19978 9 2 259 GUANGZHOU CITY CENTER INNER RING ROAD PROJECI Vc L OUTLINE OF TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE FOR ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION SUB-PROJECT GUANGZHOU ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTTE May 1997 'p OTliNI OF IECHNICAI. ASSISTANCE FOR ENVIRONWM-WN PROTECTMON StI3-PROJECT I Objectives: During construction and operation phase, the IRR will impact the quality of air environment, water environment, sound environrment, sunshine environment and landscape in various extents along the both sides, the relevant mitigation and management measures are needed to minimize the negative environment impact. However the pollution control technologies for the bothsides of the roads and management level are on the beginning step at present in Guangzhou. In order to enhance the control technologies and management level, it is necessary to leam and import the advanced control technologies and management experience from home and abroad. Therefore, the technical assistance and personnel training are needed. 2 The responsible institutes introduction The Guangzhou Environmental Scientific Research Institute (GESRI) has undertaken the Environmental Impact Assessment of the IRR, and laid down the environment protection measures along the roadsides and will be responsible for environmental monitoring during construction and operation. The Environment Protection Team, subordinated to the IRR Project Office or the GZ City Centre Transport Construction Management Co., will be responsible for IRR EP supervision and management during the IRR construction and operation phase. 2.1 GESRI The Guangzhou Environmental Scientific Research Institute was founded in 1977 and is under the direction of the GEPB. It was one of the first environmental research mnstitutions to be granted Class A certification credentials for environmental assessment by the National Environmental Protection Agency. It has 21 senior engineers and 48 engineers out of a staff of 100. It has been equipped with a number of large precision instruments, such as inductively coupled plasma spectrophotometer ([CP), gas chromatography (-GC), liquid chromatography, photospectrometer, noise and vibration level meters, and various instruments for routine monitoring and analysis of air, water and soil, which are capable of quantitative and qualitative measurements of organic, inorganic and hazardous contaminants. In recent years, the lab has conducted measurements for local, American and Singapore clients and has met their strict requirements. Last year the lab passed the test for Environmental Assessment Class A certificate holder and was certified for excellence. The staff has experience with monitoring industrial sources, tffic roads, machinery and regional environmental quality. 2.2 The IRR Project Office and the GZ City Centre Transport Construcfion Management Co. The IRR Project Office, subordinated to the steering committee, is responsible for implementing decisions made by the committee and coordinating government agencies and institutions involved in the project. GUANGZHOU ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE I v- OUTLINE OF ECIHNICAL ASSISTANCE FOR ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION SUB-PROJECT The GZ City Centre Transport Construction Management Co. is responsible for organizing the design and construction of the IRR. The EP Team will be set up in the IRR Project Office or the GZ City Centre Transport Construction Management Co. and will undertake the following EP responsibilities: * Assuring contractors implement mitigation measures as required; * Inspecting the status and quality of environmental construction and asking the related organizations to examine the effect; .,.* Providing assistance for routine monitoring of motor vehicle emissions, traffic noise and vibration, and environmenal documentation; a Providing assistance to the Guangzhou Environmental Protection Bureau and Guangzhou Public Security Bureau for making regulations and requirements for motor vehicles and sampling vehicle exhaust and noise emissions; * Assisting government agencies to deal with emergency responses for traffic accidents related to pollution, e.g. hazardous chemical spills; * Receiving complaints from residents and institutions along the IRR and assisting the local environmental authority; and * Managing environmental facilities and inspections. 3 Means of Technical Assistance 3.1 Domestic Training The trainees will be contractors and EP managerial personnel involved in the IRR construction. The domestic and foreign experts will be invited to direct and train them. The training contents are listed in the Table I. Table I Domestic Training Plan TRAINEES contractors TRAINGN NEEDS environmental laws and regulations on construction enviromnental monitonng guidelines, pollution prevention measures and techniques during construction phase TRAINNG AUTHORITY Guangzhou Enviromental Protection Bumau NUMBER OF TRAIEES 15 DURATION 10 -I15 days 3.2 Overseass Training Because in Guangzhou, even in China, the road pollution prevention technologies and management level are on the beginning step, it is necessary to learn some advanced prevention technologies and management experience form abroad. GUANGZHOU ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE 2 I A i O[3TLNE OF TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE FOR ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION SUB-PROJECT Therefore the overseass training is demanded The training contents are listed in Table 2. Table 2 Overseass Training Plan TRAINING ON Urban Noise Control Techniques(the designing of sound absorbing pavement, noise insulating barriers and windows) Environmental Impact Assessment Methodologies on Risk Assessment Public Consultation and Evaluation Geographical Infornation Systems for environmental decision making and analysis Vehicle Emission Testing and Pollution Control Technologies Pollution Prevention Through Traffic Management Water Pollution Control Application of economic policies for Environmental Management Optimization techniques and cost Benefit Analysis Monitoring and modeling of urban tansportpollution TRAINING INSTITUTIONS Overseass (e. g. Canada) NUMBER OF TRAINEES . TRAINING PERIODS 6 weeks 3.3 Lectures by the experts The domestic and foreign experts will be invited to give the subjective lectures related to road EP issues, and introduce the advanced experience to enhance the work ability and managerial level ofthe relevant personnel. 3.4 Inspectfon The relevant specialized technical personnel and managerial personnel wil be sent to study experience of vehicle emission control in Beijing, technologies of viaduct noise control in Shanghai, and some experience of road noise barrier in Xian. As for as overseass inspection, they will study the advanced technologies of vehicle exhaust purification facilities, technologies of noise reduction on sound absorbing pavement, technologies of road noise barrier and the protection measures for the impact acceptors along roadsides; they will also study and inspect the protection measures for the cultural and heritage resources along roadsides, and the method and experience of public consultation. GUANGZHOU ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE 3 I v-~ OIJTLINE OF 1EM [INICAI. ASSISTANCE FOR ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION SUB3-PROJECT 4 Contents of Technical Assistance 4.1 importing Technologies 4.1.1 Urban road pollution prevention technologies 1. To import urban road pollution prevention technologies, which include the applied technologies for sound absorbing pavement, noise barriers(especially for urban viaduct ), urban planning and configuration, and traffic noise reduction. 2. To import foreign advanced technologies and methods for vehicle emission measurement and urban roads pollution control. 3. To import foreign advanced prevention technologies and methods for water pollution caused by urban roads, especially the measures for contingency pollution. 4.1.2 E.LA technologies The vehicle pollution has become the major source of noise and air pollution in Guangzhou. The environment impact of vehicle emission and noise is so complicated that it's necessary to learn the advanced experience from the developed countries, to purchase the related predication model software and learn the methods and experience for parameter's measurement and modification. The risk assessment is a popular assessment abroad in recent years, for example, as a contingence happening, the vehicles loading with dangerous goods being tumed over or collided, the dangerous goods will discharge into air or rivers and cause the most dangerous pollution. Therefore, it's needed to learn the advanced precautionary measures and treatment technologies. in the economic cost-benefit analysis, there are direct and indirect lost. The indirect lost caused by environment impact is the most important, but we lack of the knowledge and expenrence in this field, the abroad knowledge and experience is needed for us. 4.1.3 Public consultation As an important part of environment protection, the public consultation is a useful measure to perfect the decision. Its aim is to find out and grasp the demands of popular feelings, popular will and people upon the engineering. Considering the demands, the effective measures and countermeasures can be adopted to minimize the pollution during the engineering construction in order to obtain the support from people, especially from those impact acceptors. However, we don't have enough experience in the aspect and will learn from the developed countries to perforrn the public consultation better during the construction and operation phases of the project and resolve the contradiction. 4.1.4 The management measures for road pollution reduction In order to grasp and enhance our environment management and operation abilities for urban transportation and IRR project, we need to study the applied technologies of GIS used for environment decision and analysis, noise and air quality modeling. GUANGZHOU ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE 4 VI OtTLINE OF TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE 1FK ENVIRoNMENT PROcECTION SUB-PROJECI 4.2 Purchasing Equipment It's necessary to purchase certain equipments, portable computers and applied software for the IRR project monitoring. The total fee is 1.04 million yuan RMB. To see Table 3. Al Table 3 Estimated Cost of the Monitoring and Office Equipments (RMB 1,000,000) Equiment Number Unit Pnrce Total Cost TSP Automatic Sampler 2 0.03 0.060 KIMOTO-132 (High-Vol.) NO, Automatic Sampler 4 0.125 0.500 (Model 42c) Noise Monitor 2 0.162 (B&K2231,HY-105) _ Portable Computers 2 0.050 0 100 (MONET 233TZ) i l Scanner(PH4C) 1 2 0.010 0.020 Printer 2 0.009 0.018 (STYLUS COLOR-PHOTO) Computer Software 0.190 (Microdoft Office7.0, Mapinfo4.0 FHWA, etc.) Total _ 1.040 5 Plan and costs Table 4 Schedule for EP Technical Assistance Year 1997 11998 Contents I Domestic Training . March - April Domestic Inspection November - December Overseass hIspection April - May Overseass Training May -lJuly Equipment Purchasing October, 1997 - May, 1998 Costs: The cost for equipments and software is 1.04 million yuan RMB, for inspection and training 1.41 million yuan RMIB, totally 2.45 million yuan RMB. GUANGZHOU ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE 5 I S IC S OUIl.INE OF ThI-FNICAL ASSISTANCEi FOR 8NVIRONMNr PROTECTION SUB-PROECT' The Implement Plan for Technical Assistance and Cost Estimated No. Category Contents Places Partictpants Duration Cost( l,000,000 _ . -, - ___- _-- ___- yLan_RMBl) 1 Inspection _ _ ____.__ 0.250 1.1 Domestic inspection Inspection on noise control techniques Shanhai, Xian 4 199', 11 - 12 0.050 1.2 Overseas inspection Inspection on noise control techhiques and Japan, 3 1998,4 .5 0.200 management 1`12P kong, etc. ___ . 2 Training and ConsultatiOn _ _______._1.135 2.1 Con5ultation ftont domestic Environment Protection knowledge and pollutioh Guang,hou 2 1998,3 - 4 0.059 * experts mahagement 2.2 Consultation front overseas Pollution control, Environment monitoring nnd 2 1998,5 7 0.308 * experts assessment 2.3 Subject lecture 2.4 Domestic training class Environment pollution manngenrent during Guangzhou 16 1998, 3 -4 0.126 instruCtioh phase 2.5 Work direction of experts 2.6 Domestic training 2.7 Overseas training Transportation pollution control, monitoringl, Canada, etc. 6 199g, 5- 7 0.642 assessment and management 2.8 seminar ___ ____-___ 3 Others 1__ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _06__ _ - _ __ _ _ -191 -19 3.1 Office apparatus purchasing Computers and mnonitoring instruments 1997 - 1998 0.850 3.2 Software purchasing and 1991 - 1998 0.190 developing 3.3 Transportation tools 0.025 purchasing 3.4 Communication apparattis purchasing 3.5 Scientific researches . ..._._._._._._._. . . .. ._._._._._., Remarks:* including the cost of training course GUJANGZHOUJ ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIPIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE 6