NATIONAL STRATEGY FOR DEVELOPMENT OF STATISTICS IMPLEMENTATION SUPPORT PROJECT RELIABLE DATA FOR BETTER PLANNING APPROVAL DATE: END DATE: TOTAL COMMITMENT: IMPLEMENTING AGENCIES: BASIC INFORMATION March 22 February 28 $15 million Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics 2018 2022 OVERVIEW Quality statistics are necessary for development and poverty reduction efforts. They provide evidence for policy decisions. Recognizing the importance of timely and quality statistics in policy decisions, the Government of Bangladesh approved the National Strategy for the Development of Statistics (NSDS) in 2013, together with the Statistics Act 2013, that envisages an “integrated, professional, efficient, and effective National Statistics System, under the guidance and leadership of the Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS) and to produce official statistics that meet the current and evolving needs of national and international users in a transparent and timely fashion using international standards.” The NSDS Implementation Support Project will support the implementation of key elements of the NSDS strategy. It will help improve the capacity of Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS) to produce and disseminate quality statistics in a timely manner. 72 CHALLENGE TOWARDS THE FUTURE Bangladesh needs to strengthen the National Statistical System to produce quality core statistics and make them The project has started implementation. accessible in a timely manner by building the capacity of BBS. This requires acting on three levels: first, there is a need for an enabling environment where the statistical system has the necessary legal and institutional support to conduct its business. This entails updating statistical legislation, policies and institutional arrangements. Second, it is key to improve BBS’s organization and the production of statistics by strengthening management systems, improving human and ICT resources, and the statistical infrastructure. Finally, it is important to focus on strengthening user-producer dialogue so that statistics are used, and users’ feedback is incorporated in the production cycle or make statistical production more user-centric. APPROACH The project acts on the three levels of interventions mentioned above and are closely related and should be implemented in a synchronized and well- sequenced way. The project aims to overcome key bottlenecks and build the foundation for future investments contemplated under the NSDS strategy. It will enhance coverage and improve collection and quality of data for core statistics, including, national accounts and statistics on price, labor, industry, social sectors, and agriculture. Where applicable, it will also produce gender-disaggregated data. The project will build on the progress made in some reform areas of the NSDS. EXPECTED RESULTS Core statistics produced by BBS are Core statistics Core surveys’ microdata is Increased user improved in line with international standards released on schedule anonymized and made accessible satisfaction with BBS THE WORLD BANK IN BANGLADESH | 73