AUTORITE DU BASSIN DU NIGER NIGER BASIN AUTHORITY Secrétariat Exécutif Executive Secretariat B.P 729, Niamey (Niger) P.O.Box 729, Niamey (Niger) 102271 INVESTMENT PLAN FOR THE STRENGTHENING OF RESILIENCE TO CLIMATE CHANGE IN THE NIGER BASIN Final version Version 7.3 November 2015 The World Bank has supported the preparation of the document In collaboration with the African Development Bank With the support of the CIWA project And in collaboration with the African Water Facility INVESTMENT PLAN FOR THE STRENGTHENING OF RESILIENCE TO CLIMATE CHANGE IN THE NIGER BASIN Final version EXECUTIVE SUMMARY......................................................................................... 1 PREAMBLE ............................................................................................................ 3 1. VULNERABILITY OF THE NIGER BASIN TO CLIMATE RISKS .................... 7 1.1 Main characteristics of the Niger Basin 7 1.2 Extreme vulnerability to climate risks 8 2. FRAMEWORK OF THE CLIMATE RESILIENCE INVESTMENT PLAN DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY ........................................................................ 10 2.1 CRIP development strategy 10 2.2 Method of selecting the measures of the CRIP 13 2.2.1 Definition of the criteria for selection of the measures 13 Aims 13 The selection criteria 13 2.2.2 Justification of the measures selected 19 3. CLIMATE RESILIENCE INVESTMENT PLAN AIMING TO STRENGTHEN CLIMATE RESILIENCE IN THE NIGER BASIN .................. 21 3.1 Presentation and architecture 21 3.2 Selected actions 23 3.3 CRIP expected results and impacts - Monitoring and evaluation 41 3.4 Implementation strategy 45 3.4.1 Programmation 45 3.4.2 Gender equality 45 4. FUNDING OF THE CLIMATE RESILIENCE INVESTMENT PLAN ............... 46 4.1 Positioning with regard to other adaptation programmes 46 4.2 Cost of the Climate Resilience Investment Plan 46 4.3 Funding plan 49 d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin 4.3.1 Current state of identified funding sources 49 4.3.2 Fundraising strategy 50 5. NEXT STAGES OF THE PROCESS .............................................................. 53 APPENDIXES ....................................................................................................... 55 Appendix A : Definitions 56 Appendix B : Design process of NBA’s planning documents 60 Appendix C : Climate projections and impacts on the water cycle in the Niger River Basin 62 Appendix D : Sectoral impacts of climate change in the Niger River Basin 67 Appendix E : Selection methodology of the actions to be incorporated into the Climate Resilience Investment Plan 74 Appendix F : Documents and contributions used for the selection of the actions 78 Appendix G : Selected actions classified by country 81 Appendix H : Financial and implementation schedule of the CRIP actions 114 Appendix I : Adaptation and Resilience funding sources identified 135 Appendix J : Implementation strategy 138 Appendix K : Bibliography. 149 Appendix L : Acronyms and abbreviation 151 d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin TABLE OF ILLUSTRATIONS LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1-1: Map of the Niger Basin .................................................................................................... 7 Figure 1-2 : Vulnerability index to climate change (ND-GAIN 2013) .................................................. 8 Figure 3-1: Distribution of the CRIP actions contribution to socio-economic infrastructure development in the Niger basin ................................................................................... 43 Figure 3-2: Distribution of the CRIP actions contributing to ecosystem conservation and resources protection in the Niger basin ....................................................................... 43 Figure A-1 : Diagram defining the climate risk and possible strategies to strengthen resilience to climate change. ....................................................................................... 57 Figure C-2: Development of climate and hydrological elements as a result of climate change - cause and effect flow chart ........................................................................................ 66 LIST OF TABLES Table 2-1: Criteria for the selection and prioritisation of the measures in the CRIP to strengthen resilience to the impacts of climate change ............................................... 15 Table 3-1 : Breakdown of CRIP actions based on the type of adaptation measure ........................ 22 Table 3-2 : CRIP performance indicators ......................................................................................... 41 Table 4-1: Cost of the Climate Resilience Investment Plan per type of adaptation measure .......... 47 Table 4-2 : Financial programming of the CRIP actions based on the 3-year plans of the OP. ...... 48 Table 4-3: Level of identification of funding for the measures selected in the Climate 3 Resilience Investment Plan aggregated by type of adaptation measures ................. 49 Table 4-4 : Breakdown of the identified and to be identified funding sources for the CRIP actions according to the 3-year plans of the OP. ......................................................... 50 Table C-1: Possible effects of climate change in the NRB .............................................................. 65 d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin Executive Summary 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The African continent is among the most vulnerable to climate change due to a combination of the anticipated effects of climate change and to ongoing development challenges, high poverty levels, and low adaptive-capacity. Among a wide array of possible impacts of climate change, Africa will experience compounded stress on water resources that already face significant strain from overexploitation and degradation, with drought stress exacerbated in drought-prone regions. The Niger River Basin in West Africa is on the extreme end of the vulnerability scale. The Basin suffers further from a large Adaptation Deficit - national and local governments are not equipped to respond to ongoing climate-related events, much less escalated future events. The Niger Basin is an expansive region in West Africa that is home to more than 130 million people throughout the nine countries of Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Chad, Ivory Coast, Guinea, Mali, Niger, and Nigeria. The Niger River and its tributaries are a vital lifeline providing drinking water, irrigation, aquaculture, energy, and transport to these nine riparian countries. Heavy reliance on natural resources, combined with ongoing conflicts, and political instability make it one of the most fragile river basins in Africa. Over 70% of the population lives in areas where food security depends on unreliable rainfall and highly variable inter-annual and intra-annual river flows. Climate variability has long been a challenge and an obstacle for development in the Basin. Climate change will compound these extreme events and raise further obstacles to the region ‟s achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals related to water management, food security, environmental sustainability, and health, among others. The impacts of climate change increase the risk of natural disasters such as floods and droughts, degrade the biodiversity and ecosystems associated with the river, and have consequences on every economic sector. These impacts have a compounding effect that threatens food and energy security, economic development, and the preservation of the ecosystems in the Niger Basin. Financial, technological and managerial capacity gaps in the Niger Basin increase the overall challenge of managing the river‟s variability and responding effectively to peoples‟ needs. In addition, the absence of adequate infrastructure undermines countries‟ abilities to store water in times of scarcity, control flooding, and provide stable and affordable energy. All of these factors increase threats to food and energy security, economic development, health of the ecosystems, and overall stability in the Basin. Yet despite these development challenges and high poverty levels – 6 of the 9 riparian countries are considered Least Developed Countries (LDCs) and are among the twenty poorest in the world – there are vast opportunities for improving livelihoods in the Basin and strengthening its overall development. Two key elements bring hope to the region for addressing these challenges: (1) a history of cooperation between the riparian countries of the Niger Basin; and (2) an exceptionally high potential for sustainable development that includes resilience-building and strengthening of adaptive capacity. The Niger Basin countries recognize that the shared nature of their water resources presents an opportunity for a collaboration and coordination that will derive greater resilience-building outcomes. The Investment Plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger River Basin (abbreviated as Climate Resilience Investment Plan - CRIP) was prepared and will be implemented by the Niger riparian countries and the Niger Basin Authority (NBA), one of the oldest African intergovernmental agencies, created in 1964 in Niamey, Niger. In the spring of 2015, during a ministerial round table on the future of the Niger River, the nine riparian countries agreed to launch an initiative directed at building a coherent ensemble of actions d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin Executive Summary 2 and investments to strengthen the resilience to climate change in the Niger River Basin, with the objective of mobilizing resources for climate-related development. The CRIP includes 246 actions that are divided in two packages: (1) the Knowledge Package and (2) the Sectoral Investment Package. Actions were culled from the NBA‟s Operational Plan, member countries‟ National Adaptation Programmes of Action (NAPAs) and N ational Adaptation Plans (NAPs), as well as country proposals. These actions include: Knowledge Package Sectoral Investment Package Measures to enhance Measures targeting vulnerability to water stress knowledge and strengthen response to climate and Measures targeting vulnerability to flooding hydrological risks Measures targeting vulnerability to soil degradation Measures targeting vulnerability to degradation of the grazing Measures to assess land vulnerability, communicate, and Measures targeting vulnerability to degradation of the raise awareness ecosystems Measures targeting vulnerability to deterioration of the water Measures to strengthen capacity quality and integrate adaptation into Measures targeting vulnerability linked to the rising sea-level bodies and management instruments of the national and Measures strengthening resilience (e.g. generation of jobs, regional institutions of the Basin revenues, etc.) Full implementation of the plan is estimated to cost USD $3.11 billion. The plan will mobilize funding from a wide array of sources, some of which have committed support early in the Plan‟s development process. Additional funds will be mobilized with the support of regional and multilateral partners, such as the Niger Basin Authority (NBA), the African Development Bank (AfDB), and the World Bank (WB). In practice, the CRIP will bring together adaptation measures planned in the Niger River Basin and help to mobilize complementary adaptation financing, including from specialized climate funds. All financing for the investment plan is aligned and consistent with existing plans at the regional and national levels. The CRIP integrates fully with the NBA‟s Operational Plan that structures the implementation of th e Overall Development Plan of the Niger River Basin. Activities in the CRIP are programmed based on the level of urgency expressed by the countries and the level of preparedness of these activities. Each investment included in the Plan was examined and vetted by the Member States through a comprehensive consultative process with multi-sectoral participation, strategically coupled with exercises to build local capacity. This comprehensive basin-approach to addressing development and resilience is widely considered a best practice, but rarely implemented in the developing world due to the urgency of development needs as well as resource and capacity constraints. Yet in light of the rapidly advancing effects of climate change and the certain devastation that these impacts will bring to the most vulnerable countries and communities in the world, the CRIP is a bold and necessary step toward concerted action for a sustainable future in the Niger Basin. d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin Preamble 3 PREAMBLE “In recent decades, changes in climate have caused impacts on natural and human systems on all continents and across the oceans. Impacts are due to observed climate change, irrespective of its cause, indicating the sensitivity of natural and human systems to changing climate. “ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change th 5 Assessment Report (2013) Between 2013 and 2014 the leading global consortium of scientists known as the th Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), released their 5 Assessment Report confirming the onset of climate change. They proved what many small farmers, native tribes, and laypeople were already noticing in their surrounding environment. More startlingly in the IPCC report – known for its conservative approach to climate scenarios – was the affirmation that “Continued emission of greenhouse gases will cause further warming and long -lasting changes in all components of the climate system, increasing the likelihood of severe, pervasive and irreversible impacts for people and ecosystems.” In other words, mitigation of greenhouse gases, regardless of its level of ambition and pervasiveness, can no longer deter the inevitable impacts of an already changing climate. Countries worldwide must prepare for these impacts and adapt to the changes to come. The African continent is among the most vulnerable to climate change due to a combination of the anticipated effects of climate change and to ongoing development challenges, high poverty levels, and low adaptive-capacity. Among a wide array of possible impacts of climate change, Africa will experience compounded stress on water resources that already face significant strain from overexploitation and degradation, with drought stress exacerbated in drought-prone regions. Water resource scarcity is directly linked to potential increased human security risks, violent conflict, and migrations, which are among the most disquieting potential consequences of climate change for the African continent. The IPCC warns that increased migration could lead to human suffering, human rights violations, political instability and conflict. These are all dangers that African countries must avoid in order to protect their societies and to continue progressing in their development. The Niger River Basin in West Africa is on the extreme end of the vulnerability scale, especially to impacts on water resources and coastal zones. The Basin suffers further from a large Adaptation Deficit - national and local governments are not equipped or prepared to respond to ongoing climate-related events, much less escalated future events. This deficit is directly related to the level of development and capacity in the region – 6 of the 9 riparian countries are Least Developed Countries – as well as political and security challenges that are pervasive throughout the Basin. These issues take the forefront of government agendas and financial planning, demanding what limited resources there are and leaving countries in a compromised position to begin addressing climate change. While the knowledge and financing requirements for climate adaptation in the Basin are high, the abilitity to attend to these needs are beyond their reach. What this means in practical terms for these countries is that they have a much longer, more costly road to travel to secure the future safety and well-being of their people. Intensified efforts to increase adaptation can reduce risks and impacts, but under current circumstances only to a limited extent. What is clear is that the region needs to find a way to continue their sustainable development while also adapting to climate change – effectively, the Niger riparian countries need a climate resilience- building approach to development. Understanding the importance and urgency of increasing their ability to address climate change, and further recognizing the increased benefit of regional cooperation to strengthen these efforts, the Niger Basin countries have undertaken to prepare a regional approach to building climate resilience while continuing development efforts. d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin Preamble 4 In a bold effort to tackle the onset of climate change with ambition and courage, the nine riparian countries of the Niger Basin – Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Chad, Ivory Coast, Guinea, Mali, Niger, and Nigeria – developed and adopted the Niger Basin Climate Resilience Investment Plan (CRIP). Collectively they pledged to advocate for technical support and financing to implement its 246 resilience-focused priority actions and quickly put into motion its components. The Plan builds on a history of strong riparian cooperation in the Niger Basin and represents an important opportunity to take a coordinated approach in building regional climate resilience. After the ministerial round table on the future of the Niger River, held on 19th April, 2015 in Washington, D.C., during the Spring meetings of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, participants agreed to launch an initiative aiming to constitute a coherent set of measures and concrete investments that directly contribute to strengthening climate resilience in the Niger Basin. With the support of BRLingenierie consultants, this initiative led to the development of the Investment Plan for the Strengthening of the Resilience to Climate Change of the Niger Basin (abbreviated to Climate Resilience Investment Plan - CRIP), which will be presented to the international community during the 21st session of the UNFCCC Conference of the Parties in Paris in December 2015 (COP 21). In view of the funding needs of the basin in terms of strengthening the resilience to climate change, this initiative is also a means of harmonizing the adaptation programmes planned in the Niger River Basin (NB) and mobilising the sources of climate funding. This document constitutes a consolidated version of the CRIP. It incorporates the contributions and suggestions transmitted by the Member States during the national consultative workshops held in August 2015, during the civil society regional consultative workshop (NGO, Regional Coordination of Users, National Coordinations of Users) held on 12 September 2015 at Cotonou, Benin and during the Extraordinary Session of NBA Council Ministers, held on 29 and 30 September 2015 at Cotonou, Benin. The CRIP consists of a selection of measures contributing to strengthening the resilience to climate change in the Niger Basin, identified in the following existing plans and programmes, and subsequently validated by a consultation process with the countries:  Ten-year Operational Plan of the Niger Basin Authority (NBA), based on the contributions of the Member States and in line with the Sustainable Development Action Plan (SDAP) for the Niger Basin and its Investment Programme. For its implementation, the Operational Plan draws on the Integrated Programme for Agricultural Development and Adaptation to Climate Change (PIDAACC, an NBA/ADB project), the measures of which have been incorporated into the CRIP;  National Adaptation Programmes of Action (NAPA) and National Adaptation Plans (NAP) of the Member States;  Other national or regional programmes for adaptation to climate change and contributions of the States. Particular attention has been paid to the consistency and compatibility of the CRIP with the various national initiatives (Intended Nationally Determined Contribution - INDC) and regional initiatives (economic communities, basin organisations) in order to facilitate the subsequent implementation of these initiatives at national level by the countries. This document was presented during the meeting of the Finance Ministers of NBA Member States that took place in Lima (Peru) on 7 October, 2015 as part of the annual World Bank and IMF meetings. d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin Preamble 5 The Extraordinary Session of NBA Council Ministers, held between 2 and 5 November 2015 at Bamako, Mali, recommended the adoption of the CRIP by the Heads of States and Governments of the Member Countries, in the context of the presentation of the initiative during the United Nations Convention on Climate Change COP21, in December, 2015 in Paris, France, where countries are also expected to agree to a new global climate pact for addressing climate change. d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin 1. Vulnerability of the Niger Basin to climate risks 7 1. VULNERABILITY OF THE NIGER BASIN TO CLIMATE RISKS 1.1 MAIN CHARACTERISTICS OF THE NIGER BASIN The Niger Basin covers an area of over 2.2 million km², including approximately 1.5 million km² of hydrologically active basin spread across 9 countries - Guinea, Côte d'Ivoire, Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger, Benin, Chad, Cameroon, Nigeria1. Its geographical coverage, composed of vast desert areas, is characterised by the presence of wide valleys, flood plains and areas of swamp (NBA, 2007). The basin‟s population of 130 million is expanding very rapidly and is projected to possibly surpass 180 million inhabitants by 2025 (NBA, 2007). Living conditions are threatened by the extremely variable flow of the Niger River. A long period of low water levels (the annual flow at Bamako between1970-2005 was over 30% less than that between 1905-1970), linked to falling rainfall, was followed by a period of higher water levels. This led to flooding which caused significant damage in the basin (particularly in 2013 and 2014). Most of the population and the economy of the countries in the Niger Basin rely on agriculture, pastoralism or other means of subsistence based on natural resources, and is directly dependent on the water resources of the Niger River or its tributaries. Fair distribution of the water resources and the preservation of the aquatic ecosystems in the basin, including the remarkable wetlands of the Inner Delta and the maritime delta, are thus two of the greatest challenges faced by the riparian countries of the Niger River and its tributaries. Figure 1-1: Map of the Niger Basin Source: Atlas – Niger Basin, WWF – Wetlands – UNOPS, NBA 2007. 1 Algeria is connected to the basin through ephemeral rivers, which occasionally contribute small proportions of flow to the Niger drainage system, and is not a member country of the Niger Basin Authority. d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin 8 1. Vulnerability of the Niger Basin to climate risks 1.2 EXTREME VULNERABILITY TO CLIMATE RISKS AN EXTREMELY VULNERABLE REGION The Niger Basin (NB) is a region considered by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) to have one of the highest vulnerabilities to the negative impacts/adverse effects of climate change in the world. The main vulnerability factors in the basin are as follows:  6 out of the 9 Member States are ranked among the Least Developed Countries by the United Nations (Benin, Burkina Faso, Guinea, Mali, Niger, Chad). Their Gross National Product per capita, their Human Capital Index and their Economic Vulnerability Index are among the least favourable. A large section of their populations is vulnerable, as characterized by high mortality, high malnutrition, low levels of education, and little access to clean drinking water and energy;  Populations with natural resources-dependent livelihoods that are highly sensitive to climatic variations;  Frequent droughts which have had a negative impact on the natural resources;  Continuous degradation of the forest resources, mainly for firewood to satisfy the energy needs of the population;  High average rate of population growth of around 3% annual growth on average across the basin‟s populated zones, which puts strong pressure on the natural resources and the environment;  Fragile institutions;  Security problems and displaced populations in the region, particularly in Mali, Niger, Chad, Cameroon, Nigeria, etc.) The impacts of climate change and recurrent natural disasters also lead to mass migration in the region. These vulnerability factors are also to be found in other regions of the world but the combination of all these factors in the same region is very rare and results in considerably complicating the situation. As a consequence, the NB is exceptionally vulnerable to climate risks (see Figure 1- 2) Figure 1-2 : Vulnerability index to climate change (ND-GAIN 2013) d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin 1. Vulnerability of the Niger Basin to climate risks 9 GREAT UNCERTAINTY WITH REGARD TO CLIMATE RISK Assessment of the climate risks in the Niger Basin carried out by the Niger Basin Authority (NBA) and the World Bank in 2013 on the one hand and the Member States as part of their preparation of the National Adaptation Programmes of Action (NAPA) on the other indicate that inter-annual and intra-annual climatic variations are naturally high in the basin. With regard to climate change, these studies highlight the uncertainty of climate projections for the NB. Nevertheless, they do identify three broad trends with regard to climate change:  An overall rise in temperature of 1°C to 3°C, and consequently an increase in evapotranspiration;  A rise in sea-level in the maritime delta;  Increased variability of rainfall and the extreme weather events associated with this such as flooding and drought). The impact of climate change on the average annual rainfall remains uncertain however, with some climatic models suggesting a decrease and others an increase (see Appendix C). The significant level of uncertainty in climatic projections makes it very difficult to assess the impacts of climate change on the water cycle in the Niger Basin, requiring consideration of an increase in both the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events such as flooding or severe drought, and a rise or fall in the average values of climate and hydrological parameters. MULTIPLE SECTORAL IMPACTS The impacts of climate change on the water cycle increase the risk of natural disasters such as floods and droughts, degrade the biodiversity and ecosystems associated with the river, and have consequences on every economic sector - agriculture, livestock, fishing, hydroelectricity, navigation, health, etc. – via the following pathways:  Change in availability of the water resources impacts the agricultural yields, animal production and hydroelectric power capability.  Modification of the flow regime of the river and its tributaries , including increased siltation, has a damaging effect on the navigability of the river, increases the risk of flooding and impacts the safety and security of the issues at stake, degrades the soil and destabilises the ecosystems along the river;  Changing quality of the water affects the cost of producing clean drinking water, facilitates the circulation of water-borne diseases, modifies the habitats of the aquatic ecosystems and thus affects fish production. These impacts have a compounding effect that threatens food and energy security, economic development, and the preservation of the ecosystems in the Niger Basin. See detailed description of the sectoral impacts in the flowcharts included in Appendix D. In response to climate change, the main levers for action to protect, manage and develop the water resources of the Niger River include the development of storage infrastructures and improved water usage efficiency, the fight to protect the remarkable ecosystems of the basin against degradation, improvement of the resilience of the populations and the strengthening of regional co- operation (World Bank, 2012). d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin 10 2. Framework of the Climate Resilience Investment Plan development strategy 2. FRAMEWORK OF THE CLIMATE RESILIENCE INVESTMENT PLAN DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY 2.1 CRIP DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY ORIGIN OF THE INITIATIVE The demographic challenges of the Niger Basin and the resulting increase in water and energy requirements, the threat of the cycle of droughts which began at the start of the 1970's continuing, and the environmental issues faced by the basin have led the Member States to make a strong commitment, in the context of the NBA, in the "Shared Vision" process, which in 2007 resulted in the formulation of the Sustainable Development Action Plan (SDAP) and subsequently its transformation in 2008 into an Investment Plan (IP). After a first phase of implementation of the IP in the form of a priority five-year plan (2008-2012), the Member States furthered their commitment to regional co-operation through a second phase of the implementation of the SDAP/IP by giving the NBA a Strategic Plan (2013-2022) and a ten-year Operational Plan (2016-2024). Aware of their vulnerability with regard to climate change, the Member States emphasized their willingness to adopt a coherent approach to tackling climate related challenges during the ministerial round table on the future of the Niger River, held on 19th April, 2015 in Washington, D.C. during the Spring Meetings of the World Bank and the IMF, the participants agreed to launch an initiative aiming to constitute a coherent set of measures and concrete investments to strengthen resilience to climate change in the Niger Basin. This initiative has resulted in the development of an Investment Plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin - abbreviated to Climate Resilience Investment Plan - "CRIP" - based on existing key planning documents for the Niger Basin. The CRIP is a short/medium term initiative (5 to 10 years) and aims to highlight a group of measures that can be implemented rapidly. A CONSULTATIVE DEVELOPMENT PROCESS BASED ON THE EXISTING PLANNING DOCUMENTS The existing planning documents used for its development include mainly:  The Operational Plan 2016-2024 (currently being finalised). This follows on from the Strategic Plan (2012) and aims to continue the implementation of the measures of the SDAP and its revised Investment Programme. It includes the 256 priority measures directly identified by the Member States during the implementation process conducted from 2013 to 2015 (see details of the way the NBA planning documents have developed in Appendix B). This includes the measures driven by the various projects of the NBA and its technical and financial partners (PIDAACC/ADB, P-DREDGE/WB, PGBFN/WB, P-GIRE2/AFD, etc.);  The National Adaptation Programmes of Action (NAPA) and the National Adaptation Plans (NAP) developed by 6 of the 9 Member States 2 with the support of the UNFCCC and the UNDP from 2006 to 2010. For the other Member States, equivalent documents (e.g. NAPCC in Cameroon) or national subscriptions were used;  The contributions put forward by the Member States during the national consultations conducted in August 2015 and during a Regional Workshop held on 12 September, 2015 at Cotonou, for the preparation of this document. 2 Cameroon, Côte d’Ivoire and Nigeria have not officially submitted an NAPA to the UNFCCC. d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin 2. Framework of the Climate Resilience Investment Plan development strategy 11 The consultation process conducted with the Member States through their NBA National Focal Structure, their CRIP focal point and their COP21 focal point, representatives of the civil society (IUCN, Wetlands International, Regional Coordination of Users, National Coordination of Users), regional organisations, and donors, ensures that local, national and regional stakeholders adopt the CRIP initiative. A PLAN FOR ADAPTATION TO CLIMATE CHANGE The Climate Resilience Investment Plan thus consists of a selection of measures resulting from these documents and contributing to strengthening resilience 3 of the populations in the Niger Basin to climate change. Strengthening resilience to climate change of the populations, ecosystems, infrastructures and institutions of the Niger Basin consists in reducing their exposure, reducing their sensitivity and strengthening their adaptive capacity to the climate risks specific to the Niger Basin (see Figure A-1) according to an overall development path where climate change is one of the major constraints. 3 3 The CRIP thus includes mainly measures for adaptation , and also measures for mitigation as collateral benefits resulting from the adaptation measures, thereby representing win-win 3 3 3 measures. No-regret and low-regret measures and flexible adaptation are also included in the CRIP. For example, some agricultural, agroforestry or forest restoration and management measures not only make it possible to enhance the resilience of the populations to climate change, but also constitute mitigation measures by carbon sequestration in the plant biomass or in the soils, which they foster. In the same way, the construction of a multi-purpose dam is deemed to be an adaptation measure as the dam contributes to improving the availability of the water resource during low-water periods, the protection against flooding and the improvement of the means of subsistence of the local populations (fishing, tourism). The hydroelectric component of the dam also constitutes a mitigation measure, contributing to energy generation without the emission of greenhouse gas (GHG). Particular attention is paid to the integration of the measures of the CRIP on a larger scale, over a longer time-frame and under contrasting hypotheses for the future changes, and also to the consideration of interactions between sectors and between funding in order to avoid any risk of 3 maladaptation. Some measures aiming to reduce vulnerability to climate change can thus have a negative effect or even increase the vulnerability of other systems, sectors or social groups. For example, the reservoirs of dams may evaporate large volumes of water. These volumes evaporated into the atmosphere will not feed the usages for which they were intended downstream and damage the water balance on the scale of the basin, which in turn increases the vulnerability of users to droughts. The package of measures included in the CRIP targets the different entry points inherent to the reduction of climate risk. It includes preventive measures - prevention of the negative effects of climate change on the management of water resources, preparation - before the occurrence of the climate contingency (e.g. improvement/development of stream flow or climate networks, early warning systems), - reactionary measures during the contingency (e.g. secure the water supply during drought / periods of severe low water levels), and measures to restore or repair after the contingency (e.g. restoration of infrastructures). Moreover, all the sectors related to the management of water resources will be incorporated. 3 See definitions in Appendix 3. d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin 12 2. Framework of the Climate Resilience Investment Plan development strategy Finally, the CRIP takes into account the extreme uncertainty which reigns over the future climate in the Niger Basin. By remaining open to the future integration of measures yet unidentified or which are not currently eligible, the CRIP maintains a degree of flexibility and continues to adapt to the very diverse potential impacts foreseen in the Niger Basin. CONSISTENCY WITH NATIONAL AND REGIONAL INITIATIVES The CRIP will be presented to the international community during the 21st session of the UNFCCC Conference of the Parties in Paris in December 2015 (COP 21). In view of the funding of the needs of the basin in terms of strengthening the resilience to climate change, this CRIP is also a means of mobilising funding. The sources of funding identified are the funds financing adaptation such as the Green Climate Fund, the Climate Investment Fund or the Adaptation Fund, and multilateral and bilateral donors in countries with or without links to a climate initiative. In order to be able to call upon these funds, the CRIP fulfils the conditions and criteria of each of them (see details in Appendix I). The initiatives for the COP21 relating to the Niger River Basin are numerous, particularly in terms of adaptation to climate change. The Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDC) of the countries includes an adaptation part. The regional institutions (BOAD, ECOWAS, WAEMU, ECCAS, CEMAC, or CILSS) each have initiatives for adaptation to climate change specific to the water resource management sector. These take the form of interventions (e.g. setting up of the Regional Water Observatory for West Africa for the CCRE (Water Resources Coordination Centre) or the Irrigation in the Sahel initiative of the CILSS) or funding tools (e.g. the Fund for the Green Economy in Central Africa (FEVAC) set up by the ECCAS). These strategic documents define priority areas for intervention at national and regional level to enhance resilience to climate change. The CRIP has thus been developed so that, on the one hand, the measures selected are compatible and complementary to these initiatives and on the other hand to ensure they are coherent at national and regional level. Finally, some countries in the NB also share other international basins, the management authorities of which have also developed initiatives for the COP21 (VBA, LCBC, CICOS, OMVS). Particular attention has been paid to ensuring the coherence of these initiatives in order to facilitate their subsequent implementation at national level by the countries. d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin 2. Framework of the Climate Resilience Investment Plan development strategy 13 2.2 METHOD OF SELECTING THE MEASURES OF THE CRIP 2.2.1 Definition of the criteria for selection of the measures Aims The first aim is to define criteria that makes it possible to select from measures in the existing planning documents (the OP, NAPA/NAP‟s and contributions of the Member States submitted during consultations), those measures relevant to the protection, management and development of the water resources in the basin which appear in the thematic field of action of the NBA and contribute to strengthening the resilience of the populations, ecosystems, infrastructures and institutions in the Niger Basin to the climate risks specific to that region. This involves laying down criteria specific to water resources management projects in the Niger Basin. The second aim is to ensure the selection of measures which fall within the geographical area of the basin, which are adopted by the countries and which display a level of preparation allowing rapid implementation to be envisaged, in order to facilitate access to the sources of funding identified. The selection criteria Ten criteria have been defined. They are classed according to their nature as technical, institutional, administrative or economic (Table 2-1). d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin 14 2. Framework of the Climate Resilience Investment Plan development strategy A measure must fulfil both of the following conditions to be selected in the CRIP:  It must contribute to strengthening resilience to climate change and thus fulfil at least one of the following 2 corresponding criteria. These two criteria correspond to the two main categories of adaptation measures identified:  Institutional measures, knowledge enhancement measures or capacity-building measures contributing to enhancing resilience to climate change (criterion 1). This category includes knowledge enhancement measures et measures for forecasting hydro-climatic hazards and their impacts on the water resources regime (sub-criterion 1.1), measures contributing to the assessment of the vulnerability of populations, ecosystems, infrastructures and institutions in the NB, to communication, education and awareness-raising (sub-criterion 1.2) and measures contributing to enhancing the integration of climate change adaptation into the capabilities, bodies and management instruments of the national and regional institutions of the Basin (sub-criterion 1.3)  Sector-specific measures contributing to strengthening resilience of the populations and ecosystems of the basin to the climate changes identified in the Niger Basin (criterion 2). All the flowcharts in appendix D are an integral part of the definition of technical criterion No.2. Any measure targeting one of the impacts identified in these flowcharts belongs to this category. This includes measures aiming to reduce vulnerability linked to water stress conditions, flooding, deterioration of the water quality, soil degradation, degradation of the grazing land, degradation of the ecosystems, or to the rising sea-level and measures aiming to strengthen resilience (e.g. generation of jobs, revenues, etc.)  Moreover, it must satisfy all of the following criteria (3 to 10):  contribute to the sustainable development and management of the Niger Basin (criterion 3)  avoid maladaptation (criterion 4) (see Appendix E)  contribute to the protection, management and development of the water resources in the Niger Basin, as well as of the related ecosystems (criterion 5)  be compatible with the planning documents and agreements concerning the Niger Basin (criterion 6)  be well-adopted by the Member States (country ownership) (criterion 7)  demonstrate the level of preparation required (criterion 8)  pre-identified funding (criterion 9)  economic feasibility (criterion 10) The detailed methodology for comparing projects with each of these criteria is provided in Appendix E. The criteria subject to scoring (criteria 1, 2, and 8) will be used to prioritise the measures selected in the CRIP. Criteria 9 and 10 focus more specifically on the funding of the measures:  Criterion 9 aims to assess the project funding conditions. The level of funding identified for each operation has been collected from the countries. Projects benefiting from signed financing agreements are not selected. This criterion allows the selection of measures for which funding has been identified for all or part of the budget but not confirmed, or for which no funding has been identified.  The feasibility of the measures (criterion 10) will be assessed at the time of their selection for funding. This analysis will be conducted based on feasibility studies produced by the countries for each measure, as part of their preparation. Measures for which no feasibility study has been produced are selected in the CRIP with the aim of mobilizing funding in order to carry out these feasibility studies. The associated target amount corresponds to a portion of the overall amount indicated for these measures. d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin 2. Framework of the Climate Resilience Investment Plan development strategy 15 Table 2-1: Criteria for the selection and prioritisation of the measures in the CRIP to strengthen resilience to the impacts of climate change Criteria Justification Description/Example and [nature of the measure] Criteria for the assessment of the contribution of the measures to resilience to climate change 1. • Institutional measures, knowledge enhancement Managing hydro-climatic variability and uncertainty 1.1 Contribute to strengthening knowledge and forecasting of hydro- measures or capacity-building measures requires an improved knowledge of the climate and climatic events and their impacts on the water resources regime. contributing to enhancing resilience to climate its impacts on the water resources, enhancement of  Collection/generation of meteorological, hydrological and change the capacities of the stakeholders and strengthening hydrogeological data, development of monitoring networks, of the institutions. setting up of reliable information networks and effective For the purpose of prioritisation, this criterion will be management and sharing platforms (improvement of the quality scored from 1 to 3 in order to quantify the and accessibility of the data) contribution to resilience with regard to the impacts [Reduction of exposure – Preparation] of climate change identified in the Niger Basin.  Research activities aiming to model the processes and assess the impacts of climate change on the water resources, the wetlands and soil degradation and their vulnerability [Reduction of exposure – Preparation]  Development and implementation of decision-making tools for the management of climate-related risks and to improve weather- forecasting (rainfall, stream flow) in the short, medium and long term. [Reduction of exposure – Preparation]  Communication, awareness-raising 1.2 Contribute to the assessment of the vulnerability of populations, ecosystems, infrastructures and institutions in the Niger Basin, to communication and awareness-raising.  Communication / awareness-raising with regard to the vulnerability of the populations to climate change  Assessment of the vulnerability of the populations, ecosystems, infrastructures and institutions to climate change 1.3 Contribute to ensuring the integration of climate change adaptation into the capabilities, bodies and management instruments of the national and regional institutions of the Basin  Strengthening the technical and regulatory capacities, etc.  Integration of the adaptation strategy in the preparation of international agreements, strategic documents, the regulations, standards and organisational procedures of the NBA and the d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin 16 2. Framework of the Climate Resilience Investment Plan development strategy Criteria Justification Description/Example and [nature of the measure] institutions of the Basin.  Promotion of rules for the management of the natural resources that are compatible with the aim of this CRIP.  Implementation of international agreements linked to climate change. 2. Sector-specific measures contributing to This is the main aim of the Climate Resilience Any measure targeting the favourable or unfavourable effects strengthening resilience of the populations and Investment Plan: contribute to reducing the identified in each of the sectors or strengthening resilience of the ecosystems of the basin to the climate changes vulnerability of the issues at stake (by reducing the populations, ecosystems, infrastructures and institutions with regard identified in the Niger Basin exposure or sensitivity or improving the resilience) to these impacts fulfils this criterion. It is based on the flowcharts to the sectoral impacts identified in the Niger Basin illustrating the effects of climate change per sector laid out in For the purpose of prioritisation, this criterion will be Appendix D. scored from 1 to 3 in order to quantify the Measures to strengthen resilience will target: contribution to resilience with regard to the impacts  Vulnerability to water stress conditions of climate change identified in the Niger Basin.  Vulnerability linked to flooding  Vulnerability linked to the deterioration of the water quality  Vulnerability linked to soil degradation  Vulnerability linked to degradation of the grazing land  Vulnerability linked to degradation of the ecosystems  Vulnerability linked to the rising sea-level  Strengthening of the resilience (e.g. generation of jobs, revenues, etc.) For the purpose of prioritisation, this criterion will be scored from 1 to 3 in order to quantify the contribution to resilience with regard to the impacts of climate change identified in the Niger Basin. Criteria for funding measures 3. Contribute to the sustainable development and This involves ensuring that the measures selected Measures concerning the regions outside the catchment area of the management of the Niger Basin have implications within the boundary of the Niger Niger Basin will not be selected. Basin. This concerns cross-border operations and E.g. national or local operations. Measures concerning the coastal area of Côte D'Ivoire and Guinea will not be selected. 4. Integration on a larger scale, over longer time- The aim of this criterion is to avoid selecting Some adaptation measures may increase the vulnerability of other frames and under contrasting hypotheses with measures which generate "maladaptation" ecosystems, sectors or populations if (i) they increase emissions of regard to the future changes, consideration of the greenhouse gas, (ii) they disproportionately affect the most interactions between sectors and between funding. - vulnerable, (iii) they have a very high opportunity cost, (iv) they d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin 2. Framework of the Climate Resilience Investment Plan development strategy 17 Criteria Justification Description/Example and [nature of the measure] Maladaptation reduce incentives to adapt, or (v) if they set paths which limit the choices available to future. These five risks of maladaptation offer a basis by which adaptation measures can be screened for their possible adverse effects (Barnett & O‟Neill, 2009). In the field of management and development of the water resources, and especially for large hydraulic structures, this criteria aims to eliminate measures which, for example:  cause a deterioration of the global water balance  lead to poor or low economic valorization of the water resource The overall water balance and the economic valorization of the water resource are assessed with the help of indicators. These indicators are described in detail in Appendix E. 5. Contribute to the protection, management and The NBA will lead the implementation of the CRIP. E.g. Measures consisting of the creation of food banks do not development of the water resources in the Niger The measures included in it must remain within its contribute to the protection, management and development of the Basin, as well as related ecosystems. thematic field of action, linked to the management water resources of the Niger River. They are deemed to be outside and development of the water resources of the the field of action of the NBA. Niger River. 6. Compatibility with the main planning documents The measures included in the CRIP and which are Measures which are not compatible with the measures of the and agreements concerning the Niger Basin, (IP, not among the measures in the strategic documents strategic documents and agreements such as the Water Charter SP, OP, Water Charter and its appendices) of the NBA must be compatible with the agreements and its appendices are disqualified. currently in force in the Basin such as the Water Charter and its appendices. N.B. this criterion is deemed to be satisfied by measures selected Moreover, the CRIP is intended to be an upgradable from among the strategic documents of the NBA (Operational Plan) document into which measures can be integrated in the future. 7. Country ownership. Consultations of the Sound adoption of the measures by the countries N.B. this criterion is deemed to be fulfilled by the measures selected stakeholders. involved guarantees the long-term sustainability of from the Operational Plan and from the SDA/NAP which have been the expected results. the subject of a national consultation, identification and prioritisation process. The fact that these measures are included in these documents is deemed to indicate that these measures have been successfully adopted by the countries. 8. Stage of preparation of the project. Criterion of certain climate investment funds: rapid What is the stage of preparation of the project: idea, identification, implementation measure feasibility, preliminary outline, final design, detailed design (planning Required to trigger a decision to offer financial of) implementation? support. d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin 18 2. Framework of the Climate Resilience Investment Plan development strategy Criteria Justification Description/Example and [nature of the measure] With regard to the quality of the studies, compliance This criterion is subject to scoring. N/A: no information, 1: idea, 2: with good practices and international standards identification carried out, 3: feasibility carried out, 4: preliminary promoted by the World Bank and multilateral donors outline / final design completed, 5: detailed design completed or is taken into consideration in the process for the (planning of) implementation. selection of measures to include in the CRIP. Threshold: the identification studies must be complete. Measures which do not satisfy this threshold are disqualified. 9. Level of funding identified Criterion of certain climate investment funds: no What proportion if the estimated cost of the project is covered by the substitution for national or regional funding. identified funding? The threshold is yet to be set. It is considered that measures for which a financing agreement has been signed are in the process of being implemented and are not selected. Measures for which funding has been identified for all or part of the budget but not signed, or for which no funding has been identified are selected. 10. Economic feasibility Criterion of certain climate investment funds: The feasibility of the measures (criterion 10) will be assessed at the Required to trigger a decision to offer financial time of their selection for funding. This analysis will be conducted support based on feasibility studies produced by the countries for each measure, as part of their preparation. Measures for which no feasibility study has been produced are selected in the CRIP with the aim of mobilizing funding in order to carry out these feasibility studies. The associated target amount corresponds to a portion of the overall amount indicated for these measures. d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin 2. Framework of the Climate Resilience Investment Plan development strategy 19 2.2.2 Justification of the measures selected This section aims to provide the main justification concerning the selection or non-selection of the measures with regard to their contribution to strengthening resilience to climate change. For this purpose, the table shown below crosses the main types of sectoral activities (lines) with the various types of adaptation measures (columns). The table also indicates the risks of maladaptation linked to a decline in the water balance (second to last column) and the possibility of co-beneficiaries in terms of mitigation (last column). For the record, the strategic focuses of the Strategic Plan and the Operational Plan to which the main types of sectoral measures belong are reiterated. It should be noted that this table only concerns the contribution to strengthening resilience (criteria 1 and 2) and, in part, criterion 4 on the risks of maladaptation. The other criteria are considered elsewhere. The justification for each of the measures taken individually and for the other eight criteria are supplied in Appendix E. It should be noted that the measures resulting from programmes for adaptation to climate change (NAPA, NAPCC, PIDAACC, etc.) contribute de facto to strengthening the resilience to climate change. However, assessment of the measures from the NAPA lies in the following questions:  Is their geographical area compatible with the geographical area of the Niger Basin? (criterion 3)  Do they generate maladaptation? (criterion 4)  Do they contribute to the protection, management and development of the water resources in the Niger Basin? (criterion 5)  Are they compatible with the strategic documents concerning the Niger Basin? (criterion 6) d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin 20 2. Framework of the Climate Resilience Investment Plan development strategy to to to l a to de cti o deg ra e r q to i n a bi tem t o to R ada of v dat ty l i li ty d d ed uc n ne zi n ed t ed th f v e ec y li d ri s l ne osy ked ve ed i ua a - li s ke ke n l - ba t io ul i on nk ed at io v ul gra l ink ss ed s o v ul wa ink l e nk R ad i nteg are y v u s l in n n l it i e glo ne ti o of ra b g l l na is aw bi s of tres li ty g. ter of ing i li ty ad of he i li ty l of of the li ty se l ity e ti o r and era o h il it l a he l nc n i bi i ti o er rab d e ti on ood rab t b ti o n o ab u n en es e ti o tio ti o ln de cti o of era ba of t ili e m s m nci at u c tio lner nc io f vu u c ta ra r u c at lne fl e ne om s e lim s a ln n n er n ed ap g re n s f r w u at ti o l in t io v u C s e ing f c ic t o u v g a o n e in of a ad b. c o dg e il en n n a n gr n at gr gr n n r e th w de le n A nt ng th u c i tu ti o w u u of no ed ed re s ed ed ga st St k In R R R K R i ti R is e M a. c. d. e. h. k. R f. i. j. Strategic focus 1: Water as a lever to econom ic developm ent Development of a multi-purpose regulation structure Restoration of a multi-purpose regulation structure Development of a hydroelectric pow er plant Restoration of a hydroelectric pow er plant Development of an irrigated sector Restoration of an irrigated sector Development of rain-fed agriculture Development of dry season agriculture Development of sustainable fishing management Development / Restoration of pastoral hydraulic facilities Measures concerning pastoral management and transhumance of livestock Development of eco-tourism linked to w ater Development of transport Development of the drinking w ater supply Strategic focus 2: Preservation of the ecosystem s in the Basin Improvement of streamflow netw orks Decision-making tools Flood-protection dykes Forest management measures Reforestation, agroforestry, promotion of renew able energy sources other than w ood Protection of river banks and ponds Measures to reduce soil erosion and silting Enhancement measures concerning invasive species Management measures for protected areas Measures to raise aw areness to w ater- borne diseases Development of adaptation strategies Strategic focus 3: Innovative, sustainable funding Studies and development of funding mechanisms Strategic focus 4: Co-operation w ith the States and partners Rendering the NBA management tools operational Distribution and implementation of the Water Charter Strategic focus 5: Organisational perform ance Tools and procedures for monitoring & assessing implementation of the strategic documents Measures to enhance capabilities d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin 3. Climate Resilience Investment Plan aiming to strengthen climate resilience in the Niger Basin 21 3. CLIMATE RESILIENCE INVESTMENT PLAN AIMING TO STRENGTHEN CLIMATE RESILIENCE IN THE NIGER BASIN 3.1 PRESENTATION AND ARCHITECTURE The CRIP consists of a selection of measures, chosen with regard to the first 9 criteria defined in section 2.2.1. The selection will be narrowed down when the funding is mobilised by matching the measures to the last criterion, concerning the economic feasibility of the projects (criterion 10). Justification of their selection is described in detail in Appendix E. The CRIP is intended to be an upgradable document into which measures can be integrated in the future, according to the same selection process. The ability of the institutions in the Niger Basin to address issues transcending sectors, such as climate change, both at local and national level, and at the level of the Basin, is critical to the achievement and robustness of the results expected by implementing the CRIP. For this reason, the institutional measures for strengthening the capacity-building measures and the knowledge strengthening measures have been isolated in a package of "Knowledge and Institutions" measures. Its implementation is presented as a priority in order to guarantee that the second package of measures in the CRIP will be fully effective. It should be noted that the measures of the Operational Plan included in the "Knowledge and Institutions" package mainly concern the NBA. They are supplemented by measures targeting the national and local institutions resulting from the NAPA/NAP‟s. Additional measures to strengthen the Member States at national level may be identified during the consultations and possibly integrated in order for the conditions for implementation of the measures in the second CRIP package to be met both at regional and at national and local levels The CRIP mainly contains adaptation measures, and also mitigation measures as collateral benefits resulting from the adaptation measures. It is thus organised as follows:  Package of Knowledge and Institutions measures 1. Knowledge. Collection and generation of climatic and hydrological information. Weather- forecasting tools and decision-making tools 2. Assessment of vulnerability. Communication education and awareness-raising 3. Integration of climate change adaptation into the capabilities, bodies and management instruments of the national and regional institutions of the Basin  Package of sectorial measures contributing to strengthening resilience of the populations and ecosystems of the basin to the impacts of climate change identified in the Niger Basin (criterion 1): 4. Measures targeting vulnerability to water stress 5. Measures targeting vulnerability to flooding 6. Measures targeting vulnerability to soil degradation 7. Measures targeting vulnerability to degradation of the grazing land 8. Measures targeting vulnerability to degradation of the ecosystems 9. Measures targeting vulnerability to deterioration of the water quality 10. Measures targeting vulnerability linked to the rising sea-level 11. Measures strengthening resilience (e.g. generation of jobs, revenues, etc.) In its current version (23 November 2015), The Investment plan for the Enhancement of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin contains 246 measures, distributed as follows: d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin 22 3. Climate Resilience Investment Plan aiming to strengthen climate resilience in the Niger Basin Table 3-1 : Breakdown of CRIP actions based on the type of adaptation measure Types of measures contributing to climate resilience building Number of actions Package of “Knowledge and Institutions” [54] 1 - Knowledge. Collection and generation of climatic and hydrological information. Weather-forecasting tools and decision-making tools 26 2 - Assessment of vulnerability. Communication and awareness-raising 9 3 - Integration of climate change adaptation into the capabilities, bodies and management instruments of the national and regional institutions of the Basin 19 Package of sectorial measures contributing to enhancing the resilience of the populations and ecosystems of the basin to the [192] impacts of climate change identified in the NB 4 - Measures targeting vulnerability to water stress 77 5 – Measures targeting vulnerability to flooding 7 6 – Measures targeting vulnerability to soil degradation 30 7 - Measures targeting vulnerability to degradation of the grazing land 8 8 - Measures targeting vulnerability to degradation of the ecosystems 47 9 - Measures targeting vulnerability to deterioration of the water quality 5 10 - Measures targeting vulnerability linked to the rising sea-level 1 11 – Measures strengthening resilience (e.g. generation of jobs, revenues, 17 etc. The following two tables set out the measures selected in the two packages in the CRIP, after the selection process described in section 2. The measures are organized according to their nature with regard to adaptation / resilience to climate change. The measures in the "Knowledge and Institutions" package are those validating criterion No.1. The sub-categories corresponding to sub- categories 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3. The measures in the second package are those that fall under criterion No.1. The sub-categories are also identical. It should be noted that certain measures may belong to several categories of adaptation measures. In this case, they have been allocated to the category for which the contribution is the most significant. The two columns on the right indicate the values of criteria No.2 (Contribution to resilience) and No.10 (Stage of preparation of the project). The meaning of the values taken by these two criteria is given in Appendix E. These criteria may be used to prioritise measures. Some of the measures of the CRIP resulting from NAPA/NAP‟s or national contributions may concern areas that are partially outside the Niger Basin, such as the national territory or administrative areas (municipalities, regions, etc.). These measures are included in the CRIP in proportion to the portions of the Basin concerned. All the detailed information (cost, values of the assessment criteria, etc.) about all the measures analysed is given in Appendix E. A summary of the measures per country is also given in Appendix F. d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin 3. Climate Resilience Investment Plan aiming to strengthen climate resilience in the Niger Basin 23 3.2 SELECTED ACTIONS SELECTED ACTIONS IN THE CLIMATE RESILIENCE INVESTMENT PLAN FOR NIGER BASIN – KNOWLEDGE AND INSTITUTIONS PACKAGE Reference document Prioritization options Overall action Funding Action title and beneficiary cost (USD) sources Contribution Preparation country to resilience stage 1 – Knowledge. Collection and generation of climatic and hydrological information. Weather-forecasting tools and decision-making tools National communication Identification Development of a data bank relating to climate change 761 483 3 2 concerning climate on-going change - Benin National Enhancement of capabilities with regard to climate observation in the Benin communication Identification 3 892 023 3 2 section of the Niger basin concerning climate on-going change - Benin Setting up of a climate hazard forecasting and early warning system for food NAPA Benin 8 190 000 70% identified - 3 2 safety in 4 vulnerable agro-ecological zones Development of a sound national Water Information System (WIS) NC PAGIRE Burkina Identification 16 464 951 3 2 Faso on-going Development of research activities in water management, more particularly NC PAGIRE Burkina Identification 5 245 771 3 2 in the context of adaptation to climate change Faso on-going Reduction of vulnerability to climate change by enhancing measures for Identification NAPA Burkina Faso 7 446 000 3 2 prevention and management of food crises in the Oursi and Boulsa zones. on-going Equipment and improvement of knowledge concerning the quality of the 60% identified - water resources (Materials and equipment, Improvement of knowledge of PO_R2 Burkina Faso 707 563 3 2 PIDACC the quality of the water resources) Setting up a system for observation, information management and warning Identification PNACC Cameroon 2 220 000 3 2 with regard to climate hazards in Cameroon on-going Develop models for the allocation of the water resources of river basin Identification NC - PND Ivory Coast 1 184 529 3 2 agencies on-going 60% identified - Development of adaptation and water resource management tools PO_R2 Ivory Coast 452 101 3 2 PIDACC d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin 24 3. Climate Resilience Investment Plan aiming to strengthen climate resilience in the Niger Basin Reference document Prioritization options Overall action Funding Action title and beneficiary cost (USD) sources Contribution Preparation country to resilience stage Development of an early warning system to safeguard agricultural Identification NAPA Guinea 150 000 3 2 productivity on-going Improvement of knowledge of water resources and enhancement of the Identification PO_R2 Guinea 756 303 3 2 hydro-meteorological and hydrogeological data collection system on-going Study for the development of a communication strategy and setting up of an Identification Information System for the integrated management of the resources of the NC PNSFN Mali 465 351 2 2 on-going Niger River Basin Identification Study of the design of the observatory of the Niger River in Mali NC PNSFN Mali 126 914 3 2 on-going Support for knowledge of the quality of the water resources and acquisition 60% identified - PO_R2 Mali 4 042 017 3 2 of meteorological equipment PIDACC Strengthening of the existing pollution control team and creation and 60% identified - PO_R2 Niger 282 353 3 2 equipping of 4 new stations PIDACC Identification Monitoring of the application of the minimum low water flows. PO_R2 Nigeria 1 764 706 3 2 on-going Identification Development of tools for the modelling of hydrological forecasts PO_R2 Nigeria 1 176 471 3 2 on-going Identification Support for the functioning of Niger-HYCOS PO_R2 Nigeria 1 324 370 3 2 on-going Identification Modelling of hydraulic variation PO_R2 Nigeria 1 201 681 3 2 on-going Useful research work for the future models / Research work to integrate, in future models, scenarios dealing with the increase in temperature in order to Identification PO_R2 Nigeria 1 774 790 3 2 calculate the need in water of the plants and the evaporation of the on-going damming lakes Improvement of the quality of seasonal forecasting and its integration in the Identification NAPA Chad 1 700 000 3 2 strategy for monitoring vulnerability. on-going Observatoire National sur les Changements Climatiques (ONCC) / National Identification NAPA Chad 1 600 000 3 2 Observatory for Climate Change on-going Component of CIWA 50% identified - Hydraulic modelling of the inner delta of the Niger 1 400 000 3 2 project CIWA Rendering the decision-making tools operational PO_R4 SE-ABN 2 917 647 60% identified - 3 2 d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin 3. Climate Resilience Investment Plan aiming to strengthen climate resilience in the Niger Basin 25 Reference document Prioritization options Overall action Funding Action title and beneficiary cost (USD) sources Contribution Preparation country to resilience stage PIDACC Identification Monitoring water resources in the Niger Basin PO_R2 SE-ABN 10 729 412 3 2 on-going 2 - Assessment of vulnerability. Communication and awareness-raising Adaptation of the national gender policy and women‟s vulnerability to climate Identification PNACC Cameroon 2 220 000 3 2 change on-going Raising the awareness of the population, professionals, administration and Identification decision-makers to the effects of climate change and the measures to be PNACC Cameroon 2 220 000 3 2 on-going taken Education, professional training and enhancement of capabilities concerning Identification PNACC Cameroon 5 550 000 3 2 climate change on-going Identification "One School, 5 hectares of forest" project PO_R2 Ivory Coast 3 721 008 3 6 on-going Identification Reforestation project in schools PO_R2 Niger 339 496 3 2 on-going Reduction of the vulnerability of populations to climate change / Identification NAPA Chad 2 000 000 3 2 Management of climate-related hazards and adaptation to climate change on-going Improvement of information, education and communication concerning Identification NAPA Chad 1 100 000 3 2 adaptation to climate change on-going Identification Inventory and general mapping of the ecosystems of the basin PO_R2 SE-ABN 108 494 118 3 2 on-going Identification Development of external communication PO_R5 SE-ABN 3 705 042 3 2 on-going 3 - Integration of climate change adaptation into the capabilities, bodies and management instruments of the national and regional institutions of the Basin Development of the water development and management scheme for the Identification PO_R2 Benin 621 849 1 2 national part of the Niger Basin on-going 60% identified - Development of a good practice guide PO_R2 Benin 598 319 1 2 PIDACC 100% identified Development of strategies for adaptation to climate change PO_R2 Benin 608 403 1 2 - PIDACC Inclusion of climate hazards when updating the Land Use Plan PNACC Cameroon 3 330 000 Identification 1 2 d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin 26 3. Climate Resilience Investment Plan aiming to strengthen climate resilience in the Niger Basin Reference document Prioritization options Overall action Funding Action title and beneficiary cost (USD) sources Contribution Preparation country to resilience stage on-going Protection of the resources and ecosystems in the national part of the Niger Identification PO_R2 Cameroon 8 438 655 1 2 Basin on-going Strengthening the shared management of natural resources in the national Identification PO_R2 Cameroon 1 260 504 1 2 part of the Niger Basin on-going 60% identified - Enhancement of communities' ability to adapt PO_R2 Ivory Coast 352 941 1 2 PIDACC Identification Enhancement of the ability to adapt and intervene PO_R2 Ivory Coast 2 110 924 1 2 on-going Support for the development of collaborative management of the Tinkisso, 50% identified - PO_R2 Guinea 425 210 1 2 Niger- Tinkisso and Sankarani - Fié Ramsar sites PIDACC 60% identified - Adaptation to climate change (flooding) PO_R2 Guinea 1 179 832 1 2 PIDACC Training activities for those involved in the management of the water NC PNSFN Mali Identification 162 450 1 2 resources in the Basin on-going Project for the Management and Sustainable Use of Natural Resources and Identification PO_R2 Niger 912 605 1 2 Adaptation to Climate Change on-going 60% identified - Strengthening of community capacity for adaptation (flooding) PO_R2 Niger 991 597 1 2 PIDACC Enhancement of the shared management of the water resources in the Identification PO_R2 Niger 2 174 790 1 2 national part of the Niger Basin on-going Strengthening the Shared management of water resources in the Basin 60% identified - PO_R2 Nigeria 226 891 1 2 (Inventory and dissemination of good practices in protecting ecosystems) PIDACC Strengthening of community capacity for adaptation to climate change (Inventory and dissemination of good practices in restoring degraded 60% identified - PO_R2 Nigeria 277 311 1 2 ecosystems; Inventory and dissemination of good practices in protecting PIDACC ecosystems) Capitalisation and dissemination of good practices for the restoration of 60% identified - PO_R2 SE-ABN 11 532 773 1 2 degraded ecosystems PIDACC Identification Distribution and application of the Water Charter to all States PO_R4 SE-ABN 134 454 1 2 on-going Development of the gender policy (finalise the policy and implement it) PO_R5 SE-ABN 153 782 Identification 1 2 d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin 3. Climate Resilience Investment Plan aiming to strengthen climate resilience in the Niger Basin 27 Reference document Prioritization options Overall action Funding Action title and beneficiary cost (USD) sources Contribution Preparation country to resilience stage on-going CIWA: Cooperation in International Waters in Africa NAP: National Adaptation Plan NC: National Contribution PNACC: National Programme for Adaptation to Climate Change DIN: Inner Delta of the Niger PNSFN: National Programme to Safeguard the Niger River ONCC: National Observatory for Climate Change PO: NBA Operational Plan NAPA: National Adaptation Programmes of Action SE/ABN: Executive Secretariat of the NBA PIDACC: Programme for Integrated Development and Adaptation to Climate Change in the SIE: Water Information System Niger Basin d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin 28 3. Climate Resilience Investment Plan aiming to strengthen climate resilience in the Niger Basin SELECTED ACTIONS IN THE CLIMATE RESILIENCE INVESTMENT PLAN FOR NIGER BASIN – SECOND PACKAGE Prioritization options Reference document and Overall action Funding Action title Contribution to Preparation beneficiary country cost (USD) sources resilience stage 4 - Measures targeting vulnerability to water stress National communication on Identification Adaptation of the farming calendars to the new climate context 2 538 276 3 2 climate change Benin on-going Mobilisation of surface water in order to adapt to climate change in the most Identification NAPA Benin 2 875 000 3 2 vulnerable municipalities of the departments in the Centre and the North on-going Rehabilitation and agricultural diversification of twenty agro-pastoral reservoirs 10% identified - PO_R1 Benin 7 515 966 3 2 in Benin PIDACC 10% identified - Construction of ten (10) multi-purpose dams PO_R1 Benin 35 647 059 3 2 PIDACC Rehabilitation and diversification of 5 small dams at Gamagou, Gah, 56% identified Guessou, Sombi, Kérékou, Wara and Zougou Pantrossi in Superior Alibori PO_R1_Benin 1 500 000 3 4 PIDACC region Safeguarding of cereal production by the promotion of supplementary Identification NAPA Burkina Faso 408 660 3 2 irrigation in the provinces of Oudalan and Nammemtenga. on-going Identification Development and management of the waterhole at Oursi NAPA Burkina Faso 275 000 3 2 on-going Development of irrigated crops in the provinces of Gourma, Namemtenga, Identification NAPA Burkina Faso 443 300 3 2 Tapoa and Sanmatenga. on-going Safeguarding of agricultural production by the use of appropriate technological Identification NAPA Burkina Faso 297 924 3 2 packages in the South-West and East regions. on-going Rehabilitation of the Baskouré dam and preparation of 60 hectares of 30% identified - PO_R1 Burkina Faso 1 452 101 3 5 lowlands in the municipalities of Baskouré, Diabo and Fada PIDACC Construction of the Coalla dam (5 Mm3) in the province of Gnagna (East) and 50% identified - PO_R1 Burkina Faso 5 749 580 3 5 preparation of 122 ha of irrigated land PIDACC Rehabilitation of the dam and 14 ha of irrigated utilised agricultural land 30% identified - PO_R1 Burkina Faso 1 363 025 3 5 equipped with 50 wells at Dabesma (Gnagna, East) PIDACC Rehabilitation of the dam and creation of 192 ha of irrigated land downstream Identification PO_R1 Burkina Faso 3 290 756 3 5 of the Sidi-KompIenga dam (Gnagna, East) on-going Creation of 241 ha of irrigated land at the SIRBA dam (Gnagna, East) PO_R1 Burkina Faso 3 448 739 Identification 3 5 d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin 3. Climate Resilience Investment Plan aiming to strengthen climate resilience in the Niger Basin 29 Prioritization options Reference document and Overall action Funding Action title Contribution to Preparation beneficiary country cost (USD) sources resilience stage on-going Rehabilitation of the dam and creation of 11 ha of irrigated utilised agricultural 40% identified - land and preparation of 100 ha of horticultural land at Tanga (Kouritenga, PO_R1 Burkina Faso 1 885 714 3 5 PIDACC Centre-East) equipped with 50 wells 40% identified - Rehabilitation of the Kiemna dam PO_R1 Burkina Faso 334 454 3 4 PIDACC 20% identified - Rehabilitation of the Bani dam PO_R1 Burkina Faso 768 252 3 5 PIDACC 40% identified - Rehabilitation of the Touro dam PO_R1 Burkina Faso 1 568 067 3 5 PIDACC 40% identified - Rehabilitation of the Boudieri dam PO_R1 Burkina Faso 1 351 261 3 5 PIDACC Completion of the construction of the Bambakari dam (163 Mm3) in the 20% identified - PO_R1 Burkina Faso 31 751 261 3 5 province of Déno (Sahel) and preparation of 300ha of irrigated land PIDACC 0% identified - Development of the waterhole in Dori PO_R1 Burkina Faso 86 301 389 3 2 PIDACC Enhancement and safeguarding of access to water resources and wastewater Identification PNACC Cameroon 8 880 000 3 2 treatment in a context of climate change on-going Development of integrated farming which is resilient to the effects of climate Identification PNACC Cameroon 8 880 000 3 2 change on-going Construction of hydro-agricultural dams, development and utilisation of the 10% identified - PO_R1 Cameroon 2 813 445 3 2 Garoua area upstream (Bocklé, Garoua III, Bénoué department) PIDACC Identification Development and utilisation of the Lagdo II area PO_R1 Cameroon 74 386 555 3 4 on-going Identification Development and utilisation of the Faro-Bénoué confluence area PO_R1 Cameroon 21 581 513 3 4 on-going Identification Development of smallholders irrigation schemes PO_R1 Cameroon 62 512 605 3 4 on-going Identification Development of the west Garoua area PO_R1 Cameroon 13 361 345 3 4 on-going 10% identified - Development of small individual areas PO_R1 Cameroon 7 517 647 3 4 PIDACC d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin 30 3. Climate Resilience Investment Plan aiming to strengthen climate resilience in the Niger Basin Prioritization options Reference document and Overall action Funding Action title Contribution to Preparation beneficiary country cost (USD) sources resilience stage 20% identified - Construction of multipurpose dams PO_R1 Cameroon 4 872 269 3 2 PIDACC Development of multi-purpose hydroagricultural infrastructures in the 50% identified - PO_R1 Cameroon 1 100 840 3 2 municipality of Garoua PIDACC Identification Rehabilitation of 84 reservoirs in the region of Bagoue and Kabadougou PO_R1 Ivory Coast 56 003 361 3 2 on-going Low-cost development of 10,000 ha of plains in Kabadougou and Folon 60% identified - PO_R1 Ivory Coast 3 215 126 3 2 (north-west) PIDACC 100% identified Project for the construction of a dam and hydroagricultural development at - PIDACC 55%, PO_R1 Ivory Coast 2 952 941 3 2 KOUBAN 80ha BOAD 30% , Etat 15% 70% identified - Project for the construction of a dam and hydroagricultural development at PO_R1 Ivory Coast 3 524 370 PIDACC 55%, 3 2 Katiendé 22ha Etat 15% 70% identified - Project for the construction of a dam and hydroagricultural development at PO_R1 Ivory Coast 5 835 294 PIDACC 55%, 3 2 Dimbasso. 182 ha Etat 15% 90% identified - 3 bailleurs à Low-cost development of 20,000 ha of Bagoué floodplains PO_R1 Ivory Coast 106 198 319 3 2 30% chacun + Etat 10% Identification Construction of multi-purpose mini-dams NAPA Guinea 600 000 3 2 on-going Identification Construction of hillside reservoirs NAPA Guinea 180 000 3 2 on-going Identification Construction of improved wells NAPA Guinea 250 000 3 2 on-going Identification Dissemination of rainwater harvesting basins NAPA Guinea 280 000 3 2 on-going Identification Development of irrigated rice farming in Middle and Upper Guinea NAPA Guinea 300 000 3 2 on-going Exploitation of indigenous knowledge and positive practices NAPA Guinea 300 000 Identification 3 2 d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin 3. Climate Resilience Investment Plan aiming to strengthen climate resilience in the Niger Basin 31 Prioritization options Reference document and Overall action Funding Action title Contribution to Preparation beneficiary country cost (USD) sources resilience stage on-going Identification Promotion of breeding small ruminants NAPA Guinea 325 000 3 2 on-going Promotion of bricks made of compacted earth with the aim of reducing the Identification NAPA Guinea 600 000 3 2 environmental impact of fired bricks on-going Identification Intensification of pearl millet farming in the northern area of Guinea NAPA Guinea 350 000 3 2 on-going Fomi safeguard policies elaboration PO_R1 Guinea 2 000 000 50% identified - 3 3 Rehabilitation of dams and construction of reservoirs for irrigation and fish 60% identified - farming at Kankan, Kouroussa, Mandiana, Faranah, Dinguiraye, Kérouané PO_R1 Guinea 9 132 773 3 4 PIDACC and Kissidougou. Programme for the development of agriculture which is resilient to climate NC Fast start Mali 94 000 000 40% identified - 3 2 change. Identification Programme for the development of irrigation in the Bani and Sankarani basin NC PNSFN Mali 205 346 539 3 2 on-going Programme for harvesting and storing rainwater NC Fast start Mali 62 800 000 50% identified - 3 2 Feasibility study of small developments in the tops of the sub-watersheds of Identification NC PNSFN Mali 813 941 3 2 the upper stretches of the Niger and Bani rivers for environmental restoration on-going 60% identified - Rehabilitation and equipping of village irrigation areas in the region of Gao PO_R1 Mali 5 588 235 3 2 PIDACC Identification Support for the production of seeds of agricultural origin PO_R1 Mali 2 974 790 2 2 on-going 60% identified - Project to support the development of agriculture in the Douentza area PO_R1 Mali 14 159 664 3 4 PIDACC Identification National Horticultural Support Project PO_R1 Mali 6 105 882 3 4 on-going Identification Rehabilitation of the irrigated area of Tara 101 ha PO_R1 Niger 1 278 992 3 2 on-going 60% identified - Rehabilitation of the irrigated area of Galmi 250 ha PO_R1 Niger 2 823 529 3 2 PIDACC 60% identified - Construction of a new reservoir dam at Aboka PO_R1 Niger 1 194 958 3 3 PIDACC d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin 32 3. Climate Resilience Investment Plan aiming to strengthen climate resilience in the Niger Basin Prioritization options Reference document and Overall action Funding Action title Contribution to Preparation beneficiary country cost (USD) sources resilience stage Identification Construction of the Kaoura Abdou hydroagricultural dam at Badaguichiri PO_R1 Niger 17 442 017 3 5 on-going Identification Creation of an irrigated area and rehabilitation of the dyke at Gatawani Dolé PO_R1 Niger 12 774 790 3 2 on-going Construction of two (2) weirs for floodplain crop production (Gorouol, DolBel, 60% identified - PO_R1 Niger 2 605 042 3 2 Terra) PIDACC Rehabilitation of Kainji dam (Including Units 7, 8, 9, 10 et 11) Identification PO_R1 Nigeria 136 800 000 3 2 on-going Irrigation development inTada Shonga (Kwara State) Identification PO_R1 Nigeria 1 845 378 3 2 on-going Construction of multipurpose dams, irrigation schemes and support measures 0% identified - PO_R1 Nigeria 243 858 824 3 2 to adapt to climate change PIDACC Development of water points for cattle and development of transhumance 10% identified - PO_R1 Nigeria 5 092 437 3 2 pathways PIDACC Strengthening the Shared management of water resources in the Basin 60% identified - (Construction of weirs, and erosion control and runoff water catchment PO_R2 Nigeria 225 210 1 2 PIDACC infrastructures; Quantitative management of water resources) Identification Mobilisation of surface water for agriculture and to supply cattle. NAPA Chad 1 800 000 3 2 on-going Diversification and intensification of crop production in the Sudanian and Identification NAPA Chad 1 200 000 3 2 Sahelian areas of Chad on-going Identification Improvement and dissemination of crop calendars NAPA Chad 1 000 000 3 2 on-going 10% identified - Development of the rice-growing area of Voli (Gounou Gaya). 1,020 ha PO_R1 Chad 15 630 252 3 5 PIDACC Identification Hydro-agricultural development at Fianga. 5,000 ha PO_R1 Chad 2 823 529 3 4 on-going Identification Djarao, Domo and Léo hydro-agricultural development. 10,000 ha PO_R1 Chad 169 371 429 3 4 on-going Identification Hydro-agricultural development at Ghétahlé -Tréné. 5,000 ha PO_R1 Chad 1 164 706 3 4 on-going Development of an area for floodplain crop production in the region of Mayo PO_R1 Chad 741 176 Identification 3 2 d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin 3. Climate Resilience Investment Plan aiming to strengthen climate resilience in the Niger Basin 33 Prioritization options Reference document and Overall action Funding Action title Contribution to Preparation beneficiary country cost (USD) sources resilience stage Kebbi Est (at Tikem). 600 ha on-going Development of the waterhole at Torrock for crops and to provide drinking 30% identified - PO_R1 Chad 1 048 739 3 2 water for cattle PIDACC 0% identified - Rural, Pastoral and Transhumance Infrastructure project. PO_R1 Chad 17 616 807 3 2 PIDACC 5 – Measures targeting vulnerability to flooding 0% identified - Construction of flood-protection dykes PO_R2 Benin 50 732 773 3 2 PIDACC Identification Flood protection PO_R2 Ivory Coast 1 307 563 3 2 on-going The project for the development and recovery of the banks of the Niger River NC PNSFN Mali 846 092 20% identified - 2 2 in the District of Bamako Feasibility study for the reshaping of the Niger Rriver in the towns of Mopti Identification NC PNSFN Mali 1 692 184 1 2 and Bamako on-going 60% identified - Construction of structures to fight flooding in the region of Gao PO_R2 Mali 2 124 370 3 2 PIDACC Construction of flood protection dikes around Niamey irrigation scheme and 60% identified - PO_R1 Niger 1 793 277 3 2 other related infrastructure PIDACC 10% identified - Flood management Project PO_R2 Nigeria 4 954 622 3 2 PIDACC 6 – Measures targeting vulnerability to soil degradation 0% identified - Anti-erosion and anti-silting measures, continued PO_R2 Benin 7 075 630 3 2 PIDACC Improve water resource protection against siltation and invasive species CN PAGIRE Burkina Faso Identification 16 837 232 3 2 on-going 50% identified - Restoration of land and anti-erosion measures PO_R2 Burkina Faso 7 078 992 3 2 PIDACC Stabilisation of 2,500 ha of dunes in the provinces of Oudalan, Séno and Identification PO_R2 Burkina Faso 2 831 933 3 2 Yagha on-going Recovery of 6,191 ha of degraded land in Séno and Oudalan (restoration of 10% identified - PO_R2 Burkina Faso 3 828 571 3 2 land (Restoration of land, studies) UEMOA d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin 34 3. Climate Resilience Investment Plan aiming to strengthen climate resilience in the Niger Basin Prioritization options Reference document and Overall action Funding Action title Contribution to Preparation beneficiary country cost (USD) sources resilience stage Conservation and participatory management of sub-watersheds (support for Identification protection, studies and enhancement of capacities) PO_R2 Cameroon 12 169 748 3 2 on-going Identification Development of the Mayo–Louti catchment area (restoration of land, studies) PO_R2 Cameroon 3 257 143 3 5 on-going Restore degraded land through the promotion of agroforestry and community Identification NC - AGIR Ivory Coast 8 577 681 3 2 reforestation on-going Protection of the basin (Departments of Odienné, Boundiali, Madinani, Identification Minignan and Tengréla) / Treatment of degraded land for the protection of the PO_R2 Ivory Coast 1 931 092 3 2 on-going banks Promotion and development of reforestation in the North of the country (wood PO_R2 Ivory Coast 10% identified - 1 495 798 3 2 energy) PIDACC Restoration and protection of the tributaries of the Niger River by reforestation 60% identified - PO_R2 Ivory Coast 1 297 479 3 2 campaigns and anti-erosion and anti-silting measures PIDACC Identification Fight against the impacts of gold-mining on the environment and health PO_R2 Ivory Coast 349 580 3 2 on-going 60% identified - Restoration of the banks and development of agroforestry PO_R2 Guinea 1 368 067 3 2 PIDACC 60% identified - Reforestation of 300 ha on the banks of waterholes PO_R2 Guinea 354 622 3 2 PIDACC Protection of spring heads and banks (sub-watersheds of the Niandan, 60% identified - PO_R2 Guinea 695 798 3 2 Tinkisso, Milo) PIDACC 36- Topographical and photographic survey by LIDAR laser procedure of dam Identification NC PNSFN Mali 473 812 1 2 reservoirs (Sélingué, Markala, Talo, Djenné) on-going Identification "Green Wall" experimental project PO_R2 Mali 9 910 924 3 2 on-going Protection of banks by planting and transplanting bourgou, and measures 60% identified - PO_R2 Mali 8 258 824 3 2 against invasive plants PIDACC 60% identified - Anti-erosion and anti-silting measures, and sustainable forest management PO_R2 Mali 9 981 513 3 2 PIDACC 100% identified Development of agroforestry and sustainable management of soil fertility PO_R2 Niger 34 584 689 3 4 - d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin 3. Climate Resilience Investment Plan aiming to strengthen climate resilience in the Niger Basin 35 Prioritization options Reference document and Overall action Funding Action title Contribution to Preparation beneficiary country cost (USD) sources resilience stage Development and planting of village forests in the Tillabéry regions, Téra, Say, 60% identified - PO_R2 Niger 1 344 538 3 2 Torodi and Makalondi municipalities (20,000 ha) PIDACC 100% identified Support for the improvement of soil fertility, restoration of degraded land PO_R2 Niger 37 417 575 3 4 - Stabilisation of dunes in the regions of Tillabéry and Dosso (Kandadji area, 60% identified - PO_R2 Niger 1 026 891 3 2 Dallol, Maouri and Foga area, Ouallam area) (3,000 ha) PIDACC Soil and water conservation in the regions of Tillabéry, Dosso and Tahoua; 60% identified - Kandadji, Maouri, Foga areas; Ouallam, Kollo, Konni, Madaoua and Bouza PO_R2 Niger 1 285 714 3 2 PIDACC area (15,000 ha) Identification Integrated project to stabilise the dunes and combat poverty (Namaro) PO_R2 Niger 472 269 3 2 on-going Bioligical and mechanical treatment of koris in Tillabery and Tahoua region PO_R2 Niger 60% identified - 2 594 958 3 2 (15 000m3) PIDACC 60% identified - Restoration of fallow land and promotion of agroforestry (10,000 ha) PO_R2 Niger 1 680 672 3 2 PIDACC Identification Erosion, flood and siltation control in Nigeria. PO_R2 Nigeria 20 292 437 3 2 on-going Rehabilitation of degraded agricultural land PO_R2 Nigeria Identification 1 253 782 3 2 on-going Construction of defensive structures and restoration of land for the Identification NAPA Chad 1 300 000 3 2 development of agricultural activities on-going 7 - Measures targeting vulnerability to degradation of the grazing land Bukina Faso Climate Identification Bukina Faso National Observatory on Pastoralism (ONPB) 3 294 682 3 2 Investment Projects on-going Forage production and stockpiling of emergency supplies for cattle in the Identification NAPA Burkina Faso 330 000 3 2 Burkina Faso area of the Sahel on-going Identification Safeguarding pastoral areas in the regions of the Sahel and the East. NAPA Burkina Faso 300 000 3 2 on-going Reduction of the vulnerability of the livestock sector to the effects of climate Identification PNACC Cameroon 5 550 000 3 2 change (REVEECC)) on-going Support for management of the pastoral area and prevention of conflicts in the 60% identified - PO_R1 Ivory Coast 1 863 866 3 2 northern area PIDACC d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin 36 3. Climate Resilience Investment Plan aiming to strengthen climate resilience in the Niger Basin Prioritization options Reference document and Overall action Funding Action title Contribution to Preparation beneficiary country cost (USD) sources resilience stage Programme of pastoral development resilient to climate change; NC Fast start Mali 109 900 000 50% identified - 3 2 Support for vulnerable groups for cattle and sheep fattening in the regions of 60% identified - PO_R1 Mali 3 915 966 3 2 Gao, Timbuktu PIDACC Identification Improvement of intercommunity grazing areas NAPA Chad 1 500 000 3 2 on-going 8 - Measures targeting vulnerability to degradation of the ecosystems Adaptation of households to climate change by the promotion of renewable Identification energies and efficient economical hearths and pressure cookers in areas NAPA Benin 2 106 600 3 2 on-going vulnerable to climate change and where the land is severely degraded Promotion of wildlife and habitat management by local communities in the Identification NAPA Burkina Faso 810 000 2 2 region of Mouhoun on-going Promotion of energy-saving equipment (improved stoves, M'Bora stew pot) Identification and renewable energy technologies (pressure cooker, water heater and solar NAPA Burkina Faso 1 230 000 3 2 on-going dryers, etc.) Development, rational management of natural training and use of non-wood Identification NAPA Burkina Faso 700 000 3 2 forest products (NWFP) in the East region of Burkina Faso on-going 10% identified - Forest development in the provinces of Oudalan and Séno PO_R2 Burkina Faso 1 712 605 3 2 UEMOA Identification Reduction of the vulnerability of forests to climate change in Cameroon PNACC Cameroon 8 880 000 3 2 on-going 20% identified - Support for fishermen and fish-farmers around the Lagdo dam PO_R1 Cameroon 4 752 941 2 5 PIDACC Provision for the fight against aquatic invasive species in Cameroon, Ivory 60% identified - PO_R1 Cameroun 4 192 347 3 2 Coast and Nigeria (30 000 ha + 5000 ha + 2500 m3) PIDACC Project to support communities in the savannah area for protection against NC - Management of Identification desertification and the loss of the means of subsistence of the local community forests Ivory 1 710 327 3 2 on-going communities. Coast Rehabilitation of the classified forest of BOUNDIALI in the north of Ivory Coast NC - SODEFOR Ivory Identification with the participation of the neighbouring populations (as for 1 718 098 3 2 Coast on-going PO_R22208_CI_15) Rehabilitation of the classified forest of FENGOLO - PALE in the north of Ivory NC - SODEFOR Ivory Identification Coast with the participation of the neighbouring populations (as for 1 065 560 3 2 Coast on-going PO_R22208_CI_15) d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin 3. Climate Resilience Investment Plan aiming to strengthen climate resilience in the Niger Basin 37 Prioritization options Reference document and Overall action Funding Action title Contribution to Preparation beneficiary country cost (USD) sources resilience stage Identification Performance of work to restore the forests in the rural sector NC - DCDF Ivory Coast 1 300 000 3 2 on-going Project to plant useful forest trees in the communities of the regions of Poro, Identification NC - PND Ivory Coast 1 297 905 3 2 Tchologo and Bagoué on-going Identification Restoration project for degraded forests in the rural sector NC - PND Ivory Coast 1 086 213 3 2 on-going Identification Support the fight against bushfires NC - AGIR Ivory Coast 3 578 969 3 2 on-going 60% identified - Creation of a fish farm in Minignan PO_R1 Ivory Coast 206 723 2 4 PIDACC Support for the development of fishing activities around dams (Boundiali, 60% identified - PO_R1 Ivory Coast 2 942 857 2 3 Minignan and Odienné) PIDACC Development of fisheries infrastructure Aménagement des infrastructures de PO_R1 Ivory Coast 60% identified - 1 030 252 2 2 pêche PIDACC Identification Promotion of fire management and prohibited access NAPA Guinea 300 000 3 2 on-going Identification Support for the implementation of community forest management plans NAPA Guinea 600 000 3 2 on-going Creation of cane rat ranches in order to reduce bushfires and improve living Identification NAPA Guinea 300 000 3 2 conditions for rural populations on-going Promotion of the use of solar energy to dry fish with the aim of reducing the Identification NAPA Guinea 300 000 3 2 use of wood for smoking on-going 60% identified - Construction of nursery ponds to rear fry PO_R1 Guinea 282 353 2 3 PIDACC 60% identified - Construction of fish ponds in Guinea PO_R1 Guinea 759 664 2 3 PIDACC 60% identified - Implementation of the Kankan wildlife reserve management plan PO_R2 Guinea 2 100 840 2 2 PIDACC Preservation of the ecosystems and conservation of biodiversity (Ramsar - 60% identified - PO_R2 Guinea 932 773 3 2 Niger, Niandan –Milo, Niger-Mafou,) PIDACC Intensive reforestation programme to rebuild the forest ecosystems in Mali NC Fast start Mali 188 800 000 30% identified - 3 2 The Economic and Environmental Rehabilitation project for the Niger River NC PNSFN Mali 60 918 627 90% identified - 3 2 d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin 38 3. Climate Resilience Investment Plan aiming to strengthen climate resilience in the Niger Basin Prioritization options Reference document and Overall action Funding Action title Contribution to Preparation beneficiary country cost (USD) sources resilience stage 60% identified - Project to develop fish farming in floating cages and in ponds PO_R1 Mali 3 073 950 2 5 PIDACC Firewood production project and installation of a wood market in the region of Identification PO_R2 Mali 810 000 3 2 Gao and Timbuktu on-going Project for development, management of natural resources and promotion of Identification PO_R2 Niger 6 052 101 3 2 Moringa oleifera (Tajaé, Malbaza and Tsernaoua) on-going Sustainable management of the forest resources and promotion of alternative PO_R2 Niger 126 242 017 30% identified - 3 4 energy sources Support for the development of the fishing and fish-farming sector PO_R1 Niger 9 425 210 20% identified - 2 2 100% identified Support for fish-farming and training of fishermen PO_R1 Niger 5 280 672 2 2 - 100% identified Development of 300 ha of ponds overrun with Typha australis (Dosso region) PO_R1 Niger 1 136 134 3 2 - Identification Development and use of the valley of Goroubi (Tamou and Torodi) PO_R1 Niger 3 040 336 3 2 on-going 60% identified - Rehabilitation of the classified forest of Guesselbodi (2,000 ha) PO_R2 Niger 11 023 691 3 4 PIDACC Development and adaptation of fisheries to climate change PO_R1 Niger 100% identified 13 021 357 2 2 - Rehabilitation of a nursery pond in Moli and construction of a nursery pond in PO_R1 Niger 60% identified - 1 003 361 2 2 Madarounfa PIDACC Identification Develop some protected zones PO_R2 Nigeria 2 598 319 3 2 on-going Identification Conservation and management of the middle of Niger area PO_R2 Nigeria 566 387 3 2 on-going Identification Socio-economic utilisation of invasive aquatic plant species PO_R2 Nigeria 151 490 756 3 2 on-going Capitalization of the fight against the water hyacinth and the proliferation of Identification PO_R2 Nigeria 1 258 824 3 2 sida cordifolia on-going Delimitating the zones for the conservation (forests, protected zones) / Identification PO_R2 Nigeria 593 277 3 2 Identification of sites on-going Fight against bush fire PO_R2 Nigeria 176 471 Identification 3 2 d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin 3. Climate Resilience Investment Plan aiming to strengthen climate resilience in the Niger Basin 39 Prioritization options Reference document and Overall action Funding Action title Contribution to Preparation beneficiary country cost (USD) sources resilience stage on-going Conservation measures of Forest galeries on secondary rivers PO_R2 Nigeria Identification 1 297 479 3 2 on-going Support to fisheries development PO_R1 Nigeria 10% identified - 2 171 429 2 2 PIDACC 9 - Measures targeting vulnerability to deterioration of the water quality and health Protection of children under 5 and pregnant women against malaria in the Identification NAPA Benin 1 112 500 3 2 areas most vulnerable to climate change on-going Identification Mark out and display protection areas around the main water resources NC - PND Ivory Coast 1 015 310 3 2 on-going Identification Rendering surface water drinkable using Hydropur© NAPA Guinea 320 000 3 2 on-going Identification Pollution warning station on the Niger River NC PNSFN Mali 177 679 2 2 on-going Identification Global study of pollution of the waters of the Niger River in Upper Niger in Mali NC PNSFN Mali 255 520 2 2 on-going 10 – Measures targeting vulnerability linked to the rising sea-level Identification Conservation and management of the coastal delta zone of the Niger river PO_R2 Nigeria 1 090 756 3 2 on-going 11 – Measures strengthening resilience (e.g. generation of jobs, revenues, etc.) Development of improved wood carbonisation techniques and promotion of National communication on Identification 4 061 242 1 2 economical stoves in order to reduce deforestation climate change Benin on-going Projets d‟investissements Identification Climate insurance project for farmers (PACE) 22 438 361 3 2 Climat Burkina Faso on-going Projets d‟investissements Identification Project to set up three areas for the intensification of animal production (ZIPA) 41 143 764 3 2 Climat Burkina Faso on-going Creation of a palm grove covering 100 ha along the Gourouol in the province Identification PO_R1 Burkina Faso 1 741 176 1 5 of Oudalan on-going Identification Diversification of the energy offer in a context of climate change PNACC Cameroun 22 200 000 3 2 on-going Reduction of the effects of climate change on the fisheries sector PNACC Cameroun 3 330 000 Identification 3 2 d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin 40 3. Climate Resilience Investment Plan aiming to strengthen climate resilience in the Niger Basin Prioritization options Reference document and Overall action Funding Action title Contribution to Preparation beneficiary country cost (USD) sources resilience stage on-going Enhance the resilience of vulnerable populations by restoring degraded land Identification NC - PND Ivory Coast 8 579 373 3 2 (agroforestry and community reforestation) on-going Identification Support to the development of community and private Anacard tree planting NAPA Guinea 600 000 3 2 on-going Identification Promotion of market gardening NAPA Guinea 250 000 3 2 on-going 100% identified Integrated Management of Natural Resources Programme CN PNSFN Mali 1 951 500 3 2 - Fish-farming development programme NC Fast start Mali 31 000 000 60% identified - 3 2 Integrated national project for development and adaptation to climate changes CN PNIDAC 72 000 000 10% identified - 3 5 in the Niger Basin Identification Support for the potato sector in Mali PO_R1 Mali 344 538 2 4 on-going Economic promotion of agricultural and forest products in Mali PO_R1 Mali Identification 2 579 832 1 2 on-going Rehabilitation of 300 km between Labezanga and Dolé (Gaya) PO_R1 Niger 60% identified - 1 085 714 1 2 PIDACC Construction of 30 landing stages between Labezanga and Dolé (Labezanga, PO_R1 Niger 60% identified - Ayorou, Tillabéry, Gothuey, Niamey, Kollo, Gaya, Dolé), et Konni, 1 302 521 1 2 PIDACC Madarounfa, Abalak Development of Resilience of the population and the Ecosystem in the Basin 60% identified - (Conservation of biodiversity/Forest management; Preservation of biodiversity PO_R2 Nigeria 4 139 496 3 2 PIDACC / Management of the fauna reserve) NPA: National Adaptation Plan AGIR : Global Alliance for Resilience PNACC: National Programme for Adaptation to Climate Change CIWA: Cooperation in International Waters in Africa PND: National Development Plan NC: National Contribution PNSFN: National Programme to Safeguard the Niger River DCDF: Land Registry and Forestry Development Department (Côte d’Ivoire) PO: NBA Operational Plan DIN: Inner Delta of the Niger SE/ABN: Executive Secretariat of the NBA ONCC: National Observatory for Climate Change SIE: Water Information System NAPA: National Adaptation Programmes of Action SODEFOR: Forestry Development Corporation of Côte d’Ivoire PIDACC: Programme for Integrated Development and Adaptation to Climate Change in the Niger Basin d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin 3. Climate Resilience Investment Plan aiming to strengthen climate resilience in the Niger Basin 41 3.3 CRIP EXPECTED RESULTS AND IMPACTS - MONITORING AND EVALUATION EXPECTED RESULTS AND MONITORING OF IMPLEMENTATION This plan recognizes the need for the NBA to develop a robust monitoring and evaluation (M&E) program to support accountability and learning as it passes from its current design phase to the implementation phase in the months ahead, Such a program will include : a results framework to identify the intended impacts and outcomes of the plan as a whole and the individual interventions (including the logical cause-and-effect relationship between the interventions‟ inputs and activities and these results) ; and indicators to serve as progress markers toward the intended results outlined in the results framework. First, NBA will work with countries and stakeholders to develop an agreed upon results framework and the associated indicators. Below is a list of potential results indicators aiming at assessing intended impacts and outcomes of the plan. The countries and the stakeholders could use it as a starting point for ultimately settling on the most relevant aggregate indicators for each of the selection criteria. Table 3-2 : CRIP performance indicators Performance indicators Nature of the corresponding measures The number of beneficiaries (direct/indirect) affected All The number of climate, hydrological or hydrogeological Measures to enhance knowledge of the climate stations installed or rehabilitated. / hydrological hazard (category 1 of the CRIP) The number of decision-making tools developed Measures to enhance knowledge of the climate (forecasting, early warning, hydraulic modeling / / hydrological hazard (category 1 of the CRIP) allocation) Communication and awareness-raising The number of people made aware of CC measures (category 2 of the CRIP) Measures to enhance capabilities (category 3 The number of people trained in adaptation to CC of the CRIP) Overall regulation volume Capacity to adapt to water stress Hydro-agricultural developments (categories 4 Newly-irrigated or rehabilitated areas (ha) and 11 of the CRIP) Increase in agricultural, livestock and fish Tonnage of agricultural, livestock and fish production. production Number of drinking water distribution / wastewater Measures to combat deterioration of the water networks or associated infrastructure quality (category 6 of the CRIP) Measures to combat degradation of the grazing Transhumance corridors set up (km) land (category 8 of the CRIP) Pastoral hydraulic infrastructures (categories 4 Number of pastoral water sources and 8 of the CRIP) Number of flood-protection measures (dykes, storage Hydraulic structures, dredging activities, etc. structures, etc.) (categories 5 and 7 of the CRIP) Measures to protect the ecosystems of the NB, Protected / rehabilitated / reforested areas (forests, to combat erosion, silting, deterioration of the protected species, springs, etc.) (ha) water quality (categories 6, 7, 8 and 9 of the CRIP) Length of the river maintained/rehabilitated for Measures to combat silting and enhance navigation (km) resilience (categories 6 and 11 of the CRIP) Measures to protect coastal areas (category 10 Length of coast protected (km) of the CRIP) Measures to develop fish-farming (category 11 Number of fishermen installed / assisted. of the CRIP) Hydroelectric developments (categories 4, 5 MW/GW installed or rehabilitated and 11 of the CRIP) Number of measures taking Gender into account All d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin 42 3. Climate Resilience Investment Plan aiming to strengthen climate resilience in the Niger Basin Outcome indicators could not be estimated at this stage, due to a lack of detailed information on some of the CRIP actions. In order to have a first overview of the expected results and the distribution of the CRIP actions at this stage of its development, the following maps (Figure 3-1) were developed:  They show the breakdown of sectoral interventions, from the Second Package, and the amount involved in the national portions of each sub-basin;  The map 3-1 concerns the actions to develop socio-economic infrastructure, from categories 4, 5, 10 and 11. The ratio of the amount invested for the CRIP actions on the population size of each sub-region is proposed as a first approach of estimating the beneficiaries of the CRIP. This mapping highlights the wide distribution of investment throughout the basin and emphasizes the shared benefits of the CRIP;  The map 3-2 gathers the actions for the protection and conservation of ecosystems and the environment, from categories 6, 7, 8 and 9. The ratio of the amount invested for the CRIP actions on land area of each sub-region is proposed as a first approach of estimating the beneficiary impacts of the CRIP on the basin ecosystems. This mapping illustrates the distribution of financing by sub-basin and national areas, especially into places of low economic development rather than only to areas of higher population density, as is often the case;  The actions of the package "Knowledge and Institutions" refer to the entire basin and have not been shown;  The amounts correspond to the implementation and financing strategy, presented below, respectively in Sections 3.4 and 4. These maps highlight that the sectoral interventions of the CRIP do not just focus on traditional economic growth areas, around major cities of the basin, as is often the case, but they will also impact the most remote rural areas which directly suffer the impacts of climate change. The CRIP will strengthen the resilience of the population to climate change by improving the shared prosperity in the basin. d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin 3. Climate Resilience Investment Plan aiming to strengthen climate resilience in the Niger Basin 43 Figure 3-1: Distribution of the CRIP actions contribution to socio-economic infrastructure development in the Niger basin Figure 3-2: Distribution of the CRIP actions contributing to ecosystem conservation and resources protection in the Niger basin d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin 44 3. Climate Resilience Investment Plan aiming to strengthen climate resilience in the Niger Basin ASSESSMENT PROGRAMME Beyond this, however, the program will also include evaluation, which is a separate analysis that draws upon the results framework and indicators, but also involves additional independent data collection and analysis. Evaluation typically examines why and how results have been achieved, what has worked well and not worked well, and what kind of improvements to design and implementation could improve results. Including an impact evaluation mechanism in the implementation of this plan improves the empirical understanding around approaches and practices that are most successful at building resilience in the Niger Basin. Incorporating this evidence-base into the Program‟s learning cycle will thus help NBA build the necessary capacity in the region (both at national and local levels) for M&E of climate resilience investments amongst the stakeholders d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin 3. Climate Resilience Investment Plan aiming to strengthen climate resilience in the Niger Basin 45 3.4 IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGY 3.4.1 Programmation To insure consistency with the Operationnal Plan of the NBA, the CRIP has been integrated into the 3-year plans 2016-2018, 2019-2021 and 2022-2024 aiming at implementing the OP. To do so, NBA develped an implementation strategy that is detailed in Appendix J. This implementation strategy is based on the prioritization of the CRIP actions. The CRIP actions were assigned to the 3-year plans according to the level of emergency, as precised by the countries, to their contribution to resilience strengthening and to their readiness level (the two latter parameters are detailed in the last 2 columns of the tables of actions in section 3.2). For instance, the activities related to the PIDACC were assigned to the first 3-year plan. On this basis, the CRIP actions have been scheduled in coordination with the OP actions of NBA (see Appendix H). This physical and financial scheduling is synthetized in the table shown in section 4.2. 3.4.2 Gender equality The need to address gender in adaptation to climate change is widely recognized. In many parts of the world, women and men experience and respond to climate impacts differently. They are also involved in climate change solutions in differing ways depending on their roles in society and in their communities. Recognizing and integrating gender considerations in resilience-building is paramount to ensuring effective outcomes. In the Niger Basin, women are primarily responsible for food production, household water supply, energy production for heating and cooking, childcare, and sharing traditional knowledge. These areas of daily life are complicated and even impaired by a rapidly and unpredictably changing climate. In rural communities, women use and manage natural resources that also at risk to the impacts of climate change. And yet, women often lack access to financial and technical support, emergency response systems, and other support systems needed to cope with those impacts. Although they are disproportionately affected, women also play a crucial role in building resilience to climate change. They have many crucial skills and relationships that are needed to adapt to changing environmental realities. As the heart of their communities, they are often responsible for knowledge dissemination, development of coping strategies, and implementation of community- based solutions. Moreover, women‟s knowledge, networks, and strategies to deal with climate variability are best enabled and supported when women are represented in relevant decision- making at all levels. The NBA and its member countries plan to implement CRIP activities in a gender informed way – both to reduce vulnerability of women to the effects of climate change and to harness the unique role and skills of women to build climate resilience. Countries foresee gender considerations playing an important role in the design, decision-making, stakeholder engagement, and implementation phases of relevant CRIP activities. Specifically, gender will be mainstreamed into activities such as capacity building, communication, project formulation, studies, and assessment. Notably, a number of country projects are specifically designed to strengthen women‟s role in adaptation measures related to water management and food production. One country will develop their national gender policy by considering women‟s vulnerability to climate change with support from the CRIP, and the NBA will also develop its own gender policy in order to support coherent implementation of all CRIP actions. d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin 46 4. Funding of the Climate Resilience Investment Plan 4. FUNDING OF THE CLIMATE RESILIENCE INVESTMENT PLAN 4.1 POSITIONING WITH REGARD TO OTHER ADAPTATION PROGRAMMES It does not compete with other national or regional investment programmes. It aims to mobilise additional sources of investment, specific to adaptation to climate change, for the implementation of measures taken from the OP, the NAPAs, the NAP ‟s and national contributions to strengthening resilience to climate change in the Niger Basin. It incorporates the adaptation measures of the various projects of the NBA (PIDAACC/ADB, P-DREDGE/WB, P-GIRE2/AFD, etc). Moreover, the CRIP is consistent and compatible with the various national initiatives (INDC, national adaptation plans in particular) and regional initiatives in connection with adaptation to climate change. The CRIP is thus positioned as an investment plan encompassing/harmonizing all the adaptation measures planned in the NB. Each of the projects of the NBA or the national or regional action programmes included in the CRIP constitutes a lever for implementation of the measures they drive. As such, being fully incorporated into the CRIP, the PIDAACC, an NBA adaptation project supported by the ADB, has a central place. The ADB is thus a valued partner of this initiative. The Integrated Programme for Agricultural Development and Adaptation to Climate Change in the Niger Basin (PIDAACC/NB) aims to contribute to improving the life of the populations and their resilience to the effects of climate change by the sustainable management of the natural resources. Its preparation is funded by the African Development Bank (ADB) and follows on from the Silting Control Programme in the Niger Basin (SCP/BN), co-funded by the ADB. It includes 38 measures, distributed between 3 components: (i) Integrated Development of Water Resources, (ii) Development of the Resilience of the Populations and Ecosystems and (ii) Coordination and management of the Programme. The PIDAACC/BN will enable the Investment Programme (IP) to be made operational and the implementation of the NBA Operational Plan (OP) by 2021, through the measures it drives. 4.2 COST OF THE CLIMATE RESILIENCE INVESTMENT PLAN The overall amount of the Climate Resilience Investment Plan in its current version, i.e. a selection of measures, based on the OP, NAPAs, NAPs and national contributions, screened using the first 8 criteria defined in section 2.2.1, is approximately 3,111,000,000 USD (3.11 billion USD). The costs have been estimated based on the information contained in the description sheets for the projects provided by the countries and the NBA. The tables below summarize the cost of the CRIP per type of adaptation measure and per country. NB: It should be noted that some measures may belong to several categories of adaptation measures. In this case, they have been allocated to the category for which the contribution is the most significant. The figures given in the table below should therefore be interpreted in perspective. For example, the multi-usage infrastructures adopted in the CRIP have been classed in category 4 "Vulnerability linked to water stress", which partly explains the high amount associated with this category. However, these structures also significantly contribute to flood protection and therefore also fall under category 5 but the amount of the activity has not been counted in this category. d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin 4. Funding of the Climate Resilience Investment Plan 47 Moreover, the Plan does not attempt to parce out incremental costs of adaptation activities. Rather, it consders the full amount of each investment as its contribution to resilience-building in the Niger Basin. It is recognized, though, that some financing mechanisms could request more nuanced analyses of the additionality of adaptation costs to justify funding certain projects contained in the Plan; something that the implementing partners will work to provide when required. Table 4-1: Cost of the Climate Resilience Investment Plan per type of adaptation measure Overall cost of the Types of measures contributing to climate measures chosen Number of actions resilience building in the CRIP pre- selection ($US) Governance and Knowledge package [54] [242,000,000] 1 - Knowledge. Collection and generation of climatic and hydrological information. Weather-forecasting tools and 26 78,000,000 decision-making tools 2 - Assessment of vulnerability. Communication and awareness-raising 9 129,000,000 3 - Integration of climate change adaptation into the capabilities, bodies and management instruments of the 19 35,000,000 national and regional institutions of the Basin Package of sectorial measures contributing to enhancing the resilience of the populations and [192] [2,867,000,000] ecosystems of the basin to the impacts of climate change identified in the NB 4 - Measures targeting vulnerability to water stress 77 1,619,000,000 6 – Measures targeting vulnerability to flooding 7 63,000,000 6 – Measures targeting vulnerability to soil degradation 30 201,000,000 7 - Measures targeting vulnerability to degradation of the 8 127,000,000 grazing land 8 - Measures targeting vulnerability to degradation of the 47 636,000,000 ecosystems 9 - Measures targeting vulnerability to deterioration of 5 3,000,000 the water quality 10 - Measures targeting vulnerability linked to the rising 1 1,000,000 sea-level 11 – Measures strengthening resilience (e.g. generation 17 219,000,000 of jobs, revenues, etc Details of the costs per project are given in the detailed list of measures (sections 3.2) and Appendix F. The CRIP does not constitute a fixed breakdown of resources between the countries. The total cost per country reflects only the number of projects that were identified and considered consistent with the resilience criteria defined in the CRIP. Actual financing of the plan will depend on the interest of financing entities and specific country priorities. Financial scheduling of the CRIP based on the prioritization of the actions NBA developed a strategy to implement the CRIP, based on the prioritization of the actions (see section 3.4) and on their breakdown in the three 3-year plans of the OP. This turns into a financial programming of the CRIP actions. The programming of each CRIP action is detailed in the tables presented in Appendices G and H, and summarized in the following synthesis table. d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin 48 4. Funding of the Climate Resilience Investment Plan Table 4-2 : Financial programming of the CRIP actions based on the 3-year plans of the OP. Type of adaptation actions PO - PT1 PO - PT2 PO - PT3 TOTAL 1 - Knowledge. Collection and generation of climatic and hydrological information. Weather- 43% 33 600 000 30% 23 700 000 27% 20 700 000 100% 78 000 000 forecasting tools and decision-making tools 2 - Assessment of vulnerability. Communication 21% 26 700 000 32% 41 600 000 47% 61 100 000 100% 129 400 000 and awareness-raising 3 - Integration of climate change adaptation into the capabilities, bodies and management 37% 13 200 000 48% 16 900 000 15% 5 400 000 100% 35 500 000 instruments of the national and regional institutions of the Basin Package 1 30% 73 500 000 34% 82 200 000 36% 87 200 000 100% 242 900 000 4 - Measures targeting vulnerability to water stress 24% 395 800 000 51% 828 700 000 24% 394 300 000 100% 1 618 800 000 5 – Measures targeting vulnerability to flooding 24% 15 400 000 76% 48 100 000 0% 0 100% 63 500 000 6 – Measures targeting vulnerability to soil 18% 35 200 000 80% 160 000 000 3% 5 900 000 100% 201 100 000 degradation 7 - Measures targeting vulnerability to degradation 36% 46 200 000 34% 43 700 000 29% 36 800 000 100% 126 700 000 of the grazing land 8 - Measures targeting vulnerability to degradation 31% 194 200 000 55% 349 900 000 14% 91 800 000 100% 635 900 000 of the ecosystems 9 - Measures targeting vulnerability to 93% 2 700 000 7% 200 000 0% 0 100% 2 900 000 deterioration of the water quality 10 - Measures targeting vulnerability linked to the 55% 600 000 45% 500 000 0% 0 100% 1 100 000 rising sea-level 11 – Measures strengthening resilience (e.g. 24% 52 300 000 31% 68 200 000 45% 98 300 000 100% 218 800 000 generation of jobs, revenues, etc Package 2 26% 742 400 000 52% 1 499 300 000 22% 627 100 000 100% 2 868 800 000 TOTAL 26% 815 900 000 51% 1 581 500 000 23% 714 300 000 100% 3 111 700 000 d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin 4. Funding of the Climate Resilience Investment Plan 49 4.3 FUNDING PLAN The CRIP aims to encompass and harmonize all the adaptation measures planned in the NB . Each of the projects of the NBA or the national or regional action programmes included in the CRIP and for which funding is identified constitutes a lever for implementation of the measures they drive. The CRIP can therefore already draw on the projects and action programmes which are due to be implemented imminently (e.g. PIDAACC). 4.3.1 Current state of identified funding sources On the scale of the overall CRIP document According to the information it has been possible to collect at the time of this report preparation, 618 million USD have already been identified, which represents 20% of the overall amount. The financing sources identified for each of the measures are specified in the tables in section 3.2. Table 4-3: Level of identification of funding for the measures selected in the Climate Resilience 3 Investment Plan aggregated by type of adaptation measures Percentage of Overall cost of the Share of cost for the over cost Types of measures contributing to climate measures chosen in which a funding covered by resilience building the CRIP pre- source has been identified selection ($US) identified ($US) funding sources Governance and Knowledge package [242,000,000] [20,500,000] [8.5%] 1 - Knowledge. Collection and generation of climatic and hydrological information. Weather-forecasting tools and decision- 78,000,000 11,200,000 14.4% making tools 2 - Assessment of vulnerability. Communication and awareness-raising 129,000,000 0 0.0% 3 - Integration of climate change adaptation into the capabilities, bodies and management instruments of the national and regional 35,000,000 9,300,000 26.6% institutions of the Basin Other measures contributing to strengthening resilience of the populations and ecosystems of the basin to the [2,869,000,000] [598,200,000] [20.8%] impacts of climate change identified in the Niger Basin (criterion 1): 4 - Measures targeting vulnerability to water 1,619,000 000 222,600,000 13.7% stress 7 – Measures targeting vulnerability to 63,000,000 3,600,000 5.7% flooding 6 – Measures targeting vulnerability to soil 201,000,000 93,100,000 46.3% degradation 7 - Measures targeting vulnerability to 127,000,000 58,100,000 45.7% degradation of the grazing land 8 - Measures targeting vulnerability to 636,000,000 191,100,000 30.0% degradation of the ecosystems 9 - Measures targeting vulnerability to 3,000,000 0 0.0% deterioration of the water quality 10 - Measures targeting vulnerability linked to 1,000,000 0 0.0% the rising sea-level 11 – Measures strengthening resilience (e.g. 219,000,000 29,700,000 13.6% generation of jobs, revenues, etc TOTAL [3,109,000,000] [617,800,000] [19.9%] d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin 50 4. Funding of the Climate Resilience Investment Plan With regard to the measures for which funding has not been identified, the World Bank and the ADB have begun consultations with the Technical and Financial Partners to mobilize supplementary resources for this initiative. The process is ongoing. A table summarising the distribution of the commitments of the various donors and partners for the financing of the CRIP will be drafted based on the interest and commitments expressed after the consultations. On the scale of each of the 3-year plans of the OP implementing the CRIP The following table illustrates the fundraising efforts that will be necessary to insure the sustainability and efficiency of the CRIP. It shows the level of already identified funding and their breakdown in the 3-year implementation plans. Moreover, the table presents the possible – yet to be confirmed – contribution of the countries to the CRIP. It is assumed that this contribution would reach at least 10% of each action cost. This contribution has been considered as identified funding (see fundraising strategy in the next section). In addition, the direct beneficiaries will also be asked to contribute financially or in kind, to the implementation of the actions that directly concern them, except for the most important infrastructure. At the time of this report preparation, and based on this assupmtion, 28% of the overall amount of the CRIP actions assigned to the first 3-year implementation plan is already identified. Table 4-4 : Breakdown of the identified and to be identified funding sources for the CRIP actions according to the 3-year plans of the OP. PO - PT1 PO - PT2 PO - PT3 TOTAL 2016-2018 2019-2021 2022-2024 millions USD 815 800 000 1 581 400 000 714 400 000 3 111 600 000 Overall cost % the overall cost of the CRIP 26.2% 50.8% 23.0% 100% millions USD 230 600 000 509 900 000 189 400 000 929 900 000 Identified amount % the overall cost of the CRIP 7.4% 16.4% 6.1% 29.9% millions USD 585 200 000 1 071 500 000 525 000 000 2 181 700 000 Amount to be raised % the overall cost of the CRIP 18.8% 34.4% 16.9% 70.1% 4.3.2 Fundraising strategy The Investment Plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change includes 246 actions for a total amount of 3.11 billion USD. The identified financing represents about 20%. Thus, 80% of the cost of the CRIP, which is 2.492 billion USD is still to be mobilized for its implementation. Targeted financing sources include:  Counterpart contributions of both NBA Member Countries and actions‟ beneficiaries;  Adaptation financing funds;  The Green Climate Fund;  FEM;  Multilateral donors in link or not with a climate initiative (WB, AfDB, etc.);  Bilateral donors in link or not with a climate initiative (EU, USAID, GIZ, KfW, FDA, BADEA, etc.);  Regional financial institutions in link or not with a climate initiative (BOAD, WAEMU, CEMAC). d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin 4. Funding of the Climate Resilience Investment Plan 51 The strategy for mobilizing the above-mentioned financing is set forth as follows: FINANCIAL INVOLVEMENT OF NBA MEMBER COUNTRIES AND THE BENEFICIARIES OF THE ACTIONS IN IMPLEMENTING THE CRIP NBA Member Countries, engaged in a shared vision for a sustainable development of the basin since 2002, and acknowledging the big challenge which the strengthening of the resilience of populations, infrastructures, ecosystems and institutions to climate change particularly represents, own the CRIP. The collectively commit themselves to:  Embark on advocacy on the Investment Plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin (CRIP) in order to mobilize Technical and Financial Partners;  Mobilize national counterpart contributions for financing the actions of the Investment Plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin (CRIP) for up to 10% of the cost of the investments planned. For this, budgetary entries will be made as from the 2016 fiscal year in Member Countries‟ respective budgets;  Finalize country and community consultations on the feasibility of innovative and sustainable financing mechanisms for which we have Decision No.5 of the 9th and 10th NBA Summits of Heads of State and Government on the implementation of the mechanisms for an autonomous and sustainable financing of NBA, with the involvement of the private sector; In order to ensure beneficiaries‟ ownership of the realizations, and the sustainability of investments, the direct beneficiaries of the CRIP actions will bring their counterpart contributions which vary between 5% and 10% of the costs, depending on the actions; that percentage will be defined during the financial programming of each action. In addition, the direct beneficiaries will also be asked to contribute financially or in kind, to the implementation of the actions that directly concern them, except for the most important infrastructure. CONTRIBUTION OF THE DEVELOPMENT BANKS SUPPORTING THE CRIP (WB, AFDB)  The advocacy and sensitization of TFPs will be intensified before COP21 in order to mobilize them and to bring them to decide on the level of their involvement in the financing of the CRIP. For this, the World Bank, Lead Member of NBA TFPs, and the African Development Bank (AfDB), Lead Member of PIDACC/NB Partners, will support NBA and Member Countries in CRIP promotion and implementation.  NBA and Member States will officially solicit the two Development Banks so that they announce their contribution by the COP21. This should create a domino effect for bringing other partners by concretely taking part in the financing of the CRIP. CONTRIBUTION OF OTHER TECHNICAL AND FINANCIAL PARTNERS (TFPS)  NBA will send official requests about CRIP to every other TFPs and will invite them at the CRIP presentation at COP21;  The World Bank and NBA, with the support of a Champion, will intensify advocacy and sensitization towards partners before COP21 by visiting, if need be, their headquarters to ensure the successful presentation of CRIP to CoP21. The advocacy will continue during and after COP21;  A meeting of PIDACC partners will be held in February 2016, with the support of AfDB/AWF and ICA, for mobilizing PIDACC financing, a priority program of the CRIP;  Regional programme sheets will be developed, in relation with Member Countries, for submission to donors and climate funds (GCF, FEM, etc). d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin 52 4. Funding of the Climate Resilience Investment Plan FUNDRAISING TOOLS FOR THE CRIP  A fundraising working group will be established and managed by NBA from January 2016 ;  NBA, with the support of the World Bank and the African Development Bank, will establish a Fiduciary Fund for strengthening resilience to climate change in the Niger Basin, which will constitutes a sustainable funding tool;  National and regional resilience programs/projects will be developed and implemented over the period 2016-2024. d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin 5. Next stages of the process 53 5. NEXT STAGES OF THE PROCESS  Presentation of the CRIP at the Climate Conference in Paris (COP 21), during a high level panel discussion organized at the Africa Pavillon on 2 December 2015.  Funds mobilization ;  Implementation. d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin Appendixes 55 APPENDIXES d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin 56 Appendixes Appendix A : Definitions d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin Appendixes 57 DEFINITION OF CLIMATE RISK Climate risk can be broken down into the climate hazard itself and the vulnerability of the system in question (population, ecosystem, infrastructure, institution). See Figure A-1 below. Climate change: A change in climate conditions which can be characterised (e.g. using statistical tests) by shifts in average and/or property variability modifications and which persist over a long period of time, typically decades or more. Climate change can be a result of anything from natural internal processes (natural variability) to external forces or persistent anthropogenic changes to the composition of the atmosphere or how land is used. Vulnerability: Vulnerability to climate change is the degree to which geophysical, biological and socio-economic systems are susceptible to, and unable to cope with, adverse impacts of climate change (see ; Füssel and Klein, 2006). The term „vulnerability‟ may therefore refer to the vulnerable system itself, e.g., low-lying islands or coastal cities; the impact to this system, e.g., flooding of coastal cities and agricultural lands or forced migration; or the mechanism causing these impacts, e.g., disintegration of the West Antarctic ice sheet. Exposure: The presence of people means of subsistence, resources and environmental services, elements of infrastructure or economic, social or cultural assets in an area which is susceptible to damage. Sensitivity: The degree to which a system is either positively or negatively influenced by climate variability or climate change. Effects in this sense may be direct (e.g. changes to agricultural yield owing to changes in average values for temperature amplitude or variability) or indirect (e.g. damage caused by the increased frequency of coastal flooding due to the sea level rising). 
 Adaptive capacity: The ability of a system, institution, human being or any other organism to mitigate adverse effects or adapt to the consequences of or capitalise on the beneficial effects of climate change. Figure A-1 : Diagram defining the climate risk and possible strategies to strengthen resilience to climate change. Key: The various types of climate change resilience-building measures.  Measures aimed at reducing climate hazard sensibility,  measures aimed at reducing climate hazard vulnerability,  measures aimed at building adaptive capacity to climate hazards. Source: Inspired by Gitz V. & Meybeck A., 2012. Risks, vulnerabilities and resilience in a context of climate change. FAO. d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin 58 Appendixes DEFINING ADAPTATION AND RESILIENCE Mitigation: Human actions aimed at reducing the anthropogenic impact on climate forcing; this approach consists of reducing the sources of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions or expanding GHG storage. An approach aimed at stabilising greenhouse gas (GHG) concentrations in the atmosphere to levels which could prevent any dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system by promoting efforts to reduce or limit GHG emissions or improve GHG sequestration. Adaptation: In human systems this refers to an approach involving the adjustment of the current or expected climate, as well as the consequences thereof, so as to mitigate harmful effects and harness beneficial effects. In natural systems this refers to an approach involving the adjustment of the current climate as well as the consequences thereof; human intervention may facilitate adaptation for the expected climate. Note: Mitigation measures can limit climate change, whereas the goal of adaptation measures is the reduction of the vulnerability of natural and socio-economic systems, thereby combating climate change at lower cost. Resilience: The capacity a system and its various components presents with respect to anticipating, absorbing and/or withstanding the effects of hazards or to quickly and effectively recover from said hazards, including via protective measures, resulting in the rehabilitation and improvement of basic structures and operations (see Figure 2-1). Note: Climate change resilience building for watersheds is an approach which encompasses adaptation and is part of the broader development of the river basin. Climate change is therefore viewed as a constraint (amongst other things) affecting development. This notably includes 'no regret' measures. Maladaptation: The risk of implementing measures which may ultimately harm populations/ecosystems, i.e. measures which may be beneficial in the short term or at the local level but may also affect vulnerability or the ability to adapt to climate change over the long term or other spatial scale. Some adaptation strategies may increase the vulnerability of other ecosystems, sectors or populations where (i) they increase greenhouse gas emissions, (ii) they disproportionately have an impact on more vulnerable areas, (iii) opportunity costs prove too high, (iv) they reduce incentives for adaptation or (v) where they lead to pathways which limit the choices available to future generations. These five risks for maladaptation provide a basis which can be used to analyse any possible adverse effects arising from adaptation measures (Barnett & O'Neill, 2009). The various types of adaptation measures The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe has defined the various options in terms of projects available based on expected climate benefits (United Nations & the EEC, 2009):  Win-win options (measures which are shown to be highly cost-effective and which minimise climate risk and offer further advantages). These often refer to activities dealing with the effects of climate change and/or meeting other social and environmental objectives, e.g. efficient use of water, particularly hot water (reduces demand for water as well as GHG emissions).  No regret options (measures which are known to be cost-effective and useful, regardless of the magnitude of climate change). These are measures which are warranted due to current climate conditions and which are compatible with projected climate change, e.g. the promotion of good soil management practices to limit the risks of diffuse pollution.  Low regret options (measures with low cost-effectiveness, but significant benefits which depend on future climate change), e.g. an oversized drainage network.  Flexible adaptation options (measures which are designed to be modified in future), e.g. designing a reservoir such that the size could be increased in future. d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin Appendixes 59 Sources:  IPCC Fifth Assessment Report: Climate Change 2014  IPCC, SREX, 2012. Disaster and extreme weather event risk management to meet the needs of climate change adaptation.  IPCC Fourth Assessment Report: Climate Change 2007 d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin 60 Appendixes Appendix B : Design process of NBA’s planning documents d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin Appendixes 61 So as to better align future measures to be proposed within the scope of the Niger Basin Authority (NBA) Operational Plans (OPs) and/or Strategic Action Plans (SAPs), it is important to firstly highlight the co-ordination required from the various elements involved with the NBA programmatic framework (see the illustration below). In 2002, NBA Member States decided to draft a Shared Vision which would consist of making the Niger River Basin 'an area of sustainable development with respect to the integrated management of water resources and related ecosystems so as to improve the quality of life and offer prosperity for the surrounding populations'. Afterwards, during the 8th Heads of State and Government Summit held on 30 April 2008 in Niamey, Niger, the Member States adopted a Sustainable Development Action Programme (SDAP) for 2027, an Investment Programme (IP) for 2008-2027 and a Water Charter. The SDAP is a strategic reference document which defines and offers guidelines on the integrated and shared development process for NBA Member States. The IP, which is the budgetary implementation document for the SDAP, consists of three (3) main priority development components: (i) the development of socio-economic infrastructures, (ii) the protection of resources and ecosystems and (iii) capacity building for and the involvement of key players for the Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) scheme. The IP is spread out over several five-year plans: (i) the Five-year Priority Plan (FPP) for 2008- 2012, (ii) the Second Five-year Plan for 2013-2017, (iii) the Third Five-year Plan for 2018-2022 and the Fourth Five-year Plan for 2023-2027. In November 2012 the NBA drafted a ten-year Strategic Plan (SP) for 2013-2022. This SP defined five strategic areas of action: (i) water as an economic development lever, (ii) the preservation of basin ecosystems, (iii) innovative and sustainable financing, (iv) co-operation with fellow Member States and partners and (v) organisational performance. The operationalization process for this strategic plan consisted in a series of national and regional workshops held in 2013 and 2014 with the goal of identifying priority actions and projects for Member States (indexed in the form of project information sheets) per IP and SDAP measures and NBA strategic plan guidelines as well as agreeing on which priority actions and projects implemented in the Niger River Basin should be monitored by the NBA over the next ten years. The NBA Operational Plan for 2016-2024 consists of the physical and financial programming for these priority actions and projects. This document is currently being validated by NBA authorities. d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin 62 Appendixes Appendix C : Climate projections and impacts on the water cycle in the Niger River Basin d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin Appendixes 63 Sources:  A global perspective on African climate, Giannini et al. 2008  Evaluation des risques climatiques pour le Bassin du Fleuve Niger (Assessing climate risk for the Niger River Basin), ABN-BM, 2013  Climate Change, Water and Conflict in the Niger River Basin, USAID, 2011 THE KEY ROLE OF CLIMATE VARIABILITY IN THE NRB Illustration showing spatial and temporal variability in terms of rainfall (upper part) and Niger river flows (lower part). Source: Evaluation des risques climatiques pour le Bassin du Fleuve Niger (Assessing climate risk for the Niger River Basin), ABN-BM, 2013 d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin 64 Appendixes A LARGE DEGREE OF UNCERTAINTY REGARDING HOW RAINFALL ASPECTS WOULD BE AFFECTED BY CLIMATE CHANGE Source: Evaluation des risques climatiques pour le Bassin du Fleuve Niger (Assessing climate risk for the Niger River Basin), ABN-BM, 2013  A high degree of uncertainty is currently present in for Niger River Basin climate projections, particularly with regard to rainfall. CLIMATE AND HYDROLOGICAL HAZARDS CONTEMPLATED There are two aspects to the development of climate variables within the context of climate change:  extreme weather phenomena;  shifts in mean values (e.g. migration of isohyets, disturbance of rainfall patterns). With climate projections being quite uncertain for some parameters (particularly rainfall), it is difficult to assess likely climate and hydrological impacts in terms of the nature of these impacts, their intensity, frequency and spatial variability. Taking a generic inventory of climate and hydrological impacts has been proposed (see Table 1-1), with this list being used to draw up a cause and effect flow chart (Figure 1-1) afterwards. This chart is then broken down for each sector for the purposes of identifying the specific second-order impacts. d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin Appendixes 65 Table C-1: Possible effects of climate change in the NRB Parameters Possible development of climate Climate hazards/impact parameters based on projections contemplated Temperature Mean annual temperatures rising from Impact on evapotranspiration 1°C to 3°C Heat waves Severe heat Contributes to the growth of invasive species (such as crickets, water hyacinths) or epidemics Fosters conditions leading to fires/wildfires Evapotranspiration Rise in evapotranspiration as a consequence of temperature rise Rainfall Average rainfall: uncertainty regarding Drought: Lower average flow isohyet development and rainfall pattern rates, reduced groundwater variability, changes to seasonality/crop recharge, calendar and other disturbances.  less of the resource available Negative outcome: lower average on average rainfall. Positive outcome: high average rainfall. More frequent instances of severe drought: Lower flow Extreme weather events: uncertainty, rates at low water, rains fall later more frequent and more severe rainfall? each year,  seasonal resource shortages become more frequent and intense Severe rainfall  Acceleration of soil erosion Other climate Increased CO2 concentration parameters Source: SPCR & NAPAs & ABN-BM 2013 d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin 66 Appendixes Figure C-2: Development of climate and hydrological elements as a result of climate change - cause and effect flow chart Source: BRLi d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin Appendixes 67 Appendix D : Sectoral impacts of climate change in the Niger River Basin d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin 68 Appendixes SECTOR-SPECIFIC IMPACTS Sources:  Evaluation des risques climatiques pour le Bassin du Fleuve Niger (Assessing climate risk for the Niger River Basin), ABN-BM, 2013  Climate change, water and conflict in the Niger River Basin, USAID, 2011  AGHRYMET study, 2010  NAPA studies A background of great uncertainty in terms of the nature, intensity, spatial variability and timing of climate change impact in the Niger River Basin. ECOSYSTEMS Increased sand encroachment. Vegetation cover reduced. Deterioration of biodiversity. Remarkable ecosystem in the NID --> role in local population subsistence and key impact downstream d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin Appendixes 69 AGRICULTURE Lower crop yield as a result of increasing temperatures (maize, millet, sorghum: -5% per +1°C, - 10% per +2°C, up to -15-25% per +3°C per CILSS/AGRHYMET 2007 and 2009 studies; even greater drop for cereals per an FAO study; for rice: this is more complex as there is a beneficial short term effect from an increase in CO2 concentration, although over the long term yield decreases, per Keita 2009, Sarr 2007). Increased number of disasters/infections (disease, pests) Agricultural season shortened: changes to crop calendars Soil erosion and salinization Salinization of underground water resources (owing to reduced recharge, salt barriers) Increased demand for irrigation water [Surface area for flooding reduced in the NID if flow rates are reduced.]  Reduced crop yield.  Deterioration of food safety (low crop production vs rapidly growing populations) d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin 70 Appendixes LIVESTOCK Lower availability of watering points. Reduced production in pastures / reduced availability of feed [this is particularly related to the lower amount of flooded land in the NID in the event flow rates drop]. Increased mortality rates (parasites, disease, droughts)  Reduced animal production and human migration to more favourable areas.  Deterioration of food safety (low crop production and rapidly growing populations) d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin Appendixes 71 DRINKING WATER SUPPLY Reduced resource availability at water points. HYDROPOWER Erosion increases sedimentation levels and may reduce dam storage/production capacity. d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin 72 Appendixes FISHING Lower water levels or disappearance of water points. NAVIGATION [Reduced numbers of days per year waterways are navigable in the event of reduced flow rates] Erosion increases sand encroachment and sedimentation, which may reduce navigability. d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin Appendixes 73 HEALTH – SECURITY/SAFETY More frequent and severe flooding. Lower water quality during low water periods (as well as during flood periods - pollution as a result of sewage). Diseases, parasites. d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin 74 Appendixes Appendix E : Selection methodology of the actions to be incorporated into the Climate Resilience Investment Plan d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin Appendixes 75 METHODOLOGY USED TO COMPARE PROJECTS WITH CRITERIA Criteria Ranking Criterion 1 - Improved awareness with respect to hazards, 0/1/2/3 progress made with respect to assessing vulnerabilities, integration of climate change adaptation in public policies. Criterion 2 - Strengthening resilience 0/1/2/3 Criterion 3 - Contributing to the management and sustainable 0/1 development of the Niger River Basin (NRB) Criterion 4 - Preventing maladaptation 0/1 Criterion 5 - Management and development of NRB water 0/1 resources in line with protective measures Criterion 6 - Compatibility with main planning documents and 0/1 agreements relative to the NRB Criterion 7 - Country ownership 0/1 Criterion 8 - Project preparation stage N/A: no information, 1: ideas in place, identification under way, 2: identification carried out, 3: feasibility studies under way, 4: feasibility studies carried out, 5: APS/APD, EIES carried out, 6: detailed design prepared or implementation (planning). Criterion 9 - Financing level identified / Criterion 10 - Economic feasibility / For criterion 8, Project Preparation Stage, the goal here is harmonisation with the project preparation stage assessment system used in the NBA OP. For criteria to be marked as '0/1/2/3', assessment in this respect is as follows:  0: this measure has no connection to climate change resilience building or adaptation.  1: this measure has an indirect connection with climate change resilience building or adaptation.  2: the main objective for the measure is not climate change adaptation or resilience building although it would greatly contribute to the foregoing (as a co-benefit).  3: this measure is directly related to climate change resilience building or adaptation. For criteria to be marked as '0/1':  '0' means the criterion has not been met,  whilst '1' means the criterion has been met. CRITERION 6 DEFINITION. MALADAPTATION. Criterion definition: Broader integration over a longer period of time and under contrasting possible scenarios for any future changes, bearing in mind interactions between sectors and financing. The goal of this criterion is preventing measures being selected, particularly major developments such as multiple use structure work and irrigated perimeters, which could result in 'maladaptation'. Works should provide significant benefits in terms of adaptation: d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin 76 Appendixes  Structural works capable of storing volumes of water during times when the resource is abundant and then releasing it during drier periods ('regulation') for the purpose of meeting needs which otherwise would not be met. These works should therefore be able to reduce instances where the availability of water resources is lower than normal as well as the deterioration of ecosystems and the water quality at low water marks. Works should likewise assume a protective function against flooding by reducing water levels, thereby reducing the vulnerability of populations downstream of the risk. Lastly works should be able to provide benefits for mitigation via hydropower generation.  Irrigated perimeters are used to bring water to crops during periods where this resource is not available. They therefore reduce vulnerability caused by low water resource availability and may constitute, where certain conditions have been met - e.g. the type of crops being grown, the overall agro-economic context they are used in, financial beneficiaries etc. - a food safety improvement tool. These types of works tend to generate more economic activity and revenue. However irrigated perimeters may also induce effects which prove inhibitive to climate change adaptation (maladaptation):  Structural works reservoirs may allow large volumes of water to evaporate. With the amount that has evaporated into the atmosphere, there is not enough for the intended use downstream. Lastly these works, whenever floods are levelled off, are susceptible to flash flood waves in wet zones located downstream and which could have a negative impact on ecosystems and economic activities which depend on said ecosystems (e.g. the Inner Delta or Coastal Delta).  Irrigated perimeters induce losses when water is transferred from its place of removal to the place of application for crops. The flow rate may also end up competing with other intended uses downstream which would be more relevant with respect to climate change adaptation. In order to assess, at least as an initial approach, the performance level of works with respect to adaptation, an indicator should be set which allows for the comparison of positive and negative effects: For multiple use reservoirs, we would propose using the following indicators: For irrigated perimeters: For adaptation it would be desirable for the measures being put forward:  not to reduce the overall water balance;  not to induce poor or low valuation of water resources. These indicators could therefore be used to identify measures which could generate maladaptation. d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin Appendixes 77 Subsidiarity and overall vision for the watershed Additionally the values of these indicators for two or more similar works could be compared for the purposes of prioritising implementation. d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin Appendix F : Documents and contributions used for the selection of the actions d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin Appendixes 79 This table details the documents and contributions provided by the countries and which were used for the selection of actions in the CRIP. The minutes of the national consultations held in August 2015 for the development of the CRIP can be provided by the project team at NBA or WB. PLANNING DOCUMENTS AND NATIONAL CONTRIBUTIONS USED FOR THE SELECTION OF COUNTRY THE ACTIONS IN THE CRIP  NAPA (2007) PNA (2015), PAGIRE, SDAGE Mouhoun, Climate change investment plan (contribution submitted in September 2015) Burkina Faso  National report of the consultation workshop held for the developement of the Operational Plan (NBA, 2013-2014)  Addition information transmitted on 16 September 2015  NAPA (2008)  National report of the consultation workshop held for the developement Benin of the Operational Plan (NBA, 2013-2014)  nde 2 National Communication of Benin about Climate Change  Addition information transmitted on 19 September 2015  National report of the consultation workshop held for the developement of the Operational Plan (NBA, 2013-2014)  Minutes of the national consultation held in August 2015 for the Cameroon development of the CRIP  PNACC (2015)  Addition information transmitted on 13 September 2015  National report of the consultation workshop held for the developement of the Operational Plan (NBA, 2013-2014)  Minutes of the national consultation held in August 2015 for the development of the CRIP (including PND et AGIR) Côte d‟Ivoire  Support to local communities  Savanes de Boundiali SODEFOR NBA Project  Forest rehabilitation project in FENGOLO PALE SODEFOR  Project of forest rehabilitation in rural areas  Addition information transmitted on 16 September 2015  NAPA (2007), with update of actions currently under implementation  National report of the consultation workshop held for the developement of the Operational Plan (NBA, 2013-2014)  Minutes of the national consultation held in August 2015 for the Guinea development of the CRIP  National contribution (1 action)  2 planning documents (PQDSE, DSRP)  Addition information transmitted on 16 September 2015  NAPA (2007)  National report of the consultation workshop held for the developement of the Operational Plan (NBA, 2013-2014)  National Programme to Safeguard the Niger River  Minutes of the national consultation held in August 2015 for the Mali development of the CRIP  National contribution  National strategy for adaptation to climate change  PNIDACC (2014)  Addition information transmitted on 16 September 2015  NAPA/NAP (2006) Niger  National report of the consultation workshop held for the developement of the Operational Plan (NBA, 2013-2014) d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin PLANNING DOCUMENTS AND NATIONAL CONTRIBUTIONS USED FOR THE SELECTION OF COUNTRY THE ACTIONS IN THE CRIP  Minutes of the national consultation held in August 2015 for the development of the CRIP  Addition information transmitted on 16 September 2015  National contribution (July 2015)  National report of the consultation workshop held for the developement of the Operational Plan (NBA, 2013-2014)  Suggestion of detailed activities (August 2015) Nigeria  Minutes of the national consultation held in August 2015 for the development of the CRIP  Comparison table between Nigeria priorities and actions selected in the PO.  Addition information transmitted on 16 September 2015  NAPA (2010)  National report of the consultation workshop held for the developement Chad of the Operational Plan (NBA, 2013-2014)  Addition information transmitted on 13 September 2015  National report of the consultation workshop held for the developement of the Operational Plan (NBA, 2013-2014) ES-NBA  CIWA/WB Project Information Document  PIDACC/BN concept note and preparation report  Addition information transmitted on 16 September 2015 d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin Appendixes 81 Appendix G : Selected actions classified by country d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin 82 Appendixes BENIN Reference Overall Financial scheduling and document and Contribution Preparation action Funding Implementation N° Action title beneficiary to resilience stage cost sources PO-PT1 PO-PT2 PO-PT3 country (USD) 2016-18 2019-21 2022-24 Protection of children under 5 and pregnant Identification PANA_BN_4 women against malaria in the areas most NAPA Benin 3 2 1 112 500 on-going 100% 0% 0% vulnerable to climate change National Development of a data bank relating to communication Identification CN_BN_1 climate change concerning climate 3 2 761 483 on-going 93% 7% 0% change Benin Setting up of a climate hazard forecasting 70% PANA_BN_1 and early warning system for food safety in NAPA Benin 3 2 8 190 000 identified - 72% 28% 0% 4 vulnerable agro-ecological zones National Adaptation of the farming calendars to the communication Identification CN_BN_2 new climate context concerning climate 3 2 2 538 276 on-going 65% 35% 0% change Benin Development of improved wood National carbonisation techniques and promotion of communication Identification CN_BN_3 economical stoves in order to reduce concerning climate 1 2 4 061 242 on-going 65% 35% 0% deforestation change Benin National Enhancement of capabilities with regard to communication Identification CN_BN_5 climate observation in the Benin section of concerning climate 3 2 3 892 023 on-going 59% 41% 0% the Niger basin change Benin 60% PO_R2251_BEN_18 Development of a good practice guide PO_R2 Benin 1 2 598 319 identified - 54% 46% 0% PIDACC Mobilisation of surface water in order to Identification PANA_BN_3 adapt to climate change in the most NAPA Benin 3 2 2 875 000 on-going 49% 39% 12% vulnerable municipalities of the departments d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin Appendixes 83 Reference Overall Financial scheduling and document and Contribution Preparation action Funding Implementation N° Action title beneficiary to resilience stage cost sources PO-PT1 PO-PT2 PO-PT3 country (USD) 2016-18 2019-21 2022-24 in the Centre and the North Adaptation of households to climate change by the promotion of renewable energies and efficient economical hearths and pressure Identification PANA_BN_2 cookers in areas vulnerable to climate NAPA Benin 3 2 2 106 600 on-going 43% 57% 0% change and where the land is severely degraded 100% Development of strategies for adaptation to PO_R2131_Ben_19 climate change PO_R2 Benin 1 2 608 403 identified - 36% 64% 0% PIDACC 0% Anti-erosion and anti-silting measures, PO_R22202_BEN_12_22_23 continued PO_R2 Benin 3 2 7 075 630 identified - 30% 70% 0% PIDACC 0% 50 732 PO_R2312_BEN_11 Construction of flood-protection dykes PO_R2 Benin 3 2 773 identified - 16% 84% 0% PIDACC Rehabilitation and diversification of 5 small 56% dams at Gamagou, Gah Guessou, Sombi PO_R12102_BEN_05 Kérékou, Wara and Zougou Pantrossi in PO_R1_Bénin 3 4 1 500 000 identifié - 5% 72% 23% PIDACC Upper Alibori region. 10% Rehabilitation and agricultural diversification PO_R12101_BEN_05 of twenty agro-pastoral reservoirs in Benin PO_R1 Benin 3 2 7 515 966 identified - 5% 72% 23% PIDACC 10% 35 647 PO_R11203_BEN_06 Construction of ten (10) multi-purpose dams PO_R1 Benin 3 2 059 identified - 3% 29% 68% PIDACC Development of the water development and Identification PO_R21208_BEN_10 management scheme for the national part of PO_R2 Benin 1 2 621 849 on-going 0% 100% 0% the Niger Basin d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin 84 Appendixes BURKINA FASO Reference Financial scheduling and Overall Implementation document and Contribution Preparation Funding N° Action title action cost beneficiary to resilience stage sources PO-PT1 PO-PT2 PO-PT3 (USD) country 2016-18 2019-21 2022-24 Rehabilitation of the dam and creation of 192 PO_R1 Burkina Identification PO_R12105_BF_08 ha of irrigated land downstream of the Sidi- 3 5 3 290 756 99% 1% 0% Faso on-going KompIenga dam (Gnagna, East) Development of irrigated crops in the NAPA Burkina Identification PNA_BF_7 provinces of Gourma, Namemtenga, Tapoa 3 2 443 300 98% 2% 0% Faso on-going and Sanmatenga. Rehabilitation of the dam and 14 ha of 30% PO_R1 Burkina PO_R12104_BF_06__07 irrigated utilised agricultural land equipped 3 5 1 363 025 identified - 97% 3% 0% Faso with 50 wells at Dabesma (Gnagna, East) PIDACC Development and management of the NAPA Burkina Identification PNA_BF_3 3 2 275 000 96% 4% 0% waterhole at Oursi Faso on-going Safeguarding pastoral areas in the regions of NAPA Burkina Identification PNA_BF_8 3 2 300 000 94% 6% 0% the Sahel and the East. Faso on-going Safeguarding of agricultural production by the use of appropriate technological NAPA Burkina Identification PNA_BF_9 3 2 297 924 85% 15% 0% packages in the South-West and East Faso on-going regions. Construction of the Coalla dam (5 Mm3) in 50% PO_R1 Burkina PO_R12126_BF_04_05 the province of Gnagna (East) and 3 5 5 749 580 identified - 82% 18% 0% Faso preparation of 122 ha of irrigated land PIDACC Completion of the construction of the 20% Bambakari dam (163 Mm3) in the province of PO_R1 Burkina PO_R12125_BF_01__02 3 5 31 751 261 identified - 72% 28% 0% Déno (Sahel) and preparation of 300ha of Faso PIDACC irrigated land Promotion of energy-saving equipment (improved stoves, M'Bora stew pot) and NAPA Burkina Identification PNA_BF_12 3 2 1 230 000 68% 32% 0% renewable energy technologies (pressure Faso on-going cooker, water heater and solar dryers, etc.) PO_R2113_BF_18 Forest development in the provinces of PO_R2 Burkina 3 2 1 712 605 10% 54% 46% 0% d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin Appendixes 85 Reference Financial scheduling and Overall Implementation document and Contribution Preparation Funding N° Action title action cost beneficiary to resilience stage sources PO-PT1 PO-PT2 PO-PT3 (USD) country 2016-18 2019-21 2022-24 Oudalan and Séno Faso identified - UEMOA Development, rational management of natural training and use of non-wood forest NAPA Burkina Identification PNA_BF_5 3 2 700 000 52% 48% 0% products (NWFP) in the East region of Faso on-going Burkina Faso 0% PO_R1 Burkina PO_R12205_BF_29 Development of the waterhole in Dori 3 2 86 301 389 identified - 51% 49% 0% Faso PIDACC Reduction of vulnerability to climate change by enhancing measures for prevention and NAPA Burkina Identification PNA_BF_1 3 2 7 446 000 49% 28% 23% management of food crises in the Oursi and Faso on-going Boulsa zones. 40% PO_R1 Burkina PO_R12107_BF_20 Rehabilitation of the Kiemna dam 3 4 334 454 identified - 47% 53% 0% Faso PIDACC 20% PO_R1 Burkina PO_R12108_BF_21 Rehabilitation of the Bani dam 3 5 768 252 identified - 46% 54% 0% Faso PIDACC 40% PO_R1 Burkina PO_R12111_BF_24 Rehabilitation of the Boudieri dam 3 5 1 351 261 identified - 42% 58% 0% Faso PIDACC Creation of 241 ha of irrigated land at the PO_R1 Burkina Identification PO_R12127_BF_09 3 5 3 448 739 42% 58% 0% SIRBA dam (Gnagna, East) Faso on-going 40% PO_R1 Burkina PO_R12109_BF_22 Rehabilitation of the Touro dam 3 5 1 568 067 identified - 41% 59% 0% Faso PIDACC Development of research activities in water NC PAGIRE Identification CN_BF_4_PAGIRE3.2 management, more particularly in the context 3 2 5 245 771 40% 30% 30% Burkina Faso on-going of adaptation to climate change d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin 86 Appendixes Reference Financial scheduling and Overall Implementation document and Contribution Preparation Funding N° Action title action cost beneficiary to resilience stage sources PO-PT1 PO-PT2 PO-PT3 (USD) country 2016-18 2019-21 2022-24 Stabilisation of 2,500 ha of dunes in the PO_R2 Burkina Identification PO_R22237_BF_15 3 2 2 831 933 38% 62% 0% provinces of Oudalan, Séno and Yagha Faso on-going 50% Restoration of land and anti-erosion PO_R2 Burkina PO_R22212_BF_15 3 2 7 078 992 identified - 36% 64% 0% measures Faso PIDACC Recovery of 6,191 ha of degraded land in 10% PO_R2 Burkina PO_R22204_BF_17 Séno and Oudalan (restoration of land 3 2 3 828 571 identified - 33% 67% 0% Faso (Restoration of land, studies) UEMOA Safeguarding of cereal production by the NAPA Burkina Identification PNA_BF_2 promotion of supplementary irrigation in the 3 2 408 660 33% 66% 0% Faso on-going provinces of Oudalan and Nammemtenga. Promotion of wildlife and habitat NAPA Burkina Identification PNA_BF_10 management by local communities in the 2 2 810 000 24% 76% 0% Faso on-going region of Mouhoun Rehabilitation of the dam and creation of 11 ha of irrigated utilised agricultural land and 40% PO_R1 Burkina PO_R12106_BF_10__11 preparation of 100 ha of horticultural land at 3 5 1 885 714 identified - 24% 76% 0% Faso Tanga (Kouritenga, Centre-East) equipped PIDACC with 50 wells Improve water resource protection against NC PAGIRE Identification CN_BF_5_PAGIRE4.2 3 2 16 837 232 21% 44% 35% siltation and invasive species Burkina Faso on-going Forage production and stockpiling of NAPA Burkina Identification PNA_BF_4 emergency supplies for cattle in the Burkina 3 2 330 000 100% 0% 0% Faso on-going Faso area of the Sahel Rehabilitation of the Baskouré dam and 30% PO_R1 Burkina PO_R12103_BF_03__28 preparation of 60 hectares of lowlands in the 3 5 1 452 101 identified - 100% 0% 0% Faso municipalities of Baskouré, Diabo and Fada PIDACC Creation of a palm grove covering 100 ha PO_R1 Burkina Identification PO_R1251_BF_13 along the Gourouol in the province of 1 5 1 741 176 0% 44% 56% Faso on-going Oudalan d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin Appendixes 87 Reference Financial scheduling and Overall Implementation document and Contribution Preparation Funding N° Action title action cost beneficiary to resilience stage sources PO-PT1 PO-PT2 PO-PT3 (USD) country 2016-18 2019-21 2022-24 Equipment and improvement of knowledge concerning the quality of the water resources 60% PO_R2 Burkina PO_R21201_BF__34 (Materials and equipment, Improvement of 3 2 707 563 identified - 0% 100% 0% Faso knowledge of the quality of the water PIDACC resources) Bukina Faso National Observatory on PNA Burkina Identification CN_BF_3 Pastoralism (ONPB) Faso 3 2 3 294 682 on-going N/A N/A 100% Climate insurance project for farmers PNA Burkina Identification CN_BF_4 Faso 3 2 22 438 361 on-going N/A N/A 100% (PACE) Project to set up three areas for the PNA Burkina Identification CN_BF_5 intensification of animal production Faso 3 2 41 143 764 on-going N/A N/A 100% (ZIPA) Development of a sound national Water NC PAGIRE Identification CN_BF_3_PAGIRE3.1 3 2 16 464 951 N/A N/A 100% Information System (WIS) Burkina Faso on-going d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin 88 Appendixes CAMEROON Reference Overall Financial scheduling and document and Contribution Preparation action Funding Implementation N° Action title beneficiary to resilience stage cost sources PO-PT1 PO-PT2 PO-PT3 country (USD) 2016-18 2019-21 2022-24 Enhancement and safeguarding of access to water resources and Identification PNACC_CAM_13 PNACC Cameroon 3 2 8 880 000 88% 12% 0% wastewater treatment in a context of on-going climate change Setting up a system for observation, information management and warning Identification PNACC_CAM_1 PNACC Cameroon 3 2 2 220 000 72% 28% 0% with regard to climate hazards in on-going Cameroon Adaptation of the national gender Identification PNACC_CAM_10 policy and their vulnerability to climate PNACC Cameroon 3 2 2 220 000 72% 28% 0% on-going change Raising the awareness of the population, professionals, Identification PNACC_CAM_4 administration and decision-makers to PNACC Cameroon 3 2 2 220 000 72% 28% 0% on-going the effects of climate change and the measures to be taken Inclusion of climate hazards when Identification PNACC_CAM_3 PNACC Cameroon 1 2 3 330 000 68% 32% 0% updating the Land Use Plan on-going Reduction of the vulnerability of the Identification PNACC_CAM_17 livestock sector to the effects of PNACC Cameroon 3 2 5 550 000 65% 35% 0% on-going climate change (REVEECC)) Reduction of the effects of climate Identification PNACC_CAM_18 PNACC Cameroon 3 2 3 330 000 65% 35% 0% change on the fisheries sector on-going Reduction of the vulnerability of Identification PNACC_CAM_19 forests to climate change in PNACC Cameroon 3 2 8 880 000 65% 35% 0% on-going Cameroon Strengthening the shared Identification PO_R21215_CAM_17 management of natural resources in PO_R2 Cameroon 1 2 1 260 504 54% 46% 0% on-going the national part of the Niger Basin PNACC_CAM_16 Development of integrated farming PNACC Cameroon 3 2 8 880 000 Identification 51% 49% 0% d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin Appendixes 89 Reference Overall Financial scheduling and document and Contribution Preparation action Funding Implementation N° Action title beneficiary to resilience stage cost sources PO-PT1 PO-PT2 PO-PT3 country (USD) 2016-18 2019-21 2022-24 which is resilient to the effects of on-going climate change Protection of the resources and Identification PO_R2211_CAM_16 ecosystems in the national part of the PO_R2 Cameroon 1 2 8 438 655 27% 73% 0% on-going Niger Basin 20% Support for fishermen and fish- PO_R12304_CAM_08 PO_R1 Cameroon 2 5 4 752 941 identified - 21% 79% 0% farmers around the Lagdo dam PIDACC Education, professional training and Identification PNACC_CAM_6 enhancement of capabilities PNACC Cameroon 3 2 5 550 000 19% 45% 36% on-going concerning climate change Diversification of the energy offer in a 22 200 Identification PNACC_CAM_12 PNACC Cameroon 3 2 17% 45% 38% context of climate change 000 on-going Development of the Mayo–Louti Identification PO_R22205_CAM_9 catchment area (restoration of land, PO_R2 Cameroon 3 5 3 257 143 7% 93% 0% on-going studies) Conservation and participatory management of sub-watersheds 12 169 Identification PO_R22206_CAM_13 PO_R2 Cameroon 3 2 7% 93% 0% (support for protection, studies and 748 on-going enhancement of capacities) PO_R1241_CAM_14 Provision for the fight against aquatic PO_R1 Cameroon 60% invasive species in Cameroon, Ivory 3 2 4 192 347 identified - 7% 56% 37% Coast and Nigeria (30 000 ha + 5000 PIDACC ha + 2500 m3) Construction of hydro-agricultural 10% dams, development and utilisation of PO_R12129_CAM_02 PO_R1 Cameroon 3 2 2 813 445 identified - 5% 95% 0% the Garoua area upstream (Bocklé, PIDACC Garoua III, Bénoué department) Development and utilisation of the 74 386 Identification PO_R12130_CAM_03 PO_R1 Cameroon 3 4 5% 95% 0% Lagdo II area 555 on-going d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin 90 Appendixes Reference Overall Financial scheduling and document and Contribution Preparation action Funding Implementation N° Action title beneficiary to resilience stage cost sources PO-PT1 PO-PT2 PO-PT3 country (USD) 2016-18 2019-21 2022-24 Development and utilisation of the 21 581 Identification PO_R12131_CAM_04 PO_R1 Cameroon 3 4 5% 95% 0% Faro-Bénoué confluence area 513 on-going 13 361 Identification PO_R12133_CAM_06 Development of the west Garoua area PO_R1 Cameroon 3 4 5% 95% 0% 345 on-going 10% PO_R12134_CAM_07 Development of small individual areas PO_R1 Cameroon 3 4 7 517 647 identified - 5% 95% 0% PIDACC Development of smallholders irrigation 62 512 Identification PO_R12132_CAM_05 PO_R1 Cameroon 3 4 5% 57% 38% schemes 605 on-going PO_R12136_CAM_12 Construction of multipurpose dams PO_R1 Cameroon 20% 3 2 4 872 269 identified - 2% 69% 29% PIDACC d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin Appendixes 91 IVORY COAST Reference Financial scheduling and Overall Implementation document and Contribution Preparation Funding N° Action title action cost beneficiary to resilience stage sources PO-PT1 PO-PT2 PO-PT3 (USD) country 2016-18 2019-21 2022-24 60% identified PO_R12305_CI_01 Creation of a fish farm in Minignan PO_R1 Ivory Coast 2 4 206 723 100% 0% 0% - PIDACC Development of adaptation and water resource 60% identified PO_R2316_CI_28 PO_R2 Ivory Coast 3 2 452 101 94% 6% 0% management tools - PIDACC Mark out and display protection areas around the NC - PND Ivory Identification CN_CI_6 3 2 1 015 310 91% 9% 0% main water resources Coast on-going Performance of work to restore the forests in the NC - DCDF Ivory Identification CN_CI_12_DCDF 3 2 1 300 000 90% 10% 0% rural sector Coast on-going Restoration project for degraded forests in the NC - PND Ivory Identification CN_CI_4 3 2 1 086 213 90% 10% 0% rural sector Coast on-going Project to support communities in the savannah NC - Management area for protection against desertification and the Identification CN_CI_1 of community 3 2 1 710 327 83% 17% 0% loss of the means of subsistence of the local on-going forests Ivory Coast communities. Project to plant useful forest trees in the NC - PND Ivory Identification CN_CI_2 communities of the regions of Poro, Tchologo 3 2 1 297 905 78% 22% 0% Coast on-going and Bagoué Develop models for the allocation of the water NC - PND Ivory Identification CN_CI_7 3 2 1 184 529 71% 26% 3% resources of river basin agencies Coast on-going Rehabilitation of 84 reservoirs in the region of 50% identified PO_R12113_CI_20 PO_R1 Ivory Coast 3 2 1 100 840 62% 38% 0% Bagoue and Kabadougou - PIDACC PO_R12307_CI_24 Development of fisheries infrastructure PO_R1 Ivory Coast 60% identified 2 2 1 030 252 62% 38% 0% Aménagement des infrastructures de pêche - PIDACC NC - AGIR Ivory Identification CN_CI_9 Support the fight against bushfires 3 2 3 578 969 55% 45% 0% Coast on-going Fight against the impacts of gold-mining on the Identification PO_R22211_CI_22 PO_R2 Ivory Coast 3 2 349 580 54% 46% 0% environment and health on-going d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin 92 Appendixes Reference Financial scheduling and Overall Implementation document and Contribution Preparation Funding N° Action title action cost beneficiary to resilience stage sources PO-PT1 PO-PT2 PO-PT3 (USD) country 2016-18 2019-21 2022-24 60% identified PO_R2315_CI_27 Enhancement of communities' ability to adapt PO_R2 Ivory Coast 1 2 352 941 54% 46% 0% - PIDACC Enhance the resilience of vulnerable populations NC - PND Ivory Identification CN_CI_3 by restoring degraded land (agroforestry and 3 2 8 579 373 52% 48% 0% Coast on-going community reforestation) Restore degraded land through the promotion of NC - AGIR Ivory Identification CN_CI_8 3 2 8 577 681 52% 48% 0% agroforestry and community reforestation Coast on-going Projet de construction de barrage et 60% identified PO_R12140_CI_06 PO_R1 Ivory Coast 3 2 3 215 126 5% 58% 37% d‟aménagement hydroagricole à BAYA 22ha - PIDACC Restoration and protection of the tributaries of the 60% identified PO_R22210_CI_21 Niger River by reforestation campaigns and anti- PO_R2 Ivory Coast 3 2 1 297 479 46% 54% 0% - PIDACC erosion and anti-silting measures Support for management of the pastoral area and 60% identified PO_R12206_CI_03 PO_R1 Ivory Coast 3 2 1 863 866 43% 57% 0% prevention of conflicts in the northern area - PIDACC Support for the development of fishing activities 60% identified PO_R12306_CI_02 PO_R1 Ivory Coast 2 3 2 942 857 43% 57% 0% around dams (Boundiali, Minignan and Odienné) - PIDACC Identification PO_R2314_CI_26 Flood protection PO_R2 Ivory Coast 3 2 1 307 563 42% 58% 0% on-going Protection of the basin (Departments of Odienné, Boundiali, Madinani, Minignan and Tengréla) / Identification PO_R22207_CI_14 PO_R2 Ivory Coast 3 2 1 931 092 39% 61% 0% Treatment of degraded land for the protection of on-going the banks Identification PO_R22209_CI_18 "One School, 5 hectares of forest" project PO_R2 Ivory Coast 3 6 3 721 008 37% 63% 0% on-going Enhancement of the ability to adapt and Identification PO_R2311_CI_29 PO_R2 Ivory Coast 1 2 2 110 924 33% 67% 0% intervene on-going Low-cost development of 10,000 ha of plains in Identification PO_R12139_CI_05 PO_R1 Ivory Coast 3 2 56 003 361 2% 59% 39% Kabadougou and Folon (north-west) on-going PO_R12144_CI_10 Low-cost development of 20,000 ha of Bagoué PO_R1 Ivory Coast 3 2 106 198 319 90% identified 2% 59% 39% d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin Appendixes 93 Reference Financial scheduling and Overall Implementation document and Contribution Preparation Funding N° Action title action cost beneficiary to resilience stage sources PO-PT1 PO-PT2 PO-PT3 (USD) country 2016-18 2019-21 2022-24 floodplains - Etat 10%, 3 bailleurs à 30% chacun 100% identified - Project for the construction of a dam and PIDACC PO_R12141_CI_07 PO_R1 Ivory Coast 3 2 2 952 941 18% 82% 0% hydroagricultural development at KOUBAN 80ha 56%, BOAD 30% , Etat 15% 70% identified Project for the construction of a dam and - PIDACC PO_R12142_CI_08 PO_R1 Ivory Coast 3 2 3 524 370 18% 82% 0% hydroagricultural development at Katiendé 22ha 56%, Etat 15% 70% identified Project for the construction of a dam and - PIDACC PO_R12143_CI_09 hydroagricultural development at Dimbasso. 182 PO_R1 Ivory Coast 3 2 5 835 294 18% 82% 0% 56%, Etat ha 15% PO_R22208_CI_15 Promotion and development of reforestation in PO_R2 Ivory Coast 10% identified 3 2 1 495 798 0% 100% 0% the North of the country (wood energy) - PIDACC Rehabilitation of the classified forest of BOUNDIALI in the north of Ivory Coast with the NC - SODEFOR Identification CN_CI_10_SODEFOR_1 3 2 1 718 098 N/A N/A 100% participation of the neighbouring populations (as Ivory Coast on-going for PO_R22208_CI_15) Rehabilitation of the classified forest of FENGOLO - PALE in the north of Ivory Coast NC - SODEFOR Identification CN_CI_11_SODEFOR_2 3 2 1 065 560 N/A N/A 100% with the participation of the neighbouring Ivory Coast on-going populations (as for PO_R22208_CI_15) d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin 94 Appendixes GUINEA Overall Financial scheduling and Reference Implementation Contribution Preparation action Funding N° Action title document and to resilience stage cost sources PO-PT1 PO-PT2 PO-PT3 beneficiary country (USD) 2016-18 2019-21 2022-24 Identification PANA_GN_18 Construction of improved wells NAPA Guinea 3 2 250 000 100% 0% 0% on-going Dissemination of rainwater harvesting Identification PANA_GN_20 NAPA Guinea 3 2 280 000 100% 0% 0% basins on-going Development of irrigated rice farming in Identification PANA_GN_22 NAPA Guinea 3 2 300 000 100% 0% 0% Middle and Upper Guinea on-going Identification PANA_GN_23 Promotion of breeding small ruminants NAPA Guinea 3 2 325 000 100% 0% 0% on-going Identification PANA_GN_24 Promotion of market gardening NAPA Guinea 3 2 250 000 100% 0% 0% on-going Creation of cane rat ranches in order to Identification PANA_GN_25 reduce bushfires and improve living NAPA Guinea 3 2 300 000 100% 0% 0% on-going conditions for rural populations Exploitation of indigenous knowledge and Identification PANA_GN_3 NAPA Guinea 3 2 300 000 100% 0% 0% positive practices on-going Promotion of the use of solar energy to dry Identification PANA_GN_6 fish with the aim of reducing the use of NAPA Guinea 3 2 300 000 100% 0% 0% on-going wood for smoking Promotion of bricks made of compacted Identification PANA_GN_7 earth with the aim of reducing the NAPA Guinea 3 2 600 000 100% 0% 0% on-going environmental impact of fired bricks Intensification of pearl millet farming in the Identification PANA_GN_8 NAPA Guinea 3 2 350 000 100% 0% 0% northern area of Guinea on-going Improvement of knowledge of water resources and enhancement of the Identification PO_R21203_GUI_18 PO_R2 Guinea 3 2 756 303 100% 0% 0% hydrometeorological and hydrogeological on-going data collection system PO_R22214_GUI_17 Reforestation of 300 ha on the banks of PO_R2 Guinea 3 2 354 622 60% 100% 0% 0% d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin Appendixes 95 Overall Financial scheduling and Reference Implementation Contribution Preparation action Funding N° Action title document and to resilience stage cost sources PO-PT1 PO-PT2 PO-PT3 beneficiary country (USD) 2016-18 2019-21 2022-24 waterholes identified - PIDACC Support for the implementation of Identification PANA_GN_2 NAPA Guinea 3 2 600 000 84% 16% 0% community forest management plans on-going Rendering surface water drinkable using Identification PANA_GN_19 NAPA Guinea 3 2 320 000 78% 22% 0% Hydropur© on-going Support to community and private anacard Identification PANA_GN_1 NAPA Guinea 3 2 600 000 76% 24% 0% tree planting on-going Development of an early warning system Identification PANA_GN_11 NAPA Guinea 3 2 150 000 68% 28% 4% to safeguard agricultural productivity on-going 60% Restoration of the banks and development PO_R22213_GUI_16 PO_R2 Guinea 3 2 1 368 067 identified - 63% 37% 0% of agroforestry PIDACC 60% PO_R2317_GUI_22 Adaptation to climate change (flooding) PO_R2 Guinea 1 2 1 179 832 identified - 58% 42% 0% PIDACC 60% Implementation of the Kankan wildlife PO_R2242_GUI_13 PO_R2 Guinea 2 2 2 100 840 identified - 56% 44% 0% reserve management plan PIDACC Promotion of fire management and Identification PANA_GN_12 NAPA Guinea 3 2 300 000 55% 45% 0% prohibited access on-going 60% PO_R12308_GUI_11 Construction of nursery ponds to rear fry PO_R1 Guinea 2 3 282 353 identified - 54% 46% 0% PIDACC 60% PO_R12309_GUI_12 Construction of fish ponds in Guinea PO_R1 Guinea 2 3 759 664 identified - 54% 46% 0% PIDACC PO_R22230_GUI_19 Protection of spring heads and banks PO_R2 Guinea 3 2 695 798 60% 47% 53% 0% (sub-watersheds of the Niandan, Tinkisso, identified - d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin 96 Appendixes Overall Financial scheduling and Reference Implementation Contribution Preparation action Funding N° Action title document and to resilience stage cost sources PO-PT1 PO-PT2 PO-PT3 beneficiary country (USD) 2016-18 2019-21 2022-24 Milo) PIDACC Preservation of the ecosystems and 60% PO_R2231_GUI_20 conservation of biodiversity (Ramsar - PO_R2 Guinea 3 2 932 773 identified - 47% 53% 0% Niger, Niandan –Milo, Niger-Mafou,) PIDACC Identification PANA_GN_16 Construction of multi-purpose mini-dams NAPA Guinea 3 2 600 000 40% 60% 0% on-going Identification PANA_GN_17 Construction of hillside reservoirs NAPA Guinea 3 2 180 000 40% 60% 0% on-going Support for the development of 50% collaborative management of the Tinkisso, PO_R2132_GUI_14 PO_R2 Guinea 1 2 425 210 identified - 37% 63% 0% Niger- Tinkisso and Sankarani - Fié PIDACC Ramsar sites PO_R11204_GUI_01 50% Fomi safeguard policies elaboration PO_R1 Guinea 3 3 2 000 000 2% 39% 59% (extrait) identified - Rehabilitation of dams and construction of 60% reservoirs for irrigation and fish farming at PO_R12115_GUI_06 PO_R1 Guinea 3 4 9 132 773 identified - 0% 27% 73% Kankan, Kouroussa, Mandiana, Faranah, PIDACC Dinguiraye, Kérouané and Kissidougou. d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin Appendixes 97 MALI Reference Financial scheduling and Overall Implementation document and Contribution Preparation Funding N° Action title action cost beneficiary to resilience stage sources PO-PT1 PO-PT2 PO-PT3 (USD) country 2016-18 2019-21 2022-24 NC PNSFN Identification CN_MLI_45_PNSFN_26 Pollution warning station on the Niger River 2 2 177 679 100% 0% 0% Mali on-going Feasibility study of small developments in the tops NC PNSFN Identification CN_MLI_53_ PNSFN_34 of the sub-watersheds of the upper stretches of the 3 2 813 941 100% 0% 0% Mali on-going Niger and Bani rivers for environmental restoration Global study of pollution of the waters of the Niger NC PNSFN Identification CN_MLI_54_ PNSFN_35 2 2 255 520 100% 0% 0% River in Upper Niger in Mali Mali on-going Study for the development of a communication strategy and setting up of an Information System NC PNSFN Identification CN_MLI_57_ PNSFN_38 2 2 465 351 100% 0% 0% for the integrated management of the resources of Mali on-going the Niger River Basin Study of the design of the observatory of the Niger NC PNSFN Identification CN_MLI_58_ PNSFN_39 3 2 126 914 100% 0% 0% River in Mali Mali on-going Training activities for those involved in the NC PNSFN Identification CN_MLI_59_PNSFN_40 1 2 162 450 100% 0% 0% management of the water resources in the Basin Mali on-going Construction of structures to fight flooding in the 60% identified PO_R2318_MLI_32 PO_R2 Mali 3 2 2 124 370 100% 0% 0% region of Gao - PIDACC Topographical and photographic survey by LIDAR NC PNSFN Identification CN_MLI_55_ PNSFN_36 laser procedure of dam reservoirs (Sélingué, 1 2 473 812 97% 3% 0% Mali on-going Markala, Talo, Djenné) Programme for the development of irrigation in the NC PNSFN Identification CN_MLI_35 _PNSFN_16 3 2 205 346 539 58% 42% 0% Bani and Sankarani basin Mali on-going NC Fast start 60% identified CN_MLI_4_Fast_start_4 Fish-farming development programme 3 2 31 000 000 56% 44% 0% Mali - Support for knowledge of the quality of the water 60% identified PO_R21204_MLI_17 resources and acquisition of meteorological PO_R2 Mali 3 2 4 042 017 55% 45% 0% - PIDACC equipment PO_R22218_MLI_30 Anti-erosion and anti-silting measures, and PO_R2 Mali 3 2 9 981 513 60% identified 36% 64% 0% d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin 98 Appendixes Reference Financial scheduling and Overall Implementation document and Contribution Preparation Funding N° Action title action cost beneficiary to resilience stage sources PO-PT1 PO-PT2 PO-PT3 (USD) country 2016-18 2019-21 2022-24 sustainable forest management - PIDACC Programme of pastoral development resilient to NC Fast start 50% identified CN_MLI_3_Fast_start_3 3 2 109 900 000 36% 35% 29% climate change; Mali - Programme for the development of agriculture NC Fast start 40% identified CN_MLI_2_Fast_start_2 3 2 94 000 000 35% 35% 30% which is resilient to climate change. Mali - Project to develop fish farming in floating cages 60% identified PO_R12311_MLI_09 PO_R1 Mali 2 5 3 073 950 32% 68% 0% and in ponds - PIDACC The Economic and Environmental Rehabilitation NC PNSFN 90% identified CN_MLI_23_PNSFN_4 3 2 60 918 627 32% 41% 27% project for the Niger River Mali - Feasibility study for the reshaping of the Niger NC PNSFN Identification CN_MLI_56_ PNSFN_37 1 2 1 692 184 31% 69% 0% Rriver in the towns of Mopti and Bamako Mali on-going Support for vulnerable groups for cattle and sheep 60% identified PO_R12211_MLI_25 PO_R1 Mali 3 2 3 915 966 28% 36% 36% fattening in the regions of Gao, Timbuktu - PIDACC Intensive reforestation programme to rebuild the NC Fast start 30% identified CN_MLI_1_Fast_start_1 3 2 188 800 000 27% 42% 31% forest ecosystems in Mali Mali - NC Fast start 50% identified CN_MLI_5_Fast_start_5 Programme for harvesting and storing rainwater 3 2 62 800 000 26% 74% 0% Mali - CN _MLI_60_PNIDACC Integrated national project for development and NC PNIDACC 10% identified 3 5 72 000 000 26% 40% 34% adaptation to climate changes in the Niger Basin Mali - Integrated Management of Natural Resources NC PNSFN 100% CN_MLI_34_PNSFN_15 3 2 1 951 500 23% 77% 0% programme Mali identified - The project for the development and recovery of NC PNSFN 20% identified CN_MLI_24 _PNSFN_5 the banks of the Niger River in the District of 2 2 846 092 13% 87% 0% Mali - Bamako Rehabilitation and equipping of village irrigation 60% identified PO_R12116_MLI08 PO_R1 Mali 3 2 5 588 235 7% 93% 0% areas in the region of Gao - PIDACC Project to support the development of agriculture in 60% identified PO_R12148_MLI07 PO_R1 Mali 3 4 14 159 664 4% 96% 0% the Douentza area - PIDACC d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin Appendixes 99 Reference Financial scheduling and Overall Implementation document and Contribution Preparation Funding N° Action title action cost beneficiary to resilience stage sources PO-PT1 PO-PT2 PO-PT3 (USD) country 2016-18 2019-21 2022-24 Protection of banks by planting and transplanting 60% identified PO_R22217_MLI_18 PO_R2 Mali 3 2 8 258 824 4% 96% 0% bourgou, and measures against invasive plants - PIDACC Identification PO_R12149_MLI12 National Horticultural Support Project PO_R1 Mali 3 4 6 105 882 2% 71% 27% on-going Identification PO_R12150_MLI13 Support for the potato sector in Mali PO_R1 Mali 2 4 344 538 2% 71% 27% on-going PO_R1252_MLI_11 Economic promotion of agricultural and forest PO_R1 Mali Identification 1 2 2 579 832 2% 71% 27% products in Mali on-going Identification PO_R22215_MLI_14 "Green Wall" experimental project PO_R2 Mali 3 2 9 910 924 0% 100% 0% on-going Firewood production project and installation of a Identification PO_R2257_MLI_19 PO_R2 Mali 3 2 810 000 0% 100% 0% wood market in the region of Gao and Timbuktu on-going Support for the production of seeds of agricultural Identification PO_R12151_MLI_24 PO_R1 Mali 2 2 2 974 790 0% 50% 50% origin on-going d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin 100 Appendixes NIGER Reference Financial scheduling and Overall Implementation document and Contribution Preparation Funding N° Action title action cost beneficiary to resilience stage sources PO-PT1 PO-PT2 PO-PT3 (USD) country 2016-18 2019-21 2022-24 Strengthening of the existing pollution 60% PO_R21205_NIG_36_ control team and creation and equipping of PO_R2 Niger 3 2 282 353 identified - 100% 0% 0% 4 new stations PIDACC 60% Strengthening of community capacity for PO_R2319_NIG_38_ PO_R2 Niger 1 2 991 597 identified - 100% 0% 0% adaptation (flooding) PIDACC PO_R12312_NIG_12 Project for the Management and PO_R1 Niger 100% Sustainable Use of Natural Resources and 2 2 13 021 357 100% 0% 0% identified - Adaptation to Climate Change Support for fish-farming and training of 100% PO_R12314_NIG_14 PO_R1 Niger 2 2 5 280 672 100% 0% 0% fishermen identified - Development of 300 ha of ponds overrun 100% PO_R12315_NIG_15 PO_R1 Niger 3 2 1 136 134 100% 0% 0% with Typha australis (Dosso region) identified - Enhancement of the shared management Identification PO_R2133_NIG_39 of the water resources in the national part PO_R2 Niger 1 2 2 174 790 64% 36% 0% on-going of the Niger Basin Stabilisation of dunes in the regions of 60% Tillabéry and Dosso (Kandadji area, Dallol, PO_R22223_NIG_31 PO_R2 Niger 3 2 1 026 891 identified - 63% 37% 0% Maouri and Foga area, Ouallam area) PIDACC (3,000 ha) Soil and water conservation in the regions 60% of Tillabéry, Dosso and Tahoua; Kandadji, PO_R22224_NIG_32 PO_R2 Niger 3 2 1 285 714 identified - 63% 37% 0% Maouri, Foga areas; Ouallam, Kollo, Konni, PIDACC Madaoua and Bouza area (15,000 ha) 60% Rehabilitation of the classified forest of PO_R2243_NIG_35 PO_R2 Niger 3 4 11 023 691 identified - 47% 53% 0% Guesselbodi (2,000 ha) PIDACC PO_R22222_NIG_30 Bioligical and mechanical treatment of PO_R2 Niger 3 2 2 594 958 60% 36% 64% 0% koris in Tillabery and Tahoua region (15 identified - d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin Appendixes 101 Reference Financial scheduling and Overall Implementation document and Contribution Preparation Funding N° Action title action cost beneficiary to resilience stage sources PO-PT1 PO-PT2 PO-PT3 (USD) country 2016-18 2019-21 2022-24 000m3) PIDACC Restoration of fallow land and promotion 60% PO_R22234_NIG_33 PO_R2 Niger 3 2 1 680 672 identified - 33% 67% 0% of agroforestry (10,000 ha) PIDACC Development and planting of village forests 60% PO_R22235_NIG__34 in the Tillabéry regions, Téra, Say, Torodi PO_R2 Niger 3 2 1 344 538 identified - 33% 67% 0% and Makalondi municipalities (20,000 ha) PIDACC Development and adaptation of fisheries to Identification PO_R2322_NIG_19 PO_R2 Niger 1 2 912 605 32% 68% 0% climate change on-going 60% Construction of a new reservoir dam at PO_R12152_NIG_05 PO_R1 Niger 3 3 1 194 958 identified - 27% 73% 0% Aboka PIDACC PO_R12316_NIG_29 Rehabilitation of a nursery pond in Moli PO_R1 Niger 60% and construction of a nursery pond in 2 2 1 003 361 identified - 27% 73% 0% Madarounfa PIDACC 60% Rehabilitation of the irrigated area of Galmi PO_R12119_NIG_04 PO_R1 Niger 3 2 2 823 529 identified - 17% 83% 0% 250 ha PIDACC PO_R1245_NIG_37 Construction of flood protection dikes PO_R1 Niger 60% around Niamey irrigation scheme and 3 2 1 793 277 identified - 9% 91% 0% other related infrastructure PIDACC 60% Construction of two (2) weirs for floodplain PO_R12158_NIG_16 PO_R1 Niger 3 2 2 605 042 identified - 9% 64% 27% crop production (Gorouol, DolBel, Terra) PIDACC PO_R1313_NIG_27 Rehabilitation of 300 km between PO_R1 Niger 60% Labezanga and Dolé (Gaya) 1 2 1 085 714 identified - 4% 96% 0% PIDACC PO_R1323_NIG_28 Construction of 30 landing stages between PO_R1 Niger 60% Labezanga and Dolé (Labezanga, Ayorou, 1 2 1 302 521 identified - 4% 96% 0% Tillabéry, Gothuey, Niamey, Kollo, Gaya, PIDACC d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin 102 Appendixes Reference Financial scheduling and Overall Implementation document and Contribution Preparation Funding N° Action title action cost beneficiary to resilience stage sources PO-PT1 PO-PT2 PO-PT3 (USD) country 2016-18 2019-21 2022-24 Dolé), et Konni, Madarounfa, Abalak Project for development, management of natural resources and promotion of Identification PO_R2115_NIG_22_ PO_R2 Niger 3 2 6 052 101 0% 100% 0% Moringa oleifera (Tajaé, Malbaza and on-going Tsernaoua) Integrated project to stabilise the dunes Identification PO_R22220_NIG_20 PO_R2 Niger 3 2 472 269 0% 100% 0% and combat poverty (Namaro) on-going Identification PO_R22221_NIG_21 Reforestation project in schools PO_R2 Niger 3 2 339 496 0% 100% 0% on-going Sustainable management of the forest 126 242 30% PO_R22231_NIG_18 resources and promotion of alternative PO_R2 Niger 3 4 0% 100% 0% 017 identified - energy sources Development of agroforestry and 100% PO_R22232_NIG__24 PO_R2 Niger 3 4 34 584 689 0% 100% 0% sustainable management of soil fertility identified - Support for the improvement of soil fertility, 100% PO_R22233_NIG_25 PO_R2 Niger 3 4 37 417 575 0% 100% 0% restoration of degraded land identified - Rehabilitation of the irrigated area of Tara Identification PO_R12117_NIG_02 PO_R1 Niger 3 2 1 278 992 0% 83% 17% 101 ha on-going Construction of the Kaoura Abdou Identification PO_R12155_NIG_09 PO_R1 Niger 3 5 17 442 017 0% 0% 100% hydroagricultural dam at Badaguichiri on-going Creation of an irrigated area and Identification PO_R12157_NIG11 PO_R1 Niger 3 2 12 774 790 0% 0% 100% rehabilitation of the dyke at Gatawani Dolé on-going Support for the development of the fishing 20% PO_R12313_NIG_13 PO_R1 Niger 2 2 9 425 210 0% 0% 100% and fish-farming sector identified - Development and use of the valley of Identification PO_R1244_NIG23 PO_R1 Niger 3 2 3 040 336 0% 0% 100% Goroubi (Tamou and Torodi) on-going d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin Appendixes 103 NIGERIA Reference Financial scheduling and Overall Implementation document and Contribution Preparation Funding N° Action title action cost beneficiary to resilience stage sources PO-PT1 PO-PT2 PO-PT3 (USD) country 2016-18 2019-21 2022-24 Delimitating the zones for the conservation (forests, protected zones) / Identification of sites a) Advocacy to Niger, Benue, Zamfara and Katsina States Identification PO_R2111_NIA_22 PO_R2 Nigeria 3 2 593 277 100% 0% 0% (Construction of Earthdam, on-going Boreholes, washbores, handdug wells etc). b) To establish and support seed banks Fight against bush fire a) Capacity building of the Federal Identification PO_R22226_NIA_24 Fire Service b) Procurement of fire PO_R2 Nigeria 3 2 176 471 100% 0% 0% on-going fighting facilities towards combating bush fire. Capitalization of the fight against the water hyacinth and the proliferation of sida cordifolia a) Procurement of Open water Kit for 60% PO_R2254_NIA_32 open water hyacinth control. PO_R2 Nigeria 1 2 226 891 identified - 100% 0% 0% b) Training of operators and PIDACC technicians c) Operation and maintenance of harvester. Strengthening the Shared management of water resources in the Basin (Construction of weirs, and 60% erosion control and runoff water PO_R21212_NIA_32 PO_R2 Nigeria 1 2 225 210 identified - 95% 5% 0% catchment infrastructures; PIDACC Quantitative management of water resources) a) Reconnaissance survey to identify d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin 104 Appendixes Reference Financial scheduling and Overall Implementation document and Contribution Preparation Funding N° Action title action cost beneficiary to resilience stage sources PO-PT1 PO-PT2 PO-PT3 (USD) country 2016-18 2019-21 2022-24 suitable locations for weirs, erosion control structure and runoff management b)Engagement of Consultants to design the infrastructures c) Engagement of Contractor for the construction of weirs, erosion control structures and infrastructures PO_R2214_NIA_23 Measures for the conservation of PO_R2 Nigeria forestry galleries on secondary rivers Identification 3 2 1 297 479 83% 17% 0% (Conservation of biodiversity/Forest on-going management) Flood management Project a) Undertake flood forecasting and warning on flood prone areas b)Undertake flood hazard assessment including hazard mapping and risk evaluation 10% PO_R2320_NIA_13 PO_R2 Nigeria 3 2 4 954 622 identified - 76% 24% 0% c)Develop and promote regulations PIDACC for flood plain management based on flood plain zoning. d) Put in place structures for flood prevention, control and water conservation. Development of tools for the modelling of hydrological forecasts a)Procurement and installation of Identification PO_R21206_NIA_9 hardware and software for PO_R2 Nigeria 3 2 1 176 471 54% 46% 0% on-going hydrological modeling; b)Training and capacity building Modelization of hydraulic variation Identification PO_R2134_NIA_12__10 PO_R2 Nigeria 3 2 1 201 681 54% 46% 0% a) Develop a methodology and on-going d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin Appendixes 105 Reference Financial scheduling and Overall Implementation document and Contribution Preparation Funding N° Action title action cost beneficiary to resilience stage sources PO-PT1 PO-PT2 PO-PT3 (USD) country 2016-18 2019-21 2022-24 approach to understand how existing flow dynamics models can be used with the addition of flow and pressure monitors to improve understanding of network flow dynamics, their relationships to system operational changes and user demands, and thus to water quality dynamics throughout the system. The methodology should allow an understanding of flow dynamics in real-time or near real- time. b) Dam safety review processes and status for Jibiya, Kampe –omi and Doma dams. c) Emergency Action plan and procedures in the three chosen dams. d) Provision of automatic guaging station and flood measuring station upstream of kanji and the drainage basins between kanji and jebba dams. c). Provision of Meteorological and hydrological stations at both kanji and jebba Capitalization of the fight against the water hyacinth and the proliferation of sida cordifolia a) Procurement of Open water Kit for open water hyacinth control. Identification PO_R2234_NIA_18 PO_R2 Nigeria 3 2 1 258 824 54% 46% 0% on-going b) Training of operators and technicians c) Operation and maintenance of harvester. d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin 106 Appendixes Reference Financial scheduling and Overall Implementation document and Contribution Preparation Funding N° Action title action cost beneficiary to resilience stage sources PO-PT1 PO-PT2 PO-PT3 (USD) country 2016-18 2019-21 2022-24 Conservation and management of the coastal delta zone of the Niger river a) Construction of flood protection drainage facilities in Koton-Karfe, Mamu Awka, Yenogua and Koko. Identification PO_R2241_NIA_14 PO_R2 Nigeria 3 2 1 090 756 54% 46% 0% b) To create reinforcement and on-going adaptation of basic water infrastructure and promotion of integrated coastal management of the coastal zone. Strengthening of community capacity for adaptation to climate change (Inventory and dissemination of good practices in restoring degraded ecosystems; Inventory and dissemination of good practices in protecting ecosystems) / a) Integration of Climate Change Adaptation into the capabilities, bodies and management instruments of the national and regional institutions of the Basin 60% PO_R2255_NIA_35 PO_R2 Nigeria 1 2 277 311 identified - 54% 46% 0% b) Interaction (build strong synergy PIDACC development) with various tier of government (Federal, State and Local Government), NGOs, CBOs, Private Sector. b) Awareness Creation at community levels in each vulnerable catchment in the country. c) Improve understanding of the local communities on climate change issues -community town hall meetings; jingles in local dialect in d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin Appendixes 107 Reference Financial scheduling and Overall Implementation document and Contribution Preparation Funding N° Action title action cost beneficiary to resilience stage sources PO-PT1 PO-PT2 PO-PT3 (USD) country 2016-18 2019-21 2022-24 radios; production of pamphlets for extension workers . Research work to integrate, in future models, scenarios dealing with the increase in temperature in order to calculate the need in water of the plants and the evaporation of the damming lakes a) Hydrological data collection and analysis on existing and planned reservoirs, reservoirs operation, Identification PO_R2256_NIA_6 PO_R2 Nigeria 3 2 1 774 790 54% 46% 0% on-going b) Procurement of computer hardware and software, training and capacity building. c) Catchment protection strategies through agro-forestry and aforestation programmes and drilling of wind pump boreholes and rainwater harvesting within each catchment. Conservation and management of the middle of Niger area a) Construction of 400 windpump boreholes along the middle Niger are Identification PO_R2232_NIA_15 b) Development of seed banks for PO_R2 Nigeria 3 2 566 387 47% 53% 0% on-going economic trees c) Promotion of agro-forestry in the middle Niger for soil conservation and catchment protection Socio-economic utilisation of invasive aquatic plant species 151 490 Identification PO_R2252_NIA_17 a) Procurement of aquatic weeds PO_R2 Nigeria 3 2 47% 53% 0% 756 on-going harvesters b) Training of operators and d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin 108 Appendixes Reference Financial scheduling and Overall Implementation document and Contribution Preparation Funding N° Action title action cost beneficiary to resilience stage sources PO-PT1 PO-PT2 PO-PT3 (USD) country 2016-18 2019-21 2022-24 technicians c) Operation and maintenance of harvester. Development of Resilience of the population and the Ecosystem in the Basin (Conservation of biodiversity/Forest management; Preservation of biodiversity / Management of the fauna reserve) a) Support to the development of traditional fish farming 60% PO_R2235_NIA_33 b)Procurement of fishing inputs such PO_R2 Nigeria 3 2 4 139 496 identified - 46% 54% 0% as Yamaha Outboard engines of PIDACC various Horse powers, mono filament nets, twines and lead/sinkers, chokor smoking kilns. c)Seedling development and distribution for agro-forestry. d) Community sensitization on best environmental conservation practices Erosion, flood and siltation control in Nigeria. a) Reconnaissance survey to identify vulnerable zones within the basin b)Engagement of Consultants to design suitable flood and erosion Identification PO_R22225_NIA_21 control structures and sites to be PO_R2 Nigeria 3 2 20 292 437 36% 64% 0% on-going dredged c) Engagement of suitable contractors for the construction of each facility. d) Construction of 2000 tubewells each for Kebbi, Sokoto, Kwara, and d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin Appendixes 109 Reference Financial scheduling and Overall Implementation document and Contribution Preparation Funding N° Action title action cost beneficiary to resilience stage sources PO-PT1 PO-PT2 PO-PT3 (USD) country 2016-18 2019-21 2022-24 Zamfara states e)Procurement of 2000Nos, 3" water pumps each for Kebbi, Sokoto, Kwara, and Zamfara states. f) Bathymetric survey of Jibiya, Kampe – omi and Doma Dam g)Survey and Di-silting of Jibiya, Kampe – Omi andDoma Dams and Reservoirs along the River Niger and its Tributaries in Nigeria for flood control and protection of water quality. h) Demarcation of flood plain downstream of jebba. Monitoring of the application of the minimum low water flow. a) Expansion of surface water monitoring network through installation and operation of stream gauging equipment Procurement of Identification PO_R2?1_NIA_XXX PO_R2 Nigeria 3 2 1 764 706 33% 67% 0% Flow on-going b) Measurement equipment; c)Drilling of groundwater monitoring boreholes and instrumentation with data loggers. Develop some protected zones a) Advocacy to Kebbi, Sokoto, Niger, Yobe, Adamawa, Taraba, Zamfara and Katsina States (Construction of Identification PO_R2114_NIA__19 Earthdam, Boreholes, washbores, PO_R2 Nigeria 3 2 2 598 319 33% 67% 0% on-going handdug wells etc). Seedling b) To establish and support seed banks. d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin 110 Appendixes Reference Financial scheduling and Overall Implementation document and Contribution Preparation Funding N° Action title action cost beneficiary to resilience stage sources PO-PT1 PO-PT2 PO-PT3 (USD) country 2016-18 2019-21 2022-24 Support for the functioning of Niger- HYCOS a)Operation and maintenance of the existing 18No Data Collection Identification PO_R21213_NIA_11 Platform (DCP) stations; PO_R2 Nigeria 3 2 1 324 370 33% 67% 0% on-going b)Expansion of network the DCPs equipped with SutronMeteosat; Data processing; Training PO_R22236_NIA_8 Rehabilitation of degraded PO_R2 Nigeria Identification agricultural land 3 2 1 253 782 33% 67% 0% on-going PO_R12160_NIA27 Irrigation development inTada PO_R1 Nigeria Identification Shonga (Kwara State) 3 2 1 845 378 27% 73% 0% on-going PO_R12317_NIA_03__04 Support to fisheries development PO_R1 Nigeria 10% 2 2 2 171 429 identified - 27% 73% 0% PIDACC PO_R1112_NIA01 Rehabilitation of Kainji dam (Including PO_R1 Nigeria 136 800 Identification Units 7, 8, 9, 10 et 11) 3 2 15% 48% 37% 000 on-going PO_R12212_NIA_05 Development of water points for cattle PO_R1 Nigeria 10% and development of transhumance 3 2 5 092 437 identified - 8% 79% 13% pathways PIDACC PO_R12161_NIA_28_30__31__33 Construction of multipurpose dams, PO_R1 Nigeria 243 858 0% identified irrigation schemes and support 3 2 3% 33% 64% 824 - PIDACC measures to adapt to climate change d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin Appendixes 111 CHAD Reference Overall Financial scheduling and document and Contribution Preparation action Funding Implementation N° Action title beneficiary to resilience stage cost sources PO-PT1 PO-PT2 PO-PT3 country (USD) 2016-18 2019-21 2022-24 Improvement and dissemination of Identification PANA_TD_3 NAPA Chad 3 2 1 000 000 62% 38% 0% crop calendars on-going Rural, Pastoral and Transhumance 17 616 0% identified PO_R12216_TCH_11 PO_R1 Chad 3 2 54% 46% 0% Infrastructure project. 807 - PIDACC National Observatory for Climate Identification PANA_TD_8 NAPA Chad 3 2 1 600 000 53% 38% 9% Change on-going Development of the waterhole at 30% PO_R12213_TCH_05 Torrock for crops and to provide PO_R1 Chad 3 2 1 048 739 identified - 50% 50% 0% drinking water for cattle PIDACC Construction of defensive structures Identification PANA_TD_5 and restoration of land for the NAPA Chad 3 2 1 300 000 40% 60% 0% on-going development of agricultural activities Improvement of the quality of seasonal Identification PANA_TD_7 forecasting and its integration in the NAPA Chad 3 2 1 700 000 40% 60% 0% on-going strategy for monitoring vulnerability. Improvement of information, education Identification PANA_TD_4 and communication concerning NAPA Chad 3 2 1 100 000 38% 62% 0% on-going adaptation to climate change Hydro-agricultural development at Identification PO_R12165_TCH_08 PO_R1 Chad 3 4 2 823 529 36% 64% 0% Fianga. 5,000 ha on-going Djarao, Domo and Léo hydro- 169 371 Identification PO_R12166_TCH_09 PO_R1 Chad 3 4 36% 64% 0% agricultural development. 10,000 ha 429 on-going Improvement of intercommunity Identification PANA_TD_6 NAPA Chad 3 2 1 500 000 35% 52% 13% grazing areas on-going Hydro-agricultural development at Identification PO_R12167_TCH_10 PO_R1 Chad 3 4 1 164 706 34% 66% 0% Ghétahlé -Tréné. 5,000 ha on-going Reduction of the vulnerability of Identification PANA_TD_10 NAPA Chad 3 2 2 000 000 33% 67% 0% populations to climate change / on-going d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin 112 Appendixes Reference Overall Financial scheduling and document and Contribution Preparation action Funding Implementation N° Action title beneficiary to resilience stage cost sources PO-PT1 PO-PT2 PO-PT3 country (USD) 2016-18 2019-21 2022-24 Management of climate-related hazards and adaptation to climate change Mobilisation of surface water for Identification PANA_TD_1 NAPA Chad 3 2 1 800 000 31% 67% 2% agriculture and to supply cattle. on-going 10% Development of the rice-growing area 15 630 PO_R12162_TCH_02 PO_R1 Chad 3 5 identified - 26% 74% 0% of Voli (Gounou Gaya). 1,020 ha 252 PIDACC Diversification and intensification of Identification PANA_TD_2 crop production in the Sudanian and NAPA Chad 3 2 1 200 000 24% 50% 26% on-going Sahelian areas of Chad Development of an area for floodplain Identification PO_R12168_TCH_12 crop production in the region of Mayo PO_R1 Chad 3 2 741 176 20% 80% 0% on-going Kebbi Est (at Tikem). 600 ha d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin Appendixes 113 ES-NBA Reference Financial scheduling and Overall Implementation document and Contribution Preparation Funding N° Action title action cost beneficiary to resilience stage sources PO-PT1 PO-PT2 PO-PT3 (USD) country 2016-18 2019-21 2022-24 Development of the gender policy Identification PO_R5221_SE/ABN (finalise the policy and implement PO_R5 ES-ABN 1 2 134 454 100% 0% 0% on-going it) Development of external Identification PO_R5321_SE/ABN PO_R5 ES-ABN 1 2 153 782 100% 0% 0% communication on-going 50% Hydraulic modelling of the inner BM_DIN_MA_1 CIWA Project 3 2 1 400 000 identified - 100% 0% 0% delta of the Niger CIWA Dissimination and application of Identification PO_R4121_ SE/ABN PO_R4 ES-ABN 3 2 3 705 042 70% 15% 15% the Water Charter to all States on-going Rendering the decision-making Identification PO_R4111_ SE/ABN PO_R4 ES-ABN 3 2 10 729 412 47% 49% 4% tools operational on-going 60% Inventory and general mapping of PO_R21207_SE/ABN1_12_13 PO_R2 ES-ABN 3 2 2 917 647 identified - 30% 60% 10% the ecosystems of the basin PIDACC Capitalisation and dissemination 60% of good practices for the PO_R2253_SE/ABN_11 PO_R2 ES-ABN 1 2 11 532 773 identified - 19% 34% 47% restoration of degraded PIDACC ecosystems Monitoring water resources in the 108 494 Identification PO_R2112_SE/ABN_10 PO_R2 ES-ABN 3 2 16% 30% 54% Niger Basin 118 on-going d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin 114 Appendixes Appendix H : Financial and implementation schedule of the CRIP actions d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin Appendixes 115 SELECTED ACTIONS IN THE CLIMATE RESILIENCE INVESTMENT PLAN FOR NIGER BASIN – KNOWLEDGE AND INSTITUTIONS PACKAGE Financial scheduling and Reference document Prioritization options Overall action Funding Implementation Action title and beneficiary cost (USD) sources Contribution Preparation PO-PT1 PO-PT2 PO-PT3 country to resilience stage 2016-18 2019-21 2022-24 1 – Knowledge. Collection and generation of climatic and hydrological information. Weather-forecasting tools and decision-making tools Improvement of knowledge of water resources and Identification enhancement of the hydro-meteorological and PO_R2 Guinea 756 303 3 2 100% 0% 0% on-going hydrogeological data collection system Study for the development of a communication strategy and setting up of an Information System for the Identification NC PNSFN Mali 465 351 2 2 100% 0% 0% integrated management of the resources of the Niger on-going River Basin Study of the design of the observatory of the Niger Identification NC PNSFN Mali 126 914 3 2 100% 0% 0% River in Mali on-going Strengthening of the existing pollution control team and 60% identified - PO_R2 Niger 282 353 3 2 100% 0% 0% creation and equipping of 4 new stations PIDACC Component of CIWA 50% identified - Hydraulic modelling of the inner delta of the Niger 1 400 000 3 2 100% 0% 0% project CIWA Development of adaptation and water resource 60% identified - PO_R2 Ivory Coast 452 101 3 2 94% 6% 0% management tools PIDACC National communication Identification Development of a data bank relating to climate change 761 483 3 2 93% 7% 0% concerning climate on-going change - Benin Setting up of a climate hazard forecasting and early warning system for food safety in 4 vulnerable agro- NAPA Benin 8 190 000 70% identified - 3 2 72% 28% 0% ecological zones Setting up a system for observation, information Identification management and warning with regard to climate PNACC Cameroon 2 220 000 3 2 72% 28% 0% on-going hazards in Cameroon Develop models for the allocation of the water Identification NC - PND Ivory Coast 1 184 529 3 2 71% 26% 3% resources of river basin agencies on-going d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin 116 Appendixes Financial scheduling and Reference document Prioritization options Overall action Funding Implementation Action title and beneficiary cost (USD) sources Contribution Preparation PO-PT1 PO-PT2 PO-PT3 country to resilience stage 2016-18 2019-21 2022-24 Development of an early warning system to safeguard Identification NAPA Guinea 150 000 3 2 68% 28% 4% agricultural productivity on-going National Enhancement of capabilities with regard to climate communication Identification 3 892 023 3 2 59% 41% 0% observation in the Benin section of the Niger basin concerning climate on-going change - Benin Support for knowledge of the quality of the water 60% identified - PO_R2 Mali 4 042 017 3 2 55% 45% 0% resources and acquisition of meteorological equipment PIDACC Development of tools for the modelling of hydrological Identification PO_R2 Nigeria 1 176 471 3 2 54% 46% 0% forecasts on-going Identification Modelling of hydraulic variation PO_R2 Nigeria 1 201 681 3 2 54% 46% 0% on-going Useful research work for the future models / Research work to integrate, in future models, scenarios dealing Identification with the increase in temperature in order to calculate PO_R2 Nigeria 1 774 790 3 2 54% 46% 0% on-going the need in water of the plants and the evaporation of the damming lakes Observatoire National sur les Changements Identification Climatiques (ONCC) / National Observatory for Climate NAPA Chad 1 600 000 3 2 53% 38% 9% on-going Change Reduction of vulnerability to climate change by Identification enhancing measures for prevention and management NAPA Burkina Faso 7 446 000 3 2 49% 28% 23% on-going of food crises in the Oursi and Boulsa zones. 60% identified - Rendering the decision-making tools operational PO_R4 SE-ABN 2 917 647 3 2 47% 49% 4% PIDACC Improvement of the quality of seasonal forecasting and Identification its integration in the strategy for monitoring NAPA Chad 1 700 000 3 2 40% 60% 0% on-going vulnerability. Development of research activities in water NC PAGIRE Burkina Identification management, more particularly in the context of 5 245 771 3 2 40% 30% 30% Faso on-going adaptation to climate change d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin Appendixes 117 Financial scheduling and Reference document Prioritization options Overall action Funding Implementation Action title and beneficiary cost (USD) sources Contribution Preparation PO-PT1 PO-PT2 PO-PT3 country to resilience stage 2016-18 2019-21 2022-24 Monitoring of the application of the minimum low water Identification PO_R2 Nigeria 1 764 706 3 2 33% 67% 0% flows. on-going Identification Support for the functioning of Niger-HYCOS PO_R2 Nigeria 1 324 370 3 2 33% 67% 0% on-going Identification Monitoring water resources in the Niger Basin PO_R2 SE-ABN 10 729 412 3 2 30% 60% 10% on-going Equipment and improvement of knowledge concerning the quality of the water resources (Materials and 60% identified - PO_R2 Burkina Faso 707 563 3 2 0% 100% 0% equipment, Improvement of knowledge of the quality of PIDACC the water resources) Development of a sound national Water Information NC PAGIRE Burkina Identification 16 464 951 3 2 N/A N/A 100% System (WIS) Faso on-going 2 - Assessment of vulnerability. Communication and awareness-raising Adaptation of the national gender policy and their Identification PNACC Cameroon 2 220 000 3 2 72% 28% 0% vulnerability to climate change on-going Raising the awareness of the population, professionals, administration and decision-makers to Identification PNACC Cameroon 2 220 000 3 2 72% 28% 0% the effects of climate change and the measures to be on-going taken Identification Development of external communication PO_R5 SE-ABN 3 705 042 3 2 70% 15% 15% on-going Improvement of information, education and Identification communication concerning adaptation to climate NAPA Chad 1 100 000 3 2 38% 62% 0% on-going change Identification "One School, 5 hectares of forest" project PO_R2 Ivory Coast 3 721 008 3 6 37% 63% 0% on-going Reduction of the vulnerability of populations to climate Identification change / Management of climate-related hazards and NAPA Chad 2 000 000 3 2 33% 67% 0% on-going adaptation to climate change Education, professional training and enhancement of Identification PNACC Cameroon 5 550 000 3 2 19% 45% 36% capabilities concerning climate change on-going d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin 118 Appendixes Financial scheduling and Reference document Prioritization options Overall action Funding Implementation Action title and beneficiary cost (USD) sources Contribution Preparation PO-PT1 PO-PT2 PO-PT3 country to resilience stage 2016-18 2019-21 2022-24 Inventory and general mapping of the ecosystems of Identification PO_R2 SE-ABN 108 494 118 3 2 16% 30% 54% the basin on-going Identification Reforestation project in schools PO_R2 Niger 339 496 3 2 0% 100% 0% on-going 3 - Integration of climate change adaptation into the capabilities, bodies and management instruments of the national and regional institutions of the Basin Training activities for those involved in the NC PNSFN Mali Identification 162 450 1 2 100% 0% 0% management of the water resources in the Basin on-going Strengthening of community capacity for adaptation 60% identified - PO_R2 Niger 991 597 1 2 100% 0% 0% (flooding) PIDACC Strengthening the Shared management of water 60% identified - resources in the Basin (Inventory and dissemination of PO_R2 Nigeria 226 891 1 2 100% 0% 0% PIDACC good practices in protecting ecosystems) Distribution and application of the Water Charter to all Identification PO_R4 SE-ABN 134 454 1 2 100% 0% 0% States on-going Development of the gender policy (finalise the policy Identification PO_R5 SE-ABN 153 782 1 2 100% 0% 0% and implement it) on-going Inclusion of climate hazards when updating the Land PNACC Cameroon Identification 3 330 000 1 2 68% 32% 0% Use Plan on-going Enhancement of the shared management of the water Identification PO_R2 Niger 2 174 790 1 2 64% 36% 0% resources in the national part of the Niger Basin on-going 60% identified - Adaptation to climate change (flooding) PO_R2 Guinea 1 179 832 1 2 58% 42% 0% PIDACC 60% identified - Development of a good practice guide PO_R2 Benin 598 319 1 2 54% 46% 0% PIDACC Strengthening the shared management of natural Identification PO_R2 Cameroon 1 260 504 1 2 54% 46% 0% resources in the national part of the Niger Basin on-going 60% identified - Enhancement of communities' ability to adapt PO_R2 Ivory Coast 352 941 1 2 54% 46% 0% PIDACC Strengthening of community capacity for adaptation to 60% identified - PO_R2 Nigeria 277 311 1 2 54% 46% 0% climate change (Inventory and dissemination of good PIDACC d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin Appendixes 119 Financial scheduling and Reference document Prioritization options Overall action Funding Implementation Action title and beneficiary cost (USD) sources Contribution Preparation PO-PT1 PO-PT2 PO-PT3 country to resilience stage 2016-18 2019-21 2022-24 practices in restoring degraded ecosystems; Inventory and dissemination of good practices in protecting ecosystems) Support for the development of collaborative 50% identified - management of the Tinkisso, Niger- Tinkisso and PO_R2 Guinea 425 210 1 2 37% 63% 0% PIDACC Sankarani - Fié Ramsar sites Development of strategies for adaptation to climate 100% identified PO_R2 Benin 608 403 1 2 36% 64% 0% change - PIDACC Identification Enhancement of the ability to adapt and intervene PO_R2 Ivory Coast 2 110 924 1 2 33% 67% 0% on-going Project for the Management and Sustainable Use of Identification PO_R2 Niger 912 605 1 2 32% 68% 0% Natural Resources and Adaptation to Climate Change on-going Protection of the resources and ecosystems in the Identification PO_R2 Cameroon 8 438 655 1 2 27% 73% 0% national part of the Niger Basin on-going Capitalisation and dissemination of good practices for 60% identified - PO_R2 SE-ABN 11 532 773 1 2 19% 34% 47% the restoration of degraded ecosystems PIDACC Development of the water development and Identification management scheme for the national part of the Niger PO_R2 Benin 621 849 1 2 0% 100% 0% on-going Basin CIWA: Cooperation in International Waters in Africa NC: National Contribution DIN: Inner Delta of the Niger ONCC: National Observatory for Climate Change NAPA: National Adaptation Programmes of Action PIDACC: Programme for Integrated Development and Adaptation to Climate Change in the Niger Basin NAP: National Adaptation Plan PNACC: National Programme for Adaptation to Climate Change PNSFN: National Programme to Safeguard the Niger River PO: NBA Operational Plan SE/ABN: Executive Secretariat of the NBA SIE: Water Information System d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin 120 Appendixes SELECTED ACTIONS IN THE CLIMATE RESILIENCE INVESTMENT PLAN FOR NIGER BASIN – SECOND PACKAGE Financial scheduling and Prioritization options Reference document and Overall action Funding Implementation Action title beneficiary country cost (USD) sources Contribution to Preparation PO-PT1 PO-PT2 PO-PT3 resilience stage 2016-18 2019-21 2022-24 4 - Measures targeting vulnerability to water stress Rehabilitation of the Baskouré dam and preparation of 30% identified - 60 hectares of lowlands in the municipalities of PO_R1 Burkina Faso 1 452 101 3 5 100% 0% 0% PIDACC Baskouré, Diabo and Fada Identification Construction of improved wells NAPA Guinea 250 000 3 2 100% 0% 0% on-going Identification Dissemination of rainwater harvesting basins NAPA Guinea 280 000 3 2 100% 0% 0% on-going Development of irrigated rice farming in Middle and Identification NAPA Guinea 300 000 3 2 100% 0% 0% Upper Guinea on-going Exploitation of indigenous knowledge and positive Identification NAPA Guinea 300 000 3 2 100% 0% 0% practices on-going Identification Promotion of breeding small ruminants NAPA Guinea 325 000 3 2 100% 0% 0% on-going Promotion of bricks made of compacted earth with the Identification aim of reducing the environmental impact of fired NAPA Guinea 600 000 3 2 100% 0% 0% on-going bricks Intensification of pearl millet farming in the northern Identification NAPA Guinea 350 000 3 2 100% 0% 0% area of Guinea on-going Feasibility study of small developments in the tops of Identification the sub-watersheds of the upper stretches of the Niger NC PNSFN Mali 813 941 3 2 100% 0% 0% on-going and Bani rivers for environmental restoration Rehabilitation of the dam and creation of 192 ha of Identification irrigated land downstream of the Sidi-KompIenga dam PO_R1 Burkina Faso 3 290 756 3 5 99% 1% 0% on-going (Gnagna, East) Development of irrigated crops in the provinces of Identification NAPA Burkina Faso 443 300 3 2 98% 2% 0% Gourma, Namemtenga, Tapoa and Sanmatenga. on-going Rehabilitation of the dam and 14 ha of irrigated utilised 30% identified - PO_R1 Burkina Faso 1 363 025 3 5 97% 3% 0% agricultural land equipped with 50 wells at Dabesma PIDACC d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin Appendixes 121 Financial scheduling and Prioritization options Reference document and Overall action Funding Implementation Action title beneficiary country cost (USD) sources Contribution to Preparation PO-PT1 PO-PT2 PO-PT3 resilience stage 2016-18 2019-21 2022-24 (Gnagna, East) Development and management of the waterhole at Identification NAPA Burkina Faso 275 000 3 2 96% 4% 0% Oursi on-going Strengthening the Shared management of water resources in the Basin (Construction of weirs, and 60% identified - erosion control and runoff water catchment PO_R2 Nigeria 225 210 1 2 95% 5% 0% PIDACC infrastructures; Quantitative management of water resources) Enhancement and safeguarding of access to water Identification resources and wastewater treatment in a context of PNACC Cameroon 8 880 000 3 2 88% 12% 0% on-going climate change Safeguarding of agricultural production by the use of Identification appropriate technological packages in the South-West NAPA Burkina Faso 297 924 3 2 85% 15% 0% on-going and East regions. Construction of the Coalla dam (5 Mm3) in the 50% identified - province of Gnagna (East) and preparation of 122 ha PO_R1 Burkina Faso 5 749 580 3 5 82% 18% 0% PIDACC of irrigated land Completion of the construction of the Bambakari dam 20% identified - (163 Mm3) in the province of Déno (Sahel) and PO_R1 Burkina Faso 31 751 261 3 5 72% 28% 0% PIDACC preparation of 300ha of irrigated land Adaptation of the farming calendars to the new climate National communication on Identification 2 538 276 3 2 65% 35% 0% context climate change Benin on-going Development of multi-purpose hydroagricultural 50% identified - PO_R1 Cameroon 1 100 840 3 2 62% 38% 0% infrastructures in the municipality of Garoua PIDACC Identification Improvement and dissemination of crop calendars NAPA Chad 1 000 000 3 2 62% 38% 0% on-going Programme for the development of irrigation in the Identification NC PNSFN Mali 205 346 539 3 2 58% 42% 0% Bani and Sankarani basin on-going Rural, Pastoral and Transhumance Infrastructure 0% identified - PO_R1 Chad 17 616 807 3 2 54% 46% 0% project. PIDACC Development of the waterhole in Dori PO_R1 Burkina Faso 86 301 389 0% identified - 3 2 51% 49% 0% d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin 122 Appendixes Financial scheduling and Prioritization options Reference document and Overall action Funding Implementation Action title beneficiary country cost (USD) sources Contribution to Preparation PO-PT1 PO-PT2 PO-PT3 resilience stage 2016-18 2019-21 2022-24 PIDACC Development of integrated farming which is resilient to Identification PNACC Cameroon 8 880 000 3 2 51% 49% 0% the effects of climate change on-going Development of the waterhole at Torrock for crops and 30% identified - PO_R1 Chad 1 048 739 3 2 50% 50% 0% to provide drinking water for cattle PIDACC Mobilisation of surface water in order to adapt to Identification climate change in the most vulnerable municipalities of NAPA Benin 2 875 000 3 2 49% 39% 12% on-going the departments in the Centre and the North 40% identified - Rehabilitation of the Kiemna dam PO_R1 Burkina Faso 334 454 3 4 47% 53% 0% PIDACC 20% identified - Rehabilitation of the Bani dam PO_R1 Burkina Faso 768 252 3 5 46% 54% 0% PIDACC Creation of 241 ha of irrigated land at the SIRBA dam Identification PO_R1 Burkina Faso 3 448 739 3 5 42% 58% 0% (Gnagna, East) on-going 40% identified - Rehabilitation of the Boudieri dam PO_R1 Burkina Faso 1 351 261 3 5 42% 58% 0% PIDACC 40% identified - Rehabilitation of the Touro dam PO_R1 Burkina Faso 1 568 067 3 5 41% 59% 0% PIDACC Identification Construction of multi-purpose mini-dams NAPA Guinea 600 000 3 2 40% 60% 0% on-going Identification Construction of hillside reservoirs NAPA Guinea 180 000 3 2 40% 60% 0% on-going Identification Hydro-agricultural development at Fianga. 5,000 ha PO_R1 Chad 2 823 529 3 4 36% 64% 0% on-going Djarao, Domo and Léo hydro-agricultural development. Identification PO_R1 Chad 169 371 429 3 4 36% 64% 0% 10,000 ha on-going Programme for the development of agriculture which is NC Fast start Mali 94 000 000 40% identified - 3 2 35% 35% 30% resilient to climate change. Hydro-agricultural development at Ghétahlé -Tréné. Identification PO_R1 Chad 1 164 706 3 4 34% 66% 0% 5,000 ha on-going d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin Appendixes 123 Financial scheduling and Prioritization options Reference document and Overall action Funding Implementation Action title beneficiary country cost (USD) sources Contribution to Preparation PO-PT1 PO-PT2 PO-PT3 resilience stage 2016-18 2019-21 2022-24 Safeguarding of cereal production by the promotion of Identification supplementary irrigation in the provinces of Oudalan NAPA Burkina Faso 408 660 3 2 33% 66% 0% on-going and Nammemtenga. Mobilisation of surface water for agriculture and to Identification NAPA Chad 1 800 000 3 2 31% 67% 2% supply cattle. on-going 60% identified - Construction of a new reservoir dam at Aboka PO_R1 Niger 1 194 958 3 3 27% 73% 0% PIDACC Irrigation development inTada Shonga (Kwara State) Identification PO_R1 Nigeria 1 845 378 3 2 27% 73% 0% on-going Programme for harvesting and storing rainwater NC Fast start Mali 62 800 000 50% identified - 3 2 26% 74% 0% Development of the rice-growing area of Voli (Gounou 10% identified - PO_R1 Chad 15 630 252 3 5 26% 74% 0% Gaya). 1,020 ha PIDACC Rehabilitation of the dam and creation of 11 ha of irrigated utilised agricultural land and preparation of 40% identified - PO_R1 Burkina Faso 1 885 714 3 5 24% 76% 0% 100 ha of horticultural land at Tanga (Kouritenga, PIDACC Centre-East) equipped with 50 wells Diversification and intensification of crop production in Identification NAPA Chad 1 200 000 3 2 24% 50% 26% the Sudanian and Sahelian areas of Chad on-going Development of an area for floodplain crop production Identification PO_R1 Chad 741 176 3 2 20% 80% 0% in the region of Mayo Kebbi Est (at Tikem). 600 ha on-going 100% identified Project for the construction of a dam and - PIDACC 55%, PO_R1 Ivory Coast 2 952 941 3 2 18% 82% 0% hydroagricultural development at KOUBAN 80ha BOAD 30% , Etat 15% 70% identified - Project for the construction of a dam and PO_R1 Ivory Coast 3 524 370 PIDACC 55%, 3 2 18% 82% 0% hydroagricultural development at Katiendé 22ha Etat 15% 70% identified - Project for the construction of a dam and PO_R1 Ivory Coast 5 835 294 PIDACC 55%, 3 2 18% 82% 0% hydroagricultural development at Dimbasso. 182 ha Etat 15% Rehabilitation of the irrigated area of Galmi 250 ha PO_R1 Niger 2 823 529 60% identified - 3 2 17% 83% 0% d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin 124 Appendixes Financial scheduling and Prioritization options Reference document and Overall action Funding Implementation Action title beneficiary country cost (USD) sources Contribution to Preparation PO-PT1 PO-PT2 PO-PT3 resilience stage 2016-18 2019-21 2022-24 PIDACC Rehabilitation of Kainji dam (Including Units 7, 8, 9, 10 Identification PO_R1 Nigeria 136 800 000 3 2 15% 48% 37% et 11) on-going Construction of two (2) weirs for floodplain crop 60% identified - PO_R1 Niger 2 605 042 3 2 9% 64% 27% production (Gorouol, DolBel, Terra) PIDACC Development of water points for cattle and 10% identified - PO_R1 Nigeria 5 092 437 3 2 8% 79% 13% development of transhumance pathways PIDACC Rehabilitation and equipping of village irrigation areas 60% identified - PO_R1 Mali 5 588 235 3 2 7% 93% 0% in the region of Gao PIDACC Construction of hydro-agricultural dams, development 10% identified - and utilisation of the Garoua area upstream (Bocklé, PO_R1 Cameroon 2 813 445 3 2 5% 95% 0% PIDACC Garoua III, Bénoué department) Identification Development and utilisation of the Lagdo II area PO_R1 Cameroon 74 386 555 3 4 5% 95% 0% on-going Development and utilisation of the Faro-Bénoué Identification PO_R1 Cameroon 21 581 513 3 4 5% 95% 0% confluence area on-going Identification Development of the west Garoua area PO_R1 Cameroon 13 361 345 3 4 5% 95% 0% on-going 10% identified - Development of small individual areas PO_R1 Cameroon 7 517 647 3 4 5% 95% 0% PIDACC Rehabilitation and agricultural diversification of twenty 10% identified - PO_R1 Benin 7 515 966 3 2 5% 72% 23% agro-pastoral reservoirs in Benin PIDACC Rehabilitation and diversification of 5 small dams at 56% identified Gamagou, Gah, Guessou, Sombi, Kérékou, Wara and PO_R1_Benin 1 500 000 3 4 5% 72% 23% PIDACC Zougou Pantrossi in Superior Alibori region Low-cost development of 10,000 ha of plains in 60% identified - PO_R1 Ivory Coast 3 215 126 3 2 5% 58% 37% Kabadougou and Folon (north-west) PIDACC Identification Development of smallholders irrigation schemes PO_R1 Cameroon 62 512 605 3 4 5% 57% 38% on-going Project to support the development of agriculture in the PO_R1 Mali 14 159 664 60% identified - 3 4 4% 96% 0% d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin Appendixes 125 Financial scheduling and Prioritization options Reference document and Overall action Funding Implementation Action title beneficiary country cost (USD) sources Contribution to Preparation PO-PT1 PO-PT2 PO-PT3 resilience stage 2016-18 2019-21 2022-24 Douentza area PIDACC Construction of multipurpose dams, irrigation schemes 0% identified - PO_R1 Nigeria 243 858 824 3 2 3% 33% 64% and support measures to adapt to climate change PIDACC 10% identified - Construction of ten (10) multi-purpose dams PO_R1 Benin 35 647 059 3 2 3% 29% 68% PIDACC Identification National Horticultural Support Project PO_R1 Mali 6 105 882 3 4 2% 71% 27% on-going 20% identified - Construction of multipurpose dams PO_R1 Cameroon 4 872 269 3 2 2% 69% 29% PIDACC Rehabilitation of 84 reservoirs in the region of Bagoue Identification PO_R1 Ivory Coast 56 003 361 3 2 2% 59% 39% and Kabadougou on-going 90% identified - Low-cost development of 20,000 ha of Bagoué 3 bailleurs à PO_R1 Ivory Coast 106 198 319 3 2 2% 59% 39% floodplains 30% chacun + Etat 10% Fomi safeguard policies elaboration PO_R1 Guinea 2 000 000 50% identified - 3 3 2% 39% 59% Identification Rehabilitation of the irrigated area of Tara 101 ha PO_R1 Niger 1 278 992 3 2 0% 83% 17% on-going Support for the production of seeds of agricultural Identification PO_R1 Mali 2 974 790 2 2 0% 50% 50% origin on-going Rehabilitation of dams and construction of reservoirs for irrigation and fish farming at Kankan, Kouroussa, 60% identified - PO_R1 Guinea 9 132 773 3 4 0% 27% 73% Mandiana, Faranah, Dinguiraye, Kérouané and PIDACC Kissidougou. Construction of the Kaoura Abdou hydroagricultural Identification PO_R1 Niger 17 442 017 3 5 0% 0% 100% dam at Badaguichiri on-going Creation of an irrigated area and rehabilitation of the Identification PO_R1 Niger 12 774 790 3 2 0% 0% 100% dyke at Gatawani Dolé on-going 5 – Measures targeting vulnerability to flooding Construction of structures to fight flooding in the region PO_R2 Mali 2 124 370 60% identified - 3 2 100% 0% 0% d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin 126 Appendixes Financial scheduling and Prioritization options Reference document and Overall action Funding Implementation Action title beneficiary country cost (USD) sources Contribution to Preparation PO-PT1 PO-PT2 PO-PT3 resilience stage 2016-18 2019-21 2022-24 of Gao PIDACC 10% identified - Flood management Project PO_R2 Nigeria 4 954 622 3 2 76% 24% 0% PIDACC Identification Flood protection PO_R2 Ivory Coast 1 307 563 3 2 42% 58% 0% on-going Feasibility study for the reshaping of the Niger Rriver in Identification NC PNSFN Mali 1 692 184 1 2 31% 69% 0% the towns of Mopti and Bamako on-going 0% identified - Construction of flood-protection dykes PO_R2 Benin 50 732 773 3 2 16% 84% 0% PIDACC The project for the development and recovery of the NC PNSFN Mali 846 092 20% identified - 2 2 13% 87% 0% banks of the Niger River in the District of Bamako Construction of flood protection dikes around Niamey 60% identified - PO_R1 Niger 1 793 277 3 2 9% 91% 0% irrigation scheme and other related infrastructure PIDACC 6 – Measures targeting vulnerability to soil degradation 60% identified - Reforestation of 300 ha on the banks of waterholes PO_R2 Guinea 354 622 3 2 100% 0% 0% PIDACC 36- Topographical and photographic survey by LIDAR Identification laser procedure of dam reservoirs (Sélingué, Markala, NC PNSFN Mali 473 812 1 2 97% 3% 0% on-going Talo, Djenné) Restoration of the banks and development of 60% identified - PO_R2 Guinea 1 368 067 3 2 63% 37% 0% agroforestry PIDACC Stabilisation of dunes in the regions of Tillabéry and 60% identified - Dosso (Kandadji area, Dallol, Maouri and Foga area, PO_R2 Niger 1 026 891 3 2 63% 37% 0% PIDACC Ouallam area) (3,000 ha) Soil and water conservation in the regions of Tillabéry, Dosso and Tahoua; Kandadji, Maouri, Foga areas; 60% identified - PO_R2 Niger 1 285 714 3 2 63% 37% 0% Ouallam, Kollo, Konni, Madaoua and Bouza area PIDACC (15,000 ha) Fight against the impacts of gold-mining on the Identification PO_R2 Ivory Coast 349 580 3 2 54% 46% 0% environment and health on-going d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin Appendixes 127 Financial scheduling and Prioritization options Reference document and Overall action Funding Implementation Action title beneficiary country cost (USD) sources Contribution to Preparation PO-PT1 PO-PT2 PO-PT3 resilience stage 2016-18 2019-21 2022-24 Restore degraded land through the promotion of Identification NC - AGIR Ivory Coast 8 577 681 3 2 52% 48% 0% agroforestry and community reforestation on-going Protection of spring heads and banks (sub-watersheds 60% identified - PO_R2 Guinea 695 798 3 2 47% 53% 0% of the Niandan, Tinkisso, Milo) PIDACC Restoration and protection of the tributaries of the 60% identified - Niger River by reforestation campaigns and anti- PO_R2 Ivory Coast 1 297 479 3 2 46% 54% 0% PIDACC erosion and anti-silting measures Construction of defensive structures and restoration of Identification NAPA Chad 1 300 000 3 2 40% 60% 0% land for the development of agricultural activities on-going Protection of the basin (Departments of Odienné, Boundiali, Madinani, Minignan and Tengréla) / Identification PO_R2 Ivory Coast 1 931 092 3 2 39% 61% 0% Treatment of degraded land for the protection of the on-going banks Stabilisation of 2,500 ha of dunes in the provinces of Identification PO_R2 Burkina Faso 2 831 933 3 2 38% 62% 0% Oudalan, Séno and Yagha on-going 50% identified - Restoration of land and anti-erosion measures PO_R2 Burkina Faso 7 078 992 3 2 36% 64% 0% PIDACC Anti-erosion and anti-silting measures, and sustainable 60% identified - PO_R2 Mali 9 981 513 3 2 36% 64% 0% forest management PIDACC Bioligical and mechanical treatment of koris in Tillabery PO_R2 Niger 60% identified - 2 594 958 3 2 36% 64% 0% and Tahoua region (15 000m3) PIDACC Identification Erosion, flood and siltation control in Nigeria. PO_R2 Nigeria 20 292 437 3 2 36% 64% 0% on-going Recovery of 6,191 ha of degraded land in Séno and 10% identified - Oudalan (restoration of land (Restoration of land, PO_R2 Burkina Faso 3 828 571 3 2 33% 67% 0% UEMOA studies) Development and planting of village forests in the 60% identified - Tillabéry regions, Téra, Say, Torodi and Makalondi PO_R2 Niger 1 344 538 3 2 33% 67% 0% PIDACC municipalities (20,000 ha) Restoration of fallow land and promotion of 60% identified - PO_R2 Niger 1 680 672 3 2 33% 67% 0% agroforestry (10,000 ha) PIDACC d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin 128 Appendixes Financial scheduling and Prioritization options Reference document and Overall action Funding Implementation Action title beneficiary country cost (USD) sources Contribution to Preparation PO-PT1 PO-PT2 PO-PT3 resilience stage 2016-18 2019-21 2022-24 Rehabilitation of degraded agricultural land PO_R2 Nigeria Identification 1 253 782 3 2 33% 67% 0% on-going 0% identified - Anti-erosion and anti-silting measures, continued PO_R2 Benin 7 075 630 3 2 30% 70% 0% PIDACC Improve water resource protection against siltation and CN PAGIRE Burkina Faso Identification 16 837 232 3 2 21% 44% 35% invasive species on-going Conservation and participatory management of sub- watersheds (support for protection, studies and Identification PO_R2 Cameroon 12 169 748 3 2 7% 93% 0% enhancement of capacities) on-going Development of the Mayo–Louti catchment area Identification PO_R2 Cameroon 3 257 143 3 5 7% 93% 0% (restoration of land, studies) on-going Protection of banks by planting and transplanting 60% identified - PO_R2 Mali 8 258 824 3 2 4% 96% 0% bourgou, and measures against invasive plants PIDACC Promotion and development of reforestation in the PO_R2 Ivory Coast 10% identified - 1 495 798 3 2 0% 100% 0% North of the country (wood energy) PIDACC Identification "Green Wall" experimental project PO_R2 Mali 9 910 924 3 2 0% 100% 0% on-going Development of agroforestry and sustainable 100% identified PO_R2 Niger 34 584 689 3 4 0% 100% 0% management of soil fertility - Support for the improvement of soil fertility, restoration 100% identified PO_R2 Niger 37 417 575 3 4 0% 100% 0% of degraded land - Integrated project to stabilise the dunes and combat Identification PO_R2 Niger 472 269 3 2 0% 100% 0% poverty (Namaro) on-going 7 - Measures targeting vulnerability to degradation of the grazing land Forage production and stockpiling of emergency Identification supplies for cattle in the Burkina Faso area of the NAPA Burkina Faso 330 000 3 2 100% 0% 0% on-going Sahel Safeguarding pastoral areas in the regions of the Sahel Identification NAPA Burkina Faso 300 000 3 2 94% 6% 0% and the East. on-going d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin Appendixes 129 Financial scheduling and Prioritization options Reference document and Overall action Funding Implementation Action title beneficiary country cost (USD) sources Contribution to Preparation PO-PT1 PO-PT2 PO-PT3 resilience stage 2016-18 2019-21 2022-24 Reduction of the vulnerability of the livestock sector to Identification PNACC Cameroon 5 550 000 3 2 65% 35% 0% the effects of climate change (REVEECC)) on-going Support for management of the pastoral area and 60% identified - PO_R1 Ivory Coast 1 863 866 3 2 43% 57% 0% prevention of conflicts in the northern area PIDACC Programme of pastoral development resilient to climate NC Fast start Mali 109 900 000 50% identified - 3 2 36% 35% 29% change; Identification Improvement of intercommunity grazing areas NAPA Chad 1 500 000 3 2 35% 52% 13% on-going Support for vulnerable groups for cattle and sheep 60% identified - PO_R1 Mali 3 915 966 3 2 28% 36% 36% fattening in the regions of Gao, Timbuktu PIDACC Bukina Faso National Observatory on Pastoralism Bukina Faso Climate Identification 3 294 682 3 2 N/A N/A 100% (ONPB) Investment Projects on-going 8 - Measures targeting vulnerability to degradation of the ecosystems 60% identified - Creation of a fish farm in Minignan PO_R1 Ivory Coast 206 723 2 4 100% 0% 0% PIDACC Creation of cane rat ranches in order to reduce Identification bushfires and improve living conditions for rural NAPA Guinea 300 000 3 2 100% 0% 0% on-going populations Promotion of the use of solar energy to dry fish with the Identification NAPA Guinea 300 000 3 2 100% 0% 0% aim of reducing the use of wood for smoking on-going Delimitating the zones for the conservation (forests, Identification PO_R2 Nigeria 593 277 3 2 100% 0% 0% protected zones) / Identification of sites on-going Identification Fight against bush fire PO_R2 Nigeria 176 471 3 2 100% 0% 0% on-going 100% identified Support for fish-farming and training of fishermen PO_R1 Niger 5 280 672 2 2 100% 0% 0% - Development of 300 ha of ponds overrun with Typha 100% identified PO_R1 Niger 1 136 134 3 2 100% 0% 0% australis (Dosso region) - Development and adaptation of fisheries to climate PO_R1 Niger 100% identified 13 021 357 2 2 100% 0% 0% change - d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin 130 Appendixes Financial scheduling and Prioritization options Reference document and Overall action Funding Implementation Action title beneficiary country cost (USD) sources Contribution to Preparation PO-PT1 PO-PT2 PO-PT3 resilience stage 2016-18 2019-21 2022-24 Performance of work to restore the forests in the rural Identification NC - DCDF Ivory Coast 1 300 000 3 2 90% 10% 0% sector on-going Restoration project for degraded forests in the rural Identification NC - PND Ivory Coast 1 086 213 3 2 90% 10% 0% sector on-going Support for the implementation of community forest Identification NAPA Guinea 600 000 3 2 84% 16% 0% management plans on-going Project to support communities in the savannah area NC - Management of Identification for protection against desertification and the loss of the community forests Ivory 1 710 327 3 2 83% 17% 0% on-going means of subsistence of the local communities. Coast Conservation measures of Forest galeries on PO_R2 Nigeria Identification 1 297 479 3 2 83% 17% 0% secondary rivers on-going Project to plant useful forest trees in the communities Identification NC - PND Ivory Coast 1 297 905 3 2 78% 22% 0% of the regions of Poro, Tchologo and Bagoué on-going Promotion of energy-saving equipment (improved stoves, M'Bora stew pot) and renewable energy Identification NAPA Burkina Faso 1 230 000 3 2 68% 32% 0% technologies (pressure cooker, water heater and solar on-going dryers, etc.) Reduction of the vulnerability of forests to climate Identification PNACC Cameroon 8 880 000 3 2 65% 35% 0% change in Cameroon on-going Development of fisheries infrastructure Aménagement PO_R1 Ivory Coast 60% identified - 1 030 252 2 2 62% 38% 0% des infrastructures de pêche PIDACC Implementation of the Kankan wildlife reserve 60% identified - PO_R2 Guinea 2 100 840 2 2 56% 44% 0% management plan PIDACC Identification Support the fight against bushfires NC - AGIR Ivory Coast 3 578 969 3 2 55% 45% 0% on-going Identification Promotion of fire management and prohibited access NAPA Guinea 300 000 3 2 55% 45% 0% on-going Forest development in the provinces of Oudalan and 10% identified - PO_R2 Burkina Faso 1 712 605 3 2 54% 46% 0% Séno UEMOA 60% identified - Construction of nursery ponds to rear fry PO_R1 Guinea 282 353 2 3 54% 46% 0% PIDACC d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin Appendixes 131 Financial scheduling and Prioritization options Reference document and Overall action Funding Implementation Action title beneficiary country cost (USD) sources Contribution to Preparation PO-PT1 PO-PT2 PO-PT3 resilience stage 2016-18 2019-21 2022-24 60% identified - Construction of fish ponds in Guinea PO_R1 Guinea 759 664 2 3 54% 46% 0% PIDACC Capitalization of the fight against the water hyacinth Identification PO_R2 Nigeria 1 258 824 3 2 54% 46% 0% and the proliferation of sida cordifolia on-going Development, rational management of natural training Identification and use of non-wood forest products (NWFP) in the NAPA Burkina Faso 700 000 3 2 52% 48% 0% on-going East region of Burkina Faso Preservation of the ecosystems and conservation of 60% identified - biodiversity (Ramsar -Niger, Niandan –Milo, Niger- PO_R2 Guinea 932 773 3 2 47% 53% 0% PIDACC Mafou,) Rehabilitation of the classified forest of Guesselbodi 60% identified - PO_R2 Niger 11 023 691 3 4 47% 53% 0% (2,000 ha) PIDACC Conservation and management of the middle of Niger Identification PO_R2 Nigeria 566 387 3 2 47% 53% 0% area on-going Socio-economic utilisation of invasive aquatic plant Identification PO_R2 Nigeria 151 490 756 3 2 47% 53% 0% species on-going Adaptation of households to climate change by the promotion of renewable energies and efficient Identification economical hearths and pressure cookers in areas NAPA Benin 2 106 600 3 2 43% 57% 0% on-going vulnerable to climate change and where the land is severely degraded Support for the development of fishing activities around 60% identified - PO_R1 Ivory Coast 2 942 857 2 3 43% 57% 0% dams (Boundiali, Minignan and Odienné) PIDACC Identification Develop some protected zones PO_R2 Nigeria 2 598 319 3 2 33% 67% 0% on-going Project to develop fish farming in floating cages and in 60% identified - PO_R1 Mali 3 073 950 2 5 32% 68% 0% ponds PIDACC The Economic and Environmental Rehabilitation NC PNSFN Mali 60 918 627 90% identified - 3 2 32% 41% 27% project for the Niger River Rehabilitation of a nursery pond in Moli and PO_R1 Niger 60% identified - 1 003 361 2 2 27% 73% 0% construction of a nursery pond in Madarounfa PIDACC d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin 132 Appendixes Financial scheduling and Prioritization options Reference document and Overall action Funding Implementation Action title beneficiary country cost (USD) sources Contribution to Preparation PO-PT1 PO-PT2 PO-PT3 resilience stage 2016-18 2019-21 2022-24 Support to fisheries development PO_R1 Nigeria 10% identified - 2 171 429 2 2 27% 73% 0% PIDACC Intensive reforestation programme to rebuild the forest NC Fast start Mali 188 800 000 30% identified - 3 2 27% 42% 31% ecosystems in Mali Promotion of wildlife and habitat management by local Identification NAPA Burkina Faso 810 000 2 2 24% 76% 0% communities in the region of Mouhoun on-going Support for fishermen and fish-farmers around the 20% identified - PO_R1 Cameroon 4 752 941 2 5 21% 79% 0% Lagdo dam PIDACC Provision for the fight against aquatic invasive species 60% identified - in Cameroon, Ivory Coast and Nigeria (30 000 ha + PO_R1 Cameroun 4 192 347 3 2 7% 56% 37% PIDACC 5000 ha + 2500 m3) Firewood production project and installation of a wood Identification PO_R2 Mali 810 000 3 2 0% 100% 0% market in the region of Gao and Timbuktu on-going Project for development, management of natural Identification resources and promotion of Moringa oleifera (Tajaé, PO_R2 Niger 6 052 101 3 2 0% 100% 0% on-going Malbaza and Tsernaoua) Sustainable management of the forest resources and PO_R2 Niger 126 242 017 30% identified - 3 4 0% 100% 0% promotion of alternative energy sources Support for the development of the fishing and fish- PO_R1 Niger 9 425 210 20% identified - 2 2 0% 0% 100% farming sector Development and use of the valley of Goroubi (Tamou Identification PO_R1 Niger 3 040 336 3 2 0% 0% 100% and Torodi) on-going Rehabilitation of the classified forest of BOUNDIALI in NC - SODEFOR Ivory Identification the north of Ivory Coast with the participation of the 1 718 098 3 2 N/A N/A 100% Coast on-going neighbouring populations (as for PO_R22208_CI_15) Rehabilitation of the classified forest of FENGOLO - PALE in the north of Ivory Coast with the participation NC - SODEFOR Ivory Identification 1 065 560 3 2 N/A N/A 100% of the neighbouring populations (as for Coast on-going PO_R22208_CI_15) 9 - Measures targeting vulnerability to deterioration of the water quality and health Protection of children under 5 and pregnant women NAPA Benin 1 112 500 Identification 3 2 100% 0% 0% d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin Appendixes 133 Financial scheduling and Prioritization options Reference document and Overall action Funding Implementation Action title beneficiary country cost (USD) sources Contribution to Preparation PO-PT1 PO-PT2 PO-PT3 resilience stage 2016-18 2019-21 2022-24 against malaria in the areas most vulnerable to climate on-going change Identification Pollution warning station on the Niger River NC PNSFN Mali 177 679 2 2 100% 0% 0% on-going Global study of pollution of the waters of the Niger Identification NC PNSFN Mali 255 520 2 2 100% 0% 0% River in Upper Niger in Mali on-going Mark out and display protection areas around the main Identification NC - PND Ivory Coast 1 015 310 3 2 91% 9% 0% water resources on-going Identification Rendering surface water drinkable using Hydropur© NAPA Guinea 320 000 3 2 78% 22% 0% on-going 10 – Measures targeting vulnerability linked to the rising sea-level Conservation and management of the coastal delta Identification PO_R2 Nigeria 1 090 756 3 2 54% 46% 0% zone of the Niger river on-going 11 – Measures strengthening resilience (e.g. generation of jobs, revenues, etc.) Support to the development of community and private Identification NAPA Guinea 600 000 3 2 76% 24% 0% Anacard tree planting on-going Development of improved wood carbonisation National communication on Identification techniques and promotion of economical stoves in 4 061 242 1 2 65% 35% 0% climate change Benin on-going order to reduce deforestation Reduction of the effects of climate change on the Identification PNACC Cameroun 3 330 000 3 2 65% 35% 0% fisheries sector on-going Fish-farming development programme NC Fast start Mali 31 000 000 60% identified - 3 2 56% 44% 0% Enhance the resilience of vulnerable populations by Identification restoring degraded land (agroforestry and community NC - PND Ivory Coast 8 579 373 3 2 52% 48% 0% on-going reforestation) Development of Resilience of the population and the Ecosystem in the Basin (Conservation of 60% identified - PO_R2 Nigeria 4 139 496 3 2 46% 54% 0% biodiversity/Forest management; Preservation of PIDACC biodiversity / Management of the fauna reserve) Rehabilitation of 300 km between Labezanga and Dolé PO_R1 Niger 1 085 714 60% identified - 1 2 4% 96% 0% d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin 134 Appendixes Financial scheduling and Prioritization options Reference document and Overall action Funding Implementation Action title beneficiary country cost (USD) sources Contribution to Preparation PO-PT1 PO-PT2 PO-PT3 resilience stage 2016-18 2019-21 2022-24 (Gaya) PIDACC Construction of 30 landing stages between Labezanga PO_R1 Niger and Dolé (Labezanga, Ayorou, Tillabéry, Gothuey, 60% identified - 1 302 521 1 2 4% 96% 0% Niamey, Kollo, Gaya, Dolé), et Konni, Madarounfa, PIDACC Abalak Integrated national project for development and CN PNIDAC 72 000 000 10% identified - 3 5 26% 40% 34% adaptation to climate changes in the Niger Basin Integrated Management of Natural Resources 100% identified CN PNSFN Mali 1 951 500 3 2 23% 77% 0% Programme - Identification Support for the potato sector in Mali PO_R1 Mali 344 538 2 4 2% 71% 27% on-going Economic promotion of agricultural and forest products PO_R1 Mali Identification 2 579 832 1 2 2% 71% 27% in Mali on-going Diversification of the energy offer in a context of Identification PNACC Cameroun 22 200 000 3 2 17% 45% 38% climate change on-going Identification Promotion of market gardening NAPA Guinea 250 000 3 2 100% 0% 0% on-going Creation of a palm grove covering 100 ha along the Identification PO_R1 Burkina Faso 1 741 176 1 5 0% 44% 56% Gourouol in the province of Oudalan on-going Projets d‟investissements Identification Climate insurance project for farmers (PACE) 22 438 361 3 2 N/A N/A 100% Climat Burkina Faso on-going Project to set up three areas for the intensification of Projets d‟investissements Identification 41 143 764 3 2 N/A N/A 100% animal production (ZIPA) Climat Burkina Faso on-going ONCC: National Observatory for Climate Change AGIR : Global Alliance for Resilience NAPA: National Adaptation Programmes of Action CIWA: Cooperation in International Waters in Africa NC: National Contribution DCDF: Land Registry and Forestry Development Department (Côte d’Ivoire) PIDACC: Programme for Integrated Development and Adaptation to Climate Change in the DIN: Inner Delta of the Niger Niger Basin d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin Appendixes 135 Appendix I : Adaptation and Resilience funding sources identified d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin 136 Appendixes Various sources of funding and initiatives have been set up by multilateral development banks and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) for the purposes of financing needs with respect to climate change adaptation. The main initiatives as have been identified are as follows:  The Green Climate Fund (GCF, UNFCCC) : the Green Climate Fund, which was officially recorded during the 2010 Cancún conference, will help contribute to reaching the final goal of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Within the context of sustainable development, the Green Climate Fund encourages energy transition and climate-resilient development by contributing financial support to developing countries to adapt to and mitigate the effects of climate change, all the while taking into account the needs of these countries, which are particularly vulnerable to the negative effects of climate change (GCF, 2015). The Green Climate Fund should have accrued upwards of 100 thousand million dollars per year by 2020, with half of this amount being allocated to adaptation projects. It was recently decided that half of this amount being allocated for adaptation would be dedicated to more vulnerable countries. The selection process is based on 6 compulsory criteria broken down into subcriteria, of which one at the very least should be met (1- The potential of the expected results and impact of the action, 2- The potential of the action to catalyse a large-scale paradigm shift, 3- The potential for sustainable development and co-benefits, 4- Financing needs and the vulnerability of the recipient country, 5- Country ownership, 6- The efficiency and economic effectiveness of the action). Priorities with respect to action categories and geographical regions have been set and have been included in the table below. Source: GCF, Analysis of the expected role and impact  Climate Investment Funds (CIF) (BM, BAfD, BAsD, BERD, BID): These were created in 2008 as a rapid climate change financial instrument for the world, receiving US$8.1 thousand million. CIFs provide developing countries with grants, concessional loans, risk mitigation instruments and share acquisition to catalyse major financing in the private sector, multilateral development banks (MDBs) and other similar players. There are actually two funds: the Clean Technology Fund (CTF) and the Strategic Climate Fund (SCF): - The Clean Technology Fund (CTF) has an annual amount of US$ 5.3 thousand million and provides financial support to middle-income countries to mitigate the effects of climate change. It encourages the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions via the implementation of low-carbon technology in the areas of renewable energy, energy efficiency and sustainable transport. d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin Appendixes 137 - The Strategic Climate Fund (SCF) acts as a general framework to support three targeted programmes with dedicated financing for new approaches with the potential for scale increases as well as transformative actions with the goal of dealing with a specific challenge related to climate change or providing sector-specific solutions.  The goal of the Forest Investment Programme (FIP) is to support actions in countries who are keen to reduce GHG emissions as a result of deforestation and forest degradation (to the tune of US$785 million). This programme is aimed at actions targeting the management, development and restoration of forest areas as included in the CIP (270,000 ha and 25 actions in question).  The Pilot Programme for Climate Resilience (PPCR) is the SCF's first operational programme which began in 2008, with US$1.2 million. The purpose of this programme is piloting and demonstrating various ways of incorporating climate risk and resilience within development planning as a complement to other activities currently under way. It consists of four components: (i) the development and dissemination of good agricultural and food safety practices, (ii) strengthening the resilience of supply infrastructures for potable water and sanitation, (iii) the collection, analysis and use of meteorological and hydrological data and (iv) feasibility studies with respect to strengthening the resilience of coastal region habitats. This programme would appear to be best suited to CIP action financing needs.  The aim of the Programme for Scaling Up Renewable Energy in Low Income Countries (SREP) is to show the economic, social and environmental viability of low-carbon development for the energy sector (US$796 million).  Adaptation Fund: This fund is wholly dedicated to projects and programmes aimed at combating the negative effects of climate change in developing countries. That means that only costs related to the implementation of a specific adaptation action would be funded. The Adaptation Fund will only finance projects and programmes whose main, explicit objective is climate change adaptation and improving resilience (Adaptation Fund, 2014).  'Traditional' development backers: the whole of bilateral and multilateral donors (World Bank, EU, UNDP, ADB, AfDB, BEI, JICA, AFD, KfW, USAID, etc.) who actively participate in financing adaptation measures in developing countries. The aforementioned funds normally finance projects led by development backers.  Regional financial institutions: Both the CEMAC/ECCAS and UEMOA/ECOWAS have public policies on climate change adaptation and have developed financing and adaptation tools such as the FEVAC during the COP 21 conference. These funds may be accessed to support the implementation of CIPs. Sources: Operational policies and guidelines for parties to access resources from the adaptation fund, 2014. BRLi, Guidelines for climate adaptation mainstreaming in water infrastructure development. 2012. BRLi, Defining climate-compatible actions for the world of water, a tangible contribution to COP21, PFE/AFD, August 2015. GCF, Analysis of the Expected Role and Impact of the Green Climate Fund, February 2015 d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin 138 Appendixes Appendix J : Implementation strategy d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin Appendixes 139 1. INTRODUCTION. Essentially (65%) coming from of the 2016-2024 NBA Operational Plan, the actions of CRIP will be implemented according to the strategy defined in the OP and adopted in a regional workshop of NBA member countries on 12 September 2015 in Cotonou. This chapter reminds of the methods of intervention and cooperation of the ES/NBA, and with the partners involved in the CRIP that are: countries, Technical and Financial Partners. 2. General aspects on the implementation of CRIP actions In the chronology of the implementation of CRIP actions, those of the (Knowledge and Institutions) 4 Package will be primarily implemented to support the implementation of the actions of the sectoral actions package that contribute to strengthen the resilience of people and ecosystems of the basin to the climate change impacts5. To finance country-investments of the CRIP, member countries are expected to provide a national contribution to the financing of each action. For the entire OP, a financial contribution of at least 10% is requested from member countries to mark their commitment to the implementation of adaptation and resilience actions to climate change. Following the evaluation of the implementation of the 1st three-year plan of the CRIP, priority actions of the 2nd and 3rd year plans will be a rolling update 6 to reflect the status of implementation of the actions of the previous three-year plan. 3. IMPLEMENTATION OF ACTIONS OF THE “KNOWLEDGE AND INSTITUTIONS” PACKAGE 3.1. Objectives and results Managing the variability and hydro-climatic uncertainties requires an improving knowledge of the climate and its impacts on natural resources, development of modeling tools for decision support. Also, the Package of actions No.1: “Knowledge and Institutions” aims to strengthen the capacity of national and regional institutions that support people to practice resilience actions. Among the institutions implementing the CRIP, will be supported:  The NBA Executive Secretariat;  National Focal Structures;  Non-state organizations working on the ground in the area of climate change. 3.2. Support to ES/NBA In charge of promoting cooperation between member countries and contributing to improving the living conditions of the people of the basin through the sustainable management of water resources and associated ecosystems in accordance with the term of the mandate assigned to it by the revised Convention of N‟djamena establishing the Niger Basin Authority and signed by the Heads of State and Government of the nine (9) NBA member countries on 29 October 1987, the ES/NBA and NFS will benefit from the Investment actions of the No.1 “Knowledge -Institutions” Package of the CRIP. 4 These actions correspond to the actions assigned to axes 5, 4 and 3 of the NBA Operationnal Plan. 5 These actions correspond to the actions assigned to axes 5, 4 and 3 of the NBA Operationnal Plan. 6 The relevant actions that have not been implemeted or not entirely implemented in one 3-year plan are extend in the next 3-year plan. d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin 140 Appendixes Support to the ES/NBA in its basic functions Basic functions of the ES/NBA will be strengthened:  in terms of environmental monitoring of the basin‟s resources through the development of the Niger Basin Observatory.  as regards the hydrological and hydro-geological monitoring of the River Niger Basin and its tributaries by supporting the intensification of the monitoring network of hydrological flows and water quality.  as regards the development of hydrological forecasting and the development of its early warning system.  regarding the identification and implementation of sustainable funding for the operation and technical investments of ES/NBA.  regarding managing and improving its performance by increasing its human resources, improving working conditions. Technically, individual and collective skills of the ES/NBA and NFS executives will be strengthened through the implementation of the training plan which is being developed. This training plan will be enriched with themes related to Climate Change (CC), to climate change impacts and adaptation and mitigation measures. Support to the setting up of a monitoring-evaluation system Planning, monitoring & evaluation of the CRIP will follow the logic being defined for the implementation of the Operational Plan of which the CRIP is a part. The M&E system will be aimed at conducting a timely collection, processing and dissemination of appropriate information on the implementation process of planned activities, the physical and financial achievements and results achieved7 in order to enable stakeholders to implement and policy makers to make decisions that will enable the speeding up and maximizing of expected results. This M&E system will be based on four (4) components or interdependent pillars which are:  Planning: It will first be for three years then broken down in detail for each year through Annual Work Plans and Budget (AWPB),  Monitoring of activities and supervision of implementation: This activity will measure progress and performance achieved following the logic of transformation of activities and results of resources made available to the stakeholders;  Monitoring of results: It helps measure progress recorded in achieving the intermediate and strategic outcomes. To do this, a performance measurement framework of the CRIP will be established as early as the 1st year of implementation;  Audits and evaluations: They will be conducted by independent consultancy firms to ensure that the financial resources made available to the ES/NBA, NFS or supported institutions use resources for their goals. Supervisory and audit operations will be conducted each year. The evaluations will be scheduled as follows:  Annual reviews (annual reports);  A mid-term evaluation of the first three-year plan of the CRIP or OP;  A mid-term evaluation of the Strategic Plan during the 2nd year of the three-year plan. A final evaluation of the Strategic Plan. 7 See the expected results of the CRIP at the end of the Appendix d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin Appendixes 141 The organizational system of planning, monitoring and periodic evaluation of CRIP results will extend to the Executive Secretariat and to the countries (NFS and NCU). This offshoot of the system will enable greater ownership of the planning system (including the work plans), increased accountability and a more concerted management between the regional and national levels. Support to the establishment of an effective internal and external communication of the CRIP/NBA among stakeholders In the implementation of the CRIP, an effective communication mechanism with each of the stakeholders involved in the implementation of the CRIP will be developed. Objective: The CRIP/NBA communication plan that will be developed will be aimed to inform and convince all along the implementation of CRIP, the Political and Administrative Authorities of NBA member countries, the TFPs community, local Communities, Civil Society and the people of the basin on the reality of CC so that they can accept to invest in the plan to strengthen the people's resilience to climate change in the River Niger Basin. This CRIP/NBA Communication Plan in its implementation is divided into 2 parts. They are:  • Communication for COP21;  • Communication after COP21. Communication for COP21 This communication aims to bring together the political leaders of the nine (9) NBA member countries so that they can lend their group support to the CRIP/NBA to submit to the community of donors and technical partners present at the COP 21, the initiative of the resilience plan of the people of the River Niger Basin as regards CC. This communication will be organized around:  the participation at the COP21 of an ES/NBA technical team of 9 NFS Coordinators of each member country and two representatives of civil society (1 user and 1 user of RNB).  the organization of an NBA resilience day with a panel team to present the CRIP/NBA, deliver the advocacy necessary for the TFPs to finance the CRIP/NBA.  the animation of an NBA stand at the Africa Pavilion. Communication after COP21 Communication after COP 21 will (1) continue, through international meetings, the dynamics of the mobilization of Technical and Financial Partners; (2) promote the CRIP within the countries. Promotion of the CRIP/NBA within the countries aims to:  Raise awareness among policy makers such as the members of the Finance Commission and Environment Commission of National Assemblies. The aim of this communication is that finance laws that are voted at the meetings should be made available to national projects on the strengthening of population resilience, resources to fund national counterparts of actions registered in the CRIP/NBA document.  Support organizations and technical ministries in the organization of the CC event. These Climate change events is intended to (i) inform the producer groups of the reality on CC (ii) disseminate good practice in terms of sustainable natural resources management (iii) build national alliances (support organization for producers, producer organizations – University - Research Institute) to promote, disseminate good practices for resilience. Communication on CRIP after COP21 will be intense in 2016. d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin 142 Appendixes 3.3. At the level of Countries and state organizations. The strengthening needs of state and non-state structures such as defined in the CRIP will be met as far as possible. These structures will be identified at the pace of actions to be implemented on the ground. Under these structures, we have the strengthening of NFS, NCU/RCU. 4. IMPLEMENTATION OF ACTIONS OF THE SECTORAL PACKAGE ENHANCING POPULATION RESILIENCE, ECOSYSTEMS, INFRASTRUCTURES The actions of the sectoral package aims to contribute to the strengthening of resilience of populations and ecosystems of the basin to climate change through the reduction of exposure and/or reduction of the sensitivity of the people or their livelihoods to CC sectoral impacts identified in the RNB. 4.1. Implementation of actions of the sectoral Package enhancing population resilience, ecosystems, infrastructures Objective Sectoral actions of the CRIP are exclusively investment activities in member countries. These actions of this package aim to:  reduce the vulnerability of populations and or their livelihood situations such as: • water stress; • floods; • degradation of water quality; • soil degradation; • degradation of pasture; • degradation of ecosystems; • rise in sea level.  enhance the adaptive capacity of people through the implementation of socio-economic activities. Implementation  implementation of sectoral actions should be planned and implemented in synergy with all the stakeholders whose roles and means of action have been previously defined;  The cooperation topics for the appraisal of actions, the process of research and engagement of funding, programming and implementation of activities in countries are described for each action with various groups of national and regional stakeholders 8 in charge of the planned actions;  The monitoring and evaluation mechanism for the implementation of actions in countries and the monitoring processes will be identified for each country action with the various groups of national and regional stakeholders; 8 ES/NBA, NFS, national technical services, civil society organisations, NGO, firms d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin Appendixes 143  For each action, the risk of implementation and measures for their mitigation will be identified and monitored by the NFS, Climate change focal points and the NCU in order to prevent delays in the technical, financial and even decision-making implementation;  Countries‟ responsiveness to requests from NBA, the TFPs for their projects, as well as their recording among national priority projects, will be decisive in the appraisal, the search for funding and the conduct of NBA projects; For every country action, the MSDS will be developed. This MSDS should include among others:  general aspects on the project: reference and/or coding, origin (SP, OP, SDAP, etc.), the location, main recipient countries from the action, duration, cost (overall and OP1), funding source;  the objectives, outcomes and indicators, project management and the implementation conditions, potential funding sources;  the addresses of the project holders/country at the national level and at the Executive Secretariat;  milestones and major activities in progress for maturity (feasibility, evaluation) and for funding;  The risks of implementation for each action. 4.2. Stakeholders and actors of cooperation/partners for the implementation of CRIP/NBA actions The implementation of the CRIP such as actions of the sectoral Package actions will require:  soliciting, among others, a multitude of experts and specialists of technical services of the administration, NGOs, consultancy firms, both in the Executive Secretariat, at the level of member countries for the implementation and close monitoring of technical and environmental studies, conduct of actions and capacity building;  strengthening of cooperation/consultation frameworks with donors, national governments, civil society organizations and the beneficiaries of investments;  a strong will of member countries to make national legislation in line with the Water Charter. Therefore, NBA will use different technical partners to support the implementation of the OP or CRIP at national and regional levels. This will require for NBA:  the ability to establish, with national stakeholders of the ToR, contracts/specific cooperation agreement, capacity to control and supervise, the establishment of an effective communication mechanism with each partner;  to define areas of cooperation (with NGOs, civil society, regional basin organizations), in connection with the expected results of SP, OP and CRIP;  the completion of the drafting of the annexes to the Water Charter, their dissemination and consensus among member countries on monitoring and decision support tools;  operationalization of the water management bodies such as the Permanent Technical Committee, sub-basins Commissions, Panel of Experts, Regional Advisory Group, the Niger Basin Observatory (NBO) and NFS. 4.3. Gender equality As in all countries, regional and international development organizations, through its interventions, NBA will contribute to reducing Gender inequalities for gender equality in all sectors of economic and social life of the beneficiaries of projects and programmes. d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin 144 Appendixes The adverse effects of climate change are very heavy on the female population in terms of water stress, food shortages, etc. Thus, all the actions of capacity building, communication, project and programme formulation, conduct of studies and monitoring and evaluation will be integrated where possible, differentiated and specific aspects that make visible the actions of NBA projects/ programmes contributing to reducing gender disparities. As part of the implementation of coherent actions, the development of an NBA gender policy, already started will be finalized and action measures will be identified with countries for their implementation. 5. INSTITUTIONAL SET UP OF THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE CRIP/NBA 5.1. NBA Governing Bodies The implementation of the CRIP will be based on NBA policy making, steering and execution bodies which are:  The Summit of Heads of State and Government: the supreme policy-making and decision- making body. It meets every two (02) years in an Ordinary Session;  The Council of Ministers: the Authority‟s control body. It is responsible for monitoring the activities of the Executive Secretariat and reports to the Summit of Heads of State and Government. It meets once a year in an Ordinary Session;  The Technical Committee of Experts: It has a mandate to prepare the sessions of the Council of Ministers to which it submits reports and recommendations;  The NBA Executive Secretariat9: It is the coordinating and implementation body of the Authority and is managed by an Executive Secretary. These statutory bodies are supplemented by:  The Advisory Committee of Partners and Financial Officers (ACPFO): It studies the possibilities of assistance, defines the nature and volume, recalls the implementing rules and monitors the implementation of projects and programmes This body meets once a year on the sidelines of the Council of Ministers meeting.  The Regional Steering Committee (RSC) of projects and programmes: Control and decision- making body, reporting to the Council of Ministers through the Executive Secretariat. It meets once (1) a year. As part of the implementation of the CRIP, these aforementioned bodies are completed by the following:  Within the ES/NBA: the Steering and Arbitration Committee (SAC) retained in the implementation strategy of the SP. The SAC is responsible for: (i) the strategic direction and oversight of all NBA interventions; (ii) validation and adoption of the annual activity plans; (iii) review of progress made and provide recommendations on corrective measures. This committee meets quarterly.  In the member countries:  The National Focal Structures (NFS/NBA), inter-ministerial technical services, NFS are responsible for coordinating and monitoring NBA activities in each member country by involving all stakeholders at the national level such as focal points in charge of national projects recorded in the CRIP. Capacity building of institutions and bodies will be extended to NFS. The support needs of the latter will involve: - the operation of NFS and participation of their representatives in national and/or regional decision-making workshops; 9 Pending the conclusions of the institutional and organizational audit, the CRIP actions will be implemented by a provisional organization of ES/NBA whose composition has been described in the Operationnal Plan, following the regional workshop held on September 12, 2015 in Cotonou (Benin). d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin Appendixes 145 - the monitoring of CRIP actions in the field; - requests for support from national or regional coordinating units of users; - the organization of awareness events on “Climate Change” and its impacts.  The National Coordinating Units of Users (NCU) of the Niger Basin‟s natural resources and their gathering, the Regional Coordinating Units of Users (RCU), composed of elected representatives from user associations are responsible for (i) promoting and organizing cooperation between users; (ii) contributing to the management of national resources. The RCU represents the users in the NBA statutory body and in venues for discussions and negotiations on the future of the basin. Capacity building of institutions and bodies will be extended to NCU/RCU. The need for support of the latter will concern: - the operation of NCU and participation of their representatives in national and/or regional decision-making workshops; - the monitoring of CRIP actions in the field; - requests for support from users; - the organization of awareness events on “Climate Change” and its impacts.  With Technical and Financial Partners The implementation of the CRIP, as with the OP, will be monitored through the current ACPFO that will expand its powers for this purpose. 5.2. Intergovernmental and Regional Organizations In order to widen its thinking and create conditions for the achievement of its strategic results, NBA will cooperate on issues of population resilience to climate change with:  basin organizations and networks of basin organizations (VBA, OMVS, CICOS, ZRA (Zambezi River Authority), INBO, ANBO, etc.) for technical exchanges and sharing of experiences;  regional organizations for integration and socio-economic development (AU, ECOWAS, ECCAS, WAEMU, CEMAC) for a convergence of their actions for the benefit of the people of the basin. Cooperation Agreements between NBA and these organizations will be established in connection with the results of the Operational Plan and the CRIP. Every two years, cooperation activities will be assessed by stakeholders to assess progress and plan future actions. 5.3. NGOs and development organizations As part of the implementation of sectoral actions, diversified expertise of NGOs and national or international associations will be sought at the regional and national level to ensure support and proximity control of the implementation of actions. The following activities will be particularly targeted:  Information and capacity building of users;  accompanying, monitoring and evaluation of field projects on behalf of NBA;  control of compliance with environmental standards in the execution of works;  support to the ownership of techniques and achievements by local people. Gender promotion associations, among others, will be involved in communication with users and the promotion of gender. 5.4. Project management of CRIP/NBA investments SP actions can be divided into two (2) categories:  regional and national actions with trans-boundary impact;  national actions with non-trans-boundary impact. d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin 146 Appendixes i) Regional actions and national actions with trans-boundary impacts are actions that have impacts (positive or negative) for at least two member countries. They are financed by loans, donations, grants and legacies or own funds of the member countries or the NBA Executive Secretariat. The project management of the technical, environmental and social studies, the search for funding as well as the monitoring and evaluation of these actions is provided by the NBA Executive Secretariat in accordance with Decision No.1 of the 9th Summit of Heads of State and Government, held on 16 September 2010 in Abuja. Project management of work, such as that of major infrastructure and facilities is currently provided by member countries and could be delegated to the NBA Executive Secretariat. ii) National actions with non-trans-boundary impact: When funding is also provided by owner member countries from their own funds or from loans from donors, the project management of studies and work is under the responsibility of each owner member country, in accordance with national legislation. However, when the financing of these actions is mobilized through the NBA Executive Secretariat within the context of regional projects/programmes, project management of studies and works is provided by the NBA Executive Secretariat. This is the case of projects/programmes such as: (i) the Reversing Land and Water Degradation Trends Project in the Niger basin (2005-2011); (ii) the Silting Control Programme in the Niger Basin (2004-2015); and (iii) the Water Resources Development and Sustainable Ecosystems Management Programme in Niger Basin (2007-2015). 6. SCHEDULE OF THE IMPLEMENTATION OF CRIP ACTIONS In view of the links between the two packages of CRIP actions and the need to ensure a successful implementation of this plan, the sequencing of the execution of actions of the packages will be as follows: d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin Appendixes 147 d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin 148 Appendixes PROPOSAL OF A RESULT CHAIN FOR CRIP Ultimate result: The resilience of the populations of the Niger River Basin to the impacts of climate change has been strengthened. d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin Appendixes 149 Appendix K : Bibliography. d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin 150 Appendixes ABN-BM, 2013. Evaluation des risques climatiques pour le Bassin du Fleuve Niger, ABN 2007.Atlas – Bassin du Niger, WWF – Wetlands – UNOPS. Agrymet 2010 BRLi, Guidelines for Climate adaptation mainstreaming in water infrastructure development. 2012. GCF 2015. Analysis of the Expected Role and Impact of the Green Climate Fund. Giannini et al. 2008. A global perspective on African climate. Gitz V. & Meybeck A., 2012. Risks, vulnerabilities and resilience in a context of climate change. FAO IPCC Fifth Assessment Report: Climate Change 2014 IPCC Fourth Assessment Report: Climate Change 2007 IPCC, SREX, 2012. Gestion des risques de catastrophes et de phénomènes extrêmes pour les besoins de l‟adaptation au changement climatique. Maplecroft, 2013. Maplecroft Climate Change and Risk Atlas 2014. . Visité le 08/09/2015. ND-GAIN, 2013. Notre Dame University, Global Adaptation Index. . Visité le 08/09/2015. NAPAs Operational policies and guidelines for parties to access resources from the adaptation fund, 2014. USAID, 2011. Climate Change, Waterand Conflict in theNiger River Basin. World Bank, 2012: Project Appraisal document for the first part of the second phase of the Niger Basin Water Resources Development and Sustainable Ecosystems Management Program (WRD-SEMP APL 2A; contribution to the financing of Kandadji dam in Niger) d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin Appendixes 151 Appendix L : Acronyms and abbreviation d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin 152 Appendixes AFD: Agence Française de Développement (French Development Agency) AfDB: African Development Bank AGIR: Alliance Globale pour la Résilience (Global Alliance for Resilience) AU: African Union AWPB: Annual Work Plan and Budget BOAD : West African Development Bank CC : Climate Change CCTP : Consultative Committee of Technical Partners CEMAC: Communauté Economique et Monétaire de l‟Afrique Centrale (Economic and Monetary Community of Central African States) CILSS: Comité permanent Inter-états de Lutte contre la Sécheresse au Sahel (Permanent Interstate Committee for Drought Control in the Sahel) CIP: Climate Investment Programme CIWA: Cooperation in International Waters in Africa CoP21: UNFCCC Conference of Parties to be held in Paris in December 2015 DCDF: Direction du Cadastre et Développement Forestier (Land Registry and Forest Development Directorate - Ivory Coast) DREDGE: Development Projects In Water Resources Management and Sustainable Ecosystems of the Niger River Basin ECCAS: Economic Community of Central African States ECOWAS: Economic Community of West African States EU: European Union FEVAC: Fonds pour l‟Economie Verte en Afrique Centrale (Central African Green Economy Fund) GHG : GreenHouse Gas GIZ : Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit INDC: Intended Nationally Determined Contributions IP: SDAP Investment Programme IPCC: Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change LCBC : Lake Chad Basin Commission M&E : Monitoring and Evaluation NAP: National Adaptation Plan NAPA: National Adaptation Programmes of Action NBA/ES: NBA Executive Secretariat NBA: Niger Basin Authority NBO: Niger Basin Observatory NC: National contribution NCCAP: National Climate Change Adaptation Plan NCU : National Coordination of Users NDP: National Development Plan NFS: National Focal Structure NGO: Non Gouvernmental Organization NID: Niger Inner Delta NNRSP: National Niger River Safeguarding Programme NRB: Niger River Basin OMVS: Senegal river development organization ONCC: Observatoire National sur les Changements Climatiques (National Climate Change Monitoring Centre) OP: NBA Operational Plan P-GIRE2: Projet de Gestion Intégrée des Ressources en Eau (Integrated Water Resources Management [IWRM] Project) PIDACC: Programme Intégré de Développement agricole et d‟Adaptation au Changement Climatique dans le Bassin du Niger (Integrated Niger River Basin Agricultural and Adaptation to Climate Change Programme) PQP : Priority Quinquenal Plan SAP: NBA Strategic Action Plan SC: Steering Committee RSC: Regional Steering Committee RCU: Regional Coordination of the Users SDAP: Sustainable Development Action Programme d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin Appendixes 153 SIE: Système d‟Information sur l‟Eau (Water Information System) SODEFOR Forest Development Corporation (Ivory Coast) TFP: Technical and Financial Partners UEMOA: Union Economique et Monétaire d‟Afrique de l‟Ouest (West African Economic and Monetary Union)UNFCCC: United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change USAID: United States Agency for International Development VBA: Volta Basin Authority WB: World Bank d:\800875_water_climate_abn_wb\80_production\v7_draft_versionrevise_postbamako\niger_crip_v7-3_23_11_2015_en.docx / Clément Balique Investment plan for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in the Niger Basin