E4749 V1 THE COUNCIL FOR DEVELOPMENT AND RECONSTRUCTION (CDR) ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT ACTIVITY I ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK (ESMF) FINAL REPORT January 29, 2015 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK PROJECT INFORMATION ELARD LEBANON THE COUNCIL FOR DEVELOPMENT AND Document Type: Final Report RECONSTRUCTION (CDR) Contract Ref: 18325 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR No. of Pages: 159 LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT Revision No.: C FRAMEWORK (ESMF) Document Control Revision / Date Issued by: Reviewed by: Approved by: A-for Client Review Nayla Abou Habib Mahmoud Taleb Ricardo Khoury October 14, 2014 B-for Client Approval Nayla Abou Habib Mahmoud Taleb Ricardo Khoury December 16, 2014 C-for Distribution Nayla Abou Habib Mahmoud Taleb Ricardo Khoury January 29, 2015 Disclaimer This report has been prepared by ELARD, with all reasonable skill, care and diligence within the terms of the contract with the CDR, incorporating our General Terms and Conditions of Business and taking account of the resources devoted to it by agreement with the CDR. The information contained in this report is, to the best of our knowledge, correct at the time of printing. The interpretations and recommendations are based on our experience, using reasonable professional skill and judgment, and based upon the information that was available to us. CDR is the authority to have the ownership of the document. PREPARED BY ELARD ii ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS Table of Contents ....................................................................................................................................... iii List of Tables ................................................................................................................................................. iv List of Figures ................................................................................................................................................ v List of Acronyms .......................................................................................................................................... vi ‫ ملخص تنفيذي‬...................................................................................................................................................... viii Executive Summary ................................................................................................................................ xxx 1. Introduction ....................................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 Context of the Study ................................................................................................................. 1 1.2 Objectives of the Environmental and Social Management Framework........................ 2 2. Project Description ........................................................................................................................... 3 2.1 Project Components ................................................................................................................. 3 3. Legislative and Institutional frameworks ...................................................................................... 6 3.1 World Bank’s Safeguards Policies ........................................................................................... 6 3.2 Relevant National Legislative Framework ............................................................................ 8 3.3 Institutional Framework ........................................................................................................... 12 4. Description of the Environment ................................................................................................... 16 5. Environmental and Social Management Procedures ............................................................ 38 5.1 Screening Phase ...................................................................................................................... 38 5.2 The EMP/IEE (EA) Phase .......................................................................................................... 40 5.3 Resettlement Policy Framework ........................................................................................... 42 5.4 Resettlement Action Plan ...................................................................................................... 43 6. Potential Environmental and Social Impacts ........................................................................... 44 6.1 The Generic Impacts of the Project ..................................................................................... 44 6.2 Potential Positive Environmental and Social impacts ...................................................... 45 6.3 Potential Adverse Environmental and Social Impacts ..................................................... 48 6.4 Net Social and Environmental Impacts before Mitigation .............................................. 53 7. Environmental and Social mitigation and Monitoring plan (esmmp) ................................. 54 7.1 The Impact Mitigation Plan .................................................................................................... 54 7.2 The Environmental and Social Management and Monitoring Plan .............................. 60 7.3 Institutional Arrangement for ESMMP Implementation .................................................... 70 7.3.1 Supervision of Environmental and Social Management and Monitoring Plan ....... 70 7.3.2 The Impact Monitoring Program ...................................................................................... 71 7.3.3 Reporting Within the Project ............................................................................................. 71 7.3.4 Capacity Building Needs ................................................................................................... 72 7.4 The Cost Estimate .................................................................................................................... 72 8. Consultation on the ESMF ............................................................................................................. 73 9. References ...................................................................................................................................... 80 Appendix A: Intergrated Pest Management Guidelines ................................................................. 81 PREPARED BY ELARD III ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK CONTENTS Appendix B: Filled Evaluation Forms ..................................................................................................... 84 Appendix C: List of Participants............................................................................................................. 94 Appendix D: Sample Terms of Reference for IEE/EMP ...................................................................... 99 LIST OF TABLES Table 2-1 List of the localities that would be connected to Anjar/Majdal Anjar WWTP and their corresponding populations in the years 2010 and 2025 ................................................... 4 Table 3-1 Summary of Relevant Environmental Legislations ................................................ 11 Table 4-1 Major Hydrogeological Units in the Study Area .................................................... 24 Table 6-1 The Positive Environmental and Social Impacts of the Activities of Component 1 and their Corresponding Rankings .................................................................................................... 46 Table 6-2 The Potential Negative Environmental and Social Impacts of the Activities of Component 1 49 Table 7-1 Mitigation of Impacts of Construction Phase* ...................................................... 55 Table 7-2 Mitigation of Impacts of Operation Phase ............................................................ 58 Table 7-3 The ESMMP during Construction Phase .................................................................. 61 Table 7-4 The ESMMP during Operation Phase ....................................................................... 65 Table 7-5 ESMMP Implementation Plan .................................................................................... 70 Table 7-6 Cost Estimate of the ESMF Implementation ........................................................... 72 Table 8-1 Summary of Proceedings of the Public Consultation Meeting .......................... 76 PREPARED BY ELARD IV ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK CONTENTS LIST OF FIGURES Figure 3-1 Schematic Diagram of the EIA Licensing Procedure ........................................... 10 Figure 4-1 Project Location General Overview........................................................................ 16 Figure 4-2 Minimum and Maximum Temperatures in Houch el Omara Weather Station (Jan 2009- Jan 2012) ................................................................................................................................ 17 Figure 4-3 Average and maximum wind speeds in Tal Amara Weather Station (Jan 2009 – Jan 2012) 18 Figure 4-4 Wind Direction at West Bekaa (Source: MOEW/UNDP/CEDRO, 2011. The National Wind Atlas of Lebanon) .......................................................................................................... 18 Figure 4-5 Wind Direction at Zahle (Source: MOEW/UNDP/CEDRO, 2011. The National Wind Atlas of Lebanon) .......................................................................................................................... 19 Figure 4-6 Rainfall Map of the Study Area ................................................................................ 20 Figure 4-7 General Geological and Tectonic Map of Lebanon Showing the Study Area 21 Figure 4-8 Geological Map of the Study Area ......................................................................... 22 Figure 4-9 Map Showing the Groundwater Basins in the Study Area with the Major Springs 25 Figure 4-10 Most Recent Earthquake in Jbail, Lebanon........................................................... 26 Figure 4-11 Most Recent Earthquake in Saida, Lebanon ......................................................... 27 Figure 4-12 Historical Seismicity of the Region (1990 to Present) ............................................ 28 Figure 4-13 Seismic Hazard Map ................................................................................................... 29 Figure 4-14 Syrian Refugees Distribution in the Area of Study (Source: UNHCR, The UN Refugee Agency, May 2014) ................................................................................................................. 37 Figure 8-1 Photos from the Public Consultation Meeting ....................................................... 74 PREPARED BY ELARD V ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK CONTENTS LIST OF ACRONYMS BWE Bekaa Water Establishment CDR Council for Development and Reconstruction CESMP Construction Environmental and Social Management Plan CoM Council of Ministers EA Environmental Assessment EIA Environmental Impact Assessment ELARD Earth Link and Advanced Resources Development EMP Environmental Management Plan ESA Environmental and Social Assessment ESIA Environmental and Social Impact Assessment ESIAR Environment and Social Impact Assessment Report ESMF Environmental and Social Management Framework ESMMP Environmental and Social Mitigation and Monitoring Plan GoL Government of Lebanon HSE Health, Safety and Environment IEE Initial Environmental Examination IMF Independent Municipal Fund IMP Impact Mitigation Plan IPM Integrated Pest Management IUCN International Union for Conservation of Nature LRA Litani River Authority MoE Ministry of Environment MoEW Ministry of Energy and Water MoF Ministry of Finance MoIM Ministry of Interior and Municipalities MoPH Ministry of Public Health MoPWT Ministry of Public Works and Transportation MSW Municipal Solid Waste MW Mega Watt PREPARED BY ELARD VI ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK CONTENTS NGO Non-Governmental Organization NPMPLT National Physical Master Plan of the Lebanese Territory NSEQ National Standards for Environmental Quality PMU Project Management Unit RAP Resettlement Action Plan RPF Resettlement Policy Framework SEA Strategic Environmental Assessment SWM Solid Waste Management TOR Terms of Reference UNDP United Nations Development Program United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural UNESCO Organization UNHCR United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees USAID United States Agency for International Development USGS United States Geological Survey UTC Universal Time Coordinates WB World Bank WWTP Waste Water Treatment Plant PREPARED BY ELARD VII ‫مجلس اإلنماء واإلعمار‬ ‫الدراسات البيئية واإلتجماايية الوقائية لاشروع الوقاية ان ملوّ ث بحيرة قريون‬ ‫الخص منفيذي‬ ‫إطار اإلدارة البيئية واالتجماايية‬ ‫ملخص تنفيذي‬ ‫يصف التقرير إطار اإلدارة البيئية واالجتماعية الذي تم إعداده لمشروع منع تلوث بحيرة القرعون‪.‬‬ ‫مقدمة‬ ‫يواجه نهر الليطاني حاليا مشاكل تلوث كبيرة تتزايد بمعدل ينذر بالخطر‪ .‬ونتيجة لذلك‪ ،‬أصبحت مياه البحيرة غير صالحة‬ ‫للشرب‪ ،‬وتستخدم فقط ألغراض الري في ظروف معينة‪ .‬تُعد المصادر الرئيسية للتلوث مياه الصرف الصحي المنزلي‪،‬‬ ‫ومياه الصرف الصناعي‪ ،‬والنفايات الصلبة‪ ،‬وصرف المواد الكيميائية الزراعية بما في ذلك المبيدات غير القابلة للتحلل‬ ‫(‪ .)ELARD 1122‬بهدف الحد من التلوث في بحيرة القرعون‪ ،‬يجب التحكم في كمية مياه الصرف الصحي المنزلي غير‬ ‫المعالجة والنفايات الصلبة والنفايات الصناعية التي يتم تصريفها في نهر الليطاني ويجب تحسين نوعية مياه الصرف‬ ‫الزراعي التي تصب في النهر‪.‬‬ ‫واستجابة لهذه الحالة الطارئة وسعيا للحد م ن التلوث‪ ،‬أعدت وزارة البيئة خطة عمل تحدد أهم مصادر التلوث في بحيرة‬ ‫القرعون وتوصي بحلول مناسبة‪ ،‬وتحتوي على االستثمارات ذات األولوية والمفصلة لكل قطاع ملوث‪ ،‬بمتطلبات تمويل‬ ‫تقدر بـ ‪ 112‬مليون دوالر أمريكي‪ .‬سيقدم البنك الدولي‪ ،‬بناء على طلب الحكومة اللبنانية‪ ،‬مساعدة تقنية ومالية لبعض بنود‬ ‫خطة العمل‪ .‬تشمل المكونات الثالثة التي يدعمها البنك الدولي ما يلي‪:‬‬ ‫ون ‪ : 1‬تحسين جمع مياه الصرف الصحي في البلدية من خالل بناء شبكات جديدة‪ ،‬وإعادة تأهيل جزء من القديمة‬ ‫• المك ّ‬ ‫منها‪ ،‬وإنشاء محطات ضخ جديدة‪.‬‬ ‫ون ‪ :2‬زيادة اعتماد إإجراءات المكافحة المتكاملة لآلفات التي يتعين اتخاذها من قبل المزارعين‪.‬‬‫• المك ّ‬ ‫• المكونّ ‪ : 3‬دعم الدراسات التقنية في مجال إدارة النفايات الصلبة‪ .‬وستجرى هذه الدراسات التحضيرية لتحسين نظام‬ ‫إدارة النفايات الصلبة (مواقع طمر نفايات ومرافق فرز إضافية‪ ،‬الخ)‪ .‬كذلك‪ ،‬يهدف هذا المكون إلى دعم إدارة المشاريع‬ ‫وبناء القدرات من خالل إنشاء وحدة إدارة المشاريع بغية إدارة مياه نهر الليطاني وبحيرة القرعون بشكل أفضل‪.‬‬ ‫هدف إطار اإلدارة البيئية واالجتماعية‬ ‫هدف إطار اإلدارة البيئية واالجتماعية هو توفير إجراءات ومنهجيات واضحة للفحص البيئي واالجتماعي‪ ،‬ومراجعة‬ ‫األنشطة التي ستمول‪ ،‬وإقرارها وتنفيذها‪ ،‬باإلضافة إلى تحديد األدوار والمسؤوليات المناسبة وإجراءات إعداد التقارير‬ ‫الالزمة إلدارة ورصد المخاوف البيئية واالجتماعية المتعلقة بأنشطة المشروع‪.‬‬ ‫إن إطار اإلدارة البيئية واالجتماعية موجه لالستخدام كأداة عملية خالل صياغة المشاريع وتصميمها وتخطيطها وتنفيذها‬ ‫ورصدها‪ ،‬لضمان دراسة البيئة والجوانب االجتماعية على النحو الواجب في عمليتي التخطيط والتنفيذ‪ ،‬وهو يصف‬ ‫الخطوات المتبعة في تحديد التأثيرات البيئية واالجتماعية المحتملة من االستثمارات المقترحة وتخفيفها‪.‬‬ ‫سيحدد إطار اإلدارة البيئية واالجتماعية التأثيرات االجتماعية واالقتصادية المحتملة التي ستتطلب تدابير تخفيف و ‪ /‬أو‬ ‫إعادة إسكان وتعويض‪ ،‬وسيتم تنفيذ أي تدابير إعادة إسكان و ‪ /‬أو تعويض وفقا إلطار سياسة إعادة اإلسكان التي سيتم‬ ‫تنفيذها قبل بدء أي أنشطة استثمار‪.‬‬ ‫يتضمن إطار اإلدارة البيئية واالجتماعية خطة إشراف على اإلدارة البيئية واالجتماعية من أجل تنفيذ المشروع‪ .‬وتلخص‬ ‫هذه الخطة الترتيبات المؤسسية لتطبيق تدابير تخفيفية واإلشراف‪ ،‬من خالل مؤشرات معينة‪ ،‬على تنفيذ هذه التدابير‬ ‫واحتياجات بناء القدرات فضال عن التكاليف التقديرية الالزمة لتنفيذها‪.‬‬ ‫ان إيداد‪ :‬شركة األرض للمناية الامطورة للاوارد‬ ‫‪viii‬‬ ‫مجلس اإلنماء واإلعمار‬ ‫الدراسات البيئية واإلتجماايية الوقائية لاشروع الوقاية ان ملوّ ث بحيرة قريون‬ ‫الخص منفيذي‬ ‫إطار اإلدارة البيئية واالتجماايية‬ ‫االعتبارات التشريعية والتنظيمية‬ ‫يجب على تطبيق األنشطة المقترحة في إطار المشروع أن يتطابق مع السياسات التشغيلية للبنك الدولي‪ ،‬وأن يتوافق مع‬ ‫اإلطار القانوني القائم واألنظمة المعمول بها في الحكومة اللبنانية‪.‬‬ ‫قام التحليل البيئي للبنان بتقييم نظام تقييم األثر البيئي اللبناني‪ 1‬وتحديد أوجه التشابه واالختالف بين نظام تقييم األثر البيئي‬ ‫المحلّي والسياسة التشغيلية للبنك الدولي ‪ OP 4.01‬في مجال التقييم البيئي واللوائح التنظيمية للمفوضية األوروبية ‪.97/11‬‬ ‫وفق التقييم‪ ،‬تتوافق خاصيات نظام تقييم األثر البيئي في لبنان مع معظم سياسات التقييم البيئي للبنك الدولي (‪)OP 1.12‬‬ ‫وأنظمة تقييم األثر البيئي لدى المفوضية األوروبية‪ .‬تتمثل هذه الخاصيات في‪ )2( :‬الفحص؛ (‪ )1‬تحديد النطاق؛ (‪)3‬‬ ‫مضمون تقرير تقييم األثر البيئي؛ (‪ )1‬مضمون خطة إدارة البيئة؛ (‪ )2‬أحكام االستئناف؛ و(‪ )6‬متطلبات الرصد والمتابعة‪.‬‬ ‫غير أن هناك ثغرات في نظام تقييم األثر البيئي المحلّي وهي تحديداً‪( :‬أ) عدم وجود كراسة شروط ومواصفات موحدة‬ ‫ومبادئ قطاعات توجيهية لقطاعات محددة سيتم توفيرها لصاحب المشروع‪ ،‬بغية إعداد تقارير تقييم األثر البيئي أو الفحص‬ ‫مرفَق الثاني (على غرار مشاريع الفئة ب في‬ ‫ول؛ (ب) التقصير في التشاور مع المعنيين بالمشاريع المدرجة في ال ُ‬ ‫البيئي األ ّ‬ ‫البنك الدولي ‪)OP 4.01‬؛ و (ج) عدم الكشف عن ملخص تقييم األثر البيئي والفحص البيئي األوّ ل للعموم كما تنص عليه‬ ‫المادتان ‪ 23‬و ‪ 21‬من قانون حماية البيئة – مع اإلشارة إلى أن المادة ‪ 23‬من مرسوم تقييم األثر البيئي تدعو لنشر‬ ‫المعلومات‪ .‬وتعالج هذه الثغرات في إطار اإلدارة البيئية واالجتماعية‪ ،‬من خالل توفير إرشادات إلعداد وثائق الضمانات‪،‬‬ ‫من خالل التشاور حول مشاريع الفحص البيئي األول والطلب الصريح بالكشف عن ملخصات تقييم األثر البيئي والفحص‬ ‫البيئي األول‪.‬‬ ‫سياسات الضمانات الخاصة بالبنك الدولي‬ ‫تم مراجعة كافة فئات االستثمارات بالمقارنة مع سياسات ضمانات البنك الدولي العشر‪ ،‬أثناء إعداد إطار اإلدارة البيئية‬ ‫واالجتماعية‪ ،‬وتبين أن الفئات الثالثة التالية يمكن تطبيقها‪ OP 4.01 :‬عن التقييم البيئي‪ OP 4.09 ،‬عن إدارة اآلفات‪،‬‬ ‫و‪ OP 4.12‬على إعادة اإلسكان القسرية‪.‬‬ ‫التقييم البيئي (‪)OP 4.01‬‬ ‫يتم إجراء الفحص البيئي على كافة المشاريع التي يمولها البنك‪ ،‬وفقا للتأثيرات البيئية المتوقعة للمشروع‪ .‬ويتم تصنيف‬ ‫المشاريع تبعا ً للفئات البيئية ‪ ،C ،B ،A‬أو ‪ ،FI‬بترتيب تنازلي حسب شدة التأثير البيئي‪ .‬تتفاوت األدوات الالزمة لهذه‬ ‫السياسة بين التقييمات البيئية االستراتيجية‪ ،‬إطار اإلدارة البيئية واالجتماعية‪ ،‬تقييم األثر البيئي واالجتماعي‪ ،‬وفقا لشروط‬ ‫المشروع الخاصة‪ .‬في هذه المرحلة‪ ،‬نظرا ألن تفاصيل االستثمار ليست معروفة بشكل كاف‪ ،‬يتم إعداد إطار لإلدارة البيئية‬ ‫واالجتماعية‪.‬‬ ‫استنادا إلى مبادئ ‪ ،OP / BP 4.01‬يمكن تصنيف المشاريع التي سيتم تنفيذها في إطار االستثمار المقترح كمشاريع "فئة‬ ‫‪ "B‬نظرا إلى احتمال تسببها في تأثيرات بيئية ضارة‪ ،‬لكنه من المتوقع أن تطال التأثيرات مواقعاً محددة‪ ،‬علماً أنه من‬ ‫المتوقع أن تكون التأثيرات التي ال رجعة فيها محدودة أو معدومة‪ .‬وفي معظم الحاالت‪ ،‬يمكن تنفيذ تدابير تخفيفية للحد من‬ ‫شدة التأثير إلى مستويات مقبولة‪ .‬تتطلب مشاريع "الفئة ‪ "B‬إعداد خطة إدارة بيئية بالتشاور مع المجموعات والمعنيين‬ ‫بالضرر‪.‬‬ ‫مكافحة اآلفات (‪)PO 90.4‬‬ ‫يتم مكافحة اآلفات (‪ )PO 1.14‬نظراً الستخدام مواد كيميائية ومبيدات حشرات في قطاع الزراعة‪ .‬وأحد الحلول المفضلة‬ ‫هي استخدام تقنيات المكافحة المتكاملة لآلفات (مثل المكافحة البيولوجية‪ ،‬والممارسات التقليدية‪ ،‬وتطوير واستخدام أنواع‬ ‫المحاصيل التي تقاوم أو تتحمل اآلفات) وتشجيع استخدامها في كل من القطاعات المعنية‪ .‬إذا كان ال بد من استخدام‬ ‫المبيد ات في حماية المحاصيل أو في مكافحة األمراض المنقولة ‪ ،‬ينبغي أن يتضمن المشروع الذي يموله البنك خطة‬ ‫لمكافحة اآلفات‪ ،‬يقوم المقترض بإعدادها‪ ،‬إما كوثيقة قائمة بذاتها أو كجزء من تقييم بيئي (المصدر‪ :‬البنك الدولي‪.)1121 ،‬‬ ‫وضعت هذه السياسة قائمة من المواد الكيميائية التي ال يمكن تمويلها من قبل البنك الدولي‪ .‬باإلضافة إلى ذلك‪ ،‬ينبغي وضع‬ ‫سياسة عامة‪ ،‬أي خطة لمكافحة اآلفات المكافحة المتكاملة لآلفات وإجراءات وضوابط الستخدام والتخلص من المواد‬ ‫الكيميائية والمعدات بكل أمان‪.‬‬ ‫إعادة اإلسكان القسرية (‪)PO 9012‬‬ ‫‪1‬التحليل البيئي للبنان‪ ،‬البنك الدويل‪ ،‬نيسان ‪1122‬‬ ‫ان إيداد‪ :‬شركة األرض للمناية الامطورة للاوارد‬ ‫‪ix‬‬ ‫مجلس اإلنماء واإلعمار‬ ‫الدراسات البيئية واإلتجماايية الوقائية لاشروع الوقاية ان ملوّ ث بحيرة قريون‬ ‫الخص منفيذي‬ ‫إطار اإلدارة البيئية واالتجماايية‬ ‫ي التصميم والفحص أثناء أعمال البناء لتجنب التأثيرات السلبية على األفراد واألرض‬‫يجب بذل جهود كبرى في مرحلت ّ‬ ‫واألمالك‪ ،‬بما في ذلك وصول األفراد إلى الموارد الطبيعية وغيرها االقتصادية‪ ،‬إلى أقصى حد ممكن‪ .‬في إطار المكوّ ن ‪2‬‬ ‫من المشروع‪ ،‬قد تتراءى الحاجة إلعادة اإلسكان من أجل بناء محطات ضخ المياه المبتذلة وإنشاء شبكات الصرف‬ ‫الصحي‪ .‬سيتم وضع إطار لسياسة إعادة اإلسكان تحدد إرشادات من أجل خطط إعادة اإلسكان والتعويض نظراً ّ‬ ‫ألن‬ ‫استثمار البرنامج يُطلِق هذه السياسة‪ .‬ويجب أيضا ً إعداد خطة أعمال إعادة اإلسكان والحصول على موافقة البنك عليها‬ ‫عندما يتم تحديد احتياجات ومناطق اإلسكان‪.‬‬ ‫اإلطار التشريعي الوطني ذي الصلة‬ ‫يشمل اإلطار التنظيمي الوطني التشريعات الهامة المتعلقة بالضمانات البيئية واالجتماعية‪:‬‬ ‫‪ ‬مرسوم تقييم األثر البيئي رقم ‪1121/3333‬؛‬ ‫دث بتاريخ ‪)1113/21/3‬؛‬ ‫‪ ‬قانون االستمالك رقم ‪ 23‬بتاريخ ‪( 2442/12/14‬مح ّ‬ ‫‪ ‬تشريعات بيئية أخرى تتناول مسائل إدارة الموارد المائية والنفايات الصلبة والمياه المبتذلة‪ ،‬إضافة إلى نوعية‬ ‫الهواء ومكافحة التلوث‪.‬‬ ‫اإلطار المؤسساتي‬ ‫في ما يلي عرض للمؤسسات ذات الصلة بالمشروع‪:‬‬ ‫‪ ‬البنك الدولي؛‬ ‫‪ ‬مجلس اإلنماء واإلعمار؛‬ ‫‪ ‬وزارة البيئة؛‬ ‫‪ ‬وزارة الطاقة والمياه؛‬ ‫‪ ‬مؤسسة مياه البقاع؛‬ ‫‪ ‬المصلحة الوطنية لنهر الليطاني‬ ‫‪ ‬وزارة األشغال العامة والنقل؛‬ ‫‪ ‬وزارة الداخلية والبلديات؛‬ ‫‪ ‬البلديات؛‬ ‫‪ ‬وزارة الزراعة‪.‬‬ ‫سيتم شرح دور كل من هذه المؤسسات في المشروع‪.‬‬ ‫البنك الدولي؛‬ ‫يم ّ‬ ‫ول البنك الدولي المكوّنات الثالثة للمشروع عبر مجلس اإلنماء واإلعمار‪ .‬تكمن مسؤولية البنك الدولي في‪:‬‬ ‫‪ ‬اإلشراف على تطبيق الضمانات البيئية واالجتماعية للبنك الدولي عبر تطبيق إطار اإلدارة البيئية واالجتماعية‬ ‫المعروض في هذا المستند‪:‬‬ ‫‪ ‬مراجعة دراسات بيئية والموافقة عليها من أجل ضمان صالحية عملية مراجعة تقييم األثر البيئي في لبنان؛‬ ‫‪ ‬تقديم الدعم الفني لمجلس اإلنماء واإلعمار وغيره من الجهات المعنية وفقا ً للحاجة‪ ،‬من أجل ضمان تطبيق‬ ‫ضمانات البنك الدولي بشكل معقول‪.‬‬ ‫مجلس اإلنماء واإلعمار‬ ‫سيترأس مجلس اإلنماء واإلعمار عملية تنفيذ مكوّ نات المشروع وتعيين الجهات الكفؤة لتطبيقها‪ .‬كما سيقوم مجلس اإلنماء‬ ‫م توصيات خطة اإلدارة‬ ‫واإلعمار باإلشراف على تطبيق خطة اإلشراف على اإلدارة البيئية واالجتماعية وسيضمن ض ّ‬ ‫ً‬ ‫البيئية لشبكات زحلة للمياه المبتذلة (وغيرها من خطط اإلدارة البيئية التي سيتم إعدادها الحقا) في دفتر الشروط‬ ‫والمواصفات للمتعهدين الذين سينفّذون األعمال‪.‬‬ ‫سيكون مجلس اإلنماء واإلعمار مسؤوالً أيضاً عن إجراءات اإلستمالك في حال الحاجة إلعادة اإلسكان أثناء تنفيذ أنشطة‬ ‫المك ّ‬ ‫ون ‪.2‬‬ ‫وزارة البيئة‬ ‫ان إيداد‪ :‬شركة األرض للمناية الامطورة للاوارد‬ ‫‪x‬‬ ‫مجلس اإلنماء واإلعمار‬ ‫الدراسات البيئية واإلتجماايية الوقائية لاشروع الوقاية ان ملوّ ث بحيرة قريون‬ ‫الخص منفيذي‬ ‫إطار اإلدارة البيئية واالتجماايية‬ ‫مرحلتي‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ستشرف وزارة البيئة على التأثيرات البيئية للمشروع وعلى تطبيق خطة اإلدارة البيئية ألنشطة المكوّ ن ‪ 2‬أثناء‬ ‫البناء والتشغيل‪ ،‬وعلى خطة اإلشراف على اإلدارة البيئية واالجتماعية لكافة مكوّنات المشروع‪.‬‬ ‫وزارة الطاقة والمياه ‪ /‬مؤسسة مياه البقاع ‪ /‬المصلحة الوطنية لنهر الليطاني‬ ‫تكون وزارة الطاقة والمياه مسؤولة عن إدارة المياه المبتذلة ومياه الشفة‪ ،‬وذلك عبر مؤسسة مياه البقاع‪ .‬ستكون أيضا ً‬ ‫مسؤولية عن الموافقة على تصميم شبكات المياه المبتذلة وعلى مواقع محطات الضخ ومسائل أخرى مرتبطة بإدارة‬ ‫الموارد المائية‪ .‬سوف تكون المصلحة الوطنية لنهر الليطاني مسؤولة عن اإلشراف على جودة مياه نهر الليطاني وروافده‪،‬‬ ‫إضافة إلى إجراء حمالت توعية وتنظيف‪.‬‬ ‫سيتقوم مؤسسة مياه البقاع باإلشراف على توصيات خطة اإلدارة البيئية‪/‬الفحص البيئي األوّ ل ألنشطة المك ّ‬ ‫ون ‪ 2‬أثناء‬ ‫مرحلة التشغيل‪.‬‬ ‫وزارة األشغال العامة والنقل‬ ‫وفقا للمرسوم ‪ ،2443/23334‬سوف تكون المديرية العامة للطرق والمباني التابعة لوزارة األشغال العامة والنقل مسؤولة‬ ‫عن فحص شبكات الصرف الصحي‪ .‬إضافة إلى ذلك‪ ،‬تخضع الطرقات العامة لسلطة وزارة األشغال العامة والنقل‪ .‬نتيجة‬ ‫لذلك‪ ،‬فإنه من المهم جداً التنسيق مع وزارة األشغال العامة والنقل عند تنفيذ أعمال البنى التحتية‪ ،‬كاألنشطة المعروضة في‬ ‫ون ‪ 2‬من المشروع الحالي‬ ‫المك ّ‬ ‫وزارة الداخلية والبلديات‬ ‫تتكفّل وزارة الداخلية والبلديات بإدارة أمور البلديات واتحادات البلديات‪ .‬تخضع إدارة النفايات الصلبة إلشراف وزارة‬ ‫ون ‪ 3‬للمشروع في كافة نواحي‬‫الداخلية والبلديات‪ .‬لذلك‪ ،‬يجب التنسيق مع وزارة الداخلية والبلديات في مجال تطبيق المك ّ‬ ‫الدراسة‪.‬‬ ‫البلديات‬ ‫شرف البلديات على تطبيق خطة اإلشراف على اإلدارة البيئية واالجتماعية وبشكل خاص على تطبيق توصيات‬ ‫سوف تُ ِ‬ ‫ون ‪ 2‬من المشروع‪.‬‬ ‫خطة اإلدارة البيئية‪/‬الفحص البيئي األ ّ‬ ‫ول المرتبطة بأنشطة البناء للمك ّ‬ ‫وزارة الزراعة‬ ‫ون ‪ 1‬للمشروع بشكل منظّم (تحسّن في جودة الصرف الزراعي)‪،‬‬ ‫إن وزارة الزراعة مسؤولة عن تطبيق أنشطة المك ّ‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ويشمل ذلك بناء وتعزيز قدرات الفالحين الموجودين في منطقة المشروع من أجل تطبيق ممارسات المكافحة المتكاملة‬ ‫لآلفات وتقليل استخدام األسمدة الكيمياوية‪ .‬سوف تقوم الوزارة أيضا ً بحمالت توعية مرتبطة بمسائل البيئة والصحة العامة‬ ‫واالستخدام المفرط للمواد الزراعية الكيمياوية‪.‬‬ ‫وصف البيئة‬ ‫تم جمع معلومات أساسية حول الوضع االجتماعي االقتصادي والبيئة في بلدات زحلة والبقاع الغربي المعنيّة بهذا‬ ‫المشروع‪ ،‬وتناولت هذه المعلومات المواضيع التالية‪:‬‬ ‫‪ ‬المناخ (الحرارة والهواء وتساقط األمطار)؛‬ ‫علم األرض؛‬ ‫‪ِ ‬‬ ‫علم طبقات األرض؛‬ ‫‪ِ ‬‬ ‫‪ ‬الجيولوجيا المائية وجودة المياه الجوفية؛‬ ‫‪ ‬البيئة؛‬ ‫‪ ‬اآلثار؛‬ ‫ون‬‫‪ ‬معلومات اجتماعية اقتصادية حول البلدات المعنيّة بمختلف مكوّ نات المك ّ‬ ‫تم جمع المعلومات حول البلدات ذات الصلة عبر استعراض لقاعدات البيانات التي تحوي المعلومات االجتماعية‬ ‫االقتصادية حول البلدات وأيضا ً عبر مسوحات ميدانية لمختلف الفحوص البيئية األولى وتقييمات التأثيرات البيئية في منطقة‬ ‫إن البلدات هي‪ :‬حزرتا‪ ،‬سعدنايل‪،‬‬ ‫البقاع الغربي وزحلة والتي قامت بإعدادها شركة األرض للتنمية المتطورة للموارد‪ّ .‬‬ ‫ان إيداد‪ :‬شركة األرض للمناية الامطورة للاوارد‬ ‫‪xi‬‬ ‫مجلس اإلنماء واإلعمار‬ ‫الدراسات البيئية واإلتجماايية الوقائية لاشروع الوقاية ان ملوّ ث بحيرة قريون‬ ‫الخص منفيذي‬ ‫إطار اإلدارة البيئية واالتجماايية‬ ‫أبلح ‪ ،‬الفرزل‪ ،‬شتورة‪ ،‬تعلبايا‪ ،‬قب الياس‪ ،‬مكسة‪ ،‬المريجات‪ ،‬بوارج‪ ،‬عيتنيت‪ ،‬القرعون‪ ،‬الصويري‪ ،‬المرج‪ ،‬زحلة‪،‬‬ ‫قاع الريم‪ ،‬عنجر‪ ،‬مجدل عنجر‪ ،‬بر الياس‪ ،‬الروضة‪ ،‬جديتا‪ ،‬تعنايل‪.‬‬ ‫لم يتم تحديد أ ّ‬ ‫ي مسائل ضخمة مثيرة للقلق ترتبط باألوضاع الرئيسية التي يمكن أن تقيّد تطبيق المشروع بشكل كبير‪.‬‬ ‫إجراءات اإلدارة البيئية واالجتماعية‬ ‫يغطي هذا القسم دورة التقييم البيئي واالجتماعي‪ ،‬بما في ذلك الفحص‪ ،‬واإلعداد‪ ،‬والمراجعة‪ ،‬والتنفيذ والرصد‪ .‬يجب أن‬ ‫تمتثل إجراءات اإلدارة البيئية واالجتماعية للسياسات التشغيلية للبنك الدولي‪ ،‬وأن تتوافق في الوقت ذاته مع اإلطار القانوني‬ ‫القائم واألنظمة المعمول بها في الحكومة اللبنانية‪.‬‬ ‫يُجري البنك الدولي فحصا ً بيئيا ً لتحديد المدى المطلوب ونوع التقييم البيئي‪ .‬كما يصنف البنك الدولي المشروع المقترح إلى‬ ‫واحدة من أربع فئات‪ ،‬وفقا ً لنوع‪ ،‬وموقع‪ ،‬وحساسية‪ ،‬وحجم المشروع‪ ،‬وطبيعة وحجم اآلثار البيئية المحتملة‪ .‬وبالمثل‪،‬‬ ‫ووفقا ً للمرسوم رقم ‪ ،1121/3333‬يمكن أن يقع المشروع في واحدة من ثالث فئات‪ :‬الفئة ‪ 2‬أو الفئة ‪ 1‬أو الفئة ‪.3‬‬ ‫تفرض المشاريع في إطار المكون ‪ 2‬تقديم خطة إدارة بيئية إلى البنك الدولي وتقديم تقييم خارجي مستقل إلى وزارة البيئة‪.‬‬ ‫وباالتفاق مع البنك الدولي ووزارة البيئة‪ ،‬سيتم إعداد تقرير واحد (يُشار إليه باسم تقرير التقييم البيئي) يضم خطة اإلدارة‬ ‫البيئية و الفحص البيئي المبدئي وذلك حسب المتطلبات األكثر صرامة‪ ،‬حيث سيجري استخدام هيكل الفحص البيئي المبدئي‬ ‫‪،‬و الذي يحتوي على خطة اإلدارة البيئية العائدة للبنك الدولي‪ ،‬واستكماله بحسب متطلبات خطة اإلدارة البيئية التي تشمل‬ ‫التشاور مع الجمهور واإلفصاح‪.‬‬ ‫عالوة على ذلك‪ ،‬يجب إعداد سياسةإعادة اإلسكان ألنشطة المكون ‪ .2‬هذه السياسة سوف تحدد السياسات والمبادئ‪،‬‬ ‫والترتيبات المؤسسية‪ ،‬والجداول الزمنية والميزانيات اإلرشادية التي ستهتم بإعادة اإلسكان القسرية المتوقعة على النحو‬ ‫المحدد في ‪ OP 4.12‬واألنظمة اللبنانية‪ .‬ستتم دراسة إعادة اإلسكان ألنشطة بناء شبكة زحلة عند تحديد احتياجات إعادة‬ ‫اإلسكان‪.‬‬ ‫المسؤوليات‬ ‫مجلس اإلنماء واإلعمار مسؤول عما يلي‪:‬‬ ‫أ) مراجعة تقرير التقييم البيئي قبل تقديمه إلى البنك الدولي‪.‬‬ ‫ب) مراجعة التصنيف لتقييم األثر البيئي قبل أن يتم تقديمه إلى وزارة البيئة‪.‬‬ ‫ج) إعداد واستعراض تقرير التقييم البيئي قبل تقديمه إلى وزارة البيئة‪.‬‬ ‫د) التأكد من أن الخطة البيئية وخطة اإلدارة االجتماعية سيتم تضمينها كجزء من دفتر شروط المتعهدين؛‬ ‫ه) مراقبة تنفيذ خطة اإلدارة البيئية واالجتماعية أثناء بناء المشروع‪ ،‬وتضمين تقريراً حول تنفيذ خطة اإلدارة البيئية‬ ‫واالجتماعية كجزء من التقرير نصف السنوي للبنك الدولي‪.‬‬ ‫و) اعتماد إطار لسياسة إعادة اإلسكان وخطة أ إعادة اإلسكان‪.‬‬ ‫يتولى قسم التكنولوجيا البيئية ‪ /‬وزارة البيئة المسؤوليات التالية‪:‬‬ ‫أ) مراجعة واتخاذ قرار بشأن تقرير التقييم البيئي‪.‬‬ ‫ب) اإلشراف على تنفيذ خطة اإلدارة البيئية واالجتماعية أثناء مراحل البناء والتشغيل‪.‬‬ ‫يتولى البنك الدولي مراجعة واعتماد تقارير الضمانات البيئية واالجتماعية كما سيراقب أيضا ً تنفيذ خطة اإلدارة البيئية‬ ‫واالجتماعية‪.‬‬ ‫طور خطة اإلدارة البيئية‪/‬الفحص البيئي المبدئي‬ ‫يتجسد هدف عملية خطة اإلدارة البيئية‪/‬الفحص البيئي االمبدئي للمكون ‪ 2‬في ما يلي‪:‬‬ ‫• تحديد وتحليل اآلثار والقضايا البيئية واالجتماعية المحتملة‪ ،‬سوا ً‬ ‫ء الضارة والمفيدة‪ ،‬المتعلقة بالمشروع المقترح‪.‬‬ ‫• تحديد التدابير الالزمة لتجنب‪ ،‬أو الحد من‪ ،‬أو تخفيف‪ ،‬أو موازنة ‪ /‬تعويض اآلثار السلبية على العمال‪ ،‬والمجتمعات‬ ‫المحلية المتضررة والبيئة‪.‬‬ ‫ً‬ ‫• تصميم خطة اإلدارة البيئية واالجتماعية لمعالجة التخفيف‪ ،‬ورصد هذه التدابير السلبية‪ ،‬فضال عن اقتراح التدابير‬ ‫المؤسسية إلدارة ومراقبة التأثيرات الضارة وتدابيرها التأهيلية حسب الحاجة‪.‬‬ ‫ان إيداد‪ :‬شركة األرض للمناية الامطورة للاوارد‬ ‫‪xii‬‬ ‫مجلس اإلنماء واإلعمار‬ ‫الدراسات البيئية واإلتجماايية الوقائية لاشروع الوقاية ان ملوّ ث بحيرة قريون‬ ‫الخص منفيذي‬ ‫إطار اإلدارة البيئية واالتجماايية‬ ‫• تحديد تقارير المراقبة الذاتية الخاصة التي سيكون من شأن مجلس اإلنماء واإلعمار تقديمها إلى البنك الدولي ووزارة‬ ‫البيئة في مرحلة بناء وتشغيل المشروع االستثماري‪.‬‬ ‫• التأكد من أن عقود االستثمار تضم الشروط المناسبة إللزام المقاولين باالمتثال إلى العناصر المرتبطة بـخطة اإلدارة‬ ‫البيئية واالجتماعية وتقديم تقارير مرحلية أيضاً كجزء من التزاماتهم التعاقدية‪.‬‬ ‫تتمثل نتائج العملية في تقرير خطة اإلدارة البيئية‪ /‬الفحص البيئي المبدئي والذي تتم مناقشته بمزيد من التفصيل في الملحق‬ ‫‪ 3‬من المرسوم رقم ‪ 1121/3333‬ويجب أن يشمل ما يلي‪:‬‬ ‫• ملخص تنفيذي غير فني‪.‬‬ ‫• جدول المحتويات‪.‬‬ ‫• مقدمة‪.‬‬ ‫• السياسة واإلطار القانوني واإلداري‪.‬‬ ‫• وصف المشروع المقترح‪.‬‬ ‫• وصف خط األساس للبيئة المحيطة بالمشروع ومنطقة نفوذها‪.‬‬ ‫• التشاور مع العامة‪.‬‬ ‫• التأثيرات البيئية واالجتماعية المحتملة للمشروع‪.‬‬ ‫• خطة اإلدارة االجتماعية والبيئية وفقا ً للعنصر الالحقة‪.‬‬ ‫• متطلبات المراقبة الذاتية أثناء مراحل بناء وتشغيل المشروع‪.‬‬ ‫• ملخص وثائق المشروع‪.‬‬ ‫• الجداول وبيانات المعلومات‪.‬‬ ‫• قائمة المراجع العلمية وغير العلمية المستخدمة‪.‬‬ ‫معدي تقرير الفحص البيئي األول (األفراد والمؤسسات)‪.‬‬ ‫• قائمة بأسماء ُ‬ ‫إطار سياسة إعادة اإلسكان‬ ‫يجب أن يغطي اإلطار جميع أنشطة المشروع‪ ،‬ويجب تطبيقه على جميع األشخاص النازحين بغض النظر عن عدد‬ ‫المتضررين وشدة التأثير‪ ،‬وعما إذا كانت تتوافر أو ال تتوافر لدى األشخاص المتضررين الملكية القانونية لألرض‪ .‬نظراً‬ ‫لما تسببه إعادة اإلسكان غالبا ً من تأثير على الفئات األكثر ضعفا ً وتهميشا ً (اقتصاديا ً وسياسياً واجتماعياً)‪ ،‬يجب على إطار‬ ‫لسياسة إعادة اإلسكان أن يكون حساسا بشكل خاص لتأثيرات النزوح على هذه المجموعات‪ ،‬بما في ذلك‪ ،‬المعدمين وكبار‬ ‫السن والنساء واألطفال واألقليات العرقية الفقيرة‪ ،‬أو األشخاص ذوي اإلعاقة العقلية أو البدنية الخاصة‪ .‬سيتم تطبيق إطار‬ ‫لسياسة إعادة اإلسكان هذا في حالة ضرورة إعادة اإلسكان أثناء تنفيذ مكونات المشروع ‪ 2‬على نحو ال مفر منه‪ ،‬وينبغي‬ ‫بذل الجهود لتجنب أو تقليل الحاجة إلى شراء األراضي وإعادة اإلسكان‪.‬‬ ‫خطة إعادة اإلسكان‬ ‫يتطلب أي نشاط ضمن المكون ‪ 2‬والذي يستوجب الحصول على األراضي‪ ،‬ويترتب عليه إعادة اإلسكان القسري لألفراد‪،‬‬ ‫أو فقدان أو تقييد الوصول إلى الموارد الخاصة أو الجماعية‪ ،‬إعداد خطة إعادة اإلسكان المشار إليها باالختصار (‪)RAP‬‬ ‫اعتماداً على عدد األشخاص المتأثرين أو أهمية آثار إعادة اإلسكان وفقا ً لـ ‪.OP 4.12‬‬ ‫اآلثار البيئية واالجتماعية المحتملة‬ ‫ال نتوقع أن تتولد آثار بيئية واجتماعية سلبية كبيرة من جراء تنفيذ االستثمار المقترح‪ .‬يجب تأكيد هذا في الدراسات البيئية‬ ‫واالجتماعية الالحقة التي ستجرى على االستثمارات المحددة في المشروع‪ ،‬وفقاً لما يمليه إطار اإلدارة البيئية واالجتماعية‬ ‫هذا‪.‬‬ ‫نسرد اآلثار البيئية واالجتماعية اإليجابية والسلبية ألنشطة المكون ‪ 2‬في الجدول ‪ 2‬و‪ ،1‬على الترتيب‪ .‬اآلثار اإليجابية‬ ‫لمختلف المكونات األخرى‪.‬‬ ‫المكون ‪ - 2‬زيادة اعتماد ممارسات المكافحة المتكاملة لآلفات التي يتعين على المزارعين تطبيقها‪.‬‬ ‫يقترح هذا المكون إجراء حمالت التوعية التي تستهدف في الغالب كبار المزارعين لعرض مفهوم اإلدارة المتكاملة لآلفات‬ ‫القائم على الحد من استخدام األسمدة‪ ،‬وتحسين أساليب الري وممارسات إعداد األرض‪ .‬في نهاية المطاف‪ ،‬سيتقيد تلوث‬ ‫ان إيداد‪ :‬شركة األرض للمناية الامطورة للاوارد‬ ‫‪xiii‬‬ ‫مجلس اإلنماء واإلعمار‬ ‫الدراسات البيئية واإلتجماايية الوقائية لاشروع الوقاية ان ملوّ ث بحيرة قريون‬ ‫الخص منفيذي‬ ‫إطار اإلدارة البيئية واالتجماايية‬ ‫التربة وبحيرة قرعون بالمبيدات الزراعية وستتحسن المعرفة التقنية للمزارعين إضافة إلى حساسيتهم تجاه القضايا البيئية‪.‬‬ ‫يكون لهذا المكون بصورة رئيسية آثار إيجابية على المجتمع والبيئة دون أي آثار سلبية‪.‬‬ ‫المكون ‪3‬‬ ‫إدارة النفايات الصلبة‬ ‫يهدف هذا المكون إلى قيادة الدراسات الفنية والبيئية واالجتماعية إلنشاء مركز فرز ومطمر صحي في بر الياس باإلضافة‬ ‫إلى مركز فرز في راشيا وإغالق وإعادة تأهيل المكبات مثل تمنين التحتا‪ ،‬قب الياس‪ ،‬بر الياس‪ ،‬حوش الحريمة‪ ،‬آلخيارة‪،‬‬ ‫جب جنين‪ ،‬غزة أو الكيال‪ .‬ستُعد هذه الدراسات بداية من السنة الثانية من تنفيذ المشروع‪.‬‬ ‫تعد هذه األنشطة بمثابة دراسات ويكون لها في الغالب تأثيرات إيجابية دون أي آثار سلبية على البيئة والمجتمع‪ .‬في حال‬ ‫ء على دراسات أجريت في‬ ‫قررت الحكومة تمويل إنشاء فرز النفايات والطمر الصحي باستخدام ميزانية خاصة بها بنا ً‬ ‫إطار المكون ‪ ،3‬سيتم إعداد تقييم األثر البيئي والكشف عنه وفقاً لمرسوم تقييم األثر البيئي المحلي‪ ،‬وستنعقد المشاورات‬ ‫قبل بدء األعمال‪.‬‬ ‫بناء القدرات وإدارة المشروعات‬ ‫يناقش هذا المكون إطالق برامج بناء القدرات من أجل مؤسسة مياه البقاع والمصلحة الوطنية لنهر الليطاني‪ .‬تعد آثار تلك‬ ‫األنشطة إيجابية وذلك في إطار تزويد مؤسسة مياه البقاع والمصلحة الوطنية لنهر الليطاني في نهاية المطاف بالتوجيهات‬ ‫الكافية والمساعدة التقنية لمراقبة الموارد المائية‪ ،‬وإدارة نظم الري‪ ،‬وتحسين إدارة المخاطر وتعزيز القدرات المؤسساتية‬ ‫لدعم تنفيذ خطة العمل لمكافحة تلوث بحيرة القرعون‪.‬‬ ‫ان إيداد‪ :‬شركة األرض للمناية الامطورة للاوارد‬ ‫‪xiv‬‬ ‫جملس اإلمناء واإلعمار‬ ‫الدراسات الوقائية البيئية واالجتماعية ملشروع منع تلوث حبرية القرعون‬ ‫امللخص التنفيذي‬ ‫هيكل اإلدارة البيئية واالجتماعية (إطار اإلدارة البيئية واالجتماعية)‬ ‫الجدول ‪ 1‬التأثيرات البيئية واالجتماعية اإليجابية ألنشطة المكون ‪ 1‬وتصنيفاتها المقابلة‬ ‫الترجيح‬ ‫التصنيف‬ ‫اإلستمرار‬ ‫التأثير الثانوي‬ ‫التأثير الرئيسي‬ ‫النشاط‬ ‫االستثمار‬ ‫(‪ )2‬التأثيرات العامة في مرحلة التصميم‬ ‫على المدى‬ ‫يمكن أن تحدث تغيير في المواقف‬ ‫توعية المجتمع بالمتطلبات البيئية‬ ‫‪2P‬‬ ‫مرتفع‬ ‫البعيد‬ ‫تجاه الحفاظ على البيئة‬ ‫على المدى‬ ‫إنشاء قاعدة بيانات عن البيئة االجتماعية‬ ‫إخضاع المشروع بأكمله لعملية إطار‬ ‫تصميم شبكات الصرف الصحي‬ ‫‪P‬‬ ‫متوسط‬ ‫تحسين الوعي العام‬ ‫البعيد‬ ‫والمادية لموقع المشروع‬ ‫اإلدارة البيئية واالجتماعية هذه‬ ‫الجديدة‪ ،‬ومحطات الضخ‬ ‫على المدى‬ ‫الوضع المحلي وتوثيق أولويات التنمية‬ ‫‪2P‬‬ ‫مرتفع‬ ‫يوفر منتدى لتنمية منسقة ومرشدة‬ ‫البعيد‬ ‫(‪ )1‬التأثيرات اإليجابية أثناء مرحلة البناء‬ ‫على المدى‬ ‫دخل إضافي إلى كل كادر من‬ ‫األعمال المدنية (الحفر وتركيب‬ ‫‪2P‬‬ ‫مرتفع‬ ‫خلق فرص العمل‬ ‫القصير‬ ‫الموظفين وأسرهم‬ ‫األنابيب‪ ،‬والردم‪ ،‬وبناء محطات‬ ‫أنشطة البناء‬ ‫على المدى‬ ‫دخل إضافي للمؤسسات‬ ‫زيادة الطلب على اإلمدادات (المواد‬ ‫الضخ)‬ ‫‪2P‬‬ ‫مرتفع‬ ‫القصير‬ ‫التجارية في المنطقة‬ ‫الخام‪ ،‬واألنابيب ‪)...‬‬ ‫(‪ )1‬التأثيرات اإليجابية أثناء مرحلة التشغيل‬ ‫تحسين صحة السكان في منطقة‬ ‫على المدى‬ ‫‪2P‬‬ ‫مرتفع‬ ‫المشروع بتقليل األمراض‬ ‫تحسين النظافة والصرف الصحي‬ ‫البعيد‬ ‫المنقولة عن طريق المياه‬ ‫بناء شبكات الصرف الصحي‬ ‫انخفاض تصريف الملوثات إلى‬ ‫الجديدة‪ ،‬ومحطات الضخ‪ ،‬وإعادة‬ ‫البنية التحتية للصرف الصحي‬ ‫على المدى‬ ‫خفض تلوث المياه الجوفية‬ ‫المسطحات المائية وحماية مصادر‬ ‫تأهيل أجزاء الشبكة القديمة‬ ‫‪2P‬‬ ‫مرتفع‬ ‫البعيد‬ ‫والسطحية‬ ‫المياه في مستجمعات المياه لنهر‬ ‫الليطاني وبحيرة القرعون‬ ‫مفتاح الجدول‪ /‬مقياس تصنيف التأثير‪ P :‬إيجابي؛ ‪ 2P‬إيجابي للغاية؛ ‪ O‬ال تأثير؛ ‪ N‬سلبي؛ ‪ 2N‬سلبي للغاية‬ ‫ان إيداد‪ :‬شركة األرض للمناية الامطورة للاوارد‬ ‫‪xv‬‬ ‫جملس اإلمناء واإلعمار‬ ‫الدراسات الوقائية البيئية واالجتماعية ملشروع منع تلوث حبرية القرعون‬ ‫امللخص التنفيذي‬ ‫هيكل اإلدارة البيئية واالجتماعية (إطار اإلدارة البيئية واالجتماعية)‬ ‫التأثيرات البيئية واالجتماعية السلبية المحتملة التابعة ألنشطة المكون ‪1‬‬ ‫الجدول ‪2‬‬ ‫جدوى التخفيف من‬ ‫الترجيح‬ ‫مدة التأثير‬ ‫المدة الزمنية‬ ‫التأثير‬ ‫المستقبل‬ ‫المرحلة‬ ‫الحدة‬ ‫منخفضة (على المدى‬ ‫يمكن عكس تأثيرها‬ ‫يمكن أن تكون‬ ‫تغيير مؤقت أو دائم في التضاريس‪ ،‬وتآكل وانهيار التربة بسببب تسبوية األرض‪ ،‬أو حفبر الخنبادق‪،‬‬ ‫‪N‬‬ ‫القصير)‪ /‬مرتفعة(على‬ ‫أو‪ /‬يتعذر عكس‬ ‫على المدى البعيد‬ ‫أو الحفر‪.‬‬ ‫المدى البعيد)‬ ‫تأثيرها‬ ‫أو القريب‬ ‫‪ -‬تغيير في التربة ونوعية المياه الجوفية بسبب‪:‬‬ ‫‪ -‬تسرب الوقبود‪ ،‬زيبوت التشبحيم‪ ،‬معبدات البنفط ونقبل البنفط إلبى الترببة المكشبوفة والمحفبورة‬ ‫في عملية الحفر بسبب مركبات البناء ‪ /‬والشحن والمعدات‬ ‫‪ -‬عببدم كفايببة التخببزين والببتخلص مببن زيببت التشببحيم‪ ،‬معببدات الزيوتونقببل الزيببوت المسببتخدمة‬ ‫لصيانة المعدات؛‬ ‫‪ -‬عدم كفاية التخزين والتخلص من مواد األسفلت المستخدمة في أنشطة التعبيد؛‬ ‫‪ -‬انسببكابات المببواد التببي قببد تكببون ملوثببة مثببل الغببراء‪ ،‬والمببذيبات‪ ،‬أو مببواد التشببحيم التببي يببتم‬ ‫اسببتخدامها أو تخزينهببا فببي الموقببع لتركيببب األنابيببب‪ .‬يمكببن لالنسببكابات أن ت بؤثر علببى التربببة‬ ‫التربة والمياه‬ ‫المستخرجة أو المكشوفة؛‬ ‫الجوفية‬ ‫‪N‬‬ ‫متوسطة‬ ‫يمكن عكس تأثيرها‬ ‫على المدى البعيد‬ ‫‪ -‬تسرب عرضي من التزود بالوقود ؛‬ ‫‪ -‬التخلص غير السليم من نفايات الخرسبانة الناتجبة عبن خلبط الخرسبانة فبي الموقبع أو تنظيبف‬ ‫مركبات الخرسانة الجاهزة؛‬ ‫زن والخنبادق التبي‬ ‫‪ -‬مياه الجريان السطحية التي تحتك مع الخرسانة‪ ،‬والرمبل والحصبى المخب ّ‬ ‫تم حفرها خالل األيام الممطرة وبقيت مفتوحة‪.‬‬ ‫‪ -‬تفريب ميباه االختببار الهيدروسبتاتيكي الميباه التببي تحتبك مبع الترببة المسبتخرجة الموضببوعة‬ ‫البناء‬ ‫على طول الخنادق‪.‬‬ ‫‪ -‬عببدم الببتخلص السببليم مببن النفايببات الصببلبة والميبباه العادمببة الناتجببة أثنبباء عمليببة البنبباء مببن‬ ‫العمال؛ و‬ ‫‪ -‬تسرب من شبكات الصرف الصحي القديمة خالل إعادة التأهيل‪.‬‬ ‫‪ -‬تغيير في المياه السطحية والرواسب النوعية بسبب‪:‬‬ ‫‪ • -‬التسرب المحتمل للوقود ‪ /‬االزيوت ‪ /‬المواد الكيميائية من‪:‬‬ ‫النقل‪.‬‬ ‫ووسائل‬ ‫البناء‬ ‫عملية‬ ‫أثناء‬ ‫المستخدمة‬ ‫اآلالت‬ ‫المولدات‪ ،‬و‬ ‫عمليات إعادة التزود بالوقود والتفتيش الروتينية‪.‬‬ ‫على المدى‬ ‫• عدم كفاية التخزين والتخلص من مياه الصرف الصحي والنفايات الصلبة (النفايات المنزلية ومخلفات‬ ‫‪N‬‬ ‫متوسطة‬ ‫يمكن عكس تأثيرها‬ ‫المياه السطحية‬ ‫القصير‬ ‫البناء) والنفايات الخطرة التي سيتم توليدها من أنشطة البناء‪:‬‬ ‫‪ - -‬أعمال الحفر والبناء لطرق الوصول‪.‬‬ ‫‪ - -‬تركيب خط األنابيب ‪ /‬التخندق والردم‪.‬‬ ‫‪ - -‬االختبار المائية‪.‬‬ ‫‪ - -‬بناء محطات الضخ‪.‬‬ ‫‪ - -‬التخلص من المواد الكيميائية أثناء صيانة اآلالت والمولدات والمعدات‪.‬‬ ‫‪N‬‬ ‫منخفضة‬ ‫يمكن عكس تأثيرها‬ ‫على المدى‬ ‫زيادة ملوثات الهواء بسبب حركة المركبات و الشاحنات خالل التعبئة والتوريد‪ ،‬باإلضافة‬ ‫نوعية الهواء‬ ‫ان إيداد‪ :‬شركة األرض للمناية الامطورة للاوارد‬ ‫‪xvi‬‬ ‫جملس اإلمناء واإلعمار‬ ‫الدراسات الوقائية البيئية واالجتماعية ملشروع منع تلوث حبرية القرعون‬ ‫امللخص التنفيذي‬ ‫هيكل اإلدارة البيئية واالجتماعية (إطار اإلدارة البيئية واالجتماعية)‬ ‫جدوى التخفيف من‬ ‫الترجيح‬ ‫مدة التأثير‬ ‫المدة الزمنية‬ ‫التأثير‬ ‫المستقبل‬ ‫المرحلة‬ ‫الحدة‬ ‫القصير‬ ‫إلى تشغيل آالت البناء التي تعمل بالديزل (أي مولد الطاقة‪ ،‬وسيلة التحميل‪ ،‬الجرافة‪،‬‬ ‫شاحنات التفري ‪.)...‬‬ ‫انبعاثات الغبار من أنشطة الحفر والردم‪ ،‬التخزين المؤقت للتربة المستخرجة بالقرب من‬ ‫على المدى‬ ‫‪N‬‬ ‫منخفضة‬ ‫يمكن عكس تأثيرها‬ ‫الخنادق المحفورة وكذلك من حركة المركبات على الطرق غير المعبدة‪ ،‬والتي قد تؤثر على‬ ‫القصير‬ ‫نوعية الهواء المحيط‬ ‫متوسطة (على المدى‬ ‫فقدان مبواطن الكائنبات الحيبة أو دمارهبا‪ ،‬التغيبر فبي عوامبل الموقبع‪ ،‬وفيبات األفبراد وتجزئبة‬ ‫‪-‬‬ ‫القصير ويمكن عكس‬ ‫يمكن أن تكون‬ ‫مواطن الكائنات الحية‪ ،‬واالضطراب‪ ،‬وفقدان الغطاء النباتي بسبب‪:‬‬ ‫يمكن عكس تأثيرها‪/‬‬ ‫تأثيرها) ‪ /‬مرتفعة (على‬ ‫على المدى البعيد‬ ‫‪ -‬تنظيف الموقع وتحضير موقع بناء محطة الضخ‪.‬‬ ‫البيئة النباتية ‪-‬‬ ‫‪N‬‬ ‫أو يتعذر عكس‬ ‫المدى البعيد ويتعذر عكس‬ ‫أو على المدى‬ ‫‪ -‬عملية الحفر لألنابيب ولمحطات الضخ‪.‬‬ ‫والحيوانية ‪-‬‬ ‫تأثيرها‬ ‫تأثيرها مثل فقدان بعض‬ ‫القصير‬ ‫‪ -‬تسرب عرضي (الوقود ‪ /‬المواد الكيميائية) أثناء البناء؛ و‬ ‫‪-‬‬ ‫األنواع)‬ ‫‪ -‬التخلص غير السليم من النفايات الصلبة والمواد الفائضة الناتجة عن عملية الحفر‬ ‫‪-‬‬ ‫زيادة في حجم المرور بسبب نشر مركبات البناء وسيارات النقل والمعدات؛ و‬ ‫‪-‬‬ ‫على المدى‬ ‫‪N‬‬ ‫متوسطة‬ ‫يمكن عكس تأثيرها‬ ‫زيادة أوقات التنقل للسائقين المارين عبر منطقة المشروع بسبب غلق جزئي أو كلي للطرق‬ ‫‪-‬‬ ‫المرور‬ ‫القصير‬ ‫المتاخمة لخطوط األنابيب المركبة‬ ‫زيادة في مستويات الضوضاء المحيطة بسبب‪:‬‬ ‫‪-‬‬ ‫أنشطة التحضير وتنظيف الموقع‪ ،‬وعملية الحفر‪.‬‬ ‫‪-‬‬ ‫على المدى‬ ‫أنشطة البناء في موقع محطات الضخ (أشغال ا التحضير‪ ،‬والخرسانة المسلحة‪ ،‬والتشطيبات‬ ‫‪-‬‬ ‫‪N‬‬ ‫متوسطة‬ ‫يمكن عكس تأثيرها‬ ‫الضوضاء‬ ‫القصير‬ ‫الداخلية والخارجية)؛‬ ‫حركة المركبات لنقل األفراد والمواد‪.‬‬ ‫‪-‬‬ ‫تشغيل المعدات واآلالت في الموقع‪.‬‬ ‫‪-‬‬ ‫إصابات العامة والعمال بسبب‪:‬‬ ‫‪-‬‬ ‫يمكن أن تكون‬ ‫يمكن أن تكون يمكن‬ ‫الخنببادق المفتوحبببة‪ ،‬ومبببواد البنببباء المخزنبببة بشبببكل علنبببي أو المتحركبببة‪ ،‬ونقبببل معبببدات البنببباء‬ ‫‪-‬‬ ‫على المدى البعيد‬ ‫الصحة والسالمة‬ ‫‪N‬‬ ‫منخفضة‬ ‫عكس تأثيرها أو‬ ‫وإعادة توجيه المرور‪.‬‬ ‫أو على المدى‬ ‫المهنية‬ ‫يتعذر عكس تأثيرها‬ ‫أنشطة البناء العامة وتركيب األنابيب التي سوف تزيد مبن تعبرض العمبال والعامبة للضوضباء‬ ‫‪-‬‬ ‫القصير‬ ‫والغبار والمخاطر المهنية مما يؤدي إلى زيادة الحوادث المحتملة‪.‬‬ ‫االجتماعي‬ ‫‪2N‬‬ ‫مرتفعة‬ ‫يتعذر عكس تأثيرها‬ ‫على المدى البعيد‬ ‫االستحواذ على األراضي إلنشاء محطات الضخ‬ ‫واالقتصادي‬ ‫على المدى‬ ‫‪N‬‬ ‫منخفضة‬ ‫يمكن عكس تأثيرها‬ ‫تغيير مؤقت في التضاريس‪ ،‬تآكل وانهيار التربة بسبب أنشطة الحفر أثناء الصيانة‬ ‫القصير‬ ‫تغيير في التربة ونوعية المياه الجوفية بسبب‪:‬‬ ‫‪-‬‬ ‫‪ -‬تسرب الوقبود‪ ،‬زيبوت التشبحيم‪ ،‬معبدات البنفط ونقبل البنفط إلبى الترببة المكشبوفة والمحفبورة‬ ‫التربة والمياه الجوفية‬ ‫التشغيل‬ ‫في عملية الحفر بسبب مركبات البناء ‪ /‬والشحن والمعدات‬ ‫‪N‬‬ ‫متوسطة‬ ‫يمكن عكس تأثيرها‬ ‫على المدى البعيد‬ ‫‪ -‬عدم كفاية التخزين والتخلص مبن زيبت التشبحيم‪ ،‬معبدات الزيبوت ونقبل الزيبوت المسبتخدمة‬ ‫لصيانة المعدات؛‬ ‫‪ -‬عدم كفاية التخزين والتخلص من مواد األسفلت المستخدمة في أنشطة التعبيد؛‬ ‫ان إيداد‪ :‬شركة األرض للمناية الامطورة للاوارد‬ ‫‪xvii‬‬ ‫جملس اإلمناء واإلعمار‬ ‫الدراسات الوقائية البيئية واالجتماعية ملشروع منع تلوث حبرية القرعون‬ ‫امللخص التنفيذي‬ ‫هيكل اإلدارة البيئية واالجتماعية (إطار اإلدارة البيئية واالجتماعية)‬ ‫جدوى التخفيف من‬ ‫الترجيح‬ ‫مدة التأثير‬ ‫المدة الزمنية‬ ‫التأثير‬ ‫المستقبل‬ ‫المرحلة‬ ‫الحدة‬ ‫‪ -‬انسببكابات المببواد التببي قببد تكببون ملوثببة مثببل الغببراء‪ ،‬والمببذيبات‪ ،‬أو مببواد التشببحيم التببي يببتم‬ ‫اسببتخدامها أو تخزينهببا فببي الموقببع لتركيببب األنابيببب‪ .‬يمكببن لالنسببكابات أن ت بؤثر علببى التربببة‬ ‫المستخرجة أو المكشوفة؛‬ ‫‪-‬‬ ‫‪ -‬تسرب محتمل لمياه الصرف الصحي غير المعالجة من خطوط األنابيب أو محطات الضخ‪.‬‬ ‫‪ -‬تغيير في نوعية المياه السطحية و الرواسب بسبب‪:‬‬ ‫‪ -‬تسريب مياه الصرف على طول كل مسار خط أنابيب وموقع محطات الضخ؛‬ ‫‪N‬‬ ‫متوسطة‬ ‫يمكن عكس تأثيرها‬ ‫على المدى البعيد‬ ‫‪ -‬تسرب الزيوت والوقود من مولدات الكهرباء‪ ،‬وخزان تخزين الوقود في محطات الضخ‪.‬‬ ‫‪ -‬أنشطة صيانة الشبكة‪.‬‬ ‫المياه السطحية‬ ‫‪ -‬عدم معالجة مياه الصرف الصحي بشكل سليم في المرفق المتلقي‪.‬‬ ‫على المدى‬ ‫‪ -‬عطل في محطات الضخ (بسبب انقطاع الكهرباء‪ ،‬وعطل في المضخات‪ ،‬إلخ) مما يؤدي إلى‬ ‫‪N‬‬ ‫منخفضة‬ ‫يمكن عكس تأثيرها‬ ‫القصير‬ ‫صرف مياه المجاري غير المعالجة إلى المياه السطحية‬ ‫على المدى‬ ‫‪ -‬زيادة ملوثات الهواء نتيجة لتشغيل مولدات الطاقة االحتياطية التي تعمل بالديزل‪.‬‬ ‫‪N‬‬ ‫منخفضة‬ ‫يمكن عكس تأثيرها‬ ‫نوعية الهواء‬ ‫القصير‬ ‫‪ -‬انبعاث رائحة من محطات الضخ‬ ‫البيئة النباتية‬ ‫‪O‬‬ ‫‪--‬‬ ‫‪--‬‬ ‫‪--‬‬ ‫التأثيرات الرئيسية غير متوقعة في مرحلة تشغيل المشروع‬ ‫والحيوانية‬ ‫على المدى‬ ‫‪N‬‬ ‫منخفضة‬ ‫يمكن عكس تأثيرها‬ ‫اضطراب المرور بسبب أنشطة الصيانة‬ ‫المرور‬ ‫القصير‬ ‫زيادة مستويات الضوضاء الناجمة عن استخدام المعدات خالل فترة صيانة شبكة مياه‬ ‫على المدى‬ ‫الصرف الصحي ومحطات الضخ‪ .‬ويعتمد هذا على نوع العمل المطلوب ومدى تضرر‬ ‫‪N‬‬ ‫منخفضة‬ ‫يمكن عكس تأثيرها‬ ‫الضوضاء‬ ‫القصير‬ ‫الشبكة‪ .‬ومن المتوقع الحفر لكشف األنابيب المتضررة باإلضافة إلى ردمها‪ ،‬وحدلها وإعادة‬ ‫تأهيل الطريق المحفور‪.‬‬ ‫على المدى‬ ‫زيادة مخاطر الصحة والسالمة بسببب حبوادث المبرور ذات الصبلة‪ ،‬والخنبادق المفتوحبة أثنباء‬ ‫الصحة والسالمة‬ ‫‪N‬‬ ‫منخفضة‬ ‫يمكن عكس تأثيرها‬ ‫القصير‬ ‫إصالح األنابيب وإدارة التسرب‪.‬‬ ‫المهنية‬ ‫مفتاح الجدول‪ /‬مقياس تصنيف التأثير‪ P :‬إيجابي؛ ‪ 2P‬إيجابي للغاية؛ ‪ O‬متعادل؛ ‪ N‬سلبي؛ ‪ 2N‬سلبي للغاية‬ ‫ان إيداد‪ :‬شركة األرض للمناية الامطورة للاوارد‬ ‫‪xviii‬‬ ‫جملس اإلمناء واإلعمار‬ ‫الدراسات الوقائية البيئية واالجتماعية ملشروع منع تلوث حبرية القرعون‬ ‫امللخص التنفيذي‬ ‫هيكل اإلدارة البيئية واالجتماعية (إطار اإلدارة البيئية واالجتماعية)‬ ‫يلخص الجدول ‪ 3‬والجدول ‪ ،1‬على الترتيب‪ ،‬تدابير التخفيف المقترحة وخطة مراقبة آثار البناء والتشغيل للمكون ‪.2‬‬ ‫خطة اإلشراف على اإلدارة البيئية واالجتماعية أثناء مرحلة البناء‬ ‫الجدول ‪3‬‬ ‫المسؤولية‬ ‫تواتر المراقبة ورفع التقارير‬ ‫مؤشر (مؤشرات) المراقبة‬ ‫إجراء (إجراءات) التخفيف‬ ‫التأثير المحتمل‬ ‫النشاط‪ /‬المصدر‬ ‫التربة‬ ‫المهنببدس المببدني للمقبباول ورئببيس‬ ‫‪-‬‬ ‫‪ -‬الفحص البصري اليومي ألنشطة الحفر‬ ‫‪-‬‬ ‫عدد الشكاوى من البلديات في منطقة المشروع‬ ‫‪-‬‬ ‫العمال‬ ‫تغيير مؤقت أو دائم في‬ ‫التفتيش اليومي على تآكل التربة في الموقع‬ ‫عببببدد الشببببكاوى مببببن السببببكان ‪ /‬أصببببحاب األراضببببي‪-‬‬ ‫وضع إجراءات مالئمة إلعادة ‪-‬‬ ‫التسوية‪ ،‬وحفر الخنادق‪،‬‬ ‫استشببباري اإلشبببراف المعبببين مبببن‬ ‫‪-‬‬ ‫التضاريس‪ ،‬وتآكل‬ ‫سجل شهري لشكاوى المقيمين‬ ‫‪-‬‬ ‫المجاورة لمواقع الحفر‬ ‫وتثبيت التربة‬ ‫أو الحفر‬ ‫قبببببل مجلببببس اإلنمبببباء واإلعمببببار‬ ‫وانهيار التربة‬ ‫سجل شهري لشكاوى البلدية‬ ‫‪-‬‬ ‫‪ -‬مقدار تآكل التربة الملحوظ في موقع البناء‬ ‫‪ -‬مهندس البلدية‬ ‫الوقود واستخدام المواد‬ ‫المهندس المدني والمسؤول البيئبي‬ ‫‪-‬‬ ‫الكيميائية والتخزين‬ ‫للمقاول‬ ‫تطوير إجراءات تخزين ومعاملة‬ ‫والتفري غير السليم‬ ‫الفحص البصري اليومي لضمان التنفيذ السبليم‬ ‫استشببباري اإلشبببراف المعبببين مبببن‬ ‫‪-‬‬ ‫كمية التربة الملوثة المرئية أثناء التفتيش‬ ‫النفايات والمواد الكيميائية والنفايات‬ ‫تغيير في نوعية التربة‬ ‫للنفايات الصلبة ومياه‬ ‫وتحديد بقع التربة وموقع االنسكاب‪ ،‬إن وجد‪.‬‬ ‫قبل مجلس اإلنماء واإلعمار‬ ‫الخطرة‬ ‫الصرف الصحي‪،‬‬ ‫مهندس البلدية‬ ‫‪-‬‬ ‫وتسريب الشبكات‬ ‫القديمة‬ ‫المياه الجوفية والمياه السطحية‬ ‫إستخدام الوقود و المواد‬ ‫المهندس المدني والمسؤول البيئبي‬ ‫‪-‬‬ ‫الكيميائية والتخزين‬ ‫للمقاول‬ ‫خصائص المياه (المتغيبرات الفيزيائيبة والكيميائيبة‪ ،‬بمبا‬ ‫تطوير إجراءات تخزين ومعاملة‬ ‫والتفري غير السليم‬ ‫التغيير في نوعية المياه‬ ‫استشببباري اإلشبببراف المعبببين مبببن‬ ‫‪-‬‬ ‫االختبار الشهري خالل فترة البناء‬ ‫فبببببي ذلبببببك التعكبببببر‪TDS ،TPH ،BOD5 ،COD ،‬‬ ‫النفايات والمواد الكيميائية والنفايات‬ ‫للنفايات الصلبة ومياه‬ ‫الجوفية والسطحية‬ ‫قبل مجلس اإلنماء واإلعمار‬ ‫والمعادن الثقيلة)‬ ‫الخطرة‪.‬‬ ‫الصرف الصحي‪،‬‬ ‫مهندس البلدية‬ ‫‪-‬‬ ‫وتسريب شبكات‬ ‫الصرف الصحي القديمة‬ ‫نوعية الهواء‬ ‫المهنبببدس الميكبببانيكي والمسبببؤول‬ ‫‪ -‬الفحببص البصببري يوميببا ً النبعاثببات الببدخان‪-‬‬ ‫‪-‬‬ ‫البيئي للمقاول‬ ‫من المركبات واآلالت‪.‬‬ ‫حركة السيارات‬ ‫عدد تقبارير عبدم االلتبزام حبول آالت ومعبدات الصبيانة‬ ‫استشباري المعبين مبن قببل مجلبس‬ ‫التحليبببل الشبببهري لسبببجالت صبببيانة المعبببدات‪-‬‬ ‫‪-‬‬ ‫الصيانة الصحيحة لآلالت والمعدات‬ ‫زيادة في ملوثات الهواء‬ ‫والشاحنات‪ ،‬وتشغيل‬ ‫الروتينية‬ ‫اإلنماء واإلعمار‬ ‫التي تعمل فبي الموقبع لضبمان التزامهبا بشبكل‬ ‫المولدات‬ ‫مهندس البلدية‬ ‫‪-‬‬ ‫صحيح وال يؤدي إلى انبعاثات المفرطة‬ ‫مراقببببة بصبببرية يوميبببة النبعببباث الغببببار مبببن‬ ‫‪-‬‬ ‫المهندس المدني والمسؤول البيئبي‬ ‫منطقبببة العمبببل لضبببمان عبببدم إنتببباج أي غببببار‪-‬‬ ‫للمقاول‬ ‫كثيف‬ ‫تنفيذ إجراءات للحد من انبعاثات‬ ‫الحفر والردم‪ ،‬وحركة‬ ‫عدد تقارير عدم التزام الشاحنات‬ ‫‪-‬‬ ‫استشببباري اإلشبببرافالمعينمن قببببل‬ ‫إجببراء ‪ /‬التحقيببق فببي مراقبببة الغبببار رداً علببى‪-‬‬ ‫‪-‬‬ ‫الغبار مثل رش الماء‪ ،‬وتغطية‬ ‫انبعاث الغبار‬ ‫المركبات على الطرق‬ ‫عدد شكاوى سكان منطقة المشروع ‪ /‬البلديات‬ ‫‪-‬‬ ‫مجلس اإلنماء واإلعمار‬ ‫شكاوى محددة‬ ‫الشاحنات المحملة‬ ‫غير المعبدة‬ ‫مهندس البلدية‬ ‫‪-‬‬ ‫السجالت الشهرية لشكاوى المقيمين‬ ‫‪-‬‬ ‫السجالت الشهرية لشكاوى البلدية‬ ‫‪-‬‬ ‫ان إيداد‪ :‬شركة األرض للمناية الامطورة للاوارد‬ ‫‪xix‬‬ ‫جملس اإلمناء واإلعمار‬ ‫الدراسات الوقائية البيئية واالجتماعية ملشروع منع تلوث حبرية القرعون‬ ‫امللخص التنفيذي‬ ‫هيكل اإلدارة البيئية واالجتماعية (إطار اإلدارة البيئية واالجتماعية)‬ ‫المسؤولية‬ ‫تواتر المراقبة ورفع التقارير‬ ‫مؤشر (مؤشرات) المراقبة‬ ‫إجراء (إجراءات) التخفيف‬ ‫التأثير المحتمل‬ ‫النشاط‪ /‬المصدر‬ ‫البيئة النباتية والحيوانية‬ ‫فقدان المواطن البيئية‬ ‫إجببببراء المسببببوحات البيئيببببة لتحديببببد‬ ‫للكائنات الحية أو ‪-‬‬ ‫المسؤول البيئي للمقاول‬ ‫‪-‬‬ ‫البببببببببنظم اإليكولوجيبببببببببة الحرجبببببببببة‬ ‫الدمار‪ / ،‬التغيير في‬ ‫‪ -‬عبببببببببببببببدد األشبببببببببببببببجار التالفبببببببببببببببة أو المزالبببببببببببببببة‬ ‫تحضير الموقع‪،‬‬ ‫استشبباري اإلشببرافالمعين مببن قبببل‬ ‫الفحببص البصببري األسبببوعي لألشببجار علببى‪-‬‬ ‫المطلوب الحفاظ عليها‪.‬‬ ‫عوامل الموقع‪ ،‬وفيات‬ ‫‪ -‬مسببباحة البببنظم البيئيبببة النباتيبببة أو الحيوانيبببة ‪ /‬السبببكان‬ ‫والحفر‪ ،‬والتخلص من‬ ‫مجلس اإلنماء واإلعمار‬ ‫طول الطريق البناء‬ ‫تحديببد البببدائل الختيببار أفضببل مسببار‬ ‫األفراد وتجزئة مواطن‬ ‫‪-‬‬ ‫المتأثرة‬ ‫النفايات‬ ‫مهندس البلدية‬ ‫‪-‬‬ ‫للخطوط الجديدة للحبد مبن أي تبأثير‬ ‫الكائنات الحية‪،‬‬ ‫سلبي‪.‬‬ ‫واالضطراب‪ ،‬وفقدان‬ ‫الغطاء النباتي‬ ‫المرور‬ ‫‪ -‬عالمببات المراقبببة االسبببوعية للسببالمة علببى‬ ‫الطبببببببببببببرق علبببببببببببببى طبببببببببببببرق الموقبببببببببببببع؛‬ ‫نشر مركبات البناء‬ ‫مسؤول الصبحة والسبالمة والبيئبة‬ ‫‪ -‬الرصبببد اليبببومي لضبببمان االمتثبببال لمعبببايير‪-‬‬ ‫الحفاظ على المرور إلى الطرق‬ ‫زيادة في حجم المرور‬ ‫وسيارات النقل‬ ‫لدى المقاول‬ ‫السالمة وتحديد المواقع المناسبة ألي عالمبات‬ ‫المحددة‪ ،‬وضع عالمات التحويل‬ ‫وزمن التنقل للسائقين‬ ‫والمعدات‪ ،‬واإلغالق‬ ‫استشببباري اإلشبببراف المعبببين مبببن‬ ‫المببببببببرور الخاصببببببببة بالتحويببببببببل الالزمببببببببة‪-.‬‬ ‫عدد الشكاوى من البلديات ‪ /‬السكان‪.‬‬ ‫الالزمة‪ ،‬والجدول الزمني لنقل‬ ‫الذين يمرون عبر منطقة‬ ‫الجزئي أو الكلي للطرق‬ ‫قبل مجلس اإلنماء واإلعمار‬ ‫‪ -‬التحقيببق فببي أي اضببطراب محتمببل للمببرور‬ ‫العمال والمواد الالزمة لتجنب‬ ‫المشروع‬ ‫المتاخمة لخطوط‬ ‫مهندس البلدية‬ ‫بسبب أنشبطة البنباء اسبتجابة لشبكاوى محبددة؛‪-‬‬ ‫ساعات الذروة‪.‬‬ ‫األنابيب المثبتة‬ ‫‪ -‬السبببجالت الشبببهرية لشبببكاوى السبببكان علبببى‬ ‫طول طريق البناء‬ ‫الضوضاء‬ ‫‪01‬‬ ‫ان إيداد‪ :‬شركة األرض للمناية الامطورة للاوارد‬ ‫‪xx‬‬ ‫جملس اإلمناء واإلعمار‬ ‫الدراسات الوقائية البيئية واالجتماعية ملشروع منع تلوث حبرية القرعون‬ ‫امللخص التنفيذي‬ ‫هيكل اإلدارة البيئية واالجتماعية (إطار اإلدارة البيئية واالجتماعية)‬ ‫المسؤولية‬ ‫تواتر المراقبة ورفع التقارير‬ ‫مؤشر (مؤشرات) المراقبة‬ ‫إجراء (إجراءات) التخفيف‬ ‫التأثير المحتمل‬ ‫النشاط‪ /‬المصدر‬ ‫‪ -‬إجبببراء ‪ /‬التحقيبببق فببببي مراقببببة الضوضبببباء‬ ‫‪-‬‬ ‫اسببببتجابة لشببببكاوى محببببددة وأثنبببباء األنشببببطة‬ ‫إيقاف تشغيل المعدات والمولدات‬ ‫مسؤول الصبحة والسبالمة والبيئبة‬ ‫‪-‬‬ ‫ال صببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببباخبة‪،‬‬ ‫الكهربائية عندما ال تكون قيد‬ ‫لدى المقاول‬ ‫‪ -‬فحبببص أسببببوعي لنتبببائج رصبببد الضوضببباء‬ ‫االستعمال‪ ،‬تجهيز جميع المحركات‬ ‫زيادة في مستويات‬ ‫أنشطة البناء وتشغيل‬ ‫استشببباري اإلشبببراف المعبببين مبببن‬ ‫‪-‬‬ ‫عدد الشكاوى من البلديات‪ /‬السكان‬ ‫وإرسالها إلى مجلس اإلنماء واإلعمبار واتخباذ‬ ‫ذات االحتراق الداخلي بكواتم‬ ‫الضوضاء المحيطة‬ ‫المعدات واآلالت‬ ‫قبل مجلس اإلنماء واإلعمار‬ ‫اإلجببببببببببببراءات التصببببببببببببحيحية الالزمببببببببببببة‪.‬‬ ‫صوت في حالة جيدة ومناسبة‬ ‫مهندس البلدية‬ ‫‪-‬‬ ‫للمعدات‪.‬‬ ‫‪ -‬السببجالت الشببهرية للشببكاوى مببن البلببديات ‪/‬‬ ‫السكان‬ ‫مخاطر السالمة‬ ‫إعداد إجراءات الصحة والسالمة‬ ‫وفقاً للمعايير المعمول بها‪،‬‬ ‫وتطبيق اإلجراءات للحد من‬ ‫عببببببببببببببببببدد اإلصببببببببببببببببببابات بببببببببببببببببببين العبببببببببببببببببباملين‬ ‫‪-‬‬ ‫مسؤول الصبحة والسبالمة والبيئبة‬ ‫‪-‬‬ ‫المخاطر‪ ،‬واتخاذ التدابير‬ ‫التسجيل اليومي لحوادث الصحة والسالمة في‬ ‫‪ -‬عدد اإلصابات بين السكان واألشخاص الذين يعبرون‬ ‫لدى المقاول‬ ‫المناسبة لتخزين جميع مواد‬ ‫الموقع‬ ‫موقببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببع المشببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببروع‬ ‫إصابات العامة‬ ‫أنشطة البناء وتشغيل‬ ‫استشببباري اإلشبببراف المعبببين مبببن‬ ‫‪-‬‬ ‫النفايات ومناولتها ونقلها‬ ‫السجالت الشهرية النتهاكبات معبدات السبالمة‬ ‫‪ -‬عببدد الحبباالت المسببجلة بببين العمببال غيببر المرتببدين ‪/‬‬ ‫والعاملين‬ ‫المعدات واآلالت‬ ‫قبل مجلس اإلنماء واإلعمار‬ ‫والتخلص منها‪.‬‬ ‫من جانب العمال‬ ‫المستخدمين لمعدات ‪ /‬آالت السالمة المطلوبة‬ ‫مهندس البلدية‬ ‫‪-‬‬ ‫توفير التدريب األساسي لفريق‬ ‫عدد الشكاوى من البلديات‪ /‬السكان‬ ‫‪-‬‬ ‫البناء حول البناء والصحة‬ ‫والسالمة واإلسعافات األولية‬ ‫والبيئة‬ ‫مجلس اإلنماء واإلعمار‬ ‫سجالت شهرية حول تقدم االستمالك‬ ‫عدد قطع األراضي المستملكة‬ ‫إعداد وتنفيذ خطة أعمال إعادة‬ ‫االستحواذ على‬ ‫إنشاء محطات الضخ‬ ‫ان إيداد‪ :‬شركة األرض للمناية الامطورة للاوارد‬ ‫‪xxi‬‬ ‫جملس اإلمناء واإلعمار‬ ‫الدراسات الوقائية البيئية واالجتماعية ملشروع منع تلوث حبرية القرعون‬ ‫امللخص التنفيذي‬ ‫هيكل اإلدارة البيئية واالجتماعية (إطار اإلدارة البيئية واالجتماعية)‬ ‫المسؤولية‬ ‫تواتر المراقبة ورفع التقارير‬ ‫مؤشر (مؤشرات) المراقبة‬ ‫إجراء (إجراءات) التخفيف‬ ‫التأثير المحتمل‬ ‫النشاط‪ /‬المصدر‬ ‫اإلسكان‬ ‫األراضي‬ ‫ان إيداد‪ :‬شركة األرض للمناية الامطورة للاوارد‬ ‫‪xxii‬‬ ‫جملس اإلمناء واإلعمار‬ ‫الدراسات الوقائية البيئية واالجتماعية ملشروع منع تلوث حبرية القرعون‬ ‫امللخص التنفيذي‬ ‫هيكل اإلدارة البيئية واالجتماعية (إطار اإلدارة البيئية واالجتماعية)‬ ‫خطة اإلشراف على اإلدارة البيئية واالجتماعية أثناء مرحلة التشغيل‬ ‫الجدول ‪9‬‬ ‫المسؤولية‬ ‫تكرار الرصد ورفع التقارير‬ ‫مؤشر (مؤشرات) الرصد‬ ‫إجراء (إجراءات) التخفيف‬ ‫التأثير المحتمل‬ ‫النشاط‪ /‬المصدر‬ ‫التربة‬ ‫‪ -‬الفحص البصري اليومي ألنشطة الحفر‬ ‫‪-‬‬ ‫تغيير مؤقت أو دائم في‬ ‫ممثل مؤسسة مياه البقاع‪/‬وزارة‬ ‫‪ -‬التفتيش اليومي لتآكل التربة في الموقع‬ ‫وضببببع إجببببراءات مالئمببببة إلعببببادة‬ ‫التضاريس‪ ،‬تآكل‬ ‫التسوية‪ ،‬وحفر الخنادق‪،‬‬ ‫كمية التربة المالحظ تآكلها من موقع البناء‬ ‫الطاقة والمياه‬ ‫‪ -‬التسجيل الشهري لشكاوى المقيمين‬ ‫استقرار التربة‬ ‫وانهيار التربة أثناء‬ ‫أو الحفر للصيانة‬ ‫‪ -‬التسجيل الشهري لشكاوى البلدية‬ ‫أعمال الصيانة‬ ‫تطبببوير إجبببراءات تخبببزين ومعاملبببة‬ ‫استخدام وتخزين الوقود‬ ‫النفايات والمواد الكيميائية والنفايبات‬ ‫والمواد الكيميائية و‬ ‫الخطبببببرة‪ ،‬والحفببببباظ علبببببى النحبببببو‬ ‫والتفري غير السليم‬ ‫ممثل مؤسسة مياه البقاع‪/‬وزارة‬ ‫الفحص البصري اليبومي لتحديبد البقبع ومكبان‬ ‫الصببببحيح علببببى خطببببوط األنابيببببب‬ ‫كمية التربة الملوثة المرئية أثناء التفتيش‬ ‫تغيير في نوعية التربة‬ ‫للنفايات الصلبة‬ ‫الطاقة والمياه‬ ‫التسرب أثناء فترة الصيانة‪.‬‬ ‫ومحطات الضخ‪.‬‬ ‫والحمأة‪ ،‬والصرف‬ ‫وضببببع إجببببراءات لمعالجببببة الحمببببأة‬ ‫الصحي أثناء أنشطة‬ ‫والببتخلص منهببا وفق با ً لسببير تشببغيل‬ ‫الصيانة‬ ‫محطة المعالجة‬ ‫المياه الجوفية‬ ‫صيانة الشببكة بشبكل صبحيح وإدارة‬ ‫ممثل مؤسسة مياه البقاع‪/‬وزارة‬ ‫خصائص المياه (المتغيرات الفيزيائية والكيميائية‬ ‫التغيير في نوعية المياه‬ ‫كل ستة شهور‬ ‫التسببببربات واالنسببببكابات التببببي تببببم‬ ‫تسرب من الشبكة‬ ‫الطاقة والمياه‬ ‫وبكتيريا القولون البرازية)‬ ‫الجوفية‬ ‫الكشف عنها مباشرة‬ ‫المياه السطحية‬ ‫المتغيرات المطلوبة في القرار اللبناني ‪ 2/3‬لسنة‬ ‫مراقبة جودة ميباه الصبرف الصبحي‬ ‫صرف مياه الصرف‬ ‫شهريا ً‬ ‫‪ 1112‬لصرف مياه الصرف الصحي في المسطحات‬ ‫والنفايبببات السبببائلة امتثببباالً للمعبببايير‬ ‫الصحي المعالجة إلى‬ ‫المائية‬ ‫ذات الصلة‬ ‫األنهار‬ ‫ممثل مؤسسة مياه البقاع‪/‬وزارة‬ ‫‪ -‬تزويببد محطببة الضببخ بالمولببدات‬ ‫تغيير في نوعية المياه‬ ‫الطاقة والمياه‬ ‫االحتياطيببببة ومضببببخة احتياطيببببة‪.‬‬ ‫السطحية‬ ‫مراقبة تدفق النهر ألغراض الذوبان وفقا ً للقرار‬ ‫صرف مياه الصرف‬ ‫شهري ‪ /‬خالل فترات األعطال‬ ‫‪ -‬تبببوفير خبببزان الوقبببود للمولبببدات‬ ‫اللبناني ‪ 2/3‬لسنة ‪1112‬‬ ‫الصحي غير المعالجة‬ ‫(سببببعة وحببببدة التخببببزين يجببببب أن‬ ‫تكون ‪ 11‬ساعة تشغيل)‬ ‫نوعية الهواء‬ ‫‪ -‬التحليببل الشببهري لسببجالت صببيانة المولببدات‬ ‫‪-‬‬ ‫‪ -‬الصببببببيانة الصببببببحيحة للمولببببببدات‬ ‫ممثل مؤسسة مياه البقاع‪/‬وزارة‬ ‫عدد تقارير عدم االلتزام حول اآلالت ومعدات الصيانة‬ ‫زيادة في ملوثات‬ ‫لضمان تشبغيلها بشبكل صبحيح وال يبؤدي إلبى‬ ‫وتركيب الفالتر‪.‬‬ ‫تشغيل المولدات‬ ‫الطاقة والمياه‬ ‫الروتينية‬ ‫الهواء‬ ‫انبعاثات المفرطة‬ ‫‪.‬‬ ‫ممثل مؤسسة مياه البقاع‪/‬وزارة‬ ‫‪ -‬تركيبببببببببببببب فلتبببببببببببببر رائحبببببببببببببة‪.‬‬ ‫شهري ‪ /‬خالل فترات الخلل‬ ‫‪-‬‬ ‫عدد الشكاوى بسبب الرائحة‬ ‫انبعاث الروائح‬ ‫تشغيل محطة الضخ‬ ‫الطاقة والمياه‬ ‫‪ -‬تركيببببب خالطببببات الهببببواء داخببببل‬ ‫الخبببببببزان فبببببببي محطبببببببة الضبببببببخ‪.‬‬ ‫ان إيداد‪ :‬شركة األرض للمناية الامطورة للاوارد‬ ‫‪xxiii‬‬ ‫جملس اإلمناء واإلعمار‬ ‫الدراسات الوقائية البيئية واالجتماعية ملشروع منع تلوث حبرية القرعون‬ ‫امللخص التنفيذي‬ ‫هيكل اإلدارة البيئية واالجتماعية (إطار اإلدارة البيئية واالجتماعية)‬ ‫المسؤولية‬ ‫تكرار الرصد ورفع التقارير‬ ‫مؤشر (مؤشرات) الرصد‬ ‫إجراء (إجراءات) التخفيف‬ ‫التأثير المحتمل‬ ‫النشاط‪ /‬المصدر‬ ‫‪ -‬بنببباء خببببط أنابيبببب للتببببدفق الزائببببد‬ ‫لتحويل مياه الصرف الصبحي الخبام‬ ‫في حاالت الخلل‬ ‫المرور‬ ‫أثنببببببببببببببببببببببباء فتببببببببببببببببببببببببرة الصببببببببببببببببببببببببيانة‪:‬‬ ‫‪ -‬عالمببببات المراقبببببة اليوميببببة للسببببالمة علببببى‬ ‫الطبببببببببببببرق علبببببببببببببى طبببببببببببببرق الموقبببببببببببببع؛‬ ‫زيادة في حجم حركة‬ ‫المحافظة على حركبة المبرور إلبى‬ ‫اإلغالق الجزئي أو‬ ‫‪ -‬الرصبببد اليبببومي لضبببمان االمتثبببال لمعبببايير‬ ‫المرور والوقت الذي‬ ‫ممثل مؤسسة مياه البقاع‪/‬وزارة‬ ‫الطببرق المحببددة‪ ،‬وضببع عالمببات‬ ‫الكلي للطرق المتاخمة‬ ‫السالمة وتحديد المواقع المناسبة ألي عالمبات‬ ‫عدد الشكاوى من البلديات ‪ /‬السكان‬ ‫يستغرقه تنقل السائقين‬ ‫الطاقة والمياه‬ ‫التحويببل الالزمببة‪ ،‬وجدولببة أنشببطة‬ ‫لخطوط األنابيب‬ ‫تحويببببببببببل حركببببببببببة المببببببببببرور الالزمببببببببببة؛‬ ‫المارين عبر منطقة‬ ‫الصيانة لتجنب ساعات الذروة‪.‬‬ ‫المثبتة‬ ‫‪ -‬التحقيق في أي اضطراب محتمل في حركبة‬ ‫المشروع‬ ‫المببببرور بسبببببب أنشببببطة الصببببيانة رداً علببببى‬ ‫شكاوى محددة‪.‬‬ ‫الضوضاء‬ ‫إيقببباف تشبببغيل المعبببدات والمولبببدات‬ ‫الكهربائيبببببة عنبببببدما ال تكبببببون قيبببببد‬ ‫إجببببراء ‪ /‬التحقيببببق فببببي مراقبببببة الضوضبببباء‬ ‫‪-‬‬ ‫االستعمال‪ ،‬تجهيز جميع المحركبات‬ ‫اسببببتجابة لشببببكاوى محببببددة وأثنبببباء األنشببببطة‬ ‫ذات االحتببببببراق الببببببداخلي بكببببببواتم‬ ‫تشغيل المعدات‬ ‫ال صببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببباخبة‪.‬‬ ‫صببببوت فببببي حالببببة جيببببدة ومناسبببببة‬ ‫ممثل مؤسسة مياه البقاع‪/‬وزارة‬ ‫زيادة في مستويات‬ ‫واآلالت أثناء صيانة‬ ‫‪ -‬فحص سنوي لنتائج رصبد الضوضباء إذا لبم‬ ‫عدد شكاوى البلديات ‪ /‬السكان‬ ‫للمعدات‬ ‫الطاقة والمياه‬ ‫الضوضاء المحيطة‬ ‫وتشغيل محطات‬ ‫يبببتم اتخببباذ اإلجبببراءات التصبببحيحية الالزمبببة‪.‬‬ ‫عبببببزل غرفبببببة المضبببببخات لتقليبببببل‬ ‫الضخ‪.‬‬ ‫‪ -‬السببجالت الشببهرية للشببكاوى مببن البلببديات ‪/‬‬ ‫مسبببببتويات الضوضببببباء فبببببي البيئبببببة‬ ‫السكان‬ ‫الخارجيبببببببببة وتزويبببببببببدها بكبببببببببواتم‬ ‫الصوت‪ ،‬وصبيانة المضبخات بشبكل‬ ‫صحيح‪.‬‬ ‫مخاطر السالمة‬ ‫تسجيل يومي لحوادث الصبحة والسبالمة أثنباء‬ ‫عببببببببببببببببببدد اإلصببببببببببببببببببابات بببببببببببببببببببين العبببببببببببببببببباملين‬ ‫إعداد إجبراءات الصبحة والسبالمة‬ ‫‪-‬‬ ‫تشغيل المعدات‬ ‫ممثل مؤسسة مياه البقاع‪/‬وزارة‬ ‫إصابات العامة‬ ‫فترة الصيانة‪.‬‬ ‫‪ -‬عبببدد اإلصبببابات ببببين السبببكان واألشبببخاص العبببابرين‬ ‫وفقبببببا ً للمعبببببايير المعمبببببول بهبببببا‪،‬‬ ‫واآلالت أثناء أنشطة‬ ‫الطاقة والمياه‬ ‫والعاملين‬ ‫السجالت الشهرية النتهاكبات معبدات السبالمة‬ ‫ل موقبببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببع المشبببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببروع‬ ‫وتطبيببببق اإلجببببراءات للحببببد مببببن‬ ‫الصيانة‬ ‫ان إيداد‪ :‬شركة األرض للمناية الامطورة للاوارد‬ ‫‪xxiv‬‬ ‫جملس اإلمناء واإلعمار‬ ‫الدراسات الوقائية البيئية واالجتماعية ملشروع منع تلوث حبرية القرعون‬ ‫امللخص التنفيذي‬ ‫هيكل اإلدارة البيئية واالجتماعية (إطار اإلدارة البيئية واالجتماعية)‬ ‫المسؤولية‬ ‫تكرار الرصد ورفع التقارير‬ ‫مؤشر (مؤشرات) الرصد‬ ‫إجراء (إجراءات) التخفيف‬ ‫التأثير المحتمل‬ ‫النشاط‪ /‬المصدر‬ ‫الخاصة بالعمال‬ ‫‪ -‬عببدد الحبباالت الموثقببة بببين العمببال غيببر المرتببدين ‪/‬‬ ‫المخبببببببباطر‪ ،‬واتخبببببببباذ التببببببببدابير‬ ‫المسببببببتخدمين لمعببببببدات السببببببالمة المطلوبببببببة ‪ /‬اآلالت‬ ‫المناسببببة لتخبببزين ومعاملبببة ونقبببل‬ ‫‪ -‬عدد الشكاوى من البلديات ‪ /‬السكان‬ ‫ورمي جميع انواع النفايات‪.‬‬ ‫تببببوفير التببببدريب األساسببببي حببببول‬ ‫التشببببببغيل‪ ،‬والصببببببحة والسببببببالمة‬ ‫واإلسعافات األوليبة والبيئبة لفريبق‬ ‫التشغيل‪.‬‬ ‫ان إيداد‪ :‬شركة األرض للمناية الامطورة للاوارد‬ ‫‪xxv‬‬ ‫جملس اإلمناء واإلعمار‬ ‫الدراسات الوقائية البيئية واالجتماعية ملشروع منع تلوث حبرية القرعون‬ ‫امللخص التنفيذي‬ ‫هيكل اإلدارة البيئية واالجتماعية (إطار اإلدارة البيئية واالجتماعية)‬ ‫يلخص الجدول ‪ 2‬أدوار ومسؤوليات المؤسسات المختلفة المشاركة في بناء وتشغيل المشروعات المستقبلية في ما يتعلق‬ ‫بتنفيذ خطة اإلدارة البيئية‪.‬‬ ‫الجدول ‪ 5‬خطة تنفيذ خطة اإلشراف على اإلدارة البيئية واالجتماعية‬ ‫األدوار والمسؤوليات‬ ‫المؤسسة‬ ‫المسؤولية العامة حول تنفيذ خطة اإلدارة البيئية واإلشراف عليها أثناء أعمال البناء‬ ‫مجلس اإلنماء واإلعمار‬ ‫إجراء التدقيق البيئي للموقع حسب الحاجة للتحقق من تنفيذ خطة اإلدارة البيئية خالل البناء والتشغيل‬ ‫وزارة البيئة‬ ‫يتببولى مهنببدس البلديببة بالتعبباون مببع االستشبباري المعببين مببن قبببل مجلببس اإلنمبباء واإلعمببار تحمببل المسببؤولية الفنيببة‬ ‫البلديات‬ ‫لإلشراف على خطة تخفيف التأثير خالل البناء ومن ثم يتم رفع التقرير واالحتفاظ به في البلدية‪.‬‬ ‫مؤسسة مياه البقاع‪/‬وزارة‬ ‫المسؤولية العامة حول تنفيذ خطة إدارة البيئة واإلشراف عليها أثناء التشغيل‬ ‫الطاقة والمياه‬ ‫إعداد خطة إدارة بيئية واجتماعية للبناء والتي تقدم تفاصيل حول كيفية تولي المقاول لتنفيذ أحكام هذه الخطة‪..‬‬ ‫تببببوفير مسببببؤول الصببببحة والسببببالمة والبيئببببة الميببببداني لضببببمان تنفيببببذ خطببببة اإلدارة البيئيببببة واالجتماعيببببة للبنبببباء‪.‬‬ ‫التنسيق مع االستشاري المشرف والتقارير المنتظمة حول تنفيذ خطة اإلشراف على اإلدارة البيئية واالجتماعية‪.‬‬ ‫رفع تقرير على الفور إلى االستشاري المشرف في حالة وقوع حوادث انسكاب أو غيرها من األحداث التي لهبا آثبار‬ ‫المقاول‬ ‫على الصحة أو السالمة أو البيئة؛‬ ‫فبي حالبة وقبوع حبوادث‪ ،‬يجبب علبى المقباول مبلء اسببتمارة سبجالت الحبادث‪ ،‬بمبا فبي ذلبك كيفيبة التخطبيط لمعالجببة‬ ‫الحادث‪.‬‬ ‫• اإلشراف على تنفيذ المقاول لخطة اإلدارة البيئية واالجتماعية‪.‬‬ ‫• إعداد قائمة مرجعية الستخدامها لإلشراف على أعمال المقاول‪.‬‬ ‫معدة من قبل المقاول‪.‬‬ ‫• مراجعة واعتماد خطة اإلدارة البيئية واالجتماعية للبناء ال ُ‬ ‫من قِبَل المقاول‪.‬‬ ‫• مراجعة واعتماد تقارير حول خطة اإلشراف على اإلدارة البيئية واالجتماعية ِ‬ ‫استشاري اإلشراف‬ ‫• التنسيق مع مجلس اإلنماء واإلعمار لضمان تقديم التقارير المناسبة لتنفيذ خطة اإلشراف على اإلدارة البيئية‬ ‫واالجتماعية‪.‬‬ ‫• تحديد االحتياجات التدريبية لألطراف المعنية لضمان أن تكون متطلبات خطة اإلشراف على اإلدارة البيئية‬ ‫واالجتماعية مفهومة جيداً ويمكن تنفيذها‪.‬‬ ‫لذا فمن المستحسن أن يتم تدريب األطراف المسؤولة عن تنفيذ إطار اإلدارة البيئية واالجتماعية هذا على تنفيذ خطط‬ ‫اإلدارة البيئية أثناء بناء وتشغيل مراحل المشروع‪ .‬على سبيل المثال‪ ،‬يجب أن يُسمح ألي مقاول قبل بدء العمل بأن يدرك‬ ‫متطلبات خطة اإلدارة البيئية للمشروع على نحو تام وإعداد خطة اإلدارة البيئية للبناء‪ .‬وبالمثل‪ ،‬ينبغي تدريب مشغلي‬ ‫المشروع على تنفيذ خطة اإلدارة البيئية أثناء التشغيل ويجب إعداد خطة اإلدارة البيئية للتشغيل‪.‬‬ ‫ان إيداد‪ :‬شركة األرض للمناية الامطورة للاوارد‬ ‫‪xxvi‬‬ ‫جملس اإلمناء واإلعمار‬ ‫الدراسات الوقائية البيئية واالجتماعية ملشروع منع تلوث حبرية القرعون‬ ‫امللخص التنفيذي‬ ‫هيكل اإلدارة البيئية واالجتماعية (إطار اإلدارة البيئية واالجتماعية)‬ ‫استشارة العامة‬ ‫انعقد اجتماع التشاور مع الجمهور في ‪ 23‬سبتمبر ‪ 1121‬سبتمبر لمناقشة نتائج إطار اإلدارة البيئية واالجتماعية هذا‬ ‫وتقديم الفرصة للجهات المعنية للتعبير عن آرائهم ومخاوفهم‪ ،‬إن وجدت‪.‬‬ ‫قد مثل المشاركون االنتماءات الرئيسية التالية‪:‬‬ ‫• وزارة البيئة‬ ‫• مجلس اإلنماء واإلعمار‬ ‫• البلديات (الخيارة‪ ،‬الفرزل‪ ،‬قاع الريم‪ ،‬بر الياس‪ ،‬وعنجر)‬ ‫• اتحاد البلديات (زحلة‪ ،‬السهل)‬ ‫• مؤسسة مياه البقاع‬ ‫• غرفة زحلة والبقاع‬ ‫• وزارة الصحة العامة‬ ‫• وزارة الداخلية والبلديات‬ ‫• رفيق الخوري وشركاه‬ ‫• كاريتاس لبنان‬ ‫• منظمة سالم‬ ‫• جامعة القديس يوسف‬ ‫• الجامعة اللبنانية‬ ‫تتجسد التعليقات العامة التي حصلنا عليها من خالل استمارات التقييم الموزعة في ما يلي‪:‬‬ ‫• يجب دراسة مياه الصرف الصناعي والنفايات الصلبة الصناعية كمصادر رئيسية لتلوث بحيرة القرعون ونهر الليطاني‪.‬‬ ‫كما يجب اقتراح حلول قصيرة وطويلة األجل لحل هذه القضية‪.‬‬ ‫• يجب أال يتم تنفيذ ورش العمل فقط في شتورة بل أيضا ً في جميع البلديات التي تحيط ببحيرة القرعون ونهر الليطاني‬ ‫بحيث يصبح الجمهور مشاركا ً في جميع أنشطة المشروع‪ .‬وسيؤدي هذا في نهاية المطاف إلى نجاح المشروع أو غيره من‬ ‫المشروعات البيئية‪.‬‬ ‫• يجب أن تكون شبكات الصرف الصحي أبعد ما يكون عن شبكات المياه الصالحة للشرب‪.‬‬ ‫• يجب تنفيذ تدابير الطوارئ للحد من معاناة السكان المتأثرين بالتلوث في المنطقة انتظاراً إليجاد حلول على المدى‬ ‫الطويل‪ .‬أيضاً‪ ،‬يجب كسب ثقة المجتمعات المحلية لتجنب وقوع مشكالت وعقبات أثناء تنفيذ أنشطة المشروع‪.‬‬ ‫• تعزيز دور السلطات المحلية (البلديات)‪ .‬إضافة إلى ذلك‪ ،‬يجب إعداد دراسة إلدارة استخدام واستهالك المياه النظيفة‬ ‫بالنظر إلى العدد الكبير لالجئين السوريين‪.‬‬ ‫• يجب تمكين منظمات المجتمع المدني لرفع وعي األفراد بالبيئة‪ .‬شكلت جمعية "السالم" لجان بيئية تعمل على الحد من‬ ‫التلوث ورفع مستوى الوعي في ‪ 23‬بلدة محيطة بنهر الليطاني‪.‬‬ ‫• البحث عن حلول لآلثار السلبية للروائح الكريهة المنبعثة على جانب النهر ونوعية مياه الري‪.‬‬ ‫يلخص الجدول ‪ 3‬القضايا الرئيسية التي أثارها المشاركون وكيفية أخذها في االعتبار‪ ،‬عند االقتضاء‪.‬‬ ‫ان إيداد‪ :‬شركة األرض للمناية الامطورة للاوارد‬ ‫‪xxvii‬‬ ‫مجلس اإلنماء واإلعمار‬ ‫الدراسات البيئية واإتجماايية الوقائية لاشروع الوقاية ان ملوّ ث بحيرة قريون‬ ‫الخص منفيذي‬ ‫إطار اإلدارة البيئية واالتجماايية‬ ‫الجدول ‪ 7‬وقائع االجتماع التشاوري العام‬ ‫دمج التعليقات في الدراسة‬ ‫اإلجابة‬ ‫التعليق ‪ /‬السؤال‬ ‫المنظمة‬ ‫االسم‬ ‫يعد تأثير المشروع الشامل على المياه الجوفية إيجابيا ً‪ ،‬ومع ذلبك‪،‬‬ ‫يُسلط الضوء على اآلثار اإليجابية‬ ‫تكون بعض اآلثار المعروضة حبول الميباه الجوفيبة سبلبية فبي حبين مبن‬ ‫كانببت اآلثببار المببذكورة فببي العببرض التقببديمي مرتبطببة بأنشببطة‬ ‫للمشروع في القسم ‪.1 .3‬‬ ‫المعروف عن مشاريع الصرف الصحي أن لها تأثيرات إيجابية‬ ‫بلدية الخيارة‬ ‫البناء والتسرب المحتمل لمياه الصرف الصحي أثناء التشغيل‬ ‫واتحاد بلديات‬ ‫قاسم مظلوم‬ ‫هناك بعض القضايا المالية المتصلة بالشبكات التبي يجبري العمبل‬ ‫لم يبتم إدراج محطبة معالجبة ميباه الصبرف فبي جبب جنبين فبي الدراسبة‬ ‫السهل‬ ‫‪--‬‬ ‫عليها في هبذه المرحلبة وبعبد التأكبد مبن تبوافر األمبوال والمببال ‪،‬‬ ‫على الرغم من حاجته إلى بعض األعمال اإلضافية لتشغيله بالكامل‬ ‫يمكن طلب دعم البنك الدولي‪.‬‬ ‫• تقوم الحكومبة بتنفيبذ عبدة مببادرات لمكافحبة التلبوث فبي بحيبرة‬ ‫القرعبببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببون و حوضبببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببها‬ ‫• يعد هذا البرنامج بتمويل مبن البنبك البدولي جبزء مبن "مشبروع‬ ‫تجنب تلوث بحيرة القرعون" والذي يعالج جميع مصبادر التلبوث‬ ‫التببي تببؤثر علببى البحيببرة ومنطقببة مسببتجمعات الميبباه بهببا‪ .‬وقببد تببم‬ ‫يعببباني األفبببراد واألطفبببال مبببن األمبببراض‪ ،‬واالنزعببباج بسببببب البببروائح‬ ‫‪‬‬ ‫إقراره من قبل الحكومة‪ ،‬ويتم تنفيذه تدريجيا ً‬ ‫والتلوث‪:‬‬ ‫ً‬ ‫• تقبببوم وزارة البيئبببة‪ ،‬ببببدعم مبببن البنبببك البببدولي‪ ،‬بتنفيبببذ أيضبببا "‬ ‫• لمباذا لببم تقببم الحكومببة بتنفيببذ تبدابير التخفيببف قصببيرة المببدى للحببد مببن‬ ‫‪--‬‬ ‫مشروع الحد من التلوث بلبنان (‪ ،")LEPAP‬والبذي يهبدف إلبى‬ ‫خطورة هذه القضبية حتبى يبتم حبل جميبع القضبايا الماليبة‪ ،‬ويمكبن تنفيبذ‬ ‫مؤسسة مياه البقاع‬ ‫المحامي غسان جراح‬ ‫دعبببببببببببببم الصبببببببببببببناعات لالمتثببببببببببببببال للمعبببببببببببببايير البيئيببببببببببببببة‬ ‫الحلول على المدى الطويل بالكامل لحل تلك المشاكل؟‬ ‫• اعتمبد مجلبس البوزراء التشببريعات البيئيبة األخيبرة‪ ،‬والتبي عنببد‬ ‫• لمبباذا ال تقببوم الحكومببة فببي الوقببت ذاتببه بحببل مشببكلة ميبباه الصببرف‬ ‫تطبيقهببببا‪ ،‬ستسبببباعد علببببى التخفيببببف مببببن المشببببكلة؛ علببببى وجببببه‬ ‫الصناعية التي تمثل قضية رئيسية؟‬ ‫الخصببوص‪ ،‬مرسببوم االلتببزام البيئببي (المرسببوم ‪)1121/3132‬‬ ‫يجبببب أن يلعبببب دورا أساسبببيا فبببي تعزيبببز االمتثبببال للتشبببريعات‬ ‫البيئية‪ .‬هناك حاجة إلى دعم من المجتمبع المبدني والبلبديات لتنفيبذ‬ ‫التشريع‪.‬‬ ‫اآلن‪ ،‬يجببري تنفيببذ شبببكات الميبباه وتركيبهببا علببى الطببرق العامببة أو فببي‬ ‫غرفة التجارة‬ ‫يبببتم تنفيبببذ المشبببروعات اسبببتناداً إلبببى تبببوافر التمويبببل ممبببا يجعبببل‬ ‫شبببكات الصببرف الصببحي‪ ،‬والمرحلببة المقبلببة سببيتم تنفيببذها وسببيتم تنفيببذ‬ ‫‪--‬‬ ‫التنسيق صعبا ً‬ ‫والصناعة لزحلة‬ ‫المحامي توفيق الهندي‬ ‫أعمال الحفر مرة أخرى على الطرق العامة‪ .‬يجبب أن تكبون هنباك آليبة‬ ‫والبقاع‬ ‫تنسيق لتجنب إعادة حفر الطرق‬ ‫بغطببي البنببك الببدولي عببادة ‪ ٪211‬مببن تكبباليف االستشببارات ومببا‬ ‫برنامج بالدي ‪-‬‬ ‫‪--‬‬ ‫كم يغطي صندوق التمويل؟‬ ‫عصام عكيكي‬ ‫يتراوح بين ‪ ٪41‬و‪ ٪42‬من تكاليف التنفيذ‬ ‫كاريتاس لبنان‬ ‫الهبببدف الرئيسبببي مبببن هبببذه الورشبببة هبببو التنسبببيق مبببع البلبببديات‪،‬‬ ‫‪‬‬ ‫يصف التقرير دور البلديات في‬ ‫لم تذكر الدراسة آلية للتنسيق مع البلديات‬ ‫‪‬‬ ‫والنقاببببات‪ ،‬واالتحبببادات والمنظمبببات للحصبببول علبببى تعليقببباتهم‬ ‫تنفيذ اإلدارة البيئية واالجتماعية‬ ‫أرسبلت بلديببة عنجببر العديببد مببن الطلبببات إلببى مجلببس اإلنمبباء واإلعمببار‬ ‫‪‬‬ ‫المحامي نذرات‬ ‫وآرائهم وإدراجها في الدراسة‪.‬‬ ‫ومراقبة الخطة خاصة أثناء‬ ‫لتوسيع شبكات الصرف الصحي ولكن لم نتقلى أي ردود حتى اآلن‬ ‫بلدية عنجر‬ ‫أندوكيان‬ ‫تتبببوافر بعنجببببر بعببببض الشبببببكات وتفتقببببر إلببببى غيرهببببا أخببببرى‪،‬‬ ‫‪‬‬ ‫مرحلة البناء للمشروع (القسم ‪.3‬‬ ‫إذا كانت األموال متاحة من أجل شبكات ومحطة معالجة مياه الصرف‬ ‫‪‬‬ ‫‪.)1‬‬ ‫والتمويبببل متببباح لكبببن مجلبببس اإلنمببباء واإلعمبببار ينتظبببر موافقبببة‬ ‫في عنجر‪/‬مجدل عنجر‪ ،‬فيجب أن يكون التنفيذ قد بدأ‪.‬‬ ‫(االيطاليين)‬ ‫‪--‬‬ ‫يجري تنفيذ األعمال عند توافر األموال‬ ‫• يحتاج الناس إلى حلول أسرع وملموسة بدالً من دراسات فقط‪.‬‬ ‫برنامج بلدي‬ ‫مي أسعد‬ ‫ان إيداد‪ :‬شركة األرض للمناية الامطورة للاوارد‬ ‫‪xxviii‬‬ ‫مجلس اإلنماء واإلعمار‬ ‫الدراسات البيئية واإتجماايية الوقائية لاشروع الوقاية ان ملوّ ث بحيرة قريون‬ ‫الخص منفيذي‬ ‫إطار اإلدارة البيئية واالتجماايية‬ ‫دمج التعليقات في الدراسة‬ ‫اإلجابة‬ ‫التعليق ‪ /‬السؤال‬ ‫المنظمة‬ ‫االسم‬ ‫(كاريتاس)‬ ‫نفذت منظمة سالم العديبد مبن المببادرات فبي العبام الماضبي وحاليبا ً مبن‬ ‫‪‬‬ ‫هناك حاجة إلى دعم مبن المنظمبات غيبر الحكوميبة المحليبة أثنباء‬ ‫خببالل ‪ 23‬لجنببة مببن لجببان المجتمببع المببدني البيئيببة الموزعببة فببي القببرى‬ ‫‪--‬‬ ‫تنفيبببذ المشبببروع ويكمبببن هبببدف ورشبببة العمبببل فبببي إشبببراك هبببذه‬ ‫منظمة السالم‬ ‫أسامة إبراهيم‬ ‫(ببدعم مبن ‪ ،)USAID‬وهببي تعمبل علبى القضببايا البيئيبة‪ .‬وبالتبالي فببإن‬ ‫المنظمات غير الحكومية‪.‬‬ ‫ء في هذا المشروع لتعزيز الوعي‬ ‫المنظمة ترغب في أن تكون جز ً‬ ‫ان إيداد‪ :‬شركة األرض للمناية الامطورة للاوارد‬ ‫‪xxix‬‬ ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK EXECUTIVE SUMMARY EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The report describes the Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF) prepared for the Lake Qaraoun pollution prevention project. Introduction The Litani River is currently facing major pollution problems that are increasing at an alarming rate. As a result, the water of the lake became undrinkable and is only used for irrigation in certain circumstances. The main sources of pollution are municipal wastewater, industrial wastewater, solid waste, and runoff of agricultural chemicals including non-degradable pesticides (ELARD 2011). In order to reduce the pollution in the Qaraoun Lake, the quantity of untreated municipal sewage, solid wastes and industrial wastes discharged into the Litani must be controlled and the quality of agricultural runoff that empties into the river must be improved. As a response to this urgent situation and in order to limit pollution, the Ministry of Environment (MoE) established a Business Plan that identifies the most significant sources of pollution in the Qaraoun Lake and recommends appropriate solutions including detailed prioritized investments for each polluting sector, with an estimated financing requirement of US$225 million. In response to the government of Lebanon request, the World Bank will provide technical and financial assistance for some items of the business plan. The three components supported by the World Bank include the following:  Component 1: Improve the collection of the municipal sewage through construction of new networks, rehabilitation of a part of the old ones, and the establishment of new pumping stations.  Component 2: Increase the adoption of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) practices that need to be adopted by farmers. Component 3: Support technical studies in solid waste management (SWM). These preparatory studies will be conducted to improve the SWM system (additional landfills, sorting facilities, etc.). Also, this component aims at supporting project management and capacity building by establishing a Project Management Unit (PMU) for a better management of the Litani River and Qaraoun Lake waters. Objective of the ESMF The objective of this ESMF is to provide clear procedures and methodologies for environmental and social screening, review, approval and implementation of activities to be financed, in addition to specifying appropriate roles and responsibilities and outlining the necessary reporting procedures for managing and monitoring environmental and social concerns related to the project activities. This ESMF is intended to be used as a practical tool during project formulation, design, planning, implementation and monitoring to ensure that environment and social aspects are duly considered in the planning and implementation processes. It describes the steps PREPARED BY ELARD XXX ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK EXECUTIVE SUMMARY involved in identifying and mitigating the potential environmental and social impacts of proposed investments. The ESMF will identify potential socio-economic impacts that will require mitigation measures and/or resettlement and compensation. Any resettlement and/or compensation measures will be implemented in accordance with a Resettlement Policy Framework (RPF) and will be implemented prior to commencement of any investment activities. The ESMF includes an Environmental and Social Management Monitoring Plan (ESMMP) for the project’s implementation. The ESMMP summarizes institutional arrangements for the implementation of mitigation measures, monitoring, through certain indicators, of the implementation of these measures, capacity building needs as well as cost estimates for its implementation. Legislative and Regulatory Considerations The implementation of the proposed activities under the project must be in compliance with the operational policies of the World Bank (WB) and at the same time compliant to the existing legal framework and the regulations of the Government of Lebanon (GoL). The Country Environmental Analysis of Lebanon (CEA)2 conducted an assessment of the Lebanese national EIA system and determined the similarities and difference between the national EIA system and the World Bank operational policy OP 4.01 on environmental assessment and the European Commission (EC) EIA Regulations no. 97/11. The assessment showed that the features of the Lebanese EIA system are compatible with most of the World Bank EA Policy (OP 4.01) and the EC EIA regulations. These features are in: (i) screening; (ii) scoping; (iii) the EIA report content; (iv) the content of the environment management plan; (v) provisions for appeal; and (vi) requirements for monitoring and follow up. There are however gaps in the national EIA system namely: (a) the lack of standard TOR and sector guidelines for specific sectors to be provided to the project proponent for the preparation of the EIA or IEE reports; (b) lack of consultation with stakeholders for projects listed under Annex II (similar to Category B projects in the World Bank OP 4.01);and (c) the lack of disclosure of the EIA summary and Initial Environment Examination (IEE) to the public as required by articles 13 and 14 of the Environment Protection Law – noting that Article 13 of the EIA decree calls for Information Publication. These gaps are addressed in this ESMF by providing guidance to the preparation of safeguards documents, by specifically requiring consultation for IEE projects as well as explicitly requiring that EIA and IEE summaries be subject to disclosure. World Bank’s Safeguards Policies In preparing this ESMF, all the categories of investments were screened against the 10 WB safeguard policies and it was determined that the following 3 are triggered: OP 4.01 on Environmental Assessment, OP 4.09 on Pest Management, and OP 4.12 on Involuntary Resettlement. Environmental Assessment (OP 4.01) 2 The Country Environment Analysis (CEA) of Lebanon, the World Bank, April 2011 PREPARED BY ELARD XXXI ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK EXECUTIVE SUMMARY For all projects financed by the Bank, environmental screening is conducted according to the environmental impacts expected of the project, and all projects are assigned an environmental category, A, B, C, or FI, with a decreasing order of environmental impact severity. The instruments for this policy vary from a SEA, ESMF, ESIA, depending on the project particular conditions. At this stage since investment details are not sufficiently known, an ESMF is prepared. Based on the principles of the OP/BP 4.01, the projects that will be implemented under the proposed investment can be classified as “Category B” projects given that they have the potential to cause adverse environmental impacts but impacts are expected to be site- specific; few if any of them are expected to be irreversible; and in most cases mitigatory measures can be implemented to reduce impact significance to acceptable levels. “Category B” projects require the preparation of an Environmental Management Plan (EMP) with consultation with affected communities and stakeholders. Pest Management (OP 4.09) Pest Management (OP 4.09) is triggered since chemicals and pesticides are being used in the agricultural sector. A preferred solution is to use IPM techniques (such as biological control, cultural practices, and the development and use of crop varieties that are resistant or tolerant to the pest) and encourage their use in the whole of the sectors concerned. If pesticides have to be used in crop protection or in the fight against vector-borne disease, the Bank-funded project should include a Pest Management Plan (PMP), prepared by the borrower, either as a stand-alone document or as part of an Environmental Assessment (Source: WB, 2012). This policy established a list of chemicals that cannot be financed by the WB. In addition, the policy instrument, i.e., Pest Management Plan should be established for integrated pest management, and procedures and controls for safe use, handling, and disposal of chemicals and equipment. Involuntary Resettlement (OP 4.12) Significant efforts are to be made in the design and screening stages of the construction phase to avoid adverse impacts on people, land, property, including people’s access to natural and other economic resources, as far as possible. Under component 1 of the project, resettlement may be needed for the construction of wastewater pumping stations and sewage networks installation. An RPF that sets the guidelines for the Resettlement and Compensation Plans will be prepared since the program investment triggers this policy. A RAP would also have to be prepared and approved by the Bank when resettlement needs and areas are identified. Relevant National Legislative Framework The national regulatory framework includes important legislation related to environmental and social safeguards:  The EIA decree 8633/2012;  Expropriation Law No. 58 dated 29/05/1991 (updated on 8/12/2006); and PREPARED BY ELARD XXXII ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK EXECUTIVE SUMMARY  Other environmental legislations dealing with the management of water resources, solid waste and wastewater as well as air quality and pollution control. Institutional Framework Institutions relevant to the project include the following:  World Bank (WB);  Council for Development and Reconstruction (CDR);  Ministry of Environment (MoE);  Ministry of Energy and Water (MoEW);  Bekaa Water Establishment (BWE);  Litani River Authority  Ministry of Public Works and Transportation (MoPWT);  Ministry of Interior and Municipalities (MoIM);  Municipalities; and  Ministry of Agriculture. Mandates of these institutions with regard to the project are subsequently described. World Bank (WB) The WB is funding the three components of the project through the CDR. The WB’s responsibility is to:  Supervise the implementation of the Bank’s environment and social safeguards through the implementation of ESMF described in this document;  Review and clear environmental studies to ensure that the review process of the EIA system in Lebanon is acceptable;  Provide technical support to the CDR and other relevant stakeholders as required to ensure a reasonable implementation of the Banks’ safeguards. Council for Development and Reconstruction (CDR) The CDR will lead the execution of the project’s components and designate competent parties to implement them. The CDR will also supervise the implementation of the Environmental and Social Management Monitoring Plan (ESMMP) and will make sure that the recommendations of the Environmental Management Plan (EMP) for Zahle wastewater networks (and other EMPs subsequently prepared) are included in the Terms of Reference (TOR) of the contractors executing the construction activities. The CDR will be also responsible for the expropriation procedures if resettlement is needed during the execution of component 1 activities. Ministry of Environment (MoE) MoE will monitor the environmental impacts of the project, the implementation of the environmental management plan for component 1 activities during construction and operation, and the ESMMP for the whole project components. PREPARED BY ELARD XXXIII ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Ministry of Energy and Water (MoEW)/Bekaa Water Establishment (BWE)/Litani River Authority (LRA) The MoEW, through the Bekaa Water Establishment (BWE), is responsible for wastewater and potable water management. The MoEW will be responsible for approving the design of wastewater networks, location of pumping stations, and other matters related to water resources management. The Litani River Authority is responsible for monitoring the quality of the Litani River and its tributaries water quality, in addition to the awareness and cleaning campaigns. The BWE will monitor the EMP/IEE recommendations for component 1 activities during the operation phase. Ministry of Public Works and Transportation (MoPWT) According to Decree 13379/1998, the Directorate General of Roads and Buildings of the MoPWT is responsible for the inspection of sewage networks. Moreover, public roads fall under the MoPWT’s authority. Consequently, it is very impor tant to coordinate with the MoPWT when implementing infrastructure works such as the activities described in component 1 of the current project. Ministry of Interior and Municipalities (MoIM) The Ministry of Interior and Municipalities manages the affairs of Municipalities and Unions of Municipalities. Solid Waste Management falls under MoIM’s supervision; therefore, when implementing component 3 of the project it is necessary to coordinate with the MoIM in all the aspects of the studies. Municipalities The municipalities will supervise the implementation of the ESMMP and particularly the EMP/IEE recommendations related to the construction activities of component 1 of the project. Ministry of Agriculture The Ministry of Agriculture is responsible for the well-organized implementation of component 2 activities of the project (improvement of the quality of agricultural runoff) that include building and strengthening the capacity of farmers in the project area to implement Integrated Pest Management practices and to lower the application of chemical fertilizers. Public awareness campaigns related to environmental and public health concerns related to the excessive use of agro-chemicals will also be carried out by the Ministry. Description of the Environment Socio-economic and environmental baseline information related to the cities/ villages of Zahle and the West Bekaa concerned by this project was collected, including the following topics:  Climate (temperature, wind, precipitation);  Geology; PREPARED BY ELARD XXXIV ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK EXECUTIVE SUMMARY  Stratigraphy;  Hydrogeology and Groundwater Quality;  Ecology;  Archaeology; and  Socio-economic information for cities/villages concerned with various project’s components. Information about the relevant villages was obtained through an extensive desk review of databases which hold socio-economic data on the villages, and through field surveys for various IEEs, EIAs in the West Bekaa and Zahle area that ELARD has prepared. The villages are: Hezzerta, Saadnayel, Ablah, El Ferzol, Chtaura, Taablaya, Qabb Elias, Makse, El Mreyjat, Bawarej, Aitanit, Qaraoun, El Saouiri, El Marej, Zahle, Kaa El Rim, Anjar, Majdel Anjar, Bar Elias, El Rawda, Jdita, and Taanayel. No major issues of concerns related to baseline conditions that could pose severe constraints on the project implementation were identified. Environmental and Social Management Procedures This section covers the cycle of environmental and social assessment (ESA), including screening, preparation, review, and implementation and monitoring. The procedures for environmental and social management shall be in compliance with the operational policies of the World Bank (WB) and at the same time compliant to the existing legal framework and the regulations of the Government of Lebanon (GoL). The WB executes environmental screening to define the proper extent and type of Environmental Assessment (EA). The WB classifies the proposed project into one of four categories, according to the type, location, sensitivity, and scale of the project and the nature and magnitude of its potential environmental impacts. Similarly, according to the Lebanese National decree No. 8633/2012, a project can fall into one of three categories; Category I, Category II or Category III. Projects under Component 1 require an EMP to be submitted to the WB and an IEE to be submitted to MoE. As agreed with the WB and the MoE, one report (referred to as Environmental Assessment Report or EA report) that combines EMP and IEE including the most stringent requirements of both will be prepared. The IEE structure, which is inclusive of the World Bank’s EMP outline, will be used and will be complemented with the EMP requirements that include public consultation and disclosure. Moreover an RPF shall be prepared for component 1 activities. This RPF will set out the policies, principles, institutional arrangements, schedules and indicative budgets that will take care of anticipated involuntary resettlements as defined in OP 4.12 and the Lebanese regulations. A RAP for Zahle network construction activities shall be considered when the resettlement needs are identified. Responsibilities The CDR will have the responsibility for: a) Reviewing the EA report before being submitted to the WB; PREPARED BY ELARD XXXV ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK EXECUTIVE SUMMARY b) Reviewing the screening form before it being submitted to the MOE; c) Prepare and review the EA report prior to its submission to the MOE; d) Ensure that the environment and social management plan is included as part of the contracts for civil work; e) Monitor the implementation of the environment and social management plan during project construction and include a report on the ESMP implementation as part of the bi annual report to the World Bank; and f) Approve the RPF and RAP. The Service of the Environment Technology/MOE will be responsible for: a) Review and make a decision on the EA report; and b) Supervision of the implementation of the Environment and Social management plan during construction and operation phases. The World Bank will review and approve the Environment and Social Safeguard reports it will also monitor the implementation of the ESMP. The EMP/IEE Phase The purpose of the EMP/IEE process for component 1 is to:  Identify and analyze potential environment and social impacts and issues, both adverse and beneficial, associated the proposed project;  Identify measures to avoid, minimize, mitigate, or offset/compensate for adverse impacts on workers, affected communities, and the environment;  Design an Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) to address the mitigation, and monitoring of these adverse measures, as well as propose institutional measures to manage and monitor the adverse impacts and their remedial measures as needed;  Identify specific self-monitoring reporting that the CDR would submit to the WB and MOE for the construction and operation phase of the investment project; and  Ensure that the investment contracts include appropriate, clauses to obligate the contractors to comply with the associated elements of the ESMP and submit also progress reports as part of their contractual obligations. The outcome of the process is an EMP/IEE report which is further elaborated in Annex 6 of decree # 8633/2012 and must include the following:  Non-Technical Executive Summary;  Table of contents;  Introduction;  Policy, legal and administrative framework;  Description of the proposed project;  Description of the base line of the surrounding environment of the project and its area of influence;  Public consultation; PREPARED BY ELARD XXXVI ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK EXECUTIVE SUMMARY  Potential environmental and social impacts of the project;  Environmental and Social Management plan as described below;  Self-reporting requirements during the construction and operational phases of the project;  Summary of project documents;  Tables and information statements;  List of scientific and non-scientific references used; and  List of the names of those who prepared the IEE report (individuals and institutions). RPF The framework shall cover all the project’s activities, and shall apply to all displaced persons regardless of the total number affected, the severity of impact, and whether or not the affected persons have legal title to the land. Since resettlement often affects the most vulnerable and marginalized groups (economically, politically, and socially), the RPF shall be particularly sensitive to the affects which displacement may have on these groups, including the poor, landless, elderly, women, children, ethnic minorities, or persons with specific mental or physical disabilities. This RPF shall be adopted in case resettlement during the implementation of the project component 1 became inevitable otherwise, efforts should be made to avoid or minimize the need for land acquisition and resettlement. RAP Any activity of component 1 that necessitates acquiring a land, results in involuntary resettlement of people or the loss or restriction of access to private or communal resources, will require preparing a Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) or abbreviated RAP depending on the number of people affected or the significance of the resettlement impacts as per the OP 4.12. PREPARED BY ELARD XXXVII ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Potential Environmental and Social Impacts No significant negative environmental and social impacts are anticipated to be generated from the implementation of the proposed investment. This shall be confirmed in subsequent environmental and social studies to be conducted for specific project investments, as dictated in this ESMF. The positive and negative environmental and social impacts of the activities of component 1 are listed in Table 1 and Table 2 respectively. The positive effects of the other different components are discussed below. Component 2- Increase the adoption of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) practices that need to be adopted by farmers. This component suggests the conduction of awareness campaigns mostly targeting big Farmers to introduce the concept of IPM that is based on the reduction of the use of fertilizers, the improvement of irrigation practices and the land preparation practices. Eventually, the pollution of the soil and the Qaraoun Lake from agricultural pesticides will be limited and the technical know-how of the Farmers will be improved along with their sensitivity towards environmental issues. This component mainly has positive impacts on the society and the environment with no negative impacts. Component 3 Solid Waste Management This component aims at leading technical, environmental and social studies for the establishment of a sorting facility and a sanitary landfill in Bar Elias in addition to a sorting facility in Rachaya and the closure and rehabilitation of dump sites such as Temmin al Tahta, Qab Elias, Barr Elias, Hawch Al Harim, Al-Khyara, Jeb Jennine, Gazze or Kayyal. These studies will be prepared starting from the second year of project implementation. Those activities are studies and mostly have positive impacts with no negative impacts on the environment and the society. In case the Government decides to finance the establishment of a sorting facility and a sanitary landfill with their own budget based on the studies conducted under Component 3, an environmental impact assessment will be prepared and disclosed according to the national EIA decree, and the consultation will be held before the physical work is initiated. Capacity building and Project Management This component discusses the launch of capacity building programs for the BWE and the LRA. The impacts of those activities are positive given that eventually, the BWE and the LRA would have been provided with enough guidance and technical assistance to monitor water resources, manage the irrigation system, improve the risk management and strengthen institutional capacity to support the implementation of the business plan for combating pollution of the Qaraoun Lake. PREPARED BY ELARD XXXVIII ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Table 1 Positive Environmental and Social Impacts of the Activities of Component 1 and their Corresponding Rankings Investment Activity Primary Impact Secondary Impact Persistence Ranking Weighting (i) General impacts at Design Stage Sensitizing society on Could induce attitude environmental requirements change towards Long-term High 2P environmental conservation Generation of a database on Design of new sewer Subjecting the entire social and physical Improves public networks, pumping Long-term Moderate P project to this ESMF process environment of project awareness stations location Local setting and Provides a forum for documentation of coordinated and Long-term High 2P development priorities rationalized development (ii) Positive impacts during construction phase Civil works (excavation, Construction activities Creation of employment Addition income to all pipes installation, cadre of staff and their Short-term High 2P backfilling, construction of households pumping stations) Increased demand on Additional income to supplies (raw material, commercial institutions Short-term High 2P pipes…) in the area (ii) Positive impacts at during operation phase Improved hygiene and Improve the health of sanitation habitants in the project Long Term High 2P Construction of new sewer area by reducing networks, pumping stations, water-borne diseases Sewage Infrastructure , rehabilitation of old Decreased discharge of network parts Reduction in contaminants to water groundwater and Long-term High 2P bodies and protection of the surface water pollution water sources in the PREPARED BY ELARD XXXIX ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Investment Activity Primary Impact Secondary Impact Persistence Ranking Weighting watershed of the Litani River and the Qaraoun Lake Legend / scale for impact ranking: P, Positive; 2P, Strongly Positive; O, Neutral; N, Negative; 2N Strongly Negative PREPARED BY ELARD XL ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Table 2 Potential Negative Environmental and Social Impacts of the Activities of Component 1 Feasibility of Phase Receptor Impact Duration Duration of impact Weighting mitigation Can be Can be both Temporary or permanent change in topography, soil erosion and Low (short-term)/ long-term reversible or N collapse from grading, trenching, or excavation High(long-term) or shorter irreversible Change in soil and groundwater quality from: - leakage of fuel, lubrication oil, gear oil and transmission oil to the exposed and excavated soil unearthed in the excavation process from construction/haulage vehicles and equipment - Inadequate storage and disposal of lubrication oil, gear oil and transmission oil used for equipment maintenance; - Inadequate storage and disposal of bitumen material used for asphalting activities; - Spills of potentially contaminating materials such as glues, Soil and solvents, or lubricants that are used or stored onsite for pipes Groundwater installation. The spills can affect the excavated or exposed soil; Long-term Reversible Medium N - Accidental spills from refueling operation; - Improper disposal of concrete wastes resulting from onsite Construction concrete batching or cleaning of ready-mix concrete vehicles; - Surface run-off water that comes into contact with concrete, onsite stockpiled sand and gravel and open excavated trenches during rainy days; - Discharged hydrotest water that come into contact with excavated soils stockpiled along the trenches; - Inadequate disposal of solid wastes and wastewater generated during construction from workers; and - Leakage from old networks during rehabilitation. Change in surface water and sediments quality from:  Possible leakage of fuel/ oil/ chemicals from: - Machinery used during construction and haulage; Surface Water - Generators; and Short-term Reversible Medium N - Refuelling operations and routine inspection.  Inadequate storage and disposal of wastewater, solid waste (domestic waste and construction waste) and hazardous waste PREPARED BY ELARD XLI ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Feasibility of Phase Receptor Impact Duration Duration of impact Weighting mitigation that will be generated from the construction activities: - Earthworks and construction of access roads; - Pipeline Installation / Trenching and backfilling; - Hydrotesting - Construction of pump stations; and - Chemicals disposal during maintenance of machinery, generators and equipment. Increase in air pollutants due to vehicle and truck movement during mobilization and procurement, in addition to the operation of diesel- Short-term Reversible Low N operated construction machinery (i.e. power generator, loader, bulldozer, dump trucks). Air Quality Dust emissions from excavation and backfilling activities, temporary storage of excavated soil near the construction trench as well as Short-term Reversible Low N from the movement of vehicles on unpaved roads, which may impact local ambient air quality Habitat loss or destruction, altered abiotic/site factors, mortality of individuals, habitat fragmentation, disturbance, and vegetation loss Medium (short-term due to: Can be Can be both and reversible)/ - Site clearance and grading in the pumping station long-term Ecology reversible or High (long-term and N construction location; or short- irreversible irreversible e.g. loss - Excavation for pipes and pumping stations; term of certain species) - Accidental spills (fuels/chemicals) during construction; and - Inadequate disposal of solid waste and surplus material - Increase in traffic volume due to the deployment of construction vehicles, transport vehicles and equipment; and Traffic - Increased travel times for drivers passing through the Project area Short-term Reversible Medium N due to partial or total closure of the roads adjacent to the installed pipelines Increase in ambient noise levels from: - Mobilization, site clearance, grading and excavation activities; - Construction activities at the pumping stations location Noise (form work, reinforced concrete, interior finishing, exterior Short-term Reversible Medium N finishing); - Movement of vehicles to transport people and materials; and - Operation of equipment and machinery on-site PREPARED BY ELARD XLII ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Feasibility of Phase Receptor Impact Duration Duration of impact Weighting mitigation Injuries to the public and workers from: - Open trenches, openly stored or moving construction materials, moving construction equipment and redirected Can be Occupational Can be both traffic; and long-term Health & reversible or Low N - General and construction and pipes installation activities or short- Safety irreversible that will increase the workers and public exposed to noise, term dust and occupational hazards which will increase the potential accidents Socio- Land acquisition for pumping stations construction Long-term Irreversible High 2N economy Temporary change in topography, soil erosion and collapse from Short-term Reversible Low N excavation activities during maintenance Change in soil and groundwater quality from: - leakage of fuel, lubrication oil, gear oil and transmission oil to the exposed and excavated soil unearthed in the excavation process; Soil and - Inadequate storage and disposal of bitumen material used Groundwater for asphalting activities; Long-term Reversible Medium N - Spills of potentially contaminating materials such as glues, solvents, or lubricants that are used onsite for pipes installation. The spills can affect the excavated or exposed soil; - Potential spills of raw wastewater from pipelines or pumping Operation stations. Change in surface water and sediments quality from: - Wastewater leakage along all the pipeline route and in pumping stations location; - Oil and fuel leakage from generators, and fuel tank storage Long-term Reversible Medium N Surface Water in the pumping stations; - Network maintenance activities; and - Inadequate treatment of wastewater at receiving facility. - Malfunction at pump stations (due to electricity cut-off, pumps break down, etc.) leading to discharge of untreated Short-Term Reversible Low N sewage in surface water - Increase in air pollutants due to the operation of diesel- Air Quality Short-term Reversible Low N operated standby power generators; and PREPARED BY ELARD XLIII ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Feasibility of Phase Receptor Impact Duration Duration of impact Weighting mitigation - Odor emissions at pumping stations No major impacts are anticipated in the operation phase of the Ecology -- -- -- O project Traffic Traffic disturbance from maintenance activities Short-term Reversible Low N Increased noise levels due to usage of equipment during the maintenance period of the wastewater network and the pumping stations. This will depend on the type of work needed and the extent Noise Short-term Reversible Low N of the network damage. Excavation to expose the damaged pipe is expected in addition to the backfilling, compaction and reinstatement of the excavated road. Occupational Increased health and safety risks due to traffic related accidents and Health & Short-term Reversible Low N open trenches during pipes repair and spill management. Safety Legend / scale for impact ranking: P, Positive; 2P, Strongly Positive; O, Neutral; A, Acceptable; N, Negative; 2N Strongly Negative PREPARED BY ELARD XLIV ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Proposed mitigations measures and monitoring plan for construction and operation impacts of component 1are summarized in Table 3 and Table 4 respectively. Table 3 The ESMMP during Construction Phase Monitoring and Reporting Activity/Source Potential Impact Mitigation Measure(s) Monitoring Indicator(s) Responsibility Frequency Soil - Contractor’s civil - Daily visual inspection of the - Number of complaints from the engineer and Temporary or excavation activities municipalities in the project area foreman permanent Develop appropriate - Daily inspection of soil Grading, - Number of complaints from the - Supervision change in procedures for erosion from the site trenching, or residents/owners of land adjacent consultant topography, soil reinstatement and soil - Monthly record of resident excavation to the excavation sites appointed by CDR erosion and stabilization complaints - Amount of observed soil erosion - Municipality collapse - Monthly record of from the construction site Engineer municipality complaints - Contractor’s civil Fuel and engineer and chemicals use environmental and storage, Develop procedure for Daily visual inspection to ensure officer improper Change in soil storage and handling of Amount of contaminated soil visible proper implementation and to - Supervision discharge of quality wastes, chemicals, and during inspection identify soil stains and location consultant solid wastes, hazardous wastes. of spills, if any. appointed by CDR wastewater, and - Municipality spill from old Engineer networks Groundwater and Surface Water Fuel and - Contractor’s civil chemicals use Change in Water characteristics (physico- engineer and Develop procedure for and storage, groundwater chemical parameters, including environmental storage and handling of Monthly testing during the improper and surface turbidity, COD, BOD5, TPH, TDS and officer wastes, chemicals, and construction period discharge of water quality heavy metals) - Supervision hazardous wastes. solid wastes, consultant wastewater, and appointed by CDR PREPARED BY ELARD XLV ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Monitoring and Reporting Activity/Source Potential Impact Mitigation Measure(s) Monitoring Indicator(s) Responsibility Frequency spill from old - Municipality networks Engineer Air Quality - Daily visual checks of smoke - Contractor’s emissions from vehicles and mechanical machinery. engineer and Vehicle and - Monthly analysis of environmental Proper maintenance of Number of noncompliance reports officer truck movement, Increase in air maintenance records of operation of pollutants machines and about machines and equipment - Supervision equipment operated on- generators equipment. routine maintenance consultant site to ensure these are properly maintained and appointed by CDR do not lead to excessive - Municipality emissions Engineer - Daily visual monitoring of dust generation from the - Contractor’s civil work zone to ensure that no engineer and Excavation, Implement procedures Number of noncompliance reports excessive dust is produced environmental backfilling, and to minimize dust about trucks - Conducting/ investigating officer movement of Dust emission emissions such as water - Number of complaints from dust monitoring in response - Supervision vehicles on spraying, covering project area to specific complaints consultant unpaved roads loaded trucks. - Monthly records of resident appointed by CDR residents/municipalities complaints - Municipality - Monthly records of Engineer municipality complaints Ecology PREPARED BY ELARD XLVI ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Monitoring and Reporting Activity/Source Potential Impact Mitigation Measure(s) Monitoring Indicator(s) Responsibility Frequency Ecological habitat loss or - Conduct ecological - Contractor’s destruction, surveys to allocate - Number of trees damaged environmental altered critical ecosystems for or removed officer Site clearance, abiotic/site conservation. excavation, and factors, mortality - Area of Weekly visual inspection of trees - Supervision - Analyze alternatives waste disposal of individuals, ecosystems/habitats along construction route consultant for best route habitat affected appointed by CDR selection to minimize fragmentation, - Municipality any adverse impact disturbance, and Engineer for new pipelines. vegetation loss Traffic - Weekly monitoring road safety signs on site roads; Deployment of - Daily monitoring to ensure construction compliance with safety vehicles, standards and the proper - Contractor’s HSE Increase in traffic Keep traffic to transport positioning of any officer volume and designated roads, vehicles and necessary traffic diversion travel time for position necessary - Supervision equipment, Number of complaints from the signs; drivers passing diversion signs, schedule consultant partial or total municipalities/residents. - Investigating any potential through the transport of workers and appointed by CDR closure of the traffic disturbance due to Project area materials to avoid peak - Municipality roads adjacent construction activities in hours. Engineer to the installed response to specific pipelines complaints; - Monthly records of complaints from residents along construction route 2. Noise PREPARED BY ELARD XLVII ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Monitoring and Reporting Activity/Source Potential Impact Mitigation Measure(s) Monitoring Indicator(s) Responsibility Frequency - Conducting/investigating Switch off equipment noise monitoring in response and generators when to specific complaints and not in use, equip all - Contractor’s HSE during noisy activities, Construction internal combustion officer activities, Increase in - Weekly checking that the engine driven Number of complaints from the - Supervision equipment and ambient noise results of noise monitoring equipment with intake municipalities/residents consultant machinery levels are communicated to CDR and exhaust mufflers appointed by CDR operation and if needed corrective that are in good - Municipality action is taken. condition and Engineer appropriate for the - Monthly records of equipment. complaints from the municipalities/residents Safety Hazards Prepare an HSE - Number of reported injuries among procedure in workers - Contractor’s HSE Construction accordance with the - Number of reported injuries among officer Daily recording of HSE incidents activities, Injuries to the applicable standards, residents and people crossing the - Supervision apply procedures to on-site equipment and public and project site consultant machinery workers reduce hazards, and Monthly records of safety - Number of documented instances appointed by CDR operation take appropriate equipment violations by workers of workers not observed - Municipality measures for storage, wearing/using required safety Engineer handling, transportation, gear/equipment and disposal of all waste PREPARED BY ELARD XLVIII ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Monitoring and Reporting Activity/Source Potential Impact Mitigation Measure(s) Monitoring Indicator(s) Responsibility Frequency material. - Number of complaints from the municipalities/residents Provide basic training in construction, health and safety, first aid and the environment the construction team Pumping stations Prepare and implement Monthly records on CDR Land acquisition Number of acquired plots construction a RAP expropriation progress Table 4 The ESMMP during Operation Phase Monitoring and Reporting Activity/Source Potential Impact Mitigation Measure(s) Monitoring Indicator(s) Responsibility Frequency Soil - Daily visual inspection of the Temporary or excavation activities permanent Develop appropriate - Daily inspection of soil Grading, change in procedures for Amount of observed soil erosion from erosion from the site MoEW/BWE trenching, or topography, soil excavation for erosion and reinstatement and soil the construction site - Monthly record of resident representative maintenance collapse during stabilization complaints maintenance - Monthly record of activities municipality complaints Fuel and Develop procedure for chemicals use storage and handling of Daily visual inspection to and storage, Change in soil wastes, chemicals, and Amount of contaminated soil visible MoEW/BWE identify soil stains and location improper quality hazardous wastes, during inspection representative of spills during maintenance discharge of maintain properly the period. solid wastes, pipelines and the sludge, and pumping stations. PREPARED BY ELARD XLIX ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Monitoring and Reporting Activity/Source Potential Impact Mitigation Measure(s) Monitoring Indicator(s) Responsibility Frequency wastewater Develop procedures for during sludge treatment and maintenance disposal according to activities the treatment plant process Groundwater Change in Properly maintain the Water characteristics (physico- network and manage MoEW/BWE Leakage from groundwater chemical parameters and fecal directly detected Every six months representative the network quality coliforms) leakages and spills Surface Water The parameters that are required in Discharge of Monitor the effluent the Lebanese decision 8/1 2001 for the treated wastewater quality for discharge of wastewater into surface Monthly wastewater to compliance with the water bodies rivers relevant standards - Provide the Change in pumping station MoEW/BWE surface water with a standby representative quality generator and a Monitor the flow of the river for dilution Discharge of standby pump; requirements according to Lebanese Monthly/During malfunctioning untreated - Provide a fuel decision 8/1 2001 periods wastewater storage tank for the generators (volume capacity should be 24 hours operation) Air Quality - Monthly analysis of Proper maintenance of Number of noncompliance reports maintenance records of Operation of Increase in air MoEW/BWE generators pollutants generators and about machines and equipment generators to ensure these representative installation of filters. routine maintenance are properly maintained and do not lead to PREPARED BY ELARD L ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Monitoring and Reporting Activity/Source Potential Impact Mitigation Measure(s) Monitoring Indicator(s) Responsibility Frequency excessive emissions - Installation of an odor filter; - Installation of air mixers inside the holding tank of the Operation of Generation of pumping station; and - Monthly/ During MoEW/BWE pumping station odors Number of complaints from odor malfunctioning periods representative - Construction of an overflow pipeline that divert the raw wastewater in malfunctioning cases Traffic During maintenance period: - Daily monitoring road safety signs on site roads; - Daily monitoring to ensure Keep traffic to Increase in traffic compliance with safety Partial or total designated roads, volume and standards and the proper closure of the position necessary MoEW/BWE travel time for Number of complaints from the positioning of any roads adjacent diversion signs, and representative drivers passing municipalities/residents. necessary traffic diversion to the installed schedule maintenance through the pipelines activities to avoid peak signs; and Project area hours. - Investigating any potential traffic disturbance due to maintenance activities in response to specific complaints. 3. Noise PREPARED BY ELARD LI ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Monitoring and Reporting Activity/Source Potential Impact Mitigation Measure(s) Monitoring Indicator(s) Responsibility Frequency Switch off equipment and generators when not in use, equip all internal combustion - Conducting/investigating engine driven noise monitoring in response Equipment and equipment with intake to specific complaints and machinery and exhaust mufflers during noisy activities. operation during Increase in that are in good Number of complaints from the - Yearly checking the noise MoEW/BWE maintenance, ambient noise condition and municipalities/residents monitoring results and if representative operation of levels appropriate for the needed corrective action is pumping equipment, isolate taken. stations. pumps room to reduce - Monthly records of noise levels in the complaints from the exterior environment municipalities/residents and equip them with silencers, properly maintain the pumps. Safety Hazards Prepare an HSE procedure in accordance with the - Number of reported injuries among applicable standards, workers apply procedures to - Number of reported injuries among Equipment and reduce hazards, and residents and people crossing the Daily recording of HSE incidents machinery Injuries to the take appropriate project site during maintenance period; operation during public and measures for storage, MoEW/BWE - Number of documented instances and maintenance workers handling, transportation, representative of workers not observed Monthly records of safety activities and disposal of all waste wearing/using required safety equipment violations by workers material. gear/equipment Provide basic training in - Number of complaints from the operation, health and municipalities/residents safety, first aid and the environment for the PREPARED BY ELARD LII ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Monitoring and Reporting Activity/Source Potential Impact Mitigation Measure(s) Monitoring Indicator(s) Responsibility Frequency operation team. PREPARED BY ELARD LIII ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Roles and responsibilities of the different institutions involved in the construction and operation of the future projects with respect to the implementation of the EMP are summarized in Table 5. Table 5 ESMMP Implementation Plan Institution/Body Roles and Responsibilities CDR Overall responsibility over the EMMP Implementation during construction Conduct site audits as needed to check implementation of EMP during MoE construction and operation The Municipal engineer in association with the Consultant appointed by CDR will Municipalities take technical responsibility for supervising the impact mitigation plan during construction following which; a report will be filed and retained at municipality. MoEW/BWE Overall responsibility over the EMMP Implementation during operation Prepare a Construction Environmental and Social Management Plan (CESMP) that details how the contractor shall implement the provisions of the ESMMP; Provide a field HSE officer to ensure implementation of the CESMP; Liaise with supervision Consultant and regularly report on implementation of Contractor ESMMP; Immediately report to supervision Consultant in case of accidents, spills or other events which have health, safety or environmental implications; In case of incidents, the contractor should fill an incident records form, including how the incident is planned to be addressed. Supervision  Supervise the Contractor's implementation of CESMP; consultant(s)  Prepare a checklist to be used to supervise Contractor’s works;  Review and approve CESMP prepared by Contractor;  Review and approve Contractor’s ESMMP reports;  Coordinate with CDR to ensure appropriate reporting of ESMMP implementation;  Identify training needs of concerned parties to ensure ESMMP requirements are well-understood and can be implemented. It is recommended that parties responsible for the implementation of this ESMF be trained on the implementation of Environmental Management Plans during construction and operation phases of the project. For instance, no contractor should be allowed to initiate work before he fully understands the requirements of the project’s Envir onmental Management Plan and prepared a Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP). Similarly, project operators should be trained on the implementation of the EMP during operation and should prepare an Operation Environmental Management Plan (OEMP). PREPARED BY ELARD LIV ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Public Consultation A public consultation meeting was held on September 13, 2014 in Chtoura to discuss the findings of this ESMF and to offer the opportunity for stakeholders to express their opinion and concerns, if any. Participants represented the following main affiliations:  Ministry of Environment  Ministry of Public Health  Council for Development and  Ministry of Interior and Reconstruction Municipalities  Municipalities (Alkhyara, Ferzoul, Kaa Alrim,  Rafik El Khoury and Partners Bar Elias, and Aanjar)  Caritas Lebanon  Union of Municipalities (Zahle, Alsahel)  Salam Organization  Bekaa Water Authority  Université Saint-Joseph  Zahle and Bekaa Chamber  Lebanese University The general comments received through the distributed evaluation forms are:  Industrial wastewater and industrial solid wastes must be considered as the main sources of pollution of the Qaraoun Lake and the Litani River. Short and long-term solutions must be suggested to solve this issue.  Workshops should not only be done in Chtaura but also in all the Municipalities that surround the Qaraoun Lake and Litani River so that the public becomes involved in all the project’s activities. This will eventually lead to the success of the project or any other environmental project.  Sewer networks must be as far as possible from potable water.  Emergency measures must be implemented to reduce the suffering of the people who are affected by pollution in the area while awaiting for longer-term solutions. Also, it is important to gain the trust of the local communities to avoid having problems and obstacles while implementing the project’s activities.  Strengthen the role of local Authorities (Municipalities). In addition, a study for the management of the use and consumption of clean water must be prepared given the high number of Syrian refugees.  Civil society organizations must be empowered to raise people’s awareness regarding the environment. The Association “ Al Salam” created environmental committees that work to reduce pollution and raise awareness in the 18 towns surrounding the Litani River.  Find solutions to the negative impacts of bad odors generated at the riverside and of the irrigation water quality. Table 6 summarizes the main issues raised by participants and how these were taken into consideration, where applicable. PREPARED BY ELARD LV ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK (ESMF) EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Table 6 Proceedings of the Public Consultation Meeting Integration of Name Organization Comment/Question Answer Comments in the Study The overall project impact on groundwater is Some of the presented impacts on groundwater positive, however, the impacts mentioned in Positive impacts of the are negative whereas wastewater projects are the presentation were related to construction project are highlighted Alkhyara known to have positive impacts activities and potential leakage of wastewater in Section 6.2. Kassem Municipality during operation Mathloom and Union of There are some financial issues related to the Municipalities Jeb Jannine WWTP was not included in the study networks that are being worked on at this of the Plain though it needs some additional works to be fully stage and after confirming the fund availability -- functional and the amount, the World Bank’s support maybe sought.  The government is implementing several initiatives to control pollution in the Qaraoun lake and its basin  This program financed by the World Bank is People and children suffer from diseases, part of “The Qaraoun pollution prevention annoyance due to odors, and pollution: project” that addresses all sources of  Why doesn’t the government implement short pollution affecting the lake and its term mitigation measures to reduce the catchment area. It has been endorsed by Lawyer severity of the issue until all the financial issues Ghassan Bekaa Water the government and shall be are solved, and long term solutions can be fully -- Jarrah Authority implemented gradually implemented to resolve those problems?  The Ministry of Environment, with the  Why doesn’t the government in the support of the World Bank, is also meanwhile solve the industrial wastewater implementing the “Lebanon Pollution problem which is a major issue? Abatement Project (LEPAP)”, which aims at supporting industries to comply with environmental standards  Recent environmental legislation has been adopted by the Council of Ministers, that PREPARED BY ELARD LVI ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK (ESMF) EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Integration of Name Organization Comment/Question Answer Comments in the Study when enforced, will help alleviate the problem; in particular, the Environmental Compliance Decree (Decree 8471/2012) should play an instrumental role in promoting compliance with environmental legislation; support from from civic society and municipalities is needed to enforce the legislation. Now, water networks are being implemented and Zahle and installed on public roads and in the next phase Bekaa Projects are implemented based on the Lawyer Toufik wastewater networks will be implemented and Chamber of financing availability which makes the -- Al Hindi excavations will be executed again on public Commerce coordination difficult roads. There should be a coordination mechanism and Industry to avoid re-excavating the roads Baladi World bank usually covers 100% of the Program - Issam Akiki How much does the fund cover? consultancy costs and between 90% and 95% -- Caritas of the implementation costs Lebanon  The study doesn’t mention the mechanism for  The main aim of this workshop is to The report describes the coordination with municipalities coordinate with municipalities, unions, and role of municipalities in implementing the  Anjar municipality sent many requests to the organizations, to take their comments and environmental and Lawyer Anjar CDR to expand the sewage networks but no opinions and include them in the study. social management Nathrat Municipality replies were received so far  Anjar has some networks and lacks others, and monitoring plan Andokian especially during the  If the funds are available for Anjar/Majdel and funding is available however CDR is construction phase of Anjar WWTP and networks, execution should waiting for the approval (Italians) the project have started (Section 7.2).  People need quicker and tangible solutions Works are being executed when funds are Baladi rather than only studies. available May Assad -- Program PREPARED BY ELARD LVII ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK (ESMF) EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Integration of Name Organization Comment/Question Answer Comments in the Study  Salam Organization has implemented numerous initiatives last year and currently through 18 environmental committees from The support of the local NGOs is needed Osama Al Salam the civil society distributed in the villages during the implementation of the project Ibrahim Organization (support from USAID), it is working on -- and the workshop aim is to involve these environmental matters. Therefore the NGOs. organization would like to be part in this project in promoting awareness PREPARED BY ELARD LVIII ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK INTRODUCTION 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 CONTEXT OF THE STUDY The Litani River which is around 170 Km long, originates from the Bekaa valley in the South of Lebanon and empties in the Mediterranean Sea North Tyre. The Qaraoun dam is a remarkable water feature of the Litani River since it created the largest artificial lake in the country, namely the “the Qaraoun Lake”, that covers an area of 12 Km2 and has a capacity of 220 million m3. The Qaraoun Lake is located in the West Bekaa at an altitude of 800 m and its water is used for hydropower production and irrigation. The Lake’s storage capacity is used to:  Irrigate 1,400 hectares (ha) of the agricultural area in the Bekaa valley and 36,000 ha in the South of Lebanon  Generate electricity at Markaba ((34 Mega Watt (MW)), Awali (108 MW) and Joun (48 MW) hydropower plants The Litani River is currently facing major pollution problems that are increasing at an alarming rate. As a result, the concentrations of metals (Arsenic (As), Cadmium (Cd), Mercury (Hg), Vanadium (V) etc.) in Lake Qaraoun exceed the world average concentration in lakes. Also, high concentrations of ammonia, nitrites, fecal coliforms, urban runoff (TPH) and organic industrial pollution, such as phenols and TPH were found in the waters of the Litani River and the Qaraoun Lake. As a result, the water of the lake became undrinkable and only used for irrigation in certain circumstances. The main sources of pollution are municipal wastewater, industrial wastewater, solid waste, and runoff of agricultural chemicals including non- degradable pesticides (ELARD 2011). In order to reduce the pollution in the Qaraoun Lake, the quantity of untreated municipal sewage, solid wastes and industrial wastes discharged into the Litani must be controlled and the quality of agricultural runoff that empties into the river must be improved. As a response to this urgent situation and in order to limit pollution, the Ministry of Environment (MoE) established a Business Plan that identifies the most significant sources of pollution in the Qaraoun Lake and recommends appropriate solutions including detailed prioritized investments for each polluting sector, with an estimated financing requirement of US$225 million. In response to the government of Lebanon request, the World Bank will provide technical and financial assistance for some items of the business plan. The three components supported by the World Bank include the following:  Component 1: Improve the collection of the municipal sewage through construction of new networks, rehabilitation of a part of the old ones, and the establishment of new pumping stations.  Component 2: Increase the adoption of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) practices that need to be adopted by farmers. Component 3: Support technical studies in solid waste management (SWM). These preparatory studies will be conducted to improve the SWM system (additional PREPARED BY ELARD 1 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK INTRODUCTION landfills, sorting facilities, etc.). Also, this component aims at supporting project management and capacity building by establishing a Project Management Unit (PMU) for a better management of the Litani River and Qaraoun Lake waters. 1.2 OBJECTIVES OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK The objective of this ESMF is to provide clear procedures and methodologies for environmental and social screening, review, approval and implementation of activities to be financed, in addition to specifying appropriate roles and responsibilities and outlining the necessary reporting procedures for managing and monitoring environmental and social concerns related to the project activities. This ESMF is intended to be used as a practical tool during project formulation, design, planning, implementation and monitoring to ensure that environment and social aspects are duly considered in the planning and implementation processes. It describes the steps involved in identifying and mitigating the potential environmental and social impacts of proposed investments. The ESMF identifies potential socio-economic impacts that require mitigation measures and/or resettlement and compensation. Any resettlement and/or compensation measures will be implemented in accordance with a Resettlement Policy Framework (RPF) and will be implemented prior to commencement of any investment activities. Moreover, once the locations of the sewer networks construction are identified, a site- specific EMP shall be prepared. The ESMF includes an Environmental and Social Management and Monitoring Plan (ESMMP) for the project’s implementation. The ESM MP summarizes institutional arrangements for the implementation of mitigation measures, monitoring, through certain indicators, of the implementation of these measures, capacity building needs as well as cost estimates for its implementation. A site specific IIE/ EMP and LAP are being prepared for Component One / Package 1 (and are available in separate reports). This framework is prepared to guide the preparation of the site specific Environment and Social Management Plans of Component One / Packages 2 and 3 and remaining project activities. PREPARED BY ELARD 2 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK PROJECT DESCRIPTION 2. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The development objective of the project is to reduce the pollution in the Qaraoun Lake by taking appropriate measures to limit the discharge of untreated municipal wastewater and solid wastes and to improve the quality of agricultural runoff that flows into the Litani River, in addition to monitoring water resources quality and enhancing management of irrigation systems. 2.1 PROJECT COMPONENTS The Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF) for Lake Qaraoun pollution prevention project addresses the four components described below: Component 1- Improve the collection of municipal sewage The proposed project would finance activities that increase sewerage collection in regions of constructed or planned WWTPs. This component’s investments are estimated at around 45 Million $. Package 1- Expansion of sewage collection to connect to Zahlé WWTP The project will finance:  The construction of approximately 90 Km of new sewerage network to connect the villages of Kaa EI Reem, Hazarta, Ksara, Saadnayel, part of Taalabaya, and Karak to Zahle’s WWTP. Zahlé WWTP is currently under construction and is expected to be completed in February 2015;  The rehabilitation of part of the old network;  The establishment of 6000 house connections; and  The introduction of 3 to 5 pumping stations. Package 2- Expansion of sewage network to connect to Anjar/Majdal Anjar WWTP The proposed project includes the construction of 120 Km of networks to connect to the WWTP in Anjar/Majdal Anjar. A detailed design study has already been prepared for 6 out of 17 localities to be connected. PREPARED BY ELARD 3 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK PROJECT DESCRIPTION The population that would benefit from this package is presented in Table 2-1. Table 2-1 List of the localities that would be connected to Anjar/Majdal Anjar WWTP and their corresponding populations in the years 2010 and 2025 Population 2010 Population 2025 Anjar 10,000 13,500 Majdel Anjar 26,500 35,770 6 Localities Saouiri 8,000 10,800 Bar Elias 28,000 37,800 El Marj 12,000 16,200 Er Raouda 1,600 2,200 Total 86,100 116,270 Bouerij 3,600 4,800 Chtaura 2,700 3,600 Mraijet 5,000 6,700 Jdita 15,000 20,300 Jlala 2,700 3,600 11 localities Makse 4,500 6,000 Qabb Elias 32,000 43,200 Taalabaya 30,000 40,500 Taanayel 5,000 6,800 Wadi Delem 3,000 4,000 Zebdol 1,600 2,200 Total 105,100 141,700 (Source: TOR, Environmental and Social Safeguard studies for Lebanon: Lake Qaraoun Pollution Prevention Project, March 2014) Package 3- Expansion of sewage network to connect to Ablah, El Ferzol, Aitanit WWTPs The proposed project would increase the utilization of three small WWTPs established by USAID (Ablah, El Ferzol and Aitanit WWTPs) by maximizing the sewage network coverage (package 3). Component 2- Increase the adoption of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) practices This component’s main goal is to strengthen the capacity of farmers who are considered to be the most significant contributors to pollution in the Agricultural sector, by promoting Integrated Pest Management practices (IPM). IPM is an effective and environmentally sensitive approach to pest management that is based on a combination of common-sense practices and that works on reducing fertilizer applications and improving irrigation and land preparation practices in order to decrease water runoff. Moreover, it will adopt the most practicable technical solutions according to either local or regional existing experiences in the country and will work on endorsing these solutions in the field and promoting their adoption. PREPARED BY ELARD 4 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK PROJECT DESCRIPTION Furthermore, the project suggests public awareness campaigns regarding environmental and public health concerns that can result from the excessive use of agro-chemicals. Component 3 Technical Studies in Solid Waste Management In 2011, the quantity of Solid Waste generated in the Upper Litani Catchment was estimated at around 650 t/ day. Today, the population increased in an unprecedented way (up to 50%), mostly due to the high number of Syrian Refugees, which lead to the generation of greater amounts of Solid Wastes that need to be managed in an environmentally sound manner. Only one sanitary landfill that receives 130 t/ day of Solid Wastes exists in Zahle. A new landfill is under construction in Baalbeck and funded by the Italian Cooperation (with a capacity of 100 t/ day). A sorting plant under construction is located in Jeb Jannine and funded by the municipality. Under this project component, it is proposed that technical, environmental and social studies be conducted for:  Building a sorting and landfilling facility in Bar Elias;  Building a sorting facility in Rachaya; and  Ensuring the closure and rehabilitation of dump sites such as, Temmin al Tahta, Qab Elias, Bar Elias, Hawch Al Harim, Al-Khyara, Jeb Jennine, and Gazze or Kayyal. Those activities are studies and mostly have positive impacts with no negative impacts on the environment and the society. In case the Government decides to finance the establishment of a sorting facility and a sanitary landfill with their own budget based on the studies conducted under Component 3, an environmental impact assessment will be prepared and disclosed according to the national EIA decree, and the consultation will be held before the physical work is initiated. Capacity Building and Project Management This component is based on the establishment of a Project Management Unit (PMU) that will provide institutional technical assistance to the Bekaa Water and Wastewater Establishment (BWE) and the Litani River Authority (LRA). It will also support water resources monitoring, management and control of irrigation systems and build-up of the institutional capacity to support the implementation of the business plan. PREPARED BY ELARD 5 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK LEGISLATIVE AND INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORKS 3. LEGISLATIVE AND INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORKS The implementation of the proposed activities under the project must be in compliance with the operational policies of the World Bank (WB) and at the same time compliant to the existing legal framework and the regulations of the Government of Lebanon (GoL). The Country Environmental Analysis of Lebanon (CEA) 3 conducted an assessment of the Lebanese national EIA system and determined the similarities and difference between the national EIA system and the World Bank operational policy OP 4.01 on environmental assessment and the European Commission (EC) EIA Regulations no. 97/11. The assessment showed that the features of the Lebanese EIA system are compatible with most of the World Bank EA Policy (OP 4.01) and the EC EIA regulations. These features are in: (i) screening; (ii) scoping; (iii) the EIA report content; (iv) the content of the environment management plan; (v) provisions for appeal; and (vi) requirements for monitoring and follow up. There are however gaps in the national EIA system namely: (a) the lack of standard TOR and sector guidelines for specific sectors to be provided to the project proponent for the preparation of the EIA or IEE reports; (b) lack of consultation with stakeholders for projects listed under Annex II (similar to Category B projects in the World Bank OP 4.01);and (c) the lack of disclosure of the EIA summary and Initial Environment Examination (IEE) to the public as required by articles 13 and 14 of the Environment Protection Law – noting that Article 13 of the EIA decree calls for Information Publication. These gaps are addressed in this ESMF by providing guidance to the preparation of safeguards documents, by specifically requiring consultation for IEE projects as well as explicitly requiring that EIA and IEE summaries be subject to disclosure. The Implementing Agency has the responsibility to ensure that the project’s activities are consistent with the WB policies and guidelines. Furthermore, it is also important to ensure that the activities are in compliance with the national legal framework. The different laws and regulations listed in this section of the report will serve as guidance to the application of the legal and regulatory provisions to the current project context. Roles and responsibilities of the main stakeholders are also outlined in this chapter. 3.1 WORLD BANK’S SAFEGUARDS POLICIES The World Bank’s ten safeguard policies are designed to help ensure that projects suggested for Bank financing are environmentally and socially sustainable, and therefore improve the decision-making process. These operational policies are listed below:  OP 4.01 Environmental Assessment;  OP 4.04 Natural Habitats;  OP 4.09 Pest Management;  OP 4.11 Physical Cultural Resources;  OP 4.12 Involuntary Resettlement;  OP 4.10 Indigenous People;  OP 4.36 Forests;  OP 4.37 Safety of Dams; 3 The Country Environment Analysis (CEA) of Lebanon, the World Bank, April 2011 PREPARED BY ELARD 6 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK LEGISLATIVE AND INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORKS  OP 7.50 Projects on International Waterways;  OP 7.60 Projects in Disputed Areas. In preparing this ESMF, all the categories of investments were screened against the 10 WB safeguard policies and it was determined that the following 3 are triggered; OP 4.01 on Environmental Assessment, OP 4.09 on Pest Management, and OP 4.12 on Involuntary Resettlement. Environmental Assessment (OP 4.01) For all projects financed by the Bank, environmental screening is conducted according to the environmental impacts expected of the project, and all projects are assigned an environmental category, A, B, C, or FI, with a decreasing order of environmental impact severity. The instruments for this policy vary from a SEA, ESMF, ESIA, depending on the project particular conditions. At this stage since investment details are not sufficiently known, an ESMF is required. Based on the principles of the OP/BP 4.01, the project is classified as environmental “Category B” given that it has potential adverse environmental impacts on human populations or environmentally important areas (including wetlands, forests, grasslands, and other natural habitats). Those impacts are site-specific; few if any of them are irreversible; and in most cases mitigatory measures can be easily addressed. “Category B” projects require the preparation of comprehensive environmental and social impact assessment accompanied by a thorough consultative process. Pest Management (OP 4.09) Pest Management (OP 4.09) is triggered since chemicals and pesticides are being used in the agricultural sector. A preferred solution is to use IPM techniques (such as biological control, cultural practices, and the development and use of crop varieties that are resistant or tolerant to the pest) and encourage their use in the whole of the sectors concerned. If pesticides have to be used in crop protection or in the fight against vector-borne disease, the Bank-funded project should include a Pest Management Plan (PMP), prepared by the borrower, either as a stand-alone document or as part of an Environmental Assessment (Source: WB, 2012). This policy established a list of chemicals that cannot be financed by the WB. In addition, the policy instrument, i.e., Pest Management Plan should be established for integrated pest management, and procedures and controls for safe use, handling, and disposal of chemicals and equipment. Appendix A describe the Integrated Pest Management Guidelines and describe the regulatory framework, principle and content of IPM. Involuntary Resettlement (OP 4.12) Significant efforts are to be made in the design and screening stages of the construction phase to avoid adverse impacts on people, land, property, including people’s access to natural and other economic resources, as far as possible. Under component 1 of the project, resettlement may be needed for the construction of wastewater pumping stations and sewage networks installation. An RPF that sets the guidelines for the Resettlement and PREPARED BY ELARD 7 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK LEGISLATIVE AND INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORKS Compensation Plans will be prepared since the program investment triggers this policy. RAPs would also have to be prepared and approved by the Bank when resettlement needs and areas are identified. The WB requires also that stakeholder consultations be carried out during planning, implementation and operation phases of the project. The draft ESMF report was presented to project-affected groups by conducting one public participation meeting. Following comments received and revisions duly undertaken, the final ESMF was prepared and will be submitted to the World Bank and made publicly available through the Bank’s disclosure procedures. 3.2 RELEVANT NATIONAL LEGISLATIVE FRAMEWORK The national regulatory framework includes important legislation related to environmental and social safeguards:  The EIA decree 8633/2012;  Expropriation Law No. 58 dated 29/05/1991 (updated on 8/12/2006); and  Other environmental legislations dealing with the management of water resources, solid waste and wastewater as well as air quality and pollution control. PREPARED BY ELARD 8 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK LEGISLATIVE AND INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORKS EIA Decree 8633/2012 The Lebanese EIA decree 8633/2012 sets principles and measures necessary to assess the environmental impact of projects. The EIA decree describes the various stages of the national EIA process including screening, scoping, implementation, and review of the EIA report, in addition to the period of validity, and the appeal process. The EIA decree also lists all the activities for which EIA or permit conditions are mandatory, and those that require an Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) (refer to Annexes 1, 2 and 3 of the EIA decree). The main steps of the EIA Implementation Process in Lebanon are summarized in the schematic diagram shown in Figure 3-1 as described in Appendix 9 of the EIA Decree. PREPARED BY ELARD 9 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK LEGISLATIVE AND INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORKS Figure 3-1 Schematic Diagram of the EIA Licensing Procedure Expropriation Law No. 58 dated 29/05/1991 (updated on 8/12/2006) The Lebanese Constitution guards and protects the right of private property including landed property and the rights attaching to it. The exercise of eminent domain, in Lebanon, for expropriating private property in the public interest is governed by this Law. This law is extensive and governs many cases. PREPARED BY ELARD 10 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK LEGISLATIVE AND INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORKS The State may only expropriate rights when it is to be declared in the public interest, and against payment of a prior and equitable compensation (“indemnité equitable”). All compensation is by monetary award through independent judicial assessment and the process of expropriation itself cannot be halted unless the validity of the public interest decree itself is challenged. At least 65% of the compensation is paid in advance when there is an appeal, and if no structures are found to be existing within expropriation limits, an additional 25% is paid and the expropriation party reserves the right (only if it wishes so) to hold the remaining 10% till the decision of takeover is issued. Other Environmental Legislations An overview of the main environmental legislations in Lebanon related to the management of water resources, solid waste and wastewater as well as air quality and pollution control are presented in Table 3-1. These legislations are listed in reverse chronological order. Table 3-1 Summary of Relevant Environmental Legislations Year Law / Decree Relevant Provisions Designating General Attorneys and Judges for investigating 2014 Law 251 environmental litigation cases. Environmental 2012 Prosecutor Draft Establishing an Environmental Prosecutor Law 2012 ISMW Draft Law Integrated Solid Waste Management 2012 Air Act Draft Law Protection of Air Quality Establishing the National Council for the Environment and 2012 Decree 8157 specifying its mandates and organization This EIA decree is under the Framework Environmental Law. It stipulates the EIA procedures and regulations related to all 2012 Decree 8633 development projects that have a potential impact on the environment. Strategic Environmental Assessment of Policies, Plans and 2012 Decree 8213 Programs in the public sector 2011 Circular 10/1 Monitoring the operation and exploitation of generators Application Decree on the Organization and mandates of the 2009 Decree 2275 Ministry of Environment, its divisions and departments. 2006 Law 60 Amended expropriation law 58 of 1991 Environmental Guidelines for the establishment and operation of 2005 Decision 3/1 small-scale wastewater treatment plants Law on the Organization of the Ministry of Environment. The Law gives the Ministry of Environment the prerogative to set the 2005 Law 690 standards and norms for the protection of coastal zone, river beds and different water resources taking into account the protection of the environment and the conservation of its natural resources. 2004 Law 646 Construction Law 2002 Law 444 Environment Protection Law 2002 Decision 5/1 Review of “Initial Environmental Examination" report 2002 Law 432 Accession to the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic PREPARED BY ELARD 11 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK LEGISLATIVE AND INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORKS Year Law / Decree Relevant Provisions Pollutants. National Standards for Environmental Quality. Updates/replaces Decision 52/1 by developing National Standards for Environmental 2001 Decision 8/1 Quality (NSEQ) related to air pollutants and liquid waste emitted from classified establishment and wastewater treatment plants Specifying the National Standards for Environmental Quality and 1996 Decision 52/1 the Environmental Limit Values for Air and Water Accession to the Basel Convention concerning the control of the 1994 Law 387 trans-boundary movement of hazardous waste and their disposal. Expropriation law which was modified later on by the Law 1991 Law 58 enacted on 12/08/2006 Protection against hazardous wastes that could harm air, water, 1988 Law 64/88 biodiversity, soil, and people Law 973/74 Relating to solid waste pollution; followed by application Decree 1974 No. 8735 1943 Decree Law 22 Natural Sites and Landscapes 1939 Law Protection of Natural Sites and Landscapes in Lebanon 1933 Decree 2761 Guidelines related to Wastewater Management and Disposal Mandates the establishment of buffer zones for the protection of all surface and groundwater resources from any type of 1932 Decree law 16 L activity/potential source of pollution. Requirements for buffering are found in Decision 320/26. 3.3 INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORK Main Institutions relevant to the project include the following:  World Bank (WB);  Council for Development and Reconstruction (CDR);  Ministry of Environment (MoE);  Ministry of Energy and Water (MoEW);  Bekaa Water and Wastewater Establishment (BWE);  Litani River Authority (LRA)  Ministry of Public Works and Transportation (MoPWT);  Ministry of Interior and Municipalities (MoIM);  Municipalities; and  Ministry of Agriculture. Roles of these institutions with regard to the project, specifically related to the implementation of this ESMF, are subsequently described. PREPARED BY ELARD 12 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK LEGISLATIVE AND INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORKS World Bank (WB) The WB is funding the three components of the project through the CDR. The WB’s responsibility is to:  Supervise the implementation of the Bank’s environment and social safeguards through the implementation of ESMF described in this document;  Review and clear EA studies to ensure that the review process of the EIA system is acceptable;  Provide technical support to the CDR and other relevant stakeholders as required to ensure a reasonable implementation of the Banks’ safeguards. Council for Development and Reconstruction (CDR) The CDR will lead the execution of the project’s components and designate competent parties to implement them. The CDR will also supervise the implementation of the Environmental and Social Management and Monitoring Plan (ESMMP) and will make sure that the recommendations of the Environmental Management Plan (EMP) for Zahle wastewater networks, as well as for subsequent projects, are included in the Terms of Reference (TOR) of the contractors executing the construction activities. The CDR will be also responsible for the expropriation procedures if resettlement is needed during the execution of component 1 activities. In addition to that, the CDR will prepare the necessary reports to be submitted to the World Bank. Ministry of Environment (MoE) MoE will monitor the environmental impacts of the project, the implementation of the environmental management plan for component 1 activities during construction and operation, and the ESMMP for the whole project components. Ministry of Energy and Water (MoEW)/Bekaa Water Establishment (BWE)/Litani River Authority (LRA) The MoEW, through the Bekaa Water and Wastewater Establishment (BWE), is responsible for wastewater and potable water management. The MoEW will be responsible for approving the design of wastewater networks, location of pumping stations, and other matters related to water resources management. The Litani River Authority is responsible for monitoring the quality of the Litani River and its tributaries water quality, in addition to the awareness and cleaning campaigns. The BWE will monitor the EMP recommendations for component 1 activities during the operation phase. Ministry of Public Works and Transportation (MoPWT) According to Decree 13379/1998, the Directorate General of Roads and Buildings of the MoPWT is responsible for the inspection of sewage networks. Moreover, public roads fall under the MoPWT’s authority. Consequently, it is important to coordinate with the MoPWT PREPARED BY ELARD 13 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK LEGISLATIVE AND INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORKS when implementing infrastructure works such as the activities described in component 1 of the current project. PREPARED BY ELARD 14 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK LEGISLATIVE AND INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORKS Ministry of Interior and Municipalities (MoIM) The Ministry of Interior and Municipalities manages the affairs of Municipalities and Unions of Municipalities. Solid Waste Management falls under MoIM’s supervision; therefore, when implementing component 3 of the project it is necessary to coordinate with the MoIM in all aspects of the studies. Municipalities The municipalities will supervise the implementation of the ESMMP and particularly the EMP recommendations related to the construction activities of component 1 of the project. Moreover, during the implementation of component 3, it is highly recommended to coordinate with the relevant municipalities. As a matter of fact, the Municipal Law of 1977 (legislative decree No. 118, Article 49) authorizes municipal councils to build solid waste disposal facilities. Municipalities report to the local governor and the MOIM, which manages the allocation and distribution of funds from the Independent Municipal Fund (IMF), under the control of the Ministry of Finance (MOF). Municipalities use IMF resources to pay for SWM services including street sweeping, waste collection, and disposal. MOIM Decree No. 9093 (dated 15 November 2002) provides financial incentives to municipalities for hosting SWM facilities or landfills. In particular, municipalities that agree to host a sanitary landfill or a SWM facility would according to the decree receive five-folds their annual allocation from the IMF and 10-folds this allocation in case the facility serves 10 municipalities or more. To date, the decree has never been implemented. Several municipalities (Tripoli, Zahle, etc.) have developed their own MSWM services and are providing this service quite successfully (Source: State and Trends of the Lebanese Environment, 2010). Ministry of Agriculture The Ministry of Agriculture is responsible for implementation of component 2 activities of the project (improvement of the quality of agricultural runoff) that include building and strengthening the capacity of farmers in the project area to implement Integrated Pest Management practices and to lower the application of chemical fertilizers. Public awareness campaigns related to environmental and public health concerns related to the excessive use of agro-chemicals will also be carried out by the Ministry. PREPARED BY ELARD 15 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK DESCRIPTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT 4. DESCRIPTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT This chapter presents background data and information on the environmental conditions in the cities/ villages of Zahle and the West Bekaa concerned by this project (Figure 4-1). Figure 4-1 Project Location General Overview PREPARED BY ELARD 16 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK DESCRIPTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT Climate Like the rest of Lebanon, Zahle and West Bekaa enjoy a typically eastern Mediterranean climate characterized by hot and dry summers, and mild to cool winters where most of the precipitation is concentrated. The climate in Zahle features however some continental characteristics due to the town's altitude and inland location, in the rain shadow of the Lebanon Mountains. Data presented below were collected at Houch El Omara Weather Station and Tel Amara Weather Station. Temperature The study area features more extreme temperatures (i.e. hotter summers and cooler winters) than coastal areas. Average minimal and maximal temperatures recorded between January 2009 and January 2012 are presented in Figure 4-2. Average monthly temperatures ranged between a minimum of 5.39°C in January 2009 and a maximum of 36 °C in August 2010. Peaks of over 30 °C occurred on a few days each summer (July - August). 40 Temp Min 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 -5 Figure 4-2 Minimum and Maximum Temperatures in Houch el Omara Weather Station (Jan 2009- Jan 2012) Wind The maximum wind speed reported at the Tel Amara weather station for the period between January 2009 and January 2012 ranged between 3.38 m/sec in November 2010 and 8.46 m/sec in February 2009, while average speed ranged between 0.97m/sec in November 2010 and 2.46 m/sec in June 2010, as illustrated in Figure 4-3. PREPARED BY ELARD 17 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK DESCRIPTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT 9 Average wind speed Max wind speed 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Mar-… Mar-… Mar-… Nov-… Nov-… Nov-… May-… May-… May-… Jan-11 Jan-09 Jul-09 Jan-10 Jan-12 Sep-09 Jul-10 Sep-10 Jul-11 Sep-11 Figure 4-3 Average and maximum wind speeds in Tal Amara Weather Station (Jan 2009 – Jan 2012) Wind direction results revealed a prevailing yearly average wind blowing from the southwest in West Bekaa area (Figure 4-4) and a prevailing yearly average wind blowing from the southwest and northwest almost equally in Zahle area (Figure 4-5). Figure 4-4 Wind Direction at West Bekaa (Source: MOEW/UNDP/CEDRO, 2011. The National Wind Atlas of Lebanon) PREPARED BY ELARD 18 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK DESCRIPTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT Figure 4-5 Wind Direction at Zahle (Source: MOEW/UNDP/CEDRO, 2011. The National Wind Atlas of Lebanon) A rainfall map of the Study Area is provided in Figure 4-6, showing that the average yearly precipitation in West Bekaa and Zahle is ranging between 500 and 1300 mm/year. PREPARED BY ELARD 19 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK DESCRIPTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT Figure 4-6 Rainfall Map of the Study Area (Source: Plassard, J., 1972) Geology The study area is located in South Bekaa at around 45km inland from the Mediterranean Sea. It is situated in the cadastral boundaries of West Bekaa and Zahle. The geology of the project area was studied over an extent of around 862 km2 (Figure 4-7 and Figure 4-8). PREPARED BY ELARD 20 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK DESCRIPTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT Figure 4-7 General Geological and Tectonic Map of Lebanon Showing the Study Area (Adapted from Dubertret 1/200,000 Map. 1945) PREPARED BY ELARD 21 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK DESCRIPTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT Figure 4-8 Geological Map of the Study Area (Adapted from Dubertret 1/50,000 Map. 1951) PREPARED BY ELARD 22 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK DESCRIPTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT Stratigraphy Different geological formations are outcropping within the map, mainly the Quaternary Deposits (Q), Neogene Conglomerates (cg), the Miocene Limestone (mL), the Eocene Limestone (e2b), the Chouf sandstone (C1), the Aptain-Albian limestone Formation (C2-C3) the Cretaceous Limestone (Sannine-Maameltein Formation-C4-C5) and the Jurassic Limestone (Kesrouane Formation-J4). The project extend over five (5) different geologic formations the Kesrouane Jurassic Formation (J4), the Sannine-Maameltein Cretaceous Formation (C4-C5), the Eocene Limestone Formation (e2b), the Miocene Limestone Formation (mL) and the Quaternary-Neogene deposits (Qcg-ncg). The lithological characteristics of the above-mentioned formations in the study area are described in the following paragraphs: The Kesrouane Jurassic Formation (J4) is primarily composed of karstified, massive to medium bedded limestone units with horizons of dolomitic limestone, thin marly limestone and chert nodules. It mainly outcrops in the south-western part of the study area. The thickness of the Kesrouane Jurassic formation is estimated to be around 1000m. The Sannine-Maameltein Formation (C4-C5) in the study area is composed of well bedded limestone and dolomitic limestone with occasional calcareous shale intercalation, with alternating sequence of limestone and marly. The C4-C5 formation is highly jointed and karstified with an estimated thickness ranging between 700 to 900m. The Sannine-Maamiltain Formation is outcropping in the north western and eastern part of the study area. The Eocene Limestone Formation (e2b) in the study area is mainly composed of Brecia and marly limestone.This is the most exposed formation in the south eastern part of the study area. The thickness of this formation is estimated to range between several tens of meters at the peripheries to around 350-400m towards the core of the Bekaa syncline. The Miocene Limestone (mL) in the study area is mainly composed of marls, Lacustrine marls (continental succession), lacustrine limestone and conglomerates. The thickness of this formation is estimated to reach a maximum of 200m at the core of the syncline. The Quaternary-Neogene Deposits (Qcg-ncg) in the study area are composed of two separate distinctive layers: The first is the Neogene conglomerates with calcareous cement and the second is the Quaternary non-consolidated deposits with a clay matrix and silt. This is the most exposed formation in the northern part on the study area. The thickness ranges from several tens of meters at the peripheries to more than 1km in the central parts close to the axis of the Bekaa syncline. Hydrogeology and Groundwater Quality Each of the formations exhibits different hydrogeological characteristics. The major aquifers in the study area are the Kesrouane Jurassic Formation (J4), the Sannine-Maameltein Cretaceous Formation (C4-C5), the Eocene Limestone Formation (e2b), the Miocene Limestone Formation (mL) and the Quaternary-Neogene deposits (Qcg-ncg) (Table 4-1; Figure 4-9). These formations are fractured in nature with groundwater flowing mainly through the fractures PREPARED BY ELARD 23 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK DESCRIPTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT Table 4-1 Major Hydrogeological Units in the Study Area Formation Name/ Aquifer Type Description/Karstification Code Major porous medium semi-Aquifer. Groundwater might Quaternary Deposits (Q) Semi Aquifer percolate to and from the underlying aquifers. Neogene The conglomerates form a porous medium aquifer where Semi Aquifer Conglomerates (ncg) water might leak from the underlying Aquifer Acts as an important karstic aquifer under favorable Miocene Limestone (mL) Aquifer conditions. Groundwater is stored and transmitted in fractures and conduits. Acts as an important aquifer with major karsitification and high Eocene Limestone (e2b) Aquifer recharge. It is mainly present in south lebenon These limestone formations represent the major water towers Sannine-Maameltein Aquifer in Lebanon; they are widely exposed and highly karstified. (C4-C5) Major recharge of this aquifer is from snow. One of the major water towers of Lebanon. It is deeply karstified to the lower units. It is one of the widest exposed units Kesrouane Jurassic (J4) Aquifer in Lebanon with a thickness of1000m. Groundwater is stored and transmitted in fractures and conduits PREPARED BY ELARD 24 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK DESCRIPTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT Figure 4-9 Map Showing the Groundwater Basins in the Study Area with the Major Springs PREPARED BY ELARD 25 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK DESCRIPTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT Tectonics and Seismicity Lebanon is located on the eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea, along the Dead Sea Transform Fault system. The Dead Sea Transform Fault system in Lebanon has several surface expressions, represented in major faults (Yammouneh, Roum, Hasbaya, Rachaya and Serghaya faults), in uplifts as high mountainous terrain (Mount Lebanon and Anti Lebanon), and from the seismic activity record. Recent work has categorized the Lebanese section of the Dead Sea Transform Fault as being a strong seismic activity zone (Khair et al., 2000). The Study Area lies to the east of the Yammouneh Fault and west of the Rashaya Fault which are the closest faults to the study area. In terms of seismicity and according to the United States Geological Survey (USGS) earthquake hazard program, the two recent earthquakes occurred in Lebanon. The first was in off shore Jbail on Sunday May 25, 2014 at 15:22 pm UTC (Figure 4-10). This earthquake had a magnitude of 3.8 on the Richter scale and occurred at a depth of 22.5 km below the surface. The second took place in Saida area south Lebanon on July 6, 2014 it had a magnitude of 4.0 on Richter scale and occurred at a depth of 9km (Figure 4-11). Figure 4-10 Most Recent Earthquake in Jbail, Lebanon (Source: http://earthquake.usgs.gov ) PREPARED BY ELARD 26 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK DESCRIPTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT Figure 4-11 Most Recent Earthquake in Saida, Lebanon (Source: http://earthquake.usgs.gov ) A historical seismicity map and a seismic hazard map of the region are presented in Figure 4-12 and Figure 4-13 respectively. PREPARED BY ELARD 27 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK DESCRIPTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT Figure 4-12 Historical Seismicity of the Region (1990 to Present) (Source: http://earthquake.usgs.gov) PREPARED BY ELARD 28 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK DESCRIPTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT Figure 4-13 Seismic Hazard Map (Source: http://earthquake.usgs.gov) Ecology The most important significant ecological site in Bekaa region is Ammiq wetland. The Ammiq Wetland is the largest remaining freshwater wetland in Lebanon, a remnant of much more extensive marshes and lakes that once existed in the Bekaa Valley. It has been designated an Important Bird Area in the Middle East (Birdlife International, 1994), it is included in the Directory of Wetlands in the Middle East (IUCN, 1995), and it was declared Ramsar Convention site number 978 in 1999, and most recently (2005) it was designated, with Al Shouf Cedar Nature Reserve, a “Biosphere reserve” by UNESCO. It is not expected that the project activities will take place nearby any important ecological site since wastewater networks construction will be mainly along the public asphalted roads. Archaeology The region has many archaeological sites such as Roman ruins located in Anjar, Manara, Rashaya and other regions. However, no area of significance that will be affected by the project activities is located within the sewage network construction area. PREPARED BY ELARD 29 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK DESCRIPTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT Socio-Economic information for Cities/villages concerned by Component 1 Information about the villages of concern were obtained through an extensive desk review of databases which hold socio-economic data on the villages, and through field surveys for various IEEs, EIAs in the West Bekaa and Zahle area that ELARD has prepared. Hezzerta Hezzerta covers an area of 6,778,335 m2 (60% agricultural area and 40% residential area) and is located at an altitude of 1,380 m. The total number of residents is 8,980 residents amongst which 4500 are permanent and 4480 are seasonal residents. Hezzerta’s water supply is from 2 public wells located at the boundary of the village and El Berdaouni spring situated in Kaa El Rim, in addition to private water wells. On the other hand, Hezzerta has a good sewerage system established in 1997 funded by the state and partially rehabilitated in 2010. Only 70% of the units are connected due to the geographical topography. The sewage is discharged in the Berdaouni River. 10 tons of solid domestic wastes/day are generated. Wastes are discharged in a dumping site located in the village, on the internal main road. The Municipality’s infrastructure is composed of 200 L iron bins and pick-ups with a trunk. No Solid Waste treatment center exists in Hezzerta. The Municipality pays 50% of the municipal budget for waste management. No future plans to improve the Solid Waste Management in Hezzerta are being prepared. Saadnayel Saadnayel covers an area of 5,000,000 m2 is located at an altitude of 950 m and is part of the Union of Municipalities of Zahle Caza. The total number of residents is 20,000 amongst which 15,000 are permanent and 5000 are seasonal residents. Saadnayel’s drinking water source is mainly spring water from “Jdita Springs” and private water wells. Saadnayel has a good sewerage system established in 1980 funded by the residents and partially rehabilitated in 1998. Almost all housing units are connected and the sewage is discharged in the Litani River. 15 tons of solid wastes/day are generated (80% domestic, 5% medical and 15% Butchery Waste). Wastes are discharged in Zahle landfill. The Municipality’s solid wastes infrastructure is composed of 200 L iron bins and special trucks. No Solid Waste treatment center exists in Saadnayel. No future plans to improve the Solid Waste Management in Saadnayel are being prepared due to the lack of available land. Ablah Ablah covers an area of 5,000,000 m² and is located at an altitude of 960 m and is part of the Union of Municipalities of Zahle Caza. The total number of residents is 4,000 amongst which 3,000 are permanent and 1,000 are seasonal residents. Ablah’s water supply is mainly ensured by private water wells. PREPARED BY ELARD 30 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK DESCRIPTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT 90% of the units are connected to a sewage network where it’s diverted to Ablah’s small WWTP and then discharged in the Litani River. 14 tons of domestic solid wastes/day are generated. Solid wastes are discharged in Zahle landfill. The Municipality’s solid wastes infrastructure is composed of 200 L iron bins and trucks. El Ferzol El Ferzol, located at an altitude of 900-1000 m, covers an area of 18,000,000 m² and is part of the Union of Municipalities of Zahle Caza. The total number of residents varies between 6000- 7,000. El Ferzol’s water supply is from two public wells and a spring (EL Habiss Spring). Approximately 50% of the houses in EL Ferzol are connected to sewer network where domestic wastewater is diverted into a small WWTP before being discharged in the Litani River. 4.5 tons of domestic solid wastes are generated on a daily basis. The Municipality’s infrastructure is composed of 200 L iron bins and containers as well as private trucks. The generated solid wastes are disposed in Zahle’s sanitary landfill. The municipality pays about 50% of the Municipal budget for solid wastes management. Chtaura Chtaura, located at an altitude of 900-950 m, covers an area of 2,000,000 m2 and is part of the Union of Municipalities of Zahle Caza. The total number of residents is 1 000 amongst which 600 are permanent and 400 are seasonal residents. Chtaura’s water supply is mainly from spring water (Jdita Springs) and private water wells. The sewerage system that was established in 1974 is functioning properly and 90% of the units are connected. 8 tons of domestic solid wastes are generated daily (30% from commercial sites). Generated solid wastes are disposed in Zahle’s sanitary landfill. The Municipality’s infrastructure is composed of 200 L iron bins and special trucks. The Municipality pays about 25% of the municipal budget for solid wastes management. Taablaya Taablaya, located at an altitude of 900 m, covers an area of 5,000,000 m2 and is part of the Union of Municipalities of Zahle Caza. The total number of residents is 45,000 amongst which 44,000 are permanent and 1,000 are seasonal residents. Taablaya’s water supply is mainly from spring water (Jdita Springs) and private water wells. As for the sanitation service, the sewerage system is in a bad condition and the sewage is directly discharged in the Berdawni River. 20 tons of Solid domestic solid wastes are generated daily. The municipality’s infrastructure is composed of 200 L iron bins and trucks. PREPARED BY ELARD 31 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK DESCRIPTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT Qabb Elias Qabb Elias, located at an altitude of 950 m, covers an area of 32,000,000 m2 and is part of the Union of Municipalities of Central Bekaa in Zahle Caza. The total number of residents is 55,000 amongst which 40,000 are permanent and 15,000 are seasonal residents. Qabb Elias’ water supply is from two public wells, spring water from Ra'ess El Ain, and private water wells. About 90% of the housing units are connected to a sewage network that discharges wastewater into the Litani River. 15 tons of domestic solid wastes are generated daily and collected by the municipality through trucks. The municipality’s solid wastes infrastructure is composed of 200 L bins, containers and Municipal trucks. Eventually, those wastes are disposed in the municipality’s dumping site. The municipality pays about 15% of the municipal budget for solid wastes management. Makse Makse, located at an altitude of 850-900 m, covers an area of 3,000,000 m2 and is part of the Union of Municipalities of Central Bekaa in Zahle Caza. The total number of residents is 3000 amongst which 2000 are permanent and 1000 are seasonal residents. Makse’s water supply is ensured by spring water from “Jdita Springs” and private water wells. An existing network collect the domestic wastewater from 70% of the houses and discharge it in Makse River. 2 tons of domestic solid wastes are generated daily and collected by a special truck. The municipality’s infrastructure is composed of 200 L iron bins and trucks. The Solid Wastes are eventually disposed in Zahle’s sanitary landfill. The municipality pays about 17% of the municipal budget for solid wastes management. El Mreyjat El Mreyjat, located at an altitude of 1040 m, covers an area of 4,720,000 m² and is part of the Union of Municipalities of Central Bekaa in Zahle Caza. The total number of residents is 6,000 amongst which 2,400 are permanent and 3,600 are seasonal residents. El Mreyjat’s water supply is ensured by one public well located at the top of the village and 2 springs. The sewerage system is old and 80% of the housing units are connected to the existing network. 8 tons/day of domestic solid wastes are generated and discharged in Zahle’s sanitary landfill. The Municipality’s infrastructure is composed of 200 L iron bins and a trailer with an Iron trunk. The Municipality pays about15% of the municipal budget for solid wastes management. Bawarej Bawarej, located at an altitude of 1350 m, covers an area of 3,470,000 m2 and is part of the Union of Municipalities of Central Bekaa in Zahle Caza. The total number of residents is 5000 amongst which 4,000 are permanent and 1000 are seasonal residents. Bawarej’s water PREPARED BY ELARD 32 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK DESCRIPTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT supply is ensured by three public wells located at the top of the Village’s, spring water and private water wells. 75% of the housing units are connected to a sewer network where part of the sewage is discharged in the orchard and the rest is linked to El Mreyjat Network. 3 tons/day of domestic solid wastes are generated and disposed in Zahle’s sanitary landfill. The Municipality’s infrastructure is composed of 200 L Iron bins and a trailer with an Iron trunk. The municipality pays about 13% of the municipal budget for solid wastes management. Aitanit Aitanit, located at an altitude estimated between 1050 m, covers an area of 13,810,000 m2 and is part of the Union of Municipalities of the Lake in the West Bekaa Caza. The total number of residents is 5,000 amongst which 4,500 are permanent and 500 are seasonal residents. Aitanit’s water supply is ensured by springs. The sewage is collected by means of a network that discharges the wastewater in Aitanit small WWTP. Regarding the Solid Waste Management System, 10 tons/day of domestic Solid Wastes are generated and collected by municipal truck. Those wastes are disposed in a dump site in the village. Qaraoun Qaraoun, located at an altitude estimated between 900 and1,000 m, covers an area of 25,000, 000 m2 and is part of the Union of Municipalities of the Lake in the West Bekaa Caza. The total number of residents is 9,000 amongst which 5,000 are permanent and 4000 are seasonal residents. Qaraoun water supply is ensured by four public wells and private water wells. The existing network doesn’t cover all the village. Wastewater is discharged in Aitanit WWTP. 20 tons/day of domestic solid wastes are generated and collected by municipal trucks. Those wastes are emptied at Majdel Balhiss boundaries and burnt uncontrollably. The municipality’s infrastructure is composed of 111 L iron bins and hydraulic trucks. The municipality pays about 4% of the municipal budget for solid wastes management. El Saouiri El Saouiri, located at an altitude estimated between 1050-1350 m, covers an area of12,000,000 m2, and is part of the Union of Municipalities of the plain-West Bekaa. The total number of residents is 8111. El Saouiri’s water supply is ensured by one public well located at the main road, near the entrance of the Secondary school, spring water (Chamsin Spring) and private water wells. There is no existing sewage network in El Saouiri where all wastewater is discharged into cesspools. 2 tons/day of domestic Solid Wastes are generated and collected 3 times/week and discharged in a dumping, then, those wastes are uncontrollably burnt. The municipality’s PREPARED BY ELARD 33 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK DESCRIPTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT infrastructure is composed of 200 L Iron bins and a trailer. The Municipality pays about 20% of the municipal budget for solid waste management. El Marej El Marej, located at an altitude of 950 m, covers an area of 20000000 m2 and is part of the Union of Municipalities of the plain-West Bekaa. The total number of residents is 17000 amongst which 15500 are permanent and 1500 are seasonal residents. El Marej’s water supply is ensured by spring water (Chamsin Spring), and private water wells. Not all the housing units are connected to the existing sewer network due to new roads and new buildings. As a result, all the sewage is discharged into the Litani River with no prior treatment. Cesspools also exist and the sewage percolated to the ground. 8 tons/day of solid wastes are generated and collected daily via a truck, then those wastes are disposed in Barra Elias landfill. The Municipality’s infrastructure is composed of 200 L Iron bins and a trailer. The municipality pays about 20% of the municipal budget for the solid wastes management. Zahle Zahle is located at an altitude of 1010 m and covers an area of 700000000 m2. The total number of residents is 220000 amongst which 180000 are permanent and 40000 are seasonal residents. Zahle’s water supply is ensured by 7 public wells , spring water (El Berdaouni spring), and private water wells. Domestic wastewater is collected by means of a sewage network and discharged in the Berdaouni River. 150 tons/day of solid wastes are generated and collected by hydraulic trucks and then disposed in Zahle’s sanitary landfill. The municipality’s infrastructure is composed of Iron bins (200 L), containers and Hydraulic trucks. Kaa El Rim Kaa El Rim is located at an altitude estimated between 1200 and 1900 m and covers an area of 30000000 m2. The total number of residents is 2600 amongst which 2000 are permanent and 600 are seasonal residents. Kaa El Rim’s water supply is ensured by spring water (El Berdawni spring) located at the North West of the village. There is no existing sewage network and wastewater is discharged into cesspools and eventually disposed in the Berdawni River. 3.5 tons of domestic solid wastes are generated daily and collected by hydraulic trucks then disposed in Zahle’s sanitary landfill. The municipality pays about 15% of the municipal budget for solid wastes management. Anjar Anjar is located at an altitude of 900 m and covers an area of 18,000,000 m2. The total number of permanent residents is 5250. Anjar’s water supply is ensured by spring water ( Anjar Spring and Chamsin Spring) and 2 public water wells. There is an existing sewer network in Anjar and almost all the housing units are connected. PREPARED BY ELARD 34 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK DESCRIPTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT 10 tons of domestic wastes are generated daily and collected by a trailer, then solid wastes are discharged in Zahle’s sanitary landfill. The municipality’s infrastructure is composed of Iron bins (200 L), containers and private machines. Majdel Anjar Majdel Anjar is located at an altitude of 900 m and covers an area of 22,000,000 m2. The total number of permanent residents is 15000. Majdel Anjar’s water supply is ensured by one public well located in the village, spring water (Chamsin Spring), and private water wells. 90% of the units are connected to the existing sewage network. Sewage is discharged in Deir Zounoun River. 15 tons of domestic solid wastes are generated daily and collected by trailers and workers. The Municipality’s infrastructure is composed of Iron bins (30 L) and a trailer with an iron trunk. Those wastes are discharged in a private dumping site for the municipality near the Lebanese-Syrian borders and in Zahle’s sanitary landfill. The municipality pays about 40% of the municipal budget for solid wastes management. Bar Elias Bar Elias is located at an altitude of 870 m and covers an area of 30,000,000 m2. The total number of residents is 25000 amongst which 20000 are permanent and 5000 are seasonal. Bar Elias’s water supply is ensured by spring water (Chamsin Spring), private water wells, and surface water from Litani (for irrigation). Almost all housing units are connected to the existing sewerage network that discharges wastewater in El Ghzayel River. 30 tons of domestic solid wastes are generated daily and collected by the municipality. These wastes are disposed in a dump site owned by the municipality The municipality’s solid wastes infrastructure is composed of 200 L Bins, containers, a truck and a Hydraulic truck. The municipality pays about 9% of the municipal budgetfor solid waste management. El Rawda El Rawda is located at an altitude estimated between 800-850 m and covers an area of 5,000,000 m2. The total number of permanent residents is 3000. El Rwda’s water supply is ensured by spring water (Chamsin Spring) and private water wells. Almost all housing units are connected to the existing sewage network that discharges wastewater in El Ghzayel River. Approximately 0.5 tons of domestic solid wastes are generated daily and collected twice a week. The municipality’s infrastructure is composed of 200 L Iron bins and a hydraulic truck. Solid wastes are discharged in Zahle’s sanitary landfill . The municipality pays about15% of the municipal budget for solid wastes management. Jdita Jdita is located at an altitude of 1000 m and covers an area of 60,000,000 m2. The total number of residents is 10,000 amongst which 7,000 are permanent and 3,000 are seasonal residents. Jdita’s water supply is ensured by three public wells located at the limits of the village and by private water wells. 95% of the housing units are connected to the existing network that discharges wastewater in Chtaura River. 18 tons of domestic solid wastes are PREPARED BY ELARD 35 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK DESCRIPTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT generated daily and collected by a trailer. The municipality’s infrastructure is composed of 200 L iron bins, a hydraulic truck, and a trailer. Wastes are disposed in Zahle’s sanitary landfill. The municipality pays about 1/8 of the municipal budget for solid wastes management. Taanayel Taanayel is located at an altitude of 900 m and covers an area of 6,000,000 m2. The total number of residents is 4,000. Taanayel’s water supply is ensured by spring water (Jdita Springs), private water wells and surface water from Deir Taanayel for agricultural areas. There is no sewage network in Taanayel where wastewater is discharged into cesspools. About 1.7 tons of solid wastes are generated daily and collected by private trucks owned by a private company and disposed in Zahle’s sanitary landfill. Component 3 Existing Bar Elias Dump The dump that covers a surface area of 20,000 m2 is operated by the municipality and receives around 30 t/day of mixed municipal solid wastes (MSW) from El Marej and Bar Elias serving a population of 42000. Those wastes are piled to reach a height of 6 m. Open burning of waste is practiced to reduce the volume of the pile and to create space for new incoming wastes. The neighboring El Marej municipality filed many complaints regarding Bar Elias dump. Rachaya Rachaya is located at an altitude of 1 200 m and covers an area of 67520000 m2. The total number of residents is 8500. The planned solid wastes sorting facility in Racahaya is expected to serve the villages of Rachaya, Aiha, Mhaidsseh, Daher El Ahmar, Ein Ata, Tannoura, Ain Hercha, Beit Lahya, Kfarmechki, Al Houch, Al Aqabeh, Kawkaba, Majdel Balhis, and Bakkifa. The Syrian influx has increased the population of the villages in the upper Litani catchment area which increased the quantity of generated solid wastes estimated at 650 t/day. The number of Syrian refugees as of July 2014 is shown in Figure 4-14. PREPARED BY ELARD 36 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK DESCRIPTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT Figure 4-14 Syrian Refugees Distribution in the Area of Study (Source: UNHCR, The UN Refugee Agency, May 2014) PREPARED BY ELARD 37 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK POTENTIAL ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACTS 5. ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT PROCEDURES This section covers the cycle of environmental and social assessment (ESA), including preparation, review, and implementation and monitoring. The procedures for environmental and social management shall be in compliance with the operational policies of the World Bank (WB) and at the same time compliant to the existing legal framework and the regulations of the Government of Lebanon (GoL). 5.1 SCREENING PHASE The first step in the environmental management process is “Screening”. The Screening process aims at getting an overview of the nature, scale and significance of the issues in order to define the scope of the ESIA to be consequently undertaken towards preparation of Project reports. The WB executes environmental screening to define the proper extent and type of Environmental Assessment (EA). The WB classifies the proposed project into one of four categories, according to the type, location, sensitivity, and scale of the project and the nature and magnitude of its potential environmental impacts. Similarly, according to the Lebanese National decree No. 8633/2012, a project can fall into one of three categories; Category I, Category II or Category III. The four categories of the WB are described below and compared to the relevant Lebanese EIA decree categories. Category A: Any project that is likely to have important adverse environmental impacts that are sensitive, diverse or unprecedented is classified as Category A. These impacts may influence an area wider than the sites or facilities subject to physical works. EA for a Category A project inspects the project's possible negative and positive environmental impacts, compares them with those of practicable alternatives and suggests any measures needed to prevent, reduce, mitigate, or compensate for adverse impacts and improve environmental performance. Regarding any Category A project, the borrower is charge of the preparation of a report, usually an EIA. Category A is comparable to category I in decree the National Decree No. 8633/2012 that includes the list of sub-projects for which a detailed Environment and Social Impact Assessment Report (ESIAR) is required. Sub-projects falling in this category would have by their magnitude and severity, potential significant adverse social or environmental impacts that are diverse, irreversible, or unprecedented. It is expected that none of the investments under the Project will belong to this category. Category B: A Category B project is any project that has potential adverse environmental impacts on human populations or environmentally significant areas (wetlands, forests, grasslands, and other natural habitats) that are less adverse than those of Category A projects. These impacts are site-specific; few if any of them are irreversible; and in most cases mitigation measures can be considered more readily than for Category A projects. The scope of EA for PREPARED BY ELARD 38 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK POTENTIAL ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACTS a Category B project may differ from a project to another, but it is more limited than that of a Category A EA. Similar to Category A EA, it studies the project's potential negative and positive environmental impacts and suggests any measures needed to prevent, minimize, mitigate, or compensate for adverse impacts and improve environmental performance. Category B is comparable to category II in the National Decree No. 8633/2012 that includes a list of sub-projects in Annex II of the national EIA decree for which an Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) is required. Sub-Projects in this category will have by their magnitude and severity, potential limited adverse social or environmental impacts that are few in number, site-specific, largely reversible, and readily addressed through mitigation measures. Wastewater networks will be constructed to collect the sewage to specific WWTPs to be treated before being discharged in the Litani River. The construction of those networks has positive and adverse impacts on the environment (details about impacts are provided in the next section). Impacts on the society may exist in cases where their resettlement is needed (depending on the location of the pumping stations). It is expected that projects under component one related to the construction of sewer networks will belong to this category. Category C: A project falls under Category C if it is expected to have minimal or no adverse environmental impacts. After the screening process, no further EA action is required for a Category C project. Category C is comparable to category III in the National Decree No. 8633/2012. For a Category III project an Environment and Social Assessment report is not required. Components two, three, and four of the current project belong to this Category where no negative impact on the environment is anticipated from these activities. Category FI: A project is classified as Category FI if it includes investment of Bank funds through a financial intermediary, in sub-projects that may end in adverse environmental impacts. As per items discussed above, only component 1 of the project requires an EMP to be submitted to the WB and an IEE to be submitted to MoE. As agreed with the WB and the MoE, one report that will combine EMP and IEE including the most stringent requirements of both will be prepared (subsequently referred as EA in this document). The IEE structure will be used given that it is comprehensive and inclusive of the requirements of an EMP and will be complemented with the EMP requirements that include public consultation and disclosure. Moreover an RPF shall be prepared for component 1 activities. This RPF will set out the policies, principles, institutional arrangements, schedules and indicative budgets that will take care of anticipated involuntary resettlements as defined in OP 4.12 and the Lebanese regulations. A RAP for Zahle network construction activities shall be considered when the resettlement needs are identified. PREPARED BY ELARD 39 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK POTENTIAL ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACTS Responsibilities The CDR will have the responsibility for: a) Reviewing the EA before being submitted to the WB; b) Reviewing the screening form before it being submitted to the MOE; c) Prepare and review the EA prior to its submission to the MOE; d) Ensure that the environment and social management plan is included as part of the contract for civil work; e) Monitor the implementation of the environment and social management plan during project construction and include a report on the ESMP implementation as part of the bi annual report to the World Bank; and f) Approve the RPF and RAP. The Service of the Environment Technology/MOE will be responsible for: a) Review and approval of the EA report; and b) Supervision of the implementation of the Environment and Social management plan during construction and operation of the implemented projects. The World Bank will review and make a decision on the EA reports. The WB will also review and approve the RPF and RAP if needed and will monitor the implementation of the ESMP. 5.2 THE EMP/IEE (EA) PHASE The purposes of the EA process for component 1 are to:  Identify and analyze potential environment and social impacts and issues, both adverse and beneficial, associated the proposed project;  Identify measures to avoid, minimize, mitigate, or offset/compensate for adverse impacts on workers, affected communities, and the environment;  Design an Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) to address the mitigation, and monitoring of these adverse measures, as well as propose institutional measures to manage and monitor the adverse impacts and their remedial measures as needed;  Identify specific self-monitoring reporting that the CDR would submit to the WB and MOE for the construction and operation phase of the investment project; and  Ensure that the investment contracts include appropriate, clauses to obligate the contractors to comply with the associated elements of the ESMP and submit also progress reports as part of their contractual obligations. EA process will be conducted for the following investments: (i) connections to Zahlé WWTP, (ii) connections to Anjar WWTP, and (iii) connections to Aitani WWTP. The outcome of the process is an EA report which must include the following:  Non-Technical Executive Summary;  Table of contents;  Introduction; PREPARED BY ELARD 40 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK POTENTIAL ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACTS  Policy, legal and administrative framework;  Description of the proposed project;  Description of the base line of the surrounding environment of the project and its area of influence;  Public consultation;  Potential environmental and social impacts of the project;  Environmental and Social Management plan as described below;  Self-reporting requirements during the construction and operational phases of the project;  Summary of project documents;  Tables and information statements;  List of scientific and non-scientific references used; and  List of the names of those who prepared the IEE report (individuals and institutions). Content of the ESMP: As part of the EA Report, the ESMP provides a critical link between measures to mitigate adverse impacts and the integration of such measures during the implementation and operation of projects. They summarize the anticipated impacts of project and provide details on the measures, responsibilities and scheduling to mitigate these impacts, costs of mitigation and monitoring and supervision. The ESMP should include:  Summary of impacts: Predicted adverse environmental impacts and their relationship to social impacts (and any uncertainties about their effects) for which mitigation is necessary should be identified and summarized.  Description of mitigation measures: Each measure should be briefly described in relation to the impact(s) and conditions under which it is required. These should be accompanied by, or referenced to, designs, development activities (including equipment descriptions) and operating procedures and implementation responsibilities.  Description of monitoring program: The ESMP identifies monitoring objectives and specifies the type of monitoring required; it also describes environmental performance indicators which provide linkages between impacts and mitigation measures identified in the EA report - parameters to be measured, methods to be used, sampling location and frequency of measurements, detection limits (as appropriate) and definition of thresholds to signal the need for corrective actions. Monitoring and supervision arrangements should ensure timely detection of conditions requiring remedial measures in keeping with good practice; furnish information and the progress and results of mitigation and institutional strengthening measures; and, assess compliance with national and Bank safeguard policies. Such arrangements should be clearly specified in the project implementation/operations manual to reinforce project supervision.  Legal requirements and bidding and contract documents: The incorporation of detailed mitigation, monitoring and supervision arrangements into legal conditions and covenants is essential. It is good practice to ensure that implementation of major environmental requirements is linked to disbursement conditions. It is important to translate ESMP requirements into bidding and contract documents to ensure that obligations are clearly communicated to contractors. PREPARED BY ELARD 41 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK POTENTIAL ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACTS  Institutional arrangements: Responsibilities for mitigation and monitoring should be defined along with arrangements for information flow, especially for coordination between agencies responsible for mitigation. This is especially important for projects requiring cross-sectorial integration. In particular, the ESMP specifies who is responsible for undertaking the mitigating and monitoring measures, e.g., for enforcement of remedial actions, monitoring of implementation, training, financing, and reporting. Institutional arrangements should also be crafted to maintain support for agreed enforcement measures for environmental protection. Where necessary, the ESMP should propose strengthening the relevant agencies through such actions as: establishment of appropriate organizational arrangements; training; appointment of key staff and consultants; and, arrangements for counterpart funding and on-lending. For projects having significant environmental implications, it is particularly important that there be in the implementing ministry or agency an in-house environmental unit with adequate budget and professional staffing strong in expertise relevant to the project.  Implementation schedule: The timing, frequency and duration of mitigation measures and monitoring should be included in an implementation schedule, showing phasing and coordination with procedures in the overall project implementation /operations manual. Linkages should be specified where implementation of mitigation measures is tied to institutional strengthening and to the project legal agreements, e.g. as conditions for loan effectiveness or disbursement.  Reporting: Procedures for providing information on the progress and results of mitigation and monitoring measures should also be clearly stated. Recipients of such information should include those with responsibility for ensuring timely implementation of mitigation measures and for undertaking remedial actions. In addition, the structure, content and timing of reporting to the Bank should be designed to facilitate supervision and should establish arrangements for the timely receipt of monitoring reports and their forwarding to the Bank’s environment specialists for review and comment.  Cost estimates: These should be specified for both the initial investment and recurring expenses for implementing all measures defined in the ESMP, integrated into the total project costs and factored into financing negotiations. As mitigating costs may occur at points during project implementation or operations, indications of cash flow should be provided. It is important to capture all costs – including administrative, design and consultancy, and operational and maintenance costs – resulting from meeting required standards or modifying project design. The TOR for the EMP/IEE (EA) is in Appendix D. EMP/IEE will be conducted for investments 2 and 3 under component 1 5.3 RESETTLEMENT POLICY FRAMEWORK The framework shall cover all the project’s activities, and shall apply to all displaced pe rsons regardless of the total number affected, the severity of impact, and whether or not the affected persons have legal title to the land. Since resettlement often affects the most vulnerable and marginalized groups (economically, politically, and socially), the RPF shall be particularly sensitive to the affects which displacement may have on these groups, including the poor, landless, elderly, women, children, ethnic minorities, or persons with specific mental PREPARED BY ELARD 42 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK POTENTIAL ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACTS or physical disabilities. This RPF shall be adopted in case resettlement during the implementation of the project component 1 became inevitable otherwise, efforts should be made to avoid or minimize the need for land acquisition and resettlement. The guiding principles for the RPF are:  Choosing route locations away from built-up areas or agricultural lands;  Following existing alignments for constructing networks;  Modifying the route of the networks to minimize its effects on nearby properties and land uses;  Limit to the extent possible the amount of involuntary land acquisition to what is strictly necessary to serve the purpose of the design in accordance with World Bank Policy and Lebanese Law;  Avoid elimination or destruction of any constructed buildings or physical relocation of people; and  Building pumping stations and installing networks in areas owned by the government or municipalities rather than people. 5.4 RESETTLEMENT ACTION PLAN A RAP should include the following:  Description of the project: General description and identification of project site.  Potential impacts identification: Identifying activities causing resettlement and specifying their impacts, alternatives and mechanisms to minimize resettlement.  Objectives of RAP: The main objectives of the plan.  Socio-economic study findings: conducting a census survey to cover PAPs, characteristics of affected households, the magnitude of potential loss of assets, information on vulnerable groups…  Legal framework: the nature of compensation and the valuation methodology; applicable legal and administrative procedures; relevant law governing land tenure, valuation of assets and losses, compensation, and natural resource usage rights; laws and regulations related to the agencies responsible for resettlement activities implementation; gaps, between local laws the Bank’s resettlement policy and the mechanisms to bridge such gaps; and legal steps necessary for effective implementation of resettlement activities.  Institutional framework: Identifying agencies responsible for resettlement activities and NGOs that might have a role in implementing the project; Assessing the institutional capacity of those agencies; and proposing steps to enhance the institutional capacity of those agencies.  Eligibility criteria: Defining PAPs and the criteria for their eligibility.  Valuation and compensation for losses: Methodology to be used for evaluating losses and their replacement costs with a description of the proposed compensation.  Resettlement and compensation measures: A description of technically and economically feasible compensation and resettlement measures that are compatible with the cultural preferences of the affected persons, and prepared in consultation with them. PREPARED BY ELARD 43 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK POTENTIAL ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACTS  Site selection, site preparation, and relocation: Considering and explaining all possible alternative relocation sites.  Housing, infrastructure, and social services: Plans to provide or finance housing, infrastructure and social services and plans to ensure comparable services to host populations.  Environmental protection and management: Describing the boundaries of the relocation area, conducting an EIA and suggesting mitigation measures for the impacts of the proposed resettlement.  Community participation: Involvement of resettlers and host communities through consultation, summarizing their points of view, reviewing alternatives and choices presented, institutionalized arrangements for communicating concerns with project authorities.  Integration with host populations: consulting with host communities; arranging for payment for hosts for lands or other assets; addressing any potential conflicts between resettlers and the host community; necessary measures to enhance services in host communities to make them comparable to services available to resettlers.  Grievance procedures: Affordable and accessible procedures for third party settlement of disputes arising from resettlement.  Organizational responsibilities: The organizational framework for implementing resettlement, including identification of agencies responsible for delivery of resettlement measures and provision of services.  Implementation schedule: An implementation schedule that covers resettlement activities, including target dates for the achieving expected benefits to resettlers and hosts and finalizing all forms of assistance.  Costs and budget: Tables showing cost estimates for resettlement activities, including; timetables for expenditures; sources of funds; and schedules for appropriate flow of funds in areas outside the jurisdiction of the implementing agencies.  Monitoring and evaluation: Arranging for monitoring of resettlement activities by the implementing agency, supplemented by independent monitors as considered appropriate by the Bank, to ensure objective evaluation. 6. POTENTIAL ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACTS The purpose of this section is to determine the potential impacts of the project expected activities and investments to guarantee that design and implementation of investments remains alerted to local baseline challenges and remains focused towards their solution. 6.1 THE GENERIC IMPACTS OF THE PROJECT Each activity that will be executed for the different components of the project will be assessed for potential Environmental and Social impacts. The potential impacts highlighted in the sections below (sections 6.2 and 6.3) are based on observations made on numerous sites targeted either for rehabilitation (e.g. rehabilitation of old networks/ component 1) or new construction. Initial impact prediction has been made based on consideration of the possible interaction between civil works and the baseline environment of the site according to available tools and checklists. The magnitude, significance, and acceptability of PREPARED BY ELARD 44 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK POTENTIAL ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACTS predicted impacts were assessed in order to determine whether detected adverse impacts are important enough to require mitigation measures. Therefore, predicted impacts were examined against parameters such as geographic spread, persistence, potential for reversibility (feasibility of mitigation for adverse environmental impacts), cumulative tendency, and potential to trigger secondary impacts, among others. Impacts were weighted on the scale of P (Positive Impact), 2P (strongly Positive Impact), O (Neutral Impact), A (Acceptable impact), N (Negative Impact), and 2N (Strongly Negative Impact). Section 6.2 provides a description of the potential positive social and environmental impacts of the project while Section 6.3 will describe the adverse social and environmental impacts of the project. 6.2 POTENTIAL POSITIVE ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACTS Component 1- Activities for the improvement of the collection of municipal sewage by extending or rehabilitating sewage networks and connecting them to existing, under construction, or planned WWTPs. The construction of sewage networks is considered to be an environmental enhancement project since its main purpose is to collect domestic sewage and discharge it into a WWTP instead of being discharged into the environment and polluting ground and surface water. Consequently, the overall environment conditions of the area will be improved. The positive environmental and social impacts of the activities of component 1 during design, construction, and operation phase are listed in Table 6-1. PREPARED BY ELARD 45 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK POTENTIAL ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACTS Table 6-1 The Positive Environmental and Social Impacts of the Activities of Component 1 and their Corresponding Rankings Investment Activity Primary Impact Secondary Impact Persistence Ranking Weighting (i) General impacts at Design Stage Sensitizing society on Could induce attitude environmental requirements change towards Long-term High 2P environmental conservation Generation of a database on Design of new sewer Subjecting the entire social and physical Improves public networks, pumping Long-term Moderate P project to this ESMF process environment of project awareness stations location Local setting and Provides a forum for documentation of coordinated and Long-term High 2P development priorities rationalized development (ii) Positive impacts during construction phase Civil works (excavation, Construction activities Creation of employment Addition income to all pipes installation, cadre of staff and their Short-term High 2P backfilling, construction of households pumping stations) Increased demand on Additional income to supplies (raw material, commercial institutions Short-term High 2P pipes…) in the area (ii) Positive impacts at during operation phase Improved hygiene and Improve the health of sanitation habitants in the project Construction of new sewer Long Term High 2P area by reducing networks, pumping stations, water-borne diseases Sewage Infrastructure , rehabilitation of old network parts Decreased discharge of Reduction in contaminants to water groundwater and Long-term High 2P bodies and protection of the surface water pollution PREPARED BY ELARD 46 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK POTENTIAL ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACTS Investment Activity Primary Impact Secondary Impact Persistence Ranking Weighting water sources in the watershed of the Litani River and the Qaraoun Lake Legend / scale for impact ranking: P, Positive; 2P, Strongly Positive; O, Neutral; N, Negative; 2N Strongly Negative PREPARED BY ELARD 47 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK POTENTIAL ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACTS Component 2- Activities for the improvement of the quality of Agricultural Runoff This component suggests the conduction of awareness campaigns mostly targeting big Farmers to introduce the concept of IPM that is based on the reduction of the use of fertilizers, the improvement of irrigation practices and the land preparation practices. Eventually, the pollution of the soil and the Qaraoun Lake from agricultural pesticides will be limited and the technical know-how of the Farmers will be improved along with their sensitivity towards environmental issues. This component mainly has positive impacts on the society and the environment with no negative impacts. Component 3- Solid Waste Management This component aims at leading technical, environmental and social studies for the establishment of a sorting facility and a sanitary landfill in Bar Elias in addition to a sorting facility in Rachaya and the closure of uncontrolled dumpsites. Those activities mostly have positive impacts with no negative impacts on the environment and the society. Capacity building and Project Management This component discusses the launch of capacity building programs for the BWE and the LRA. The impacts of those activities are positive given that eventually, the BWE and the LRA would have been provided with enough guidance and technical assistance to monitor water resources, manage the irrigation system, improve the risk management and strengthen institutional capacity to support the implementation of the business plan for combating pollution of the Qaraoun Lake. 6.3 POTENTIAL ADVERSE ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACTS The potential negative impacts from the project are likely to be generated from component 1 during the construction and operation phases. The negative environmental and social impacts of the activities of component 1 and their ranking are presented in Table 6-2 PREPARED BY ELARD 48 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK POTENTIAL ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACTS Table 6-2 The Potential Negative Environmental and Social Impacts of the Activities of Component 1 Feasibility of Phase Receptor Impact Duration Duration of impact Weighting mitigation Can be Can be both Temporary or permanent change in topography, soil erosion and Low (short-term)/ long-term reversible or N collapse from grading, trenching, or excavation High(long-term) or shorter irreversible Change in soil and groundwater quality from: - leakage of fuel, lubrication oil, gear oil and transmission oil to the exposed and excavated soil unearthed in the excavation process from construction/haulage vehicles and equipment - Inadequate storage and disposal of lubrication oil, gear oil and transmission oil used for equipment maintenance; - Inadequate storage and disposal of bitumen material used for asphalting activities; - Spills of potentially contaminating materials such as glues, Soil and solvents, or lubricants that are used or stored onsite for pipes Groundwater installation. The spills can affect the excavated or exposed soil; Long-term Reversible Medium N - Accidental spills from refueling operation; Construction - Improper disposal of concrete wastes resulting from onsite concrete batching or cleaning of ready-mix concrete vehicles; - Surface run-off water that comes into contact with concrete, onsite stockpiled sand and gravel and open excavated trenches during rainy days; - Discharged hydrotest water that come into contact with excavated soils stockpiled along the trenches; - Inadequate disposal of solid wastes and wastewater generated during construction from workers; and - Leakage from old networks during rehabilitation. Change in surface water and sediments quality from:  Possible leakage of fuel/ oil/ chemicals from: Surface Water - Machinery used during construction and haulage; Short-term Reversible Medium N - Generators; and - Refuelling operations and routine inspection. PREPARED BY ELARD 49 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK POTENTIAL ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACTS Feasibility of Phase Receptor Impact Duration Duration of impact Weighting mitigation  Inadequate storage and disposal of wastewater, solid waste (domestic waste and construction waste) and hazardous waste that will be generated from the construction activities: - Earthworks and construction of access roads; - Pipeline Installation / Trenching and backfilling; - Hydrotesting - Construction of pump stations; and - Chemicals disposal during maintenance of machinery, generators and equipment. Increase in air pollutants due to vehicle and truck movement during mobilization and procurement, in addition to the operation of diesel- Short-term Reversible Low N operated construction machinery (i.e. power generator, loader, bulldozer, dump trucks). Air Quality Dust emissions from excavation and backfilling activities, temporary storage of excavated soil near the construction trench as well as Short-term Reversible Low N from the movement of vehicles on unpaved roads, which may impact local ambient air quality Habitat loss or destruction, altered abiotic/site factors, mortality of individuals, habitat fragmentation, disturbance, and vegetation loss Medium (short-term due to: Can be Can be both and reversible)/ - Site clearance and grading in the pumping station long-term Ecology reversible or High (long-term and N construction location; or short- irreversible irreversible e.g. loss - Excavation for pipes and pumping stations; term of certain species) - Accidental spills (fuels/chemicals) during construction; and - Inadequate disposal of solid waste and surplus material - Increase in traffic volume due to the deployment of construction vehicles, transport vehicles and equipment; and Traffic - Increased travel times for drivers passing through the Project area Short-term Reversible Medium N due to partial or total closure of the roads adjacent to the installed pipelines Increase in ambient noise levels from: - Mobilization, site clearance, grading and excavation activities; Noise - Construction activities at the pumping stations location Short-term Reversible Medium N (form work, reinforced concrete, interior finishing, exterior finishing); - Movement of vehicles to transport people and materials; PREPARED BY ELARD 50 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK POTENTIAL ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACTS Feasibility of Phase Receptor Impact Duration Duration of impact Weighting mitigation and - Operation of equipment and machinery on-site Injuries to the public and workers from: - Open trenches, openly stored or moving construction materials, moving construction equipment and redirected Can be Occupational Can be both traffic; and long-term Health & reversible or Low N - General and construction and pipes installation activities or short- Safety irreversible that will increase the workers and public exposed to noise, term dust and occupational hazards which will increase the potential accidents Socio- Land acquisition for pumping stations construction Long-term Irreversible High 2N economy Temporary change in topography, soil erosion and collapse from Short-term Reversible Low N excavation activities during maintenance Change in soil and groundwater quality from: - leakage of fuel, lubrication oil, gear oil and transmission oil to the exposed and excavated soil unearthed in the excavation process; Soil and - Inadequate storage and disposal of bitumen material used Groundwater for asphalting activities; Long-term Reversible Medium N - Spills of potentially contaminating materials such as glues, solvents, or lubricants that are used onsite for pipes installation. The spills can affect the excavated or exposed soil; Operation - Potential spills of raw wastewater from pipelines or pumping stations. Change in surface water and sediments quality from: - Wastewater leakage along all the pipeline route and in pumping stations location; - Oil and fuel leakage from generators, and fuel tank storage Long-term Reversible Medium N Surface Water in the pumping stations; - Network maintenance activities; and - Inadequate treatment of wastewater at receiving facility. - Malfunction at pump stations (due to electricity cut-off, pumps break down, etc.) leading to discharge of untreated Short-Term Reversible Low N sewage in surface water PREPARED BY ELARD 51 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK POTENTIAL ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACTS Feasibility of Phase Receptor Impact Duration Duration of impact Weighting mitigation - Increase in air pollutants due to the operation of diesel- Air Quality operated standby power generators; and Short-term Reversible Low N - Odor emissions at pumping stations No major impacts are anticipated in the operation phase of the Ecology -- -- -- O project Traffic Traffic disturbance from maintenance activities Short-term Reversible Low N Increased noise levels due to usage of equipment during the maintenance period of the wastewater network and the pumping stations. This will depend on the type of work needed and the extent Noise Short-term Reversible Low N of the network damage. Excavation to expose the damaged pipe is expected in addition to the backfilling, compaction and reinstatement of the excavated road. Occupational Increased health and safety risks due to traffic related accidents and Health & Short-term Reversible Low N open trenches during pipes repair and spill management. Safety Legend / scale for impact ranking: P, Positive; 2P, Strongly Positive; O, Neutral; A, Acceptable; N, Negative; 2N Strongly Negative PREPARED BY ELARD 52 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK POTENTIAL ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACTS 6.4 NET SOCIAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS BEFORE MITIGATION According to generic impacts, the net social and environmental impact of this project can be described as follows: the project is likely to provide a net positive social and environmental impact; however, during construction and operation of the different networks and pumping stations, negative impacts are also anticipated. In sections below proposed measures to mitigate potential environmental and non-resettlement impacts of the project are highlighted and aim at making those negative impacts acceptable. PREPARED BY ELARD 53 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MITIGATION AND MONITORING 7. ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MITIGATION AND MONITORING PLAN (ESMMP) The following section highlights the Environmental and Social Mitigation and Monitoring Plan (ESMMP) suggested for the project that consists of the following four fundamental elements:  The Impact Mitigation Plan for component 1;  The Monitoring Plan for component 1;  Institutional Arrangements; and  The ESMMP budget The main approach to mitigation is to avoid impacts. Nevertheless, in situations where conditions force challenges to avoidance, actions to diminish negative impacts while enhancing positive ones have been endorsed. 7.1 THE IMPACT MITIGATION PLAN The Impact Mitigation Plan (IMP) for component 1 activities of the Project is described in Table 7-1 and Table 7-2 and identifies two comprehensive categories of impacts and mitigation measures for component 1 of the project as follows:  Specific Construction Phase Impacts and mitigations: impacts and mitigations measures specific to each investment are identified and discussed;  Specific Operation and maintenance Phase Impacts: impacts and mitigation measures during the operation phase have been recognized and addressed. Mitigation of potential impacts is essentially feasible as the bulk of impacts are neutralized through application of routine management procedures. After the formulation of mitigation procedures, the net social and environmental worth of the Program is expected to improve radically. This ESMF perceives that only minor negative impacts are expected to have residual impacts and cannot be totally eliminated through mitigation. Most of those impacts are likely to appear during the construction and operation phases of proposed component 1. In order to fully assess the occurrence of such impacts in the event of which, design of investments will be modified as adequate, this ESMF requires the preparation of detailed EMP study. The determination of displacement impacts will be achieved through development and application of Resettlement Action Plans (RAPs) after the design stage of investment if required. A second report, the Resettlement Policy Framework (RPF) will describe the modalities of developing the RAPs. The expenses of displacement will be borne in the whole cost of the investment. PREPARED BY ELARD 54 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MITIGATION AND MONITORING Table 7-1 Mitigation of Impacts of Construction Phase* Impact after Activity/Task Primary Impact Recommended Mitigation Indicative Cost mitigation Mitigation measures shall include: - The stabilization of the soils in trenches directly after completion of each stage of works where fill should avoid pockets of segregated materials, it should use well-graded materials, and it should be compacted to recognized standards. - The placement of clear markers indicating the limits of the construction 1,000 USD per site Grading, trenching, Temporary or permanent change in trenches and stockpiling area of (Cost of sand and O or excavation topography, soil erosion and collapse excavated materials to restrict the bags to be used as equipment and personnel movement barriers) limiting the physical disturbance to land and soils in adjacent areas - The installation of erosion control barriers around work site during site preparation and construction. - Also, excavation works must be avoided during rough weather conditions. Procedures for storage and handling of wastes, chemicals, and hazardous wastes Fuel and chemicals should include: use and storage, improper discharge - The disposal of surplus material at About 5,000 USD for Change in soil , groundwater, and of solid wastes, designated waste location O transportation to the surface water quality wastewater, and designated places hydrotest water, spill - The segregation of wastes that can be from old networks salvaged and stored temporarily for later use - The designation of special dumping PREPARED BY ELARD 55 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MITIGATION AND MONITORING Impact after Activity/Task Primary Impact Recommended Mitigation Indicative Cost mitigation sites for direct materials that cannot be reclaimed or re-used. Vehicle and truck Proper maintenance of machines and movement, operation Increase in air pollutants A No additional cost equipment. of generators Excavation, backfilling, and Implement procedures to minimize dust 5000 USD cost of movement of Dust emission emissions such as water spraying, covering A sheets and water for vehicles on unpaved loaded trucks. spraying roads Conduct ecological surveys to allocate Ecological habitat loss or destruction, critical ecosystems for conservation. 1000 USD/month Site clearance, altered abiotic/site factors, mortality of (part time ecological excavation, and Analyze alternatives for best route O individuals, habitat fragmentation, expert during waste disposal selection to minimize any adverse impact disturbance, and vegetation loss construction phase) for new pipelines. Deployment of construction vehicles, transport vehicles Keep traffic to designated roads, position Increase in traffic volume and travel time and equipment, necessary diversion signs, schedule for drivers passing through the Project A No additional cost partial or total closure transport of workers and materials to area of the roads adjacent avoid peak hours. to the installed pipelines Switch off equipment and generators Construction when not in use, equip all internal activities, equipment combustion engine driven equipment with Increase in ambient noise levels A 10,000 USD (mufflers) and machinery intake and exhaust mufflers that are in operation good condition and appropriate for the equipment. PREPARED BY ELARD 56 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MITIGATION AND MONITORING Impact after Activity/Task Primary Impact Recommended Mitigation Indicative Cost mitigation Prepare an HSE procedure in accordance with the applicable standards, apply procedures to reduce hazards, and take 3,000 USD/month Construction appropriate measures for storage, (HSE officer) activities, equipment handling, transportation, and disposal of Injuries to the public and workers A and machinery all waste material. 15,000 USD (Training operation of the construction Provide basic training in construction, team) health and safety, first aid and the environment for the construction team. Pumping stations Land acquisition Prepare and implement a RAP A 10,000 USD per RAP construction Legend / scale for impact ranking: P, Positive; 2P, Strongly Positive; O, Neutral; A, Acceptable; N, Negative; 2N Strongly Negative * The mitigation measures were developed based on the impacts of Investment package one and the mitigation costs are indicative PREPARED BY ELARD 57 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MITIGATION AND MONITORING Table 7-2 Mitigation of Impacts of Operation Phase Activity/Task Primary Impact Recommended Mitigation Impact after Indicative Cost mitigation Depends on the Temporary or permanent change in Grading, trenching, or Appropriate measures for reinstatement excavation extent and topography, soil erosion and collapse O excavation and soil stabilization duration (expected to during maintenance activities be minimal) Fuel and chemicals use and storage, Develop procedure for storage and improper discharge of Change in soil , groundwater, and handling of wastes, chemicals, and solid wastes, O -- surface water quality hazardous wastes, maintain properly the wastewater, leakage pipelines and the pumping stations. from the pumping stations and pipelines. - Installation of an odor filter; - Installation of air mixers inside the 25,000 USD (filter) holding tank of the pumping station; Operation of 6,000 USD (mixer) Odors generation and A pumping station 100 USD/meter - Construct an overflow pipeline that (overflow pipeline) divert the raw wastewater in malfunctioning cases - Provide the pumping station with a standby generator and a standby Malfunction during pump; 20,000 USD (Generator) the operation of Change in surface water quality A - Provide a fuel storage tank for the 10,000 (Pump) pumping station generators (volume capacity should be 24 hours operation) Operation of Proper maintenance of generators and 2000 USD (Filters Increase in air pollutants O generators installation of filters. installation) Partial or total closure Increase in traffic volume and travel time Keep traffic to designated roads, position A -- PREPARED BY ELARD 58 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MITIGATION AND MONITORING Activity/Task Primary Impact Recommended Mitigation Impact after Indicative Cost mitigation of the roads adjacent for drivers passing through the Project necessary diversion signs, and schedule to the installed area maintenance activities to avoid peak pipelines hours. Switch off equipment and generators when not in use, equip all internal Equipment and combustion engine driven equipment machinery operation with intake and exhaust mufflers that are during maintenance, Increase in ambient noise levels in good condition and appropriate for A -- operation of pumping the equipment, isolate pumps room to stations. reduce noise levels in the exterior environment and equip them with silencers, properly maintain the pumps Prepare an HSE procedure in accordance with the applicable standards, apply procedures to reduce Equipment and hazards, and take appropriate measures machinery operation for storage, handling, transportation, and 15,000 USD (Training of Injuries to the public and workers A during maintenance disposal of all waste material. employees) activities Provide basic training in operation, health and safety, first aid and the environment for the operation team. Legend / scale for impact ranking: P, Positive; 2P, Strongly Positive; O, Neutral; A, Acceptable; N, Negative; 2N Strongly Negative * The mitigation measures were developed based on the impacts of Investment package one and the mitigation costs are indicative PREPARED BY ELARD 59 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MITIGATION AND MONITORING 7.2 THE ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT AND MONITORING PLAN The Environmental and Social Management and Monitoring Plan (ESMMP) highlights the main impacts and control measures that were identified in this document, particularly:  Mitigation measures to be implemented during the construction and operation phases;  References to control guidelines and standards;  Responsibilities for the implementation of the plan;  Verification, monitoring and training requirements; and  Record keeping and documentation requirements. The overall objectives of the ESMMP are 2) to ensure the Project’s compliance with Lebanese legislation and World Bank’s environmental and social safeguard policies ; 2) to provide a basis to carry out monitoring activities and compliance inspection programs; and 3) to support the Contractor and relevant stakeholders in the implementation of mitigation and monitoring plans. The EMMP may be subject to updates and modifications throughout the Project lifetime. Compliance monitoring should be conducted to ensure the environmental soundness of the project. It shall be the responsibility of the CDR during the Construction phase and the MoEW/BWE during the operation phase. Proposed mitigations measures and monitoring plan for construction and operation impacts are summarized in Table 7-3 and Table 7-4 respectively. PREPARED BY ELARD 60 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MITIGATION AND MONITORING Table 7-3 The ESMMP during Construction Phase Monitoring and Reporting Activity/Source Potential Impact Mitigation Measure(s) Monitoring Indicator(s) Responsibility Frequency Soil - Contractor’s civil - Daily visual inspection of the - Number of complaints from the engineer and Temporary or excavation activities municipalities in the project area foreman permanent Develop appropriate - Daily inspection of soil Grading, - Number of complaints from the - Supervision change in procedures for erosion from the site trenching, or residents/owners of land adjacent consultant topography, soil reinstatement and soil - Monthly record of resident excavation to the excavation sites appointed by CDR erosion and stabilization complaints - Amount of observed soil erosion - Municipality collapse - Monthly record of from the construction site Engineer municipality complaints - Contractor’s civil Fuel and engineer and chemicals use environmental and storage, Develop procedure for Daily visual inspection to ensure officer improper Change in soil storage and handling of Amount of contaminated soil visible proper implementation and to - Supervision discharge of quality wastes, chemicals, and during inspection identify soil stains and location consultant solid wastes, hazardous wastes. of spills, if any. appointed by CDR wastewater, and - Municipality spill from old Engineer networks Groundwater and Surface Water - Contractor’s civil Fuel and engineer and chemicals use environmental and storage, Change in Water characteristics (physico- Develop procedure for officer improper groundwater chemical parameters, including storage and handling of Monthly testing during the - Supervision discharge of and surface turbidity, COD, BOD5, TPH, TDS and wastes, chemicals, and construction period consultant solid wastes, water quality heavy metals) hazardous wastes. appointed by CDR wastewater, and - Municipality spill from old Engineer networks PREPARED BY ELARD 61 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MITIGATION AND MONITORING Monitoring and Reporting Activity/Source Potential Impact Mitigation Measure(s) Monitoring Indicator(s) Responsibility Frequency Air Quality - Daily visual checks of smoke - Contractor’s emissions from vehicles and mechanical machinery. engineer and Vehicle and - Monthly analysis of environmental Proper maintenance of Number of noncompliance reports officer truck movement, Increase in air maintenance records of operation of pollutants machines and about machines and equipment - Supervision equipment operated on- generators equipment. routine maintenance consultant site to ensure these are properly maintained and appointed by CDR do not lead to excessive - Municipality emissions Engineer - Daily visual monitoring of dust generation from the - Contractor’s civil work zone to ensure that no engineer and Excavation, Implement procedures Number of noncompliance reports excessive dust is produced environmental backfilling, and to minimize dust about trucks - Conducting/ investigating officer movement of Dust emission emissions such as water - Number of complaints from dust monitoring in response - Supervision vehicles on spraying, covering project area to specific complaints consultant unpaved roads loaded trucks. - Monthly records of resident appointed by CDR residents/municipalities complaints - Municipality - Monthly records of Engineer municipality complaints Ecology Ecological - Conduct ecological - Contractor’s habitat loss or surveys to allocate destruction, - Number of trees damaged environmental critical ecosystems for altered or removed officer Site clearance, conservation. excavation, and abiotic/site - Area of Weekly visual inspection of trees - Supervision - Analyze alternatives waste disposal factors, mortality ecosystems/habitats along construction route consultant for best route of individuals, affected appointed by CDR selection to minimize habitat - Municipality fragmentation, any adverse impact Engineer disturbance, and for new pipelines. PREPARED BY ELARD 62 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MITIGATION AND MONITORING Monitoring and Reporting Activity/Source Potential Impact Mitigation Measure(s) Monitoring Indicator(s) Responsibility Frequency vegetation loss Traffic - Weekly monitoring road safety signs on site roads; - Daily monitoring to ensure Deployment of compliance with safety construction standards and the proper - Contractor’s HSE vehicles, Keep traffic to Increase in traffic positioning of any officer transport designated roads, volume and necessary traffic diversion vehicles and position necessary - Supervision travel time for Number of complaints from the signs; equipment, diversion signs, schedule consultant drivers passing municipalities/residents. - Investigating any potential partial or total transport of workers and appointed by CDR through the traffic disturbance due to closure of the materials to avoid peak - Municipality Project area construction activities in roads adjacent hours. Engineer response to specific to the installed complaints; pipelines - Monthly records of complaints from residents along construction route 4. Noise PREPARED BY ELARD 63 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MITIGATION AND MONITORING Monitoring and Reporting Activity/Source Potential Impact Mitigation Measure(s) Monitoring Indicator(s) Responsibility Frequency - Conducting/investigating Switch off equipment noise monitoring in response and generators when to specific complaints and not in use, equip all - Contractor’s HSE during noisy activities, Construction internal combustion officer activities, Increase in - Weekly checking that the engine driven Number of complaints from the - Supervision equipment and ambient noise results of noise monitoring equipment with intake municipalities/residents consultant machinery levels are communicated to CDR and exhaust mufflers appointed by CDR operation and if needed corrective that are in good - Municipality action is taken. condition and Engineer appropriate for the - Monthly records of equipment. complaints from the municipalities/residents Safety Hazards - Number of reported injuries among Prepare an HSE workers - Contractor’s HSE procedure in Construction - Number of reported injuries among officer accordance with the Daily recording of HSE incidents activities, Injuries to the applicable standards, residents and people crossing the - Supervision on-site equipment and public and apply procedures to project site consultant machinery workers Monthly records of safety reduce hazards, and - Number of documented instances appointed by CDR operation of workers not observed equipment violations by workers take appropriate - Municipality measures for storage, wearing/using required safety Engineer handling, transportation, gear/equipment PREPARED BY ELARD 64 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MITIGATION AND MONITORING Monitoring and Reporting Activity/Source Potential Impact Mitigation Measure(s) Monitoring Indicator(s) Responsibility Frequency and disposal of all waste - Number of complaints from the material. municipalities/residents Provide basic training in construction, health and safety, first aid and the environment the construction team Pumping stations Prepare and implement Monthly records on CDR Land acquisition Number of acquired plots construction a RAP expropriation progress Table 7-4 The ESMMP during Operation Phase Monitoring and Reporting Activity/Source Potential Impact Mitigation Measure(s) Monitoring Indicator(s) Responsibility Frequency Soil - Daily visual inspection of the Temporary or excavation activities permanent Develop appropriate - Daily inspection of soil Grading, change in procedures for Amount of observed soil erosion from erosion from the site MoEW/BWE trenching, or topography, soil excavation for erosion and reinstatement and soil the construction site - Monthly record of resident representative maintenance collapse during stabilization complaints maintenance - Monthly record of activities municipality complaints Fuel and Develop procedure for chemicals use storage and handling of Daily visual inspection to Change in soil wastes, chemicals, and Amount of contaminated soil visible MoEW/BWE and storage, identify soil stains and location quality hazardous wastes, during inspection representative improper of spills during maintenance discharge of maintain properly the period. solid wastes, pipelines and the PREPARED BY ELARD 65 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MITIGATION AND MONITORING Monitoring and Reporting Activity/Source Potential Impact Mitigation Measure(s) Monitoring Indicator(s) Responsibility Frequency sludge, and pumping stations. wastewater Develop procedures for during sludge treatment and maintenance disposal according to activities the treatment plant process Groundwater Change in Properly maintain the Water characteristics (physico- network and manage MoEW/BWE Leakage from groundwater chemical parameters and fecal directly detected Every six months representative the network quality coliforms) leakages and spills Surface Water The parameters that are required in Discharge of Monitor the effluent the Lebanese decision 8/1 2001 for the treated wastewater quality for discharge of wastewater into surface Monthly wastewater to compliance with the water bodies rivers relevant standards - Provide the Change in pumping station MoEW/BWE surface water with a standby representative quality generator and a Monitor the flow of the river for dilution Discharge of standby pump; requirements according to Lebanese Monthly/During malfunctioning untreated - Provide a fuel decision 8/1 2001 periods wastewater storage tank for the generators (volume capacity should be 24 hours operation) Air Quality - Monthly analysis of Proper maintenance of Number of noncompliance reports Operation of Increase in air maintenance records of MoEW/BWE generators pollutants generators and about machines and equipment generators to ensure these representative installation of filters. routine maintenance are properly maintained PREPARED BY ELARD 66 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MITIGATION AND MONITORING Monitoring and Reporting Activity/Source Potential Impact Mitigation Measure(s) Monitoring Indicator(s) Responsibility Frequency and do not lead to excessive emissions - Installation of an odor filter; - Installation of air mixers inside the holding tank of the Operation of Generation of pumping station; and - Monthly/ During MoEW/BWE pumping station odors Number of complaints from odor malfunctioning periods representative - Construction of an overflow pipeline that divert the raw wastewater in malfunctioning cases Traffic During maintenance period: - Daily monitoring road safety signs on site roads; - Daily monitoring to ensure Keep traffic to Increase in traffic compliance with safety Partial or total designated roads, volume and standards and the proper closure of the position necessary MoEW/BWE travel time for Number of complaints from the positioning of any roads adjacent diversion signs, and representative drivers passing municipalities/residents. necessary traffic diversion to the installed schedule maintenance through the pipelines activities to avoid peak signs; and Project area hours. - Investigating any potential traffic disturbance due to maintenance activities in response to specific complaints. 5. Noise PREPARED BY ELARD 67 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MITIGATION AND MONITORING Monitoring and Reporting Activity/Source Potential Impact Mitigation Measure(s) Monitoring Indicator(s) Responsibility Frequency Switch off equipment and generators when not in use, equip all internal combustion - Conducting/investigating engine driven noise monitoring in response Equipment and equipment with intake to specific complaints and machinery and exhaust mufflers during noisy activities. operation during Increase in that are in good Number of complaints from the - Yearly checking the noise MoEW/BWE maintenance, ambient noise condition and municipalities/residents monitoring results and if representative operation of levels appropriate for the needed corrective action is pumping equipment, isolate taken. stations. pumps room to reduce - Monthly records of noise levels in the complaints from the exterior environment and municipalities/residents equip them with silencers, properly maintain the pumps. Safety Hazards Prepare an HSE procedure in accordance with the - Number of reported injuries among applicable standards, workers apply procedures to - Number of reported injuries among Equipment and reduce hazards, and residents and people crossing the Daily recording of HSE incidents machinery Injuries to the take appropriate project site during maintenance period; operation during public and measures for storage, MoEW/BWE - Number of documented instances and maintenance workers handling, transportation, representative of workers not observed Monthly records of safety activities and disposal of all waste wearing/using required safety equipment violations by workers material. gear/equipment Provide basic training in - Number of complaints from the operation, health and municipalities/residents safety, first aid and the environment for the PREPARED BY ELARD 68 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MITIGATION AND MONITORING Monitoring and Reporting Activity/Source Potential Impact Mitigation Measure(s) Monitoring Indicator(s) Responsibility Frequency operation team. PREPARED BY ELARD 69 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MITIGATION AND MONITORING 7.3 INSTITUTIONAL ARRANGEMENT FOR ESMMP IMPLEMENTATION In this section of the report, the institutional framework for environmental management within the project is presented. The main purpose of this ESMF is to ensure that environmental and social management is incorporated into the whole development cycle of specific investments to be financed under the concerned project. The following sections will focus on the mitigation process at respective levels of the component 1 of the project. Mitigation at Construction Stage: Mitigation at construction stage will be part of the contracts for Civil Works. Mitigation at Operation Phase: A one year Defect Liability Period is allowed by all contracts for Civil Works. During this period, contractors will still be bound to assume impact mitigation together with routine maintenances. Beyond the Defect Liability Period, all mitigation will fall on the MoEW/BWE responsibility. 7.3.1 Supervision of Environmental and Social Management and Monitoring Plan Roles and responsibilities of the different institutions involved in the construction and operation of the project with respect to the implementation of the EMP are summarized in Table 7-5. Table 7-5 ESMMP Implementation Plan Institution/Body Roles and Responsibilities CDR Overall responsibility over the EMMP Implementation during construction. Review and provide decision on EA report and conduct site audits as needed to MoE check implementation of EMP during construction and operation. The Municipal engineer in association with the Consultant appointed by CDR will Municipalities take technical responsibility for supervising the impact mitigation plan during construction following which; a report will be filed and retained at municipality. MoEW/BWE Overall responsibility over the EMMP Implementation during operation Prepare a Construction Environmental and Social Management Plan (CESMP) that details how the contractor shall implement the provisions of the ESMMP; Provide a field HSE officer to ensure implementation of the CESMP; Liaise with supervision Consultant and regularly report on implementation of Contractor ESMMP; Immediately report to supervision Consultant in case of accidents, spills or other events which have health, safety or environmental implications; In case of incidents, the contractor should fill an incident records form, including how the incident is planned to be addressed. Supervision  Supervise the Contractor's implementation of CESMP; consultant(s)  Prepare a checklist to be used to supervise Contractor’s works;  Review and approve CESMP prepared by Contractor;  Review and approve Contractor’s ESMMP reports;  Coordinate with CDR to ensure appropriate reporting of ESMMP implementation;  Identify training needs of concerned parties to ensure ESMMP requirements are well-understood and can be implemented. PREPARED BY ELARD 70 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MITIGATION AND MONITORING 7.3.2 The Impact Monitoring Program Monitoring will occur at three levels: Internal Monitoring The whole process of supervision that was discussed in previous sections of the report is usually part of the internal monitoring program whereby accruing reports will be reviewed to conclude information on project status. Towards coordination of internal monitoring, the municipal engineer, members of the different ministries and institutions including environmental specialist will attend all monthly site meetings where execution of the ESMMP will form part of the agenda. External Monitoring The Qaraoun project will be subjected to external monitoring by the WB. Both internal and external monitoring will be guided by the ESMMP to generate information on:  Nature of impacts at each project phase and whether the impact was anticipated;  Proposed mitigation activity for anticipated impacts and possible mitigation of emergent impacts;  General sensitivity of the ESMMP to project impacts;  Responsibility for mitigating old and emergent impacts;  Success or otherwise in mitigation of anticipated and new impacts and reasons for non- achievement;  Effectiveness of all players in the Impact Mitigation Plan and reasons for non- performance and proposed remedies;  Effectiveness or otherwise in securing implementation of impact mitigation and measures required to tighten the process; and  Flow of information in the monitoring process and reasons for non-achievement Systematic review of the ESMMP and ESMF: According to the information collected from the questions above, the effectiveness of the ESMMP will be reviewed and updated accordingly. Therefore, by updating the ESMMPs, this ESMF will also be submitted to reviews but at a localized level only. This ESMF is not expected to be updated unless the project’s implementation suffers undue delay. CDR is responsible to update the ESMF if required. The investments of the project will be subjected to obligatory annual environmental audits. During the execution of the environmental audit study, the auditor shall confirm that an assessment of all the project activities, counting the production of goods and services, is carried out giving proper consideration to environmental regulatory frameworks, environmental health and safety measures and sustainable use of natural resources (such as water). 7.3.3 Reporting Within the Project The following reports and documents will be produced under the monitoring plan of the project: PREPARED BY ELARD 71 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MITIGATION AND MONITORING  Monthly report with a section on the ESMMP during construction phase to be prepared by CDR and submitted to the WB;  Annual report with a Chapter on the ESMMP during construction phase to be prepared by CDR and submitted to the WB; and  Annual audit report produced after one year of project operation to be prepared by MoEW and submitted to the WB. 7.3.4 Capacity Building Needs It is recommended that parties responsible for the implementation of this ESMF be trained on the implementation of Environmental Management Plans during construction and operation phases of the project. For instance, no contractor should be allowed to initiate work before he fully understands the requirements of the project’s Environmental Management Plan and prepared a Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP). Similarly, project operators should be trained on the implementation of the EMP during operation and should prepare an Operation Environmental Management Plan (OEMP). 7.4 THE COST ESTIMATE Table 7-6 summaries an interim budget for environmental management within the Qaraoun project. This budget does not include the cost of the persons that are implementing the ESMMP of component 1. It is assumed that the cost is included in the contractors and operators’ budget. Table 7-6 Cost Estimate of the ESMF Implementation Item Responsible Party Indicative Cost Subsequent preparation of EA studies for CDR USD 10,000 per study Component 1 projects Preparation of RAP (for expansion of Ferzol, CDR USD 10000 Ablah, and Aitanit networks if needed) Training and capacity building on implementation of EMPs CDR USD 15000 for contractors, relevant municipalities, and BWE PREPARED BY ELARD 72 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK CONSULTATION ON THE ESMF 8. CONSULTATION ON THE ESMF A consultation meeting was held on September 13, 2014 in Chtaura to discuss the findings of the ESMF. The CDR issued a letter to all key stakeholders at least a week ahead of the consultation inviting them to attend the consultation. The invitation letter was followed up by emails and phone calls to remind people to attend. The consultation session was divided in three parts. The first part includes a welcoming address by the organizing institutions. The second part consists of a presentation of the documents in local language (Arabic) to ensure maximum comprehension and the third part is dedicated to questions and answers. Table 8-1 summarizes the proceedings of the meeting. A photographic documentation of the meeting is provided in Figure 8-1. Arrival and registration of the participants Introductory/welcoming speech PREPARED BY ELARD 73 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK CONSULTATION ON THE ESMF Presentation Overview of participants Figure 8-1 Photos from the Public Consultation Meeting PREPARED BY ELARD 74 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK CONSULTATION ON THE ESMF The workshop attendees represented the following main affiliations (the list of workshop participants is available in Appendix C):  Ministry of Environment  Council of Development and  Ministry of Public Health Reconstruction  Ministry of Interior and  Municipalities (Alkhyara, Ferzol, Kaa El Municipalities Reem, Bar Elias, and Aanjar)  Caritas Lebanon  Union of Municipalities(Zahle, Plain)  Salam Organization  Bekaa Water Establishment  Université Saint-Joseph  Zahle and Bekaa Chamber of Commerce  Lebanese University and Industry PREPARED BY ELARD 75 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK CONSULTATION ON THE ESMF Table 8-1 Summary of Proceedings of the Public Consultation Meeting Integration of Name Organization Comment/Question Answer Comments in the Study The overall project impact on groundwater is Some of the presented impacts on groundwater positive, however, the impacts mentioned in Positive impacts of the are negative whereas wastewater projects are the presentation were related to construction project are highlighted Alkhyara known to have positive impacts activities and potential leakage of wastewater in Section 6.2. Kassem Municipality during operation Mathloom and Union of There are some financial issues related to the Municipalities Jeb Jannine WWTP was not included in the study networks that are being worked on at this of the Plain though it needs some additional works to be fully stage and after confirming the fund availability -- functional and the amount, the World Bank’s support maybe sought.  The government is implementing several initiatives to control pollution in the Qaraoun lake and its basin  This program financed by the World Bank is People and children suffer from diseases, annoyance due to odors, and pollution: part of “The Qaraoun pollution prevention  Why doesn’t the government implement short project” that addresses all sources of term mitigation measures to reduce the pollution affecting the lake and its Lawyer severity of the issue until all the financial issues catchment area. It has been endorsed by Ghassan Bekaa Water are solved, and long term solutions can be fully the government and shall be -- Jarrah Authority implemented to resolve those problems? implemented gradually  Why doesn’t the government in the  The Ministry of Environment, with the meanwhile solve the industrial wastewater support of the World Bank, is also problem which is a major issue? implementing the “Lebanon Pollution Abatement Project (LEPAP)”, which aims at supporting industries to comply with environmental standards  Recent environmental legislation has been PREPARED BY ELARD 76 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK CONSULTATION ON THE ESMF Integration of Name Organization Comment/Question Answer Comments in the Study adopted by the Council of Ministers, that when enforced, will help alleviate the problem; in particular, the Environmental Compliance Decree (Decree 8471/2012) should play an instrumental role in promoting compliance with environmental legislation; support from from civic society and municipalities is needed to enforce the legislation. Now, water networks are being implemented and Zahle and installed on public roads and in the next phase Bekaa Projects are implemented based on the Lawyer Toufik wastewater networks will be implemented and Chamber of financing availability which makes the -- Al Hindi excavations will be executed again on public Commerce coordination difficult roads. There should be a coordination mechanism and Industry to avoid re-excavating the roads Baladi World bank usually covers 100% of the Program - Issam Akiki How much does the fund cover? consultancy costs and between 90% and 95% -- Caritas of the implementation costs Lebanon  The study doesn’t mention the mechanism for  The main aim of this workshop is to The report describes the coordination with municipalities coordinate with municipalities, unions, and role of municipalities in implementing the  Anjar municipality sent many requests to the organizations, to take their comments and environmental and Lawyer Anjar CDR to expand the sewage networks but no opinions and include them in the study. social management Nathrat Municipality replies were received so far  Anjar has some networks and lacks others, and monitoring plan Andokian especially during the  If the funds are available for Anjar/Majdel and funding is available however CDR is construction phase of Anjar WWTP and networks, execution should waiting for the approval (Italians) the project have started (Section 7.2). Baladi  People need quicker and tangible solutions Works are being executed when funds are May Assad -- Program rather than only studies. available PREPARED BY ELARD 77 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK CONSULTATION ON THE ESMF Integration of Name Organization Comment/Question Answer Comments in the Study  Salam Organization has implemented numerous initiatives last year and currently through 18 environmental committees from The support of the local NGOs is needed Osama Al Salam the civil society distributed in the villages during the implementation of the project Ibrahim Organization (support from USAID), it is working on -- and the workshop aim is to involve these environmental matters. Therefore the NGOs. organization would like to be part in this project in promoting awareness PREPARED BY ELARD 78 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK CONSULTATION ON THE ESMF The general comments received through the distributed evaluation forms are (Appendix B):  Industrial wastewater and industrial solid wastes must be considered as the main sources of pollution of the Qaraoun Lake and the Litani River. Short and long-term solutions must be suggested to solve this issue.  Workshops should not only be done in Chtaura but also in all the Municipalities that surround the Qaraoun Lake and Litani River so that the public becomes involved in all the project’s activities. This will eventually lead to the success of the project or any other environmental project.  Sewer networks must be as far as possible from potable water.  Emergency measures must be implemented to reduce the suffering of the people who are affected by pollution in the area while awaiting for longer-term solutions. Also, it is important to gain the trust of the local communities to avoid having problems and obstacles while implementing the project’s activities.  Strengthen the role of local Authorities (Municipalities). In addition, a study for the management of the use and consumption of clean water must be prepared given the high number of Syrian refugees.  Civil society organizations must be empowered to raise people’s awareness regarding the environment. The Association “ Al Salam” created environmental committees that work to reduce pollution and raise awareness in the 18 towns surrounding the Litani River.  Find solutions to the negative impacts of bad odors generated at the riverside and of the irrigation water quality. PREPARED BY ELARD 79 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK REFERENCES 9. REFERENCES Birdlife International. (1994). http://www.birdlife.org/datazone/sitefactsheet.php?id=8214. Accessed on the 1st of August 2014 Dubertret L. (1945). Carte géologique du Liban au 1/200,000 Dubertret L. (1951). Liban, Carte géologique détaillée au 1/50,000 Earth Link and Advanced Resources Development S.A.R.L. (ELARD). (2011). Business Plan for combatting pollution of the Qaraoun Lake IUCN. (1995). Directory of Wetlands in the Middle East Khair et al. (2000), Upgrading the Seismic Hazard of Lebanon In Light Of the Recent Discovery of the Offshore Thrust Fault System Lebanese Republic Council for Development and Reconstruction in collaboration with the General Directorate of Urban Planning. (December 2005). National Physical Master Plan of the Lebanese Territory, NPMPLT. Ministry of Environment/ UNDP. (2010). State and Trends of the Lebanese Environment. MOEW/UNDP/CEDRO. (2011). The National Wind Atlas of Lebanon. Terms of Reference. (March 2014). Environmental and Social Safeguard studies for Lebanon: Lake Qaraoun Pollution Prevention Project. UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, (May 2014). Lebanon, Bekaa Governorate, Distribution of the Registered Syrian Refugees at the Cadastral Level United States Geological Survey (USGS), http://earthquake.usgs.gov. Accessed on the 4th of August 2014 World Bank. (April 19, 2012). Lebanon Country Water Sector Assistance Strategy. PREPARED BY ELARD 80 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK APPENDICES APPENDIX A: INTERGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT GUIDELINES PREPARED BY ELARD 81 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK APPENDICES Introduction The deteriorating quality of the waters in the Litani River and Lake Qaraoun and the continuous uncontrolled discharge of pollutants necessitate the adoption of proper remedial measures to protect this watercourse and ensure its sustainable utilization. In addition to pollution from domestic and industrial wastewater and solid wastes, intensive agricultural activities in the upper Litani basin also contribute to water quality degradation. The runoff from agriculture contributes to poor water quality, as farmers do not use good agricultural practices for preserving natural resources in soil or irrigation water management, pest and crop management, often overusing agrochemical applications. Studies also show high levels of nitrates in the water, in particular, correlating to the period when farmers apply chemicals to their fields. The proposed project aims at reducing the Litani River and Qaraoun lake water pollution from agrochemicals. This will be achieved by adopting sustainable crop production systems in the upper Litani basin through introduction and promotion of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) and Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) in the project area. Regulatory Framework The Regulatory framework for pesticides management in Lebanon is covered by:  Law 6/68: Regulation of trade of pesticides  Decree 5039: legal texts for the regulation of trade of pesticides  Ministerial Decisions o 310/1: Registration of Imported and locally produced pesticides o 554/1: Rules of Procedure of the Pesticides Committee o 59/1: Regulation of import and registration of Agricultural pesticides o 307/1: Registration of Bio-pesticides o 311/1: Regulation of Agricultural Pesticides Importation o 92/1: Labeling and use requirements of Agricultural Pesticides o 94-1: Banning the importation and use of some Agricultural Pesticides It should be noted that all those texts are binding for companies trading with agricultural pesticides (import, formulation, distribution and selling). Information (use, protection, PHI, Re- entry period, etc…) provided on the labels of agricultural pesticides containers (approved by the Ministry of Agriculture) are mandatory to farmers. The Strategy of the Ministry of Agriculture for the period 2010-2014 full adopts an Integrated Pest Management approach and promotes and encourages the private sector level -for both users (Farmers) and traders (Companies)- to manage plant pests. Principles of IPM Implementation 1. Select cultivars and varieties on an understanding of their characteristics, including response to sowing or planting time, productivity, quality, market acceptability, disease and stress resistance, edaphic and climatic, adaptability, and response to fertilizers and agrochemicals. 2. Introduce crop sequences to optimize use of labour and equipment and maximize benefits of cultural practices that maximize biological prevention of pests and diseases, and where appropriate inclusion of non-host crops legumes to provide reservoir for natural enemies a biological source of nitrogen. PREPARED BY ELARD 82 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK APPENDICES 3. Apply fertilizers, organic and inorganic, in a balanced fashion, with appropriate methods and equipment and at adequate intervals to replace nutrients extracted by harvest or lost during production. 4. Rational nitrogen application on the basis of plant needs and the amount of nitrogen in the soil; 5. Maintaining vegetation cover of the soil to inhibit the build-up of soluble nitrogen by absorbing mineralized nitrogen and minimizing leaching during periods of rain; 6. Maximize the benefits to soil and nutrient stability by re-cycling crop and other organic residues. 7. Integrate livestock into crop rotations and utilize the nutrient cycling provided by grazing or housed livestock to benefit the fertility of the entire farm. 8. Maintain regular and quantitative assessment of the balance status between pests and diseases and beneficial organisms of all crops. 9. Apply pest and disease forecasting techniques where available. 10. Consider the application of all possible methods with their short- and long-term effects on farm productivity and environmental implications in order to minimize the use of agrochemicals, in particular promotion of IPM approach. Contents of an IPM Plan The IPM Plan will contain the following components and activities: 1. Technical Assistance: Technical support services will be provided by FAO. The project will be operated by the FAO Office in Lebanon with the technical support of the FAO Regional Office for the Near East, where the Crop Protection Officer and other involved technical officers are located. The Lead Technical Unit of the project will be the Plant Production and Protection Division at FAO HQs. 2. Training and Awareness raising: MoA professionals and trainers will be trained in IPM- GAP. Specific training and awareness raising activities on IPM-GAP and conservation agriculture practices will be conducted based on the need assessment. 3. Supervision: The required technical support will be in the form of direct supervision of the project activities by relevant FAO technical officers as required, through backstopping field visits to the project site at least once a year and also through other means of communication such as e-mailing and phoning. 4. Safety and Storage of Pesticides: The Ministry of Agriculture and technical staff will develop and implement arrangements for the safe use, handling and storage of pesticides, and the proper use, maintenance and storage of pesticide spraying equipment. Storage should follow the instructions provided. Pesticides should be kept separately, away from humans and animals in a closed, dry and secure place. Any surplus or unwanted pesticides should be reported to the MoA for disposal. 5. Monitoring and Reporting: The project will demonstrate and measure the impact of the new introduced and promoted system including pest monitoring, fertilizing evaluation, soil erosion control and water use efficiency and management. The Project Manager in collaboration with the National Project Coordinator, the FAO staff and national and intentional consultants, will prepare a report on the project inception and formulate detailed work plan for the entire project life span. PREPARED BY ELARD 83 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK APPENDICES APPENDIX B: FILLED EVALUATION FORMS PREPARED BY ELARD 84 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK APPENDICES PREPARED BY ELARD 85 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK APPENDICES PREPARED BY ELARD 86 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK APPENDICES PREPARED BY ELARD 87 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK APPENDICES PREPARED BY ELARD 88 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK APPENDICES PREPARED BY ELARD 89 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK APPENDICES PREPARED BY ELARD 90 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK APPENDICES PREPARED BY ELARD 91 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK APPENDICES PREPARED BY ELARD 92 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK APPENDICES PREPARED BY ELARD 93 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK APPENDICES APPENDIX C: LIST OF PARTICIPANTS Phone Name Position Organization-Occupation Email Number Elie Noureyyi Notary Public / University Instructor Saint-Joseph University 03-748086 _ Khaled Abou Representative of the director general Ministry of Interior and 70-929492 _ Chahine of Municipalities Municipalities Head of Alkhyara Municipality and Alkhyara Municipality and Kassem Representative of Union of Union of Municipalities of 03-670412 k_mazloum@ostarholdings.com Mathlom Municipalities of the Plain the Plain Manal Ministry of Project Manager / Consultant 01-981854 _ Msallem Environment/UNDP Issam Akiki Baladi Program Employee Caritas Lebanon 01-901733 _ MoPH "Representing Head Hajar Public Health Officer of Bekaa Health 70-164137 hajarsamaha@hotmail.com Samaha Department" Ibrahim Head of Union of Municipalities pf Zahle Union of 03-774908 ittihadzahle@gmail.com Nasralla Zahle Caza Municipalities Ghassan Member of BWE Administration Bekaa Water Establishment 03-607878 _ Jarrah Board/Lawyer Charbel Abi Charbel.abiabdallah@rafikelkhoury.co Project Engineer Rafik El Khoury and Partners 71-498805 Abdallah m May Assaad Baladi Program Manager Caritas Lebanon 03-703670 may.assaad@caritas-baladi.com Osama Manager of Bekaa Branch of Al Salam Salam Organization 03-284478 osama221077@hotmail.com Ibrahim Organization PREPARED BY ELARD 94 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK APPENDICES Phone Name Position Organization-Occupation Email Number Sanaa Hamzo MoPH-IRD MoPH 70-525727 sanaahamzo@hotmail.com Melhem 08-950129 Fayez Head Of Municipality Ferzoul Municipality _ 03-802555 Ghassan Mazen Makki Head of Environment Department Rafik El Khoury and Partners 03-370426 mazen.makki@rafikelkhoury.com Dr.Ghassan Bekaa Health Authority- Head of Bekaa Health Authority 03-802020 ghazzanzalaket@hotmail.com Zalaket MoPH Dani Alforn Head of Municipality Representative Kaa Al Reem Municipality 70-945956 dany@mimosa.com.lb Assem Fidawi Project Manager CDR 01-981375 assemf@cdr.gov.lb Maroun Project Manager CDR 01-981375 mdaher@cdr.gov.lb Daher Roukouz Consultant Engineer Rafik El Khoury and Partners 03-860125 roukosasmar@yahoo.com Asmar Toufik Rashid Legal Advisor Zahle and Bekaa Chamber 03-354482 toufic@cciaz.org.lb Alhindi Saad Aldin Head of Municipality Bar Elias Municipality 03-376280 _ Maita Lawyer Nathrat Lawyer Anjar Municipality 03-182949 _ Andokian Dr.Ilham Assistant Professor Lebanese University 08-930253 _ Saliba PREPARED BY ELARD 95 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK APPENDICES PREPARED BY ELARD 96 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK APPENDICES PREPARED BY ELARD 97 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK APPENDICES PREPARED BY ELARD 98 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK APPENDICES APPENDIX D: SAMPLE TERMS OF REFERENCE FOR IEE/EMP The EMP/IEE will (a) Describe baseline environmental and social conditions in the project area (b) Assess the potential environmental and social impacts of the project during construction and operation phases of the project. (d) Identify mitigation measures that will prevent or reduce adverse environmental and social impacts resulting from project activities, both during the construction and the operation phases. (e) Develop an environmental and social management plan (ESMP). (f) Present a monitoring plan against which compliance with the EMP/IEE and ESMP can measured; and (g) Present records of consultations with stakeholders and other public consultations. The EMP/IEE should include, at a minimum, sections on the following subjects: Project Description The Consultant should provide a detailed description of the proposed project. This description should include diagrams, maps, tables, and descriptive text based on existing information (mainly the studies and design documents). Policy, Legal, and Administrative Framework The existing policy, legal and administrative framework related to the construction and operation of the proposed project shall be reviewed by the consultant and included within the EMP/IEE report. The construction of the project may require the involvement of several ministries along with various other government agencies. A description of the role of each shall be included in the EMP/IEE report, all within the context of the proposed project. Analysis of environmental management and legal-institutional frameworks and capacities shall be conducted by the consultant and included within the EMP/IEE report. It is important to outline sector-specific environmental laws and regulations and put these in the context of the proposed project. International conventions ratified by Lebanon which are of relevance to the proposed project shall also be presented in the EMP/IEE report. In the context of the proposed project, several standards may be adopted including ambient air quality standards, noise guidelines in different zones, water and soil quality standards, etc. The consultant shall identify, summarize, synthesize, and analyze relevant environmental standards PREPARED BY ELARD 99 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK APPENDICES Environmental and Social Baseline Conditions The EMP/IEE should include information on the Environmental baseline conditions in the project area. Elements of the environment include its physical (climate and meteorology, surface and groundwater quality, geology and soil, topography, noise levels, air quality, traffic, rivers and waterways), and biological (terrestrial, and riverine biodiversity including flora, fauna, rare or endangered species, sensitive habitats, significant natural sites). Existing basic documents (such as geological maps, climate and meteorology, geology, hydrogeology, etc.) shall be presented. The EMP/IEE should also include information on the Social baseline conditions in the project area. Analysis of the potential environmental and social impacts of the project The anticipated environmental and social impacts resulting from the project, both during the construction and operation phases, usually include air quality, noise, traffic, surface water, groundwater and soil, biodiversity, landscape, waste generation, resource use, and health and safety, and socio-economic issues. The consultant should assess the potential impacts, and should distinguish between significant positive and negative impacts, direct and indirect impacts, and immediate and longer-term impacts. The consultant should identify adverse impacts which are likely to be unavoidable or irreversible. Identification of possible environmental and social mitigation measures The primary adverse environmental impacts expected during the construction and operation phases might be eliminated or minimized through adjustments to project design, careful planning and staging of construction activities, adoption of improved management practices during operation, and effective environmental monitoring and training to support management decisions. The consultant shall develop a mitigation plan which identifies possible impact-mitigation and/or control measures to reduce environmental impacts. Mitigation measures are intended to reduce the effect of potentially significant impacts on the environment. For each negative environmental and social impact (during both the construction and operation phases), the consultant should identify and describe (wherever applicable): • Measures to mitigate or offset damaging impacts from project activities. • Costs for each recommended mitigation measure developed to resolve a significant environmental issue. • Concerned parties responsible for implementing the mitigation measures Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) The consultant will prepare an ESMP, including proposed work programs, budget estimates, schedules, staffing and training requirements, and other necessary support services to implement the mitigating measures, monitoring, etc. PREPARED BY ELARD 100 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD STUDIES FOR LAKE QARAOUN POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT CDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK APPENDICES The consultant will also prepare detailed plan to monitor the implementation of mitigating measures and the impacts of the project during construction and operation. To be included in the plan is an estimate of capital and operating costs and a description of other inputs (such as training and institutional strengthening) needed to implement the plan. Stakeholder and Public Participation The Consultant will assist the Government in coordinating the EMP/IEE with relevant agencies. The Government will lead the consultations with affected groups likely to be affected by the proposed project and with local NGOs on the environmental and social aspects of the proposed project. The consultant will participate in those consultations and prepare records. The consultant may also hold his own consultations, in coordination and agreement with the Government. The Consultant would maintain records of the public consultation and the records should indicate: the date and location of the consultation meetings, a list of the attendees and their affiliation and contact address; and, summary minutes. PREPARED BY ELARD 101