67576 The United Republic of Tanzania Ninth Poverty Reduction Support Credit (PRSC-9) SUMMMARY OF DISCUSSION* Meeting of the Executive Directors March 15, 2012 Executive Directors approved the Ninth Poverty Reduction Support Credit to the United Republic of Tanzania in the amount of SDR 64.5 million (USD 100 million equivalent) on the payment terms and conditions set out in the President’s Memorandum (IDA/R2012-0037). Executive Directors expressed support for the Ninth Poverty Reduction Support Credit and commended its close alignment with the Government of Tanzania’s poverty reduction strategy and the Five Year Development Plan, the Bank’s Country Assistance Strategy, and the Africa Strategy, as well as on-going programs of development partners. Executive Directors discussed both risks and potential for progress toward achieving MDGs. Directors encouraged continued attention to fiscal prudence and debt sustainability; poverty reduction efforts and gender focus. In addition, they urged improvement of the investment climate; public financial management and transparency as well as further donor coordination. ________________________  This summary is not an approved record.