,086.59 Page No. 4 09-Feb-2017 09-Feb-2017 991ACRV170400030 0.00 6,203,066.59 05-Feb-2017 08-Feb-2017 991ACRV170390030 000 6.203,086.59 07-Feb-2017 07-Feb-2017 991ACRV17038003P 0.00 6,203,086.59 06-Feb-2017 06-Feb-2017 991ACRV170370030 0.00 6,203.086,59 03-Feb-2017 03-Feb-2017 991ACRV170340030 0.00 01-Feb-2017 01-Feb-2017 991ACRV17032003P 0.00 6,203,086.59 31-Jan-2017 31--Jan-2017 991ACRV17031003S 0.00 - 6,203,086.59 30-Jan-2017 30-Jan-2017 991ACRV17030003S 0.00 6,203,086.59 27-Jan-2017 27-Jan-2017 991ACRV17027003R 0.00 6,203.086.59 27-Jan-2017 27-Jan-2017 991FINT170270034 OPM 16005 D3 25,170.25 6,203,086.59 25-Jan-2017 25-Jan-2017 991ACRV17025003R 0.00 6.228,256.84 24-Jan-2017 24-Jan-2017 991ACRV17024003P 0.00 6,228,256.84 23-Jan-2017 23-Jan-2017 991ACRV17023003R 0.00 6,228,256.84 20-Jan-2017 . 20-Jan-2017 991ACRV17020003T 0.00 6,228,256.84 19-Jan-2017 19-Jan-2017 991ACRV170190030 0.00 6,228,256.84 18-Jan-2017 1B-Jan-2017 991ACRV17018003R 0.00 - 6,228,256.84 17-Jan-2017 17-Jan-2017 991ACRV17017003R 0.00 6,228,256584 16-Jan-2017 16-Jan-2017 991ACRV17016003S 0.00 6,228,256.84 13-Jan-2017 '13-Jan-2017 991ACRV17013003U 0.00 6,228,256.84 12-Jan-2017 12-Jan-2017 991ACRV17012003U 0.00 6,228,256.84 11-Jan-2017 11-Jan-2017 991ACRV17011003R 0.00 6,228,256.84 10-Jan-2017 10-Jan-2017 991ACRV170100030 0.00 6,228,256.84 10-Jan-2017 10-Jan-2017 991FINT170100017 OPM NUSAF3 DRF 65.984,89 6,228,256.84 249m 06-Jan-2017 06-Jan-2017 991ACRV17006003U 0.00 6,297,241,73 05-Jan-2017 05-Jan-2017 991ACRV17005003U 0.00 6.297,241.73 04-Jan-2017 .04-Jan-2017 991ACRV17004003T 0.00 6,297.241.73 03-Jan-2017 03-Jan-2017 991ACRV170030030 0,00 6,297,241,73 02-Jan-2017 02-Jan-2017 991ACRV17002003S 0.00 6,297,241.73 30-Dec-2016 30-Dec-2016 991ACRV16365003U 0.00 6,297,241,73 29-Dec-2016 29-Dec-2016 991ACRV16364003U 0.00 6,297.241.73 28-Dec-2016 28-Dec-2016 991ACRV16363003T 0.00 6.297,241.7 27-Dec-2016 27-Dec-2016 991ACRV16362003S 0,00 6,297,241.73 23-Dec-2016 23-Dec-2016 991ACRV16358003R 0.00 6,297,241,73 22-Dec-2016 22-Dec-2016 991ACRV16357003R 0.00 6.297,241.73 21-Dec-2016 21-Dec-2016 991ACRV16356003S 0.00 6.297,241.73 21-Dec-2016 21-Dec-2016 991FINT163560011 District operations 84.992.72 6,297,241.73 02 16 17 20-Dec-2016 20-Dec-2016 991ACRV16356003S 0.00 6,382,234-45 19-Dec-2016 19-Dec-2016 991ACRV163540030 0.00 6,382,234.45 16-Dec-2016 16-Dec-2016 991ACRV16351003V 0.00 6,382,234.45 15-Dec-2016 15-Dec-2016 991ACRV16350003T 0.00 6,382,234.45 14-Dec-2016 14-Dec-2016 991ACRV16349003S 0.00 6,382,234.45 Page No. 5 13-Dec-2016 13-Dec-2016 991ACRV16348003S 0.00 6,382,234.46 12-Dec-2016 12-Dec-2016 991ACRV16347003S 0.00 6,382.234.45 09-Dec-2016 09-Dec-2016 991ACRV16344003P 0.00 6,382,234.45 08-Dec-2016 08-Dec-2016 991ACRV16343003N 0.00 6,382.234-45 07-Dec-2016 07-Dec-2016 991ACRV163420030 0.00 6,382,234.45 06-Dec-2016 06-Dec-2016 991ACRV163410030 0.00 6,382,234,45 02-Dec-2016 02-Dec-2016 991ACRV163370030 0.00 6,382,234.45 01-Dec-2016 01-Dec-2016 991ACRV16336003M 0.00 6,382,234,45 30-Nov-2016 30-Nov-2016 991ACRV163350030 0.00 6,382,234.45 29-Nov-2016 29-Nov-2016 991ACRV16334003P 0.00 6,382,234.45 28-Nov-2016 25-Nov-2016 991ACRV16333003N 0.00 6,382,234.45 25-Nov-2016 25-Nov-2016 991ACRV16330003L. 0.00 6,382,234.45 24-Nov-2016 24-Nov-2016 991ACRV16329003N 0.00 6,382,234.45 23-Nov-2016 23-Nov-2016 991ACRV16329003L 0.00 6,382,234.45 23-Nov-2016 23-Nov-2016 991FNT163280034 Operaions Funds 183,835.67 6,352,234.45 222016 17 22-Nov-2016 -22-Nov.-2016 991ACRV16327003K 0.00 6,566,070.02 21-Nov-2016 21-Nov-2016 991ACRV163260030 0000 6,566,070.02 18-Nov-2016 18-Nov-2016 991ACRV16323003M 0.00 6,566,070-02 17-Nov-2016 17-Nov-2016 991ACRV16322003L 0.00 6,566,070.02 16-Nov-2016 16-Nov-2016 991ACRV16321003K 0.00 6,566,070.02 15-Nov-2016 16-Nov-2016 991ACRV16320003N 0.00 6,566,070.02 14-Nov-2016 14 -Nov-2016 991ACRV16319003L 0.00 6,566,070.02 11-Nov-2016 14-Nov-2016 991ACRV16316003N 0.00 ,566,070.02 10-Nov-2016 10-Nov-2016 991ACRV16315003N 0.00 6,566,070.02 09-Nov-2016 09-Nov-2016 991ACRV16314003L 0.00 6,566,070.02 08-Nov-2016 08-Nov-2016 991ACRV16313003N 0.00 6,566,070.02 07-Nov-2016 07-Nov-2016 991ACRV16312003P 0.00 6,566,070.02 04-Nov-2016 04-Nov-2016 991ACRV16309003K 0.00 6,566,070.02 04-ov-016 04Nov201 99AOV160903K0.00, 6,566,070,02 03-Nov-2016 03-Nov-2016 991ACRV163080030 0.00 6,566,070.02 02-Nov-2016 02-Nov-2016 991ACRV16307003P 0,00 6,566,070,02 01-Nov-2016 01-Nov-2016 :991ACRV163060031 0.00 6.566,070.02 31-Oct-2016 31-Oct-2016 991ACRV16305003K 0.00 6,566.070.02 28-Oct-2016 28-Oct-2016 991ACRV16302003L 0.00 6,566,070.02 27-Oct-2016 27-Oc1-201 6 991ACRV163010030 0.00 6,566.070.02 26-Oct-2016 26-Oct-2016 991ACRV16300003M 0.00 6.566,070.02 25-Oct-2016 25-Oct-2016 991ACRV16299003N 0.00 6,566.070.02 24-Oct-2016 24-Oct-2016 991ACRV162980031- 0.00 6.566,070-02 21-Oct-2016 21-Oct-2016 991ACRV162950030 0.00 6,566.070,02 20-Oct-2016 20-Oc1-2016 991ACRV16294003N 0.00 6,566,070.02 19-Oct-2016 19-Oc-2016 991ACRV16293003L 0.00 6,566,070.02 18-Oct-2016 18-Oct-2016 991ACRV162920030 0.00 6,566,070.02 17-Oct-2016 17-Oct-2016 991ACRV162910030 0.00 6,566,070.02 Page No. 6 14-Oct-2016 14-Oct-2016 991ACRV1628B0030 0.00 6,566.070.02 13-Oct-2016 13-Oct-2016 991ACRV162870030 000 6,566,070.02 12-Oct-2016 12-Oct-2016 991ACRV162860030 0.00 6,566,070.02 11-Oct-2016 1.1-Oct-2016 991ACRV16265003N 0.00 6,566,070.02 i0-Oct-2016 10-Oct-2016 991ACRV16284003M 0.00 6.566,070.02 07-Oct-2016 07-Oct-2016 991ACRV16281003M 0.00 6,566.070.02 06-Oct-2016 06-Oct-2016 991ACRVI6280003R 000 6,566,070.02 05-Oct-2016 05-Oct-2016 991ACRV16279003Q 0.00 6.566,070.02 04-Oct-2016 04-Oct-2016 991ACRVI62780030 0.00 6.566,070.02 03-Oct-2016 03-Oct-2016 991ACRV16277003J 0.00 6,566,070.0 30-Sep-2016 30-Se-2016 991ACRV162740030 0.00 6,566,070.02 29-Sep-2016 29-Sep-2016 991ACRV16273003M 0.00 6,566,070.02 28-Sep-2016 28-Sep-2016 991ACRV16272003N 0.00 6,566,070.02 27-Sep-2016 27-Sep-2016 991ACRV16271003N 0.00 6,566,070.02 26-Sep-2016 26-Sep-2016 991ACRV16270003M 0.00 6.566,070.02 23-Sep-2016 23-Sep-2016 991ACRV162670030 0.00 6,566,070.02 22-Sep-2016 22-Sep-2016 991ACRV162660030 0,00 6,566,070.02 21-Sep-2016 21-Sep-2016 991ACRV16265003P 0,00 6,566,070.02 20-Sep-2016 20-Sep-2016 .991ACRV162640030 0.00 6,566,070.02 19-Sep-2016 19-Sep-2016 991ACRV16263003R 0.00 6,566,070.02 16-Sep-2016 16-Sep-2016 991ACRV162600030 0,00 6,566,070,02 15-Sep-2016 15-Sep-2016 991ACRV162590030 0.00 6,566,070.0 14-Sep-2016 14-Sep-2016 991ACRV1625003R 0.00 6,566,070.02 13-Sep-2016 13-Sep-2016 991ACRV16257003R 0.00 6,566,070.02 09-Sep-2016 09-Sep-2016 991ACRV16253003P 0.00 6,566,070.02 06-Sep-2016 08-Sep-2016 991ACRV16252003S 0.00 6,566,070.02 07-Sep-2016 07-Sep-2016 991ACRV16251003T 0.00 6,566.070.02 06-Sep-2016 06-Sep-2016 991ACRV162500030 0.00 6,566,070.02 05-Sep-2016 05-Sep-2016 991ACRV16249003R 0.00 6,566,070.02 02-Sep-2016 02-Sep-2016 991ACRV16246003M 0.00 6,566,070.02 01-Sep-2016 01-Sep-2016 991ACRV16245003M 0.00 6,566,070-02 31-Aug-2016 31-Aug-2016 991ACRV16244003V 0.00 6,566,070.02 30-Aug-2016 30-Aug-2016 991ACRV16243003Q 0.00 6,566,070.02 29-Aug-2016 29-Aug-2016 991ACRV16242003R 0.00 6,566,070.02 26-Aug-2016 26-Aug-2016 991ACRV16239003R 0.00 6,566,070.02 25-Aug-2016 25-Aug-2016 991ACRV16238003S 0.00 6,566,070.02 24-Aug-2016 24-Aug-2016 991ACRV16237003U 0.00 6,566,070.02 23-Aug-2016 '23-Aug-2016 991ACRV16236003R 0.00 6,566,070.02 22-Aug-2016 22-Aug-2016 991ACRV16235003P 0.00 6,566,070.02 19-Aug-2016 19-Aug-2016 991ACRV162320030 0.00 6,566,070.02 18-Aug-2016 18-Aug-2016 991ACRV162310030 0.00 6,566,070.02 17-Aug-2016 .17-Aug-2016 991ACRV162300030 0.00 6,566,070.02 16-Aug-2016 16-Aug-2016 991ACRV16229003P 0.00 6,566,070.02 Paga No 7 15-Aug-2016 15-Aug-2016 991ACRV16228003R 0.00 6,56,070,02 12-Aug-2016 12-Aug-2016 991ACRV162260030 0.00 6,566,070.02 11-Aug-2016 11-Aug.-2016 991ACRV16224003P 0.00 6,566,070.02 11-Aug-2016 11-Aug..2016 .991FINT162240038 District Op funds 16 433,929.98 6,566,070.02 001 OPM 10-Aug-2016 10-Aug-2016 991ACRV16223003R 0.00 7,000,000.00 09-Aug-2016 09-Aug-2016 991ACRV162220030 0.00 7,000.000.00 06-Aug-2016 08-Aug-2016 991ACRV16221003P 0.00 7,000,000.00 05-Aug-2016 05-Aug-2016 991ACRV16218003L 0.00 7,000,000.00 04-Aug-2016 04-Aug-2016 991ACRV16217003N 0.00 7,000,000.0 02-Aug-2016 02-Aug-2016 991ACRV16215003N 0.00 7,000,000.00 01-Aug-2016 01-Aug-2016 991ACRV16214003M 0.00 7,000,000.00 29-Jul-2016 29-Jul-2016 991ACRV16211003N 0.00 7,000,000,00 28-Ju-2016 28-Jul-2016 991ACRV16210003M 0.00 7,000,000.00 27-Jul-2016 27-Jul-2016 991ACRV162090030 0.00 7,000.000,00 26-Jul-2016 26-Jul-2016 991ACRV162080030 0.00 7,000,000.00 25-Jul-2016 25-Jul-2016 991ACRV16207003N 0.00 7,000,000.00 22-Jul-2016 22-Jul-2016 991ACRV16204003K 0.0 7,000,000.00 21-Jul-2016 21-Jul-2016 991ACRV16203003M 0.00 7,000,000,0 20-Jul-2016 20-Jul-2016 991ACRV16202003K 0.00 7,090,000.00 19-Jul-2016 19-JuI-2016 991ACRV16201003K 0.00 7,000,000,00 18-Jul-2016 18-Jul-2016 991ACRV16200003M 0,00 7,000,000.00 15-Jul-2016 16-Ju r2016 991ACRV16197003K 0.00 7,000,000.0C 14-Jul-2016 14-Jul-2016 991ACRV16196003K 0.00 7.000,000.00 13-Jul-2016 13-Jul-2016 991ACRV16195003L 0.00 7,000,000.0 12-Ju-2016 12-Jul-2016 991ACRV16194003M 0.00 7,000,000.00 11-Jul-2016 11-JuL-2016 991ACRV16193003K 0.00 7,000,000.0 08-Jul-2016 08-Jul-2016 991ACRV16190003K 0.00 7,000,000,00 07-Jul-2016 07-JuT-2016 991ACRV16189003K 0.00 7,000,000,00 05-Jul-2016 05-Jul-2016 .991ACRV16187003L 0.00 7,000,000.00 04-Jul-2016 04-Jul-2016 991ACRV16186003G 0.00 7,000,000.00 01-Jul-2016 01-Jul-2016 991ACRV16183003H 0.00 7,000,000.00 30-Jun-2016 30-Jun-2016 991ACRV161820030 0.00 7,000,000.0 29-Jun-2016 29-Jun-2016 991ACRV16181003Q 0-00 . 7,000,000,00 28-Jun-2016 28-Jurn-2016 991ACRV16180003N 0.00 7,000,000.00 27-Jun-2016 27-Jun-2016 991ACRV16179003S 0.00 7,000,000.00 24-Jun-2016 24-Jun-2016 991ACRV16176003R 0.00 7,000,00000 23-Jun-2016 23-Jun-2016 991ACRV16175003P 0.00 7,000,000.00 22-Jun-2016 22-Jur2016 991ACRV16174003P 0.00 7,000,000.00 21-Jun-2016 21-Jun-2016 991ACRV16173003P 0.00 7,000,000.00 20-Jun-2016 20-Jun.2016 991ACRV16172003P 0.00 7.000,000,00 17-Jun-2016 17-Jun-2016 991ACRV161690030 0.00 7,000,000.00 16-Jun-2016 16-Jun-2016 991ACRV1616B0030 0.00 7,000,000.00 Page No. 8 15-Jun-2016 15-Jun-2016 991ACRV161670030 0.00 7,000.000.00 14-Jun-2016 14-Jun-2016 991ACRV1G660030 0.00 7,000.000.00 14-Jun-2016 14-Jun-2016 991F1NT161660032 inWUal NUSAF3 3,000.000.00 7,000.000.00 transfer 13-Jun-2016 13-Jun-2016 991ACRV16165003P 0.00 10,000,000,00 lo-Jun-2016 10-Jun-2016 .991ACRV16162003N 0.00 10,000,000.00 08-Jun-2016 08-Jun-2016 991ACRV16160003N 0.00 10,000,000.00 07-Jun-2016 07-Jun-2016 991ACRV16159003P 0.00 10,000,000.00 06-Jun-2016 06-Jun-2016 991ACRV16158003P 0.00 10,000,000.00 02-Jun-2016 02-Jun-2016 991ACRV161540030 0.00 10,000,000.00 01-Jun-2016 01-Jun-2016 991ACRV16153003J 0.00 10,000,000.00 Page No. 9