Page 1 January 27, 1994 S.E. Monsieur Ousmane Ouedraogo Ministre d'Etat, Ministre des Finances et du Plan Ministere des Finances et du Plan B. P. 7050 Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso Excellency: BURKINA FASO: Credit 2472-BUR -Private Sector Assistance Project Amendment We refer to the above-mentioned Credit Agreement for the Private Sector Assistance Project between the Republic of Burkina Faso (the Borrower) and the International. Development Association (the Association) dated July 15, 1993, and discussions held between the Ministry of Industry and the Association, confirmed by your telex dated January 28, 1994, in which the declaration of effectiveness of said Credit Agreement has been sought and a new disbursement condition proposed. We are pleased to confirm the Associations' willingness to follow these proposals and therefore agree to amend the Credit Agreement as follows: (1) Paragraph (a) of Section (6.01) is deleted and the subsequent paragraphs are renamed accordingly; (2) Subsection (b) of Paragraph (3) of Schedule (1) to this Agreement is deleted and replaced by the following subsection: "(b) expenditures under Category (1) (a) of the table in Paragraph (1) of this Schedule, unless (i) the election of the first Assemblee Consulaire referred to under Part (B. 1) of the Project has been completed; (ii) the action plan referred to in Paragraph (2) (a) (H) of Schedule (4) to this Agreement, in respect of CCIA, has been fully implemented; and (iii) proposals for the matching grant formula and other incidental arrangements under Part (B. 5) of the project have been submitted to, and approved by, the Association." All other provisions of the Development Credit Agreement as amended hereby shall remain in force. Please indicate your agreement to the foregoing amendment by signing and dating the confirmation form on the attached copy of this letter and returning it to us, while keeping the original for your records. This amendment will become effective as of the date of confirmation of your agreement as indicated hereafter. Sincerely, By /s/ Edward V.K. Jaycox Regional Vice President Africa Region CONFIRMED REPUBLIC OF BURKINA FASO By /s/ Jacques Y. SAWADOGO Authorized Representative Page 2