68131 IFC ROAD MAP FY13-15 – CREATING INNOVATIVE SOLUTIONS IN CHALLENGING TIMES CHAIR’S SUMMING UP Meeting of the Committee of the Whole April 12, 2012 Directors discussed the paper entitled IFC Road Map FY13-15 – Creating Innovative Solutions in Challenging Times (IFC/SecM2012-0012). Directors welcomed IFC’s commitment to poverty reduction and its delivery of innovative financial solutions, and supported IFC’s five strategic focus areas, especially IFC’s continued engagement in IDA countries, frontier regions and fragile situations. Directors affirmed IFC’s countercyclical role, and highlighted the importance of effective crisis response mechanisms. They noted IFC’s focus on development impact and its work in results measurement, and encouraged IFC to continue to refine and implement the IFC Development Goals and maintain IDA targets. Directors emphasized the need to maintain a strong focus on long-term investment products, and also reiterated support for IFC’s trade and supply chain business in the context of current capital projections and the overall financial sustainability of IFC. They encouraged IFC to maintain donor and client contributions for advisory services and reiterated support for blended financing. They further urged management to remain vigilant with its capital position in order that IFC’s ability to implement its strategy is not curtailed. Lastly, Directors appreciated IFC’s continued focus on mobilization and partnership, and encouraged increased collaboration with other WBG entities.                                                               This Summary is not an approved record.