oumnent Manacgemen1t Planz - Tami QUCatlI i/Ok Vsublstation7 and brachlcl lin1e of Ta,,, £)uaii 7Thn7 - Bil:l B;l:o Prlov incet POWER COMPANY N0). 3 POWER DESIGN CENTER NU) 15 -04 -DKS E 1 148 VOL. 8 SECOND TRANSMISSION ANVD DISTRIBUTION PROJECT (TD2) CREDIT NO.:4107-VN TAM QUAN 110KV SUBSTATION AN~D BRANCH LINE OF TAM QUAN TOWN BINH DINH PROVINCE REPORT ON ENVIRONMENTEIL MEINEGEMENT PLEIN DA NANG, May 2006 Page 1 Environment Altanagement Plan - Tam Quan I O1k 1 hsithstation uan hrncwh lihne ot -rci fii Q11 TuT,w - DB iilii P'rvimnc'e POWER COMPANY N. 3 POWER DESIGN CENTER N" 15 - 04 - DKS PROJECT TAM QUAN 110KV SUBSTATION AND BRANCH LINE OF TAM QUAN TOWN BINH DINH PROVINCE REPORT ON ENVIRONMENTEiL MhRNaIGEMENT PLfIr Established by: Tran Nhi Da Vang, 2006 DEPUTY DIRECTOR POWER DESIGN CENTER Tran Van Chien (S'1071ed) f /s jgr,el') I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- hi.vironnicni At'il m A lunagemenit I'I/ t1 - 7Ta,m Quitz 1//A 1 .1 loution ii o// i l it ,I,,,l / lt of/,I I (MCIIi / ,owf, TAIBLE OF CONTENTl I- General 1. Project description 2. Project location 3. Main characteristic of the Project 4. Area land required tor the pro ject 5. Water sources for seriving the pr-oject 6. Traffic system wheni implemileniting the pr-oject 7. Waste wvater, solid wvaste collection and treatment S. Summllary ot'productioni technologies 9. Impicillemitationi schedulc 11- Pioject details 111- Environmiiienital screenillg IV- Public consultation V-Mitigation plan V]- Monitorinig plan VI. I -Sample repor-t oi'enviro-nmenital managemiient (Contractor) VI.2-Sample report of environimienital monitoring (Supervisor, SIMC) Vll- Institutionial developmncit VlIl- Implementationi arranigemilents IX- Monito ing and reporting systemn X- Estimated cost of lnvironmental Managemieint l'lan Xl- TIhc confirmi- of "Registration fol- secuCLin I' tnvironmciital Stindar-ds" Xil- Annexes 3 F 'iirlmhiciat Ahanag'in'cr i - cn i nn, 011(11 0 b 1 ) . din/S11 11c (117e i i c' h /il1k' 0/ 'F(llt (0)I/1ti /(0 1'tt - Bin/i /)/111 li 0 lin ABBREVIATION PPC Provincial People's Comiiitcc EMP Environmental Management l'lan IIS D)etail ImCeasuremenIICIlt SuLrFVe DPC DI)istrict people's CommiliittCC EVN Electricity ot Viet Naml GOV Goverinimlenit ot Viet Nam HHs Households SIMC Safeguard independent monitor PC3" Power Company No. 3 BDsPC Binih Dinihl Power Scrvice ROW Riglht of way T/L Transmission l1ine USD United State Dollar VND Vietnamiesc Dong WB World Bank PMIJ Project Managemiienit Ufnit CPIC C omml1unLal People's Comillittee DPs Displaced pCIesonls 4 [E nviro,,nmiwt Mu 4Iana,gemen,, t JIei/ - 7i1z,f 9),mm / I1A I 0 l/ls.l(mo01 a h, II(/ I /Iic III /1 / III 4 /4i) ()Ih) I/0/I ,I - fbi/i /)in,/', f) l ,,6 L. GENERAL 1. Description of the anticipated location for the project activities' dev elopment. Tamil Quan 1 IOKV substationi and its brancih line are conistiucted l`r meetinig the demand of' uppg)rading and developing the iurca niwctrok . increasing the capability ot' suppl'iLg the prCesCet load with electricity and Increasing the capability ol'supplyIng electricity withl hig(-h Cuallit in 'Lutulre. By aoweemilenit of' FVN, 'C3 carries on the tivestmlentt in constuctin Tam Quani I I OKV substationi and its branicih linle by USing W13 loan. Scope of the pro ject: Consistling o' am Quan 1 IKV substation \ ith the capacitv 2 x 25MVA (imimlediately install on transformer) and its branch line with 2.8Km lengthi. Tam Quan I 1OKV substation and its brancih line are newl buit, the whole line route gets throughi lloai Phu, -lloai l-lao villages, 'I'aml Q(uanI To\ n. Hoai Nhon District, Binih Dinih Province. 'T'he terraini wvhere the line goes through is relativel flat and mainly goes through the ricefields and fairim produCC. The line route is about Ikm f'ar ftromil the highway IA and mainly *oes through the gardens, water ricel'ields, bamhoo hedges and eucal\ptlus e ardens. At presenit. the landc area used around the project locaLtioll is almniost ol' agricultural land. TI'am Quani I OkV substation is located on the flat w%ater r-icefields. It is about 9511 fr frIom Nguyei Chi 'I'hanihl street anid 800ni fa r frotmOI the I ligh\\ a\ IA. 2. I'roject location: The area of' pr-oject implemilentation is located in the area of' I loai I'hu. I loai [lao villages, 'I'am Quani Town belonginSg to I loi Nlhoni District, 13inhI Dinh Province. The geographic location is as follows: + The East: conftinied with pacif'ic ocean. + 'I'he West: conf'ined with l-loai An and An Lao districts. + 'I'he South: confined with I foai l'hu and I loai Mv distr-icts. T'I'he Nor-thi: conlfinied viti lI)uc l'ho district Quanl Nai p Ovin nce. 3. Main characteristic of the Project: a/ 11 OKV substation: + Building one I 10/22KV substation. + Capacity : (2 x 25)MVA, (Immediately install a transformer). 5 Liii innuiiAl AIiiitige'iiie'iit /'Icn - 7hii uii (Iit / 10k I's uswalio i iii mbi /him,ic/li line n/ T mi (9w in * I /Ii B- II171 )Il / I /I) I,(l ncte ( b/ 10KV line: + Length of line :.8Km. + Voltage class :110/22KV. + Number- ofllines: 02 (Imimiediately build one). + Conductor-s : ACSR- 185/29. + Ground wires OPWG-57. + Insulators: At the supporting positions, use the suspenslioin insulatol string of U70BS - 8 disc and at the anchor positions, use the stiain insulator string of U 120 BI. - 9 disc. + Towers: zinc hot deep galvanized steel. + The hecig1lt ot'thie towers: fr-omii 24.7 - 30.8m. I'oulidations: job placed steel concrete. 4. Area land required for the project: - Thle total natulal area f'or the whole project is 41 3Kmi-. - The total requisitionied area f'or the w\hole project (including the Rl)W of line) is 53,904m 2. In wvNhich: + P'erimianienit requisitio : 11 .1 90mi. + Temilporary riequisition :42_714m2 * Present condition of used land: At piesent, the land area used aroulid the project location is mnainlk ol' aricultuLral land. 'I'he land area fbor the project imipleenicitation consists ol': + Agricultural land: Temporary requisition: 4.27 hectare l'e-rmianent requisition: 0.1 1 hectare. + Residential land: Temporary requisition: 0 hectai-e: Pemiiancnt requisitioni: 0 hectare. + fIorestry land : Temporary requisition: 0 hectar-C, I'cliiancnt requisition: 0 hectare. + Waste land : 'I'emporary requisition: 0 hectare: l"er-nmanent irequisition: 0 hectare. 'I'he substation requisitions about 01 hectare agricultural land. During the process of implementating the project, the land at the foundations' location will be requisitioned permanently, the land used l'or the ROW of overhead line will be only requisitioned in temporary at the stage of' stretching conductors. After the construction completion, the habitants can develop this source of land such as cultivation, breceding, but not allow to plant trees more than 4m of-height as well as build houses under the RZOW of' line. 6 LU 1\'//)I/O? /f'/1 A Iaf11UtL'fla 'ln llcJf l - 76iLi Q)I ll1 /)an 1 O I .01sIsa/tiot), andi IWLrUL Ii lich ' I )/ 1 7i (iPZO 1w 1 in I -Bin// /M) P1/1 o \ 1lltc' According to the preliminary investigationl, thc line routc is anticipated to be at least 500m ftar f'romil the crowded inlabhitalts' ai-ea. indCustL rial installations and other traflic-ways, and the f'uL-thiest distance r'lom tlic cciicire Of the lIine route is 1000 - 2000mn. 5. Water souirces for serving the project: - Gathering water f'romil the rivers, spriligs in the area. - Purpose of utilization: to mix conicretc for the ioundations' construction, during the process of' mixing concrete, it needs a zicvcn Volumelc of water at the positioni of' constructing foundations. TIherefore, this water source is almost uinreimarkable. - 'I'he demand oft water Use is vcry little because ot' ouLIndation's dimenision (70-1 00m2)2 - Atter the conlstIuctioln com1pletioni ot' the linc, thc waltCr soLIuce is almost not in use. So that it docs not et't'cct the water souLce iIn the pr(ojcct area. 6. Traffic system when implementing the project: The line route is located in the trat'l'ic concentiration as 'ollo\s: - The Highw-ay IA f'romii Da Nang to Quang Ngai with 6mi - 1(0.5m width and in the asphaltic surf'ace used for transporting materials. tranisf'ormllers and clectr-ical equiplllellt. - Ntouven Chi T'hanlh street with 3.5m width and in the asphaltic surfl'acc cani be used fior transporting materials, equipmiien1t and transfor-miler-s to the site. - Besides, the intervillage and intelhamillet's roads are ol' I'oot-path. in the rainiy season it is very diftficult In traf'f'ic movements. - After the construction completion, the traf'tic System only ser\ es the' work of' manaing and operating the power netwvork so that it does not CaLILSC anN cfl'fcct in norimal tral'fic movcments. 7. Waste water, solid waste collection and treatment: a/ Waste water collection: According to the construction procedure, the line routc is destituited ol' waste water. Only the fresh water used I-or ImiXinlg concrete during- the period of' construction and the excessive one has gone down at the positionl of' l'oundations. b/ Solid waste collection and treatment:- During the period of project implementation, the souIce of solid waste is unremarkable, because the electrical equipment such as: conduCtor s, towers, crossarms, insulators and transformers are alnost manufactuL-ed in accordanice with the strict procedures at the factoriCs. 7 1m11Vro )nmInt'i A alcn,egnt'm, i Plan - 7'thai Quacn II OAI ./0 I'substtiamani / l, tine /li Ian i, / I, , , ou, II I I'm I - l miz/i Din/i// P'r m i, I ,. Besides, durinig the period of' constiuctlig foundationis, the solid waste SUChl as: sacks, bags and constructioni mortar are geneiated, as such solid waste is of little so it is collected to the loulidationi pits. I3et'ore project COnlStl'uCtiOnl impleimienitatiolln it is necessarv to investigcate caret'ully the derivationial pipes. communication cales an1d othiel underground systeilis f'or not causing any impacts On the enviroilillent alouInd the project area. 8. Summary of production techinologies * The total investment costs: Order IParameter Item suilml _II Constiuctioni and installationi costs 12,927,270_000 VN ) __ Equipmenit costs _ 15,735,183,000 VNI) 3 Othel- basic COnlStlrUCtioln costs ,3 1 6,80 0,0() OVNI ) j 4 I Contintent cost 3,402,426000() VNI) Total 37,426,679,00() VN I) In whllicll: - Ioreign fund: 8.7 1 9.2z6.00()0 VN'l) -1 ocal lund: [ 28.7(7.4 ()()() VNI) ! List of materials: All equipment and mater-ials f'or the project wvere mallnufactured in accordance with the strict procedures at the f'actories, including the 1`Illo\ina accessories: prefhabricated steel towers, copper or alulilnllumIL conIductors, steel crossarmlls, insulators, the above materials wvere already prcl'abricated, thcy are- only tranisported by trucks f'rom the workshops to the site. 'I'he soUIcC of' huildiing inaterials f'or the f'ouLIdationis such as ccm1elt, steel, sand, gravel; they are supplied by establishiieits and f'actories. :Means of transportation, supply and maintenance t'or the materials: All equipment and materials are transported by trucks to the site. Storelhouses and freight yards f'or keeping materials are rented at the centre of the villages (yards of communal and hamiet people's commilttees) in the project area. Cement the storehouses and f'reight yards and build f'ences arounid themii. During the period of transporting, all trucks are covered and f'astened carefully for avoiding scatter, collision, noise and dust. 8 F/ilt IioIint'1cI A I i .zt'Iiit'n/ Pl'/a - 7 z/CI I)IPnI11 1 /OA I 0 AT ml.\ lh tofl II/ /rimchII I,/mc lT/m v,,,, I,), II The maintenance of all equipment and materials mutst be in accordance with the common regulations as well as the ceti iaent standards. During tihe period of maintenance, all equipment and materials must be covered and fastened carefully for avoiding loss an(d dainage. 9. Implementation schedule: + Set up the Feasibility Study and prescit tor approval : Octobel 2004. -* tcchlilcal investigation and tecihiical desi(it Ironi N\luach 2005 to Junle 2005. + Ask for issuing peri-iits ot land usc; car-ry OUt the Co0mlpnCISaLtiOll oinid lay-out clearance: March 2006. + Set up the TIechnilcal design and prcsent tot approal Mai-ci '(06. + Bidding organization for constructioni and installation wvork: trolm Apriil 2006 to Junc 2006. + Bidding organizationi tOr procuL-emIIenlt ot cquipimieint and miaterials: Fromil August 2006 to May 2007. + Constr-uctioni and installation, ad justmlIenlt, tcst, hand-over-: iron September 2007 to October 2007. + Test on completion and put into practice: Novemiiber- 2007. 9 n j11 nil01711 ItII AII I(1gC'nic'n11 - Tinn Qb it In II (AI 1 uhV (It i i el(1/b/ 1,a I? CI li/i IC' ot T1 m vI ( ),17 / MI 17 - m/im/ /)uI/i /PI ,i,, e , 11. PROJ ECT I)FI',TA IL[S ITLamIII QuLILn I I 0kV substationI and 1. Project namlie branichI linc olfT'aml ()uan town - 13inh D 1)inh Province. 2. IPogoranirric namic _ IIransimiissioni and 1)istributioll (T &D1)2) 3. Ncw p,roject or rehlabilitationi N 3 Rhito Oi~~~~ New 3 Reliabilitatlio pr'oject 4. Project location * Comnmunie: IHoai Phu CommIIunLe, lloa I llao Commulllnliie, Tamii QLuari Town * [)istrict I Ioai Nhon * Province :3inl D)inh 5. Length and v'oltaoe level o0l IV L 9 m l k line - - Len(th: _779 kil Volta,-,c I 10kV 6. Length and voltage level o0'IMV t I~~~~~~~I ilcI ..I(^tha: V o I tLl C: 7. Length and voltage level olf I-i Clgtli: IV Vo Itao C: t distributioll network. 8. Width oflROW Widthi: 16 ineters 9. nppi-oxiiiiate iiumiiber- and I l.l,ht: 24.7 _ t). Approxim11ate nulilbel alid Number: 17 10.8 height of poles ____ - 10. Number of substation 01 2 x 25 MVA (Immiedliatlv inistLill Li I I . Total capacity of substationi 2 transformer). I 2. Constr-uction coMImencelmient C oimlmecicmeinlct: CompletionI: and completioni date (month/vear) November/2005 ' ('2006 13. Construction in the wet season Yes No 3 14. Numbei of PAlls. 1 29 househ1olds Permannlit: 0. I F eremporary: 4.27 hectar-e f`or I I Ok V 15S. Total area land required for thehete(frI0V lis an 10 z , 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~hectarec (lor I I10kV Iinecs anid l.() - l Nznxvole pi-oject wines) hectare l'or I I Ok V substation 1 6. 'I'otal Agricultural land 'I'emporary: 4.27 IPermanent: I.l I required for the whole project hectare hectare I'em-porary: 0 Permanent: 0 1 7. Forestry land required hectare hectare 'Femporary: 0 Permanent: 0 1 8. Industrial land required hectare hectare I0 V] 'r './ ')/1 J/ l A\t nIC/ZL ' ?I P/ IL - 7,,i,, )O m / /I N s II s / io. I ullUl? I -I,II( .i 1, IL1' *,| 1 )I1 7 ( ) lo i / , , - BInII /I I )In I, P,,, I hIC _ . _ __. _ _ _- - _- _ _ _ _ _ Flempio-my: ( ) I'l-lil.wilclit: () 19. Residenitial land r equired lecctary: 0 crai: __ _ hcctar-c hectare 20. Other land requlied TempoiaIy. 0 Ilermanent0 hectale chect.al c 37 430) 00(() 00(() OR1: 2 376i 0()() Total project cost (VNI) & USDI)) 3 0NI) aS 0I) IIN )III APfl iY)PII.J!1'?C , MIIZ('I1ICI f'hllll, - 7;,,, ()! t1 )L i t (1/1(1 /'r1 c/m( I? mIlh , oif11 Om', / /F( L II 1! f 81 11/ 1 /)II II,I P 111( C 111. ENVIRONMENT'AL SCREENING For Tain Qtian 11 0kV line PO''ENTlAI. A'()NCOMM1\ -N lS IMPACTS IMPAC'I'S (Colmlillmlnts 011 sCale YES | NO arid level ol iipialct) CONS'I'RUJC'I'ION S'T'AGF Effects on vegetation or I x Mainl CuUttiln", albaut habitat areas as a result oa l 1 (3 trees oa bIamhao cleaing. f'or ROW, substationis and eucalltS. In or access roads. whichl all the treecs ael- ol' above -4m he'iat Lii cd all ot' themil arc arowionw .___. __ .. , , 4 \'CI'C1verdanti at pr1'esclet. Erosioni or sedimenit x 'I'hc land am110LIlo t at' generationi caused by earthwvor-ks is earthworks. anticipated to he oa 8760il. 'tel- *ou Undation completiloii ilte cxcessi \C soil \\iIl be t-illed LIup the tid`0a-tlCtionl anlld the I-rst \. ill II be \ .leld at tllh substaLtioll plat Oi'i I)o lOt transpol-r to other _ _lace. Effects on air quality fi-omil x | At the sta"e oat vehicle, equipment exhausts constr uctioni and dust geneiated by I implemietatioll, hcn constructioni activities. trucLks transpol-timna mater]-als and eI Lui Il IeCI t to the cOiistl uction site w ill impact o11 air- I | I qualitV. 13csides, duIl-I ng the priocess oa' polc C'erction, condiLuctol- stlretcl 1 Ci Cd L''' i 1)11IC11t installation it caLIsCs __ittle_eftect. 12 Fin7ir it-11i'ill?. A i,,uc'IInICIIC PILiii - um (wiim Ii I O A F. sitith h oi nv i Iu 7d hr lilch Ii1 ic' 1 l, lTln u , iiif /( I - Bii,h 1 )m,h P, .,, l,,, OPFIRATIION STAG[I 'Iree cuttini, Cor ROWTlx 'l[lhc quLItIitv ol' u-cC clearanlce Cutting is little and Imlainily bliab0oo treCes anid eucalptIUS aIC CUt. Electric field x B 13ecausc ot nicetin, the demilanid ol thc CUIrCret regulationls i desitnin( and limaitin) as ImLuCh aIS possibIC to work riilht in the ROW, so that the imllpacts causcd b! clectr-ic litcld iS LInilOticiab ic. For Tam Quan 11 OkV substation POTlNTl IAI. ( CO M\N1 N INl-S IMPAC I'S IMPACCTS (Comlmclnts on scalc Yl IS NO and level ol' impact) CONSTRlJCTI'ION STAGIE Et-ects on1 vegetation or x 'I'hc substation IS habitat areas as a rcsult ot locatcd -naiuk on0 the clear-inig for ROW, substations water riccfields, it 's or access roads. about ()I CCtarelad ald It present the r i ceS ai1e' I S ;,I'°gr\v ingl \ erdai.1] ML . ELiosion 01o sediment. x 'I'lic arca oli 'I' aml (O)uail generatioln caused by 11)KVSL substation earthwork s. plat'orMni is hig1her than the flooded level so it imust pay mLIcI attention to cmbankecl part. I'hc land amoun1t of ear-thiworks is aLiticipated to be of 8 500m-n3. Effects on air quality from x Only at the stage ol vehicle, equipment exhausts construction and dust generated by impleiieintationi, when 13 .l l' 111 1o 1l micl ol i Zhugc / it 1 e nt - 7l1tl 011r117 1 10A I su s hit it7o i hii , I br(mch Ii )| of la (hia! / Io1' ill/ - /i)/i / )/ ol ( liLt' construction activities. trucks transportling. materials and eC(,li PnwiClt to the construction sitc will impalct o11 air uallity. Bcsides., Iur-I-1 thle process ol' conltr0ol IIO1LISC CO1I1StRl1.1l;O1 ;lIlCi eqluipmllenlt installation it ------- __ __ __ ___ _ _causcs little c'l'cct. Waste fi-om the construction x It is anticipated to have ccamps. onc constl-uctioll cMamp with about 1 5 to '() NvoIrker-s per- on1e clamp). I ~~~A rranige accommiiiiodationc and sel f-destroyi ng Cesspits 1'or- the workers right in the cLamlp a11rea1. Th1'1elr'ore, the impacts arCe LiiinotiCe,alerl. OIPERA I(ON STI A(il Waste from living activities x TIoilets must be arranged in accordance withi the I-CrUlatcd standar-ds. D)ispose and burLIy the living activity waste. 'I'hc sC ao c systemrn mu1lSt be conIlected to the waste trCatment ss stemlii anIdi theC ImuLsIt be i nstal 1led ho\\ to mlc't the local i ! (lidscharesl- standiasCls. Explosive and 1'ire hazard x 'I'hc cxplosive aLind firc hazard may be occurr-ed so it is necessary to have the plan ol' a pcaution. Ilazard of transformer oil x Fault oil holding pits arc leaks arranged at the substation site. 'IThe substationi cquipimcnt is put in routine test (every 14 huh I, l )In/h lO l/l1 C six imolithis). so tlh ! nilipacts oni env il olilnilint are not noticcLale. l:lectric and magnictic h-ield x B ILIScause of tinczlll thle demanid of thc CUiTCv1t rci2ulatio(ls ill desi-ning, ind | mainitainine, the Protective fenC aLr ouIndC thc substation a're, so that the imp11racts caLused by clectr-ic 1 field is 1 . I unnoticeable. 15 IV. I'UBLIC CONSUJLTATION COINJSUlTANT AF T) A I AI S 01 '\ 1\' lI | (ONSITI IA I IAN ()I IW (NI S I)Iats o! notice I Fom 7 to iO) (di s s n/a IPcople s Comlimittee otf Commnunes. Ilo clo ce PLubliC not ice ,ocat ion ol'iotice xNards. communalt,l. 11ouLssC, public pl laec Date ot'notice Apri l/'2005 li/al I Newspapcr Nalnc of n/a not if icat ion 1Nam of B1I )D11111 Date olf April/(0(0 n1/a PItubliC annllouLnlceellnll allnnouLIncenlienlt/ I-imze oft' '['he. ('0om11111.1M radio announ.111cCIlment r-aidio s\steCm1s \xill -. I m plem,,ent S ti III nna 1'v ol' 1)tll)lic o°I)i n iOIs: IiConstructi on, Af"t' i- I he. constru'Lctionl itlemcnt.tt on%l ' ill be d1\C loped aIter the lmar e>t1 - \\hen tralnspor-in1 &Itl11i)ipCetII anld ilmatcials to/I'romn the site, all trueiks Dalte heldl 922/6/2004 - are Covered carefu lix and reeti.larix 23/6/2004 spraxCd \\itii \x ater for pi-e\C entim dLSt. - t tili/c the optimal m11easure> to -1itielatc the etfects (on etrlIVI*Mnc ta il scelneries (I elpecl )I. the affection1S of o0tSe and duLItI). _- [heIC ColnStruLtiOnl ipleIlnltatioll PleopIC s Committee muillst mleect the {demaInd llk oftechnlical Location hcld Of Co(mmr1111 a11Llt ionSS opLf'nIitun st.lw Clea the collil>trnctnii > Public neetin~~~~~~~~~~~~~ dis,poe \xaste an1d dtistx Ili(:iteal - Alieni comipclcin Ii li!11 P'roect .A\fct'etcl tcdsCk tILCtioi x\ orYk it need, i Participants I louscholds. I 1l e rcstor-e distUrbCd areas x\\itlI nat .\e ConiniuLnail ailld species I) stri-ct PeoplesC", - M iti ate the nenat ineimpac\ts ComlilltteeXs MHss (x rionnilet \x hnI puLting 1liI 01-ran izations proiJct ilito practice - Inst-Lct tilh electriC Safe meaCsuirles Metlhods of Invited by Pleoples as \\ell as tiC lielc relad cxpblos ix participation Comilillittee ol° pel-ItiOl ilnvitation COFFiITnLcS. lIncloscd progr-ai NULImber of (See the Appendix) participants: It) Representatives ot' nocal Administration and 1f Representatives of I'ro ject A ffectd I fouscholds. Pacge 16 I'ublicize the illfor-milationi altlr under-taking FM I' at: 'ower D)epartillllt olf )istrict/Province o tile Ollices ol 'Peoples Comiiiittee oftD)istrict/lProvi n (in Vietinamiese languagc). C'arly out the public consultationl alter the project sUbM issionl li approval and during the process ot project implementation1. Publicize the project infor-milationi at Development Into iliationl Ccnltc- of World Bank (VDC) - 63 Ly TIhai TIo - I la Noi (in linglish la languLC) Publicize the project inloformation in FLnglish at World Banik Otficc - Washington (WB infor-sliop). Page 1 7 V. MITIGATION 1'LAN iT1 IMIT AI ION TAB131.1 11 OkV line Issue l__Vlitigating measure | Cost Responsibilit CONSTRU]CTl ION STAGE The tlora in Utilize hanid clearin(z of l3iddillp Ulnilt Contrlctor project area vegetation if possible, price avoid meclhaniical clearilng or herbicide use. Dispose wvaste at established duLImp | site. UIsc existill roads Not yet wlher-evel- possible to transpor-t cquiplllellt andc materials to/f1rom the site. Soil erosion Excavate crosion prone 13Biddi ng Unit Contracto or areas duriig dry scasoni. price sedillmenltation| Air pollution F rnsure all machinrII-y using 13Bidding Ullit ContraLctor combustion engines has price and maintains valid operating permits throughIout the project schedulc. I uI nsur e al I trucks transpor-tinig dusty matei-ials to/from the site arec covered. Water spray at dusty arcas (constructioni site, roads, ctc ...) during hot, dry and windy conditions. Avoid burning removed vegetation. Page 18 OPFRATION STAGE TI'ree CUttilng Cut the trces in ROW but Operation Mana0Cnient in ROW nlot trCes belowv the cost Unt minimal heiglht reaI!remenClt (<3nieters) Electric and Design1 to mieet Electrical Not yet MiaimagCeclet magnetic Scctor standards to protect I'lnii tield huIlimani hcalthi (less than 3 kV/meter for electric field and 5 micr-otesla f'or magnietic f'ield at the edge ot'the ROW). Page 19 1 10kV substation Issue Mitigation measuire | Cost Responsibility CONSTRUCTION STAGE The flora in Thle substation is located Bidding Linit Contractor project area on the erea of rice f'ield, the pr-ice substationi construction will bc developed after thle harvest. Disposc waste at establislhed duLImp site. 'I'he lengt-h of' access road 1Bidding unit ContrLctor is 2 5 m. It 111muSt be pli-ce cembankcd carefully IIof prevenltinig imipact. Air pollutioll Ensure all macliniery usinog 13idding unit Contractor combuIStiOn1 cniolnes h1as price and mnainitainis valid operatin_g3 perIilits thr1-ouLghI ouLt thle prl-o0ject schedule. I'nsure- all trucks transporting dusty materials to/from the site are covcred. Water spray at dusty areas (construction site, roads, etc...) dUring hot, dry anid windy conditions. Avoid burning removed vegetation. Page 20 Waste tfromil It is anticipated to halve In the livilng oIle constlrUCtionI camp with Contr-actol-'s activities about 1 to 20 workers per bidding price one camp. Flie number otl workeis is a t'exv and their- concenitr-ation time in the conistr-uctioin camp only t'romil one to two molithis, land arounld the camp is ot' waste one. Arrange self- destroying cesspits f'or the wNorkeis riglt in the camp area. Therefore, the imlpacts a1eC unn10oticCable.I OPERATION STAGI'i Waste tfrom 'I'oilets must be arianiged in Opera.tion( Mallau-nlienit living accordance with the cost t'nit activities regulated standards. Dispose and buly the living activity waste. I-he sewag,e systemn must be conniected to the waste treatimieint system and they must bc |installed how to meet the local dischar-ge standards. I~~ ~ - Explosive and Equip the explosive and Operatioln Nlnaeiucilnt Ilre halzard fiiC precautioll CuipIllnllt cost l it in accordance with the l current regulations. Hazard of Fault oil holding pits are Operationi Managemiient transfor mer arranged at the substation cost Unit oil leaks site. The substation equipment is put in routine test (every six months. IPagL'e 21 Electric and Design to meet Electrical Not yet OperatioMn and ia(,netic Sector standards to protect MallaCmclit fleld humanlia healtlh (less thani 3 lnit kV/meter or electric tield and 5 mnicr-otesla i'OI' magnetic feild at the edge ot the ROW). Ihe l ; SuLtstatioin ImluSt have the I protective tenice. Page 22 VI. MONITORING PLAN MONITORING Pl'ANIA3L1II I I k\ 'liin Ho%N is the \X'Iieii is tie l)ar aneter- to parameter- to prlitrt PhaiseI a \\ It W llere is the beborlto he monitored- F II i i iio r1 ine u'iIal IpaI-aI11Cter is to praInmeller to be nionitored/ frequency of' Cost Responsibility Issue be monitored? be monitored? measurement monitoring eqtuipment? or continillotis'.' CONS [1LC JOI10N . STAGI: Ihlc lol-rnin (IClealng oarinn( ROW O…bsel\ ation Occc illoliti 1M) PM', I. Technlical prI'o jectst areaC.1. t'chnici, 1ne"tRC(-Lr,11IV supel-visol-s of durin illr the til-st PM S: SI'IC Disposal of ciut \t disposal site stawc vegetation So11 erosionI and.l DiU Lilp an Alolln R\\' Obserhsc\ation Once noni PlloMlil P J'P\R -I: Iechli icl lilielintatioll eo\ er n the ReL i lall sLiprel\ iSolS ot foundaeSition p)its tLirilC til-st P\M ;: SI MC st ace P)agc, \1 Ir pl lItitn (ICheck \.diciltv \t Ohscr%\tiOn o 13rce f _ j_ o( opera tilng COil St ruCt ion al o\\ II lechni cal pelrm11it and(c site Ceqlulcipment to SIpCIriSOFS Oi f C\plilrtionl atelC he usLed on sitc PNvL' SJI'MC ( h,ck t,uLIckS f'or- pr'operI 'u tlar. Co\ Cl i 11 (T (Check \\atCr p a ! lo r road Reuularl' inI ELI 1-fLIce thlose dayl\s o C dr-y condcitionls ()l~IRAlO\SI A0 i E Iree I- ittilit In [hel R()\R A\lon thle llne Ohser\ ationl QLiMartirl Operation \MIlunnlae llt ROW rouItC cost Unit I'ic 24 I () kV substation .WI\henl is tile -Holo is the Phase! What : 'here is the parameter to paramtetel to Ln~Irohase/aI parameter is parameter to be monitore(d/ . o o R .o.i.lt iinx ironniesntal f requency of' Cost Responsibility Isstie to be be type of feauemc of nmonitored'? nmonitored? monitoring m equipment?' or continltiotls ?1 CONSTRUCTION STAGCiE I lic IIIur.i n ( I.lea n At substation ObsCe\ration Oncc Illonlth PU PM L t ldUl are'C;I teclchniqlic locatioll RCe'laly-1 I I TVcclhnical durinIg the il Ist sIpervc-isors of D)isposa 1 oCCLIIt At disposal stagc PML: SIMiC \ CtaI,tion site ,\ir pollItionII Check \ aliditv At ObsCevation 13 CteC P 1.N PM: U Of opelating COnstruLlCtiOll allow i n Chilhical permiit anid SitC cquipellnllt to supervisors of ilpitioin daite e LiseCl Onl site P%I' SI\lC Check truLcks for- p-oper- RCulaIlv1 *'° \ *1I 12l Chelickv watc- p j RCgularly inI sIpray oi-r road Lhosc da1s ol suLrfalcC dry conditiolns MIaK, ge -low is tle \\'lien is the J'hase^/ \ hdat WN'here is the parameter to parltameter to be IIh as1 nwntdl parameter is paranmeter to be monitore(d/ monitored- Issue . to be be type of frequency o Cost Responsibilito monitored? monitored? monitoring measur ement equipment? or continuous? Waste from livinga Collection and At Observation Weeklv. duLing PMlJ PMU: Technical acti\ ities disposal COnlStIrLCtiOMI the' per'-Iod oi- slelr'visor-s ot systefli of Site COIlStlultIo POlM SI wvastefomrmpmettn ictl\ Itlc's. OPlERATION STAGE l \plrsi\c and fie-C The operating At substation Thespeci tic Scmi-anInluall Operation N4ana£ement Ih..i'(i J eilirnCI nt inC IIIiCipleHlt of ianid Inlit theI SLIb)Staltioni checck, test aIIid mana&nM"CIIenIl as \ell as the measIuremSLCIenCIet t cost exp)losiv\c and 1I 1C preCaLition ,ltliipmcfli ______ __________ _- I la/iard ol ' ITranistfolrllelr At substationi Obsce-vation RegIlarly. I Opelration Mana"cillent trIansforme111rl. oil oil aiCa dLurin tIle ag m nint lealks opclatioll staLge niLaigeiaIC I I [ I i [ tcost /hzic 26 VI.] SAMIPLE OF TIHE ENVIRONMIENITAL MANAGEM'vIENT REPORT (To be monthly carried out by the Contractor) Name of the project: Tain Quan I 10IkV substation and( branch line. Location of the project: lHoa Phu and Hoa Hao Commtines - Tam Quan Town - Hoai Nhon District. Name of the Contractor: Date: 'No. I mpacts \ litigation L __ __n___measu res 01 1 ,aid erosioln 02 \oise levels in the l'ro ject ar-ea aid neighibourine ilihabitaints' 03 1)Lst 04 Fre-c clew-ariace manaceme,ilt - aiid tlat'fic manilagenicit in constructioln site. 05 RemioVe all materials LIpon project completion. 06 Manlage the safety and the coniditions of labour safC t_ 07 D)amiiae to cxistin- traffic system _ _ 08 Excessive soil after- project comipletioll. 09 Iff`ects on environmieit caused by wor-ke-s. 10 !Sa'ety_and health Reporter- Address Tel P'c27 V1.2 SAMPLE OF THE ENVIRONMENT MONITORING REPORT (I o be carr-ied(l ollt I)m theT lehinical niollitoriiig Conisultants, lindepend)elilt noliloring Colnsuiltalnts iiioiithIl and1( qua rterly) Na me ol tilie pro ject: TIaini Quaii I l Ok\' subhstation and( brancih line. Location of the project: Hoa Phu an(d Hoa [lao (ommunies - Tam Quan Town - I-loai Nlion District. \Name of the Consultant lllit: Da. te: Report of SNIIC No., Paramileters Consultant. s assessimienits Note or- local S pettitiOn1s '( )\IRt(1 'II SI) il\ ( I Linld ci-osion 02' Noise levels in thc Project arca and neighbouIr-illg inhabitants' arca. 0. Du,st (K4 I 1'cc clcirijtcc mit;1iucilemil ;md 111a11nta'IiTC11'CII ill conlstuiction Sitc. 11 1< 1cinlom'.111 c .lmteral.k ulp)o1n pt 1 JCCt cOmI)lptlOnll. 06 Mlanagc the salfetv and the conditionis of labouIr saUety ()' Damagl to cxistinlg tl-rlafic systemI, IsS I \CCt>>1\' eoml f'terl- prjcct completion. fcc!-. ol fl11\ 11MlMIC11l1 CJI'IS(C 1\ \\ (Hkci . I S fi 1Sfetv aid hea liii 01'1 RA I' 10\ s''\ \lM ltctcncli-' I' I 1,c >.1af'c pio1lcnm- 1related to elecCtri.cal ihaa/mid I I' \cessi\c soil and-watel- managellmelnt _____ _ Reporter \(IrTSS J)( jg, A' - ~ ~~ I- - VII. INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT ACTINVITIES EQUIPMENT PURCHASES (NO) TRAINING/STUDY COURSES -c- ol' \'tini oTer oi' KDtI;OI< IOIIC Sta rt 1r CIILIC Of tra illin " lllStittitC or ! Cost (Local and 11'.111111w" ( * ) hSdeLIts traillille datc hnd (Domicstic O' Orali/ltion to Foreign) cour-sc I date (for aboard) provide traininlig ChICII Stuidenlt Kfim\ledltc 0n ni M)1 iIlOlltt t i Da Nang Da Nazing 1 millionis VND/i II1] IHoilCitll l 'lli\ er'Slt\ COurlSe managenient I 1Irmionilnlutll d 3 dnas Da' Ni)me Technilq.le m niioinls VND F mlitigationl aiid ( 1 I C'onlsultaut COULI'SC monitoring Organization and tralining Lnergy of \ilet Nami \ l t i amt i . nnitorine. C1\ ironillenlt illl elleil t aVi oth1erls... Pagct'( 29 VIII. IMI PLEMENTATION ARRAN(;ENIENTS ROLE RESPONSIBILITIES __ ORGANIZATION Project o'. nci-r Ultilliately responsible for owerall project I \N manayecrnent, inCluding the enrvironmental _____ IliallMi"Cilent. IEnv ironmental Assist project owner in est.ablishing the IEM I'. . - 1P'(3 Consultant Aency ,C__ _ 1 Project management Responsible for coordination and manacgenient CD ot PM I - PC3 Agency of overall project implementation, mncluding giding andcl suIpCrvi'sin 1in iolem [ati( ) o the Environimcntal Speciflc re,ponsibility and point of contact for CD of PM1 t - PC3 Officer Cil' il-OnmerlCIltal iSSUCS anld MIa"Cna eIl nt plan Project Responsibie for project imp elemietation. PM[) and implementaltion Acti\ itics include: CD of P'MWV - PC3 Agciic\ i P1aPlniltim u anid i nip I emc ltationi of cn. i mronniental aniagiaement aCti\ iti,> duLrI ing conlSti-Lrti oll ii ( oordinating with othel- partics in rclationi to iei' ironiciiental mana-cicrcnt activitics iii. Carryilln out interlal mon itoring and independent mioniltoin i\ . SupeC1\ ising anid providing bud(gCt for Mon iitorintg activ ities ;v'. Repor-ting on en\ iroiimenital inlbrnialtion to _____ coniceri ced parties Ci il '. orks Responisible t`or ConsttltCtiCiOil or-ks anid Contractor Contractor follow.illg contractor specilicatiolls ou1tlinled in thC EMP. I'llis inclUde: Applying constritetion-phase iiiti.atton \ ~~~~~~Il1Cd.SLI-CS Hii. E nsuriner s afIety of constructionL \C orkers anid locall people dUring cOIlstructtiOn. iii. Follo\\'.in Viet Nam and \\'orld Bank pI ic ies onl eln' ir oifvieln II pr(otectionl dLu il ConlStruLICti on. ROi [ - RESPONSIBILITY ORGANIZATION (Contractor onsible for super-visioll of' ciil works contractor-s PMU - I'C3 supervision during construction, including implcnientation of I environmiiental managemllenlt acti\ ities under the LMP ilrojeect Responlsible lor opertion ()1 the project incILuiil2 Management tJnit operator implemllenltationi of environ mental managemient - activities after pUttillg the project into practice. Safegulard I Responisible for indepelndenlt monitoring of' 1MP Im ited by PC3 independclent implementation. monitor- /'J, 2 . / IN MONITORING AND REPORTING SYSTENMI REPORT PRIMARY REPORTING LEVEL SECONDARY REI'ORIING TERTIARY REPORTING LEVEL LEVEL-- TYPE- T EBY 1T0 FREQUENCY BY TO LFRI-F_QUFNCY B I TO -FREQUEINC Site (i\ il works PML OCncc befor-e B Y T F ell\ rlolillti tni l Cont racctr1 C 0 l St .LCt IOn rnanall.getemet | commences and monitlhly I I thelc-calfter- E:nvil-olinleintal Tecchlilical PM U Monthily PMU EVN QuaLrItely EVN World Quar-terly pCe'rforlmance supcr-visors Bank n1onhtoring: of' PMU C () lSt I'It 1011 SIMC Wold, Ilalf-yearly 4 ___ I , 4 _Bdnk,_ ____ I.1,v iironl.,-ental Opei-atio Fvn EV Half-yearlyv EVN 1 Wor-ld I AnllnLually performance and Bank jmonitoring: Management operation Unit PlMU: PMB - PC3l Page£: ..2 X. (0ST OF ENv0\IRONINIEN I INIANA(GII:NI:N I PI'L.AN TOTAL COSTF OF ENVIRONIVIENT NIANAG;EMENT PLAN Order Items Unit Quantity Total I C(ontracI torKs Ieporit IIn thc Ullit price ot the I ____ _-s __ _ l bidding package Report of the supervisors One person/substation 011O substation i In the managenmenlt cost (PMt 1') Report ol PM t One person/po\%er line 2.8 Km i In the management cost _____ ________ (P 'I lU) 03 Report of the independent supervisors (One person/monthil -1-\vice' I 5davs/substati 5,000.OOOVND dllring tIlC process of construction 10,000,OO0VND/nmonth) on 5,000,OOOVND ilplelmentation -Tw\\icc l5davs, po%r In the management cost line. (PMIt ') 04 Report oftthc indepeindent SupCIVisors during 20 years of operation I 1,000,000 VND/year 20 years 20,000,0(00VND Cost for institutional development 1 05n i activities 8I000O.OOVND 0( (Colnti ngClcy 10% ,SOO,OOOVND Total 41,800.OOOVIND __ I, /gc. 33 XI. COPY- OF REGISTRATION FOR SECURING ENVIRONMENTAL STANDARDS t Page 34 Xli. ANNEXE; R Have already carried out public consultation, set up the Public consultant minutes and environmental assessment at three communes/town belonging to Tam Quan district, Binh Dinh Province. In this report of Environmental Management Plan only enclosed with three Public consultant minutes for illustration. l41. Public consultant minutes - Hoai Phu communes, Tam Quan district. 1. Public consultant minutes - Hoai Hao communes, Tam Quan district. 3. Public consultant minutes - Tam Quan Town, Tam Quan district. 4. The outline of I IOkV transmission line and location of Iam Quan 1 I(kV substation. Page 35 - + S - . r - a . - _ 1* i CON(G I-10A XA 11(Kl ClU NGFI-i Vf11, NAM )(?IC L - ra1)0 - 1Tla I'hlhic - -OO S .7 () BI IN 13AN T111AM VAN CON( DON(; 1)A M II (GIA TA , 5)NG( (IOI T N( )N(; 1. D ai di1n l ciid1lu hIt I ( ,,, /tR a: .. .. .. .. .. .. ...... . .. . Cl,tf vu . .. . . .. . . 2. D)ai dicn (I ii xi Iff Ill (Jng /ba~ htn,c vu 3. Da:i (cUn U13NI}) X.. / //( Off-, /biV <2/!!^ c,> IIe't'';. ...lticx % u /.V,/'# .N. g. 4. Di)I dIih ngtfiOi du'nlg dLill 6CC nhO;n1 (l]-; tOC tii;ei sr') (llCII C(i) Ojll˘ /ba(1 .............. . ...... cliI c N' ui . 5. Dai (lien cAc h6i do,An theJ dia plIi(foIg . a. On g/b . ... . . ... . . chiitc vu !.6 . / . I~~~~~~b O(1 c 'V)/ba: / ,<, .'/1 clil'fc vu . (-tt.-td.lc it, C. Oncg/b . . . /1 , - h(fc vu . f;, -; O bng ./. /(. - ./. / ' . .. ciLfc vu .Ii!.i C/ . / a'' ' A6{ e. Oi)ig /bH ChLk i 0 0,.g . ....... ....... cj)j!c vu .u: .... . . .. .. . .. .. .. 6( Di di; n c:;ic C HC gia (1;uhI: .......g.... . Ilgif tio 0g d(u i s(O 11gifO;i dan t(5c Ilhc I so> 11. N6i dung thltiii v-Nll 1. D)cf v i Vfivan thong bio vec - Noi duLng dif an ( LY do dau tu, qui rn6 c61g triinl, v-i tri hii c3ni tuvLrI ...) - Chinlh sIch I e mn6i tntdfing, cIiilh s6cl chia \V13 W a c'a c;a iinhl plht'i Viet Namn d6i xCii 11gLUs dLhi toc thiieui SO - Nluc tieu cu'a kc hioach d6inih gii t6ic d@w ngc6i tnflIng (F-.1A) a de xU;t Cac eiai phi6p . I giain thlieu cic tac d tng tii cuf tiC&m taing mr m3i trtufng (tu nhin v\a Xa L;1i) .1 Nglt6i diln trono vcincg c6 dong i thani gia tuiC liC dtt cli ir khi6n '? cd. IKho6n ....,Nfeu klh(mg ,vi sao? .. . . . . ... .. .................... 23 CON( I IOA XA fJiJI CflU NG;I IA VIWT NAM l)D.c Lfil) -Tx D)o - 1l:anli1 I'liic BIEN BAN 'IN1IAM VAN CON(G I)DON(G DANII CIA TAC DlONG M 1 TRU(}NG 1. Thimb pl4i1fi tlx:xln dli 1. Da:i dlisll *lliti (IA M tl; ( )1kii !ll... ......I .;............ 2 . Da .li d lin d (i i i % t j f vl; I t ( )ng /ha . / /. /.l?// . . / / f' 7 , chtW vu . ../) .6. 1. .U.'C v D. I)ai dibu UBlND) x:i 'fr6lff4/ / (,)Ing /ba Pt / " . '/ / ( . .ii .. f .'. . . . .-ILC,i . . . 4. D)ai (libi ngiufci (Ixi'ng (lall cic n1ihm daix tF)c tlficxx so (nIIII C(3) (ng /b: ., c11tic vu ........... 5. D)ai dlien c:,ic h6oi dloan tliedi phiif )luXn, a. (O)ng /I. . .'' . . . . .. . c. 7'. II. .tfc v .L/ . )/. 11. ()1lg /l)el .......~~... . . . ......... ............/ ....... ,*1f_ l '., .{ . .! . . . . . . .......... ... clt!c vu. / f.( C. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 7' .' -. .. . C], O)11g /b,'I: .S.*. . ......... r.w.... ,lt 1:... c l i i! 'f \^! !. { e. Oiig /bai . ,. :t'Ll rii i . 0 31ng /b,e i ..... r'f. /2. . ."..... /...... ..... ..... clir'c vyt: : ,r........... /..;. I r.t? ..... - r t)llr /ba: , ciltf o:.. 6. D)ai dihn c.ic hli gia tin ilid: .........m1 . ngd6i, trong d6 s8 ngu''xi d ii t 6c tizi so IH. N roi (dluitg thlxli vilni 1. I )~ vi t u l l; vl th6ixg b1:io Ne: - C)oi dunlg dLf sin ( I.j do d liu tti, cqui n1111, Cvng t nih, Vi tni 1ung uvl'1 n ...t ) | - Clllinl s!icll vtX 111i t11 1ing, Cllillhi s-itch cti.'I WI vai c6'a cliiili ipl p i VirN Nan d(6i v6i xlgfri L d.inm t6c thiC`u so. - NIIc ti&U cuai k lioacii dkinh gii tac d(lng 1mOi trtiinlg (I`IA) vi de XLl';t caC giai phlip) gialll thliC'L c6C tLic d6t1g tiCll CifC ti eni talng V2! nn?6i trI(Jn1 (tLf 11n1iiCl vai xi 1iOi) 2. V iivi thami Ni-nn cnn.' com 1-l 2.1 Ngtfei dtlzi trong vtllg CO dtng ' tlIaBI gia tllUC hinll L .in k hong '? C . . Yc KhO1nig .... , Neu kihOng ,vi sao? ................. ......................... 2.2 Tliain vaii cua cOng d6ng vOA iilatig tAc dGng ticli cIjc cia dii an d6i vdi imOi trLttIng (bao g6m moi tnLfong tit nhi8n va xa hoi, moi tnt(ng siii thAi, mGi tnifing v,'t 1;, truynii th6ng vThl hoa v' sillil hoat C1Ong dong) + Giai doan x!ly dang: .. . . . . .... ,'.'.,;,. .,',,. , .. .. ....... !.-.i, . S .' .Z. ...... ' . ...ihijo .................. -J- Giai doan v8n ha11nh g i ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. . A A. } 2}.,, , . . A . . . . / / S t " ; , / " ''.' . . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ ............~~~............................ ...................... 2.3 IThani va'l CUMI cO ng dcgnig ve nhiig tic dong tieul CtIC tiem tang ve moi tru'(6lg v, c,c bie n phap gi5;ii thliiu 4Giai doam xriy dunflg |G-+ ',iai dloall x,^all 11 1 - * . ... / ; ,. , / ' . . . . . . . . . . .;. C. . . . . . . . . . . _~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ . ; .. .. ... .;' :{ : . . r . . . . ............ .-, : . > . .t . . . . . .r . . . .. 1 ., ! c. . . . . ' ' " / 2.4 D Q6i v6i cAc Ii O c6iha 0, cOng triiih troang hiAnili lang tuye'n, nleU k~ thu1t ChIO p116p, ca dOng , si'I dung riiriiig bi/ n phiAp ' o trd p.hanig c.i*iig chay nO' thay thr e o C, cAc giMi ph. p di d6i kliig ? c6 k.i6ng ' ..... N .2i;ng v sz.o .. ...... ........N...k.s _ ~~~~~~~~~. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................. * 1................................ 2. . , D o i v . . e . . l. e . n I 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .lng. . . . . . .euky. . . . eh piep,c( 2.5 Ngucdi dLin va cOng dong tronig ving c6 dLf Ain c dong y thani gia colig t,c giamlll thlieu tic do ng 1[i' trI.lng nhiLf lAmiii sacii ndi xily dung cong tri ill, thu goin ir6c thcai va chat ban vc dting ndi qcu dihli; cam ket tlite hielnll CIng cac quxuy dijnil ve halinl lanig an |toan dien (niif khOng cildc trong cay lau nali hay xly dung cOng tri nh ...); thuic hii?n COlng tAic pheng ch6ng ch6y ni o, cic tai nian do diCn giat g.iV ra ?c . y. khong .... Neu khOng, vi sao .................................................. 2.6 Ngifoi dan va cOng doong troiig vCing cO dcl in c6 tlil thlifc hiin cOng tic ginii sat m0i triOng doi v&i chAil tlhai troang toAn bO (qucA trilllh thiLfc hien du in (trifijc kiii xay dang, traogn klhi x5y dLfing va sau khi lioa2i thAnli cOng trinh)'? co . ,> . khOng . NcIu klho`ig, vi sao . .......................... ........ ......... . .. Z 7 2.7 Cac y kieii tiain van khiac cua ngd6i d5n va cong dong: -y;,e,, .rcs,q,*t j p,, J . . ., . . .. . . <. ., . . ; i j. ,) .; . . . .' .' j. ; ! ). 111. Y Idiel blie Iifi (illfil x6t, (hililh gii ) v?i (IC xiuat czzii tif Ailt (Vt' clic het qllik thliill vii neu Iren, dc lWiUt Ia c-ic gilii phiap gilitii tIieifi coic tILc dQiig tibi cuTc dlln mii6i trihf6l;g) //. / .' '/1./ ngc'i}' '7.~ {tliczg ( n(lin 2004 DAI DI)lN CH_D DA U TV DAI I)IlN O(JN VI TUVAN ~~~~~*/ K, 1) At l i Nt,, ,l.C I Q U Y IN 1)IA I'IU(JNG : ' ; p.,, -2 w lC) f .' ' - D)Al I)YNCAC C (QUAN DOAN TIlE DIA ['IIU(5N(G DAI I)IEN NGU(1I )UNGD I)AU CAC NI-TOM DTTS 28~~ CO)NG 1IOA XA 11(?1 Cllf NGIIJA Vil l NA7M c LAi - Ti)f 1) II -:H n h iic BIfEN BAN T11AM NVAN (,'ON(; D)ONG D)AN11 G IAT'I'A D)ON( MOI lIZ U6NG 1. Th1-1:1l1, phlall thallan ,111 1. an plian (IanI,I dii II g ,'hi ......................... . . ... . .. . . . .fc . . . . 2. D):ai (tWnl d(1il %i I If/.ii.I (9n1g /ba : . . .:f ) .s . . ..... f . ]uvfc ..U K.5J ' . .L/. ;Iltxj <(c ......6 L4.s7, >; 3. Dai ditn IJNI) xUBD -: L1 i _ I 6 l , OnXg /ba: ........1 .,1 .. . . '.... chc;c v u: ...l 1 ,,,1X 4 D)ai dibi nguto'i (ii^ig dt3u cac il6mI d(:n toc tluieli so (ilell c';) Ono /ba ..... .. .. Clitfc vu . 5. Dai (iMu c1iC h6i doan the hdia p)hWftig a. Olg /b3t . ... . . . i c]'f 1 (1(/ L chil'-c vu f,(W -A c . O1g Iba:.i . . n . .Ž cr-us; ..1. f.XXs...,chuic \'Ul .(XU/ . t].t 1!| 7 . tf i(-L . Li J1' ; d. Oig /ba .. .\. }. ut. .. .I .. Ic u (). I (I( j,cr' , i . ( I.,. . e. OigIba: . . ' c.c. lncc \' I: A I .h%u I J !t/, t *' f. Ong /bal: . . C. l . . il/JCi. l . ur \'U . I/ c ? t.'' g. Olls/ba: ..../.lrul ttelxjl 1s1 t f .... ..... ... htc u .L L. - "v.'. 6. I).!i dlicl c.ic ho gin iiIi:............. .Igtl'i, trong dd6 sso ngufoi dllan tO c tlhicu so . II. Noi dIIIIg thami vin I. Dnl 31i tiif v,l thOig blio v c - NCi citig di! (in ( L' do dau tH, qui mo c6n" t1-inll vI i tlii Ong cU1'I * ? - CIfilLhl sichl Re mnOi trf6ng, cliilnl stich cuLI \\13 vf cV.L'M chlinll p11 Viet l,a1n doi i ngtfoi dan t6c thlicu so . - Nvluc tieu cuai ke hoacli ddnh gia Lic d0ng niz^i trtIifng (1E1A) vi dc xuit cuic ei?,;i ph6p gialn tliieu cac tac d6ng tieu cifc tienl taing vc muCi trttding (tu nhlli&n va xai h6i) 2 Y kixii thtm vaiz cnia cOng diong 2. 1 Ngtlfei clLr tronig \'Ung C( d oig \' tham gia tltiic hi?n d.i aIn kh6ng ? c6 X. KhOng Ncu khOng ,vi sao? ........9....... ........................... 29 2.2 '[hamii van cua cong d6iig vu nhlRuig tac d(ng tichi ctic cula dii an d6i vdi inmi truetig (bao gom m6i trnP3ng til nhi6n va x-1 h(l, m6i t.tf6ng siiii thai, m6i trilng valt 1t, tru)'ll thong van hoa va sinhl lioat cOn7g d6lng) + Giai doani xay durng: . I . . . [ . - 0z. f . { . j t . R , .;i. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J . X. . t . I i ). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -i Ciai doaji van 11iah: . L&>Jc7.znvzl .-tS.rs1 Th z.c.w..j .Yt (tfc. . L. . .. ..... . . . . . . h. . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .r .> .- . . .( .^ . . . . . . . . . . . .} . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3 ITla vsm cua cOng deng ve nhlil?nlg tiC dOrIg tieu c tic tiln talgg ve ni6Ci tlrUlng Va c6c * ~~~~~~~~bien plhap giArl1 thiie^u: +4- Giai doan xay duLlg , *..L. . 7. ' CCC./-j . ' :'-7 ; (&i . .:I.. .t, *tItHI.Z' c i 41 (. ., Ltf ? it (fi (.t 4 c70c. I ..I . 1 |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' C .qr{(C Ixt ,, . . iJ K V W. ......s C, I( fr.z. . (.z .. .. .. .. .. . .. . .FCrt,(,,t< .($it} . tt>.,{c -f Giai doan v3n hAh . r. ._ '-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 'r O.J. ). - I<',.j ..!- .'. t..v. -,f/.. jy .d.Cjt . AC 'fl) ....... 41.7.(at7l} flEL ....... fl . t ...(.. t.Jx /,(~.. . . . /1... . . . . .... . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.4 D6i voi cac hG c6 n1A 6, c6ng trinhi trong hAnh lang tuyen, neu ky thuat cho ph6p, c6 dong ' su' dung n]ifng bien phcip ho trrd ph6ng cliong chay nI thay tlhe cho c.ic gil1i pluip di di kh6ng ? c6 . .. . .. ; kh6ng: .... Neu kh6ng, vi sao '? . . . . . . . I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5 NgpOli dan va cQng cling trong v6ii c6 d7J an c6 dong ' iallin gia colig tzic gialnl thieu tac dong in6i tru6iig rdint: lam sacli nmi xAv dLung cdng trinih, thu goin rac tlhai va chlazt ban ve durng ndi quy dinihi; cam k-et thiic hie. d;ing ccic quy dinil ve haiih lanig an toan dien (nhit kliobg difoc trong cn lAv nILiAm ha xAv dLniig cOnig trilinh ...); tliLfc hil cOng tac plonlig ch16nIg cChAIN nIO, cac tai nan do dien giat gay ra ? c6 ....,.. kholig.. ... N h g, vi sa ?........................ ...... .................................... 2.6 Ngtudi dan v\a c6ng dodig trong v6Uig cC dtf ai c tihe' thtLc hien c6ng tic giam sat m6i trling ddi v6i chiu thAu troing toain bO q9ua trinlh iluc hinln dif anm (trmidc khi xav duIIg, tromig Icdi xmly duLng va sau kIiii hoalm tlanlimi cniig trinnil)? c(; . . . .ng . NCLu khO,g v\i sao ? ............... .... . ................................. 7z1 2.7 Cac y kien tilaim vain kh6c cua nguLfi dan va cOng donig: .ev(Q C . (.cc1(e I( pb *o 0 . (7.l a L. Z (T. ((PA;:, P.f . a CT.. (U(I. , .q tlia .......... . ..... - 111. \' kien Iill Ixlnxl (111l *-rnncs n f £ ~~~~~~~1~~ - Ve ban tieng Anli caa c tAi liEu thu1nc nh6mn cAc chinh stich bAo vE: Nhot x6t cliung cua doAri WB vA|EVN lA chAt lumng dich khi6ng doit yeu cau kh6n7 chi vc tliugt ngd chluycn m6n rma con YC tinTh chlinli xAc cma th(6ng lill d rIc chuycn t&i tlr ban tit'ng Vigt sang bil ti!ng Anih. rong khi, I)B clz( tJdnm tra die dnt c5n cf *dio t/h6ng tin dufrc culng cup\bAng tieng nInh. Can bo WO va EVt caung da tiAng thAn yeu citI CC5ng ty tiltl doi tac clich thust khac, dtu vi c6 klbA nAng dAm bAo chAt luvng th6ng tin cho bAn ti6ng Akh. Vi vay, C6ng t di nghi Ban QuAn 1y dV &n Lr6i di'n xem x6t vai dA nay de co nhung cAi tien phii hop, nbrAm dip UAng yeu cau cua WB vA EVN. C6ng ty cling dc.inglii Thing tamn thict ke dibn hi6L chinhl s&m tAi !iu Ilico yeu cAu vA cung cap bAn ticng Vict hoAn chlinh cho Ban QuAn Iy dur An luri dirn. rV/ CAc nioi dting klic-: 4. 'Prong dqt lam viec uAy, doAln WB vA EvN dla dc aglli Cong ty giAi tlhich rM hcmn vc vj trf vA rmnkc ticu xciy drnrcg trai I IOlkV Konig Plong vA nhaah rA. VA doan c6ng tzo da t6 ra lhAi b6ng klii bi't c6ng tritlh khdng ha iicn quan cRGn cAic thuy diMn tre'n s6ng SCswa (chAy vAo Caanlpchia). Thira letb GiiiiUi dCc\C6tig ty, ph6ng DESi zlgo0i kinli de nghj Ban Quin Ij1 di AL ILU&i dieri, Trung tArniiet ke dien vA cac ph6ng chuxc nbg lieu quan trong Cong ty kha'. trrang hoan thAinnh c tai liiu dU ncu tren; trong th&i gian sOm nh;at darn bAN tien do dA cam kct vt6i EVN Vv WI. TrAn trQng kinh chik. TL. GIAM DWC OCNG TY DICN LVtC 3 TrIr&ng ph6,ag NDi ngoa Nor nhW'n: * TTT-Pfl3 *Bfi QLDALD * P2, P5, Pg Cty NguyAn XuAn DWing - Luu PI, P7 u1 &D21iThnI hao c:cc >< O')A3-5.d3uc 200d8 9£: 9O1 1-0-