Docormmnt of The World Bank FOR OMCLIAL USE ONLY g 10 9 Page I of 6 MIT -OOCUL Itlll (MST 3CUT £TIKATs) A mmO Lo [scope lltaRl ATI^INC O itm& 1970& =lmniA& A SDNA A, 11c0nc Amm uhUmu so. 60) T05AL 32267.6 537.6 3237.6 AGCUILTRAL 1763.5 1760.3 15111.4 som aeniA Cus) .. .. 260.0 270.3 1011.1 CvoaIuLI O OIL NQUIVALONT) 77.0 113.0 156.0 235.7 566.8 pUSmAm MDL STAZ$Um POPULATIU,111TKAI (CTROUMU) 43649.0 54759.0 733243.0 OlEO FOFlAYT (CZ07 TOTAL) 13.0 19.3 24.4 22.3 33.9 POWULATUM FROMMC = POPULATYIO IN gAR 2000 (lLL) 994.4 WTATXCIOU I0ULATION (HILL) 1700.0 FOPULATION ISPINTU 1.5 FOIULATIOU 3N651W SI liO. at. 52U.3 146.6 223.0 17.3S 316.9 MR 30. MO. A011. LAIS 246.6 307.5 395.8 353.3 1591.2 POLATIC AGE STuCTuR CtX) 0-14 Us 40.o 42.7 39.5 3b.3 31.2 Is-" ns 54.4 54.1 56.:1 59.4 57.7 65 A0 £IM 4.6 3.0 3.9 4.3 3.5 OYULAiOU CRovN RATE (C) TOTAL 1.3 2.3 2.2 2.0 2.3 023*3 2.5 3.3 3.9 4.1 4.1 COUDE lISM IRAT (Wi2R TOM) 47.7 41.5 '3.9 27.5 30.1 CU DLg04 aS (131 260) 23.9 17.9 12.5 10.2 9.4 CRSS RRODUCTION RAT 2.9 2.3 2.3 1.7 1.9 TAMLY 1LAC21 ACCmnOSs. AUAl. (TH20S) 64.0 3732.0 6626.0 ]C uSc R or IU1 Wosm) .. 11.7 32.0 49.4 56.5 ,via AND MgRr iMlK or 700w 110. MR CAPITA (1969-71-100) 9S.0 102.0 113.0 116.6 124.4 PER CAPETA SUPPLY 09 CALORS (I or hgQUIUSINTS) 93.0 91.0 92.0 106.3 11S.7 13O521 (CRMS FR DAT) 56.0 50.0 50.0 60.1 60.3 Or CSIC AMAL An PLZ 17.0 15.0 13.0 Id 14.4 14.1 CHILD0 (AS 1-4) 11AT1 RATB 26.3 19.7 11.0 7.3 7.2 LIM lPlCT. AT U111 CUM) 42.2 47.3 54.9 60.5 60.6 IAMr lOtT. RAS (PSi TOU) 165.0 139.0 93. 69.2 6U.9 ACCESS TO SAU WATER (110?) TOTAL .. 17.0 41.0k 44.2 46.0 0I631 .. 60.0 77.0 77.2 57.6 RRAL .. 6.0 31.0 34.4 37.1 ACCESS TO CIA DISPOSAL (S or POPUlATION) TOrAL .. 13.o 6.0 / 7.8 50.1 QRHA .. 85.0 27A0 26.S 52.9 RUtAL .. 1.0 1.0 E 5.5 44.7 POPULATIO PM PTSICIAS 4850.0 4390.0 3690.0 3313.0 7751.7 POP. PER USINC PERSON 10980.0 It 7420.0 5460.0 4690.7 2464.5 POP. PER HOSPRTAL SC0 TOTAL 21U0.0 1650.0 1290.0 h 1U39.2 IIILI 111 .. .. 370.0 2I9.1 651.4 RURAL .. .. 10410.0 4026.2 2536.9 AODSSIONS HOPITAL So .. .. .. 52.3 41.1 AVERD E SIZE 0 OF vCuseR TOTAL 5.2 5.6 01.3*1 5.2 5.6 RUL 5.2 5.6 AVERME NO. OI lSRSS/SRI TOTAL 2.6 2.5 URBAN 2.6 2.0 RURAL 2.6 2.. PURCEWACC 0o DWELLINS MITE MIECT. TOTAL .. .. RURAN .. .. RWURL .. .. . .. ANNEX 1 T A I L t 3A Page 2 of 6 IUILA - SOCIAL IND RCAI DATA SHRKT INDIA C 2RS00I GROPS (WEIGNTED AVRAIZS) / mmST (MOST RCENT SRTEA) /b RC IIIT LO llC0 10OH IDLS INCOHZ a9soL!. l9700! 8TINAT3LI ASIA A PACIFIC ASIA PACFnc AD?UST SliOLUIT RATIt# MDIEt: TOZAL 61.0 73.0 79.0 te *2.6 100.7 1AL1 NO.0 90.0 93.0 Z 105.5 104.4 mAE W0.0 56.0 64.0 E 79.3 97.2 SU IWAR: TOTAL 20.0 26.0 30.0 1e 31.3 47.8 KALE 30.0 36.0 29.0 .9 40.6 S0.6 VENALE 10.0 15.0 20.0 7 E 21.9 44.8 vOCATXOIL (Z oF S U01W ) 2.6 1.0 .. 3.2 18.4 FPUL-TRAC)R PRATIO PIRXAN 4 .0 41.0 54.0 Ic 38.0 30.4 ENOARDAT 16.0 21.0 .. 17.4 22.2 PASSENO CARS/THOUSAND PO 0.6 1.1 1.4 a 0.1 10.1 RDIO CRIVES/TIuIsAUID POP 4.9 21.5 55.S 129.5 172.9 TV RCZXVRfUSD POP 0.0 0.0 2.9 19.8 58.5 NUVSPAPRR ("DAILY CIIEAUL XImnTR ) C>RLATOn R THOUSAN POPUIILAT 10.6 16.2 19.4 A 25.7 65.3 CI17MA ANIUAL ATSI7 CAPITA 3.2 6.2 6.6 6.0 3.4 TOTAL LABOR FORCE (TOUS) 18591.0 219194.0 284251.0 PLUWE (PSRCu) 30.7 32.5 31.4 33.2 33.6 ARICELIU (PRCET) 74.0 74.0 71.0 Jc 69.6 52.2 XIISn (PDAMST) 11.0 11.0 13.2 T, 15.8 17.9 PAWTCPATIXOM RATE (PERCE TOTAL 42a 40.0 38.8 41.9 38.9 NALM 57.0 52.4 51.7 53.6 50.8 FWL 27.3 26.9 25.3 29.1 26.8 REC otIrNDCI RATIO 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.0 1.1 1MICON F DI SnTIDE Q RECEIE 2S IIICI 55 O0 ItSENOII 26.7 26.3 ... hIIXQST 201 O U IIW JI S 51.7 45.9 7fi .. .. 48.0 LOI= 20S 0r NOFO110S 4.1 6.7 f .. .. 6.4 ILEST 40S OF ROSELS 13.6 17.2 .. .. 15.5 CSTXDUNSD ABLU Y3T XllON LEVL CUS PZR CAIA) VaRnn .. .. 132.0 t 133.9 AL .. .. 114.0. 111.6 151.9 ESTDAU IRATIE POYVRBY XICOM LEME COSS PMI CAPITA) URBAN .. .. .. .. 177.9 RURAL .. .. .. 61.7 164.7 ESTIMA2ED POP. 5M ABSOLUTE POVTY INCOII LML (C) UIRN" .. .. 40.3 43.* 23.5 UL .. .. 50.7 51.7 37.8 ROT AVAXLARI ROT APPLICABLE /. Th grOup £vsrqPe fO: each IndicAtar epoplatioa-volghtad aritime meao. COerg" of countries smug the liicators depens on *avlabllty of dat and Ls not vufoe. lb DUles otherwLse noted. "ata for 1960" rfe to any year bet_wn 1959 and 1961; "Data for 1970" between 1969 d 1971; end data for "mt Recet Setlatw betwee 1981 and 1983. Ic 1940; /d 1977; g 1976; /f 1962; k 1976; /h 1979; i 1964-65. JU. 1985 ANNEX 1 DPNfllOT OF SOCIL IND1CATORS Node Ahog te da drws fmsm m lyjpdd *mo1 u mad dhk h should ao be noted daey may no beiaubontl.sU opamb_ehute of lel k or iawihd duie ma conale1ts ued by diem comuim in coitcdg the data. The det am. nooehem vmfml so desdbde mds ofrludendiruk tuA _md dhuatleiu iajordfems ew cobean e. The d -ps am (I) te se ony o of th ubj cuntry and()a maty pwp wiih Ie hgh avea_ Inc tn the d couiy group of t bject euat (excpt frr h ne 0_ i Epoters" poop whome -Middk 1nme Noeh Aflc and Middle Eas"I dies boe ofstixue oedo-cularl dUl,In die Kne epduc d avarpampopatonweimaarkhmetic muepa for eindabad wn ony we majoty ofl te comtr.iapnq ha aarta alesto. ine h oerag f mtu. Xampelbongthe tosdepedn te avalaby adata *nd Is not umfona. mutioAmt beeerd in rdatnaveraesom isdmtor toanote. 'Ihacavapa are only mful In cmparge e da ne r admatort a time among comuby ad -reerge1 grou11. AREA (thousnd Crude tA _> Rawe (per rhouind)-Number offive births in the year T.vd-Toul surface ae compeliag lad area and inland waters; per thousad of mid-year population; 1960.1970. and 1923 data. 1960. 1970 aDd 1983 data. CGd Dead ate (pff thewaud)-Number of deaths in the year ApriesmrIEFtimate of agricltura area usot tcmporarily or per thousand of mid-year population; 1960. 1970. and 1933 data. peranenty for cropa. pastures, market and kitchen gardns or to Gro Reswdactu JbRte-Average number of daughters a woaun lie fallow. 1960.1970 and 1982 data. wifl bear in her nomalW reproductive period if she exriences present age-specific fertility rater usually fiv-year averge ending GNP PER CAPITA (USS)-GNP per capita estimates at current in 1960. 1970, and 1983. market prices. calculated by sane conversion method as World F Pkmag-Accgpes. A 1 ( num- Bank Atias (I198183 basis); 193 dta. ber ofacceptors of bih-control devices under auspices of national ENERGY CONSUMTON PER CAPMTA-Annual appaent family plnning progmm. consumption of commercial primary egy (coal and lignite. Fald( Pfmng'Lw 5 (pareF dfITit wenpWm)-be: pcen- petroum. natural ga ad hydro-. nuikar and geotberml dcec- tage of married women of child-hearing age who are practicing or ricity) in kilograms of oil equivalent per capita; 1960. 1970. and whose busbands are practcing any form of contraception. Women 1982 dats. of child-bearing ape are generay women agd 15-49. although for some countries contaceptive usage is measured for other age POPULATION AND VITAL STATISCS groups. ToA, Mid-Yew (trhaam)-As of July 1; 1960. 1970. FOOD AND NUTRM iON and 1983 data. Ura Pbpialiss (pseree f qf e;O-Ratio of urban to tow fF PrAnctia Per Capita (1M9-71 -1 EW)-n of per population; different defiitons of urban areas may affect compar- ,ac,ta animal feduand seea fordagicuture wFod comodtie ability of data among countries; 1960.1970. and 1983 data. ncludse priay fomodities (eog. sugrktne Fis.ead of sugar) ,pd.5i.u P-ejeaa_ which are edible and contai nutrients (e.g. coffe and te ar Populatwn m year 200-0The projection of population for 2000. xcuded); they comprise ceals, root crops. pulse oil seeds. made for each economy sewparatdy. Stating with infornatti on vegetables. fruits, nuts, srcane and sugar beets livestock, and total population by age and s. ferlity rats mortality rates, and livestock poducs. Aggrept producton of eacb country is based intenational migation i the ba year 1980. the paamees on naDonal avrge producer price weights 196145. 1970. and were projected at five-yar itavals on the basis of generalized 1982 data. assumptios, until the population became stationary. Per CAP" SP$Y ofCdm (pL-ru of-1qldelds)-Comput- Starwoay populwou-4s one in whicb aBe- and sx-specific mor- od from calorie equivalent of net food supplies available in country tality rates have not changed over a long period, whbile agepecific per capita per day. Avaible supplies comprse domestic produc- fertiEty rates have simultaously remained at lacement levl tion, imports less exports. and changes in stock. Net supplies (net reproduction rate- 1). In such a popuaton, the birth rate is exlude anil feed. seeds for ue in agriclture, quantities used in constant and equal to the death rate, the age stuctue is also food processing, and losms in distribution. Rcquirements were constant, and the growth rate is zeo. The stationary population esimated by FAO based on physiological needs for normal activity sie was stimated on the basis of the projected charactenstics of and health considring environmental temperature. body weights. the population in the year 2000. and the rate of declie of ferlity age and sex ditrtibution of populaion, and allowing 10 peroent ror rate to replacement klv. waste at bousehold level; 1961. 1970 and 1982 data Pbpuafioun Mo _neng-Is the tendency for population growth to Per Caps So"& of toid (grauwper dap)-Protcin content of continue beyond the time that replaccuent-levl fertilty has been per capita net upply of food per day. Net suppy orfood is defined achived; that s cven after the net reproduction rate has reached as above. Requirements for al countries establsbed by USDA unity. The momentum of a population in the year : is mcasured as provide for minimum allowances of 60 grams of total protein per a ratio of the ultimate stationary population to the population in day and 20 grams of animal and pule protein, of which 10 grams the year t. given the assumpion that fertity rmains at repbace should be animal protein. Tbes seundards,are lower than those of ment level from year t onward, 1985 data. 75 grams of total protein and 23 grams of animal protein as an Pep-Ja Dell average for the world proposed by FAO in the Tlnrd World Food Per population per square kilometer (100 hecc Supply. 1961. 1970 and 1982 data. tares) of toUtl a; 1960, 1970. and 1983 data. Per Capitta Pswrei Skpp&y w. Amimdad Pbe-Proten supply Per sq.Am. aridruram lad-Computed as above for agricultural of food derved from aDnimals and pulses in grams per day; 1961-65, land only. 1960. 1970. and 1982 data. 1970 and 1977 data. P atiuI. Age Stracter (fpeJ xu)-Chiidren (0-14 yeas). work- Cai(dra 1-4) Deat Rate (pgr dJand)-Number of deaths of ingage(I5-4years).and retired (65ycarsand over) aspercntage children aged 1-4 years per thousand children in the same age of mid-year population; 1960. 1970. and 1983 data. group in a gwrn year. For most devdoping countries data derived hpuIbtiou Growth Rate (perceisr)-teral--Annual growth rates of from life utabls 1960. 1970 and 1983 data. total mid-year population for 1950-0. 1960-70, and 1970483. HEA13H Pbpdlaw Goh Rate (paewu)-miAnnual growth rates Lift Expecaniy atr Bit (yewrs)-Number of years a newborn of urban population for 1950.60.1960-70. and 1970-83 data. infant would live if prevailing patterns of mortality for all people ANNE 1 Page 4 of 6 at the t of of it birth were to say the m throout Its lf A99&uahr ltade - prary. sand uouuday-Toa stud_t e 1960, 1970 a" 1993 data. roled in pry and sodary lvels diided by numbe of 10w AeIapt Aw (p )N Numbsr of infants who tie tbAM in the wrrspnd_ng l heror racing on yme of ag per thousand Eve birt In a gie yeur 1960, 1970 and 1963 datL CONIUMION Aem go So u (pwaw if "VP)-14 when. ms " (PM rd_d a cmfm he car e mwl-Nmher of peope (total, urbn ad rul wth esable pe motor carsmating ls don eight peuon; exclude ambul- accs to sfb wainr supply nud treae surfa et or no_ hearses and mary vehicl untreated but a ed ter sch as that fiom protected AGE. hebs (pm thationdppsfutbsD-All tp orive boIeholesa sprip and untr wls) as pecuent of ther re- for rdio broadcss to pnea pubUc per thound of population; tive popWaton In an uban ae a public founin or stadpost u-Moeda rgcr9 In coIn e aSd in years when bcard not mo- tn 200 mess. from a u y . registi of rado st wasin effeot data for rcet yes may as being widhio _reaon aless of tht haou In nmdal - not be aoparabe smost countries abousim lini rasoableas wuldimply dtat dhousewifeor mernbera of the houselhold do not have to spd a disproportionate par of the day TJR#m (pw recve. for brwadcast in feching the mis wate nedt Ud populton amlde unHiese TV Autam Lv x.,s Dhpml ( .w f pq.lalvainecontri andei years when registration of TV set was _d r_roP-Number of people (totaL urban nd rural) served by in Cflct m$Idopo al p ecentags of thi respective popusations. - C,c Pd "1i) w Excmu di poselwmay nclude the coleton and dispo, with or ation of daily gneral n ddd a wiou tratmt, of human excieta an wase-wat perodical publon devoted primarily to recording genal news bon syms or the use of pit privies and imiar isllaios It is coadetd to be 'daily" iit apper at lea four tie a week M I I le per Paldor-Pbliulation divided by umber of prac- CeaSns Aind Andmua pe C_pr pmw Y_a-_ssed on the tsing phydans qualified firo a medial chool at univesity level, number of ticke; sold duing the yp indcluding adumisons to Jpdm p.r jAi PJ _-R dpuIatin divided by number of driin ve W5 ard Emobic units. practcing ma and femae graduat nuse ssistnt nurses, p l nure and nuig auwl. LA FOICE F H, * al aid-srd, when,sad Bawutin Tod Labor Force (fr&ssad-Boononically wactive pasons, in- (Wtot al. m rurbal) divided by their respective number of amied forces aW unemployed but e_cuding housewive hoset o mpubeandpubcadvaw.rMaa ad cilied studmeutc, w covering population of anl ages Deofinitions hospi and abiliato umte Hosptal are mbF l varis coun tries e ant cmparnalra 1960,1970 and 1963 data. pemanety staWed by at least one physca Esabunat Mxov- F (prcem)-Fbualee labor fonz as pecntage of total labor idig prinqpaly actodi care are not iluded Rral hospitl for e howev,m iclude health and medical centers not permanently saKed _rkw (peret)-.abor force in farm , forestry. hunig by a physician ( by a medica asistant nunse, midwi etc.) and fishbing as pecntag of totl labor force; 1960. 1970 and 1980 which offr in-patient accommodaton and provide a limited rang data. of medica raciti IAdasa (Porcear)-Labor force in mi conucon. manu- AAMssio psr H0apisid AL-dTotal number of admsios to or factuing and electricty. watr and ps as pcntage of toul labor disliarges from hospitals divided by the number of bedL force; 1960, 1970 and 1980 data -wui*d im l (pftcaJ-4Ai, _ HOUSING or actvity rates are conmpued a totl, male, and female labor form ,6e * She of KinAY (poso= per ha,ldf)-rad, _rea, as percentages of totl male and female poplatio of al aes aadrrl-A householdcoositsofa gwupofindividuals whoshre respectively; 1960,1970. and 1983 data. Tbese ae bued on IWLs i-vg quate and thir mam meals A boader or lodger may or prbcipton rates rellecting ages stucue ofthe popuocn and My not be incuded in the houshold for staisical purposs. long tme trend. A few estmat are from natona sorces Ai.w4 N_mbgr qf PAmm per RP_m-sarwh, ml ewu- E..udc D_pahmxjy ldsl-Ratio of populaion under 15, and Avea number of perons per room in al urban. and rural 65 and over, to the wrking age population (those apd 15-64). ocarped oDnvenional dwelins. respecively. Dwelling cude Oan pmat str r and unoccupied pars ICOME DSm iUON Pemrct of Dwes ru Ekcidry-v94 whev. ma,rawl- Prfna of Toed Diagsse Luca (bad in cak ed kf)- Conventionl dweligs wih el cty in living quartcrs as pere- A qrig to pecentie groups of households ranked by total hous- tage of totaL urban, and ural dwlhnp respecively hold income. EDUCATION POVElTY TARGET GROUPS Af.ted E_efteor Aale The folowing esimates are very approximate meastus of poverty fry Jdze - tmotal mate md jence o total and leve and sbould be i with considerable caution. female enrolment of adl as at the primary Lel as pacntags of EutdasedAbiilvte hwty Amm Lewd ((5per cepif)^-,w6 zupectrve pimay sodl-age popultios Wile many counties mL ,mu-Absolute povery inoome level i that incme evd condr primary shool age to be 6-11 years odts do not The below which a minimal nutrionaDy adequat diet plus essential dfferences in couary pracs in the ages and durado of school non-food rnqmrents is not affordable. are reflctd in the ratios given For some countries with universal Esx errplocem Lewd (= pgr cWksl -when educaton, gross erollment may xced 100 pac smt smum sno en rrd-Rural rative poverty income leved i one-tbird of pupis are beow or above the country's stndard primary-slho aveag per capita personal inxe of the country. Urban level is age- derived from thc rural level with adjusment for higher cost of Secondry sdcool - to*a .mak =dfonal-Cboputed as abovc; living in urban area secodary education requies at least four years of approved pr- Esad Pepulle Below Ahsorae PoAty Aces.w Led (pa- mary instruction; provides general, vocational, or te ting a d r-J- Perce of populaion (urban and rural inasuctions for pupls ully of 12 to 17 yes of ag; corspond- wbo are 'absolute poor.' ence cours are gerally eduded. Vocaldend Errde (pecet ojf se-dary)-Vocional institu- Compaative Anslyss and Data Division boris i d c te al industl. or other programs which opemt Econom Analysis and Projections Departmt idependently or as depatments of secondary in s June 1985 NI les *r of Umi C llELOPllUUF DATA 111 YU CAPITA JI 26038260 S ROSS DOIUSTIC PSOSUCT Ul 1913,64 k/ AIRWAL DAfl OLP OR Oa (Z. Conerta Prices) S/ 55,54-39140 60616A6 65J/4 49170 70171-74175 75/7-79/60 30161-32/63 US. Blr. S CDP at Market Price. 19.31 100.0 3.7 3.6 3.7 2.9 4.1 5.1 Gros Dtomeic J _es 45.94 24.0 CrC Natieal Saving 43.17 2X.7 Current AccoLnt blean -2.17 -1.5 OUTPT. LAUOR CE An1 raoucrvn ir 19 1 Val" added (at factor cmet) Laor For l U5$ U31 X 1 1.- iS t U A. ofeti al tAvene Agriculture 52.5 35.9 172.7 70.6 304 51 loduatry 34.5 23.4 31.6 12.9 2092 13 Services 59.2 40 5 40.3 165 1409 246 Total/Averap 146.2 1N.0 W ; iE GWWiFlWWr P1tW Cenral */ Cmatral Sprmeint Re. n. Z of GM Rs. Dn. X d 0 9031 19631 1979/80-19 3/84 1963 19 3/L 1979160-19e2164 current Recaipta 376.54 19.3 19.5 201.67 10.3 10.3 Current Expenditures 397.12 20.3 19.4 225.42 U1.S 10.9 Curret Surplua/Doefcit -16.58 -1.0 0.1 -23.75 -1.2 -0.6 Capital Expenditures i 149.66 7.7 U.0 114.12 5.8 5.8 Exteral Ai e (et) dl 19.16 1.0 1.1 MONE. CREDIST AID P1L 1970/71 1975/76 1978179 1979/10 1900/61 19B1/B2 L92i63 1963 34 Jauary 1964 January 1985 (Re 21111om outatadiop at end of perlod) -Mre and quaai loney 109.6 224.0 401.1 472.3 557.7 627.5 728.7 360.9 635.1 993.9 Bank Cedit to C e (met) 54.6 106.3 159.3 200.1 257.2 306.3 353.6 407.7 403.1 433.9 SDak Credt to Commrcial Sector . 64.6 156.2 255.3 310.1 366.4 434.6 517.1 612.7 575.5 685.0 (Perctantae or 11ie Onhro) I Arl-Jan 83/64 April-Ja 64/85 Mone And Quasi Remya an a Z Of GDP 27.3 30.3 41.1 4.1 43.7 42.5 44.5 44.0 Iloleeal Prie< Indu (1970/7 - 100) 100.0 173.0 165.6 217.6 257.3 281.4 266.6 315.2 313.6 336.7 Annual Percentage changes in: Wholeuale Prica Indez 7.7 -1.1 - 17.1 16.2 9.4 2.6 9.2 9.2 7.4 Dank Credit to Covernment (sat) 15.0 22.7 16.0 25.e 28.5 19.1 15.1 15.3 16. 9-2 23.2 h/ Dank Credt to C rcial Sector 19.4 22.7 20.3 21.5 18.2 13.6 17.7 18.7 13.8 15.6 w aI TSh per capita NP estimte in at arkst prims using onrld Dak Atla nethodolojy. baa prLod 196143. All otbhr conweraics to dollar in this table are at ths averd_ae chage rate prevailIng durlng the perlod cowerd. ki Qwick etimea. Centra Statstlcsl Oranisatio. S/ Coeputed frm tred lie Of GoP at fActor cost serles. Snelui ones. obeeration befeX firt yaer ad o obsertion after eat yar of lated perlod. d/ orld Dank eati_tem of net diSburemnt of concesslonal aid and ISED. *I Tranfa betwee Centre and States hn been netted out. fA1 loans ad advanle to third partle hae be netted out. Percetag chan from and-March 1963 to end-Jn.64. h/ Prctagp hae from eed-Narch 13 to and-Jae.J5. 1Total labor Pre. ad percetg br1adom fr 1961 Cea Ca. Includes data for Aommn. et6 1/ a,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~AM I tUt EJX ih.m lU19512 19Jl3 1963/4 1904h5S tURCSIA Z EXPORTS (AVERACG 198=0/1-1983/84) I/ CuBs Kin. US$ min. z Exports oe Good. _1 0,519 8,290 h.355 8.724 Engineering Coodfs 1115 13 1 ports t Goods i -15.301 -14,290 -14.040 -14.301 Te 469 6 Trade balane - 6.7S2 - *,000 - 5.685 - 5.777 CON. 1009 12 IFS (A t) 1.002 935 948 1.0S Clothing 6U 8 LeAther nd Leather Products 343 4 Resoure alance - 1.780 - 5,065 - 4.737 - 4.676 Jute anufecture. 269 3 tron Ore 400 5 interest cr_e (nat) / 350 - 302 - 664 - 75 Cotton Taxtil.. 316 4 Not Tram rfarm 1 2.317 2,504 2.860 2.930 Sugar 104 1 Others 3704 U4 b lUge an Curront Account - 3.113 - 2,643 - 2.521 - 2,533 Direct Investent 10 65 62 61 Officel Loans 6 Grants (n=t) 1,6U1 1.901 1.961 1.94 T Croom Disbur.ests 2.269 2.513 2.578 2.515 EXTe DCWT. MARCA 31. 1964 AmortLzat in 5U 612 617 641 Private borroming (net) 338 366 528 844 US billon Outstanding mad Disburmed 21.5 Non-e sideat Depo_ata 260 578 903 600 Und=dbwsad 10.4 Transactilon wth DI (nt) 690 1,960 1.295 70 Outstudfia iludin Undimbured 31.9 All otber It_m _/ - 2,264 - 1,522 -1,347 - 663 Increa In Resrve -) 2,398 - 504 - U2 - 303 SrT SSZVICZ AATIO FMR 1993/e4 J./ nt 13.6 per cant Cros. Raemrvs u(d yer) p 4.461 4,965 5.*47 6.150 met Reserves (end year) m/ 3.497 2,069 1.697 2.250 P~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~uRnm l E-s lo bIIOJUlllC. tfl 31. 1985 1t Fuel en" Related MaterialsaMO EIC,HM3,18 US $ mililo Imports (Petroleum) j/ 5553 4,614 2,963 3,026 1615 IDA of %bhch: Crude 3.921 3,139 2.183 1.015 Producta 1.632 1,475 600 2.010 Ousandldn and Disbursed 2.158 8.902 Uodiab!rsed 4.326 3,748 ROtstanding including Ufdisbursed 6.484 12.650 JUIY 1966 to mdd-Dcember 1971 USS1.W - Am 7.50 PA 1.00 - US0.13333 mid-Deember 1911 to end-Jum. 19n: US$1.00 - Ru 7.27927 Ru 1.00 - 11310.137376 After end-Jums 1972 : loating Rate Spoc Rate end-March 1984 : US1.00 - Ru 10.711 to 1.00 - U&S0.0933 Spot Rate end-Narch 1965 U$1.00 - Ru 12.3457 Ru 1.00 - USS0.0610 a, Etimated kt PFgures oive cower all lnvestont ome (1net). Mjor ptIMta are ainterest on foreign lons ond chara paid to DrF and mjor recept. Is linteroat e*mnd on foreign assetu. 1 Plgurma given include wrkarks rditances but excluds officlal grnt amaitsnce whieb in iscluded within official loan and grants ad Don-zrreidet deposits wblch are sbon sparately. ml Exclude nt ue of 33W credit. i A*rtization ed interest payments on foreign lean as a percentag of total current receipts. Includes e.hoangs rate adjuJmts to the valuation of reserves md finnuclng of SmbaLea In rupee trade. / Exrludins old. m aet of parrolen epaorta ANNE 1I Page 1 of 5 MME STATUS OF MAN GROUP OPEATIONS IN INDIA A. STATE)EN OF BAN LOANS AND IDA CREDITS (As of September 30, 1985) US$ million Loan or Fiscal (Net of Cancellations) Credit Year of NO. Aunroval PqrVose Bank IDA If Undisbursed 1 55 Loans/ 2,528.9 - 102 CreditB fully disbursed - 5,938.9 482-IN 1974 Karnataka Dairy 29.2 0.05 1251-IN 1976 Andhra Pradesh Irrigation 145.0 - 9.04 680-IN 1977 Kerala Agric. Development - 30.0 7.77 690-IN 1977 West Bengal Agricultural Extension & Research 12.0 5.28 1394-IN 1977 Gujarat Fisheries 14.0 - 1.58 747-IN 1978 Second Foodgrain Storage - 107.0 22.14 761-IN 1978 Bihar Agricultural Extension & Research - 8.0 3.83 788-IN 1978 Karnataka Irrigation 117.6 20.71 793-IN 1978 Korba Thermal Power 200.0 12.70 806-IN 1978 Ja mu -Kashmir Horticulture - 14.0 8.01 816-IN 1978 National Seeds II 16.0 0.68 1592-IN 1978 Telecommunications VII 120.0 - 7.23 824-IN 1978 National Dairy 150.0 14.25 842-IN 1979 Bombay Water Supply II 196.0 102.39 844-IN 1979 Railway Moderniza-tion & Naintenance 190.0 5.88 848-IIN 1979 Punjab Water Supply & Sewerage - 38.0 3.24 855-IN 1979 National Agricultural Research - 27.0 9.88 1648-IN 1979 Ramagundam Thermal Power 50.0 -.41.09 889-IN 1979 Punjab Irrigation 129.0 15.34 911-IN 1979 Rural Electrification Corp. II - 175.0 3.25 954-IN 1980 Maharashtra Irrigation TI - 210.0 11.83 961-IN 1980 Gujarat Community Forestry - 37.0 0.16 963-IN 1980 Inland Fisheries 20.0 12.79 981-IN 1980 Population II 46.0 19.59 1003-IN 1980 Tamil Nadu Nutrition 32.0 14.86 1011-fl 1980 Gujarat Irrigation II 175.0 71.99 1012-IN 1980 Cashetnut 22.0 13.60 1027-IN 1980 Sixngrauli Thermal II 300.0 112.45 1028-IN 1980 Kerala Agricultural Extension - 10.0 5.76 1033-IN 1980 Calcutta Urban Transport - 56.0 14.74 ANz I Page 2 of 5 US$ zillion Loan or Fiscal (Net of Cancellations) Credit Year of No. .. karovaul Puroe Bank IDA ij Undisbursed .a 1034-IN 1980 Xarnataka Sericulture 54.0 21.40 1046-IN 1980 Rajasthan Water Supply & Sewerage - 80.0 38.84 1843-IN 1980 Industry DFC XIII i9.0 - 3.42 1053-IN 1980 Farakka Thermal Power - 225.0 68.79 1887-IN 1980 Farakka Thermal Power 25.0 - 25.00 1897-DU 1981 Kandi Watershed and Area Development 30.0 - 17.09 1072-IN 1981 Bihar Rural Roads - 35.0 73.7 1078-IN 1981 Mahanadi Barrages - 83.0 35.75 !082-IN 1981 Madras Urban Development II - 42.0 18.64 1108-IN 1981 M.P. Medium Irrigation - 140.0 70.15 1112-IN 1981 Telecomunications VIII - 314.0 68.36 1116-IN 1981 Karnataka Tank Irrigation - 54.0 31.84 1125-IN 1981 Hazira Fertilizer Project - 399.1 60.93 1135-IN 1981 Maharashtra Agricultural Ext. - 23.0 7.57 1137-IN 1981 Tamil Nadu Agricultural Ext. - 28.0 13.37 1138-IN 1981 M.P. Agricultural Ext. II - 37.0 24. 6 1146-IN 1981 National Cooperative Development Corp. II - 125.0 61.24 1172-IN 1982 Korba Thermal Power Project II - 400.0 242.57 1177-IN 1982 Madhya Pradesh Major Irrigation - 220.0 139.15 2050-IN 1982 Tamil Nadu Newsprint 100.0 - 2.40 1178-IN 1982 West Bengal Social Forestry - 29.0 18.86 1185-IN 1982 Kanpur Urban Development - 25.0 12.75 2051-IN 1982 ICICI xIV 150.0 - 21.60 2076-IN 1982 Ramagundam Thermal Power II 300.0 - 256.89 1219-IN 1982 Andhra Pradesh Agricultural Ext. - 6.0 4.05 2123-IN 1982 Refinerins Rationalization 200.0 - 71.57 2165-IN 1982 Rural Electrification III 304.5 - 215.94 1269-IN 1982 Kallada Irrigation - 60.0 25.10 2186-IN 1982 Kallada Irrigation 20.3 - 20.00 1280-IN 1983 Gujarat Water Supply - 72.0 59.07 1286-IN 1983 JammalKashmir and laryana Social Forestry - 33.0 22.30 1288-IN 1983 Chambal Madhya Pradesh Irrigation II - 31.0 16.30 1289-IN 1983 Subernarekha Irrigation - 127.0 101.90 2205-IN 1983 Krishna-Godavari Exploration 165.5 - 114.48 1299-IN 1983 Railways Modernization & Maintenance II - 200.0 168.63 2210-IN 1983 Railways Modernization.& Maintenance II 200.0 - 197.04 2241-IN 1983 South Bassein Gas Development - 139.3 - 133.71 1319-IN 1983 Raryana Irrigation II - 150.0 96.85 1332-Il 1983 U.P. Public Tubewells II - 101.0 84.51 AMX-gII Page 3 of 5 US$ uillion Loan or Fiscal (Net of Cancellations) Credit Year of No. Approval Pur_ose B nk flA [J Undisbursed 1/ 1356-IN 1983 Upper Indravati Hydro Power - 170.0 149.50 2278-IN 1983 Upper Indravati Hydro Power 156.4 - 156.01 1369-IN 1983 Calcutta Urban Development III - 147.0 134.50 2283-IN 1983 Central Power Trauemission 250.7 - 250.07 2295-IN 1983 Hiualayan Watershed Nanagement 46.2 - 45.31 1383-IN 1983 Maharashtra Water Utilization - 32.0 23.27 2308-IN 1983 Naharashtra Water Utilization 22.7 - 22.64 2329-IN 1983 Madhya Pradesh Urban 24.1 - 23.47 1397-IN 1984 Orissa Irrigation II - 105.0 74.52 1424-1 1984 Rainfed Areas Watershed Dev. - 31.0 31.15 1426-IN 1984 Population III - 70.0 67.48 1432-IN 1984 Karnataka Social Forestry - 27.0 22.55 2387-IN 1984 Nhava Sheva Port 250.0 - 245.88 2393-IN 1984 Dudhichua Coal 151.0 - 150.62 2403-IN 1984 Cambay Basin Petroleum 242.5 - 239.53 2415-IN 1984 Madhya Pradesh Fertilizer 203.6 - 195.42 1454-IN 1984 Tamil Nadu Water Supply - 36.5 36.03 SF-12-IN 1984 Tamil Nadu Water Supply - 36.5 37.40 1468-IN 1984 Periyar Vaigai II Irrigation - 17.5 12.00 SF-16-IN 1984 Periyar Vaigai II Irrigation - 17.5 17.59 1483-IN 1984 Upper Ganga Irrigation - 125.0 124.48 1496-IN 1984 Gujarat Medium Irrigation - 172.0 146.70 2416-IN 1984 Indira Sarovar Hydroelectric 157.4 - 157.01 SF-20-IN i984 Indira Sarovar Hydroelectric - 129.8 129.25 2417-IN 1984 Railways Electrification 280.7 - 280.00 2442-IN 1984 Farakka II Thermal Power 300.8 - 300.05 2452-IN 1984 Fourth Trombay Thermal Power 135.4 - 135.06 1502-IN 1984 National Cooperative Development Corporation III - 220.0 214.21 1514-IN 1985 Kerala Social Forestry - 31.8 31.65 1523-IN 1985 National Agric. Extension I - 39.1 40.89 1544-IN 1985 Bombay Urban Development - 138.0 145.88 2497-IN 1985 Narmada (Gujarat) Dam and Power* 200.0 - 200.00 1552-IN 1985 Narmada (Gujarat) Dam and Power* - 100.0 100.00 1553-IN 1985 Narmada (Gujarat) Canal* - 150.0 150.00 1569-IN 1985 Second National Agricultural Ext.* - 49.0 49.00 1611-IN 1985 National Social Forestry* - 165.0 165.00 1613-IN 1985 Indira Sarovar Hydroelectric* - 13.2 13.20 2498-13 1985 Jharia Coking Coal 248.0 - 248.00 2505-IN 1985 Maharashtra Petrochemical 300.0 - 300.00 2534-IN 1985 Second National Highvay* 200.0 - 200.00 2544-IN 1985 Chandrapur Thermal Power* 300.0 - 300.00 2555-IN 1985 Rihand Power Transmission* 250.0 - 250.00 2582-IN 1985 Kerala Power* 176.0 - 176.00 1619-IN 1986 West Bengal Minor Irrigation* - 99.0 99.00 UNX% II Page 4 of 5 US$ million Loas or Fiscal (Net of Cancellations) Credit Year of o. Approval Purose Bank TDA Vj Undisbursed g| 1621-lN 1986 Naharashtra Composite Irrigation* - 160.0 160.00 1622-IN 1986 Kerala Water Supply and Sanitation* - 41.0 41.00 1623-IN 1986 Vest Bengal Population* - 51.0 51.00 Total 8,487.0 13,752.7 of which has been repaid 1.324.5 219.7 Total nov outstanding 7,162.5 13,533.0 Amount Sold 133.8 of vhich has been repaid 133.8 - ___- Total nov held by Bank and IDA 31 7,162.5 13,533.0 Total undisbursed (excluding *) 3,887.15 3,473.30 1j ID Credit amounts for SDR-denominated Credits are expressed in terms of their US dollar equivalents, as established at the time of Credit negotiations and as subsequently presented to the Board. .3J Undisbursed amounts for SDR-denominated IDA Credits are derived from cumulative disbursements converted to their US dollar equivalents at the SDR/US dollar exchange rate in effect on September 30, 1985. 3/ Prior to exchange adjustment. * Not yet effective. ANE II Page 5 of 5 B. STATEMEDT OF IFC INVESTMENTS (As of September 30, 1985) Amount_(US$ million) Fiscal Year Company Loan Equitv Total 1959 Republic Forge Company Ltd. 1.5 - 1.5 1959 Kirloskar Oil Engines Ltd. 0.8 - 0.8 1960 Assam Sillimanite Ltd. 1.4 - 1.4 1961 K.S.B. Pumps Ltd. 0.2 - 0.2 1963-66 Precision Bearings India Ltd. 0.6 0.4 1.0 1964 Fort Gloster Industries Ltd. 0.8 0.4 1.2 1964-75-79 Mahindra Ugine Steel Co. Ltd. 11.8 1.3 13.1 1964 Laksbmi Machine Works Ltd. 1.0 0.3 1.3 1967 Jayshree Chemicals Ltd. 1.1 0.1 1.2 1967 Indian Ezplosives Ltd. 8.6 2.9 11.5 1969-70 Zuari Agro-Chemicals Ltd. 15.1 3.8 18.9 1976 Escorts Limited 6.6 - 6.6 1978 Housing Development Finance Corporation 4.0 1.2 5.2 1980 Deepak Fertilizer and Petrochemicals Corporation Ltd. 7.5 1.2 8.7 1981 Coromandel Fertilizers Limited 15.9 - 15.9 1981 Tata Iron and Steel Company Ltd. 38.0 - 38.0 1981 Mahindra, Mahindra Limited 15.0 - 15.0 1981 Nagarjuna Coated Tubes Ltd. 2.9 0.3 3.2 1981 Nagarjuna Signode Limited 2.3 - 2.3 1981 Nagarjuna Steels Limited 1.5 .0.2 1.7 1982 Ashok Leyland Limited 28.0 - 28.0 1982 The Bombay Dyeing and Nanufacturing Co. Ltd. 18.8 - 18.8 1982 Bharat Forge Company Ltd. 15.7 - 15.7 1982 The Indian Rayon Corp. Ltd. 8.1 - 8.1 1984-86 The Gwalior Rayon Silk Manu- facturing (Weaving) Co. Ltd. 13.5 - 13.5 1985 Bihar Sponge 10.4 0.8 11.2 1985 Bajaj Auto Ltd. 22.1 - 22.1 1985 Modi Cement 12.5 - 12.5 1985 India Lease Development Ltd. 5.0 0.4 5.4 1986 Larsen and Toubro Ltd. 17.2 - 17.2 TOTAL GROSS COMMITMENTS 287.9 13.3 301.2 Less: Cancellations, Terminations, Repayments and Sales 162.0 6.3 168.3 Now Held 125.9 7.0 132.9 Undisbursed 77.0 1.2 78.2 ..~- _ .mm. ANNE III Page 1 of 2 INDIA SUPPLEEMNTARY PROJECT AND DATA SHEET Section I: Timetable of Key Events (a) Time taken by the Borrower to prepare the project About one year. (b) The agency that has prepared the project National Thermal Power Corporation, Ltd. (c) Date of first presentation to the Bank and date of the first mission to consider the project I The project was first presented to the Bank in February 1985; an appraisal mission visited India in Hay 1985. id) Date of departure of appraisal mission May 10, 1985. (e) Date of completion of negotiations February 26, 1986. (f) Planned date of effectiveness August 31, 1986. Section II: Special Bank Implementation Actions None. Section III: Special Conditions (a) Issuance of notification of award of contract for the construction of the HBJ pipeline (condition of effectiveness, para 63); (b) Execution of subsidiary loan agreement between GOI and NTPC (condition of effectiveness, para 71); ANMEX III Page 2 of 2 (c) Execution of gas supply contract(s) between DTPC and appropriate authorities at least six months prior to the comissioning of the first combustion turbine (para 63); (d) Provision of liquid fuel supplies by GOI (para 65); (e) Execution and operation of the project in accordance with prescribed environmental quality standards (para. 65); (f) Achievement of financial rates of return by NTPC (para 76); and (g) Execution of studies to reformulate bulk supply tariff structure (para 77). AMUEX IV Procurement Arrangements (USs Millions) Procurement Method Total Prnject Element ICB LCB Other a/ Cost I. Civil Vorks Preliminary Works 4.3 4.3 Civil Works for Plants 23.7 23.7 (5.5) (5.5) Other Civil Works 57.9 57.9 II. Pover Stations Main Electromechanical Equipment (Supply and 852.3 852.3 Erection) (463.0) (463.0) Other Electromechanical Equipment and Vorks 34.3 34.3 III. Fuel Supply Equipment 17.3 17.3 (11.3) (11.3) IV. Transmisson Lines and Substations 172.9 172.9 V. Consulting Se-vices and 11.2 11.2 Technical Assistance (5.2) (5.2) VI. Engineering and Administration 67.4 67.4 Total 893.3 265.1 82.9 1,241.3 (479.8) (5.2) (485.0) Note: Figures in parentheses indicate the amounts to be financed by the Bank. a/ Direct negotiation or not subject to commercial procurement (e.g., land acquisition, owner expenses.) r , HIMACHAO\ t . (- \ PRADESH / \P >AOES ' , INDIA ,PUNJAB u COMBINED CYCLE POWER PROJECT > NOUnS N,~~. MAJOR POWER STATIONS PAKISTAN AND HARVAN L,,w,Ttl / XTRA HIGH VOLTAGE GRID v a ^ / 's4't.gT 8';.A R uL.4 Qep^ '>sCHINA, . ( N O R .w r ) *,h- SIEN SHUTAN AN! Usny - ANnPO ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ A (R A I A S T H A5,4<.t^AS ->MEqHtAYA B-'~, E IAINBANGLADESH GUJARAT . , A H Y AJo A,it j---lh,,, ~P R A D E S H i tO ,S,H T R DE SL, A c~te L- - EN . - -- --- -zr North8 De;ntin ,}, M A H A R A S HDTR A eA Dornuop NoIleJ 6NNl.5U,W OU,nd.04 P R A D E lnrbOc' l ' .j9on.5 UNUES WSDINUN J°f u ; > lS l ,, PROJDCn OEOPOSED *3-ElAN flIR COaROtoNO KARNATAKAS CoddOPSk4 U so , So lloM... LIUJANAI -. . U,nj < '-t -~-- I I D R A O E S H I, A D E H J@dU. a ,,00 R I 5<. _ _ f S Ai rr SENEWT / v M A H A R A S H T R A e . . B<. 9..b.y High2h rw, bhh - ; ;-