Ethiopia’s great run : the growth acceleration and how to pace it (English)
This report addresses two questions: what explains Ethiopia’s growth acceleration?; and how can it be sustained? In brief, the authors find that Ethiopia’s rapid economic growth, concentrated in agriculture and services, was driven by substantial public infrastructure investment and supported by a conducive external environment. To sustain high growth, three policy adjustments are presented: identifying sustainable ways of financing infrastructure...
FY17 - Public Administration - Industry, Trade and Services,FY17 - Public Administration - Financial Sector,FY17 - Other Public Administration,FY17 - Sub-National Government,FY17 - Central Government (Central Agencies),FY17 - Other Non-bank Financial Institutions,FY17 - Other Public Administration
TF016707-Support for Enhanced Trade Policy Analysis in Ethiopia
*The text version is uncorrected OCR text and is included solely to benefit users with slow connectivity.
Moller,Lars Christian.
Ethiopia’s great run : the growth acceleration and how to pace it (English). Washington, D.C. : World Bank Group.
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