GOVERNMENT OF MIZORAM Name of the Project: Mizoram State Roads 11 Regional Transport Connectivity Projert Loan/Credit/Grant No. :5425-IN Reconciliation of Claiis to Total' Applications of Funds Report for the year ended 31' March, 2018 articuar Schdue Amt(Rs.m Iion) any Current Year Project to date Bank Funds clairmed during the year (A) (34.672 :70 9 Total Feperiditure niade during the year (B) 688.661 2135.072 ld: Expenditure not laimeod in previois yr(C 121.107 0.000 Less: Outstanding AC Bil s(D) 0000 0.003 Irieligiblie e xpenditurer (E) ¯¯.¯¯3 20030 EFxpenditures flott cairnred (F ___ 7 4313.3 Total EIigle- Experndituret Claimend 634, 572 760 929 (G) (B)+(C)-(D)-(El-(F) ___ 100% 100% World Bank Share @x% of(G) above H Ñot& 1. Expenditures are iicurred by State Govefrn ment & cla yet to be rec ed from o:r Bak. 2. The experditures incurred on PPF (Q961) are not included in te rumulat ve amont Divis iial Accountant. ect D ictor PP U PWD, Aizawl, P U, PWD), Aizawol, Name of the Project: Mizorarn State Roads 11 Regional Transport Connectivity Project Loan/Credit/Grant No.: 5425-N Statement of Sources and Applications of Funds Report for the year ended 31" March, 2018 In Rs. (mi ion) Particlars __ _urrert Vear P roject ta Openiig Balne, (if rask Imlre ar e a1 21 41031 crtrolled t- the ntith j 1 1 FL Ids re -e u i franim G i ii-r 1 h rayh 1803.900 32 -04 Budget iThCse wil l 1nrludirt uLterna ussistan re:-eied by Guaermrnnt for the pi Ojl-t unis rere.ed dire t il b, 01ro00 10c 0 irr pler-n 1ritig Autk- rity tihrt ugh s tern al trsta ra e llr1Íl Ttal Pees IF> 18. Talas uin 0= A~ 8 ___¯¯ 18¯¯ 20 133.3 L-peaitJres by C r1-~~or---ri A. Lr Jsrqu iti2ro aJ t & 1R¯¯¯2U 3 _5_. Goou ___ d__ 1.5 2.4 0. Cornult rag Servi cn 13f-5 3850 1. Ta re rsairr'rir' talillerasrr'rOnsth11.880t25.91 TotalLynd trrs O Closing Bala,e (it ash alamcts are 1188 31 11835 contrulled hg the entyj -fl D Divisionarl Accountanrt Profé f reto RiU, PWD, Aizawl Pl rW, A a