Republic of Honduras Country Partnership Strategy (CPS) FY2012-2014 65963 and First Programmatic Reducing Vulnerabilities for Growth Development Policy Credit (DPC) Meeting of the Executive Directors December 6, 2011 Chair’s Summing Up* The Executive Directors discussed the joint IDA/IFC Country Partnership Strategy for the Republic of Honduras for FY2012-FY2014 (IDA/R2011-0309[IFC/R2011-0305]). Directors expressed broad support for the CPS, which they noted is aligned with the Government’s national plan. They expressed support for the envisaged strategic directions of the CPS and acknowledged the candid assessment of limitations and risks, as well as the engagement in relevant areas that are still new to the Bank, especially citizen security. Directors noted that portfolio implementation remains a key challenge, particularly given governance and capacity constraints, and welcomed the emphasis placed in the CPS on selectivity with very few new lending operations, a programmatic approach, and implementing the existing portfolio. In this regard, the need for a continued effort to improve the performance of the overall portfolio was highlighted. Directors commended the Honduran authorities for the fiscal consolidation efforts being undertaken to address critical issues for the long-term sustainability of public finances. They noted that Honduras remains on track with the ongoing Stand-By Agreement with the IMF. Directors also noted the Government’s policies on the comprehensive and integrated program to improve citizen security in light of high crime and violence rates. However, Directors indicated that serious challenges remain, including the high rates of crime and violence, the need to address deep-rooted and persistent poverty, inequality in social indicators and incomes, as well as the effects of climate change. Attention to gender issues was also encouraged. Directors noted that the CPS was prepared in coordination with all the other major donors and emphasized the importance of continued close donor collaboration in the future. Directors also welcomed IFC’s significant and growing role in Honduras and encouraged further joint Bank/IFC efforts going forward. Finally, they look forward to reviewing implementation of the CPS in the Progress Report. Summary of Discussion With respect to the DPC, Executive Directors approved the First Programmatic Reducing Vulnerabilities for Growth Development Policy Credit in the amount of SDR 55.1 million (US$86 million equivalent) for the Republic of Honduras on the payment terms and conditions set out in the President’s Memorandum (IDA/R2011-0311). They expressed support for overall design of the program, and noted its focus on tax administration, pension reform, civil service reform, and citizen security. Directors stressed the importance of policy continuity in all these areas and encouraged the Bank’s efforts to identify and mitigate risks associated with the program, particularly with regard to implementation capacity. They also stressed the importance of close ongoing donor collaboration.  This summary is not an approved record.