JOFICAL TF oSI DOCUMENTS The World Baik 1818 Street N.W. *202) 473-1000 INTERNATIONAL BAh M FOR RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT Washi - -Cable Address: INTBAFRAD INTERNATIONAL DE\ LOPMENT ASSOCIATION U.S.A. Cable Address: INDEVAS October 25, 2012 Eng. Teferra Beyene Execut've Director Nile Basin Initiative P.O.Box 192 Entebb.-, Uganda Rc: Nile Basia Trust Fund Grant Number TF095157 Nile Equatorial Lakes Subsidiary Action Program (NELSAP) Regional Agricultural Trade and Productivity Project First Revised Disbursement Letter dated November 20, 2009 Addition. Imtructions: Disbursement Letter Dear Sir: I refer to the Letter Agreennt ("Agreement"), dated November 20, 2009, for the above- referenced Project, entered into between the Nile Basin Initiative (variously, "Recipient" and "NBI"), and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development ("IBRD") and International Development Associa ion ("IDA") (collectively, "World Bank"), acting as administrator of grant funds provided by various donors to the Nile Basin Initiative Trust Fund, which Agreement counte -signed Ncvember 30, 2009. The Agreement provides that the World Bank may issue additional instructions regarding the withdrawal of the proceeds of NBTF Grant TF096105 ("Grant"). By a letter (" Disbursement Letter") dated November 20, 2009, the World Bank constituted the additional inst-uctians. In this first revision of the Disbursement Letter, we wish to indicate a new mi nimum value for withdrawal applications. This Disbursement Letter supersoles the previous version. The attached World Bank D sbursement Guidelines for Projects, dated May 1, 2006, ("Disbursement Guidelines") (Attachment 1), are an integral part of the Disbursement Letter. The ma.iner in which the provision, in the Disbursement Guidelines apply to the Grant is specifi-c. below. Sections and subs,-ctions in parentheses below refer to the relevant sections and subseci.ons in the Disbursement Gt idelines and, unless otherwise defined in this letter, the capitaltzed terms used have the me, nings ascribed to them in the Disbursement Guidelines. I. Disbursement Arrangements (i) DisiJursement Methods (section 2). The following Disbursement Methods may be used under t I Grant: * Reimbursement * Advance * Direct Payment * Special Commitment (ii) Disb ursement Deadline Date (s wbsection 3.7). The Disbursement Deadline Date is four [4] months after the Closing D)ate speci 'ed in the Grant Agreement. Any changes to this date will be notifiecd by the Association. II. Withdrawal of Grant Proceeds (i) Authorized Signature.s (subsectim 3..1). A letter in the Form attached (Attac'iment 2) should be furnished to the World Bank at the address indicated below providing t ie name(s) and specimen signature(s) of the official(s) authorized to sign Applic ations: Thl World Bink 18 18 H Stree:, N.W. Washington, DC:20433, United States of America Atiention: Loan Department (ii) Apldications (subsections 3.2 - 3.3). Please provide completed and signed (a) applications for withdrawal, together with supporting documents, and (b) applications for special commitments, together with a copy of the commercial bank letter of credit,] to the address indicated below: Th. World B ink, 4 Fricker Ro-.d, Illovo Boulevard, 2196 Johannesburg, Republic of South Africa At-ention: Loan Department (iii) Electronic Delivery (subsection 3.4) The World Bank may permit the Recipient to electroiically deliver to te World Bank Applications (with supporting documents) through the World Bank's Client Connection, web-based portal. The option to deliver Applications to the World Bank by electronic means m iy be effected if: (a) the Recipient has designated in writing, pursuant to the terms of subparagrah (i) of this Section, its officials who are authorized to sign and deliver Applications and to receive secure identification devices ("Tokens") from the World Bank for the purpose of delivering such Applications by electronic means; and (b) all such officials designated by the Recipiert have registered as users of Client Connection. If the World Bank agrees, the Association will p.rovide the Recipient with Tokens for the designated officials. Following which, the designated of icials may deliver Applications electronically by completing Form 2380, which is accessible through Client Connection (https:/clientconnection. The Recipient may continue to exercise the option of preparing and delivering Applicaticns in paper form. The World Bank reserves the right and may, in its sole discretion, temporarily or permanently disallow the electronic delivery of Applications by the Reci ?ient. (iv) Terms and Conditionis of Use of Tokens to Process Applications. By designating officials to accept Tokens and by choosing to deliver the Applications electronically, the Recipient confirnt through the authorized sig iatory letter its agreement to: (a) abide by the Terms and Conditions of Use ofSecure Identifi vation Devices in Connection with Use ofElectronic Means to Process Applications and Supporting Documentation ("Terms and Conditions of Use of Tokens") provided in Attachment 3. and (b) to deliver the Terms and Conditions of Use of Tokens to each such official and to cause such official to abide by those terms and conditions. (v) Minimum Value ofApplications (subsection 3.5). The Minimum Value of Applications is US$ 60,000.00 (vi) Advances (sections 5 and 6). * Type ofDesigniated Account (subsection 5.3): DesignateI Account: RATP Designated Account: Segregated * Currency of Designated A ccount (subsection 5.4):US Dollars * Financial Institution at which the Designated Account[ Will Be Opened (subsection 5.5) A commercial bank / inancial institution acceptable to the World Bank. * Ceiling (subsection 6.1): USE) 500,000.00 III. Reporting on Use of Grant Pi-oceeds (i) Supporting Documentation (section 4). Supporting documentation should be provided with each application for withdrawal as set out below: * For requests fo,r Reimburyement: o Records evidencin: eligible expenditures (e.g., copies of receipts, supplier invoices) for payments against contracts of (a) goods valued at US$ 100,000 or more; (b) services )f consulting firms valued at US$ 100,000 or more: and (c) services of individial consultants valued at US$ 50,000 or more. o Stateme at of Expe iditure in the form attached (Attachment 4): and o List of rayments against contracts that are subject to the World Bank's prior review, in the fort. attached (Attachment 5); * For reporting eligible ex enditures paidfrom the Designated Account: o Records evidencing eligible expenditures (e.g., copies of receipts, supplier invoices) for payments against contracts of (a) goods valued at US$ 100,000 or more; (b) services of ccnsulting firms valued at US$ 100,000 or more: and (c) services of individual consultants valued at US$ 50,000 or more. o Statement of Expenditure in the form attached (Attachment 4): and o List of payments against contracts that are subject to the World Bank's prior review, in the fon-n attached (Attachment 5); For requests for Direct Payment: records evidencing eligible expenditures, e.g., copies of receipts, supplier invoices. (ii) Frequency of Reporting Eligible Expenditures Paid from the Designated Account (subsection 6.3): Monthly IV. Other Important Informatiou For additional information on disbursement arrangements, please refer to the Disbursement Handbook available on the World Bank's public website at and its ;ecure website "Client Connection" at Print copies are available upon request. From the Client Connection website, you will be able to prepare and deliver Applications, monitor the near real-time status of the Grant, and retrieve related policy, financial, and procurement information. If you have any queries in re lation to the above, please contact Hassine Hedda, Finance Officer at service accoun- email adcress LOA-afr(, using the above reference. Yours sincerely, Hassine H da Finance Officer Loan Department CTRLA Attachnents 1. World Bank Disbursement Guicelines for Projects, dated May 1, 2006 2. Form for Authorized Signatures 3. Terms and Conditions of Use of'Secure Identification Devices in connection with Use of Electronic Means to?Process Alplications and Supporting Documentation, dated January 20, 201 D 4. Forrn of "Statement of Expenditure" 5. Fortn of Summary Sheet for Paymerts Against Contracts Subject to the World Bank's Prior Rei%ew. 6. Initial allocations of tle Grant to Prcject implementing entities Hassine Hedda Cleared with and cc: John Bryant Collier - LEGAM Jo n Bryant C allier- Task Team Leader