OFFICIAL DOCUMENTS SRef. Ares(2022)2407459 - 31103/2022 AMENDMENT No. 2 TO THE ADMINISIRATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION AND TH INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT CONCERNING TlE PART II EUROPE 2020 PROGRAMMATIC SINGLE-DONOR TRUST FUND TRUST FUND (No. TFO72957) (EC CONTRACT No. 2017/393-321) 1. The Europedn Union, represented by the EUROPEAN COMMISSION (hereinafter referred to as "the Donor"), which is represented for the purposes of signature of this amendment by Holger Schroeder, Head of' Unit D5, "Western Balkans Regional Cooperation and Programmes", Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations ("DG NEAR"), on the one part, and 2. The INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVFLOPMFNT (hereinafter referred to as "the Bank"), represented for the purposes of signature of this amendment by Linda van Gelder. Country Director, Europe Western Balkans, on the other part, Having regard to the above-mentioned Administration Agreement signed on December 20, 2018, as amended on June 28, 202 1. Whereas the Bank has requested the Commission to amend the above-mentioned Administration Agreement for the following reasons: the nced to exiend the duration of the Agreeneni and thus revise according4 the End Disbursement Date and the indicative outputs and tine/ine table, as well as to firthet define the activitics in Compont 5 in order to respond to the COVID 19 pandemic and disseminatt knowledge derivd through the pilot to local stakeholders, as part of the activities in Component 5. HAVE AGREED AS FOLLOWS: Article 1 Component 5 of Section 2 of Annex I "Part II Europe 2020 Programmatic Single-Donor Trust Fund Description" is modified to read as follows: "Component 5 - Transferring knowledge to beneficiary countries After the pilot program has been designed, implemented, and evaluated, the Bank and the beneficiary countries of the EDIF Platform will discuss and prepare a plan to transfer the analyses of the projects and the knowledge created under it. This will include: a. written recommendations for each Beneficiary Country regarding the needs of the early-stage entrepreneurs in the changing environment related to COVID- 19, (short and long-trn recommendations); h written recommendations on potential measures to support investment readiness and early stage entrepreneurship (including recommendations for the design of related programs), accounting for the local and regional post-Covid operating environment for innovative SMEs, as well as developing regional recommendations based on the impact evaluation conducted under Component 4; c. written and audio-visual communications materials to transfer knowledge to relevant entrepreneurship intermediaries, such as innovation agencies, chambers of commerec, incubators, accelerators, hubs, early-stage funds, etc. in the region, based on lessons from the activities conducted under this agreement; d, organization of up to 3 regional event(s) with training sessions and discussions for 1) innovative SMFs, 2) relevant intermediaries (such as innovation agencies and incubators), and 3) policymakers from each Beneficiary Country. Deliverable: Results dissemination and knowledge transfer Article 2 The "Indicative timetable for outputs" of Annex I "Part II Europe 2020 Programmatic Single- Donor Trust Fund Description" to the Administration Agreement is modi ied to read as follows: l si activity Main Deliverable and Description of the sub-activiiies Milestones dates Conducting Del verable Note summarizin research and identifyin riorities background research to r w. identify prioritieq 5 wi1] v (1s Su witd i en. tCfrLnews I) iverable. Pro ram DeAi n lining t ighaily enteria for rlvMn samp C for the rndonUhed ntrotled inal Designing the Ihnmg ihe nicula of topics Lo be covered based on backgound an. ysi. content of the nducted in Ph c PoB 2 Pilot prngram lecting Lh. be delivery mod. or trte support services C ord.1 ng the program with t cal iniliatives (c g. nalkan' Vensure I crum I old crowdini- out rcgiuml re mrces lium ungoing projects P paintion fp gm.m decriptionan si mpksmentation manual Deliverable: Pro ram Im lemenialin Launching and OpeningjEgi nal call fara licanions implemenlation Niemoi nil n artviicis incliding to lr;ict high take-up e.,press c nfeenLCes of the Poll 2 Pilot ni adhows l I mmunty g'therings nclworking program I awuching th r --scceing process to identityhigh-growLh slat-ups and SNil s Random n for seletins Ireatment and control noups Add.02 to CN 2018/393-321 Previding tht u "1 's Q4 202 2 2021 liftpanie r t dm en taintp 1cIliverabic: Imi act Lvalu Cv.ndint 6g i uln fuw6lrGou rins ts 01) 222 (2ond i d aifre C onductp dP ea I of linns Conducting the impact ( d ily Fnd -- I r s"t f n 2 fins Q2Q 0 21 evaluation Prepang imal r- irt 12022 Deliverable Resulti disstnination and n 202r rc iation :i n aon Ian Dissemination Vrcparc a repo um . - r ds ol'thc tmin 19 conext) and Knov%tcdgc and prepanm and rcgional r n o pna e 02 and Q 02 transfer comnan 4I 20f2 mJQ1 DelUvenn i rllt wnth k ch-ldr ot asinaml 0- Prpnn s ati no n ort 1e nd i I I fp 1 r ag nal vnt(s o ivatv an i each Beneticiay ourne Article 3 Section 6.1. of Annex 2 "Standard Provisions" to the Administration Agreement is modified to read as fiollows: "6.1. It is expected that the funds deposited in the Trust Fund will be fully disbursed by the Bank by May 31, 2023 (the "End Disbursement date"). The Bank shall only disburse funds deposited in the Trust Fund for the purposes of this Administration Agreement (other than returns to Donor) alter such date to the extent such date is changed in accordance with amendments made to the Administration Agreement(s) of the Donor. Following the End Disbursement Date, the Bank shall return any remaining balance of the Trust Fund to the Donor in the Holding Currency in the manner specitied in its respective Administration Agreement on a pro rata basis with regard to the total finds deposited in the Trust Fund by such Donor relative to the total funds deposited in the Trust Fund by the Donor, all calculated as Holding Currency amounts." All other provisions of the Administration Agreement shall remain unchanged. The present amendment shall lbrm an integral part of the Administration Agreement and it shall enter into force and take effect on the date on which it is signed by the last party. Add.02 to CN 2018/393-321 INTERN AL B R STRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT By: Na e: an a Tit Co fty Director, urope tern Balkans Date: - z2 EUROP:AN UNION represented by the EUROPEAN COMMISSION By: Name: Holger Schroeder Title: Head of Unit D5, "Western Balkans Regional Cooperation and Programmes", DG NEAR Date: *7 * 1 4 Add.02 to CN 2018/393-321 Flectronically signed on 30/03/2022 1M:54 (UT% *02) in aC ordanrce with At ce 11 of nubfl sion De is on (EU) 2021/2121