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Powering up : costing power infrastructure spending needs in Sub-Saharan Africa (Vol. 1 of 3) : Main text (English)

Sub-Saharan Africa will require substantial investments in the power sector on the order of 4 percent of the region's gross domestic product (GDP) annually before 2015 if it is to meet the demands of economic development, keep pace with population growth, and expand electrification beyond the 2005 regional average of just 34 percent. Developing a regional power-trading market that exploits the vast hydropower potential of the subcontinent may be the...
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Rosnes, Orvika; Vennemo,Haakon.

Powering up : costing power infrastructure spending needs in Sub-Saharan Africa (Vol. 1 of 3) : Main text (English). Africa Infrastructure Country Diagnostic (AICD) background paper|no. 5 Washington, DC: World Bank.

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