E-209 VOL. 7 Longxi Bus Maintenance Depot. Guangzhou Environmental Impact Assessment GUANGZHOU ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE CERTIFICATE NO: GB IAC CA0953 March, 98 THIS ENVIRONMENTAL ACTION PLAN HAS BEEN PREPARED BY THE GUANGZHOU ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE. THE INSTITUTE HAS BEEN CERTIFIED BY THE NATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY OF CHINA WITH A CLASS A CERTIFICATION FOR ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT. CERTIFICATION CREDENTIALS OF THE INSTITUTE ARE SHOWN BELOW: CERTIFICATE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT CERTIFIED: GUANGZHOU ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE CATEGORY: CLASS A CERTIFICATE NO: GB IAC CA0953 LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS TO THE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT Constructor: Guangzhou Public Utilities Bureau Author: Guangzhou Environmental Scientific Research Institute Director: Z. Q. Wu Chief Engineer: K. H. Yu Project Manager: G. P. Xu W. D. Wang Contributors: G. P. Xu, W. D. Wang, N. M. Pan, Y. S. Liang, Y. Q. Zhuang, R. W. Xie, L. Deng, L. Ye Participants: X. D. Lin, S. F. Weng Longxi Bus Maintenance Depot GuangzhouEnvironmental Impact Assessment Table of Contents 1. INTRODUCTION ................................ : I 1.1 BACKGROUND OF THE PROJECT .1 1.1.1 Justification for the Project .I 1.1.2 Objectives of the Assessment .1 1.2 BAsis OF THEASSESSMENT .2 1.3 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION LAWS AND REGULATIONS OF CHINA .2 1.4 STANDARDS USED IN THE AssEssMENT .2 1.5 TECHNICAL GUIDES AND CRITERIA OF EIA .4 1.6 BOUNDARIES OF THE ASEmENT .5 1.7 METHODOLOGY .5 1.8 ASSESSMENT FACTORS AND TARGET OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION .5 1.8.1 Selection of Assessment Factors .5 1.8.2 Target of Environmental Protection .5 1.9 ENVIRONMENTAL FUNCTION ZONE .5 1.10 ASSESSMENT GRADES .6 2. EXISTING ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS .6 2.1 NATURAL ENvIRoNmENT .6 2.1.1 Geographic Location .6 2.1.2 Geology and Topographical Features .6 2.1.3 Meteorology and Climate .7 2.1.4 Surface Water .7 2.1.5 Soil and Plant Cover .8 .2.1.6 Terrestrial Ecology .8 2.1.7 Aquatic Ecology .9 2.2 SOCIO-ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT .9 2.2.1 Overview of Fangcun District .9 2.2.2 Planting area in the north of the Longxi District .11 2.2.3 Sensitive Receptors .14 2.2.4 Present Use of the Site of the Longxi Bus Maintenance Depot. 15 3. PROJECT DESCRIPTION .16 3.1 OVERVIEW OF THE PROJECT .16 3. 1.1 Features of the Project .16 3.1.2 Site and Scale of the Facility .16 3.1.3 Components of the Project .17 3.2 TECHNICAL ANALYsis OF THE CONSTRUCTION PROJECT .18 3.2.1 General layout .18 3.2.2 Water Supply and Drainage .18 3.2.3 Fire Control System .19 3.2.4 Power Supply System .19 3.2.5 Analysis of the Main Pollution Sources .20 3.2.6 Analysis of Risks Associated With the Refueling Station .25 4. AIR QUALITY .26 4.1 MONITORING AND ASSESSMENT OF EXISTING CONDITIONS .26 4.1.1 Monitoring program .26 GUANGZHOU ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE March 26, 1998 Longxi Bus Maintenance Depot. GuangzhouEnvironmental Impact Assessment 4.1.2 Assessment of the current air quality .............................................................. 28 4.1.3 Monitoring results .............................................................. 29 4.1.4 Potential Health Impact of the Pollutants .............................................................. 31 4.1.5 Summary of Current Air Quality .......................... .................................... 32 4.2 AIR IMPACTASSESSMENT ................................. .32 4.2.1 Prediction items and assessment standard ........................................................... 32 4.2.2 Atmospheric Dispersion Model ................................................................... 33 4.2.3 Dispersion Modelling Results ................................................................... 35 4.2.4 Prediction of the combined impacts ................................................................... 35 4.2.5 Conclusion of air quality assessment ................................................................... 36 5. WATER QUALITY ................................................................... 39 5.1 OVERVIEW OF WATER DISCHARGE ................................................................... 39 5.1.1 Future water quality ................................................................... 39 5.1.2 Assessment of the Current Water Quality .............................................................. 41 5.2 WATER QUALITY PREDICTION AND ANALYSIS ................................................................... 42 5.2.1 Pollutant Sources ................................................................... 42 5.2.2 Impact assessment of the water quality ................................................................. 43 5.2.3 Water quality summary .................................................................... 43 6. CURRENT NOISE ENVIRONMENTAND IMPACTASSESSMENT ................................... 43 6.1 MONITORING OF THE CURRENT NOISE ENVIRONMENTAND ASSESSMENT ............................. 43 6.1.1 Standard and assessment items .................................................................... 43 6.1.2 Monitoring of existing noise levels ................................................................... 44 6.1.3 Monitoring result of the noise ................................................................... 45 6.1.4 Analysis of the current noise environment ............................................................. 45 6.2 NoISE IMPACTASSESSMENT DURING CONSTRUCTING ........................................................ 45 6.2.1 Standard ................................................................... 45 6.2.2 Investigation of the construction equipment ........................................................... 46 6.2.3 Prediction of the noise impact during construction ................................................. 46 6.2.4 Impact assessment during construction ................................................................. 47 6.3 NOISE IMPACTASSESSMENT DURING THE OPERATION OF THE PROJECT .............................. 48 6.3.1 Scope and standard of the assessment ................................................................. 48 6.3.2 Prediction of the noise impact ..................................... ............................... 48 6.3.3 The prediction result and the analysis of the impact .............................................. 51 6.4 CONCLUSION ................................................................... 52 6.4.1 Conclusion of the noise impact assessment during construction ........................... 52 6.4.2 Conclusion of the noise impact assessment after operation ........... ...................... 52 7. ALTERNATIVE SITES EVALUATED FOR THE MAINTENANCE DEPOT ......... ................. 52 7.1 ALTERNATIVES ................................................................... 52 7.2 THE IMPACT OF THE GENERAL PLAN ON THE ENVIRONMENT ............................................... 53 7.2.1 Factors Influencing the Site Layout ................................................................... 53 7.2.2 Alternative Designs Constraints .................................................................... 54 7.3 SCOPE OF THE AssEssMENT. . 54 8. MITIGATION MEASURES ................................................................... 55 8.1 AIR EMISSIONS ................................................................... 55 8.1.1 Diesel Generator ................................................................... 55 8.1.2 Parkinging garage ................................................................... 55 GUANGZHOU ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE March 26, 1998 Longxi Bus Maintenance Depot. GuangzhouEnvironmental Impact Assessment 8.1.3 Cooking exhausts ...................................................................... 55 8.2 WAsTEWATER ..................................................................... 56 8.2.1 Process of Sewage Treatment ..................................................................... 56 8.2.2 Treatment Result ..................................................................... 57 8.2.3 Required Mitigation ..................................................................... 58 8.3 NOISE ..................................................................... 58 8.3.1 Diesel Generating Set ..................................................................... 58 8.3.2 Parkinging garage ..................................................................... 59 8.4 WASTE DISPOSAL ..................................................................... 60 8.5 DANGEROUS GOODS AND FIRE PROTECTION ..................................................................... 60 8.6 POLLUTION PREVENTION AND TREATMENT DURING CONSTRUCTION PERIOD ....................... 60 8.6.1 Air emissions ..................................................................... 61 8.6.2 Wastewater ..................................................................... 61 8.6.3 Noise ..................................................................... 61 8.7 ESTIMATED INVESTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING .............................................. 62 9. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION ..................................................................... 62 9. 1 PURPOSE AND SIGNIFICANCE OF PUBLIC PARTICIPATION .................................................... 62 9.2 DOCUMENTS FOR PUBLIC PARTICIPATION ..................................................................... 62 9.3 FORM AND SCOPE OF PUBLIC PARTICIPATION .................................................................... 63 9.4 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION ACTIVITIES ..................................................................... 63 9.4.1 Public Survey ..................................................................... 63 9.4.2 Public Meeting ..................................................................... 63 9.4.3 Results of Public Participation ............................................. ........................ 64 9.5 RESPONSE TO PUBLIC OPINIONS ...................................................................................... 65 9.6 CONCLUSION .................................................................. 66 10. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION MANAGEMENTAND ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PLAN ..................................................................... 67 10.1 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION MANAGEMENT ................................................................. 67 10. 1.1 Environmental Protection Management Organization .......................................... 67 10.1.2 Responsibilities of Environmental M anagement ..................... ............................. 67 10.1.3 Training ..................................................................... 68 10.2 ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PLAN ..................................................................... 69 10.2.1 Monitoring Locations ..................................................................... 69 10.2.2 Monitoring Parameters and Sampling Frequency ................................................ 69 10.2.3 Monitoring Data Analysis and Management ......................................................... 70 11. SUMMARYAND CONCLUSIONS ..........................................................1 11.1 JUSTIFICATION FOR THE PROJECT ......................................................... 1 11.2 PROJECT DESCRIPTION ..................................................................... I 11.3 SCOPE OF THE ASSESSMENT ..................................................................... 2 11. 4 EXISTING ENVIRONMENT ............................................................................ 2 11.5 IMPACTASSESSMENTAND MITIGATION MEASURES .............................................. 3 11. 6 MONITORING THE NOISE LEVELS AT THE HOUSES OPPOSITE THE RAMP AND REQUIRING FURTHER MITIGATION INCLUDING, FOR EXAMPLE, RAISING THE WALLS ON THE OUTSIDE OF THE RAMP OR ENCLOSING THE END IF THE NOISE FROM THE FACILITY EVER EXCEEDS THE CLASS IV STANDARD. 4 11. 7 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT .............................................. 5 11. 8 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION .............................................. 5 11.9 CONCLUSION .............................................. 6 GUANGZHOU ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE March 26, 1998 i Longxi Bus Maintenance Depot GuangzhouEnvironmental Impact Assessment 12. ANNEX 1 MAIN PLANTS LIST OF LONGXI MAINTENANCE SPOTAND SURROUNDING A R E A .. .... .............. ...... .... ... .... .... ............ ......1..... ...... List of Tables TABLE 1. -I AIR QUALITY STANDARDS UNIT- mg/Nm............................................... 3 TABLE12VHcE msiN TNAD .....-........E......I...CL........M............N......A....DA....D......3 TABLE-- Nis ADADu.-d3A)....N.........E....STA.......DA...........UNIT:.................A.......3 TABLE I.-4 NoisESTANDARD AT THE BoRDER UNITdB (A) ..............................................3 TABLE 1.-S5STANDAkDS FOR SOURCE OFNOISEAT THE BoRDERoF THE CoNsTRucTIoNSiTE (dB(A))...............4 TABLE1. -6 SuRFACE WATER QuALITY STANvDARDs uNiT:mg/L(EXCEPTPH) .................................4 TABLE 1. - 7 STANDARD oF WAsTE wATER DISCHARGE....................................................4 TABLE 2_-i PopuLAToN. AREA & INCOMEf oF PLANTING AREA IN THE NoRTH PART OF THE LoNGXI SUB-DISTRICT (I1997).......13 TABLE 2-2 LAND UsE oF PLANTiNG AREA iN THE NoRTH PART OF THE LoNGXI SUB-DISTRICT ......................14 TABLE 2.-3 LocATIoNoF SENsiTIvE RECEPToRs iNTHE NoRTHoF LoNGXISUB-DISTRICT ..............S.......... TABLE 3. -I AREA REQuIREMENTS......... .......................................................16 TABLE 3-2 STATusAvDFuNCTIONoFEACH uNIToF THE BUILDINGS........................................17 TABLE 3.-3 MA4iN T'YPEs oF THE BusEs.............................................................20 TABLE 3.-4 STAUS oF WAsTE GA~s DISCHARGE oF BusES .. .............................................20 TABLE 3.-S INTEGRAL DiscHARGE FAcToRs oF HEAvy GASOLINE AUTOMOBILES AND HEAVY DIESEL OIL A UTOMOBILES iN 2000 iN G u N zoGU......................G.............H............................21...........2 TABLE 3-6 ESTIMATES oF wAsTE WATER DISCHARGE FROM THE PROJECT.....................................22 TABLE 3.- 7 QuALITYAND AmouNToF WASTE WATER FROMf THE PROJECT ....................................24 TABLE 3._8 QUALiTY AND AmouNT oF THE WAsTE WATER AFFER PRETREATMENT ..............................24 TABLE 4. -I LocATIoN oF THE MoNIToRING STATIONS ..................................................26 TABLE 4.-2 FREQuENcy oF AiR QuALiTY MONIToRING.................................................27 TABLE 4-3 SAMPLING AND ANALYSIs METHoDs .......................................................27 TABLE 4.-4 AiR POLLUTION sTANDARDs AND CRITERIA...................................................28 TABLE 4_-S HOURLYAVERAGEPOLLUTANTCONCENTRATIO.NS.............................................30 TABLE 4.-6 DAILYAVERAGE POLLUTANTCONCENTRATIONS................................................31 TABLE 4.- 7AIR POLLuTIoNsouRCE sTRENGTHsm s M/..................................................32 TABLE 4._8 DispERsioN PAR4METERs FoR wiNDY CONDITIONS ...........................................34 TABLE 4. -9 DispERsioN ARAM4ETERs FOR LIGHT WINDS ................................................34 TABLE 4.-JO WIND PRoFILEPARA?vETERsFoR DIFFERENT DEGREE OFSTABILITY...............................34 TABLE 4.-11 GRouND coNCENTRToN DISTRiBuTioN oFS02 OFTHE ELEVI;TED SOURCE (mg/Nm3)................37' TABLE 4.-12 GROUND CONCENTRATON DISTRIBUTION OFNAOXOF THE ELEVATED SOURCE (mg/Nm3)................37 TABLE 4,-13 GROUND CONCENTRATION DISTRBUTION OF CO OF THE PAR.KING (mg/Nm3)......................38 TABLE 4. -14 GRouND CONCENTRATIoN DisTRIBuTIoN OFNOx OF THE PARKING (mg/Nm3).....................38 TABLE 4.-IS GRouND CONCENTRATIoN DISTRiBUION OF NMHC OF THE PARYING (Mg/NVM3) ...................38 TABLE 4._16 DISTRIBuTIoN oF HouRLY CONCENTRATIoN oF NOx AND NMHC DoWN'WIND ON THE WESTAND NORTH SIDE OF THEAR P NGGRAE.......................N..........NG........GARAGE................... 39....3 TABLE 5. -] DETAILED LOCATION OF THE MONI TORING POINT7S.............................................40 TABLE 5-2 wATER QuALTYMONIToRING ITEMSAND ANAL YSIS METHOD.....................................41 TABLE 5. -3 MONITORING RESULT OF THE SURFACE WATER ...............................................41 TABLE 5.-4 SuRFACE wATER QuALiTY STANDARD (mg/L, EXCEPTPH)..................I....................41 TABLE 5.-S WASTE WA TER QUALITY AND MAIN POLLUTANTS DISCHARGED AFTER PRE-TREATMENT TO MUNICIPAL SEWER SYSTEM ....43 TABLE 5-6 WATER QUALITY AFTER TREATAIENTINXILANG WASTE WATER TREATMENTIPLANT .......................43 TABLE N 6 ETNDRD.-IA NOISE....................STANDARDS.....................B....A......... 44..4 TABLE 6-2 MONITORING RESULTOF IHE CURRENT'NOISE ENVIRONMENT ....................................45 TABLE 6. -3 NoisE LIMITs oN THE PERIMETER OF THE CONSTRUCTION siTE (Leq(A) )...........................45 TABLE 6-4 NoisEoF DIFFERENT CONsTRucTIoN EQuIPM'ENT............................................46 TABLE 6-SNoIfSELEVELSFOR CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENTATDIFFE RENT DISTANCES (dB(A)) ................----47 GUANGZHOUI ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE March 26, 1998 i Longxi Bus Maintenance Depot. GuangzhouEnvironmental Impact Assessment TABLE 6-6 MANNOISESOURCESOF THEPROJECT .................... ........................................................ 48 TABLE 6-7 PREDICTION RESULT OF NOISE AFTER CONSTRUCTION OF THE PROJECT .............. ......................................... 51 TABLE 7.-I CoMPARpsONOF THE THREE ALTERNATIVES ........................................... 53 TABLE8.4- CONCENTRATIONAND REMOVAL RATE OF THISPROJECTBEFOREANDAFTER PRETREATMENT ........ 57 TABLE 8.-2 EsTMAmTEDINvEsTMENToFENviRoNMENTALENGiNEERiNG (RMB) ............... .......................................... 62 TABLE 9. - SuW M4mRY OF PUBLIC OPINIONSAND RESPONSES ........................................................................................ 66 TABLE I 0. TRAINING PLAN ................ ..................................................... . ....................... 68 TABLE 10-2 MoNIoR GPARA TERsANDSAPlNGREQuENcy ..........................1- MOIOIG. ............................................... 69 List of Figures Following Page Figure 2 -1. Geographic Location of the Construction Project and Water Quality Monitoring Sections ......... ..... 2-1 Figure 2 -2. Vegetation and Flower Planting Area in Northern Longxi .......................................... .............. 2-5 Figure 2 -3. The First Row of Residential Building in Fengchi Village, 30m West of the Maintenance Depot.....2-8 Figure 2 -4. The First Row of Residential Building in Nan Village, 15m North of the Maintenance Depot ... .... 2-8 Figure 3 -1. Overall Layout of the Project ... ..................................................................................... 3-1 Figure 3 -2. Illustration Sheet of Transportation Texture for the Project ................................................ .... 3-2 Figure 4 -1. Distribution of Monitoring Locations for Ambient Air and Noise ....................................... ..... 4-1 Figure 4 -2. Distribution of NOx Ground Hourly Mean Value under Maximum Emission ... .............. ... ... ... ... 4-7 Figure 5 -1. Illustration of Sewage-collecting Piping for Xilang Sewage Treatment Plant ........................ ..... 5-3 Figure 7 -1. Illustration of Siting Options for the Bus Maintenance Depot .............................................. ... 7-1 GUANGZHOU ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE March 26, 1998 V Longxi Bus Maintenance Depot GuangzhouEnvironmental Impact Assessment Introduction Background of the Project Justification for the Project Public transportation of a city is an important part of its traffic and transportation system. Buses are very important in the traffic fabric of Guangzhou. In terms of the statistics of Guangzhou City in November, 1997, there are 4595 public traffic vehicles. According to the urban planing, there will be more than 4700 buses in Guangzhou by the 2000. At present, maintenance facilities, including those currently under construction, can only service 2400 vehicles. This is far below national and international levels. Scarcity of maintenance facilities restricts the development of public transportation. In order to improve the situation, it has been proposed to construct the Longxi Maintenance Depot. The project lies in Fangcun District west of the city centre. Fangcun will become a sub-centre of Guangzhou in the future. It has an area of 42.6km2, and it is separated from the centre of Guangzhou by the Pearl River. The resident population will increase to more than 600,000 in 2010 from 150,000 in this year, and the buses will increase to more than 660. Fangcun has no maintenance facility yet, and all the buses have to be maintained in the urban centre. If a maintenance facility is built in Fangcun, it will result in a reduction in the total no-loaded kilometers driven to and from other maintenance facilities. It will benefit the local vehicles that will not have to travel across the Pearl River. Thus it will improve the overall traffic situation in the centre district of the city. Maintenance at this facility will keep the buses in good condition and reduce their overall exhaust emissions and noise. The catalytic converter is also inspected and replaced if necessary during maintenance. Therefore, the construction of the bus maintenance depot is expected to contribute to the overall reduction of air pollution of the city centre. The project is a sub-project of Guangzhou Urban City Centre Transport Project, which is funded in part, by the World Bank. According to the File No.003 (GH086) Environmental Protection Management for Construction Projects, promulgated by NEPA, National Planning Commission in 1986, as well as the requirement of the World Bank, this project is subject to an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). Authorised by Guangzhou Public Utility Bureau, Guangzhou Environmental Scientific Research Institute prepared this Environmental Impact Assessment. Objectives of the Assessment There is no doubt that the project will alleviate the deteriorating situation of bus maintenance in Fangcun District. On the other hand, the public has expressed some concerns with respect to the construction and operation of the facility. According to Environmental Protection Law of PRC, GUANGZHOU ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE March 26, 1998 1 Longxi Bus Maintenance Depot. GuangzhouEnvironmental Impact Assessment the assessment will investigate the present environmental quality of air, wastewater and noise at the site of the project, and analyse the emissions from the facility. Potential impacts of the project on the natural environment, social life and economy will be identifies and assessed. A program to minimise potential environmental impacts will also be identified. This program will address the relationship between development and environmental protection during the construction and operation, in a cost-effective manner. Basis of the Assessment The following documents provided the basis for the assessment: 1) Environmental Protection Managementfor Construction Projects (86) GH003, March 1986; 2) Informing to Enhance the EM Management of Projects Loaded by International Banking Organisations, HJ (1993) No.324; 3) The World Bank Operational Manual - Environmental Assessment (OD 4.01); 4) Authorised File about EMA of LBMA Project, Guangzhou Public Utility Bureau; 5) Possibility Statement of the Bus Maintenance Facility Project; and 6) Guangzhou Government approval to the Longxi Bus Maintenance Depot. Environmental Protection Laws and Regulations of China The following laws and regulations form the basis of the regulatory framework: 1) Environmental Protection Law of PRC; 2) Air Pollution Prevention Law of PRC; 3) Water Pollution Prevention Law of PRC; 4) Noise Pollution Prevention Regulations of PRC; 5) Operation Measures to Control New Pollution from Construction Projects in Guangzhou; 6) Air Pollution Prevention Regulations in Guangzhou; 7) Noise Pollution Prevention Regulations in Guangzhou; 8) Zoning of Guangzhou Urban Area According to 'Standard of Environmental Noise in Urban Area', SF(1995) File No.85; 9) Management Measures of Construction and Investment of Waste Water Collected Treatment in Guangzhou, SF(1989) File No.69; and, 10) Management Regulation of Guangzhou Green Area (1996, Dec.) Standards Used in the Assessment The following standards (for each parameter) were used in this assessment: GUANGZHOU ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE March 26, 1998 2 Longxi Bus Maintenance Depot. GuangzhouEnvironmental Impact Assessment Air The second class of the Air quality. Table 0-1 Air Quality Standards unit: mg/Nm3 Items Concentration Time Class 2 Standard TSP Daily average 0.30 NO,, Daily average 0.10 Hourly average 0.15 NO2 Daily average 0.08 Hourly average 0.12 SO2 Daily average 0.15 Hourly average 0.50 CO Daily average 4.00 Hourly average 10.00 Vehicle emissions Table 0-2 Vehicle Emission Standards Type of vehicle Standard Reference CO(%) HC(ppm) GB1476.5-93 |Gasolinevehicle |new 4.5 1200 | | in-use | 5.0 1500 Diesel vehicle 4.5-5(FSN) GB 1476.6-93 Noise After the construction of the project, the area of the maintenance depot and the first row of the buildings in Fengchi village and Nan village are considered as Class 4 (all the other land of the villages are Class 2). Table 0-3 Noise Standard unit: dB(A) [Class | Scope | day | Night 14 Facility 70 55 Table 0-4 Noise Standard at the Border unit dB(A) | Class Day | night 4 70 55 GUANGZHOU ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE March 26, 1998 3 Longxi Bus Maintenance Depot GuangzhouEnvironmental Impact Assessment Table 0-5 Standards for Source of Noise at the Border of the Construction Site (dB(A)) Activity Main Noise Source Limnit Day Night Earth and stone bulldozer, excavator, fork-lift truck 75 55 Pile Driving pile driver 85 use prohibited Structure concrete mixer, vibration pile driver, 70 55 electric saw Set up crane, elevator 65 55 Water - Environmental Quality Standard of Surface Water & Allowed Concentration of Wastewater Discharge Table 0-6 Surface Water Quality Standards unit: mg/L(except pH) Pollutants pH | CODcr | BOD5 Oil Pb Cu DO Standard 6.5-8.5 20 6 0.5 0.05 1.0 3 Table 0-7 Standard of Wastewater Discharge Pollutant Standard( mg/l) Reference CODcr 500 3 crass of the GB8978-1996 BOD5 300 SS 400 Oil 5 1 class of the DB44 37-90 Grease 10 Technical Guides and Criteria of EIA I)Technical Guides of EIA (HJ/T2.1-2.3-93), April 1st, 1994 2)Technical Guides of EIA (Acoustic Environment) (HJ/T2.4-1995) 3)Technical Criteria of Environmental Inspection and Survey, National Environmental Protection Agency, 1980 GUANGZHOU ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE March 26, 1998 4 Longxi Bus Maintenance Depot. GuangzhouEnvironmental Impact Assessment Boundaries of the Assessment 1)Air: a circle, whose radius is about 1km and the center is the site of the project; 2)Water: from the upper to the lower of Huadi Pour, and its mouth named Pingzhou Water Channel; and, 3)Noise: 1 m away from the perimeter of the maintenance depot and the first row building facing to the project of the Fengchi village and Nan village. Methodology The EIA work will be carried out according to the rules of File HJ(1993) No.324 and The World Bank Operational Manual - Environmental Assessment (OD 4.01), and the relevant national guides and criteria. Selection of sampling stations for air, water and noise were based on field investigations at the project site. Through general surveys, along with data collected in recent years in this district, the quality of the existing environmental conditions will be characterized. Predictions of environmental impacts and the possible effects of mitigation measures were evaluated with the use of some mathematics models. Assessment Factors and Target of Environmental Protection Selection of Assessment Factors In terms of the emissions from the project, the following factors were assessed for each parameter: I)Air environment: TSP, NMHC, NO,, CO 2)Water environment: pH, CODcr, BOD5, petroleum, SS 3)Noise environment: Leq dB(A) Target of Environmental Protection The main target is to protect the residential and agricultural environment of the people living in Haibei Village and Longxi Village, adjacent to the project site. Environmental Function Zone The environmental function zone in the assessment range are as follows: 1) Air environmental function zoning: 2-grade function zoning 2) Water environmental function zoning: quasi protection area of water source 3) Noise environmental: 4-grade function zoning GUANGZHOU ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE March 26, 1998 5 Longxi Bus Maintenance Depot. GuangzhouEnvironmental Impact Assessment Assessment Grades According to the EIA guidance of the world bank, based on the nature and scale of the project and the regional environmental situation of where the project is proposed, the project need to be assessed as a Class A assessment. Existing Environmental Conditions Natural Environment Geographic Location The site of the project is located at the northern side of Longxi Road, Fangcun District, Guangzhou, and its western boundary is next to Fengchi Road. The site lies in the southwest of Nancun Hamlet, Haibei Village, and is along the west boundary of Longxi Village. The geographical coordinate of the central point of the project is: 230 4' 32" north latitude, 1130 11' 29" east longitude. Geology and Topographical Features The project is located on flat terrain on the largest part of the Fangcun Alluvial Plain in the river system of the Pearl River Delta. The area of assessment is made up of the Hedong and Longxi sub-districts (Figure 2-1). 1) Hedong sub-district Hedong sub-district is circled by Huadi Pour from the north and the south-west, the rear channel (south river) of Guangzhou reach of Pearl River from the east, and the east reach of Foshan water channel from the south. Hedong Tableland is the center of the whole island, and it is made up of red sandstone and conglomerate of Cretacic. The tableland is 10-19.9m high. The tableland is covered by thick Quaternary sediment, and its south and north edges are red mud stone, sandstone and a conglomerate or fragmented stone covered by thick silt. The plain is I .5-3.0m high. Most of this region is a mixture of industrial, commercial and residential areas. There are also some areas for vegetable and flower plantings. 2) Longxi sub-district Longxi sub-district is also named Shihu Island. It is circled by Guangfo River from the north and the west, and Huadi Pour from the east. The center of the island, Furong Hillock, is also made up of red sandstone and conglomerate of Cretacic. It is 8-17.3m high. The Longxi Maintenance Depot lies just at the south of the Furong (Shihu) Tableland, about lkm away. The tableland is covered by Quaternary sediment, and it is 1.3-2.Om high. After cultivation, the area has become a famous flower, plant and vegetable producing area. The north of the Longxi sub-district is the focus of this assessment. GUANGZHOU ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE March 26, 1998 6 Longxi Bus Maintenance Depot. GuangzhouEnvironmental Impact Assessment Meteorology and Climate The region of assessment of Longxi Bus Maintenance Depot lies within a monsoon climate area in the south subtropical belt. Its' mean annual temperature is 13.4°C; average temperature in July is 28.4°C; lowest temperature is 0°C; the highest is 38.7 'C. Mean annual precipitation is 1600mm; precipitation from April to September makes up 80.4% of annual total. It has the most thunderstorms in April-June, and the most typhoons July-September. Mean annual relative humidity is 72%. The prevailing wind is from the North. Seasonal prevailing winds are as follows: Spring - south-east and north; Summer - south-east wind; Fall - north and east winds; and Winter - north-west wind. Mean annual wind speed is 2.1m/s (7.5 km/h); frequency of no wind is 29.3%. Hours of sunshine are 1895; mean annual solar radiation is 105.6Kcal/km2. Mean annual runoff is 800mm, evaporation from the land surface is 700mm, and 1300mm from water surface. Mean annual days of fog are 6, days of light fog are 206. Surface Water There are seven surface water bodies in the area of the Longxi Bus Maintenance Depot. They are all the part of the Guangzhou reach of the Pearl River Delta. They are characterized by irregular semi-diurnal tide (Figure 2-1). 1) The West Channel of Guangzhou Reach of Pearl River This channel begins at Ya Hillock which joins the Liuxi River and Baini River at the north-east of the assessment region, and terminates at Baie Pond where the north edge of the assessment region lies. It is 18km long, 336m wide and 4.4m deep. The assessment region only reaches to the south part of the west channel. 2) The Fore Channel of Guangzhou Reach of Pearl River This channel begins at Baie Pond, passes by Yuancun District, and ends at Dahaosha in Huangpu District. It is 28km long, 525m wide and 4.8m deep. The assessment region extends to the west part of the fore channel. 3) The Rear Channel of Guangzhou Reach of Pearl River This channel begins at Baie Pond, passes by Fangcun District, to Dahaosha. It is 32km long, 525m wide and 5.Im deep. The assessment region extends to the north part of the rear channel, which is also named South Channel. 4)Huadi River This river begins at Xingfuli, passes by Dongjiao, to Nanjiao. It is 8.3km long, 80m wide and 2.5m deep. It is 2km away from the Longxi Bus Maintenance Depot. 5)Guangfo River The river begins at Huadi River in Dongjiao, then turns to west and arrives at Shaxi which lies in the south of Dongjiao, and links with Foshan River. It is 5.5km long, 80m wide and 2.5m deep. It GUANGZHOU ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE March 26, 1998 7 Longxi Bus Maintenance Depot GuangzhouEnvironmental Impact Assessment is 1.5km from the Longxi Bus Maintenance Depot. 6)Foshan River This river begins at Yajisha of the rear channel, passes the south of Fangcun District and Foshan City and goes to Shakou in Nanhai City. It is 33km long, 11 8m wide and 3.6m deep. It is 1.6km from the Longxi Bus Maintenance Depot. Nanpu 13 t Village, near Foshan River, is at the north mouth of Chencun Waterway and Shawei is at the north mouth of Pingzhou Waterway (Figure2- 1). 7)Chigang Pour in Fangcun District This pour begins at Guangfo River, goes east and turns south-east at Fengchi near the Longxi Bus Maintenance Depot, and then links with Foshan River 300m from Yuwei Bridge, passing by HaiZhong Village. It is the main pour in Furong Island where the project lies. It is 400m west of the Longxi Bus Maintenance Depot. Soil and Plant Cover The soil of Longxi Bus Maintenance Depot is sub-mergienic paddy soil, and flowers, plants and vegetable are planted in most of the land. From the south of Longxi Bus Maintenance Depot to Haizhong Village and Hainan Village near Foshan Waterway, the soil is paddy soil. It is more productive than the soil of the project site, from Longxi Village to Haibei Village. Furong (Shihu) Hillock has some red soil from red sandstone. The region of assessment is fertile and has many waterways. The water is controlled by locks and it is easy to irrigate. Terrestrial Ecology Agriculture has played a leading role around the Longxi Bus Maintenance Depot, and this artificial ecosystem, includes flowers and potted plants. 1) Community of Flowers and Potted Plants The monsoon climate of the south Asia tropics and the system of rivers and ditches in the Zhujiang Delta, are advantageous for the planting of flowers and potted plants. There are many plants, which make up the so-called community of flowers and potted plants surrounding the project site. The dominant 55 species of plants include 31 species of potted landscape plants and 24 species of flowers. 2) Community of Vegetables and Fruit Trees Many trees are planted in the Kuipenzhou Ecological Protection Zone, Fangcun District, which is 4km away from the proposed depot, but they also appear along both sides of the villages and roads. There are many vegetables, fruit trees in Longxi sub-district. The dominant 68 species of plant include 24 species of vegetables and 44 species of fruit trees. GUANGZHOU ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE March 26, 1998 8 Longxi Bus Maintenance Depot. GuangzhouEnvironmental Impact Assessment The complete list of potted landscape plants and fruit trees is detailed in Appendix 1. Aquatic Ecology There are phytoplankton, zooplankton, benthic species and fish present in the water ways adjacent to the project site. The species composition reflect the water quality of the area and the indicator organisms suggest the water quality is moderately to seriously polluted. The construction of Longxi Bus Maintenance Depot has the potential to further adversely impact the aquatic ecosystem around the project site unless wastewater is properly treated. The assessment area of the Longxi Bus Maintenance Depot is surrounded by rivers and ditches. The boundary for sampling of the aquatic ecosystem is each exterior tidal river. Only algae was sampled as part of this study;. the infornation on fish, benthos and plankton are taken from available recent information. Algae and Plankton There are 6 phylum consisting of 56 genus in ditches and water surrounding Longxi sub-district. These phylum include 24 genus of Bacillariophyta, 17 genus of Chlorophyta, 8 genus of Cyanohyta, 3 genus of Euglanophyta, 2 genus of Cryptophyta, and 2 genus of Pyrrophyta. The dominant algae include Cycltella, Nitzschia, Synedre, Chroomobas, Cryptomonas, Euylena, Cruciyenia, Scenedesmus, and Oscillatoria. Due to the tidal influence, there are also representatives of marine species such as Skeletonema and Coscinodesmus in the Foshan River and Guangfo Rivers. Fish and Benthos There are many pollution-resistant species including Gambusia affinis, Misgurnus anguillucaudatus, Clarias batiachus and Carassius accratus. During high-water periods, there are clean and semi-clean fresh fish, like Megalobrama hoffimanni, Squaliobarbus curriculus, Culter pteudobrevicauda, Elopichthys bambusa, and Cirrhinus molitorella, and migratory fishes such as Angrillajaponica and Hemirhamphus kurumens in the Foshan and Guangfo Rivers and the south Huadi Ditch. Benthic species present reflect the level of water pollution around the Longxi Depot. For example, there are Limnodrilus noffineisteri, Brancniura sowerbyi and Rhyaodriius sinious, which are indicative of water pollution in the Dongjiao and Huadi Rivers. This also suggests that water pollution in the Huadi Ditch is greater than in the Guangfo and Foshan Rivers. Clean plankton had been net fished in the Foshan River up to 10 years ago, but now this is canceled since pollution has seriously influenced nornal growth of aquatic life. Socio-economic Environment Overview of Fangcun District 1)Area and Population GUANGZHOU ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE March 26, 1998 9 Longxi Bus Maintenance Depot GuangzhouEnvironmental Impact Assessment Fangcun District (42.6km2) lies in the southwest of Guangzhou. In 1997, its population was 168,000 of which 37,000 (22%) were farmers. The transient population is 82,000 which makes for a total population of 250,000. 2)Features of the Economy Fangcun District has been a district of Guangzhou, as approved by the State Planning Department since 1985. It borders Baiyun District and Liwan District on the north separated by the West Channel; bordered by Haizhu District on the east separated by the Rear Channel; bordered by Nanhai City on the west; and bordered by Panyu City from the south-east. The economy of Fangcun has four features: agriculture, industry, commercial residential district development, and convenient transportation. Planting of flowers, plants and dish gardens and vegetable planting, stock farming and fishing. The names of Fangcun and Huade reflect that Fangcun is the homeland of flower and the base is dish garden. Flowers have been planted in the area for more than 2000 years. Due to it's fertile soil, suitable climate, weaving waterway and convenient irrigation, Fangcun has favorable conditions for agricultural activities. Since the open policy, the flowers of Fangcun are even more famous. Now there are 173 families, 482 species, and over 2000 varieties of flower and dish gardens in the district. The planting area is over 466.67 ha. The products are sold to over 20 cities in China and about 10 countries overseas. The area also supplies a lot of peach, orange, flower and dish gardens to the annual Flower Festival. It is indeed the city of flowers in the City of Flowers, Guangzhou. There are 1400 ha of farmland in Fangcun. Apart from flowers, land is used for planting of vegetables, fruit and the farming of fish, fancy fish, chickens, ducks, pigs and cows. Some flower or fishing institutes lie in Fangcun, such as the Pearl River Marine Product Institute. (2) Industry Most of the heavy industries of Guangzhou are located in Fangcun, such as the Guangzhou Iron and Steel Plant, the Guangzhou Shipyard and the Guangdong Pharmaceutical Factory. There are also some foreign factories and street factories. In recent years, the Dongsha Economic Zone has been developed which includes material processing, and the manufacture of pharmaceutical and technological products. GUANGZHOU ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE March 26, 1998 10 Longxi Bus Maintenance Depot. GuangzhouEnvironmental Impact Assessment (3) New commercial residential district In recent years, newly developed commercial and residential districts have appeared on the Pearl River Delta. There are small gardens in these districts. These areas not only relieve the pressure of the high density in the old urban area of Guangzhou, but also supply a good opportunity for economic development. (4) Transportation Fangcun is surrounded by water. It has about 30 wharves. It is very convenient to travel from here to other places of Guangzhou, to the cities and country side of the Pearl River Delta, and beyond to Hong Kong, Singapore, and Japan. It is a good port for exports from Guangzhou. Along with the road to the center of Guangzhou across the Pearl River Bridge, there are other routes which include the widened Huansha Tunnel, subway line one, and the Hedong Bridge. There are many new and widened roads in the district; including Hedong Road, Fangcun Road, Huadi Road, Longxi Road, Dongsha Road and the highway. As well, there are sidings. All of these features support selection of the project site. (5) Greenspace There is more than 500 ha of greenspace in Fangcun which makes up 11.3% of the area of the whole district. The large greenspaces include Zuiguan Parking, the Kuifengzhou Ecological Conservation Zone, the Fangeun Golf Course and smaller parkings and tree-lined streets. Planting area in the north of the Longxi District 1)Extent of the Planting Area Around the site of the Longxi Bus Maintenance Depot is the Nan Hamlet of Haibei Village and Fengchi Hamlet of Longxi Village, a part of the planting area. The whole area includes Haibei, Longxi and Zengjiao Villages. Its area is 930.7 ha (Figure 2-2). The "P" on the map is the site of Longxi Bus Maintenance Depot. 2)Population and Human Health In 1997, the three main administrate villages in the conservation zone(Haibei, Longxi and Zengjiao) had a population of 19,802. Among these, 10,432 were permanent residents, and the other 9,370 were transients. Nan Hamlet of Haibei, north of the site, had a population of 1,336,of which 545 (143 families) were resident and 791 were transient. .Fengchi Hamlet of Longxi, west of the facility, had a population of 1,929 including 1211 residents (248 families) and 718 transient (Table 2- 1 ). The people who live near the maintenance are considered generally healthy. According to the statistics of the Longxi and Haibei Clinics, diseases of the respiratory system, such as colds, pulmonary tuberculosis, trachaeitis and rhinitis makes up 20.5% of the illnesses. Other recorded illnesses include: diseases of the alimentary system (15%), diseases of the circulatory system GUANGZHOU ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE March 26, 1998 11 Longxi Bus Maintenance Depot GuangzhouEnvironmental Impact Assessment (7.2%) and disease of trauma and surgery (5%). There are no diseases considered endemic to the region. 3)Present Land Use The planting area in the north part of the Longxi sub-district is 930.7 ha. The total area of the three villages is 840.5 ha. Haibei is 310 ha, Longxi is 276.8 ha, and Zengjiao is 253.7 ha. The conservation zone also includes 70.2 ha of Haizhong and 20.1 ha of Hainan (Table 2- 1). The site of the project, within the planting area in the north part of the Longxi sub-district, is currently planted as dish gardens. The present land use is as follows: transportation is 42.8 ha (4.6% of the total area); buildings make-up 182.6 ha (19.6%); greenspace is 533.76 ha (57.4%). Within the greenspace, vegetable and fruit comprise 271.6 ha (29.1 %); flower and dish gardens is 262.62 ha (28.2%); recreation and sports (Fangcun Golf Course) is 73.1 ha (7.8%); water is 68.1 ha (7.3%); other use is 3.56 ha (0.4%); and undeveloped land is 26.8 ha (2.9%) (Table 2-2). 4) Income The income of the companies managed by village committee was investigated. In 1997, revenue of Haibei, Longxi and Zengjiao was 96,700,000 RMB. In decreasing order of importance industry and merchandise represented 37.2%; vegetable production made up 34.1%; flowers 26.4%; and pond fish 2.3% (Table 2-1). GUANGZHOU ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE March 26, 1998 12 Longxi Bus Maintenance Depot GuangzhouEnvironmental Impact Assessment Table 0-1 Population, Area & Income of Planting Area in the North Part of the Longxi sub- district (1997) Village Hamlet Direction & Number Population Area Distance From of (ha) Site Families Residents Transient Total Vegetabi Flow e Haibei Nancun north 300m 143 545 791 1336 310.00 1200 1000 Shihu north-east 800m 128 442 510 952 Donglian north 1000m 238 887 1133 2020 Xipu north-west 463 1716 2586 4302 Total north-west 500m 972 3590 5020 8610 Panlong west 1300m 103 503 200 703 276076 1000 700 Longxi Nanbian west 1500m 90 418 244 662 Dasha west 2000m 158 732 430 1162 Shaxi west 17oom 247 1086 748 1834 Total west 1800m 846 3950 2340 6290 Zengiia Zengjiao north-east 1300m 818 2892 2010 4902 253074 1100 850 0 Total north-east 818 2892 2010 4902 Total round 2636 10432 9370 19802 840.50 3300 255C 0 North of Haizhong south-west lOOOm - - - - 70.20 t h e r North of Hainan south-east 1200m 20.08 Total Area 930.72 = GUANGZHOU ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE March 26, 1998 13 Longxi Bus Maintenance Depot GuangzhouEnvironmental Impact Assessment Table 0-2 Land Use of planting area in the north part of the Longxi sub-district Class Number Name Present in 1997 ha Transportation I Longxi Bus Maintenance Depot 2.63 0.28 2 Outside Road 26.45 2.84 3 Inside Road 14.80 1.59 4 Traffic Utility 1.53 0.17 (Total) (45.41) (4.88) Buildings 5 Residential 6.70 0.72 6 Village Construction 127.78 13.73 7 Commercial 4.92 0.53 8 Industrial 40.31 4.33 9 Research, Education, Medicine 2.89 0.31 (Total) (182.60) (19.62) 10 J Flower Farming 259.99 27.94 11 Vegetable & Fruit Planting 271.14 29.13 (Total) (531.13) (57.07) Entertainment & 12 Fangcun Golf Course (73.09) (7.85) Sports Water 13 Fish Pond 36.48 3.92 14 Pond 31.66 3.40 (Total) (68.14) (7.32) Special 15 Others (3.56) (0.38) Unused 16 Barren Land (26.79) (2.88) Total 930.72 100 Sensitive Receptors (1) Sensitive receptors nearest the project a. The first row of buildings on Nancun Road These are 15 m from the north edge of the proposed facility and include 7 5-story-buildings and 5 4-story-builgings. The flats are currently empty now. If all the flats were occupied, there would be 50 families and 250 persons as totalC figure 2-3 b. The first row of buildings on Fengchi Road These are 30 m away from the west edge of the proposed facility and include 7 5-story- buildingsCfigure 2-41, 4 4-story-buildings and 2 2-story-buildings. All of the flats are currently vacant. These could accommodate 50 families (288 people). (2) Sensitive receptors within 500m of the project Fengchi Elementary School is 100 m away from the proposed maintenance depot, 60m behind the first row buildings on Fengchi Road. There are 150 pupils and 5 teachers in this school. Fengchi Kindergarten is 200 m from the east edge of the proposed facility. There are 80 pupils and 5 teachers. Fengchi Clinic is 180m from the proposed facility and is operated by two doctors (Table 2-3). GUANGZHOU ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE March 26, 1998 14 Longxi Bus Maintenance Depot. GuangzhouEnvironmental Impact Assessment Table 0-3 Location of Sensitive Receptors in the North of Longxi sub-district Village Facility Area(M2) Number Distance from project (m)i Longxi Fengchi primary school 5000 155 100 to the west Fengchi Kindergarten 300 85 200 to the west Fengchi clinic 55 2 180 to the west Haibei Haibei primary school 7000 590 500 to the north-east Haibei clinic 660 20 500 to the north Present Use of the Site of the Longxi Bus Maintenance Depot The land for the Longxi Bus Maintenance Depot has already been acquired. The land makes up 0.28% of the total planting area of the region. The site of the maintenance facility is an empty lot. It is temporarily on loan to the Molin Gardening Farm. The flower planting yard is 2.63 ha. There are over 400,000 plants which are planted in dishes and plastic bags . Only 5 large dish gardens are planted in the ground . The Molin Gardening Farm has already relocated to another location in the area. GUANGZHOU ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE March 26, 1998 15 Longxi Bus Maintenance Depot. GuangzhouEnvironmental Impact Assessment Project Description Overview of the Project Features of the Project The Longxi Bus Maintenance Depot is an important part of the public transportation sub-project of Guangzhou City Centre Transport Project. It is planned according to the loan of World Bank by the Guangzhou Municipal Government. The cost of the project is 89,200,000 RMB half of which is funded by the World Bank. Site and Scale of the Facility The project is located on Longxi Road in Haibei village, Fangcun District, Guangzhou City. The city has requisitioned 32 151 m2 area of land. The road area is 4 743 M2. The area for construction is 27 408 M2. The total floor area is 40 143m2, and includes maintenance workshop, auxiliary workshop, material warehouse, detection workshop, dangerous goods warehouse, cleaning workshop, refueling station and multi-purpose building. The mechanical equipment of the maintenance workshop is designed to serve a fleet of up to 800 vehicles, including related equipment and having 20 engine pits. The maintenance depot will supply the first, second and third class of maintenance and repair for the buses in southwest Guangzhou. The 3-story garage can accommodate 232 buses at night. During the day it will also parking private cars. The refueling station and cleaning workshop can fill and clean automobiles. The general arrangement layout in detailed on Figure 3-1. The area of requisitioned land, area required for construction, structure and greenspace is presented in Table 3-1. The status and function of each unit of the buildings is identified in Table 3-2. Table 0-1 Area Requirements Name Area Requisitioned land 32151 m2 Road 4 743 M2 Construction Space 27 408 M2 Area of structure 40 143 M2 First floor-area ratio 42.7% Floor-space index (F.S.I) 1.46 Green 8195 m2 Greenspace ratio 30% GUANGZHOU ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE March 26, 1998 16 Longxi Bus Maintenance Depot. GuangzhouEnvironmental Impact Assessment Table 0-2 Status and function of each unit of the buildings Name of building Function Structure Area (i2) Multi-purpose building Ist floor engine test cell, pan and engine 10 871 repairing, material warehouse, dynamo house, and switching house 2nd floor kitchen, dining room and meeting room 3rd and 4th floor offices and auxiliary rooms 5t_--7th floor dormitory Maintenance workshop I st floor engine pits and warehouse 13 225 2nd and 3rd floor installation kit repairing and material warehouse 4th floor installation kit house, activity room and bath room Garage I floor parkinging double-buses 15 610 2nd 3rd and the roof parkinging buses Refueling station 1't floor filling, 2 40 diesel oil greasers & 2 490 213 lead free gasoline greasers Cleaning workshop ISt floor automobile washing 120 Dangerous goods I' floor store dangerous goods 54 warehouse Gate three gates for entering and departure 50 Components of the Project I)Supplying maintenance facility and equipment and night parkinging area for buses. 2)Supplying maintenance not only for city buses, but also I't, 2nd, and 3rd class maintenance for up to 620 automobiles. The kilometer separation of each class of maintenance is: l5t class maintenance: 3 OOOkm 2nd class maintenance: 15 OOOkm 3rd class maintenance: 75 OOOkm 3)Capability of maintenance. Assuming 90% dispatching percentage of 620 automobiles and 35,640,000km road haul a year, the calculated amount of maintenance of each class is as follows (assuming 300 work days/year): ISt class maintenance: 11 880 vehicles/year or 39.6 vehicles/day 2nd class maintenance: 2 370 vehicles/year or 7.9 vehicles/day GUANGZHOU ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE March 26, 1998 17 Longxi Bus Maintenance Depot. GuangzhouEnvironmental Impact Assessment 3rd class maintenance: 480 vehicles/year or 1.6 vehicles/day 4)The requirement for 20 engine pits was based on an allocation as follows: 1" class maintenance and temporary maintenance: 8 engine pits 2nd class maintenance: 8 engine pits 3rd class maintenance: 2 engine pits Reservation: 2 engine pits 5)Parkinging 232 automobiles (parkinging buses at night and private cars in daylight). 6)Staff. The design assumed one automobile per worker (620 persons). Some staff are two-shift or three-shift operation. Technical Analysis of the Construction Project General layout The access road for vehicles using the facility is Longxi Road, 140m south-west of the project (Figure 3-2). The main entrance is the on the west side of the property and is 30m wide. The main exit is on the south of the project. There is also an emergency exit. The main buildings (the maintenance workshop and the multi-purpose building) are located on the south-east side of the site. The four-storied maintenance workshop will run from west to east and the seven-storied multi-purpose building will be oriented north to south. The maintenance workshop and the multi-purpose building are connected together through the second and third story. The parkinging garage is in the northwest of the project. The main entrance faces the center of the project. The refueling station is in the south-west of the site and near the main entrance. Water Supply and Drainage Water Supply System Water supply of the facility will be a DN150 pipe linked with the municipal water network. A general DN150 water meter will be installed. There are two options to supply water. One is via a direct supply to the multi-purpose building and the 1S, 2nd and 3rd floor of maintenance workshop. The other is linking the pipe to an impounding basin on the Ist floor of the multi-purpose building and then supplying water by way of a compressed water pump and water tank. The pump house is also located on the 1" floor of the multi-purpose building. There are two pumps; one for everyday use and the other is in reserve. The designed daily maximum amount of water supply is 398m3. GUANGZHOU ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE March 26, 1998 1 8 Longxi Bus Maintenance Depot. GuangzhouEnvironmental Impact Assessment Drainage System The drainage of the maintenance facility is a separate system. Rain from the roof is discharged through indoor channels. Around the depot, there are storm drains. Rain is collected and drained to the municipal system. Sewage from the multi-purpose building and maintenance workshop will be treated and then drained to the sewage system of the maintenance facility. Wastewater from the kitchen of the multi-purpose building, cleaning workshop, refueling station and other wastewater of maintenance and cleaning will enter its own separation tank. Wastewater will be drained to the drainage system of the maintenance facility after passing through a floatation separation chamber. Finally it will enter the municipal drainage system. The total amount of drainage is 338m3/d. Fire Control System A fire control system is set up in the multi-purpose building, maintenance workshop and garage. The garage is also has an automatic spray system and each fire control sub-zone is set up with a fire resistant rolling shutter. There is 18m3 of water stored in the water tanks on the roof of the maintenance workshop and multi-purpose building for fire control. These can supply 10-minutes of water for the fire hydrants. The pump house of the garage has a fire control supply basin. The total amount of reserved water is 288m3. It can supply fire control water to the indoor fire control system for 2 hours and for the automatic spray pump system for 1 hour. In order to ensure the pressure of water for the system on the top floor of multi-purpose building and maintenance workshop, an air pressure system is set up in the pump house . The water supply to the indoor fire system is 40 lFs and the spray system is 30 1/s. Power Supply System The power supply system of Longxi Bus Maintenance Depot is designed as a 2nd class demand load. The predicted demand is 1086kw. A 10kv wire is linked to the maintenance building from the municipal power network. An 800KVA SG3 epoxy casting dry-type transformer supplies the lighting equipment. Another 800KVA SG3 epoxy casting dry-type transformer supplies industrial power. A 250KW diesel oil generating set is on the first floor of the multi-purpose building. It is the emergency supply of the lV class load, fire control equipment, exit lighting and the industrial power and lighting of some units. The switching pressure of the power and lighting is 380/220V, belonging to a three-phase and five-wire system. GUANGZHOU ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE March 26, 1998 19 Longxi Bus Maintenance Depot GuangzhouEnvironmental Impact Assessment Analysis of the Main Pollution Sources Present Status and Waste Discharge of Buses At the end of 1997, there were been 4611 buses in service in Guangzhou. Among them, there are 106 trams and 400 rural buses. Gasoline powered buses make up 40% of the total, and the other 60% are diesel powered. In order to increase the benefit and reduce fuel consumption, the Public Transportation Company have scheduled a rated oil consumption according to the different type of buses. Energy conservation is encouraged. Tables 3-3 and 3-4 show the types and discharge of the buses Table 0-3 Main Types of the Buses Fuel Type Model Number of Engine Cylinder Rated Fuel Actual fuel Capacity Consumption Consumption (ml) (1/100km) (11100km) Gasoline CA1OC(JIEFANG) 5550 30.5 29.9 CA6102Q(JIEFANG) 5560 EQ6102Q(DONGFENG) 5420 Diesel CY6102BQ(CHAOYANG) 5785 23 22.3 6BT5.9(CNMMIS) 5880 Table 0-4 Status of Waste Gas Discharge of Buses Type Standard of Discharge Type Actual Monitoring Value CO Hydrocarbon (ppm) CO Hydrocarbon (%) (%) (ppm) Gasoline new 4.5 1200 Gasoline .1.21-2.0 300-600 old 5.0 1800 Diesel 4.5-5Z-FSNI- Diesel 2-3 7 FSN:O Note: New means buses bought after July Ist 1997 and old means buses bought before that. From the two tables we can find that the type of the buses in Guangzhou is simple. The main model numbers of the gasoline are GZ644 and GZK6944, and those of the diesel oil are GZK6100A. It is easy to maintain and change installation kits. The status of maintenance is good. The pass rate of waste discharge is 98% in 1997 according to the actual monitoring data. Analysis of Main Air Pollution Sources The air emission from the Longxi Bus Maintenance Depot is mainly from four sources: vehicle emissions; the emergency diesel oil generating set, the engine test bench; and the dining-room. GUANGZHOU ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE March 26, 1998 20 Longxi Bus Maintenance Depot. GuangzhouEnvironmenta/ Impact Assessment I)Vehicle emissions The Longxi Bus Maintenance Depot has a 4-story garage with 232 parking spaces. The main pollutant of the exhaust is NO,, CO, HC and smoke. The emissions will change with the type and the speed of the automobile. In the Guangzhou City Centre Inner Ring Road Project EMJ prepared by the Guangzhou Environmental Scientific Research Institute, factors of tail gas have been researched. Using the modified MOBILESA model, the integral discharge factors of heavy duty gasoline vehicles (HDGV) and heavy duty diesel vehicle (HDDV) in the year 2000 in Guangzhou. The selected speeds are 30km/h, 10km/h, 5km/h and idle (Table 3-8). Table 0-5 Integral discharge factors of heavy gasoline automobiles and heavy diesel oil automobiles in 2000 in Guangzhou Speed Heavy duty gasoline vehicle Heavy duty diesel vehicle HC CO NOx HC CO NO,, 30km/h 12.72 81.25 6.28 2.47 7.15 12.82 (g/kr) lOkm/h 26.85 195.28 5.59 4.27 16.10 18.69 (g/kn) 5km/h 37.76 256.35 5.41 4.99 20.60 21.24 (g/kmn) Idle 1.34 9.5 0.01 0.30 0.50 0.33 (g/min.) I If the speed of parking is 5km/h and idle speed time is 5 min., the daily discharge is HC 10.04kg, CO 61.67kg, NO,, 6.47kg. At these rates, the predicted annual discharge is 3664.68kg, 22511.33kg, 2361.92kg respectfully. Assuming the peak traffic flow of buses 116 buses/hour, the predicted discharge of emissions is HC 0.348g/s, CO 2.19g/s, NO,, 0.23g/s. 2) Emissions from the back-up diesel oil generating set A 250KW diesel oil generating set is proposed for use as an emergency power supply. The model has not yet been determined. The Cummins C280 of NT series made in the US is used as an example. Its continuos rating power is 255KW/318KVA. The fuel consumption of the set is 64kg/h. If the run time is once a week, for four hours (double return circuit), the fuel consumption is 256kg, or 11 tonne/year. The generator uses #0 diesel oil that is low in sulphur content and can be completely combusted, the smell and color of the emissions measure up to 0-1 class standard of Ringleman Index. According to the related formulas in Environmental Statistics Guide Book, the amount of emissions from this kind of diesel oil generating set is: SO2 - 2.69kg/d; NOx - 2.3 lkg/d;CO - 0.06kg/d; and HC - 0.06kg/d. The predicted annual discharge for each parameter respectively is: 115.6kg, 99.5kg, 2.7kg, 2.7kg. When the generating set is operating, the emissions are S02 - 0.179g/s; NOx - 0.154g/s; CO - 0.004g/s; and HC - 0.004g/s. GUANGZHOU ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE March 26, 1998 2 1 Longxi Bus Maintenance Depot GuangzhouEnvironmental Impact Assessment 3) Emissions from the dining room The Longxi Bus Maintenance Depot has 620 staff. The dining-room is on the 2nd floor of the multi-purpose building. The dining-room will supply two meals a day utilizing 11 propane stoves for 6 hours a day. Daily fuel consumption is 264m3 and the annual is 79200 m3. The predicted emissions are: SO2 - 0.166 kg/d; NO,, - 0.487 kg/d; CO - 0.002 kg/d. The annual totals are: 49.9 kg, 145.98 kg, 0.5 kg respectively. The emissions are discharged at a height of 31.70m from a stack 2 - 3 m higher than the roof of the multi-purpose building. The discharge pipe is in a dedicated flue. The rate of emissions is: S02 - 0.0076 g/s; NO,, - 0.0225 g/s; CO - 0.001 g/s. According to the above calculation, the predicted total emissions are: S02 - 165.5 kg/a; NO,, - 2607.4 kg/a; CO - 22514.5 kg/a; and HC - 3667.4 kg/a. Analysis of the Main Water Pollutant Discharges The sources of wastewater discharges from the Longxi Bus Maintenance Depot are as follows: 1) Wastewater from the cleaning workshop from the washing of vehicles; 2) Cleaning water from the maintenance workshop; 3) Wash water from the refueling station; 4) Wastewater from the offices; and, 5) Wastewater from the dining-room. According to SF 1989 File No.69, Guangzhou Management Measures of Waste Water Centralized Processing, and other files on construction, it is predicted that the total amount of drainage of this project is 338.4m3/d. Table 0-6 Estimates of wastewater discharge from the Project No. Function/Zone Scale Accounting Coefficient Amount (mI) 1 cleaning workshop 80 vehicles/day 1 .Om3 / vehicle 80.0 2 maintenance 13225m2 0.01m3 /M2 Lid 132.3 workshop 3 refueling station 213m2 0.02m3/m2 ljd 4.3 4 office building 620 persons 0.05m3 /person/day 31.0 5 dormitory 180 persons 0.16m3 /person/day 28.8 6 dining-room 620 persons 0.05m3 /person/meal 62.0 Total 338.4 According to the same kind of wastewater in Guangzhou and related files, the predicted discharge is detailed in Table 3-6. According to Guangzhou Management Measure of Waste Water Centralized Processing and GUANGZHOU ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE March 26, 1998 22 Longxi Bus Maintenance Depot GuangzhouEnvironmental Impact Assessment (BD4437-90) Guangzhou Discharge Standards, the wastewater of the project must be pre-treated to remove the petroleum and plant or animal oils. Then it can be discharged into the municipal system. After secondary biochemical treatment in the treatment facility, it will be discharged into Huadi Ditch and then into Pingzhou waterway. The wastewater from the vehicle washing, refueling station and dining-room should be pretreated through passing through a floatation separation tank. Sewage should be treated by 3rd septic tank. Through pretreatment, 30% of CODcr and 20% of BOD5 can be removed from the wastewater. The content of SS, petroleum and plant or animal oil also meets the standard. The predicted concentration of the wastewater at the discharge point from the facility is presented in Table 3-7. Construction of the Xilang Wastewater Treatment Facility is imminent. In the event that this facility is not complete prior to the completion of the Maintenance Facility, a dedicated on-site treatment facility will be built to meet the same standards as the Xilang facility. This facility has been costed and incorporated into the design of the project (Appendix 2). If, as expected, the Xilang facility is operating this component of the project will be dropped. GUANGZHOU ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE March 26, 1998 23 Longxi Bus Maintenance Depot GuangzhouEnvironmental Impact Assessment Table 0-7 Quality and Amount of Wastewater from the Project name discharge CODcr BOD, SS petroleum plant or (m3/d) animal oil class conc. kg/d conc. kg/d conc. kg/d conc. kg/d conc. kg/d mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l cleaning 80.0 250 20.00 80 6.40 150 12.00 20 1.60 workshop C maintenance 132.3 300 39.70 100 13.20 200 26.40 150 19.80 - workshopIII refuieling 4.3 100 0.43 50 0.21 150 0.64 30 0.13 - station everyday 59.8 250 14.95 150 8.97 120 7.18 - - - - wastewater dining-room 62.0 400 24.80 250 15.50 200 12.40 150 9.3 standard of - 500 - 300 - 400 - 5 10 - discharge Table 0-8 Quality and Amount of the Waste Water after Pretreatment discharge CODc, BOD5 SS petroleum plant or (m3/d) animal oil conc. kg/d conc kg/d conc kg/d conc. kg/d conc kg/d mg/I mg/l mg/l mg/l .mg/ I standard 500 300 400 5 10 discharge 338.4 207 69.92 105 35.42 70 23.69 3.2 1.08 1.83 0.62 to outside Source of Noise During construction, noise is from the construction equipment is in the range of 86-112dB(A).During operation, noise is mainly from the buses, dynamo house, compressor plant, and machines in the maintenance workshop. The range in noise levels from these sources are: diesel generating set 105-l lOdB(A), compressor 75-85dB(A), machines 80-9OdB(A), buses 79-82dB(A). GUANGZHOU ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE March 26, 1998 24 Longxi Bus Maintenance Depot. GuangzhouEnvironmental Impact Assessment Solid Waste The solid waste of this project includes generated solid waste and general rubbish. Produced solid waste is expected to be 0.49 tonne/day and 147.3 tonne/year. This is based on the assumption that solid waste for each vehicle is 10kg and the facility works on 49.1 vehicles/day. General rubbish 0.3 Itonne/day and 93tonne/year, assuming that each staff generates 0.5kg/day. Analysis of Risks Associated With the Refueling Station Function and Scale of Refueling station The gas station of the Longxi Bus Maintenance Depot has been designed for the facility. It has four underground storage tanks. The total storage is 1 00tonnes. Half of the storage is gasoline and half is diesel. Automatic meters will be installed. The station can serve for four automobiles at the same time. Physical and Chemical Characteristics of the Oil I )Gasoline Gasoline is a flammable liquid. It is achromatic or light yellow, has a special odor and is volatile. Its relative density is 0.8; its boiling point 37.8°C; relative density of evaporation is 3.0. It is immiscible in water. Flash point is -43°C-23°C. Self-ignition point is 280. Explosion range is 1.4%-7.6%. It is considered toxic. Gasoline is a middle to low flash point, flammable liquid dangerous good. It belongs to the I' class of the 1st item among the state specified dangerous goods. 2)Diesel Oil It is light yellow, transparent liquid. It has special odor. It is immiscible in water. It is flammable liquid and it may burn when contacts heat, fire or powerful oxidizer. Relative density is 0.8-1.0, lighter than water. Flash point is higher than 50. The pour point is lower than -5. 10% raffinate contains residue carbon lower than 0.15%. Sulphur content is 300-500ppm. Nitrogen content is 10-100ppm.. The hazard analysis of the soil and underground water There are two kinds of potential accidental fuel leaks at the refueling station: a surface leak and an underground leak. Surface leaks include leaks from fuel vehicles, oil pumps, crash of vehicle, and failure of the refueling equipment. Underground leak could result from chemical corrosion of the underground fuel tank and/or fuel pipe, break of the pipe, and leaks caused by the weight of passing vehicles GUANGZHOU ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE March 26, 1998 25 Longxi Bus Maintenance Depot. GuangzhouEnvironmental Impact Assessment The concrete surface of the refueling station and the collecting ditch will prevent leaks from polluting the soil and groundwater. Underground leaks could pollute soil and groundwater directly. There are many measures to prevent leaks of the fuel such as impermeable sewer, impermeable wall. Clay layers can also prevent the spread of fuel. For example, the basic permeability constant of the clay for slopes 0-3% is 7.06x104 - 14.1 xlO4cm/s and it can be further reduced by 50% after compression. The fuel capacity of the station is 100 tonne. To back fill the area surrounding the underground tank with clay is an effective mitigation measure. The tank will be equipped with cathodic protection to prevent corrosion and will be routinely tested to monitor against leakage. Air Quality Monitoring and assessment of existing conditions Monitoring program Objectives The objectives of monitoring are to determine the main air pollution problems and to document the air quality of the study area and its surroundings before the construction of Longxi Bus Maintenance Depot. Scope of monitoring and the location of the monitoring points The scope of monitoring is the area within approximately 0.5 km of the Longxi bus maintenance depot. The location of the monitoring points is listed in Table 4-1 and shown in Figure 4- 1. Table 0-1 Location of the Monitoring Stations Code Location Distance from the condition of the surroundings construction ground within the grounds in it plants now, residents building in the west and north, petrol station and Longxi road in the south 2 in the Haibei village 650m to north-west on the road of the village, very little traffic 3 in the Lianshengyuan farm 300m to east 150m to the south is the Longxi Iroad 4 in the west of the Fengchi 400m to west 30m to the south is the Longxi GUANGZHOU ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE March 26, 1998 26 Longxi Bus Maintenance Depot GuangzhouEnvironmental Impact Assessment village road 5 in the Naiyuan farm south of 500m to south 350m to the north is the Longxi Longxi road road Monitoring schedule and pollutants The monitoring program was performed over the five days from February 7,1998 to February 12,1998. The main pollutants of vehicle emissions, NOx, NMHC, CO, SO2, and Total Suspended Particulate matter (TSP), were monitored in the program. The monitoring frequency is shown in the following table: Table 0-2 Frequency of Air Quality Monitoring Items 7:00 10:00 14:00 18:00 Note NOx 4 4 a 4 Sampling for 45min continuously NMHC Instantaneously sampling CO 4 4 4 4 Instantaneously sampling S02 Sampling for 45mm continuously TSP 12:00am to 12:00am next day Sampling for 24 hours continuously Analytical methods The sampling and analysis methods are based on the national standard: Standard of the Ambient Air Quality (GB3095-1996). See table 4-3 Table 0-3 Sampling and analysis methods Items Sampling sampling method analysis method Limit (mg/m3) equipment NOx Air sampling GC Impinger solution Saltzman 0.01 absorption NMHC 1OOml injector Sampling directly Gas chromatography 0.01 CO Ball Sampling directly NDIR 0.03 SO2 Air sampling GC Impinger solution Spectrophotometry 0.010 absorption TSP High volume Filter membrane Gravimetric weighing 0.001 KITO(Japan) GUANGZHOU ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE March 26, 1998 27 Longxi Bus Maintenance Depot. GuangzhouEnvironmental Impact Assessment Assessment of the current air quality Air Quality Standards The standards are the national standards (GB3095-1996), second class because of the nature of the site. See Table 4-4. The standard of the NMHC refers to the former standard of USA because there is not such standard in China. In the USA, the standard has been repealed and replaced by standards for individual, rather than total, hydrocarbons, however the former standard is a useful criterion for the presence of such compounds in the air. Table 0-4 Air pollution standards and criteria Pollutants Type Limited concentration note First class Second class Third class mg/Nm3 NMHC refers to the old standard in USA SO2 annual average 0.02 0.06 0.10 dailf average 0.05 0.15 0.25 hourly average 0.15 0.50 0.70 TSP annual average 0.08 0.20 0.30 daily average 0.12 0.30 0.50 NOx annual average 0.05 0.05 0.10 daily average 0.10 0.10 0.15 hourly average 0.15 0.15 0.30 CO daily average 4.00 4.00 6.00 hourly average 10.00 10.00 20.00 NMHC Max. from 0.16 0.16 0.16 6:00am-9:OOam GUANGZHOU ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE March 26, 1998 28 Longxi Bus Maintenance Depot. GuangzhouEnvironmental Impact Assessment Monitoring results Hourly average concentration The monitoring results of the hourly average concentration of NOx, CO, S02, NMHC are shown Table 4-5. It is concluded that * hourly average concentration of CO, SO2 meets the standards, * NOx at all of the monitoring points exceeds the standard, * the exceedance rate of the NOx standard is greatest at 57.89% at the fourth monitoring site, * NMHC exceeds the criterion at all monitoring sites by the highest factors. * the hourly average concentration of the NOx, CO, and SO2 were relatively consistent from day to day, and the concentration of NMHC showed large variation during the day, with two peak periods at 7:00am and 6:00pm. GUANGZHOU ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE March 26, 1998 29 Longxi Bus Maintenance Depot. GuangzhouEnvironmental Impact Assessment Table 0-5 Hourly average pollutant concentrations item Monitoring points Range of results average Exceedance Exceedance mg/Nm3 mg/Nm3 rate% Factor 1# project site 0.056 - 0.271 0.181 52.63 1.81 NOx _ _ _ __ _ _ _ 2# Haibei village 0.064 - 0.172 0.114 15.79 1.15 3# Liangshengyuan farm 0.065 - 0.191 0.127 31.58 1.27 4# Fengchi village 0.078 - 0.35 0.182 57.89 2.33 5# Naiyuan farm 0.052 - 0.210 0.140 10.53 1.4 1# project site 0.68 - 4.52 1.822 0 0 co 2# Haibei village 0.38 - 4.52 1.762 0 0 3# Liangshengyuan farm 0.53 - 3.76 1.690 0 0 4# Fengchi village 0.38 - 4.14 1.705 0 0 5# Naiyuan farm 0.15 - 3.76 1.346 0 0 1# project site 0.003 - 0.165 0.078 0 0 S02 _ _ _ _ 2# Haibei village 0.003 - 0.176 0.077 0 0 I______ 311 Liangshengyuan farmn 0.007 - 0.213 0.079 0 0 4# Fengchi village 0.007 - 0.210 0.089 0 0 _______ 5# Naiyuan farm 0.003 - 0.215 0.080 0 0 l# project site Not detectable - 2.39 0.427 57.89 14.94 NMHC 2# Haibei village Not detectable - 1.8 0.356 52.63 11.25 3# Liangshengyuan farm Not detectable - 0.8 0.252 52.63 5.00 4# Fengchi village Not detectable - 1.6 0.207 36.84 10.00 5# Naiyuan farm Not detectable - 1.69 0.169 31.58 10.56 Daily Monitoring results The monitoring results of the daily average concentration of NOx, CO, S02 and TSP are shown Table 4-6. From the results it is observed that * the daily average concentration of CO and SO2 meets the standard (the second class), and are close to meeting the first class, * TSP measurements meet the assessment standard, * NOx exceeds the standard very seriously, the third and fourth sites exceeding the standard at GUANGZHOU ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE March 26, 1998 30 Longxi Bus Maintenance Depot GuangzhouEnvironmental Impact Assessment all times. Table 0-6 Daily average pollutant concentrations Pollutant Monitoring points Range of results Average Exceedance Exceedance (mg/Nm3) (mg/Nm3) rate(%) Factor* NOx 1# project site 0.074-0.496 0.158 80 1.96 2# Haibei village 0.082-0.143 0.114 80 1.43 3# Liangshengyuan farm 0.110-0.163 0.129 100 1.63 4# Fengchi village 0.126-0.229 0.182 100 2.29 5# Naiyuan farm 0.089-0.128 0.112 60 1.28 CO 1# project site 0.85-2.56 1.77 0 0 2# Haibei village 0.63-2.29 1.70 0 0 3# Liangshengyuan farm 0.95-2.28 1.65 0 0 4# Fengchi village 0.68-2.60 1.65 0 0 5# Naiyuan farm 0.57-2.45 1.31 0 0 S02 1# project site 0.028-0.133 0.075 0 0 2# Haibei village 0.019-0.137 0.074 0 0 3# Liangshengyuan farm 0.022-0.139 0.077 0 0 4# Fengchi village 0.035-0.157 0.087 0 0 5# Naiyuan farm 0.019-0.110 0.077 0 0 TSP 1# project site 0.287 0 0 2# Haibei village 0.248 0 0 3# Liangshengyuan farm 0.158 0 0 4# Fengchi village 0.177 0 0 5# Naiyuan farm 0.121 0 0 Potential Health Impact of the Pollutants The results show that concentration of CO, TSP, SO2 on the project site and its surroundings meet the standard, and that the concentrations of NOx and NMHC exceeds the standards and criteria. This means that the assessment area shows air pollution from vehicle emissions. In addition, the Guangzhou steel plant, Guangzhou ship manufacturers, and other industries are concentrated within 5 - 6 km southeast of the project. Nitrogen oxides There are five kinds of nitrogen oxides which are included in NOx, but NO and NO2 are the dominant gaseous species found in the environment. It is difficult to monitor the individual pollutants, and it is also difficult to obtain emissions information for individual oxides, so the Chinese standard was based on NOx until 1996 when an additional standard for NO2 was GUANGZHOU ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE March 26, 1998 3 1 Longxi Bus Maintenance Depot. GuangzhouEnvironmental Impact Assessment introduced. A monitoring program near the main road in December1995 showed that the rate of NO:NO2 is 4.07. The NOx emissions from combustion sources, including vehicles is generally composed of 10 to 30% NO2, and the remainder is NO, although some older heavy diesel engines may emit 50% NO2. The human health impact of NO is small compared to that of NO2. The maximum monitoring concentration of NOx in Fengchi village is 0.35 mg/m3, so the maximum NO2 concentration around the construction project site is of the order of 0.10 mg/m3. Summary of Current Air Quality Of the five monitored parameters, concentrations of SO2, CO, and TSP meet the standard. Those of the other two pollutants (NMHC, NOx) exceed the standard and criterion. The rate and the frequency of criterion exceedance are highest for NMHC. This criterion is based on a former standard of the USA. The rate and the frequency of standard exceedance are second highest for NOx, which is close to the third class standard. These two pollutants are the those most likely to result from motor vehicle exhaust pollution. The maximum monitoring hourly concentration of NOx is 0.35mg/m3. The exceedance rate is 10.53-57.89% over the NOx standard; 31.58-57.89% over the criterion for NMHC. Air Impact Assessment Prediction items and assessment standard The emission exhaust from the diesel generators and the staff cafeteria is emitted on the top of the seven-story building so it is treated as an elevated source in Chinese standard modelling practice. The vehicle emissions from the parking area is regarded as an area pollution source. The main air pollutants are SO2, NOx, CO and NMHC. The pollution source is the strongest when the generators and the cafeteria work together, and when there is a maximum number of vehicles idling in the parking area. Table 0-7 Air pollution source strengths mg/s Type SO2 NOx CO NMHC Elevated source 176.6 176.5 4.1 4.0 Area source 230 2140 384 GUANGZHOU ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE March 26. 1998 32 Longxi Bus Maintenance Depot. GuangzhouEnvironmental Impact Assessment Atmospheric Dispersion Model For the elevated source, the Gaussian distribution model was used to calculate the ground concentration of pollution. For wind speed greater than 1.5m/s, the hourly ground concentration of pollution, C, was calculated as: Q ( __2 )H2> 2 7U,ay- ezxP(- 2 a2.xp -2e2 where: Q is the emission rate, U is the wind speed, y is the downwind distance, H is the effective stack height (physical height plus plume rise), and 6 is a parameter of the downwind distance and stability of the atmosphere. When the wind speed is less than 1.5m/s, the hourly ground concentration of pollution is calculated as the following formula: 2Q xex - UT)2 1 2exPH y2c (H2) An area source is treated as a virtual point source. It is assumed that the area source is equivalent to a point source located farther upwind a calculated distance, such that the plume from the point source reaches the dimensions of the area source at that distance. This can be simulated by adding an initial dispersion parameter (6xo, ayo) to the Gaussian distribution model: ay = 0ry (X + Xy ) f- az = C: (X + Xz ) j 6yo, azo can define the Xy and Xz. L/4.3 and H/2.5 can define the ayo, azo . L is the length of the area sourceLlL=lOOm D. H is the average height of the area source(H=1 Om). Atmospheric dispersion parameters The air dispersion parameter is calculated according to the recommended data of the national standard (HJ/T2.2-93). See table 4-8 and table 4-9. GUANGZHOU ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE March 26, 1998 33 Longxi Bus Maintenance Depot GuangzhouEnvironmental Impact Assessment Table 0-8 Dispersion parameters for windy conditions Parameter stability Dispersion formula distance downwind m 65 unsteady 0.281846X° 9 '4370 0-1000 y 0.396353X° 865014 1000 normal 0.22950X0919325 0-1000 0.3 14238X0 .75..6 1000 steady 0.143940X0926849 0-1000 0.189396X0886940 1000 unsteady 0.127 190X09435 0-500 0.057025X 1.93560 500 nornal 0.1 14682X-941115 0-500 0.0757182X 11771 500 steady 0.126152X0 838628 0-2000 0.23 5667X 7564X0 2000-10000 0.136659XO.815575 10000 Table 0-9 Dispersion parameters for light winds stability _ _ _ _ _ _ unsteady 0.76T 0.47T normal 0.55T 0.21T steady 0.47T 0.12T Index of wind speed The wind speed index with height is shown in Table 4-10, and refers to the lower 300 m of atmosphere in Guangzhou. Table 0-10 Wind profile parameters for different degree of stability Degree of stability Unstable Neutral Stable Wind profile exponent 0.15 0.27 0.30 Plume rise formulas Plume rise is the additional height of pollutant release caused by the combined momentum and thermal buoyancy in the exhaust gas. The national standard plume rise formulas (HJ/T2.2-93) were used. GUANGZHOU ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE March 26, 1998 34 Longxi Bus Maintenance Depot GuangzhouEnvironmental Impact Assessment Dispersion Modelling Results The emissions from the Longxi Depot will be periodic in nature. The generator only operates on an emergency basis, and the bus emissions are at maximum only at the beginning and end of their working day. This assessment was conducted on a worst-case basis by analyzing the one-hour worst case impact of the combined sources. Prediction of impact on the air quality from the elevated source The maximum emission of S02 and NOx of the elevated source is showed in table 4-11, table 4- 12. Under strong wind conditions, the maximum ground concentration occurs 270-640 m from the site. When wind is light, the maximum ground concentration occurs within 220 m of the site. When it is stable, and wind blows, the maximum ground concentration of SO2and NOx are 0.012 mg/m3 and 0.009 mg/m3, which are 2.4% and 6.0% of the assessment standards. The maximum ground level concentration impacts is concluded to be minor. Prediction of impact on air environment by the vehicle emissions from the parking garage The maximum ground level concentrations of CO, NMHC and NOx from the vehicle emissions in the parking garage are shown in Table 4-13 to Table 4-15. Under strong winds, the maximum ground concentration occurs between 60-130 m from the site. When the wind is light, the maximum ground concentration occurs from 110-160 m from the site. When it is stable and wind blows , the maximum ground concentrations of CO, NOx and NMHC are 1.917, 0.202 and 0.311 mg/m3, or 19.2%, 134.6% and 194.4% of the assessment standards. It is concluded that the idling vehicle population is at a maximum, the emissions have an impact the immediate surroundings. Concentration of NOx and NMHC are predicted to meet the standard 150 m and 200 m from the parking, respectively. Prediction of the combined impacts The distribution of the NOx ground level concentrations with the elevated source and the area source are shown in Figure 4-2 under stable conditions and strong winds. According to the monitoring and prediction result, the background of CO and SO2 on the assessment area meet the second class standard. Because the prediction CO and SO2of the project is small, total of the prediction and the background value can still meet the second class standard. GUANGZHOU ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE March 26, 1998 35 Longxi Bus Maintenance Depot. GuangzhouEnvironmental Impact Assessment The background value of NOx and NMHC exceeds the standard. Therefore, the result after the construction of the project will exceed the standard further. The daily average concentration of NOx and NMHC of the Beihai village was selected as the background value (NOx:0.114 mg/m3. NMHC:0.356 mg/m3 ), the result of the background adding with the prediction value is shown in Table 4-16. Conclusion of air quality assessment The prediction result of the elevated source shows that the maximum ground concentrations of NOx and SO2 are 0.009 mg/m3 and 0.012 mg/m3 which are only 6.0% and 2.4% of the standards when wind blows and it is steady. The distance between the maximum ground concentration and the project is 270-640 m downwind. The prediction result shows that the maximum ground concentrations of CO, NOx and NMHC emitted by the vehicles on the parking are 1.917 mg/m3, 0.202 mg/m3 and 0.311 mg/m3 which are 19.2%, 134.6% and 194.4% of the standards and criterion under the worst dispersion conditions. The most significant component of NOx, the NO2, can be conservatively estimated to be less than about 30% of the NOx, or about 0.06 mg/m3, which is less than the NO2 standard of 0.12 mg/mr3. Thus, the predicted worst-case emissions of NO2 will meet the standard. Beyond 150 m downwind of the project site, the concentration of NOx can meet the standard, and beyond 200 m downwind, that of NMHC can meet the criterion (0.16 mg/m3). In general, the possibility for worst-case conditions is considered to be very small. The background concentrations of CO and SO2 on the assessment area meets the second class standard. Because the prediction CO and SO2 of the project is small, total of the depot emissions and the background value will still meet the second class standard. The background values of NOx and NMHC exceed the standard, however it is likely that the concentrations of NO2 meet the standard. Combining the background with the worst case predictions, the concentration of NOx within 200 m downwind will be exceeded, however the concentration of N02 will remain within the standard. . The NOx concentration of background and the prediction is 0.214 mg/m3, which is likely to comprise less than 0.062 mg/m3. The daily average NO2 concentration is estimated to be 0.04 mg/m3, less than the standard. The background of NMHC exceeds the criterion. Although the prediction of NMHC beyond 100 m of the perimeter can meet the criterion, adding the background will still cause an exceedance under worst-case conditions. GUANGZHOU ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE March 26, 1998 36 Longxi Bus Maintenance Depot GuangzhouEnvironmental Impact Assessment Table 0-11 Ground concentration distribution of SO2 of the elevated source (mg/Nm3) Stability U X_ Cm 50 1 00 200 300 400 500 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 Unsteady 3.0 271 0.006 0.000 0.000 0.005 0.006 0.005 0.004 0.003 0.002 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.000 0.000 1.5 271 0.012 0.000 0.000 0.009 0.012 0.010 0.007 0.006 0.004 0.003 0.002 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 10.5 160 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Normal 3.0 348 0.005 0.000 0.000 0.002 0.004 0.005 0.004 0.003 0.002 0.002 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.000 1.5 348 0.009 0.000 0.000 0.004 0.009 0.009 0.008 0.006 0.004 0.003 0.002 0.002 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.5 180 0.005 0.004 0.005 0.005 0.004 0.002 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Steady 3.0 635 0.004 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.003 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.003 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.001 0.001 1 .5 635 0.008 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.002 0.005 0.007 0.008 0.007 0.006 0.005 0.004 0.003 0.003 0.002 0.5 220 0.007 0.005 0.006 0.007 0.005 0.003 0.002 0.002 0.001 0.001 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 U(m/s) wind speed on the ground Xm(m): distance of the max. ground-level concentration Cm (mg/Nm3): max. ground level concentration Table 0-12 ground concentration distribution of NOx of the elevated source (mg/Nm3) Stability U Xm Cm 50 100 200 300 400 500 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 unsteady 3.0 271 0.005 0.000 0.000 0.004 0.005 0.004 0.003 0.003 0.002 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.000 0.000 1.5 271 0.010 0.000 0.000 0.008 0.010 0.009 0.006 0.005 0.003 0.003 0.002 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 1 0.5 160 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.000 I0.000 0.000 I 0.000 0.000 0.000 I 0.000 0.000 nonnal 3.0 348 0.004 0.000 0.000 0.002 0.003 0.004 0.003 0.003 0.002 0.002 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.000 1.5 348 0.008 0.000 0.000 0.003 0.008 0.008 0.007 0.005 0.003 0.003 0.002 0.002 0.001 0.001 0.001 _______ 10.5 180 0.004 0.003 0.004 0.004 0.003 0.002 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 steady 3.0 635 0.003 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.003 0.003 0.003 |0.003 0.003 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.001 0.001 1.5 635 0.007 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.007 0.006 0.005 0.004 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.002 0.5 1220, 0.006 10.004 0.005 0.006 0.004 0.003 0.002 . 0.001 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 U(m/s) wind speed on the ground Xm(m): distance of the max. ground level concentration Cm (mg/Nm3): max. ground concentration GUANGZHOU ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE March 26, 1998 37 Longxi Bus Maintenance Depot GuangzhouEnvironmental Impact Assessment Table 0-13 Ground concentration distribution of CO of the Parking (mg/Nm3) Stability U Xm Cm 50 100 200 300 400 500 600 800 1 000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 unsteady 3.0 24 0.929 0.507 0.340 0.161 0.092 0.060 0.042 0.031 0.019 0.013 0.009 0.007 0.006 0.005 0.004 1.5 24 1.858 1.014 0,681 0.322 0.184 0.119 0.083 0.062 0.038 0.026 0.019 0.014 0.011 0.009 0.008 0.5 110 0.012 0.010 0.011 0.011 0.010 0.008 0.005 0.004 0.002 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.000 0.000 normal 3.0 68 0.919 0.530 0.400 0.211 0.127 0.084 0.060 0.045 0.028 0.019 0.014 0.011 0.009 0.007 0.006 1.5 68 1.837 1.060 0.801 0.423 0.254 0.168 0.120 0.090 0.056 0.039 0.028 0.022 0.017 0.014 0.012 0.5 140 0.046 0.037 0.041 0.042 0.034 0.022 0.013 0.009 0.005 0.003 0.002 0.002 0.001 0.001 0.001 steady 3.0 82 0.960 0.525 0.50 1 0.348 0.240 0.174 0.132 0.104 0.069 0.050 0.037 0.029 0.024 0.020 0.017 1.5 82 1.919 1.050 1.002 0.695 0.481 0.349 0.264 0.207 0.138 0.099 0.075 0.059 0.047 0.039 0.033 0.5 160 0.093 0.076 0.088 0.090 0.068 0.041 0.024 0.016 0.010 0.006 0.004 0.003 0.003 0.002 0.002 U(m/s) wind speed on the ground Xm(m): distance of the max.ground level concentration Cm (mg/Nm3): max. ground concentration Table 0-14 Ground concentration distribution of NOx of the Parking (mg/Nm3) Stability U Xm Cm 50 100 200 300 400 500 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 Unsteady 3.0 24 0.098 0.053 0.036 0.017 0.010 0.006 0.004 0.003 0.002 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.000 0.000 1.5 24 0 195 0.106 0.071 0.034 0.019 0.012 0.009 0.006 0.004 0.003 0.002 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.5 110 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 normal 3.0 68 0.096 0.056 0.042 0.022 0.013 0.009 0.006 0.005 0.003 0.002 10.001 I0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 1.5 68 0193 0.111 0.084 0.044 0.027 0.018 0.013 0.009 0.006 0.004 0.003 0.002 0.002 0.001 0.001 0.5 140 0.005 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.002 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 steady 3.0 82 0101 0.055 0.053 0.036 0025 0.018 0.014 0.011 0.007 0.005 0.004 0.003 0.002 0.002 0.002 1.5 82 0202 0.110 0.105 0.073 0.050 0.037 0.028 0.022 0.014 0.010 0.008 0.006 0.005 0.004 0.003 0.5 160 0010 0.008 0.009 0.009 0.007 0.004 0.002 0.002 0.001 0.001 I0.o000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 U(m/s) wind speed on the ground Xm(m): distance of the max. ground level concentration Cm (mg/Nm3): max. ground level concentration Table 0-15 ground concentration distribution of NMHC of the Parking (mg/Nm3) Stability U YXm Cm 50 100 200 300 400 500 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 unsteady 3.0 24 0.150 0.082 .055 0026 0.015 0.010 0.007 0.005 0003 0.002 0.001 0.001 0.0o010.001 0 1.5 24 0.301 0.164 0.110 0.052 0.030 0.019 0.013 0.010 0.006 0.004 0.003 0.002 0.002 0.001 0.001 0 i.5 1110 0.002 1 0.002 0.002 10.002 10.002 0.001 0.001 0.001 I 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 T 0.000 0.000 I nonnal 3.0 68 0,149 0.086 0.065 0.034 0.021 0.014 0.010 0.007 0.005 0.003 0.002 0.002 0.001 0.001 0.001 1.5 68 0.298 0.172 0.130 0.068 0.041 0.027 0.019 0.015 0.009 0.006 0.005 0.004 0.003 0.002 0.002 0.5 140 0.007 0.006 0.007 0.007 0.005 0.004 0.002 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 steady 3.0 82 0.155 0.085 0.081 0.056 0.039 0.028 0.021 0.017 0.011 0.008 6 0.005 0.004 0.003 0003 1.5 82 0.311 0.170 0.162 0.113 0.078 0.056 0.043 0.034 0.022 0.016 0.012 0.009 0.008 0.006 0.005 0.5 1601 0.015 0.012 0.014 0.015 0.011 0.007 0.004 0.003 0.002 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.000 0.000 0.000 GUANGZHOU ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE March 26, 1998 38 Longxi Bus Maintenance Depot. GuangzhouEnvironmental Impact Assessment U(m/s)wind speed on the ground Xm(m): distance of the max. ground level concentration Cm (mg/Nm3): max. ground level concentration Table 0-16 Distribution of hourly concentration of NOx and NMHC downwind on the west and north side of the Parking Garage sok U NI NMFI Xm an 50 10) 20D 300 400 500 Yin On 50 10) 200 300 40D 50D Uik* 3.0 24 0212 0.167 015 0131 0124 012 (1118 24 0506 0.438 0.411 0382 0371 0366 0363 15 24 0309 022 0185 0148 0133 0.126 0123 24 0(657 052 0.466 0.408 0386 0375 036 05 110 0.115 0.115 0115 0115 0115 0.115 0.115 110 0358 0358 0358 0358 0358 0357 0357 Nind 3.0 68 021 0.17 0156 0136 0127 01123 0.12 68 0505 10.442 0.421 039 0377 037 0366 15 68 0307 025 0.19 0.158 0141 0.132 0.27 68 0.654 O028 0.486 0.424 0397 0383 0375 05 140 1119 0.118 0118 0118 0118 0.116 0.115 110 0363 0362 0363 0363 0361 036 0358 Sdt 3.0 82 0215 0169 0167 015 0139 0.L32 0128 82 0511 0.441 0.437 0.412 0395 0384 0377 15 82 0316 0224 0219 0187 0.164 0.151 0.142 82 (667 0526 0518 0.469 (434 0.412 039 05 1 ) 0.124 01 27 I013 02.3 0121 0118 0116 16 0 371 0368 037 0371 0367 0363 036 Water Quality Water quality includes surface water and underground water. All drainage water on the project will be collected and routed to the sewer system. For safety purposes, the fuel system will be buried underground, and will be equipped with catholic protection to prevent corrosion. Tlherefore, the project will not impact the groundwater. This chapter addresses the surface water quality and potential impacts. Overview of water discharge The current drainage of the site is such that water flows from the north or north-east of the project to Shihu ditch through small field runoff, then to Guangfu river, north to Huadi river, and ultimately to the Pearl River. After the construction of the depot, the domestic wastewater and the industry wastewater will be discharged to the municipal wastewater sewage pipe(under Longxi road) and collected in the Xilang wastewater treatment plant. The clean water after treatment at the Xilang plant will be discharged into Huadi river and eventually to the Pingzhou water way. Future water quality Approach The water quality investigation was based on the nature of the water environment at the site, the types of pollutants to be discharged by the facility, and a range of possible alternatives for GUANGZHOU ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE March 26, 1998 39 Longxi Bus Maintenance Depot. GuangzhouEnvironmental Impact Assessment handling the discharge. Investigation scope and monitoring points The scope of the investigation included: * Huadi river 2.3km east of the project, * Guangfu river 1.5kn north of the project, * Bujiao ditch (from east to west), * Shihu ditch (from south to north), * Chigang river(from north west to south east) Ten water quality monitoring points were selected and are listed in Table 5-1 and shown in Figure 2-1. Table 0-1 detailed location of the monitoring points Code Name Location River Monitoring Time l______ ___________ ________________ _______________ _______(year m onth) 1 Bujiao lock of Buijiao River Bujiao River 1998.2 2 Chigangcho intersection of Chigangchong and Chigang 1998.2 ___ _ [ng Longxi Road River 3 Shihu ditch intersection of Shihu ditch and Longxi Shihu River 1998.2 Road 4 steel plant dock of the Guangfu River Guangfu 1998.2 River 5 Dahe west junction of the Guangfu River and Guangfu 1995.4 Huadi River River 6 Xijiao north junction of Guangfu River and Huadi River 1995.4 Huadi River 7 Dongjiao south junction of the Guangfu River and Huadi River 1996.1 Huadi River 8 Daqiao intersection of the Longxi road and Huadi River 1996.1 Huadi River 9 wastewater exit of the Xilang wastewater treatment Huadi River 1996.1 _______ plant plant 10 Naijiao junction of the Huadi River and Huadi River 1996.1 Pingzhou waterway The pollutants measured in the monitoring program included pH, BOD5, CODcr, DO, SS, Oil, Copper, Lead The monitoring schedule and analysis methods are shown in Table 5-1 and Table 5-2, respectively. GUANGZHOU ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE March 26, 1998 40 Longxi Bus Maintenance Depot GuangzhouEnvironmental Impact Assessment Table 0-2 water quality monitoring items and analysis method Parameter Analysis method Detection Limit pH glass electrode 0.01 pH DO iodometry 0.2 mg/L CODcr potassium dichromate 10 mg/L BOD5 iodometric titration 3 mg/L Oil ultra-violet spectrometry 0.05 mg/L SS gravimetric method 0.0001 g Pb flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry 0.0006 mg/L Cu flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry 0.0010 mg/L 6) Water monitoring result See Table 5-3 Table 0-3 Monitoring result of the surface water section pH DO BOD5 CODcr Oil SS Pb Cu _______________ _________ ~~~~ ~~ ~~(x1I03-) (XlO 0 3) (I)Bujiao 7.25 2.48 3.40 43.58 6.71 59 1.0 1.9 (2)Chigang 7.22 2.91 1.56 11.33 0.02 20 0.3 1.9 (3)Shihu 7.33 4.78 3.03 28.22 2.22 7.2 0.8 3.2 (4)steel plant 7.24 1.61 5.37 36.32 2.98 31 0.8 6.6 (5)Dahe 7.10 4.28 7.91 41.48 0.47 78.3 2.5 - (6)Xijiao 7.10 4.77 6.76 32.90 0.44 61.4 1.6 - (7)Dongjiao 7.15 2.87 7.40 78.5 1.31 88.0 5.5 - (8)Dagiao 7.10 4.53 7.02 44.80 0.38 84.7 4.3 - (9)wastewater 7.04 2.58 8.65 35.80 0.78 69.0 6.0 - plant (10)Naijiao 6.95 3.08 9.20 53.50 0.65 60.8 5.10 Assessment of the Current Water Quality Assessment standard Water at the location of the project is used as general industry water and irrigating water. TheIV class standard (GB3838-88) is the appropriate assessment standard. See table 5-4. Table 0-4 Surface water Quality Standard (mg/L, except pH) Item pH DO BOD5 CODcr Oil SS* Pb Cu IV class 6.5-8.5 23 6 20 _0.5 <100 0.05 <1.0 (GB3838-88) *Standard of SS refers to field irrigation water quality( GB5084-92) GUANGZHOU ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE March 26, 1998 41 Longxj Bus Maintenance Depot. GuangzhouEnvironmental Impact Assessment Comparison with the standard DO The DO concentration in the samples is from 2.48mg/L to 4.77mg/L. 50% of the points meet the standard (3mg/L). BODs The BOD5 concentration of the water samples ranged from 1.56mg/L to 9.20mg/L. 60% of the points exceed the standard (6.Omg/L), mainly downstream. But the BOD5 concentration at the Bujiao, Chigang, Shihu and steel plant point are less than the standard (6.0mg/L) CODcr As shown in Table 5-3, all the monitoring points are within the standard(20mg/L) except the Chigang. The rate of exceedance is from 0.41 to 2.93 times the standard. Oil Concentration of oil in the investigation area is from 0.02 to 6.71 mg/L. 40% of the monitoring points exceed the standard (0.Smg/L). Bujiao's result exceeds the standard 12.42 times. Steel plant's exceeds 4.98 times. Ss All samples met the standard (lOOmg/L). Pb and Cu The rate of Pb standard exceedance (0.05mg/L) is 30%, mainly downstream. All of the samples of Cu meet the standard (1.Omg/L). The monitoring results show that the main pollutants of the monitoring water are CODer, BOD5, DO, and oil. The pollution condition of the downstream is more serious than upstream. Water Quality Prediction and Analysis Pollutant Sources The waste water system of the project incorporates a pretreatment system before discharge to the sewer system. The waster water from the vehicle washing room, refueling station and maintenance workshop is emitted to their own oil separators and to the municipal sewer system after flotation system. There is no direct discharge to the natural environment. The wastewater discharge of the project is 338.4 m3/d. The main pollutants discharged to the sewer system and concentration after pre-treatment are shown in Table 5-5. GUANGZHOU ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE March 26, 1998 42 Longxi Bus Maintenance Depot. GuangzhouEnvironmental Impact Assessment Table 0-5 wastewater quality and main pollutants discharged after pre-treatment to municipal sewer system Wastewater CODcr Oil discharge concentration discharge concentration discharge (Wm/d) (mg/L) (kg/d) (mg/L) (kg/d) 338.4 207 69.92 3.2 1.08 Impact assessment of the water quality The water quality discharge from the Xilang wastewater treatment plant will meet strict discharge standards. Table 5-6 shows the pollutant from the plant to Xilang and the discharge from the Xilang plant [I figure 5-1! . Table 0-6 water quality after treatment in Xilang wastewater treatment plant Items wastewater of the project wastewater of the plant concentration discharge concentration discharge (mg/L) (kg/d) (mg/L) (kg/d) CODcr 207 <69.92 60 20.3 0 Oil 1 3.2 <1.08 < 5 1.08 Water quality summary Oil and SS of the wastewater can meet the standards (GB8978-1996) after pre-treating in the project. But CODcr and BOD5 will not meet the standard. Therefore, the project will pre-treat the water on-site and will not operate the Longxi plant until it is possible to discharge the waste water to the municipal sewer system and the Xilang treatment wastewater treatment plant. The Longxi Depot will not add new pollution to surroundings. Current noise environment and impact assessment Monitoring of the current noise environment and assessment Standard and assessment items The Longxi Depot is a Class 4 environmental function zone, as is the main roadway planned for the west side of the facility and a smaller road for the north side. Because the planning regulations require a 30 m buffer between the Class 4 and Class 2, the land to the west and north of the road would be Class 4. After requisition of the land for the Longxi Depot, developers have built houses on the edge of the road right-of-way on both the north and west sides of the depot. After the construction of the project, the area of the maintenance depot and the first row of the GUANGZHOU ENVIRONMENTAL SCiENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE March 26, 1998 43 Longxi Bus Maintenance Depot. GuangzhouEnvironmental Impact Assessment buildings in Fengchi village and Nan village are Class 4 (the other areas are Class 2). Standards Table 0-1 Noise standards (dB(A)) Category day (06:00 - 22:00) night (22:00 - 06:00) Class II 60 50 class IV 70 55 Assessment items Leq(A) is the average power during the testing circle. The formula is: _ 100° L,,(tdt Leq clOlogs T F When it is monitored in the same intervals. The formula is: Leq I lOlog3 _ EloOlLm eq l10 T testing period Second Lp t-----Leq dB(A) Li Leq at point dB(A) n number of points. Monitoring of existing noise levels Location of the monitoring points There are five points on the center and the 1m border line of the project and two sensitive monitoring points on the resident building. See Figure 4-1 Monitoring instrument and monitoring method 1) Monitoring instrument Integrating sound level meter is HY-105.which can meet the requirement of the international standard IE[651(1979)3. 2) Method To put the meter at Im outside of the house and 1.3-1.5m high. To monitor while no rain, and the wind speed is less than 5.5m/s Time: 6:00am-10:OOpm for day, 10:OOpm-6:00am for night Period: 15-20min GUANGZHOU ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE March 26, 1998 44 Longxi Bus Maintenance Depot GuangzhouEnvironmental Impact Assessment Monitoring result of the noise See table 6.2 Table 0-2 monitoring result of the current noise environment code Location of points monitoring result standard class day night day night 1# Center 46.0 43.0 70 55 IV 2# East border 45.0 42.0 3# South border 47.0 46.0 = = 4# west border 50.0 46.0 5# North border 46.5 43.0 =__ 6# lm outside window in Fengchi village 49.5 45.0 7# Im outside window in Nai village 45.5 42.0 = 1 Analysis of the current noise environment From the Table 6-2, night noise of all the monitoring locations meet the standard and the daytime noise can ever meet the night standard of II class. The site of the project and its east side and south side are potted landscape farm, 15m north from the border and 30m west from the border of the project are private 3-6 stories buildings. Most of these buildings are currently not occupied by residents. There isn't any special noise source nearby. The distance of Longxi Road from the project and the passing vehicle population is small so it influences the area of the project very little. Overall, the noise environment quality is considered to good. Noise impact assessment during constructing Standard The construction standards are listed in Table 6-3. Table 0-3 Noise limits on the perimeter of the construction site (Leq(A)) Construction Primary Noise Source Limit Phase Day (06:00 - 22:00) Night (22:00 - 06:00) Excavation bulldozer, excavator, fork-lift 75 55 truck Piling different pile driver 85 forbid construction Structural concrete mixer, vibration pile 70 55 driver, electric saw Finishing crane, elevator 65 55 GUANGZHOU ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE March 26, 1998 45 Longxi Bus Maintenance Depot. GuangzhouEnvironmental Impact Assessment Investigation of the construction equipment Table 6-4 lists the maximum noise levels for certain items of construction equipment. Table 0-4 Noise of different construction equipment Equipment Distance to monitoring point Lmax dB(A) I fork-lift truck 5 90 2 land level 5 90 3 bulldozer 5 86 4 hydraulic excavator 5 84 5 pile driver 5 112 6 truck 5 92 7 concrete mixer 5 91 8 concrete pump 5 85 9 moving crane 5 86 Prediction of the noise impact during construction The noise of the project site can be represented by a point source and the noise as a function of distance from the site is calculated by the following formula: Lp= LpO -201ogt ) Lp--the prediction noise r meters from the source dB(A) Lpo --the reference noise ro meter from the source dB(A) GUANGZHOU ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE March 26, 1998 46 Longxi Bus Maintenance Depot GuangzhouEnvironmental Impact Assessment The prediction result is as following: Table 0-5 Noise levels for construction equipment at different distances ( dB(A)) Distance(m) 5 10 20 40 50 60 Noise Limit dB(A) Equipment \ day night fork-lifttruck 90 84 78 72 70 68 75 55 90 84 78 72 70 68 75 55 grader _ bulldozer 86 80 74 68 66 65 75 55 hydrauli excav84 78 72 66 64 62 75 55 hydraulic excavator p.le .river 112 106 100 94 92 90 85 prohibited piledriver truck 92 86 80 74 72 70 75 55 concretemixer 91 85 79 73 71 69 70 55 85 76 70 64 62 63 70 55 concrete_pump _ ___ ___ ___ ______ 86 80 74 66 64 64 65 55 moving crane_ Impact assessment during construction From Table 6-5, the daytime noise contribution of most individual pieces of equipment will meet the perimeter standard if they are located at least 20 m within the site. Equipment at the edge of the site will exceed the standard 3 - 2ldB(A)[(GB12523-90)]. If construction proceeds at night, the noise will exceed the limits by 11 - 31 dB(A). The construction period is one year so the impact period is also one year. Fengchi village located in the west of the project and the buildings in Nai village north of that are two sensitive areas. These two villages are separated from the boundary of the project by 30m and 60m. The maximum noise at the houses in Fengchi village nearest to the project was calculated to be 70 - 76dB(A) during construction. The maximum noise while piling will be as high as 96dB(A). The noise at the houses in Nai village nearest to the project was calculated to be 62 - 7OdB(A) during construction, and as high as 9OdB(A) while piling. The noise from the construction activities will impact the residents living nearest to the project in the two villages, especially pile driver. So there must be actions to reduce the noise pollution for the residents. keep equipment as far from houses as possible do perimeter work during the day (avoid lunch hour break) warn about pile driving, keep to daylight hours, prohibited in evening construction vehicles routed to opposite side of site, not house site, especially at night. GUANGZHOU ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE March 26, 1998 47 Longxi Bus Maintenance Depot. GuangzhouEnvironmental Impact Assessment Noise impact assessment during the operation of the project Scope and standard of the assessment This assessment considered the impact of the project on the immediate surroundings outside the property boundary, and the nearby housing. The two rows of houses, to the west and to the north of the project are on Class IV land, because they are within the 30 m strip adjacent to the roadway. As they are on Class IV land, the Class IV noise standards are applicable. As they are residential in nature, the Longxi Bus Maintenance Depot has adopted the Class II noise standard as objectives. This applies to the first row of the buildings in Fengchi village and Nan village, the buildings to be built behind them (30 m beyond the road right-of-way) will be Class II. For Class II area, the standard is that daytime 60 dB(A),night 50 dB(A) [GB3096-93]and GB12348-90]; for Class IV, the standards are 70 dB(A), and 55 dB(A), respectively. Prediction of the noise impact Noise sources According to the project description, the bus maintenance facility includes a number of workshops, maintenance area, and a large parking garage. Through comparing with similar projects, the main noise sources of the it are a standby diesel generator (250KW), 8 air compressors, 5 normal lathes and the buses using the parking garage. The power of the noise sources are listed in the table 6-6. The generator is an emergency power source and will not be operated during the night. Table 0-6 main noise sources of the project Equipment Distance to noise Noise Number Location Time source (m) dB(A) Emergency 1 105-110 1 Ist floor of comprehensive standby, diesel building daytime generator Lathes 1 80-90 5 1S floor of maintenance daytime workshop Air 1 75-85 8 It floor of maintenance daytime compressors workshop Buses 7.5 79-82 232 Parking garage daytime GUANGZHOU ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE March 26, 1998 48 Longxi Bus Maintenance Depot. GuangzhouEnvironmental Impact Assessment Prediction model The noise emitting machines and equipment are installed in rooms in the multi-purpose building. The noise produced by the equipment will be attenuated by the walls, air, and the distance to potential receivers. The noise impact is predicted with the following relationships. 1) prediction model of the noise source in rooms L ph = + 10 log Q + 4 Lwj the Leq(A) of the noise source i Q direction index of the noise source (in general, the noise source located on the floor, Q is 2) r, distance from the nearest wall to the noise source R constant of the room i If there are k sources in a room, the prediction model is: L PI = 10 log (10 2) the noise level near the wall outside the room Lp2= Lp, - (TL + 6) TL-noise loss of the wall. 3) Prediction model of outside of the room (1) Prediction model of the plane noise source To regard the wall as an equivalent plane noise source outside the room which length and height is a x b, a b a while r- Lr = LP2 -A while -r- r =L P 2 - 10 log A--A Xf ;f a b b T r while r- Lr = LP 2 -10 log -- 20 log -- A or a a (2) Prediction model of the point sound source GUANGZHOU ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE March 26, 1998 49 Longxi Bus Maintenance Depot GuangzhouEnvironmental Impact Assessment The noise of the standby diesel generator can be regarded as point sound source. The prediction model is: L = LP2 20 log( r A rp2 r-distance from the prediction point to the outside sound source A-decay index Prediction method Based on the analysis of the running time of the noise sources and the power of them, as well as the location of the sources, the wall, and the surrounding conditions, the prediction models mentioned above can calculate the total noise on the border of the project and the first row building of Fengchi and Naicun villages. It can compare with the standard after adding with the background. Assumptions in the modelling are that: * 232 buses depart in the morning, arrive in the evening; * the traffic occurs over two hour periods (20:00-22:00 and 6:00-8:00); and * the noise of each bus exposes the perimeter of the depot for 10 seconds. GUANGZHOU ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE March 26, 1998 50 Longxi Bus Maintenance Depot GuangzhouEnvironmental Impact Assessment The prediction result and the analysis of the impact See table 6-7 Table 0-7 prediction result of noise after construction of the project Number Location Prediction Background Total Standard Exceedance result dB(A) dB(A) dB(A) (Objective) dB(A) dB(A) ____________ day night day night day night day night day night I Im out of 58 49 45.0 42.0 58 49.7 70 50 0 0 east border 2 I m out of 80 - 47.0 46.0 80 46.0 10 0 south border 3 Im out of 71 - 50.0 46.0 71 46.0 1 0 west border 4 Im out of 70 - 46.5 43.0 70 43.0 0 0 north border 5 Im out of the 64 - 49.5 45.0 64 45.0 70 55 0 0 window of (60) (60) FC village 6 Im out of the 66 - 45.5 42.0 66 42.o 0 0 window of Nai village _ From table 6-7, the daytime noise at all the borders of the project can exceed the standard (70dB(A)) at the south (10 dB(A)), and west (1 dB(A)) of the site. These exceedances are as a result of the diesel generator, which is an emergency supply only, and will operate very infrequently, and only during the daytime period. A number of detailed mitigation options are used in the generator room to contain the equipment noise. For the nighttime noise, all of the perimeter points meet the Class IV standards. The noise levels in Fengchi village and Nan village also meet the night standards and objectives. The facility will not accept buses during the night period, which would have caused the objectives to be exceeded. The daytime noise levels in Fengchi and Nan villages will meet the Class IV standard, but exceed the objective of 60 dB(A) by a modest amount (4-6 dB(A)). An increase of about 5 dB(A) is just perceptible by the human ear. GUANGZHOU ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE March 26, 1998 51 Longxi Bus Maintenance Depot. GuangzhouEnvironmental Impact Assessment Conclusion Conclusion of the noise impact assessment during construction According to the prediction, the noise on all the borders of the project will exceed the standard during construction and impact the residents living the first row building facing the project especially while piling. There must be some suitable actions to protect the residents in the two villages from noise. The period of impacting on the surroundings of construction is one year. Conclusion of the noise impact assessment after operation In normal operation, the facility should meet the daytime noise standards at the perimeter, however the standard may be exceeded, particularly at the south, on the rare occasions when the emergency generator is in use. Because of the design change made in the project not to allow bus access at night, the nighttime noise standard and objective will be met, and the noise levels should be typical of a quiet residential area. The noise from the buses at departure time (06:00-08:00) and arrival time (20:00-22:00) is the impact that requires further mitigative action. The houses to the west will be most affected by the buses on the ramp between floors of the garage, particularly at night when they are climbing the 10% grade of the ramp. Potential mitigation includes: * using sound absorbing material on the inside walls of the ramp area, • requiring drivers to maintain the appropriate gearing and speed for the ramp, * strictly scheduling the filling of spaces within the garage so that the buses themselves act as noise barriers, - requiring routine noise measurements on all buses using the facility with mandatory maintenance if thresholds are exceeded, * monitoring the noise levels at the houses opposite the ramp and requiring further mitigation including, for example, raising the walls on the outside of the ramp or enclosing the end if the noise from the facility ever exceeds the Class IV standard, and if the facility contributes more than 10 dB(A) above background. Alternative Sites Evaluated for the Maintenance Depot Alternatives The population in Fangcun district is 150,000 now and it will be over 600,000 in the future. The number of buses in Fangcun district will be 600 in the year 2010. According to the Guangzhou public transport development plan, there must be a public bus maintenance spot in Fangcun district so as to reduce the driving miles. There were three options for selection of the project site (Table 7-1). The Longxi site was selected and subject to the environmental assessment. GUANGZHOU ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE March 26, 1998 52 Longxi Bus Maintenance Depot GuangzhouEnvironmental Impact Assessment Table 0-1 Comparison of the Three Alternatives Alternate Location Analysis Outcome Dongjiao town Narrow and long area * residences are under construction Site abandoned due in the south west of nearby, the environment impact is to environmental Dongjiao town serious concerns and site * the area (about 20000m2) is features small and narrow so it not benefit for layout * situation of the road is bad Fengchi village North of Longxi road * Proximity to Fengchi village Site abandoned due and south-east of would require relocation of to enviromnental Fengchi village residences concerns and site . the area (about 20000m2) is features small and would not benefit Longxi North of Longxi road * there is a 30m width planned Site selected for the and east of Fengchi road to Fengchi village in the project. village, south of Nan west side and 10m planned road village to Nan village in north side. The site is a field and will not require demolition of buildings. * The east and south of the project is planned industry zone, and there were no houses in the west and north of the project in 1995 The Impact of the General Plan on the Environment Factors Influencing the Site Layout The site is bordered on the north (15m) by Nan village and to the west by Fengchi village separated by the 30m wide Fengchi Road. The south-east of the project is industry area. The sensitive points and the main protection targets are in the north west. The prime emission sources are the noise from the maintenance workshop and the noise caused by the generator in the multi-purpose building. Air emissions include vehicle exhaust and oiled smoke from the dining room. There is also some concern for oiled wastewater. The design took these factors into consideration and the maintenance workshop and the multi-purpose building were located on the south-east side of the project. The parking area is mainly for buses and will hold up to 232 buses. Emission sources include noise and vehicle exhaust emissions. GUANGZHOU ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE March 26, 1998 53 Longxi Bus Maintenance Depot. GuangzhouEnvironmental Impact Assessment Alternative Designs Constraints There are the following difficulties with alternative designs of the site layout: If the parking garage is relocated to the south-west corner of the project, the main entrance is still the 30 m wide Fengchi Road which leaves the only exit on the road north of the project. That would result in traffic noise pollution along the border of Nan village. The road on the north of the project is only 13 meters wide and less than the turning diameter (13m) of the bus. If the garage is moved to south, the refueling station must be moved to the north-west corner of the project in order to avoid the cross running of the bus. This would reduce the distance between the gas station and the multi-purpose building pose a safety hazard. The station has to be located in the center of the project to satisfy the requirement of fire safety distance(25m) but this would violate the required percentage of green space (30%) within the design. Scope of the Assessment From the above mentioned analysis of pollution sources, it has been concluded that the major potential impacts associated with the project is related to exhaust emissions, wastewater and noise. These will be analyzed in detail in the following chapters. Other issues will not be further assessed for the following reasons. 1) Clearance & Resettlement The project site is undeveloped and is currently and temporarily leased to flower farmers. The farmers will relocate to another area as per their agreement prior to construction. The Resettlement Plan is the subject of a separate report: The Resettlement Implementation Plan for the Longxi Maintenance Depot (January 1998). 2)Historic Landmark and Site There is no historic landmark and site around the project. 3)Construction Fill The site of the project is low terrain and needs fill. Excess fill from construction will be disposed on site. 4)Impact to Road and Local Development The project site is near Longxi Road, which is a 4-lane main line. According to the urban planning, this area will still be the flower planting base of Guangzhou. It is not anticipated that traffic will increase significantly and the construction of the Longxi Bus Maintenance Depot is not predicted to adversely affect traffic in this area. 5) Impact on Ecology and Landscape GUANGZHOU ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE March 26, 1998 54 Longxi Bus Maintenance Depot. GuangzhouEnvironmental Impact Assessment The Longxi Bus Maintenance Depot is located in the south-west side of the Fangcun district. Thirty per cent of the site is green space so the project blends in well with the surrounding area and it meets the requirements of the master plan, city greening management regulations and the environmental protection regulations. The wastewater of the project will be directed to the Xilang wastewater plant for treatment and will not adversely affect the quality of the Huadi River, Guangfu River or other nearby rivers. Mitigation Measures Air emissions Diesel Generator Diesel generating set of this project use 0# light diesel oil as fuel. The fuel has a low sulfur (0.5%) content, new technology generators provide complete combustion, and low pollutant production. The exhaust gas will be dispersed to the atmosphere from the top of the multi-purpose building by a dedicated flue. The exhaust from the diesel generating set is the largest single air pollution source of this project, but is an emergency supply, operating only during the day, on an as- required basis. Parking garage The Longxi Bus Maintenance Depot is planned for the purpose of providing modem high quality maintenance services for buses. An integral part of the service to be provided will be the maintenance of the engines with respect to exhaust emissions. Buses will be routinely inspected so that the emissions can be minimized through maintenance programs. Pollution from the area source of the parking garage is not feasible for further treatment, but by maintaining an open structure, natural ventilation will enhance dispersion of the pollutants. Planting of vegetation around the project site is recommended as a general measure to improve air quality. Cooking exhausts Oil-bearing exhaust gas from the cooking ranges and gas from the fuel used in the cooking ranges (propane gas) in staff cafeteria can be respectively led to the top of multi-building by flue, treated by water membrane filter, and dispersed. Propane was selected rather than diesel to provide fewer emissions. The treatment process as follows: GUANGZHOU ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE March 26, 1998 55 Longxi Bus Maintenance Depot GuangzhouEnvironmental Impact Assessment oil smoke collection .=' water-flmt filter (black smoke) =:>fans .> acceptable dispersion The wastewater from the gas treatment is collected in the central waste water system and pretreated prior to disposal through the municipal system. Wastewater Process of Sewage Treatment Guangzhou municipal government document No. 89(69) -- Investment Manage Rules of Guangzhou Sewage Central Treatment Construction requires .that, within the planning area of municipal wastewater treatment plant, if the concentration of COD, BOD5, SS or other pollutants in the wastewater of any enterprise and residential area discharge wastewater to municipal drainage system, exceed acceptable standards, the wastewater must be brought into municipal wastewater treatment system and be centrally treated in accordance with the requirement of overall plan for wastewater treatment. The enterprise which discharges wastewater must pay the construction rate of wastewater central treatment. The wastewater of this project is to be discharged to the Xilang Municipal Sewage Treatment Plant and treated by secondary biochemical process. According to the third class standard of Guangzhou Discharge Sewage Standard (DB4437-90): the concentration of sewage, which is treated in municipal sewage treatment plant by biological process, must meet with third national standard of integrated sewage discharge standard. The limits are: * concentration of CODC, is 500 mg/l, * BOD is 300 mg/l, and * SS is 400 mg/Il. As a result, discharged wastewater from this project must be respectively primary treated, including settling, oil-separation, air flotation separation and treatment and then discharged into municipal sewage treatment plant and treated by secondary biochemical treatment. The discharged water quality from the Xilang treatment plant must meet the first standard of Guangzhou Discharge Sewage Standard (DB4437-90) for new, expanded and changed project before discharge into the receiving water. The wastewater sources of the Longxi Bus Maintenance Depot are from cleaning, wastewater from the of refueling station, industrial wastewater from the maintenance workshop, wastewater from the dining room, and municipal office and dormitory. The distance of source is far from each other. Therefore: * industrial sewage will be treated on-site by oil-separating settling and air flotation device, and then discharged; * oil and grease in oil skimming tank and air flotation device can be periodically manually cleaned, then collected by a professional recycling company; * settled sludge in oil-skimming tank will be cleaned and treated as industrial waste; and * sewage will be treated and then discharged. GUANGZHOU ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE March 26, 1998 56 Longxi Bus Maintenance Depot. GuangzhouEnvironmental Impact Assessment The pretreatment process is as follows: Oil CollectingLiFlocculent Chemical3 DefoamingDeviceFlOil Collecting Ci 0i 3 Car-Cleaning Sewage3lOil-Skimming3Tank PumpElAir FloatationLiReuse Water Tank Periodical Sludge Cleaning Oil Collecting Flocculent Chemical L. I Refueling station Sewage El Oil-Skimming Fl Tank Pump Periodical Sludge Cleaning Oil Collecting Flocculent Chemical DefoamingDevice E Oil Collecting Maintaining SewageE] Oil-Skimming[lTank Pump[lAir Floatation[l Municipal Pipeline Periodical Sludge Cleaning Oil Collecting n Dining Room Waste Fl Bar Screen Ditch[lOil-Skimming Tank Periodical Residue Cleaning Periodical Sludge Cleaning Municipal Sewage by Septic Tank Treatment Result After above-mentioned treatment of oil sewage, the pollutant concentration are: * CODcr is 270mg/i, * BOD is 105mg/i, and * SS is 70mg/l, which meet third standard of (GB8978-1996); * oil is 3.2mg/l and * grease is 1.83mg/I, which meet the first standard of (DB4437-90) for new, expanded or modified projects. The concentration and removal rate of each item of water quality after treatment are shown in Table 8-1. Table 0-1 Concentration and Removal Rate Of This Project Before and After Pretreatment GUANGZHOU ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE March 26, 1998 57 Longxi Bus Maintenance Depot GuangzhouEnvironmental Impact Assessment Item CODcr BOD5 SS Oil Grease C. C. After Removal C. B.T. C.A.T. R.R. C.B.T. . C.A.T. R.R. C.B.T. C.A.T. R.R. C.B.T. C.A.T. R.R. Before Treat. Rate (Mg/L) (Mg/L) % (Mg/L) (Mg/L) % (Mg/L) (Mg/L) % (Mg/L) (Mg/L) % Treat (MglL) % . (Mg_L) I III Car- 250 175 30 80 56 30 150 70 53 20 5 75 Cleaning Sewage _ _ Maintainin 300 210 30 100 70 30 200 70 65 150 5 97 g Sewage I I _ II_ I_ Refueling 100 70 30 50 35 30 150 70 53 30 5 83 station Sewage Municipal 250 175 30 150 105 30 120 70 42 - - - Sewage I____ Diner-room 400 280 30 250 175 30 200 70 65 150 10 93 Sewage Discharge 500 300 400 - - 10 - standard Required Mitigation By routing all wastewater to the wastewater treatment system, the project prevents any direct impact on the natural water system. The disposal of sludge and oil will be contracted to professional disposal firms. Noise Diesel Generating Set The imported diesel generating sets are proposed (with closed circular cooling equipped with exhaust fan) will be chosen. This generating set is equipped with 1 muffler, which provides attenuation of 2OdB(A), absorber and soft moire pipe. The noise level is 105dB(A) at I meter outside of the generating set. The level is 9OdB(A) while generating set has been equipped with the first class muffler, otherwise, the level would be 1 lOdB(A). Noise mitigation of diesel generating set room as follows: * Sound Insulation of Generating Set Room - Diesel generating set room is constructed as fuill- closed sound-insulation room. The thickness of wall is 240 mm. The door and windows of this room are designed according to the requirement of sound-insulated door and window. The sound insulation capacity can not be less than 40 dB(A). GUANGZHOU ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE March 26, 1998 58 Longxi Bus Maintenance Depot. GuangzhouEnvironmental Impact Assessment * Sound Absorption of Generating Set Room - In order to reduce reverberative noise and enhance actual sound insulation in generating set room, absorptive plate is laid in the inner wall and ceiling of the generating set room. * Shock Absorption of Generating Set - This project may choose a Cummins generating set style C280 made in USA. The generating set will be equipped with spring or rubber absorber, with an absorptive rate of 90-95%. In addition, soft moire pipe is installed at the exhaust air vent of diesel generating set to reduce influence of intensive vibrant noise, which is caused by high-pressure air current stricken exhaust air pipe. At the same time, during the generating set installation, while exhaust pipes are drilled through wall, they need to be wrapped with heat- resistant damper materials to avoid contacting with wall of this room. * Anechoic Treatment for Exhaust System of Generating Set - The exhaust system of the generating set can adopted second class anechoic disposal. The anechoic capacity of the first class muffler, which is equipped with generating set, is 2OdB(A). The total anechoic capacity can not be less than 55dB(A). * Ventilation and Anechoic Treatment of generating set Room - Because diesel generating set room is constructed as full-closed sound-insulation room, mechanical ventilation system is used in this room. It uses axial fan to entry air for this room, and exhaust fan equipped with the set to discharge air. The entrance and exhaust air vent must be equipped compound muffler chamber, the noise elimination capacity can not be less than 4OdB(A). On the other hand, in order to reduce heat resource in this room, some exhaust air pipe (include muffler and soft moire pipe) is required heat-preserving and adiabatic treatment. After the diesel generating set room use above-mentioned treatment, the boundary noise can be controlled under 58 dB(A), and reaches the second daytime standard of (GB12348-90). Parking garage Nighttime noise will be mitigated by preventing access to the site during the night period (22:00-6:00). Daytime noise will be greatest in the periods of departure (06:00 - 08:00) and arrival (20:00 - 22:00) of the bus fleet. Specific mitigation of this source of noise includes: * using sound absorbing material on the inside walls of the ramp area, * requiring drivers to maintain the appropriate gearing and speed for the ramp, * strictly scheduling the filling of spaces within the garage so that the buses themselves act as noise barriers, * requiring routine noise measurements on all buses using the facility with mandatory maintenance if thresholds are exceeded, * monitoring the noise levels at the houses opposite the ramp and requiring further mitigation GUANGZHOU ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE March 26, 1998 Longxi Bus Maintenance Depot GuangzhouEnvironmental Impact Assessment including, for example, raising the walls on the outside of the ramp or enclosing the end if the noise from the facility ever exceeds the Class IV standard, and if the facility contributes more than 10 dB(A) above background, * acting to eliminate future possibility of land-use conflicts by barring construction of other unplanned housing within the buffer zone of the surrounding roads. Waste Disposal The waste of this project includes 0.49 tonnes per day of industrial waste and 0.31 tonne*s per day of municipal waste. The industrial waste, which will contain significant amounts of waste steel from the maintenance processes and scrap iron from mechanical process, must be returned to recycling department or the industrial landfill. Municipal waste must be transported by sanitation department to the central sanitary landfill. Dangerous goods and fire protection The potential emergency dangerous of Longxi maintenance spot refueling station is fire and oil leaking. If we take countermeasures actively and work on the operating duty strictly, the accident can be avoided. Countermeasures during construction and operation are followed. * The refueling station should be ISt class fire proofing building. Effective safe protection distance away of other main units should over 25m. * The structure should have good ventilation and fire prohibited around the station. In summer it should have heat insulation and heat control. * The oil tanks should be plowed in the ground. * The station should choose explosion proof appliance. * Iron tools and nail shoes that are easy to sparking, are prohibited. * Oil tank setting, oil transferring and oil pumping should use grounding installation to protect electrostatic accumulation. * Prepare enough and efficient fire control equipment and maintain them on good status. Practice fire controlling frequently. * Drainage has some open channels to special separation tank of the station, in order to collect the leaked oil to prevent bad accidents. Pollution Prevention and Treatment during Construction Period This construction project, which lies nearby Haibei Village, Longxi, Fangcun, has a communal road with villagers. During construction period, the construction will change primary landscape and result in construction wastes. Construction equipment and transportation vehicles could cause GUANGZHOU ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE March 26, 1998 60 Longxi Bus Maintenance Depot GuangzhouEnvironmental Impact Assessment noise and dust pollution. The mitigation of construction activities is as follows. Air emissions The main emissions during construction will be exhaust of construction equipment, cooking exhausts from the work site, and space heating for temporary worker housing. The construction camp should be located away from the residences. Equipment should be kept in proper working order. Wastewater The source of construction wastewater on the construction site is equipment and material cleaning water, groundwater drainage during base construction, oil sewage from builder diner-room and municipal sewage. The construction sewage on the site contains spots of silt. If sewage on construction site can not be well transmitted and discharged, it will flow on construction site and influence construction, on the other hand, it will flow to road and influence traffic. If sewage flows into surrounding farmland, it will probably make output reduction and death of crop, pollute environment, and bring bother. Therefore, sewage on site must be well transmitted and discharged, e cleaning sewage for material and equipment must be settled and made the most of recycling, * dining-room waste of construction site must be discharged after primary treated by residue and oil separation, * sewage will treated prior to discharge. During construction, there must be strict management of environmental impacts on the site and enforcement by the contractor of good modem construction practices. As a result, construction impacts can be minimized. Noise The noise modelling showed that the equipment in use during construction would be capable of causing adverse noise impacts off-site. During construction, especially piling, each kind of mechanical equipment will influence inhabitants, which live near one side of the depot in two villages -- Fengchi Village and Nancun Village. Consequently, during construction, proper treatment must be adopted to reduce noise impacts on nearby residents. The contractor must adopt the following mitigation measures, and these measures must be enforced contractually: * select low noise mechanical equipment or equipment with noise elimination and insulation; * keep equipment as far from houses as possible; GUANGZHOU ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE March 26, 1998 61 Longxi Bus Maintenance Depot. GuangzhouEnvironmental Impact Assessment * properly arrange construction time and site; * locate significant noise sources, such as mixers and the like, as far as possible from the residences; * schedule work along the perimeter for daytime, minimize it in the evening, and avoid it during the night; * ban the use of pile driving equipment at night, and during break times; * minimize use in the evening, warn residents about the schedule, * install temporary structure for sound insulation or barrier for noise elimination and insulation near Fengchi Village and Nancun Village; * require construction vehicles to gain site access on opposite side of site from the residences, especially at night. Estimated Investment of Environmental Engineering The estimated investment of environmental engineering, including treatment for oil sewage, noise of diner-room and diesel generating set room of this project, is 1660418 RMB, as shown in Table 8-2. Table 0-2 Estimated Investment of Environmental Engineering (RMB) Item Investment I Water treatment 1166300 2 Dining area exhaust gas treatment 101100 3 Noise treatment for diesel generating set room 235300 4 Total 1502700 Public Participation Purpose and Significance of Public Participation Public participation is an important component of environmental assessment. It is beneficial to decision making, to identify issues, concerns and potential impacts of a project, confirms the design and proposed contingency plans, identifies mitigation measures, and gains understanding and support from people near the project site. Documents for Public Participation Relevant technical documents for public participation relating to the Guangzhou Longxi Bus Maintenance Depot are as follows: 1) Environmental supervisory document No. 324 Notification about Enhanced Management of Environmental Impact Assessment about Newly Construction Project Loaned by International Financial Organizations by State EPB, State Planning Commission, Ministry of Finance, and People's Bank of China; GUANGZHOU ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE March 26, 1998 62 Longxi Bus Maintenance Depot GuangzhouEnvironmental Impact Assessment 2) Technical document No.139 Collection of Environmental Assessment Information and supplement by the World Bank. Form and Scope of Public Participation Both the State EPB and the World Bank require the environmental impact assessment report of the Guangzhou Longxi Bus Maintenance Depot to carryout public participation. In order to do public participation well, on the basis of form and content confirmed by environmental supervisory document No. 324 and World Bank technical document No.139, we adopted the experience of public participation done for the Guangzhou Inner Ring Road. This involved two methods - a survey and a public meeting, to determine opinions of relevant enterprises and people in the area of the proposed facility. The proposed site of the Longxi Bus Maintenance Depot is surrounded by Haibei Village and Longxi Village. There is also Nancun village, which is subordinate to Haibei Village and separated by the planned road on the north. There is Fengchi village which is subordinate to Longxi Village and separated by Fenxi Road on the west. To the east is farmland, and to the south is refueling station separated by a proposed road. The focus of the public participation is Haibei Village, Longxi Village and relevant department of local government. Public Participation Activities The public participation group was made up of 5 staff appointed by the environmental assessment institute of the Guangzhou Environmental Scientific Research Institute and 3 staff appointed by the constructor, the Guangzhou Public Works Bureau. The group undertook the above-noted public participation activities between February 2 and February 12, 1998. Public Survey The public participation group (8 persons) surveyed local people and businesses around the project site about the construction of Longxi Bus Maintenance Depot. The people surveyed included residents of Haibei and Longxi Villages, principals and staff of Haibei refueling station, the Longxi refueling station, the Xiangyun Flowers Farm and Maolin Flowers Farm. The survey was focused on residents of Nancun and Fengchi Villages nearest the project. A total of 83 local villagers and enterprise staff were surveyed. Public Meeting Local inhabitants and businesses understood information and potential environmental impacts associated with the Longxi Bus Maintenance Depot to a certain extent. The public meetings also enhanced the environmental awareness of the project. The group, supported and assisted by local GUANGZHOU ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE March 26, 1998 63 Longxi Bus Maintenance Depot. GuangzhouEnvironmental Impact Assessment Guangzhou Fangcun District EPB, held a public meeting with delegates of the Haibei Village Committee on Feb. 12, 1998, A total of 19 persons were consulted including 3 persons from the Guangzhou Fangcun District EPB, principal, vice principal, secretary and village delegates of Haibei Village, the principal, vice principal, secretary, principal assistant and village delegates of Longxi Village, as well as, managers and staff of the Xiangyun Flowers Farm and the Maolin Flowers Farm. The public meeting was presided over by the environmental assessment institute. The constructor introduced basic information and the design plan of the project. The environmental assessment group reviewed the extent of potential emissions from the facility including vehicle exhaust and noise, environmental mitigation measures proposed by the constructor and solicited opinions and advice about the project. Results of Public Participation Synthesizing the various opinions resulting from the survey and public meeting, it can be concluded that the local people and business have no strong opposition to the project. Their opinions can be summed up in the three following categories: in agreement, requests, and recommendations. 1) In Agreement a. Approval of the Longxi Bus Maintenance Depot comes from principals and residents of the local Haibei and Longxi Villages. They consider that this project will have no serious environmental impact and the levels of emissions are acceptable, as long as the proposed mitigation measures are adopted. The project is considered beneficial for the local villages. It will improve the economic basis of the agricultural collective economy development, speed development of the area, promotes economic development and increase employment opportunities of surplus country labour. Local villagers wished to speed the development, and improve the local traffic situation. The villages will also benefit from land compensation. b. The Maolin Flowers Farm is used for managing and planting potted landscape plants and is currently leased by residents of Chajiao Village, Fancun District in Haibei Village. The manager of the farm indicated that they had known of the planned purpose of this site while renting and managing, and therefore, they had ensured prepared that all plants were not planted in soil directly, but in pots to facilitate relocation. The farm has planned to select another planting site in either Longxi Village or Huadu City. They were in favour of the project and felt that this will improve development of the area. 2) Request for Mitigation a. Villagers of local Haibei and Longxi Villages and leaders and experts of Fangcun District EPB were concerned about the potential of oily wastewater being discharged from the facility. It was felt that if wastewater was directly discharged into the local drainage ditch, it would adversely GUANGZHOU ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE March 26, 1998 64 Longxi Bus Maintenance Depot GuangzhouEnvironmental Impact Assessment affect irrigation water for flowers, vegetables and farmland, impact crop growth, and pollute the land. As a result, they requested that wastewater from the facility can not be discharged into irrigation water ditches to prevent pollution of farmland and negatively influence yield of flowers and vegetables. b. The leaders and experts of the Fangcun District EPB emphasized that wastewater treatment must be emphasized. Although construction of Xilang Sewage Treatment Plant has been planned, operation and execution has not been scheduled. The project has to include the construction of an on-site treatment facility in the event that construction of Xilang Sewage Treatment Plant does not proceed. Wastewater should separate oil from water and treat the water in accordance with standards, prior to discharge into the river. c. Residents of Longxi and Haibei Villages thought that noise from vehicles and mechanical equipment associated with bus maintenance will impact on village houses near the west and north of this project site. They requested the adoption of appropriate mitigation measures to reduce noise. d. Leaders and experts of Fangcun District EPB thought that spray painting for bus maintenance would adversely influence the existing excellent air quality. They requested the adoption mitigation measures to minimize impacts such as the use of low or non-solvent dope in the painting workshop and the establishment of absorption and filter devices to reduce impacts. 3) Recommendations Local leaders and villagers who were surveyed and who attended the meetings, noted that the public transit situation of the area consisted ofjust two minibuses bought by Dongjiao Town. It is inconvenient that only one minibus is driven to Fangcun each hour. They unanimously suggested that the Guangzhou Public Works Bureau develop a municipal bus route from the area to the central area of Guangzhou as soon as possible. This will be convenient for local people, improve communication with the city centre and enhance economic development. Response to Public Opinions 1) With respect to wastewater concerns expressed by the public, the constructor indicated that there will be strict compliance with standards as prescribed in Guangzhou Sewage Discharge Standard (DB4437-90) and the Integrated Sewage Discharge Standard (GB8978-1996), and wastewater would be treated up to standards and then discharged. The wastewater would be treated by an on site treatment facility or directed to the Xilang Sewage Treatment Plant. 2) The constructor indicated the potential for noise was taken into consideration in the layout of the facility to locate noisy equipment as far as possible from village houses. They indicated that environmental protection measures like sound insulation would be adopted. Prior to operation of the facility its boundary noise must be accordance with the national standard, and inspected and GUANGZHOU ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE March 26, 1998 65 Longxi Bus Maintenance Depot. GuangzhouEnvironmental Impact Assessment approved by the environmental protection governing department. 3) The constructor explained that spray painting would not be carried out at the Longxi Bus Maintenance Depot because it will be a third class maintenance facility. 4) With respect to the request for a bus route from this area to the city centre, the Guangzhou Public Works Bureau explained that the planned development of bus routes is in accordance with transportation capacity and passenger capacity. However, they indicated that a bus route for this area is listed in plan, and will be a top-priority. Conclusion The public participation group surveyed 83 local villagers and business staff. They also invited 19 local village leaders, villagers, delegates of surrounding enterprises and local government EPB, to a public meeting. The results indicated that the local public basically approved of the facility. They felt that the project would speed development of the area and increase employment opportunities for surplus country labour. Table 9-1 summarizes the are public concerns and responses. Table 0-1 Summary of Public Opinions and Responses No. Issues Response I Oily wastewater can not be discharged The constructor will strictly comply with standards into local drainage ditch. Wastewater prescribed in Guangzhou Wastewater Discharge Standard, should be treated by an on-site facility and treat wastewater to standards prior to discharge. if the project is completed prior to Treatment will be done on-site if construction of Xilang construction of the Xilang Treatment Wastewater Treatment Plant has not been completed. Plant. Oil must be separated from water and treated in accordance with standards prior to ultimate discharge into river. 2 Adoption of mitigation measures to The constructor will locate noisy equipment as far away reduce noise impacts on residences on from houses and adopt other environmental protection the west and north of this project site. measures like sound insulation. Prior to operation of the facility its boundary noise must be accordance with national standard, and checked and accepted by environmental protection goveming department . 3 Spray painting of buses must be Spray painting will not be carried out at the Longxi Bus appropriately mitigated. Maintenance Depot. There is no spray painting proposed for the facility. 4 Public unanimously suggested that the Planned development of bus routes is in accordance with Guangzhou Public Works Bureau transportation capacity and passenger capacity. A bus develop a municipal bus route from the route of this area is listed in plan and will be top-priority in area to Guangzhou centre as soon as plan implementation possible. GUANGZHOU ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE March 26, 1998 66 Longxi Bus Maintenance Depot GuangzhouEnvironmental Impact Assessment Environmental Protection Management and Environmental Monitoring Plan Environmental Protection Management Environmental Protection Management Organization The Guangzhou Public Utility Bureau and the principal owner of the Guangzhou Municipal Longxi Bus Maintenance Depot project will be responsible for the environmental management of the project. Its engineering department has 4-5 professional staff for environmental protection (at least 2 engineers or higher professional) for overall execution of environmental management. Guangzhou EPB will oversee the implementation. The environmental management procedures are further detailed in a separate Environmental Action Plan (EAP). The EAP details the environmental protection procedures, responsibility for their implementation, and the associated costs. Responsibilities of Environmental Management Environmental management mainly includes the following aspects: 1) Environmental Management of Construction Period During construction, the depot must not only manage construction quality and schedule of this project, but also supervise and inspect civil construction, the implementation of mitigation measures and the execution of contract requirements for environmental protection. 2) Supervision of Project Construction During construction, the constructor will invite a construction supervision company to supervise and inspect environmental treatment equipment and methods for the whole project to ensure these devices are constructed in accordance with the design so that all the measures will work efficiently upon the completion of construction. 3) Responsibility for implementation of Mitigation Measures. In order to reduce adverse impacts on the environment during construction and operation, the constructor (Public Utilities Bureau) will be responsible for the implementation of the mitigation measures which are accepted by the Guangzhou EPB and the World Bank. 4) Environmental Management During Operation This will include the following: (1) Carry out an environmental education program to improve environmental awareness; increase responsibility of pollution control; create a beautiful environment; and promote environmental GUANGZHOU ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE March 26, 1998 67 Longxi Bus Maintenance Depot GuangzhouEnvironmental Impact Assessment protection of depot. (2) Establish operational environmental management procedures for the facility and equipment operation, rules for pollution prevention, periodic inspection and repair to ensure normal operation of devices, such as the wastewater treatment devices, exhaust treatment devices the of staff cafeteria and noise controlling devices of diesel generating set room. (3) Cooperate with environmental protection governing department to manage, supervise and monitor the environment. (4) Cooperate with environmental protection governing department to solve and respond to environmental spills. Training In order to improve management and technical ability of environmental professionals, these following training has been identified (Table 10-1). Table 0-1 Training Plan Training Object Training Content Training Organization Environmental management related environmental protection criteria for organized by Guangzhou staff of the facility construction, environmental monitoring EPB standards, Guangzhou environmental protection management rules, pollution prevention methods during construction, management, maintaining and operation of treatment devices for environmental protection GUANGZHOU ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE March 26, 1998 68 Longxi Bus Maintenance Depot. GuangzhouEnvironmental Impact Assessment Environmental Monitoring Plan Environmental monitoring is normally carried out to assess the effectiveness of mitigation measures during construction and operation, react to unanticipated environmental problems as early as possible, and confirm environmental impact forecast. An environmental monitoring plan must be designed to reflect the different phases of the project and identify requirements for sample collection and analysis, data disposal, and reporting requirements. It is through environmental monitoring that supplemental environmental protection methods can be implemented to improve mitigation measures if necessary. Monitoring Locations 1) Construction Period The main monitoring factor during construction is noise influence on Fengchi Village and Nancun Village. Thus, there are 2 construction noise monitoring spots, which are 1 meter outside of the first row of houses facing the project in Fengchi Village and Nancun Village. The monitoring frequency is one day every quarter, and two periods including day and night. 2) Operation Period The main monitoring factors during operation are noise, water quality and vehicle exhaust. Three noise monitoring locations are proposed at 1 meter beyond the boundary of the facility and two monitoring locations 1 meter outside of the first row of houses facing the project in Fengchi Village and Nancun Village. The purpose of water quality monitoring is to confirm the treatment effect of the wastewater treatment facility. There are 2 water quality spots, including entrance and drainage opening of sewage treatment devices. The monitoring frequency is one time every quarter. Monitoring Parameters and Sampling Frequency Table 10-2 lists the monitoring parameters and sampling frequency and for construction and operation as follows. Table 0-2 Monitoring Parameters and Sampling Frequency Parameter Monitoring Sampling Sampling Monitoring Phase Monitoring Factor Frequency Tirne Location Method noise Leq One daytime 0600-2200 1 meter outside construction according to and night of the site period, national every quarter 2200-0600 boundary, operation envirornental Fengchi period monitoring rules Village, Nancun Village GUANGZHOU ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE March 26, 1998 69 Longxi Bus Maintenance Depot. GuangzhouEnvironmental Impact Assessment water quality CODMfl one day every once/day inlet and outlet operation according to quarter of drainage period national environrmental monitoring rules Ss WBOD5 Note: Water quality and noise will be monitored by qualified environmental assessment and monitoring enterprise, which is commissioned by the constructor. Guangzhou EPB will be in charge of supervision and conduction. Monitoring Data Analysis and Management Environmental monitoring data of this project is important for future environmental management. It can determine whether future environmental quality changes are as predicted. In order to provide the scientific basis for establishing or amending environmental management methods, it will be necessary to establish file management and database management of environmental monitoring data, and compile analysis and assessment report of the environmental monitoring results. The detailed requirement as follows: 1) Report Content: original data (including parameter, monitoring location, monitoring time, and environmental conditions) statistical data analysis and assessment of environmental quality, and authorizing signature. 2) Report Frequency: submitting one comprehensive report every quarter, and one overall report every year. 3) Report Submission Reports will be submitted to the Guangzhou EPB, the World Band and the constructor. Copies will be sent to the environmental impact assessment group who carried out the assessment of the facility. GUANGZHOU ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE March 26, 1998 70 Longxi Bus Maintenance Depot GuangzhouEnvironmental Impact Assessment Summary and Conclusions Justification for the Project The public transit system of a city is an important part of its traffic and transportation system. Buses are very important in the traffic fabric of Guangzhou. In terms of the statistics of Guangzhou City in November, 1997, there were 4595 public traffic vehicles. According to the urban planing, by the year 2000, there will be more than 4700 buses in Guangzhou. At present, maintenance facilities, including those currently under construction, can only service 2400 vehicles. This is far below national and international levels. Scarcity of maintenance facilities restricts the development of public transportation. In order to improve the situation, it has been proposed to construct the Longxi Maintenance Depot. Maintenance at this facility will keep the buses in good condition and reduce their overall exhaust emissions and noise. The catalytic converter is also inspected and replaced if necessary during maintenance. Therefore, the construction of the bus maintenance depot is expected to contribute to the overall reduction of air pollution of the city Centre. The project is a sub-project of Guangzhou Urban City Centre Transport Project, half of the project is funded by the World Bank. Site Selection The project lies in Fangcun District west of the city centre. Fangcun will become a sub-center of Guangzhou in the future. It has an area of 42.6km2, and it is separated from the center of Guangzhou by the Pearl River. The resident population will increase to more than 600,000 in 2010 from 150,000 in this year, and the buses will increase to more than 660. Fangcun has no maintenance facility yet, and all the buses have to be maintained in the urban centre. If a maintenance facility is built in Fangcun, it will result in a reduction in the total no-loaded kilometers driven to and from other maintenance facilities. It will benefit the local vehicles that will not have to travel across the Pearl River. Thus it will improve the overall traffic situation in the centre district of the city. There were three options for selection of the project site. The Longxi site was selected and is the subject of this environmental assessment. The project site is undeveloped and is temporarily leased to flower farmers. The farmers will relocate to another area as per their agreement prior to construction. The Resettlement Plan is the subject of a separate report. Project Description The project will consist of. a maintenance workshop, auxiliary workshop, material warehouse, testing workshop, dangerous goods storage area, cleaning workshop, refueling station and a GUANGZHOU ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE March 26, 1998 1 Longxi Bus Maintenance Depot GuangzhouEnvironmental Impact Assessment multi-purpose building. The mechanical equipment of the maintenance workshop is designed to serve a fleet of up to 800 buses, including related equipment and has 20 engine pits. The maintenance depot will supply the first, second and third class of maintenance and repair for the buses in southwest Guangzhou. The 3-story garage can accommodate 232 buses at night. During the day it will also parking private cars. The refueling station and cleaning workshop will fuel and clean automobiles. Scope of the Assessment From the analysis of emissions from the facility it has been determined that the major potential impacts associated with the project are related to air emissions, wastewater disposal and noise. These were analyzed in detail in the assessment. Mitigation measures for these and other concems were documented in the assessment report. Existing Environment Air Quality Of the five monitored parameters, concentrations of S02, CO, and TSP meet the standard. Those of the other two pollutants (NMHC, NOx) exceed the standard and criterion. There are few local sources, the levels indicate the regional air quality problems. Wastewater The current drainage of the site is such that water flows from the north or north-east of the project to Shihu ditch through small field runoff, then to Guangfu river, north to Huadi river, and ultimately to the Pearl River. After the construction of the depot, the domestic wastewater and the industry wastewater will be discharged to the municipal wastewater sewage pipe (under Longxi road) and collected in the Xilang wastewater treatment plant. The water after treatment at the Xilang plant will be discharged into Huadi river and eventually to the Pingzhou water way. Noise Noise levels at night of all the monitoring locations meet the standard and the daytime noise can even meet the night standard of II class. The site of the project and its east side and south side are potted landscape farm, 15m north from the border and 30m west from the border of the project are private 3-6 stories buildings. Most of these buildings are currently not occupied by residents. There are no special noise sources nearby. The distance of Longxi Road from the project and the passing vehicle population is small, causing little influences on the area of the project. Overall, GUANGZHOU ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE March 26, 1998 2 Longxi Bus Maintenance Depot. GuangzhouEnvironmental Impact Assessment the noise environment quality is considered to be good. Impact Assessment and Mitigation Measures Air Quality The predicted result of the emergency standby diesel generator shows that the maximum ground concentrations of NOx and SO2 are 0.009 mg/mr3 and 0.012 mg/m3 which are only 6.0% and 2.4% of the standards in worst-case conditions. The predicted result shows that the maximum ground concentrations of CO, NOx and NMHC emitted by the vehicles in the parking garage are 1.917 mg/m3, 0.202 mg/m3 and 0.311 mg/m3 which are 19.2%, 134.6% and 194.4% of the standards and criterion under the worst dispersion conditions. In general, the possibility for worst-case conditions is considered to be very small. The background values of NOx and NMHC exceed the standard, however it is likely that the concentrations of NO2 meet the standard, and that the standard will be met with the worst-case contribution of the project added to the background. The Longxi Bus Maintenance Depot is planned for the purpose of providing modern high quality maintenance services for buses. An integral part of the service to be provided will be the maintenance of the engines with respect to exhaust emissions. Buses will be routinely inspected so that the emissions can be minimized through maintenance programs. Planting of vegetation around the project site is recommended as a general measure to improve air quality. Oil-bearing exhaust gas from the cooking ranges and gas from the fuel used in the cooking ranges (propane gas) in staff cafeteria can be respectively led to the top of multi-building by flue, treated by water membrane filter, and dispersed. Propane was selected rather than diesel to provide fewer emissions. Wastewater Oil and SS of the wastewater can meet the standards (GB8978-1996) after pre-treating in the project. But CODcr and BOD5 will not meet the standard. The project will pretreat the water on- site and will not operate the Longxi plant until it is possible to discharge the waste water to the municipal sewer system and the Xilang treatment wastewater treatment plant. Construction of the Xilang Wastewater Treatment Facility is imminent. In the event that this facility is not complete prior to the completion of the Maintenance Facility, a dedicated on-site treatment facility will be built to meet the same standards as the Xilang facility. This facility has been costed and GUANGZHOU ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE March 26, 1998 3 Longxi Bus Maintenance Depot. GuangzhouEnvironmental Impact Assessment incorporated into the design of the project. If, as expected, the Xilang facility is operating this component of the project will be dropped. Noise According to the prediction, the noise on all the borders of the project will exceed the standard during construction and impact the residents living in the first row of buildings facing the project especially while pile driving. There must be some suitable actions to protect the residents in the two villages from noise. The period of impacting on the surroundings of construction is one year. During normal operations, the facility should meet the daytime noise standards at the perimeter, however the standard may be exceeded, particularly at the south, on the rare occasions when the emergency generator is in use. Because of the design change made in the project not to allow bus access at night, the nighttime noise standard and objective will be met, and the noise levels should be typical of a quiet residential area. The noise from the buses at departure time (06:00-08:00) and arrival time (20:00-22:00) is the impact that requires further mitigative action. The houses to the west will be most affected by the buses on the ramp between floors of the garage, particularly at night when they are climbing the 10% grade of the ramp. Potential mitigation includes: - using sound absorbing material on the inside walls of the ramp area, * requiring drivers to maintain the appropriate gearing and speed for the ramp and strictly enforcing good driving practices for the bus drivers, * strictly scheduling the filling of spaces within the garage so that the buses themselves act as noise barriers, * requiring routine noise measurements on all buses using the facility with mandatory maintenance if thresholds are exceeded, monitoring the noise levels at the houses opposite the ramp and requiring further mitigation including, for example, raising the walls on the outside of the ramp or enclosing the end if the noise from the facility ever exceeds the Class IV standard. * Preventing construction of any additional housing in the Class IV lands adjacent to the project. * Provide noise control training for all staff at the depot. GVANGZHOU ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE March 26, 1998 Longxi Bus Maintenance Depot. GuangzhouEnvironmental Impact Assessment Environmental Management The Guangzhou Public Utility Bureau and the principal owner of the Guangzhou Municipal Longxi Bus Maintenance Depot project will be responsible for the environmental management of the project. Its engineering department has 4-5 professional staff for environmental protection (at least 2 engineers or higher professional) for overall execution of environmental management. Guangzhou EPB will oversee the implementation. Environmental monitoring is normally carried out to assess the effectiveness of mitigation measures during construction and operation, react to unanticipated environmental problems as early as possible, and confirm environmental impact forecast. An environmental monitoring plan has been designed to reflect the different phases of the project and identify requirements for sample collection and analysis, data disposal, and reporting requirements. In order to improve management and technical ability of environmental professionals, a training program has been identified. The environmental management procedures are further detailed in a separate Environmental Action Plan (EAP). The EAP details the environmental protection procedures, responsibility for their implementation, and the associated costs. Public Participation Public participation for this project involved two methods - a survey and a public meeting, to determine opinions of people and businesses and in the area of the proposed facility. The focus of the public participation was Haibei Village, Longxi Village and relevant departments of the local governments. The public participation group was made up of 5 staff appointed by the environmental assessment institute of the Guangzhou Environmental Scientific Research Institute and 3 staff appointed by the constructor, the Guangzhou Public Works Bureau. The public participation group surveyed 83 local villagers and business staff. The group undertook the above-noted public participation activities between February 2 and February 12, 1998. The group, supported and assisted by local Guangzhou Fangcun District EPB, held a public meeting with delegates of the Haibei Village Committee on Feb. 12, 1998, A total of 19 persons were consulted including 3 persons from the Guangzhou Fangcun District EPB, leaders and villagers from Haibei Village and Longxi Village, as well as, managers and staff of the Xiangyun Flowers Farm and the Maolin Flowers Farm. Summarizing the various opinions resulting from the survey and public meeting, it can be concluded that the local people and business have no strong opposition to the project. The people who participated felt that the project would speed development of the area and increase employment opportunities for surplus country labour. GUANGZHOU ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE March 26, 1998 5 Longxi Bus Maintenance Depot. GuangzhouEnvironmental Impact Assessment Conclusion The construction of the Longxi Bus Maintenance Depot will benefit the ability of Guangzhou to maintain its bus fleet, which is an important component of traffic management for the city. The fact that the air quality of the site, located in the rural suburb of Guangzhou has levels of hydrocarbons above the nominal criterion emphasizes the need for improved maintenance of vehicles in the region. The development is considered to be compatible with future land-use in the area and is thought to be a positive development by local officials. Residual impacts of the project are small, consisting primarily of the noise impacts associated with the arrival and departure of the bus fleet in the evening and morning hours, respectively. These impacts can be successfully managed by the Depot staff, and the success of this control will be enhanced by strict training in and enforcement of sound environmental management principles. GUANGZHOU ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE March 26, 1998 6 Longxi Bus Maintenance Depot. GuangzhouEnvironmental Impact Assessment Annex 1 Main Plants List of Longxi maintenance spot and Surrounding Area 1. Potted Landscape Plants (1) Cormona microphylla (2) Serrissa foetida (3) Adina rublila (4) Ligustrum sinense (5) Rhododendron molle (6) Aglaia oderata (7) Murraya paniculata (8) Segeretia theezana (9) Ficus microcarpa (10) Ficus Benjanmina cv.Lvariegata] (11) Ficus Benjanmina (12) Ulmus parvifolia (13) Celtis sinensis (14) Bougainvillca glabra (15) Crassula protulacea (16) Podocarpus macrohyllus (17) Araucaric heterophylla (18) Cycas revolua (19) Scheffera octophylla 2.Flowers (1) Michelia alba (2) Michelia figo (3) Opuntia dillenii (4) Zygocactus truncatus (5) Begonia maculata (6) Camellia japonica (7) Prunus persica (8) Rosa chinensis (9) Jasminum sambac (10) Chrysanthemun morifolium (11) Peaonia saffruticosa (12) Paeonic trollioides (13) Magnolia sinensis (14) Cymbidium sinense (15) Cymbidium ensifolium 3.Fruit Trees, Ornamental and Road Fruit Trees (1) Lagerstroemia speciosa GUANGZHOU ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE March 26, 1998 Longxi Bus Maintenance Depot. GuangzhouEnvironmental Impact Assessment (2) Psidium guajava (3) Syzygium jambos (4) Eucalyptus citriodora (5) Sterculia nobilis (6) Gossaampinus malabarica (7) Aleurites moluccana (8) Eriobotrya japonica (9) Acacia mangium (10) Bauhinia blakeana (11) Casuarina equisetifolia (12) Ficus elastica (13) Ficus lacor (14) Ficus retusa (15) Citrus inensis (16) Citrus reticulata (17) Clausena lansium (18) Litchi chinensis (19) Eupboria longan (20) Mangifera indica (21) Roystomea regia (22) Archontophoenix alexandrae 4.Vegetables and Edible Melon (1) Brassica oleracea (2) Brassica aloglabra (3) Brassica chinensis (4) Brassica parachinensis (5) Nastutium officinale (6) Luffa acutagula (7) Benincasa hispida (8) Var.chieh-qua (9) Momordica charantia (O) Citrullus vulgaris (11) Carica papaya (12) Lycopesicum esculentum GUANGZHOU ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE March 26, 1998 2