Crisis Assessment Series UKRAINE Photo credit: © Alexander Ishchenko | Context F GFDRR’s role ollowing large-scale demonstrations in Kyiv in late G 2013, Ukraine began to experience a continuing period of instability and insecurity. The situation FDRR provided technical assistance in the development progressively worsened, and, in the spring of 2014, conflict erupted in the eastern oblasts of Donetsk and of the assessment methodology, and led the damage and Luhansk—known as the Donbas—where separatists took needs assessment of critical infrastructure and services, control over parts of the two oblasts. which included the sectors of Housing, Health, Education, Energy, Recognizing the need to urgently address reconstruction, Transport, Water and Sanitation, Social Welfare, Public buildings economic recovery, and peacebuilding needs in areas and housing, and Environment. affected both directly and indirectly by the conflict, the government of Ukraine requested technical assistance GFDRR organized and coordinated sector experts from the tri- and financial support from the international community to assess and plan priority recovery and peacebuilding partite agencies, as well as experts from line departments, and efforts. provided technical advice on the characterization and estimation of the impact of the crisis. It also provided technical assistance In view of the continuing conflict, the Eastern Ukraine Recovery and Peacebuilding Assessment (RPA) was in the formulation of preliminary strategic options and scenarios launched in October 2014 as a two-stage process. Led by for the restoration and recovery of infrastructure and service the government, with technical assistance provided by delivery. the European Union, The United Nations and the World Bank, the first stage was a rapid assessment completed in March 2015 that assessed government-controlled In addition to its support in the technical aspects of assessment, areas. It provided an analytical and programmatic GFDRR was instrumental in authoring the final report, as well as baseline for recovery efforts and identified urgent the production of state-specific damage and needs assessment interventions. It also supplied the basis for a subsequent, more detailed phase of the assessment. briefs. The RPA focused on three themes: restoring critical infrastructures and services; improving access to economic livelihoods; and strengthening social resilience and initiating reconciliation and peace-building. Published April 2016 Crisis Assessment Series UKRAINE Key Results ➊ The government-led assessment provided detailed assessment of the impact of the conflict on infrastructure and social services, and social resilience, peacebuilding, and community security. It also supplied quantified estimates of reconstruction and recovery needs, as well as policy and institutional frameworks for recovery. ➋ In addition to informing the government’s recovery priorities, the RPA’s recommendations contributed to the strengthening of the State Agency for Donbas Recovery (SADR) as the lead recovery body. ➌ The assessment has also been instrumental in guiding World Bank projects, including investments in the Transport and Energy Road reconstruction on Liberty Avenue in Lviv. Photo credit: © Nikirov | sectors, and the ongoing technical capacity development assistance to the SADR, as well as the development of a recovery monitoring INFRASTRUCTURE AND platform. SERVICE DELIVERY NEEDS TOTAL NEEDS BY COMPONENT Sector (US$ M) (US$ M) ➍ The assessment provided the first phase of Health 184.2 Infrastructure and social 1,257.7 a replicable methodology that can be used services Education 9.7 to update the impact of the conflict and Economic recovery 135.5 Social welfare 329.4 related recovery needs per the government’s Social resilience, peace- 126.8 Energy 78.9 requirements. This assessment methodology, building, and community Transport 558.2 security pioneered in the Eastern Ukraine RPA, has Water and sanitation 40.1 Total 1,520 successfully been employed in subsequent Environment 30.0 large-scale in-crisis assessments, most Public buildings and housing 27.2 recently in the North-Eastern Nigeria Recovery and Peacebuilding Assessment. Total 1,257.7 The transport of heavy artillery The government’s strong badly damaged the road commitment to social network in Eastern Ukraine, protection of IDPs and host making transport the most communities is critical for affected sector with building peace, and raised US$558.2 social welfare needs to million in needs. US$329.4 million.