~~~~~~~~- -- - < WB Launches New Country Assistance Strategy for RP US$ I Billion in Loans for Poverty-Reduction Programs in 3 Years Fhc World Bank has reaffirmed its support T.- - to the development of the Philippines througlh its nev Coulitry Assistance Strategy (CAS). which providcs for a three-year development i =- program (July 1, 2002-June 30, 2005) that i -i will help the country grow rapidly and reduce e -K Tvhe new CASr which the Bank's Exccutive r Board recently approvcd, will help the government re-establish rapid and sustained i poverty-reducing growti and ensure that the poor participate in and benefit fully from 5 ' developlllenlr. ' :-A -J -- t , ' Poverty-Reducing Growth *>'ll,<'i-t The Bank will providc about US$1 billion ;X t in loans to the Philippines over the next three j q '4 $