C - ,c { v!:Zl L -. --- 4 t Document of The World Bank FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Report No. 11241-RW STAFF APPRAISAL REPORT REPUBLIC OF RWANDA '=NERGY SECTOR REHABILITATION PROJECT January 13, 1993 MTCIROFT(CHE CC331 mi/m DA 4.13 1992 1.08 0.2S COTE D'IVOIRE Ft 0-15 .Inhim FCFA 159 1990 3.18 0.02 1 16-30 n/i'm FCPA 159 1990 3.18 0.02 2 31-90nm'Am FCPFA 209 1990 4.18 0.02 3 91-300 m?tim FCPA 307 1990 6.16 0.02 CAR Ph 1S lm FPCFA 176 1990 3.52 0.02 1 0-30 n.tI FCFA 104 1990 2.08 0.02 2 31-2000Ms,m FCFA 209 1990 4.18 0.02 3 >2000 mIlm FCPA 169 1990 336 0.02 SENEGAL 1 0-29 se'bim FCFA 105 1966 2.10 0.02 2 20-180m/bim FCPA 265 1986 530 0.02 3 > 180 nSOrir PCA 306 1986 6.13 0.02 CONGO 1 0-3S m?Im "FA 83 1987 1.66 0.02 2 3S-100 nO/m FPCPA 108 1987 2.16 0.02 3 >100.' F"A 127 1987 2.S4 0.02 GUDIEA I No Taudi E4 241 1991 4.82 0.02 CHAD 1 0-1S rnm PCPA 115 1991 230 0.02 2 16-00 I/m PCFA 230 1991 4.60 0.02 3 >600 mffm PCFA 1001 0.02 RWANDA 1 0-25 lIm FRW 60 1992 2.40 0.04 2 26.60 mr/m FRW 90 1992 3.60 0.04 3 60-100 mYlm FRW 120 1992 4.80 0.04 4 >100 n/n FRW 135 1992 5.40 0.04 EN"meSYffC WEEU*JLn AYIE PROJECT AVERE TARIFFS FOR fEECTRICITY IN SWUSE -ANR AFRICfA CUTIES COUNTRY COIPANY Tariff excluding location of meters Tariff including location of aeters Date Re¢arks Tariff exd. location of meters U eu. fCFA/kSh Tariff Inc. location of meters U | q. fCFAJkUh _ MIN11 USE! 55 0 FCFA 55,0 58,? FCFA 587, 1991 hydro/therm Tariffs do not meot sectoral f inacial - - - _ eeds RCT CIIE 48,3 FCFA 48,3 FCFA 1991 hydro/therm Tar ffts 0,IVOIRE fully met sectaa fietnanciall - - - _ mgeds MALI Eon Sp's FCFA 59.5 60.9 FCFA 60.9 199 hydroWtherm tariffs do not meet a sestoral fUfer lt RrA INERCA 44,7 FCFA 44,7 FCFA 199 hydra/therm Tariffs do not moet sectoVal fafat g RIWASA ILECTROOAZ 12.81 FU 25,0' FIN 19M2 hvdroelectr Tarwffs do fo not oft sectaral TCIAD gTm 92.8 FCFA 92.8 FCFA 199 thermal Tariffs do Mot mee sectorat it ans of the tamest in siblahbaran Africa. 0* REPU8LC Of _ ENER SECTOR REMRILITATION PROJECT EIXtUTION OF PRitCE STRUCTURE FOR SUPER M GSOLINE (RWF/llter) -_._ * ~ . - - -. .. = -- _. = Feb. Nowv. My Jie Sept. 12 N.. 2S DC. 29 Nar. 17 Avg. 07 Oct. 19 Nor. 1986 1986 t987 198 1990 1990 1990 7/ 1992 199 t99t 1992 Atlsl ticn Ces _a fOB Price 25.05 14.18 16.93 13.24 23.00 40.36 40.36 32.90 30.43 28.79 27.11 Trnsport140 14.50 14.50 14.50 13.00 20.00 22.00 22.00 22.00 22.00 22.00 Insurance 11 0.40 0.29 0.32 0.28 0.36 0.60 0.68 0.61 0.58 0.56 0.S4 CtF KIGALt 39.95 28.97 31.75 28.02 36.36 60.96 63.04 55.51 53.01 S.35 49.65 ri-n Entry few 13.23 13.23 13.23 17.64 1T.64 17.64 29.40 29.40 29.40 29.40 29.40 Concessein Fees 11 1.20 0.67 0.95 0.84 1.09 1.83 2.08 1.67 1.59 1.S4 1.49 tepert License Fees If . . _ . . . - 2.62 2.54 2.46 Pereqatfin Tax IV . 8.0 11.00 8.00 3.00 29.16 8.5S 16.92 17.04 18.93 20.43 tax an Turnower 41 . 2.60 2.77 2.81 3.42 5.02 11.09 11.09 11.09 11.09 11.09 Sub-Total Taxation 14.43 24.70 27.95 29.29 25.S S3.6S 51.12 59.08 61.74 63.50 64.87 Depot Transit Costs /f 0.40 0.29 0.32 0.28 0.84 1.41 1.61 1.42 1.35 1.31 1.26 i&oIes.Costs & Margine J 9.62 1O.44 4.38 6.81 4.65 S.98 6.23 S.99 S.90 5.84 6.22 Reta1ler Costs & Margins 2.40 2.40 2.40 2.40 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 Sub-Total Costs & Margins 12.42 13.13 7.10 9.49 8.49 10.39 10.84 10.41 10.25 1.15 10.48 sale PreL 66.80 o6.80 66.80 66.80 70.00 12S.00 12s.007 12S.007 125.00 O25.00 125.00 Exde Ra,te (FRWIJ) 89.00 86.00 80.00 75.02 73.89 120.00 120.44 126.68 128.07 125.66 12.00 Sele Price USS/l eqlv. 0.751 o.m 0.835 0.890 0.947 1.042 1.038 0.987 0.976 0.995 1.000 V Including tax an tumowr for irurance sines Aust 191. 3X of CAP cotlected by WEMIA imtil Marcb 1990. SX of C&F. Tax an turnmr: 1 tutit December 1990; 10 thereafter. 2.323 of CIF ard tax an turnwr for these casts. with March t990, 1t collected by NAGM. Sanking costs (33 of CV) and tax an turnwver for these costs + losses 0,52 + margn 4.17 MW/t. Introdutton of a 1OX tax an turnoer. Estabifshed (in MW/I) periodatly by MIWRT to epenat for variations in external price. 0~ REPULtC OF RYAED EN1RS SECTOR IEI*ILITAtOII PROJECT FoL4n( OLF PRICE STRUCTIMS FOR BASOIL AND KERSENWE (NF/titer) 12 nov. 1990 25 DYC. 1990 Z/ 29 slrch 1991 23 Nay 1991 19 Nerch 1992 Cas1i I Kerosene Deceit Kerosn Gaof t Kerosene lasol I Kersei Quofit Kerosene Acufaften cost Price 37,98 51,04 37,98 51,04 34,84 48.09 31,90 30,64 23,19 28,62 Transport 20,00 20.00 2200 22.00 22,00 20.00 22,00 20,00 22,00 20.00 Insurant 1/ 0,58 0.71 0,66 0,80 0.63 0.68 0,59 0.51 0,50 0,51 CIF KigaII 58,56 71,75 60,64 73,8 57,47 68,77 54,49 51,15 45.69 49,13 Entry Fees 17"64 29,40 * 7.38 29.40 6,88 29,40 5.12 29,40 4,91 1 Cencession fee &f 1.76 2,15 2,00 2,U 1,72 2.06 1,63 1.53 1,37 1,47 a, Import License Fee V . . . .,26 2,43 Pereqpation Tax fl 26.91 25,13 6,62 9,78 10,26 16,38 13,50 . 20,66 Tax en Turmver 4I 4,86 10,64 S,10 10,64 5.10 10,64 3,30 10,64 3.30 SUbtotat TAXATI0S 51,17 27,28 48,66 27,40 52,02 30.42 55,17 9.95 64.33 12.11 Depot Tr.asit Costs 11 1,36 1,66 1,S 1,88 1,46 1,60 1,39 1.1T 1,16 1,14 iHolesale Costs a Nargin Il S,91 6,31 6.1S 6,58 6,0S 6.21 5.95 7,03 S,82 6,92 Retaioer Costs nd VW rin 3,ao 3.00 3,0n 3,00 3.00 3.00 3,00 5,70 3,00 S,74 a3 3 Mm = m. 3 _ _ 338 Totel Costs erd Nargirs 10,27 10,97 10,70 11,46 10,51 10,81 10.34 13.90 9.98 13,76 Sale Price 120,00 110,00 120.00 110.00 120,00 110,00 120,00 75,00 120,00 75,00 IX Including tax en turnover for Insurance since AugUSt 1991. 2/ N3X of CF collected by RASEMUA untIl Narch 1990. Stof C&F. Tax en tUr4 ovr: 6X until December 1990; 102 thereafter. i) 2.322 of CIF and tax an turnover for thes costs. Until Narch 1990, 1X collected by NAGERNA. Banking costs (32 of C&F) *nd tax en turnover for these csts4 tosses 0,5X + margin 4.17 RUFI(. e Introixtien of a 102 tax en turnover. m Established (in RNWI) periodically by NICONART to copensate for variations in external price. N 0 - 65 - ANNm .5 Page 3 of 4 REFIJEUC OF RWANDA OI1LJl DMRT B; Import of Perolwm Products Yeary Totd Export avarage FOB Price Tons Price Million CDF Price dipp Million RWF (a) Miion US$ rRWF b) _ 1988 91,750 3,213 42,025 76.45 9,010.5 1989 89,SS7 3,154 39,356 80.14 8,376.6 _ 1990 84,479 3,167 38,345 82.589 8,478.3 1991 65,878 4,248 33,944 125.156 11,971.3 - 66 - ANNEX 1.5 Page 4 of 4 .____ I W _ I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I t l;E!|0E | _ _ n~~~~~~~~* S sig§ES X _ { o9_ §~~~ allS j i X11ES' | | _ g~~~~9 10 ASM~~~~~ - 67 - ANE .6 Pag 1 of 1 ENERGY? SEMR AEINAMNATIO PROJECT THE SOLAR E,NRGY SUBSICOR 1.1 Rwanda is well-placed in tms of solar radiation endowa met horzontl radion aveaes 5.15 kWh/mzeday, or potentIly 1.9 MWhlm2lyear. Yearly vaiaons in radiaton ae modest, altugh efctive radiation/mn of array surace is reduced due to periods of overcat and during the dry monts on accoun of dut While awaitig more reliable data on this matter from the Energy Center (Univerity of Buo), conservative figures of 3.8 kWh/ms/day for the north and 4.0 kWhlm2lday for the south are used A. Applications of solar eny cuety found in Rwanda ae photvoc (PV) syms for ligt, rncom cation, and sterflization, as well as solar themal water heating and crop drying. 1.2 PV sysm bave fomnd a ready maret niche In the rurl areas, and some 950 syms with a totaD peak power of 27.8 kW, have bee instaloed todate, geneting a MWh/year (whih represens a capacity factor of 45 percent). One radio tnite (3.3 kW operts In Knaniva (Cyan), ELEC OGAZ and BUFMAR have installed 240 systems in rural health coters (11.2 kW,), and the remander (11.2 kW) was sold mainy to househls in rural areas though private p . t of the housAold systems were sold at cost A financing scheme exdsts (13 percent inberest to households, wih 20 peret dowam , and 11 to 48 month trms) with the Union des Banqu Populai du Rwanda (UBPR); most of the systems for hedth centers were subsidizd by a bilaal donor. 1.3 Ihe currt enr policy alms at making ene available to everybody at a reasonable price, and even dtuugh it speificay highlight renable energy, no detd policy has yet ben fmulaed for the prooion of PVs. The Division -des Energies Nouveiles at Renouvelables at des Hydrocabresa (DENRH) witn MINTRAPE is coordiag the existng PV activities in colaboration with the UBPR and the pvae sector with finacil and tehnical assistance from GTZ's Spa Enegy Project. The DENRH has also created a traing program for PV ers under which abou 2 retaees per prefctur have beean trained. A round-table seminar was organized in May 92 wit most of the actors presen in th PV sector in Rwanda, and it was concluded hat considerable scope exist for improvement In terms of reducing the cost to the user and impwving the quality of the services tendered. PV systems provide the lowest-cost opdon for housebolds in ralr are to obtain some of the mode benefits of elecity. PC: 8Paniug des _u _ _ Rwan&d, Januaq 1986. - 68 - ANNEX 1 Page 1 of 1 REPUBLC OFRARD TWGAS SGUMB= 1.1 Large quanes of gS eist in the deep wats of Lak Xi. It s esmated that the waters below a depth of 270 men contain about 60 bilion Nm3 of methn with n amual additiona generation of about 250 million Nm3. Mm ga trapped in the deep wats cont appro ly 73.5 percet of carbonloid (C02), 24.9 meane (CR4) ad other notably nitrge and sfec ad (HAS). A Cap Rubona, a pilot project has opated for about 30 yeas, prviding a tird of the energy required for a local brewy. This project ptoduce about 1.4 million Nr3lyear of gas with a medte contet of 80 percent. Duing a semia organed by the Bank in Fbary 1992, a stateg was established to develop the methane resorce in the context of the energy setor PIP reviw, and was subsequenty accepted by ali the donos Ivolved and the Govmn he tree cotons underlying the stategy for donor involvement in any project rdatd to mehe gas devebpme aro: (i) promoton of regional _magmet of the whole resource, (O) granting of eploiadon conessio to the prvae sector and Iii) close coordiaion between the parties ivolved ncluding Rwada, Zaire, SOCIGAZ and t don. Gormetas agree to confirm in wring by natdson dth projec development will be left to he pvae stor. 1.2 Studies wer cid out on methods of hinreasing the use of thed . The European Commuity Commision (ECC) fiaced a study of the commerc deveopment (broducn, distribution and maken) of the gas resve for th regioa mar Me Belgian Government studied th exansion of te Cap Rubona plant by a factor of fve in fmework of fully suppying the brewery, and te Caadian Govenmt fnded a study on the use and maketing of the gas into the Rwanda maket TIe ECC study indcted t t ispSSIbl to extrcto bet 50 and 150 mMilion Nm3 of met per yea on a susinble bais witdout depleting the depit. Following projection, It app t the satfication of the waters of Lake Kivu would still be protcted with producton of 500 milion Nm3 per year. ITh study also indicated ht this level of gas production from Lke Kivu will t relt in additional risk of a gas eruon simiar to the one that occurd at Lke Nyos in Cameroon in 1986. Another conusion of the study is to adopt a modular aproach for he exacton of methane, allowing tecical knowledge to be gained at each stage of deveopment thereby fluther mmiing eonmel s. On he basi of aca proven demand at the Cement Pln at Mashyuza, a new colecdon station with an annu capcity of 25 millin Nm3 is eamared to be f _anced by the ECC. Ihe bid docu_me for the Cap Rubona gS project e a een pepared and subId to the Rwandese Govemet - 69 - ANEX 1.8 Page 1 of2 REPUBUC OF IIWANDA OUTLINE OF THE CHARCOAL TAXATION SYSTM Taxation of charcoal Is to be intoduced under the project to fitate a modernization of the caroal sector widi a view to use scarce wood resources as rationally as possible and to ensure a susainable supply of chacoal until th populaton can afford a switch to modeen fiuls such as keosene and LPG. As pinewood is cmredy not used for the poduction of charcoal, and vast quantities are avaiable for many years tO come, a specific tax of approiWely W 1 - PRW 2 per kg wi be applied to eucalyptus to make pinewood c o mpetiVe with eucalypts chao (See Figure below). As shown, at preset the poin of equilibrium (Qi) between pinewood and eucalypts dhacoal is at atly 130 km from iga (constuting 80% of the total charcoal market). A spefic tax of PRW 1/kg wil cnge this point of equilibrimto 180 km (Q2), and a tax of FRW 2/kg to 220 km (Q3). Ihe pinwood resources are located at d es geater tan 200 km from Kigali. Th specific tax on hrcoal will have a minor effect on end-users since the retail price of dcarcoal in towns is likly to inrase diereby giving an inentive to use impwved stoves and save chcoa. Improved stoves could more than off-set the charcoal price increase as average rooal savings in practice amount to 35%. There are two proposed tax regimes: a normal regime (PRW 60 per bag), and a special regime (PRW 30 per bag). The specia regime is applied to efficient charcoal production in villages that manage their wood reources properly; such vlges will have a wood use managem plan apprwoe by MINAGRI. In this case, some 83 percet of the tax (PRW 2SbA) remais in th village and 17 prcent (PRW 5/bag) flows into the NFF. The norma regime is applied in All oter cases and rpreset the current inefficient sitation in Rwanda In this case, some 80 percen (PRW 47.3/bag) of the tax flows ino the NFF and 20 percent (PRW 12.5) remins wifth the vfllago authorites. Pinewood choal is empt from the tac so as to mae it competivo with eucalyptus charcoal. Trnsportes would pay te specific tax on charcol to the vibge authorites where the wood originated. They wil receive a receipt staiDng the date, the type of wood used, the amount of charcoal ansported, the amount of tax paid, and the names of the vlge and the tapoer. This receipt wi replac e current tansport permit. Tle tax diffrence provides an incentive on the one hand to transporters for finding chrcoal in vlges that apply the speci regime, and on the other hand to villages for prepaing a village wood use plan. At the town entry (initially Kigali and later other towns also), control posts will collec fmm tasporters the receipt given to them in the vilage. This allows MINAGRI to maintain detaied data on the charcoal production s well as to prepare plans for optial use of wood reources. Ihe revenues from the tax are sufficient tA cover the cost of the control posts (even when *ey ae only 80%), and will also enable the fiaacing of a number of village wood use pla through the NFP. - 70 - Pap 2 oif2 REPMULC OF RWNDA= CHARCOAL TAX JUSTIFICATION 24 - 22- .a1 100 120 140 ISO 180 200 22024 In fronm Kiga -A- pil l eucalyptus-z euc + F -- etc. +2F - 71 - ANNEX 2.1 Page 1 of 7 REPUBLIC OF RWANDA ENERGY S1ECTR REHALITATION PROiECT TERMS OF REFERENCE FOR CONSULTANTS FOR PREPARATION OF BIDDING AND CONTRACTUAL DOCUMENTS FoR THE SELECTION OF THE PRIVATE OPERATOR 1. itroduoio ELEROGAZ is a government monopoly responsible for the production, transmission and distribution of electric power, water and gas. A body corporate with financl autonomy, it was created in its present form by Decree-Law No. 18-76 of April 20, 1976 and is governed by Decree-Law No. 39-75 (Public Institutions). It is headed by a Board of Directors and a Director, the latter appoin by the President of the Republic. In technical matters, it is under the supervision of the Ministy of Public Works and Energy and in financial matters under that of the Ministry of Finance. As noted above, ELECTROGAZ is active in three sectors: water, electric power, and gas. Large-scale civil engineerng works, even in these sectors, are by custom evaluated separately, accountg for a not insignificant proportion of the agency's turnover, as indicated further on. At the end of 1990, the key indicators of the utility activity as of the audited financial statements were as follows: POWR Production Capacity 5 Hydro Stations (Installed Capacity: 28.69 MW) Generated 78.3 GWH Imported 95.7 GWH System losses 14.6% No. of customers, of which: 25,000 - LV 24,750 - MV 250 Tuniover RWF 1,139,863 1l Imports from the RU2:ZI I & U Stations. - 72 - &ANNLd2,1 Page 2 of 7 WATER Production capacity 22,870,000 r3l No. of faciities 12 Production 10,228,000 n3 System losses 35% No. of customers 16,000 Turnver RWF 540,833 Gas supply activities are marginal: sales are made to a single client, Brasserie et Limonaderie du Rwanda, which consumes 131,000 m3, for a turnover figure of RE 2 million. Turnover on large-scale civil engineering works at the end of 1990 was RF 655 milion, including approximately R1 195 million for works and supplies on its own account. At the end of 1991, ELECTROGAZ had a total staff complement of 4,108 indviduals, in the following categories: - Regular or fixed-term 1,253 - Permanent part-time 670 - Temporary part-ime (operations) 1,485 - Temporary part-time (works) 700 TOTAL 4,108 2. Present S Ihe Rwandese State and ELECTROGAZ, with the support of various donors, have been engaged for many years in a major investment program, as a result of which the agency's fixed assets were valued at a total of RF 29 biSlion as of December 31, 1990 (RF 20 billion after depreciation). Althoug this program has made it possible to double the number of customers in five years, growth in turnover has not been on a par with the investment rate, chiefly because of inadequate tariffs and commercial policy. These weaknesses have been exacerbated by: - major system losses; - defective collection, with billings to customer accounts at close of 1990 being 11 months behind on average; - ineffective and inadequate- mnagement procedures for an enterprise of this size (one consequence: ignorance of cost prices); - lack of an efficient Planning Unit; - an unsuitable institutional framework, exacerbated by the agency's status as a public enterprise. These handicaps antae produced cash-flow difficulties that have prevented the agecuty since 1988 from meedng its debt-service obligations, which have thus fallen to the Govemment. However, - 73 - A4NNEX 2.1 Pap 3 of 7 the Govenment, ficed with its own serious financial difficultes, has not paid its utility bills. lbe end result is ta major cross-indetedness eai. Given the agency's precarious finac status (V. attached Financial Statemets), the devaluation of the Rwandese franc by 67% in November 1990 saddled ELECrROGAZ with a loss of RF 1.7 billion in 1991, on top of losses amounting to RF 6.3 billion in 1990 (about three tmes its turver). 3. Prsed While conductng various studies to identify means of rehabilitating the agency permanently, the Government rapidly came to realize that the most eficient and appropriate of the possible options would be to transfer ELECROGAZ opeations to a privae-sector opeator. teefore proposes to split the agency into two separate entities - a Socifte nationale de parimoine (SNP) to serve as principal and administer the agency's assets, and a Socite privEe d'exploitation (SPE) to be responsible for production and the operation of agency facilities. The relationship between the two entities would be governed by a lease contract . Ithe SPE would also be responsible for biUling and collection operations, retning a portion of the proceeds in lieu of lease onactor and ener costs, and remitting the balance to the SNP to cover its own operating costs, as well as debt-service obligations and energy and water sector development invlasents. Notfication of prequalification proceedings was published in Development Business No. 347 of July 31, 1992, the response cut-off date being given as September 30, 1992. In order to ensure the success of the reform process, the Government wishes to recrit consultants to help draw up the various conuaD docmnents necesary and to asist it as necessary In negotiations witi potentia partners. The consultants will be required to perform the following tasks: - determine the responsibilities of the various intervening parties (SNP, SPE, Govement); - draft Stattes for the SNP, decide its optmm staff size, and make recommendaions for reorganization of its capital structure; - draft a lease contract between the SNP and the SPE; - prepare all bidding Jocuments for selection of the fuure private operator. Moreover, in order to attrct the largest possible numer of qualified pivate operatrs, certain incentives are to be offered. The Energy Sector Rehabilitation Project would first finance the following activities: - inventory of all water supply and power supply points; - updating of the customer database (power and water); - upgrading and finalization of plans and maps of all water and power disrbuon facilties; - overal of water and power service drops and meters; - constiution of a strategic inemoy of spare parts. - 74 - A LQd Papg 4 of 7 Simultaneously, the Project would also provide fmancing for the rehabilitation and extension of the distribution network seving the cies of Yigali, Butare, Nyabisindu, Ruhengeri and Gisenyi, rehabilitation of the Mukungwa I and Gisenyi hydro-plants and rehabilitaion of the Mururu I substation. Goverment Contdributian to Water Tariff Water tariffs, would need to be raised by additional 40% and 20% to reach full rates of RWF142.55 and RWF171.06 respectively, even after the two increases of 15% each tdt ae contemplated under the project. The immed.A' priority in implementing a full rate for water is to restore the customers' willingness to pay for water, and to enforce sound and secure biling and collection procedures, including cut-off as needed. As this priority would be progressively achieved in parallel with improvements of the quality and availaility of water service following the rehabilitation and upgrading of connection instllations, the increase needed for water tarff (which is too high to implement at once), would need to be phased. The Government would finance every year until 1998, the differenti between the curent water tariff and the full rate. This pragmatic subsidization scheme, is deemed effective and appropriate since: (a) te process is entirely transparent as subsidies would be conveyed trough budgetary channels; and (b) the arrangements would last only a limited period of time and would be done on a declining basis. In this connection, the Government's contributions to waier tariff that is necessary to maintain the full rate for water over the project implementation would be detemined by October 31 in each year for the succeeding year, taking into account the yearly water tariff increases. Private _ rar Access to Foreign Exchange Past experience in the sector with ELECIROGAZ as well as experience elsewhere demonstrated both the importance and the problems in having ready access to foreign exchanges to cover operations needs. Continued difficulties in this area could result in delays in timely implemeon of contractual obligations by the private operation under the proposed arragements. This risk is now significandy reduced in Rwanda which under the SAC-supported reform program, has established on July 1, 1992 a non-discriminatory foreign exchange allocation regime through an Open General License (OGL) system adminisred by commercial banks. Ihis system is funded by foreign exchange earnings, as well as by the proceeds of the IWP's SAF and the first SAC operation. Other donors will also utilize this system in their balance of payments assistance to Rwanda. It is therefore expected that the OOL system would provide the fimre private operator ihat will operate ELECTROGAZ access to foreign exchange at the prevailing exchange rate to finance essential spare parts and service in the normal course of business. 4. -sultans Tasb 4.1 R2=bnaiteailit fintvening parti Since there are now to be three intervening parties (the SPE, the SNP and the Government) iostead of two, the consultants are asked to provide clear statements of the responsibilities of each of them, particularly as their respective interests do not necessarily coincide. These responsibilities consist not only of the investment program and the frequency and extent of tariff adjusment, but also the intrface between administration of assets on the one hand and operating activities, incuding maintenance, on the other. As far as the latter arena is concemed, the consultants shoud pay particulr attetion to the practical side of the subdivision of ELECTROGAZ into SNP and SPE. - 75 - ANNEX 2-l Page 5 of 7 Their first step should be to identify the functions belonging specifically to the SNP, the SPE and the Government as far as design, financing, execution and operation of facilities are concerned. lhe separate fields of responsibility of each party should be clearly marked out so as to prevent situations of avoidance of responsibility or encroachment on the terrain of others. Provisions should be made for arbitration mechanisms or structures for dealing with disputes. The consultants should also examine the following particular points with care. Mechanisms for setting tariffs: The single tariff collected from the consumer will be distributed as follows: one part will cover SPE fees, another will be used to purchase energy (Ruzizi I and II) and the remainder will be remitted to the SNP to cover its running costs, meet debt-service obligations and finance necessary investments in sector development. The structure of the tariffs and the mechanisms for adjusting them should be studied with the three partners in mind. An externally regulated structure to arbitrate potential conflicts should be envisaged. 1fest mnLprgm: The interest of the three partners could in some cases be split between the determination to maximize water and power delivery services throughout the country and the possibility of making these investments profitable. The consultants should therefore put forward proposals regarding decision-making mechanisms and means of appeal. ter asnects of the functioning of these three entities should also be studied so thas overlapping and duplication are prevented. 4.2 Drafting of SNP statutes The Ministry of Finmce has recently prepared a new draft of the Public Enterprises Bil (Loi-Cadre), which introduces two categories of public entity, namely etablissements publics (public instidons) and socidtds nationales (State-owned corporations). The latter are defined as corporations subject to private law but wholly owned by the State and/or by bodies corporate subject to public law; they are governed by the legislation on commercial corporations, except as specified in the Public Enterprises Act. This Bill nullifies all earlier instruments, particularly the 1976 Decree-Law creating ELECMROGAZ, although they will remain in force temporarily until new Statutes can be adopted, preferably via presidential decree. After carefil analysis of earlier instruments, particularly any specific technical provisions, some of which should be retained, the consultants will draw up the new Statutes of the SociMe national de Patrimoine (the SNP). In addition to the general features common to all soci6t4s nationales (State- owned corporations), the Statutes should incorporate the distribution of responsibilities referred to in Section 4.1 above and specific prescriptions for administration of the water and power subsectors. The consultants should be aware of any amendments the legilure may make in the text of the Bill and should review judicial practice as far as decisions affecting monopolies are concerned. - 76 - NNBNX 2.1 Page 6 of?7 uMORdrggnIgtjCha. lhe consultants should provide a suggested organization hat, and sbould indicate both the fumctons of the various units comprising It and their sffing need. These needs should be dictated essentily by the SNPs new responsibilities and designated spheres of action; they should also be consistent with the requwements of strict, optimal management on the prnciple of mimum rumling costs. CZital ,Stucoe.At the present time, ELECTROGAZ needs to be recapitalized. The consultantsshould therefore propose means of reorganizing its capital structure, incorporating menisms for capitalizing short-tem debt, and clearing cumulative losses. 4.3 SIME lease contract Against the bacgound of the legislation in force and the provisns referred to in Section 4.2 above, the lease contract between the SNP and the SPE, in addition to the clauses usualy contained in such contrats, should incorporate provisions on the following points: - steps to be followed in putting the conta intD effect (e.g. transfer of ELECTROGAZ oeating assets to the SNP and the SPE, handling of client accounts receivable and supplier accouns payable, etc.); responsibilities, obligations, rights and spheres of action of the three parters (Government, SNP, SPE); duration of the contract and procedures for its amendment and renewal; - ithe principle on which contracta remuneration is to be computed; pmlcular attention should be given to Government arreas - for instace, the SPE woud be authorized to deduct regular goverment consumption stil due from amounts collected after 60 days upon receipt of bills; - content and frequency of operang reports (to include volumes/ quan"ties of water and elericity consumption billed and paid for by month and by quart), and content of the end-of-contract report; - technical dtds for works to be executed by the SPE; - genera operafng reations and rdes for the arbiration of SNPISPE disue; - capial of the SPE (the equivalent of about US$5 n'illion). 4.4 Dfting of new casnomer contcts The consulan should draw up model contracts (power and water) for the SPE to use with its alsomer and update e teisting ELECTROGAZ conacts. The customer ontract shoud specify criteia for judging quality of service and prcedur for setement of SPE/customer disputes. - 77 - ANNE1X21 Pap 7 of 7 4.5 Biddin documents With the contens of Sections 4.1-4.4 above in mind, h consulta are asked to prepare bidn documents giving all necssay and avaable bomation on th expected contents of bidders' proposals, procedures for their presentation and the criteria that will be used in evaluating them. 4.6 Evaluatio of bidsn2gafigiM with succesful bidder The consultants wIll be expected to assist the GovernmeMt in ealuatng bid proposals received, and in negotiations with the successfil bidder. 5. Deadline f Consulta 'he documentation referred to in Sections 4.1-4.5 above should be finalized by February 15, 1993, a, as far as the lease contact is concened, should have been discu&ad by then wfth bo the Government, lease prequalified bidders and the Bank. 6. Bidder The consultants selected to carry out these tasks will be expected to aemble a multi- disciplinary team including in particular: - a legal expert or experts experienced in the specfic fields of oaporae law, aemae contracts, and the types of regulary mechaism envisaged; - an engineer or engineers specializing in the production and distribution of electric power and water and in the fotmulation of general operating regulations. Relevat experience in the restructuring of a corpoaion enged in the production and distribution of water and power In Africa is indispenable. 7. Information Available Ihe consulta should consult the following doumenion perdtinet to their mande: - Master Plan for the Electriication of Rwanda by 2010, Hydro-Qu International (Canada); - Water Resource Master Plan and Mmagement System, TWB Consulting Engineers (Austria); - ELECMROGAZ Rehabiiaton Study, SAUR-AFRIQUE (France); - Draft Law for Public Entps (Ministry of Finance). - Key elements of the lease contract as agreed upon with the Govermnt Any other aville Executive Branch doentatio ca be remtd to Ie consultas on request. - 78 - ANNEX2.2 Page I of 2 REPUBIC OF OFWANDA ERGY ISE= RIM MlILffATIQ PtROJECT CONDITNS TO HE INCLUDED IN THE LEASE C TRC ROPOSED FOR THE POWER AND WATER SECORS IN RVANDA 1. Tms of the the Lessee will manage, entirely at his own risk, the works and instllations leased to him by the Lessor. The Govement, through the SNP, is the owner of the asses, existng or future, and regulates the Lessee. 2. Reonsibilities of the Lessee: The Lessee is responsible, under the terms of the contract signed with the Lessor, of the following: (a) the generadon, transmission and distribution of elecrcity and water in the areas leased to him; (b) the quality and the reliability of the service, and (c) the prudent choice of new investments, when and if this is delegated to him in the contract. The lease will include all the works and installations (including land and buildings) for the generation, tansmission and distibution, including the major spare parts for the generating units, but excluding the clients' meters which will be purchased by the Lesee from Electrograz and which will then become the property of the Lessee. The lease dsall also include all the equipment necessary for data gathering, monitoring, control and dispatch of the load 3. Financial responsibilitv of the Lessee: The Lessee will be responsible for all the operation expenses (excluding fuel and imports of electricity), for mainte and the replacement of short-lived assets, and of the technical, financial and commercial managemnAt of the assets of the Lessor. in particular, he will be responsible for: (a) salaries of the SPE's staff; (b) all the expenses necessary for the operation, mainteace (up to the limits mentioned hereunder) and management; (c) the cost of the services that the SPE might hire with others; (d) the expenses associated with service to the clients, including but not limited to billing, collections, etc; (e) the investment in assets needed to opera, as detailed hereunder and excluding those directly related to the assets leased to him, and (t) duties and taxes. lhe Lessee will pay out of his own remuneration for the spare parts needed for the mantenane of the insllations and for the replacement of short lived assets provided that the cost of each one of these partalsssets does not exceed US$5,000 or a total of US$100,000 per year; otherwise, such parts/asets will be purchased out of the fimds to be collected and transferred to the Lessor, as per the following paragraph. In any event, it is understood that the Lessee will pay, out of his own remuneration, (i) all office equipment and supplies, (il) all meters, house service drop wires and associated hardware, (lii) vehicles, tools and testing equipment (cable, meter, oil, insulation, etc), (iv) all equipment needed for biling and collections, and (v) expansion of the distribution network to serve new customers, or an increase in load of exisifng customers, provided that the cost of each such expansion does not exceed US$10,000. 4. Payment to the Lessee: lTe Lessee will allowed to keep as his remuneration a portion of what he collects for each kWh sold. Tariffs will be set by Government through the legily established channels. After setting apart his payment, the Lessee shall use the remaining fiuds to: (a) pay for fuel and for the importation of electricity, and (b) what is left after this will be turned over to the Lessor. This will be done as payment from the clients is collected and the payment freqecy and timing would be agreed upon between the Government and the private operaor during discussions on contacual aurangements. - 79 - ANX2.2 Page 2 of 2 5. Transfer to the Lessor: Transfer to the Lessor will be used to: (a) pay the debt servie of the assets of the sector; (b) pay the opaing expenses of the SNP, owner of the assets and entusted with the planning of the sector and the constuction of the future assets; (c) establish a fund for the replacemn of assets tha ae not the responsibility of the Lessee, and (d) finance the investment program of the sector. 6. AWMe Thf the Les unenton: 'Me Lessee's remuneration will be adjusted by a factor equivalent to 50% of the local inflation. h i eected hat Ithe Lessee will compoe for the remaning 50% through efficiency Improvemaets. 7. Personnel for the SPE: The lessee will have complete freedom In all that concerns the hiring and firing of the personnel neeted for the operation of the SPE. This will include: (a) the definidon of the staffing level and numbers; (b) the definition of the requirements for each position; (c) the salary level for each position; (d) the benefits and incatives to be paid in addition to the basic salary, and (e) the management of the personnel, including firing, when necsary. It is understood that the Lessee will opera in accordance with the Labor Laws in effect in Rwanda. 8. Td d : The Lessee and the SPE will pay taxes and duties as per the applicable legislation in Rwanda. The Lessee and the SPE wiUl receive the same ratment that the Law accords to other simlar corporations in Rwand 9. Condition of The ihlUations: 'Me installations to the leased will be in good condion, or will be the object of a rehabilitation program financed by several donors. An adequate supply of spare parts for the generating stations will also be made available. 10. Purchae of eSnr ggu=g Tss Ihe Lessee will purhase from the Lessor, at fair market value, aU those exist asset (vehicles, tools, meters, cable for house service connection, office equipment and supplies, computers, equipment and materials for distribution expansion, etc) that he considers necessary for the proper rnning of the SPE 11. Depoi: The total paid by customers as deposit for their future co ions will be turned over t the Lessee on the date on which the lease contract is to take effect. 12. EMU consumed b Govemment and Govemmencies: Payment to the Lessee i to be based on the assumption that Government and Government agencies wil pay for their consumption as any other client. To this effect, the Government will set up (and repleish) an escrow account to Cover two months consumption of the public sector, including those pas that traditionally have not paid, or paid late, their consumption. The Lessor and Lessee wMI control the escrow account. 13. purtion of the contract: The duration of the contract shall be 10 years, with an etension of 5 years, subject to satisfactory performance. RE£PLIC OF RWANPA ENERGY SECTOR RERAtLtTATIOU SusrY Accosmte Cost Suwimry RNW XISS Z Total .............................. ......................... X Foreign Bese Local forelsn Total Lcarl Foreign Total Exchange Costs 1. INVEsTNT COSTS , ............. A. Wrk 1. Distribution R_ab works 52.85 52.8S 105.70 0.36 0.36 0.73 50.09 2.25 2. Distributfon xtentsions 74.67 74.67 149.35 0.51 0.51 t.03 S0.00 3.18 3. Schatation Woks 30.45 578.55 609.00 0.21 3.9 4.20 95.09 12.96 4. Nyro Oerhauls 43.50 24.50 290.00 0.30 1.70 2.00 85.00 6.1? 5. Servie CAmect Upgrading 8.70 34.80 43.0 0.06 0.24 0.30 80.00 0." 6. $ll Constructfis 3.13 0.35 3.48 0.02 0.00 0.02 10.00 0.07 ....... .................... *.................... ........................... ................................................. Su-bTotal 213.31 987.73 1201.03 1.47 6.81 8.28 82.24 25.55 3. Goas 1. Plant Equlp._t 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2. Substation EqWpisJnt 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3. Spares for _a a Tram 0.00 319.00 319.00 0.00 2.20 2.20 100.00 6.?9 4. Ofstrib Eqtpm A Materials 0.00 767.34 767.34 0.00 5.29 5.29 100.00 16.32 5. Elect fatis/Savic Comes 0.00 32.00 232.00 0.00 1.60 1.60 100.00 4.94 6. water Comes Eq & lttte 0.00 87.00 87.00 0.00 0.60 0.60 100.00 1.85 7. Tools A fainten Euipment 0.00 43.S0 43.50 0.00 0.30 0.30 100.00 0.93 5. other Equipment 0.00 190.53 190.53 0.00 1.31 1.31 100.00 4.05 9. Consumbles 149.16 16.7 15.73 1.03 * 0.11 1.4 10.00 3.53 Sulb-Total ~.............................. ............ ..................... ........... ............... SCt.aOtl 149.16 1655.94 1505.10 1.03 11.42 12.48 9.74 38.40 C. Services 1. Bltb)ntrie swrw 6.70 78.30 67.00 0.06 0.54 0.60 90.00 1.85 2. training Servce s 0.00 104.40 104.40 0.00 0.72 0.72 100.00 2.22 3. Pboto Intrpr £ Sap Prtng 0.00 49.44 49.44 0.00 0.34 0.34 100.00 1.05 M-Taftl ;W~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ... w ; .... .W......;w.......... .... W.............................. ................ ............................... .......... 9ubrtetal 3.70 832.14 240.34 0.06 1.60 1.66 96.39 5.12 O. COAtuemss 1. essibility Studies 14.50 275.50 250.00 0.10 1.90 2.00 5.00 6.17 2. EngIneerwng Studfes 37.70 28.55 326.25 0.26 1.9 2.25 88.44 6.94 3. Project NMat & SsaerVIsIo 1.45 130.35 131.80 0.01 0.90 0.91 96.90 2.80 4. Institutions t Asist 18.27 161.53 179.80 0.13 1.11 1.24 89.84 3.82 5. Operational Assistance 21.S6 215.80 237.36 0.1S 1.49 1.64 90.92 5.05 6. Training 2.66 25.7t1 28.56 0.02 0.18 0.20 90.00 0.61 SubrTotal 96.34 10n.45 1193.78 0.66 7.57 8.23 91.93 2S.40 E. tseeller 1. Refinancing of PPf 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2. Severance Pawunts 203.00 0.00 203.00 1.40 0.00 1.40 0.00 4.32 * 3. SelarIes (Charcoal N Ptn) 34.19 22.79 56.96 0.24 0.16 0.39 40.00 1.21 i u ......................... ........................... ....................P SubtTotal 237.19 22.79 259.9 1.64 0.16 1.79 8.77 5.53 .............................. ........................... ........................ ..... _...... O. Total UNLKE COSTS................... . ....... ............. .................. .............. i--------- Total SSEbIMlE COSTS 704.70 b396.05 4700.7 4.86 27.56 32.42 8S.01 100.00 Phsical ContingencIes 72.72 3.31 486.0 O.SO 2.8S 3.35 85.04 10.34 o Prio Contingences 72.65 387.80 460.44 0.50 2.67 3.1t 84.22 9.80 Totat PR . .CT. COSTs 850.07 4797.16 5647.22 5.66 33....9 38.95 84.95 120.13 .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . REPUIC OF RWANDA E_GY SECTOR RENABILITATION Sumary Accounts by Year Totals Including Contingendes Totals Inctuding Contingencfes FRW USS 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 Total 1993 1994 1995 1996 199? 1998 Total 1. INVESNT COSJS ..................... A. Worke 1. DIstrlbutfcn Nabob Works 0.00 24.77 45.05 33.43 20.84 7.22 131.31 0.00 0.17 0.31 0.23 0.14 0.0 0.91 2. DIstrIbutIon Extenslons 0.00 26.25 45.46 47.24 49.08 20.40 188.42 0.00 0.18 0.31 0.33 0.34 0.14 1.30 3. SubstatIon Works 0.00 71.00 258.08 34446 79.46 0.00 753.00 0.00 0.49 1.78 2.38 0.55 0.00 5.19 4. 3ydro Overhmuls 0.00 35.39 183.78 133.5? 19.81 0.00 372.54 0.00 0.24 1.27 0.92 0.14 0.00 2.57 5. ServIce Conneet UpgradIng 0.00 33.87 17.59 0.00 0.00 0.00 51.45 0.00 0.23 0.12 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.35 6. Soall Comtructlcis 2.61 1.37 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.9 0.02 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 ukb-Total 2.61 192.63 549.96 558.70 169.20 2.42 1500.72 0.02 1.33 3.79 3.65 1.17 0.19 10.35 B. aed 1. Plont Elumt_ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2. ahstatIon Eqau1p_t 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3. Sprs for Gsea a Tr na 0.00 185.85 193.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 378.15 0.00 1.28 1.33 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.61 4. Ofstrlb ESop p Nhtertalt 0.00 44.105 0.00 481.90 0.00 0.00 928.94 0.00 3.0B 0.00 3.32 0.00 0.00 6.41 S. Elect NatlJgiSrdc Comnn 0.00 135.16 140.36 0.00 0.00 0.00 27s.53 0.00 0.93 0.97 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.90 6. Yater Connec Eq a Ratto 0.00 S0.69 52.64 0.00 0.00 0.00 103.32 0.00 0.35 0.36 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.71 7. Toets & Nlnten 5*dpaint 0.00 50.69 0.00 0.00 0.00' 0.00 50.69 0.00 0.35 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.35 B. Other EquIpoent 67.48 126.36 23.16 3.46 0.00 0.00 220.48 0.47 0.67 0.16 0.02 0.00 0.00 1.52 9. Ceonsubtes 37.58 56.82 53.59 51.29 0.00 0.00 199.26 0.26 0.39 0.37 0.35 0.00 0.00 1.37 SubrTotal 105.07 1052.43 462.15 536.65 0.00 0.00 2157.09 0.1n 7.26 3.19 '.70 0.00 0.00 14.5 C. Servies 1. U8athrstrie Siuwy 81.35 16.91 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 98.26 0.56 O.12 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.48 2. TraIning Services 19.51 20.27 21.05 21.15 22.69 23.55 128.93 0.13 0.14 0.15 0.15 0.t6 0.16 0.89 3. Photo interpr & NIP Prtn 20.16 23.99 13.16 0.00 0.00 0.00 S.31 0.14 0.17 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.40 S4b-Total 121.03 61.18 34.21 21.85 22.69 23.55 2a4.s1 0.63 0.42 0.24 0.15 0.16 0.16 1.96 D. Consultfncles 1. ibesIbfllty StudHes 32.53 219.76 6t.78 0.00 0.00 0.00 340.07 0.22 1.52 0.61 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.35 2. Enging StudIes 121.96 190.44 65.94 0.00 0.00 0.00 378.33 0.84 1.31 0.45 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.61 3. ProJect St £ Supwsvislo 0.00 24.49 55.67 45.62 28.79 10.44 165.01 0.00 0.17 0.38 0.31 0.20 0.07 1.14 4. InstltutlenalAlwt AssIst 106.09 64.34 38.67 0.00 0.00 0.00 207.10 0.72 0.44 0.27 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.43 5. peratlonsl AssistuIs 7O.59 109.77 78.18 12.04 0.00 0.00 277.58 0.54 0.76 0.54 0.OB 0.00 0.00 1.91 6. TrainIng 7.81 12.69 9.86 3.28 0.00 0.00 33462 0.05 0.09 0.07 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.23 I ................................................................ ................................... ....... ............... Sub-Total 343.98 621.49 336.07 60.94 2B.79 10.44 1401.71 2.37 4.29 2.32 0.42 0.20 0.07 9.67 001 E. Nisceltnmeus N 1. RefinnwIng of PPF 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 o 2. Severance Pasysnts 65.39 170.82 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 236.22 0.45 1.18 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.63 3. Salarles (Charcoal N Ptn) 19.74 25.68 16.79 4.78 0.00 0.00 66.99 0.14 0.18 0.12 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.46 ........... .............,............................... ......................................................... ...................................................................... Sub-Total 85.13 196.51 16.79 4.78 0.00 0.00 303.21 0.59 1.36 0.12 0.03 0.00 0.00 2.09 Total PROJECT cosTS 657.82 224.43 1399.78 1182.92 220.68 61.60 5647.22 4.54 1445 9.65 8.16 1.52 0.42 38.95 REPUBLIC OF 2MIAD EKERtT SECTOR R!IMRLITATION Tabte 1. Energy Sector Rshabhfltftlan Institutionat Refdom Detailed Cost Table 'ml Totals Including Contingencies ouantity unit Cost Sase Costs In USM US$ 93-98 Total 1993-98 1993 1994 1995 1996-98 Total 1993 1994 1995 1996-96 Total 1. INVESTMENT COSTS ................ A. Data Sa.e tpsradlng UptbtIng Plans & Draings - - - 0.00 375.00 125.00 0.00 500.00 0.00 437.91 151.63 0.00 S89.55 Inventory Detivery Podnts - - - 0.00 600.00 200.00 0.00 800.00 0.00 700?o. 242.61 0.00 943.28 Sub-Totat 0.00 9r5.00 325.00 0.00 1300.00 0.00 1138.58 394.25 0.00 1532.82 S. Service ctmeo. Upgrading orks - - - 0.00 200.00 100.00 0.00 300.00 0.00 233.5S 121.31 0.00 354.86 Water Ccnreo Eq * Natla - - - 0.00 300.00 300.00 0.00 600.00 0.00 349.6 363.01 0.00 712.57 Elect Caome Eq B Notts - - - 0.00 800.00 800.00 0.00 1600.00 0.00 932.15 968.03 0.00 1900.18 Consultant Services - - - 0.00 1SO.00 50.00 0.00 200.00 0.00 174.78 6O.SO 0.00 235.28 S a Total 0.00 1450.00 1250.00 0.00 2700.00 0.00 1690.04 1S12.85 0.00 3202.8B G C. Seerance Payents - - 400.00 1000.00 0.00 0.00 1400.00 451.00 1178.10 0.00 0.00 1629.10 0. Coulting Services - - - 300.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 300.00 336.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 336.43 Total INVESTtENT COSTS 700157.00 0.00 5700.00 787.43 4006.71 1907.10 0.00 6701.24 Totat 70.0.0 3425.00 1573.00 0.00 5700.00 787.43 4006.71 1907.10 0.00 6701.24 Unit Costs Scaled by 1000.0 - Values sealed by 1000.0 11/10/1992 9:47 REPU8LIC oF MIUDA EURG? SECTOR REWSILITATION table 2. Energy Sector RshabiLitatian FPssibility Studies for Hydro ProJects Detalted Cost Table FM Totals Including Contingencies Quantity Unit Cost Base Costs in US$ USS 93-98 Total 1993-98 1993 1994 199S 1996-98 Total 1993 1994 199S 1996-98 Total * i: 1. I UVSTHENT COSTS ................w A. Cosultants Services - - - 200.00 1300.00 500.00 0.00 2000.00 224.35 151S.S8 605.40 0.00 2345.33 0 Total INVESTEWT tOSTS 200.00 1300.00 50.0 0.00 2000.00 224.35 1515.58 606.40 0.00 2345.33 . Umuuu2 UU~Z8 a auauauua C==== gmauuaaa amumuuuz =Macaa uaauuaa o Total 200.00 1300.00 500.00 0.00 2000.00 224.35 1515.58 605.40 0.00 2345.33 Unit Costs Scaled by 1000.0 - Values scaled by 1000.0 11/10/1M 9:47 REPUBLIC Of RWAMA ENERGY SECTOR RENADILITATION Table 3. RehabIlitation and Extension of Dfstrfbutlon Networks Detalted Cost Table FRII Totals Itnluding Continsancles Breakdoem of Totals Incl.Cont. uss us 1993 1994 1995 1996 199? 1996 Totat F.Exch tocal Taxes Total ................................._........................................................................... .................................... t . INVESTNT COSTS ....._..._. A. Engr Stuy/Bidding Docaute 280.36 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 280.36 280.36 0.00 0.00 280.36 B. Kfgals Eq & NatIe ReaIbitltation 0.00 671.1! 0.00 723.47 0.00 0.00 1394.61 1394.61 0.00 0.00 1394.61 Eq & Natts for Ext'nsions 0.00 372.86 0.00 401.9 0.00 0.00 774.78 774.78 0.00 0.00 774.78 Rehabilitation Morts 0.00 89.98 163.65 121.45 75.71 26.22 477.02 236.89 240.13 0.00 477.02 Extension Notike 0.00 36.91 63.93 66.42 69.01 28.68 264.94 131.52 133.42 0.00 264.94 Project Supervisfon 0.00 55.93 10.64 75.36 46.93 16.24 296.11 296.11 0.00 0.00 296.11 --.---... .... ........ ............ ........ ............ ... _...... ........ .......... _............. .. .. .... ............ Sub-Totea 0.00 1226.63 329.22 1386.62 191.66 71.14 3207.47 2833.91 37.56 0.00 3207.4? C. 8utare Eq & NatIs Rehab iltation 0.00 302.95 0.00 326.S6 0.00 0.00 629.51 629.51 0.00 0.00 629.51 Eq & NatIs for ExtensIons 0.00 17.48 0.00 18.61 0.00 0.00 36.32 36.32 0.00 0.00 36.32 Rehabilitation Wwtks 0.00 39.64 72.45 53.77 33.52 11.61 2 1.18 104.87 106.31 0.00 211.18 Extension Works 0.00 1.76 3.04 3.16 3.29 1.37 12.62 6.26 6.35 0.00 12.62 Project SspervisIen 0.00 17.24 31.34 23.24 14.47 5.01 91.30 91.30 0.00 0.00 91.30 ........ .......... ............_.... ......... ........ ............ ........ ........... ........ ........... ...... .................... . ....... SUb1total 0.00 379.26 106.83 425.57 51.28 17.98 980.93 868.26 112.66 0.00 980.93 co D. Rtengeri Eq & Katie ReAb It ltaton 0.00 46.6t 0.00 50.24 0.00 0.00 96.85 96.85 0.00 0.00 96.85 Eq & NatIs for Extens1ios 0.00 1106.93 0.00 1193.22 0.00 0.00 2300.14 2300.14 0.00 0.00 2300.14 Rebabilitation Works 0.00 5.86 10.65 7.91 4.93 1.71 31.06 15.42 15.63 0.00 31.06 Extensmin Works 0.00 112.48 194.82 202.42 210.32 87.41 607.4 400.82 406.62 0.00 807.44 Project Supervion 0.00 46.32 80.16 83.21 86.37 35.86 331.93 331.93 0.00 0.00 331.93 .... ......... ........ ........... ....... ..... ........ ............ .. ..... ... ...... ... .... .... ...... .. ... .... .. . ........ . Sub-Total 0.00 1318.19 285.64 1536.99 301.62 124.98 3567.42 3145.16 422.26 0.00 3567.42 E. Gisa_l Eq & NatIs Rehabdlitation 0.00 134.00 0.00 144.4 0.00 0.00 27B.44 278.44 0.00 0.00 278.44 Eq & Katis for Extensions 0.00 267.99 0.00 268.88 0.00 0.00 556.88 556.88 0.00 0.00 556.88 Rehabilitation works 0.00 18.75 34.09 25.30 15.77 5.46 99.38 49.35 50.03 0.00 S9.36 Extension Works 0.00 26.36 45.66 47.44 49.29 20.49 189.24 93.94 95.30 0.00 189.24 Project Supervision 0.00 15.73 27.23 28.26 29.33 12.18 112.73 112.73 0.00 0.00 112.73 ................ ....... ................ ........... ........ ............ ... ....... .......... ........ ............ ... .... . ........ ........... ........ Sub-Total 0.00 462.83 106.98 534.33 94.40 38.13 1236.67 1091.34 145.33 0.00 1236.67 F. lyabislnia Eq & KatIs RehabilItation 0.00 128.17 0.00 138.16 0.00 0.00 266.33 266.33 0.00 0.00 266.33 Eq A NatIs for Extensions 0.00 34.96 0.00 37.68 0.00 0.00 72.64 - 72.64 0.00 0.00 72.64 Rehabliftatfon Works 0.00 16.40 29.83 22.14 13.80 4.78 86.96 43.18 43.77 0.00 86.96 Extension Works 0.00 3.51 6.09 6.33 6.57 2.73 25.23 12.53 12.71 0.00 25.23 OQ Project supervislon 0.00 9.32 16.94 12.56 7.82 2.71 49.35 49.35 0.00 0.00 49.35 X ........ ........... ........ ............ ........ ............ ........... ... ........ .......... . ........ ............ , SusbTotal 0.00 192.37 52.86 216.67 28.20 10.22 500.51 444.03 56.48 0.00 500.51 0 Total NWES MW COSTS 280.36 3579.47 681.53 4102.39 667.15 262.45 9773.35 8663.06 1110.29 0.00 973.35F uumuuu UUB_U.3 muam UUUUM #n= om .m m u .3=m a====m Total 280.36 3579.47 881.53 4102.39 667.15 262.4 97m3.35 8663.06 11t0.29 0.00 97m7.35 - Vatues scaled by 1000.0 11110/1992 9:47 PBLIC Of RWANI DIERv SCTOR IREMUILTATIUN Table 4. Iswosmmnt of Sbstatioens Detaled Cost Table FRm Totals Inctuding Contfingnies Breakdoem of Totals Incl.Cont. 193 1994 199S 1996 199? 1998 total F.Exch Local Taxes Total I1. IUVlESTHENT COStS ................ A. Enon & Prepar 3fdh Docs 336.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 336.43 336.43 0.00 0.00 336.43 S. Nodfffcatfon of Rururu I works and Naterials 0.00 139.90 508.53 678.74 156.58 0.00 1483.75 1408.60 75.15 0.00 1483.75 C. Works Other subtatfcm Works and Materials 0.00 349.75 1271.33 1696.85 391.45 0.00 3709.38 3521.50 187.88 0.00 3709.38 total IUVE8NET COSTS 336.43 489.65 179.87 2375.59 S48.02 0.00 5529.57 S266.53 263.04 0.00 SS29.57 uuuuum __iamuuuam muuue. - UUUs m umn. - u Total 336.43 489.65 1779.8? 2375.59 548.02 0.00 5529.57 5216.53 263.04 0.00 5529.5? Vataus scaled by 1000.0 1111011992 9:47 co REPUBLIC Of RUNkIA ENERGY SECTOR REINILITATION Tabte S. Overhaul Works at Hydro Power Stations Detaf led Cost Table Totals Including Contingencfes Breakdown of totals Incl.Cont. US. WI 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 total F.Exch Local Taxes Total 1. INVESTMENT COSTS A. Engrn & Prepr Bidd Docmts 224.29 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 224.29 224.29 0.00 0.00 224.29 0 2 B. Works and Naterials Go Nukiunga 0.00 121.95 633.31 460.25 68.26 0.00 128S 78 1153.86 129.91 0.00 1283.78 0 Gfsenyi NydfIfc Structurs 0.00 122.08 634.11 460.92 68.37 0.00 1285.49 1025.66 259.83 0.00 1285.49 Xn ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ Sub-Total 0.00 244.03 1267.42 921.18 136.64 0.00 2369.27 2179.52 389.74 0.00 2569.27 0 C. Project Supervision 0.00 24.38 126.58 91.98 13.64 0.00 256.59 243.59 12.99 0.00 256.59 ' Total INVESTMENT COSTS 22.29 268.41 1394.00 1013.16 150.28 0.00 3050.14 2647.41 402.74 0.00 3050.14 ° Total 224.29 268.41 1394.00 1013.16 150.28 0.00 3050.14 2647.41 402.74 0.00 3050.14 ~ s__ . _=X=_M Values scaled by 1000.0 11/10/1992 9:47 REPBIC OF RWANDA EOEGY SECTOR UtLITATION Table 6. Spare Parts id antawnce Equlpent Oetatf ed Cost Table fRII Totals Incluing Cantingencias 0uuntity unit Cost Bse Costs In USS UeSt f-911 Total 1993-96 1994 199S 1996-9 Total 1993 1994 1995 199690 Total t. INESIENt COSt8 ....................... A. Spae Pats 0.00 1100.00 1100.00 0.00 2200.00 0.00 181.71 1331.04 0.00 2612.74 B. Tools & Equfpment 0.00 300.00 0.00 0.00 300.00 0.00 349.56 0.00 0.00 349.56 Total INWST COSTS 0.00 1400.00 1100.00 0.00 250.00 0.00 1a1.26 1331.04 0.00 2962.30 Total 0.00 1400.00 1100.00 0.00 2500.00 0.00 la1.26 1331.04 0.00 29f2.30 uit Cest Selled by 1000.0 - Values eated br 100O.0 11/11992 9MT 4. REPUBIC OF Rll_A ENERGY SECTOR RESWIIUTATIOU Table 7. Technical Assistance and Capacity BuftIding for Poer Sector Detailed Cost Table FRW Totals Includine Contingencfes Ouantity unit Cost Base Casts in lUSS U Unit 93-98 Total 1993-98 1993 1994-96 Total 1993 1994 1995 1996 t997 1996 Total 1. I iVESTENIT COSTS A. tIwt Regotnal Operatn - - - 150.00 0.00 1S.OO 168.22 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 168.22 ° S. Scholarships for EStE Students 6 36 2900.0 120.00 120.00 720.00 134.57 139.82 145.20 SO.72 156.45 162.39 889.17 ......~~~~~. ...... ... ...... ..... ...... . ... ..... ........ ...... ........ _.. ..... ... .... _...... ,_,,, Total IlNESTMENlT COSTS 270.00 120.00 870.00 302.79 139.82 145.20 150.72 156.45 162.39 1057.38 0 Total 270.00 120.00 870.00 302.79 139.82 145.20 t50.72 156.45 162.39 1057.38 Unit Costs Scaled by 1000.0 - Values scaled by 1000.0 11/10/1992 9:47 REPUBLIC OF RMADA ENERGY SECTOR REHABILITATION Table S. Charcoal Nster Plan Study Detalled Cost Table FRm Totals lncludIng Contingencies Breasdwgn of Totals Incl.Cont. us$ USS 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997-98 Total F.Exch Local Taxes Total 1. SKVESTHENT COm A. Nasterplan Woodfuel SppLy Photogr & Other Equipment 206.35 11S.35 0.00 0.00 0.00 321.70 321.70 0.00 0.00 321.70 Cons(tants & Local Exprts 141.38 192.47 118.73 3.77 0.00 4S6.35 410.32 46.03 0.00 4S6.3S Temporary Personmel 32.63 36.36 18.29 0.00 0.00 87.28 34.72 52.56 0.00 87.28 Photo Interpr & Nap Prttg 139.06 165.4 90.75 0.00 0.00 395.27 395.27 0.00 0.00 395.2? Training of Locat Personn 39.27 51.33 30.29 0.00 0.00 120.89 108.69 12.19 0.00 120.89 Fuel & Other Cansmambles 31.55 43.54 28.15 5.09 0.00 108.33 10.74 97.59 0.00 108.33 Sub-Total 590.24 604.51 286.21 8.86 0.00 1489.81 1281.4 208.38 0.00 1489.81 8. Nodernization & Follow-up Constructfon Cntrol Posts 18.03 9.41 0.00 0.00 0.00 2t7.4 2.73 24.72 0.00 27.4 Cars & Data Procss Equipm 47.10 69.91 45.98 0.00 0.00 162.99 162.99 0.00 0.00 162.94 Consitants & Leal Experts 59.47 102.65 79.96 2S.16 0.00 267.24 240.26 26.98 0.00 267.24 Temporary Personaml 73.13 105.56 69.49 3.80 0.00 251.99 100.20 151.79 0.00 251.99 Training of Local Persoar 6.73 26.83 27.87 13.84 0.00 75.26 67.66 7.61 0.00 75.26 Fuel & Other Corsmbles 29.30 40.01 36.71 38.17 0.00 14.19 14.28 129.92 0.00 144.19 Sub-Total 233.76 354.38 260.01 80.97 0.00 929.12 588.11 341.01 0.00 929.12 cn C. Commumal Forestry Plans Cars & Data Procss Equipm 153.64 154.97 72.60 0.00 0.00 381.21 381.21 0.00 0.00 381.21 Consitants & Local Exprts 62.84 129.48 1OS.41 22.64 0.00 320.36 288.02 32.34 0.00 320.36 Temporary Persomel 22.50 26.98 21.94 22.81 0.00 94.23 37.4S 56.78 0.00 94.23 Training of Local Persom 7.85 9.33 9.69 8.80 0.00 35.68 32.08 3.60 0.00 35.68 Fuel & Other Corsumbtes 16.27 262.43 264.32 268.48 0.00 957.50 94.77 862.73 0.00 957.50 ......; ........ ............ ..... ............ ....... ...... . ........ ............ ........ ............ ........ ........ Sub-Total 409.10 583.19 473.96 322.73 0.00 1788.98 833.52 95S.66 0.00 1788.98 0. Improv Utilizatn Pinewood Cars & Data Procss Equip. S8.32 65.25 41.14 23.86 0.00 188.57 188.S7 0.00 0.00 188.57 Consttants & Lcal Experts 103.23 157.47 113.89 31.45 0.00 406.04 365.06 40.98 0.00 406.04 Temporary Persermel 7.88 8.21 6.10 6.33 0.00 28.52 11.33 17.18 0.00 28.52 Fuel & Other Consumables 36.06 45.90 40.38 41.99 0.00 164.33 16.27 148.06 0.00 164.33 ........ ........ ........ ............ . .. ....... ............ ........ ............ ........ ............ ........ ........ ..... .. .. .... Sub-Total 205.4 276.83 201.51 103.63 0.00 787.45 581.23 206.22 0.00 787.45 Total MNVESTlENT COStS 1438.58 1818.90 1221.69 S16.19 0.00 4995.3 3284.31 1711.06 0.00 4995.37 8=8_u= uuuuS2a i 88# 8==Su S=W= u& = auui nu ===== ==== Total 1438.58 1818.90 1221.69 516.19 0.00 4995.3; 3284.31 1711.06 0.00 4995.37 Values scaled by 1000.0 11/10/1992 9:47 cr_ 0. REPtIILIC OF MMIIDA ENERGY SECTOR RENASILtTATION Table 9. Cam.srcieItaticn of Photovoltaic Units Detalled Cost Table FRW Totals Including Continfencies Quantity Unit Cost Base Costs In US$ US$ suuuuuuwa"Macmumm ammu ---------uiuuauumuu 93-98 Total 1993-98 1994 199f 1996-98 Total 1993 1994 1995 1996-96 Total I. INESTMN COSTS ................ A. Market & Strategy Studies Market Study - - * 40.00 50.00 0.00 0.00 90.00 44.93 58.45 0.00 0.00 103.38 Fornulatian of Strategy - - 0.00 40.00 0.00 0.00 40.00 0.00 46.76 0.00 0.00 46.76 Sab-Total 40.00 90.00 0.00 0.00 130.00 44.93 105.22 0.00 0.00 150.15 B. Nso Flnancial Nechanfsms Finan Product Identifictn - - 0.00 60.00 0.00 0.00 60.00 0.00 70.14 0.00 0.00 70.14 Testino and Validatifn - - - 0.00 30.00 40.00 0.00 70.00 0.00 35.07 48.58 0.00 83.66 SLd)-Total 0.00 90.00 40.00 0.00 130.00 0.00 105.22 48.58 0.00 153.60 Total INVESTMENT COSTS 40.00 180.00 40.00 0.00 260.00 44.93 210.43 48.58 0.00 303.95 inU~UUUU3UUU _ U U IU a n = _ _ Total 40.00 180.00 40.00 0.00 260.00 44.93 210.43 48.58 0.00 303.95 Unit Costs Scaled by 1000.0 - Vatues scaled by 1000.0 11/10/1998 9:47 0* REPUBLIC OF RWANDA ENERGY SECTOR RENMBILITATIOU Table 10. Support to Private Sector Development of Kivu s nethane 6as Detailed Cast Table PRU totals Including Contingfces Quantity Unit Cost Base Costs fn USS USS 93-98 Total 19931993 1994 1995 1996-98 Totsl 1993 1994 1995 1996 Total ............ ................ ......... ................. ................. .................................. ,.................................. .................._ 1. INESTMENT COSTS A. Bathiteatrfc Surveys - - - 500.00 100.00 0.00 0.00 600.00 561.03 116.65 0.00 0.00 677.68 0 _ B. Set-up Mnitorfng System - - 0.00 150.00 100.00 0.00 250.00 0.00 174.97 121.16 0.00 296.13 a C. Dratftng of Norms - - - 100.00 100.00 0.00 0.00 200.00 112.21 116.65 0.00 0.00 228.85 0 0. Promotfan of Gas Oevelop . - - 0.00 100.00 180.00 0.00 280.00 0.00 116.65 218.08 0.00 334.3 n .............. ........ ..... ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ Total INVESTMENT COSTS 600.00 450.00 280.00 0.00 1330.00 673.23 524.92 339.24 0.00 1537.38 ° urnm_ mrn muu u sm uu== a I 9omu uu m _m_= __= _ Total 600.00 450.00 280.00 0.00 1330.00 673.23 524.92 339.24 0.00 1537.38 m- Unit Costs Scaled by 1000.0 - Values scaled by 1000.0 11/10/1992 9:47 RW LIC 0f RWANDA EERGY SECTOR REVILITATION Tabte 11. Assistance to the Petrolet Sector Detailed Cost Table FRU Totals Ineludfng Contingcies e reakdoe of Totals Incl.Cont. Quantity lnt ft Cost Bae Costs in USS USt IISS ummusu. _____ 9f-98 Totat 1993-96 1993 1994 1995-98 Total 1993 1994 1995-98 Total F.Exch Locat Taxes Total 1. INVESTNT COSTS ............... A. Tethneal Assfstance - - - 200.00 0.00 0.00 200.00 224.29 0.00 0.00 224.29 224.29 0.00 0.00 224.29 S. Depot Repair & Ndodnizat - - - 0.00 400.00 0.00 400.00 0.00 466.07 0.00 466.07 466.07 0.00 0.00 466.07 Total IVESTMENT COSTS 200.00 400.00 0.00 600.00 224.29 466.07 0.00 690.36 690.36 0.00 0.00 690.36 m_m u.m mum mum m_m #mb mm# C5Um .mm mm=a um Total 200.00 400.00 0.00 600.00 224.29 466.07 0.00 690.36 690.36 0.0C 0.00 690.36 Unit Costs Scaled by 1000.0 - Valtis scaled by 1000.0 11/10/1992 9:48 co co 0 - 89 - X.1 Pag 10 of 10 REPUBLIC OF UWANDA ENERGY SETRRE A IQIC DEIAIL OF CONSLIGSERVIE= Ma_ moth Con.s Firm Brief Description of Services Regqire. or Idividua __ _ __ _D___ - b- 1. Eeibilities ftdies for two bvdro Iant rects: o Costing Fms Complemtar geological smveys. _ 2. Woodfuel Promoti 20 Conuling Fins Promotion and seaton smp for use of pine wood, for effictiot producton and conauption and uand us of wood and woodfuel iluding paticipation of loa experts. Prootdon of wooduse magement plans 3. ieerng Studiesj~: (a) Upgrading of services connections: inventy of exisng connctios prePa 1S Individ experts of maps- (b) Improvemen of sation: 1S Consting Firms - technical audixts to identify the weak points in the ma substations of dte msoussc nework and proposals for equipm needs and wok for corretve actions. - Study and detailed design for exdensio of the Muuvu I substatio (c) Hydro Overuls: 10 (usulting Firns - Execution of the Muungwa power station and of the hyduic stctr of Miria power station - Preparation of tecbnical specifcatins and biddWg documents for the supplies and execution of wors. (d) Technical Norms for Gas produco prepaatmi of tcha stadards for fure 6 Idid Experts development of retan gas from Lake KirL (e) Venfication of variato patern of the Lake dq*, identification of sites. D ed 20 Consulting Firms survey of the areas using sonar oqupment. 4. Prolect Supervision: - Supervion setvices for fte rebabilittion and extension of the distribtion 36 Fume netwoks_ 5. Technical Assistance: - through sm_in and developmest of simple computer modes for opeAos planning to ELECmROGAZ staff to improve th opera of dI reioal interconnected netvork for the design and implemontaion of the c l Maer Plan: 10 Idvida Experts - Project coordinator for the first 3 year 26 Consuting Fim5sl/ - Establishment of cotrol sysem and planing of woodfuel poductn zong. 16 Consulting Frm - Preparation of wooduse magemet plans; 20 Consulting Fims - Co a n of pinewood. s18 Consing Firms - Dissemiaton of the abovo to the public: Individuals s0 Idividual Experts & Cosltm P1M - Dismination of the above to the public. Fim 100 Individual ExRs & Consul Fims 6. Tmining (woodfuel): Seminars on efficiency techniques for wood cut and awbosathrughou the Fr%ect 14 d e s imoplementation l/ For the efficiency of the coonlination of tee activities, one firm should beselete to provide these services. - 90 - A,NNEX 4.2 Page I of 1 RIUBLC O RWANDA ENE W.IM REABOfN. PROJC QRGANIZATION AND FUNCTIONS OF THE MCAU Ihe main functions of the Project Coordination and Adminiaion Unit (PCAU) are: (i) to be ountr fo IDA, consultants and contractors; (@) to coordinate and supervse the use of IDA funds and other funds allocated fbr the execution of the Project; (lii) to keep detaied accounts of the funds used In the execion of the project; (iv) to superne the execution by each Project Implementation Unit (PIU) of the different project components; (v) to submit the requests for disbursements to IIDA; (vi) to supevise, joindy with the representaties of each Ministy and Agency involved the procurement procedus for each contact to be entered into and follow up the execution of each conact; (vii) to keep appropriate files for al project components; (viii) to coordinate the preparation by the PIUs of thei respective anmual work program and progress reports, consolidat and send them to IDA at three-month Intervals; (ix) to carry out the sam activities as in (viii) but with respect to the Project Completion Report, once disbrements have been completed and not later than six months aftr Ihe and of all activities; and (x) to hadle official corresndence in respect of project execution with IDA, consutants, contractors, and Government Agencies. REPUBLIC OF RUANDA ENERGY SECTOR REItEILITATION Flnmnciri Plan by Dlsbrsemet Category US, IDA CCCE EIB Government Total Local ................................... -....- ................................................ For. (Excl. Dutfes Amoumt X Amount X Amount X Amount X Amount 2 Exch. Taxes) & Tax. A. IDA Ffnanci.g 25.79 93.98 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.65 6.02 27.44 70.45 24.13 3.31 0.00 B. Caisse Centrale 0.00 0.00 2.57 100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.57 6.60 0.75 1.82 0.00 C. Cof1nanced 0.21 60.00 0.14 40.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.35 0.91 0.28 0.07 0.00 D. EIE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 7.91 92.24 0.67 7.76 8.58 22.03 7.91 0.67 0.00 Total Dsbwmnt 26.00 66.76 2.71 6.97 7.91 20.32 2.32 5.95 38.95 100.00 33.08 5.86 0.00 ;StuesScatedby1000000......... I I/l0/l' ... _9_ ___ …~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Values Scaled by 1000000.0 11/10/1992 9:48 l~ A- I se-ii'r'L ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~6a-dQS, t soD BJGOL46U OumwJ. OWL S $ ~~~~~.......... .... . ..... .A.......0IM" t6-U9t'OL ~~~~~~~~~8-d9S L 69~~~~~~O UO ai4JpQZ5us a .~~~~~~~~~~~~.. g~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~E;-qoj-e e-& r-*L 00 U OudIl U Wupmv allrg * * *nr- *6- 79ot 0a-0cI GOD 4IwJauOODwP LoV * -~~~~ E MII ......... ..S ......... ........... ......... ...... .................. .... S S~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~M M c-V 01 w OTIWP". lr I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~0t I V Iotip*Uc .............L . . ..................................S. .......... ...... ..........I......... ~....... eq 1 touerlla s-f" w b* S N S Oa . ..... ........ .......S . .. .......... .................. S.... = I =~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ = S S.-~~~~~~~~~s- z u 0 1 Qw G w m LN . V ........ ...... ....... ... ..........I .......... ................ ....... . ............... 1f................ lrO........ NO ............... ± L3'OL4d NO&LJ1USH3z *iO± rP4WPJN N ................ .......... ... . .. .. .. . ... .... . ... ......... ----'' - -- -; ' -- '- '' "' -- -- - ---- --;- --- --- .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. ... . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . t. ., , , f : .... _..I_I_1 t; P ~~~~~* _ 9 _ - .. - ------ ---93, 4... - - -- -- . - ......3-.--............ .. . , ......... ...................... ..... ........ .I... . . . . .______ .t .i.I...... ......... . .............. ............... ............._ .. --............. 4 _ , __* _. . v. .. .... .......... .... ............. .................---- .e ...... I... . .......... ...........-.1 4 . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . l ~~~~~~~~~~~. . . . . . . . . . . . . . A . . . . . . . . . . . . .- -. w . . . . . . . . ..- . . . . . . . --- . . .IX g~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I t , ~9 . . . ,. .-.---r 3*3 1- , ............ ................. . ................. ........ ........ . .... _......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . s . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................. . . .... ..... I.. * 3 _ 1 _ _ l_ _~10 1 I -. . . 3; ... _ ................. ...... .. _ _..........-... v. I - . . .... r s , ... . I .................. . ..... . . . . ....... . ........y @- **s u*t ............ .................. .. .. ..... ..1°Pa|OO *. ... ... ............... ........ ..a.,._. aa.....,. .... - . i9e _ _t___i _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ..........4.. .................. ......._.._ _.__ I V I I II I YaNYMU i0 Ofl8fd3u REPUBLIC OF RWANDA ENERGY SECTOR REHABILITATION PROJECT Disbursement Profile Comparison Cumulated Disbursement in % 120 - 100 . ........ 80 - - ---l-Lt>^ 80 2ot..-..l .4 . .... 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 Quarters from Approval Date Project Profile + Standard Profile 0P $td Profile: Africa Energy Sector MIIJ - 95 - bM4Nf 4.5 P4p 2 of 2 REPUBLIC OF RWANDA EONEZRGY SENCTOR ROUVEHM0DtAMM>l PROIEM! DISBURS}EMENT By M DQNlI2I SCE5UR=2u IDA CCCE BIB Govement Total Amount Amount Amount Amount Amout Semeste 1 1.65 0.23 0.28 0.12 2.27 2 1.65 0.23 0.28 0.12 2.27 3 5.71 0.99 0.35 0.28 7.33 4 5.71 0.99 0.35 0.28 7.33 5 2.88 0.15 1.44 0.36 4.83 6 2.88 0.15 1.44 0.36 4.83 7 2.23 0.00 1.56 0.29 4.08 8 2.23 0.00 1.56 0.29 4.08 9 0.35 0.00 0.32 0.09 0.76 10 0.35 0.00 0.32 0.09 0.76 11 0.19 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.21 12 0.19 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.21 Total - An 2.71 7.92 2.32 38.95 Va_c Scaled by 1000000.0 - 96 - Pag 1 Of I REPUDLIC OF RWANIDA E:NEPGY AO SE1REHBJI R SUPERVISMLANP . A Supevision n= int KU Activities.he staff input ndicated in the table below comes m n addition to regular supervision needs for the review of progress reporb, procurement acdos, correspondence, etc. For this project, this will require nine staff weeks per ye. 2. Boffower'sContribution to ftwdfison. (a) Progress reports are to be submitted as follows: (i) at three-month itervals, using the quarterly audited baseline perfrma tgets with format and content to be agreed upon during negotiations to assess the permance of the SPE. (ii) by the PCAU in the Mmistry of Public Works, Energy and Wate (MNRlAPE), which will consolidate the reports pread by dte various PIUs. (b) Audit reports within six aonths of the end of each fiscal year. An extemn auditor, acceptable to IDA, will be selected, using Bank's procedures. (c) Project review meedng with participation of the various project agencies will be held dhee tMs a year normally during IDA supervision mission. The meetin will be chaired by the Director General of Energy, of MNMRAPE. (d) The PCAU will be responsible for coordinating argements with the PIUs for Bank supervision missions, and for providing information requred by missions. (e) Mission briefing meetngs on arrival and wp meetings will be chaired normally by th Minister of Public Works, Energy, and Water (RMAPE) or his representave, with the participation of the Director General of Energy and the Head of the PCAU. - 97 - Pap I of 2 REIKC OFRWNV ENEG;Y S:C1Y)R REHRABLIATION PQC ID-A SEN4KmsIO INPUT INTO KEY ACIIV1ffMS Approximate r Actvivty 1 Expected Skill Slat Iput Date J Requirments (aff Wen) March/April 193 Project Lauch Workshop Power Engineer, 10 ProcuremenM Insttutonal Analyst, Disbursement Officer, Lawyer, Household Energy Speciist and Finacial Analyst August 1993 Follow up en Establish- Power Engineer, Financial 8 ment of the SNP and SPE Analyst, Fosehold Energy Specialist, Economist, Lawyer Nov. 1993 Supervision Mission: First Power Engineer, Financial 10 Meetig wit Priva Analyst, Household Operator Energy Specialist, Economist, Lawyer February 1994 Supervision Mission to Power Engineer, Financial 10 Review Financial Analyst, Household Objectives Energy Specialist, Economist June 1994 Supervision Mission Same as above 8 October 1994 Supevision Mission Same as above 8 June 1995 Mid-Term Review Power Engineer, Financial 14 Anals, Household Energy Specialist, Economist, Lawyer, Disbursement Officer December 1995 Supervision Mission Power Engineer Finmaci 10 Analyst, Economist, Household Energy Specialist I! I 1 T i I I §W 10 Bl§ o 0 . tX- nw ilj E, Wf, r'XiF ~.~ ...O.o g - . 9..^|o§| * 0-SIg[ p-: - _ ........ ~~o Wl.0 .| _4e#0 C t Wirs S |~~ SO|W§ of the WOOd ~ ~~~~~ oa% ' M O f the VVW _ loo - cosn S t oto4 avee 2 ,1btCW&S v O the wood that I cb " ' 'lod press~ fo ¶ P¶ in wood 00~~~~~~~~~~~~~g~~~iptLO~~~~U OOM to ri'a ~s 'O-U ho~ sww iSW l cow004' . tesult ofi urbsI 4g thrdO 11' on .ffienc yo lgO (ooOt) °91g2g$gg5g6g7 98 99 0 1 2 firwOd I~chrcoyearUco~ ,S - 101 - ANNEX 4.8 Page 3 of 4 0maph 3 shows for both scenarios the amount of wood uswed to produce charcoaL Even the With' casm shows an increase in optin, albeit a moderate one: the increase in the Without' case would be 210% ove the period of 10 years (or an average annual incease of 11.9%), whereas the increase n the 'With' cae would be only 93% over the same period (average annual increase of 4.1%). le resuting wood sumptin in the 'With' case is less than 50% of what It would have boen in the Without case. WOOD FOR CHARCOAL PRODUCTION ('000 t) 4 QMAra3 3 i J2 y year12 wKji% t - 102 - ANNEX 4.8 Page 4 of 4 Graph 4 swsdiontedwood savings for the 5 different of intervention. Charcoal stoves hve tho biggst Impact in the Irmediate fture (55% of the total savings in 1992). Whie they save a cosde amount of wood in the long-tenr (25% in 2002), Inprowed dcarcoa maklng will rdadvl sae more (38% of the total 2002 savings). Wood savings from the moderization of the dcmaooaing sector (umagem t of wood resources) are most difficut to estimate, but they wi be tel as Important as improved charcoal making (34% of the 2002 savings). WOOD SAVINGS ('000 t) 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 0 1 2 2 Elstoves charcoaling modernization * village wood U pine wood - 103 - Page 1 of 6 IRUBLUC OF RWANDA ENERGY SECl9 REHLITATION sJC TERMS OF REFERENCE FOR A DETAILED INSPELazgA QP TH1E MUNUNGWA ND GIHlIRA HYDR POWE STATI2ONS 1. T'e hydro power staton of Mumngwa (two units of 6.225 MW each) was commissioned in 1982, ad has, therefore, already completed ten yeams of contnuous operation without having benefited fiom any major maintenance. Although the plant is tiantioning normally, l in oW necesar tD eeet a geaoerau ovel of the isWlation in order to check the condion Of the main components and to correct the efects of the accuuated wear. In the smaller hydro power sion of Gihira (two uni of 0.92 MW each), situated nearby, there is a need to ovehaul the hydraulic strucures, heavtly damaged by erosion due to the great amount of sand carried by the water. 2. Under the Eney Sector Rehabilitation Project, IDA will finance the above metioned works. ELECTROGAZ wishes to retain consulting services to cary out a detaied inspection of the installation and to prepare detailed specifications for the equipment, spare part and materias to be purchased, as well as for the works to be executed, and the necessary biddi documents. QWOectives and Ex24 3. The objective of the asignment is to identify as precisely as possible the materials and works that wil be necessary so as to mdnimize surpri and dlays during the emeuion stage. t is considered tha the best way to prd is to have a single conta covering the suply of materas and works for both power statons, but the consultant should analyze the conmenience of ti solution, and recommend if he thiks that other options are preferable. Ihe eeed oupu is a set of bidding docments according to the contract packaging scheme that is decided. T and Bud 4. The conultant shall carry out a deailed inspection of the concemed istIali in order to determine the present condition of the components and what is needed for their rehabilitation Any test inen or measuring devices that are necessary and that ELECIROGAZ does not have availble wi be provided by the conslLtt For Gihira the inspection will be restricted to the hydtaulic structwes. For Mubnw It should cover the hydraulic strucures as well as the equipmnt in the power house. - 104 - ANNEX 4.9 Page 2 of 6 S. It is estimed tat a dme of about five weeks wiUl be necessary for the inspections and at the totl dution of the asigmet wi be of the order of six months, but the consultant in his proposal ca suggest a differt iming. A totl of about 150,000 USD have been budgeted for this pupose. Pnviou SOdi« 6. A prlminary ipcion of both Mubungwa and Gihira has been carried out by ELECTROGAZ with the assistance of GIZ, and the corespouding report is atched. Inut by ELECrROGAZ 7. ELECTRGAZ wil provide: (i) all the information available on Mukbngwa and Gihira; Oi) any tools, measuring devices, and test instrumens needed for the detaied inspections, at it has availe; (aii) qualified techniciam as required by the consultant to ausist him in his task; lv) assisance with customs formalities for the introduction and re-export of any test instments and equipment he migbt need to bringnto the country; and v) intena tportion and access to the Installations. - 105 - ANN= 4.9 Page 3 of 6 REPUBLIC OF RWANDA JEMS5OF REFRNCEFO A TEHNM&AM OFlTQ THE TRNSMISSIO NLrIWRK 1. A rehabfliation of the high voltage transmission network of ELECTROGAZ was caried out under the Ener I project for Rwanda lb. mediun voltage sec of the trnsmssion substatio were not Included in the rehabilitation. On the other hand, put of the high voltage equipmen In the sbstations is reaively old. For those reonm, it is desred t cary out a tehical audit of all of the ansmission and r o substations aimed at Ienfying comple rehabilitation works that might be necessay. Although the main focus wll be on the medium voltage instalaons, the audit should also include an evaluation of the older pieces of high voltage equipm (with, say, more that 25 years of opation) in the 2. Under th new En Sector RehabiLitation Project, IDA will fhianc t execution of the audit as well as the prior rehabilitation work that are eventualy Idenfied as a rest of the audk. ELECTROGAZ wishes to retin consulting services for the execution of the technical audit and the preparation of the comsponig report Qbjweces nd E 1ee Oq 3. Ihe objdctive of the asigment i to Identify the meas required, frst, to coret weaknesses in the rasmission and subtransmisson 0so as to ensure an adequate level of reliability, and second, to restore to good condii eq u for which some compoet have failed (for example metems in a control panel). Ib. exp resuk of the is: ) a defled specificaion of the pieces of eqpmentand spare pas to be purdaed, as wol as of the work that will be necessay; ii) an estimain of the cre gcos; and ill) a tentative schedule for execuion and for d, th latter classified Into loca and foreign exs. &M-e 1hf and ]Budg 4. lbe audit shall cover the following msubt : Gihira, Ruhengeri, Ntaruk, Mukungwa, Gifurwe, Rulindo, Kigoma, Kilinda, Karogi, Kibogor, and Mrur L Singlo line diagm of the whole system and of the individual substations are atached. It is expected that the inspection of the instlaons will inlude electrical test and parial or total dimanlng of some pieces of equipment, when thIs s neesary for a complete s_ of their stae. For test Instrumes that cannot be provied by ELECMROGAZ it will be the responsibility of the conuta to supply them. - 106 - ANNEX4.9 Page 4 of 6 S. A time of about eight weeks on he terrain i emated to be necessary, and a total time of about six months. A tota amount of 150,000 USD has been budgeted for the services. by EL;ECBQQZ 6. ELECIROGAZ will provide all information available for the concrned installations; any test Inbument that it has and that the consutant determines he will need for his work-; qualified technicians as requred by the conultant to assist him in his task; assistance with customs formalities for the inoduction and re export by the consultant of any test Isuments dth he might need to bring nto the country; and Internal transportation and access to the Installations. - 107 - ANNEX4.9 Pag 5 of 6 RERPUBUC OF RWANDA TER Of EPERNC FOR DETAILEDI=ESa OF AN EINSMON TO 3M MURURU I SUBSTATION 1. Rwanda, together with Burundi and the Kivt provii Inhe eastern prt of Zaire are served by a regional intrconnected electrical netork lhae exis, flthennore, a multntona power company -Socit nterationaled'Eectricit des Pays des Grands La (SiNELAC)- owned by the three goverm, which owns and operates a hydro power statio (Ruziz II) and a substation (Muu U), the ltter built on Rwandese teUitory, In the Cygug region. Befbr th commissioning of SINELAC's installations in 1989, the main Rwandeso substaion in the Cyagup region, the substation of Mururn I, was connected to the (Rwandese) Kaongl sbt i rough a 110 kV line, and from there on, with the rest of the high voltage Rwandese netwok. When SNEAC's instalations were incorporated to the network, though, the Muruu I - Karongi line was opend, and the Mumr 1 substation was connected in between. This mean dlat the Murru I ubstaion is now sepated from the rest of the Rwandes high voltge network, which creates some operations problems, the most important of which Is the restriction of dire energ imports from Zaire. 2. Under the Ener Sector Rehabilitation Project for Rwaxda, IDA will finae an extensionofthe Muru Ilsubstation consisftingtheadditionoftwo 1101kVbays, to whchthelles to Mururu U and to Krongi wi be conncted. The spae available for tis extesion is very restricted, therefore a solution that minim space reiemen while keeping the cost as low as possible is necessary. ELECMROGAZ, the state owned entepwrise eonsible for dectriciy in Rwanda wishes to retain consulting servicos for the detailed desigp of this extesion, and for the preparation of the bidding documents for the supply of the equipment and the execution of the work. Single line diagrams of the Mururu I substation before and after the orpoation of SINELAC's installations, as well as showing the proposed modiflcation are attached. ObWectives and Expecdt 3. The objecdve of the assignment is to defie an adequa, least cost solution to the problem of reconstitting the continuity of the Rwadese high voltg transmissin network, by modifyin the Mururm I substation within the existng space restrictions, miny with te purpose of making possible the direct importation of electrical energy from Zaire, witout the need for that energy to pa through the SINELAC lnstations. The exected outp from the conultant is a dtiled design of the new Instlations, as wel as the necessay biddig docume for the hImple_on of the project. - 108 - AN 4.2 Page 6 of 6 Scope. ming a udgt 4. The consultant shl inpect the site and define a soludon in close communication with ELXCTROGAZ. Once the basic concept of the solution has been approved by the client and by IDA, the consultant will proceed with the detailed design Ibhe consultant shall recommend the best alternative conceing the packaging of the cons t is presently thought that the best solution is to have a single contra for works and supplies on a urn-key basis), and wil proceed to prepare bidding documents as necary after a decision has bee reached in dth respect. Ihe time necessary to comlete the assignment iS esmd at 6 months. A tot amount of 150,000 USD has been budgeted for these services. Pmvious Studies S. A prelinloH y design for the modcation of Mru I was done in 1989, and the correspondi documents are available from ELEClTOGAZ. nM by ELECrROGAZ 6. ELECTROGAZ will provide all the information avilable on the Mururu I substation as well as on the neighboring installations of the high voltage network, and will afrange for the consultant to have access to all those inallations as needed. - 109 - AlilX 4.1 RWMIG~~~ ~~~~~ oft EUGY UECTR RERIILIUTtIN OM=C SUISTAINABLE WOODFULIS SUPPLY - 198? (In-0 We) Prefecture Plantations Arborizatfon Svnnah Natural Total Forests isenyl 140.6 189.4 0.5 ff2 407.7 Raungeri 178.2 188.9 0.2 3W. 397.5 Eyumbs 161.2 306.6 46.9 0.0 514.7 Klbuye 99.2 174.3 1.9 10.1 285.6 Gitarama 204.4 286.0 2.4 0.0 494.8 KigaIi 141.7 340.3 36.1 10.6 526.8 Kibaro 47.9 300.9 52.4 18.6 419.9 Cyanu 96.1 165.6 1.8 143.2 406.7 Glkongoro 14.1 229.5 1.2 100.6 4n7.4 Butere 162.3 238m. Li Lf RANDA 1,377.8 2,422.2 1450? 390 4.66 31.8% 55.9X 3.4X 9.0% 100.01 (In '000s tom) Prefecture Pluanttion Arotrization Savamah Natural Total SurWpulw- percetg Forest Deficit of Demnd Bisenyl 84.3 113.6 0.3 46.3 244.6 34.1 16.2 Rubengeri 106.9 113.4 0.1 18.1 238.5 -216.9 -47.6 5yulbe 96.7 183.9 28.1 0.0 308.8 105.9 52.2 KlbuYe 59.S 104.6 1.2 6.1 171.3 32.2 23.1 itarmam 122.6 172.8 1.5 0.0 296.9 60.0 25.3 Kigali 85.0 204.2 21.7 6.4 317.3 -238.9 -43.0 Kiburso 28.8 180.6 31.5 11.2 251.9 111.8 79.8 cyanguou 57.? 99.4 1.1 85.9 244.0 104.9 75.4 Bikongoro 87.7 13W.7 0.7 60.4 286.4 -23.1 -7.5 Sutare 97.4 143.1 1.3 0.0 241.9 -26.9 -10.0 RMANDA 826.7 1,453.3 87.4 234.3 2,601.7 *S05.8 -16.3 Assumptfonss (Tree productfvity and ara). Arborisetion: 7.5X of agricultural land; 20.0 OP/he~year. Plentations: 9.0 a?/hajyear. Savam.h: 1.0 a?/hyeer. Natural forests: 3.0 a?/ha/yeer (actual); 0.0 0/haNklar (authorfzed). The overall deficit has been assessed by adding up all regionra deficits, the as8urptfhn being that little or no interrgional trade takes place. This Is not entirely true as Bikongoro, for Instance, suppties Kigalt with charcoal. If the staVatics are correct Sikongoro prefecture experiences a deficit notably larger then the one presently identified, the difference being eoodfuels sippiled to Kigali. Sgurc :Slecteur Charbomier stuty; mission estimates. - 110 - mmmic ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~Pg -o of Z IERULtC OF 11A OEME6? UCTOR REHUWILITATION PIOJIC VOCOfUELS 3ALANCE -jjWQ2 AREA INCRgASS UNTIL 2002 (In 10U etares) Year Plantations Arborization Savwsnah Natural Total Forests 1988 7.0 13.0 -4.6 15.4 1989 7.0 13.0 -4.6 15.4 1990 7.0 13.0 -3.4 16.6 1991 7.0 13.0 1.5 21.5 1992 7.0 13.0 1.5 21.5 1993 7.0 13.0 1.5 21.5 1994 7.0 13.0 3.0 23.0 195 7.0 13.0 3.0 23.0 1996 7.0 13.0 3.0 23.0 1997 1.1 11.5 S.4 18.0 1998 S.4 5.4 1999 5.4 5.4 2000 5.4 5.4 2001 5.4 5.4 2002 5.4 5.4 SUSTAINABLE SUPPtLY OF WOOFUELS . 2002 (In 000 tons) Prefecture Plantation Arborization Savannah Natural Total Surplus/- Percentage Forest Deficit IL Gsaney 119.7 223.1 0.3 92.1 445.2 96.S 27.7 Rihgoeri 151.7 232.5 0.1 36.0 420.3 -295.0 -41.2 3ySbM 137.2 377.3 27.2 0.0 541.7 229.5 73.5 Kibuye B4.5 214.5 1.1 12.0 312.2 111.1 55.3 sitarams 174.0 354.5 1.4 0.0 529.9 165.3 4S.3 Kisali 120.7 418.8 20.9 12.7 573.1 -783.6 -57.8 Kibunso 40.8 370.4 30.4 22.2 463.7 248.1 115.0 Cyanpugu 81.8 203.9 1.0 170.7 457.4 256.4 127.6 Ofkaqoro 124.4 282.4 0.7 120.0 527.5 51.1 10.7 Butsre 11.3 433.1 :-. :L2. WANDA 1.172.8 2,981.0 84.4 46547 4,704.0 -1.088.4 *18.8 Assuoptions: - Area increases until year 2002 in accordance with "Plan Forestier National". - Area increases are assigned to each parti,utar prefecture in proportion to initial areas. - Logging of natural forests produces 150 if/ha. - Sustainable productivities remain as in 1987. I, The overall deficit has been assessed by adding up all regional deficits, the assuiption being that little or no interregional trade takes place. This Is not entirely true as Gikongoro, for instance, supplies Kigali with charcoal. If the statistics are correct Gikongoro prefecture experiences a deffcit notably larger than th one presently identified, the difference being woodfuels supplied to Kigali. Scurei "Plan Forestier National"; mission estimates. - 111 - ANI 411 Page 1 of 1 IIEU BLC 0P RWANDA ENIO SECTOR REELABIIMIATION ERQ KEY MONMTORING INIICATORS FOR MM) TERM REVIEW Oual du Semdg2lectricitd 1. Les indicaurs de la gualkt du service dlectrique comproment trows composantes: la qualit6do h frdquenco, la qualkd de la tension, at la coDtinult du sevice. Cependant, etant donnd quo la fdquence est d otermine par des methodes de rdgage rstant d'accords n6gocids par les quatre partenaires do l'intorconnexlon rOglonale, c'est seulement les deux derniers paramutres qui vont servir I faire un suivi de la performace de l'oprateur privo. 2. Les decarts maximaux admissibls de la temsion livre max clients par rapport I sa valeur nomiiale seront spEcifids dans le cabier des charges. Ces valeurs seront definies en prenant comme point de ddpart des norume intonatlonaes (celles de la Commission Elecotechnique Internationale (CEI), par exemple), que lon pourra adapter pour tenir compte des conditions particulikres au Rwanda: (a) condition actuelie du rdsea; (b) sensibilite des tfronts types d abonnes aux ecarts de tension (un consommateur rural, par exemple, n!utilisant l'electricte que pour leclairage. aura une toldrance plus grande qu'un consommateur en milieu urbain); (c) justification Economique des investissements supplementaires qu'il faudrait faire pour amdlioror la qualite de la tesion (il fiadra, peut Wre, accepter une moins bonno qualitE de la tension pour certains groupes d'usagers en des rEgions Eloigades qu'il est trbs oneroux de desservir). Le cahier dos charges devra specifier des indices qui reflbtent la coutinuite du service, et qui devront Wre produits par 1exploitant prive comme partie de ses statistiques d'exploltation, par exemple: (a) energie coupde par niveau de tension et par region; (b) nombre d'ntruptions par abonne par an; (c) durEe moyenne des interruptions par abonnd et par region. Ouitd du Service Eau 3. Les normes de potablite de l'Organisation Mondiale de la Sante seront utilisdes pour mesurer la qualite du service de l'eau. Au=e Indicateurs 4. Lexploitant prive devra apporter et mettre en place des systkmes modernes de gestion pour les diferentes acdvitds de la societe, tant ceux I caractere purement technique que celles I caractere administratf. 11 et souhaitable que ces systkmes solent informatises. Par exemple, les systbmes administratifs inormatE devront comprendre: (a) gestion commerciale; O) approvisionmnt et gestion des stocks; (c) comptabilitd; (d) gostion de la paie du personnel. Pour les systbmos techniques inormatises i s'agit de: (a) gesdon optimale de la production et les importations d'energie electrique; (b) coordinadon des protecdots; (c) planification, conception et calcut, construction des extensions en distribution; (d) gestion de la maintenance des installations. 5. L'exploitant prive devra laisser tous ces systhmes en place I Ia fin de la periode de validitd du contrAtG, au cas oU celui-ci ne serait pas renouvele, et transfrer I la Societe Nadonale de Patimoine la propridte de zoute la doumentation et des logiciels necessaires a leur fonctonnement. Le contrat etablira des specifications minimum pour chacnm de ces systnes (voir en annexe, I ttre Miustratif des spEcifications mininm pour le ,'ttme de gestion de la maintenance des Installations). 6. Le cahier des charges etablira los specifications suxquelles devrant rdpondre les produits livrEs par l'exploitant prive am consommateurs. La SNP fera le suivi des performances de la SPE dans ce domaine au moyen de contrOles appropries, par exemple, analyse d'echantillons d'eau, analyse d'enrogistrements de tension pris en des points judicieusement cholsis, suivi des statistiques sur la condnuite du service. 7. Pour mdmoire, la reue I mi-parcours devra dgalement se concentrer sur la passation at l'atbutlon de marches pour toutes les composantes du projet, sur le programme de formation et son execution en ce qui concerns la cetlule du projet et la SNP, les tarift deau et d'electricite, les prix du charbon de bois et des produis pEtroliers, et les conditionnalitEs fincires et opErationnelles des Accords de Credit et de ProjeL CEPWLtw OF ESSEM EqIfLITATI Mcr ('000 1WF) ANNEX 1'l EtETOAI SBIRJlC1 IN= £TATIET -Etlse-- - *-*--Projected*-----------w-----*-- -- mvm Sales of ater electricity eo 2,224,151 3,018,711 4,133 409,S4 S,48,731 6,097,215 6,91t,809 7,522,42 Other ren 79,010 28.465 130,514 132,670 35,040 37,262 39,85 42,443 SDprecietion vesidies 206.0a 125,511 319,065 324,9 264,991 261,650 256l43 250,73 Comeotion revems 996? 86,U4 266,480 311,231 5su,532 14,4" 150,909 152.658 tAL VE 2,608,98 3,259,150 4,899,426 S,S78,353 6,205,294 6,540,810 7,49,016 7,94,244 Reagents 19, 208,415 219,143 230.82 24,0 255,? 268,2 289 lectricity purcse 6446 751738 81,56 936,279 1,092,05 1,195,159 1,026,3a3 592,2 - Other intendst end &Wid fe 698,72 80,278 806,28 278 78 6082m 808,278 608278 10,7 ' Po uwel coss 401,047 361,139 362,570 346,240 330,955 316,792 303,59 2, Depreciation 1,3S5,2B2 1,362,059 1,418,900 1,447,029 1,552,153 1,59,914 2,331,7 2,343 Loss on bed debt 193.953 250,138 309,361 26,569 292,54 2586,2 298,012 319,441 behaiwe gains or loe 151,722 1s1,72 ,793,73 333,7 33,7186 352,0 4269 Oloatl commtion exp 107,332 93,198 101,459 102,486 121,178 111,295 116,08 117,429 TOTAL XEUES 3,70,170 4,007,38B 4,334,28 4,468,871 4,M,979 4,89,297 5,544,469 53009,17 Operatiqinem before Interest *1,141,241 -74,23 565,13 1,109,481 1,432,315 1,70,512 1,874,313 2,8w,ow Interest expene -7t1,30 -774,86 -749,32 8,42 86,578 -2,094 65.63 -705,43 Peision for Intest _expeses 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 backeb an prAsovins er Interest oSnrss 1,722 151,2 22,79 331, 333,78 333,786M 352,06 3,4269 for interetepne Iew bfore extrordiry itoo -1,700906 -1,371,381 96,105 3,578 949,52z 1,212" 1.440,70? 2,507,4% Ettrsordinry i1_ome or expense 0 0 0 0 0a 0 let I_m for _w -,0,08 -1,371,311 98,105 6S4,576 949,52 1,2,2"0 1,460,1W7 2,507,4S ,. 0. Aeag water tariff Inet. govt. sahsidv 79,20 ,"03 142,SS 142,5 142,5S 142,5 171,06 171,06 Average lletrcity twiff 10,25 13,32 15,32 17,42 20 20 20 20 " Aver gee tariff 22,00 22,00 22,00 22,00 22,00 22,00 22,00 22,30 UEII3LIC O1F WUIA EE16 SECTR AIl VE3ITIT0 ('OO0R0 S1QR R) AIIEX S.2s ELECTROGAZz PIOECe SALAE SUE!S. F AER. EL E£LCTRICITY MA S Estimte __ProJected ASSETS FIXED ASETS 21,203.478 20,971.132 21.328875 27,S77,902 32,404,038 37,236,540 3,tO2,432 33,OS0,589 Intangible assts a59.882 559,s82 559.,82 s59 882 559,8M2 ss9,e82 559.882 ss9.882 Net tangible assets 19,621,599 18s429,863 18,532,978 17,832,671 19,106.036 17.742,768 34,9s,7 32U.144,130 Working assets 675,420 1,634.810 1,889,439 8.838,771 12,391.542 18s587,314 0 0 other asts 346,S7 346.577 34,577 346,S77 346u,sn 346,STt 346,57s 36,s77 CtlATINS mtASS 3,964,721 1,878,285 2,273.237 2,440,619 2,s6.465 2,52,751 2,870,103 4,01,007 Irnvtory nd work in pragr. 1,143,749 1,143U749 1,14,749 1,143,749 1,143,749 1,143,749 1,14,749 1,143,749 Customer raeivabtas 853,197 S87,629 903,s90 1,037,496 1,138,173 1,207,202 1,31,083 1t,49,0s7 Gorruent reevatbles 1,97,774 16,907 225,898 2s9,374 2e4,s43 301,600 345271 372,S4 Cash 0 0 a 0 0 a 0 , I03,686 CONVERSION DISCREPANI * ASSETS 5,459.098 s,459,068 Se45s.008 5s4S9s098 549,09s 5,459,098 5,459.098 5,49,0911 AOT ASSEtS 30,647,297 26.308,51S 29,061,211 35.477,619 40,429,601 45,348,390 43,431,633 420ss5.694 F EQUITT 4,095,41 2,m,934 4,053,ts6 s,784,264 6,410,931 7,301,278 8,439,129 tOs637" Paid In capitatl 430.002 430,002 430,002 430,002 430,002 430,002 430,002 430,002 Reser s,25so670 5,2S0,670 5,250,670 5,250,670 5,2S0,670 S,250,670 5,250,670 S,250,670 Retained earnings -6,944,901 -8,645,808 -10,017,190 -9,919,085 -9,284,so9 -8,334,s96 7 121,7d2 -s661,076 Nat inoom for year -1,700,908 -1,371,381 90105 634.576 949,525 1,213,204 1,460,7 2,so5.494 Centrat government developent budget 4,143,237 4,143,237 4,143,237 4,143,237 4,143 237 4143,23 4,2 4,143,237 t*jint suhsidSes 1,720,677 1,831,489 3,075,520 4,233,967 3,973.024 3,712,082 3,451,140 3,190,1S8 Extension works financed b third parties 1,196,640 1,134,725 1,072,811 1,010,897 948,96 887,069 96.,15 73,241 PItISIONS FOR CURRN EXCIE RISK S,259,687 5,107,96S 4,825,166 4,493,430 4,159,64* 3,825,859 3,473,922 3,139,554 OEUT 21,292,192 20,427,617 20,182,8t8 25,199,925 29,8S9,026 34,221,253 31,518,682 28,m,375 Long ard edio. term debt 14,961,795 15283,244 14,792.143 20,176,707 25,433,477 30,734,247 29.78.681 26,M,375 Current portion to central govawent 3,694,695 2,M,749 2,079,562 1,386,375 693,187 0 0 0 Other short tem debt 2,63S,703 2,37t1623 3,311,184 3,636,844 3,710,362 3,407,006 1,780,001 0 CONVERSION DICREPANCt - LIAItlITIES 01 TOTAL LIASILITIES 30,647,297 28,308,515 29,061,211 35,477,619 40.429,601 45,318,390 43,431,633 42,55.69 X Circulating assets/circulating liabilities 0.63 0.37 0.42 0.49 0.se 0.76 1.61r 3I. O . Debtleuty 3.65 5.51 3.65 3.49 3.97 4.21 3.52 2.71 'h Private recolvlbtes/onh of sates 6 5 4 3 3 3 3 3 , Centrat ovwnrut receivables/anth of sales 32 3. / 3 3 3 3 3 3 1/ As a resut of cwesation of cross-debts wnd agreements to be signed beWen the Private Opeator end Goverment throug the Lese Contract. ('000 OWP) AM .3: ELECTRO:AZ PROJEED FI LIS STATENEITS FOlt EIECTRICITY. JATMD 45 LS _Projected ]"119U4l,SqURt8 a-367.125 1,015,141 1,524,902 1,845,034 2,116,476 3.117,551 4, 13,74 Not frcome -1.371,381 98.105 254,576 949,S23 1,213,204 1,460,707 2,SO7.404 Oagareciatien 1,362,059 1.418,900 1,447,029 1,552J153 1,559,914 2,331,737 2.343,396 writ, beck on currency exchange tosses 151,722 -282,798 -33t.736 -333,786 -333,786 -352,036 -334.269 Depreciatlon sbdy -206.080 -219,065 -224,968 -322.856 -322,856 -322,856 -322.S6 OTHER SOURCES Ot FU#S 959.390 1,605,469 7,517,271 6,195,77 6,195,m ° 0 0 Sato of fixed asset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Increseo in capitaL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Incresse In equipsent substi 254,978 1,401 183 t,321.500 0 0 0 0 lncree_ In medfu and tong-term debt 704,412 204,287 6,195.771 6,1f5.fm 16.95,771 0 0 TOTAL SMOUCS Of FUXD8 592,264 2,620,611 9,042,173 8.040.0S 8,312,247 3,117,SSI 4,193,76 Olvidend pey-out 0 0 0 0 0 a a Paymsnt ffxed assets 1,129.712 1,76,644 .,696.056 6,378,289 6,392,417 192,629 2M1,554 Redction In equity 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 Loan repwoent (prfncipal) 362,963 695,389 811,207 917001t 917,001 995,55 946,30r TOTAL USES OF FUNDS 1,512.675 2,472,032 8,507,263 7,295,290 7,309,418 1,193,194 1,237,86 SOURCuS OF FUM - USES OF RMSD -20,410 148,578 S34,910 74s5ts 1,o02,s29 1,9243? 2.955,04 Change in fawentory 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Cb a ge In custom rcewivables -265,569 3t5.96t 33.906 100,677 69,028 173m1 18,974 Change In central boverrmnt recefivbtes -1,860,867 78,990 33,477 25,169 17.257 43,470 7,2u 1ug In debt to centrat oerw _nt 921,94S 69,7 693,18 693. 18 693,187 0 a TOTAL W AIW CAPITAL -1,184,490 1,088s13s 80,570 819,034 779,43 217,352 136,218 'v CS FLOWS 264,080 -939,561 -325,660 -73,59 223,356 1r,7o07, 2,819,686 78811E -2,371,623 -3,311,186 -! 636.684 -3,7t10,32 -3,487,086 -1,t70.GO 1.039,68 ° RELIC OI F ENEf SECtat j pIWj INX 5.41 ELECTROIM: PROJECTD INCUE STAnETS. EM ELECTAICITY Audited Estfate Projected REIIEIES Sates of electricity 1,139,663 1,47r7.46 2,061,909 2,661,366 3,184,956 4,006,920 4,239,236 4,.59800 4.994.560 Vot11 sold (in mtlltfns of klw) 133.583 143U,l 154,798 167,191 t80,758 200,346 211,964 229,930 249,728 Averap Tariff (In Flb) 8,53 10.25 13,32 IS532W 17,62 hi 20 g 20 20 20 Other re 23951S 6,779 t13,296 114.380 1ts5513 !6,717 17.759 19,062 20,360 DeprecpatIon setsidies 167,410 167.410 86.841 2B0.395 286.297 226.321 222.978 217,72 212,060 Comtion reveme 59,394 "4,887 47,93S 217,831 259,696 9,756 85,259 86,922 86.681 TOTAL PIVENE 1,436,m 1,774,725 2209,981 3,m.3 3.8646,4 4,346,714 4,56,26 4.2,376 s,313,661 EXPEMSE Reagents 350,n24 644666 a51,738 03f,M98 936,279 1,092 065 1,195,139 1068,363 592,0892 _ other materials end m p1fes 383,057 471.526 S38889 S36,889 5S8,889 538.889 538,889 538,889 S30,889 .- Peroemsl costs 208,892 210,000 204,74S 199,129 194.942 190,372 186.009 177.846 ' Depreciation 799.013 922501 927,113 961.780 1,007,724 1.110 65S 1,.116,204 1,477,544 1.484,932 Loss an bad debts S3,260 131,596 170,395 206,121 183,848 203zm 179,657 194.885 211,665 Excbwge gafna or losses 23,24B 659911 65,911 194,586 194,586 194,56 11494,56 176,619 Glabal comaction expenes 63,690 69,580 51,402 64,037 62,647 7s,986 65,5s 66,863 66,678 TOTAL EffIEIS 1,881,88 2,51573 2,710.193 3,016,741 3.119,115 3.406.301 3,476,088 3,72,973 3,249,740 Operatlew Income befora interest -43,113 *741,059 -S00,212 257,231 727,349 942,413 1,09,188 1,199.3 2.063,921 Intest expeans -339,440 -501,623 -536,186 * 526,96* -529,565 -527,766 -521t,90 -U 4.396 -44S,202 Provisions for Interest eXPens -2,840,840 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Write-beck on provisIons for interest expenses 23,248 ,911 65,911 194.586 194.586 194,s86 194,586 194,506 176.819 Intm before extraordiny Itm -3,600,145 -1,176,1 -970,47 -75,171 392,370 609,234 762,16 91O,S93 1,795,S37 Extraordfnry fncom e or expense -14,335 "I #et Incm for year -3,614,480 -1,176,M -970,487 -75,171 392,370 609,234 762,184 910,593 1,795,537 - A LRC woutld be reacded by June 30, 1995. hi After agreed Increes of 30e In 1992, at least 10t thereafter so es to reach the LtC by Am 30. 1995. .EIC aF WDA am amIfc'm mwa oic A S.4 ELg sA PBOCTED tNC S. FoR M TER Audited Estit_te ProJeeted REVED Sates of water 540,833 725,085 935,365 t,5ao,s84 1,603,111 1.720,394 1,836.518 2.351792 2,5,U435 Volt.o sold CIn otflions of o) 8,536 9,156 9.843 10.527 11,246 12,069 12,883 13,4 14U,6S2 Averag tartf 63 79 95 143 143 143 143 171 171 Other rvenses 150,064 9.6S6 10.593 11,559 12.S52 13,749 14,929 16,199 17,G59 Depreciatifn subsidies 38,6T0 38,670 38,670 38,6ro 38,670 38,670 38,670 3l,6?0 38.6J0 Canwection revanies 22723 34.800 38,528 48,649 S1,m 56,776 59,42S 63,e7 6S,97? TOTMAL RVE 713,628 8D8.212 1,023,178 1,599,462 1.95.897 1,#31,S89 1,949,52 1,470,68 2628592 Reagents 100,669 197,422 208,415 219,143 230,252 243,021 255.44 268,521 28111,99? other materiatl n sppifes 1I 591 214,010 253,755 253,?55 253,75S 253,755 253,?55 253,72 253,755 a' PerWe" costs 178,103 185,000 170,952 IS8,123 146,401 135,85 1n,883 116,918 108,710 Depreciation 316,274 438,346 430,488 432,60 434,80 6,7S 439,163 849.63 53,672 Lose on ad d*2,4 62,357 8o,3 103,240 82,721 88,m 78,970 10112? 1O0,7m Exane ins or los 2,441 "I8 5,811 as, 88,22 137,150 139,200 139,200 197,450 15s,450 Gloatl cnetion expene 24.650 3,72 41,796 37,422 39,61 45,212 45,711 49,221 S0,752 OiAL EXPE 847.151 1,210,719 1,271,61 1,92,536 1,324,2 1,342,622 1,30 1,796,618 1,.4,312 fpraoig fiumO before intereat -133,531 .40,50 -248,484 306,94M 381,174 488,66 611,412 674,030 814,279 Interest epeme -243,048 -209,66 -238,80 -222,843 -277,077 -288,812 -300,501 -282,25 -260,61 Provisioms for interest expe_se -2,442,513 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 Unfto-beck on provsionw for lnterest exp 24,441 85S811 85,811 88,212 137,150 139,200 139,200 1S7,450 1S7,450 inem before extraordinary Item -2,74,652 -S5,462 -401,352 172,295 2f.,248 339,354. 450,10? 54,Z24 71,89 , Extrorwdinay incQom or expenses -115,569 Not iname for year -2,91O,221 -526,462 -401,352 172,295 241,248 339,354 450,107 549,224 7T1,09 o2" Average water tarifff including Govermmont subsidy 79,20 95,03 142,55 142,55 142,55 142.55 171,06 171.06 UIIC P OMU BM am jWAILIcm S TTM ANNIMi. M . . , _I&Jpj, FOR g --_ ales of os 21,417 21,417 21.417 21,417 21,417 21,417 21.417 21,417 Wlme sold (1n dittll ot f) 974 9 74 974 974 VA4 9 9 Avere tarf 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 Otbe re _ 4,S1 4.515 4.51S 4,55 4,75 4,S55 4.55 4,575 TOTAL EWIE 2S.992 25S992 25.992 25,992 25,92 25,992 25.992 25,992 4 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ otber inteNd and sptwies 13,185 i5s634 is,634 Is5.Js634 is1410 15,634 15s34 erso,mel cost 6.047 S,442 4,896 4.898 4,89 4S83 4.83 4,896 Deprnbeation 4,435 4,458 4.480 4,502 4,52S 4.547 4357 4o53 Lose anbaddss 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 S Ex_oa 1et"sor tooe 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 O TOTAL exPEUU 23,647 25,533 25,011 25,034 25,056 25,079 25,102 25,125 nter"tt ncobefo 2,325 4s5 9o 95B 935 913 890 34 ftntreetpne 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ProAsism fwo fnteet _enss 0 0. O 0 O S llolti-bck an prvswas forn _iOnre e O O exatradlonwry Item 2,325 456 908 95B 935 913 890 0r7 Extra."inwr I MGM or espueso Net I conM for year 2,325 4SB 960 956 935 913 8O8 sr o Average on tariff 22,00 22,00 22,00 22,00 22,00 22,00 22,00 22,00 - 118 - ANNEX 5.5 Page I of 1 REPUBLIC OF RWANDA ENERGY SECTOR REHABILITATION PRO ELECTROGAZ - PAST AND PRESENT DEBTS A/ (in millions of RWF) YEAR OUTSTANDING LONG- PRINCIPAL REPAYMENT INTEREST CHARGES TERM DEBTS __ _____________ LWater Electicity Total water Elciit Totl 1988 / i 8,577 87.5 44.5 132 42 78 120 1989 k/ 8,953 87.5 102.8 190.3 151 204 355 1990 hi 14,845 128.4 102.8 231.2 243 339 582 1991 S/ 14,962 128.4 102.8 231.2 210 S01 711 19924/ 15,283 128.4 102.8 231.2 239 536 775 I/ Exchange risk are not provided, as the will be offset against the constitution of provisons for interest expenses in the context of the financial restructuding of ELEC'RCOGAZ. hi Audited. g/ Estimated. 41 Projected. l/ As of July 31, 1992, the two IDA-finnced projecs First Water Supply Project, CR 1345-RW of SDR 12 million approved on April 12, 1983, and Power I Project, CR-1495-RW of SDR 8.5 million, approved on June 12, 1984) represent about 48% of these amounts. El CTR(OGAZ Restuctuing Study. March 1992. RPEPIUC OF RWANDA ENERGY SEWTOR REHABILITATION PROJECT PROPOSED PROJECT IMPACT ON GOVERNMENT PINANCES (im ndllions of RWP) Owed to Owed to Contribution to Recapiion Conrbutioa to the Coutepart Balance or Impact PLECTROGAZ Governmaet by Water Tariff of Capital of the fihding to the on Govenment by Goverment A/ ELECROGAZ £ 1993 - 1998 PL ECTROGAZ Privae Operator Poposed Prject Fmance 1) Receivabls, inclhing 1,988 - 1988 Arrear 2) Shot4erm Debts 3,69S k_ + 3,695 3) Conution to Watr + 896 * 896 Taiff _. . - 4) Contution to 1.707 J -1,707 ELECTROGAZ Capital . . . _ .. . 5) Contribution to the 145 d/ _ Privat Opetor's Capial _ . _ _ 6) Countpa fding _ 336.4 324.80 7) Tax payment from SNP + 3,336 and SPE 8) Impact on Government + 2,11S.2 FInEanoce,. ,.'__ g1 As of Deember 31, 1991, ted by a conseltnt based on audid accowuns for 1990. kI Includes capital rtqyment + inters not serviced by ELECTROGAZ since 1988. I/ Balne in fivor of Governmt of csoss debts bdeween ICROGAZ and Goveente to be used as Government contution to ELECMTOGAZ eonpiazation; this involves no finaial flow from Govrnment to ELECTROGAZ. OQ d1 This may no involve any cah flow from Goverment u it can take the form of asignments of some of ELECTROGAZ main buidings. d t Goveament win receivc tids amount over 6 year; se details on Anne S.6; page 3 of 3. 0* - 120 - Page 2 of 3 REPUBLIC OF RWANDA ENERGY SECTOR RIOANLlTlUO IROJC GOVERNMETS YEARLY CONTRIBUTION TO WATER TARIFFS a/ in miliions of RWF) -- a-l _____________ e1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 4/ 1998 1) Pull Rate for Water h/ 142.55 142.55 142.5S 142.55 171.06 171.06 2) Average Tariff after 113.26 121.75 130.89 140.70 151.3 162.59 Agreed Increases 1I l 3) Difference: (1) - (2) 29.29 20.80 11.66 1.85 19.83 8.46 4) Volume of Water Sold. / 8.5 9.1 9.8 10.5 11.2 12 (in millions of nlm) I _____I_ 5) Cost to Governmet (3) * (4) 248.97 189.28 114.27 19.43 222.10 101.52 AI The figues m this table may be subject to chges once a fna decision is made on the size of the investment program for water sector. Ihe decision is expet to take place in 1993, upon compleion of ongoing studies in the context of the next IDA-financed Water Project curently under prepar bl As per consultat report on ELECTROGAZ'restructring: Annex 5.4, page 2 of 3. vj As per tariff action plan provided in Table 5.3 of the SAR. d/ The increase in fil rate is due to new inveStments related to Kigali 2000, the net project in water subsector in Rwanda - 121 - Page 3 of 3 EIuIC OF RWD ENICRY zeo SEUYR IUHWLIATQNl!QJ= YEARLY PROJECT IMPACT ON GOVERNMT }INAENCE3S (in millions of RWF) __- = ____________ 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 Total 1. Govemment 33.6 78.40 100.80 81.20 25.2 5.6 324.80 Counterpat - udna _____ -_ __ 2. Contulbution to 249 189 114 20 222 102 896 Water Tariff _ _ _ 3. Sub-Total 282.60 267.4 214.8 101.20 247.20 107.6 1,220.80 4. Tax Payment 58.3 315.2 469.3 578.9 702.6 1,212 3,336.3 from SNP/SPE (50%) r _ _ S. Net Balance Per -224.30 +47.8 254.50 +477.7 +455.40 +1,104.40 +2,115.5 Year (4) - (3) .- .- m... . - a/ As per disbuemen table in Annex 4.6, page 2, using an exchange re of US$1 = RWF140. fr Net Income of SNPISPE is as fbllows: RWF116.S million in 1993, RWF 631.S mllion in 1994, RWF938.6 millin 1995, RWP1,17.8 mfilion in 1996, RWP1,405.2 milion in 1997 and RWF2,424 million In 1998. REIPB OF RWANDA EBLECTROGAZ BORRiOWNGC FOR ELEBCmTRTrIy SWrTOR Omn| dhTem IDW CCCE / KFWtI KPtI KFuhI KFVZV .M84 ;l,DA W CCC IV FD VI FAD VI ud Condittion . . .. . - .__ Copital 9,090,000 17,150,000 2,300,000 1,200,000 2,100,000 32,800,000 6,000,000 8,300,000 120,000,00 1,292,S.0 1,292,500 Onlendie Rate 8E 5X 3 Si 5X 5X 6X 5S 10X 5s 27 2X Grae Period S S 5 S S 5 5 S 5 10 10 Rre"Wnt Poh-iod 20 20 20 20 20 30 Is 1S 13 40 40 cOurrenev _ ON _ fF ON ON OW ON USo SOa FF uc UCF Exch8 ne Rate 198./, V27.4 93 93 93 93 142.7 198.6 27.4 183.3 183.3 Ffra Repeyet o|t zu01 2011 ,1984 198S 198S t193 1983 1989 1993 2002 2003 ELEMOGAZ - BORROWING FER WAER SER Onlending toA It1 IDA 11 CCCE I CSCE II CCCE III fAD III fAD IV fAD I D11 fAD V KIGALI 2000 E18 / , Terms and 1. g/ (tentative) (electricity) > CoadtIan. - -- Capltet 9,616,870 2,383,1A 13,000,000 85,000,000 30,0000000 2,560,000 1,460,000 S,1o0o,o0 1,710,000 13,000,000 126,666,667 5,190,000 OlndIng 10,977 10.97X 27 2X 57X 071 0,73 0,75X 0.757 0,75X 50, 5X Rate I_I _ Graoe 5 S 10 S 10 10 10 10 10 5 S Period .,_____ -._-- _- Repery"nt 15 1S 20 20 10 30 40 40 40 40 20 20 Period .__ __ _ - -. -Currency _ _ SDRt _ _ SDR FF f FRf fRf C UCf UCF UICf UCf fRf ECU Exchange 198.7 198.7 27.4 27.4 27.4 183.3 183.3 183.3 183.3 183.3 27.4 223.3 Rate _ _ _ Ffrst 1988 1997 1994 1994 1990 1987 1995 1987 1993 1997 1999 2000 Prp_ed PrJect - IDA CCCE * El.I Cr. 1492-R ~/ Cr. 1345-RO Source SAUR Afrique Report an ELECTROGAZ Restructurlng dated Narch 1992. 0. - 123 - ANNEX 5,8 Page I of 3 REUBLIC OF RWA4NA ENERGY SETOR REHABIIJTTI'ON ROCT ASSUMPTIONS FOR FINANCIAL PROlECTIONS A. Rvenues from Sales and Connections 1. Pric Financial projections are in constant Rwandese francs. The eiLcange rate of the FRW to the dollar used in the projection is US$1 = FRW140. 2. Sales and Revenues. Electricity consumption is based on the forecasts of the medium scenario in the electrification Master Plan prepared by HYDRO QUEBEC INTENATIONAL and found acceptable by IDA, with an average demand growth of 8.4%. Water consumption is estimated on the basis of growth in consumption for the last five years, averaging about 2.5 per year. Gas demand has been taken as constant, given the structure of sales (single client) and an Investment program which is yet to be defined. Average tariffs for water and electicity have been projected to meet ELECMROGAZ' financial restructuring objectives over the period of 1993 - 1998 as per paras. 5.7 and 5.8. 3. System losses (technical and non-technical) for electricity are estimated to decrease from 14% in 1991 to 10% in 1995, many due to efficiency measures to be taken by the private operator. Unaccounted for water has been assumed to decrease from 35% in 1990 to 30% in 1992 as the result of measures currently undertaken by ELECMTOGAZ. From 1993, it has been assumed that comprehensive programs to be implemented by the private operator would bring the unaccounted for water to 20% by year 2000. 4. Revenues from Connections. A margin of 30% was applied to all actual connection charges. The actual conmections charges have been computed to substantially decrease (between 40 and 50%), as the result of more use of monophase than triphase to connect the increasing number of small private consumers. B. Ooerating Costs 5. Other materials and supplies. Ihe acual consumption for these cost items totalled FRW 568 million in 1990 and FRW 699 million in 1991. They have been computed to remain constant from 1993 to 1998 assuming a 15% increase in 1992 as compared to 1991, based on the assumption that any increase in these costs item would be offset by the efficiency gain of the private operator. This approach is realistic as the private operator will be driven by the implicit objective to keep the costs at the very minimum. The higher these cost items, the lower its remuertin. - 124 - ANNE 5.8 Pae 2 of 3 6. Reagents. Reageans ihat are consumed have been computed using the forecas for water consuon and volumes of water treated that arise out of th forecs den. The qades of reagents have been valued usig the price applied by ELECTROGAZ' suppliers. 7. Purchases of electricity. In the absence of the Implementation of the agreed upon LRMC for Ruzizi U, the purchases of electricity have been valued using the new tariffs applied by SINELAC (SDR 0,05 or RWF 9.86/kWh) and SNEL (RWF7.36 kWh repectvely). S. La cos. ITese cost items are esimated for the 1992-1998 period taking into account the manpower reducton progrm a described in para 2.7 and average inases in salaries and wages of about 8% per year. 9. Deprcaon. Depreciation is calculated on the basis of the 1990 audited balance sheet. Fixed ass are aumed to incase, taking into account Invetments to be made as part of the proposed project and of the agreed upon investment program. On average over the projected peid, gross fixed asets would rise by 8% yearly. C. oQ t bomtSInt mItnm 10. Excha l . Exchage losses that are shown in the projecdons relate to repayment of principal and interest charges on long and medium term debts, and are the result of the devaluations of the Rwandese firc. Ihe projections aumed the constitution of provision for Inerest expenses to offset exchange losses against the past positive diference resultig from conversion into locd currency of debts denomna in foreign curren. 11. . Interest charges are computed asuming the maiena of the cmrent on-lending terms of the debts conted before 1992 by ELECTROGAZ'. 12. Depreciation of the susiies for equipment and works has been calculated on the basis of te average periad of depreciation for subsidized iostallations. D. Bab= &et Im 13. Wo i Work in progress are esdmated on the basis of ELECTROGAZ's investment program and taking into account investments under the proposed project. It has been aumed also that the bnvtment program for water would be finalized once a decision is reached on the size of the investment progrm for the water sector, upon completion of ongoing studies in Kigali and secondary centers. 14. Ac. These have been computed with the objective to bring back rcvable from privat cnumes and from Central Governt to the equivalent of three months billigs by December 1994 after t intwduction of a vigorous billing and collection policy by the private operaor under the proposed project, and after compeation of Central Government-ELEMOGAZ' crossed-debts. - 125 - AN=5.8 Pago 3 of 3 1S. LnnmWW debtsh Ibs item has been calcuated on the basis of the net worth as shown in the 1990 audited finana sttem, and simulations caried out on the basis of eitig and futre loas that constite the Investment program. nDA's and cofincs' credits (EIB, CCCE) tha fom the proposed credit have also been taken Into account. 16. Short term norton of current debt to Central Governm In 1991 and 1992, this item was incresed by the amount of debt servicing obligations tat ELECROGAZ ould not meet. It is expected that the Government will use these current liabilities as a contribution to the capial of the SNP, as part of the recwapitalzation packge to be submitted by the Govement under the proposed project. As of November 1992, compensation of cross-debts between ELECTROGAZ and Govenment would take place. It is epected that th balnce In favor of Govrmet would be used to recapitalize ELECIROGAZ or the SNP so as to bring its equity ratio close to the standards of financialy-viable utilities by 1993. E Fund Flow I 17. Debt servie. ELECIROGAZ's debt service is calculated using an exchange ra of US$1 = FRW140. For loans denominated in other currenLcies, the exchange rates as of June 30, 1992 have been used. Debt seviciWng has been calclated takdng into account the _ of the current onlending tems to ELECrROGAZ. ELECMROGAZ' borrowings for the proposed project, the schedule of which is provided in Annex 5.5, include IDA credi and related cQfinancing. - 126 - AN= 2 Page 1 Of 1 ENERGY SEC= REABU TSP TALIE AD1USTMENT POM1 A. lheFormula The formula to be used for an automatic adJustment, which Is based on tbree variables, namely exchange rate between the US$ and the Rwandeso Franc, price of electricity purased from SINELAC and salaries, Is as follows: T#f 1) = T1x(A + BxEER, ER,% + CxEPe+ I / EP(O + DxSo.,) / So) where T staids for tarffi ER for exchange rate, EP for price of electricity purdhased from SINELAC, S for salaries, I refers to a given year of the financial projection and 1+ 1 to a subsequent mome of that year when tarifl are to be reviewed. Such a review shall be necessary when there has been a dcange in any of the three independent variables. The values of the variables for a given year I shall correspond to the base line values used in the projections for the particular year. The i + 1 values shall change each time that the variable change. The tariff-increase under the above conditions shall only be applied when the resulting increase is above 6% of the tariff at the time of review. The cost ratios, A, B, C and D would be caculated exate from the financial projections prepared by or for the utility. For example, for a given year of the financial projections, B would be obtained by dividing the total of those expenditures that are foreign exchange dependent for that year (such as foreign debt service, imported spare parts and equipment purchased with internally generated funds and part of the contribution to the investment program financed also with internally generated funds) oy the total projected revenues for that year. C would likewise be obtained by dividing the projected expenditures from the purchase of electricity for a given year by the projected revenues for that year. D would result from dividing the salay exendiure projected for a given year by the projected revenues for that year. The remaining factor, A, is given by the formula A = 1-(B+C+D) and represents the other uses of ftnds that are not a function of any of the three variables used in the formua. k should be noted that the portion of the investment program that Is financed by other instittions does not appear in the formula as it does not demand funds from the utility. Ihe values of A, B, C and D should be calculated from the financial projections for each of the years of project execution. The value of these factors wil most likely change from year to year, but if the change is minor It might be simpler to hold them constan during project supervision. Furthermore, the financial projections typically wil require frequent updating and this will lead to a recalculation of the cost ratios. When the fomula is used to adjust the tariff, it should be applied to every customer and to every consumer block. This in effect distributes the additional costs (savings) equally to all consumers; however, assuming that the base tariff has been properly designed, this should result in an equitable shar of the burden or benefit. Finally, it should be clear that the formula should be revenue neutral, that is to say, the utility's revenues should increase (decrease) in precisely the amount needed to compensate for the additional expenditure (saving) caused by the change in an independent variable. B. The refinement of the formula Notwithstanding the provisions of Section A above, in a dry year, the utlity will be forced to increase s drm generation, while in a wet year, it might be able to curtail it This situation sball be managed by including in the variable EP the additional thermal generation prce, which shall take into account the projected prico of runnng more thermal than hydro. - 127 - Page 1 of 7 REPUBL C 1 OF RWAIJI) ECONOMIC ANAL=SIS QF E LECTRICIT COMOENT COST-S (US$ nn.) 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001-2013 Investment" 6.26 S.20 6.44 1.05 0.1 0.00 0.00 0.00 O&W d }s0.06 0.11 0.18 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.19 Incrental Eny Weqd. (GWh)' 1S.01 31.00 48.48 67.42 87.96 87.96 87.96 87.96 Energy Cose 1.05 2.17 3.39 4.72 6.16 6.16 6.16 6.16 TOTAL COSTS 7.37 7.48 10.01 5.96 6.50 6.35 6.35 6.35 BENEFTrS (US$mn) Icr. Sales (GWh) 13.52 28.18 44.07 61.29 79.96 79.96 79.96 79.96 Value of Sales 1.64 3.41 5.33 7.42 9.68 9.68 9.68 9.68 Loss Reduction (GWh)" 1.79 3.88 4.21 4.56 4.56 4.56 4.56 4.56 Value Loss Redny 0.13 0.27 0.29 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 TOTAL BENEFPrrS 1.76 3.68 5.63 7.74 9.99 9.99 9.99 9.99 NET BENEFITS -5.61 -3.80 -4.39 1.78 3.50 3.65 3.65 3.65 EMRR (%) 18.65 Seasitivity Anaysis: Effec of 10% increase in Investmnt costs: IERR falls to 17%. Effet of 10% higher tadffs with lower load growth of 6% p.a.: EERR falls to 15%. Effect of 10% higher verage tariffs with undcged load growth: IERR riSe8 to 24.4%. Effect of higher losses - IERR drops to 18.4% In evnat of a 2-year delay In reaching 10%. Effect of load growth of 6% p.a. with 10% Increase in Investment costs: lEER fals to 10%. Notes: sa MLXROGZ'a hweatmu in hS==W t==Wm W distibution (4xluing 1ml *b0bWW=), indg 10% pysa catinese bl 1% at autlnMIat Ive _t eost . Insammenta s_I W lu oesn - ptiestad 1t doci to 10% by 19. dI 3usd on SIELAC'. bullk ass uf of 0.05 SDR/kW el 8A% p. s Wu Smi from 19M onward, per load foze uedr eyatm planning. Onl 5 ys of irnea_ load Inch; e. fl Based on wago ale wff of US$ 0.12/kMh, ded #a an avese of tbo sol tauf of RWFIO.OWkWb, and te eaad LRMC of RWP2O.OWh, wWStd by the useodve p_asete of toal aosumi to which tky amappllod. gI LIa ue prjad to ber Idu to 11% in 94 nd 10% in 1995. W Loom an vaued at to 5DLA C blk ale taff. - 128 - Page 2 of 7 REUBLC OF RWANDA ECONOE R AMAY=S1 Of TH DISTIMUlTION T SI 1. Rates of rtrn as well as neu present values were al culated for dhe of the disti n networls of Kigali, Bute, Ruhenei, Giseayi and Nyablindu. A peid of 30 years begnning In 1994 was chosen for the anatysis. ITe calculatios were done using Lotws, and the worksheets conding to the base caso for each one of the ciies are attached. 2. Investmenit costs were assumed to be distributed eqly alog the four years, 1994-1997, of the implementionperiod. Yearly operation and costs were takn as 2% of nvsmen costs. enefits 3. Ihe benefits of the project wil be the reveus generated by the incmental sales of electricity and the consumer surplus due to substitution of alternive sources of energy maiy for liging and cooking. Only the first of these elements was considered in the calculation of the rates of retrn The incremental sales were valued as the product of the total energy supplied tbrough the _etnon and the average tariff. 4. The energy supplied was calcuatd from the number of consums to be connected, as estmated by ELECTROGAZ and verified by Hydro Quebec Intelona (HQID, nd a yery c_umption per consumer. It was assumed that 60% of the consumers that would evetaly be served by any given extension, would be connected immeaty, and that the remaing 40% would be added at a unifom rate during the next four years. The yearly consumption per consumer was tak as the weighted average of the fist two blocks of consumption in low voltage as detmined by HQI wihin the framework of the Electricity Master Plan Study. Ihe tariff applied -US$0.12/kWh- was also determined as an aveage of the social tariff of RWFPO.001kWh, and the esdmated LRMC of RWF20.0/kWh, weigted by the respective percetage of total consumption to which they are applied. Iteultanufd SerixiZ Anaiz 5. The estimated inal rate of return varies between 12% for Nyabisindu, and 36% for Kigall A sensitivity analysis was carzied out for a plus or minus 20 percen variation In each of two parameter: the mumber of consumers served from the extnsions and the average cons n per consumer in kWh per year. Both these factors are reflected in the tot onsupio d through the extesions, which varies, therefe, between minus 36% and plus 44%, as shown in the table below. -3C% 2137 7 6 -20% 1 1 10 9 + 20% 45 29 18 17 16 + 44X 56 35S 1 22 21 20 - 129 - A6.1 Page 3 of 7 ENERGYS=IR RIlAM ONPRJECI' SIRIBUTN NSONS INT ciY OF K[GAU EONOMICJUSIWCATION SERVDBYrI YEAR EXINSIONLOOOkWh 0USS M1L0 U$oouss ' UUSS 1994 483 869 10426 537.5 10.75 54825 -443.99 1995 1092 1965 235.81 537.5 21.5 559 -323.19 1996 1827 3288 394.60 537.5 32.2 569.75 -175.15 1997 2709 4876 585.17 5375 43 580.5 4.67 1998 3075 5536 664.26 .43 43 621.26 1999 3361 6050 725.98 43 43 682.98 2000 3559 6406 768.68 43 43 725.68 2001 3662 6591 790.97 43 43 747.97 2002 3662 6591 790.97 43 43 747.97 2003 3662 6591 79097 43 43 747.97 2004 3662 6591 790.97 43 43 747.97 2005 3662 6591 790.97 43 43 747.97 2006 3662 6591 790.97 43 43 747.97 2007 3662 6591 790.97 43 43 747.97 2008 3662 6591 790.97 43 43 747.97 2009 3662 6591 790.97 43 43 747.97 2010 3662 6S91 79097 43 43 747.97 2011 3662 6591 790.97 43 43 747.97 2012 3662 6591 790.97 43 43 747.97 2013 3662 6591 790.97 43 43 747.97 2014 36J2 6591 790.97 43 43 747.97 2015 3662 6591 790.97 43 43 747.97 2016 3662 6591 790.97 43 43 747.97 2017 3662 6591 79097 43 43 747.97 2018 3662 6591 790.97 43 43 747.97 2019 3662 6591 790.97 43 43 747.97 2020 3662 6591 790.97 43 43 747.97 2021 3662 6591 790A97 43 43 747.97 2022 3662 6591 790.97 43 *43 747.97 2023 3662 6591 -971 43 43 747.97 VALUE OF PURAE rElS 1SED> Average ConsUtinFn by consumer in kW4h/yr 1800 Average tariff in USS per kWh 0.12 RESULT& Net present value in '000US$ for 10% disowunt raft 3754.16 Ilntal rate of return 0.36 - 130 - ANNEX6.1 Page 4 of 7 REPYUEC OF WA DISfUBUTIONEXTENSIONS INTE CITY OF BUTARE ECOlOMIC JUSTIFICAITION .~~~~~~~~~M L-on,TM rCM BEET SER.VDBY YEAR EXTNSAOR WkWh 00 US 00W0 U 000 US$ W0USS '000US$ 1994 12 22 2.61 19.5 0.39 19.89 -17.28 199S 28 50 5.96 19.S 0.78 20.28 -14.32 1996 46 82 9.86 19.5 1.17 20.67 -10.81 1997 67 121 14.56 19.5 156 21.06 -6.50 1998 77 138 16.53 1.56 1.56 14.97 1999 84 150 18.06 1.56 1.S6 16.50 2000 88 159 19.10 1.56 156 17.54 2001 91 164 19.6S 156 156 18.09 2002 91 164 196S 1.56 156 18.09 2003 91 164 19.6S 1.56 1.56 18.09 2004 91 164 19.6S 156 1.56 18.09 2005 91 164 19.65 1.56 1.56 18.09 2006 91 164 19.65* 1.56 156 18.09 2007 91 164 19.6S 1.56 1.56 18.09 2008 91 164 19.65 1.56 1.56 18.09 2009 91 164 19.6S 1.56 1.56 18.09 2010 91 164 19.65 1.56 1.56 18.09 2011 91 164 196S 1.56 1.56 18.09 2012 91 164 196S 1.56 1.56 18.09 2013 91 164 19.6S 156 1.56 18.09 2014 91 164 19.6S 1.56 1.56 18.09 2015 91 164 19.65 1.56 1.56 18.09 2016 91 164 19.6S 1.56 156 18.09 2017 91 164 196S 156 156 18.09 2018 91 164 19.6S 1.56 1.56 18.09 2019 91 164 19.65 156 1.56 18.09 2020 91 164 1965 1.56 1.56 18.09 2021 91 164 19.6S 1.56 1.56 18.09 2022 91 164 19.65 1.56 1.36 18.09 2023 91 1641 19561 1.56 1561 18.09 VALUE OF PARAMETERS USED Average conmption by consmer In kWb/yrh 1800 Average tariff in USS per kWh: 0.12 1LTS: Netp pentvalue In 000US$for 10%dscoutrate: 69.95 Iternal rate of return Om - 131- ANNEX6.1 Pa8ge 5 of 7 EMMOFRWAN,sA DISTRIBUTION EXTENSION; INTBE CITY OF R NGERI ECONOMIC JUSTIFCATION - {CONSUMR.3CONSU REVENERUE 1 acorz n irTCOSrI BENEFrr YA_ YE3A1 _____h OUS$ 100US loouss IUS$ 'S =US$ 1994 272 490 58.82 687.5 13.75 701;25 -64Z43 1995 633 1139 136.69 6875 27.5 715 -57831 1996 1021 1838 220.53 6875 4125 728.75 -508.22 1997 1494 2689 322.66 687.5 55 7425 -419.84 1998 1694 3050 366.01 55 55 311.01 1999 18S0 3330 399.56 55 55 344.6 2000 1953 3515 421.76 55 55 366.76 2001 2007 3613 43351 55 55 37851 2002 2007 3613 4335 55 55 378.51 2003 2007 3613 43351 55 55 378.51 2004 2007 3613 433.51 55 55 378.51 200S 2007 3613 43351 55 55 37851 2006 2007 3613 43351 55 55 378.51 2007 2007 3613 43351 55 55 378.51 2008 20C 3613 433.51 55 55 37851 2009 2007 3613 43351 55 55 37851 2010 2007 3613 43351 55 55 37851 2011 2007 3613 43351 55 55 37851 2012 2007 3613 43351 55 55 37851 2013 2007 3613 43351 55 55 378.51 2014 2007 3613 43351 55 55 37851 2015 2007 3613 4335S1 55 55 37851 2016 2007 3613 43351 55 55 37851 2017 2007 3613 43351 55 55 37851 2018 2007 3613 43351 55 55 37851 2019 2007 3613 43351 55 55 37851 2020 2007 3613 43351 55 55 37851 2021 2007 3613 43351 55 55 37851 2022 2007 3613 43351 55 55 37851 2023 2007 3613 4331 55 I SS 37851 VALUE OF PARAMERS USED: Average consumption by consuner in kVbryn 1800 Average tadff in US$ per kWh 0.12 RESULTS: Net present value in P000 US$ fDr 10% discount rat 570.70 Intern rate of return 0.13 - 132 - ANNEX6.1 Page 6 of 7 ]tNEGYSM ORBITO^mg DlSIRITONEXrENONSINTB Crrl >OF GIENYI ENOMOC JUSIFICATION CONUMRCS VI BENUE VNEF1 SERVDBYl YEAR EOM 000kWh WOI USS_s 00 WOUSS lo00s USS PAo S 1994 131 236 28.28 305 6.1 311.1 -282.82 1995 307 553 6631 305 12 317.2 -250.89 1996 488 879 105.46 305 18.3 323.3 -217.84 1997 709 1 5321 305 24A 329A -176.19 1998 804 1448 173.74 24.4 24.4 149.34 1999 878 1580 189.55 24.4 24.4 165.15 2000 92S 1665 199.81 24.4 24.4 175.41 2001 950 1710 20525 24.4 24.4 180.85 2002 950 1710 205.2S 24.4 24.4 180.85 2003 950 1710 205:25 24.4 24.4 180.85 2004 950 1710 20525 24.4 24.4 180.85 2005 950 1710 205.25 24.4 24A 180.85 2006 950 1710 20S.25 24.4 24A 180.85 2007 950 1710 2Q525 . 24.4 24.4 180.85 2008 950 1710 20525 24.4 24.4 180.85 2009 950 1710 20525 24A 24.4 180.85 2010 95O 1710 20525 24.4 24A 180.85 2011 950 1710 20525 24A . 24.4 18085 2012 950 1710 20525 24.4 24.4 180.85 2013 95D 1710 20525 24.4 24.4 180.85 2014 95D 1710 20525 24.4 24.4 180.85 2015 950 1710 20525 24.4 24.4 180.85 2016 950 1710 20S25 24.4 24.4 180.85 2017 950 1710 20525 24.4 24A 180.85 2018 950 1710O 20525 244 244 180.85 2019 910 1710 2042S 24.4 24.4 1 85 2020 950 1710 20525 24A 24.4 180.85 2021 950 1710 20525 24.4 24.4 180.85 2022 950 1710 20525 24.4 24A 180.85 2023 9SO 1710 20525 24.4 24.4 180.85 VALUE OF PARAi1nRS MUSB Average conaptnion by consumer in kW .: 1800 Average tariffinUS$ perML- -.042 Nor present value In OO US$ for 10% disoun rate: 351.91 Internal rate of retunt 0.14 - 133 - ANNEX6.1 Page 7 of 7 REPUBLICOF RWA DSIIBEMlON EXTENStONS INTHE ClTY OF NYABISINDU iCONOMIC JUSTIICATION ICONSUM INSUVEVE R1M '-- EF {SERVDBY YEAR EXINON OOkWh '000S U$ 000OUSS _'MQ000USS Q0 US$ 1994 94 169 2027 247.3 4.946 252246 -231.98 1995 218 392 47.09 247.3 9.892 257.192 -210.10 1996 352 633 75.98 2473 14.838 262.138 -186.16 1997 515 926 111.16 247.3 19.784 267.084 -155.92 1998 584 1051 126.10 19.784 19.784 106.31 1999 637 1147 137.65 19.784 19.784 117.87 2000 673 1211 145.30 19.784 19.784 125.52 2001 691 1245 14935 19.784 19.784 12957 2002 691 1245 149.35 19.784 19.784 129.57 2003 691 1245 14935 19.784 19.784 129.S7 2004 691 1245 14935 19.784 19.784 12957 200S 691 124S 14935 19.784 19.784 129.57 2006 691 1245 14935 19.784 19.784 12957 2007 691 1245 149.35 19.784 19.784 129.57 2008 691 124S 14935 19.784 19.784 129.57 2009 691 124S 14935 19.784 19.784 12957 2010 691 1245 149.35 19.784 19.784 12957 2011 691 1245 149.35 19.784 19.784 12957 2012 691 124S 14935 19.784 19.784 12957 2013 691 1245 149.35 19.784 19.784 12957 2014 691 1245 14935 19.784 19.784 12957 2015 691 124S 14935 19.784 19.784 12957 2016 691 124S 14935 19.784 19.784 12957 2017 691 124S 14935 19.784 19.784 12957 2018 691 1245 149.35 19.784 19.784 12957 2019 691 124S 14935 19.784 19.784 12957 2020 691 1245 14935 19.784 19.784 12957 2021 691 124S 149.35 19.784 19.784 12957 2022 691 124S 149.35 19.784 19.784 12957 2023 691 1245 149.35 19.784 19.784 12957 VALUE OF PA*AIvIEJERS USED: Average conxsmption by consumer in kWhWt 1800 Average tadiff in US$ per kWh-a 0.12 RESULN Net pesent valuhc In V0US$ for 10% disount rat. 156.71 Internal rate of return 0.12 - 134 - MU .2 Pagoe of 1 DOCtMENT IN 3_ ECT EI 1. Detaild Scope for the Rehaiitation and Extension of the disrbuftio network for KigafL Bua, Gisenyi, Ruhengeri, and Nyablsindu. 2. ELECOGAZ new statue and functo. 3. Daft Law on Public Enterprs reglatoy fimewok 4. Lew Contrat between ELECROGAZ and the prva operati compay. S. EULCMROGAZ resucturing Study. 6. Study on Peteum Prcg Stucture and Taxatio. 7. Eiron t Isues Pwper and Mit ation Pla 8. MAt System Cogt Reducdon and Sources. IBRD 24292 29' _2 UGANDA 31* byTe V/oddri pS imV*dd>v Sake -2rOtA 6 ke internalCyM Ie Kalg Ih V/ddan BURUNDI TANZANIA Bobandana C- Lsen 1g nyika RWADAN ____RE REHABILITATION PROJE BOSIN-s2JCJ t',i) . XSv Basins of Lake Kivu / ( <> l~~~Nyamasheke f.5IPMETHVaTILON SOFF r v Jf ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~INTE STAT1iONS NDE T SIN M { / b r ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- 100 ; i j auK^vu BASIN ° 5 lo , ~~~~~~~~-150 | BuluqC>onguDu gf3~~~~~~~~---00 29~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~2 Oclober 1992 r UGANDA 30 31, 4k4 y- RWANDA C. Kompoa Kf EN Y A ENERGY SECTOR REHABILITATION PROJECT J2 GREAT LAKES REGION, INTERCONNECTED POWER SYSTEM '4e Mbo e U G A N D AP TANZANIA .og Dor-Es-Salto ) / Ruho. on r/ 2//00i'2 > M..kC 30

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