i l,l',( 'T O l( 'liv NIF T'I l,NAM!%l 1PV1OlFR ( C(MIPANY NO I E208 Volume 9 (CPVI)I'I' NO. 3034-1- - PRO.JECT:: 1 & 1)1 I I0kV' T'hitiih Ch(?iong stI,sttatioi .and I 10kV 'ranisiniissioni Line ENVIRO()NMIENTrAl- 1MANAG"EMENT PLAN (EMlP) electric ConsIr, c n( (,, ntit, , (1(d1 1Ctel(r't (ColsdlltatiOnl .oint Stock (Comiipany ((o CO HA N9 vrY2 DeI+ ,x 4 rNtOvviiiher( 2004- TABLE OF CONI'ENTS PART I : PROJECT DETAILS PARr 2 :ENVIRONMENTAL SCRFENING PART 3 PUBLIC CONSIJI TATION PART 4 MITIGATION TABLE PART 5 MONII'ORING TABLE PART 6 INSTITI JTTONAL DEVFT,OPMENT ACTIVITTES PART 7 IMPLEMENTATION ARRANGEMENT PART 8 MONITORING AND REPORTING SYSTEM. UBND TTNH NGHE AN CONG HbA XA HOI CHO NcGHIA VIET NAM SO TAI NGUYEN /,W /C101 TRUONG Dc p - Tr do - Hanh phulc S6: 138 /PXNTC-TNMT Vinh, ngay 06 tMAngOl ndm 2005.. PHIEU XAC NHAN BAN DANG KY DAT TIEU CHUAN MOI TRUONG Cua dt.r an: DOa' g. r al. T. Tanh Churcng va n n[OKV tia n Iy dt103 lolr dan lgi,i . t~ie 2:I' t -:n du (g_ IIiuu d n d~ ~~~~~dc . ~~~GIAI I W L } Y N j ~ ~ ~~~gimr cF --enb l -- o- mOi tr.sn ca- ,:" ______ Di6u 1: Su k oung B t &ng,Chr ngay O0_ Di 3e'u 2-: _ Ltlpn cuu uuu neu trong b'a _n g_ | ; | O~ie'u 3: arng cua _ e quan quan m tra Lkiem trIiie b'ao ve- moi truaeng, c xF D1Iie'u 4: Sau kh cong tel-- nuana Chu |Dt an pha'i co bao7 quuanha nu6c ve bao ve moi trLmng de kiem __ KTGIAM E)OCC Noi nhTi: - - -- Ph6 giam d6c -LuITg L NI Nguyen Duy Nhu IPART 1: PROJECT DETAILS 1. 'The Project: In carrying out the Government of Viet Natn's policy on the national industrialization and modernization program, the state Electricity of Vietnaim (EVN) has decided to use Worl(d Bank financial resources from saving cost of "Transmissions, distribution and Disaster Reconstruction Project -- Rehabilitation and Fxpansion of distribution systems of Vinh and [ia Long cities" - Credit No.3034 - to invest "1 I0kV T'hanih Chuong sutbstation and 1 I()kV Nghe An transmission line - Nghe An Province Project" - Credit No. 3034+ Nghe An is a Mid(ile province of Vietniam, next to Ila Tinh province in thle South and Nghe An has been said surrotinded by Thanh Tloa Province in the North, Bien DIong (East Sea) in the East. I a Tinh province in the Souith and Laos country in the west. Laam river rilns throtught Nghe An province. Ngihe An has a national forest, it is Xang Le forest whlichi is located in D)o L,uong, Iutong D)uong, Income of people in Nghe An is abotit 500,000.00 VND per monthi/person. 'I'he econonlies of' Nghe An mainly bases on indiustry. 'T'he economic growth rate in thie recent years are miutch increased thanks to the developmiienit of orchiard trees with high economic valuie as 'I'hien litcihi trees. longan trees...Thle comforts of life of people is satisfied in Nglhe A/n. 100% ( -lls have radio and bike. 86% TIlls have television, 59%n-IHs have motorbike and 2% TIlls hiave comnputer Infrastructure in Nghe An is satisfies with a good services system including schools, hospitals, markets, parks. The traffic-way system is reinforcing and constructing. I I10kV Thanh Cliuong substation and transmission line need to construct to meet the reqtuirements of Nghe An provitice. I I()kV 'I'hanh (huong substation and transmission line-- Nglie An province is necessary now. 2. Main characteristics nf project II Ok V 7 hair/i Chuonz transmrission Iine. - Start point: Tower No. 193 on I 1I kV Vinh - I)o Luiong transmission line. - End poinlt: Pooctich 1 I 0kV of 11 ()kV 'T'hanh Chuong s/s. - Lenliht of T/L : I1 km - Circuit figure 01 - ('onductor AC 185/29 - Optical fiher OPGW-57 - Insulators : I 170B3S and 11 20)F - T'ower : steel tower. - Progress of project completed 2006. - ROW 15 rin. - T/l, traveled throigih : Thanlh Clhuonig and Do Luong - Nghe An province. - Numihber of rdisplacement: 1 1, the higgest is 720 00 '; the smallest is I11 00'. The T/IL crosses some present distributioni and( transmission lines: 4times with 22kV '/'s. 2times witi ().4kV I/Ls. 7 times with communication lines, 2 times with highwav 46, 7 times withi irrigational works, 3 times with hamlet roads. 2 times with 1133, 2 times witlh pond and lake. [he T'/L. cross I am river 0(1 time. 1101 51220VThanh C(tuiowt Siihvtntim,- -n,4 TlI I louischolds in ROW are: The survey results are shown as lollmvs: Thlere was a total of 210 aff'cte(i hlilseholds (1317 persons), of which: o 65 households with parcels fot permanent land acqtuisition and trees/crops: o 210 households with parcels for temporary land acquisition and trees/crops; o I houselholds with partial imepact on houses and trees/crops. + No hotiseholds will have to he relocated to other places. 4'1llCre is tO liohuselhold with more thiatn 25% of their total residlential and agricultural lands their holdings affected. * II Ok 1' 7anh (ihuonzgsuhbsiation - Completed(l esigin: two 25MVA transformers. One 25MVA will install in the first stage. - Voltage levels: I 10kV, 35kV and lOkV 3. I)escription of tile piroject - From start point of tower No. 193 to (H1 P is 2890,069m long. At G1, the T/L is turning right with ap = 24002'. 'The (3, is in crop field, transversing on rice field, crossing the province road No. 46 and 22kV '[I/ with I time. - (G1-G2: 1147,1gm, G2. ap = 1°50'. 02 is in rice field. transversing on rice and crop field and cross 22kV 'T/L., and 0,4kV T/IL with 01 time each other. - (2-- (G3: 1740,135nm. G-3: aT = 06()10'. (13 is in crop field; transversing on rice and crop field and crossing a small ditch. - (3 - (34: 1 698.53m. (34: (Xp = 2n00°n. (34 is in junction of 3 rice fields; transversinig on rice field, crossing a irrigational work, communication line, 22kV 1/1, and province road No. 46. - G4 - G5: 1306,748m, G5: al. = 24°32'. (5 is injunction of 3 rice fields, transversing on rice field, crossing a irrigational canal, 22kV T/L and some small ditches. - (15 - (36: 594,314m, (06: ap = 4522'. (36 is in junction of 3 rice fields, transversing on rice field, crossing a hamlet road and communication line - (6 - (G7: 467,93ni. (G7: (XT = 6305 1'. At (37: the T/l, is crossing lam River. Road H1.33 and communication line. - (37 - (38: 394,3699m, G8: (XT = 22°01'. (38 is in crop (cassavas, corn, dry crops) field; transversinig on crop field and crossing 22kV 'I'L. - (G -- (9: 154.623nm, (O9: (if = 25036'. (39 is in rice field, 30ii far from Road 1133, transversing chinik of 2.houses, 'I'he distance of the line to the nearest house is 7m. - (9 - (1 0: 194,97m, (G110: aT = 260S51'. At (GI0, the T/L is transversing on rice field, cross communication line, 'I'he distance of the line to the nearest hamlet road I I m. - (310 --- ,1 1 139,9nm, (311 = 70041'. At (I 1, tlle 'I/L is transversing on rice f-ield, 'The distatnce of thie line to the near-est haimlet road 25im. - (;11- end( point 270.71 1n, the T/L, is transversinig oni rice field to lII(kV Thanl (Cihuonpg s/s at Nat hill. Snmmnary 1. Prolect Name 1 0/35/22kV Thanh Chuong substation and I1. Project Name '110kV transmission line 2. lIrogram Name ,___&DL_I 3. Credit No. _________________ 3034+ 4. New project or rehabilitati on New H Rehabilitation FH 5. Project Location - Substation Doi Nat ward, Long hamlet, Thanh l,inh i. Commune(s) commune, Thanh Chuong district, Nghe An ii. District(s) province. iii. Provitice _ _ __ _ _ _ __ lThe transmission line is transversing through 2 6. Pro.ject Location districts: Thanh Chuong (Thanh Phong, Thanh 'I ratsmission line H4ung, 'rhanh Van, 'I'hanh Linh communes) and Do l,uong (Ngoc Milnh commune) - Nghe An Province 7. Length and voltage of lIV line Lengtl- 11 kmt Voltage= 110 kV 8. Length and voltage of MV line Length= 5.8 km Voltage= 35 kV 9. Length and voltage of MV line _ Length= 3.0 km Volta=_ 10 kV 10. 1Length and voltage of distribution Length= 0 km Voltage= 0 kV line _ .__ . I I. Width of ROW Width= 15 metres 12. Approximate number and heighit of Number- 44 1Height = 25 m supportpoles _ ___ 13. Number of sub-station(s_ I Capacity= 25 MVA/Itransformer in phase 14. Total capacity of sub-station(s) ½tasomro cp _____________ 1/2transformer of scope 15. Construction commencetnent and Commencement C'ompletion completion date (month/year) Dec 2004 Dec 2005 16. Construction in wet season Yes No E 17. Number ol project affected 21 0 J 1T Is / 1 317 PAPs lhouseholds (PAl Is) ___ _ . ToaraldrqieTemzporary= Permanent= 14.473 m 18. Total area land requiredl - 289.200 m2 land required Temporary = Permanent = 9377 E7 19. Agricultural land required 194.200 m2 20. Residential land required Temporary = 0 m2 Permanent = 20 m2 21. Other land required Comute T'emporary = 44.000 Pertnanent = 5.076 m People Committee land m2 . T'~~~ermanent= 22. Land for substation 4.620m2 23. Total project cost (VND & IJSD) Costn 45 Cost-2,866,242 USD ____________________________ i ill ionVND_____________ PART 2: ENVIRONMENTAL SCREENING IMPACT POTENTIAL COMMENTS IMPACT (Comment on scale and level of impact) Constructioni Effects on vegetation areas as a X Little impacts from ROW land clearance result of clearing for ROW, Temporary Access Roads, Site Clearance. sub-stations or access roads. The traveling of T/L, over to rice, the construction stage will start after rice - crop harvest so not many trees will be cut ( 1 352 ___________________ ____ ____ bamboo, sandalwood and bead trees) EIrosion or sediment generation X Litter impact caused by earthworks Earth worked soil will create sedimentation as Water quality impact (muddied it deposits tliings near water source. JIotal water) fronm earthwork, vehicle estimated soil shall be: 50.000 m3 (anticipate) and equipment exhausts and I-lowever, almost the bulk above used for dust generated by construction filling up the foundation holes when activities. completing. 'I'he rest will be tidied up by the construction units since the T/1, transverses over I I km. and foundations are located itn 61 different places E ffect.s onl air quality from X - Some smali effects from: vehicie and equipment - noise generation from vehicle and equipment exhausts and dust generated by may be an issue where the project is close to construction activities houses - dust generation may be an issue in areas where houses are close to construction such as IDo Luong and ''hanh Chuong districts. Noise generation from vehicle X Little impact and equipmiient use. As T/L and substation are built near the roads, almost vehicle use the existing transportation system, so there shall be very little noise. D)ust cause by processing of Minor impact in construction stage material transportation and - Levels of air pollution are relatively low digging filling, construction because scope of construction is small so no work. requirement a lot of transportation, digging Exhaust fumes from machinery foundation for substation control and power during construction tower is not a lot. - 'his is small substation so quantity of mobilized eqtuipments is not a lot during construction, therefore the pollution level cause by exhiaust fuimes is not wvorth considering. Effects on items of cultural X No impact property through direct Since T/l, transversing mainly over the rice physical disturbance or effects and crop fields and hills of bamboo, on surroundinig areas. sandalwood and bead trees, no effect on cultural property or affect surrounding areas is recorded. Hlowever. if any generated, measures for changinig line directions are prepared. Contamination of soil, air or X No imlpact, no use 1('B3s 11. 52.-' h n ...fm . ... __.. _ . ...-. ... water from use of hazardous materials including PCBs. X Disruption to traffic X Little impacts: movements resulting from l - The T/L meets highway No 15: 2 times construction activities near - The T/L meets highway No 33: 2 times public roads. - The T/l, meets Province Road No 46: 2 times - Thle T/L meets district roads: 2 times (CI - (.2, (33 - G34) - The '/l, meets commnune roads: I time ((35 - CY6) - The T/L meets hamlet roads: 2times (G9 - 010) - 'I'he T/L crosses Lam River: 1 time (G6 -G7) I- ublic healtlh and safety effects X No impact fromn construction camps. Project implementation shall be made in summer and not too far from residential houses so it enables construction workers to stay with local people 's houses. However, two temporary camps will be prepared to ptit up to ensure hygiene and safety for contingency in 5 months; I in Dao My commune - Lang Giang district and I in 'Ian Soi commune -Yen T'he district Other (Explosive materials) X No impact Operation stage Exposure to EMF levels X No impact exceeding GOV standards. _ No evidence of EMF for 1 IOkV Interference witlh radio, TV or X Verv little impact other communications. Very small effect during operational period because all communication Ptiblic health and safety effects X No impact including voltage hazard. Water quality imipacts from X No impact. discharge of employee sewage Waste was tackle according to standard, (sub-station pro cs onlv ensure that no impact to water quality. _._ . j_j _ _ __ -- _ -.- __ _ ._ . ... .. . _. _ ._. .........-......._ _ Coontamiin1ation of soil, air or - X No impact. No using PCBs water from use of hazardous materials including PCBs. - Noise generation fromi sub- X Little impact. All material and equipments station operation using for substation are from famous manufacturers. So they do not make big noise O(ther (UXO) X No impact PART 3: PUBLIC CONSULTATION I)ocumentation of Pubiic Consultation Activities In order to avoid bad innluence in community's daily activities, Consultant board has chosen the field for the constrtiction location. On the community survey, the Consultant board has some suggestions: It's not necessary to gather whole community to inform because the project has no significant afTect on environmenit. It niust be a small-scale meeting. 'lihe pro ject should he anniounced on the local radio station because the project is only carried out on a small commune so that is very easy. It's necessary to inform people at the common place such as People Committee office. ('ONS l TA, 1FETAI-S OF ACTIVITIES CONSULTATION OUT COMFS N METFIOD | IDate(s) of notice 27 --- 30/4/2004 No comments from local people Location of notice lThanh Chuong and Do Public Notice Luong districts at People's Committee office. Nevvsletter Date(s) of notice May 14 2004 No complaints Notification_ Location of notice At People's Committee O ffi ce Date(s) of notice 25 - 27/4/2004 No comiplains Newspaper J_ __ _ _ _ __._o . Notification Name of People Committee office. ___ _ .ewp_r _ws _ ap_ ___. Public lDate(s) of 3/5/2004 No complaitis announcemtent _ _ou_icen et__t raaio u m Ii mie(s) of Nlorniiig announcement IDate(s) sent 5/5/2004 Number 50 pages received Numiiber sent 50 pages Main issues - Preserving fruit raised trees, precious tree Area of Affecte(i hotiselol(Is and - Noise at nighit distribution the houselholds in the - Preventing from area of the transmission dirt during Newsletter / rout and substation construction questionnriaire l crossilng_ period IFeedback soughit No - No impact on (Yes / No) water resources - Limiting garbage - Returninlg land for cultivation Date(s) held May 10 - 12 2004 Meeting Issues discussed minutes at meetings: attached - Noise impacts (Yes / No) - - D)ust impacts Yes - Water quality - Protectitig trees - Safe operation Location(s) held 'T'hanh Chuong People Attendees: 5 - CPCs Committee office people/I - DPCs Public meeting Invitees - Chairman of the CPC commune - Women's I JInion - Women's UJnion - Fatherland F ront - Fatherland Front - Union of farmers - UJnion of farmers - Youith Union ______. ____ - PAPs - Local residents Methods of (Through CPC) invitation Communes' People committee ask them to attend themtig Agenda attached No (Yes / No) + Some suggestions from local people: - 'I'he project implementation should be started after rice - crop harvest and in a short time. - Clearance work shotild be informed to PAPS at least two weeks earlier - Applying compensation method with land for land - 'I'here should be a firmly schedule of the construction period handling to local authority and PAPS - Exposure to EMF levels exceeding aOV standards. + Disclosure: - T'he originial EIA was sent to the concerned PPCs for clearance and to DoNRE and Power Company Service of provinice for public display. - Inform information at communication development center of WB (VDC) at the building 63 Ly Thai 'I'o (English version). - Inform English version news at WB office at Washington (WB3 info shop). PART 4: MITIGIATION MEASURES Project Description - Project "1 10/35/22kV Tlianh Chuong sulstation" intendedly to be constructed at Doi Nat ward, Long hamlet, Thanh Linh commune, 'T'hanh Chuong district, Nghe An province. lThe transmission line traveled through 2 districts: Thanh C'huong (Thanh Phong, l'hanh flung, T'hanli Van. 'I'hanh l.inh commuines) and I)o Luong (Ngoc Minh commune) - Nghe An Province. It's doesn't affect in fuiture programming of district. - 'I'he substation has the fuinction of supplying electricity additional charge of industry - agriculture activities in 'I'hanh Chuong and Do Luong districts (Do l,uong district had ownl substation) - The intended duration of the project is intended to set to work in December - 2004 and to the end of December - 2005, the project is intended to set to work in December - 2004 and inatugurate in December - 2005 MITFIGATION PLAN Phase Issue Mitigating Measure Cost* R espousibi Construction Right of way * Utilize hand clearing of Included in Contractor (ROW) clearance vegetatiotn if possible; avoid contractor mechanical clearing or bidding price herbicide use, save as much vegetation as possible. Dispose at established dump site __ _ Irnpact from * UJse existing roads/tracks Included in Contractor constructed wherever possible. 'T'he contractor activies for project popose built some bidding price temporary new temporary. So they access roads were mitigating measure minimum damage/loss to local land use. * Restore disturbed areas with native species, avoid non- _______- n ______- tative species introduction RLioff'. E* Excavate erosion prone Included in Sedimentation areas during dry season. contractor and Soil Never during rainy bidding price Erosion from conditions (in case the earthworks . constructor * Install sediment traps or must be (Construjction in screens to control runoff builted ttie slope of 1()° and sedimentation as drainage and easy to be needed ditches and erosion) * D)esign dIrainage ditches to plaited avoid affecting nearby lands vegetative Minimize use of slopes cover.) * Plant vegetative cover as soon as possible with native ____ species R es po nslbi Phase Issue Mitigating Measure Cost* Repnsh hAir Pollution ' lnsure all machinery using Inciuded in Contractor from combustibn engines has and contractor eartliworks and mairitaitis valid operating bidding price transport: permits throughout the - Dust project schedtile Insure all trucks transporting dusty materials to/from the site are covered * Water spray dusty area (construction site, roads etc) during hot, dry, windy __ conditionis Noise * All construction activity lo be conducted during daytime hours. If evening construction is require(d, personificationi and approval by local affected _ _____groups required D)isruption to No implementation of Included in traf fic construction during the rush contractor movements hour. 'Ihese activities were bidding price resuilting from donie at night or weekend. construction activities near public roads. Cultutr a-l Avoid areas of cultural Contractor I'roperties significance in or near ROW In doing earthwork, if there is any cultire property being seen underground, responsible men shall inform to: - Project owner - Department of Culture and ____ ________ _Communication Construction Maintain fence around camp Inclu(led in Contractor C'amps area to keep animals and non- contractor workers from enterin,g. bidding price Store all materials (particularly hazardous materials) in looked facilities, guarded if necessary. Reemove nll materials uponI _ _ ___ . _ __ __ p, oject comple.ion _ _ _._p. -_etc_ _tn_ _ _ _e o Phase Issue Mitigati,ng Measure Cost* Responsi Other: - Suitably qualified personnel I million PCI - Disarming to carry ptit UXO clearance VND mine, before construction starts explosive - UXO was cleared by an (UXO) hired army unit - THazardous - T'ransformers place on Included in Contractor materials impervious (concrete) contractor foundation with bidding price containment walls to contain any spills - Cutting Included in Contractor down trees, . a . contractor crops ~- Gi.Crving a specified method bidding price crops... to executives the work . Operation Electric and Design to meet govertiment No Technical Magnetic Field standards or international design standards to protect human Contractor health (less than 5kV/meter for electric field and 5 Microtel for magnetic field at the edge of the ROW Impact to Do not ctit trees below the In the PC I ecosystem from minimal height requirement (<4 operational tree cutting meters) cost Noise Install natural (vegetable) sound In the PCI barriers around substation to operational isolate noise sources (corona cost discharge, cooling fans etc.) Polychloritiated Forbiddeni to replace In the PC'I Biplienyls transformer coolant with any operational (PCBs) fluid contain ing PCBs cost I-lazardous Repair transformer leaks In the PCI materials operational cost __ Employee Disciharge connected to In the PCI sewage municipal system or on site operational sewage treatment system cost installed to meet local discharge ____ _____________ standards. PART 5: MONITORINGI PROG(RAM 5.1. MITIGATION MEASURES: 'Refer to Part 4. 5.2. ENVIRONMENTAL MONI'ORING: Rder to Table 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5 Table 5.2 Parties involving in environment monitoring No Parties Maini responsibility Content and formatfor ____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _report I Constrtiction - Apply proposed mitigation - Refer to Table 5.4 and 5.5 Contractor measures - Report to PMU the application of mitigation __ ___ m.measures. 2 Technical supervisor - Monitor (by observation) -Refer to Table 5.4 and 5.6 of PMIJ and assess of the environmental parameters suggested by this IEE report; -Re to PMU 3 Safeguard Monitoring - Monitor (by observation) - Refer to Table 5.6. Independenit and assess environmental Consultant (SMIC) quality based on parameters suggested by this IEE report. - Conduct public consultationi to received comment, assessment of local people on environmental management of the Project. * Safeg,ard Afonitoting Indepenidenit (C)onvultant (SMIC) SIMC was hired by the Project owners to monitor the implementation of the EMP. T'he SIMC will report its environmental results every six months during the construction period. An exam)ple T'erms of Reference for the SIMC during construction period is provided in the text box below: EXAMPLE ENVIRONMEN'T'AL T'ERMS OF REFERENCE FOR SIMC T'he Safegiuard Independent Monitoring Consultant will: I. Visually look at the constrtction sites and make notes related to the following environmental issues, btit not limited to: . General clean up after construction works, . Excessive clear cutting of trees beyond ROW in communal, * Measures taken by the contractor for cleaning up woody residues after tree cutting . Stattis of access roads (have they been closed if in a protected area, are they still being used and to what extent, h1ow are tiley being controlled/managed and by whom), Application of mitigation measures for or sign of soil erosion along T/L due to tree cuttinlg and/or around tower f'oundation * Status of re-vegetation in the R()Ws an(d tower foundationi * Impacts on constrtiction works (level of noise, dust, and damage to roads due to earthiworks and transportation of buildiling materials) * Status ol construction worker camilps anid sanitation facilities for thiem jj . ......................... ,.......................................... . . ....T..,.. _ .....-... * Proper distance between the houses and T/L, * Status of implementation of safety rneasur4s (signboards, restricted zone, fences, isolation etc.) 2. Conduct ptublic consultationi to: * Assess the level of involvement by the local authorities in dealing with environmelital issues (dust, noise, and damage to roads due to the transport of construction materials, tree cutting oni public lands and protected areas). * Identify any other environmental issues and record environmental complaints from the PAI-Is. * Report on responses (if any) from appropriate local authorities on environmental complaints or non-compliance * Report from local community: Fach participating district will submit monthly reports to 1'C I during construction phase. The district-level reporting process needs to be simple, consistent between districts, and accountable. Data collector may provide additional information (phiotographs, letters, etc) as they see fit. Z n XX n1. ZorL -_XI- ,f - . - -....I Table 5.4. Environmental monitoring plan ,VO Parameters How to monitor f Fre n Responsible bodies I CONSTRUCTION (manpower rauirement: 1 man-months _ i Noise level around 1) Assessment (by field observation) whether (i) the noise level is - Monthly - PNMB -PCI (by the construction sites and unacceptable in the Project's residential areas (ii) The construction during technical supervisors of adjacent residential areas machines annoy local people. construction PNMB) 2) The mitigation measures applied by the Contractor to avoid the noise pro - Community's leaders will impact submit report to the 3) The measurement should be taken when there is some complaint from PNMB-PC1. local people __I - SIMC (to be hired by PNMB and will submit 2, ^ Dust 1) Assessment (by visual observation) whether (i) the dust caused by As above i pNM B anewl sit construction is serious; (ii) the measures that Contractors are taken to r months) control the dust level _ 2) The mitigation measures applied by the Contractor to avoid the dust level increasing in the area 3) The measurement should be taken when there is some complaint from | _ _ I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ local people _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ t 3 Solid waste and site Assessment by visual observation whether: As above As above t > cleaning up after the 1) Construction residues are clean up after the construction construction 2 ) The wav that Contractor disposes the solid wastes from construction. 4 Workers' sanitation Assessment by visual observation: As above As above facilities and safety (1) Status of solid waste and waste water disposal in camping sites Imanagement (2) Hygiene and safety issues in camping site (3) In case of home stay. check the agreement with commune's people committees. i 10/3522WV Tfhanii Cliuong Substation and TIL 15 EMXP_ .,Vo Parameters How to monitor Frequencv Responsible bodies Road degradation Assessment by visual observation i As above As above (1) The transportation of materials and equipment causes any damage to the local road system and how is the level of damage (2) The vehicles used for Project is overloaded that potentially cause the darnage to the existing road system? (3) The Contractor has taken any measure to repair the roads that were i damaged during transportation of Project's equipment and material. ____________________I_______ (4) There is any complaints from local peoples on the issue 6 Status of application of Assessment of safety issue during construction: I As above As above safetv measures! safet- measures - Personal safety equipment - Technical and safety regulation to avoid the electricitv shocks, electrical 'I hazards etc. - 7 , Construction material Assessment by visual observation: As above As above m rnanagement ( 1) The management of construction material in the warehouses !___________________________ (2) The management of construction material in the construction site I OPERATION PHASE (manpower requirement: 1 man-month/year for 20 years) l l 8 Noise generation from Noise meter measuring dB (A) As above - Hai Duong"` Electric sub-station operation ! i_ __po__--I 9 Risk of fire and, Following requirement of duty agency (one time per vear for the 9 Risk of fire and ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~As above -As above exploding qpreventing and fighting fire agency) 20/35/22kV Thranz Cliusong Suibsaianon and TIL 1 2. , .l Table 5.5. Example of Site Environmental Management Monitoring Report Project name: Project location: Name of Contractor: Commencement of Project report or monthly report: Date of report: N ,Vo | Impact Mitigation measures implemented 1 Comment Construction phase I I iSurface water contamination 2 Noise and vibration 3 Air pollution 4 1 Agricultural production due to temporary acquisition of productive land 5 1 Damaging the existing road system 6 Solid waste generated from soil excavation i 7 Environmental impacts caused by construction worker 8 g Conflict between construction worker and local I people 9 |Health and Safety . -_._. Name of person prepared this Report: Title: Address: Telephone: 11 0/35122kV Thanh Chuong Substation and TIL 17 EMP iL Table 5.6. An Example of Environmental Performance Monitoring Report (This Example can be used for environmental monitoring report of Technical supervisor consultant, SMIIC) Project name: Project location: Province: District: Commune: Type of Report: Monthly report (Yes/No): Quarterly Report to EVN (Yes/No): Quarterly Report to the WB(Yes/No): SMIC report (Yes/No): Date of report: .o Parameter Assessment of Consultantl ! Comments/Recommendations I f | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~community complaints During Constructions i Surface water turbidity and soil erosion 2 Noise level around construction sites and adjacent residential areas 3 ' Dust 4 Solid waste and site cleaning up after the construction 5 Workers' sanitation facilities and safety management 6 Road degrdation. 7 Status of application of safety measures 8 Construction material management During operation * 9 Noise generation from sub-station operation __ 10 Risk of fire and exploding l Report prepared by: Position: 1 0/35122kV Tlianh Cizuong Substarion and TIL 18 EMP PART 6: Institutional Development Activities Equipment Purchases. . . ~~Local (1,) or l'yp?e of Number of Loa.()o yquipment NJnits Unit Cost Total Cost International m(tI)_purchase 0. 0 __ _.. __ _ __ _ __ 'I'raini ng/Study 'Tours No Ifens C(onstruction Operatiotn (20 years -- _________ -__ojq~~f /fe cycle} _ --_ _, __ --- -- _C 0 _ _ _ _ _--. 1 Mitigation measures The costs are covered in '[he cost is covered in Contract with production cost of the Construiction Contractors provincial power _____...._________________ service 2 Monitorinig costs for T'he cost is covered in The cost is covered in substations, lines. running cost of PMU running cost of EVN (1ly technical supervisor consulitiat of PMU) 3 Monitoring costs for 2 man-month/substation x 3 man-month/year x substation (construction I 000,000/man-month = 1,000,000 x 20 years usually lasts for 6 month) 2,000,000 6,000,000 _SMIC) __ 4 Monitoring cost for the 200.000/subproject Project by district/commune = 200,000 auttlor-ity 5 Capacity buiilding 1,500.000 'OTI'AL 3,700,000 6,000,000 'I'his cost is covered in production cost of the regional transmission companies GRAND TOTAI, FOR 9,700,000 VND WHIOLE PROJECT The scope of this project is not so big, effecting to environment is not worth conlsidering so 11o need to purchase specialize(d sutpervision equipment. 'Training course is necessarv, however consultant recommend that in accordance with general conclitioni. yearly EVN and W13 alreadv have had short-term training couirse about environmenit, I;or small scope project, coaching, and training course is organized will save cost. Projert "I 10135/220Ihan/ o ./2(ng .vshsatainl and 7 /I, 1 9 EAIP- F, nvi, oninrnt Management Pl/a,. PART 7: IMPLEMENTATION ARRANGEMENTATION ROLE RESPONSIBILITIES ORGANIZATION Project Owner . Ultimately responsible for overall project EVN management, including environmental __ _management. _ _ Overall Project . Responsible for coordination and Power network Management menagement of overall project Management Board Agency implementation, including guiding and (PNMB)- PC 1 nvrmnasupervising implementation of the EMP. Enivironniental . Specific responsibility and point of contact Enrvironment Engineer Officer for environmental issues. of PNMB * Project . Responsible for day-to-day project Power netwvork Implementation implenmenitation. Activities include: Management Board Agency i. Planning and implementation of (PNMB)- PC I environmental management activities during construction ii. Coordinating with other parties in relation to environmental management activities. iii. Carrying out internal monitoring and supervising independent monitoring iv. Supervising and providing budget for monitoring activities. v. Reporting on environmental informationi to concerned parties Project Operator . Responsible for operation of the project Nghe An Electric including operation stage environmental Power. management and monitoring activities. Environmental . Responsible for preparation of F,MP Electric J.S Company Consultant documentation. Contractor . Responsible for supervision of civil works 7echnical Consdltant 'I'echnical contractors durinig construction, including Supervision implementation of environmental _________ _ management activities under the EMP Civil Works . Responsible for construction works and Decided by PNAfB Contractor following contractor specifications outlined in the EMP. This includes: i. Appiving construction-plhase mitigation measures. ii. Ensurinig safety of construction workers and local people during construction. Proje(t: "101.5!22k1' 7hanh ('ICheong substationt and 7IL " 20 EMfP- Environ,ment Maniagemienti Pln,,. ROLE RESPONSIBILITIES ORGANIZATION iii. Following Vietnam and World Bank policies on environmental protection during construction. Safeguard . Responsible for independent nonitoring of Engaged by PNMB Independent EMP implementation Monitor (SIMCJ_ Pro ject: 10/35/22kl ' 1 hanh Clhong sithsition and Tll, 21 EMP- Envirofmeni Alana igen1ieini nhan PART 8: MONITORING AND REPORTING SYSTEM. Vo Issues to be reported J reporting level 2nd reporting level ] 3rd reporting level (a copy should be ;____ |. I _________________________ sent to D oN RE) ' Construction phase I I 1 1 Inmplementation of By: the Contractor |Bv: Planning Department of By: Environment and mitigation measures Frequency: Monthly PNMB-PCI Telecommunicaton Department of and ite nvonmetali FrequenP1 MnhyEVN. and site environnental ITo Planning Department of Northern power -Frequency: Quarterly management i network management Board (PNMB) - Power To: Environment and Frequency: Quarterly Company 1. Telecommunication To: The WB I_____ ____________________j Department of EVN. 2 Environmental By: Technical supervisors of the PNMB-PC1 |By: Planning Department of By: Environment and monitoring Frequency: Monthly P.NMB-PC! Telecommunication Department of I ~~~~~~~~~~~Feunc:QatryEVN. To: Planning Department of PNMB-PCI Frequency: Quarterly To: Environrment and Frequency: Quarterly By: Phu Thu People Committee TlcmuiainT:TeW Telecomrnunication To: The WB Frequency: Monthly during construction Department of EVN. time To: Planning Department of PNMB-PC1 |By: SIMC I Frequency: Half-yearly To: WB , Planning Department of PNMB- PC1 and Environment and Telecommunication Department of EVN. Operation phase I Project: I 10135110kV Tlhanh Cliwong substation and TIL" 22 ErMP- Environment Management Plan. N AVo 1 Issues to be reported |sI reporting level 2nd reporting level 3rd reporting level (a copy should be I__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _sent to DoNVRE) 11 Environmental By: Nghe An Electric Power Service Bv: PC 1 By: Environment and monitoring including Frequency: Half-yearly Frequency: Yearly Telecommunication Department of safety issues To: PC 1 To: Environment and EVN. j Telecommunication Frequency: Yearly Departnent of EVN. j To: The WB Project. 110/3510k Tlhanh Chitong substation and TIL' 23 E.P- Environment Management Plan. PART 9. ENVIRONMENT CRITERIA REGISTERING LETTER PART 10. APPENDIX ENCLOSING. 1. Map of substation area. 2. The Minutes of meeting between authority commune and consultant ':~~~~~~~..... CONG HOA XA HOI CHU NGHIA VIET NAM DMc lip - Tu do - Hanh phuic. ===o0o=== ^ ~~~~~~9I BIEN BAN HOP DAN - Ngniv 10 th.'an 5 nam 2004 - Dia diem: Hoi trucjng UBND Xa Thanh Linh huyen Thanh Chrong tinh Nghe An - So' ngui bi dnh huong tham dtr: 28/39 Cac vain de` dira ra tai cuoc hop: 1- Tu vahcn cUi chu daiu tur: Cong ty Co phain Tu va'n Daiu tir va Xay dung Dien Gi6i thieu ve dur an: o Nguon vo'n vay: Ngan h.ing the' gi6i WB o Diacliem xa dung tram: Tram diuoc dat tai khu doi Nat thon Long ,x Thanh Linh huyen Thanh Charing tinh Nghe An. o Quy mo dur Ln: DZ 110KV dcii 1 lKm, tram 11()KV Thanli ChLuong lap mayv bie'n ip 110/35/10 KV - 25MVA c6 dkr ph6ng MBA th r hai. Tram ducic thid'L ke' c6 phia 1 OKV lap dat ngoai trci, khu vuc 35, IOKV lap cdat cac tu hop bO dat trong nhai. o Dien tfch d.t can chie'm dung cho cong trinh: 318.349 m2 * Cac chinh sach cla RAP theo tfn dung 3034+ trong do c6 con,g trinl TBA 1 OKV Thanh Chuoang v' nhanh re 110KV tinh Nghe An. * Cac quyen loi cu the c'ua ngucyi dan bi anh huc&ng b6i du aLn nay: Sau khi xay dung song TBA 1 OKV Thanh Churong se cung, c.ip Clicll 11(' dinh cho nhan dan khu vuc. 2- Cac y kie'n ciia ngtrudi dan: - Nen bat dau cong tac xay durng v.io sau vu thu hoach - Thoi gian tlhi cong cngan de- khong gay Anh hLr6n- k6o dai - Dong v voi cAlc chfnh sach cen bu - Eloani nghcnh dir Lin tai cia phLrcng. DAI DIEN HO BI ANH HU`67NG DAI DIEN DON VF TU VuAN \ CONG HOA XA H61 CHU NGHIA VIE T NAM! Doc 1ip - Tu I(o - Hanh phuic. ===000=== BIEN BAN HOP DAN - Ngi'iy 11 thSLnc 5 nam 2004 - Dia diemni: Nh.i vJin hod x.i Thanh Van huyen Thanh Chuung tinh Nghe An -So n-Woi bi anh huadng tham du: 22/30 CGc vKin cd6 ctIua ra tai cuoc hlop: 1- Ttr va^n cua chu dcau tu: Ccng ty Cci phain Tu vain Dau ttr va Xay dLung Diln Gici thieu ve diri n: o NLuon vodn vay: Ng-an h`ing- thl gieci WB ODia cl'rm xay dingr tram: Tram ducac dat tai khu doi Nat thbn Lonw- xfl Thaii Linh mhuy n Thanhn Chtrung tinh Nghe An. o Quy mo dLf SLn: DZ I OKV daii 11 Kmi tram I I OKV Tlhanh Chucrng l.ip m,il hli(n ,ip 1 10/13511 0 KV - 25MVA c6 C)Ld ph6ng NlBA thur hbaui. Traii diioc 1iie; kc" cO) plifa I I ()KV lhp dcit ngoSii trai. klhu virc 35, 1OKV Lip dtat cac Il'1 hf(p b ` (Idt trong nhau. o Dicn tich dat cain chieln dung cho cong trinh: 318.349 m2 * Cac chinh scich cua RAP theo tin dunlg 3034+ trong d6 c6 cckri;a r'! Ll] TBA 110)KV Thanh Chuoing v. nhdnh r t I1OKV tinh Nahe An. * Cac quyen loi cii the cua niiTU'i dan bi .inh hurnkg b6i dui an nSv: Sau khi xdy dung song TBA I10KV Thanh Chauing se cung cS'pr) dticnl1 "' clinh cho nh:Tn dSn khu vlXc. 2- CaIc 'T kic-n c6a n adi dan: - Thong bao ct tthl thdi gian thi cong cte nguLi dLn chu cdn(, Irong c'On-z gvic - Trdnh tri cOns, v.o thoi k, niba vu - Thdi gian thi c6n, ngTan de kilOnJ g,Lt Slnh ilxiOnC k;o dCii - DOcntL KvO'Ti i:.c chfnil sclA clehdn bSi - ITloan N H6l:ClNl ' -S1n t.li DiA DhuonD. V DAT 3D I1N HO B 1I AN >tIJ HL Ot .G DA.i13)I MEN DO N I IT I N CONG HOk XA 110 CHU NGHIA VIET NAM DOc 1kip - Tir do - Hanh phfic. ===o00=== BIEN BAN HOP DAN - Ngay 12 thang 5 nam 2004 - Dia diem: Hoi truoyng UBND xa Thanh Tudng huyen Thanh Ch-'rong tinh Nghe An - So" ngudh bi anh huong tham dir: 20/31 Cac v^Lin de dua ra tai cuQc hop: 1- TLf vc^n cua chu dTau tur: Cong ty Co phain Tu va^n Dau tur va XMy dlung Dien *G1cyi thieu ve' dL r n: o Nguon vo'n vay. Ngan hang the' gioi WB o Dia diem xay durng tram: Tram duac dat tai khu doi Nat thon Long xa Thanh Linh huyen Thanh Chuang tinh Nghe An. O Quy mo dLr Lin: DZ 1 OKV dii 1 lKm, tram 1 OKV Thanh Chu'ong l.ip nmla bie'n aip 110/35/10 KV - 25MVA c6 d r ph6ng MBA thu hai. Tram dLruc thi6't ke' c6 phia 1 OKV lap dat ngoai trdi, khu vwc 35, 1OKV lap dat cac tu hap bo dat trong nha. O Dien tich da't ca'n chiem dn,ng cho cong trinh: 318.349 mi * Cc chinh sach cua RAP tneo tin du. ng 3034+ trong d6 c6 congz trinh TBA 11 OKV Thanh Chtrng va nhanh re 1 IOKV tinh Nghe An. * Cac quyen lai cu the ciua nguoi dan bi anh hu6ng b6i du an mny: Sau khi xay drng song TBA 110KV Thanh Chrang se cung ca'p dien on dinh cho nhan dlan khu vuc. 2- Ca y kie'n cua ngudi dan: - Hoan nghenh du an tai dia phuong - Thong bMLo cu the thMi gian thi cong de ngudi dan chu dong tron g cong * ivc - Chfnh sach clen bu ra't tho'L dang - Tr.inh thi congT vo thoi ky mua VU. DAI DIEN HO BT .ANH HU6NG DAI DIEN DON VI TUi VAN CONG HOA XA HOI CHU NGHIA VIET NAM Moc lap - Tu do - Hanh phtic. ===00o=== BIEN BAN HOP DAN - Ngay 14 thang 5 nam 2004 - Dia diem: Hoi trWing UBND xa Xuan Son huyen DO Luacng tlnh Nghe An - So' nguci bianh huong tham du: 12/13 Cac vaTn de dua ra tai cuoc hop: 1- TL v.^n cua chfu daiu tu: Cong ty C6 phan Tu va'n Dau tu vci XMy dufng Oien * Gioi thieu ve dLr an: o Nguon vo'n vay: Ngan hang the' gi6i WB o Dia diem xay dung tram: Tram du'gtc dat tai khu doi Nat thon Long xa Thanh Linh huyen Thanh Chu'ang tinh Nghe An. O Quy mo du an: DZ 110KV dai 11Km, tram 110KV Thanh ChLrong hla'p ramy bien dlp 1 t0/35/10 KV - 25MVA c6 dui ph6ng MBA thur hai. Tram duoc thie't ke' c6 phfa 110KV lap ddt ngoai trci, khu vLuc 35, 10KV I-ap dat ccic tit hap bo dat trong nh.i. o Dien tich dat caln chie'm dung cho cong trinh: 318.349 m2 * Cac chinh sach caua RAP theo tin dung 3034+ trong do c6 cong trinh TBA 1 10KV Thanh Churong va nhainh re 11OKV tinh Nghe An. * Cac quyen lki cu the c'ua nguoi dan bi amnh huxc'tng boi du an naly: Sau khi xaiy dung song TBA 1 OKV Thanh Chuang se cung cap dien On dinh cho nhin dan khu vac. 2- Cac y kie&n cua ngubi dan: - Tranh thi cong vao thai ky mua vu - Thoi gian thi cong ngan de^ khong gay amnh hLuong keo dai - Hoan nghenh du aln tai dia phuatng - Thong bao cu the thoi gian thi cong cde ngucti dan chu ddng trong cong viec - Dong y voi cac chinh scich den bti - NMn bat danu cong tac vC'io sau vu thu hoach. DA\I DIE.N Ho BI ANH HlI6NG DAI DIEN DON 'VI TL V*AN71 <~~~~~~~~\ \jW I1"- ,' ' -*!- . CONG HOA XA HOI CHU NGHIA VIET NAM Doe lAp - TLY do - Hanh phuc. ===000=== BIEN BAN HOP DAN - Ngayv I) thang 5 nam 2004 - Dia diem: H1li truocrng UBND xa Thanh Phong huyen Thanh Chuong tinh Nghe An - So' ngut bi .inh hu6ng tham du: 42/78 ' Cac vahn de diva ra tai cuoc hop: 1- TLr van cua chu daiu tu: Cong ty Co phain Tu valn Da1u tux vai Xiy drng Dien Gi6i thieu ve du an: o Nguon von vay. Ngcn hng the' gicti WB o Dia diem x^v cldung tram: Tram dutc dat tai khu doi Nit thon Long xa Thanh Linh huyen Thanh Chuong tinh Nghe An. O Quy mo dLu ain: DZ 1 tOKV dai I 1Km. tram 1 OKV Thanh ChLrong lap m.iy bie'n ap 110/35/10 KV - 25MVA c6 du ph6ng MBA thu hai. Tram dcuoc thic't ke' c6 phia 1 OKV lap dat ngoai trcti, khu vuc 35, 10KV lap dat cac tuI hop bo cdat trong nha. o Dien tich ctit cain chie'm du,ng cho cong trinh: 318.349 m2 * Ck chinh sach cua RAP theo tin dung 3034+ trong d6 c6 cong trinll TBA 1 IOKV Thanh Chuctng va nhanh re 1 OKV tinh Nghe An. C Cc quven lCi CU. the c'ua nguci dan bi 'anh hu6ng boi dLr Lin nay: SaLI khi xay dirng song TBA 110KV Thanh Chuong se cung cap clien on dinh cho nhan dan khu vuc. 2- Cac y kie'n cua ngucti dan: .-Thi gian thi cong ngan del khong gay anh hun&ng keo dLi - Hoan nghenh du an tai dia phuaLog - Thong Mbao cu the thMi gian thi cong de nguci dan chu dbng trong cong viec - Chinh saich cden hu r.ait thoai dain- - N2n baictdiu cong tac V Kio SaLl Vlj thu hloach. DAI DIEN H( 131 A&NH HUONG( DAI DIEN DON VI IU VAN | . ,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1is1 l CONG HOA XA HOI CHl' NGHiA VIRT NAM DOc liap - TL do - Hanh phuc. ===vl)o=== BIEN BAN HOP DAN - Ngay 15 thanng 5 nam 2004 - Dia diem: Hoi truong UBND xa Minh Son huye,n Do Luong tinh Nghe An - So'ngudi bi anh hu&ng tham dr: 17/19 ' Cc va-n de^ dtra ra tai cuoc hop: L- Tr va^'n c6ia chiu daiu tuL: Cong ty C6 phan Tui va'n Dduu tur vi'i Xay clung Dihn Gi16i thieu ve dLr an: o Nguof von vay: Ngan hang the'gici WB o Dia dienm xay dung tram: Tram druoc dat tai khu d6ci Nat thon Lon, xa Thanh Linh huyen Thanh ChuLcng tinh Nghe An. o Quy mo dir an: DZ 1 OKV dii t lKm, tram 1 IOKV Thanh ChLr(olig lap m.Ly bie'n ap I 10/35/10 KV - 25MVA c6 du. ph6ng MBA thr hali. Tram dtwrc thie'i ke' c6 phia 11 OKV lap dat ngoai troi, khu vurc 35, t(0KV li0p dat cac tii h(op bO cdta trong nhti. o Dien ticlh daIt can chie'm dung cho cong trinh: 318.349 m- * Cac chinh sach cua RAP theo tin dung 3034+ trong d6 c6 cong tr'lnh TBA 1 IOKV Thanh Chirang va nhanh re I IOKV tinh Nghe An. * Cac quyen lui cu the cua Pguir6 dan bi anh hu6ng b6i dIr Ln nay: SaLI khi x.iy dLung song TBA 110KV Thanh ChLnning se cung caIp die- on | dinh cho nhan dan khu vu'c. 2- Cac y kien c;:a ngudi dan: - Truinh thi cong vao thdyi ky mua vIi - ThI-i gian thi cOlng ngan de khong gay anh hIiidng keo dAi - Chinh s.ch den bu da tho.i dang. - NMn bat d.^'L cong tac vao sau vu thu hoach. - Hoan nghenh du' n tai dia phucng. DAt DIEN HO3 Kl 1NH HONG)i DAt DIEN DON VI TUi VAN Ho AN / ,.S- ' ' -' . i.!', CONG HOA XA HOI CHIJ NGHIA VIET NAM D6c lap - Tu. do - Hanh phuic. ===0o0=== BIEN BAN HOP DAN - NgXIy i5 thLing 5 nam 2004 - Dia die-m: Hoi trurang UBND xa Minh Son huyen Do Luang tinh Nghe An - So6'nguai bi Anh hu'ng tham dur: 17/19 CLc vhn de6 dLua ra tai cuoc hop: 1- TLa vian cua chi: dcau tar: Cong ty Co phan Tar va'n DBau tu vNi Xaiy durng Dien Gi16i thieu ve dur an: O lNguon vo'n vay: Ngan hfang the' giai WB o Dia diem ,x-n y dung tram: Tram dcu,ac dat tai khu do-i Nat thon Long xa Thanh Linh huyen Thanh Churang tinh Nghe, An. O Quy mo dLr an: DZ 1 IOKV dLii 1 Km, tr,am 110KV Thanh ChLr0ag lap inmla bie'n ap 110/35/10 KV - 25MVA c6 dkr ph6ng MBA thur hai. Tram dLr(ac thie't ke c6 phia 1 OKV lap clat ngoai tro-i, khu vtrc 35, I0KV Lip dat cac tu hap b( dat trong nhLi. a Dien tich dLit caLn chie'm dung cho cong trinh: 318.349 m- * Cc chinh sach c'ua RAP theo tin dung 3034+ trong d6 c6 cong ti-inh TBA I I OKV Thanh Chuang va nhanh re I I KV tinh Nghe An. * Cac quy6n lai cu thc- cua vguai dan bi anh huang bai dui an n,'a: Sa khi xay dung song TBA 1 OKV Thanh Chuang se cung c'Ip dcin ('on dinh cho nhan dan khu vuc. 2- Cle yc kien cua ngutLi dain: - Trainh thi cOng vco thdyi ky ina vu - Tha)i gian thi cong ngan de khong gay Linh huong keo dai - Chifnh sLich den bTi da thod daing. - Nen bat dtiu cong tac vLao sau vu thu hoach. - Hoan nghenh dui an lal dia phLrang. DAI DIEILN Ho BI ANH HU(ONG DAI DIEN DON VI TU VAN ; - 7 ., / , / '"'3, CO(N(; 10,i XA 11()1 (1111 N(;lliA Vllt.T NAM\ 1 / 1f( ip -'I'll'do-/fltl vlz( .........., Iia., 2004 C'1'D1 iUT,IIA .KINA ' 1T 11()1 I/ DIPA1T RA1 %/I,, K'\. INII1 I E: \ liIi II I .A ) 10 G IA ( i )iNII: I. lI; iit. .4o _i '1 Xti N;II,,l/Nt6- lu .A1T'oc .......................... .......... D'l 1 iicl bci: ... .n l i...a I j . ~~~~~~~~- I-i- - - - --- -- i -- - -jIrlivojlil I c1't' 1<'-- 1 _ 1_'l,,l, 1'C_! ,, si,,cl,_ _v.lil 1 .,;' ,'i,., I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "11i II 4 2z -2afi.-'t..__..____ -----, -'X -------T 41- 1t' rL , a7 t .-''-3. ____________ . ' _o___ _ __ . _ . 9 ;>,rG vnn ]'O,i7/_ r '1__ _ /__ .-___ - _ _ __ _ | y t/{'te /ds'Y/g. __/_.___ ,/,~_ ,__. __ ______ I I _ .9,4g V~~~~~~~ ~~~~-XE;c ez-- / -X - V//A () \'T I 1).I j, ltilleX lit 1 liLl 11&1'1 o li;l i')ll (.1).y2. ll.l)V ll................. .................... :........................... .. 4.o.;./z.............y> | I - 1'1totew ]. . . . . . . . . . I . . . . '. . | -~~- I);i I;,i:i. Iii. s. | . .... ' ~~' (';IC ''"|} (I 111111 j,18t,: | ~~~~-tl .),.-('''',ii<' lungl:- 'i'- -c .. VI-ll lkhl ..... - /al" icl.: .....' 2. l(;iic ciiv llli(- I iaiit~ imdi i t l; i;l ( H ).dug ilhigd: 1)- );lII 11: ..... .?111-/Iit) ........ Dr11-I;til NN:.~117z? ......... III' -1);1t L.N ........... 1 4.1 1yI,II Ilitic S(') i-iii-: | - F ); t l F | ~~~~~~~~~IC ............... ' ... .4 .*o ..... .z.4.'... /.'..'. .. . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . | - 1 );ll IIt)llr Il"iliisl1w.s awi?'MX9Csw*o*@wws~eo<.............. .4 J A ......................................... ........... .*.* ... *. .... e*4. *6 ................ wo - /)//" 1 k KhA 11.- | I I .'1'(5;,1c,~~~~~~lit 1 l l u, i p;I 1111llt H11111 ct i ,; ;I;, (I',,l,1 6;,,- t1bl,) tro w,, m 6l' nflm-l ...................................... dl.i,, , ,irn g (16': * - t.tA0|l^, ...~~~~~~~~~~~~~........................................... - D'Chl VLIi l:..... ... - .i)ii~ii Nku|iC '.umi.'l) .......................... -u~ (i:I ....... W mI")l il lohlklp 1 .................... ,0 1511 t-t\* lU 1511) ...........................................1..........;: I.j 2- ' m clit'l phih:1 1.1 ( ll 6 1: (II .............. - lloS, VlStioll" d6i: - N'4' lly ii . . . . .... . . . . . . . .. . I lo c h11111 - -lua sik.lui. ( i ici:. - (:;i lid,]XlD........................................................ .................................................................... N - ( ' ;i H R I : . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. .. . .. . . . - CicI,`TI114 I i,II ;;i: ........... - _ - 1 _ - I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~N Il t ......................... ... ............................. ............. ...... . . . . . . ... . . . ( )N(; lI(),i XA l11() ('110 N(GIIliA VIET NANI L) ')c hip - '17'K (lo - 1/ounIi ph I i ' .......... I Ng(iy 7. iIi,/,,,'. . . 2() 4 t ll '1 1) DIU 'F'Rti\ lKINII 'TEXA 11X)1 C-'lng Ir inhl: ...AvA.. ..f~.i.r.A.v/o.*7.WS.....l..S¢....s.......... I/1)1111 M I(\ V 1' IC IN I I 'IKI'k: A/ / )// I I NA .%( j/( ( ;GIA /)IU: cIi. liii ho.1 ,,- _27.9.qn,,X,r,,,, ................. N;im l / 8ii - Dfiii 1-Th ,,,,,.V t/ '. I)i:l (1lli:h ...... a.'f.4 ... ..a........ a D .11 Y) A.t.t.IIlZ.......... ...... E<.-I'i. ........... 9 .Z * ~ ~~~~~ 2 _. _i _ .~ _ _ _ A's _ __ __ __ ____ 'ii.. ./ _ __ __.__ clii h1C ioili Ioc ll gihiip. vIiii) hlo 111 n 1p I Z1P, , v I /: ,(. __ X ,a II,L Lo'7e I _~* _f _~ _i _p .... _ _._._. , A' f Z / w .__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ Z. VaZ93t ? - _-,° --- --YY &- t y------ _--- , Iiiuiic i:V.. ..... __ 13( i .'1. ti ii . )\/1./ ... C.. .... h. . . ...... .. - l)fi In, -i.t N N...- i .jp. in i >> ........4D i...N............I iri 4 [j iliiltic ,ohIi-itii: - It ( , l_, I .:.... .... .... ............................................................................................................... - 1 11 IX"I y I;i........ ................................................................................................................... ).To;i(. i );ii i ; ti`111 h1o. 1 :. .... . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . D 1z IC', l v t;'l,i: ...........B... . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . W mw sII Wzdl.ksp .................. - 11 1 [Ml 6Iic ...... ,............................ (-1)11.11 AKII V KA'! TfEl . I. ,1ii, l lpii 1 Iuu:ui IJIIIi c6i a 11; i ..i.l ( ..... ( 1 Ku I I roilg i uI diT hi . d6iug, tnolig d6 * - Il.ltii: ..................................... - licvi val.: - kslay flu gIic l . .. ......................... -(I ,- , loc l ............................ 2. l6tict c:lii pI niu Iii,uii cud,, -l; (tu (Ku) ..)-- -----i-ugll, tin lug do:j - Miciu IIuu:.- i................................. . -. . ...'.....S-il Xu.. . . . NI iii~ij kii-hc. - i\l;l> . .... ... ... ... ....................... ..... ..... ... . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . M u - Nt ;l)[ iiXllai t .......................................... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . I i., Iicti ,t)in' - tic,n uucglii: -- N"uioiu tIiCit: ............. - ',IC ' ,,, i:............... ........................................................................................................... , zlc pilm ll. fl 1lsill xl II: ................................................. ..............................................I................. - (_N' lullw(, vti2 ' S;illXl: ..................................... .. .. . . . . . . ........................................ ... .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - N41t, ii()i.i, ni.iL .Ui,(i,,z; l,i -,:()1,1^. le, CONG HOA XA HOI CHU NGHIA VIET NAM Doc l.p - tu do - hanh phthc. Ngh? An, ngay.2Z.thang 4 ndm 2004 BIEN BAN THAM VAN CONG DONG BAO CAO TAC DONG MOI TRUONG C6nz trinh Tram 11OKV Tlzanih Chru'ng va ithdnh retitzIh Nghe An Thanh phan tham dur: 1/ Dai dien chiu dau tux: ban quan Iy 1u6i dien - Cong ty dien 1Ic 1. 1- Ong: ........... Chuc vu:. 2- Ong: .... ....... Chic vu:. 3- Ong: .... ....... Ci Lk vu:.. 4- Ong: ... Chie vu: .....; 2/ Dai din Ug\\)A4aMn Nl}ou! ii> N1 4<: 1- Ong:.N)!I5wea.a;l.LIa6! Chilc vu: Chu tich xa 2- Ong: wAtu Chlic vit: Dai dien h6i n6ng dan 3- +:\¢;4..49 a.tLa.T.:2l: Chlic vu.: Dai dien h6i phu nuh ~~.y> rJ~~~~~-~~ Cl!I 4- Ong: N j.. . .fi. Chuc vu.: Dai dien phu lao cac va'n de tham va'n 1- Thlam vain ve chon tuye'n, dia die'm TBA: 2- Toan bo tuye'n DZ 110 KV va nhlinh re d^ duroc dircrc vi tir van thi6t ke' ( Cong ty Co phain Tu van Dau tu va Xay dung dien) chon, khong anh hu&ng d'n dan cur, khu vilc quoc gia, khong anh hu&ng d'en xay dung lau dai cia dia phuang. 3- CAc anh htr&ng cula dur an de'n khu vtrc va ke' hoach quan 1y moi trnxng sinhi thai: Toan bo khu vLrc dur an khong anh huang de'n moi tr6ang sinh thdi. 4- Y kie'n cia dia phuong ve danh gid tac dong moi truang va vi tri tram bie'n ap: CONG HOA XA HOI CHU NGHIA VItT NAM D6c lap - tu do - hanh phic. NIhe An, ng'y-.zLthdng 4 ndm 2004 BIEN BAN THAM VAN CONG DONG BAO CAO TAC DONG MOl TRUONG COnE trinh Train 1IOKV ThankS2 CIowo7g vd nhdnh reti,zh Nghe Ani Thanh ph'an tham du: 1/ Dai dien chi diu tu: ban quan 1y lr6i dien - Cong ty die.n lrc 1. 1- Ong: ... Chifc vu:. 2- Ong: ... Chirc vi:.. 3- Ong: ... Chlc vu: ..... . 4- Ong: ... Chuc vu: ....._ 2/ Dai dien iVa2-L ...Mi;. ChLic vu: Chu tich xa 2- OngT z ...l 'a T . Chiic vLi: Dai dien hoi nong dan 3i Cl...i. Chc vti: Dai dien h6i phu nu 4- Onge: Chlifc vii: Dai dien plhu lao cac va'n de tham va'n 1- Tham vc'an ve chon tuye'n, dia diem TBA: 2- Toan bo tuve'n DZ 110 KV va nhTnh 1-r d daac dacc vi tu vTai thi6t ke' ( Cong ty Co phan Tut v Tan D 'au tut vat X;^y durng dien) chon, khong .inh ihutng de'n dan cti, klhu vU'C qu'c gia. khong anh htr&ng de'n xay dLrng lau dai cua dia phtrcng. 3- Cdc anh huong cua di an d6ii n khu vuc va ko" hoach quain I mbi tr r&ng sinh thai Toan bo khhu vuc dL an khong Sinh hLu&ng de'n moi truang sinh thdi. 4- Y kie`n cua dia phuong ve cLinih gid tac dong moi trm6ng va vi tri tram bien ap: CONG HOA XA HOI CHU NGHIA VIET NAM D6c lIp - tit do - hanth phisc. Nghe An, ngay. Z.Lthang 4 ndan 2004 BIEN BAN THAM VAN CONG DONG BAO CAO TAC DONG MOI TRUONG Cn.zB triizh Train 11OKV Tlhanli Chi'o'zg vd nihIiith re tinIz ihghe An ThAinh plhan tham dtr: 1/ Dai dien chu dau ti: ban quan Iy lui6i dicn - Cong tv dien Iuc 1. 1- Ong:. ..................... Clifrc vu:. 2- Ong: ............ ......... Chic vi:. 3- Ong: ............ ......... Chiic vui:. 4- Ong: Churc vu: ..................... 2/ Dai dien Li 6 1a tu i, JLitvg , p I- On N 0.$ Cllhrc vuI. Cclli tich xd 2- .n.....)Z±. . Clhic vuL: Dai dien hoi nong dan 3- C:L.CIt 1 uhk. Clidc vu: Dai dien h.6i phu nu 4- Ong: ... . Chlirc v,i: Dai dien phu Iao cac va'n de tham van 1- Tham van ve chon tuye'n, dia diem TBA: 2- Toan bo tuye'n DZ 1 10 KV vzi nhchnh re da duac duac vi tur van thiet ke ( C6ng ty Co phan Tiu van Dau tr v.i X.Iy dung dien) chon, khong canh hurng de'n dan cU'. khu vurc quoc gia, klhng aini huL&ng d'en xay dung lau dai cula dia phLrcng. 3- Cac anh hLr&ng cia dir an de'n tllhu vuc vSa ke' loach quan l moi trurng sinh th.i: Toan bo khu virc diu an khdng anh hu&nag de'n mbi trubng sinh thai. 4- Y kien cua dia phung, ve d.inh gia tic d6ng m6i trirnng va vi tri tram bie'n ap: CONG HOA XA HOI CHU NGHIA VIEtT NAM Dfc lap - tit do - Ihanh phlic. Nghe An, ng y.-ZL.thng 4 ndm 2004 BIEN BAN THAM VAN CONG DONG BAO CAO TAC DONG MOI TRUONG C6njz trinlh Train 110K V Tlzan1h Chuco'ng vd nShtizt re tiinh iVghe All Thlanh phan tham du: 1/ Dai dien chu dau tir: ban quAn Iy ILr6i dien - Cong ty dien lrc 1. 1- Ong: ... CicLC vu:. 2- Ong: ... Chdic vu: .... . 3- Ong: ... Chtic vi: .... . 4 4- Ong: . . . Clivic vi:. 2/ Dai dien (j71WX 6d1 \)c 2 l't 1- Ong: u .... Clivc vu: Chu tich xa 2- Ong: . l . 45 .... Clivc vu: Dai dien hoi nong dan 3- 0S:V2a .9L7t.L.. Cilvrc vu: Dai dien hoi phu nu 4- Ong: ... g\ASIn .. Xu . NL .. Civic vui: Dai dien phiu Iao czic v'an de tham van 1- Tham vain ve chon tuye'n, dia cliem TBA: 2- ToKin bo tuye'n DZ 110 KV v.i nhSLnhi re dai duc.c duacc vi tU' v-a'n thi6t ke' ( Ccng ty Cd phan Tut va'n DS3cu tut v.i X.y dung dien) chon, klOng ainh hu&ng de'n dan cUt, .T1u vrc quo'c -la. kh6ng .7anih hLr&ng de'n xav dL,rng lIa dui cilia dia phuLrong. 3- Ca anh hLi&n cuia dur an dc'n k-iu vuc vLi ke" hoach quan ly mbi trtrnng sinh thai: Toan bv khu vuc dir .n khong . nll hir&n- de'n moi tnr&ng sinh thdi. 4- Y kie'n cua dia phuorng ve ddnh gia tac do,ng moi trtrdng va vi tri tram bie'n ap: W- *.... OCONG HOA XA HOI ClHU NGHIA VIE T NAIM *... jDOoc lop - tit do - han2h phuc. N\: b<. vXlall tLL.)-.. Chldc vu: Dai dien hoi plhu nu 4- Ong: ..NU 1.Lli .XL..G-Lc. Chiic vu: Dai dien phu lao cac van de tham van 1- Tlham va'n ve chon tuyven. dia cLiem TBA: 2- Toan bo tuye'n DZ 110 KV vat nilhil rc- d dcucc duLrcc vi tur vTin thi6't ke ( Ccng ty Co phan Tu vian D au tr val X,ay dung dien) clhon, khong anrl hircng de'n dan Cu, kimu virc quoc gia. khong anh IhLrng de'n xayd dung km dai cua dia phuong. 3- Cac Sinh hu6ng cua du, an den l-hu vuc vS aOhoach quain N moi trudng sinh thai: Toan bo khu vurc dtr Sn khong i inh hu&ng de'n moi tr-ang sinh thdi. 4- r kie`n cia dia phhuong vc danh gi.i tic dtng mbi tir&6ng vi vi trf tram birrn Sir: CONG HOA XA HOI CHU NGHIA VIRT NAM DOc Iop - tit do - hanh phinc. BIEN BAN CUOC HOP Phong chong a nh hua&ng cua cong trinh den moi trutng Ke hoach den biu di dan tai dinh cir. Phuc vu lap RAP - EIA Cong trinh: Tram 110KV Thanh Chuang va nhanh re tinh Nghe An HMm nay, ngay ... thang..S..ndm 2004. Dai dien cac ben gom co: DAI DIEN CO QUAN TIJ V AN: 1- Ong: Hoang Sy Thai Chfrc vu: Giam doc 2- Ong: L Hoc Ti ChCrc vu: C'hn nhiem de an 3- Ong: Bui Thanh Liem Chuc vu: Can bo thi6t ke 4- Ong: Hoang Quoc Hung Cnirc vu: Can bo Dieu tra khao sat. DAI DIEN DIA PHIONG: 1-n o: . .aig4X /' A Chuc vu:..a ........................ < `c. k.Y.tAv_ 2- Ong: No, Chnc vu:Z..., , &K A 3-On ... 2.rG...... Cc v u :......... Ch ?. 4- Onc'- Chuc vu:.. 5-ag. b .g Chuc vu:.... Tai UBND kd (Phirzng) ................. cac ben dd tB chizc hop bain ve ke hoach trie'n khai dzradn phdt trie6n hlri dien thu6c du an Tram 11OKV Thanh Chzro-ng va nhdnh re tinh Nghe An. Cuoc hop di d6n th6nm nhat mot so di6m sau: _ ......................................................................................... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~e-a .. ......... . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........................ ... ............................ ............ ....................................................... I............ .......I....................................... .......... .........I ................................................. ..................................... . .. . . .. . . ............................................................................................... ................................... CONG HOA XA HOI CHU NGHIA VIIT NAM Thc lop - tu do - hanh phic. BIEN BAN CUOC HOP Phong chong inh hur&ng cuia c6ng trinh den moi trtr6ng Ke hoach den bu di dan tai dinh cir. Phuc vu lap RAP - EIA C6ng trinh: Tram 110KV Thanh Chtrang va nhanh re tinh Nghe An HMm nay, ngay ...l thing....ndm 2004. Dai dien cac ben gom co: DAI DIEN CO QUAN TVY VA)N: 1- Ong: Hoang Sy Thai Churc vu: Giam doc 2- Ong: Le Hoc Th Chuc vu: Chu nhiem de an 3- Ong: Bui Thanh Liem Chuc vu: Can bo thi6t ke 4- Ong: Hoang Quoc Hurng Chiic vu: Can bo Dieu tra khao sat. DAI DIEN DIA PHUONG: 1- Ong: Z. Y i ..I. ; &..... 3LChuc vu:..(4 . ..s/(g9 , 2- Ong: IV4 Z, - i .14 ¢ ... ...... Chuic vu:. .A...........c. 3- Ong: ./V./l......u . Churc vu: ... k 2.<& /L/f > 5- Ong: £\.4 JA.S,..& Chnc Tai UBND xd (Phir6ng" ..... cac ben dd td chiic hop ban ve ke'hoach trie7n khai du dn phat triein.1wiri dien thuoc diu an Tram 1IOKV Thanh Chuong va nhninh re tinh Nghd An. Cuoc hop di den thon2 nhat mbt s6 diem sau: ...... SnhJ<;...i. . h .. ^. .. 3. . ........... .. .. . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~...... .. '.. n i. ... .a.......| ,Xan7.; ... ,,.. ....... S;. .S....... .... 7.. .X .f.?.k.S.... ................. .... .. .. . ~ ~~~~7. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........... .. A, r. ..... S.f... v. .. .fi. -. .KM. A. -g Zz2- ~~~~~~ ..&~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~7 .- 1. : / ~~s- &.@y2e z / & . ...............j................ .... .. . . . .. . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... ..... .. . .. . .. . . .. . .. . .. . . .. . .. . .. . . .. . .. . . ...... . ;.... . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . . CONG HOA XA HOI CHU NGHIA VIPT NAM D6c ldp - tic do - hanh phiic. BIEN BAN CUQC HOP Phong chong ainh htr6ng cu'a cong trinh den moi trtr6ng Ke hoach den bu di dan tai dinh cu. Phuc vu lip RAP- EIA C6ng trinh: Tram 110KV Thanh Chuwog vAi nhanh re tinh Nghe An HMm nay, ngdy ..!L thdng.5..ndm 2004. Dai die.n cac ben gom co: DAI DIEN CO QUAN Tl) VAN: 1- Ong: Hoang Sy Thai Chuc vu: Giam doc 2- Ong: Le Hoc Tur Chic vu: Chii nhiem de ean 3- Ong: Bi Thanh Liem ChCrc vu: Cain bo thiet ke' 4- Ong: Hoang Quoc Hung Chuc vu: Can bo Dieu tra khao sat. DAI DIEN DIA PHIJONG: 1- Ong: . Chuc vu.... ta -°g 2 - Ongu: ~L .... Chiic vui:..6.~. ~6 X .3- Ono- x/ ...... . .. c. .X 7 Chuc vu: ....Pl .. . 7)cv A- Ong:..1. ... . at.. Chuc vu: .. ,wb.si 3- Ong: V'e ~ .. Chuc vu G.... Tai UBND .rd (Phwdng) ........................... cac ben dd to chiic hop ban ve' ke hoach trien khai dwr tin phat trie"n hr6i dien thuoc dit dn Tram 110KV Thanh Chuwozg va nhdnh re tinh NVghe An. Cuoc hop di d6n thong nhat mot so diem sau: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~...... . ... .. .g.?;!...... / ....... i.r...... .s..-a... . . . . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.......... . .. '...-.v. ..S.. . ..?... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~y ........ . >. ... <... . .. .<.3.-..... ^'. . c ..'A * .. >.Zi 1... g . ............. g A&.g.' .. X . .. 4>A t=?~~~~~~~~... .. . ./.. Z . . . ...@..e v aS t S f ~~~ ~ ~~~~~.................................................................................... ~~~~~......... .........'. .-.,f,......... .Nw............ . ............... . ........... .. K.......... X2... ....... ..2;........ u. ........ 4u........ .4 4 dm ?Zo I{74~~~~. .......... .. ................................................................................................................................... ................ 1j CONG HOA. XA HOI CHU NGHIA VIET NAM D6c lop - ti do - hanh phuic. BIEN BAN CUOC HOP Phong chong inh hu6ng cuia cong trinh den moi tru6ng Ke hoach den bui di dan tai dinh ctr. Phuc vu lap RAP- EIA Cong trinh: Tram 110KV Thanh Chuong va nhaInh re tinh Nghe An Horm nay, ngdy ..Z?. thdng..,F..ndm 2004. Dai dien cdc ben gom co: DAI DIEN CO QUAN TIJ VAN: 1- Ong: Hoang Sv Thai Chdc vu: Giam doc 2- Ong: Le Hoc Tu Chuc vu: Chu nhiem de dn 3- Ong: Bhi Thanh Liem Chuc vu: Can bo thiet ke' 4- Ong: Hoang Quoc Hung ChCrc vu: Can bo Di3eu tra khAo sat. DAI DIEN DIA PHIJUONG: 1- Ong: Ak'dikl . .P A.tl Chuc vu:....Cf.7.zc.e , 0 2- Ong: Ail, I.........1a.)C- Chuc 3-Ong :. .+. 1.A Chic vu: ... . 4- Ong: J4 4. !\.,af ...... .).e2.zt7.... ChCrc vu: . . bv zw%)< 5- Ong: J. axJ .. @.hA5 . Chirc vu: ..,.. >. 21.0. Tai UBND xa (Phirbng) ................. cac ben dc td chuc hop ban ve' k'hoach trie'n khai diu an phat trien luOi dien thu6c dir an Tram llOKV Thanh Chutong vd nhtinh r tinh NgIhe An. Cuoc hop di d6n th6ne nhat mot so diem sau: 2 -~~~~~~~~~2 $.~y........ 'Si n.> . zZAJ.P ... ... . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~......; ... . i. . QX.. '. ...... f .... .G.7.A... . . . . .. .. . . ~~A....... J ,! ..... Z .Z.... ;C7 . +/..-. .. ...... '." . ~ ~ ~ ~.... La l r. eG.... . xa. . ..............................................'., . A. ....... ....... .................. ............................................................................................................................. ....................................................................I.............................................. ........................ I~~~ J''''''''''''' '''''''''''''''''''''''' CONG HOA XA HOT CHU NGHIA VItT NAM Doc ldp - tit do - hanh phiuc. BIEN BAN CUOC HOP Ph6ng cho'ng anh huang ciua cong trinh d'n moi trueing Ke hoach den biu di dan tai dinh cu . Phuc vu lap RAP - EIA Cong trinh: Tram 110KV Thanh Chuaong va nhanh re tinh Nghe An *Hom nay, ngay .~.. thdng-.J...ndm 2004. Dai dien cdc ben gom c6: DAI DItN CO QUAN T15 VAN: 1- Ong: Hoang Sy Thai Chuc vu: Giam do'c 2- Ong: Le Hloc Th Chuc vu: Chiu nhiem de an 3- Ong: BMi Thanh Liem Chuc vu: Qin bo thie ke 4- Ong: Hoang-Quoc Hung Chuc vu: Can bo Dieu tra khao sat. DAI DIEN DIA PH'LVONG: 1- Ong: zW z Chuc vu:....4... 7' L L 2- Ongu: .... ..Chc .. &.d. edo 3- Ong: / ... ...... ........... Chuc vu: ..... 4- Ong: Ch<.vu . ... G.v 5- Ong ... Chc vu: .../ 2 . 4Whr .... ................... Tai UBND x.r (Phu'ng) ................. cdc ben da to chzc hop bain ve' k hoach triein khai di an phat trietn luit dien thuoc dir an Tram I1OKV Thanh Chwo'ng va nhdnh re tinh Nghe An. Cuoc hop di d6n th6na nhat mot so diem sau: *eB A& < Xa& f g f 2S°r S5.~..z........................... - °.%.a...... °...4.........L.+... di.o.2.. : * U v -g:o- b . ecis..Z.X~~~............................................. ............................... ...- ~ ~~ __....................................................................................................... ~~~~~~~~~~.................................. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . ~~~~~~~~~~~. . . . . . . . . . ........................................................ ................... _ ...................................... .... ...................................... ..................... . . .. . . . ................................................................. ...................................... . . . . . ........................................................................................................................... . . . ...... 9 9~~~.. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CONG HOA XA HOI CHU NGHIA VIPT NAM D6c ldp - tzi do - hanh phic. 4S. BIEN BAN CUOC HOP Phong chdng inh hu6ng cuja cong trinh den moi trtnYng Ke hoach den bu di dan tai dinh cu . Phuc vu lap RAP - EIA Cong trinh: Tram 110KV Thanh Chuong va nhanh re tinh Nghe An MHom nay, ngdy ..f. thang...ndm 2004. Dai dien cac ben gom co: DAI DIEN CO QUAN Tf VAN: 1- Ong: Hoang Sv Thai Chuc vu: Giam d6c 2- Ong: Le Hoc Th ChCrc vu: Chu nhiem da an 3- Ong: Buii Thanh Liem Chuc vu: Can bo thiet ke 4- Ong: Hoang Quoc Hung Chuc vu.: Can b6 Dieu tra khAo sat. DAI DIEN DIA PHJCONG: n- 6ng: 9. ...... ...... ChCrcvu Ch ic vu: f!4 9- ung: ' . l.v ... /i. Chuc vu:f~.I.;'. 7 ........... ..A 4- Ong: A&C 5L , i .w . .... ..... Chuc vu:.... ,'' - / 4- Ong: . g ffa4.: ......... .p- du ... Chuc v: j DSt slH - _ x , . ~~~~~; _yl UBND H XUBT~~ TANH PHSONGTON UBND-~ H.THANH CHUONG -X -U.HN HUNG U. N~:X ANVA UB N TU V' '. N K l Q eR9- -=ef2 - 0~1 /_- s - *27- ----- UBN 4_ ANH VANs *BD~ THANH LINH N TU VAN X -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ,~~~~~~~1 I~A7COG - Ciung nhau tho&ng nla't ma-t I)a-ng (h'iOng tuyven duong lday 110KV va vi tri TBA 11O/35/1OKv Thanh Chautng tinh Nghl An v(ii cdc nOi (lung sau d iv: - B'an ve mat ba'ng so". NA04 - 01 - 01 . Lap thaing 4 n.m 2004. 1 - Tuyven du6&ng day 110KV: + Tuyen dcrung d.y 110 KV c6 diem daiu tai cot so": NG193 - Lo so ................... *h+ TUC DZ 1 1OKV: Vinhi - DO LLrcng. + Tuyven duL6ng day qua cac x5a: Mlinhl Son 11 uvcn DO Luayng va c'ic xa Thlanh Phong, Tlhanh HLrng, T'hanh VAn, Thlanh L-nh huyc n Tllanhl Chuong. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~...... (4.9n...... M*.g... . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . 2- Vi tri tram bie'n 4p 110KV Thanlh Chlrong: - Dien tich: 4000m - Vi tri dia 1y: Dong: Giap Thon Thiinh. Tay: Giap thon Dong. Nam:Giap TlhOn Long. Bac: Giap Quo'c Lo. - Hu6ng den:....................................................................................................... - Cac 1o xua't tuveyn: + 35 KV = 04 Lo (Mach k6p) + IOKV=04LO - Vi tri tram b i6n 4p thuoc: Tlion Long xc Thanh LUnh, huyen Thlanh ClLrang Ti7nh Nghe An. ._ w ~~................... ...... ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... .. ... .. ..................................................................................................................................... Ke't luAn: Hanh lang tuye"n ciuang dcay vci vi tri tram bie'n 4p da duo'c cac ben tho'ng nhat lua chon dam bao thuan li cho qua trinlh thi cong xay lap va quan 15' vAn h,[li. phu ihOp vOl qlui hOaCil trLrdc mat cung nhu' [au dai. Khong ainh huong cde'n moi tlr-dng sinh thdi. Uhu vtrc dcn cur. Giam tlhieu chi pii du an.UBND cac xA (Phu&ng), huvyn co trach nhiem quin 1y va thong bdo cho nhan dan dia phtrong k.hong dcLrc xAv d irn: niv a c.. c-c cOng trinh dan clung kiac vato hlini lang tuv-'n CONG HOA XA H1)l CHU NGHIA VIfT NANM D6c 1cip - tit do - lia;zhi phlic. VAN BAN THOA THUAN DIEM DAU TUYEN DZ 110KV VA VI TRI TRAM BIEN AP 110KV VOI DIA PHUONG Contg trinzh : Tram 11 OKV Thlanih Chu'o'ng va nha7nh reti,zh Nghe An - Cdin ci van ban hu6ng dcin thuc hien dti ain cua EVN - Cdn cu vao ke lhoachi dcLU itt xiy dung lrui dien. - Can ci dia I'inh dia imao klhu vurc plhit trien dl' zin va so lieu klho sat sci b6 cua Cong ty Co phdn Tu v-al aitiu ttT v,i xay dung Dien (Ca quan Tu van). Hom nzay ngdy ,A-.StIzdng 4 ntdm7i 2004. Chtlng toi gom co: DAI DIEN CO QUAN TIJ VAN: 1- Oizg: Hoang Sy TlLii Chic v-i: Giam doc 2- Ong: Le Hoc Tu Clhic vLi: Chii nhiem de an. 3- Ong: Nguyen Dii'c Lci Chiic VIi: Ky su khao sat. DAI DIEN DIA PHU'ONG: 1- O ..g:................ Clhic vu:. 2- Ong: .... ....... Chic vu:u. 3- Ong: .... ....... ChiCrc vu::. 4- Onga ...... Cllhic v u::. 5- O ng/, ............ . 0.7.' . . Clic v : .............. /............. 6- Ong: ... Chuic vu:. 7- Ong: .TI4 ~1.. . .. .on. Chuc t:(3... C;.C ge, ... S- ng .. t <>v. ..liti.... Cll rc vu,:f;.cL<.2t.) .Kat,+t ............... 9- (5ng: .L- e t C II c vul7 10- Ong: Chirc vu: i.. fLWA,I)X^< 4 11- Ong: ... Chiuc vu:.C).& l. LPS,X4,tAD fup 12- ....... Cli 1[c vu: N 12- Ong: .... .S: . Chuc vLi: t . . u 4 .C 14- Ong: Nc u Cli; c vuX:CL;bl;.U.D ! 'M 1>- '.1A .6k;. -i=!;^ . Chicv:C t..D. /11iJ ii-O~ J j m2\ICk~A>~~' .6m. _~~~~~~~~~~ _~ Min , ANiO .thc£ hFRi Gia,m ~~~~x6 doc ( 6m9tir Hcng8;,~. S* £h ' ;! 1 4 i ,h ~ ~ ~ ~ . ' '..--*. ; i~t ~~~ ( Desi.r ) er , A -1 %! Mv Tal ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1~ TAJ- 1~N ~ A '--- I 8.C)L.t L~~~ 1-bc TC x~~~~~ n~~~~~MrBNGTYN~JN A Prjet anae) __ ____ ____ ~ ~FTRMB1N .PI1'3I1K * DC~~~~Ii Th anh1 Li mS5cc 1 V R .s :so~ N y' 5~ (Deiger_________ _________n