88426 Micronesia Country Partnership Strategy FY2014-2017 Chair Summary May 29, 2014 Executive Directors discussed the joint IDA/IFC Country Partnership Strategy (CPS) for Micronesia for the period FY2014-2017. Directors acknowledged that the CPS is aligned with the Government’s strategy for sustained growth and with the World Bank Group’s twin goals of eliminating extreme poverty and promoting shared prosperity. They noted the challenges facing Micronesia, in particular those related to geographical remoteness and climate change, a small and dispersed population, and limited resources. They commended the Government of Micronesia for expanding its dialogue with a broad range of development partners, focusing its efforts on fiscal adjustment and broadening its economic base. This will be necessary in order to offset the reduction in external financing that is projected to occur by 2023. Directors noted the lack of recent poverty data, and were pleased to note that management intends to provide technical assistance to help the authorities conduct a poverty assessment based on the upcoming Household Income and Expenditure Survey. This will help measure progress towards the WBG’s twin goals of poverty reduction and boosting shared prosperity, which Directors considered critical to future course correction. Directors welcomed the focus of the CPS on strengthening an enabling environment for private sector development, particularly in energy, fisheries and information & communications technology, and urged the World Bank Group to ensure that these efforts foster job creation. They were encouraged to see targeted IDA/IFC activities in Micronesia, particularly in the fisheries sector, and advised the IFC to look for further opportunities to increase its engagement in Micronesia over the CPS period. Directors encouraged management to engage selectively in the social sectors, while playing a catalytic role in working with partners and collaborating with other donors to ensure meaningful impacts. They were pleased that the Public Expenditure Review would focus initially on education and health, and that Micronesia would benefit from regional work on non- communicable diseases. Finally, Directors encouraged the WBG to apply lessons learned from experience in other small states on how best to engage and build the capacity needed to implement the program.                                                              *This summary is not an approved record.