Oil Cake from Soya (HS 230400) 25 ➢ MUS imports US$ 23 mln., MUS SYC misclassifies oil cake under HS code for 20 soybeans, thus no data is available. Imports (US$ mln.) 15 ➢ ZAM and MWI are net exporters at US$ 17 and 5 MOZ mln. p.a. 10 MDG ➢ Currently all of Mauritius’ imports are sourced from 5 ZMB Argentina. ➢ Most of ZAM’s exports go to 0 MWI Zimbabwe and South Africa, none to APEI+ 0 5 10 15 20 25 countries. Exports (US$ mln.) Market trends: Rapid growth in the poultry sector is driving an increasing need to import soymeal for feed with consumption is growing at an average rate of 3% p.a. Soybean is bought and shipped together with maize to as the key ingredients for poultry feed. Buyers express satisfaction with cost competitiveness and reliability of delivery from Argentina, but would be willing to switch to African suppliers at a competitive price. Observed CIF prices in US$ / ton Year Mauritius Seychelles low high low high 2016 345 404 Na Na 2017 365 392 Na Na Higher prices: Lower prices: ✓ High protein content (~48%) • Fiber content >18% ✓ Low humidity • Discolored ✓ Fibre content <18% • Germinating or Immature Market access: Oil cake enters the Mauritian and Seychelles markets free of tariff duties regardless of the country of origin. Oil Cake from Soya (HS 230400) Average imports by month 16% Mauritius 14% 12% 10% 8% 6% 4% 2% 0% Seasonality: Mauritius imports soy cake year round. Transport: All oil cake is imported by sea. Large importers use bulk vessels that typically transport ~5,000 T. Soy cake imported for feed purposes is commonly mixed with maize before leading for shipment. Importers: In Mauritius, all soy cake is imported by two large buyers with roughly equal market shares, indicating a high level of market concentration on the buyers’ side. The following companies have expressed interest in soy cake imports from APEI+ countries: Mauritius: Seychelles: Meaders Feeds Ltd Ferox Feed Ltd. Yannick Legesse, Managing Director Herve Morin- Adeline, Managing Director ylagesse@meadersfeeds.com ferox.sez@gmail.com +230 249 3860 +248 256 6677 Livestock Feed Ltd Rocky Forget, Managing Director rforget.lfl@eclosia.com +230 286 3901 230400 - Oil-cake and other solid residues; whether or not ground or in the form of pellets, resulting from the extraction of soya-bean oil ('000 US$) Mauritius Import Seychelles Import Madagascar Export Malawi Export Mozambique Export Zambia Export APEI+ Total - APEI+ Total - APEI+ Total - APEI+ Total 741 APEI+ Total 35 APEI+ Total 40 Madagascar - Madagascar - Malawi - Madagascar - Madagascar - Madagascar - Malawi - Malawi - Mauritius - Mauritius - Malawi - Malawi 29 Mozambique - Mauritius - Mozambique - Mozambique 598 Mauritius - Mauritius - Seychelles - Mozambique - Seychelles - Seychelles - Seychelles - Mozambique 11 Zambia - Zambia - Zambia - Zambia 142 Zambia 35 Seychelles - Total non-APEI+ 22,557 Total non-APEI+ 0 Total non-APEI+ 0 Total non-APEI+ 3,994 Total non-APEI+ 3 Total non-APEI+ 16,549 Argentina 21,665 Sri Lanka 0 Netherlands 0 Zimbabwe 2,093 South Africa 3 Zimbabwe 10,168 Paraguay 274 South Africa 0 France 0 Tanzania 1,067 Netherlands 0 South Africa 2,715 France 239 - - South Africa 498 - Tanzania 1,646 India 222 - - Kenya 284 - Kenya 1,019 South Africa 89 - - - - Namibia 1,002 RoW 68 - - RoW 52 - RoW 0 Total World 22,557 Total World 0 Total World 0 Total World 4,735 Total World 39 Total World 16,589 APEI+ share 0.0% APEI+ share 0.0% APEI+ share 0.0% APEI+ share 15.6% APEI+ share 91.3% APEI+ share 0.2% Applicable Licencing and Sanitary and phytosanitary measures (SPS) Agency Standards National Plant • Fumigation by methyl bromide at 48 g/m3 for 24hrs at 21° C or above under NAP or Protection alternative fumigant/ substance as approved by NPPO Office (NPPO), • Treatment should be undertaken by an official accredited organization and duly endorsed Mauritius on phytosanitary certificate • Sample should be sent to NPPO, Reduit (office address) Ministry of Under the FOOD ACT, Food Regulations 1999 Health (MoF), Under, PART XI – CEREAL, GRAIN, PULSE, LEGUME, CEREAL PRODUCT, STARCH AND BREAD. Mauritius According to Tenth Schedule [Regulation 62(2)(d)] Maximum Pesticide Residues in Maize (permitted) are as follows: Dichlorvos – 2.0 Veterinary • Import Permit are authorised, provided that the consignment is accompanied by a Services, Veterinary Export Certificate from the competent authority of the exporting country, Mauritius stating: • The establishment (name & address of establishment) producing the feed is approved and recognized for export, and is certified by the veterinary authority of exporting country. • The establishment is approved to an updated ISO norm. • The products are fit for animal feed. • The grain/plant product incorporated in the feeds was harvested/originated from areas where ‘Foot and Mouth Disease’ outbreaks occurred during the past twelve months, and no cases of ‘Anthrax’ have been reported for the past five years. • A microbiological investigation report from a government recognized laboratory, which shows absence of ‘Salmonella’ and other harmful microorganisms in the finished product. • No second hand jute bags or polypropylene bags are used for bagging • The date and number of the import permit must be stated on the veterinary certificate by the issuing authority. • Relevant in transit permits must be obtained from transiting countries, prior to shipment. • Note to the Importer: o If veterinary certificate does not confirm to the conditions laid down in this permit, landing of the product will not be allowed. o This permit is issued in respect of one shipment only. For further consignments, fresh permits are required o This permit may be cancelled without any compensation at any time in case of disease outbreaks or suspicion of disease in the country of export. o Arrival of every consignment should be notified to the division of ‘Veterinary Services’ at least two days before arrival. o A permit is also required from NPPO for phytosanitary conditions o The following should be clearly written on each bag/carton: o The name of the packer/manufacture o The date of production o The expiry date