E1776 v12 Environment Management Plan --an Investment Program of Water & Sewerage SPLLC - Stara Zagora REPUBLIC OF BULGARIA MINISTRY OF REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND PUBLIC WORKS Municipal Infrastructure Development Project Environment Management Plan /EMPI Investment Program of Water & Sewerage SPLLC - Stara Zagora , - 3 - --. Omonit Consult LLC, 17 G. Benkovskl Street, Sofia 1000 phorie.:02/980-21-16 fax:02/980-04-68 1 Environment Management Plan an Invcstnient Program of Water & Sewerage SPLLC Stara Zagora -- TAUI. E OF CONTENTS 1 General ..................................................................................................................................... 3 1.1 Purpose of the Project....................................................................................................... 3 1.2 Bank's Requirements and Documents ............................................................................. 3 1.3 Role of the EMP ............................................................................................................... 4 2 Initial Information Review....................................................................................................... 5 2.1 Selection Principle for Projects included in the Investment Program of Water & Sewerage SPLLC - Stara Zagora Projects for the Period 2008-2012..........................................5 2.2 Brief Description of Projects Included in the Investment Program of Water & Sewerage SPLLC -Stara Zagora.................................................................................................. 5 3 Analysis of the possible environnlental impacts of the Project................................................ 6 . . 3.1 Positive impact ................................................................................................................. 6 3.2 Adverse impact .................................................. r ..............................................................7 3.3 Adversc Iinpacts during Construction ....................................................... .......................7 3.4 Adversc Ii~lpactsduring Operation................................................................................. I0 4 Mitigation Measures against Potential Environn~entalImpacts due to ln~plcinentationof The Investment Prograill - during the construction phase and during the operation phase...................10 5 Monitoring.............................................................................................................................. 14 5.1 Monitoring and Control during the Construction ........................................................... 14 5.2 Monitoring and Control during the Operation ...............................................................14 6 Conclusions and Steps Recoinmendcd to Ensure Performancc of the EMP..........................15 7 Consultations and PubIic Discussions.Discussion of the Positive and Adverse Impacts. Routine Consultations and NGO .................................................................................................... 16 APPENDICES: Annex I Contract Provisions Anncx 2 Environn~entalImpact Mitigation Progi-a?~for the Construction and Operation Phases Annex 3 Construction Phase Monitoring I'rogram Appendix A.Nonnative Documents Applicable to thc k'roject Appendix B Abbrcviations llscd . Maps and Diagrams of Stara Zagora Ornon~tConsult LLC. 17 G. Hei~kovskiStreet. Sofia 1000 phoiie .02/980.21.1G. . fax.02/980.04.68 2 Environment Management Plan-an Investmenr Program of M'ater & Sewerage SPLLC Stara Zagora - 1 General The government of R. Bulgaria requested the World Hank's assistance in financing of activities related to the Municipal Infrastructurc Development Projcct which will help Bulgaria to comply to the European Union's directives on potable and waste water and the environmental protection factors in the investment schemes that will be acceptable and eligible for financing from the European Union's Structural Funds and are not covered by other EU grants. The Project, part of which is this Environnient Management Plan IEMPI, encompasses the completion of water-supply dams (Neykovtsi, Plovdivtsi and Luda Yana) whcrc construction was suspended in the last decade, and rehabilitation of the wall of an operating dam (Studena Dam), as well as rehabilitation of the water supply system 01' six conlpanies providing Water and Sewerage services (Dobrich, Razgrad, Sliven, Sn~olian,Stara Zagora and Targovishte). 1.1 Purpose of the Project The general objective of the Projcct is to ensurc bctter water supply and responsible use of the water resourccs underlying the statc policy for sustainable dcvelopn~cntof thc water sector. That objective is completely in the spirit of the National Strategy of Bulgaria for Environmental Protection (2005 - 2014) that envisages ,,provision of good-quality water and sufficient water supply for all purposes". The purposc of the Projcct will bc achieved by means of: a) improvcrnent of thc conditions for potable water supply in selected regions; b) ensuring the required quantity and quality of potable water; c) reduction of losscs in thc water supply nctwork; d) improvement of the reliability and efficicncy of water supply systems and facilities; e) compliance with cnviroiimcntal rcquirements and regulations concerning the systcins; f) enhanccrnent of the managcmcnt and opct-atingcapability of the operators. 1.2 Bank's Requirements and Documents The overall environrncntal category of the proposed Project is A in line with Bank policies with individual investments that bclong to both category A (the proposed dam completion activities and catcgory R (thc rchabilitation of water networks). Environment Management Plan an In\rcstment Program of'water & Sewerage SPLLC Stara Zagora - - Based on the proposed Project Investinents the following World Bank's safeguards policies and procedures are triggered: OPIBP 4.01 Eii~~ironmentalAs.ressnient; OPIBP 4.12 Involuntaly Resettlenient ; OPIBP 4.37 Sufefy oj Danis; and OPIBP 7.50 Pi-ojects on fnternational Waterways. Furthermore, adequate protcction and maintenance of ecosystems downstream of the dams should be assessed during project preparation to determine the relevance of the OPIBP 4.04 Natural Habitats and OPIBP 4.36 Fore.stiy safeguard policies. Also, given the possibility that proposed water coiiipanies might implement projects in cities with historic districts, the OPN 11.03 Cultural Pi-opertysafeguard policy might be triggcrcd. The following documents will be prepared by the Government of Bulgaria prior to project appraisal: ( 1 ) Environmental Framework of' the Project (EF) for all proposed subprojects; (2) Environmental Duc Diligence lieport (EDR), including, in summary, assessment of the site conditions and asscss~nentof the possible environmental impacts related to completion and operation of the proposcd thrce dam sites,;(3) Environment Management Plans (EMP) on investiiient in rehabilitation of the water distribution nctworks in which the contract provisions for construction worlts will be specified /bee Annexes 1, 2 and 31 related to application of the technical standards and other requircincnts relevant to the construction phase. 4) project Land Acquisition I'olicy 1:ramelvol-k that will outline the process to be followed in case there is land acquisition needed for the project; and (5) Social Due Diligence for 'the three dam sites that presents an overview of the past land acquisition process carried out by the Government. 1.3 Role of the EMP The present Environment Management Plan was developed by the Consultants Team of Omonit Consult LLC by assignnicnt 01. the Ministry of Regional Dcvclopiilcnt and Public Works (MRDPW) and contains a main, explanatory pard, Contract Provisions /Annex11 on environmental protcction, Environrnclital Impact Mitigation Program /Annex21 including appropriate environmcntal protection mcasures that n.il~lhclp to initigatc the ncgative impacts arising from the construction of new facilities and rehabilitation of the water supply system of Water & Sewerage SPLLC Stara Zagora, aiid the attendant costs, as well as an Environmental Monitoring Program /Annex 31, pointing out to the parties in charge of thc iniplcmentation of that program that, in the detailed documents of the wbrlts, they shall ensure adherence to all provisions related to environment and to thc correct implementation of all environmental protection measurcs. The monitoring Plan includes inlormation on the inspections in the course of realization, internal and cxtcrnal monitoring and asscssment, as well as a reporting system. The plan presents cost estimatcs of the en\~ironmcntiiiaiiagclncnt measurcs aiid the time schedule of their performance. ~ Omonit Consillt LLC, 17 G. Benkovskr Srrret, Sofia 100G p}lo:,e.:02/980-21-16; fax:02/980-04-68 4 Environment Management Plan an Inicstment Program oI'M1ater & Sewerage SPLI,C Stara Zagora - 2 Initial Information Review. 2.1 Selection Principle for Projects included in the Investment Program of Water & Sewerage SPLLC - Stara Zago1-aProjects for the Period 2008-2012. Selection of the sites proposed for financing from the loan granted by the World Bank was performed after analysis and assessnlcnt of the condition of various components of the water supply systems serving all nlunicipalitics within Stara Zagora District - Bratya Daskalovi, Gurkovo, Galabovo, Kazanlilc, Muglizh. Nikolaevo, opan, Pave1 Bania, Radnevo, Stara Zagora and Chirpan. The water supply is prcdoininantly pumped type ( 85% ). Dur~ngprolonged dry spells, seasonal restrictions have to be imposcd on watcr supply. The high loss pel-centage (reaching 60% of thc supplied water quantity), the number of residents affected by water supply interruptions (about 150 000) and rcduction of electricity consumption (through rcduction of thc sharc of pumped \k,aterand increase of the share of gravity water feeding) are the main criteria uscd to dcfine the priorities in the selection of the investment program objects. Thc total number of residents served by W&S SPL.LC Stara Zagora is - 382 977. In cases of long dry spclls scasonal watcr rationing has to be imposed. From July till September 2007 such rationing was applied to the town :Stars Zagora and sonle scttlements from the municipaIities Nile.:OL/~~80-21 tax 22i980-04-68 -16, 6 Environment Management I'la~i- an In\.cstment Progran~oi'\\'ater 8: Scwerage SPLLC Stara Zagora - ecologic resource economy. The smallcr number oi' aceidcnts guarantees also operation reliability. The replacement of asbestos cc~~ientand stccl pipes by pipes madc of high-density polyethylene (HDPE) permits application of inodern pipc laying technologies eliminating, at the same time, in the course of operation, the health risk to consumers due to migration of noxious and hazardous substances ion the drinlne.:OZ/Ci80-21-16;fax:02/98I;-04-68 9 Environment Management Plan - an Investment Program of Water & Sewerage SPLLC Stara Zagora - Work in the open precludes the negative health effect of combustion gases and asphalt evaporations. Health risks to the workers: - Adverse weather conditions having in mind the need to work "in the open all the year round" in an environment with considerable temperature amplitudes. High temperatures are a risk factor of incidents such as thermal andlor sun shpcks. Too low temperatures increase the frequency of colds, diseases of the skeletalln~uscularand peripheral nervous system. - The drivers of building mach~neswill be subjected to excessive noise levels of the order 80- 100 dB(A). Noise has an adverse effect on the hearing and central nervous system resulting in somnopathy, developmeilt of neurotic conditions and arterial hypertension. - The drivers of building machines will be subjected to general and local vibrations. They injure the vestibular apparatus, the locoinotory system and the parenchymal organs, the sensory and circulatory systems of the fingers. - With the limited scope of excavation and refurbishment works and work in the open air, no adverse health effect is expected by air pollution. - The labor traulnatisn~risk is highest in the case of manual excavation and crcction works. - In the case of hard physical work involving lifting and carrying of excessive loads, there is higher risk of diseases of the locomolory and ncrvouslmuscular system. During the construclion the working environi~~c~~lfactors can have certain effect on workers' health. Such effect is teillporary and will be illiniinized if measures for protection of the workers' health and safety arc undertaken. The coinnlon heritagc in Stara Zagora District preserves century-long traditions of the Bulgarian life and culture and is represented by numerous objects of national and regional significance. According to information fro111 competcnl authorities there are no historical, architectural and archaeological monuments along the routes of the proposed sites. In the event of an unforeseen development thc Bulgarian legislation provides for the necessary action. (item8 of Appendix A). 3.4 Adverse Impacts dul-ing Opcration More signiikant adverse impacts are fornlcd in the operation process illthe event of failure to apply the Emergency and Accident Action Plan in relevant situations. 4 Mitigation Measurcs against Potential Environmental lrnpacts due to Implementation of The Investment Program - during the construction phase and during the operation phase. -- - --- - - Omonit Consi~ltLLC,17 G.Herikovski Street, Sof~al.900pnone.:02/980-21-16;fax:02:980-04-68 10 Environment Management Plan an Investment Program of Water & Sewerage SPLLC Stara Zagora - - The present EMP contains mitigation measures against the negative environmental impacts that are referred to the above-listed potential impacts, and will be applied in the course of Project implementation and after it. During the construction phase: 4.1. For normal functioning of the water supply system in the regions that will be affected by the worlts, autonomous and/or alternative water supply shall be organized for the time of construction and startup. 4.2.The repair works contemplated by W&S SPLLC, Stara Zagora of some facilities, head mains and street water supply network allow, with appropriate organization, perfect matching of the constructionlcrection worlts (CEW) to the uninterrupted operation of the water supply system. As required, alternative water supply is ensured. 4.3. In cases of modification of the water sugply pattern the operator shall provide additional quantities of chlorine and chlorine-based reagents for disinfection of the drinking water with a view to preventing adverse health effects to tbe population. 4.4. It is reco~nincndcdto use with priority non-excavation technologies that permit minimization of the cnvironi~~cntalimpacts. In cases of c~:ossingsectors of the road infrastructure demolition of the streets is avoided. Bcsides, changes in traffic organization are reduced. 4.5. The construction to be carried out in Central Balltan Park shall be coordinated with the Park Administration and its requireinents shall be strictly followed. (acc.to. item 7 of Appendix A) 4.6. Due to the particular significance of the ros~cplantations the land valuation shall be performed by special procedures taking into account the specificity of the crops, the owners of such plantations shall be notificd in thc established n~anndr. 4.5. Construction dcbris is deposited in landfillsdefined by permits. Earth masses in the urbanized territories as well as in the country arc stored rcnlporarily along the routes after which they are used for backfilling. The spoil nlaterials lcarth and rocW are handed over to the state forestries or to interested persons. 4.7. The humus stripped in the beginning of construction is kept at temporary disposal sites. After completion of the construction it is uscd for rccultivation of disturbed lands. 4.8. The nearest motor dcpots arc used for filling with fuel and lubricants. 4.9. In the event of generating any hazardous waste, including thosc generated by replacement of asbestos-cemcnt pipes, a firill possessin,g a license for their transportation and treatment IScontracted. 4.10. The transport routes crossing settlements for wastc transportation to the deposit sites are agreed upon with the municipalities. p-..-ppp.---pp- - .- .-- -~ .. . -. -p ~ Ornonit Consult ?.LC, C;. Cicnkovski Sric,et, S o i ~ aiOGO [?hor?e.:O2;98iI-21-16; fax:02/9b!l-04-68 17 11 Environment Managenlent Plan an I~ivest~iientProgram of Water & Sewerage SPLLC Stara Zagora - -- 4.11. For containment of thc impact mainly on the working environment and on the population, the following imeasures should bc undertaken: water sprinkling, monitoring of the condition of machines and vehicles. 4.12. In the final phase of thc construction, the quantities of reagents needed to neutralize the residual quantitics of chlorine in the effluent from flushing and sanitation of water mains and facilities shall bc defined in order to meet the requirements of environmental legislation towards thc quallty of such cfiluents and to prcvcnt pollution of the environment (soils and open water courses) by chlorine agents. 4.13. Drinking watcr is delivercd to thc the construction site by watcr-carrier cars or bottled. 4.14. In the coursc of rehabilitation measures and ncw construction in urbanized territories all effluents generated in the construction process as well as neutralized water from flushing and sanitation of water mains and facilities shall be discharged into the public sewerage system or into the ncarest watcr basin with quality corresponding to its category. 4.15. In the case of crossing rivcr courscs, depcnding on the design solution, the front of crossing building nlachines and transport vehiclcs shall be restrictcd, with a view to reducing the impacts on the rivcr ecosystcin. The construction worlcs shall be performed during low-water periods of the river courses. 4.16. The tcchnical condition of machines shall be checked every month for oil leaks. 4.17. 'rhc cxisting lavatories or chemical toilcttcs shall be used for thc sewage. 4.18. In order to prcvent soil pollution, inspections of the building machines and transport vehiclcs shall be regularly pcrformcd. Tran,sporl vehicles shall be washed in the appointed places. 4.19. Thc transport vchicles shall be covcrcd. 4.20. Management of head nlains coi~structionshall preclude triggering of landslides 4.21. Blasting works shall bc pcrformcd after a special, projcctile-free, plan in order to preserve the adjaccnt vegetation. 4.22. 111 thc coursc of rehabilitation works and construction of new facilities the destruction of Iigncous and fi-uticose vcgctation shall bc ininiinized as much as possible, after coordination with thc coinpctcnt authority. 4.23. In colnpliancc with thc Bulgarian legislation upon discovcry of archaeological finds in the coursc of construction wol-l\s thc Museum of Archaeology and History shall be ~. -- - Oman~tConslkit LLC, 17 G.Bei?kovsk:Street, Sof~ai08O phcrlc.:02/9ij0-21-16; fax:02/980-04-68 12 Environment Management Plan an Investment I'rogl-aln of Water & Sewerage SPLLC Stara Zagora - - informed, the construction shall stop temporarily and the respective decision about their preservation shall be made. (itcm2 M item8 of Appendix A) 4.24. Construction activities shall be limited within the daytime period - from 7,00 a.m.. till 7,00 p.m 4.25. The machines and plants used shall be Itept in good repair 4.26. The exhaust pipcs of the transport vchiclcs and building machines shall be fitted with mufflers. 4.27. Idle running of the transport vehicles and building machines shall not be allowed. 4.28. With a view to limiting thc adverse effect of unfavorable weather conditions, the workers shall be supplied with work clothes suitable for thc season. ( item15 of Appendix A). 4.29. The worlters shall be supplied with personal protection means - hclinets, ear muffs, anti-vibration gloves, safety belts, etc., dcpcnding on the specifics of work. ( item15 of Appendix A). 4.30. In compliance with thc normative requirements (with a vicw to reducing physical strain, overfatigue and development of slteletal-muscular diseases), regimen of work and rest within a working day are introduced. ( itel1115 of Appendix A). According to Bulgarian legislation (item3 of Appendix A), aggregate materials, concrete mixes and asphalt products may bc used only by entcrprjscs possessing the respective license for their extraction and production. With respect to waste, the requirements of the Waste Management Act are met at all stages of the construction. The measures for mitigation and improvcmcnt of iillpacts related to investments in rehabilitation and new construction at water supply sitcs will be included in the Technical Specification to the Construction Contract. Contractual security is an indispensable prerequisite for implementation, by the Contractor, of all needed measures for protection of thc environment on the site itself and outside it and to limit thc damage and inconvenience to people as a result of pollution, noise and othcr conscqucnccs of the construction works. Through implementation ofthc indicated mcasurcs the Contractor shall be sure that the air emissions, surface run-off and trcated effluents, noise and vibration impacts, etc., rcsulting from the activities pcrformed do not cxcced thc lcvcls stipulatcd by the applicable laws ( items 3,4,5,9,10 M 12 of Appendix A). Preservation of the natural components is achicvcd through cstablishmcnt of integration connections with thc anthropogcnic landscape components which, at the same time. will result in improvement of thc visually acsthctic valuc of the environment. Coordinated action with the local statc and Municipal authorities and thc competent environmental protection and public hcalth bodies is an important condition for successful - -- - Otnonit C:oi?si.~ltLLC, 17 G.i$:?nkovskiS::cer, ';c!ila i.300 piione.:QZ/C,RO-11-16; fax:02/98I)-04-66 13 Environment Management Plan - an Inves[ment l'rogl-am of Water & Sewerage SPLLC --Stal-a Zagora implementation of the planned rehabilitation iileasures and new construction in the water transfer network. During the operation phase: 4.31. The Emergency Action Plan dcfines tlie required environmental impact mitigation measures and the staff necded in such circumstances. The plan is developed by the Operator and reviewed by the local municipal administration 5 Monitoring The contemplatcd iiionitoring inodcl of implementation of the environmental impact mitigation measures was adopted so as to covcr all aspects and requirements in conformity with the law and good cnginecri~igpractice 5.1 Monitoring and Control during the Construction The adopted form of monitoring (Annex 3) includes a specific description of the monitoring and control measures and covcrs all aspects of the construction process (related to the adverse impact mitigation nicasures proposed in the advcrse impact mitigation plan) with the parameters to be nieasured, iiiethods to be applied, points of sa~iipling,measurement intervals, concrete description of tlic organizational structurcs and reporting proccdurcs; 5.2 Monitoring and Control during thc Opcration During the operation phase monitoring of thc coiitemplated project sitcs shall be performed by the Operator's conipaiiy in conforiility with the normative requirements. Organization of' EMP application and reporting: Monitoring and reporting will be applied entirely by the Contractor's management. The Contractor shall excrcisc cveryday monitoring of the normal enviroiimciital practices by presentation of rcgular rcports. Tliese reports sliall be addressed to tlie institutions indicated in the normative requircinents and once in a month to the 6niployer /Engineer/. The Contractor shall - appoint its specialist in chargc of the cnvironniental aspects of the Project. The Engineer auditing tlic process shall report ontlic performance of cnviron~nentalimpact mitigation measures includcd in the Technical ~~ecificationto thc Contract; on the correct understanding and application of EMP by the Contractor; on assurance of thc rclcvant steps; on kccping correct rccord of any discrcpancics, on the conducting of briefing and training, emergency aid nicasures, and shall evaluatc and corrcct thc Contractor's reports. - - - --.. ~ Omonit C:orisiilt LLC, 17 C;.Ue~~kovski Street, Sofia :i.000 pt1cile.:OZi9!:0-21-16; iax:02/9HIi-04-68 14 . Environment Management Plan an Investment Program of Water & Sewerage SPLLC Stara Zagora - - The Engineer shall report on the EMP perfornlance and progress to the Enlployer every month. The respective government institutions will bc involved in auditing of all environmental protection and social ineasurcs and the progress on the Project by receiving regular reports in conformity with the norinativc requirements. The Project Manageineilt Unit (PMU) establishcd at the MRDPW shall keep and store the documentation required by law and by contract. On the basis of the Engineer's reports and site visits as required, EMP pcrformance and progress reports will be presented to the World Bank every six months. Institutional liesponsibilities in lmplementation of the Environment Management Plan - Maldng of decisions on Responsibilities for environment management impact mitigation and Reporting relations /start of action, expense performance (who reports to whom) authorization, corn letion/ monitoring and intervals Institutions or Activities persons in charge MRDPW /Employer/ Contractor to Engineer Monitoring of Engincer RIEW /monthly/ EMP Supervisor, contact RIPQPH Engincer: performance person appointed IAE to MRDPW by Employer Municipalities to RIEW IMRDPW/ /monthly/ RIEW Project Management Unit MoEW at thc MRDI'W to the RIPQPH L I Bank (every 6 months) 1 1 6 Conclusions and Steps Recommended to Ensure I'erfbrmance of'theEMP. According to thc devclopcd Environmental lmpact Mitigation Program (Annex 2) and Environmental Monitoring Program (Annex 3), the Contractor is not requircd to provide additional facilitics involving significant costs. The recommcndcd stcps nceded for pcrforlllancc of the EMP arc: a) Plan thc f~undsfor irnplci~lcl~tatioi~of the environillental impacts mitigation nlcasurcs and moniloring of EMP perforrnancc by its integration in the Technical Specifications to the Construction Contract. b) Obtain thc Contractor's correct understanding of' the steps and resources required for environillent management, the requited steps and measures being evaluated and offercd. c) Discuss thc 1;MP at preliminary clarification sessions. --- - -. - -- .- Omol~itCo~tsultLLC; I 7 (4.Benkovsk: Srr.::et, Sofia 103;i pt?onc.::iZ/S'.'3-21-16; fax.02!98i:-ii4-68 15 Environment Management PI311 - an lnvest~nentProgram of Water & ScnrerageSPLLC Stara Zagora d) After signing of the Contract, the Employer shall officially familiarize the Contractor with the prevcntion and impact mitigation by means of the EMP includcd in the Contract and thc implenlentation of monitoring. The main problen~s,conclusions, reconlnlendations and negative impact mitigation measures are defined in conformity with the objectives set in the Terms of Kcference. In the longer term, with the proposed investment projects, EMP implementation and through application of good cngineering practices for optiillization of the set of activities in the process of producing and supply of drinlung and washing water to the population, the objectives of responsible use of water resources set in the government's policy for sustainable development of the water sector are achieved without any risk to the environment and with a beneficial effect on the life quality of the population, which leads to the conclusion that the Project is beneficial 7 Consultations and Public I)iscussions - Discussion of the Positive and Adverse Impacts, Routine Consultations and NGO In connection with the Municipal Infrastructure ln~proveillentProject and more particularly, with implementation of the Investment Program of Water & Sewerage SPLLC - Stara Zagora for 2008-2010 funded from a World Banlc loan, E ~ H the K ~Environ~nentManagement Plan (EMP) was publicly announced at Water & Sewerage SPLLC - Stara Zagora. (EMP announcement 1 Place of Comments made What was 1 i date I announcement I I incoroorated I 1 I 1 15-day time limit. I . ~ Omorilt Consi.ilr i..iiC. 1.7 i;. [3enitovsict Srrcet, Sofia 1i)OOpho1?e.:02./~:~0-21-16;fax:02/96!1-04-68 16