R E S T' R I C T E D CIRCULATING COPY R e p o r t N o. EC-91 T0- BE RETURNED TO ARCHIVES DIVISION This report was prepared for use within the Bank. It may not be published nor may it be quoted as representing the Bank's views. The Bank accepts no responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of the contents of the report. INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT EXTERNAL PUBLIC DEBT ESTIMATED SERVICE AND PRINCIPAL AMOUNTS AUSTRIA BRITISH EAST AFRICA CEYLON DENMARK FEDERATION OF RHODESIA AND NYASALAND FRANCE GUATEMALA ISRAEL PERU UNION OF SOUTH AFRICA December 30, 1960 Economic Staff EXTERM2AL PUBLIC DLBT - EXTDIATED SE3VICE IU'TD PRIE1CIPAL AMOUNTS 1. For the purpose of these statistics, external public debt a. includes all debt whiclh is pavable to creditors out- side the debtor countryvin foreign currency, goods, or services, with an original maturity of one year or more, whnich is an obligation o tihe national gov- ernment, a political subdivision or an agency o1 either or an autonomous public body. It also includes external private debt guaranteed by the national government a political subdivision or an agency of either, or an autono:ious public bod:y, and incurred by debtors located within -Lhe debtor country. b. does not incluue: (1) transactions with the Inter- national iMonetary Fund, (2) private debts wiless they are guaranteed, (3) debts which are in default or dispute, (4) other exterinal obligations, such as reparations, so long as the amounts and ter.is have not been agreed and (5) debts repayable at t%he option of the borrower in local currency. 2. Table 1 shiows debts outstanding as of a specified date, usually December 31, '959. In addition, certailn debts incurred after this date are also shown in Table 1. 'l'he indebtedness as of the specified date and the debts incurred subsequently should not be added together as the information on later debts may not-be complete and no allowance has been -made for any amortization since the specified date. in Table 1 prin- cipal amounts include undisbursed portions of loans excep-t for loans from the Sino-Soviet Bloc. Loans from the Sirno- Soviet Bloc are included only to the extent that, according to the Bank's informwation, they are drawn down. 3. Service paymnents for T'he years 1960 through 1969 sh mm in Table 2 are the estimated amortization and interest payments due in foreign currencies, goods, or services on the debts summarized in Table 1. For a few loans where it has not been possible to separate interest from principal payments, interest is included in the amortization column. 4. The Bank obtains the information used in the preparation of the tables rnainly from reports contributed by the debtor count'ries; supplementary informa-tion is obtained f'rom published reports oi creditor countries and other publi- cations. Sone figures are estimates of the Bank staff. AIST'RIA Table i: IB?D I .JT) O.F iX'T ;TLIiAL .Pjj3vj'C DEBT Tb IIi FORLIGN CUU,HC'LCIES AS OF DECLId1iH 31, 1959 A2zD Oe i DT.-l'OHiAL D'i BT J TIAUB1HEiu, wAFTHR TO DECE,1BER 20, 1960 (In thousands of U.S. dollar equivalents) Additional debt Type oi' debt Decemnbe- 31, 1959 DeceJnber 20, 1960 Publicl:--issued bonds 129,8'61 - Privately-placed debt 41,999 TBRD loans and participations 9o,271 U. S. Government loans Export-Import Bank 33,677 3,700 Other 1,_545 Sub-total 35,222 3,700 Loans'fro,i other governments 13,284 - Nationalization debt 13,700 _ 337,337 3,'700 Table 2: IB3RD 1 .ESTI'IAT;:;S OF S3:TVICE ;PAYI,NTS ON I '. P`UBf-&-C DEBTL DUE2 IN FOf,EGN CUEi-cL'CIES ASC OF DECEMBER 31, 1959- AND ON IAJJCRi 'E?O2TED ADDITTIOiS TO DEC-UrDER 20, 1960 (In thousands of U.S. dollar equivalents) Service paynents Year Amorti- In- Total zation terest °oa 1960 32,3,87 12,130 4h,717 196-1 168,759 12,928 31,687 1962 17,765 12,529 30,294 1963 17,878 11,940 29,818 1964 18,157 12,734 30,891 1965 19,451 11,911 31,362 l9664 18,904 11,070 29,974 1967- 15,702 10,252 25,954 1=9'68:' 16,3L0 9,432 25,772 1969- 16,787 8,572 25,359 BRITISH FAST AFRICA Table 1: IBRD ESTIMATES OF EXTERNAL PUBLIC DEBT DUE IN FOREIGN CURRENCIES AS OF DECEMBER 31, 1959 AND OF ADDITIONAL DEBT CONTRACTED THEREAFTER TO DECEMBER 20, 1960 La (In thousands of U.S. dollar equivalents) Debt as of Major additions Type of debt December 31,1959 January 1 - December 20, 1960- Publicl,y-issued bonds 282,506 / - Privately-placed debt 9,096 IBPR loans 22,065 5,600 Loans from governments other than U.S. 31,314 19,o4o 344.,981 2L,640 a Includes the debt of Kenya,- Uganda, Tanganyika and-the East Africa High Commission. Part of this debt is guaranteed by the ITnited Kingdom. L Amount outstanding is net of specific accumulated sinking funds. Table 2: IBRD ESTINATES OF SERVICE PAYMENTS ON EXTERNAL PUBLIC DEBT DUE IN FOREIGN CURRENCIES AS OF DECEMBER 31, 1959 WITH MAJOR ADDITIONS TO DECEMBER 20, 1960 (In thousands of U.S. dollar equivalents) Service payments Year Amorti- In- Total zation terest 1960 5,402 15,436 20,838 1961 6,653 16,639 23,292 1962 6,452 16,604 23,056 1963 7,438 16,572- 24,010 1964 7,676 16,402 24,078 1965 7,564 16,164 23,728 1966 9,688 15,881 25,569 1967 8,133 15,620 23,753 1968 29,836 15,326 45,162 1969 41,951 13,621 55,572 CEY.IN Table 1: IBRD ESTIMATES OF EXTER-AL PUBLIC DEBT DUE IN FOREIGN CURRENCIES AS OF DECEMBER 31, 1959 (In thousands of U.S. dollar equivalents) Debt as of Type of debt December 31, 1959 Publicly-issued bonds 18,758 A Privately-placed debt 2,902 IBRD loans and participations 23,404 Loans from governments other than U.S. 5 556 50162 La, Amount outstanding is net of sinking funds. Table 2: IBRD ESTIMATES OF SERVICE PAYMENTS ON EXTERNAL PUBLIC DEBT DUE IN FOREIGN CURRENCIES AS OF DECEMBER 31,1959 (In thousands of U.S. dollar equivalents) Service paymnents Year Amorti- In- zation terest Total 1960- 4,058 2,369 6,427 1961 1,897 2,548 4,445 1962 2,047 2,592 4,639 1963 1,811 2,528 4,339 1964 1,854 2,463 4,317 1965 3,1-13, 2,019 5,132 1966 1,882 1,717 3,599 1967 1s933 1,646 3,579 15§68 1,690 1,571 3,261 19-69 1,747 1,507 3,254 (not for public use) INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT CONFIDENTIAL SecM61-17 FROM: The Secretary January 25, 1961 EXTERNAL PUBLIC DEBTS Attached are Tables 1 and 2 on the external public debt of Denmark. These are to replace Tables 1 and 2 on Denmark in Report No. EC-91 which was distributed with Sec60-255 on December 30, 1960. Distribution: Executive Directors and Alternates President Vice Presidents Department Heads DEE ARK Table 1: IBRD EST]iATES OF MXTEINAI PUBLIC DEBT DUE II'J FORLIGV! CURREN\CIES AS OF MLARCH 31, 1960 AID OF ADDITIGNAL DEBT CUNTRACT7D THEREAFTER TO DECEHBMR 20, 1960 (In thousands of U.S. dollar equivalents) Major additions Type of debt Debt as of April 1 - M4arch 31, 1960 December 20, 1960 Publicly-issued bonds 80,840 11,526 IBRD loans and participations 54,113 - U.S. Governnient loans Export-Import Bank 8,667 - Other 32,180 - Sub-total 4o,847 _ Loans from other governments 96,393 _ 272,193 11,526 Table 2: IBRD ESTIII.TES OF SERVICE PYliE&TS ON E,Th.L PUBLIC DEBT DUE IN FORLIGN CUREFCNCIES AS OF liARCH 31, 1960 WITH ilJOR ADDITIO:S TO DECEZBER 20, 1960 (In thousands of U.S. dollar equivalents) Service payments Year Amorti- In-T zation terest Total 1960 35,975 8,594 44,569 1961 34,051 8,061 42,112 1962 9,179 7,012 16,191 1963 11,58)4 6,609 18,193 1964 10,240 6,144 16,384 1965 10,551 5,716 16,267 1966 10,101 5,282 15,383 1967 9,654 4,874 14,528 19.68- 9,207 4,469 13,676 -1969 8*638 4,o92 12,730 DEN1RiXK Table 1: IBIMD ES'-FiAT-.S 0F EXTERNAL PUBLIC DEBT DU]E4 IN FOilEIGN CGRuRENCIES AS OF ARLECH 31, 1960 Ai\D OF ADDITIONAL DEBT CONTRACTED 'IIEREAFTER TO DECEIBER 20, 1960 (In thousands of U.S. dollar equivalents) Ty-pe of debt Debt as of 1ajor additions Type of debt M 31, 1960 April 1 - Ilarch 31, 1960 December 20, 1960 Publicly-issued bonds 80,840 11,526 IBRD loans and participations 54,668 _ U.S. Government loans Export-Iaport Bank 8,667 _ Other 32,180 _ Sub-total 40h 847 Loans froirm other governm.ents 96 393 _ Table 2: IBRD -ESTILJT'1'S OF SERVICE PAYAEN,TS ON E,MTERNAL PUJ3LIC !JJEBT DUE IN FOREIGiN CUIiATKCIES AS OF MIRCH 31, 1960 WITH MAJOR ADDITIONS TO DECEMBER 20, 1960 (In thousands of U.S. dollar eq,uivalents) Service payments Year Amorti- In- Total zation terest ota 1960 35,975 8,594 44,569 1961 34,051 8,061 42,112 1962 9,179 7,012 16,191 1963 11,584 6,609 18,193 1964 10,240 6,144 16,384 1965 10,551 5,716 16,267 1966 10,101 5,282 15,383 !-9-67 9,654 4,874 14,528 1968 9,207 4,469 13,676 1969 8,638 4,o92 12,730 FEDERATION OF RHODESIA AND NYASAIAND Table 1: IBRD ESTI1QATES OF EXTERNAL PUBLIC DEBT DUE IN FOREIGN CURIENCIES AS OF DECEMBER 31, 1959 AlmD OF A3ITIOTAL DEBT CONTRACTED THEREAFTER TO DECE1BER 20., 1960 a (In thousands of U.S. dollar equivalents) Debt as of PlMajor additions Type of debt December 31a,19o59 Jauary 1 - Decemer 311959 December 20, 1960 Publicly-issued bonds 318,416 _ Privately-placed debt 8,400 2,000 A IBRD loans 133,861 5,600 U.S. Government loans (other than Export-Import Bank) 14,408 - Loans from other governments 65,299 - 54O,35L4 7,600 a Part of the debt of the Federation is guaranteed by the United Kingdom. Does not include $8,000,000 undisbursed of a 10,000sO0Q line of credit. Table 2: IBRD ESTIMATES OF SERVICE PAYKENTS ON EXTERNAL PUBLIC DEBT DUE IN FOREIGN CURRENCIES AS OF DECEMBER 31, 1959 WITH MIAJOR ADDITIONS TO DECEMBER 20, 1960 (In thousands of U.S. dollar equivalents) Service payments Year Amorti- In-Toa zation terest Total 1960 9,392 20,044 29,436 1961 10,925 23,273 34,198 1962 12,555 23,550 36,105 1963 18,293 23,725 42,018 1964 17,154 22,945 40,099 1965 26,723 22,201 48,924 1966 18,695 21,045 39,740 1967 15,208 20,238 35,446 1968 15,765 19,544 35,309 1-969 27,685 18,608 46,293 FRANCE Table 1: IBRD ESTfIATES OF LXTEMNAL PUBLIC DEBT DUE IN FOREIGN CUE{EMjCIGES AS OF DECE2BER 31, 1959 WITH AJOR CHANGES THEEAFTER TO DECEMBER 20, 1960 (In thousands of U.S. dollar equivalents) Debt as of lajor changes Type of debt e 3Januaery 1 - Ddcember 1, 1959December 20., 1960 Publicly-issued bonds 73,447 - Privately-placed debt 44,566 - IBRD loans and participations 323,926 + 66,000 Loans from other international organizations 116,160 - 90,000 a U.S. Goverm-ent loans Export-Import Bank 787,615 - 23,922 Other 795,796 _ Sub-total 1,583,411 - 23,922Ls Loans from other goverInents 659,493 - 70,529/a 2,501,003 11 ,IL- L Prepayments Table 2: IBRD ESTI4ATES OF 3ER'VTCE PAY,ENTS ON EXTLiti1'AL PUBLIC DEBT DURE IN FOREIGN CURLENCIES AS OF DECK2BER 31, 1959 WIJTH MAJOR OHKJGBS TO DECIMBER 20, 1960 (In thousands of U.S. dollar equivalents) Service payments Year Amorti- In-T zation terest Total 1960 333,Q89 78,600 411,689 1-961 120,654 81,774 202,428 1962 209,838 76,786 286, 624 1963 203,296 69,824 273,120 1964 200,252 62,577 262,829 -1965 183,274 55,316 238,590 1966 131,303 49,271 180,574 I1967 128,825 44,853 173,678 1968 125,135. 40X758 165,893 1969 127,638 36,757 164,395 GUATN,2ALA Table 1: IBRD ESiIE:ATh3S CF EXTL2N.AL PBTLIC DLB'T DUE IN FORE IGN CURRENCIES AS OF DECE1BEH. 31, 1959 AND OF ADDITIONAL DEBT CO-T1'iCTED THEAv&.'FTTER TO DECCEjBEH 20, 1960 (In thousands of U.S. dollar equivalents) TMajor additions Type of debt Debe 31 99 January 1 - Decembfluer 31, 1959 becember 20, 1960 Privately-placed debt 4,000 - IBRD loan and participation 17,035 U.S. Government loans Export-Import Bank 5,000 7,552 Other 5,000 3,500 Sub-total ,Q 000 11,052 31,035 ~11,05 Table 2: IBRD ESTlIATL'S OF SE2VICE PA)YIENTS ON EXTL'NAAL PUBLIC DEBT )iXT'E IN FOREIG1N CUR'2MBCIES AS OF DECKCBER 31, 1959 WITH i4aJOR ADDITIONS TO DECE14BER 20, 1960. a (In thousands of U.S. dollar equivalents) Service payments Year Amorti- In- Total zation terest 1960 1,240 1,221 2,461 1961 1,852 1,663 3,515 1962 5,911 1,652 7,563 1963 1,973 1,652 3,625 1964 2,816 1,544 4,360 1965 3,038 1,403 4,b441 l966 3,109 1,248 4,357 1967 3,185 1,095 4,280 1968 3,263 935 4,198 1969 4,541 754 5,295 La Excludes service on $52,000 of additional debt for which no repayment terms are available. ISRAEL Table 1: TBRD ESTIMATES OF EXTERNAL PUBLIC DEBT DUE IN FORiEIGN CURRFENCIES AS OF DECEMBER 31, 1959 AND OF ADDITIONAL DEBT CONTRACTED THEREAFTER TO DECEMBER 20, 1960 (In thousands of U.S. dollar equivalents) Debt as of Major additions Type of debt Debt-'e as of5 January 1 - TypetDecember 31,1959 December 20,1960 Publicly-issued bonds 417,280 _ Privately-placed debt 53,622 6,032 IBRD loan - 27,500 U.S. Government loans (Export-Import Bank) 109,276 9,425 Loans from other governments 51,000 7,677 Nationalization debt 1,473 _ 632,651 50,6334 Table 2: IBRD ESTIMATES OF SERVICE PAYMENTS ON EXTERNAL PUBLIC DEBT DUE IN FOREIGN CURRENCIES AS OF DECEI4BER 31, 1959 WITH MAJOR ADDITIONS TO DECEMBER 20, 1960 a (In thousands of U.S. dollar equivalents) Service payments Year Amorti- In- zation terest a 1960 40,184 12,872 53,056 1961 44,558 13,669 58,227 1962 39,998 12,271 52,269 1963 65,9943 11,033 76,976 1964 82,978 9,838 92,816 1965 73,162 8,729 81,891 1966 66,l473 7,607 74,080 1967 38,,497 6,9941 45,438 1968 34,821 6,646 41,467 1969 133,123 4s,548 137s671 1970 4,41 2,9464 6s,805 s Excludes service on $13,709,OOO of debt contracted since December 31,1959. 2 Includes the maturity of publicly-issued bonds, issued 1954 PERU Table 1: IBRD ESTDIATES OF SXTEiURAL PUBLIC DE3T DUE IN FOREIGN CURRENCIES AS OF DECEBER 31, 1959 AND OF ADDITIONAL DEBT CONTlACT-ED THEREAFTER TO DECEiEER 20, 1960 ('In thousands of U.S. dollar equivalents) ~~ ~~~ ~~~ Major additions Type of debt Debt as of January 1 - December 31, 1959 Jenuabe 2. 1 December 20, 1960 Publicly-issued bonds 64,123 Privately-placed debt 58,209 13,322 IBRD loans and participations 40,274 34,500 U.S. Government loans Export-Import Banl 40,341 28,277 Other 14,794 Sub-total 55,135 28,277 Loans from other governments 4 864 222,605 76~~~~~~,099 Table 2: IBRD ESTfIATES Oli' SERVICE PAYE1'11TS ON- EXTERNAL PUBLIC DEBT DUE DI FOREIGN CURRENCIES AS OF DECEMBER 31, 1959 WITH MAJOR ADDITIONS TO DECaIIIBER 20, 1960 (In thousands of U.S. dollar equivalents) Service payments Year Amorti- In- Total zation terest 1960 47,561 6,392 53,953 1961 32,759 9,704 42,463 )962 32,205 9,526 41,731 T963 27,210 8,725 35,935 1964 18,572 7,020 25,592 1965 14,824 6;103 20,927 i966 14,614 5,294 19,908 1'967 7,303 4,588 11,891 -1968 6,660 4,202 10,862 1969 6,359 3,859 10,218 UNION OF SOUTH AFRICA Table 1: IBERD ESTX4ATES OF EXTERNAL PUBLIC DEBT DUE IN FOREIGN CURRENCIES AS OF DECEMBER 31, 1959 AND OF ADDITIONAIL DEBT CONTRACTED THEREAFTER TO DECEMBER 20, 1960 (In thousands of U.S. dollar equivalents) Debt as of Major additions Type of debt December 31, 1960 Decembery 20, 196 December 20, 1960 Publicly-issued bonds 198,620 - Privately-placed debt 48.,916 47,086 IBRD loans and participations 148,130 - U.S. Government loans (Export-Import Bank) -4,453 _ 420,119 47,086 Table 2: IBRD ESTIMATES OF SERVICE PAYMENTS ON EXTERNAL PUBLIC DEBT DUE INFIIEIGN CURRENCIES AS OF DECEMBER 31, 1959 WITH MAJOR ADDITIONS TO DECEM2ER 20, 1960 (In thousands of U.S. dollar equivalents) Service payments Year Amorti- In-'Toa zation terest Total 1960 25,524 20,964 46,488 1961 36,124 20,040 56,164 1962 106,401 18,221 124,622 1963 53,326 12,671 65,997 1964 28s701 10,214 38,915 1965 28,597 8,822 37,419 1966 23,911 7,474 31,385 1-96-7 41,319 5,938 47,257 1968 17,801 4,551 22,352 1969 25,458 3,644 29,102