HYDROMETEOROLOGICAL AND CLIMATE SERVICES MODERNISATION PLAN FOR HONDURAS JANUARY 2019 COLL ABOR ATION BET WEEN THE GOVERNMENT OF HONDUR AS AND THE WORLD BANK HYDROMETEOROLOGICAL AND CLIMATE SERVICES MODERNISATION PLAN FOR HONDURAS • JAN 2019 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Honduras is vulnerable to all types of disasters, including drought, flooding, tropical cyclones, hurricanes, landslides and forest fires. Its geographical location and the mountainous topography of a large part of the country influence this vulnerability. Honduras experiences 1.67 disasters per year on average, with an average of 521 people losing their life and 402 people getting hurt, and a much larger number of people surviving and being affected by the disaster. 1 Honduras is the country most affected by extreme losses amount to approximately 150 million dollars meteorological phenomena in the world according per year, which represents 1.66% of its GDP. 3 to the Global Climate Risk Index (CRI) 2. Figures for the past four decades show that Honduras is the Hydrometeorological and climate information country in the region with greatest economic losses provided to the different socioeconomic sectors as a result of disaster and eighth across the world. in Honduras is insufficient, as is the ability of the These losses are expected to increase as a result of national institutions to make assessments and carry the ENSO phenomenon (El Niño-Southern Oscilla- out forecasts. Bridging the gap of meteorological, tion) and climate change. More than 50% of disas- hydrological and climate services to improve the ters that occur in the country are linked to events safety of the population and to strengthen the with a hydrometeorological origin.   productive industries in the economy is a priority, especially in regard to improving early warning Extreme meteorological and hydrological events systems. The Government of Honduras requested negatively affect several key economic sectors and technical assistance from the World Bank to draft a infrastructures of the country. On average, economic Modernisation Plan that can respond to such need. 1 Emergency Events Database (EM-DAT): The OFDA/CRED International 3 Emergency Events Database (EM-DAT): The OFDA/CRED International Disaster Database, Université Catholique de Louvain, Brussels, Belgium. Disaster Database, Université Catholique de Louvain, Brussels, Belgium. 2 Germanwatch: Global Climate Risk Index 2018. HYDROMETEOROLOGICAL AND CLIMATE SERVICES MODERNISATION PLAN FOR HONDURAS • JAN 2019 2 OBJECTIVE OF THE MODERNISATION PLAN The objective of the Modernisation Plan is to The Modernisation Plan is based on an analysis of support the development of climate resilience of the gaps that exist between the demand made by Honduras by improving climate, meteorological users and the need for meteorological, hydrological and hydrological services and by strengthening and climate services versus the ability of the institu- early warning systems (EWS) regarding hydrome- tions providing such information to respond to such teorological and climate risk and the manage- demand in Honduras. ment of water resources.  The Plan puts forward actions to increase the coun- try’s ability to produce and communicate hydrome- teorological and climate information. This informa- tion will contribute to supplying reliable, suitable and relevant services demanded by the different socio- economic sectors in Honduras. Special attention will be paid to strengthening early warning systems and helping users to access, interpret and use this infor- mation alongside other technical information as a foundation for planning and decision-making. Given their institutional competences, the Moderni- sation Plan approach is led by the Centre for Atmo- spheric, Oceanographic and Seismic Studies of the Permanent Contingency Committee (COPECO- CENAOS) and the Office for Energy, Natural Resources, Environment and Mining (MiAmbiente), as core insti- tutions. The Plan also counts on the participation of the Civil Aviation Agency of Honduras (AHAC), National Service for Aqueducts and Sewage Sys- tems (SANAA), National Electrical Energy Company (ENEE) and the National Autonomous University of Honduras (UNAH). Although these institutions play a very active role, their role will be to coordinate value chains in meteorological, hydrological and climate services that include other institutions that use data and products, such as the agricultural industry and other industries, as well as the end users.  In short, strengthening meteorological, hydrologi- cal and climate services is a cross-sectoral activity that should involve several institutions from the pub- lic and economic sectors and the wider population, forming a true hydrometeorological national system. HYDROMETEOROLOGICAL AND CLIMATE SERVICES MODERNISATION PLAN FOR HONDURAS • JAN 2019 3 DIAGNOSTICS: MAIN FINDINGS COPECO-CENAOS and MiAmbiente, the two main allocation of subterranean water. Honduras does institutions in charge of meteorological and hydro- not count on a good national water network or a logical activities have insufficient human and reference national laboratory to regulate water financial resources to satisfy the demand of users quality analysis and protocols. and to develop new services. Not many staff in either institution is qualified in meteorology and hydrology. Meteorological modelling in Honduras is very lim- Strengthening human talent, both in quantity and in ited. AHAC operates the regional version of the increasing their capabilities, is a determining factor WRF model and uses these results in aeronauti- to improving services.  cal meteorology. Meteorologists at COPECO-CE- NAOS and AHAC are in contact at technical level Besides staff limitations, CENAOS, within the struc- in regard to forecasts. The main problem faced by ture of COPECO, does not have an operational struc- both COPECO and AHAC in regard to meteorolog- ture in place that can develop the hydrometeorolog- ical modelling is the lack of qualified staff and of ical and climate activities it should be carrying out suitable equipment and facilities for this task. Hon- as the technical division of COPECO. The intercon- duras does not have a unified national hydrological nected areas of hydrometeorological observation, forecasting system in place to manage its water data analysis and forecasting required to activate resources and to prevent flooding. EWS should fall within its organisational structure. Most EWS regarding flooding in Honduras work on There are current limitations to accessing hydro- the basis of predefined thresholds according to the meteorological and climate data and products. amount, intensity or duration of rainfall, and the Furthermore, participation from users in defining measurement of river flow and water levels. They do meteorological, hydrological and climate products not use rain forecasts, which could improve timings and services geared towards products and services in regard to anticipating warnings and alarms. In that specifically respond to each industry is low. In the sphere of EWS, the monitoring and forecasting this regard, institutions in Honduras with compe- stage based on defined thresholds is the weakest tences in meteorology, hydrology or climate activi- stage in the chain of elements. To date, no EWS for ties have expressed the need for a national mecha- drought has been coordinated despite the negative nism that fosters the exchange and easy access to consequences of prolonged drought for agriculture, information from public institutions and users. especially in the Dry Corridor. There are shortfalls in the current infrastructure of Hydrometeorological and climate information pre- COPECO-CENAOS and MiAmbiente for meteoro- sented to users through the media is very limited logical and hydrological monitoring and forecast- and is difficult to access and interpret. COPECO ing capabilities using modern tools (which includes does not have a space for CENAOS on its website remote sensors). Limited budgets for maintenance showing meteorological forecasts with brief expla- and low investment in observation infrastructure nations, seasonal climate forecasts and climate con- are leading to the progressive wear of equipment ditions regarding the rain or temperature recorded which requires periodical calibration. There is no in different areas across the country. Furthermore, integrated monitoring system in place regarding all such information should be illustrated with radar subterranean water. Also, there is no consolidated and satellite images and an interpretation thereof database of the monitored pools to support the so that users may understand what they mean.  HYDROMETEOROLOGICAL AND CLIMATE SERVICES MODERNISATION PLAN FOR HONDURAS • JAN 2019 4 RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE MODERNISATION PLAN The experience of many countries that have under- The Plan proposes 20 activities grouped into these taken this process shows that modernisation of three spheres, structured across a 6-year timeline, hydrometeorological services needs to tackle three with activities to be implemented in the short term spheres complementarily:  (1 to 3 years) and in the middle term (4 to 6 years). 1) Institutional strengthening. 2) Modernisation of the observation and forecasting infrastructure. 3) Improvement in the provision of services. The three complementary spheres to modernise hydrometeorological services: 3 IMPROVEMENT IN 1 INSTITUTIONAL THE PROVISION STRENGTHENING OF SERVICES 2 MODERNISATION OF THE OBSERVATION AND FORECASTING INFRASTRUCTURE HYDROMETEOROLOGICAL AND CLIMATE SERVICES MODERNISATION PLAN FOR HONDURAS • JAN 2019 5 1 INSTITUTIONAL STRENGTHENING The proposal is made to establish a national platform Agriculture and Farming Office (SAG), with qualified that fosters the exchange of information and the staff to perform different roles in meteorology and development of hydrometeorological and climate hydrology and the development and implementation services for the different sectors of users. Additionally, of products and services for users. The recommenda- the recommendation is made to design a staff train- tion is also made to provide CENAOS with a travel plan ing and qualification programme (in the short, middle that allows it to suitably develop the work areas for and long term) towards strengthening the technical a National Meteorological System in stages, covering capabilities of COPECO-CENAOS, MiAmbiente-DGRH, staffing needs with the required profiles, when eco- Aeronautical Meteorology-AHAC, SANAA and the nomic resources to carry this out are made available.  2 MODERNISATION OF THE OBSERVATION AND FORECASTING INFRASTRUCTURE Strengthening the observation infrastructure is gration of a national hydrometeorological and cli- considered to be the basis for improving priority mate database, providing equipment, telecom and services such as meteorological and hydrological technical assistance requirements in order to have forecasts to support the EWS, especially in regard real-time and historical data available online for all to flooding and landslides or for the agricultural participating institutions. Actions recommended for industry and water resources, for instance. This pil- this pillar include the improvement of weather and lar takes into account the strengthening of obser- climate forecasts through the professional training vation networks, redesigning these networks to of staff and participation of the relevant institutions improve optimisation, operation and maintenance. for each type of forecast. Suitable management of The strengthening of equipment considers the fol- water resources is a priority in Honduras, especially lowing priority areas, according to demand: procur- in the Dry Corridor, where hydrological modelling is ing satellite images to monitor and forecast atmo- required. This includes a calculation of water bal- spheric and environmental conditions; automatic ance towards water management. The Modernisa- weather and hydrological stations; and stations tion Plan emphasizes the development and deploy- to measure subterranean water and water qual- ment of hydrological forecasting models to support ity. The Modernisation Plan establishes the inte- the EWS and water resources in Honduras. 3 IMPROVEMENT IN THE PROVISION OF SERVICES This pillar includes activities to bring the services tem to improve assistance to users; and c) training provided closer to the specific needs of different of users. Similarly, this pillar of the Plan establishes users. In particular, there are three activities whose the development of three areas that are considered development and implementation are considered a priority: 1) strengthening of EWS for fast events to be key to achieving the objectives of the Plan: (flooding and landslides) in vulnerable regions; 2) a) establishing committees of users and the provid- development of EWS for droughts, especially in the ers of data and hydrometeorological and climate Dry Corridor ; and 3) the development of climate ser- products; b) strengthening the service provision sys- vices for the agriculture and farming industry. HYDROMETEOROLOGICAL AND CLIMATE SERVICES MODERNISATION PLAN FOR HONDURAS • JAN 2019 6 COSTS AND BENEFITS OF THE MODERNISATION PLAN The Modernisation Plan reflects on the agreement The project was feasible in all scenarios considered, between the main stakeholders involved regard- with all current net value estimates being more ing the priorities for coming years and the strategic than 0 and benefit-cost ratios being significantly plans that should be followed for Honduras to count higher than 1. on the tools that allows it to better face hydromete- orological threats and the effects of climate change, Also, potential total benefits have been under- as well as to manage its natural resources in a sus- estimated in the cost-benefit analysis as many tainable way to benefit its economy and population.  industries have not been included in the economic analysis and the reduction in the loss of human life The estimated investment to implement the Plan (estimated at 15 losses per year on average) has not is 10 million USD. The Plan was completed with an been taken into account. economic analysis of the profitability of middle and long term investment with a cost-benefit analy- sis that took into account potential benefits of the actions proposed based on three different methods:  1) Protecting the population and reducing economic In short, the economic analysis of the investment losses that are mainly related to the risk of flooding proposed for the Modernisation Plan for the fol- and landslides. lowing 15 years estimates an average cost-bene- 2) Favouring the development of industries that are fit ratio of almost 1:7 on average; that is, a return sensitive to climate variability, such as agriculture. of $7 for every dollar invested, which means the project is economically feasible.  3) Other joint benefits, such as benefits for the water, energy and transport industries, for instance. CO S T S 14 60 MILLIONS USD B EN EFI T S 12 50 AC C U M U L AT ED N P V 10 40 CURRENT BENEFITS VALUE 8 30 60.39 MM USD 6 20 CURRENT COSTS VALUE 8.78 MM USD 4 10 2 CURRENT NET VALUE 51.61 MM USD 0 0 COST-BENEFIT RATIO -10 -2 1 : 6.9  YE A R S -4 -20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 THIS INITIATIVE BENEFITED FROM THE FINANCIAL SUPPORT OF THE GOVERNMENT OF JAPAN THROUGH THE "GLOBAL FACILITY FOR DISASTER REDUCTION AND RECOVERY (GFDRR)" OF THE WORLD BANK . Formed by 189 member countries; with staff in more than 170 countries and offices in more than 130 locations, the World Bank Group is a unique worldwide association: the five institutions that it comprises work towards reducing poverty and generating shared prosperity in development countries. www.worldbank.org