-a L SHAH & SHAH ASSOCIATES 702, ANIKET, Nr, MUNICIPAL MARKET, CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS c.G. ROAD, NAVMNGPURA, AHMEDABAD - 380 OO9. PHONE: 26465433 FAX:079-26406983 Emall : ca@shahandshah.co.ln #1,- I T\| D E PE T\I D E IVT AL' EDrTO FI.S- FI.E PO FR-T Reoort on the Financial Statements: We have audited the accompanying financial statements of SEWA MANAGER Nl SCHOOL PHASE-|| PROJECT (Executed by Self Employed Women's Association), which comprise the Balance Sheet as at 31st December, 2013 and the Income & Expenditure Account of the project for the year ended on that date and Significant Accounting Policies and other notes. Management is responsible for the preparation of these financial statements that give a true and fair view of the financial position. This responsibility includes the design, implementation and maintenance of internal control relevant to the preparation and presentation of the financial statements that give a true and fair view and are free from material misstatements, whether due to fraud or error. Auditors' Responsibilitv Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with Standards on Auditing issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. Those Standards require that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditors' judgment, including the assessment of the risk of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditors considers internal control relevant to the trust preparationl and fair presentation of the Financial statements in order to design audit procedures I that are appropriate in the circumstances. An aurdit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and reasonableness of the accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to L SHAH & SHAH ASSOCIATES 702, ANIKET, NT. MUNICIPAL MARKET, CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS c.G. ROAD, NAVMNGPURA, AHMEDABAD - 380 OO9, PHONE: 26465433 FAX:079-26406983 Emall: ca@shahandshah.co.rn Ooinion In our opinion and to the best of our information and according to the explanations given to us, the accounts read with and subject to notes thereon as per Schedule:1, the accounts give a true and fair view in conformity with the accounting principles generally accepted in India; i) in the case of Balance Sheet, of the state of affairs of the project as at 31st December, 2013 and ii) in the case of Income & Expenditure account of the excess of expenditure over income for the year ended on 31st December, 20L3. We further that: a) We have obtained all the information and explanations, which to the best of our knowledge and belief were necessary for the purposes of our audit and b) The Balance sheet and the Income & Expenditure Account dealt with by this report are in agreement with the books of account. For SHAH & SHAH ASSOCIATES Chartered Accountants Firm Regn. No,.-113742W NIL K.DAVE Place Ahmedabad. PARTNER Date L0.04.20L4 Membershlo Number: 047236 3 SEWA MANAGER. NI. SCHOOL PHASE.!| PROJECT ' ' (Executed by SEWA) Balance Sheet as at 31st.December,2013 AtvtlJutY I AIYITJUII I Atvluut\t I AIVIUUN I FUNDS & LIABILITIES RUPEES RUPEES PRoPERTIES & AssETs RUPEES RUPEES b Fixed assets : As per Annexure-1 s,zto,tizt'.oo 27,265,759.00 191,484.00 Current Assets: Balance i'n currcnt Account with 27,Q74,275.00 State Bank of lndia 1,478,486.00 ss: 23,722,1,1,4.00 3,352,161:OO Other Advances : ( unsecured,considered good) I Vox Populi 362,027.A0.1 2,792,591.00 I Income & expenditure account: Balance as pef last 191,484.00 1,0Q0,000.00 Less; Amount transferred to Grant fund as per contra 191,484.00 6482.00 TOTAT . 7,t5Li234.OO TOTAL ,157,234.00 As per our separate report attaihed herewith n Notes on S.h J'q,L L \:r' Secretary CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS iAecorrntant Place : Ahrhedabad Date:L0.04.2014 + SEWA MANAGER NI SCHOOL PHASE-II PROJECT (Executed by SEWA) Income & Expenditure Account for the year ended on 31st December,2O1 FUNDS & LIABILITIES AMOUNT PROPERTIES & ASSETS AMOUNT RUPEES RUPEES By excess of expenditure over income transferred to balance-sheet 23,722,114.00 754,813.00 420,1'18.00 506,633.00 496,127.00 318,278.00 677,235.00 s07,410.00 203,483.00 645,076.00 687,651.00 CLCs & VRCs : Repairs & maintenance computers 30,700.00 Training equipments 27,176.00 Maintenance costs (including depreciation Rs.12,98,3821) 1,467,863.00 Liasoning for obtaining license (including licence fees) 2,500,00 To Development & provision of support & other lT enabled services : insu,telemedicine,teleeducation,e-governence inclu.aware.gene.& capa.buil.trai.in the fi rst 2 years 909,529,00 Operating costs 603,1 21 .00 Establishing Business Development Gentres in other states : To Economic assessment & mapping : Exoosure visit to SEWA 455,928.00 Visit of SEWA senior team to the centres 1,946,324.00 Block level workshop for awareness generation 111,578.00 Awareness generation & Capacity building 574,626.00 Block level launch workshops 1 .1 38.434.00 5 Skills assesment & capacity building programmes: Managerial trainings(training of trainers) 1,274,426.00 Technical trainings(Use of ICT tools,including on going handholding) 597,262.00 Handholding Support 778,829.00 Grassroot level skill building training by the master trainers 953,668.00 Technical training - community radio 132,120.00 Capacig building and on the job training to run community radio centre 198,571 .00 Provision & operation of technology inctuding community radios : Repairs & M\maintenance clmputers 3,600.00 Matnlenance cosrs (tnctuorng oeprectaflon or Pc { eE ??O/-\ 185,329.00 To Development & provision of support services & other lT enabled services : Dev.as information hub for future,weather insu,telemedicine, teleeducation,e-governence inclu.aware.gene.& capa.buil.trai.in the last 2 years 263,545.00 Operating costs 612,927.00 To Project Administration,Operating Cost, Accounts & Auditing costs : Administration & operational costs 2,632,585.00 Auditing 158,424.00 lmpact evaluation 1,957,788.00 Participetory monitoring 470,065.00 Reporing & documentation 499,378.00 Annual evaluatory & expereince sharing workshops 518,994.00 TOTAL 23.722.114.00 TOTAL 23,722,1',|4.00 Notes on Accounts:Schedule-l Secreta CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Project in charge Accountant Place :Ahmedabad Date:1Q.04.2014 6 a o o q o o q A (n c 9FH FI (o € 00 ol gl fos 3 (n F-{ N ln 00 F{ N ro- N o) rn =0, t\ N o o o o z o D dl rD o) o) II g) z o Esgs Or_ @ @ o oo o o g.E o F- cq (r) I uJ :rGo o) (oro F E N. @_ o- N. N o- IJJ o ,i*d" o @N IOF (f) @ (!t t aoo ooo o q ,cE a;oN lo oN$ F I ;S E T @N@ N@$ c, d UJ ==d rO) ar a.ir- o e, o- o ge