THE WORLD BANK I WORLDBANKGROUP Date: U H.E. Issa Doubragne Ministry of Economy and Development Planning and International Cooperation B.P. 286 N'Djamena Republic of Chad Re: Republic of Chad Climate Resilient Agriculture and Productivity Enhancement Project Grant No. D302-TD Second Amendment to the Financing Agreement Excellency: We refer to the Financing Agreement ("Financing Agreement"), dated June 19, 2018 between the Republic of Chad (the "Recipient") and the International Development Association ("Association") for the above-mentioned Project, as amended in May 28, 2020 ("First Amendment"). Please note that capitalized terms used in this letter ("Amendment Letter") and not otherwise defined herein have the meaning ascribed to them in the Financing Agreement. We also refer to the financing agreement entered into between the Recipient and the Association, for the purposes of providing additional financing for activities related to the Project ("Additional Financing Agreement"). The Association proposes to amend the Financing Agreement to align the Project activities and Project execution with those of the Financing Agreement for the Additional Financing Agreement, as follows: 1. A new Paragraph (d) under Section I.E.6 is added under Schedule 2 to the Financing Agreement to read as follows: "(d) notify (and no later than 48 hours after becoming aware of the incident or accident) the Association of any incident or accident related to or having an impact on the Project, including but not limited to any Project-related allegation of gender-based violence or alleged violation of Project-related labor and working conditions, which has, or is likely to have, a significant or adverse effect on the environment, the affected communities, the public or workers, including, in accordance with the Safeguards Instruments, and the instruments referenced therein." 2. The Appendix to the Financing Agreement (Definitions) is amended to add the following definition and to place it in alphabetical order (and existing definitions are consequently renumbered to keep the alphabetical order): "Operating Costs" means the reasonable incremental operating expenses, based on Annual Work Programs and Budgets approved by the Association, incurred by UCTF, RTSU and CORAF for the purposes of Project implementation, management and monitoring, including office supplies, vehicle operation and -2- maintenance, office equipment maintenance, communication costs, rental expenses, utilities expenses, consumables, transport, travel and accommodation, per diem, supervision costs and salaries of locally contracted staff, but excluding the salaries of officials and public servants of the Recipient's civil service." 3. The table in Section III of the Financing Agreement is amended to read as the table in the Annex to this Amendment Letter. Except as herein expressly amended, all other provisions of the Financing Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. Please confirm your agreement with the foregoing amendments to the Financing Agreement by countersigning and dating both copies of this Amendment Letter in the spaces provided below. This Amendment Letter shall be executed in two counterparts each of which shall be an original. Upon confirmation, please return one fully executed original to us. Upon receipt by the Association of the countersigned copy, this Amendment shall become effective as of the date of this letter. Sincerely, INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION By: Rasit Pertev Country Manager for Chad Africa Region AGREED: REPUBLIC OF CH Byt- Authorized R',epresentative Name: Ai (A Title: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Date: 2 1IlTo -3- ANNEX Category Amount of the Grant Percentage of Allocated (expressed in Expenditures to be SDR) Financed (inclusive of Taxes) (1) Goods, works, non- 7,982,000 100% consulting services, consulting services, Incremental Operating Costs and Training for all Parts of the Project except Part A.1(c), Part B.4 and Part C (2) Goods, works, non- 600,000 100% consulting services, consulting services, Incremental Operating Costs and Training for Part A. 1(c) of the Project (3) Emergency Expenditures 10,425,000 100% under Part C of the Project (4) Matching Grants under Parts 6,025,000 100% B.1(b), B.2(a), B.2(b) and B.3 of the Project (5) Refund of Preparation 1,000,000 Amount payable Advance pursuant to Section2.07 (a) of the General Conditions (6) Goods, works, non- 2,368,000 100% consulting services, consulting services, Incremental Operating Costs, Training and Cash -for- Works Transfers under Part B.4 of the Project TOTAL AMOUNT 28,400,000