93726 The Argentine Republic Youth Employment Support Project Chair Summary* January 15, 2015 The Executive Directors approved the loan in the amount of US$ 425 million to the Argentine Republic for the Youth Employment Support Project on the terms set out in the President’s Memorandum. The Minutes will reflect that Ms. Aviel and Ms. Hines wished to be recorded as opposed. Directors appreciated that the project is aligned with both the World Bank Group’s new Country Partnership Strategy and the Government of Argentina’s priorities. They underscored the importance of continued targeted engagement with Argentina to promote inclusion and equality in line with the World Bank Group twin goals of eliminating extreme poverty and boosting shared prosperity. Directors highlighted the critical importance of the macro-economic policy setting for Argentina’s economic performance and encouraged the authorities to continue normalizing relationships with the IMF and the country’s private creditors. Directors supported the project’s development objective to increase youth employability. In particular, they highlighted the importance of the program’s attention to gender. While Directors valued the different actions supported by the project, they noted that to achieve strong employment outcomes, increased labor demand is also necessary, which in turn depends on overall economic performance, as defined by factors such as macroeconomic policies, global economic trends, private sector development, and investor confidence. Directors acknowledged the multidimensional approach to youth employment support adopted by the supported program, recognizing the diversity in program’s participants. Also, proactive outreach and the use of incentives were highlighted as ways to increase effectiveness of the program. Looking ahead, the program’s sustainability was also underscored. Finally, Directors highlighted the importance of sharing the lessons learned from this program to other countries facing similar challenges. __________________________________ ∗ This summary is not an approved record.