93427 BUDGET COMMITTEE FROM: The Secretary, Budget Committee Minutes of Meeting held on Monday, December 15, 2014 at 10:06 a.m. in the Board Room Present Committee Mr. Frieden (Chair) Ms. De Guindos (Alternate) Ms. Diallo (Acting Alternate) Mr. Lushin Ms. Santala Mr. Silaban Mr. Silveira Mr. Smith Other Executive Directors and Alternates Messrs./Mmes. Bangura, Bor, Cisse, Dybczakova, Eun, Khosa, Langdon, Morais, Mukai, Pagano, Ye and Zhukovskyi Officers and Staff Messrs./Mmes. Alba, Frazier, Miles, Muleri and Sheman. Jarik (Committee Secretary) The World Bank Quarterly Business and Risk Review, Quarter 1 FY15 (Chapters 1, 2 and 3) and World Bank Group Overview of Financial Performance, Operational Deliverables and Staffing - Q1 FY15 (The Chapeau) 1. The Committee discussed the documents entitled The World Bank Quarterly Business and Risk Review, Quarter 1 FY15 – Part A (Chapters 1, 2 and 3) (SecM2014-0544 [IDA/SecM2014-0684]) and World Bank Group Overview of Financial Performance, Operational Deliverables and Staffing - Q1 FY15 (The Chapeau) (SecM2014-0545[IDA/SecM2014-0685, IFC/SecM2014-0103, MIGA/SecM2014-0064]). A report from the Committee to the Board will be prepared. Date of Next Meeting 2. The Committee was scheduled to meet in the afternoon. Adjournment 3. The meeting adjourned at 11:19 a.m.