59807 INTEGRATED SAFEGUARDS DATA SHEET CONCEPT STAGE Date ISDS Prepared/Updated: January 20, 2011 I. BASIC INFORMAnON A. Basic Project Data f Country' China - - - - , .-::-P-ro-;-~c-c-t-:-::lD::-'-:P::-:I-:'I-::-9-:-:12::-4~------'--- I Project Name: CPF-Hebei Livestock Wa'stc Managemen~ Project - Task Team Leader: Jin Liu Estimated Appraisal Date: December 31, Estimated Board Date: Not applicable 2011 -_._ Managing Unit: EASCS . Lending Instrument: Carbon Finance 1._--, . Operati~.n.._ .. ! -~~~" Sector. Renewable energy (SO 0Yo), Agnculture extensIOn and research (20Yo) () Theme: Climate change (P), Oth~!.environment and natural resources mana ement IBRD Amount (USSm.): I DA Amount (US$m.): GEF Amount (US$m.): peF Amount (US$m.): Other financing amounts by source: Borrower (US$m): Almroximately US$ 16 million CFP (US$m): Almroximately US$ 14 million elosurc l'oliey requires lnatliafcguard.rclatcd documents be disclosed before Ilppmis;d (i) at the InfoShop and (ii) in-collntry. at publicly accessible locations and in II fOl11l and language that are accessible to potentially affected p..,rson5. IV. APPROVALS I Signlld alld .fuhminlld by:. I Date I Task Team Leader: ----1 Name: Liu Jin Name: L. Panneer Selvam I Name: Ede Jo