Report No. 900-AL b4 Current Economic Position and Prospects of A~gerHa (In Two Volumes) Volume II: Statistical Appendix October 20, 1975 EMENA Region, Country Programs Department II Noit for Public Use Documenq of the World BSank This document has a restricted distribution and may be usecl by recipients only in the performance of their official duties. Its contents may not otherwise be disclosed without World Bank authorization. CURRENCY EQUIVALENTS (Algerian Dinars per US dollar) Official Trade Period Exchange Conversion Rate 1/ Factor 2/ 1967-70 4.937 4.937 1971 4.644 4.937 1972 4.556 4.834 1973 4.185 3.959 1974 3.997 4.181 June 1975 3.834 3.826 1/ End of period 2/ Average of period Source: IMF, International Financial Statistics, September 1975. Statistical Appendix Table Number Title 1.1 Main Population Statistics, 1966-80 1.2 Population Movements, 1966-80 1.3 Total and Economically Active Population by Sex and Age Group, 1966 1.4 Economically Active Population by Status and Economic Sector, 1966 1.5 Economically Active Population by Status and Occupational Group. 1966 1.6 Agricultural and Non-agricultural Labor Force by Age and Sex, 1966, 1973 and 1977 1.7 Agricultural and Non-agricultural Labor Force by Status, 1966, 1973 and 1977 1.8 Non-agricultural Employment by Sector, 1966-77 1.9 Employment in Industry, 1973-77 1.10 Non-agricultural Employment by Qualification Levels, 1973-77 1.11 Non-agricultural Wage-earning Employment by Economic Sector, June 30, 1972 1.12 Non-agricultural Employment by Willaya and Sector, June 30, 1972 1.13 Non-agricultural Employment by Sector, Sex and Nationality, 1969 and 1972 1.14 Non-agricultural Wage-earning Employment by Level of Qualification and Economic Sector, June 30, 1972 1.15 Net Algerian Emigration to France, 1969-73 1.16 Algerian Emigration to France: New Entrants by Sector, 1970-72 1.17 Algerian Emigration to France: New Entrants by Level of Qualification, 1970-72 1.18 Industrial Disputes, 1969-72 2.1 GDP by Industrial Origin at Current Prices, 1963-73 2.2 National Accounts in Current Prices, 1963-73 2.3 Investment and its Financing, 1965-73 2.4 Central Government Investment by Economic Sectors, 1970-73 2.5 Public Enterprises Investment by Economic Sectors, 1970-73 2.6 Gross Fixed Investment by Economic Sectors, 1966-73 2.7 Public Fixed Investment, 1970-73 2.8 Total Consumption, 1973 and 1977 2.9 Average per Capita Consumption, 1973 and 1977 3.1 Balance of Payments, 1969-73 -- same, 1973-75 3.2 Commodity Composition of Exports, 1968-73 3.3 Exports by Industrial Origin, 1969-73 3.4 Volume; Value and Unit Value of Hydrocarbon and Total Exports, 1969-73 3.5 Commodity Composition of Imports, 1968-73 Statistical Appendix Page 2 Table Number Title 3.6 Imports by Sectors of Destination, 1969-73 3.7 Volume, Value and Unit Value of Main Foodstuffs and Total Imports, 1969-73 3.8 Average Rates of Duties and Taxes on Imports, 1969-73 3.9 Central Bank Reserves 3.10 Exchange Rates 4.1 External Public Debt Outstanding as of December 31, 1974 4.2 External Public Debt as of December 31, 1974 for Loans Issued During the Period January 1, 1900 - June 30, 1975 Debt Repayable in Foreign Currency 5.1 Central Government Current Revenue, 1967-74 5.2 Central Government Current Expenditure by Administrative Department, 1970-74 5.3 Central Government Current and Capital Budget Expenditures, 1967-74 5.4 Budget of Public Utilities, Regional Administrations, and Municipalities, 1967-73 5.5 Public Fixed Investment by Sector, 1970-74 5.6 Public Industrial Investment, 1970-74 5.7 Cash Transactions of the Treasury, 1969 - First Half 1974 5.8 Financing of Public Fixed Investment, 1969-73 6.1 Monetary Survey, 1966-74 6.2 Assets and Liabilities of the Central Bank, 1966-74 6.3 Assets and Liabilities of the Deposit Money Banks, 1966-74 6.4 Distribution of Credit to the Economy, 1966-73 6.5 Credit to the Government, 1966-74 6.6 Interest Rates Applied by the Banks and Other Financial Institutions 7.1 Land Use by Sector, Annual Average, 1969/70-1970/71 7.2 Area and Yield of Selected Crops, 1969-73 7.3 Area and Yield of Selected Crops, 1958-72 7.4 Output of Main Crops, 1959-73 7.5 Herd Size, 1967-1973 7.6 Animal Production, 1963-1973 7.7 Gross Agricultural Production at Constant 1967-69 Prices, Annual Average, 1958-61 to 1971-73 7.8 Self-managed Sector, Crop Areas, 1961-1972 7.9 Self-managed Sector, Area Under Principal Crops, 1961-72 7.10 Self-managed Sector, Crop Yields, 1961-72 7.11 Self-managed Sector, Selected Crop Yields, 1961-73 Statistical Appendix Page 3 Table Number Title 7.12 Self-managed Sector, Crop Output, 1961-1973 7.13 Self-managed Sector, Main Crop Output, Annual Average 1959-61 to 1971-73 7.14 Self-managed Sector, Output at Constant 1967-69 Prices, 1959-61 to 1971-73 7.15 Size of Farms in Private Sector, 1971 7.16 Government Investment in Agriculture, 1970-73 7.17 Use of Selected Inputs, 1973 and 1977 7.18 Self-managed Sector, Selected Targets and Actuals for the Plan Period 1970-73, and Targets for the Plan Period 1974-77 7.19 Large Dams, Existing and Under Construction in 1973 7.20 Water Resources and Uses, 1973 and 1980 7.21 Water Uses, 1973 (Estimates) and 1980 (Projections) 7.22 Cereal Production, 1973 (Estimates) and 1977 (Projections) 7.23 Gross Agricultural Production, 1973 (Estimates) and 1977 (Projections) 7.24 Gross Agricultural Production in Constant 1973 Prices, 1973 (Estimates) and 1977 (Projections) 7.25 Gross Agricultural Production and Value added at Constant 1973 Prices, 1973 (Estimates) and 1977 (Projections) 7.26 Second Five-year Plan, Investment Allocations to Agriculture, 1974-77 7.27 Second Five-year Plan, Long-term Credit Allocations to Agriculture, 1974-77 7.28 Second Five-year Plan, Investment Allocations to Water Development, 1974-77 7.29 Second Five-year Plan, Physical Targets for Water Development, 1974-77 8.1 Production of Selected Industrial Products, 1969, 1973 and 1977 8.2 Gross Domestic Production of the Industrial Sector at Current Market Prices, 1966-73 8.3 Price Indices, Industrial Sector, 1966-73 8.4 Gross Domestic Production of the Industrial Sector at Constant Prices, 1966-1973 8.5 Industrial Investment in the Public Sector in Current Prices, 1967-73 8.6 Industrial Investment in the Public Sector in Constant 1969 Prices, 1967-73 and Planned 1974-77 8.7 Industrial Net Fixed Assets in Constant Prices, 1967-73 and 1977 8.8 Second Five-year Plan, Industrial Investment Targets, 1974-77 8.9 Second Five-year Plan, Targets for Industrial Value Added, 1974-77 8.10 Industrial Employment, 1973 (Actual) and 1977 (Projected) 8.11 Selected Road, Railway, Port, and Civil Aviation Traffic Statistics 8.12 Transportation Investment, 1970-73 and 1974-77 8.13 Details of Road Investment Program, 1974-77 Statistical Appendix Page 4 Table Number Title 8.14 Details of Railway Investment Program, 1974-77 8.15 Expenditures on Port Development 1970-73 and 1974-77 8.16 CNAN Fleet Capacity, 1969-73 8.17 Average per Capita Food Consumption, 1966-69 8.18 Average per Capita Food Consumption, 1969 8.19 Physicians, 1972 8.20 Hospital Deaths, 1970 8.21 Clinics and Hospitals by Type, 1972 9.1 Price Indexes, 1970-73 10.1 Oil and Gas: Exploration and Development, 1963-73 10.2 Crude Oil: Output, Transport, and Deliveries, 1963-73 10.3 Refined Oil Products: Output, Exports and Domestic Deliveries, 1965-73 10.4 Refined Oil Products: Output, Exports and Domestic Deliveries, 1969-73 10.5 Natural Gas: Output, Transport, Domestic Deliveries, and Exports, 1963-73 10.6 Hydrocarbons in 1974 10.7 SONATRACH: Main Financial Results, 1969-73 Table 1.1: MAIN POPULATION STATISTICS, 1966-80 (Thousands) 1966 1969 1973 1977 1980 Census Estimate Estimate Projection Projection Total national population 12,420 13,700 15,500 17,660 19,500 National population abroad 600 650 800 800 800 Population present in Algeria 11,820 13,050 14,700 16,860 18,700 of which: Urban population 1/ 3,900 4,650 5,700 7,060 8,300 Rural population 7,920 8,400 9,000 9,800 10,400 (Rural agricultural) (5,700) (6,030) (6,500) (7,150) (7,620) (Rural non-agricultural) (2,220) (2,370) (2,500) (2,650) (2,780) 1/ Including semi-urban population whose consumption and housing patterns are similar to those of urban population, as defined in the 1966 Population Census. Source: Secretariat d'Etat au Plan Table 1.2: POPULATION MOVEMENTS, 1966-80 (Thousands) Cumulative from 1966 to: 1969 1973 1977 1980 Emigration abroad 1/ 50 200 200 200 - from rural areas 40 160 160 160 - from urban areas 10 40 40 40 Emigrated workers1/ 30 120 120 120 - from urban areas 5 25 25 25 - from rural areas 25 95 95 95 (non-agricultural) (6) (25) (25) (25) (agricultural) (19) (70) (70) (70) Rural migration to Algerian cities 360 840 1.480 2,120 - agricultural 260 610 1,070 1,530 - non-agricultural 100 230 410 590 Agricultural workers moving to Algerian cities 45 90 240 420 Source: Secretariat d'Etat au Plan Table 1.-3: TOTAL AND ECONOMICALLY ACTIVE POPULATION BY SEX AND AGE GROUP, 1966 MALES FEMALES TOTAL Economically active Economically active Ecoinomically active Age group Total Number Percent Total Number Percent Total Number Percent - 15 2,909,497 58,055 2.0 2,778,848 15,659 o.6 5,688,345 73,714 1.3 15 - 19 540,987 355,310 65.7 541,079 20,082 3.7 1,082,066 375,392 34.7 20 - 24 343,544 320,747 93.4 419,754 15,215 3.6 763,298 335,962 44.0 25 - 34 636,253 612,831 96.3 788,818 19,899 2.5 1,425,071 652,730 44.4 35 - 44 484,088 462,364 95.5 540,676 14,633 2.7 1,024,764 476,997 46.5 45 - 54 361,943 333,075 92.0 372,631 11,775 3.2 734,574 344,850 46.9 55 - 64 282,110 225,960 80.7 275,952 8,051 2.9 558,062 234.011 41.9 65 + 249,580 83,072 33.3 276,342 3,764 1.4 525,922 86,836 16.5 Not specified 9,143 3,796 41.5 10,434 375 3.6 19,577 4,171 21.3 Total 5,R17,145 2,455,210 42.2 6,004,534 109,453 1.8 11,821,679 2,564,663 21.7 Source: 19(r Census Table 1.4: ECONOMICALLY ACTIVE POPUL.ATIo,N BY STATUS AND ECONOMIC SECTOR, 1966 Other Agricul- 2/ Manufac- Construc- Electric- Com- Trans- Ser- activi- 1st time ture 1, Mining-' turing tion ity 5/ merce 4 port S vices ties S/ job seekers Total Employers and worlcers on own account 365,551 307 39,504 13,013 551 93,240 16,444 21,455 2,709 - 552,774 Males 362,249 305 33,229 13,001 550 92,449 16,417 20,296 2,631 - 541,127 Females 3,302 2 6,275 12 1 791 27 1,159 78 _ 11,647 Salaried employees and wage-earners 780,923 21,416 117,471 112,723 9,499 51,378 69,225 313,755 66,943 - 1,543,333 Males 773,680 21,014 110,331 112,056 9,109 48,547 66,945 263,648 64,978 - 1,470,308 Females 7,243 402 7,140 667 390 2,831 2,280 50,107 1,965 - 73,025 Family workers 145,338 42 3,766 379 - 6,911 620 895 521 - 158,472 Males 132,635 40 2,857 377 - 6,771 616 692 428 - 144,416 Females 12,703 2 909 2 - 140 4 203 93 - 14,056 Others and status unknown 1,601 105 2,261 2,587 93 746 1,607 1,807 15,586 283,691 310,084 Males 1,534 97 2,089 2,578 93 733 1,602 1,498 15,067 274,068 299,359 Females 67 8 172 9 - 13 5 309 519 9,623 10,725 Grand Total 1,293,413 21,870 163,002 128,702 10,143 152,275 87,896 337,912 85,759 283,691 2,564,663 Males 1,270,098 21,456 148,506 128,012 9,752 148,500 85,580 286,134 83,104 274,068 2,455,210 Females 23,315 414 14,496 690 391 3,775 2,316 51,778 2,655 9,623 109,453 1 forestry, hunting and fishing / and quarrying gas, water and sanitary services / banks, insurance and real estate | storage and communications not adequately described Source: 1966 census Table 1.5: ECONOMICALLY ACTIVE POPULATION BY STATUS AND OCCUPATIONAL GROUP. 1966 Employers and workers Salaried employees on own account end wage-earners Family workers Others and status unknown T 0 T A L Males Females Total Males Females Total Males Females Total Males Females Total Males Females Total Professional, technical and related workers 7,189 341 7,530 60,648 17,726 78,374 - - - 733 70 803 68,570 18,137 86,707 Administrative, executive and managerial workers 8,332 310 8,642 10,332 869 11,201 - - _ 15 3 18 18,679 1,182 19,861 Clerical workers 34 6 40 78,659 10,316 88,975 - - - 950 102 1,052 79,643 10,424 90.067 Sales workers 86,454 697 87,151 27,503 791 28,294 6,041 137 6,178 456 5 461 120,454 1,630 122,084 Farmers and related workers 362,244 3,262 365,506 756,138 7,123 763,261 132,692 12,702 145,394 1,435 63 1,498 1,252,509 23,150 1,275,659 Miners, quarrymen and related workers 202 1 203 9,770 6 9,776 30 1 31 62 - 62 10,064 8 10,072 Workers in transport and communication occupations 16,509 19 16,528 53,784 924 54,708 738 3 741 2,122 3 2,125 73,153 949 74,102 Craftsmen, production-process workers and laborers not elsewhere classified 54,037 6,417 60,454 285,495 7,119 292,614 3,882 920 4,802 6,672 190 6,862 350,086 14,646 364,732 Workers in service occupations Members of Armed Forces 5,789 584 6,373 182,039 27,943 209,982 772 222 994 1,007 240 1,247 189,607 28,989 218,596 Workers not classifiable by occupation 337 10 347 5,940 208 6,148 261 71 332 11,839 426 12,265 18,377 715 19,092 First-time job seekers - - - - - - - - - 274,068 9,623 283,691 274,068 9,623 283,691 Total 541,127 11,647 552,774 1,470,308 73,025 1,543,333 144,416 14,056 158,472 299,359 10,725 310,084 2,455,210 109,453 2,564,663 Source: 1966 census Table 1.6: AGRICULTURAL AND NON-AGRICULTURAL LABOR FORCE BY AGE AND SEX, 1966, 1973 AND 1977 (PROJECTIONS)1L (Thousands) Totals Changes 1966 1973 1977 1966-73 1973-77 Agricultural labor force - males, 18-59 years 2/ 970 1,150 1,230 180 80 - others 3/ 300 300 300 - - Total - agricultural 1,270 1,450 1,530 180 80 Non-agricultural labor force - males, 18-59 years 2/ 990 1,380 1,770 390 390 - younger and older males 110 100 90 -10 -10 - females 80 130 180 50 50 Total non-agricultural 1,180 1,610 2,040 430 430 Total labor force present in Algeria 2,450 3,060 3,570 610 510 1/ Algerian nationals only. 2/ All males in age bracket, less 5% to allow for invalids. 3/ Rough estimate of younger males, older males and females participating in labor force. Source: Secretariat d'Etat au Plan Table 1.7: AGRICULTURAL AND NON-AGRICULTURAL LABOR FORCE BY STATUS, 1966, 1973 AND 1977 (PROJECTIONS)IJ (Thousands) Totals Changes 1966 1973 1977 1966-73 1973-77 Agricultural labor force - permanently employed 450 520 620 70 100 - employed part-time 770 805 910 35 105 - strongly under-employed 50 125 - 75 -125 Total - agricultural 1,270 1,450 1,530 180 80 Non-agricultural labor force - employed 860 1,410 1,954 550 544 - unemployed 320 200 86 -120 -114 Total - non-agricultural 1,180 1,610 2,040 430 430 Total labor force, present in Algeria 2,450 3,060 3,570 610 510 Estimated labor force abroad 320 440 440 120 - 1/ Labor force comprises all males 18 to 59 years old, less 5% to allow for invaliIs, younger and older active males, and active females; only Algerian nationals are included. Source: Secrgtariat d'Etat au Plan Table 1.8: NON-AGRICULTURAL EMPLOYMENT BY SECTOR, 1966-77 I/ (Thousands) 1966 1973 1977 Actual Estimate Projection Industry 2/ 100 242 325 Construction 70 190 328 Transportation 50 76 95 Services 140 180 240 Trade 190 225 275 Government 180 297 403 Total employment 730 1,210 1,666 Students 10 60 115 National service -- 12 30 Other active persons 120 128 143 Total active population 860 1,410 1,954 1/ Excluding non-Algerians. 2/ See breakdown in Table 1.9. Source: Secretariat d'Etat au Plan Table 1.9: EMPLOYMENT IN INDUSTRY, 1973-77 I/ (Number) 1973 1977 Industrial Sub-Sector Estimate Projection Food processing 32,365 38,680 Textiles and leather 33,580 42,545 Steel 11,350 16,950 Mechanical and electrical 31,560 52,460 Chemicals 9,770 14,470 Miscellaneous 21,040 30,290 Construction materials 14,635 32,180 Hydrocarbons 27,900 30,900 Energy 6,470 7,470 Mining and quarrying 13,350 14,470 Handicrafts 40,000 45,000 Total 242,020 325,420 1/ Excluding non-Algerians. Source: Secretariat d'Etat au Plan Table 1.10: NON-AGRICULTURAL EMPLOYMENT BY QUALIFICATION LEVELS, 1973-77 1/ (Number) Qualification Levels - 1/2 3 4/5 6/7 Total Industry 1973 129,800 86,500 16,300 9,400 242,000 1977 168,955 113,625 31,475 11,345 325,400 Construction 1973 107,200 75,100 5,000 2,700 190,000 1977 181,050 126,775 10,595 9,580 328,000 Transportation 1973 23,050 35,600 13,600 4,350 76,600 1977 29,230 44,480 16,840 4,780 95,330 Trade 1973 117,735 55,975 37,905 13,385 225,000 1977 142,640 70,350 46,690 15,320 275,000 Services 1973 41,030 45,594 58,038 35,338 180,000 1977 61,600 65,800 70,455 42,145 240,000 Subtotal 1973 418,815 298,769 130,843 65,173 913,600 1977 583,475 421,030 226,055 83,170 1,263,730 Government 1973 118,650 35,650 116,000 26,700 297,000 1977 176,500 48,700 136,600 41,200 403,000 Total 1973 537,465 334,419 246,843 91,873 1,210,600 1977 759,975 469,730 312,655 124,370 1,666,730 1/ Excluding non-Algerians. 2/ Qualification levels designated by numbers corresponding to the following socio-professional categories: 1: laborers and non-qualified workers 2: apprentices and specialized workers 3: qualified workers 4: highly qualified workers 5: technicians and supervisors, without experience 6: experienced technicians and supervisors 7: executives, managers, engineers Source: Secr6tariat d'Etat au Plan Table 1.11: NON-AGRICULTURAL WAGE-EARNING EMPLOYMENT BY ECONOMIC SECTOR, JUNE 30, 1972 Number Percent Self-managed 13 53Oi 3.8 Private 152,1051/ 42.5 Public 192 276/ k53.7 Total 357,911-' 100.0 Mining, quarrying, total 37,605 100.0 Self-managed 814 2.2 Private 1,8392, 4.9 Public 34,952-' 92.9 Manufacturing, total 140,436 100.0 Self-managed 9,949 7.1 Private 60,783 43.3 Public 69,704 49.6 Construction, total 124,543 100.0 Self-managed 2,767 2.2 Private 79,375 63.7 Public 42,401 34.1 Electricity A, total 6,521 100.0 Private 115 1.8 Public 6,406 98.2 Banksg', total 11.536 100.0 Private 1,288 11.2 Public 10,248 88.8 Transports , total 37,270 100.0 Private 8,705 23.4 Public 28,565 76.6 Commerce, total 227,184 100.0 Private 212,179 93.4 Public 15,005 6.6 Services, total 104,288 100.0 Self-managed 58 0.1 Private 95,758 91.8 Public 8,472 8.1 LI' Comparable figures for earlier years are as follows: 1966 1969 Self-managed 25,052 29,248 Private 103,664 89,756 Public 69,248 139,116 Total 197,964 258,120 S./ 22,100 of these are for crude oil and natural gas, the whole branch being in the public sector. S/ Including gas, water, sanitary services g/ Including insurance, real estate S/ Including storage, communication Source: Secretariat d'Etat au Plan, Enquete Semestrielle sur l'Emploi et les Salaires Table 1.12: NON-AGRICULTURAL EMPLOYMENT BY WILLAYA AND SECTOR, JUNE 30, 1972 (Number) 1/ Manufac- Construc- Electric- Trans- Com- Ser- Willaya Mining- turing tion ity Banks port merce vices Total Alger 10,242 61,373 35,370 1,774 7,302 25,903 104,505 52,874 299,343 Annaba 4,633 12,711 3,861 313 865 1,342 17,493 4,172 45,390 Aures 297 3,015 6,850 33 150 261 3,862 1,043 15,511 Constantine 2,934 11,002 8,344 489 704 1,603 27,943 7,196 60,215 El Asnarn 1,526 2,262 1,619 72 69 224 3,6355 ,650 13,057 Medea 394 1,689 7,722 33 23 149 2,499 4,276 16,785 Mostaganem 270 4,219 2,242 104 254 484 4,544 2,607 14,724 Oasis 11,429 682 7,722 156 127 1,416 2,178 4,172 33,882 Oran 1,069 25,118 20,051 1,193 1,476 4,100 23,173 12,410 88,590 Saida 37 1,393 124 6 46 32 1,363 938 3,944 Saoura 580 251 3,363 33 58 559 909 626 6,379 Setif 1,695 4,867 5,604 45 231 708 18,402 3,546 35,098 Tiaret 113 1,152 623 72 35 74 2,499 1,251 5,819 Tizi-Ouzou 295 3,964 13,326 2,139 69 261 4,771 2,503 27,328 Tlemcen 2,091 6,738 7,722 59 127 149 3,408 3,024 23,318 Total 37,605 140,346 124,543 6,521 11,536 37,270 227,184 104,288 689,383 Sj and quarrying ?J insurance, real estate S/ Figures cover wage-earners and other workers. Source: Secretariat d'Etat au Plan, Enquete Semestrielle sur 1'Emploi et les Salaires Table 1.13: NON-AGRICULTURAL EMPLOYMENT BY SECTOR, SEX AND NATIONALITY, 1969 AND 1972 (EXCLUDING COMMERCE AND SERVICES) (Number; June 30 of each year) Manufac- Construc- Electric- Trans- Mining-' turing tion ity / Bankst' port s Total Algeriansl/ 1969 21,405 111,725 71,335 6,026 8,158 32,064 250,713 1972 35,679 137,262 122,703 6,342 11,245 36,596 349,827 Foreigners 1969 1,274 3,342 1,717 106 345 623 7,407 1972 1,926 3,174 1,840 179 291 674 8,084 Females 1969 737 19,633 350 307 1,744 687 23,458 1972 1,553 14,743 785 324 1,788 875 20,068 Total 1969 22,679 115,067 73,052 6,132 8,503 32,687 258,120 1972 37,605 140,436 124,543 6,521 11,536 37,270 357,911 J Males and females U/ and quarrying S/ gas, water, sanitary services. g/ insurance, real estate 5| and communication Source: Secretariat d'Etat au Plan, Enqu^ete Semestrielle sur l'Emploi et les Salaires Table 1.14: NON-AGRICULTURAL WAGE-EARNING EMPLOYMENT BY LEVEL OF QUALIFICATION AND ECONOMIC SECTOR, JUNE 30, 1972 (Number) Category Category Category Category Category Category All 1 2 3 4 5 6 Categories Mining, quarrying 2,366 6,072 2,197 10,611 6,926 9,433 37,605 Manufacturing 5,038 6,198 13,612 36,088 37,429 42,071 140,346 Construction 1,520 2,629 14,134 32,824 22,089 51,347 124,543 Electricity 397 856 1,541 2,405 611 711 6,521 Banks, insurance, real estate 779 713 1,670 4,882 1,582 1,910 11,536 Transports and communication 1,169 2,350 6,205 12,742 6,010 8,794 37,270 Commerce 1 10,345 6,751 18,137 81,936 31,849 78,166 227,184 Services 1 3,817 8,007 16,920 22,015 12,794 40,735 104,288 Total 24,431 33,576 74,416 203,503 119,290 233,107 689,383 Note: Category 1: Executive, managerial, technical workers Category 2: Technicians and supervisors Category 3: Highly qualified workers Category 4: Qualified workers Category 5: Apprentices and specialized workers Category 6: Laborers and non-qualified workers ]j Figures include all workers. Source: Secrdtariat d'Etat au Plan, Enquete Semestrielle sur l'Emploi at les Salaires Table 1.13: NON-AGRICULTURAL EMPLOYMENT BY SECTOR, SEX AND NATIONALITY, 1969 AND 1972 (EXCLUDING COMMERCE AND SERVICES) (Number; June 30 of each year) Manufac- Construc- Electric- Trans- Mining turing tion ity / Banks3 port s Total Algerians.L 1969 21,405 111,725 71,335 6,026 8,158 32,064 250,713 1972 35,679 137,262 122,703 6,342 11,245 36,596 349,827 Foreignersl 1969 1,274 3,342 1,717 106 345 623 7,407 1972 1,926 3,174 1,840 179 291 674 8,084 Females 1969 737 19,633 350 307 1,744 687 23,458 1972 1,553 14,743 785 324 1,788 875 20,068 Total 1969 22,679 115,067 73,052 6,132 8,503 32,687 258,120 1972 37,605 140,436 124,543 6,521 11,536 37,270 357,911 1 Males and females 2 and quarrying S/ gas, water, sanitary services. 4 insurance, real estate 5 and communication Source: Secretariat d'Etat au Plan, Enqu^ete Semestrielle sur l'Emploi et les Salaires Table 1.14: NON-AGRICULTURAL WAGE-EARNING EMPLOYMENT BY LEVEL OF QUALIFICATION AND ECONOMIC SECTOR, JUNE 30, 1972 (Number) Category Category Category Category Category Category All 1 2 3 4 5 6 Categories Mining, quarrying 2,366 6,072 2,197 10,611 6,926 9,433 37,605 Manufacturing 5,038 6,198 13,612 36,o88 37,429 42,071 140,346 Construction 1,520 2,629 14,134 32,824 22,089 51,347 124,543 Electricity 397 856 1,541 2,405 611 711 6,521 Banks, insurance, real estate 779 713 1,670 4,882 1,582 1,910 11,536 Transports and communication 1,169 2,350 6,205 12,742 6,010 8,794 37,270 Commerce g 10,345 6,751 18,137 81,936 31,849 78,166 227,184 Services 1 3,817 8,007 16,920 22,015 12,794 40,735 104,288 Total 24,431 33,576 74,416 203,503 119,290 233,107 689,383 Note: Category 1: Executive, managerial, technical workers Category 2: Technicians and supervisors Category 3: Highly qualified workers Category 4: Qualified workers Category 5: Apprentices and specialized workers Category 6: Laborers and non-qualified workers / Figures include all workers. Source: Secrdtariat d'Etat au Plan, Enqugte Semestrielle sur l'Emploi at les Salaires Table 1.15: NET ALGERIAN EMIGRATION TO FRANCE, 1969 - 73 (Number) 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 Algerians bearers of ONAMO cards 27,328 38,542 41,373 21,599 21,392 Resident Algerians -24,594 5,889 -10,918 - 4,915 2,414 Algerians bearers of passports 24,597 16,681 6,385 7,090 17,396 TOTAL 27,331 61,112 36,840 23,774 41,202 of which: Males 16 years and over 25,157 57,612 34,963 16,193 28,757 Females and children 2,174 3,500 1,877 7,581 12,445 Source: France, Ministere du Travail, de l'Emploi et de la Population Table 1.16: ALGERIAN EMIGRATION TO FRANCE: NEW ENTRANTS BY SECTOR, 1970-72 (Percentages 1/) Sector 1970 1971 1972 Agriculture 2.8 2.4 2.3 Mines 0.6 0.5 0.4 Steel 7.4 5.3 4.5 Mechanical and Electrical 11.9 9.1 9.7 Building materials 3.6 4.0 4.2 Construction and Public Works 50.8 51.1 52.9 Chemical 5.6 4.7 4.6 Textiles 2.8 2.6 2.8 Transport 1.7 1.4 1.6 Administrative Services 1.8 1.9 3.0 Other 11.0 17.0 14.0 Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 L/ Based on the delivery of residence permits. Source: Ministere du Travail, de l'Emploi et de la Population, France Table 1.17: ALGERIAN EMIGRATION TO FRANCE: NEW ENTRANTS BY LEVEL OF QUALIFICATION, 1970-72 (Percentages) Level of qualification 1970 1971 1972 Laborers 78.9 80.8 79.8 Specialized workers 15.6 13.8 13.7 Qualified workers 2.3 1.8 2.2 Other workers 3.2 3.6 4.3 Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 Source: France, Ministere du Travail, de l'Emploi et de la Population Table 1.18: INDUSTRIAL DISPUTES, 1969-72 Min- Manufac- Construc- Electric- Com- Trans- Ser- Sector ing j turing tion ity / merce port J/ vice Others Total Number of disputes 1969 1 24 15 - 1 - 1 - 42 1970 1 42 13 - 1 - - - 57 1971 - 29 39 - - 2 - - 70 1972 4 33 51 8 1 2 - _ 100 Workers involved 1969 50 3,674 1,563 - 21 _ 41 - 5,349 1970 125 4,367 1,811 - 60 - - - 6,363 1971 - 3,509 8,707 - - 63 - - 12,276 1972 842 3,146 4,000 1,522 13 1,157 - 26 10,706 Working days lost 1969 9 11,682 13,312 - 16 - 123 - 25,142 1970 125 21,555 3,971 _ 120 - - _ 25,771 1971 - 34,078 17,696 - - 387 - _ 52,161 1972 421 12,977 25,500 1,522 1 164 - 3 40,588 1/ and quarrying gas, water, sanitary services S/ and communications Source: ILO, Yearbook of Labor Statistics, 1973 ''.ioV '2. I: (;I)P l,Y INI)'S'[l'IIAl. URICGIN AT CURREN'I' PRVA-:Ck, 1963-75 (Millions of dinars) Secto,r 1963 1964 1965 196f, 1967 19 68 1969 197(0 1971 1972 1'973 1/ Agriculture 2,300 2,100 2,508 1,677 2,128 2,620 2,550 2,510 2,250 2,79/q 2,477 Hydrocarbons 1,549 1,750 1,803 2,245 2,578 2,795 3,068 3,524 3,330 4,772 5,926 Crude oil 1,542 1,698 1,699 2,140 2,456 2,672 2,896 3,333 3,153 4,590- 5,605 Natural gas 5 17 58 70 79 85 129 117 101 105 71 Refined oil products 2 35 47 35 43 38 43 74 76 77 250 Mining and quarrying 68 93 98 57 71 95 90 100 110 159 177 Manufacturing 1,233 1,526 1,710 1,849 1,999 2,315 2,659 2,895 3,280 3,383 3,819 Food processing 575 693 710 807 864 923 996 998 1,118 1,291 1,374 Steel, mechanical and electrical 150 178 240 256 279 376 516 590 578 611 703 Chemicals and miscellaneous 173 238 292 289 315 371 457 497 780 669 745 Textiles and leather 245 302 341 391 421 507 560 643 634 639 788 Construction materials 90 115 127 106 120 132 130 167 170 173 209 Energy and water 246 249 247 250 242 263 270 300 350 349 394 Construction 877 905 928 766 971 1,165 1,590 2,126 2,320 2,760 3,422 Hydrocarbon sector 277 188 142 159 207 240 430 446 470 582 722 Other 600 717 786 607 764 925 1,160 1,680 1,850 2,178 2,700 Subtotal: Industry 3,973 4,523 4,786 5,167 5,861 6,633 7,677 8,945 9,390 11,423 13,738 Transportation and communications 441 484 477 441 497 611 737 879 840 914 1,075 Trade 2,460 2,670 2,927 2,847 2,838 3,317 3,640 3,840 4,090 4,500 4,800 Other services 1,540 1,559 1,693 1,680 1,849 2,058 2,224 2,454 2,510 2,840 3,000 Subtotal: Services 4,441 4,713 5,097 4,968 5,184 5,986 6,601 7,173 7,440 8,254 8,875 Total value added 10,714 11,336 12,391 11,812 13,173 15,239 16,838 18,628 19,080 22,471 25,090 plus: Import duties and taxes 500 728 777 678 645 950 1,210 1,370 1,340 1,560 2,11.0 Gross domestic production 11,214 12,064 13,168 12,490 13,818 16,189 18,048 19,998 20,420 24,031 27,200 plus: Government services 1,910 2,030 2,070 2,200 2,410 2,550 2,640 2,900 3,100 3,853 3,963 Gross domestic product 13,124 1l,094 15,238 14,690 16,228 18,739 20,688 22,898 23,520 27,884 31,163 1/ Prelim-inary. Source: Secr6tariat d'Etat atl Plan Table 2.2: NATIONAL ACCOUNTS IN CURRENT PRICES, 1963-73 (Millions of dinars) 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 19731- Gross domestic product 13,124 14,094 15,238 14,690 16,228 18,739 20,688 22,898 23,520 27,884 31,163 imports, incl. NFS 2/ 4,292 3,683 3,529 3,320 3,226 4,113 6,327 7,595 7,426 8,348 11,126 Exports, incl. NFS 2/ -3,185 -3,487 -3,400 -3,655 -3,776 -4,247 -5,147 -5,638 -4,966 -6,546 -8,575 Resource balalice 2/ 1,107 196 129 -335 -550 -134 1,180 1,957 2,460 1,802 2,551 Consumption 3/ 11,044 11,674 12,495 12,185 12,449 13,875 15,759 16,599 17,442 20,347 21,739 Private 3/ 8,169 8,852 9,598 9,141 9,103 10,325 12,084 12,563 13,142 15,271 16,297 General government 2,875 2,822 2,897 3,044 3,346 3,550 3,675 4,036 4,300 5,076 5,442 Investment 3,187 2,616 2,872 2,170 3,229 4,730 6,109 8,256 8,538 9,339 11,975 Gross fixed investment 2,714 2,329 2,409 2,199 2,719 4,130 5,745 7,600 8,600 9,561 12,325 Changes in stocks 473 287 463 -29 510 600 364 656 -62 -222 -350 Resource use 14,231 14,290 15,367 14,355 15,678 18,605 21,868 24,855 25,980 29,686 33,714 Domestic saving 2,080 2,420 2,743 2,505 3,780 4,861 4,929 6,299 6,078 7,537 9,42l1 Net factor service income 2/ 218 -132 -494 -642 -429 -528 -305 160 499 679 440 Net current transfers 2/ 1,467 681 415 442 402 182 350 271 323 169 198 National saving 3,765 2,969 2,664 2,305 3,753 4,515 4,974 6,730 6,900 8,385 10,062 Gross national product 13,342 13,962 14,744 14,048 15,799 18,211 20,383 23,058 24,019 28,563 31,603 Percent of GDP: Gross fixed investment 20.7 16.5 15.8 15.0 16.8 22.0 27.8 33.2 36.6 34.3 39.6 Domestic saving 15.8 17.2 18.0 17.1 23.3 25.9 23.8 27.5 25.8 27.0 30.2 Imports 32.7 26.1 23.1 22.6 19.9 21.9 30.6 33.2 31.6 29.9 35.7 Exports -24.3 -24.7 -22.3 -24.9 -23.3 -22.6 24.9 24.6 21.1 23.5 27.5 Resource balance 8.4 1.4 0.8 -2.3 -3.4 -0.7 5.7 8.5 10.5 6.4 8.2 1/ Preliminary. 2/ Based for the years 1969-73 on data given in Tables 3.1, 3.2, and 3.5. 3/ Residual. Source: Secr£tariat d'Etat au Plan -Tabie 2.3: NIuVESTMENT AND ITS FINANCING, 1965-73 (Millions of dinars; current prices) 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 19731 Gross fixed investment 2,409 2,199 2,719 4,130 5,745 7,600 8,600 9,561 12,325 of which: Public sector 2/ 994 1,261 1,968 3,330 5,045 6,093 7,215 9,122 11,326 (Government) ( 733) ( 952) ( 587) ( 838) (1,122) (1,962) (2,254) (2,809) ( 3,719) (Public enterprises) ( 261) ( 309) (1,381) (2,492) (3,923) (4,131) (4,961) (6,313) ( 7,607) Private sector 3/ 1,415 938 750 800 700 1,507 1,385 439 999 of which: Imported goods and services 4/ 631 756 865 1,584 1,979 2,724 2,758 2,984 3,785 (Capital goods) ( 537) ( 616) ( 661) (1,244) (1,515) (2,238) (2,248) (2,367) ( 3,163) (Public works and services) ( 94) ( 140) ( 204) ( 340) ( 464) ( 486) ( 510) ( 617) ( 622) Domestic goods and services 1,778 1,443 1,854 2,546 3,766 4,876 5,842 6,577 8,540 (Construction) ( 928 ( 766) ( 971) (1,165) (1,590) (2,126) (2,320) (2,760) ( 3,422) (Other) ( 850) ( 677) ( 883) (1,381) (2,176) (2,750) (3,522) (3,817) ( 5,118) Changes in stocks 463 -29 510 600 364 656 -62 -222 -350 Total investment 2,872 2,170 3,229 4,730 6,109 8,256 8,538 9,339 11,975 financed by: National saving 2,664 2,305 3,753 4,515 4,974 6,730 6,900 8,385 10,062 External M< capital 31 -665 -488 204 358 310 508 904 4,012 (Inflow) ( 427) ( 34) ( 105) ( 457) ( 651) ( 679) (1,168) (1,434) ( 4,674) (Outflow) ( 396) ( 699) ( 593) ( 253) ( 293) ( 369) ( 660) ( 530) ( 662) Other sources 5/ 177 530 -35 8 777 1,216 1,130 50 -2,099 1/ Preliminary. 2/ Based on data provided-by the Ministry of Finance for the years 1970-73. 3/ Estimates. 4/ Based on data provided in Table 3.5 for capital goods, and Table 3.4 of IBRD Report No. EMA-39 and Table 3.1 of this report for public works and services; services include 24%/ of expenditures on technical cooperation, rising to 45% in 5% increments annually from 1969 to 1973 and the import share of capital goods in expenditure on freight and insurance. 5/ Includes use or accumulation of external reserves, and operations pending settlements and errors and omissions in the balance of payments. Source: Secretariat d'Etat au Plan, Minist'ere des Finances, and Banque Centrale d'Algerie Table 2.4: CENTRAL GOVERNFENT INVESTMENT BY ECONOMIC SECTORS, 1970-73 (Millions of dinars; current prices) Sector 1970 1971 1972 1973 Agricuilture 384 537 714 1,089 Agzriculture and fishing 191 306 368 655 Watc r works 1/ 193 231 346 434 Mantufecturing 2/ 213 278 206 226 Construction 92 136 201 453 Rural housing 40 55 82 191 Urban infrastructure 52 81 119 262 Transportation and communications 159 279 276 368 Governiment services 1,114 1,024 1,412 1,564 Education 646 581 546 732 Training 84 67 116 121 Tourism 80 67 81 159 Social infrastructure 161 182 215 294 Special programs - - 277 - Administrative infrastructure 143 127 177 258 .- 3/ Total 1,962 2,254 2,809 3,719 - 1/ lncludes water works primarily for industry and urban areas. 2/ Includes small amounts of investment expenditures on mining and power. 3/ Including DA 19 million which are unallocated. Source: Ministere des Finances, Direction du Tresor Table 2.5: PUBLIC ENTERPRISES INVESTMENT BY ECONOMIC SECTORS, 1970-73 (Millions of dinars; current prices) 1970 1971 1972 1973 Agriculture 489 428 319 494 Hydrocarbons 1,592 1,845 2,111 2,332 Mining and quarrying 93 91 40 42 Manufacturing 1,247 1,576 2,407 2,898 Food processing 94 115 156 183 Steel 599 741 869 889 Mechanical and electrical 170 265 649 684 Chemicals 161 19 196 267 Miscellaneous 99 232 159 192 Textiles 41 48 96 153 Leather 15 16 10 14 Construction materials 68 140 272 516 Energy 285 176 286 253 Construction 251 424 569 650 Public works cos. 129 96 183 226 Industrial zones - 25 24 39 Housing 122 303 362 385 Subtotal: Industry 3,468 4,112 5,413 6,175 Telecommunications - 80 112 120 Transportation 97 237 305 631 Tourism 77 65 100 119 Trade - 39 64 68 Subtotal: Services 174 421 581 938 Total 4,131 4,961 6,313 7,607 Source: Ministere des Finances, Direction du Tresor Table 2.6: GROSS FIXED INVESTMENT BY ECONOMIC SECTORS, 1966-73 (Millions of dinars; current prices) 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 Agriculture 237 357 621 631 873 965 1,033 1,583 Hydrocarbons ... ... ... ... 1,592 1,845 2,111 2,332 Mining and quarrying 1/ 1/ 1/ 1/ 93 91 40 42 Manufacturing 457 578 1,311 1,122 1,460 1,854 2,613 3,124 Energy 1/ 1/ I/ 1/ 285 176 286 253 Construction 24 116 102 294 343 560 770 1,103 Subtotal: Industry ... ... ... ... 3,773 4,526 5,820 6,854 Transportation and communications 108 165 252 205 256 596 693 1,119 Trade and other services 62 2/ 2/ 72/ 77 104 164 187 Government services 373 285 403 929 1,114 1,024 1,412 1,564 Subtotal: Services 543 450 655 1,141 1,447 1,724 2,269 2,870 Unallocated 3/ ... ... ... ... 1,507 1,385 439 1,018 Total 2,199 2,719 4,130 5,745 7,600 8,600 9,561 12,325 1/ Included in manufacturing. 2/ Expenditure on tourism included in manufacturing. 3/ Residual which includes private investment and unauthorized investment by public enterprises. Source: Tables 2.4 and 2.5 Table 2.7. PUBLIC FIXED INVESTMNT, 1970-73 (AO-TUALS) AND 1974-77 (PLANNIED) (Millions of dinars) 1970-73 1974-77 Current 1973 1 Minimun2/ MIaxinum Frices Pri,ces Target- 'Target A.griculture 3,404 3,720 9,347 . 12,120 Water works 1,203 1,315 3,548 4,600 Hydrocarbons 7,880 8,612 15,038 19,500 Marufacturing, mining and energy 10,325 11,28 21,979 20,50 Ej;conomic infrastructure 3,244 2,545 11,199 114,521 Tourism 743 812 1,157 1,500 Housing 1,541 1,684 6,401 8,300 Education end training 2,904 3,174 7,671 9,9L7 Other soci.l sectors 1,644 1,797 4,866 6,_10 Administrative buildings 701 766 1,079 1,399 'lTracle 167 183 771 1,000 Mi.scell&-neous, contingencies - 1,944 2,520 Total 33,756 36,892 85,000 110,217 j Estimates in current prices defleted by a weigthed index allowing for price rises of construction and imported equipement (0,8551 in 1970, O,8804 in 1.971, 0,8903 in 1972 and 1.000 in 1973). 2/ Assuming same sectoral composition as that of maximum target given in recond Four-Year Plan (1974-77). Source: Secretariat d'Etat au Plan Table 2.8. TOTAL CONSUMPTION, 1973 AND 1977 1973 (estimate) 1977 (projection) Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Quantities (thous. tons) Cereals 1.222 1.218 2.440 1.565 1.400 2A')': Vegetabl(hs 150 365 515 233 582 Fruits 211 509 720 330 82o 1 . I'i Meat 58 122 180 83 205 89 Milk (mi].liters) 180 720 900 -270 1.200 1.4Yo Fats and oil 37 88 125 52 126 1-'8 Sugar 109 145 254 151 178 Textiles 14 33 47 25 47 7:2 Shoes (mil.pairs) 7 13 20 12 19 31 Value (DA mil.; 1973 prices, Foodstuffs - - 9.210 - - 13.1. (Cereals) - - (2.905) - - (3.7:0) (Vegetables, fruits) - - (1.530) - - (2.LO3) (Meat, milk) - - (2.355) - - (3.9i0) (Other) - - (2.420) - - (3.085) Industrial products - - 4.395 - - 7.910 (Clothing, shoes) - - (2.010) - - (3.130A (Other) - - (2.385) - - (4.780) Services - - 3.430 - - 5.097 Total - - 17.035 - - YJ7> 1/ Estimates and projections of the second f'our-year plan (1974-7y') Souirce: Secretariat d'Etat au Plan Table 2.9. AVERAGE PER CAPITA CONSUMPTION, 1973 AND 1977 1973 (estimate) 1977 (projection) Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Quantities Cereals (kg) 150.0 186.0 166.3 180.0 178.0 179.0 Vegetables (kg) 18.4 55.7 135.0 26.8 72.4 48.7 Fruits (kg) 26.0 70.0 49.0 38.0 102.0 68.7 Meat (kg) 7.0 18.7 12.5 9.5 25.5 17.2 Milk (liters) 22.0 110.0 61.2 31.0 149.0 87.8 Fats and oil (kg) 4.6 13.4 10.5 6.0 15.7 10.6 Sugar (kg) 13.4 22.1 17.3 17.4 22.1 19.6 Textiles (kg) 1.8 5.0 3.2 2.9 5.8 4.3 Shoes (pairs) 0.9 2.0 1.4 1.4 2.4 1.9 Value (dinars; 1973 prices) Total 540 1.860 1.160 780 2.300 1.560 Food ... ... 627 ... ... 783 Non-food ... ... 533 ... ... 777 1/ Estimates and projections of the second four-year plan (1974-77) Source: Secr6tariat d'Etat au Plan Table 3.1: BALANCE OF PAYMENTS, 1969-73 (Millions of dinars) 1969 1970 1971 1972 19 Credit Debit Credit Debit Credit Debit Credit Debit Credit Dehit 1. Merchandise (settlement basis) 4,451 4,704 5,004 5,324 4,047 4,896 5,413 5,846 7,249 8 474 2. Non-factor services 536 1,346 658 1,390 758 1,398 692 1,654 1,096 2 267 2.1. Transport and insurance 132 475 139 665 153 577 152 702 213 1 013 2.2. Travel 177 183 327 126 396 86 383 117 624 188 2.3. Technical cooperation 46 279 42 302 40 436 25 487 28 579 2.4. Public works 4 247 3 155 4 142 2 173 17 209 2.5. Government. n.i.e. / 177 162 147 142 165 157 130 175 214 278 3. Factor services 1,119 1,424 1i605 1,445 1,005 506 1,107 428 980 540 3.1. Interest on private debts 2 7 9 25 32 8 101 9 182 9 300 3.2. Interest on public debts 3 114 43 52 22 41 26 71 32 71 30 3.3. Other investment income 4 19 1,211 648 1,227 7 206 6 9 7 9 3.4. Wages and salaries 979 157 880 162 949 173 1,020 194 893 195 3.O. (ther - 4 - 2 - - 1 11 - 6 4. Current transfers 382 32 347 76 1,218 532 209 40 372 174 4.1. Private 266 28 264 57 237 4 138 35 359 8 4.2. Public 116 4 83 19 981 528 71 5 13 166 5. Total - Current account 6.488 7,506 7.614 8,235 7,028 7,332 7,421 7,968 9,697 11455 6. Medium and long-term capital 651 293 679 369 1,168 660 1,434 530 4,674 662 6.1. Direct private investment / 217 15 236 11 46 275 111 31 220 20 *.2. Private M & LT loans 2/ 70 117 148 137 484 193 1,018 263 3,884 452 .3. PuLblic M & LT loans / 361 148 289 221 629 162 299 236 559 190 (1.4. Other 3 13 6 - 9 30 6 - - 7. Operations pending settlement 266 - - 139 - 67 231 - - 403 S Errors and omissions 1 - 20 _ 15 - - 3 3 - 9. Total - Basic balance 7,406 7,799 8,313 8,743 8,211 8,059 9,086 8.501 14,374 12.520 10. Monetary assets and liabilities / 472 79 526 96 695 847 28 613 1 4.-0 3.304 10.1. Private sector - 1 - 10 - "1 - 2 - - 10. . Banks 8 78 16 86 34 204 - 206 395 48 10.' Public sector 6/ 464 - 510 - 661 612 28 405 1,055 3,256 i1. Grand total 7,878 7.878 8,839 8,839 8,906 8,i90 9,114 9,114 15,824 15,824 1/ Includes receipts and payments of Algerian Government abroad and of foreign governmrents in Algeria, and miscellaneous non-facctor services (post office, telecommunications, etc.). 2' lnterost and transactions on M + LT loans contracted by Algerian public organizations with private external sources (i.e., suppliers and hanks). 3/ Interest and transactions on M + LT loans contracted with official external sources (Governments, IBRD, etc.). 4/ Reflects almost exclusively the transactions of Algeria with foreign oil companies. S/ A credit entrv corresponds to a decrease in assets or an increase in liabilities, while a debit entry corresponds to in increase inl assets or a decrease in liabilities. 6/ Includes SVR allocations of DA 69 million each year in 1970-72, and profits and losses on foreign exchange operations. Soutrce: Banqpje Cenitrale d'Algdrie Table 3.1a: BALANCE OF PAYMENTS, 1973-75 (Millions of US dollars) I 1973 1974 1975 Item Actual Estimate Projection Exports, f.o.b. 1,901 4,588 4,295 Imports, c.i.f. -2,539 -4,048 -5,148 Trade balance -638 540 -853 Transport and insurance 26 26 41 Travel -33 -61 -101 Other services -267 -311 -385 Balance on services -274 -346 -445 Workers' remittances 368 405. 448 Other private transfers 39 11 -87 Bilateral and multilateral aid - -382 -170 Other public transfers -40 -42 -16 Balance on transfers -10 175 Balance on current account -545 184 -1,123 Direct investment (net) 50 351 ... Suppliers' credits (net) 170 171 Other M+LT private loans (net) 309 -93 . Official loans (net) 9 130 ... Total non-monetary sector 622 559 ... Commercial banks M+LT loans (net) 560 -26 Short-term (net) 88 -331 Payments agreements 10 51 , Total monetary sector 658 a306 Total capital account 1,280 253 1,123 Errors and omissions -85 109 Change in reserves t -650 -546 . Reserve level, end-of-year 2/ 1,143 1,689 ... 1/ Exchange rates are per US dollar t DA 3.959 in 1973, DA 4.181 in 1974 and DA 3.885 in 1975. 2/ Gross reserves held by Banque du Maroc. Source: Banque Centrale d'Algerie and IMF Note: The 1974 estimate and 1975 projection were prepared on the basis of information received in September 1975. Table 3.2: COMMODITY COMPOSITION OF EXPORTS, 1968-73 (Millions of dinars; f.o.b.) Item 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 By commodity Crude oil 2,812 3,118 3,287 2,972 4,627 5,648 Refined oil products 97 177 217 44 50 343 Gas 148 174 207 133 139 214 Wine 368 663 707 299 334 665 Fruits and vegetables 173 186 154 112 164 140 Iron ore and other minerals 127 119 89 99 120 52 Hides and skins 24 14 10 27 28 15 Cork 25 18 18 10 10 20 Phosphates 14 20 24 23 16 18 Metals and metal products 17 30 136 92 73 59 Tobacco 7 9 6 - 5 5 Alfalfa 3 4 6 1 6 - Meat and fish 6 6 6 8 9 13 Other 277 73 113 388 273 287 By major group Oil and oil products 2,909 3,295 3,504 3,016 4,677 6,206 Semi-manufactured goods 202 71 194 517 262 127 Manufactured goods 115 111 139 228 187 118 Raw materials 229 203 158 126 192 118 Foodstuffs 643 931 985 521 536 910 Total merchandize exports 4,098 4,611 4,980 4,208 5,854 7,479 Balance of payments adjustment 192 - 158 24 - 161 - 441 -230 Exports (settlement basis) 4,290 4,451 5,004 4,047 5,413 7,249 Source: Ministere des Finances, Direction des Douanes Table 3.3: EXPORTS BY INDUSTRIAL ORIGIN, 1969-73 (Millions of dinars; f.o.b.) Sector of origin 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973- Agriculture 204 188 161 151 177 Cereals 3 21 6 - 22 Vegetables 48 35 21 18 5 Grapes 1 1 1 - - Fruits 139 119 123 116 137 Other crops 11 8 6 10 4 Live animals - 1 1 1 5 Animal and fish products 2. 3 4 6 6 Food processing 757 827 364 410 740 Meat 5 5 4 4 6 Preserves 37 34 18 22 20 Edible oil and fat 20 10 4 13 9 Other foodstuffs - - 2 - 1 Alcoholic beverages 662 736 302 336 664 Feedstuffs 26 36 26 29 34 Tobacco and matches 6 6 8 5 5 Hydrocarbons 3,291 3,505 3,149 4,815 6,129 Crude oil 3,056 3,288 2,972 4,627 5,623 Natural gas 174 144 133 137 163 Refined oil products 62 73 44 49 343 Other energy - - - 2 - Mining 140 113 122 141 70 Iron ore 95 65 73 98 43 Phosphate 20 24 .23 16 11 Other minerals 25 20 26 26 16 Construction materials 1 3 2 3 - Metal and electrical 99 222 284 210 154 Steel and other metals 24 131 87 76 75 Metal products 7 7 5 5 10 Mechanical products 22 24 67 52 40 Electrical products 8 3 6 8 4 Vehicles and ships 38 58 119 69 26 Chemicals 16 20 14 20 28 Fertilizers - 1 1 - - Other chemicals 15 17 10 18 26 Pharmaceuticals 1 2 2 1 2 Rubber and asbestos 10 14 13 9 8 Textiles 31 33 32 32 34 Leather processing 16 10 27 29 16 Wood and cork 24 24 19 14 22 Cork 18 18 14 10 20 Wood and furniture 6 6 5 4 2 Paper 16 17 14 13 8 Miscellaneous 6 5 8 5 11 Total exports 4,611 4,980 4,208 5,854 7,479 1/ Details are based on more incomplete customs returns than total, and therefore do not add up to total. Source: Secr6tariat d'Etat au Plan based on customs returns Table 3.4: VOLUME, VALUE AND UNIT VALUE OF HYDROCARBON AND TOTAL EXPORTS, 1969-73 Item 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 Crude oil Millions of dinars 3,056 3,288 2,972 4,627 5,648 Thousands of tons 42,447 45,070 32,490 47,400 46,012 Dinars per ton 72.0 72.9 91.4 97.6 122.7 Refined oil products Millions of dinars 61 66 44 49 343 Thousands of tons 529 615 391 454 1,943 Dinars per ton 115.3 107.2 113.8 107.4 176.5 Liquefied natural gas Millions of dinars 1 144 133 139 214 Thousands of tons 4 1,156 1,078 1,316 1,502 Dinars per ton 168.8 125.0 123.2 105.4 142.51/ Total hydrocarbons-/ Millions of dinars 3,118 3,498 3,149 4,815 6,206 Thousands of tons 42,982 46,877 33,959 49,183 49,456 Dinars per ton 72.5 74.6 92.7 97.9 125.5 Other merchandize exports Millions of dinars 1,493 1,482 1,059 1,039 1,273 Thousands of tons 6,565 4,948 3,678 4,151 3,297 Dinars per ton 227.4 299.5 287.9 250.3 386.1 Total merchandize exports Millions of dinars 4,611 4,980 4,208 5,854 7,479 Thousands of tons 49,547 51,825 37,637 53,334 52,753 Dinars per ton 93.1 96.1 111.8 109.8 141.8 1/ Excluding 407 million m of non-liquefied gas, worth DA 51 million. 21/ Details may not add up to total due to rounding Source: Ministere des Finances, Direction des Douanes Table 3.5. COMMODITY COMPOSITION OF IMPORTS, 1968-73 (Millions of dinars; c.i.f.) 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 19731/ By commodity Road vehicles 231 294 471 208 307 671 Iron and steel products 405 698 1,052 807 674 998 Electrical equipment 161 246 344 281 439 543 Other industrial equipment 800 897 1,249 971 1,486 1,724 Pharmaceuticals 169 128 187 187 190 283 Fertilizers 38 39 31 71 89 69 Cereals 266 205 132 267 349 384 Coffee 72 78 42 21 27 46 Dairy products 127 133 132 158 267 218 Sugar 99 58 113 167 222 293 Textile and leather products 495 602 480 405 459 550 Paper and paper products 72 89 149 105 137 150 Wood products 99 140 209 202 132 157 Petroleum products 62 78 131 144 150 134 Other 927 1,296 1,481 2,034 1,766 2,764 By major group Foodstuffs 713 653 626 885 1,076 1,208 Raw materials 304 386 552 265 451 620 Semi-finished goods 922 1,361 1,782 19600 1,774 1,447 Capital goods 1,2414 1,515 2,238 2,248 2,367 3,163 Other manufactures 840 1,066 1,007 1,080 1,026 2,421 Total merchandise imports 4,023 4,981 6,205 6,028 6,694 8,859 Balance of payments adjustment 2/ .0. - 277 - 881 -1,132 - 848 -385 Imports (settlement basis) 000 14,704 5,324 4,896 5,846 8,474 1/ Preliminary; details, which are based on more incomplete returns than total, do not add up to total- 2/ Includes imports pending settlement, and imports financed by suppliers' credits, Source: Ministare des Finances$ Direction des Douanes. Table 3.6. IMPORTS BY SECTORS OF DESTINATION, 1969-73 (Millions of dinars) 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 Imports Duties Imports Duties Imports Duties Imports Duties Imports Duties Sector of Destination c.i.f. & taxes c.i.f. & taxes c.i.f. & taxes c.i.f. & taxes c.i.f. & taxes Agriculture 464.0 36.5 384.8 37.5 443.0 29.3 619.6 36.3 700.3 32.0 Cereals 186.2 0.4 131.0 0.3 266.5 0.7 328.4 0.9 367.9 0.7 Vegetables 95.5 20.9 60.9 19.5 38.4 14.7 45.4 16.3 56.4 9.4 Other crops 118.4 11.3 149.3 13.7 116.9 10.9 188.4 12.7 181.6 15.5 Live animals 45.8 1.7 27.0 1.8 7.6 0.6 16.4 0.3 17.1 0.3 Animal products 8.6 1.6 7.4 1.9 6.1 1.7 9.3 2.7 11.4 1.4 Food processing 351.1 67.5 447.5 92.2 536.0 96.8 722.0 114.5 727.8 98.7 Meat 0.7 3.1 - - - - - - Dairy products 126.7 12.0 127.4 11.2 157.5 14.0 259.4 25.2 207.8 10.9 Preserves 8.7 4.6 7.5 4.6 11.1 6.7 14.7 7.2 7.8 3.4 Oils and fats 86.2 10.2 115.9 13.3 127.8 16.4 124.4 15.6 128.3 27.9 Cereal products 23.5 3.3 19.6 3.8 21.8 4.3 27.5 5.2 32.5 6.7 Sugar 58.3 17.1 117.7 39.5 167.4 40.5 227.5 46.1 288.0 37.1 Miscellaneous 32.6 15.2 40.1 18.1 34.0 13.1 39.2 12.6 37.0 10.1 Alcoholic beverages 1.8 1.0 3.9 0.7 0.8 0.3 0.4 0.1 0.6 0.1 Feedstuffs 10.1 0.9 12.7 1.0 13.6 1.2 25.6 2.0 22.4 1.7 Tobacco and matches 2.7 0.2 2.7 0.2 1.9 0,3 3.3 0.5 3.4 0.8 Hydrocarbons Natural gas 0.5 0.1 0.4 0.1 1.0 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.6 0.2 Refined oil products 59.8 21.3 61.4 12.3 142.7 25.7 100.0 23.6 90.6 20.3 Other energy 17.0 2.0 68.1 3.3 64.9 0.7 48.8 2.2 - 3.1 Mining 15.8 3.1 12.0 2.9 19.4 4.9 19.5 5.8 32.9 7.8 Construction materials 72.4 33.2 126.5 44.7 108.2 41.2 168,3 52.1 278.1 59.8 Quarrying 4.6 1.3 5.8 1.8 5.9 2.0 8.5 3.3 8.5 3.3 Manufactured materials 20.6 5.5 48.6 8.6 47.2 10.0 73.0 5.5 148.4 11.1 Ceramic 18.6 12.7 28.6 20.0 25.8 16.8 36.9 21.4 33.5 13.8 Glass 28.6 13.8 43.5 14.3 29.3 12.4 49.8 21.9 87.7 31.7 Steel, mechanical and electrical 2,482.0 483.3 3,577.7 634.8 3,271.7 646.1 3,399.3 774.9 4,795.6 1,094.8 Steel and other metals 178.3 23.4 300.0 38.9 198.1 25.9 264.5 33.7 464.9 57.5 Metal products 566.3 82.9 774.9 12.2 633.0 109.1 559.7 117.7 758.8 191.9 Mechanical equipment 992.6 173.4 1,412.9 229.9 1,600.0 302.4 1,505.4 328.3 2,001.7 407.3 Electrical equipment 252.5 85.3 344.4 101.7 347.9 112.6 428.3 140.0 538.0 203.2 Vehicles and ships 492.2 118.4 745.5 152.2 492.6 96.2 641.4 155.1 1,032.1 235.0 Chemicals 499.0 119.4 523.5 121.9 556.8 161.5 681.5 209.6 785.1 246.5 Fertilizers 36.2 7.3 28.9 5.8 70.8 15.0 86.7 16.3 66.3 0.5 Other chemicals 192.5 45.0 221.5 52.0 236.1 70.4 299.2 95.9 335.4 128.5 Para-chemicals 72.2 28.0 86.6 28.7 62.8 22.7 105.7 42.2 101.0 41.8 Pharmaceuticals 198.2 39.1 186.5 35.4 187.2 53.3 189.9 55.2 282.4 75.8 Rubber and asbestos 95.2 29.6 103.7 31.6 76.9 29.1 128.7 52.4 138.3 54.9 'textiles 594.2 308.7 467.2 232.4 396.3 185.1 451.3 180.2 629.0 222.0 Leather products 11.4 4.9 14.2 5.5 9.4 4.0 9.5 4.1 32.9 11.1 Wood products 132.7 30.9 200.0 39.6 202.3 41.6 124.9 30.1 155.1 49.4 Cork - - - - - - 0.1 - 0.1 - Wood 127.9 25.5 195.4 35.5 199.2 38.4 122.8 27.8 147.6 43.7 Furniture 4.8 5.4 4.6 4.1 3.1 3.2 2.0 2.2 7.4 5.7 Paper and paper products 93.2 33.6 123.8 42.7 105.5 37.5 102.3 36.9 168.0 68.1 Printing 31.9 3.6 33.8 3.2 21.8 2.6 40.5 4.1 54.3 5.7 Miscellaneous 61.0 34.4 66.2 38.0 72.0 31.7 77.3 36.8 105.7 50.4 Total 4,981.1 1,212.2 6,211.0 1,342.7 6,027.9 1,337.9 6,693.6 1,563.7 8,738.6 2,025.0 1/ Preliminary; based on somewhat incomplete customs returns. Sources: Secretariat d'Etat au Plan, based on customs returns Details may not add up to subtotals and totals due to rounding Table 3.7: VOLUME, VALUE ATID UNIT VALUE OF MAIN FOODSTUFFS AND TOTAI, IMPORTS, 1969-73 Item 1969 1970 1971. 1972 1973 Dairy products Millions of dinars 133 134 163 267 218 Thousands of tons lin 113 132 160 112 -heat, hard and soft Millions of dinars 181 125 256 298 341 Thousands of tons 421 330 713 1,154 775 Other cereals Millions of dinars 5 7 14 36 43 Thousands of tons 11 24 39 121 63 Cereal products Tillions of dinars 19 14 15 18 14 Thousands of tons 28 20 19 24 16 Sugar Millions of dinars 59 118 168 228 293 Thousands of tons 112 214 266 266 256 Oil seeds Tillions of dinars 46 57 41 85 64 Thousands of tons 71 70 49 64 57 Oil, fat and w^xax Millions of dinars 89 11.6 128 125 130 Thousands of tons 80 82 94 101 89 Other imports Millions of dinars 4,449 5,634 5,243 5,637 7,756 Thousands of tons 2,710 3,309 3,272 4,179 4,993 Total merchandise imports Ilillions of dinars 4,981 6,205 6,028 6,694 8,859 Thousands of tons 3,543 4,162 4,584 6,069 6,361 Dinars per ton 1,1406 1,491 1,315 1,103 1,393 Source: Ministere des Finances, Direction des Douanes Table 3.8: AVERAGE RATrES OF DUTIES AND TAXES 0,( I''POTS, V)S9-73 (Percent of cif imports by sector of deslination) 1973 Shares ('/o) Sector of Destination 107m . 1969 ~1970 L9?l1 -1972 197,- Irpts Ei,. Agriculture 7.9 9.7 6.6 5.9 L4.6 8.0 1 , Food processing 19.2 20.6 18.1 15.9 13.6 8.3 4.9 Hydrocarbons 35.4 20.0 1J3.0 _ 22., 1.0 '.3 Other energy 12.0 4.8 1.1 4.h - - 0.2 Mining 19.9 23.8 25.1 29.9 23.6 0.4 0.4 Construction materials 45.9 35.3 38.0 31.0 21.5 3.2 3.0 Steel, mechanical and electrical 19.5 17.7 19.7 22.8 22.8 514.9 54.:1 Chemicals 23.9 23.3 29.0 30.8 31.14 9.0 12.2 Rubber and asbestos 31.1 30.4 37.9 40.7 39.7 1-6 Textiles 52.0 49.7 46.7 39.9 35.3 7.2 1:0 Teather products 43.1 38.7 42.1 42.8 33.9 O.lh 0.5 Wood and wood products 23.3 19.8 20.5 214.1 31.9 1.39 2.X; Paper and paper products 36.0 34.5 35.6 36.0 Lo. 6 1,9 3.14 Printing 11.3 9.4 12.0 10.2 10.6 0.6 0.3 Miscellaneous 56.4 57.3 144.0 47.6 147.7 1.2 2.5 General average 24.3 21.6 22.2 23.4 23.2 l00o0 100.0 l/ Preliminary; based on incomplete customs returns. Source: Secretariat d'Etat au Plan, based on customs returns. Table 3.9: CENTRAL BANK RESERVESI (Millions of US dollars) End of IMF Res. Foreign Period Gold SDRs Position Exchange Total 1967 155 - 17 270 442 1968 205 - 17 269 492 1969 205 - 19 185 410 1970 191 14 33 101 339 1971 208 30 35 233 506 1972 208 45 35 204 495 1973 231 50 39 823 1 143 Mar.'74 231 50 39 1,080 1,401 Jun.'74 231 51 39 1,557 1,878 Sep.'74 227 50 39 1,671 1,987 Dec.'74 235 52 40 1,362 1.689 Mar.'75 239 53 41 750 1,083 Jun.'75 237 53 40 782 1,112 S Do not include net foreign assets of deposit money banks and individuals abroad. Source: IMF, International Financial Statistics, September 1975 Table 5.10: EXCHANGE RATES!' (Dinars per US dollar) Official Ex- Trade Conver- change Rate sion Factor Period (End of period) (Period average) 1 967 4.9_37 4.9_37 1968 4.937 4.937 1969 4.937 4.937 1970 4.937 4.937 1971 4.644 4.937 1972 4.556 4.484 1973 4.185 3.959 1974 3.997 4.181 Jan. - Mar. '74 4.136 4.276 Apr. - Jun. '74 4.163 4.170 Jul. - Sep. '74 4.175 4.171 Oct. - Dec. 74 3.997 4.105 Jan. - Mar. '75 3.857 3.889 Apr. - Jun. '75 3.834 73.780 Source: IMF, International Financial Statistics, September, 1975 TABLE 4.1 - ALGERIA 1247 EXTERNAL PUBLIC DEBT OUTSTANDING AS LF DECEMBER 31.1974 FOR LOANS ISSUED DURING THE PERIOD JANUARY I. 1900 - J0UN. 30.197j; DEBT REPAYABLE IN FOREIGN CURRENCY IN THousANDS 09 U.S. OULLARS DEBT QIUSTANOING DECEMBLR 31,1914 CREDITOR COUNTRY ONE 15 TYPE OF CREDITOR OISOURIED BURNED TOTAL AUSTRIA 2.125 6,963 V.uGoQ BEEGIIIM 20.331 15.254 43,5815 C ANADA0 71,120 9.327 80.953 DENMARK 2,590 330 2.920 FRANCF 273,095 100.057 472.HUk DERHAANT IFEX.REP.DF) 1 6 6, 233 1 5,9 1 2 .84,142I ITALY 112,190 328.331 690,521 JAPAN 120.42? 213.737 J34,0,64 NETHERLANDS 3 , 415 - 3 , 41? NORTHERN IRELAND 3,130 055 3.'99 NORWAY 510 - Su POLANY 2.951 2,951 SPA IN 1'2,20 3.SotiI I5,76v SWEDEN 5944 1. 7177 2,3 2 1 SwITZFRLAND 10.261 13.665 29.0voo UNITED PINGo0m 151,744 120,918 ,80,050 USA 33.295 21.110 5,41Ia UNKN0WN 15 12' SUPPL IERS 1,005.993 562.790 1.8668.18 BELGIUip 3o.oo? 10710 49.001 FRANCF 7',19.19 I 04,1 15 604,k56 JAPAN 18~~~~~~~~IuJooC 10,0Uuu K0U0AIT 622 6 2, SAUDI ANAPIA 9,224 - ,d2'. SHITZFRI 060 2c,ou - 2.u,uu ONITEP, KINGDOM 101.250 217.428 a10.obb LISA 561.oov 4J33.1 2 7 1.-00,216 PULYIPLF I LNIEHS 2 4 3 ,915 - aJ,9 1 : PRIVATE B99K8 1,227,134 053.384 2,6,80.510 PULTIPLf LENYFfIS 2u, o3q - 2u,b3. PUBLICLY issuED BoNDs 20,034 - 20.839 JAPAN 20,0U00 2u.uuv N UwA1T - 02i069 02.00' 1 16s56A1uv 51,40 Iuya PRIVATELy PLACED BONDS 71,093 62.009 l33.IAU AFRICAN DFB.RANK 3,673 J,t73 EUROPFAN INVFST.8A96 53 5, 18RD 6.623 b,v 100.09 1040, LO0A NS F R 0R I N TL . OROG8ANI Z AT ID0N 10.1 49 100.039 1 9lab6 040 DHANI I5.o0c; 15,004~ RULGAPIA 2.721 - 2,01f CHINA.F`EOPLFS REP.UF 23,109 50,040 73,00, CZEC605tOVAPTA t.I,31 73.600 00,111 (SENHAPK 3.571 J.571 FR906Cr 205,610 f1.0 .72,600 GRPHANY I(F AST)7 o5 .I 441 40.23, GERMANY IFEE.REP.nF 1 5,01, 06317 96, ,397 05NGAPY 4,253 24.21 1 6*0 ITALY 3.oS, 3.603 7.25o MOo AJT 43.ooe 15.265 56.13, RU96910, VLPL'V)IC 0F 1,5 1I7 1517 S PA IN 16,020 2 9808 45.68o i,S A 196a.0a58a 5 513 0 c4 2,3980 0509R 315,652 232.106 241.630 SUGOSIA0014 6 ,406U 4.706 lu 10.1C 00ANS FROM G00ERNMENTS 995,992 788.347 1.18j3.83 TOITAL EXTERNAL PUPBLIC DEBT 11 3.330.695 2.746.629 6,671.326 NOTFI DEBT RITH A MATURITY OF OVER UNE TEAR I I EXCLUOES THE FOLLOMINGI 0900N1 I NCOMMITTED PARTS OF FRAHE 0099758 BULGARIA 471713 Ct6I9A,PFOPLEY 9EF.OF 3o,1o2J CZECHOSLOVAKI10 2.55ˇ GERMANY (FAST) I6,94D CERPANY IFEn.REP.09F1 2 i .06 6 OUNGARY 0,155, I TAl Y 5,2594 POLAr I8O7 10. 001 ROHANIA. PEPIIBLIC OF 12U,561 500051 0V1A 22.260 LOANS FROM GOVERNRENTS 383.001 TOTAL 383.007 , IICF{' 1971R). ECONOMIC ANBSOC1)A121 DATA DITVISTION DATE: ESTIMATES OF EXT'ERNAL. TEXT ANY) DEBT SERVICE AYE PREPARED INDEPEENDENTLY, AND CANNOT BE RECONCILED ENTIRELY WI1TH CORRESPONDING DATA IT THE BALANCE OE PAYMENTS (TABLE 3.1 AND 3.Ia). TABLE 4.2- ALGERIA 10/14/75 EXTERNAL PUBLIC DEBT AS OF DECEMBER 31A1974 FOR LOANS ISSUED OURING THE PERIOD JANNUARY 1i 1900 * JUNE 30.1975 DEBT REPAYABLE IN FOREIGN CURRLNCY IN ThOUSANDS OF U,S. DOLLAkS TOIAL DEBT OUTSTANDING TRANSACTIONS DURING PERICU BEGINNING OF PERIOD CANCEL- LAT ION$, DISBURSED INCLUDING COMMIT- DISBURSE, &ERVICk PAYMENTS ADJUST- YEAR ONLY UNDISOURSED MENTS MENTS PRINCIPAL INIEREST TOTAL MENT5 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) ;6) (7) (8) 1971 935P983 l,465#U03 740,001 2754913 :1.904 1(422 69,326 143,087 1972 I,25o,414 2,296#987 6u9,453 413.477 137.102 50,906 188.0u8 2#703 1973 1,526,843 2,766.635 2.292,671 1,578,557 2e,8715 66,002 2960617 169.571 1974 2,97e,096 5,00U.162 1#470,765 782,940 4(9,720 221,o8e 700,809 06.109 1975 3#330.750 6,077.316 940,672 1.297,573 301.303 211,320 5780622 2 1976 4,266,500 6*654,501 * 983.346 4>6P591 251,895 714P486 8 1977 4,793,256 6,197.918 642,494 548,821 28L.052 829,873 6 1978 4,886.926 5,649,099 * 410.837 546,359 294i692 841.051 6 1979 4.751.358 5,1o2,699 - 221.427 616.612 296,848 912.460 4 1960 4,356.174 4,486,u90 - 70.639 642,345 26(,904 910,249 1 1961 3,784.471 3,843.745 * 41.s85 6k1.706 226.615 848.521 1 1982 3,204P62S 3,222ou40 - 15.310 647.418 194,697 631,315 .2 1983 2,582.514 2,584,618 - 1,453 503,270 145,130 708,400 .3 1964 2,020.695 2,U21,345 511 500.048 100,133 608.1b1 2 1985 1,521.156 1,521o?94 - 112 313.327 7P,151 428.476 - 1986 1.167.941 1,167.964 - 14 262,680 55,136 317.818 -2 1967 905.276 905.279 - . 2U6:021 3v,7d2 245,804 - 1968 699.256 699.258 - - 192,10b 2W,174 221.282 1969 507,147 507.149 - - 142.792 1s,722 162514 - 1990 364.353 364.354 - - 143,219 13,533 116.752 1991 261.134 261.135 - . (2.549 vp.62 82.411 1992 18.565 18,B586 - - 2p791 1,530 30,321 1993 165,794 165./95 - *2*4b9 o,343 28.832 - 1994 143#306 143J307 * 18.005 5'u0l 23.066 SOURCE TIBRLD. TCONoMC AND SOCIAL DATA DlvIsfION NOTE: ESTIMATES OF EXTERNAL DEBT AND DEBT SERVICE ARE PREPARED INDEPENDENTLY, AND CANNOT BE RECONCILED ENTIRELY WITH CORRESPONDING DATA IN THE BALANCE OF PAYMENTS (TABLE 3.1 AND 3.1a). Table 5.1: CENTRAL GOVERNMENT CURRENT REVENUE, 1967-75 (Millions of dinars) 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975, Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Est. Tax revenue 3,298 3,899 4.,706 5,349 5,912 8,238 9,817 21,189 20.100 Petroleum revenue 880 1,112 1,320 1,325 1,648 3,188 4,116 13,399 13,000 Nonpetroleum revenue 2,418 2,787 3,386 4,024 4,264 5,050 5,701 7,790 7,100 Taxes on income and profits (785) (741) (1,006) (1,112) (1,198) (1,400) (1,653) (2,117) (1,580) Taxes on international trade (196) (342) (479) (619) (565) (641) (759) (1,286) (850) Taxes on production and consumption (1,437) (1,704) (1,901) (2,293) (2,501) (3,009) (3,289) (4,387) (4,670) Nontax revenue 575 655 1,112 1,120 1,070 967 1J195 2.211 1 895 Contribution from state enterprises 260 352 837 722 686 609 742 1,539 1,200 Other revenues 315 303 275 398 387 358 453 672 695 Total revenue 3,873 4,554 5,818 6,469 6,982 9,205 11,012 253400 21,995 L/ Budget law. Source: Ministere des Finances, Direction du Trbsor Table 5.2: CENTRAL GOVERNMENT CURRENT EXPENDTTURE BY ADMINISTRATIVE DEPARTMENT, 1970-75 (Millions of dinars) 1 970 1971 1972 1973 1974 19752 Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Est. Office of the President 28.2 30.8 50.8 61.6 50.4 49.0 National defense 487.9 490.7 492.6 541.9 1,087.7 1,030.0 Interior 331.3 377.3 390.1 429.5 479.0 625.8 Employment and social affairs 82.0 98.8 104.3 120.4 142.8 172.8 Health 331.3 383.1 439.5 441.4 549.5 725.0 Justice 51.8 62.1 73.8 81.4 84.4 109.0 Foreign affairs 61.2 67.1 70.5 87.7 92.2 140.0 Education 1,027.7 1.270.5 1,496.7 1,734.6 2,001.3 2,611.6 Finance 128.4 134.6 158.2 176.9 161.5 268.0 Plan 1/ 14.2 16.7 20.9 28.91 / 29.91/ Common services- 591.0 539.7 714.5 1,090.2 2,356.0 - 5,703.0- Public works 147.9 155.9 179.2 199.1 200.5 270.0 Agriculture 16,.6 203.1 208.9 233.4 388.1 387.5 Tourism 10.9 16.4 16.8 16.3 17.9 22.9 Veterans 325.0 325.1 375.1 417.2 394.4 432.1 Youth and sports 69.8 84.2 97.5 114.6 122.8 175.0 Commerce 18.2 17.3 21.6 26.3 28.2 37.0 Industry 53.5 35.6 36.i 29.4 20.2 30.0 Information 54.1 70.4 81.0 86.7 91.9 113.7 Transportation 99.4 89.0 73.1 98.6 100.1 125.5 Irrigation - 40.5 66.1 74.4 78.2 111.0 Total 4,061.2 4.506.7 5,162.0 6,082.5 8,470.0- /13,166.8 -/ 1 Including amortization of public debts and price subsidies, which are excluded in other years. 2/ Budget law. Source: Ministere des Finances, Direction du Budget Table 5.3: CENTRAL GOVERNMENT CURRENT AND CAPITAL BUDGET EXPENDITURES, 1967-74 (Millions of dinars) 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 Current expenditure/" General services 1,004 1,058 1,095 1,138 1,247 1,333 1,487 2,070 Administration (515) (562) (605) (650) (756) (840) (945) (982) Defense (489) (496) (490) (488) (491) (493) (542) (1,088) Social Services 1,615 1,508 1,613 1,803 2,162 2,512 2,829 3,212 Education (591) (766) (847) (997) (1,271) (1,497) (1,735) (2,002) Other (924) (742) (766) (806) (891) (1,015) (1,094) (1,210) Economic services 329 394 399 494 588 602 - 677 833 Interest on public debt 33 33 38 95 105 152 258 630 Other 253 200 526 531 435 563 831 1,591 Total 3,233 3,193 3,471 4,061 4,507 5,162 6,082 8,336 of which: Wages and salaries 1,763 1,870 1,947 2,082 2,350 2,605 2,765 3,429 Materials 200 234 254 317 327 352 577 605 Maintenance 97 116 127 138 137 143 211 207 Transfer and subsidies 1,045 818 851 984 1,080 1,226 1,677 2,144 To public institutions (44) (50) (73) (200) (261)- (342) (450) (434) To enterprises (223) (201) (211) (173) (147) (77) (366) (347) To social welfare (778) (567) (567) (611) (672) (807) (861) (1,363) Capital budget expenditure Amortization of public debt 99 106 107 188 180 203 187 ... Investment grants 831 1,296 1,875 1,962 2,254 2 ,8082 3'7002/ 4,159 Loans and advances 668 1,395 1,313 2,977 - - _ Total 1,696 2,797 3,295 5,127 2,434 3,011 3,887 1/ Ordinary budget expenditures are net of amortization payments on the foreign debt, and based on payment orders as recorded by the Budget Directorate; amounts are therefore differernt from actual payments shown in Table 5.7. S/ Beginning 1971, the Government ceased to extend direct loans and advances to state enter- prises through its capital budget. Source: Ministere des Finances, Direction du Budget Table 5.4: BUDGET OF PUBLIC UTILITIES, REGIONAL ADMINISTRATIONS, AND MUNICTPALTTIES, 1967-74 (Millions of dinars) ___________________ ________ _1967 19 5 1.969 1970 1971 1972 1973 _ 1974 a. Public Jtilities Re,enue, of xnich 20 ^37 32', 266 281 310 372 405 Posts 2,182 5,116 7,723 Source: Data provided by the Algerian authorities Note: These figures are subject to a considerable margin of error due to the difficulty of attributing credit to its sectoral uses. Table 6.5: CREDIT TO THE GOVERNNENT, 1966-74 (Millions of dinars; end of period) 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 Central bank (net) 1,174 976 1,246 1,627 3,329 3,806 2,487 619 -1,389 Claims 1,511 1,122 1,505 2,047 3,634 4,394 2,973 952 452 Government deposits 337 146 259 420 305 588 486 333 1,841 Deposit money banks (net) 375 .1014 1,474 1,507 1,534 1,018 1,483 3,154 2,005 Claims 1/ 375 1,014 1,541 1,552 1,570 1,073 1,589 3,270 2,190 Government deposits- -- -- 67 45 36 55 106 116 185 Private sector3/ 584 592 632 716 1,106 1,150 1,266 1,426 3,225 Deposits with CCP2/ 330 346 404 506 662 920 1,106 1,334 1,961 Deposits with Treasury 254 156 228 210 444 230 160 92 1,264 Total 2,133 2,492 3,352 3,850 5,969 5,974 5,236 5,198 3,841 1/ Deposits of the BAD. 2/ Postal Checking System. 3/ Including public enterprises. Source: Tables 6.2 and 6.3 Table 6.6: INTEREST RATES APPLIED BY THE BANKS AND OTHER FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS (Percent per annum; as of May, 1974) I. On credits a. Central Bank Rediscount rate 2.75 b. Deposit money banks Short-term (less than 1 year) Overdrafts 4.5-5.0 Discounts: Checks, rediscountable commercial paper, and warehouse vouchers 4.0 Financing of exports Credit against bonded goods 4.0 Credits relating to government 1/ contracts and OAIC operations -4.75 Direct credits, nonrediscountable commercial paper, and warehouse vouchers 6.0 Prefinancing of government contracts Medium-term (1 to 5 years) 5.5 Long-term 2.0-5.5 c. To agriculture Short-term (less than 1 year) 4.0 Medium-term (1-5 years, with 2 years' grace) 3.5 Long-term (5 to 10 years with 2 years' grace) 3.0 Long-term (11 to 20 years with 2 years' grace) 2.5 Long-term (Agrarian Revolution cooperatives) 2.0 Table 6.6: INTEREST RATES APPLIED BY THE BANKS AND OTHER FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS (cont'd) (Percent per annum; as of May, 1974) II. On deposits Demand deposits 1.125 Time deposits: Between 2 months and 3 months 2.625-2.875 Over 3 months to 6 months 3.0-3.25 Over 6 months to 12 months 3.50-3.625 Over 12 months to 24 months 3.875 Over 24 months 4.5o Special housing deposits:J Between 6 months and 24 months 2.5 Over 24 months 4.0 Savings deposits with CNEP_/ 3.5 Deposit certificat6s: Of 6-month duration 3.25 Of 12-month duration 3.875 Of 2h-month duration 4.5o III. On equipment bonds/ Reimbursable: After 1 year 4.0 After 2 years 4.5 After 3 years 5.0 After 4 years 5.5 After 5 years 6.o Of 10-year duration-7 8.0 j Office Algerien Interprofessionnel des Cereales. 2/ Owners of these deposits are entitled to certain advantages in case of house acquisition. 2/ Caisse Nationale d'Epargne et de Pr6voyance. Issued by the Treasury. Eligible for reimbursement after the eighth year. Source: Data provided by the Algerian authorities. Table 7.1: LAND USE BY SECTOR, ANNUAL AVERAGE, 1969/70-1970/71 (Thousands of ha) Self- Percent Public managed Private Distri- Sector Sector Sector Total bution Non-agricultural land 189,400 - - 189,400 79.7 Esparto grass 3,000 - - 3,000 1.3 Forests 2,424 - 1 2,424 1.0 Pastureland (Steppe) - 342 35,138 j 355480 14.9 Unproductive land of farms _ 71 Ls r 3711 0.2 Subtotal, non-cultivable 192,400 413 55,458 230,675 97.1 Fallow land - 627 2,267 2,894 1.2 Cultivated under field crops - 976 2,444 3,420 1.4 Subtotal, field crops - 1,603 4,711 6,314 2.7 Vineyards - 256 40 296 0.1 Orchards - 95 187 282 0.1 Subtotal, tree crops - 351 227 578 0.2 Subtotal, field and tree crops - 1,954 4,938 6,892 2.9 Total 192,400 2,367 40,376 237,567 100.0 L 1971 figures for unproductive private farmland was taken in preference to the improbably high figure of 1,197,620 ha given for 1969/70, and the higher range land figure for 1971 was also taken. Source: Ministere de l'Agriculture Table 7.2: AREA AND YIELD OF SELECTED CROPS, 1969-73 Area (thousands of ha) Yield (quintals per ha) 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1969 1960 1971 1972 1973 Durum 1,500 1,555 1,382 1,330 1,000 5.7 5.9 5.7 6.5 5.0 Wheat 697 743 766 886 700 6.7 7.0 6.8 9.5 6.0 Barley 736 855 728 800 600 6.3 6.7 5.1 7.5 4.2 Pulses 90 90 82 91 92 4.8 4.3 5.5 ... Vegetables 108 108 116 ... ... 63 58 66 ... (Potatoes) (43) (42) (44) (.) (..) (52) (62) (62) (62) (62) Citrus fruit 47 48 44 44 44 104 106 100 104 102 Vineyards (wine) 299 290 279 252 214 29 30 33 23 31 Vineyards (grapes) 9 10 11 ... ... 37 34 3375 Dates 44 44 45 45 45 37 18 20 Olives 97 99 125 146 150 8.3A 9.4? io .. 1/ Year shown is calendar year in which crop was harvested. Source: Ministere de 1'Agriculture Table 7.5: AREA AND YIELD OF SELECTED CROPS, 1958-72 Area (thousands of ha) Yield (quintals per ha) Average Average Average Average Average Average Average Average 1958-60 1963-65 1967-69 1970-72 1958-60 1963-65 1967-69 1970-72 Durum 1,400 1,682 1,519 1,422 6.7 6.3 6.2 6.0 Wheat 416 474 612 798 7.2 6.2 7.0 7.8 Barley 1,154 706 672 794 6.5 6.3 6.6 6.4 Pulses 71 65-' 81 88-/ 6.0 6.2 -/ 5.0 4.9 Fresh vegetables ... 85- 99 112 2/ ... 76.0 l 66.o 62.02/ (Potatoes) ( 27) ( 27) ( 31) (43)2/ (96.6) (78.1) (66.0 (62.0)- Citrus fruit 33 42 45 45 113.3 101.0 98.5 103.3 Wine 349 342 311 274 46.0 36.9 27.1 28.7 1 1964 and 1965 only. 2/ 1970 and 1971 only. Source: Ministere de l'Agriculture; Table 7.2 Table 7.4: OUTPUT OF MAIN CROPS, 1959-73 (Thousands of quintals) Crop 1958 1959 1960 1961 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 Durum wheat (b16 dur) 8,295 8,478 11.625 5.250 12,682 9.178 10,031 4,815 9,125 10,631 8,573 9.140 7,940 9.,oo2/ s,6002/ Wheat (ble tendre) 3,033 2,615 3,466 1,595 3,214 2.447 3,222 1,485 3,530 4,707 4,689 5.206 5,234 7.800t- 3,900- Barley 7,836 6,461 8.470 2.350 6,911 2,780 3,786 1,298 3.396 5,378 4.664 5,714 3,718 5,500 0 2.700'/ Other cereals 687 50 688 327 246 477 302 163 6s5 566 598 521 461 . 21 4002 Total, cereals 19,851 18,057 24,249 9,522 23,053 14,882 17,341 7,761 16,416 21.282 18,524 20,581 17,353 23,500 10,600 Pulses 473 377 426 272 342 390 386 304 342 439 429 389 489 422~I 4005/ Wine 13.827 18,600 15,850 15,632 12.575 10,477 14.026 6.822 6,446 9,951 8,710 8,692 9.247 5,700 6,600 Table grapes 214 242 219 284 ... 183 310 216 294 257 331 338 369 323 336 Citrus fruit 3,568 3,579 3,981 3,679 4,300 4.636 4,152 4,019 4,003 4,316 4,912 5,081 5,089 5,200 5,250 Olives 1,467 1,519 1,621 1,243 ... 1,483 1,531 1.430 1,382 1,716 1,189 1.375 1,678 1,710 1,800 Dates 1,062 1,181 980 890 900 1,771 1,098 1,151 1.557 1,477 1,614 792 1,440 1,600 1,3002/ Figs 778 863 649 2842/ *- 576 392 468 442 447 213 504 582 500s , 3Oo2, Apples, pears. etc. 950 950 962 700 ... 903 894 778 821 778 811 853 874 90 925- Potatoes 2,331 2,676 2,594 2,4434/ 2,062 1,878 2,326 1,701 2,035 2,722 2,241 2,620 2,736 ) 7,12o 6,700 Other fresh vegetables 5,594 6,422 6,298 5,863- 4,9491/ 4,227 4,510 4,044 3,698 4,366 4,572 4,626 4,945 ) 6,0 Tobacco 1233/ 165 152 28 85 86 40 43 61 61 59 39 43 15 29 Cotton (raw) 26: 143 222' 262 ... 26 29 20 22 24' 24 7 12 16 12 Sugar beets 85 53 70 25 ... 114 139 141 541 529 1,141 653 948 200 792 Sunflower (seeds) - - - - - - - - 1 2 4 14 17 26 75 l/ In fresh figs equivalent 2/ Estimate 31 Estimate based on fibre output. 4/ Estimate, based on a constant relationship of 3.4 times potato output. j Estimate. based on a constant relationship of 2 times output of self-managed sector. Source: Ministtre de l'Agriculture Table 7.5: HERD SIZE, 1967-1973 (Thousands of head) Item 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 Cattle Adult cows SS 12 11 17 17 20 ... ... PS 466 483 494 50j 548 . ... Subtotal 478 493 511 520 568 Young cows 1 Ss 8 11 13 17 19 PS 202 226 239 246 245 ... ... Subtotal 210 237 252 263 264 Other SS 3 2 3 3 2 PS 110 108 105 98 88 ... ... Subtotal 113 110 108 101 90 ... ... All cattle SS 23 24 33 37 42 PS 77 817 88 848 880 .2. Total 801 841 871 885 922 920 900' Sheep Male adult SS 21 8 9 9 11 ... ... PS 744 1069 1078 956 749 ... ... Subtotal 765 1077 1088 965 760 Female adult SS 126 76 81 96 112 ... ... PS 165 4251 4531 4452 4733 ... ... Subtotal 1/ 289 4327 4394 4548 4845 Young animals-' SS 73 37 43 52 90 ... ... PS 2002 2092 2144 2221 2469 .. ... Subtotal 2075 2129 2187 2273 2559 ... ... All sheep SS 219 121 133 157 213 .. PS 6910 7413 7535 7629 7951 .. '2 ... Total 7129 7534 7668 7786 8164 8700- 8300- Goats SS 5 1 2 1 1 .. PS 2=- 2514 2555 2580 2472 ' '/ ' Total 2322 2515 2557 2581 2473 2500- 240u5 SS = Self-managed sector PS = Private sector 1 Younger than 2 years .' Preliminary estimate ! Mission estimate Source: Ministere de l'Agriculture Table 7 6- ANIMAL PRODUCTTON, 1963-1973 Average Average 1963-65 1966-68 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 Meat (Thousands of tons) Officially slaughtered red meat Beef 14.8 16.5 18.6 19.8 27.3 ... ... Mutton 18.2 21.6 22.9 24.3 24.2 ... ... Other 3.5 2.9 2.0 3-5 4.0 ... . Subtotal 3 36.5 41.0 43.5 47.6 55.5 ... Home slaughtered red meat-1 23-3 26.7 41.5 45.4 45.5 2/ 2/ Total red meats 59.8 67.7 85.0 91.0 91.0 86 0=- 88.0- Chicken meat, industrial sector ... ... 9.7 II.0-, 11.52,. 12'V/2 Chicken meat, farm sector 1/ ... ... 15.3 16.O 16.o-22/ /... Total chicken meat ... ... 25.0 27.0 27.0 28.0- 30.0- Total all meat ... ... 110.0 118.0 118.03" 116.02" 120.0 ; (Official slaughtering and ind. chicken meat) ... (53.2) (58.6) (67.0) ( ) (.. ) Eggs (Millions) ... ... 210 210 210 210 Milk (Millions of liters) Cow Milk, total ... 2524/ 280/ 280 280s 2802/ Commnercialized in cities ... (150G-,) ... 178 ... ... (Self-managed) ... 20 ... 42 (Private modern) ... 112 118 ... ... (Private Traditional) ... 184/ . 18 ... ... Other cow milk ... 102;- ... 102 (Self-managed) ... -... - Sheep, goat and camel milk *-. ... ... . . _ Total milk ... 510 510 51 0-/ 5105 / 505 / 1/ Rough estimates, incorporated in the official statistics. As from 1969, the official estimate of slaughtering has been considerably increased. 2/ Mission estimates, based on a breakdown of totals. 3/ Provisional estimates. 4/ 1968 only. For 1967, total milk production is estimated at 452 million liters. 5/ Mission estimate. Source: Ministere de l'Agriculture; Secretariat d'Etat au Plan Table 7.7: GROSS AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION AT CONSTANT 1967-69 PRICES, ANNUAL AVERAGE, 19K, -61 to 1971-73 (Millions of dinars) Average 19 7(l9 Average Average Average Average 1971-73 at Item Prices- 1958-61 1963-66 1967-70 1971-73 1973 prices Durum wheat 50.4 424.0 462.4 472.1 353.5 378.7 Wheat 44.? 11 . 114.6 200.4 249.5 271.0 Barley 29.4 184.6 108.6 140.8, 116.8 127.1 Other cereals 45.0 24.8 13.4 .4 4 18.7 Subtotal, cereals 751.7 699.0 856.4 743.2 795.5 Pulses 50.0 19.4 17.8 20.0 21.9 21.7 Wine 43.0 687-.0 471.9 363.4 308.8 344.7 Table grapes JO.0 19.2 18.9 24.4 27.4 20.6 Citrus fruit 32..: 121.4 140.3 150.2 169.9 129.5 Olives 35002/ 43.9 44.4 42.5 51.9 60.s Dates lOO.O0j/ 102.8 123.0 136.0 144.7 144.7 Figs 40.0-' 25.7 19.2 16.0 18.4 18.4 Apples, pears. stone fruits 50.0 44.5 43.0 40.8 45.0 54.0 Fresh vegetables 57.0 316.5' 237.7 248.5 265.2 265.2 Tobacco 42.5 5.0 2.7 2.7 1.2 Cotton, raw 46.5 1.0 1.2 0.9 0.6 Sugar beets 10.0 0.6 1.3 7.2 6.5 Sunflower, seeds 82.0 - - 0.4 _.2 Subtotal. industrial crops 6.6 5.2 10.8 11.5 11.5 Subtotal. crop production 2138.7 1820.4 1889.0 1807.9 1870.9 Milk 70.03/ 266.0 280.0 338.0 356.o 406.4 Meat 350-- 245.0 262.0 374.0 413.0 472.0 Total, animal production 511.0 542.0 712.0 769.0 878.4 General Total 2649.7 2362.4 2601.0 2576.9 2749.57, 1' Average farmgate prices in dinars per quintal. 2/ Estimate 3/ Carcass weight Source: Ministere de l'Agriculture; based on production figures in Tables 7.5 and 7.7, except where indicateel Table 7.:2: SELF-MANAGED SECTOR,CROP AREAS, l961-l9721I/ (Thousands of ha) Crop 1961 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 Durum 365 363 486 461 312 406 384 368 321 3135 299 Wheat 220 167 173 248 209 313 297 318 329 392 417 Barley 106 100 70 64 33 75 80 79 83 70 70 Oats 25I 22 20 19 11 25 30 28 29 26 3 Sununer cereals 3 .4 4 4 4_7 8 6 6 6 Total, cereals.. 655 754 796 569 823 798 801 762 8O6 P22 Pulses 20?-' 12 18 48 26 30 46 49 55 4r6 51 Potatoes 15 ... 11 13 12 16 18 18 18 19 22 Tomatoes 5 ... 4 3 3 3 4 4 4 3) 3 Onions 2 ... 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1. 1 Carrots 2 ... 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Melons and watermelons 8 .. 6 9 7 7 9 9 2 7 Other fresh vegetables 14 ... 6 9 8 8 15 16 14 17 1l~ Total, market gardening 44 35 30 36 32 36 49 49 46 48 48 Fodder crops (green) 16 ... 8 8 8 7 7 7.. .. Fodder crops (dry) 27 se 1.7j 24 27. 26 45 46 66 6-7 106 Total, fodder crops 43 ... 25 32 35 33 52 53 .. Citrus fruits 40~-" 40?]' 40 3/40 40 39, 397 40 40~ 397/, 39 Olives ... ... 44-" 443-'/ 43-' 43~ 4332 433./ 43"-' 442 49 Apples, pears. etc. 9 ... 9 10 10 10 11 12 14 16 lc Other fruits ... 3 3 3 5 6 5 5 s 5 29 2 Total, tree crops 98- 9 98 98, 99 98 98) 98 100 102 103 111 Vineyards 31c30 311 3~14 312 295 272 265 262 252 242' 212 Table grapes 3 ,4 4 4 6 6 7 7 9 Cotton. raw ... 2 3 4 5 4 4 4 2 2 2 Sugar beets ... ... 2 3 5 3 3 3 3 3 2 Sunflower, seeds2' -2 - - - - - 1 4 7 - Other industrial crops __'fj 4 6 10 10 10 4 4 51 4 Total. industrial crops ... 62-"1 9 12 20 17 17 12 13 17 13 Total Cultivated Area 1,2SO0V ... 1,250 1,337 1,079 1,315 1,331 1,333 1,314 1,344 1,385~,- 1;' 19,.2 statistics are not available. 2! Estimate 3/' Included in this figure are areas of both dispersed and concentrated cultivation of olive trees, converted to 100 trees per ha. Source: Ministbre de 1'Agriculture Table 7.9: SELF-MANAGED SECTOR, AREA UNDER PRINCIPAL CROPS, 1961-72 (Thousands of ha) Average Average Average Index 1971-72 Crop 1961 1963-66 1967-70 1971-72 (1961=100)(1963-66=100) Cereals 716 693 798 817 114 1liQ (Durum) (365) (405) (370) (306) 84 76 (Wheat) (220) (199) (314) (404) 184 203 Pulses 20 26 45 49 245 188 Vines (wine) 316 308 263 227 72 74 Vines (table grapes) 3 3.7 6.5 8.5 283 2'0 Citrus fruit ... 40 39.5 39 , 985 Other fruit ... 992/ 100 107 ... 108 Fresh vegetables 44 33 45 48 109 145 (Potatoes) ( 15) ( 17) ( 18) ( 20) 133 118 Industrial crops ... 11.7 14.5 15 128 (Sugar beet) ,,, (3.2) (3.3)X/ (2.5) ' 784/ (Sunflower) ... ... (2.5)5 (6.0) .. 240- (Cotton) ... (355) (3.5) (2.1) 60 Fodder 435 2/ 51 86 200 277 Total 1,240-' 1,223-/ 1,362 1,396 113 114 1/ Estimate. excluding fallow land 2/ Average of 1964-66 -1 Average of 1969-70 4/ Increase in comparison to 1969-70. Source: Ministere de l'Agriculture Table 7.10: SELF-MANAGED SECTOR, CROP YIELDS, 1961-72"' (Quintals per ha) Crop 1961 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 Durum 7.0 10.6 6.7 7.5 5.5 8.3 8.9 7.6 7.3 8.6 9.5 Wheat 5.5 8.0 6.2 7.0 4.3 7.1 8.9 8.1 7.4 8.6 11.9 Barley 5.8 10.3 7.3 8.0 4.1 7.3 9.2 9.3 9.1 8.5 11.6 Oats 6.8 7.5 8.1 5.6 3.2 5.7 6.6 8.0 7.4 6.4 6.7 Summer cereals ... 24.0 19.0 17.5 17.0 17.0 16.3 16.6 12.0 9.5 11.3 Total cereals ... 9.8 6.8 7.4 5.0 7.7 8.9 8.1 7.6 8.6 10.8 Pulses 4.7 5.6 4.9 3.3 5.9 5.5 4.8 4.5 4.0 5.3 4.1 Potatoes 102.0 ... 81.0 105.0 77.0 71.0 82.0 57.0 69.5 67.o 61.0 Tomatoes ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 141.9 121.0 123.4 Onions ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 64.7 73.0 60.8 Carrots ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 135.1 108.0 82.3 Melons and watermelons ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 93.8 96.0 67.6 Other fresh vegetables ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 40.4 47.0 42.0 Total, market gardening 113.0 27.0 91.0 109.0 94.0 85.0 81.0 69.0 73.0 68.0 60.1 Fodder crops (dry) 21.0 ... 23.0 19.0 18.0 19.0 22.0 29.0 25.4 25.5 22.3 Citrus fruits 82.0 96.0 103.0 99.0 95.0 92.0 100.0 110.0 113.0 114.0 120.0 Olives ... ... 11.0 15.0 12.0 12.0 15.0 11.0 8.0 11.0 10.4 Apples, pears, etc. 72.0 ... 61.0 61.0 48.0 49.0 42.0 37.0 37.0 33.4 24.0 Other fruits ... ... ... 39.0 34.0 ... ... ... Wine grapes 42.0 37.0 31.0 41.0 21.0 21.0 33.0 29.0 29.8 33.4 23.2 Table grapes 62.0 19.0 31.0 50.0 35.0 39.0 31.0 34.0 34.3 32.5 24.1 Cotton, raw ... 9.6 7.1 7.8 4.0 5.5 6.0 5.7 3-3 4.8 4.5 Sugar beets ... ... ... ... ... 180.0 176.0 342.0 186.0 299.0 133.1 L' 1962 statistics are not available. Source: Ministere de l'Agriculture Table 7.11: SELF-MANAGED SECTOR, SELECTED CROP YIELDS, 1961-73 (Quintals per ha) Average Average Average Estimate Index 1971-72 Crops 1961 1963-66 1967-70 1971-72 1973 (1963-66=100) Durum wheat 7.0 7.6 8.0 9.0 0 118 W4heat 5.5 6.4 7.9 10.2 7.0Q/ 159 Barley 5.8 7.4 8.7 10.0 70° 135 Wine 42.0 32.0 28.0 28.0 29.0 87 Citrus 82.0 98.0 104.0 117.0 102.0 119 All fresh vegetables 115.0 98.0-/ 77.0 64.0 70.0 65 Potatoes 102.0 88.0!' 70.0 64.0 ... 73 Sugar beet - 45.01 220.0 220.0 ... 489 Cotton (raw) - 7.1 5.1 4.6 ... 65 Sunflower - ... 3.8 2.6 1/ Average 1964-66 only 2! Average 1969-70 only L/ Mission estimate, based on indication by Algerian authorities of total cereal harvest in 1973 for the self-managed sector, and on recent performance of individual cereals in bad harvest years. Source: Ministere de l'Agriculture Table 7.12: SELF-MANAGED SECTOR, CROP OUTPUT,, 1961-1973L/ (Thousands of quintals) Product Group 1961 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 Dutum 2,575 3,840 3,269 3,461 171 373 ,419 2,811 2,4 2,709 2,857 1,85 Wheat 1,9221 1,330 1,071 1,731 903 2,25.5 2,654 2,58.5 2,425 5,375 4,952 2,750 Barley 610 19028 513 509 134 551 737 735 754 590 819 550 Oats 170W~ 164 162 107 35 143 199 225 214 168 243 200 Summer * ~82 7-1- 70 70 70 114 125 7257j 68 70 Total., cereals 451644a' 6,444 5,093 5,878 2,853 6,372 7,123 6,481 5,809 6,899 8,939 5,420 Pulses 95 67 88 158 140 164 .20 220 223 242 211 200 Potatoes .1,523 ... 888 1,371 921 15,129 1,472 1,030 1,231 1,271 1,350 1,500 Tomatoes 997 ... 622 550 489 417 507 551 525 406 569 .. Onions 209 ... 157 96 91 92 98 99 63 98 72 .. Carrots 162 ... 278 196 214 180 179 128 134 81 63 .. Melons and watermelons 663 ... 509 840 689 6.56 948 875 713 561 442 .. Other fresh vegetables 1,430 ..* ,; / 27 87 610 -~9 761 72?7 707I 87 553 ____ Total, market gardening 4,984 950"' 2,727 5,925 5,014 5,055 5,965 5,590 3,575 3,254 2,886 5,500 Fodder crops (dry) 564 ... 391 452 495 492 968 1,316 1,678 1,714 2,570 .. Citrus fruits 3,274k"' 3,827#' 4,126~' 3,966 3,800 3,604 3,907 4,590 4,536 4,467 4,695 4,000 Olives ... ... 509 676 514 509 657 489 342 488 SOr,0 Olive oil ... ... ...56 . .. ... ... 32 61 427 .. Apples, pears, etc. 614 .. 547 614 42 490 463 450 519 525 Other fruits (except grapes) .. . ......196 170 .. Wine graes 13,2 _' I 69~' 9,648 127o 6,119 5,580 8,734 7,666 7,564 8,088 4,1 ,800 Table grapes 1982 57- 125 208 142 232 183 241 246 256 217.. Cotton, raw ... 23 22 28 20 22 24 23 7 12 9 Sugar beets .. ... 114 139 141 541 529 1,025 492 809 215 Sunflower., seeds-- - - - - - 4 14 17 13 Other industrial crops.. .. .. .. ... ... ... ... ... 250 LI1962 statistics are not available. ~/Estimate ~/Estimated at 66% of national market gardening production. 4/ Estimated at 89% of national production of citrus fruits. 5J/ Estimated at 92% of national production of wine. Source: Ministtre de l'Agriculture Table 7.15; SELF-MANAGED SECTOR, MAIN CROP OUTPUT, ANNUAL AVERAGE, 1959-61 to 1971-73 (Thousands of quintals) Average, Average Average Average Estimate Product 1959-61 1963-66 1967-70 1971-73 1973 Cereals 6525 5067 6446 7080 5420 (Durum) (3441) (3070) (2987) (2472) (1850) (Wheat) (1855) (1259) (2475) (3692) (2750) Pulses 122 113 207 226 . Wine 15927 10019 7386 6266 5800 Table grapes 161 133 225 236 ... Citrus fruit 3392 3930-' 4109 4387 4000 Olives 545 5606 499 49810. Apples, pears, etc. 6/5486 480 476- / ... Fresh vegetables 6167-" 26546 3445 3213 10/ 3500 (Potatoes) (1696) (1060)-' (1215) (1373)- (1500) Sugar beet 61 1306/ 650o 580 70 Sunflower, seeds 1510 ... 121 Cotton, raw 3°02 23 19 11 12"- Mu k4J6 771/ 272/42l Meat 45/ 45 ... 961 1 For 1961 figures, the following estimates were included: cereals, 70,000 of summer cereals were added; wine and citrus fruit, the appropriate percentage of national production. 2/' 1959 and 1960 only. ~/ 1960 and 1961 only. 4/ 1963 - production is estimated at 92% of national production of wine, see footnote 2 5/ 1963 - production is estimated at 89% of national production of citrus, see footnote 5J. 6/ Average 1964-66. 7/ Mission estimate taking into account the number of imported dairy cows. S! Average 1969-70. 9/ 1968 and 1970 figures available; others estimated taking into account the number of imported dairy cows. 10/ 1971-72 only. 11/ Mission estimate based on indications of the Ministry of Agriculture on total milk production, on imports of dairy cows, and on 1970 statistics (42 million liters). 12/ Estimated as equal to national cotton production. 1,/ Estimated at 92% of national production (the average of previous years). 14. Millions of liters. 15." Estimate Source: Ministere de l'Agriculture Table 7.14: SELF-MANAGED SECTOR, OUTPUT AT CONSTANT 1967-69 PRICES, 1959-61 to 1971-73 (Millions of diners) Production Production index 1967-69 Average Average Average 1959-61 1963-66 Product group prices / 1959-61 1963-66 1971-73 = 100 = 100 Durum wheat 50.4 173.4 154.7 124.6 72 81 Wheat 44.2 82.0 55.6 163.2 199 294 Other cereals 31.0 38.0 22.9 28.6 75 125 Total, cereals 293.4 233.2 316.4 116 136 Pulses 50.0 6.1 5.9 11.3 185 192 Wine 43.0 684.9 430.8 267.7 39 62 Table grapes 80.0 12.9 10.6 18.9 147 178 Citrus fruit 32.8 111.3 128.9 143.9 129 112 Olives 30.0 16.4 17.0 14.9 91 88 Apples, pears, etc. 50.0 30.0 27.4 23.8 79 87 Fresh vegetables 37.0 224.3 98.2 119.3 53 121 Industrial crops ... 0.7 2.4 7.6 ... 317 Milk 70.0 4. 4.9 29.4 ... 600 Meat 350.0' 15.7 5.7 1.6 ... 211 Total, animal products 20.0' 20.6 63.0 315 306 Grand total 1400.0 975.0 986.8 70 101 Total, without wine 715.1 544.2 719.1 101 132 1/ Price of carcass weight 2/ Estimate 3/ Average farmgate prices in dinars per quintal Source: Secretariat de'Etat au Plan; Ministere de l'Agriculture; Table 7.14 Table 7.15: SIZE OF FARMS IN PRIVATE SECTOR, 1971 Number of Area in Average Farms Hectares Size (ha) Less than 1 ha 154,780 59,180 0.4 1 to 5 ha 174,215 457,580 2.6 5 to 10 ha 114,275 802,865 7.0 10 to 50 ha 147,045 2,967,545 20.0 50 to 100 ha 11,875 765,585 65.0 More than 100 ha 4,655 786,905 170.0 Total 586,845 5,859,660 10.0 Source: MinistZere de l'Agriculture Table 7.16: GOVERNMENT INVESTMENT IN AGRICULTURE, 1970-73 (Millions of dinars) 1/ 2/ Plan Allocations Actual Expenditure Item Amount: Percent Amount Percent Water resources 1,100 26.0 1,203 26.1 of which: irrigation ( 90() (21.4) (.) ( ) Reforestation and erosion control 420 10.0 Plant production 644 15.0 of which: new fruit trees and vine plantations ( 532) (12.7) Animal production 450 11.0 3,404 73.9 Agricultural equipment 780 19.0 Infrastructures and studies 329 8.0 Rural development 480 11.0 Total 4, 20; 100.0 4,607 100.0 1/ In constant 1969 prices. 2/ In current prices; deflating the amounts shown for price increases would reduce them by about 12%, that is, bring them below plan allocations by about 5%. Source: Ninistere de l'Agriculture Table 7.17: USE OF SELECTED INPUTSLJ, 1973 and 1977 1973 1977 Item Targets Actuals Targets Fertilizer (Thousands of tons) 448 209 1,600 Highyielding wheat seeds (Thousands of quintals) 300 400 1,000 Pesticides (Millions of liters) 10 3 12 Concentrated animal feed (Thousands of tons) 217 130 350 1 The self-managed sector received about 90% of totals in 1970-73. Source: Ministere de l'Agriculture Table 7.18: SELF-MANAGED SECTOR, SELECTED TARGETS AND ACTUALS FOR THE PLAN PERIOD 1970-73, AND TARGETS FOR THE PLAN PERIOD 1974-77 1970-73 Plan 1974-77 Plan Item Units Targets Actuals Targets Tractors units 8,000 7,400 14,000 Harvesting equipment " 800 650 2,600 Tractor-drawn equipment " 22,000 20,000 42,000 Orchards (newly planted) ha 34,400 22,600 25,000 (Citrus fruit) ( 2,000) ( 1,430) ( 8,000) (Olives) (10,000) ( 5,600) ( 3,000) Vineyards (newly planted) 22,000 13,000 28,000 Vineyards (uprooted) " 71,300 76,400 33,000 Purchase of dairy cows units 50.,000 16,000 40,000 Source: Ministbre de l'Agriculture Table 7.19: LARGE DAMS, EXISTING AND UNDER CONSTRUCTION IN 1973 1 (Millions of cubic meters, except when otherwise indicated) Weight Reservoir Capacity Annual Region/Name River (Meters) Initial 1974 Discharge Use Existing Oranais Beni-Bahdel Tatna 54 63.0 58.0 54.0 Irrigation (15.0), Water supply (35.0), Electricity Bou-Hanifia El Hamman 54 73.0 50.0 80.0 Irrigation (80.0) Bakhada Mina 45 50.3 45.0 50.0 Irrigation, Electricity Cheurfas Mekerra 27 14.4 10.0 15.0 Irrigation (15.0) Sarno Mekerra 28 22.0 25.0 15.0 Irrigation (15.0) Meffrouch Meffrouch 25 15.0 15.0 17.0 Water supply (5.0) Fergoug El Hamnah 24 12.0 5.0 5.0 Water supply (5.0) Algerois Gurib Cheliff 65 280.0 180.0 96.0 Irrigation (96.0), Electricity Oued Fodda Fodda 87 228.0 100.0 65.0 Irrigation (65.0), Electricity Hamiz Hamiz 45 22.0 12.0 28.0 Irrigation (28.0), Electricity Boughzoul Cheliff 13 55.0 40.0 0.0 Flood control Meurad Bou Djabroun 23 1.0 0.2 0.5 Flood control Constantinois Ksob Ksob 32 12.0 3.0 30.0 Irrigation (30.0) Zardezas Saf-Saf 35 15.0 10.0 30.0 Irrigation ( 8.0), Water supply (8.0) Foum-El-Guerza El Abiod 65 47.0 35.0 25.0 Irrigation (25.0) Foum-El-Gueiss Gueiss 23 2.5 0.5 6.0 Irrigation ( 3.0), Water supply (3.0) Iril Emda Agrioun 85 150.0 140.0 - Electricity Erraguene Djen-Djen 76 200.0 180.0 100.0 Electricity Cheffia Bou-Namoussa 51 170.0 160.0 95.0 Irrigation ( 5.0), Water supply (90.0) Sahara Djorf Torba Guir 28 360.0 360.0 100.0 Irrigation (100.0) Under construction Oranais Sidi Mohamed Ben Aouda Mina 60 100.0 _ 85.0 Irrigation (85.0) Constantinois Guenitra - 41.0 _ 41.0 Irrigation (30.0), Water supply (11.0) Total 1,933.2-' 1,428.7 L 937.511 S Data on capacity and discharge are rough estimates. Source: Secretariat d'Etat a I'Hydraulique Table 7.20: WATER RESOURCES AND USES, 1975 and 1980 (Millions of cubic meters) 1973 Estimates 1980 Projections Irri- Total Irri- Total gation OtherL/ Total Re- gation OtherL/' Total Re- Bal- Area/Region Use Uses Uses sources Use Uses Uses sources ance? Western Oranie 45.8 98.5 142.3 201.9 151.0 114.2 265.2 372.4 107.2 Eastern Oranie 181.2 39.3 220.5 241.0 302.6 59.9 362.5 407.6 45.1 Cheliff Valley 200.5 8.0 208.5 229.0 370.5 12.0 382.5 332.0 - 50.5 Algerois (Grand Alger and Mitidja) 200.0 60.0 260.0 260.0 260.0 300.0 560.0 418.0 - 42.0 Soummam-Agrioun/ Djen-Djen-Setif 10.0 11.4 21.4 44.7 68.0 18.3 86.3 200.2 113.9 Kebir-Rhummel/Constantine 23.8 16.4 40.2 120.5 69.0 28.7 97.7 126.5 28.8 Saf-Saf/Guebli-Skikda-Collo 8.0 6.0 14.0 20.0 50.0 22.2 72.2 82.4 10.2 West Kebir-Seybouse- Cheffia-East Kebir/ Annaba-Guelma 9.0 24.5 33.5 108.3 151.0 79.5 230.5 273.7 43.2 Aures-Hodna/ Batna-Biskra 49.0 - 49.0 90.0 154.0 13.0 167.0 157.0 - 10.0 Sahara (Abadla, Oued Ghir, Brezina) i58.0 15.0 173.0 158.0 420.0 20.0 440.0 350.0 - 90.0 Oasis and Southern Sahara (Ouargla, Touggourt, Tamanrasset, Hoggar, etc.) 140.0 - 140.0 140.0 322.0 - 322.0 Total 1,023.3 279.1 1,302.4 1,613.4 2,318.1 667.8 2,985.9 l/ Figures include industrial uses. / Balance cannot be established with accuracy for the whole country. However, some figures show that by 1980, some key development regions, such as Cheliff Valley, Algerois, Aures-Hodna, Sahara, will face water shortages, and therefore other sources of water will have to be found (limited opportunties for watershed or transbasin transfers and absolute need for island brackish and sea water treatment for industrial and urban demands). For other regions, such as Eastern Oranie, Constantine, Skikda, water shortages will start after 1980. Source: Secretariat d'Etat a l'Hydraulique; Ministere de 1'Agriculture Table 7.21: WATER USES, 1973 (ESTIMATES) AND 1980 (PROJECTIONS), (Irrigation in ha; other use in thousands of persons reached by piped water supplies) Irrigation Other Use. Area/Regions 1973 1980 1973 1980 Western Oranie 6,900 29,000 850 1,264 Eastern Oranie 29,300 49,300 224 288 Cheliff Valley 24,400 43,800 114 156 Algerois (Grand Alger and Mitidja) 46,000 60,000 1,500 2,000 Soumnam-Agrioun/ Djen-Djen-Setif 2,470 14,300 260 357 Kebir-Rhummel/Constantine 3,900 7,000 352 483 Saf-Saf/Guebli-Skikda-Collo 2,000 10,000 106 154 West Kebir-Seybouse- Cheffia-East Kebir/ Annaba-Guelma 2,800 34,200 262 559 Aures-Hodna/ Batna-Biskra 7,900 16,400 - - Sahara (Abadla, Oued Ghir, Brezina) 11,300 30,000 150 200 Oasis and Southern Sahara (Ouargla, Touggourt, Tamanrasset, Hoggar, etc.) 10,000 23,000 900 - Total 145,970 317,000 4,720 5,262 1/ Estimates and projections assessed for the calculation of water uses in Table 7.20. Source: Secretariat d'Etat a 1'Hydralique; Ministere de 1 'Agriculture Table 7.22: CEREAL PRODUCTION, 1973 (ESTIMATES) AND 1977 (PROJECTIONS)-/ (Area in thousands of ha; yield in quintals per ha; production in thousands of tons) 1973 1977 Area Yield Prod. Area Yield Prod. Self managed sector 826 9.6 7.9 800 13.7 11.0 Agrarian revolution 650 8.0 5.2 650 11.0 7.2 Private sector 1850 3.7 6.9 1550 5.7 8.8 Total or average 3300 6.0 20.0 3000 9.0 27.0 Imports 12.6 12.2 Total 32.6 39.2 Per capita consumption (kg) 184.0 18.0 1/ These estimates and projections are those of the Second Plan document; they are based on the assumption of normal weather conditions and may therefore differ from those shown in Tables 7.2, 7.4, 7.11, 7.12 and 7.13 for 1973. Source: Secretariat d'Etat au Plan Table 7.2T, GROSS AGRICULTURAI, PRODUCTION, 1973 (ESTIMATES) AND 1977 (PROJECTIONS) 1/ (Area in thousands of ha; yield in quintals per ha; production in thousands of tons) Self Managed Sector Agrarian Revolut-inn + Private Sectors Total 1973 1977 1973 1977 1973 1977 Area Yield Prod. Area Yield Prod. Area Yield Prod. Area Yield Prod. Area Yield Prod. Area Yield Prod. Cereals 826 9.6 790 800 13.7 1100 2500 4.8 1210 2200 7.2 1600 3300 6 2000 3000 9 2700 Peas & Beans 54 5.o 27 88 8.0 70.5 36 5.0 18 67 8.0 53.5 90 5.0 45 155 8.0 124 Truck gardening 39.8 90 357 50.2 120 612 55.2 93 513 62.1 120 746 95 91.5 870 112.3 120 1358 Citrus 37.5 125 468 33.6 40 467 4.5 125 57 4.4 130 58 42 125 525 38 138 525 Wine 187 29.4 5.5 172 27 4.7 43 28 1.2 38 27 1.0 230 29 6.7 210 27 5.7 Table Grapes 6 42 25.4 9:2 50 46 2 42 8.4 4 50 20 8 42 33.8 13.2 50 66 Almonds & Figs 6.7 3.1 2.1 8 3.1 2.5 37.3 2.8 10.4 34 28 9.5 44 2.8 12.5 42 2.8 12 Apples, Pears 7.2 55 40 16.6 70 115 8.5 41 35 14.4 60 85 15.7 4.7 75 31 65 200 & Peaches . . . Olive Trees 36 15 55 30 20 60 124 10.5 130 114 12 135 150 11 185 144 15 195 Dates 3 36 11 3 36 11 68 17.5 119 68 17.5 119 71 18.3 130 71 18.3 130 1/ These estimates and projections are those of the Second Plan document: they are based on the assumption of normal weather conditions and may therefore differ from those shown in Tables 7.2, 7.4, 7.11, 7.12 and 7.13 for 1973. Source: Secrgtariat d'Etat au Plan. Table 7.24: GROSS AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION IN CONSTANT 1973 1/ PRICES, 1973 (ESTIMATES) AND 1977 (PROJECTIONS)- Output (Thous. tons2/) Prices 3/) Value (DA millions) 1973 1977 (DA/quintal- 1973 1977 Crops Cereals 2,000 2,400 46.77 935 1,123 Pulses 45 124 80.00 36 99 Vegetables 870 1,358 40.00 348 543 Citrus 525 525 37.50 197 197 Wine 6,700 5,700 40.00 268 228 Grapes 34 66 80.00 27 53 Other fruits, inc. olives 405 535 71.60 290 383 Other crops - 200 234 Sub-total -- -- -- 2,300 2,860 Animal products Milk 530 620 75.00 397 465 Meat and fish 180 226 -- 1,051 1,296 (Mutton) (60) (70) (650) (390) (455) (Beef) (50) (56) (665) (332) (372) (Other) (15) (15) (515) (77) (77) (Chicken) (30) (47) (600) (180) (282) (Fish) (25) (38) (291) (72) (110) Other -- -- -- 152 239 Subtotal -- -- -- 1,600 2,000 Total -- -- -- 3,900 4,860 1/ Figures given in Second Four-Year Plan, which may differ from those presented in Tables 7.1 through 7.18. ,l 2/ Except for wine (thousands of hectoliters) and milk (millions of liters). 3/ Except for wine (DA per hectoliter ) and milk (DA per hectoliter ). Source: Secr6tariat d'Etat au Plan Table 7.25: GROSS AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION AND VALUE ADDED AT CONSTANT 1973 PRICES, 1973 (ESTIMATES) AND 1977 (PROJECTIONS) 1/ (Millions of dinars) 1973 1977 Self Managed Agrarian Revolution Self Managed Agrarian Revolution Sector & Private Sectors Total Sector & Private Sectors Total Gross agricultural production 1,300 2,600 3,900 1,860 3,000 4,860 Less: Fertilizers, seeds, etc. 315 315 630 480 450 930 Machinery 142 118 260 180 160 340 Other inputs 170 80 250 200 130 330 Value added of which: 772 1,987 2,760 1,000 2,260 3,260 Labor 620 400 1,020 720 440 1,160 Other factors 153 1,587 1,740 280 1,820 2,100 1/ These estimates and projections are those of the Second Five-Year Plan document; they are based on -the assumption of normal weather conditions. Source: Secr6tariat d'Etat au Plan Table 7.26: SECOND FIVE-YEAR PLAN, INVESTMENT ALLOCATIONS TO AGRICULTURE, 1974-77 (Millions of dinars) Carry- New Budget LT Credit over 1/ Program Total 2/ Allocations Allocations St ldies and research 18.0 82.0 100.0 100.0 -- Lai I improvement 100.0 .249.0 349.0 349.0 -- Cr' ? improvement 599.2 1,688.0 2,287.2 1,380.0 906.4 (Emproved cereal seeds) (12.0) (243.0) (255.0) (255.0) (--) (lline and grapes) (35.0) (486.8) (521.8) (32.6) (489.2) (Tree crops) (390.9) (645.1) (1,036.0) (648.4) (387.6) (Irrigated crops) (59.3) (268.8) (328.1) (323.0) (5.1) Animal husbandry 261.6 2,073.8 2,335.4 1,098.1 1,237.3 (Cattle) (130.0) (675.0) (805.0) (.) (Sheep) (62.0) (1,090.5) (1,152.5) (.) (675 cooperatives) () (115.0) (115.0) ( ) Forests and esparto grass 287.0 788.1 1,075.1 1,075.1 -- Rural infrastructure 486.0 66.2 552.2 552.2 -- Agricultural machinery 180.0 2,100.0 2,280.0 -- 2,280.0 Irrigation equipment 47.3 124.5 171.8 -- 171.8 SAP and CAPCS equipment 21.0 57.0 78.0 __ 78.0 Commercial offices equipment 581.2 1,091.1 1,771.3 -- 1,771.3 Special programs -- 900.0 900.0 900.0 -- (Constantine and Anuaba) (--) (400.0) (400.0) (400.0) (__ (200 poorest villages) (--) (500.0) (500.0) (500.0) (--) Total 2,580.1 9,424.9 12,005.0 5,455.2 6,549.8 1/ Carry-over from the First Plan (1970-73). 2/ Includes budgetary allocations and planned long-term credit allocations detailed by category in fourth and fifth columns. Source: Secr6tariat d'Etat au Plan Table 7.27: SECOND FIVE-YEAR PLAN, LONG-TERM CREDIT ALLOCATIONS TO AGRICULTURE 1974-77 (Millions of dinars) darry 1/ New Sector/Borrower Over - Program Total Self-managed farms and war veteran's cooperatives 300.0 2,852.0 3,152.0 Agrarian Revolution cooperatives (CAPRAs,etc.) 140.0 1,301.0 1,441.0 Services cooperatives (CAPCS and SAP) 21.0 164.5 185.5 Sub-total 451.0 4,317.5 4,778.5 Cereals office (OAIC) 274.0 460.1 734.1 Fruits and vegetables office (OFLA) 32.3 63.5 95.8 Milk office (ONALAIT) 84.6 116.9 201.5 Feed and poultry office (ONAB) 162.7 320.8 483.5 Vegetable oil office (ONAPO) 12.6 20.0 32.6 Agr. machinery office (ONAMA) 6.5 99.3 105.8 Wine office (ONCV) 8.5 27.0 35.5 Esparto grass office (ONALFA) - 82.5 82.5 Sub-total 581.2 1,190.1 1,771.3 Total 1,042.2 5,507.6 6,549.8 1/ From First Plan (1970-73) Source: Secretariat d'Etat au Plan. Table 7.28: SECOND FIVE-YEAR PLAN, INVESTMENT ALLOCATIONS TO WATER DEVELOPMENT, 1974-77 (Millions of dinars) CarryL New Over LI Program Total Studies and research 73.0 240.0 313.0 Construction of dams, wells and water transfers 547.0 1,170.0 1,717.0 Irrigation works 1,210.0 471.0 1,681.0 Drainage and urban and industrial water supply 295.0 400.0 695.0 Special programs in Constantine and Annaba, and buildings 94.0 100.0 194.0 Total 2,219.0 2,381.0 4,600.0 1/ From the First Plan (1970-73) Source: Secretariat d'Etat au Plan. Table 7.29: SECOND FIVE-YEAR PLAN, PHYSICAL TARGETS FOR WATER DEVELOPMENT 1974-77 Year to be Program completed Construction of dams Ksob (elevation) 1975 Sidi - M'hamed 1976 Benaouda 1976 Ouizert 1977 Guenitra 1977 Deudeur 1977 Construction of water transfers Zardeza/Skikda 1975 Mazafran/Alger 1977 Blandon/Amaba 1977 Guenibra/Skikda 1977 Ghrib/Berrouaghia 1977 Hamma/Constantine 1977 Equipment of irrigation perimeters 18,250 ha 1974 17,250 ha 1975 26,500 ha 1976 26,150 ha 1977 Drainage of irrigation perimeters 7,500 ha 1974 8,500 ha 1975 9,500 ha 1976 10,500 ha 1977 Source: Secretariat d'Etat au Plan Table 8.1: PRODUCTION OF SELECTED INDUSTRIAI. PRODUCTS, 1969, 1973 AND 1977 Total Public Products Units 196}X 1973 1977 1973' 1977 Iron Ore thousands of 2,970.0 3,160.0 3,900.0 3,160.0 3,900.0 tons Phosphates 420.0 683.0 2,100.0 683.0 2,100.0 Electricity millions of 1,420.0 2,380.0 4,936.0 2,380.0 4,936.0 kilowatt hours Gas (delivered by Sonelgaz) millions of 5,300.0 9,550.0 2,462.0 9,550.0 24,620.0 therms Cast Iron thousands 180.0 390.0 500.0 390.0 500.0 of tons Hot Rolled Steel " _ 72.0 660.0 72.0 660.0 Cold Rolled Steel - - 130.0 - 130.0 Metal Containers " 14.0 12.4 28.0 12.4 28.0 Beams , 13.0 40.5 96.0 30.0 80.0 Boiler-Works " 7.0 9.5 35.0 8.0 30.0 Electric Cables tons ... 6,120.0 17,000.0 6,120.0 17,000.0 Refrigerators units - - 60,000.0 - 60,000.0 Tractors - - 5,000.0 - 5,000.0 Machine-Tools - - 1,100.0 - 1,000.0 Diesel-Motors " - 9,500.0 - 9,500.0 Electric Motors - - 20,000.0 - 20,000.0 Cranes " ... 20.0 250.0 20.0 250.0 Hand Tools tons ... 3,300.0 6,000.0 3,500.0 6,000.0 Ammonia thousands of - 120.0 148.0 120.0 148.0 tons Phosphate and Compound Fertilizers - 330.0 523.0 330.0 . 523.0 Ethylen - - 30.0 - 30.0 PVC " - - 21.0 - 21.0 Paints 13.0 35.0 55.0 23.0 35.0 Detergents 16.0 28.0 30.0 28.0 30.0 Cement 920.0 1,026.0 3,500.0 1,026.0 3,500.0 Glass 12.9 15.5 77.3 15.5 77.3 Flour 810.0 1,207.0 1,700.0 1,207.0 1,700.0 Vegetable Oil 69.4 111.0 174.0 98.0 16O.0 Refined Sugar 10.0 75.6 240.0 75.6 240.0 Canned Fruits and Vegetables " 9.0 30.0 72.0 18.0 57.0 Cotton Thread 9.4 12.0 17.0 10.0 15.0 Wool Thread ... 6.0 11.8 2.0 5.0 Shirts thousands of 4.200.0 6,ooo.o 2,370.0 3,500.0 units Shoes (leather) ... 10,500.0 15,000.0 2,000.0 3,800.0 Paper Pulp thousands of ... 26.0 135.0 26.0 135.0 tons Wood Produrts thousands of 1,330.0 2,800.0 490.0 1.940.0 m2 Furniture millions of 70.0 265.0 26.0 200.0 dinars 1' Actuals SY Second Plan targets Source: Secretariat d'Etat au Plan Table 8.2. GPOSS DOM{ESTIC PRODUCTION OF THE ITNUSTRIAL SECTOR AT CURRENT MARKET PRICES, 1966-73 (Millions of dinars) 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1. Idning 1/ 57 71 95 90 100 110 159 177 2. Electric power and gas 250 242 263 269 300 350 349 394 3. Manufacturing 1,0849 1,999 2,315 2,659 2,895 3,280 3,383 3,819 3.1 Steel, mechanical and electrical 256 279 377 516 590 578 611 703 3.2 Chemical and miscellaneous 289 315 376 457 497 780 669 745 3.3 Building materials 106 120 132 130 167 170 173 209 3.4 Food, beverage, tobacco 807 864 923 996 998 1,118 1,291 1,374 3.5 Textiles and leather 391 421 507 560 643 634 639 788 3.1+3.2+3.3 651 714 885 1,103 1,254 1,528 1,453 1,657 3,4+3.5 1,198 1,285 1,430 1,556 1,641 1,572 1,930 2,162 Total Industry 1/ 2,156 2,312 2,673 3,018 3,295 3,470 3,891 4,390 1/ Excluding hydrocarbons. Source: Secretariat d'Etat au Plan, Table 8.3: PRICE INDICES, INDUSTRIAL SECTOR, 1966-73 (1969 1,000) Indices 1966 1967 1968P, 19691' 1970 1971 1972 1975 1. Mining 2/ 996 1000 1000 1000 1259 1235 1208 1658 2. Electric power and gas 1094 1012 998 1000 1000 1001 1001 1001 3. Manufacturing 351 Steel, mechanical and electrical 3/ 1010 976 988 1000 1100 990 1030 1031 3.2 Chemical and miscellaneous 4/ 955 969 978 1000 1026 1056 1086 1050 3.3 Building materials 989 994 997 1000 1002 1019 1037 1177 3.4 Food, beverage and tobacco 984 987 995 1000 1002 1059 1065 1102 3.5 Textiles and leather 4/ 1009 1004 998 1000 1130 1179 1158 1235 Indices of Capital Formation for all branches 5/ 980 987 982 1000 1035 1079 1145 1344 1/ Mission estimate. 2/ Excluding hydrocarbons. 3/ For period 70-73 the branch was assimilated to sub-branch "Electrical industries". 4/ Weighted average of indices corresponding to several sub-branches involved. 5/ Weighted average of international price index developed by IBRD and indices of branches "Building materials" and "Steel, mechanical and electrical". Source: Secrdtariat d'Etat au Plan, Comptes Economigues, 1963-68, and Indices des Prix a la Production Industrielle. 1969-73 Table 8.4. GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCTION OF THE INDUSTRIAL SECTOR AT CONSTANT PRICES, 1966-1973 (Millions of dinars; 1969 prices) Sector 19((, 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 197, 1. 'Mining A bY 71 95 99 80 59 132 107 P 131 156 186 225 2. Electric power and gas A 229 239 263 269 300 550 349 394 P 282 296 510 726 5. Manufacturing A 1,871 2,028 2,335 2,659 2,732 3,084 35140 3,453 p 5,006 3,464 4,007 4,647 3.1 Steel, mechanical and electrical A 253 288 382 516 536 584 593 6¾ P 646. 813 1,020 1,280 3.2 Chemical and miscellaneous A 305 325 385 457 484 739 616 710 P 500 598 715 854 3.3 Building materials A 107 121 132 130 167 167 167 176 P 149 169 194 221 3.4 Food, beverage, tobacco A 820 875 928 996 996 1,056 1,212 1,247 P 1,063 1,135 1,208 1,285 3.5 Textiles and leather A 388 419 508 560 569 538 552 6,8 P 648 751 870 1,007 3.1+5.2+353 A 663 734 899 1,103 1,167 1,490 1,376 1,568 p 1,295 1,580 1,929 2,'55 3.4+±.5 A 1,208 1,294 1,436 1,556 1,565 1,594 1,764 1,88v P 1,711 1,884 2,078 2,292 1+2+3 Total Industry A 2,157 2,338 2,693 35,018 3,112 3,523 3.621 35954 P 3,419 3.916 4,505 5, 1 96 A: actual P: planned Source: Tables 8.2 and 8.3 Table 8.5. INDUSTRIAL INVESTMENT IN THE PUBLIC SECTOR IN CURRENT PRICES, 1967-73 (Millions of dinars) 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1970-73 1. Mining 1/ 28 44 100 162 163 126 220 671 2. Electric power and gas 2/ 3 25 145 285 390 409 400 1,484 3. Manufacturing 359 698 1,135 1,230 1,967 2,391 2,880 8,468 3.1 Steel, mechanical and electrical 182 357 949 751 1,020 1,386 1,650 4,807 3.11 Steel 140 335 905 599 735 755 830 2,919 3.12 Mechanical and electrical 42 22 44 152 285 631 820 1,888 3.2 Chemical and misc. 60 230 90 245 507 350 430 1,532 3.21 Chemical 3/ 60 216 69 161 209 190 220 780 3.22 Wood, paper and miscellaneous 4/ - 14 21 84 298 160 210 752 3.3 Building material 2 2 28 68 202 387 390 1,047 :3.4 Food 5/ 25 54 40 94 152 155 245 646 t.5 Textiles and leather 90 55 27 56 77 113 135 381 3.51 Textiles and clothing 70 41 18 41 60 103 115 319 3.52 Leather, shoes 20 14 9 15 17 10 20 62 3.6 Others (handicrafts, small industry) - - 1 16 9 0 30 55 3.1i3.2+3.3 244 589 1,067 1,064 1,729 2,123 2,470 7,386 3.443.5+3.6 115 109 68 166 238 268 410 1,082 Total Industry 6/ 390 767 1,380 1,677 2,520 2,926 3,500 10,623 1/ Excluding hydrocarbons. 2/ Gas distribution in Algeria only. 3/ "Chemical industries" does not include petrochemical, but includes glass industries. 4/ "Wood, paper and others" includes celulose. 5/ "Food" includes tobacco and matches. 6/ Total public investments in industrial sector were estimated at DA 10,630 million (current prices) for the period 1970-73 by Ministere de l'industrie et de 1'energie, at DA 10,860 million by Secretariat d'Etat au Plan, and at DA 9.380 million by Ministere des finances; the first figure was chosen in order to keep general consistency. Private sector is included for the period 1967-69; during the period 1970-73 private investment in industrial sector was negligible. Source: Ministere de l'Industrie and Secretariat d'Etat au Plan. Table 8.6. INDUSTRIAL INVESThWNT IN THE PUBLIC SECTOR IN CONSTANT 1969 PRICES, 1967-73 AND PLANNED 1974-77 (Millions of dinars) Total Total Total Sector 1967 1968 1969 1967-69 1970 1971 1972 1973 1970-73 1974-77 1. Mining A 28 45 100 173 157 151 110 164 582 P 181 180 170 169 700 818 2. Electric power and gas A 3 26 145 174 275 361 357 298 1,291 P 183 183 184 185 735 1,135 3. Manufacturing A 363 711 1,135 2,209 2,188 1,823 2,091 2,143 7,245 p 1,464 1,551 1,583 1,714 6,312 19,252 3.1 Steel, mechanical and A 184 364 949 1,497 726 945 1,211 1,228 4,110 electrical P 778 723 754 850 3,105 9,005 3.11 Steel A 142 341 905 1,388 579 681 659 618 2,537 P 660 440 400 400 1,900 4,364 3.12 Mechanical + electrical A 43 22 44 109 147 264 551 610 1,572 P 118 283 354 450 1,205 4,641 3.2 Chemical and miscellaneous A 61 234 90 385 237 470 306 320 1,333 P 283 308 258 233 1,082 4,211 3.21 Chemical A 61 220 69 350 156 194 166 164 680 P 151 146 113 102 512 2,976 3.22 Wood, paper, misc. A - 14 21 35 81 276 140 156 653 P 132 162 145 131 570 1,235 3.3 Building materials A 2 2 28 32 66 187 338 290 881 P 110 230 280 320 940 3,051 3.4 Food, beverage, tobacco A 25 55 40 120 91 141 135 182 549 P 150 120 100 100 470 1,094 3.5 Textiles and leather A 91 56 27 174 54 71 99 100 324 P 96 135 161 183 575 1,183 3.51 Textiles and clothing A 71 42 18 131 40 56 90 86 272 P 70 120 150 175 515 1,057 3.52 Leather, shoes A 20 14 9 43 15 16 9 15 55 P 26 15 11 8 60 126 3.6 Professional training A - - 1 1 16 8 0 22 46 P 47 35 30 28 140 708 3.1+3.2+3.3 A 247 600 1,067 1,914 1,028 1,602 1,854 1,838 6,322 P 1,171 1,261 1,292 1,403 5,127 16,267 3.4+3.5+3.6 A 116 111 68 295 160 221 234 305 920. P 293 290 291 311 1,185 2,985 4. Total Industry A 394 782 1,380 2,556 1,620 2,336 2,556 2,604 9,116 P 1,828 1,914 1,937 2,068 7,747 21,205 A = actual B = planned Source: Tables 8.5 and 8.3 Table 8. 7. INDUSTRIAL NET FIXED ASSETS IN CONSTANT PRICES, 1967-73 AND 1977 (Millions of dinars; 1969 prices) 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1977 1. Mining 418 446 491 591 748 889 1,009 1,827 2. Electric power and gas 2,579 2,582 2,608 2,753 3,028 3,389 3,746 4,881 3. Manufacturing 1,809 2,172 2,883 4,018 5,206 7,029 9,094 28,346 3.1 Steel, mechanical and 170 354 718 1,667 2,393 3,338 4,549 13,554 electrical 3.2 Chemical + miscellaneous 312 373 607 697 934 1,4o4 1,710 6,629 303 Building materials 256 258 260 288 354 541 879 3,930 304 Food, beverage, tobacco 609 634 689 729 820 961 1,096 2,190 305 Textiles and leather 462 553 609 636 690 761 860 2,043 3.1+3.2+3.3. 738 985 1,585 2,652 3,680 5,282 7,138 24,113 3.4+3.5 1,071 1,187 1,298 1,366 1,526 1,747 1,956 4,233 Total Industry 4,806 5,200 5,982 7,362 8,982 11,318 13,849 35,054 Source: Mission estimates based on data for 1968 provided by Secretariat d'Etat au Plan, and on investment data in Table 8.6. Table 8.8. SECOND FIVE-YEAR PLAN, INDUSTRIAL INVESTMENT TARGETS, 1974-77 (Millions of dinars; 1973 prices) Priority Program Supplementary Total Program Program Ongoing New Sub-sectors projects projects New projects Amount Percent Hydrocarbons 4,275 9,655 5,570 19,500 40.6 Mining, quarrying 661 405 34 1,100 2.3 Energy 352 1,102 71 1,525 3.2 Steel 1,834 3,315 716 5,865 12.2 Mechanical and electrical 1,869 2,599 1,770 6,238 13.0 Chemicals 1,371 2,116 513 4,000 8.3 Construction materials 1,596 2,424 80 44,100 8.5 Food processing 437 979 54 1,470 3.1 Textiles 600 724 96 1,420 3.0 Leather 33 102 35 170 0.4 Wood, paper, misc. 129 769 162 1,660 3.5 Small local industries 164 746 _ 910 1.9 General studies 27 15 - 42 0.1 Total 13,948 24,951 9,101 48,000 100.0 Total, excl. hydrocarbons 9,673 15,296 3,531 28,500 59.4 Source: Secretariat d'Etat au Plan. Table 8.9. SECOND FIVE-YEAR PLAN, TARGETS FOR INDUSTRIAL VALUE ADDED, 1974-77 (Millions of dinars; 1973 prices) Origin of planned growth Average Value added Productivity ComDletion of New Private Value Added Annual Growth ongo nt Sub-sectors 1973 gains projects projects sector Total 1977 Targets (%) Mining, quarrying 1/ 127 20 100 120 - 240 367 30.3 Energy 364 68 100 - - 168 532 10.0 Steel and metal 100 50 140 20 - 210 310 32.7 Mechanical and electrical 750 65 725 90 30 910 1,660 21.5 Chemical 410 90 250 100 70 510 920 22.0 Construction material 350 20 530 120 30 700 1,050 37.5 Food processing 1,066 145 253 155 80 633 1,699 12.4 Textiles 630 85 221 8 120 434 1,064 13.9 Leather 165 26 60 10 30 126 291 16.0 Wood, paper, misc. 305 60 315 112 48 535 840 29.5 Total 1/ 4,267 629 2,694 735 408 4,466 8,733 19.6 1/ Excluding hydrocarbons; the target growth rates for hydrocarbons are9.5% a year (8.5% without related distribution and public works), and for industry including hydorcarbons, 11% a year. Source: Secretariat d'Etat au Plan. Table 8.10. INDUSTRIAL EMPLOYMENT, 1973 (ACTUAL) AND 1977 (PROJECTED) (Number) Employment Itcrease Sub-sector 1973 1977 Total 7. p.a. Hydrocarbons 21 35,700 30,700 66,400 16.7 Mining, quarrying 12,862 1,138 14,000 2.2 Energy 6,458 1,044 7,502 3.9 Steel and metal 13,469 5,531 19,000 9.0 Mechanical and electrical 34,100 19,700 53,800 12.1 Chemicals 11,500 9,000 20,500 15.6 Construction meterials 16,206 16,544 32,750 20.0 Food processing 26,645 6,005 32,650 4.7 Textiles 31,961 8,964 40,925 6.4 Leather 7,075 4,607 11,682 12.4 Wood, paper, misc. 12,270 6,550 18,620 11.0 Total 208,246 109,783 317,829 11.0 Handicrafts, traditional and pre-industrial 40,000 5,000 45,000 3.7 1/ Projections of the Second Five-Year Plan (1974-77). 2/ Including jobs created by the non-industrial activities of SONATRACH (6,000 in 1973 and 24,000 in 1977). Source: Secretariat d'Etat au Plan. Table 8.11. SELECTED ROAD, RAILWAY, PORT, AND CIVIL AVIATION TRAFFIC STATISTICS Annual Growth 1968-72 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 (%) Road Traffic 1/ 67 Freight (million ton-km)- 606 732 ... 783 ... 9.2/ Passenger (million pass-km) ... 2,757 ... ... Railway Traffic 3/ Freight (million ton-km)-- 1,205 1,280 1,350 1,307 1,499 5.6 Passenger (million pass-km) 858 952 1,013 1,097 1,016 4.3 Port Traffic Algiers Imports (thous.. of tons) 3,489 3,764 4,199 2,777 2,408 -10.0 Exports (thous. of tons) 1,895 2,638 2,200 1,830 2,139 3.2 Annaba Imports (thous. of tons) 461 766 1,132 1,252 1,464 33.0 Exports (thous. of tons) 3,094 2,848 2,331 2,284 2,634 - 5.6 Arzew Imports (thous. of tons) 139 193 130 300 233 13.9 Exports (thous. of tons) 19,268 21,832 18,481 20,114 21,275 2.5 Bejaia Imports (thous. of tons) 158 286 367 399 425 28.0 Exports (thous. of tons) 15,240 14,316 16,702 13,330 12,136 - 5.7 Oran Imports (thous. of tons) 919 905 1,075 1,124 1,318 9.4 Exports (thous. of tons) 520 643 785 367 385 - 8.0 Skikda Imports (thous. of tons) 485 485 576 646 783 12.7 Exports (thous. of tons) 103 79 73 79 6,542 - Civil Aviation Traffic (Domestic & International) Freight (tons) 4/ 2/ Algiers 6,009 6,615 7,001 7,310- ... 6.0- All airports 7,530 7,994 8,557 8,912 ... 6.o2/ Passengers (thousands) 2/ Algiers 577 726 916 987 ... 19.°2/ All airports 1,014 1,187 1,524 1,679 ... 18.0- 1/ Freight statistics refer only to number of tons transported by SNTR. See Section 8 of report. 2/ Annual growth for the period 1968-71 only. 3/ "Autoroute Est Alger, Livre Blanc, Rapport Economique" (Safege et Cete, page 71) reports, however, 1,259 for 1968; 1,259 for 1969; 1,408 for 1970; 1,363 for 1971. Statistics reports in "Appraisal of a Highway Project - Algeria" (May 29, 1973) are different again. 4/ Preliminary estimates. Sources: SNTV, SNTR, SNCFA and Ministere des Transports. Table 8.12 TRANSPORTATION INVESTMENT, 1970-73 AND 1974-77 (Millions of dinars) 1970-73 1974-77 / Actual Planned Planned Road Infrastructure National Roads 318 518 980 Wilaya (Provincial) Roads 221 371 490 Provision for major repairs - - 100 SNTV2 ) 415 ) 135 163 SNTRW ) 400 Urban transportation - - 80 SNCFA V 298 463 1,980 CNAN 5/ 236 276 3,076 SONAMA 6/ - ONP 7/ ... ... 153 Seaports 542 687 1,310 Airports 23 78 210 Air Algerie 130 135 382 Total 1,903 2,691 9,576 1/ Figures include carry-overs from 1970-73 Plan. / Soci6t6 Nationale des Transport de Voyageurs. 3 Soci6t6 Nationale de Transports Routiers. Soci6te Nationale des Chemins de Fer Algeriens. 5 Compagnie Nationale Algerienne de Navigation. J Societ6 Nationale de Manutention, 7/ Office National des Ports- Source: .Secretariat d'Etat au Plan Table 8.13. DETAILS OF ROAD INVESTMENT PROGRAM, 1974-77 (Millions of dinars) Item Amount NationaI Rcads Modernization W30 Trans Sahara (Sect'on In Salah - Tamanrasset, 800 km) 260 Addar - Reggane 40 Bridges 0 Carry-over from 1970-73 Plan 200 Subtotal 9X Wilaya Roads Modernization 100 Renewal 150 Special program for the District Constantine-Annaba 90 Carry-over from 1970-73 Plan 150 Subtotal L90 Provision for major repairs 100 Total 1,570 Source: Secretariat d' I; at au Plan. Table 8.14. DETAILS OF RAILWAY INVESTMENT PROGPAM. 197L1-T7 (Millions of dinars.) Item Amount I1iays and lWorks Renewe'L of track 250 Equipment for track renewal and maintenance 5c Signalling and telecommunications 5" Station, yards and sidings 135 Sheds and workshops l15 Doubling of track 300 New lines 150 Studies 1, Subtotal 970 Locomotives and Rollinz Stock 140 diesel locomotives (standard gauge) 70 15 electric locomotives (standard gauge) 30 10 locomotives (narrow gauge) 20 35 shunters 28 Subto-tal 1 4' 45 main line passenger coaches 45 165 suburban passenger coaches 116 34e baggage and postal vans 10 Subtotal 171 4,370 freight cars 521 20 tractors 2 -ubtotal c52 uarry-over from 1970-73 Plan 165 Total 1,'. Source: Secretariat d'Etat au Plan Table 8.15. EXPENDITURES ON I'ORT DEVELOPMENT 1970-73 and 1974-77 (Millions of dinars) 1970-73 1974-77 Port Actual Planned Annaba 135 15 Algiers 17 30 Arzew 10 ,9)o Mostaganem 18 20 l/ Oran 15 35 I/ Skikda 277 90 l/ Tipaza 12 Ghazaouat - 10 Fisheries Ports 38 4o Navigational Aids 20 4o Studies and Port Centre - 230 Total 542 1,310 1J Carry-over from 1970-73 Plan. Source: Secretariat d1Etat au Plan. Table 8..16 CNAN FLEET CAPACITY, 1969-73 (Tons) Vessel 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 Gas tankers - - 17,750 17,750 17,750 Petroleum tankers - - 50,550 50,550 114,592 Ammonium tankers 5,235 5,235 5,235 5,235 5,235 Grain tankers - - 18,115 34,822 34,822 Wire tankers - 5,780 5,780 5,780 5,780 Car ferries - - - - 5,540 Roll on Roll off - - - - 7,899 Cargo ships 21,136 21,136 28,499 35,934 69,599 Total 26,371 32,151 125,929 154,956 266,102 Number of vessels 4 5 11 14 27 Source: Secretariat d'Etat au Plan Table 8.17 AVERAGE PER CAPITA FOOD CONSUMPTION, 1966-69 Consumption Per Day Kilograms Grams Proteins Fats Products per year per day Calories (in g) (in g) Cereals 154.1 4:20.0 1,494 49.4 5. 9 of which: (Hard wheat) (101.9) (279.0) (1,009) (35.5) (3.9) (Soft wheat) ( 32.9) ( 88.0) ( 310) ( 8.6) (1.1) (Barley ) ( 19.4) ( 53.0) ( 175) ( 5-3) (0.9) Roots and Tubers 18.8 51.4 41 0.9 0.2 Grains and leguminous plants 2.2 6.1 21 1.4 0.2 Vegetables 29.2 79.0 24 0.9 0.1 Fruits 20.3 56.0 45 0.6 0.3 Sugar 13.9 58.4 147 - - Meat, poultry and eggs 6.3 17.3 34 2.7 2.6 Milk and by-products 18.4 50.3 30 1.8 1.3 Fish 1.4 3.7 5 0.6 0.3 Fats 8.1 22.1 189 - 21.8 Total 2,030 58.3 32.7 Source: Association Algerienne de la Recherche Demographique Economique et Sociale, Enquete Nationale de Consommation et Budget des M6nages, 1966-69. (The number of families in the survey was 11,110) Table 8.18. AVERAGE PER CAPITA FOOD CONSUMPTION, 1969iL Per Person kg/year g7day Calories Protein Lipids Cereals and derivatives 106.9 292.8 1,056 32.8 4.1 Hard wheat 51.3 140.5 Soft wheat 41.3 113.0 Barley 13.3 36.4 Roots 12.2 33'3 27 0.6 0.1 Leguminous seeds 2.5 6.8 24 1.5 0.2 Vegetables 20.8 57.1 19 0.8 0.1 Fruits 46.7 128.0 102 1.5 1.1 Sugar and derivatives 19.6 53.8 207 - _ Subtotal 1,435 37.2 5.6 Meat and eggs 9.2 25.1 42 3.5 2.9 Beef 1.8 Sheep 2.8 Goat 0.6 Chicken 2.0 Eggs 0.8 Milk 56.6 255.0 93 5.6 4.7 Fish 1.6 4.3 5 0.6 0.3 Subtotal 140 9.7 7.9 Fats 8.4 23.0 200 0.1 22.5 Oil 6.8 Butter and fat 1.6 Miscellaneous 0.2 0.6 2 0.7 1.0 Total 1,777 47.7 37.0 1/ Based on food balance sheet data for the nation. Source: Ministere de l'Agriculture Table 8.19. PHYSICIANS, 1972 Estimated Total Percent Distribution Number of Inhabitants Population Physi- Algerians per Wilaya per Physician (12/31/72) cians Number Percent Alg+For. Algerians Alg + For. Algerians Alger 2,213,640 728 468 64.3 36.7 59.7 3,040 4,730 Annaba 1,166,572 173 44 25.4 8.8 5.6 6,743 26,513 Aures 940,203 60 16 26.6 5.0 2.0 15,670 58,762 Constantine 1,864,669 220. 62 28.1 11.1 7.9 8,475 30,075 El-Asnam 1,057,258 84 11 13.1 4.2 1.4 12,586 96,114 Medea 1,158,265 69 16 23.2 3.5 2.0 16,786 72,391 Mostaganem 1,013,656 80 16 20.0 4.0 2.0 12,670 63,353 Oasis 600,675 48 10 20.8 2.4 1.3 12,514 60,067 Oran 1,246,165 220 81 36.8 11.1 10.3 5,664 15,384 Saida 308,181 27 5 18.5 1.4 0.6 11,414 61,636 Saoura 250,853 29 4 13.8 1.5 0.5 8,650 62,713 Setif 1,522,406 86 17 19.7 4.3 2.2 17,702 89,553 Tiaret 468,915 38 5 13.1 0.6 12,339 93,783 Tizi-Ouzou 1,112,444 73 11 15.1 3.7 1.4 15,238 101,131 Tlemcen 577,997 50 18 36.o 2.3 2.5 11,559 32,110 All Algeria 15,501,o99 1,985 784 39.5 100.0 100.0 7,809 19.77- Source: Personnel M6dicaux et Para-Medicaux, Ministere de la Sante Publique, September 1973 Table 8.20: HOSPITAL DEATHS, 1970 Disease Percent Respiratory disease 20.6 Digestive diseases and liver cirhossis 13.7 Heart disease 12.3 Infectious and parasitic diseases 12.2 Perinatal deaths 8.9 Tuberculosis 7.4 Accidents and poisons 6.6 Diseases of the Uro-genital system 4.6 Complications from pregnancies 4.3 Malignant tumor 2.6 Allergic diseases, endocrine diseases and anemias 1.9 Congenital diseases 1.5 Diseases of the nervous system 1,3 Deaths from abortions 0.8 Benign tumors 0.6 Bone and associated tissue diseases 0.5 Suicides and mental diseases 0.1 Syphilis 0.1 Total 100.0 Source: Statistique de Morbidit6 et des Causes de Deces. Ministere de la Sante Publique, Algeria, 1970 Table 8.21: CLINICS AND HOSPITALS BY TYPE, 1972 Maternal Poly- Health Clinics Wilayate Hospitals Clinic clinics Centers C.M.S. P.M.I. D.A.T. D.A.V. Total Alger. 19 - 4 53 8 10 8 2 63 Annaba 12 _ 1 31 3 23 5 - 121 Aures 9 - 3 26 - 2 2 1 109 Constantine 10 1 1 27 7 5 4 1 149 El-Asnam 10 4 - 10 6 6 13 1 112 Medea 9 - 2 5 3 8 2 - 97 Mostaganem 5 1 - 33 - 5 3 1 47 Oasis 9 - - 9 6 - - - 76 Oran 6 - - 23 5 9 6 1 97 Saida 4 1 - 14 - 4 4 1 46 Saoura 2 - - 2 - 2 1 - 32 Setif 13 - - 29 6 7 3 - 109 Tiaret 6 1 3 16 1 2 2 - 57 Tizi-Ouzou 15 21 2 28 2 35 6 - 84 Tlemcen 5 1 - 1 2 3 1 1 67 Total 143 30 16 307 49 121 50 8 1,266 C.M.S. = Teaching Centers D.A.T. = Tuberculosis Centers P.M.I. = Mother-Child Health Centers D.A.V. = Venereal Disease Centers Source: Infrastructure Sanitaire Publique - Minist're de la Sant6 Publique - July 1973 Table 9.1: PRICE INDEXES, 1970-75 (1969 100) Average annual 1970 1971 1971 1973 grOwth rate * percent) Consumer price index 106.6 109.4 113.4 120.24 24.3 Food, beverages 105.6 lo8.4 112.7 125.3 5.8 Clothing 121.8 125.3 129.7 130.4 6.9 Housing 100.0 100.0 100.0 102.1 0.r Furniture 102.1 107.1 110.4 117.0 4I.o Health 10h.0 108.0 112.0 113.3 Transport and communications 103.5 106.5 116.3 116.3 Entertainement 103.0 105.0 107.0 108.5 2.1 Other services 104.0 108.0 112.0 116.7 21.0 Production price indexes A. Industrial production-/ 103.0 106.2 107.8 113.1 of which public sector 102.6 106.0 107.0 112.9 3.1 Food and foodstuff 100.2 105.9 106.5 110.2 2.5 Energy, except oil 100.0 100.1 100.1 100.1 - Yiining and mineral products 100.0 123.5 120.8 165.8 13.5 Construction 100.0 101.9 103.7 117.7 L.2 Electrical manufacturing 100.0 99.0 103.0 103.1 o.8 Chemicals 100.0 105.1 107.1 99.1 -0.2 Textile 100.0 121.5 118.24 127.0 6.2 Leather 100.0 105.1 106.7 111.4 2.7 Wool 100.0 107.0 110.6 120.4 i1.8 Paper 100.0 105.0 120.1 121.0 )1.9 Other manufacturing 100.0 106.8 106.8 105.4 1.3 B. Agricultural production 103.3 113.2 119.6 126.9 6.1 Cereals 100.7 100.7 100.7 100.7 0.2 Vegetables 112.4 123.2 139.4 159.6 12.24 Industrial products 103.8 108.4 101.3 106.7 1.6 Wia.e and wine products 100.2 135.8 136.4 138.0 8.4 Fruits 106.6 113.7 120.7 136.4 8.1 Livestock 101.3 111.9 122.7 128.5 6.5 Animal products 100.8 106.1 116.6 118.8 4.4 Wool and wool products 100.0 100.0 114.0 114.0 3.i Fibers 100.1 140.0 140.0 140o0 8.8 Fish and fish products 120.1 122.1 133.9 154.6 11.5 j For urban workers and employees. 2/ Excluding hydrocarbons, steel, other metals and mechanical irndustries. Source: Secr4tariat du Plan, Direction des Statistiques. Table 10.1. OIL AND GAS: EXPLORATION AND DEVELOPMENT, 1963-73 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 Geophysical activities Team-months 195 128 41 45 116 116 108 153 220 224 231 Profiles (thousands of km) .,. ... 4 5 14 13 13 16 26 27 ˇ9 Drilling (thousands of meters) Exploration 182 130 50 52 57 62 99 107 69 34 45 Development .210 121 156 123 101 140 149 247 225 223 198 Number of wells drilled Exploration ... ... ... ... 18 27 37 27 11 12 (Oil) ( 6) ( 10) ( 4) ( 4) ( 3) (Gas) (1) (- ) (4) (1) (- ) (Dry or abandonned) (20) ( 27) ( 19) ( 6) ( 9) Development ... ... ... ... 54 46 79 39 72 79 (0il) ( 44) ( 76) ( 33) ( 62) ( 66) (Gas) ( - ) ( - ) ( 2) ( 5) ( 8) (Dry or abandonned) . ( 2) ( 3) ( 4) ( 3) ( 5) Exploration expenditures (millions of dinars) Geological operations ... ... ... 1 13 5 12 22 6 ... ... Geophysical operations ... ... ... 25 81 86 106 151 163 ... ... Drilling ... ... ... 48 139 158 235 255 94 ... ... Total ... ... ... 74 233 249 353 428 263 ... 1007% SONATRACH ... ... ... 1 20 32 98 169 184 ... Source: SONATRACH Table 10.2: CRUDE OIL- OUTPUT. TRANSPORT, AND DELIVERIES. 1963-74 (Thousands of tons) 19( 19(-4 19 ; 19,( 19(7 19(2 1969 1970 1971 1972 197', 1974 Output by owner SONATRACH - - - 10 4,470 5,795 7,283 10,213 23.294 5A,524 R,797 . Foreign companies 23,887 26,489 21. 4 1 55, 85 34.605 37,109 37,501 37,992 13,798 11,562 12,025 ... Output by field Hassi-Messaoud Sud 6,655 7,319 .36,2 8. 8(5 10,367 10,702 10,702 12,752 11,131 14,114 11,479 ... Hassi-Messaoud Nord 4,582 4,935 5,335 6,227 6,676 7,972 8,229 10,457 8,655 10,938, 15,491 Zarzaitine 6. 68' 6,592 I.1' 5,624 3,802 3.919 4,507 4,320 1,969 4,:72 3,353 *- Gassi-Touil 12 230 637 3.366 4,459 4,291 4,109 5,463 2,285 5,219 2.P72 ... Rhourde-el-Baguel 15P 1.011 971 3,202 4.243 4,472 4,136 3.252 2,657 3,123 2,840 ., Gassi-el-Agreb 1.117 14 581 1,567 2,003 1,967 2,152 2,041 1,627 1,831 1,675 ... Other fields 11,911 8,757 12,28,8 13,112 ... Total outputJ 23,857 26,4,9 26,481 33.5D68 39.075 42,904 44,784 48,205 37,082 50,086 50,822 47,192 Transport by loading port HEH - Arzew - - _ .376 13,5677 17. 852 19,360 20,176 17,010 17,980 18.269 ... HEH - Bejaia 13.765- 14,491 14,7; 15,0,°3 15,248 15,563 15,235 16,421 14,637 14,422 12,236 ... HEH - Skikda - - - - - - - - - 6,867 11,128 ... In Amenas - La Skhirra 9,911 11,730 11.190 10.509 9,764 9,751 9,859 11,176 5,052 10,456 8,48l ... Total 23.677 26.229 26,068 33,768 38.689 42,786 44,455 47.773 36,699 49,725 50,114 Deliveries To domestic refineries 66 1.466 1,686 1.534 2,008 2,054 2.147 2.386 2,281 2.727 5,012 4.523 To export markets 23.646 24.895 24,55^ 31,930 36.348 41,145 42,067 45.509 34,946 46.597 45,002 42.110 Total 23,712 26.361 26.244 33,465 38,356 43,199 44,214 47.895 37,227 49.324 50,014 46,633 1/ Includes condensate, about 800.000 tons in 1973. Source: Ministere de l'Industrie and SONATRACH Table 10.3. REFINED OIL FRODUCTS: OUTPUT, EXPORTS AND DOMESTIC DELIVERIES, 1965-73 (Thousands of tons) Domestic Apparent Output Deliveries Exports Deficit Surplus 1965 1,603 1,099 625 - 121 1966 1,491 19125 560 - 19)4 1967 1,936 1,166 540 - 230 1968 1,979 1,364 562 - 53 1969 2,059 1,692 479 - 112 1970 2,294 1,935 490 - 131 1971 2,195 2,114 278 - 227 1972 2,541 2,298 515 - 272 1973 4, 872 2,559 2,398 - 85 Source: Ministare de l'Industrie and SONATRACH Table 104h REFI=D OIL PRODUCTS: OUTPUT, EXPORTS AND DOMESTIC DELIVERIES, 1969-73 (Thousands of tons) 1969 1970 1971 1972 Output 2,059 2,294 2,195 2,541 4,87i LPG (butane and propane) 89 104 98 119 C.< Regular gasoline 143 344 34L 388 High octane gasoline 364 170 176 202 -) Kerosene 209 206 157 190 Gas-oil 761 896 835 936 1 5 Fuel-oil 469 522 491 623 l-r Naphta 24 53 68 72 Bitumen - - - 12 52 Lubricants _ - - - 1' Exports 479 490 278 515 23,J)8 LPG (propane) 4 2 - - Regular gasoline 73 35 30 84 197 High octane gasoline 66 57 21 39 lOb Kerosene 38 37 7 - 9 Gas-oil 102 133 53 39 501 Fuel-oil 181 157 106 281 1, O8c Naphta 15 69 60 72 4oo Domestic deliveries 1,692 1,935 2,l144 2,298 2,5k?- Motor-fuels 1,292 1,435 1,616 1,809 1,97b Bitumen 62 77 89 99 Iubricants 39 39 46 50 Bunker oil 166 225 200 114 l LPG 133 158 194 226 2o0 1/ 116 tons. Source: Ministere de l'Industrie and SONATRACHo Table 10.5: NATURAL GAS: OUTPJT, TRANSPORT, DOMESTIC DELIVERIES. AND EXPORTS, 1963-74 (Natural gas in million cubic meters; LNG in thousand cubic meters) 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 Output Natural gas (Hassi R'mel) ... ... 2,291 2,431 2,446 2,892 2,768 2,914 3,578 5,621 5,978 LNG (Camel, Skikda) ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 2,580 2,454 2,806 4,123 4,672 Transport (natural gas) Arzew pipeline ... ... ... ... 2,115 2,342 2.838 2,742 2,802 3,137 3,400 Skikda pipeline - - - - - - - - - 253 1.554 Total ... ... ... ... 2,115 2,542 2,838 2,742 2,802 5,390 4,754 Domestic deliveries (natural gas) To LNG units - 275 1,312 1,519 1,648 1,829 2,151 1,855 1,820 2,299 3,384 ... To SONELGAZ 310 434 436 428 414 459 575 580 700 ... 825 To SOTHRA - 1 4 13 18 12 25 21 22 ... 18 ... To Arzew ammonia plant - - - - - - 19 105 169 ... 270 To SONATRACH - - - - - 77 85 122 72 286 ... Total 510 709 1,752 1,961 2,128 2,557 2,854 2,671 2,783 5,390 4,805 Exports of LNG Britain - 172 1,150 1,128 1.318 1,710 1,75 1,49 ... ... 1.739 ... France - - 318 650 746 694 974 935 ... ... 2,156 ... Spain - - - - - - 154 81 ... ... 148 ... Italy - - - - - - 10 5 ... United States - - - - - - 9 - 79 ... ... 12 Total _ 172 1,468 1,778 2.065 2,413 2,884 2,539 2.582 2.678 4.055 I/ In addition. natural gas is produced with crude oil: Hassi R'mel gas contains about 200 grams of condensate per thousand cubic meters. Source: Ministere de 1 Industrie and SONATRACHI Table 10.6. HYDROCARBONS IN 1974 (Thousands of tons, except when otherwise indicated) Item Forecast-/ Output Crude oil 3 53,156 Condensate (Thous. of m 3) 2,000 Natural gas (Thous. of m ) 10,280 Liquified natural gas 7,702 Liquified petroleum gas 1,330 Motor-fuels 5,005 Bitumen 75 Lubricants 58 Exports Crude oil 47,868 Condensate 1,023 Liquified natural gas (Thous. of m3 LNG) 7,641 Liquified petroleum gas 28 Motor-fuels 2,783 Amonia 136 Distribution Crude oil 3 5,302 Natural gas (Millions of m ) 2,958 Liquified petroleum gas 180 Motor-fuels 2,282. Bitumen 73 Lubricants 58 Bunker oil 102 Air transport products 151 Imports Various products, incl. fertilizers 943 1/ Forecast made in February 1974 Source: SONATRACH Table 10.7. SONATRACH: MAIN FINANCIAL RESULTS, 1969-73 (Millions of dinars) Item 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 Gross sales 1/ 1,764 2,199 4,208 6,174 8,793 of which:(Taxes on sales) (482) (551) (587) (634) (672) less Salaries and wages 158 236 354 580 754 Depreciation 2/ 166 242 635 831 1,152 Other operating expenses 1,118 1,346 2,408 2,926 3,467 equals: _ Net income 322 375 811 1,837 3,420 less Income tax 145 231 1,021 1,650 2,394 equals: Net profit 177 144 (210) 187 1,026 of which: (Contribution to Government) (29) (155) (270) - (310) Memo Items: Investment expenditures 1,283 1,825 2,564 2,742 2,717 Permanent workers (Thous.) 9.2 10.1 14.1 23.9 30.5 l/ Includes besides sales- of products, sales of hydrocarbon transport services and research and exploration works for third parties. 2/ Includes tinspecified amounts allocated to reserves. Source SbNATRACH