INTEGRATED SAFEGUARDS DATA SHEET ADDITIONAL F INANCING Repo rt No.: 83920 Date JS OS Prepa •·cd/U pdated: 06-Jan.- 201 4 I. BASIC IN FORMATION I. Basic Project Data Couutr·y: Africa P •·ojcct ID : Pl47510 Parent Project ID: Pl2 1899 P•·oject Name: CAADP MDTF: Com mon Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) Chi ld Trust Fund Additiona l Financing Parent Project Nam e: CAADP MDTF: Common Market fo r Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) Child Trust Fund Task Team Leade•·: Melissa Brown Estimated Board Date: 31 -.lan.-20 14 Managing Unit: AFTA2 Scctor(s): Agricultural extension and research (20%), C rops (20%), An ima l production (20%), Forestry (20%), Gen. agricu lture, fishing, and forestry (20%) T heme(s) : Analysis of economic growth (20%). Rural markets (20% ), Rural policies and institutions (20%). Climate change (20% ), E nvironmental policies and institutions (20% ) Is this p•·oject pr·ocessed under OP 8.50 (Em ergency R ecoVCIJ') o1· OP 8.00 No (Hapid R es ponse to C rises and E m ergencies)? P•·oject Financing Data (in USD Million) Tota l Project Cost: 1.70 Total Bank Financing: lo.oo Financing Gap: 0.00 Financing Sou1·ce Amo unt Borro.,ver 0.00 CAAD P MDTF 1.70 Total 1.70 Envi•·onmental Catego •·y: C - Not Required Is this a Repeater· p•·oj ect? Yes Is this a Transfc •·red No p•·ojcct? 2. Pa·oject Development Objective(s) A. C un-cnt Pa·oject Development Objectives - Parent The overall goal ofCOMESA·s CAADP-related acti vities is to contribute to the achievement ofCAADP targets and objectives within its Member States. The specific project development objective of the ongoing Chi ld Trust fund (CTF) is to improve strategic planning and implementation of agricultural investmems a/ national and regional/eve/. B. Proposed Project Development Objectives - Additiona l Financin g (AF) The objecti ve of the proposed Additional Financing (/\F) to the COMESA CTF is improved enabling environment for African agricultural programs and policies at national and reg ional level. 3. Pro,jcct Description The proposed additio nal .financing (AF) would provide on-go ing support to COMESA to so lidify ga ins and scale-up achievements attained over the past thJee years of implementation. Specifi ca ll y. the AF would help finance the costs associated with an expansion of CAADP activities impl emented by COMESA in its Member tates 1 and to address new CAAOP priorities and chall enges. The latter would include expand ing support to del iver more targeted technical assista nce, policy dialogue and programming at national and regional level , as well as to mobi Iizc resources and improve accountability and governance structures. The CTF comprises 2 components: (i) Support to the COMESA Secretariat Strategic Funct ions which broad ly provides technical and institutional support at national and regional levels to the C/\AD P process within six strategic funct ions (SFs) identified by the COMESA Secretariat; and (ii) trcngthening COMESA Secretariat CAADP Coordination Unit's Capacity vvhere the e rr finances the development of instituti onal and human reso urce capacity to effectively de li ver thi s support. The proposed AF to COMESA wou ld continue to so lidify the ga ins achieved to-date at national and regional level and wo ul d also enab le COMESA to implement prioriti es identified under the ''Sustaining CAADP Momentum " initiative, as described below. Suoportto CAADP's nell' agenda. As a framework, CAADP has evolved over time and in 20 12 stakeholders la unched the " Sustaining CAADP Mome ntum'' initiative which presents the new po licy vision for CAADP over the comi ng decade. The initiative has been form al ly endo rsed by the political processes within the AU. The initi ative expands CAADP 's scope by encouraging stronger engagement in key areas such as policy reform, pri vate sector investment, and results. The proposed AF wi ll ensure that COMESA is able to play a central role in effectively delivering on the objectives of this new initiative. Consolidating on going reform processes. Over the past year. CAADP has established a number of strategic initiatives. including establishing a new results framework for the entire CAAD P process. establishing processes that will lead regional in vestment plan~. and a new 1 COM ESA 's 19 Member States include Burundi, Comoros, Democratic Republic of Congo. Djibouti, Egypt, · Ethiopia. Eritrea, Kenya. Libya, Madagascar. Malawi, Mauritius, Rwanda, Seychel les, Sudan, Swaziland, Uganda. Zambia and Zimbabwe. structme for delivering African-led approaches to knowledge information and sk ills into the CAJ\DP process. All these processes are enabling CAADP to become more effective and s ustainable. The AF will allow COMESA to mainstream these initiatives into its CAADP activities. Strengthening the delivery o[current CAADP commitments . CAADP represents an ambitious agenda. Building the capacity of o rgan izations to take on thj s agenda has taken time. The proposed AF will enab le COMESA to fur1her expand the number of countries going through the CAADP planning processes. It would enable the strengthen ing of processes seeking to strengthen regional integration. The proposed AF reso urces will support the CTf components as fo ll ows: (i) Compone nt 1- US$0.6 mi ll ion w ill finance implementati on of CO MESA's rema111111g pre-compact phase acti viti es, including strengthening institutional capacity at M ember States level, implementing the regional process, more robust monito ring and evaluation, and implementing activities as elaborated above under Sustaining CAADP Momentum initiative; and (ii) Component 2- US$1.1 million will continue to finance s taff and capacity strengthening ofthe CAADP Unit in COMESA Secretariat. 4. Proj ect location a nd sa lien t physica l characteristics relevant to the safeguard a nalysis (if known) The AF will fund activi ti es implemented at the COMESA Secretari at's I lcadquarters (HQ) in Lusaka, Zambia and in CO MESA Member States. 5. E nvironmenta l and Social Safeguards Specialists on th e Team N/A 6. Safeguard Policies Triggered'? Explanation (Optional) Environmental Assessment OP/ BP 4.0 I No Natura l Habitats OP/BP 4.04 No Forests OP/ BP 4.36 No Pest Managemen t OP 4.09 No Physical C ultural Resources OP/ BP 4 .1 I No Indigenous Peoples OP/BP 4. 10 No Involuntary Resettl eme nt OP/BP 4. 12 No Safely of Dams OP/B P 4.37 No Projects o n Jntcrnatio na l Waterways OP/BP 7.50 No Projects in Disputed Areas O P/ BP 7.60 No II. Key Safeguard Policy Issues and Thei r Management A. Summary of Key Safeguard Issues 1. Describe any safeguard issues and impacts associated with the proposed project. Identify and describe any potential large scale, significant and/or irreversible impacts: No new World Bank Safeguard policies are triggered by the proposed additional financing (AF). The proposed AF is rated category C (not required) which is in line with the ratings ofthe original CTF. The activities funded by the CTF will be limited the above areas and the CTF cannot and will not fund any on the ground agricultural activities or civil works, their engineering design (either detailed or schematic) or their feasibility study either at CO MESA level or in Member States. There will therefore be no adverse environmental or social impacts associated with the CTF implementation. 2. Describe any potential indirect and/or long term impacts due to anticipated future activities in the project area: N/A 3. Describe any proJect alternatives (if relevant) considered to help avoid or minimize adverse impacts. N/A 4. Describe measures taken by the borrower to address safeguard policy issues. Provide :m assessment of bon·owcr capacity to plan and implement the measures described. COMESA has complied with World Bank safeguard policies since the CTF became effective in 2011, however as a category C no safeguards policies were triggered. The Bank Task Team will continue to work closely with CO MESA as it has been doing during CTF implementation to ensure that the processes that the proposed AF will support includes evaluating member countries environmental and social management systems. 5. Identify the l{ey stal{eholders and describe the mechanisms for consultation and disclosure on safeguard policies, with an emphasis on potentially affected people. N/A B Di~c!omre Requirement\' If the project triggers the Pest Management and/or Ph:ysical Cultut·al Resources policies, the respective issues arc to be addressed and disclosed as part of the Environmental Assessment/Audit/or EMP. If in-country disclosure of any of the above document's is not expected, please explain why: NIA C. Complitmce Monitoring ftulicaton alI he Corporate Level The World Bank Policy on Disclosu1·e of Information Have relevant safeguard policies documents been sent to the World Yes [ l No [ l NA [X] Bank's Infoshop? I lave relevant documents been disclosed in~country in a public place Yes [ l No [ l NA [X J in a form and language that are understandable and accessible to project-affected groups and local NGOs? All Safegua r·d Policies I lave s atisfactory ca lendar, budget and c lear institutional Yes [ ] No [ ] NA [X I responsib ilities been prepared for the imp lementation of measures re lated to safeguard po lic ies? Have costs related to safeguard policy measures been inc luded in the Yes [ ] No [ ) NA [X ] project cost? Does the Monitoring and Eva luation system of the project include Yes [ ] 0 [ ] NA [X I the monitoring of afeguard impacts and measures related to safeguard policies? Have satisfactory impl ementatio n arrangements been agreed with Yes [ I No [ ] NA [X l the borrower and the sa me been adeq uately refl ected in the project lega l docum ents? lll. APPROVALS Task Team Leader: Name: Melissa Brown Approved By: Reg iona l Safeguards Advisor: Sector Manager: