82936 Federative Republic of Brazil Strengthen Service Delivery for Growth, Poverty Reduction and Environmental Sustainability in the State of Ceará Loan Chair Summary ∗ Meeting of the Executive Directors November 21, 2013 Executive Directors approved a loan in the amount of US$350 million to the State of Ceará, with a guarantee from the Federative Republic of Brazil, for the operation to Strengthen Service Delivery for Growth, Poverty Reduction and Environmental Sustainability on the payment terms and conditions set out in the President’s Memorandum. Directors welcomed this first PforR operation in Brazil, recognizing the Brazilian authorities’ firm commitment to deepening public sector management reforms in the State of Ceará. They noted that the operation is aligned not only with Brazil’s Country Partnership Strategy and Ceará’s Multi-Year Plan, but with the World Bank Group’s strategy focused on reducing extreme poverty and fostering shared prosperity. Directors supported the choice of the PforR instrument with technical assistance that will provide cross-cutting public sector management support in specific functions and strengthen fiduciary systems. In this context, they stressed the importance of disseminating lessons from this innovative approach to inform other Bank operations. Directors also took note that the loan will promote equitable social development, sustainable economic development and the emergence of a more efficient and participatory public sector. They acknowledged the risks associated with program implementation and urged staff to be vigilant in ensuring the necessary coordination, monitoring and capacity building among participating Government agencies. Finally, Directors emphasized the importance of the development impacts of increasing participation by women in the planned programs. ∗ This summary is not an approved record.