* ~LELECTRICITY OF VIETNAM POWER COMPANY NO,1 E208 Volume 4 REHABILITATIONAND EXPANSION OFMVDISTRIBUTION SYSTEMOFHA TINHTOWNSHIPPROJECT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT (EIA) Prepared by: POWER NETWORK PROJECT MANAGEMENT BOARD June, 2003 ELECTRICITY OF VIETNAM POWER COMPANY NO.1 *i * *k___ REHABILIJATION AND EXPANSION OF MV DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM OF HA TINH TOWNSHIP PROJECT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT (EIA) Prepared by: POWER NETWORK PROJECT MANAGEMENT BOARD June, 2003 CONTENT Excutive summary Chapter 1: Introduction 1. lntroduction .............................................................. I I 2. Legal and Administrative framework ................................................... 13 3. Methodology ...................... 15 Chapter 2: Description of the project 1. Name of the p-oject ........................... 16 2. Project objective ....................... 16 - Necessary of project - Project objective - Socio-economic objectives of the project 3. Scope of the project ...................... 17 4. Project total cost ...................... 17 5. Proposed schedule of Project ...................... l 8 Chapter 3: Environment background situation 1. Meteorological conditions and Physical Environment . ................................. 19 2. Ecological environment ................................................... 1 9 3. Socio - economic environment ................................................... 19 Chapter 4: The environmental impact during construction phase 4.1/ Identification of environment impact .............................. ... 20 4.2/ Impact on physical environment ........................................................ ... 20 - Impact on water - Impact on air - Noise Impact 4.3/ Impact on Ecological environment ................ ................... 22 - Damage to vegetation - Impact on wetland - Impact on natural reserves and national pack 4.4/ Social Impacts .. ................................. 22 2 I/"A - Il,ui i.),,,,, j Chapter 5: The environmental impact during operation phase 5.1/ Identification of environment impact .................................................. .. 24 5.2/ Impact o n plhysic al environim ent ........................................................ .. 24 - Impact on water - limpact on electric fied on Human and Animal - Impact on electric Fieu 'un Te-Iecoi!iu.nication projects 5.3/ O ther potential lIm pact ........................................................... 25 - limpact on ag,-ricultural production - InflLIx labor- force Chapter 6: Environmental management Plan (EMP) A - Mitigation measures ........................................................ 26 6.1 - Mitigation measures in design phase 6.2 - Mitigation measures in construction phase 6.3 - In management and operation phase B - Monitorin g. 32 C - Supervision. 36 Chapter 7: Public Consultation and Information dissemination .37 Annexes Annex I:Scope of the project Annex 2: Socio-economic features in Ha Tinh Annex 3: Natural Features of concerned communes Annex 4: Land acquisition in ROW Annex 5: Temporary land acquisition within ROW Annex 6: Permanent land acquisition in ROW Annex 7: The project schedules Annex 8: Minutes of meetina on public consultation Annex 9: Some photographs of meeting on public consultation 3 Name/Position of staffs making this EIA Report 1. Vu Anh Phuong Director of Power Network Project Management Board (PNPMB) 2. Thai Viet Hung Manager of Preparation for Construction Dept of PNPMB. 3. Vu Thi Hai Au Staff of Preparation for ConstLuction Dept of PNPMB 4 EIA - [l'i DIon, EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Introduction This report is prepared for implementing of the Rehabilitation and Expansion of MV distribution system of Ha Tinh Township - Ha Tinh Province Project. Now, Ha Tinh Township - Ha Tinh province is only supplied power by the I 10KV Thach Linh substaitions. The Ha Tinh network is important componienlts of the Nortlhern powver network of Viet N amrn. The objective of the Rehabilitation and Expansion of MV distribution system of Ha Tinh Township - Ha Tinh Province Project is increasing the national power network for Ha Tinh pr-ovince (supplying power for 110kV Thach Linh substation); enhancing the reliability and safety of transmission in the power network for the additional charges of the Ha Tinh province. Thus, the project will speed Up the electrificationi process aLnd aglicultulrll alld industrial development for Ha Tinh province. This report is prepared for defining, assessing and forecasting main effects of this project on environment during design, implementation and operation stage; together we promote mitigation measures for negative effects and a plan of Environmental Management and Control for the project. Project Description Scope of project "Rehabilitation and Expansion of distribution systems of Ha Tinh Township - Ha Tinh Province Project" will be constructed and reconstructed of total 208,300.43 in of 22kV and 183 substations. In which: Description Total Underground cable M 4,359.92 Construction--- 1 Overhead line M 75,606.00 Re- Underground cable M 653.41 construction Overhead line M 124,817.20 Salvage line M 2,863.90 Construction Unit 89 Substation Re-construction Unit 94 Details of the project scope is described in Annex I - There will be a total of 303 affected households (1262 persons), of which: o 25 households with parcels for permanent land acquisition and trees/crops; o 242 households with parcels for temporawy land acquisition and trees/crops; o 61 households with partial impact on business and services EIA - 1-TIi Diuom o No households will have to be relocated to other places. o There is no household with more than 25% of their total residentiail anid agrlicultural lands their holdings affected. - Total area of land permanently acquired: 440,812.00 m2 - Total area of land temporally affected: 4,904.00 m2 The Right of Way (ROW). according to the regulation are: 8imv wide for the MV T/ls. respectively from. which all housing and building would be remiioved a.-ind all tree.s hIhlier than 4m must be cut. Legal, policies and administration management The EIA is based on: - Feasibilities studies report of each project component. approved by EVN: - Agreement by the Ha Tinh s people committee where the project is located or traversed on line route and substation located. - Environmental legal framework as follow: Vietnamese legal framework: - Law on Environmental Protection dated 27/7/1993 of the socialist republic of Vietnam. - Laws of forest protection and forest development: - Government Decree N° 175/CP dated 18/10/1994 guiding the implementation of the Law on Environmental Protection. - Govemrnent Decree N" 54/1999/ND-CP dated 08/07/1999 on Protection of High Voltage Networks. - Ministerial Circular N° 490/1998/TT-BKHCMMT dated 29/4/1998 of MOSTE guiding EIA preparation and appraisal. - National Criteria on water quality, air quality, noise and on pollution - Codes on Electrical Equipment Installation - part II - Power transmission line and distribution system No. 11 TCN 19 - 84. WB procedcures on environment impact assessment: - Environmental Assessment (OP 4.01, BP 4.01, GP 4.01), - Natural Habitats (OP 4.04, BP 4.04, GP 4.04), - Public Disclosure (BP 17.50) - Pest Management (OP 4.09), - Cultural Property (OPN 11.03), Environmental management Presently, the responsibility on environmental management is arranged as follows: * Ministry of Science - Technology and Environment (MOSTE) of Vietnam is the central government environmental management, responsible for the guidance for the 6 QA - lUai Duoity preparation. appraisal and supervision of the implementation of EIA report for the investmiient projects for the project classified as the project of type 1. Department of Science - Technology and Environment (DOSTE) is responsible on environment in each province. EVN, through Department of Science. Technology, Environm1ent and Telecommunication. is responsible for supel-visilln and guiding environmnental management and protection in power sector as a whole. -For the distribution projects, like the RE. the project owner is Power Company. therefore during project preparation and constructioll. PCI has authorized its Proiecf Management Unit (PMU) to be in charge of project management. After commliissiolillg. the project will be handed over- to the Provincial Power Services. where the project arc located. for the operation and maintenance. The Power Serivices will be in C'hall- otf environmental mianaoerment durinlg operation period. Project Impacts on Environment. The project impacts on the environment can be divided into 4 types: Imn pact on phy.sical en vironment The project could cause some impacts on water, air and land. These include runoff anidc1 sedimentation from grading for line and substation facilities; loss of land and increase in soil erosion due to placement of towers and substations; oil contamination from construction equipment; dust, noise and vibration due to material transportation and construction works; disposal of installation and const-uction materials. Impact on biological aind ecological systenm The project may cause some negative impacts on biological and ecosystem due to site clearance and maintenance of the project Right of Way (ROW) and substation site. The impacts are effects of clearing and tree cutting, control of vegetable in ROW as all trees of or would be higher 4m in the line ROW must be cut down. The project can also open up more remote lands to human activities and construction of ROW can result in the lost and fragmentation of habitats and vegetation along the ROW. The total area of the project ROWs is 357,481.90 i2, of which 162,543.56 m is agricultural land; 102,829.82 m2 is garden and residential land, the remaining 92,108.52 m2 is waste land and road-side. Impact on human: The project could cause impact on the residential azreas as 85 housesholds will be affected by the transmission line. The construction in the residential areas would have negative short-term impacts on air and water quality. Some disruption of waterways and transportation would occur during construction if disposal of waste materials not managed properly. Pollution of dust, noise to human residential area may occur during construction period. The impacts are of a short term nature and would not be a considerable impact if the construction will be managed properly and can be monitored against the national environmental standards. In operation phase of the Project, the electro-magnetic field intensity produced under the design condition meet the Vietnamese recommended standard (less than 5 kV/m). In case 14/A - l1(,i i),,,,,, some electro-magnetic intensity data under outgoing and ingoing lines of the substation are more than 5 kV/m. there is no dwelling in the area though. without impact incurred on the residents. Mitigation Measures: Mitigation measures to reduce the project impacts are to be carried out in 3 stages. desigl. construction and operationi. Duling the design of the layout of the iines, tine design need to be concurled and cleared by the local authority to minimize the adverse impacts, particularly for the resettlemenit. In the design phase, the altematives for each component have been consider-edt and selecte(d to ensuLe they have the lowest impacts on ecosystem. The route have been dhiscLussed al agreed with the local authorities and relevant organisations. The substation wvill be e(uipeld with all necessary protection devices. No transformers with PCB will be used in the project. In const-uction stage, mnitigation measures include control on tree cutting, ROW clearanlce and access road; control of soil erosion; ensure safety regulations in place and minie clearance before construction start; health care regulation for workers in camps and other measuLes. All measuL-e are to be included in the bidding documents for works. During operation stage, mitigation measures include control of ROW maintenance, access road to sentitive areas, control of fire hazards and ensure safety for workers and local r esidents. Analysis of Alternatives: The analyses of the alternative is based on the principle of maximizing the customers' services, and minimizing the impact on the environment, including the lowest impact on the property of the PAH. Public Participation and Information Dissemination: Public consultation for the project was conducted during the period from September to October 2002. The draft EIA and RAP of the project were sent to concerned PPC for clearance and to Ha Tinh Power Company and PNPMB for public display fromr May 2.003. Public consultation was carried out by means of holding talks and sending out investigation form. Places involved in the project were investigated in Ha Tinh township of Ha Tinh province. Consultants from EVN have met with representatives of local Government (Commune. district, provincial People Committees), local people association such as Women Union. Farmer association etc. in the Project area to inform and receive their comments on three main issues: - Project objectives, scope and components; - Potential environmental and Socio economic impact of the Project. /.'/A - II1di /)uu,l - Mitigation measures applied during different plhases of the Project. The public comments on the above mentioned issues are very positive. Tley all agreed that the Project will effectively increase quality of life of the local peoples. The potentiall impacts are quite clear to them and they are willing to help Project's owner to implemiielnt suggested mitigation measures such as trafic management. solid waste disposal. noise and dust elimination.... There is no negative commenit on the raised issues Process of public consultationl was carried out in Ha Tinh provinices. Minlltes of nieeting between Consultants and local people was attached in Annex 7. Environment Management Plan The EMP consists of mitigation. monitoring measures to be taken durinlg implemlientaitioln and operation to eliminate adverse environmental and social impacts, offset them, or reduce them to acceptable levels. The environmental management plan has been prepared for construction and operation period of the Project. Environmental management during, construction period is implemented by the Project Network Project Management Board (PNPMB). PNPMB is responsible for guiding and supervising Contractor dul-incg application of mitigation measures as well as environmental monitoring. During the operation phase, the environmental issue will be taken care by Provincials Power Service. Accredited institutions will be hired to measure the environmental quality along transmission lines and substations. Report on environmental monitoring will be made and submitted to relevant responlsible authorities. Refer to Table I for miti-atinc, measures and thie cost applied for the Project. Refer to Table 2 for monitoring plan and cost for the Project The EMP also includes plan and costs for institutional strengthening such as training on environmental issues for the Project's staffs as well as related institutions, workers involved. Table 1. Summarize of main Mitigating measiures appliedftbr the Project Phase Issue Mitigating measures Institutional Supervisor Responsibility Const-uctio Noise - Use low noise equipment Contractor PNPMB and n 1 Ha Tinh's - Working in the permitted DOSTEs hours Dust Guard fence and water spray Agricult Recover damaged ural vegetation timely when the ecology construction ends 'Apply Vietinamese standard TCVN 5949-1988 ror the Standard or noise applie(d for public and residenitial areas. 1 l ui - hui t)w,,u Phase Issue Mitigating measures Instituitional Supervisor Responsibility Land Minimize land occupation OccLupati on Traffic Excavating in proper time disturban (evening and night time) ce and shortest duration Solid Contract with local PNPMB waste envirnment and hygene disposanl agencies for removal and proper disposal for another construction purposes Training Educate constructors, PMB PCs and Ha Operation on Project's staffs, local PMB Tinh's environ people DOSTEs mental protectio n Noise - Equipment noise is conformed with Vietnamese Standards - Consolidated enclosures to absorb dust and reduce noise EMF - Use trinsforming devices conform to standards; - Select height of the power the power distributing structure conform to design requirement phase earth and phase-phase distance Table 2. Main features of Monitoring plan of the EMP for the Project Phase Issue Monitoring Institutional Supervisoi cost (VDN) responsibility Construction Noise (100 5,000,000 Accredited PMB and lo( samples/city) institution will be Department 50,OOOVND/sample) hired by PMB for Science, Dust (100 sample/city 5,000,000 Technology 50,000 VND/sample) and Environmer _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _(D O ST E ) E/A - HIai 1)Duon Phase Issue Monitoring Institutional Supervisor cost (VDN) responsibility Subtotal 10,000.000 Operation Tree cutting and soil 7.000.000 Accredited Local erosion institution and Department independent for Scienice. Consultant will be Techlnology hired by and Provincial Powver Environient Service (DOSTE) Subtotal 7,000,000 TOTAL 17,000,000 - Noise monitoring is once duL-ing, construction period mainly monitoring constirLctionl noise during construction;. In case residents near transrnission lines cornplhin. measulement will be made at that time. - Dust monitoring is once during construction period and once every half-year duLing operation period. - Electric and magnetic field will be monitored once per year during operation period-l EMF will be measured at 1 m outside the boundary (ROW). - All measurements should be made on the site along Project's transmission lines. EIA - I-lui DQ,,ii= CHAPTER 1- INTRODUCTION 1. Introduction I.1. Introduction of background of power network development in the region. 1. 1.1. Pover transmitting netvork At present. power is supplied to Ha Tinlh Town and Thach Ha District b) I1101;'V Tuch Linih Station at 10kV and 35 kV. The St.ationi's facilities are as followvs: - Transformer Ti 25 MVA 110/35/22/10kV provided by Dong Anh Ecuipmlicnt ManufactLrl-ing Factory. The power of 35kV and 22kV part is 100% capacity ol' the transformer, while that of 10kV does not exceed 7MVA. Power ullitS suLplied by Siemen have rated voltage of 24kV, rated current of 1250A, circuit shor-tening cuLr-enlt of 25kA, digital relay. Due to the unease of coils of wire of 22kV part. these power units are now operating at a voltage of 10kV. - Transformer T2 25MVA 110/30/10kV manufactured by former Soviet Union. Power of 35kV and 10kV part is 100% capacity of the transformer. All IOIV Power Units are of old KPY1O model manufactured by former Soviet Union. The 110kV Thach Linh is now expanded by the electricity industry. replacing the transformier T2 25MVA by a 40MVA one to enhance the stability of power supply for Ha Tinh Province in general and Ha Tinh District in particular. This project will be completed in the period 2001 - 2005 in a separate program; in order to timely and synchronously put into operation together with the improvement of the neutral voltage network, in the immediate future 03 indoor 24kV power units will be supple'mented. 1.2. On the 500kV North-South super high voltage power network in Ha Tinh. there are substations containing closing and energizing equipment, vertical compensation capacitors and horizontal resistance at 500kV. At present, the electricity industl-y are canying out the project to extend the 500kV Substation, putting into operation an another transformer 500/220kV 3 x 150MVA and a transformer 220/lOkV 125 MVA to strengthen the power supply for Northern Provinces and Central Provinces including Thanh Hoa - Nghe An - Ha Tinh - Quang Binh from the 500kV national power network. This project will be completed in the period 2001 - 2005. Therefore, power will be favorably supplied to Ha Tinh Town from the transmissioni network, thus creating good conditions to supply power stable in the future for this town in the resettling and expanding period. I.1.2. Neutral voltage power network. The Ha Tinh Town and its vicinity are using the 10kV neutral voltage power network from the 110kV Thach Linh Station. Power is supplied to Ha Tinh and its vicinity through 04 neutral voltage lines numbered: 971, 973, 975, and 977 and each characterized as follows: 1.1.917 Line 12 EIA - I-Hai Dlioion This line supplies power for the town a long the High Way No.1, starting from the I lOkV Thach Linh Station and ending at the PhLi Bridge. 46 transformers are installed with the total capacity of 8300kVA in this line. 1.2.975 Line This line provides power for the central area of the towIi. additionally charged by key agencies of province. Also. it supplies power for peripher,al ar-eas including communes namely Thach TrLing, Thach Hung. Thach Mon, Thach Dong. TuonIg Son. There are 40 transfor-mers installed with thie total capacity of 9l7OkVA in the line. 1.3.973 Lin7e. Running along the National High Way No,lA from the Thach Linh Station to Cay. this line supply power for the Northern part of the town, Thach Ha Town and some Northier-ni and West south communes of the district. In the whole line, there are 26 transformers with the total capacity of 6420 kVA. 1.4.977 Line This line provides power for the Industrial Zone located at the West north of the Town and some peripheral communes of Thach Long, Thach Son, Thach Kenh, Thach Viet, Viet Xuyen. 15 transformers are installed with the total capacity of 3O5OkVA in the whole line. Apart fiom the 4 above lines. 03 35kV lines numbered 372, 373, 375 providing power fi-om the I lOkV Thach Linh Station to transitional stations in districts of Ha Tinh province also supply power for some additional charges managed by the Ha Tinh Town Electricity and locating along these lines. - Line 372 supplying power for 26 35/0,4kV distribution stations with total capactity of 3835kVA. - Line 373 supplying power for 13 35/04kV distribution stations with total capacity of 33601kVA - Line 375 supplying power for 8 35/04kV distribution stations with total capacity of 990kVA - The western part of Thach Ha district including communes: Thach Binh, Thach Hoi. Thach Tri, Thach Van, Thach Lac are lighted by power generated from the transitional station (this station receives from the E18-1 through the line 374), the total number of stations in this turning branch is 12, capacity installed is 1715kVA, the main branch lOkV line running from the transitional station Cam Xuyen to transitional station Thach Tri is up to 24 km length, these transformer stations are now managed by Cam Xuyen Electricity Branch. All the lOkV lines in the Ha Tinh Town are of ray-structures, with small wires. The wire section in main lines is popularly the AC 70, and only some AC 95. For the lOkV voltage level, the length of line is over sufficient. Thus, the quality of voltage is not ensured, thereby leading to big loss of voltage and energy. According to data of Ha Tinh Electricity, in the past years, the average growth rate of power is ranging from 15 to 18%, and is estimated to reach 14% in 2001 compared to the 2000 level. With this growth rate, it is necessary to considering the improvement and upgrading of the power network of Ha Tinh Town in the coming time to meet the requirements of socio-econornic development of Ha Tinh Town. 13 ILIA - lltij Du,,m,' 1.2. Managerial and Organizational Structure of the Project. The power network improvement pioject in Ha Tinh Town uses the loan of World Bank Principal: Electricity of Vietnam Project Management: Power Company No I - Power network project management board. 1.3. The purposes of evaluating environnient effect The evaluation on the influence of iivironnm'-rnt imrripact on the constLuction is to (et thlese following targets The impact of the project on natural environment, human healdt end influence oln social economic factors - Finding out the environment sphere as well as potential risks to the environment. which must be researched to solve - Locking for the measures to limit the effect on the environment during the work procession and contraction operation management. - The measures to control and examine the implementation, to protect environment, to minimize effect on environment impact. - Analyzing economy and evaluating risk level. 1.4. Evaluation methods Based on the environment protection law and the ordinance 175 CP 18/10/1994 of the Government instructing implementation of environment protection and the instruction document of WB about environment effect analyzed by these level. a. Widely impact of a type project may have strongly negative and sensitive impact need carefully researching and must have prevention methods. b. B type project, negative impacts on the environment are characteristic and majority can be changed; ininimum methods have had or can be designed more easily than A type project c. C type project can be little or harmless to the environment. 2. Legal and administrative framework - WB's policies: 4.01 Environmental Assessment; 4.12 Involuntary Resettlement - Law on Environmental Protection dated 27/7/1993 of the socialist republic of Vietnam. This law stipulates the prevention from bad impacts on the environment and environmental protection as well as improvement of ecological environment. "Environment" is defined as the natural environment and the one created by human comprising air, water, sea, land, mnineral mines, forests, grass fields, wildlife. trees. natural and historical sites. natural conservation areas, places of interest, cities, villages. etc. - Laws of forest protection and forest development: 14 _IA - Hai Dito,t' The laws regulate the management, development and use of forest, the prevention of forest destruction, the enhancement of responsibility and the encouragemnent for institutions/individual of forest protection and forest development, the discovery of forest benefits for the purpose of national protection and the national development. - Government Decree N° 175/CP dated 18/10/1994 guiding the imlplemilenltzitioll ol the Law on Environmental Protection. - Governiment Decree N" 54/1999/ND-CP dated 08/07/1999 on Protectionl of Hli-h Voltage Networks. - Ministerial Ciircuiar No. 490/1998/1T-BKHCNMT of Ministry of Science - Technology and Environment of Vietnam dated 29 April 1998 on the guidaince for the establishment and inspection of EIA report for the investillenlt project. - Ministerial Circular N" 490/1998,TT-BKHCMMT dated 29/4/1998 of MOSTE guiding EIA preparation aid appraisal. - The WB guidelines on EIA - National Criteria on water quality TCVN 5942 - 1995, TCVN 5944 - 1995 - National Criteria on air quality TCVN 5949 - 1995 - National Criteria on noise TCVN 5949 - 1995 - National Criteria on pollution TCVN 5937 - 1995- Codes on Electrical Equipment Installation - part II - Power transmission line and distribution system No. 11 TCN 19 - 841n this standard the minimum clearance between the live parts of the line and trees are identified. Trees outside the ROW must ensuLe two meters clearance between conductors and tree parts when falling. The clearance between top of the trees and conductors in the ROW must be not less than six meters. The ROW identified by two parallel planes is seven meters far from outer conductors when they are vertical and not less than two meters when conductors are at maximum swing angle. 3. Methodology The method applied in the report is based on environmental checklist Based on the guidance on EIA by World Bank, the potential environmental impacts are classified with levels as follows: a. Little impact or negligible impact: For these impacts do not need to have measures for mnitigation. b. Having impact but not much: For these impacts, the measures for mitigation must be shown. c. Significant impact: For these impacts, they are necessary to have strict research, and measures for precaution have to be designed more carefully. 15 I/-A - tlhti Duoia! 16 CHAPTER 2 PROJECT DESCRIPTION 1. Name of the project: Rehabilitation and expansion of MV distribution systems of Ha Tinh town - 1-lal Tini province Implementing agencies Investor: Power Company No. I Project manager: Power networ-k project management board - PC I Consullting companly: Power Construction Consulting Center - PCI 2. Project objectives Necessary of project: At this moment, Ha Tinh province is not enough power for the economical development work. Therefore. it is necessaiy to improve the material facilities to develop economy according to 2010 - 2020 construction programs. In the coming years, the velocity of urbanize will be high, power demand for production and living is increased, while the power network of Ha Tinh Towership is old and backward and it is not satisfied power user demand. So that, it is necessary to improve the Ha Tinh power network. Project Objectives: The project of rehabilitation and expansion MV distribution systems of Ha Tinh towership province is to construct network, which supplying electricity for Ha Tinh township - Ha Tinh province, including 11 precincts and 2 communes. + Satisfying development load demand in region + Supplement current power sources of distribution network Ha Tinh Province. + Increasing reliability trust and convenience during operation process + Reduction of power losses of Ha Tinh Province The project of rehabilitation and expansion MV distribution systems of Ha Tinh province is to construct network, which supplying electricity for Ha Tinh province. Socio-economic objectives of the project - Supplying power more sufficiently and improve the energy quality for lighting and other civil purposes as well as for industries, agriculture, transportation of area. - To create premise for development of socio-economy, agricultural production. husbandry, agricultural product processing, etc. - Improve the spiritual culture life of people 17 1iA - I-lcd D,aJmm' Develop handicraft industry in households PPush up development of industry and hanidcraft industry Electricity partly supports the prosperity, security stability and upgrades civilization life of the district. 3. Scope of the project Name of project: "Rehabilitation and Expansioni of distribLItioll systems of Ha Tint] Township - Ha Tinh Province Project" Components: The project will be constructed aund reconstructed of total 208,300.43 m of 22kV and 183 substations. In which: Description Total Underground cable m 4,359.92 Construction---Z Overhead line m 75,606.00 Re- Underground cable m 653.41 constrLmction Overhead line In 124,817.20 Salvage line m 2,863.90 Construction Unit 89 Substation Re-construction Unit 94 Capacity KVA 27.180 Details of the project scope is described in Annex 1 4. Project Total Cost - Total investment includes all equipment costs, erect, and other costs for improvement and upgrade of power network of Ha Tinh town and its vicinities. - Total investment value: 72,588,579,000 VND Including: - Construction: 35,041,953,000 VND - Equipment: 21,871,663,000 VND - Other costs: 9,076,018,000 VND - Spare cost: 6,598,963,000 VND (including 11,000,000 VND of monitoring cost) Analysis of capital sources. Local loans: 43.387,268,000 VND WB's loans: 29,201,329,000 VND equivalent to: 1,946,755USD 18 EIA - Hai Duonrt 5. Proposed Schedule of Project. - Based on WB plan, the project rehabilitation and expansion of distribution systenms of Ha Tinh town - Ha Tinh Province - period 2002 - 2010. 19 IYIA - llai DAi=, CHAPTER 3 ENVIRONMENT BACKGROUND SITUATION The power network project distributing power for Ha Tinil city is located in an infrastr-uictuLe - planned area. 3.1/ Meteorological conditions and physical environment. Ha Tinh City is a coastal delta with even terrain, 0.002 - 0.008 slope and at 0.5 - 3.0 height above sea level: wet, hot tropical climate and directly affected by northeast monsoon with maiin wind direction: Southwest - Northeast. Average temperature: 26 - 27; Hurmidity: 84% Rainy season starts from June to the end of October and represents 82% of the rainfall of the whole year. Average rainfall is 2661 mm. Ha Tinh Town is in the several stormy influenced areas 3.2/ Ecological Environment. The project's resident area is getting stable, located in the central city and co-bordered by the two rivers: Cay and Rao Cai which is 'hieavily affected by tide. Environmentally, the City has not had a planned rubbish dump. The mid-voltage lines used in the City have to be based on the streets' corridors. The mid- voltage ones have the corridor of 4m from the central point and that of low-voltage lines is 1,5m with the corridor's width of 3m, therefore, the corridor is not a concerned issue. 3.3/ Socio-economic environment. Total natural land area of Ha Tinh is 772 ha, populations 56.000 people (2001); people density: 750 persons/km2. The city's economic situation is mainly dependent on small and medium business. handicraft with low developed industry. Neiahboring communes are mainly engaged in agriculture and fishery. No cultural and historic heritage is reported by surveys. No toxic factory is found. 20 CHAPTER 4 THE ENVIRONMENT IMPACT DURING CONSTRUCTION PHASE Project is mainly focused on rehabilitation of the existing distribution netxvorlk of Hai Tirnlh Towership - Ha Tinh Province. New construction wvork is placed at popul.tted area. there is no new constmuction worlk happed in the relmlote or forested sites. The followiuicls ale potential impacts that c.n be occuled dulillg constLILctioll phaMse of tlle Project. Gcncrall. tie project will not cause any significant impacts to the environmiielnt. 183 substations are string substation. They have small size (50 X 70 X 100 cm) anid are hlang up at leasr 5m high from the ground. The installation of strinig substations will be carried out by man power. The upgr-ading part of 110 kV substation will not reqUired any expansion of land ot construction work. The impacts of the Project therefore will be considerecd just only with activities of rehabilitation and constLuction of distribution lines. 4.1. Identification of environment Table. Project impacts (lutrin,g construction ph(ase No. Item Environment impact Land occupation Tower foundation occupation. .Temporary occupation for constructioln. 2 Hydrological condition and flood No impact 3 Construction noise Certain impact on colistructols aIn acoustic environment. 4 Construction dust Minor impact on ambient air. 5 Sanitary water during construction Minor or no impact Waste water effluent during No impact construction 7 Vegetation Vegetation damaged in occupied land 8 Wetland ecology No impact 9 Scenic view Affected a little 10 Traffic disturbance Little impact 1 Highway No impact 12 Agricultural production Litte impacts due to temporary occupation of land Influx of construction team . No cultural conflict 13 . To increase residential incomes . Increase life facilities 14 Cultural relics No impact 21 EHA - Hai Duon& No. Item Environment impact 15 Scenery and places of interest No impact 16 Resettlement No resettlement requir-ed: somze emigration for the tranlsmissioni lines. l17 Post and telecom communication wires No impact on the commllunication wires anid power transmission Iines due to a long distance away in design. 18 Solid waste No impact 4.2/ Impact on physical environment Impact on water: During contruction work of upgrading the 110 kV substation and other underground installation of the power lines, there will be around 50 persons participating in the construction work, most of them (aroud 90%) are residentd nearby. There will not be any camp for constructors. A little sanitary water prodLuced for constructor's daily consumption would accumulate in the site, but amount is negligible. The digging work is plarned to avoid rainny season. In the case of rain, some run off water will bring soil from work site to the sewage system or to the rice field nearby will not be considered as significant impact due to the time for digging and installing just lasts from 2 to 7 days for each site. The Project will not required a lot of work with mixinc concrete , turbid water from. construction therefore is very litte.Attention shouldl be paid to stopping turbid water from running off to affect water body along. Construction work is canied out in the area that have a fairly good infrastructuL-e facilities, so no brigde or temporm-y bridge needs to be constructed to support Project. Water body along the Project's site will not be impacted. There is no possibility of construction or rehabolitation work might impact to the underground water. Impact on air Certain amount of dust produced when excavating foundation and underground drain for line installation will affect environment and residents nearby.However, such impact will be incurred temporarily and partially. The excavating work is planned to do in the proper time and in the shortest duration to mninimize the impact to residents. Noise impact For the intallation of new distribution lines and upgrading of the existing lines, limited number of construction machines is required, they are mixing machine, vehicle, etc. Construction machine with low noise level will be selected. Construction, installation of the Project is carried out at daytime during the shortest time. The installation of underground cable will be carried out part by part. In each part the work and the duration are planned to do within 2 to 7 days. Construction machines are required at day time so the national standards TCVN 5948:1998 is meet during construction work. - Shipping of equipment is carried out by car along the existing roads. Within the Project area, the transportation is common practices with highly growed system of 22 HA - I-lewi D,uL,,' roads. Transportation of tile Project will not cause any additional impact interm of noise. Futhermore no transpor-tation of equipment. material will be carry out in the evening or night time so residents nearby will not be affected. Solid wvaste disposal from excavating work for installation of underground cable Excavating worlk for undergroLund cable installation will cause impatcts to tile traffic within the Project site. The time for excavating work is plannledl for the latte alternoool aincl evenincg timle. Almliost all of the works are done inanllUlly. The warnilnw( siln "Work Ahead" will be displayed in the site. Firstly road cover and soil are excavaied and telllpora!y put next to tile excalvated trelncil. After excavatillg. a 5cm layer of sand is put in the bottom of the trenchi. The cable is instatlledl oni the sand layer after that it will be covered again by anothier layer od sanid with the same thickness. Photogenic warning paper is covered zuad then the excavated soil is filled back to thle excavated trench. The covering of the road by the asphalt covering machlinles is planned to carry out two weeks after filling up the trench. The remnaininig excavated soil and material is brought away by contract with responsible local environment and hygiene company (EHC). Such kind of solid waste is sold by local EHCs for construction purpose. So the solid waste of the Project will be managed properly,' there is no risk of harming to the environment by Project's solid waste. Traffic disturbance The above-mentioned activities for installation of underground cables is managed to do part by part. Iti the central of city or in highly traffic road, each part has a length of approximately 500rn. In other areas with low traffic demand, each part can be longer with a length of I or 2 kn. The part that goes through the highly traffic area is planned to do within the evening and nighttime. The traffic is impacted due to road occupation for excavating,, for temporai-y gatheringi the excavated soil and material and for road covering by asphalt covering machine. This time is not traffic rush hours, so the impact can be considered as a little impact. The installation for each part of underground cables is managed to do within I to 2 days. The covering of the road by asphalt is managed to do in the daytime and within half of a day for each part. Considering the nature and duration of impact that cause for traffic during installation of underground cables it can be concluded that the impact for the traffic caused by the Project is negligible or little impact. Hanging on of the overhead cables the sector that crosses the road is managed to do by the way that will not cause any traffic disturbance. It can be considered as a no impact for the traffic and local transportation. 4.3/ Impacts on Ecological Environment Damage to vegetation The easement of the 22kV lines is limited by 2 parallel planes, 2,1 m out of the outer conductors when they are vertical. Trees outside the easement must be controlled to ensure 0.5m clearance in all condition. The clearance from conductor to the treetop in the ROW must be > 2m. 23 6/A - lul0 /),ionu All trees of or would be > 4m in the line ROW must be cut down. So if the line routes pass natural and industrial forests with trees higher than the limit, such trees must be cut down. The distribution lines of the Project comes along the road in the city as well as in the well developed areas. The requirement of new vegetation clearance is limited. Temporar-y occupation of agricultural land will be required for over 160.000 sqm. The loss of agricultural product is for one harvest and is equally compensated for the iffte[edl farmers. Veoetations in the site aue common species (rice. shadow trees along the roadcl. craIss etc2 with loxv ecological value. The damange to the vegetation therefore considcered( -is negligible and manageable. Impact on wetland Site option for the Project has no impact to the wetland. There is no wetland site ill thle Project area. Impact on natural reserves and national park There is no risk of the Project to the National Parks or natural reserve. The forested are;ls in the Ha Tinh Province is rather poor. (See Map of Existing and Proposed areas in I-la Tinh for referTence). There is no protected area or high ecological value sites located in or nearby the Project site. 4.5. Social impacts Principle work of the substation and distribution lines is undertaken by professional or skilled staff who have been trained on special technology usually from electric constuction team. Due to speciality of their work, thay can not be replaced by locals. However, some local staff may be hired to take up foundation excavation or underground cable drain. That can offer locals some temporary work opportunities. The mass of construction peoples will locally increase the consumption and demand of social commodities and services. The staple and non-staple foodstuffs, daily requsites and other services required by the mass of construction people will lead to acceleration of social commodities. Demand of constructing demand for the building and constructing materials for the Project will promote development of local building material suppliers. That direct or indirect increase the employment opportunities for the locals and forward the development of local economy and enhancement of living standard of local people. Land occupation and resettlement & rehabilitation - No resettlement is required. 814,104 sqm will be temporary occupied. Permanent land occupation is 3,186 sqm. No house removal is requred. The temporary occupation of land can be recovered for farming when construction is completed. - In term of land occupation and compensation, the RAP report is reflected in more details. 24 IZIA - Hai Duon,, CHAPTER 5 THE ENVIRONMENT IMPACT DURING OPERATION PHASE 5.1/ Indentification of environmental impacts Table Potential envir-onmenital impact during operation period No. Item Environment impact I Land occupation Foudation pernmlanent occupaltio 2 Substation afforestation Helpful to improve atmospheric 3 EMF No impact 4 Noise No impact 5 Sanitary water and oily waste water No impact 6 PCBs No PCBs containing matter, no impact 7 Wetland No impact Some vegetation will be cut to 8 Vegetation protect safe ROW 9 Rare animal No impact 10 Community No impact 11 Cultural relics No impact 12 Scenic view No impact 13 Human health No impact 14 Agricultural production No harvest on lost land 5.2/ Impact on physical environment Impact on water Oily waste water of the substation only comes from overhauling transformers or acidental leakage and blows off. Discharged oily waste water will be collected in the accidental oil pond. After going through the oil-water separator, oil will be reused and the water will be released to the out side environment. PCBs and PCBs containing equipment are no longer be in use. Therefore, there is no risk of PCBs contamination in to water or environment. Impact of Electric Field on Human and Animals Basing on the criteria of the power sector: "Limitation for power frequency electric field intensity" and stipulations on the working environment "Limitation for electric field intensity, working time in the affected area", the electric field affected area is the area with the power frequency electric field intensity of > 5kV/m. For inhabitants living under 25 EM1A - Hatai Ditofn the lines. the safe electric field intensity is < 5kV/rn. However, the electric field of the HV lines does not affect human's health in the line ROW. Permitted dulationi for human and animal Linder- electric field intensity: Elec. field intensity <5 5 8 10 12 15 18 20 2025 (kV /rn)__ _ _ __ _ _ Permitted duLation no limit 8 4.25 3 2.2 1.33 0.8 0.5 1/6 12per day (h) _ . Impact of Electric Field on Telecommunication Projects elecomrmunication projects include: - Communication lines going closed to or across the 22 kV lines. - Audio f-equency, PLC telephone lines going closed to or along the lines. Medium voltage transmission lines and other Project's equipment will have no impact on tellecomunication system existing close or along the lines. There is also no risk of impact on wireless communication. 5.3/ Other potential impacts Impact on agricultural production The Project will permanently occupy around 20 000 sqm. (20 ha) which could reduce agricultural out put. For example, the harvest would decrease about 100 tons of rice/year based upon a production level of 5 tons rice/ha/year. Under transmission line corridor, low trees can be planted and there is no impact on further agricultural farming and harvest. The area where residentila houses are removed under the ROW can be returned to farm field for planting crops. Influx of labor force Professional trained technicians will conduct routine operation during operation period of the Project. Similar to the construction phase, the operating personnel would not generate inflict with locals in employment and culture. On contrary, their daily life demand will enhance incomes of loacl commerce and services. 26 EIA - H,a IDiuE!g CHAPTER 6 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN (EMP) A - MITIGATION MEASURES 6.1. In Design Stage: For rehabilitation and expansion of Ha Tinh province, many sLIpply options halve been considered and analysed for different localities in the survey design stag,e t.- enisure dic techno-economic criteria of the project, meanwhile the project impacts on the environment have also been considered to find out mitigation measures for negative impacts. The overhead lines are designed to avoid crossing the residential. school, hospital, churchl and pagoda. In the technical aspect the Project is aimed also to supply the power to some. schools. The designed lines should be right next to these premises. Selection of road is considered not only by technical aspects but also social and environmental management terms. There is no line designed to transverse pagoda, church and other public premises. 6.1.1. Line Routes. Selection of the line routes and mitigation measures: + For ecological area: Cut all trees of potential impact in the line ROW. According to the law on forest protection, tree cutting is strictly under control. Thus, the line routes try to avoid dense forests. The lines just traverse secondary forests, newly planted forests and sparsely forests of low economical and ecological value. As such, there would be a small impact on ecology. The Overhead line and the underground cable are in developed scheme in Ha Tinh towership - Ha Tinh Province. The activities for installation of the underground cables are described in details in Chapter 4. In the during designed phase, the underground lines are designed according to the present regulations to rninimize the land occupation, the excavating work. The overhead and underground lines are crossed over the city. In Ha Tinh towership there is no area with high ecological value. The most planted areas are gardens, rice. crop field and newly planted forests + For residential arecas: The optimal routes have been considered to avoid houses. For those unavoidably traversing residential plots, the mitigation measures are numerous small angles and road crossings to avoid houses and structures. Technical measures have been made of full use: Reasonable span, special technical options for: Towers, arms, guys, foundations at dangerous positions to mitigate the project impacts on houses and structures. The survey results show that the line routes will not traverse any houses and structures. + For communication lines. 27 1i1A - llui Dliownk All the designed lines are apart from important telecommunication lines. The lines rarely traverse or go closed to the inter district and inter commune telecommunication lines. Moreover, the transmission lines are only some kilometers long with moder.ate voltage, as such it is not necessary to mention the influence and adverse impact on telecommunication lines. + For l(ls(d, annv a sites, airports, historical places, Pagodas and othier str(ctures. The actual survey shows that the lines would not traverse any historical or cultLurl p!aces. arny sites, airports, pagodas and impact the surrounding lands. + Other technical soluttions ftor the line confiveuration To minimize the environmental impacts. the line configuration is selected baising on: most negative temperature and weather of the areas. Thus, ensure the project bearing acity and minimize electric shock due to tower fall and conductor break. The minimum line-to-ground clearance is designed as 6m, other clearances are in compliant with the electrical regulations, as such, the electric field intensity below the lines is much smaller than regulations of WHO and the sector (< 5 kVMm). 6.1.2. Substations: - Type of Ha Tinh 22/0.4 kV substation: Outdoor type, kios substation. The land acquisition for substations is not very large, substation location is on public land and there is no affection to houses and residential areas. - The substation is isolated with adjacent area by fence to assure safe operation and prevent people and animal against dangerous area. - The project transformers will not contain PCB. - Connection diagram of the substation is designed with protection equipment: + Over curTent protection for MV side of transformer used FCO. + Over voltage protection for transformer from lightning used LA. + Over current protection for HV side of- transformer used MCCB. Thanks to the protection and automatic equipment, all faults occurring in the operation stage would be eliminated at once, safety would be assured, dangers to people living in the served areas would be mitigated. Summary of mitigation measures during design phase is provided in the following table: 28 L/A - l/ui l) 0I v Table 6. 1: Mitigation measures to be imnplemented (luring dlesign phase Potential Impact Mitigating Measures Impaicts on ecological system: Select and design Line routes to avoil natItural and trees cutting. deforestation planted forests; Limit deforestation dutie lo CuttllnC ot (nlturall and planted forests) trees that have economical or ecological v altie: rcplarnt trees as much as nulimber of trees to be cut dowrn. The line routes should verify by the local autLhor ity. PCB substance Transformers with cooling oil with PCB substance will not be allowed to use in this project. PCBs containing oils are no longer perlmitted to be use in any EVN's project. Supplier should verify new purchased transformers that there is no PCBs transformer. There is no old transformer is removed from the existing power network. So there is no risk of PCBs contamination in the Project. Impact on residential areas: Line Align line r outes to avoid houses and other structules; routes may traverse houses and increase tower length; design routes to turn frequently other constructors; noise to minimize number of houses to be traversed by line disturbance routes n equipment to be purchase having maximUm noise level during operation not exceeding per-mitted noise level staundards Safety from electricity shocks Substations are designed with hanging type and adequate protection. Conductors are designed with the insulation type or cable Dropout fuses on transformer 's MV side for short circuit and over current protection Fire caused by short circuits Appropriate specification of conductors connecting the house to the MV system Surge arresters for over voltage wave protection. Automatic breaker on MV side for short circuit and over current protection Lightning arrestor is equipped. Impact on historical sites, Design route to avoid these sites. Coordinate and reversed areas... agree with local authorities on locations have T/L traverse through; Danger of mines Check with the related authority on the possibility of the left mines or bombs along the ROW 29 6.2. In Construction Stage: Mitigation Strategies for Construction are: 6.2.1. Construction Arrangement: Scientific arrangement, completion of separate project components and the line sections would mininiize tempor-ary requisition of land. Construction activities such as tree cutting. ground clearance. founcdaitioni excavation, material transportation, tower erection, wire tensioning. etc. woull(d halve certain impacts on the *CIiviCl uaer;t. Therefore. concrete mi tigation measures requlired are: - Tree cutting. route clearances: Apply measures of soil filling, tree and grass planting after COnStrUCtiOnI; Illillilllizc the impact of tree cutting to mnitigate future impacts. For land supposed to erosioln. maintain trees with the allowable height in the ROW after cuttino high trees to kleep soil. Discuss with local authorities involved. - Safety measures: Safety measures for construction must fully respect the safely regulations and procedures: + (Use specialized machines for) transportation of tools, material or heavy equipment. Check the machines before use. Ligament must be strong. Respect a' regulations on transportation safety. + Foundation excavation must comply all safety measures. Since the tower foundations are small, there would not be much excavation. Foundationt works would be cairied out mainly by manual methods. The maximum unused soil volume of < I mi. as a result of excavation, would be left in the surrounding areas as agreed with the local authorities. Any water pipes, underground sewers, communication or power cables found during excavation must be reported to the concerned agency. Strictly follow instructions of the agency. + Apply safety measures for tower erection, arm and insulator installation, wire works and installation of other fittings. Workers must respect the regulations on works, safety, labor protection and concentrate on their works. They will be given training on their jobs and safety procedures. Besides, conductor tensioning and tower transportation would be carried out right after harvest of the annual crops to minimize the impact on crops in the ROW. 6.2.2. Construction Camps: As flor the particular characteristics of the rural electrification project, workers may set up camps in the commune or town center for convenient access to food, foodstuff, drinking water and communication means. 30 1'1A - llui I),ullol For construction in difficult terr-ain, camps may be laid out near the lines and (workers) construction would be carried out very quickly. Thus temporary tents for a limited number of workers would be needed. Thlere au-e firm regulations on medical and sanitary measures to assure workers' health. Each construction team would have one official specializing in medical care to take carle of the workers and treat common diseases as mala.ia, typhoid fever. diarrhea. etc. 6. 3. Sakiv on Fire atnd Explosion. Explosion substances will not be used in constrLuction W0or-LS. r1,.iii.Al excaMvation1 anldC filling are main measures. Constructioll teamns would not use forest resources but keerosene for cooking. All substations would be equipped with fire and explosion protection equipment. 6.2.4. Noise Polluition. There may be noise and vibration from construction equipment. The distribution voltages are at 22 kV .nd so the arcing flashover noise occurring, in light rain or humid days would not be taken into account. The impacts of noise, vibration on the environment in construction stage would be insignificant. In general, with the above mitigation measures, the project impacts would be rendered as small impacts. Table 6.2: Mitigaotion nietisires (ldrin,g construction phase Potential Impact Mitigating Measures Impacts on ecological system: Optimnize the timing of the construction; the trees cutting construction works should start after harvest. The cutting of the fruit tress under the ROW only before energizing the system. Damaged vegetable cover in Re-plant of the damaged cover by appropriate type o ROW plant or grass. Impact on residential areas: Line During the poles erection, no pole is allowed to be routes may traverse houses and placed within the house' premise, before main gate. other constructors; that make inconvenient to the people. The house or structures remained under the lines; need to be protected according to the Degree 54. Workers' safety Strictly follow the labor safety regulation, no works on the pole erection, wiring during the rainy time. Safety engineer to check before energizing the system Safety from electricity shocks Use only the appropriate conductor for the connection from house to MV lines. Proper schedule for switch off of power when it is required. 31 E/A - Ilui 0)imn) Potential Impact Mitigating Measures Noise - Use low noise equipment 2 - Working in the permitted houL-s Dust Guard fence and water spray Solid waste disposal: excavated Contract with local environiment and sanitation soil and disposal construction company to removal and proper dispos.tl for otlher material Goi-r-,,orl purposes Traffic distul-bance Excavating work is scheduled to clo in the less traffic rushl houL-s. Limitation of time dura;tion ftor excavating work. Agricultural ecology Recover damaged vegetation timely when the const-uction ends Land Occupation Minimize land occupation Clearance in occupied land Do compensation in accordance with laws Valuable historical and cultural Contractors, workers and Project's staffs shouldc be heritages discovered during awarded that in the case they find some subjects construction phase suspected as valuable historical and cultural heritages they should timely inform to local Department of Culture and Information to seek for their interventions Mine clearance If there is a possibility, it will be done before any conistruction activity 6.3. In Management and Operation Stage. 6.3.1. Management, Operation, Repair and Maintenance Works: Scope of works includes repair, periodical maintenance and fault treatment for the transmission lines and substations. The provincial power services (PPS) under PCI will undertake such tasks. To mitigate the adverse impacts and limit the network faults, to ensure safe operation. all workers must strictly follow regulations on safety for management, operation, repair and maintenance of the lines and substations., According to the project management scheme, PPSs will sign contract with local people on the project management. Prior to the project operation, training on safety, basic techniques of the network operation and management should be provided to the operators. Only the successful trainees with training certificate can undertake the management and operation duty. 6.3.2. ROW Control: PPSs would monitor and control ROW within the province, detect violations in the ROW: houses, trees, etc. and find prompt resolutions for such violations. 2Apply Vietnamiiese stan(lard TCVN 5949-1988 for the Stan(lard of noise applied lor public and residenitial areas. 32 EIA - Hai DuQmk, Local authorities and tree owners would supervise tree cutting. Take all cut branches and trees out of the environmental ROWs of the lines and substations. Random tree cutting under the name of network repair aLnd maintenance is prohibited. Underground cable management: principly underground projects are m.anaged by the project owner in cooperation with local authority for transportation and public services. One photogenic nylon coverage was covered to the underground cable to warn people. In the case some one or some authority is doing another underground project they will easily notify the cables. The underground cables are managed. maintained by existing technical regulations. In term of iibvronm,ei KhC,e is no need to apply any additional mitigation measure 6.3.3. PLublic participaition: As the project areas have been electrified and people's knowledge is high, meetings with local people introducing the most basic knowledge on electricity and the electrical safety to avoid possible incidents should not be organized. All information should be propagated on communes' radios or signboard on substation. Ttube 6.3: Mitigation measLures dILuring the operation of the project. Potential Impact Mitigating Measures Impacts on ecological system: Tree cutting within ROW will be carried out trees cutting manually, and periodically to ensured that no tree higher than 4 m. Fire hazard Periodically check all the protection equipments, in house wiring, and connection. Electric shock Distribute the safety use of electricity Training of one local person per commune. Periodically check and test the protection equipment Place waning signs in appropriate places Noise - Equipment noise is conformed with Vietnamese Standards Protection of underground cable - Manage and maintain the cables according to technical regulations. EMF - Use transforming devices conform to standards; - Select height of the power the power distributing structure conform to design requirement phase earth and phase-phase distance B - Monitoring 33 EIA - I-lui Iuo,ii' As discussed in the previous chapters, for the given project the construction activities a-e small and spreading over the large thinly populated rural areas. the construction activities are cauried out by a large number of small construction teamils using the labor extensive methods, therefor-e many of the potential impacts such as noises. pollution caused by the construction activities could be considered as marginal and shor-t term. These impacts may not required further imonitor-inig cuLing the operational stage. 34 EIA - Hlai Ditoite Monitoring Plan What Where How W'hen Cost Souirce of Implemented Suipervised by fund by Deforestation Construction Inspection During 0 (*) PMU Local site constrLction Authoirity Worker safety Construction Inspection During 0 (*) Included in Contractor PMU site construtction the contracts Soil erosion In ROW Compact the fill During 0 (*) Included in Contr-actor PMU up, and plan grass Construction the contracts on the feed of the poles Land use In ROW Replace high tree Du-ing the 0 (**) Included in PAH Local by shorter trees operation the Authlority compensatio n l Noise (100 Construction Accreditated During 5,000,000 Included in Accreditated PMB and samples/townshi sites institution will be construlction VND the Con tract i nstittution wvill local p X hired by Contractor phase be hir-ed by Department 50,000VND/sam Contr-actor for Science, ple) Technology and Environment (DOSTE) 2. Dust (100 Construction Accreditated During 5,000,000 Included in sample/ sites institution will be construction VND the Contralct Towership X hired by Contractor phase 50,000 What Where How When Cost Souirce of lImplemenited Suipervised by firnd by _____ _____ ___ _ _____ _____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ f n by _ _ -_ _ __ VND/sample) _ _ ___ _ 3. Tree cutting Along the lines Accreditated During 7,000,000 Production Accreditated and soil erosion institution or operation VND cost of instituLtion or - EVN Independent phase Provincial Independent tilli-oLIh Consultant will be Power Consultant Provincial hired by Provincial Ser-vice will be hlir-ed Power Power Service by Provicial Services Power Service TOTAL 17,000,000 VND Note: - The Contractor will based on the actual scope of the works and estimate the cost for the activities, andtl tlis cost will be included in the contract andfinalfrom the project costs. - Contractor is responsible for hiring of accredit Ted Institution and Inidependenit Consultanit to ca(rr out the environimental monitoring. Only accreditated or authorized institution can be hiredfor carryinig out of t/e task. Report on environmental monitoring should be made by the hired body and submitted to Contractor, PMU, DOSTE etc. - Tlue compensation cost in RAP are estim1ated ftor the chuiiige of the higlh trees in ROW- Tlhe costs for- i!w-se actf'itles are in the operational cost of the power sectors. The operation(al staff are mainiteniance, inspect, and repair the systemn dlcily.Noise mionitoring is once during construction period and once every half year dlurin2g operation period; mainly monoitor construction noise during construction. In case residents n?ear transmiission lines complain, measurement will be made at that tilne. - Dust monitoring is once (during construction period 3(6 EIA - Ilui Diuum,t' Electric and magnetic field vill be monitored once per yeacr during operation period, EMF wiill be nw ed( at I mn outside tlhe boundary (ROW). All measurements should be made on the site (ilo)lg Project's transmission lilnes IEIA - HIa lT ui C - Training: The staffs will work as monitoring and supervision of this project are skillfull staffs and they were trained from other projects which were invested in Ha Tinh township - Ha Tinh province. Annua. the Electricity of Vietnam usually oganizes the courses for training of electrical safety. Thereto, all staffs in monitoring and supervision the power network have received documlents of monitoring and supervision. According to all above reasons. traning is not necessary for this project. D - Supervision - The Investor - PCI aund local resettlement boards (to be established) are in charge of: compensation for lost of crops and assets. - The provincial environmental monitors (interdisciplinary) are responsible for: Monitoring the implementation of mitigation measures to minimize the project impacts in the construction and operation stage: * Controlling and checking health of workers, operators and inhabitants * Managing a nd checking protection measures for plantations and animilal subject to the impact caused by the project. - Ha Tinh Power Company undertakes to: * Carry out periodical and sudden checks on the network operation, especially after rains and storms for necessary solutions and good operating conditions of the networks. These also help to find out and prevent violations in the line ROW. * Monitor and prepare annual statistics on the network incidents and faults. * Give guidance and supervise the implementation of the state regulations on the network protection and safety by the local governments and people. Meanwhile. stop the violations and report to the concerned bodies for violation solving. EIIA - Ila 7'inilt CHAPTER 7 PUBLIC CONSULTATION AND INFORMATION DISSEMINATION World Bank (the Bank) policy regarding community involvement provided in detail in the WB Public disclosure Policy BP 17.50. It is summar-ized as follows. It requires that the borrower to publicly solicit. hear and consider the concerns of the local community, other affected groups and local NGOs (non-governmental organizations) and to fully incorporate into the design and implementation of the project and the Environmental Assessment (EA). The rationale for consideration and incorporation of the concerns affected parties is to assure community acceptance and enhance the viability of the project. The Bank has found that where such views have been successfully incor-porated into the design and plan of implementation, the projects are more likely to be successful. The Bank has not found community participation to be an impediment to project execution. On the contrary, projects in which affected parties views have been excluded are more likely to suffer from delay and issues resulting from community resistance. To avoid negative impacts on project affected people. Governmental Decree N 175/CP issued on 18 April 1994 requires that all projects in the development of industry: energy, transport, water resource, agriculture, etc. should conduct a compliant EIA study meeting the requirements of the environmental management authorities and the contents of E[A reports include predicted impacts and mitigation measures must be discussed with the PAP. All the interested will be provided with access to EIA, RAP and project summary so that they can submit their comments and concerns to the project proponents through their authorized representatives, e.g. governmental agencies (the people Committee. People Council) and/or socio-political organizations (Fatherland Front, Farrmers Association. Women Union etc.) or non-governmental organizations (e.g. Vietnam Association for the Conservation of the Nature and Environment, Biological Association, Economic Association, Foresters Association etc.). These organizations should collect all comments from the local people and send them to the environmental management authorities (DOSTE at provincial level or MOSTE at central level) or even to provincial People's Council or National Assembly. During the environmental review process, all comments and requirements of the PAP should be discussed and conclusions reported to the project proponents, so that the project can develop proper alternatives and implement measures for mitigation of the negative impacts. The, project will receive an investment license, only after appropriate modification of location, design, capacity and/or technology of the project to meet the requirement of environmental protection and resettlement. As the this project is a continuation of a on going project, the process of the consultation need to be continue for the new project communes. Since one of the project condition is EI,A - 1-a 7-it/i that the commune people need to agree on the project. agree to connect to the project, ancd agree to pay the connection costs as well as to pay the electricity bill. therefore before the project start PCI together with the commune authority need to organize a consultation meeting with the local people. Contents oJ' Piblic Consultation meetings. PCI tooether with the communes 'and precincts authorities have organizedc meeting- with the people in the proj'ct commune durino the design stage in 2002 to discuss them about the major technical. resettlement. land acquisition and environmental issues. Discuss with the people on the project policies entitlement on the resettlement and compensation entitlement, potential impact on the environment. and proposed mitigation measures. The local authority and people gave their comments on: appropriate designed line routes. iny other potential riisk to environmnent In the meetings all questions and recommendations of PAP has been recorded and concerned during the technical design phase. Time for the public consultation: October 2002. Information presented in the meetings. The Consultants has presented the following materials: - Project objectives, scope and components; - Potential ensironmental and Socio economic impact of the Project. - Mitigation measures applied during different phases of the Project. The draft reports of EIA and RAP were displayed in the Ha Tinh Power Company and PNPMB for information disclosures. 1. Aims of public consultation and information dissemination Information dissemination to, consultation with and participation of affected people and involved agencies (i) reduce the potential for conflicts, (ii) help to establish a comprehensive environment management plan and thus, maxirmize the project socio- economic benefit. (iii) Minimize the risk of project delays, and (iv) enable the project to design the resettlement and rehabilitation program as a comprehensive development program to fit the needs and priorities of the affected people, thereby maximizing the economic and social benefits of the project investment. Public consultation and information dissemination was scheduled for 2 stages: project preparation and project implementation. 2. Public consultation and information dissemination during project preparation stage: EIA - f/a 7 iatl During project preparation stage, the following activities were carried out sequentially: Phase I-A(tivitN 1: Injormation & discussion with local aulthorities on the line route. During the field suLvey for the F/S, Consultants discussed with the local authIority on the project line route to find the best route with the minimum affect on the compensa;tioni and minimum impact on the environment. After the line route has been designed, Consultants send the designed line route to the communes and preeincts for their further- comments. Activity 2: Impact sturvey anti statistics Based on the agreed line route, survey teams had realized the route at site; made the piling and coordinated with the local officials to make a list of PAPs' affected land and crops. The socio-economic survey forms were delivered to affected households (for each commune ol precinct) as basis for SLS. The Compensation Committee, with the participation of the local authority, carries out the surveys. This activity was carried out in October to December 2002. Activity 3: Meetings with PAPs *When the survey finished, Compensation Committee in coordination with the commune/precinct officials held meetings with PAPs having land in the line ROW and with all representatives. In these meetings officials informed the participants of the project purposes; presented the project impacts on land and crops in detail; introduce the principles and policies of compensation and advised people not to build new structul-es in the line ROW. PAPs were consulted on the entitlement policy, property affected, and the compensation amount to each household. If PAH agree they will sion the inventory. Activity 4: Approval and clearance by Provincial Authoritv After working with the communes and precincts, the compensation document will sent to Steering Committee, which include Financial and pricing service, Planning and investment service, Agriculture and rural development service, DOSTE, Cadastral Department. The committee will review the related documents and recommend to the Chairman of the People Committee for signing the compensation. Activity 5: Consultation and clearance on EIA Basing on the survey result, in 12/2002, Power Network Project Management Board (PNPMB) has prepared draft EIA to submit to EVN, WB and concerned DOSTEs and PPCs for review on draft EIA. When related parties clear the RAP and EIA, these reports are submnitted to DOSTE applying for an Environmental Permnit and these sources of 1A -, -a ?'i,il, information aue available for all peoples who are interested to know about reports and the Project. 3. Public consultation and information disseminationt durinig project implemenetation stage. Public consultation and informllation disseminaitioni during project implementation is of great importance as the project imipacts on the environmiient and people at the stage would be worst. The following information campaign will be calT-ied out: Information to the Local authority: Before the contractionl of tlle project starts, the first task for PNPMB is to assist the Provincial Steei'ing Committee to organize meetings with involved departments of the project provinces as to discuss all the aspect of the project, including implemenitation of RAP, EIA, implementation planning of the project. * Information to the local people All environment impacts, land acquisition and other impacts induced during construction as well as operation of the project, if any, will be announced in meetings with local people so as to find prompt solution in order to avoid conflicts and implementation delays. 4. Opinion on the Projectfrom the public consultation - Construction of the Project will be good for regional economic development on the spot, can increase employment opportunities and enhance living quality of the public; - Construction of the Project should minimize clearance of crops and compensate affected crop outputs. In response to problem put toward by the public, concerning professionals made a detail explanation to residential representatives in terms of potential environmental impact caused by power transmission construction. The acquired land must be compensated stringently according to relevant national regulations (including land occupation and young crop compensation). Land will be reallocated to farmers who lose their farm field and surplus labour force will be arranged. After their questions were answered carefully, the residential representatives understood that the power construction would not bring impact on them. In term of environmental impacts, there is no complain or question of local people for the issue. Local people concern is human intervention to natural environment in the Project is minimum or no impact. 6. Public participation investigation results l /A - flu l /te/i Local Government. all functional departments and the public on the Project sites Suppolting constr-uction of the Project consider it beneficial to development of local industry and to enhince met of local living quality; long term and short term occupied lanid should be compensated in accordanice with Vietnamese regulations. Project s affected peoples considered Project as a Project with non-impatct on the environment. 7. Summary of the comment receivedfrom putblic - All o the participants in the meeting have agreed that the project, will bri,g a lot of benefits to the HaTinh toWershlip. Quality of life of the Project beneficiaries is consider-ably increased. The Project will increase the stability of the power network of Hai Duong city. Many public organizations such as hospital, schools are supplied by the higher quality of power. - Generally. the lines routes are well selected. The local peoples about the selection of routes have raised some comments. The Consultants have explained about the principles of line selections, explanation of technical issue during design and operation. - People are very happy if the line goes close to their places, because that will increase the quality of power supply. They agree that the potential environmental impacts are very minor and can be very well managed. Additional comments are given to the Consultants for the mitigation activities such as where it should be placed warning site, wlhat time is most suitable for the excavating work during construction phase in some specific areas such as hospital and school. - Local people are willing in their ability to help project owners, contractors to manage the environmental issues such as water supply for spraying, to avoid transportation in the excavating places etc. It is very positive sign from local people to welcome the Project. - Other issues rose by the local people mainly focused on the compensation issues. This information is available in the Project RAP report. 8. Reflection of public comments on the EIA reports - The Comments of local peoples are summarized as above mentioned. All of their comment on environmental issues are explained and- added if it is necessary in this EIA report. The EIA report and RAP report are displayed in the Ha Tinh Power Company and PNPMB as describe above. CONG TY DIEN LlJC 1 CONG HOA XA HOI CHU NGHIA VIET NANf -oOo----- Ooc 1ap - Ttr do - Hanh phuc BAN QUAN LY DLf AN - Oo- Ltf( DIEN S64V DLI/BQLDA - CBXD V/A. Thling bdo tai lieii EIA va R4P - Di Hei Nc5i, lgdigv 14 tlicihdg 7 10m 2003 6ai CT & PT LD Tx. Ha Thdlh KINH GO: DIPN L UC HA TINH Dur an "Cai tao va phat trien lr6i dien thi xa Ha T-mh - Tinh Ha Trnh" ditcc thuc hien v6i khoan vay so 3034 c'ua Ngan hang The' gi6i. Theo chfnh saich cua Ngan hang The' gidi, tai lieu ve bao cao danh gia tac dong mOi tryung (EIA) va Ke' hoach den bui, tai dinh cu (RAP) phai ducc dat tai mot dia diem de ba't ky ai quan tam deu c6 thd tie'p can ducc. Ban QLDA lhri dien kinh de nghi Dien luc Ha Tinh cho phep Ban QLDA lu6i dien drcrqc lru 2 ban bao cao nAy tai van phong c'ua cc quan va de nghi Didn Iiuc Ha Tinh thong bao v6i cong ch6ng (thong bao qgan tren cac bco, dai dia phiroing, ti rcii tai cac vi tri cong cong...) trolg vuing de nhing ng.r6i quan tam c6 the de'n tie'p can v6i cac t'Ai lieu n6i tren tai tru s6 Dien luic Ha Tinh. Thbi gian tie'p can tai lieu: tiu thbi gian thong bao de:n khi ket thuc du an&' Rat mong Dien lrc Ha Ytnh quan tam giup d&. Noi nhan: L. ; ;-"i - Nhittrdn, C / RAN .LN - L2uuTCQT, CBXDM WAY & - I:;uL 5 ANNEX 1: SUMMARY OF PROJECT SCOPE REHABILITATION AND EXPANSION OF DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS OF HA TINH TOWNSHIP - HA TINH PROVINCE Main line Branch Feeder Construction Reconstruction Construction Reconstruction UnUndergroun dndergroundi. Underground . Underground old line lOverhead line CableOverable Cable Overhead lne Cable Overhead line Cable 471 566.00 7,500.20 134.93 2,322.00 1,982.00 428.48 253.00 472 620.00 202.00 6,992.00 9,983.00 162.00 16,663.00 466.00 473 5,495.00 225.00 10,656.00 12,887.00 8,203.00 474 6,515.00 223.00 7,445.00 8,723.00 47.00 6,007.00 475 _ 2,680.20 2,292.00 56.00 230.72 1,503.00 1,005.90 476 1,654.00 130.00 13,333.00 8,865.00 11,335.00 211.00 477 7,109.00 378.00 12,478.00 9,807.00 82.00 18,428.00 90.00 928.00 total 21,959.00 3,838.20 60,696.20 134.93 52,643.00 521.72 64,121.00 518.48 2,863.90 ANNEX 2: SOCIO - ECONOMIC FEATURES OF CONCERNED COMMUNES REHABILITATION AND EXPANSION OF MV DISTRIBUTION OF HA TINH PROVINCE Income Ou put Living conditi n Average Good BadSro pin Total income income income Output in Average Rusking Television Cassette School clinic income (million (million (million pad output Tree type Annual mhi (h) player (h) (class) (bed) VND/H) VNDIH) VND/H)Ton/head kg/head product (h) VND/H) VND/H) .7VND/H) 10.4 28 7.4 95118 370.4693 1-ua 71890 1700 20608 23000 894 876 ANNEX 3: NATURAL FEATURES OF CONCERNED COMMUNES REHABILITATION AND EXPANSION OF MV DISTRIBUTION OF HA TINH PROVINCE Area Dan so, lao dong Totl aeaAgricultural Forested Residential Ote Population density Household Lbue People on Population Total area land land land Oter 2001 (people/km2) 2001 L Job growth rate . 47217 22600 | 6650 1 9720 8247 256750 543.8 | 35832 | 103783 | 72% | 3.8% ANNEX 4: LAND ACCQUISITION IN ROW Agricultural Forest Land Resident Commune People Description Land (m2) (m2) Land (m2) Committee land (m2) Feeder 971 108,362 0 9,030 63,211 Feeder 973 196,582 0 16,382 114,673 Feeder975 122,027 0 4,500 31,500 Feeder 977 139,991 0 11,666 81,662 Feeder472 114,156 0 9,513 66,591 Feeder474+476 122,186 0 10,182 71,275 Underground cable 10,800 0 900 6,300 Total 814,104 62,173 435,211 ANNEX 5: TEMPORARY ACCQUISITION LAND Descrpo . Agricultural Forest Land Resident Commune People Description Land (m2) (m2) Land (m2) Committee land (m2) Feeder 971 35,192 0 2,933 20,529 Feeder 973 63,843 0 5,320 37,242 Feeder 975 39,631 0 3,303 23,118 Feeder 977 45,465 0 3,789 26,521 Feeder472 37,074 0 3,090 21,627 Feeder474+476 39,682 0 3,307 23,148 Underground cable 3,600 0 300 2 100 Total 264,487 . 22,041 154,284 ANNEX 6: PERMANANT ACQUISITION LAND Descrpo . Agricultural Forest Land Resident Commune People Description Land (m2) (m2) Land (m2) Committee land (m2) Feeder971 357 0 0 192 Feeder973 390 0 0 210 Feeder975 97 0 0 52 Feeder977 747 0 0 402 Feeder472 727 0 0 391 Feeder474+476 867 0 0 467 Total 3,186 1,716 CONG iIOA XA IAIl CHU NGHIIA Vl¢I' NAM DQc lip - lTu do - Hanli phuic BIPlN IIAN HOP 111AM VAN CON(N DCING i;AO (') uANII i;iA 'i'Ac DONG MI I KRUONG D)I,J AN: CAl l'AO vA PHA'T'TRI&N lUI DitN V I'RUNG AP '1'HI XA HA TINH - TINH HA TINH izgoyi,(i;hang 41' ndin 2002 'Ial (lin (lieiii: 1, PaX .......~~~~~~~~~~........... ...... . Ii- Caic vin de lharn vAin: Cac hen dg c'ung xem xet, tlha ItL,n vd cac van dO ahh hLei(ngrn,mi iltt(SlIg Cit' dWr(ing df1y trung ap tliuQc dlr an: Cai tao va phat tr-idn ILrui diDn trung At, Dai (lien Cong ly fir vn xty (durng (lien I (IA iiinh hby s(s bo v6 (fL an c Dh11iler 6III tuIy6uu dtriiuig day, c'lc ('unhil hmmirg ctua (Itriug dAy (loi v(i cAc kiml \Attc (1tib, cLi OcSy c(ii..., trong (da han cning nhitr cac hin phiap giarm thiid taic dem)ng m6i tn(Ong. Sau kiii xem xet uiiAio luAn cac vgn de 1ien cliuing lOi Ilionig ;:lia- nhiuf sau: Vd c(i b¾n tIy'en dWitng dAv do C6ng ty tit vgn xay diung tliUln I lita chon Ir6n dia bani p)laling (xa) - -b.' - ( IIICC) )AII *' A, Ifll g Iiiy6ii 16 )I lalup Iy, ia1lil Lhfoc ca(c (illy lmitlch cCa dljl plilaling va aiilh iu.sng lOi thi&I ddi vai khu vurc dan cut cuing nui.r doli v6i miloi iir-Ltng va caic cong, lirmh lidii cluan. Thdng nhl vAi cac bidn philAp ghiain tliiu anhi hl.rOng ni6i iilung ciia dyr li irong LuA rinli chon lUy6n, lhi c6ag c6ng tinil do Crig ty lir vain Xay diirlg ctUln I lrinih bay. UBND Phutdng (Xa ) vii cAc 16 c(lrc xa hoi dtu(ic tham vfli se OihC)ug haoi cho nilan dani tion g phuing (xa ) n'ini bielt d3 liain gia thy:c hjiii. 111- Cac vSn de ton tai de nghi xein xet them: - Phai d3n bu cay c6i hloa inau cho dan la'Y6c khi tlii c6ng cong ti-iih. Bidn ban cuoc lhyp dutic tlhbng qLua, dai didn cac bhi diingoll nht-a va k9 ltXji./ DAI DIEN T`fV XD DIPN H.lt f XAC NHA.N COA IJBND CONG TY DIEN LLfC I PHUONG (XA) lr TGktM EOC muNG [TA YUNG DIE2N LUC I . ... .$ ' \ ; ~ i, ,; DOC ,,i . § <~ ;:,; C i' TAL TN!;J 1 - =. I(lll UIMOLI) )1a n1u!Ijj uiwi2 dpi(id U?! 1.3) JUjuL 2UII U1(4 1311) SUOJ..Io xun, jl:3 1111I) -1l.A I111A -W.-) IPA I'O( UP 5Itioyip imfl min,nj titiJ m)n3 '(Up) 'Rionp tZ)Xip 1I o hIi1Jld 'I1I' Jil) -)A Qq os Aivq LIU!.I I Uip ftijil) X(X UA .1I Al '4UQj U,!I) le( di ulin u-z'!p !i)nj upi.l 1rjd PA °U1 IIID: IJB hip -00iii d. 'tiu.mil 4up 2ui)ii Jio13 SiL).il) !)UW -USm)J)litl lue ?U)A D3?) ,A uilfl (wlIl 1?x uiax %irno UP t,1?q :UVA MLULII ap tIJUVA 13 -II :U"fA 11 IA UO)c/IS UlIlI) L13?j UOIP !- V h:p ulilmp UI? hp !4?q 1uoJil l0ill k !00mi Slmn-IN ' d~~~~~h WL ... QP lzi .4 ...... 6V0 .@ ; t X .,8S~~~~(t E-. ,,.t{ffD (,)I ;npv Ui; - P4_a9t 2. Dai dieui cac t6 chtc Xa hti' ~~~~~ ~~~~C l'-n d(' I N; ( t * 'tn.- @*><...... 4. Da dien Ban qtian ]9/D(on Vi utr vgn: .w ' wFf8.nAt ....... a .v . s ...... I1- Cfic vin ( tihain vgln: Cac ben dl cunLg xemn x6t, thao lua,i vd cgc vgn dd ainh htrfYng m0i triring c*na dttng dAy tt-ung ap w.Uoc du an: Cai tao va phlit tr-idn lu(ii ditin trung ap Dni (liCi (COnpg Iv lit v tl xAy (Ilutig (lien I (IR trlnh hbay sO b) v6 (dLr kil. CiC pIhIt( lig AI i I ulyCl) thiuig (IAy, c'c .lfll h Uluig 6iu d iti,g dlay doIi vtsi uic k liii vuv (1d cit *cAy c6i..., lhsong (lia bhan cCing nhit cac hien phAp gi'ain lhidu tac d0ng rnui truImng. .Sai lkiii XCmInl Xi tiao hllin caic van (d iren clifng iOi (li6ng nliluil't niL Sunil: VW c(u hbal tuy6;nl dtting day do Cbng ty tit van xAy duinlg *icUn I lia (che?rl tu-r tila haii phl(hlg (xii) ( ilico h,An, dI(, 1I11U1 1 ,g luyd'6l 1( L.t ) Ia I1iUp 1, tAihil di7 t()i iac Liuy lIoachi c6a dia plhtiung va Anii hafe6iig iOi thidu d6i vdi khil ViiC dan cit cOng nhu ddi vtui MrOi InrL'lIg va cac LAng iniuii iit fn qLldn. . l-loig nall' v6i cac bien phaAp giAin tlhidu Anii lut(.ng in6i 1rtoing Liii dir an rohn *luA UInhli o hn tuyell, lhi cOnLg cong triah di) Cong ty itf val Xidy diftig dlitn I rinhl bay. UBND PlliuLng (Xa ) vA CAc 1'l chul xa 11Oi dMU; Ihliai vanl SC diOng Kuv Jik ii1iau dain iLiong piLueiiidg (xa ) minhi hi6et dd iliam gia tili!c lhidia. HI- CAc v6n de ton tai de ngiig xeni xet Iiemin - Phai den hu cay c6i hoa rnau cho dan Irauc khi tlii cOng cn;g irinh. I316ii bAn cL6c k,ip dac thn1111g quLa, dUi dien cac ban tihk)'Cg nia va.i kv k- ./. DAI DI)EN ITV XD DEIEN 1LUt I I (: t JBND CNCNG TY DIEN LUt I (XA) TRUNG TXi 7 DUG DIEN LUC , 'I .2,,; - Es >,'CHU 7T1, {1 t /L(S CUOC HOP THAM VAN CONG DONG BAO CAO DANH GIA TAC DONG M6I TRUONG (EA) DUU&N: ckI TAO vA PHAT TRdN LUOI DI1N TRUNG AP THI XA Hi TTNH - TINH HA TTNH DIA DIEM: XA THACH LI CUOC HOP THAM VAN CONG DONG BAO CAO DANH GIA TAC DONG MOI TRUONG (EIA) DIJAN: CAI TAO VA PHAT TRI N LUOI DItN TRUNG AP THI XA HA TINH - TINH HA TINH DIA Dlfit: XA THACH HA S ;s- i ~- -- :3n CUQC HOP THAM VAN CONG DONG BAO CAO DANH GIA TAC D6NG MOI TRIbNG (EIA) DIJAN: CAI TAO VA PHAT TRIgN LLtI DItN TRUNG AP THI XA HA TINH - TINH HA TINH DIA DI9M: PH6 TRAN PHEI _ |~~- CUOC HOP THAM VAN CONG DONG BAO CAO DANH GIA TAC DONG MOI TRIbNG (EIA) D1X AN: CAI TAO VA PHAT TRIAN LUbI DItN TRUNG AP THI XA HA TINH - TINH HA TINH DIA DINM: PHAN DINH PHUNG [ I ] Click or the protected areas to view the site cards in pdf format. Existing and proposed protected areas in Ha Tinh province Cac khu b6o ve hien co va de xuat o tinh Ha Tinh I~~~~~~~~~~ TrS T*X }e s .i: .Tric LThh !E-.. a;. _ho 7, Vegettion ype Ki&u HnSng lLegn ICih-i r3 1 t ( 2 9 / ~~~~~C a t) L 6 ^ Conif.,ous tore,l / Eitng l- kim Pro\-ncitalborder 1 Rhnh gidhi t - ~ciduou fore~l /F~xng rug t~ (kh5) - Drict borde RA Pnh Nui G . Semi-deciduous forest / ''g ncia rung t Vag&tafion typG I Kieu'L nfng LGgcand I Ch-i 96i3 iEver-gree-n fore-z) I iRfng ihLjjng xanh Proileciecd are-a liSKhu 1tao Co nifeonuz foreszi I Rr ng Ila k.im Provincial bor-dAr I L-n h giC i' th~ 7; - 4ciduous forezi I iRQng rying 1a (kh6p) D ~ sircic border1iRs r. gi ;i t: i-. Semi-deciduouz foresi f RLRng rnua rugng la§ l Limeslone foresl I R ing nu. da Bamboo I Fn8 ire nu'ta Planiaiion forezi I Fi ng ire,ng N ' .Graz;sland and Gcrub I Dai ir6ng A AgHricultural land I fDar n6ng nghi6p Waler bodies I iAM1 nu rc -l hangrove I tng ng'o nrgap n S WXlaleuca I Rrng lram I 'yeC 7 i/[ I . 105530 106'00' 10 6-15' I -,CffAb ,r M61 'HUti NC-L- E L MOC PHU C'A'P KHU VV.C I P% 16 45' 1-1!Na 0 0.3 F`45'j THANH HUCYNG.. 0.1 0.4 01 ra Im 0.2 0.5 K` To. &. &.: o Sk it. Nh-g: 0. I 7- p t -,;At; - L6c I JAW B.i C B r) Lqtf T'R r A m HA w_ QUANG. 0_0 H;J PX` VE % 5 C M N Ze, 4 - LZ 'T 'A" 2r. AY _ANq r "Z7"A I I`: rK OD an CAC W-IN VI HANH CHiNH cuac f)AN N s6 TREN BAN 06 X. Th-h L,h -P Nm H6 TUYtN 6A K P. Trk PhO X. Th.ch Y6 Ij X. Thach Q.y S X. Th-h Hoa P. 66C H X Sa. Lohg P. TA G-g X Ky Ch5. E X. Th-h Ph. :-X Ky H, g NH HbA - ----------- IL- 1051,15 105"KI i0c,100 106-15 co cn