WPS8000 Policy Research Working Paper 8000 Measuring Skills in Developing Countries Rachid Laajaj Karen Macours Development Data Group & Poverty and Equity Global Practice Group March 2017 Policy Research Working Paper 8000 Abstract Measures of cognitive, noncognitive, and technical skills internally consistent, while technical skills are difficult to are increasingly used in development economics to analyze capture and very noisy. The evidence further suggests that the determinants of skill formation, the role of skills in measurement error in noncognitive skills is non-classi- economic decisions, or simply because they are potential cal, as correlations between questions are driven in part confounders. Yet in most cases, these measures have only by the answering patterns of the respondents and the been validated in high-income countries. This paper tests phrasing of the questions. Addressing both random and the reliability and validity of some of the most commonly systematic measurement error using common psychomet- used skills measures in a rural developing context. A survey ric practices and repeated measures leads to improvements with a series of skills measurements was administered to and clearer predictions, but does not address all concerns. more than 900 farmers in western Kenya, and the same The paper provides a cautionary tale for naïve interpreta- questions were asked again after three weeks to test the tions of skill measures. It also points to the importance reliability of the measures. To test predictive power, the of addressing measurement challenges to establish the study also collected information on agricultural practices relationship of different skills with economic outcomes. and production during the four following seasons. The Based on these findings, the paper derives guidelines for results show the cognitive skills measures are reliable and skill measurement and interpretation in similar contexts. This paper is a product of the Development Data Group and the Poverty and Equity Global Practice Group. It is part of a larger effort by the World Bank to provide open access to its research and make a contribution to development policy discussions around the world. Policy Research Working Papers are also posted on the Web at http://econ.worldbank.org. The authors may be contacted at r.laajaj@uniandes.edu.co. The Policy Research Working Paper Series disseminates the findings of work in progress to encourage the exchange of ideas about development issues. An objective of the series is to get the findings out quickly, even if the presentations are less than fully polished. The papers carry the names of the authors and should be cited accordingly. The findings, interpretations, and conclusions expressed in this paper are entirely those of the authors. They do not necessarily represent the views of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development/World Bank and its affiliated organizations, or those of the Executive Directors of the World Bank or the governments they represent. Produced by the Research Support Team Measuring Skills in Developing Countries Rachid Laajaj* and Karen Macours** JEL codes: O12, O13, O15 Keywords: skills, measurement, agricultural productivity * Universidad de Los Andes **Paris School of Economics and INRA1 1 Jack Pfeiffer provided invaluable research assistance and programming skills, field support, tenacity and ideas throughout the project and we gratefully acknowledge all his contributions to this project. Mattea Stein, Irene Clavijo, Juan Diego Luksic, and Freddy Felipe Parra Escobar provided excellent research assistance. Data collection was organized through IPA Kenya. We are indebted the excellent field team for key contributions during piloting and translation and for all efforts during the main baseline collection. We are indebted to Chris Soto for many suggestions and insights from the psychometric literature. We are grateful for inputs received from colleagues at PSE and seminar participants at EUDN, IFPRI, Navarra, Nova, Oxford, Trinity College Dublin, World Bank, the ISI World Statistics Congress, to Gero Carletto and Renos Vakis for continuous encouragements and support, to the World Bank’s Living Standards Measurement Study (LSMS) team for funding of the survey experiment through a grant from DFID, and to the FAO and DFID-ESRC for funding of the follow-up data collection rounds. Contacts: r.laajaj@uniandes.edu.co; karen.macours@psemail.eu 1. INTRODUCTION Cognitive and noncognitive skills are often considered key to understand economic decision- making. Empirical work with data from the US and Europe has made important advances in understanding both the causes and the consequences of skill formation (Heckman, 2007). Increasingly, cognitive, noncognitive and technical skills have also become the focus of analysis in development economics, with recent work on the determinants of skill formation (Attanasio et al, 2015), and the importance of skills for later life outcomes (Gertler et al, 2014). Development economists have also long worried about the role of many hard-to-observe skills as potential confounders in empirical analyses. The low level of skills among farmers in developing countries is thought to be one of the main drivers of productivity differences between the agricultural and other sectors in the economy (Lagakos and Waugh, 2013). Young (2013) argues that sorting on skills explains the urban-rural productivity gaps observed in most developing countries and Gollin, Lagakos, and Waugh (2014) show that productivity differences become smaller when accounting for observed human capital differences. Understanding such potential selection at the micro-level arguably requires measures that go beyond years of schooling attained or literacy and more complex measures of skills or abilities are sometimes included in household surveys in developing countries. Yet the measurement of skills in developing country field conditions poses substantial challenges, and the related measurement error and its potential implications for empirical work have received little attention. This paper contributes with the results of a skill measurement experiment among farmers in rural Kenya, to document the measurement challenges and discuss potential solutions and implications. We designed and implemented a relatively large survey focused on measuring different types of skills, and use the data to shed light on the reliability and validity of a wide set of commonly used skill measures and on the predictive power of the measured skills. We refer to cognitive skills as those that capture hard skills such as abstract reasoning power, language and math skills; noncognitive skills capture soft or socio-emotional skills, including a wide set of personality traits, such as self-esteem, tenacity, conscientiousness, locus-of-control, and attitudes-to-change. The measure of technical skills focuses on agricultural knowledge and know-how, given that the data come from poor rural individuals whose main occupation is in agriculture.2 2Hence we broadly follow the distinction of Heckman and Kautz (2012) who distinguish between cognitive abilities, personality traits, and other acquired skills. 2 There is a wide variety of existing questions, tests or modules to measure such skills. Many instruments have been designed to assess skills in lab conditions, and some standardized instruments have been developed for inclusion in surveys in developed country settings. Increasingly, economists are also trying to include various measures of abilities and personality traits in household surveys conducted in developing countries. But little validation of such instruments has occurred for such contexts.3 Many questions can be raised about the applicability of some of the existing scales for poor rural populations, given the high level of abstraction of many questions, low levels of education in the respondent population, difficulties of standardization for enumerator-administered tests conducted in the field, and translation challenges.4 This study aims to test the reliability and validity of several commonly used scales and tests, and highlights both random and systematic measurement error that needs to be accounted for when measuring skills in developing-country field conditions. We do so by analyzing the test-retest reliability and the Cronbach’s alpha to estimate internal consistency of various existing scales. We subsequently use exploratory factor analysis, correction for acquiescence bias, and item response theory (IRT) to reduce some of the observed measurement error, and analyze validity and reliability of the improved constructs. 5 We then study the predictive validity of both the original scales and the improved constructs and analyze the extent to which the skills measured predict agricultural productivity and economic decisions related to the adoption of advanced agricultural practices. 6 This tests the potential role played by these skills in agricultural production, and shows that they might be important omitted variables when not included in the analysis of agricultural decision-making. More generally, understanding the role of skills in agricultural decisions can be key to inform policy interventions that directly aim to improve skills, or the success of which could be conditional on the skills of the target population. Almund et al. (2011) suggests that different skills and personality traits might help predict different outcomes, with cognitive ability being more important for complex tasks, while 3Measures of risk aversion and time preferences, which have a longer history of use in developing country surveys, have received more scrutiny. 4 While there is a literature in psychology regarding the validity of scales across cultures (Benet-Martinez and John, 1998; John, Naumann, and Soto, 2008), these studies typically focus on highly-educated populations in different countries, and often are limited to high or middle income settings. 5While explanatory factor analysis is used elsewhere in the economics literature on skills (Cunha and Heckman, 2010; Heckman, Stixrud and Urzua, 2006), we also build on insights from the psychometrics literature, such as for the corrections for acquiescence bias. 6Following McKenzie (2012), in order to reduce the noise in the outcome variables, the measures of yield and practices are obtained from the average over the four seasons that followed the collection of skills data. 3 personality is shown to be more important for job performance. In this study, we focus on a specific population - rural farmers in Western Kenya - and consider outcomes that are specific for their main occupation, farming. Beyond the advantage of focusing on decision making in a specific domain, understanding the importance of skills for agricultural decisions and productivity is important in its own right, given that the majority of the world’s poor continue to live in rural areas, where agriculture remains the most important source of employment (World Bank, 2008). Differences in the willingness to exert effort are often considered key to understand heterogeneity in agricultural outcomes (de Janvry, Sadoulet, and Suri, 2016). More generally, farmers face many different tasks and decisions, some of which may depend more on knowledge, others on problem solving ability, and yet others on effort. In the predictive regressions, we consider a variety of outcomes to capture those potential differences, and analyze to what extent different skills explain a meaningful part of the variation in those outcomes. Our first set of results show that cognitive skills, using both standardized scales and tests developed for the specific context can be measured with high levels of reliability and validity, similar indeed to those found in developed country settings. Cognitive skills also show good predictive validity, even after controlling for educational levels. On the other hand, we find that standard application of commonly used scales of noncognitive and technical skills suffer from large measurement error, resulting in low reliability and validity. For technical skills, factor analysis and item response theory results in a construct with higher predictive validity, even if large measurement error remains. Repeated measurement further helps to improve predictive power, and overall most of the measurement error in technical skills appears to be random measurement error. For noncognitive skills, we find evidence of systematic measurement error related to acquiescence bias and show that combining questions according to pre-existing scales leads to low internal consistency. Related, the latent noncognitive construct resulting from the factor analysis does not map in the personality domains typically found in developed countries. While the corrected noncognitive constructs are predictive of agricultural productivity, the estimates do not allow drawing clear conclusions about the relevance of specific noncognitive skills. Overall, the best predictions obtained after corrections of different sources of measurement error show that the three types of skills together explain up to 17 % of the variation in yield, with all three skill constructs being significant and with similar point estimates. Technical and noncognitive skills also help predict agricultural practices, though with varying degrees. In the last part of the paper, we further analyze the different challenges related to measuring skills in household surveys in developing countries, and discuss guidelines on how to address them. 4 The main challenges that we identify include the interaction with enumerators, the respondent’s ability to understand the questions, effects related to the order of sections, response biases, anchoring, different factor structures, and specific challenges related to the potential idiosyncrasy of agricultural knowledge.7 We use this discussion to derive guidelines and also indicate areas for future research. The large amount of measurement error this study documents provides an important warning sign for studies trying to use similar measures in poor rural settings. At the very least, the measurement error, when it is classical, could lead to important attenuation bias and lack of statistical power. This might well lead to an underestimation of the importance of skills for decision-making, or of the impact of external interventions on cognitive, noncognitive or technical skill formation. If anything this can have important implications for sample size calculations and might point to usefulness of measuring individuals’ skills at several points in time to reduce such error. 8 Yet, the evidence also suggests the measurement error in skills might well be non-classical, and could hence more broadly lead to erroneous conclusions. Our results show that it may be particularly hard to distinguish different aspects of noncognitive skills, suggesting that studies that only attempt to measure a subset of noncognitive skills need to be careful regarding the interpretation of which latent factor is being measured. This paper relates to a relatively large literature on the importance of cognitive and noncognitive functioning in household economic decision-making. Cognitive ability has been shown to be an important predictor of socioeconomic success (Heckman, 1995, and Murnane, Willett, and Levy, 1995). Heckman, Stixrud, and Urzua (2006) and Heckman and Kautz (2012) argue that noncognitive abilities matter at least as much, despite the historically strong focus on cognitive ability. In developed countries, noncognitive abilities and personality traits have been shown to be directly related to a large set of socio-economic outcomes such as wages, schooling, crime, and performance on achievement tests (Bowles, Gintis, and Osborne, 2001; Heckman, Stixrud, and Urzua, 2006; Cunha and Heckman, 2010; Almund et al. 2011). In the psychology literature, there is also substantial evidence on the predictive power of personality traits for socio-economic outcomes. Development economists have recently taken these lessons to heart, and are including 7Some of these concerns are similar to concerns raised about attitudinal, expectations or aspirations questions, as analyzed by Bertrand and Mullainathan (2001), Krueger and Schkade (2009), Manski (2004), Delavalande, Gine, and McKenzie (2011), and Bernard and Taffese (2014). 8The observation that measurement error might be substantially higher for noncognitive skills than for cognitive skills, and the limitations of the use of Big Five personality questionnaires in large-scale data collection have also been pointed to by Borghans et al (2008) as potential reasons for underestimating the importance of noncognitive skills in developed country settings. 5 measurements and analysis of personality traits in empirical studies (Dal Bo, Finan, and Rossi, 2013; Callen et al., 2015). The insights from this paper are also relevant for various strands of the wider literature. In light of the large debate about whether the worldwide increase in schooling is leading to measurable and sustained gains in learning (Pritchett and Beatty, 2015), having widely comparable measures of cognitive abilities, that can be measured for adults, outside of the classroom, and in a variety of settings, is arguably key. Certain large data collection efforts covering wide and heterogeneous populations, such as the Young Lives Surveys or the World Bank STEPS surveys (Pierre et al., 2014), are now including measures for noncognitive abilities and personality traits. Increasingly such measures are also included in targeted surveys for impact evaluation purposes, most directly when interventions aim to change noncognitive traits (Bernard et al., 2014; Groh, McKenzie, and Vishwanath, 2015; Blattman, Jamison, and Sheridan, 2016; Ghosal et al., 2016; Adhvaryu, Kala, and Nyshadnam, 2016) but also when changes in noncognitive abilities are seen as potential mechanisms to explain changes in final outcomes (Blattman and Dercon, 2016). Other recent work focuses on the long-term impact of external factors during childhood on noncognitive outcomes of adults (Leigh, Glewwe, and Park, 2015; Krutikova and Lilleor, 2015). Finally, there is a renewed interest and widening literature on learning, technology adoption and agricultural productivity in developing countries (Jack, 2011; de Janvry, Sadoulet, and Suri, 2016), for which having reliable measures of agricultural knowledge and learning is key. The paper is organized as follows: the next section provides more information about the context, the instrument and the implementation of the survey experiment. Section 3 provides the description of, and rational for, the calculation of the improved constructs, and discusses reliability and internal consistency. It also shows predictive validity results, using agricultural yield and practices as outcome variables, and comparing results with the naïve and the improved constructs. Section 4 presents additional analysis related to measurement error and derives lessons and practical recommendations for skills measurement. Section 5 concludes and the appendix provides more details on methodologies and data, as well as additional empirical results. 2. THE SETTING, THE SAMPLE, AND THE QUESTIONNAIRE DESIGN 2.1. Setting 6 The survey experiment was conducted in Siaya province in Western Kenya targeting 960 farmers, spread across 96 villages and 16 sub-locations, of whom 937 were reached for the first measurement, and 918 for the second measurement. Among the farmers in the sample, 50% were selected from a random draw of households in the village, and another 50% were farmers nominated in village meetings for participating in agricultural research trials. The village household list was either pre-existing or drawn up by the village health worker. Given the individual nature of skills, the sample is a sample of individuals who were identified as being the main farmer in the selected households. Each farmer was surveyed twice (test and retest) with an interval of about three weeks between the test and retest. Among surveyed farmers, maize is the main staple crop, and is often intercropped or rotated with beans. Many farmers also have root crops and bananas. Respondents have on average 6 years of education (substantially below they Kenyan average), a bit more than half of the respondents are female, 62% are head of household, and are on average 46 years old. Farms contain on average about 3 plots, and 65% of households own at least some cattle. 2.2. Questionnaire design The main instrument consists of 3 main sections (cognitive skills, noncognitive skills and technical agronomical skills) that were asked in random order. This section summarizes the content of each module and provides more information on the considerations taken into account in the choice of questions and tests in the appendix. Appendix 1 provides a more comprehensive description of the questionnaire. Many instruments have been designed to assess cognitive and non-cognitive skills in lab conditions, or among highly educated respondents in high-income settings. They have subsequently been integrated in survey instruments that are applied in field conditions, often without prior testing of their suitability. We therefore aim to test the validity of existing cognitive and non-cognitive scales administered in rural field conditions. An extensive desk review of papers allowed making an initial selection of questionnaire modules and questions that are similar to approaches used elsewhere in the literature. For technical skills, rather than starting from specific questions, we focus on different types of questions found in the literature. Cognitive skills 7 With the objective of measuring different aspects of adult farmers’ cognitive ability, we selected five different cognitive tests: i) The Raven Colored Progressive matrices, measuring visual processing and analytical reasoning; ii) The digit span forwards and backwards, measuring short- term memory and executive functioning; iii) A written and timed test of basic math skills; iv) An oral 9-item test containing short math puzzles relevant for agriculture and increasing in level of difficulty; and v) A reading comprehension test. Table A1.A provides a detailed description of each of these tests. Noncognitive skills The noncognitive part focuses on testing instruments derived from commonly used scales in noncognitive domains that the literature has emphasized as potentially predictive of success in life and that are potentially relevant for smallholder farmers. We use a subset of items from the 44-item BFI, a commonly used instrument for the Big Five personality traits. We also test commonly used instruments for lower-order constructs such as scales for locus of control, self- esteem, perceptions about the causes of poverty, attitudes towards change, organization, tenacity, meta-cognitive ability, optimism, learning orientation, and self-control. The majority of these subscales are derived from a set of questions asking the respondent the level at which he agrees or disagrees with general statements about himself, with answers on a Likert scale from 1 to 5.9 In addition, we asked a set of locus-of control questions with visual aids in which people are asked to attribute success to effort & good decisions, luck or endowments. We also included the CESD, a commonly used depression scale, that has been used and validated in many developing countries, and which relates to some of the noncognitive domains also captured in other scales (such as neuroticism and optimism). A standard risk aversion game and time preference questions were also added, mostly for comparison and completeness. Table A1.B in the appendix presents all items, and the first column indicates the sub-scale each of the items belongs to. As is the case in the original scales, some of these questions are positively- coded, indicating that a higher likelihood to agree with the statement indicates a higher score on the noncognitive trait of interest, while others are reverse-coded. The last column in Table A1.B 9The causes-of-poverty subscale does not ask directly about the respondents themselves but uses a Likert scale to ask about reasons for why poor people are poor. 8 indicates which questions are reversed.10 While the pilot revealed that reverse-coded questions were sometimes harder to understand (often because of negative phrasing), care was given to keep approximately equal number of positively and reverse-coded items in the final instrument, as they are key to detect acquiescence bias. A few questions were formulated as a binary choice instead of using a Likert scale. Technical skills There are no standardized scales that measure technical skills, reflecting the fact that agricultural knowledge can be very specific to a geographical area, crop and type of inputs or practices. That said, different types of questions can be found in the literature, reflecting different underlying ideas about which knowledge could be the most relevant ones: probing for instance about theoretical knowledge, versus knowing how or when to apply certain inputs, etc. Based on this categorization, we then worked with local agronomists to develop a specific set of questions on agricultural knowledge relevant for farmers in the survey population. Specifically, we designed a module that covers the production of the main crops and the use of the most common practices and inputs in Western Kenya, including questions on the timing at which inputs should be used, how to apply the inputs (quantity, location, etc.), knowledge of both basic and more complex practices (spacing, rotation, composting, conservation…), and general knowledge (the active ingredients in certain fertilizers). We use a mix of open questions and multiple-choice questions, some questions allow multiple answers, and a subset of questions had visual aids (e.g. pictures of inputs). The set of questions covered a relatively broad spectrum of practices, including a set of questions on maize, banana, soya, soil fertility practices, composting and mineral fertilizer. Table A1.C in the appendix presents all questions, and the first column indicates the sub-scale each of the questions was grouped under. Piloting and questionnaire preparation We conducted extensive piloting of these modules and questions in the local context. Qualitative piloting allowed testing the face validity of the questions, by asking qualitative follow-up questions regarding the understanding of the questions and meaning/reasoning of the answers. 10For neuroticism and CESD, we use reverse coding to refer to higher levels of neuroticism and stress, as lower neuroticism and stress should imply a higher noncognitive score. 9 After qualitative piloting, an extended version of the skill questionnaire was piloted in November 2013 on 120 farmers from an area in Siaya, close to the study area, and on farmers that had been selected in a similar way as those of the actual study population. A small subset of these farmers was also retested in December 2013 with the same survey instrument, in order to obtain retest statistics of the pilot. Based on this quantitative pilot, we eliminated questions with little variation. 11 We also removed questions that showed negative correlations with other variables meant to capture the same latent trait, and fine-tuned phrasing and translation of questions.12 The final survey instrument took about 2.5 hours to complete. The vast majority of farmers in the sample (97%) were native Luo speakers (the local language) – the others were more comfortable in Swahili or English (Kenya’s two official languages). The English-language survey therefore was translated in both Luo and Swahili. All versions were homogenized after independent back translation.13 2.3. Alternative measures of skills Prior to the set of questions in the three main modules described above, respondents were asked their self-assessment for the same set of skills using a set of 14 questions, formulated to proxy the different subdomains captured by the questions in the main modules. And after answering all questions from the three main sections, each farmer was asked to assess the skill level of one of the other farmers of his village in the sample using similar proxy questions. This provides an independent (though clearly subjective and possibly mis-measured) assessment. A second proxy measure comes from asking the same questions to another household member (typically the spouse) also involved in farming. And a third independent measure was obtained prior to the survey from the village health worker, who was asked to classify each farmer according to his 11 For instance, experience with pesticides or irrigation is extremely limited in the population of study, so that any related questions did not provide variation. 12For the noncognitive module, a relatively large set of questions was identified with either very little variation (because everybody agreed with a certain positive statement), or a bi-modal distribution, typically in the case of reverse-coded questions. In extreme cases this led to negative correlations between variables that should capture the same latent trait. 13 Back-translation initially revealed a substantial number of questions with translation problems, in particular in the noncognitive part. As questions in this section are more abstract and referring often to concepts that are not part of daily vocabulary, finding the appropriate translation was often a challenge. For all sections, translations and back- translations were compared, and we worked together with native Luo and Swahili speakers to finalize translations, to assure that the original meanings of the questions were maintained (and hence to know which questions we are in fact testing). We suspect that similar translation issues affect other surveys trying to obtain answers related to more abstract concepts, including some of the questions that are commonly used in the literature, which would need to be taken into account for the use of such measures. 10 cognitive, noncognitive, and technical abilities, using a broad categorization (high, medium, low). The predictive power of these three proxy measures can be compared with the predictive power of the detailed skills measures, an issue we turn to in section 4. 2.4 Randomization of the survey instrument and fieldwork To understand the drivers of measurement error, an important focus of the study was the extent to which the order of answers, of questions, and of modules, or any unobserved enumerator effects might affect answers in an important way. The data collection was done using mini laptops, and a program specifically designed to randomize the different components of the questionnaire. The order of the three main sections (cognitive, noncognitive and technical) was randomized, which allows to control and test for potential survey fatigue and to assess whether some tests tend to modify the responses of the following questions. The order of the questions within a section was randomized to control for a potential learning caused by the preceding questions. And in all multiple-choice questions, the order of the answers was also randomized. In order to test for enumerator effects, we also randomly assigned respondents to enumerators. For the re-test 40% of households was assigned to the same enumerator while the rest varied. Survey teams were allowed to deviate from the random assignment for logistical reasons. Overall compliance with the enumerator assignment was about 75%. Finally, we randomized the order in which the villages were surveyed to evaluate effects related to enumerators learning or changing how they administrate the survey across time. 2.5. Training and data collection Prior to survey implementation, all enumerators and field personnel participated in an intensive two-week training, with both classroom and field training and extensive practice to guarantee fluent and correct implementation of the different skill measurements. The first round of the survey started January 20th 2014– and took approximately 3 weeks. The retest survey was conducted in the following 3 weeks. A small household and farm survey was implemented in parallel and provides the agricultural outcome variables. All survey activities, including tracking of harder to reach respondents were finished by the end of March. Almost all surveys were conducted before the start of the main agricultural season. Additional surveys were implemented at the end of the following four agricultural seasons with information on production outcomes and practices, and are used to investigate which skills best predict these economic outcomes. 11 3. RELIABILITY AND VALIDITY OF DIFFERENT SKILL CONSTRUCTS We aim to test the reliability and validity of the different skill measures. Reliability indicates the share of informational content (rather than noise) of a measure of a given skill and validity indicates whether it actually measures what it intends to measure. To do so we calculate for each measure the test-retest correlation, a pure reliability measure, and Cronbach’s alpha, which is affected both by the noise and the extent to which items are measuring the same underlying construct (construct validity). We also test the predictive validity, by analyzing whether the skill measures predict different agricultural outcomes that they are theoretically expected to be correlated to. The appendix provides a detailed methodological explanation of these different tests. For each domain (cognitive, noncognitive and technical skills), we construct different measures of which we test the reliability and validity. A “naïve” score aggregates the different questions using the existing sub-scales meant to measure certain abilities as they were included in the survey instrument. We also construct alternative aggregate measures, using exploratory factor analysis, item response theory, and corrections of response biases recommended in the psychometric literature. By comparing the reliability and validity of the different constructs, we demonstrate the importance of accounting for response patterns and latent factor structure. 3.1. Construction of the Indexes The “naïve score” is calculated as the simple average of items (questions) that belong to pre- determined sub-domains. This has the advantage of simplicity and transparency, and mimics what is often done in practice. For the “improved” construct we apply different corrections to extract the most relevant information from the available items: we use exploratory factor analysis to determine the number of factors in each construct, item response theory to further improve the cognitive and technical constructs, and correct for acquiescence bias in the noncognitive construct. This subsection describes the methods and the insights gained from the different steps. The following subsections compare results when using the different indexes. Correcting noncognitive items for Acquiescence Bias Acquiescence bias (also called “ya-saying”) refers to the respondent’s tendency to agree (more than disagreeing), even when statements are contradictory. We correct for Acquiescence Bias in 12 all noncognitive questions answered on a Likert scale, following common practice in psychometrics literature (Soto et al. 2008; Rammstedt, Kemper, and Borg, 2013; and references therein). To do so we calculate the acquiescence score of each individual, averaging between the mean of the positively-coded items and the mean of reverse-coded items (before reversing these items). For each question, we then subtract this acquiescence score from the Likert score, hence correcting for average acquiescence bias.14 Exploratory factor analysis to determine the number of factors in each construct We conduct exploratory factor analysis (EFA) separately for cognitive, noncognitive and the technical skills, and determine the number of factors that should be extracted from the data. To do so, we pool all data for each domain (hence pooling for instance all noncognitive questions together), instead of relying on pre-determined scales. Hence, we let the data indicate the potential factor structure and related latent traits, following an approach also used by Ledesma and Valero-Mora (2007), Cunha, Heckman and Schennach (2010), and Attanasio et al (2015). For the cognitive skills, we use the score for each of the 5 tests as inputs in the EFA. For the noncognitive and technical skills, we use each of the questions separately. We determine the number of latent factors that can be extracted from all the measures, using four different criteria commonly used in the psychometric literature (see appendix for details). The results of the exploratory analysis indicate that the cognitive and technical skills can best be measured by one factor each, while the underling latent factors for noncognitive skills corrected for Acquiescence Bias are best captured by 6 factors (appendix Table A2). More details on the factorial analysis of the noncognitive skills The factorial analysis explicitly accounts for the fact that answers to items are imperfect proxies of the true underlying latent traits. Latent factor models estimate the joint distribution of the latent factors and help remove some of this measurement error. We estimate factor loadings, then rotate the factor loadings using quartimin rotation to predict the resulting factors. 15 Table 1 presents the 14 Some studies use instead a joint correction for acquiescence bias and extreme response bias (adjusting for individual variance in responses), referred to as ipsatizing. The value of correcting for extreme response patterns is debated in the psychology literature (Hicks, 1970; Fischer and Milfont, 2010). Implementing this alternative correction in our data significantly worsened the reliability and validity of the construct, and we therefore do not consider it further. 15 The aim of the quartimin rotation is to re-weight the factor loadings obtained from the EFA so that each variable mostly loads on one factor. That said, some variables still load on multiple factors after rotation, and we do not impose 13 resulting factor loads of the acquiescence bias corrected items, sorted by dominant factor. Strikingly, with the exception of the first factor, most factors seem to have a mix of items from different sub-constructs (in theory meant to be measuring different latent skills).16 CESD items are a clear exception. They uniquely load on two factors, which do not include other items, and separate negative from positive attitudes. 17 On the other hand the Big Five personality trait division typically found in the psychometrics literature is not confirmed by the factor structure, with the exception of conscientiousness related items, which mostly load on the second factor.18 The fourth factor further raises some doubts as it is uniquely composed of the reverse questions from the “causes of poverty” sub-construct, while the positive ones load on other factors. This raises the concern that it is at least partially driven by a response pattern rather than the actual belief about the causes of poverty that the scale aims to capture. Overall these results raise concerns about whether the scales actually measure what they intend to. Despite the mixing of items, it is possible to discern a dominant interpretation for each factor, which we include in the last column of Table 1. We use the factor loadings to aggregate the different noncognitive skills. To obtain the predicted factors, and following Attanasio et al (2015), items are assigned to the factor for which they have the highest factor loadings, with factor loads of other items set to 0. To analyze the test-retest, and to guarantee we are comparing similar constructs, we apply the factor loading obtained from the first survey round (the test) also to the variable values of the second survey round (the retest). When redoing the exploratory factor analysis on the retest data, the factor structure is broadly similar, justifying the use of the same factor loads for both test and retest data. The Use of Item Response Theory for Cognitive and Technical skills Item Response Theory imposes further structure on a set of items to measure an underlying latent ability or trait. It assumes that the probability of getting the correct answer to a question (or a higher score on a given item) depends on the unobserved ability of the respondent and some parameters of the question, all estimated simultaneously. The question’s parameter can include its further restrictions. 16This means for example that a question that is expected to measure agreeableness and a locus of control question can better correlate together (and thus be assigned to the same underlying factor) than two locus of control questions. 17 The original scale development paper for the CESD (Radloff, 1977) similarly identifies a positive subscale/factor. 18A similar result is found when restricting the EFA to items of the Big Five only. The items meant to measure separate personality traits are mixed into various factors (Appendix Table A3). We return to this lack of congruence with findings from other contexts in section 4. 14 difficulty, its discriminant (how much the probability depends on the latent factor) and the possibility of pseudo-guessing. IRT has become the standard tool for high stakes tests such as GRE or GMAT and is believed to provide greater precision than classical test theory. We apply it to cognitive skills and to technical skills to obtain the two “improved” constructs, in each case assuming uni-dimensionality given the result of the EFA.19 For the technical skills, we used IRT pooling all items together. Only 3 items were removed because they had a discriminant opposed to the expected one (meaning that respondents were more likely to have a correct answer if they had a lower predicted latent skill). Of the remaining 32 items, 28 had a significant discriminant parameter at the 5% level (and 24 items at the 1% level), indicating that most items contributed to the assessment of the latent trait. In the case of the cognitive skills, we applied a mixed method, given the format of the questions and the requirements of the IRT. In particular, we use IRT to calculate the subconstruct of the numeracy questions, the raven test and reading test. 20 We then used factorial analysis using these three indexes and the scores of the digit span, the reverse digit span, and the timed math test to obtain one latent factor. 3.2. Reliability and construct validity Test-retest correlation To test reliability we calculate the correlation between the same construct measured twice over a period of three weeks, a time short enough that the underlying construct is not expected to change. The test-retest correlation provides an estimate of the share of a measures’ variance that is driven by the variance of the true ability it is intended to measure. This is equivalent to 1 minus the share of variance explained by pure measurement error.21 Intuitively high measurement error means that the true score is an imprecise measure and leads to a low test-retest correlation, hence a low reliability. A threshold of minimum .7 test-retest correlation is often applied to define 19We do not use IRT for the noncognitive skills, both because the “difficulty” of each question is less applicable to the noncognitive questions, and because IRT can only be used on discrete measures, which the noncognitive scores, after subtracting the acquiescence score, are not. 20IRT cannot be used on digit span, reverse digit span, and the timed math test given that its subcomponents are not independent from each other. 21 If measurement error is classical, the test-retest correlation gives a good indication of the signal to total variance ratio. On the other hand, the test-retest correlation can under- or over-state the signal to total variance ratio in case of non-classical measurement error. If the errors in measurement are positively correlated over time, for instance because both measures suffer from persistent acquiescence bias, the test-retest correlation will overstate the reliability of the data. 15 reliability. All estimates are done using z-scores of the relevant constructs and subconstructs (i.e. after subtracting the mean and dividing by the standardized deviation). The first column of Table 2A provides the test-retest correlations of the “naïve” aggregate and of the sub-constructs by predefined subdomains. The results vary widely. The cognitive naïve construct reaches a test-retest correlation of 0.84 (with sub-constructs correlations between .52 and .82) indicating a high degree of reliability, comparable to what is often obtained in lab or class-room conditions. By contrast, the noncognitive and technical test-retest correlations are .53 and .30 respectively, which is strikingly low given the large set of items used to compute them. This probably points to a large role for guessing and possibly general uncertainty about the answers. Unsurprisingly given that the number of items reduces the noise, sub-constructs perform worse than the aggregate constructs. Among the noncognitive ones, test-retest statistics are slightly higher for locus of control, CESD and causes of poverty than for other sub constructs.22 The first column of Table 2B provides the test-retest correlations of the “improved” constructs and sub-constructs, calculated as described in section 3.1. Compared to the naïve constructs, the test-retest statistics are marginally higher for the cognitive skills, and substantially higher for the noncognitive construct (increasing it from .53 to .70) and the technical construct (from .30 to .41). Hence the use of IRT, factor analysis and correction for acquiescence bias substantially improves the reliability of the constructs. That said test-retest statistics remain below standard thresholds for the noncognitive sub-constructs and the noise in the data remains particularly high for the technical skill construct.23 Cronbach’s Alpha The Cronbach’s alpha is one of the most widely used measures of internal consistency of a test. For a given number of items, it increases when the correlation between items increases. Hence it 22 Note that for CESD, it is a priori not clear that answers should be stable over 3 weeks, as the reference period of the questions is the last week, and as mental health presumably might be malleable in the short run. But in related work, Krueger and Schkade (2009) find that the test-retest reliability of a general life satisfaction question was no better than questions asking about affective experience on specific days, and attributed this to transient influences influencing the former more. 23 It is important to consider that the fact of being surveyed during the test may affect the answers in the retest, and hence potentially the test-retest statistic. Table A4 in the appendix shows that indeed scores are slightly higher in the retest for all 3 skill constructs. To the extent that scores increase for all respondents this does not affect the test-retest statistics, as scores are standardized within survey round. Moreover, the standard deviations in the test and the retest for cognitive and noncognitive scores are very similar. They are however slightly lower for the technical scores in the retest than in the test, potentially indicating a learning effect by either the respondents, the enumerators, or both. Results in section 4 further suggest that at least part of this learning is enumerator related. Given the overall modest increase in the scores, learning cannot explain the low test-retest statistics. 16 is higher when the noise of each item is low (high reliability) and when they actually measure the same underlying factor (indicator of high validity). For the purpose of statistical analysis, a minimum threshold of .7 is often applied. The second and third columns of Table 2A show the Cronbach’s alpha of the naïve constructs of the test and retest, while Table 2B provides similar statistics for the improved constructs. The conclusions for the aggregate constructs are similar to those obtained from the test-retest correlations. The Cronbach’s alpha is above the bar for the cognitive skill construct, barely acceptable in the case of the noncognitive, and substantially below the acceptable threshold in the case of the technical skills.24 They do not differ much between the test and retest, which confirms that the retest is broadly comparable to the test. Cognitive sub-constructs with a large number of items reach very high Cronbach’s alpha, as does the CESD. The alpha for the naïve causes of poverty noncognitive sub-construct is also high, although the factorial analysis suggests this correlation may be driven by common response patterns rather than common meaning. The Cronbach’s alphas of the improved aggregate constructs are not higher than the ones of the naïve constructs, but the ones of the 6 noncognitive factors generally show large improvements compared to the naïve sub-constructs. These two observations are partly mechanical given that the factorial analysis pools together items with higher correlations in the subconstructs, and the correlation between factors is minimized through the quartimin rotation.25 The technical skills construct reaches a Cronbach’s alpha of .54, which remains quite low given that it includes 32 items. This suggests that farmers’ knowledge might be idiosyncratic (with different farmers having different pieces of knowledge), and therefore hard to aggregate in a knowledge score. 3.3. Predictive validity To further investigate validity, we test to what extent the skills constructs predict real life outcomes. In particular we analyze whether skills correlate with agricultural productivity and practices, and how much predictive power the measurements have for such outcomes. The estimates capture conditional correlations and clearly are not meant to reflect particular 24 The high Cronbach’s alpha of the cognitive is consistent with Table 3 showing that scores of the 5 sub-components are highly correlated with each other. The correlations are highest among skills most clearly acquired in school (reading and the two math tests) and a bit lower with the more general cognitive tests (Raven and digit span). Correlations are also high with grades of education attained and self-assessed literacy. 25When we do not apply the new factors weights, but only correct scores for the acquiescence bias, neither the alpha’s nor the test-retest systematically improve (Appendix Table A5). 17 causal relationships. Observed correlations may be driven by the fact that 1) the skills affect agricultural decisions and outcomes; 2) the agricultural outcomes are determinants of skills formation; or 3) some other variables are correlated with both skills and agricultural outcomes, making skills a potential confounder if not observed. Nonetheless, independent of which one of these factors drives the correlation, a high predictive power indicates that improving skills measures can contribute to a better understanding of agricultural productivity. It further helps shed light on the consequences of omitting skills when analyzing questions regarding agricultural productivity and practices. Correlations with other variables Before turning to the regressions, Figure 1 shows unconditional correlations of the skill constructs with commonly observed variables as a first form of validation. Figure 1 and Table 3 show a strong relationship between measures of cognitive skills and grades of education attained or self- assessed literacy. 26 Cognitive skills slightly increase with age until about 34 year old, and decline for older ages (possibly capturing age or cohort effects). The relationship between the number of years using mineral fertilizer and technical skills is also relatively strong (middle panel of Figure 1B). This provides some validation, but is also a reminder that the direction of causality is hard to infer. A respondent may know more about fertilizer because he’s been using it for a while, or may have been using it exactly because he knew about it. The right panel suggests that such interactions depend on the level of cognitive skills. Finally, the figures also show a relatively strong positive correlation between cognitive, technical and noncognitive skills. This points to the importance of studying the different types of skills together rather than independently, to avoid wrongly attributing to a skill the effect of other correlated skills. Yield predictions by construct The key outcome variable we use to test predictive validity is maize yield. Maize is the main crop in the region of study, and the only crop that households in the sample have in common. As yield in rainfed agriculture is known to be a particularly noisy outcome variable we use the average 26 The cognitive construct is very highly correlated with the respondent’s reported education, with 59% of the variation in the cognitive score explained by the respondent’s grades attained and self-declared literacy. Respondents’ education also explains a relatively large share of the variation in the noncognitive (19%) and technical (11%) skills, though clearly much less than for the cognitive skills. 18 rank of yield over the four seasons following the completion of the skills data collection, with ranks rescaled from 1 to 100.27 We test how much of the variation in yield is explained by the measures of cognitive, noncognitive and technical skills, by regressing yield on the different skill constructs. The first five columns in Table 4 do not include controls and demonstrate the share of variation explained by the three skill constructs (R-squared). Columns 6 to 10 report results from a specification with controls and shows whether the skill measures remain significant after controlling for observed farmer, household and village characteristics. 28 Significant coefficients on skills in the later regression point to the potential of skill measures to capture otherwise unobserved characteristics. The results are presented for four different types of constructs: the naïve constructs, improved constructs, the naïve constructs averaged over test and retest, and the improved constructs averaged over test and retest. The comparison of estimates with the naïve constructs versus the improved constructs indicates how much gain in predictive power comes from efforts to aggregate the items in a way that better accounts for measurement errors. And the comparison of the improved constructs with the test-retest averages shows to what extent the improved constructs yield similar results as averaging over multiple waves, an alternative but costly method to reduce random measurement error. Finally, the test-retest average of the improved constructs provides our best estimate of the role of skills using all means available to get the most reliable constructs. Results in Table 4 broadly show that the three types of skills matter, as all three coefficients are significant and combined the measures explain a substantial share of the variation in yields. The R-squared of the naïve constructs without any control is 12.1 percent (column 1), compared to 14.5 percent when using the improved constructs (column 2). Interestingly this last figure is practically the same as the R-squared obtained when averaging the naïve scores of test and retest (column 3). Hence using the information in the data to improve the aggregation of different questions leads to as much improvement as the use of a second wave (a method that doubles the cost of data collection). The combination of both the improved method and averaging test and 27We use the rank because it is less sensitive to extreme values (Athey and Imbens, 2016). The appendix shows similar regressions using the average of the log of the yield for the same seasons. The results are qualitatively similar but less precise. 28 Controls include education, literacy, gender, age and age squared of the farmer, land and cattle ownership, size and quality of the house, household size, whether the farmer is the household head, and household head’s gender. We also include village and enumerator-assignment fixed effects. We use the randomly assigned enumerator as opposed to the actual enumerator, as only the former is exogenously determined. 19 retest further raises the R-squared to 16.6 percent, providing our most reliable estimate of the contribution of the different skills to explaining variation in yields. This is likely still an underestimate of the explanatory power of skills, as we know from section 3.2 that the improved constructs contain a fair amount of noise. The estimations with controls (columns 6 to 9) show that these conclusions stand even after controlling for observables. Skills are jointly significant, and remarkably cognitive skills remain significant even after controlling for education and literacy. Comparing across columns, the highest improvement in significance and size of the coefficients from cleaning up measurement error is seen in the technical construct. This is consistent with the fact that this was the noisiest construct according to test-retest and Cronbach’s alpha. Column 4 further suggests that technical skills may be more important than other skills once measurement error is addressed, though this conclusion does not hold when adding controls (column 8). Hence more generally, the evidence shows that all three skills matter for agricultural productivity, but properly capturing this effect requires substantial effort, both in data collection and aggregation method. Finally columns 5 and 10 use the most reliable constructs (improved average across test and retest) but do not include technical skills. This could be important because cognitive and noncognitive skills may have effects on yields that go through technical knowledge, possibly attenuating their coefficients when technical skills are controlled for. Indeed both coefficients increase when the technical skill construct is removed. 29 This specification also assesses the relative importance of cognitive versus noncognitive skills, and suggests that both are equally important for productivity, a result that parallels results on the importance of skills in US labor markets in Heckman, Stixrud and Urzua (2006) and Heckman and Kautz (2012). The point estimates suggest that a one standard deviation increase in cognitive or non-cognitive skills increases the average rank of maize yield with 4 to 5 percentage points.30 Yield predictions by sub-construct The level of aggregation used in Table 4, with one aggregate construct to measure each of the domains, is higher than what is often used in empirical work on skills. We hence also present 29 Comparing columns 1, 4 and 5 in Table 4, note that the cognitive skill construct loses explanatory power as the precision of the technical skill construct increases, but gains significance when it is removed. This suggests that the effect of cognitive skill on yield could be operating through its effect on technical knowledge. 30 This corresponds to about 21 percent of a standard deviation in the average rank of yield. 20 predictions using the subdomains of each of the skills, separating out the different cognitive tests, the subscales for personality and lower order constructs, and subscales of technical skills by broad topic. Table 5 first presents estimates using the naïve sub-constructs. All variables are measured as z-scores. The regressions are estimated with the set of controls, but the adjusted R- squared in absence of any controls is added in the bottom of Table 5. Using sub-constructs increases the R-squared for the predictive model for yields from 11.9 percent with naïve constructs to 13.9 with the sub-constructs. None of the cognitive tests on their own has a significant relationship with productivity or input use, and the F-test for joint significance is also low. The same finding holds for the technical skills. This is consistent with the earlier finding that test-retest and alphas are lower for the sub- constructs than for the aggregate constructs, indicating high measurement error is introduced in the regressions with the sub-constructs, making it difficult to assess their true relationship with yields. In contrast, we find a few significant correlations with the noncognitive subscales. The 15 noncognitive sub-constructs are jointly significant. The few significant results suggest that causes of poverty, tenacity, agreeableness and CESD might have some predictive power for yields, but coefficients are only marginally significantly different from each other. To illustrate the risk of drawing erroneous conclusions from this type of regression, columns 2 to 6 present similar regressions where we only keep one sub-construct at a time, using each component of the Big Five. In four out of five cases the coefficient is significant. We only present the Big Five for conciseness, however 10 out of the 15 coefficients are significant when they are the only noncognitive variable in the estimate. The evidence hence indicates that noncognitive skills matter, but that it is difficult to distinguish the effects of its different subcomponents. Table 6 shows similar regressions, but now using the improved constructs and keeping the number of factors suggested by the EFA. Column 1 shows the cognitive construct becomes significant, as do the first and fourth noncognitive factor. The later mirrors the findings from Table 5, as the first factor is basically the CESD while the fourth factor is dominated by the reverse questions of the causes of poverty. Importantly for the interpretation, we find also here that the coefficients of the noncognitive factors are not significantly different from each other, and columns 2 to 7 further illustrates that all but one are significant when they are included without the others. Hence even the estimates with the improved constructs do not allow to clearly discriminate between noncognitive skills. We hence conclude that while noncognitive skills matter for productivity, the data do not allow us to infer which of the noncognitive skills matter. 21 Predictions of agricultural practices We complement the analysis with a set of regressions on key agricultural practices also averaged over the four seasons. In particular we analyze to what extent the different skill measures are predictive for the use of mineral fertilizer, manure, hybrid seeds, multiple time weeding and hiring labor.31 Focusing on the estimates with the improved constructs, Table 7 shows that the technical skill construct is positively correlated with a number of advanced farming practices, an encouraging sign for its validity. As for yield, the noncognitive construct is also strongly predictive. In contrast, the cognitive construct is not (if anything, there is a negative relationship with weeding), suggesting that the relationship between cognition and yield is not driven by decisions regarding these practices. The overall predictive power of the skills varies widely between practices. Skills basically explain none of the variation in the use of manure, while they explain up to 11% of the use of hybrid seeds. Table 8 presents results that separate out the different noncognitive constructs, and shows that for four out of the five practices, as for yields, the data do not allow to discriminate between the different noncognitive skills. The regression for weeding provides an interesting exception, as the factor that is dominated by conscientiousness is positively correlated with weeding while many of the other factors have small and negative coefficients. The F-statistic confirms the difference between the factors. Given the intuitive relationship between conscientiousness and efforts for weeding, this provides some validity to the improved noncognitive constructs. 4. FURTHER UNDERSTANDING MEASUREMENT CHALLENGES Overall this set of results presents a mixed picture on the ability of the different tests and subscales to meaningfully measure the intended skills in the population studied. This section presents further evidence to understand the potential sources of measurement error and derives practical guidelines for the measurement of related skills in empirical work. The main challenges that we identify include the interaction with enumerators, the respondent’s ability to understand the questions, effects related to the order of sections, response biases, anchoring, different factor structures, and other challenges specific to technical skills. 31 We focus on these practices as they show meaningful variation between households and across time, and can reasonably be expected to correlate to some of the domains we are trying to measure. We exclude other practices, such as row planting, which virtually all farmers in this context use. 22 4.1 Interaction with enumerators Most tests were initially designed to be self-administrated. Yet in a rural developing country setting, because many respondents are unable to read, the questions are typically asked by an enumerator. This may affect responses in multiple ways even after intensive efforts to harmonize practices during enumerator training. Drawing on the random assignment of enumerators to respondents, we therefore estimate to what extent answers are affected by enumerators. Table 9 shows the R-squared of a regression of the improved constructs on enumerator fixed effects. Ideally one would like these fixed effects to have no explanatory power. Yet 5 percent of the variance of the cognitive skills can be explained by which enumerator was sent to ask the questions, and this is up to 7 percent for technical skills and 9 percent for noncognitive skills.32 This suggests that a large amount of noise is introduced by the enumerators, possibly due to the level of explanations they provide or other unintended nudges. We also compare the test-retest statistics when the same enumerator was assigned to a given respondent for the test and the retest compared to when a different enumerator is sent each time.33 Standard practice for test-retest correlations is to have the test administrated in similar conditions. However from a practical point of view, test-retest correlations that are high with the same enumerator, but lower with different enumerators, could indicate the influence of the enumerator rather than the consistency of the measure of the latent skill. We find that assigning a different enumerator leads to a moderate drop of .07 in the test-retest correlation of the cognitive construct, but a drop of .11 in the noncognitive one, and .13 in the case of the technical construct, which represents a third of its initial test-retest correlation. Hence enumerator effects reduce the reliability of the measures quite substantially, confirming the non-ignorable role of enumerator effects for skill measurements. This is further confirmed when analyzing whether being surveyed at a later stage during the survey round, i.e. on days farther away from the training when standardization may be weakened. We use the random order in which the villages were surveyed to analyze this question, account for the imperfect compliance with the assignment through a 2SLS estimation, and find that 32 As the regressions are based on the randomly assigned enumerator, and as there were deviations from this assignment in 25% of interviews, these percentages provide lower bound estimates of the variation explained by enumerator effects. 33We assigned the same enumerator to test and retest in 40% of cases. As before, one would expect that the observed differences between same and different enumerator assigned would be greater if the compliance was 100%. 23 technical scores are significantly higher for farmers surveyed on later dates during the test (Table A6). These results point, first of all, to the importance of intensive training for standardized application of the different tests, and for the potential need of re-standardization during the survey rounds. This typically would require developing detailed scripts to be followed literally, and avoiding idiosyncratic interpretation or clarifications by enumerators. Overall, attempts at standardization alone are probably not enough (as this study shows) and as much as possible random assignment of enumerators to respondents should be built into data collection, in order to properly account for any remaining enumerator effects. For impact evaluations with skills measures, ensuring balance of enumerators between control and treatment groups should also help to avoid bias due to enumerator effects. Moreover, when possible, it is worth considering introducing self- administration in at least part of the survey instrument.34 4.2 Respondent’s ability to understand the questions Another difference between the population studied and the population for which most tests were designed is the low educational level of the respondents, which can affect respondents’ ability to understand the questions. To assess this, Table 9 presents test-retest correlations, Cronbach’s alphas, and the share of the variation explained by enumerator fixed effects, comparing respondents for whom the aggregate cognitive index is below versus above the median. Differences between the two groups are small for the cognitive construct, while the differences for the noncognitive construct do not point towards any clear direction. For the aggregate technical construct there are relatively large differences in the indicators across the two groups, all pointing towards higher reliability in the group with higher cognitive skills. Hence respondents’ difficulties in understanding the technical knowledge questions can probably help explain the measurement error for the technical skills construct. These findings indicate the important role of extensive qualitative piloting that probes the understanding by different types of respondents in detail, and that needs to be done each time skill measures are used in a new context. They also suggest the need to adapt standardized questions taken from international scales to make them understandable, even if it weakens some 34Interestingly, Table 5 shows that once we reduce the number of noncognitive variables (and with that the multi- collinearity in the model) the cognitive test that becomes significant is the self-administered math test, which is the test with the least amount of enumerator interference (as respondents fill in the test on their own, after the basic explanation by the enumerator). The test also showed good test-retest and alpha statistics. 24 of the international comparability. It is further important to carefully consider the trade-off between easing understanding by the respondent and introducing enumerator effects, as questions requiring more explanations and enumerator initiative, such as questions involving visual aids, are harder to standardize. The challenges resulting from the need to translate concepts to languages that may not have the relevant equivalents, and the complexity this introduces, should not be underestimated and need to be understood better.35 4.3 Order of the sections in the survey Given the length of the survey, and indeed of many other surveys in developing countries, one can hypothesize that the duration of the survey and the order of questions play a role in explaining measurement error. We randomly assigned the order of the cognitive, noncognitive and technical sections in both the test and the retest and use this to assess the effect of the order of the sections. Table 10 shows that for the cognitive and noncognitive skills the order in which the section appeared in the test and retest does indeed significantly affect their test-retest correlations. But contrary to our prior, there is no clear evidence of survey fatigue, as there is no systematic degradation of the reliability when a section comes later in the survey.36 Instead the test-retest correlation for noncognitive skills was highest, and indeed above the .7 threshold, when it comes last, and differences between different test-retest combinations are significant. In contrast, the test-retest correlation for technical skills is highest when it comes first. This matches well with our observations in the field that noncognitive questions, which are more abstract, tend to raise eyebrows when the survey starts with them, whereas discussion about farming practices allowed a smoother start of the survey. Overall these results suggest that careful attention to the order of different sections when designing a survey instrument can reduce measurement error, while survey duration and fatigue may not be that important. Good practice would be to start with questions on topics that the respondent finds more natural to talk about, and ask the more abstract noncognitive questions towards the end of the survey, so that the respondents are less on the defensive for this section, and any potential annoyance generated by such questions does not affect the other sections. 35 The noncognitive questions posed the largest challenges for translation during survey preparation, and understanding concepts such as “active imagination”, or “generating enthusiasm” were difficult even for the (university level trained) enumerator team. 36 Analysis of the random order of the questions within sections leads to a similar conclusion. 25 4.4 Response Biases Acquiescence bias may be more likely in rural low-income settings, compared to the typical high- income developed country environment for which Big Five questionnaires and lower-order noncognitive subscales were originally designed. The bottom panel in Figure 1, which shows a strong negative correlation between the acquiescence score and the cognitive index (left) or the educational level (middle), is suggestive in this regard. The gradients are steep, and the acquiescence score is twice as large for somebody with no education compared to somebody with 10 years of education. This is consistent with qualitative observations during piloting: “ya- saying” was more likely when respondents did not fully understand a question, and this happened more often for lower educated individuals. Cross-country evidence comparing acquiescence scores of the Big Five across 18 countries similarly shows higher acquiescence scores in lower income settings, and for lower educated populations (Rammstedt, Kemper, and Borg, 2013). The right panel in Figure 1 suggests that the relationship between acquiescence bias and age is less clear, though the u-shape curve may suggest that controlling for a quadratic function of age can help control for some of the acquiescence bias. Strikingly, the acquiescence score shows a strong negative correlation with yields (coefficient is - 6.15 of the average rank of maize yield), significant at the 5%, indicating that respondents with a higher propensity of agreeing with different statements have lower yields on average. The importance of acquiescence bias in the sample and its high correlation with both cognitive skills and outcomes of interest imply that the actual effects of the noncognitive skills may be confounded with response patterns when the later are not properly dealt with. Because acquiescence bias leads to observable contradictions in the responses of reversed and non- reversed items, it can be corrected for as we have done in this paper. But this requires balancing reverse and non-reversed items in all scales, a practice commonly used in psychology but often ignored by economists. As reverse items can be somewhat harder to understand or translate, they may require more adaptation and innovation (avoiding for instance double negations which can confuse the respondent). While it may be tempting to instead drop reverse items, the benefits of being able to measure and correct acquiescence bias seem to clearly outweigh the costs. Of course, acquiescence bias is only one of the possible response biases. Other biases include “extreme response bias” and “middle response bias”. In this study, correcting for extreme response bias by standardizing the standard deviations of responses did not lead to improvements in validity or reliability, as has been found also in other psychometric studies. That said, the distribution of many of the positively-phrased noncognitive questions is highly skewed to the 26 right, suggesting it remains a potential concern.37 The use of anchoring vignettes may provide a possible promising avenue to address different types of response patterns (Hopkins and King, 2010; Primi et al, 2016) and more research is needed to test this approach in large rural household surveys. Finally, “social desirability bias” may lead a respondent to answer what he believes would give the best impression, or what the enumerator may want to hear. In surveys related to impact evaluations, respondents may also believe their answers could affect the probability to receive benefits and attempt to answer strategically. Such biases are difficult to avoid when using self- reports rather than observed outcomes and the extent to which they affect the measures and generate a non-random noise remains difficult to assess. While this holds for many outcomes other than skills, in the case of skills such response patterns provide an additional challenge for the interpretation of the findings, as the way of answering questions may be related to personality itself. The use of forced choice questions or situational judgment tests (Lipnevich, MacCann and Roberts, 2013; Kyllonen, 2016) may provide a potential answer to these concerns, but the extent to which they improve validity or reliability in large rural household surveys is an open question. 4.5 Anchoring and the use of other sources of information The previous sub-section raises the possibility of different response biases affecting the answers. Another important response pattern comes from the fact that each respondent may interpret the Likert Scale differently and use thresholds to decide between answer categories. Anchoring vignettes possibly can help to address this challenge too. Another way of breaking the relationship between answer patterns and skills is to ask another person about the skills of the person of interest, not unlike the use of recommendation letters to evaluate skills in other settings. A priori, the random measurement of a person’s skills should be noisier when asking somebody else, as the other person is likely to have asymmetric information about the true skill level. Yet if it helps to address the systematic bias, or if the introduced random measurement error is limited, this may constitute an alternative or complementary manner to measure skills. To test these trade- offs, we collected proxy information from a number of different sources. First we asked the community health worker (CHW), a person well informed about different village members, based on her regular home-visits, to classify households according to their cognitive, noncognitive and 37 This was the case even after eliminating variables showing the least variation after the piloting. 27 technical skills (3 questions). 38 In addition, we ask another household member, as well as two other village members (one at test and one at retest) to give an assessment of 14 specific skills of the respondent, each answered on a Likert scale. Each person in the sample informed about 2 other people in the sample. For comparison, each person was also asked the same 14 questions about herself. Table 11 shows the correlations of these different proxy measures with the relevant scales or subscales. We note that correlations between observable and objective skills (language and math) and proxy measures are good, but that all other correlations are very low. Strikingly, for 9 out of 15 measures, the correlation between proxy measures of skills of the same person by two different people is smaller than the correlation between proxy measures of skills of two different people by the same respondent. This again points to the importance of systematic answering patterns by respondents, which appear more important than the actual skill differences between the two people about whom the proxy reports. Possibly, the fact that information about another person may be less salient than about oneself, accentuates the relative influence of the answering pattern. Turning to the predictive power of the proxy report, Table 12 shows results for the answers of the CHW. Asking the same person about the skills of multiple other persons presents the advantage of ensuring that the person uses the same anchoring, making the resulting measure more comparable within this group. As each CHW was asked about the 10 sample farmers of the village, we include village fixed effects to take out any systematic CHW effect. Column 1 shows the variation explained by only those fixed effects, column 2 show the additional variation explained by the three skill proxies as obtained from the CHW, and column 3, shows the specification with the full set of controls. The results show that using proxy reports by a village informant we obtain broadly similar results as those obtained with direct reports, with all three proxies having predictive power for yield when no other controls are included, and the CHWs report on farmers’ technical skills being particularly robust. These results are striking, as they suggest that some of the first order results can be obtained by asking 3 simple questions to a well-informed key-informant, instead of asking 2.5 hours of targeted skill questions and tests to the respondent. That said, clearly such proxy measures are not a good solution when one aims to obtain comparable skill measures across villages. More 38Because the CHW’s responsibilities requires him or her to regularly visit villagers, they were expected to be among the ones that should be best informed about the skills of others. Picking a random person in the village may not yield the same results. 28 generally, we interpret these results as evidence of a large remaining amount of measurement error in the self-reported outcomes. Results with other proxy respondents are broadly similar but are less significant and robust, possibly because the response bias cannot be cancelled out. Hence for proxy information, there appears to be a benefit of asking one well-informed and connected person about many people in the village, rather than using several proxy respondents. 4.6 Differences in the factor structure The factorial analysis of the noncognitive skills in section 3 raised concerns because it often did not pool items that were expected to belong to the same sub-constructs into the same factors. To formalize this finding, a congruence test (explained in more details in the appendix) tests the degree of correlation of the factor loads of similar items obtained in different contexts. We restrict the analysis to the 23 items from the Big Five included in our study, as we want to compare constructs based on the same set of items. Table 13 presents the congruence with respect to the same items administrated in the United States where it has been validated multiple times. It shows an average congruence across the five factors that is only .40. For comparison the congruence using the factor loads of the same items administrated in Spain, Holland and Germany show congruence coefficients ranging between .76 and .93. This finding could indicate that the underlying factor structure is different for this population than for populations on which it was previously validated. But it could also be that the lack of understanding of some items or response patterns did not allow detecting the same factor structure even if the true latent factors are similar. If the main problem was lack of understanding, we would expect the congruence with the US to be higher among individuals that are above the median of cognitive skills compared to the ones below the median, but this is not what we find. Further investigation is needed to better understand the lack of congruence. Our calculation of improved indexes used the factorial analysis of items corrected for acquiescence bias. For comparison, the factor loads of the items non-corrected for acquiescence bias are presented in Appendix Table A7. They generally show far less consistency in how the items are sorted, making it very difficult to attribute a dominant interpretation to the factors. Instead, specific factors appear to be pooling questions with the same answer types and phrasing. The first, fifth and sixth factors are only pooling items that are not reversed, and second, third and fourth factors are pooling reversed items together. Almost all factors that are not in a one to five Likert-scale sorted themselves together in the sixth factor. In sum, without the correction of acquiescence bias, the share of the variance in the responses driven by acquiescence bias and 29 other response patterns overwhelms variance in responses that is driven by the latent traits that are intended to be measured. Clearly a factor analysis that is driven by phrasing rather than actual content is of little interest to the researchers, hence the prior correction for the acquiescence bias is fundamental. Although far from making it perfect, the correction improves the items’ ability to capture a somewhat coherent factor structure. The findings in this paper hence suggest it is advisable to first correct for acquiescence bias, and systematically analyze the latent factor structure through exploratory factor analysis when using noncognitive skills data. Naïve interpretation of item aggregation following pre-existing constructs without such analysis is likely to lead to erroneous conclusions regarding noncognitive skills. 4.7 Explaining the noise in the measure of technical skill As the technical skills questions attempt to measure knowledge, one would expect them to be less affected by systematic response biases. They require respondents to choose between a series of answers that do not have a clear ranking, or to give open answers, and while respondents certainly can (and do) guess, systematic bias of all questions in a certain direction is less likely. The results in this paper indicate however that random measurement error is much more important for technical than for cognitive skills. This can be inferred from the low test-retest statistics, low Cronbach’s alpha, and the gains in precision and predictive power when using means of test and retest, or the gains in precision from using factor analysis. As discussed above, respondents’ difficulties in understanding the technical knowledge questions may partly explain the measurement error. Insights from the qualitative field work provide some additional insights for why the technical measure is noisy. To effectively assess a skill, a question needs to have only one correct answer and have enough variation in the responses to be informative of the respondents’ knowledge. However, after working with agronomists to identify the most fundamental knowledge that can affect the farmer’s productivity and piloting the questions, we found that most of them fell into one of the two following categories. Questions with unambiguous correct answers were answered correctly by the vast majority of farmers.39 In contrast, questions that had sufficient variance in the responses often were questions for which 39 This may be different when farmers have recently been exposed to new information (for instance through an extension intervention) as differences in exposure and internalization of the new messages may create more empirical variation in knowledge of this new information. 30 the right answer may depend on the context.40 Informative questions with one correct answer were difficult to find, precisely because the difficulty to make the right decisions in farming often comes from the difficulty to adapt to each context rather than applying a “one size fits all” solution. Obtaining better measures of technical skills may require the development of new techniques that assess whether the numerous micro-decisions taken by a farmer fit his environment. 5. CONCLUSIONS Cognitive, noncognitive and technical skills are thought to play a key role for many economic decisions and outcomes in developing countries and are increasingly incorporated in empirical analyses. Little is known, however, about the validity or reliability of commonly used skill measures in surveys conducted in developing countries. This study is the first to investigate the reliability, validity, and the predictive power of a large range of skill measures on a poor rural adult population in a developing country setting. We do so using data from a survey experiment, specifically designed for this purpose, and a variety of statistical tools and methodologies. The results show the cognitive skills measures are reliable and internally consistent, while technical skills are difficult to capture and very noisy. The evidence further suggests that measurement error in noncognitive skills is non-classical, as correlation between questions are driven in part by the answering patterns of the respondents and the phrasing of the questions. These results first of all suggest that collecting comparable information on cognitive skills in large household surveys in field conditions is feasible. Further validation of such measures in other contexts will be important to establish whether these conclusions hold in different settings – including possibly when cognitive measures are less correlated to educational achievement – and the extent to which such measures allow to compare cognitive outcomes across countries, or across regions/groups within a country. The study further shows how specifically accounting for measurement error through factor analysis and item response theory can help increase the validity, reliability and predictive power of the technical skill measures. It also highlights that obtaining a good aggregate and stable measure of agricultural knowledge is challenging, as the “right” answer to many agricultural 40For instance, the optimal number of seeds in a hole at planting can depend on the quality of the seeds and the spacing between seeds, and when farmers answer this question, their benchmark quality and spacing might be different than those of the agronomist. And their answers may change over time if answers reflect their most recent experiences. 31 questions is context-specific, so that it can differ both between respondents, and even for the same respondent over time. Nevertheless, once the measurement error is reduced, the technical skills seem to lead to coherent predictions. The results in this paper also show the weaknesses of instruments designed to capture noncognitive outcomes in other settings, when applied in poor rural settings. It highlights the importance of using factor analysis and corrections for response patterns to obtain more reliable and valid measures, and warns against naïve interpretation of existing scales. The study further establishes that the skill measures can contribute to explaining meaningful variation in agricultural productivity and practices. When using our best estimates to address measurement errors, we find that the three skills contribute about equally to explaining yield. That said it raises a number of questions to be investigated moving forward. Indeed, while the methods applied in this paper helped reduce some of the measurement error, a large amount of measurement error remained after such corrections in both the noncognitive and the technical constructs. The evidence further suggests that having a relatively large set of items, and repeated measures, was important to correct for the measurement error. While the purpose of this study was to explicitly test for measurement error with existing scales, these sobering results arguably suggests the need for noncognitive and technical skill measurement instruments that are more adapted to a poor rural study population, and subsequently validated. Our results also flag the relatively large variation in answers due to variation across enumerators, pointing to the importance of carefully accounting for such enumerator effects in the data collection design. Obtaining good measures of adult skills is a prerequisite for empirical work on the importance of skills for economic decision-making in developing countries and can be key to fully analyze the optimal design and potential benefits of a number of policies. For the rural sector, a better understanding of adult skills is particularly pertinent, given the often-hypothesized selection of higher skilled individuals into the non-agricultural occupations. The results in our paper suggest that if indeed this leads to low skills levels of the population engaged in farming, this may have important implications for the low productivity in agriculture and the lack of adoption of potentially profitable farming practices. Policies aiming to improve productivity might then need to go beyond training in technical skills and more broadly target the factors underlying low cognitive and noncognitive skills in developing countries. Further improvement in skill measures for these populations are hence needed to better understand the importance of these factors. 32 Finally, while this paper focuses on measures during adulthood, we fully recognize that skills start to develop much earlier in life. Indeed, it is now widely recognized that poverty during early childhood can lead to very serious cognitive delays and affect socio-emotional development (Grantham McGregor et al., 2008). 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Correlates of Acquiescence score 40 Table 1: Factor Loads of noncognitive items (corrected for acquiescence bias) Question's short  Fact  Fact  Fact  Fact  Fact  Fact  Dominant  name  Load 1  Load 2  Load 3  Load 4  Load 5  Load 6  interpretation  cesd17  0.60  ‐0.03  0.03  0.03  ‐0.02  0.04  cesd6  0.60  0.01  ‐0.04  0.01  0.08  0.05  cesd15  0.59  0.02  0.10  0.00  ‐0.10  ‐0.06  cesd14  0.59  ‐0.03  ‐0.02  ‐0.02  0.05  0.02  cesd10  0.58  0.00  ‐0.01  ‐0.04  ‐0.01  ‐0.06  cesd1  0.58  ‐0.01  ‐0.10  0.03  0.06  ‐0.03  cesd3  0.57  0.03  0.07  ‐0.01  ‐0.07  0.01  cesd18  0.55  0.01  0.02  ‐0.02  ‐0.06  ‐0.06  cesd11  0.54  0.01  ‐0.02  0.02  0.01  0.08  CESD  cesd19  0.53  ‐0.02  0.09  0.00  ‐0.03  ‐0.02  cesd2  0.51  ‐0.08  ‐0.02  0.00  0.12  0.07  cesd20  0.48  ‐0.04  0.00  0.09  0.00  0.02  cesd13  0.47  0.03  ‐0.03  ‐0.03  ‐0.08  ‐0.02  cesd9  0.41  0.13  ‐0.20  0.01  0.15  0.09  cesd5  0.39  0.02  ‐0.15  0.03  0.04  ‐0.09  cesd12  0.35  ‐0.04  0.07  ‐0.07  ‐0.06  0.26  cesd7  0.27  0.08  ‐0.18  0.07  0.06  ‐0.10  patience1  0.11  0.04  ‐0.07  ‐0.01  0.11  ‐0.03  BF_C1  0.03  0.51  0.00  0.20  ‐0.03  ‐0.01  BF_C5  0.03  0.49  0.17  0.19  0.07  ‐0.05  BF_C3  ‐0.01  0.48  0.00  ‐0.12  0.16  0.06  BF_C4  ‐0.03  0.45  0.03  ‐0.11  0.05  0.12  BF_A4  0.10  0.45  0.01  ‐0.20  0.00  ‐0.18  BF_N1  0.14  0.41  0.08  ‐0.08  0.02  0.13  BF_C6  0.12  0.39  0.23  0.15  0.06  ‐0.03  tenac2  ‐0.06  0.39  ‐0.13  0.11  ‐0.06  0.07  Conscientiousness tenac1  ‐0.06  0.36  0.09  0.06  0.10  0.06    BF_O1  ‐0.04  0.31  0.06  0.27  ‐0.05  0.21  Tenacity  BF_N2  0.14  0.30  0.00  0.10  0.01  0.23  tenac3  0.10  0.30  0.16  0.13  0.07  0.08  BF_E4  0.03  0.28  0.26  0.17  0.10  ‐0.09  metacog2  0.09  0.27  0.16  0.20  0.15  0.06  LOC1  ‐0.09  0.24  ‐0.05  ‐0.04  0.20  0.04  selfesteem1  0.08  0.23  0.18  0.10  0.06  0.14  tenac4  ‐0.03  0.18  ‐0.02  0.08  0.08  0.11  riskav3  ‐0.08  0.03  ‐0.07  0.02  ‐0.02  0.00  LOC4  0.01  0.05  0.46  ‐0.03  ‐0.04  0.02  LOC3  0.10  ‐0.10  0.43  0.15  0.17  0.05  BF_A1  0.02  0.30  0.40  ‐0.26  ‐0.18  ‐0.02  Locus of Control  LOC2  0.10  0.14  0.38  0.10  0.05  0.10    BF_O4  0.02  0.16  0.37  0.18  0.02  0.14  Metacognitive    metacog3  0.08  0.22  0.37  0.12  0.18  ‐0.03    metacog1  0.09  0.24  0.35  0.04  0.17  ‐0.09  Openness  BF_E2  0.10  0.09  0.34  0.17  0.02  0.13  BF_O2  0.05  0.18  0.34  0.19  0.06  0.07  BF_A2  0.03  0.26  0.33  0.12  ‐0.04  ‐0.13  41 causepov2  0.03  ‐0.02  0.33  0.26  0.08  0.04  LOC7  0.06  ‐0.01  0.32  0.18  0.18  ‐0.07  BF_A3  ‐0.08  0.27  0.32  0.25  0.00  ‐0.04  optim3  ‐0.03  ‐0.08  0.30  0.04  0.19  0.17  BF_O5  0.02  0.05  0.28  ‐0.24  ‐0.07  0.03  tenac6  ‐0.07  ‐0.08  0.27  ‐0.04  0.07  0.01  LOC5  ‐0.06  0.04  0.26  0.01  0.10  0.11  BF_N3  ‐0.07  0.18  0.24  0.07  0.12  0.12  LOC6  0.13  ‐0.15  0.15  0.10  0.11  0.13  causepov6  ‐0.04  0.03  0.03  0.62  0.10  ‐0.05  causepov5  0.06  0.06  ‐0.07  0.56  ‐0.06  ‐0.01  causepov7  0.09  0.02  0.08  0.55  0.07  ‐0.12  Causes of poverty   causepov9  0.06  0.00  0.07  0.55  0.09  ‐0.02  (all reversed items)  causepov8  ‐0.02  ‐0.01  0.18  0.51  0.07  0.00  optim1  ‐0.03  0.13  ‐0.41  0.21  0.08  0.06  att_change4  0.03  ‐0.02  ‐0.04  0.08  0.56  0.10  att_change5  ‐0.01  0.04  0.01  0.07  0.54  0.12  BF_E1  0.09  0.10  ‐0.02  ‐0.11  0.45  ‐0.23  att_change2  0.06  ‐0.16  0.09  0.13  0.43  0.02  BF_C2  0.08  0.14  0.09  ‐0.11  0.43  ‐0.28  BF_E3  0.05  0.17  ‐0.17  ‐0.17  0.41  ‐0.09  Attitude toward  att_change3  ‐0.04  ‐0.20  0.19  0.15  0.40  0.03  Change   selfesteem4  ‐0.02  0.21  ‐0.02  ‐0.01  0.39  0.20    BF_N4  0.08  0.11  0.04  ‐0.15  0.32  0.07  Locus of Control  BF_O3  ‐0.04  ‐0.33  0.22  ‐0.09  0.31  0.01  with visual aid  causepov4  ‐0.04  0.01  0.11  ‐0.36  0.20  0.03  LOC_va2  0.07  ‐0.03  0.07  0.14  0.17  0.02  LOC_va1  0.13  ‐0.09  0.07  0.13  0.16  ‐0.02  causepov3  0.05  ‐0.04  0.08  ‐0.55  0.15  ‐0.03  LOC_va3  0.07  ‐0.15  0.03  0.07  0.13  ‐0.02  causepov1  ‐0.07  0.03  0.01  ‐0.57  0.07  ‐0.10  cesd4  0.15  ‐0.03  0.10  ‐0.13  0.02  0.40  selfesteem2  ‐0.05  0.24  ‐0.26  ‐0.02  0.15  0.39  cesd21  0.12  ‐0.05  0.10  ‐0.09  0.02  0.38  selfesteem3  0.10  0.07  ‐0.14  0.21  0.04  0.38  CESD positive  cesd16  0.22  ‐0.09  0.06  ‐0.09  0.05  0.38    att_change1  ‐0.04  0.00  0.10  ‐0.18  ‐0.06  0.37  Self‐esteem  cesd8  0.06  ‐0.05  0.17  0.01  ‐0.02  0.36    optim2  ‐0.03  0.18  ‐0.01  ‐0.02  0.12  0.33  Risk   aversion  tenac5  0.02  0.25  0.07  ‐0.09  ‐0.04  0.32  riskav2  ‐0.08  ‐0.06  ‐0.03  ‐0.06  ‐0.13  0.20  riskav1  ‐0.09  ‐0.15  0.07  ‐0.01  0.04  0.13  Note: items with possible acquiescence bias are demeaned by subtracting the person‐specific  acquiescence score.  42 Table 2: Measures of reliability and Internal Consistency 43 Table 3: Correlations between cognitive measures, education and literacy Oral Math  Math  Literacy  Years of  Reading  Raven  Digit Span  questions  (timed)  dummy  Education  Oral Math  1                    questions  Reading  0.61  1  Raven  0.52  0.51  1  Math  0.57  0.62  0.46  1  (timed)    Digit Span  0.46  0.48  0.42  0.46  1        Literacy  0.41  0.57  0.36  0.55  0.40  1     dummy  Years of  0.58  0.70  0.47  0.65  0.49  0.65  1  Education  The first 3 sub‐constructs are calculated using item response  theory  44 Table 4: Regressions of the average rank of maize yield across seasons on skill constructs    SKILLS CONSTUCTS USED AS REGRESSORS:  Mean  Mean  Mean  Mean  Mean  Mean  Naïve  Improved  Naïve  Improved  Naïve  improved  improved  Naïve  improved  improved  Score  Index  Score  Index  VARIABLES  Score  Index  Index  Score  Index  Index     (1)  (2)  (3)  (4)  (5)  (6)  (7)  (8)  (9)  (10)  Cognitive skills  2.87***  2.27***  2.27***  1.61**  3.74***  2.69**  2.62**  3.29***  3.33***  4.19***  (0.753)  (0.736)  (0.809)  (0.802)  (0.769)  (1.159)  (1.142)  (1.101)  (1.138)  (1.102)  Noncognitive skills  4.03***  3.90***  4.83***  4.40***  5.40***  3.84***  3.97***  4.28***  4.22***  4.67***  (0.723)  (0.701)  (0.863)  (0.847)  (0.895)  (0.754)  (0.729)  (0.946)  (0.908)  (0.922)  Technical skills  3.37***  4.40***  5.47***  6.41***  0.57  1.39  2.37**  3.03***  (0.828)  (0.829)  (0.989)  (0.951)  (0.924)  (0.867)  (1.055)  (1.045)  Observations  903  893  903  893  893  903  893  903  893  893  R‐squared  0.121  0.145  0.146  0.169  0.122  0.431  0.438  0.441  0.449  0.442  Controls  No  No  No  No  No  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  F Test Diff.  0.614  0.239  0.102  0.00735  0.257  0.0215  0.104  0.407  0.706  0.782  Note: Dependent variable is the average rank of maize yields calculated over the 4 seasons (short rain 14 to long rain 16). Controls include  education, literacy, gender, age and age squared of the farmer, land and cattle ownership, size and quality of the house, household size,  whether the farmer is the household head, household head’s gender, village fixed effects and enumerator‐assignment fixed effects. Robust  standard errors in parentheses. *** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1  45 Table 5: Regressions of the average rank of maize yield on naïve skill sub-constructs 46 Table 6: Regressions of the average rank of maize yield on improved skill sub-constructs         Table 7: Regressions of agricultural practices on skill constructs      47 Table 8: Regressions of agricultural practices on improved skill sub-constructs 48 Table 9: Test-retest correlations, Cronbach’s alpha and influence of enumerators by subgroups Table 10: Test-retest correlations as a function of order of the section in the survey instrument Cognitive Order in Retest p-val all 1 2 3 coef equal Order 1 0.87 0.90 0.87 in 2 0.80 0.91 0.83 0.049 Test 3 0.84 0.87 0.83 Noncognitive Order in Retest p-val all 1 2 3 coef equal Order 1 0.60 0.49 0.32 in 2 0.57 0.62 0.57 0.008 Test 3 0.50 0.54 0.73 Technical Order in Retest p-val all 1 2 3 coef equal Order 1 0.52 0.37 0.36 in 2 0.51 0.30 0.47 0.505 Test 3 0.37 0.42 0.38 49 Table 11: Correlation of different skill proxy measures with subscales measuring same domain 50 Table 12: Skills asked to a village informant: correlation with skills index and prediction of average rank of maize yield Table 13: Congruence of Big 5 factors compared to United States, comparisons with other countries 51 APPENDIX TABLES Table A1.A: List of tests of the cognitive skill section An oral 9‐item math test containing short math puzzles and increasing in level of  difficulty. Each puzzle contains one or two phrases including the question. Answers can  Oral Math  be open or multiple choice, some questions are framed to mimic math problems farmers  questions  might need to solve in daily live but they never require actual farming knowledge.  A reading comprehension test. Farmers were given 3 small texts of 5 to 7 lines (2 in  Swahili and 1 in English or vice versa). In each exercise, they were asked to read the text  and then asked 4 questions about the text (2 multiple choice and 2 open). They were  Reading  allowed to consult the text while answering. The texts present (fictitious) information  regarding agricultural inputs, and were inspired by guidelines found on input packages.  No time limit was imposed.  The 36 item Raven Colored Progressive matrices, measuring visual processing and  analytical reasoning and executive functioning. People are asked to select the missing  Raven  puzzle piece from a bigger image, with patterns becoming increasingly difficult.  A timed math tests with 160 basic additions, subtractions and multiplications.  Math  Respondents are given a sheet of paper with the questions, and get 3 minutes to  (timed)  complete as many as they can.  The digit span forwards and backwards (measuring short‐term memory and executive  functioning).  People are asked (without visual aid) to repeat a series of numbers that the  enumerator reads to them. It starts with a 3 number series with the series becoming  Digit Span  progressively longer as long as the respondent manages to repeat the series correctly.  Afterwards, they are asked to repeat different series backwards (starting from a 2  number series and again gradually increasing the length of the series).  52 Table A1.B: List of items of the noncognitive skill section 53 54 Table A1.C: List of items of the technical skill section 55 56 Table A2: Number of factors to be retained according to different methods Table A3: Factor Loads of Big 5 personality traits 57 Table A4: Comparison of naïve scores in test and retest Table A5: Measures of reliability and validity for noncognitive measures corrected for acquiescence bias 58 Table A6: The effect of time (instrumented date of survey) on scores 59 Table A7: Factor Loads of noncognitive items (items taken as they are, without correction for acquiescence bias) 60 61 Table A8: Regressions of the average of log maize yield across seasons on skill constructs 62 Table A9: Regressions of the average log maize yield on naïve skill sub-constructs 63 Table A10: Regressions of the average log of maize yield on improved skill sub-constructs Table A11: Skills asked to a village informant: prediction of average log of maize yield 64 Appendix 1: questionnaire design and sources A review of studies and questionnaires using different approaches to measure cognitive, noncognitive and technical skills of adults preceded the initial questionnaire design. 41 This appendix discusses the choices made to design the final instruments, including methods used to reduce the number of questions and hence the overall duration of the questionnaire. It also, provides information about the source of the different scales and tests used, and references other papers that use them. Cognitive module In most empirical work in development economics, a household’s skill level is proxied by the education level of the household head, the maximum number of years of education in the household, or an individual’s self-assessment of his literacy level. However, education is not always a strong correlate of productivity differences in agriculture. Existing literature reviews (Lockheed, Jamison and Lau, 1980; Phillips, 1994) indicate that the production increase resulting from four years of additional schooling is typically 7% to 8%. While the correlation is most often positive, in many papers it is not statistically significant. It may well be that grades attained or self-assessed literacy are not good measures of the farmers’ active knowledge of reading or math. Farmers reading skills might matter e.g. for the processing of information regarding input use, and his math skills might be crucial to make optimal cost-benefit analysis. A priori it is also quite possible that it is a farmer’s broader cognitive skills (such as memory, processing ability, or analytical thinking) rather than his classroom knowledge (such as reading or math) that help him adapt to the varying conditions of climate or soil. 42 There are many tests that are designed specifically to measure cognitive skills but many are hard to apply as part of a large household survey. Not only do these tests typically require a level of standardization and quality control that goes beyond the usual training and supervision of household survey enumerators, they can also be very time-consuming, might require a standardized test-taking environment and/or specialized professional test administrators (such as licensed psychologists), might have content that is inappropriate for developing country settings, 41We do not consider the literature on measuring skills for children and teenagers, as most instruments would not necessarily be relevant for adults See, for instance, Cueto and Leon (2012) for psychometric analysis of the skills measures in the Young Lives surveys. 42 A useful distinction can be between fluid intelligence (the ability to solve novel problems) and crystallized intelligence (knowledge and developed skills) – Cattell (1987). 65 or require the use of test material that is unpractical in field circumstances. Moreover, any language-based tests are likely to suffer from lack of comparability across countries – and often also within countries - and lack of standardization upon translation. Existing short and non- language based tests (often based on visual aids) that do not suffer from these limitations are sometimes used as alternative for inclusion in household surveys. With the objective of measuring different aspects of adult farmers’ cognitive ability, we selected five different cognitive tests: i) The 36 item Raven Colored Progressive matrices; ii) The digit span forwards and backwards; iii) A timed math test with 160 basic additions, subtractions and multiplications; iv) An oral 9-item math questions tests containing short math puzzles and increasing in level of difficulty; and v) A reading comprehension test. Table A1A provides a detailed description for each of these tests. Versions of the Raven and the digit span are very frequently used in surveys in developing countries (de Mel, Mckenzie and Woodruff, 2009a, 2010; Beaman and Magruder, 2012; Dupas and Robinson, 2013; Giné and Mansuri, 2014; Djankov et al., 2015); and the timed math tests has also been used before (Barham, Macours, Maluccio, 2013). Jamison and Moock (1984) used numeracy questions, literacy tests and raven tests. The specific math puzzles and the reading comprehension tests used in this paper were designed for the purpose of this experiment. The outcomes of these test give us an observed outcome of the farmers’ cognitive skills. Noncognitive module The choice of subscales was based on comparisons with the seminal papers in the literature on noncognitive skills, complemented with scales used in the literature on small business development in developing countries. 43 We also added measures used in the small but growing empirical literature on aspirations and locus of control in developing countries. For each of the scales, we selected a subset of items to be included in the final survey instrument after piloting. We followed standard practices in psychology and broader insights from the psychometric literature, regarding selection of questions, question type and mode of analysis. In particular, questions of the different subscales as well as all 44 questions of the BFI were incorporated in the pilot version of the questionnaire. During piloting, a relatively large set of 43 While most of these scales were originally designed for self-administration (i.e. respondents directly filling in answers), in Kenya they were asked by the enumerators to the respondent, reflecting how they are typically used in large household or individual surveys. 66 questions was identified with either very little variation (because everybody agreed with a certain positive statement), or a bi-modal distribution, typically in the case of reverse-coded questions. In extreme cases this led to negative correlations between variables that should capture the same latent trait. Qualitative field observations allowed to interpret the underlying answering pattern, with people either understanding the reverse question, in which case they often disagreed, or not understanding the reverse question, in which case they reverted to agreeing, as a fallback. Hence these distributions of the individual variables suggested a relatively high level of acquiescence bias or “ya-saying” in the study population. Variables were eliminated if they showed very little correlations with other variables belonging to the same construct, or showed very little variation. For the Big Five personality traits, we use a version of the Big Five Inventory (BFI) written for a population with 5 years of education. The BFI is a commonly used instrument for the Big Five factor model, a higher module assumed to encompass the most generally important personality traits (John, Donahue, and Kentle, 1991; John, Naumann and Soto, 2008). The BFI has been used in the development economics literature by Dal Bo, Finan, and Rossi (2013); Callen et al. (2015). The BFI instrument has 44 items, and all 44 items were included in the pilot version of the instrument. After piloting, the number of BFI items was reduced to 23, keeping at least 3 questions for each personality trait, and a balance between the positive and reverse-coded items. The 23 items include the 10 items of the shorter BFI-10 scale (Rammstedt and John, 2007). For Locus-of-Control we use a subset of the Levenson’s (1981) “Internality, Powerful Others and Chance scales”. This scale is used, for instance, by Acharya et al. (2007) and Bernard et al (2014). We also use a subset of items from the Attributions for Poverty scale (Feagin, 1972, 1975), similarly used in Bernard et al (2014). We also added a series of locus-of-control questions with visual aids. The respondent was asked to allocate 10 beans between different answer options for three locus of control questions. The questions followed the general concepts of standardized locus-of-control instruments, and the visual aid aimed at increasing engagement and understanding of the respondents. For example a question asked the respondent to allocate 10 beans to three possible reasons for why some individuals have more economic success than others from: 1) Efforts and Decisions, 2) Luck, and 3) Birth. The literature on the formation and predictive power of noncognitive skills in the US often uses measures of both locus-of-control and self-esteem (Heckman, Stixrud and Urzua, 2006; Heckman and Kautz, 2012; among many others). Following this literature, the questions of self-esteem used come from the Rosenberg (1965) scale. In development economics, similar measures are used in 67 Blattman, Jamison and Sheridan (2016); Blattman and Dercon (2016); Adhvaryu, Kala and Nyshadham (2016). A number of additional subscales were included because of their frequent use in the literature on small business development in developing countries. While this literature typically focuses on non-agricultural businesses, it seems plausible that some of the same characteristics may affect success in farming business. In particular, we followed studies analyzing what distinguishes entrepreneurs from others in developing contexts that have used measures of optimism, attitudes towards change, tenacity&organization, self-control, meta-cognitive activity, risk aversion and patience, similar to the ones we test, in addition to the BFI, internal locus of control, and self- esteem (Krauss et al. 2005; De Mel et al. 2009b, 2010; Giné and Mansuri, 2014; Djankov et al., 2015). Some of these subscales are conceptually closely related to one of the Big Five personality traits (with tenacity&organization, for instance, related to conscientiousness). Most items were asked using a Likert scale, following the original scales. A few items were however changed to a binary scale, and some others we adapted to fit the agricultural context (see details of items in Table A1.B). Finally, the CESD was added as it is often used in studies in developing countries, including in national representative panel surveys such as the Indonesian Family Life Survey and the Mexican Family Life Survey. It is arguably related to the Neuroticism personality trait. It consists of a set of 20 questions asking about the respondents’ emotions in the last 7 days. As such it is more direct and arguably less abstract than the Likert scale questions. One additional question was added to capture perceptions of upward mobility using the same 7 day format. Technical module Technical skills and agricultural knowledge required for farming are likely to differ a lot from context to context. For this reason rather than replicating specific questions from prior survey instruments, we reviewed the literature to categorize existing approaches, and then designed a questionnaire that uses similar categories, but with specific questions adapted to the study population. The majority of studies measuring technical knowledge do it with the intention of evaluating learning from a training provided to farmers, for instance through Farmer Field Schools (Godtland et al. 2004; Feder et al 2004; Maureci et al. 2007; David 2007; Buck and Alwang 2011). Consequently, they tend to provide an assessment of the practices that are taught by the 68 intervention in order to track progresses in related knowledge. A few studies apply a broader technical knowledge assessment, including Goldstein and Udry (1999), Hanna, Mullainathan, and Schwartzstein (2014), Kondylis, Mueller and Zhu (2015) and the Ethiopia Rural Household Surveys (ERHS) of 1999. Based on a review of questionnaires used in those studies, one can classify questions based on form, (i.e. how they evaluate technical skills), the technology or practices referred to when assessing skills, and the type of knowledge asked about when assessing skills. With regard to the form, knowledge tests with a series of multiple-choice or open-ended questions are used in a number of studies, and the skill measures used in this paper are constructed from such questions.44 When assessing skills, the technology or practices referred to have to be a function of the crops in the region of study. Hence for a general knowledge tests, initial fieldwork and local knowledge is important to first identify which crops, technologies and practices are most common in the region and can best help distinguish farmers with best practices from less knowledgeable ones. The particular crops, technologies and practices referred to in our survey instrument were based on qualitative fieldwork prior to questionnaire design and knowledge of local agronomists. The review of the literature further revealed a relatively large commonality regarding the types of knowledge that are being assessed (even if it were applied to different crops and practices). For example, questions often ask for mode of application, quantity and timing of inputs, all common practical issues faced by farmers with important consequences for yield. The ability to recognize deficiencies, pests etc. are also common. A potential challenge for such questions is that the optimal practice may depend on a number of other factors, making it hard to evaluate whether the answer provided by a farmer is “correct” or not. A different type of question asks for theoretical knowledge such as, for instance, the type of nutrients included in certain fertilizers. These have the advantage of having unambiguous correct answers, but one can wonder whether they capture the type of practical knowledge that matters for productivity (in case farmers, for instance, know which fertilizer to use and when, but do not know its composition). Whether such theoretical questions are good predictors of practices and productivity is part of the questions of interest for this study. 44 A relatively large number of questionnaires also ask farmers to self-assess their level of knowledge. Alternatively, farmers are sometimes asked what they actually do rather than what they know. The former is likely prone to subjectivity, while the later measures the combination of many other constraints (budget, time, etc.) in addition to differences in technical skills. Given these concerns, this study focuses agricultural knowledge tests. 69 Based on the categorizing of existing questions in the literature, we designed an instrument that covered the different types of knowledge for the practices and technologies relevant in the region of study. Extensive fieldwork in cooperation with local agronomists was required to design, test and adapt the questions. As for the noncognitive module, only questions showing sufficient variation in answers during piloting were kept. This led to exclusion of certain practices (such as pest management or irrigation) as knowledge about them was extremely limited in the region. Figure: Classification technical skills questions Form of Evaluation  Technology or Practices  Type of knowledge  Test: Multiple choice or open  Seeds  How to apply an input:   questions about best practices,  ‐ Where to apply it  Fertilizer (mineral / biofertilizer)  assessing whether the  ‐ What quantity  Herbicide, Pesticide or Integrated  respondent finds the right  ‐ Timing of application  Pest Management  answer.  ‐ Other decisions (spacing…)  Irrigation  Self‐assessment: subjective  Recognizing: pests, plant  assessment or "do you know…"  Soil management practices:  deficiencies, better seeds… to  ‐ Manure, compost, use of stalk  decide what inputs or practices to  What the farmer does: use of  ‐ Rotation, intercropping  apply.   practices or technology  ‐ Tillage  How to use a complex practice  Sources of information: training  Planting practices (number of  (composting, fertilizer mix...)  received, extension, etc.   seeds, spacing, gapping, etc.)  Theoretical knowledge (e.g. name  Storage / usage /  of nutrients in mineral fertilizer)  commercialization  70 Appendix 2: Brief introduction to psychometrics concepts and methods used Reliability Reliability is the overall consistency of a measure. A measure is said to have a high reliability if it produces similar results under similar conditions. A measure that is very noisy is a measure with low reliability. In classical theory, it is assumed that a person's observed or obtained score on a test is the sum of a true score (T) and a Measurement Error (E): Hence the variance of X is given by: In this setting, reliability is the ratio of variability in item X due to variation of the true score T: It can thus be interpreted as the ratio of the variance of a given measure that is driven by the true variance of the score across the population, or equivalently 1 minus the share of variance explained by pure measurement error. An estimation of the reliability can be obtained with the test-retest correlation (consistency across time). If measurement error is classical, the test-retest correlation gives a good indication of the signal to total variance ratio. On the other hand, the test-retest correlation can under or over-state the signal to total variance ratio in case of non-classical measurement error. If the errors in measurement are positively correlated over time, for instance because both measures suffer from persistent acquiescence bias, the test-retest correlation will overstate the reliability of the data. The Cronbach’s alpha is also an indicator of reliability, and provides a measure of consistency across items expected to measure the same latent construct. As such the Cronbach’s alpha is, however, also an indicator of validity. Validity Test validity is the extent to which a test measures what it is supposed to measure. 71 Validity refers to the degree to which evidence and theory support the interpretations of test scores entailed by proposed uses of tests. Among the key indicators of validity are the following ones: - Face validity assesses the extent to which a test is subjectively viewed as covering the concept it purports to measure. For example a question about self-confidence should seem to ask about self-confidence (hence a question with high correlation with related measures but seemingly asking something very different cannot be considered valid) - Content validity refers to the extent to which a measure represents all facets of a given construct. - Piloting experience and use of psychometric scales validated in other contexts - Construct validity: Correlation with other measures intending to measure the same construct - Predictive validity: it should predict well related behaviors that are theoretically expected to be correlated with the measure A more detailed explanation of reliability and validity can be found in American Educational Research Association et al. (1999). Test-retest correlation Test-retest correlation is the correlation between measures using the same instrument, measured twice, on the same person, in similar conditions within a relatively short period of time. Temporal stability provides an assessment of the reliability of a measure. Typically a similar test is applied twice to the same population within a period short enough that that the traits that the researcher intends to measure should not have changed, but long enough that respondents do not remember their original responses. A standard period between test and retest goes from two weeks to one month. Under classical theory assumptions, the correlation between the test and the retest can be interpreted as a direct measure of reliability as defined above ( ) hence the correlation can directly be interpreted as the share of variance of the measure explained by the variance of the true score. 72 Crocker and Algina (2006) and Nunally, and Bernstein (1994) provide a broader explanation of classical test theory and test-retest correlation. Cronbach’s alpha The Cronbach’s alpha (Chronbach 1951) is one of the most widely used measures of internal consistency of a test. Cronbach's alpha is mathematically equivalent to the expected value of the split-half reliability. Split-half reliability is obtained by 1) randomly splitting the items into two sets of items of equal size, 2) calculating the average of each set of items, and 3) calculating the correlations between these two sets of items. Although not calculated this way, the Cronbach's alpha is equal to the average of the correlations obtained through all the possible combinations of split-half reliability. It provides an indicator of how well the items correlate among them (although it also increases with the number of items). Assume that we have a measure made of items: ⋯ Its Cronbach’s alpha is given by: ∑ 1 1 Where is the variance of item and is the variance of the measure . The Cronbach’s alpha provides an assessment of both the construct’s validity and its reliability. It is said to provide a lower bound on the reliability of a test, because for the case where all items are measuring exactly the same construct, the Cronbach’s alpha would only be affected by the measurement error of each item and is a pure measure of reliability. When it is not the case, then the Cronbach’s alpha is also affected by the extent to which items are measuring the same latent construct. Hence a low Cronbach’s alpha indicates that either the items are measuring very different latent constructs (the validity is poor since the items are usually pooled with the intention to measure one latent construct) or they are measuring the same latent construct but with a lot of noise, hence the reliability is low. A Cronbach’s alpha of 0.9 tends to be required when individual decisions will be made based on a specific test (for example student’s admissions, Nunnally and Bernstein, 1994; Kline, 2013), but an alpha of .7 is often considered acceptable for the purpose of statistical analysis. 73 Exploratory Factor Analysis and deciding the number of factors Here we provide a very brief description of four methods that we used and that are commonly used to determine the number of factors to be retained. Valero-Mora (2007) provides a more detailed explanation of the methods and their advantages and caveats. 1) Kaiser’s (1958) criterion only keeps factors with an eigenvalue higher than one; 2) Visual inspection of the Catell (1966) scree plot. Cattell's rule is such that the number of factors should be equal to the number of eigenvalues before which the smooth decrease of eigenvalues appears to level off on to the right of the plot; 3) Velicer’s (1976) Minimum Average Partial minimizes the unexplained partial correlation; 4) Horn ’s (1965) Parallel Analysis keeps the factors as long as they explain more than the 95th percentile of eigenvalues from randomly generated data (Cota, Longman, Holden, Fekken, & Xinaris, 1993; Glorfeld, 1995). Valero-Mora (2007) argues that the methods of Velicer and Horn are more reliable. Given that different methods do not always lead to the same conclusions, we opted for the number of factors most commonly suggested by the methods, putting more emphasis on the last two. Item Response Theory Item Response Theory offers a structural way of using a set of items to measure a latent ability or trait. It is based on the idea that the probability of a correct/keyed response to an item is a mathematical function of person and item parameters. For example, in the case of binary items, it considers that the probability of getting the correct answer to each item is a logarithmic function of the difficulty of the item and the latent ability of the respondent. IRT simultaneously estimates the difficulty of each item and the ability of each respondent, such that it maximizes the likelihood of the responses observed in the data. IRT has become the standard tool for high stakes tests such as GRE or GMAT because it is believed to provide a greater precision than Classical Test Theory. IRT requires the following assumptions: 1) Uni-dimensionality; assessed through factor analysis; 74 2) Local independence (which is violated for timed tests, or for tests for which one question affects answers to the following one(s)); 3) Monotonicity (item characteristic curve well behaved – see below). The graphs below represents the Item Characteristic Curve (ICC) which is the probability of getting a correct answer to a given item, conditional on the respondent’s underlying ability. In the one parameter model, also called Rasch Model, the difficulty of each item is the parameter estimated (where b-value is 0 in the graph). The two-parameter model also estimates the discriminant, which is the slope (a-value) at difficulty and can be interpreted as the effect of the underlying ability on the respondent’s probability to answer the question correctly. The three- parameter model adds a pseudo guessing parameter (c-value), which estimates the probability of a respondent with lowest level of ability to obtain a correct answer. Using these three parameters, the conditional probability of getting a correct answer to item for an individual with underlying ability is given by: 1 1 The Graded Response Model applies a similar logic, with multiple difficulty parameters in order to deal with ordered polytomous variables. More about GRM can be found in Van der Linden and Hambleton (2013). 75 IRT also allows hybrid models that combine the different types of model. For the technical skills we combine the Graded Response Model with the Two-Parameter Model. We do so, because we have two types of questions. The vast majority of questions are multiple choice questions where the respondent can choose only one possible answer. Based on this answer, we created a binary variable for whether the answer was correct or not. In some questions, however, it was possible to select multiple answers, in which case we created a count variable indicating the number of correct answers, but penalizing for wrong answers selected. In the cognitive sub-constructs, we used a hybrid of Three-Parameter Model and Two-Parameter Model, because for some questions the guessing parameter was found to be zero (in which case there is no gain from the three parameter model). For a general introduction to IRT, see Hambleton and Swaminathan (2013). Tucker's Congruence Coefficient The Tucker’s congruence coefficient (or simply congruence coefficient) is an index that assesses the similarity between factor structures of the same set of items applied to two different populations. One first applies a factorial analysis to the two populations. In order to assess the similarity between a factor and a factor , after applying factorial analysis to two different population, one calculates the correlation coefficient (by item) of the two vectors of factor loadings. ∑, , ∑ ∑ Where , and , are the loadings of item on factors and , respectively (each one extracted from applying the factor analysis of the same items to a different population). , can be interpreted as a standardized measure of proportionality of elements in both vectors. A coefficient that is equal to 1 corresponds to a perfectly identical factor structure between the two populations, while a coefficient equal to 0 corresponds to a factorial that is completely orthogonal. For an order of magnitude, Lorenzo-Seva and Ten Berge (2006) indicate that a congruence coefficient over .95 implies a good similarity, and a range of [.85 - .94] shows fair similarity. 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