Page 1 August 3, 1995 H.E. Zephirin Diabre Minister of the Economy, Finance and Planning Ministry of the Economy, Finance and Planning B.P. 7050 Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso Excellency, Re. Norwegian Grant TF05-21525 Associated to Credit 2229-BUR (Environmental Management Project - PNGD Amendinent of the Norwegian Grant Agreement We refer to the above-mentioned Norwegian Grant between Burkina Faso (the Grantee) and the International Development Association (the Association), dated October 6, 1992, and your letter No. 0855/NEFP/SG/DG.Coop/DCiWOAJ/SA, dated June 13, 1995, requesting (i) the retroactive financing of certain expenditures and (ii) extension of the scope of Project intervention. Our internal regulations do not allow for us to entertain your request for retroactive financing at this time. However, we are pleased to confirm the Association's approval of the extension of the scope of Project intervention, and therefore agree to amend the Norwegian Grant Amendment as follows: 1. Paragraph (2) of Schedule I to the Grant Agreement: The words: "and the Unite de Gestion Operationnelle du Projet" are added between the words: "local staff" and "travel allowance"; 2. Paragraph (3) of Schedule 1 to the Grant Agreement: The words: "for the province of Kenedougou " are deleted and the words: "in the territory of the Grantee" are added in their place. All other provisions of the Grant Agreement as amended herein shall remain in force. Please indicate your agreement with the foregoing amendment by signing and dating the confirmation form on the attached copy of this letter and returning it to us, while keeping the original for your records. This amendment will become effective as of the date of confirmation of your agreement as indicated hereafter. Sincerely, By /s/ Olivier Lafourcade Director West Central Africa Department CONFIRMED: By /s/ Zphirin Diabre Authorized Representative Page 2