The World Bank
                             Public-private Partnership Project for Water Supply and Sanitation in Sichuan Province (P168025)

                                          Environmental and Social Review Summary
                                                                    Concept Stage
                                                             (ESRS Concept Stage)
Public Disclosure

                                              Date Prepared/Updated: 04/14/2019 | Report No: ESRSC00267

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                               The World Bank
                               Public-private Partnership Project for Water Supply and Sanitation in Sichuan Province (P168025)

                     BASIC INFORMATION

                     A. Basic Project Data

                     Country                       Region                           Project ID                     Parent Project ID (if any)

                     China                         EAST ASIA AND PACIFIC            P168025

                     Project Name                  Public-private Partnership Project for Water Supply and Sanitation in Sichuan Province

                     Practice Area (Lead)          Financing Instrument             Estimated Appraisal Date       Estimated Board Date

                     Water                         Investment Project               10/29/2019                     3/16/2020

                     Borrower(s)                   Implementing Agency(ies)

                                                   Jingyang Project
                                                   Management Office

                     Proposed Development Objective(s)
                     The project development objective is to improve water supply and sanitation services through a public private
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                     partnership in selected areas of Deyang Municipality.

                     Financing (in USD Million)                                                                                         Amount

                       Total Project Cost                                                                                                    200.00

                     B. Is the project being prepared in a Situation of Urgent Need of Assistance or Capacity Constraints, as per Bank IPF
                     Policy, para. 12?

                     C. Summary Description of Proposed Project [including overview of Country, Sectoral & Institutional Contexts and
                     Relationship to CPF]
                     This project will be the first water sector PPP project supported by the World Bank Group in China. The approach
                     developed under this project is intended to be replicated throughout China. The project will support the design and
                     implementation of a PPP that establishes a modern utility in Jingyang that delivers a full range of WWS services,
                     increases household connections for water supply and improved sanitation and reduces effluent pollution to the
                     surrounding water courses. It will seek draw on global best practices for PPP to show how these can be applied in the
                     rural WSS sector in China. The project has two components as outlined below. Component 1: Improving WSS Services
                     in Peri-Urban and Rural Areas of Jingyang District (Estimated Cost: US$147 million; IBRD loan: US$97 million). This
                     component has three key activity areas, being (1) Establishment of a modern WSS Utility: support the establishment

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                               The World Bank
                               Public-private Partnership Project for Water Supply and Sanitation in Sichuan Province (P168025)

                     of systems and equipment to enable full service WSS delivery; (2) Support for Engineering Works: support of: (i)
                     construction/ upgrading of nineteen sewage treatment plants to meet effluent discharge standards; (ii) consolidation
                     and upgrading of 34 existing water supply plants into a smaller number of water supply plants with a total combined
                     capacity of around 40,000 m3/day; (iii) construction of rain, sewage, and water supply pipe networks; (iv) protection
                     of fifteen drinking water source sites and twenty-three water intakes/wells; and (v) one integrated smart water
                     management platform for use by the PPP WSS Utility to monitor, manage, and operate the assets. The project will
                     also finance (vi) the full cost of connecting households to the central water supply and sewer network; (3) Support for
                     Citizen Engagement: Component 2: Technical Assistance (TA) for PPP Scale Up, Capacity Building, and Project
                     Management (Estimated Cost: US$3 million; IBRD loan: US$3 million). This component has two key activity areas,
                     namely: (1) Technical Assistance for Water Sector PPP Scale Up; and (2) Capacity Building and Project Management.

                     D. Environmental and Social Overview
                     D.1. Project location(s) and salient characteristics relevant to the ES assessment [geographic, environmental, social]
                     Jingyang District (Jingyang) is the main district of Deyang City, located in the northeast edge of the Chengdu Plain in
                     Sichuan Province, about 70 kilometers northeast of Chengdu City, the capital city of Sichuan. The topography of
                     Jingyang District slopes from the northwest to the southeast. The landform in the west is primarily formed by the
                     alluvial plain, while the east has rolling terrain.This region is situated amidst the upper tributaries of the Yangtze River,
                     and is a priority area for pollution control and water quality improvement. The total population of Jingyang is over
                     750,000, with about 250,000 living in rural areas. In 2016, the district had total economic output of RMB 298 billion.
                     Despite some rural water and environmental protection projects in the 2000's, accelerating urban construction and
                     development pose significant challenges to the local water environment in Jingyang. Jingyang District is in the region
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                     influenced by the subtropical humid and semi-humid climate characterized with distinct seasons and rich
                     precipitation, which gives rich water resource to Jingyang. The total area of Jingyang District is 648 km2. The district is
                     the main urbanized area of Deyang Municipality, including 4 urban communities namely Jingyang, Gongnong,
                     Chengbei, and Chengnan, 10 towns by the name Huangxv, Xiaoquan, Bolong, Dexin, Yangjia, Tianyuan, Xiaogan,
                     Xinzhong, Shuangdong, and Hexinzhen and 1 township called Donghu Xiang. The project will be developed in the
                     outskirts and rural area of the Jingyang District to provide service for the total population of 250,000, living in the 10
                     towns and 1 township. Citizens in the 4 urban communities already have sufficient water supply and will not be
                     serviced by the project. People in Jingyang District are predominantly Han Chinese, with about 4,700 ethnic minority
                     people belong to 35 different ethnic groups. However, no ethnic minority concentrated area is expected in Jingyang
                     District. This is a traditional agricultural area, with recent industrial development, and expected to receive more
                     industries moving from China’s more developed coastal regions in search of cheap labor and less cost related to land
                     price. The first draft FSR has been prepared which determined the service scope and the demand. Following on the
                     first draft, the second draft is being prepared with focuses on water resource availability study and the alternative
                     study for water supply and wastewater discharge and treatment schemes as well as the service that private sector will
                     provide to local people. According to the milestones of the project, the FSR will be completed by the appraisal by the
                     Jingyang District Government, and the private entity will be responsible for completing the preliminary design and the
                     final design during the implementation. According to the FSR, the alternative of water treatment plant with the
                     largest capacity is in the northwest of Jingyang District, which is supposed to meet all the water demand of the project
                     by taking water from the Renmin Canal. However, given the poor quality (irrigation water quality now) and the
                     competing water demands in the Renmin Canal, this alternative seems not feasible. The other three alternatives
                     propose to build several small drinking water treatment facilities in the project area by taking water from small
                     reservoirs and the Renmin Canal which is under careful evaluation in terms of water quality, treatment technology

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                               The World Bank
                               Public-private Partnership Project for Water Supply and Sanitation in Sichuan Province (P168025)

                     and establishment of protection zone. Thus, it is estimated that the size of each proposed water treatment facilities is
                     much smaller than 50,000 m3/d. The effluent of the wastewater treatment facilities to be constructed under the
                     project may flow into the Mianyuan River and the Shiting River, which are currently receiving rural and sub-urban
                     wastewater from the project area where the wastewater treatment capacity is limited.
                     D. 2. Borrower’s Institutional Capacity
                     The Government of Jingyang District has very limited experience in managing projects financed by international
                     financial institutions. The staff of the government has limited technical capacity themselves. Their capacity largely
                     depends on the quality and capacity of the technical teams hired. For this project, the government of Jingyang District
                     has allocated funds to hire technical institute, EA consultant and social consultants. A steering committee has been
                     established within the district government, consisting of the directors from the water resources bureau, housing and
                     urban-rural development bureau, Environmental Protection Bureau (EPB), planning (DRC), and finance bureau. The
                     district EPB has good experience in regulating the environmental issues associated with the small-medium size
                     wastewater and water facilities. Under the committee, a PMO has been established for daily work during the
                     preparation of the project. Four young staff from the EPB and the DRC are designated to work under the PMO and
                     coordinate the ESIA preparation. Experienced EIA consultants have been engaged to prepare the ESIA. A social
                     consultant team has been commissioned to assist PMO to undertake social assessment and stakeholder engagement.
                     The social team has no previous experience working for Bank financed projects, and they have not been trained for
                     ESF procedures. The Bank social specialist provided comments on the Terms of Reference for recruitment of social
                     assessment team in the early stage when the project was expected to follow the pre-ESF safeguards policies. A
                     workplan was submitted to the Bank during the identification mission, but it needs much more work to address
                     additional risk management areas such as ESS2, ESS4, and ESS10, in light of the new ESF. It is expected much work will
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                     be needed from Bank’s social specialists to provide hands-on assistance to the social team in order to prepare the
                     social assessment, and training on ESF to all consultants working on environmental and social assessment is needed.
                     Land acquisition and resettlement is the responsibility of county land bureau, and normally implemented at township
                     level by resettlement office comprising township officials and village representatives. Land acquisition and
                     resettlement has become daily operations for local land bureaus to support urbanization, and it is expected that staff
                     with experience could be readily identified and recruited if there is a need. The responsibilities of the government and
                     the private entities in this project are not clear at current stage. The team suggested to incorporate appropriate
                     requirements of the environmental and social management capacities into the bidding documents and contracts for
                     the private entities to be selected during the implementation stage.


                     A. Environmental and Social Risk Classification (ESRC)                                                       Substantial

                     Environmental Risk Rating                                                                                     Moderate
                     Although the specific information of the physical investment on the drinking water and wastewater facilities, i.e.
                     capacity and location, are unknown, it is clear that the total size of the project is to be medium. Overall, the project
                     will have positive environmental and social benefits in terms of reducing the water-borne diseases and water
                     pollution in receiving water bodies by providing clean drinking water and collecting and treating the wastewater. The
                     adverse environmental and social impacts of the project in construction stage include noise, dust, solid waste and
                     wastewater, the social disturbance, such as the traffic safety. In the operation stage, the project will produce odor,
                     noise and sludge, occupational health concern due to bacteria and pathogens within the wastewater treatment

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                               The World Bank
                               Public-private Partnership Project for Water Supply and Sanitation in Sichuan Province (P168025)

                     facilities, and health and safety issue by the use of liquid chlorine for disinfection in the water and wastewater
                     treatment facilities. These impacts in operation stage are expected to be at limited magnitude given the overall size of
                     the project. The environmental impacts are moderate, site-specific, predictable and/or reversible. These adverse
                     impacts can be readily and reliably managed through the environmental mitigation hierarchy. Per the Environmental
                     and Social Directive, the environmental risk for this project is classified as Moderate. The client has good experience
                     and adequate capacity in managing environmental issues associated with the wastewater and water facilities at the
                     size commensurate with this project. The client has allocated funds to hire professional institutions for FSR, EIA and
                     social documents and assigned qualified staff to work in the PMO to deal with environmental issues on daily basis
                     during the cycle of the project. So the environmental risk on the capacity of the borrower is moderate.
                     Social Risk Rating                                                                                           Substantial
                     . An initial visit to the project sites and early discussions with key stakeholders suggested that impacts described in
                     ESS5 (restrictions to land and other income sources) is at moderate scale, involving small patches of land acquisition
                     of a few hundred square meters and possible resettlement to allow construction of water supply facilities. There are
                     existing facilities invested by both public and private players, such as 3 waste water treatment plants currently being
                     constructed by different companies, and 34 water supply stations/centers will be consolidated. The environmental
                     baseline in the project area is overall not sensitive or vulnerable, with project implementation expected to affect
                     mainly areas with existing human habitat and infrastructure footprints.
                     The client’s internal management structure in relation to water supply and waste water treatment is complex, calling
                     for coordination among different agencies, a challenge faced by most previous projects in China. A few key
                     stakeholder agencies, such as labor bureau and administration of workplace safety, are missing from the currently
                     identified and invited list by the PMO. There are over 90 staff employed by these facilities, who are key stakeholders
Public Disclosure

                     to be consulted. Given the institutional complexity, the lack of experience of the PMO in implementing Bank financed
                     projects, and that the social consultants already commissioned will be among the first to observe new ESF
                     requirements, the amalgamated social risk for this project is classified as Substantial. A more hands-on approach will
                     be adopted to assist the social assessment team in conducting social impact assessment, which will focus on all ESSs
                     and in particular ESS1 and ESS10. Experienced consultants will be recommended to join forces with the existing social
                     team. Specific actions will be considered at a later stage to strengthen coordination among local agencies.

                     B. Environment and Social Standards (ESSs) that Apply to the Activities Being Considered

                     B.1. General Assessment

                     ESS1 Assessment and Management of Environmental and Social Risks and Impacts
                     Overview of the relevance of the Standard for the Project:
                     The environmental and social specialists reviewed the previous draft FSR and conducted site visit. Based on the
                     information collected, it is expected that the adverse environmental and social impacts of the project in construction
                     stage include the noise, dust, solid waste and wastewater, and social disturbance/community safety due to increased
                     traffic, construction workers, and construction of pipeline in villages connected with gas supply. In the operation
                     stage, the project will produce odor, noise and limited amount of sludge, occupational health issue, and community
                     health and safety issue by the use of liquid chlorine for disinfection. It is expected that this project will not cause
                     significant land conversion and the likelihood of presence of critical natural habitats in the project area is very low.
                     Assessment will be carried out in the further preparation stage to identify the modified habitats and natural habitats,
                     and to avoid or minimize the impact on modified habitats and avoid impacts on natural habitats. Local laws and

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                               The World Bank
                               Public-private Partnership Project for Water Supply and Sanitation in Sichuan Province (P168025)

                     practice regulating labor and working conditions will be assessed at preparation stage, and mitigation measures will
                     be considered based on findings. It is expected that land acquisition/resettlement cannot be avoided. The presence
                     of ethnic minorities as described in ESS7 will be further assessed by the social assessment commissioned by the PMO.
                     IPP will be developed if ethnic minorities are identified in Jingyang District. The EIA, SIA, ESMP, ESCP, SEP and RAP will
                     be prepared prior to the appraisal, and the dam safety reports may be developed later on during the implementation
                     stage. Given the possibility that some physical activities may not be determined before the appraisal, an ESMF will be
                     developed to guide the preparation of ESIA documents for such activities.
                     Areas where reliance on the Borrower’s E&S Framework may be considered:
                     Although China has an advanced E&S Framework, its use for the project is not recommended due to the limited
                     experience of the implementing agencies in implementing and applying ESF and its associated environmental and
                     social standards. Also, a comprehensive assessment of the borrower framework has not been completed.

                     ESS10 Stakeholder Engagement and Information Disclosure
                     The key stakeholders identified at current stage include the residents near water supply facilities and wastewater
                     treatment plants and networks, the management of the reservoirs and the Renmin Canal, and government agencies
                     regarding management of water supply, water resources, cultural heritage, and natural habitats. Namely, key
                     government agencies include housing and urban-rural development bureau (where the PMO is hosted, responsible
                     for water supply to urban areas and waste water treatment), water resources bureau (responsible for water supply to
                     rural areas), planning commission, finance bureau, EPB, labor bureau, administration of work safety, land bureau, and
                     possibly forestry, civil affairs, ethnic minority affairs commission for confirming status of ethnic minorities in Jingyang
Public Disclosure

                     District, and public health bureau. A few agencies have not been involved in project preparation and will have to be
                     invited, such as administration of work safety, labor bureau, etc. Existing facilities including current WUAs managing
                     water supply centers/stations established at township level, and three waste water treatment plants invested by
                     private companies, will be included into the project. These facilities have over 90 employees, whose livelihoods may
                     be affected depending on how the project will absorb these facilities. The Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP) will be
                     developed and disclosed at the early stage of the preparation. These key stakeholders will be engaged and consulted
                     during the project preparation by the means of interview, hearings and questionnaires. The private entities are
                     regarded as the key stakeholder for this project and will be engaged during the implementation stage. The GRM will
                     have a dedicated component to respond to complaints related to construction nuisance, especially since there will be
                     civil works to connect households to sewers. A more detailed workplan will be needed from consultants conducting
                     environmental and social assessment on their SEP. The list of key stakeholders and area of interests of these
                     stakeholders will be agreed between bank team and the consultants. Additional key stakeholders will include staff of
                     existing facilities whose livelihoods will be impacted by how these facilities will be incorporated into the project and
                     how they should be involved in maintenance and management of project invested facilities if deemed necessary, as
                     well as end users of water supply and sanitation such as villagers who benefit from improved water source and
                     sanitation. If ethnic minorities are identified, FPIC will be included as a process in the assessment. All the ESIA
                     documents will be disclosed locally and at the website of the Bank.

                     B.2. Specific Risks and Impacts

                     A brief description of the potential environmental and social risks and impacts relevant to the Project.

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                               The World Bank
                               Public-private Partnership Project for Water Supply and Sanitation in Sichuan Province (P168025)

                     ESS2 Labor and Working Conditions
                     The project may involve limited number of direct workers, contracted workers, and community workers. The labor
                     management procedure for the direct workers, contracted workers and community workers will be developed as part
                     of the ESMP, and the requirements for management of occupational health and safety will be developed and
                     integrated into the ESMP. In addition, government staff will be involved in the preparation of the project. The GRM
                     will be established separately for this ESS2 in the ESIA document. The labor management procedure and the GRM on
                     ground should be before the employment of the first workers. In one of the townships, a prison with around 10,000
                     prisoners has been identified. The project will provide services to the prison in terms of water supply and waste
                     water treatment. Initial assessment confirmed that no prisoners will be allowed outside the prison for the whole
                     duration of serving time. This will be further assessed as part of the social assessment.

                     ESS3 Resource Efficiency and Pollution Prevention and Management
                     This project will not be located in water scarce areas, and the water consumption in the project area will not be
                     significantly increased. Conversely, the valuable groundwater will be conserved by using surface water to replace the
                     groundwater in this project. In addition, this project will neither consume large amount of energy and raw materials,
                     nor use or procure pesticides. This project will not produce toxic waste but general wastes, such as spoils and
                     wastewater in construction stage and sludge in operation stage. These general wastes will be readily managed by
                     good engineering design and mitigation measures. During the operation, liquid chlorine may be used for disinfection.
                     But this can be easily avoidable by good engineering design, such as use of ClO2 or UV.
Public Disclosure

                     ESS4 Community Health and Safety
                     Limited number of workers will be introduced to the site for construction of the facilities given the overall size of the
                     project. The water supply and wastewater pipelines will be constructed along the roads that will disturb the local
                     traffic during the construction phase. In addition, the increased traffic of vehicles transporting equipment and
                     materials on the roads near the communities may pose safety impact. Thus a traffic management plan will be
                     developed as an integral part of the ESIA. The need for establishing any labor camps will be determined during the
                     preparation of the ESIA and the potential impact of influx of worker will be assessed. However, given the size of the
                     project and its dispersion across the large project area, labor influx would be expected to be minor and impacts on
                     communities not severe. A labor camp management plan with code of conducts will be developed if any labor camps
                     will be established. This project will not affect any ecosystem services for the communities. The risk of water-borne
                     diseases will be reduced by the project by providing clean drinking water and collecting and treating wastewater. Use
                     of the liquid chlorine may pose threat to community safety, but this can be avoided by good engineering design.
                     Otherwise, an emergency preparedness and response plan will be prepared as a part of the EIA and ESMP. Use of
                     security personnel at the sites is very limited that will not bring material treat to local communities. In addition, this
                     project will not build or repair any dams. But some alternatives propose to take water from some reservoirs, thus, if
                     such alternatives are adopted in the later stage of project preparation, dam safety reports should be prepared by the
                     client and submitted to the Bank for review.

                     ESS5 Land Acquisition, Restrictions on Land Use and Involuntary Resettlement

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                               The World Bank
                               Public-private Partnership Project for Water Supply and Sanitation in Sichuan Province (P168025)

                     Small patches of land in the size of a few hundred square meters are expected to be taken at places where water
                     supply facilities and waste water treatment plants and related networks need to be constructed. Temporary
                     restrictions to land during construction period will also be an impact to local communities. A fresh water pond of 40
                     hectares will be acquired as water resource reserve area. The pond belongs to local village collectively and is
                     currently contracted out to about 20 households for fish cultivation. These households will be compensated based on
                     their contractual arrangements and make up their loss caused by early termination of contracts. This will be factored
                     in the resettlement plans to be prepared before project appraisal. SEP will also include assessment of local people’s
                     views on the site selection of water supply and wastewater treatment plants. Construction should be done at idle
                     season to avoid and minimize restrictions to income resources, and any loss of income as a result of construction will
                     be compensated. This should be communicated to affected persons in advance. The RAP and resettlement
                     framework to be prepared should be informed by consultations with the affected persons.

                     ESS6 Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Management of Living Natural Resources
                     As described in D1, the size of each of the wastewater and water facilities will be small that will not lead to significant
                     land conversion. In addition, given that the project area is in the Chengdu Plain which is already intensively developed
                     by human activities for thousands of years, and the project area is in the outskirts and rural area around the urban
                     developed area, the possibility of existence of critical habitats is very low. However, TORs for the ES instruments to
                     be produced during further project preparation will include the identification of modified habitats and natural
                     habitats in the project area, an assessment of any potential risks the project might bring to them, and measures to
                     avoid or minimize impacts on the modified habitats and avoid impacts on the natural habitats. In addition, this
Public Disclosure

                     project will neither introduce alien species nor purchase and use natural products.

                     ESS7 Indigenous Peoples/Sub-Saharan African Historically Underserved Traditional Local Communities
                     Whether there are ethnic minorities as defined by World Bank ESF in project sites is unknown at this stage. This will
                     be assessed as part of the social assessment. A quick research of information indicates that the total ethnic minority
                     population in Jingyang District is 4,732 in year 2016 and that there are 35 different ethnic groups such as Man, Hui,
                     Zang, Tu, and Zhuang etc.. This will be confirmed by the social assessment. Ethnic Minority Development Framework
                     (EMDF) will be prepared before appraisal if the social assessment confirmed that ethnic minorities present in the
                     project area. Finding from the social assessment with regard to ethnic minority presence will be reviewed by Bank’s
                     social specialists.

                     ESS8 Cultural Heritage
                     Given that the specific locations of the facilities are unknown, the impacts on cultural heritages will be assessed
                     during the preparation of the EIA. However, TORs for the ES instruments to be produced during further project
                     preparation will include the identification of cultural heritage in the project area, an assessment of any potential risks
                     the project might project to cultural heritage, and the production of a cultural heritage management plan, if required.
                     In any case, a chance find procedure will be produced as part of the ESIA/ESMP. The social assessment should also
                     include identification of intangible cultural heritage and assess impact from project activities. Safeguards instruments
                     will be prepared if physical or intangible cultural heritage is identified.

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                               Public-private Partnership Project for Water Supply and Sanitation in Sichuan Province (P168025)

                     ESS9 Financial Intermediaries
                     This project will not involve any FIs.

                     C. Legal Operational Policies that Apply

                     OP 7.50 Projects on International Waterways                                                                           No

                     OP 7.60 Projects in Disputed Areas                                                                                    No


                     A. Is a common approach being considered?                                                                             No
                     Financing Partners
                     there are no financing partners

                     B. Proposed Measures, Actions and Timing (Borrower’s commitments)
                     Actions to be completed prior to Bank Board Approval:
Public Disclosure

                     EIA, SIA, ESMP, ESMF, RAP, RPF, EMDF, ESCP, SEP will be completed prior to appraisal and the Bank Board Approval.
                     Possible issues to be addressed in the Borrower Environmental and Social Commitment Plan (ESCP):
                     Completion of the dam safety reports, if any, before the preliminary designs for water supply facilities are completed;
                     Implementation of SEP, particularly with private entities;
                     Implementation of the EMDF, RAP, ESMF and ESMP;
                     Commitment to prepare and implement the relevant instruments per ESSs’ requirements, including, if necessary,
                     improvement on labor and working conditions for workers identified as required by ESS2; and in particular, the
                     preparation of ESIA, ESMP, RAP, RPF and EMDF according to the ESMF for the activities not clear in the preparation
                     a brief description of the environmental and social design standards to be met on the project;
                     submitting for the Bank review and clearance the PPP organization’s ESMS that will apply to the design, construction
                     and operational phases of the project as well as the following plans (Traffic Management Plan, Labor Camp
                     Management Plan, Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan, dam safety reports, Cultural Heritage Management
                     Plan, if any, and Chance Finds Procedures);
                     commitment to consider the E&S in the TORs for the TAs according to the ESF.

                     C. Timing
                     Tentative target date for preparing the Appraisal Stage ESRS                                                 30-Sep-2019

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                               Public-private Partnership Project for Water Supply and Sanitation in Sichuan Province (P168025)

                     IV. CONTACT POINTS

                     World Bank
                     Contact:              Yongli Wang                         Title:             Environmental Engineer

                     Telephone No:         5788+7619 /                         Email:   

                     Contact:              Aimin Hao                           Title:             Social Development Specialist

                     Telephone No:         5788+7715 /                         Email:   

                     Contact:              Yiren Feng                          Title:             Senior Environmental Specialist

                     Telephone No:         5788+7723                           Email:   


                     Implementing Agency(ies)
                     Implementing Agency: Jingyang Project Management Office
Public Disclosure

                     V. FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT
                     The World Bank
                     1818 H Street, NW
                     Washington, D.C. 20433
                     Telephone: (202) 473-1000

                     VI. APPROVAL

                     Task Team Leader(s):                Victoria Hilda Rigby Delmon, Gang Qin

                     Safeguards Advisor ESSA             Surhid P. Gautam (SAESSA) Cleared on 19-Apr-2019 at 11:25:30

                     Practice Manager                    Sudipto Sarkar (PMGR) Concurred on 23-Apr-2019 at 12:30:38

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